THKA-L B?i EDWARD II. FITLER, v i-u Uu K.v. tanatch aa liiabore. fro Seisin or pt.f. rpjy Sepi.7. GEO. HARiUSS. MESSRS. H.L.& J. C. SCDREINER WILL re-open their M USlC SCHOOL n the first or October hex! i and tr-teftil rr paat favors, respectfully beg """"? of '! nme. Alwavi on band a choice tor of Sloonrt's Pianos. .All Instruments tuned rt-palr. w - Sept. T. 74 3t. COARSE ALU1L SALT. . rrsf BUSHELS in Ware House, atid for sale OUUhy " ZENO H. GREENE. - Sept. t. -' N. C. T. copy. , - 74. ' Trr-'QOARATINB REGULATIONS fOR THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. Ovticb or Cost' as Navigation Sept. 4th, 18."4. IN Consequence ol the prevalence of the Yellcw Fever in rhc Port of Charleston- and Savan nah, alt vessels from those ports', will be ubicct fed fa a quarantine f len Hays. - , By ord-:r of the Board ' - . IV. W. PK1R0 E, Chairman. ... WM. J. LOVE, Secretary. ... .- Sept. 5. . Journal copy. 73-31,.;-- BUTTER rBDTTERTr"" IOOM K more of that superior Cherengo Batter, JO jnst received, warranted the verv best in mar W. M. SHERWOOD dc CO. Sept. 7. . 71. TO TflE PUBLIC. MRS. MARIA SMITH, would respectfully n Biwofe to the citizens of Wilmington, that T"he has arnvi-d in town, and U now ready to tell FORTUNES. She can be found on I ho 5ih vqoare iron old. Boundary street, 2nd square Norh t rvcwDcrn uoad. '. i . Sept. 7. , - . ' -74 2i. - V JJft AA1 M. - nH VT Lrge Hwcliipg anl Store iih Bale t . . . V I . , . a . . - vpvv-n ttiiaivca, ifii iiiucDiner 01 riiurm ana Rd Crus streets front 1st Octoher next. If not u - i I.. . i ...i i. - t. . iki liiru UKKriv mm line, it win uo uea'ca ai OH.l,Vli, IVt iCIIUVipj'IJ IO a. it i r.a r.'Aurr. - 74 lit. Sept. 7. UMVERSITY OF BIIRYL15.D. SCIIOOL.QF MED1C1XB. , rPHE KOltTV KVKT(I SCSMflM HI I X bP jin on JIU.N DA V, October 9th, 1834, and t-na on tne tat ot .Mnrcn, IS5J. , - - . Principlesand Practice of Surgery-IV. R. SMITH, ai. u. - - - .-i Chemistry and pharmney AV. E. A. AIKEX, AI. O - - Principle and Practice of Medicine S.AJIUKI. CHEW, M. Anatomy and Physiology JOSEPH ROBV, M. D. Ohnetries-RICHARD H. THOMAS, M. I. Materia Medic and Pathological Anatomy iEO. W.MILTENBKBGKH.M D. Practical Anatemy U. B. SM I Til, M. D. Clinic! Insirnction at the - Infirmary, - belonq in to the University, and containing one hundred and fiftv beis. - Keen f-r the Lectures. $90; Matriculation Fee, i5; Graduation Fen. . . WILLIAM E. A. AIKKN, M D.. " . Asr Dean. Sept. 5th, 1354. 73 3t-c. SPRAY FOR SMITUVILLE AND 0RT0N. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, COMMESC JSG MOSDAY.Atk SEPTEMBEK. STEAM ER SPRAY", Capr. John B. Prie. m ill ply between Wilmine t i ' in -H'n 1 Smitlivil'e, landing at Or ion, as f llow : ' ' Leave Wilmington. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat uidiy afternoons, at 3 o'clock. ' Iave Smithville, Monday, WeJneeday and Friday Mornings at 6 o'c.ock. l"ifPa3fje One Dollar Children and Ser vants half price. Freight at custom ry rates. Ligl i freight only takrn on Saturday. Apply to Captain on hoard, or to . A. II- VanBOKKELEIV. No. 5, South Wharre. Sept. S. 73-tf. . " "CITY BANK." ! AriL.l(Jt I iuim will Do mane to tne uenerai Awmhtv At I b i S! t :i f n I lhir nit I Mtainn to t'harter the" City Bank," to be located in the own of Wilmington. ' Sept. 5. j 73-tf. r STE A SI M ILL AT AUCTION. THE sale or the Cl-irendbn Steam Siw Mill is postponed until Tuesday, 12th September, on which day it will take place at Exchange Corner, at M o'clock, M. ' -tib CKO.NLY, Auct'r. Sept. 5. - - 72 is. 1 Of( BUSHELS heavy Western Corn, in 1 I Jl II I Stnr. Vnru h Sept. 5 . FREEM AN & HOUSTON. