TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEQ-A 1834. Strange Credulity A f l,OC 3 S wtftil. j About two weeks ago, a a gentleman farmer, living in Madison count y, was ri ding towards -bis borne, "net for distant, be oberred a man and a woman by the road side; engaged in repairing tin ware- . A few days afterward 1 woman called at hnr house, and, after soibe ton vereationr asked binr if he did not recollect her. H replied that he did not. She then told him that she bad seen him on the road aeay- hafnrm nnA that hia nnnraranCB bad jnauO her mind, that J she was compelled to call and see him She told hin lhat she was a astrologer, and that she was well acquainted with its mysteries. She saw at once thai h was -nn extraordinary person, and knew that be bad been- born under a particular planet. and tbat great tning -him. She then took from necapron a book which seemed to contain a number of dia grams, figures, &c, and read from it, in an unknown tongue, a. few hocus pocus" s-ntencesaftet whichxlosing-tr and put ting if back into its biding place, she went into the kitchen, bought a few pounds of butter of the wife of the. gentleman, for which she paid liberally, and .went oo- her A few days afterwards, the woman call ed again, reiterating wbut she had said on her first visit, the farmer paying but little mention to what she said, looking upon the whole affair as an attempt to humbug him. Not.at all discouraged, the , woman sailed again the next day, and wound up her conversation by saying that she knew where three hat-crowns full of gold had been buried upon his farm, and that, if he would do as she directdd,they could recov er it ; but that it was necessary to allay the spirits lhat stood guard over it ; that a large sum of money must be present with them at the incantation. She thought that five thousand dollars would be . required, but was not sure as to the amount and she proposed, if he would go into it, and furn ish the money, tbat she would . give him iwo-ihirds of the treasure, while she would reserve the other one-third ae her share. Up to this: time, the farmer appears to have had no confidence in the woman ; but as she took his hand, and traced the mys terious lines therein, telling him the great things in store for him, he began to place some- confidence in her, especially as 6be had told him some things that had occurr ed in his life that he supposed had never been known. About this time he sold a large lot of cattle, for which he received in cash about 94,000. . The next day the wo man called again, and said that $3,000 was the amount required to be present to allay the spirits. The farmer then produced. the package of money received for the cattle, and the two sat down to a table and count ed out $3,000 in bank notes, excepting four small gold coins. The money . was then folded up and put into a handkerchief, the woman all the time making strange motions and talking strange talk. The next day and the day after the wo man called again, each time counting the money as before, making the same signs, &c, but leaving the money with the farm er, wrapped up in the handkerchief. At - the next visit, she required him to take a solemn oath that he was not to tell to a liv ing soul the object they were in pursuit of, that she was going away, to be absent a short time ; he was not to look at the pack age of money at any time excepting when she was present: and, after making an ear nest prayer, she took hold of him while she held the package of money in her hand, and swung him around, so that they came together back to back. She then gave him back the handkerchief, as he supposed, all ... . . i ngar, ana toia aim mat sue wouiu return on the 15tb, 16th, or 1 7th of August, and then they would go inompany nnd secure the hidden treasure. 'Oh the" 15th he hard ly expected to meet her, and was not disap pointed tbat she dil not come. On the 16th he set up late at night expecting her arrival. v - . After waiting till near midnight on the 1 7th, he began to suspect all was not right, and be feared all this might be a trap to rob him. bo strong did this suspicion fasten upon him, that be took up bis gun, loaded it, and went out into the shrubbery surroun ding the house, where he could see all who approached without being seen, and re mained there until two o'clock in the mor ning. But no one came. As the time had elapsed lhat was set by his fair visiter, he considered himself absolved from his obli gation, never doubting in the least but that uis money was sateiy deposited in the hand kerchief. . .- ' Unrolling it carefully, what was his dis may at seeing, not a roll of bank bills, and four pieces of gold, as he had left it, but a package of brown paper and four cents, in lieu thereof. Even the handkerchief had been changed ; instead of being bis own, it was one precisely similar. Une of the strangest thing in nil this strange transac tion is that a counterfeit five dollar bill that 'was placed in the package df money was taken, out of it, and returned in the roll of brown paper. How this was done is a mystery we cannot solve. " The fanner who has been so completely bamboozled out of 3,000, now seeks to find some remedy at law. - -Strange as this story may appear to many, we have the facts from the most undoubted authority, and we have given them just as they occurred. We can sympathize with out friend the farmer, in the loss of his mo ney, for he is not the first of the masculine gender who has been, and alas, who will be duped by a pretty woman. " Columbns (Ohio) State Journal, A ug. 24. A young gentleman was frequently cau tioned by 4ns father to vote for measures not men H promised to do so, and soon arier received a bonus to vote for Mr. Peck His father, astonished at his voting for a roan whomhe deemed objectionable, inouir- .... .cowm uir. aoing so 'Surely. fath er, .mu iu young hopeful, yoa told me to - - uu it recc is no at , measure, uon i Know what is ' I , , . mi a tvesiern euuor nas discovered that females of an uncertain age use plumpers which be defines to be India rubber or gut tapercha made to-wear inside of the mouth to make Ite cheeks-look plump.. The age is getting more refined. Root ' hnif m lila is rmw rendered n fhllnw- . l . rrm ' PrtrtA thm lihsnil. iinV mrftirm fnanrt . - J J w - - "WMU - or eny expeei nn ODuar nonce nonce on your . TOaXoaflAfratloB at WaWotww Matae.J Wl indebted to Carpenter & Co.'