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 2o rr BBLS. just received nd fr salt? by Scpt.S- y FREEMAN Sc HOUSTON. WHISKEY. ' - tZf BBLS., diilerent grades, for s;ile by -xDXJSepl 5. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. MESS PORK. B8LS. City and Western, for sale by 200 Sent. 5.- FREEMAN at HOUSTON. BALTI3I0R E BUTTER B Y EXPRESS. 'rMIE subscriber has just received a first'r.te X article f Baltimore Butter "t retail. On hand 2-1 krg-t of best quality- NiC. Lard 4 hlidi Western Sides; a lot of N. C. Hams, Side and Shoulders, and a general atortment of gro t erirs. at low prices.-- - - A. B. McCALRK., Sept. 2. . '. -- - -- -: 27. - WESTERN BACON. 1 O of superior Sides and Should rs. J W juat received and for s ile by AuS. 3t. J. IlATHAW.iV&'SON; WANTED ON THRl'APR ' FEAR RIVER IMPROVEMENT. IORTV GOOD LABORERS, to whom will be . paid, until 1st January next, one dollar a day and subsistence. ' Inferior hands-w? hepaidi-s. ' Medical artrndance may be- obtained at Smith viile, but I not furnished by the Government . . - D. P. WOODBURV: ' - . . . Oapi.- Kna'rs.- - -. Smithville, N. C, Aug. 26 h, 1S54. 69-lit. Jwm nal and Herald copy ten linies.- , ,- 8000 ACRES PINE LAND FOR SALE. BEING DES1S.OUS OP MAKING 'some change In my business. I ofTUV A-t for sale a part of my lands in Brans ' I, a wick county. These lands lie on the t water-t of t own Creek and Hood'e Creek, Ugh and pleasanUy situated, about 13. miles from Wilming ton. ' . . - ' " There are some 20 tasks of Turpentine Boxes now cut an the lani ,a laree po'tloo of which are young. h-ii within innr venrs nnsr.. Tvt.eis also a Titrpentine Uisiillcry ol ZU bsr-cl "--ipatity, connected with the burinesa, situated on J"own Creek at the head t tide way, where flats of any size csn load at any stige of the water without he least eifficulty. k . . The Houses arc all ceod, eonsisting of a dwelling, m number of Ne-rro tl6uses,(biiiitiast winter,) Corn Crib. Scabies and other houses necessary for such 0 business;, .. - - - .. . . There Is also some Swamp Land belonging to he track, said to bt equal to any in the Slate, and ' quantity of p lands, if cleared and put In a state , of cultivation will pro-luce Corn. Cut ton, Peas and. Potatoes very abundantly. ; - r Persons desirous of pnrchsplrg wilt tto well Id caU and examine tb premlsrs. -; Mr. HtroH McAbk. who iaowtba premise, will take pleasure in show. ' in the Lands to all who may call. JAMES E.METTS. - WilmljiTtati N f J Ana. 26- ; . ' 69-tf . RICE LAND FOR SALE: 0jn OR nora ere prime Rice Land Irlnj sCtJXJ 8 mi lea bv W.hnincroa Oft the Cp . j w - ... . M . s fv . cer, ana at. oryaai. raerelsa good Up tana o ri le men t of 70 acre, with a na atonr dwelling 1 with font rooms and other improvements. Terms - made easy, or f would exchange for real estate In ihitTawnof Wilminffton. Further Hi-rimtn of the land is annessary as those-wUhing to purchase will examine for therrjsclres. TH03. SMITH. . 