. Ex press for a copy of the Rockland Gaue extra, containing the fullest accoun wh i cb we have yet seen of the recent destructive fire in the town of Waldoboro,' M b fire, it seems; oiiginated in the stobles ad Sng WmtfHotel and wa.dnven by Vstrofg northeast wind from build ng to Juildinf with surprising r.Ptd.ty,so that in two-and-a-balf hours every "tore save one and nearly one-balf of the dwellings m the viHare, were destroyed " . " t The Gazettee says that the fire, begm ninir atHVillett'e Hotel, extended north and Jan i. round I. W.Tibbett's furniture store an J Charles Side's dwelling house, thence crois Mam street to the Baptist Church, .aence in a southerly direction, crossing Pleasant street, taking in the dwellings of r R Haskell. A.- Younr, L. M. Clark. and every building to the right of the line of these houses as far south as the "Town School House," which was also consumed. The Medonak river tormea me western boundary of the fire. : More than one bun. dred and fifty buildings were destroyed, in cluding stores and dwelling houses and se venty-five families were left houseless.- A meetlnfi' of the citizen of the village was to be held on the afternoon of the 26th, with the design of making application to the surrounding cities and towns for aid. Stores of provisions, fcc. bad already been sent from Rockland and Thomaston for the comfort of the sufferers. ' . The Rockland Gazette had been unable to procure a'correct Iii of the value of t he property destroyed, or of the amount ot in surance upon it; but the total toss was es timated by competent judges to oe not less than 9 500,000.' From the Nrf4k HeraU. Aug. 29. :-t DEATH OF A PATRIOT. Mr. William Rogers, whose death we chronicle to-day, was a native of Poole. Enr..i and bred to the sea. At the are of 21, about the beginning of the present centurr. he entered the United atates na val service as a seaman, and served in lh Mediterunean squadron under Commodore Preble, m our war with 1 npoh. He was one of the gallant crew headed by the late Commodore (then Ijt.) btephen Uecatnr, who in 1503 executed the brilliant and perilous achievement of boarding and burn the frigate Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripoli, and under the guns of its batteries an achievement which has few parallels for desperate courage and heroic daring in the annals of naval warfare. : TAB LARGEST AND BEST A SSORTMENT of Tobacco, Snuffand Clears Jx. in the City of Wilmington, for sale Wholesale and Ketaii at the City Cigar btorn. V ArtSIUK LK. May 11. " ; 24-if. f FREE READING ROOM TT'OLl the conveniuncr of the public we will L keep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. AUAMo ipUU S. KJtrllKS , - Front, near Market at. May 18. . - 27-tf. DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP riur. rAiviiNKitatiii' nereioiore existing uo 1 der Ihs firm of McCalcb dt Gilbert, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. B. McCalcb is authorised to settle- the busi ness of the late firm. A. B. McCALKB, Aug.28th, lf54. II. D. G1LBKUT. ? :" "" NOTICE. HPHE nbscriber havinif purchased the interest L of Mr. II. D. GlLBEUr ia the hue firm of McCaleb A Gilbert, would respectfully inform hi friends and the patrons of the late firm, that theie will be no change in the management of the busi ness, and would respectfully solicit a continuance oi me pti&nc patronage. A. 15. AlcCAi.KtJ. Auz. 2:th, 1.-51. . 70-6t. CORN-CORN. rYV'tSHKLS CORN f Kjyj Scar. Char es Mills. now landing from for sale Dv Aug. 10. . J. HATHAWAY A SON A CHOICE article of Stuppernong Wine, vin tage of 1343. bottled expressly ior our own sales. A No, 1 Old Bourbone Whiskey. For eale by QUI.VCE A COVVaN. jJuiyZT. - ;- - : - 56. CURTAIN, CHINTZ AND DAMASK. SILK WOOSTED, and Silk of an colors and quality, for sale at reduced priet'S, hy . July . KAHN W EILER A BRO. JUST RECEIVED. A, FEW kegs of extra Batter, and for sale by C. DcPUKotCO. Jane 22. , 42. THE ELECTION IS NOW OVER AND WE J- shall be pleased to have those who wish Rooms, Passages. Ac., pa pen din handsome atvle. call and leave orders for any kind of Upholstering or Paper Hanging Mattrasscs, Pillow, Window Shades and Cartains. ore. - - WILKINSON & ESLER, Aug. 5. UphoUtcters and Paper Hangers. FLOUR. Faretteville Flour, Fine and Sr ,er- 1 O BBLS X C- fioe, jest July t9. n Store, end for sale br ' QUINCE A COWAN. . HAYING bought Meosrs. C Dm Pre seCo's. en tire stock. of GROCER1RS. we intend eon. tinuing the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GltOCKRY business, at their eld stand, corner of Princes dt Front streets'. - July 18. . QUINCE & COWAN. PRINTS. JUST received, a. large assortment of English and American Prints, new patterns and colors. can recommend: Ginebams assorted Colors and .Mourning and half Mourning do.; Grass Cloth and Victoria Skirting t Bob nett Mosquito Nett ing L.inen;i bio uamasK; napkins j Uoylas and Irish Linens; Linen Cambric and Lawn tlhdkf, and Gent's ditto ditto t Allendale Brown t7ottoa Mieetings, aH widths j Blue Denims, medium and heaviest qualities madffr Georgia and South Caro lina Cotton Oznaburgs; Heavy Brown Cotton Shirting: Marlborough Plaid and Stripes; a very cheap lot of Bed Ticksv; Linen Oxnaburgs and Burlaps ; and Crape Shawls. For sale by "ine. JAMES DAWSON. ; TOWAGE! TOWAGE ! STEAMER SamBcary,A.M Gntb rie, mastert Steamer Calhoun. Jot if Serines, master, are read at all times for business. Ordets for Towage will have prompt attention if left at office of Agent. UKtJ. HAIIUISM. Jane I . 33-tf. WE have on hand, aa assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Fire Screens . inaow hades, etc.. for sale and nnt tin by WILKINSON oV KSLF.lt, Taper Hangers and Upholslers. Jaly 15. IRISH POTATOES. CHOICE lot of Irish Potatoes. Jnst in store and for sale by QUINCE COWAN. " A An. 22. ..... 67, BIEAL, N0MM0NY & HORSE FEED. rtiK suDsenbers naving been appointed agent - A. for the Guldsboro' Mill, will keep constantly on hand. Fresh Ground Meal. Honnnony and Horse Feed. PETTEWAY 4 PKITCHETT. Aug.TJ. - - 67. NEW FALL GOODS. TV ST received per Sehr. R. W. BROWN, very perior lot of those Old Style Georgia Kersey SL?,' which " Particularly invite the atten tion ef Planter, be fare pun-burin eraewhare. Aug.24. , . JAMES DAWSON: n TnE MORAL (j "8 niredaad two Common Sense Essays, on the nature f Maa and Things, Interspersed will; Scrape f 8cienc and Hlstora. B r. C,,. thl iwf ' lubt,T' a biography of the aietiers of : nucpumitncf. Received and wr.salent tUt.Ht Cook store bf- . . . L, ..UfOF Giri.acltli- 1 arrt Cfcoared from lae best lwoti and Hrb of tk Materia Kedlca.aod bus piirlsdan anrivall airepuutloo forth folluwi- ei.c t.vir ndlhascarinxBtl Humor. o'e. Ulcer,Ctne- Eesslatinc tnd C! e Stomach k Bowels thusit cares Dytw t indigeBtion, Costtyeaess, StrencitienlBt the JJlfestlte Oraus that causiDg the rod to nonrlah andsnpporievery i pan. -HEOUUTINO THE ECRETAST OH01N3, nd.br cnablinz them to berform their properCuac- iona.prrventlns aodcarins Bilioua andotherpain- ful diaaaes. m Strcnftneni:t and QniclloetQe RerTorjiSnlem, thoaallaftn; Nervous trriuUon.tnd corlDgaU dis eases on ti erea.- , ijta nnrivalledlsthecoreof all FEMALE DISEASES, aa Weakness, Irregularity. Obstructions, ae. It is pleasant to take, and safe in all cases t act? Ins In harmony with iherestonn? powers i nature it asverinjnres bat always benefits and cores, aa thousands or voluntary certificates irom ins oesr autboriife leatify. Prepared by n. mok.sk if. t:ci 'ix Maidcn-i.ane.n . v . Sold by DrassistMnd others (hrooghoutthiwan othcrconntrlea. S.B.tf J. A. KVArns.aeenir, Wlltnlnston. ft. ept.30. , 83-Iy-e IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. C1NGLK and doable foldina very convenient O and privof asalnst vermin, for sale by July 15. WILKINSON & KSI.F.R. T!5N differeol kinds of Mattrasscs on hand, and A. made to order iy - July 19. Upholaters and Paper Hang r. .-!, -.4- -NOTICEI:" THKsubfcriber(reApecifuliy Informs the public, thathe is nowtranaseilng the Auction business on his own account, and hopes ny strict attention to business, to merit continuance olthnt patronace heretolore aoitoersiiy oestowed npon mm. 01. UKU.XLl , Stock. Real Estate and Negroes. bouebt and sold on a commissionol 1 per cent either at private ot public sale. Jan o. tndi . CORNICES for Mo:hco Netting pnt nn. by ., WILKINSON d- ESLF.R. June 8. 37. GOSHEN BUTTER. OCT KEGS Extra Goshen Batter, just received JCJ and fur sale low for cash, nt JuueS. GEO. MYERS. FRESH PEA CUES. CifC CANS Krefh Teachco, just to hand in jCJJ beatftlfol older, at UKU. MVKitS. June 3. 34. INDIA CHOLAGOGNE. CERTAIN Remedy for Chill and Fever, as xV tboisands can testify, for sale at C. & D. DcPRE'S, Drug and Chemical Store. June, 29. J. and II. Copy. . 45. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL PURELY VEGETAULK IN ITS COMPOSITION. T'lHS inva!unblc Cardial, is extracted from Herbs X and Roots, which have been luund ofier yea of experience, by the most skillful Physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the di eases lor which I', ia recommended, and hence whilst tl is presented to the public, as an ctfica cious remedy, it is also known to be ol thatcharac ter on which reliance way be placvd aa to iissal'ely In cases of Impotency, lloemorrhages. Disordered Steiiuty.Mensiruatiun.or suppression ol the Men ses, r luur Atbusor nites, or lor JJEU1LITY arising from any cause, such aa weaknesrfrom sirk ness, where the patient has beencuniint'd to bed fo same time, for Females alter Confinement, A borliun or Alldcarrlage, this (Jordial cannot be excelled in Its salutary etiects: or in loss of Muscular Energy, Irritability, fliysical frostration, oerrunal Weak, nesa, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug' sishness. Decay of the Procresuve Function, Ner vousneas, Ac, where a tosic Medicine is required it will be foundequai.tr not superior to any Com pound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry'sInvigoratingCordlal, is one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many" Complaints to which Femalas are subject. It assists nature to brace the whole system, check excet ses. and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering discareana unuappmcsssmong uauies wouM exist were they generally to adopt the uae of thia C dial. Ladies who afe debilitated by those obs'ruc tions which females are liable to, are restored by the use or a oottie or two, 10 Dtooni ana to vizor. YOUNG MEN. That solitary practice, s fatal to the existence of man and it Is the yoong who are most apt to be e-me its victims, from an ignorenca of the danger l wnicn tnry sunieci inemaeives. causes NEtVOUS DElULlTYs Weakness ot the System, and Premature Decay Many ol you may now twsunering, muled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then', who by excess have brought on themselves Premature Im potency. Involuntary frniinnl Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Orcann. Ner vous Affections, or an vol her consequences of unres trained inauigenee oi trie aensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of lessening both mental and bodily capacity. Hold Henry'slnvigorstlng Cordial, a Medicine that i purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important functions to a healthy state, a nd will prove or service to yon. mi possesses rare virtues, is ; general remover of disease, and strvngthencr of tb system AS A TONIC MEDICINE. it i unsurpassed. We do not place thlsCordialon a footing with quack medicines, and, as ia customa ry, append a lung II at of Recommendations, Cer tificates, sc, Beginning wjtn -Hear what to freacner says." ana sucn uxe; tils not necessary, ior nenry s invigorating woroiat." only needs trial to prove that ir will accomplish all we say. THE GENUINE "HEStVS iSVlGORA TISGCOItntAL." is put up in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easilyrecoo; nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the I able of each Hottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery,) as well aa his private Seal on the cork of each Bottle. frSold for Si per Dot tie Six for 93 1 16 per aozen. , - t- Prepared only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Fraakll Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia. Pa TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BE AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Druggists a. aiercnaajis mrougnoui tnecountry. Oct.29. . , , -r 97-12m- EMPTY BARRELS. FfT SECOND HAND Spirit Barrels, of good 0JJ quality, for sale by - - . - ; July 22. ' -'EUSSELIV& BBO.' MACKEREL. pTfl BBLS. No. 3 New, aud of excellent quality For sale by RUSSELL A BRO. July 22. 