49-tf. : July 11. ; . PERSONS and Pictorcs from the Histories of France and Ensland. Fro t the Norman eon "fluest to the fall of the Ataarts. by Henry Wflliam Hubert. Rcccive4and for sale at 'Jj. iook store by ' -- , V-T. MUNDS. Aug. 17. bo. ; SITUATION WANTED. A GRADUATE of one nf our oldest end most w ...II. W . - ., . . .-m. icpcciauie jnamnuons, aesirea a Situation as Instructor in tile South. Hehokia himself eomn. tent and ready to give Instruct ion in the English, Latin and Greek Languages and Mathematics. n. Bfcieci acnool would be prrferod. H.nlth ia the oojeci in going tanner Sonth. Applications by Ut ter or otherwise, will be promptly attended to if ad dressed to , ALPHA, No. 50 BhrreSL, Baltimore, MdJ " The best references gi' en If required. ' Aug. 24.- . . . . -v . . . 63 Jin p. v a ADAMS A CO'S GREAT NORTHERN AND. SOUTHER N EXPRESS! C1ARRY PACKAGES of every description to J Peterabars, Richmond, Fredrjcksbitrg, Wash inston Citv, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Baltimore, fcc , M-H.xna.rgc of csptcioi Aieatengert. f JOHN L. CAN I'WELL, Ageni, " . - "j : Office on Front, near Market st. May 13. 27-if. - viAiii&. vr Visa Li & wiiii. WILMINGTON, N- C Aug. 2! th. IS54. TI1 E President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Cope Fear, will aoply to the General Acsemby of this State, at their next session, for an cxtenaion of the term of their charter a t.d an increase of thilr Cnpitat Stock. THO!. H. WRIGHT, Presid nt. - Aug, 23.; -- . ;r, ...,..-; -.- y -: - '; ' 70-lll. ST EA3I SAW MILL FOR SALE: 'PHE Undersigned ' beinc desirous of quitting a. the Milting business, hereby offer their fine New Steam Saw Mill for sale. She was built in 18 3, and U now in excellent running order, and will eat as much Lumber as any mill on the river. She stand on a Site containing six Town Lois, and has, alio, a large Timber Pen on the opposite side of the River, together with all necenry out Dutuitnv for Hurls, Kliciiamith Shop, Utfice, &c. - If not previously disposed nf, will be sold at 'Auction on Friday the 1st of September next. 'Hie hands, or a initny of tbcm as are wanted. an be had. B. VV. BEERV& CO. Aug. 17 ' . 65-ts. TO ARCHITECTS AD BUILDERS Til E undersigned arc authorised to receive plans and ptopoea)4 fjr the erection of a Town Hall an-1 Theatre, i a -the town of ,n iimingion. jl ro posnU will be rec.iived until the 5th Octobe. , No plans will be paid for but those adopfciL . . R. H. COWAN. - . -. - . . D.MeRAE. . Wilmington, IS. C.Aug. 29. . - - 7 '-lm. J FOR RENT. " THREE STORKS.- under lh Seamen's Home, froi tht first f October next Apply .to CHA-i. D. ELMS. Aug.6, .. -- 69-tf. TOWING BY STEAMER CALII0UN I ffTiS ORDERS fortowingby STEAMER "USJ1 "Hr CALHOUN, will have attention it as--aaMM-aSllett at l ne ollice of ----- - GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. - 105. TICONDEROGA OR THE BL V.K EAGLE. ARO.MAwNCE of days not f ir distant ; a novel, ju.'t published by llarper &. Bro. 