64. PICKELS AND PRESERVES A IS Elegant assortment of W. Underwood A Pickelsand Preserves, said cheap, at J Dt received and ior GEO. MYERS. 49. Jaly S. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form ef Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners, im a number of others interested in the welfare of oar colored population, ia just issued at the olficej) Th (UmmtrciaL - Y TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BUOADWA Y, Cor. of Franklin Street NEW YORK. r ' TS completed and opened for travellers who de J. sire agreeable and attractive accommodai ions It Is conducted upon the principle of the best En, ronean Hotels the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Kurnitare combine elegance with comfort, and is designed aa well for the convenient reception of travel' lera by the late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 26. 133 lye. BRICKS BRICKS. A f fCf HARD North River, for sale by J9njJ GEO. HARRISS. May 13. 27. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. E Undersigned hve this day formed a Co GREGG & CO., for the transaction "of the Lam MORSE'S COMPOUND . ,iUJ? ber Business. ' T1ILES COSTIN... . ,i - ' " J. ELI GREGG, ..T, "",'. .""', , . ALFRED SMITH, , V ' . :.V A JG- LITTLEFIKLD. JZaic 15, v" -' ... ,I3-iA, HATES Ci' i'ILCAUE. . JTJST printed and for sale at. 'ila Commur&al Office, the Rates of PUstage for th Bar and BACON 1 BACON II 1 Q fin1 LBS. very aaperior-W- C. Hams, 1 0 ,VAJU Sides and Shoulders, just received nd for sale by . -. TO THE LADIES. OPENED this rnbrniti? a miiBcent etocav oi E mbroideries, Including Jaconett, India Hon, and Swiss Collars, Chlni"tte Undersieeves, Sk lain Raal UasjIiabI KAflT anillCie. alUU 11CH v lencene do. do, alt ia aeta; not in acta M asiin CoU lare, Real Honiton do. and Muslin with Valencene Lace attached ; also, a large assortment of Under sleeves, all of the richest and newest i patterns R lha aama KfniMI recelVeQ : ' UfVKBcm, tt Silk Grenadinea and Tissaea, plain do. do. assort ed colors, and Satin Plaid printed tserages, piain f 'hnllv Ulaolr Nilk BnltlSanQ UIOVC , t-uiui- ed Kid do.. Brawn. Green. Blue, and Black dotted Laae Veils, rot sale oy , ; . April 18. i JAIlbS UAnsun. M0SCHET0 NETTING. A TADR and put upon high or low pot r low noot tseu- 1JL steads, by W1LKINBON A ESLKR, - t".'- ; - Upholsters May 20. . HOOP IRON AND NAILS. rpHE subscriber will be constantly receiving con X sinments of these articles, of the beat quality and otfera ihem at lowest mTxet rates.. JOSEPH . BLOSSOM. March 29. Brtf. BELLS t BELLS !! BELLS!!! THE Snb stantly bscrtbera manufacture and keep con ly on hand a large, assortment of Belle saitable for Churches, Aeadniies,-Faelorin,Siea- mer. Plantations, etc., inotinted with tlieir im eroved Huncinga, the most efficient in' use. '-Their establishment has been in oneraiion Ttiirty yesrs. havins turned eut nearly 10,000 Bells averaging GOO lbs each; and Its patterns and process of manu facture to pirfceicd, together with recent improve. ments, thai its Bells have an unequalcd reputation for volume of sound and quality of tone. I hey have iuM received Jan. 1854 the First Premium (A Silver Medal) of the World'a Fair in New York over all BclU from this Country or harope. tlav nz a lame assortment of BclU on hand, and being in immediate connection with routes io all dirce tiona. cither Rail Road. Canal or River, and but hours from New York, we can execute orders with dixpatcu. Address " a n m yn r - r r sit er , Wai Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21.. 144-lyc. BUTTER! BUTTER!! T KEGS Extra Io. I uushen Butter. Jttt re O ceived by V L. N- HARLOW, June 3- .'- 3 Granite Raw. PAPER HANGING. IT7E have i st rect-ived a very handsome VV sortment of French Gilt and Ameri'-an Pa per Hangings, Borders, Fire Screen, and Centres ior sale, flung In handsome style by WILKINSON A ESLER, Upholsterers. AprlllS. At our old stand. PAINTS. 041 nPffi-RPfl" White Lead; 6000 lbs. d)9JjJ Vi wttlan cd; 40 bUU. Sp;inlli Brown; 23 bMs. Fire Proof Paint ; 500 do. Vtr dizrlst 1000 dn. Oh. Gceeo t 5G0 do. Pari Green; 5 do. J-ipin nnd 3 do Coach Body Varnifh, for sale cheap, by C. 4, D. DvPH K. July I. " J. and H. copy. 46. WOLFED SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. 2DOZK.V Wolfe'KScliiedam Schnapps, quarts ' " and plntn, ju-t to hand, and for sale, whole sale and retail, at New York prices. April 2t - , ., GKO. MYERS. . PERFUMERY. UBINS, Plvers, Prevosts, Bazlnr, and Glenn 1 Pei fn niery and Toilette articles, a very large and choice assortment of the al-ove, for ile by C. & D. DrPKE, July 1. . Wholesale Druggists. ' J. and H. cop . .. LUMBER. SMALL parcel of prima Ritrr Lumber. Wide Boards and bcantling, suitable for 1'lantaMon purposes, for sale, by -March 30. ' JAS. F. GILLISPIE & CO. OUR MOTTO IS 4 T0 PLEASE" AT THE WlIjnlugtoN Saddle, Harness, and'Truuk Manufactory. ' T'HK subscriber respecttully inform t hep ablic JL that he has recently reeeived additions to his stork of Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac.) the latest and most Improved stylo, andiseonslanly manufacturing, at hisatore on market street, every description ol articlein the above line. From hit experience in the business, he feels confident that he will beableto aiveentire satisfaction to allwho may favor him with a call. He haa now on hand, ana wiiiconaiauiiy kccp a laraeasaorimenioi Coach, Gm and Sultry names. Ijatlu't Saddles, Bridie. Wlupx, &e., Gentlanc' SaditUt, Whips Spurs, f-e. allof which he will warrant 10 be ofJ- the best materials arid Workmanship. - & He ban also a l.trsrc asHortuient of r Trunks, Yajisira. Saddle and Carpet llaga. satchels, KaiiryTruuha, 4c , and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all of whitn lie otter low lor CAbH.or onbliortcredit to prompt customers. Saddle, Harnoss.Trunks.Rc.llca I Bags, Ac. se., mace to oraer. - j s In addition tothe above the snbucriberalwa vs keeps on hand a large supply of String lentlier , ana nas now,- ana win ae-jptiirougn tne season a good assort me ntol fly nctta All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether In want or not, as I take pleasure I nshow Ing my assortment to all who may favor me with . enll , iiarnessand Coach Trimmings- sold at affair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also. Whirs at wholesale. - ajlklndsof Riding VehW lee boxght and nold on ennvtnlsMons. JOHN J . CONOLEV , Feb. 7, 1854. . .138 ROGERS' CUTLERY. . HP II E Subscriber ia now opening a ' fine a&sort I ment of Rogers' selected Knives, Scissors, dte ; and has made an arrangement by which be will be regularly supplied with his goods, gotten up especially tor his retail soles. Those who wish the best in this line will always find them at ? J. M. ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N.C-, May 18. 4 ; 27 CIG A RS " TOBACCO AND SNUFF, AT THE CI7 V CIGAR STORE! '' - OPPOSITE the Market, South Side ) Whole sale and "Retail, at 'prices to suit customers. Call and see.. - . - TANS1CXLE.U May II. , ",V 24 If. NOW is the time io have your rooms aad pas sagea papered with decorations, fine or com mon, aa wa have large assortments on hand, and auperior workmen from New York, who will hang paper in latest stvles. ; WILMINGTON- ESLER July 22. ' : Paper Hangers and" Upholsterers. ' SUGARS! SUGARS! ! TUST received a prime lot of N. O. For sale by J. II. lilAJoSUrtl. Jnne 6. 35. WHEAT. RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, JUST In store and for saleby ,-r. Oct?.- J. M. ROBINSON. CHAMPAGNE. CCf BASKETS Choice rbampagne, just to hand J r at reasonable prices, at , GEO. MYERS. , JulyS. 48. PAPER HANGINGS QN h.ndt,nd,..?ibyiKSoN &Lpn Jane '7.'.' ' , Paper hangers. . -cigars. :':- z: nrrv fnn HAVANA Cigars, iast reeeived Z, OUjUl JU from the Philadelphia aad Ba I li ra e Market, and .or sale cheap, by r Jane 29. Wholesale Druggist. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING In-all Branches, executed ia auperior style and at abort ooUce.by WILKINSON A ESLER, . I Aug. 22;, : Upholarera and. Paper Hangs ra. ; CHASIPA0NE AND CALESv Cm BASKETS Champagne; T ) boTes Adaman JJ line Candies. Most be so! I to close. Anfily 40 - RAN KLH AaTIN.. - - - BALTIC cue lc -.i - uosriraL. DR,JOHNSTOJt rrimatolhafflicea',Iat and near, t&af he haa discovered the most cer- ain. speedy and efficacious ptaa for treating partte- aieT.aiaeaaes iut oas ever caen preseon u iu iuc world. By his plan, foaiidedon observations made tn the Hospiialsof Europe and America, he will ienure -'-:;f- .-. ' ; -t l :' - -: A cure mrwo DA ys, or wwcharuk. No Mercury or Jvaxisrons Uragg Utea- Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Jut- notenev. Weakness ol the Baca and Limbs, nttec- liwns ot tne Kianeys, raipuation oi tue itean, Dyspepsy, iNervoua irritability, uisuasee ot tne Head. Throat, Nose, or Skins and alt those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc tive habits ot oath, which destroy both body and mind, those secret a ad solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the manners ol U lyases. Dilantins: tnelr moir brilliant hopes orantlclpauons.renderieg urarrlage.&c, Im possible. ' , - t - ; x u v i vr ii i iv. Especially, who have become the. victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an nntimely grave thousands of young jnen or tae moeiexunea isicnisana oniuant intellect, rho might otherwise have entranced lia tenino Senatea with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstaey the living lyre, may call with full Ainflrtprif'l. - . Married pe'aons.orlhose contcrnpls ting marriage, " being awar-of physical weaknes, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. " : ' " " who places himself underthecareof Dr. John ston nay religiously confide in his honor na gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hisskill asa phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOOKS KttOM BALTIMORE St., (east side.) UP THE STEPS. JKE PARTICULAR in observing the NAME und NUMDER,ox you will mlbtake the place. ' . Dli. JOHNSTON. 1 Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London? graduate irom one ot the uxst eminent Colleges of the United -Statesand- the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, far is, Philadelphia, and clrcwhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that wereever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and, ears when asleep, areot ncrvousnsus, being alarmed at sudd n aotinde, and bashfuiness. with . frequent bluuhing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured inimedliilely. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all taosa who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences, thai se crt and solitary habit which rules both body und mind, unfitting them for either business or society. These arc sonie of the sad and melancholy effects producrd by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss or aiuseular rower, I'nlpitalion of the Hjsrt.DyspHpsia, iNervou Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Veoili'y, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. Mestallv. -ineieariuit iKcison the mind are much to be dreaded j Ioss of Alt mory. ol Causing of Ideas, Depression of Spiiits, Evil-Purebodiuon Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Soli iudv Timidity, &c , are some of the evils produced 7ousmo'of person3,of all ages, can now judge whati6 the cause of theirdeclining health. Logins their vigor, bsconiing weak, pole and emaciated, hove a einguiar apnearonce aoout tr.e eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. . - on. joiiysToxs ts via on a tisg rem- ED Y FOR GENITAL DEBILITY. This srand ana important itemed y nas .estorec strength and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, ahd been abandoned to die. By its complete invigoration of the Nervoua System, the whole fncu tie become resiorea io ineir proper power and functions, and the fallen fabric of lilo- raised ud to beauty, onsiatency, and duration, upon the ruinaof an emaciated and premature decline to sound and pristine hialth. Oh, how happy have hundred of misguided youths been made who have been aud deniy restored to health, from the devastations of those terrific inatadiea wnich result from indiscre tion. Such persons, before contemplating . MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, wilhout these, the journey through life becomes a wearv pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly tlarktns to the view the wind become shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan cholly reflection, that the happinesa of another be comes blighted v ith our own. Lei no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself front the dreadful consequence of this ter rible mnlsdv. . WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately cured and full vigor trstorcd. J3TACL LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to any purt of the couniry. TO STRANGERS. ' DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hos pital, whose long residence in this city, standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, exten sive practice In the various Hospitals of Europe and this country, and skill and experience to which thousands can testify, as well as Itis ability in the Surgicaldepartmenl of his profession, as evido. ed by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs. published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, In the years IS4I 2, by which the blind vcert made to tee and the lame to walk tlraighl. ren ders him worthy of all confidence upon the part ol those who nerd his professional services, and who would ehun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. CrTo those unacquainted with his renutation. Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to sav that his credentials or diplomas always hang In his office. riTOFFICE.No 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., East vide, iiji the steps. Oct. 13. 90-ly c. FOX & P0LHEMUS, 59 Broad Strret, Corner of BcavertNl Ytrrk, OflVr for sale the fuTiowitig heavy Cotton Fahries: NE W -ENGLAND COTTON 'SAIL DUCK 22 ineh.all numbers, hard and soft ; also nil the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known tothe trade, and offered at the lowest rates. . UN1TRD STATES PILOTDUCK-Weodherry and Mount Vernon Extra.- A full assortment of this auperior fabric. WILi 1 MAN TIC COTTON DUCK 16, 120 snd 22 inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This fab ric was awarded the highest Premium nt the Lon don World's Fair, also nt our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK--Plain nnd twilled, manufactured by the Greenwood's Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. 4c; also. Mount Yemon Twilled Ravens. Howard Ra vena, Pioneer and Phrenlx Mills; Llghtton Havens, plain 22 to 27 incht Heavy, do. do. 7 COTTON SAILTWINE A full assortment. TA RP AU LI Naf. 'HAM MOCKS, STUFFS, &c I'AfKil FbLTiNO 30 to Ti Joch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felts. CAR COVERING -Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 to 130 inches, and all' numbers, made tr- pressly for covering and roofing rnilronu cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more enduring tnsr tne car Itself. ENAMELLING CAN VASS 30, 3R, 40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, in every variety. ; BAGS AND BAGGI.VG Of every description Seamless Bags, woven whole, all size, in bales of 100, 200 and 300 1 combining strength, utility and cheapness, ior gram and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sackins 4Q inch. Canvass. thread Warpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, Ti, 4U nnd 44 Inch. v , ' . - WOOL SACLS Woven whole oil sizes, a new and desirable article. - - , ' Feb. 21. 144-1 y-r. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. jm ' THE Plantation of the eubseriberv Mwincar Raleigh, and on the Central Rail - Road. is not ret disposed of. ' A decrin-ZLl lion has already been given but no one will "f course make Important a purchase without visiting the premises. N i . Apply to Wa, li. Poou, Esq., who Uvea near the place, or to the subscriber. - ., .....t t. LORING. Wilmington,. C. Ian. 23, ie54. - iceiIceT! ICET!.' THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" I S now open the pubticmay depend on having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. . - 4 v - - Orders from the conntry addressed Io "Wllming too Ice House", will be weU packed and promptly forwarded." . . A. H. Van BOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, 1854. 152. r OFFICE WIL. & RALEIGH R. R. CO. . WILMINGTON, Mav 5th, 1854. vOTj. HtF-PARTICULARNOTICE.3 ERE A FTKlt. Ticker to pasver the Road of thisCompany will, w ma ease, bo sold ta a NEGRO.' - - . - Owners roust apply in person and purchase for them, hand the Ticket to the Conductor, aad point oat to him the negro for whom It was bought. By order. ; I i S. D. WALLACE, Agent. ' "TILES f FILES ! I FILES ! ! Tt:sT revived, a full assortment of Batcher's 1 pmvU Saw Files Also. th doable extra Mul Saw f jica. , DIJ. J. B. ZIAItCUISl'S . CELEBRATED CATBOLICON, Foi tterelicf &cme cfSafciicg Feciaics. . 