'Just recciv ed by Kxprt, and for sate at J.T. MUNDS'. Aug. 10. - 62. ! C0AL-C0AL. 1 nn TONS Red Ash Egg Coal,-to arrive, for 1 UU for sale by GEO, 11 ARR1SS. Aug. 29. - - 70. LEECHES, -;-;: l rriVi 'EOISH Leeches, by Adams & Co's. I JJJ Express. For sale at C. oi D. DoPKE'S, Drug Store. Juir I J. and H. copy. 4". TnE WHIMSICAL WOMAN. BY Emily Cirlen, aHihor of one year of Wedlock Brides of Otnberg &c &c. For sale at the New Bookstore by J.T. MUNDS. . Anf. 17. ,- y ?; . ' - . .63 HA YE yonr Rooms pap r d in handsome style bv calling on .. WILKINSON A ESLER. ; Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hangcts. , BACON. QfV" PIECES prime A No. 1 Baeon, ham-, OvJyJ sides and shoulders, for sale by Jnly IS. QUINCE Ac COWAN. SILK UMBRELLAS. BEAUTIFUL lot of Pearl, Ivory and Laurel ... 1 1 . . U i . rrwra, nniMieo. J ubi un;ncu uuvnirniag mi Emporium. ' C.MYERS.. the Emporium Aug. 26 69. ; CARRIAGES. I six seated CARRIAGE. ' 1 ran'rled Quarter Rockaway, 1 (1-nU-er Roekawav and aevcrallivht Ruiries jnjit received and for sale by - aepi Xin uihniiP. oc unu. LAMP SHADE MANUFACTORY. LAMP SHADES of every dosciiption. and of the most splendid patterns, at No. 9 BROOK Street, above Btittonwood. below Third. Philadel phia.. Wholesale only WM. STOTT&CO. Aug. 22. ; - - - 67-lm-c. ' BACON HOG ROUND. " -I tnYPIECES North Carolina - Bacon, a A rflU ' splendid article for sale by July 18. C.DuPRE ACQ. FOR AUGUST. FRANK LESLIE'S LADY'S GAZETTE ; Harpei's Magazine ; . . . . Godey t. . - "' , ..... , I .Graham ; . " . ' t- -. Notions; . Punch; : Household Words. &c.,&e. On tiand and f.r's.ile at . S. W. W HITAKER'S Aug. b. . 60. TWO FLATS FOR SALE. A FLAT f 3ii bhU. ca parity,' and one of 150 hhU ', will be sold cheap, to close a concern. Apply to. - WM. A. GW 1'Kll. . A ugu stt I.'- - .-''-'' 53 WESTERN Sides and ShouMcrs. 'For sale by -July 2f. , RUSSELL A BRO. ? SACK SILT. 1 AfT SACKS In f rime order, just received i tuv7 per Brig 'ieneri'l llortl, and tor sale ny Sept. 6. J. HATHAWAY AJJON. DISSOLUTION of COPARTN ERSHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers, under the firm of Taylor and Pcttewsy, is this day dissolved by mutual eon sent. James T. Petlewav, having put chased out all the interest of A. D, Taylor, in the said firm, is alone aathorixrd to settle its affairs. i A. D.TAYLOIT, JAS T. PE1TEWAY. Wilmington, July 13, 184. 50-2m. f por!TandTbac3n. , - QXBRRELS City Mess Pork; lUhhds. prime . Western Baton Side and Shoulders, Just received and for sale by - June 20. ; . i . H ATI! AWAY & SON. - CO PARTNERSn IP NOTICE. I HE undersigned have this. day .formed a co- A. nartnershrn. under the firm and st vie of PET- TEW AY & PRITCHETT, for the transaction of uenerai uommission, .Forwarding and - Whole sale Grocery business.' ' . - ; , JAS.T.PETTEWAY, X ' , . GEO. K. PR1TCHETT- . July 13.. . r 51. 250 BBI.S. Tar, in prime order. Foranl by Aug. Zl. ..x AUAMo, cttU. & tJO. NOW- SELLING rr BBLS. City Mess Pork ; ' . : ':,.:. 0JH 0 bags Rio and Laguifa CofTec j - j IS hhds. Orleans Sugar 5 vv v i ' '! 6 tons Hoop Iron, l, 1 1 1 widet 10 bbis. best Cider Vinegar; ,V : . 7.509 lbs. N. Carolina Bacon ; -.: .'