1 1 stands pre-eminent for Ha curative powers in alt the dis eases for which II is recommended, call ed : - - - Female Complainti Of tnese are Pao- tAFscs Utcbi, or Falling of the Womb; KlOdi Ac hua, or Whites j Chronic Inflamma lion and Ulceration of the Womb j Inci lental Hemorrhage, . ir Flooding ; Pain- ul, Suppressed, and .rregiriar Menstrua on, olc, . nrt ... .heir accompany evils. (Cance. excepted,) u matter howaevere or of how long stsnding. The Catholicoa far surpasses other remedies in being more certain, Iesse.xpensive.and leaving the system in a hotter condition. Let all interested In such a reiueedy call and obtain a pamphlet ((rev containing ample proof, from highly respcciabl son r ccs. of the nappy results ot its use togciucr with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak trom their oku observations. , , . ' mretixcei. Prof. Dbannr.M.D , Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. JV., , P. B. Pcckham, M. D, Utica, N, Y. D. Y. EtMite, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y. . M. H. Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. Y. 1 I . D. Klein! ng, M. D.,Canandai;iia, N. Y. ' W . W. Reese", M. D., City of N." Y. W. Prettcott, M. D , Concord. N. H. J. P. Newland, M. D Utica, N, Y. pj'nplilcis can be had cratial the Jtore of S.B.& J.A.EVANS. Druggists- '' Wholesale and Retail Ascri. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Druggist in the State. Letter addressed to Meter. Beach d Brown ton. A rents at Xcttberry C. II., S. C, bv Her. C S. Beard, of same Stale. jrLB"S! raises, Jan. Jin, ib&3. Messrs. Bcach & Baowsrsow Stas s 1 send for another bottle of your Marchii's-Utarine Ca- holieon " My wife has been afflicted for eleven years, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained 'until I received this medicine front jou. l's influence seem al most misrical s there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As thereare a ereat many tonialns in onr country lahoring under the affliction for which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to nil such. ' (Signed.) Clovoh S. Reabd. ' J. B. MAR'JHISI or tO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. Nov. 19. ' 106 lyc WUITB GOODS. A VERY hre and extensive variety ol every l kind of White Muslins, including Jncunetts. Mu 1. Nansook, Medium. Book, Bisiiops and Vic toua Lawns. Plaid, Striped, Plain und Figured Swiss nnd Chinbric Musi his, which will be sold at the lowest price, by J.IME3 DAWSON. April 13. 12. SHORED TONGUES, PICKLED TONGUKS A .SMOKED BEEF. Just received together with 2 bbls Salmon ; 2 bills. F. M. Beef, 5 half burn Is d .; 50 Baskets Champaign f 4l packages assort' d Crackers; 50 bjgsCuHWj 30 Drums Fia;s; 40" Boxes Extra Prunes; 20 bl.ls. Suars ; N.O. Molasses; S. II S ) rup, with a general variety of good thin? at the Original Family Grocery. GEO. Ml Kits. June 3. ' ' 31. IRON REDSTEADS, FOLD1ND, proof against canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by niuiti.su. . ESLER, April 3. U;holsterei 8. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. EORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand n Market street, bei'Sg leave to return his thanks to his w old friends and customers for ihe lihonil patronage heretofore extended to htm, nnd lo inform them.that his slock of Boots and Shore, including cvtrv vari ety in his line is now as complete and as extensive ns at any former period, . His stock of Gentlemen Bovs and Children's Bo its and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality lhat can be desired, or that ia usually called for, includinz a fine assortment of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Orci Shoes. He would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladiej and MisscB Leather, Morocco, Enafnplcd, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baols; Shoes nnd Slippers. Also, block, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaiters, a new nnd handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters at 91 s pair Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. ' r lease call and examine. Mr. French would also inform his friends and the public, that he i State Ag'-nt for the sale of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright!s Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 40 102 CHANGE OF BUSINESS. HAVING sold our cntlne Stock of Confection ary, we have opened ol the same place a hand some assortment of Upholstering Goods. Paper Hangings, Window Shades. Curtains and I ix tures, Mattresses, Pealher Beds, Pillous, Cushions, lAinnges. d"c dc - Hivingsupcrior workmen from t!?e North, we will fit up Private Howses, Hotels, Boardinz Houses, Steamboats, Rail Road Cars, &c, in fact every thing In the line of Business, and endeavor to give satisfaction. At the same time would return our sincere thanka for the very liberal patronage we have h-id for the last scverFvears. and shall endea vor to merit a continuance In our new Bnsines. WILKINSON A ESLF.R, March 18. .1 -if. - Market Street. . uaily Journal copy. CHEMICALS. 1 boo Sin German, French, and English tne : 5U lbs. ovrup i'aioe iru . nn lk. Kin. phi M,, til nu. Snlnh tVlorpniaiu oas. Sutph Cinchonia, nnd the laraest supply of Chemicals ever offered for sale In this tor sale at . C. A D. DcPRE'S, June 29. J. d"-.H. copy. Drug Ware Rooms. FOR MEN AND BOYS. A NEW supply of Linen Drills, Angola Cassi meres. Colored und Black Cashmarels,, with a few Patterns Fancy Frence Cass meres. May 9. HEDRICK & RYAN. THOMAS SMITH & CO. rrfr.ERS IV CORN. MEAL. HOMONY.. PEAS and OATS, and COW and HORSE FEED, Beall?$ WJiarf, Korlh Water Sired, WILMINGTON. N. C. THOMAS em tB. , , - ; D. DCFBE, J. flnr Rtt-nm flrist Mill it now In suceessful opera' ion. We will hove it in our puwvr to deliver ill objve articles at short notice. We have a 23,hre power engine and shall run two pair of four feet Vorde'rsean be addressed !o C DuPre & Co., or to the subscribers. -tifCorn ground on TOLL THOMAS SMITH A CO. 15-tf. April 20. DENTISTRY. Da.T. B. CAilR has retnrrn-d from the North with a largely increased tnck of Teeth. Instruments, Ac. : Havine consulted many eminent Dentists, aa nas perfect confidence In the superiority of flten fa-r tent mode of inserting leaih with aruficial fc-ums Full sets inserted immediately aftw the exlraetion of the leeih, and remodelled after the gums have healed whhouraddiiional charge. They can be worn without pain, and reino vrd from the hkmuIi by the wearer.andarfcfeanerand strongea than Uih incited in any other way. and are wamsded to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed In the most approved manner. Refereocr to Indl vidnale In this place now wearing teeth will h patent Improvement. , . Ocl4-w-trii - . FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH, OF. BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO eans. Havinsr purchased -oar eotir t-ck just from the manufactories.-we are prepared to offer inducements to the COUSTR Y AIERCH AATWeqaal to nf esublishateait Soatb of Bos ton. ---: s April 3. -JONES Sc. GARDNER. : PLEASE TARE NOTICE THAT we make. In very beat Spring. Hair. Moss, Shack, Sea Gum, Patent Pelt, and Palm Leof MaMraa- Am.KtX.SU3i & tLfciC Juael7. - CfaUteror. - POETRY. THE USED tP. Tne I hare been fluug, ' Sky high and worse than that, The girl whose praises I have sang, vTfeib pen, with pencil and with tongue, Said NO f and I fell flat ! !. Kow,l will neither war nor rant, Nor my bard fate deplore, Why should a fellow look aslant, -If one girl says she won't or cau't, While there's so many more. I strove my best, it would not dof I told her abe'd regret ; She'd ruin my heart and chances too, Aa girls don't like those follows who Their walking-papers get." Ia truth I loved her very well, And thought that she loved m, Trie reason why, I cannot tell. But when I wooed this pretty belle, 'Twas a mistake in nie. JShe'a dark of rye and her sweet smiiV,- Like some of which I've read, Is f;irse for she with softest guile, Lnr'd me 'mong rocks near lores bright isle, And then she cnt roe dead. , My vanity was wounded sore, ; And that I hate the worst ; You see, a hnnjhty look I wore, And thought. she could not but adore, Of all men me the first. Well, thank the f.ites, once more I'm free,. At every shrine I'll bow ; j. And if again girl cheats me'. Exceeding sharp I guess she'll be, I've cut my eye-teeth now. - THE LABORER AND WARRIOR, cv r.PKs sB(if:yT. The camp has had its day of song, The sword, the bayonet, the plume. Have crowded out of rhyme too long The plough, the anvil, and the loom I Oh ! not upon your tented fields Arc freedom's heroes bred alone ; The training of the workshop yields M are heroes than the war has known. Who drives the holt, who shapes the itccf. May with a heart as valiant smite As he who sees a fucman reel In blood before his blow of might ; The skill that conquers space and time, That graces life, that lightens toil, May spring from couraj;e more sublime . Than tbat which makes a realm a spiil,- Let labor then look up and see His craft no path of honor lacks ; The soldier's title yet shnll bo Less honored than the woodman's axe ; Let art his own appointment prize, Xor deem that gold or outward light Can compensate the worth that lies In tastes that breed their own delight- And may the time draw nearer still, When man this sacred truth shall 1. e 1, That from the thought and from the will Must all that raises man proceed ; Though pride inay hold our calling low, For ns shall duty make it good, And we from truth to truth shall go, Till life and death are understood. CHARITY. A beggar, cripled, starved anMitiid, Rehearsed his doleful story To half a score of auditors Who all looked vastly sorry. ' Sonic pitied much, some very ruueh. Some very much indeed ! But not one cent did they bestow To help the man of need. At length a Frenchman forward stepp'd In pity half, half choler, And emptying his pursr " by garc ! - I pity you tiro .'iJ!ar !'' MISCELLANY ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER WASHINGTON AT NEW YORK. The Queen's SpeechSpanish Affairs, d-c. New York, Aug. 31. The steamer Washington from Havre and Soutln atnpton, arrived at 12 o'clock this morn ing. Her news is superseded by the Etiropa, but she biings some inteiestirig details not forwarded from Halifax. Til K QUEEN S SPEECH. Parliament was prorogued on the 12th: by the Queen in person. She was re ceived along the- whole route by the most enthusiastic cheers. 1 he follow ing is the substance of her speech : A tier returning thanks for the zeal and energy shown by Parliament iu provi ding incans lor the vigorous prosecution of the war, she said : In cordial co-operation with the Em peror of the French, my efforts will be directed to the effectual repression of lhat ambitious aud aggressive spirit on the part of Russia, which has compelled us to take up arm? in defence of an ally and to secure the future tranquility of of Europe ; you will join with me in admiration of the courage and persever ance manifested by the troops of the Sultan in defence of Silistiia, and in various military operations on the Dan ,ube. The rest of the Speech is quite loca'J in character, and matters connected with the war prevented the consideration of subjects promised to bo brought forward at the opening of the session. 'The soldier-monks are the most ganjin ary among the troops of Charles V. The j are charitable enough io offer their conso lations to the ill-atarted prisoner -who haw fallen into their hands; but ther always insist on the 'shririi time' betn short glad, no doubt, to send a soul of their cleansing before ita Maker. The horrible- massacre of Keridea, where cm hundred' and sixteen prisoners vere shot, fire-and-fire after a march of fifteen miles, naked, orer the mountains, was committed and hasten ed by the same organs. The government threat, of shutting up and confiscating the- property ot every monaster? whose inma tes should join the rebels, had delerreJ but few from braving all its consequences.' Lt every American bear the above liis- torical facts in mind,and when he hears tne allies of priests prate about secret or ganization, .direct ... their attention to that. 1 ' T -sr