. i l 4,000 Western, hog round. : ':"-"'";-' r The low prices at which we are selling these articles, and especially the latter article of Wes tern Bacon, is an inducement to planters and to turpentine men to etve us - cam - - . -Aug. 22- - W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. FOR SALE., i . ' nnrv SPIRIT CASKS, A No. 1 ; 20 hhds. Sn- JKJVJ gar; 10 do. Sides eity smoKed t eu nbis. Hess Port - in Tons Hoop Iron consisting cf 11 inch, H do.. I do., I do., all for sale on reasonable terms, oy ;,v- v, oi. uuu ot '. " 'A"ffBt 1. ..,; 63. Cf ft r vi r ivyjr : r 31 If anover tref t. B tttlmore, Md. DEALERS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS OF IMPORTED WOODS.. . Having commenced thfc above branch of busi ness they have, ant" wilt constantly keep- an as sortment nf tne following seasoned WOODS and I .U-M BE It. suitable for Cabinet. Pianaforte and Coach makers, and, beg to solicit a share of pub lic patronage , Rasetnaod Plank i Veneers, Mnganii and Veneers, Walnut do. . Walnut tnd Mahogany Cnffin OtHff. Sort w,ua, AM. axkorg, - CJterrtf, VAatr I'lank Bass Wul, tf-c. "' : v . ' rBTTCtn.itBi.T prH p Msn-ronrK makkbx. -Jvorf, Wirt, all tflutierj. TVtatng Pint, Key and iiridet Pirns. Buckskins. CidAs and Fells. SHIRLEY'S POLISH for restoring the polish of t'lano-tones. YARD in the rear of J. & J. Wise & Brother's Pianoforte Manulactory, Hanover afreet . Sept. 2d, 1854. 72-7t-c. . M EDICATBD GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. A NEW and Yaluable Remedy for dressing A Wunl. Cuts, Uurns, and Ulcers. It has be'n tried successfully by Physician t, and found superior to any remedy of the kind now in use. It forms, when applied, a On tide, soft, elastic, a hd impervious to water, assimilating most perfectly the na'ural' Cntlrle. , It may be a-ivantageously used in chapped lips, excoriatiops about the neck and ear of children, a nd for abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions. - : . The proprietors reel great confidence in present ing the abovu article for ns, believing it will prove fully adeqna'e to the end. proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal rented. - For sale hr the Pro prietors,,. C. & D. DuPRE. - ALSO VETERlAN-RY VuTTA PERCHA COf.LODION for Saddle and Harness Galls, Wounds and sores on horses. Fur sale by the Pro prie'ors, . t . r : C. & D. DuPRE, May 20. " Druggists, Wilmington, N.C to Wrcountry patronsT f E woukl beg Icive to slate that we have nqw V. in store, and are still receiving, the largest and most varied stock of Hats and Caps t has evrr been .our pleasure to exhibit to our. friends, th" assortment is nearly complete, and has never heen surpassed lor variety and beauty of styles in the State, and consists as iftinl of-Hats, Caps, Canes and Umhre'lns to the inspection Of vhich, we would call the atti-ntion of all in want of ar ticles iw this Hoc; as we are determined to sell at prices- (Ml vill m ike it f ,r the intercut of Conntry Merclants and Plnntirsnnd all others to buy in this market. A eall id solicit. d, - . - C. MYERS, ;. . s Hat and Cap Emporium, . Sept. 2. No. 1 Granto llo( i justTeceived, Per Sjhein?r Alba. 1 bb! Reef Tons tie, ' " 1 " Fulton Market B ef For sale bv Sept 2. QUINCE & COWAN. HARPER'SMliziNF FOR SEPT'. SUBSCRIBERS please call and get yeur nutn bi'r... Received anJ for sa'e by , September 2. - J. T. MUNDS. THE KNOW-NOTHING PAPER. SUBSCRIPTION price 91 per annum -J.T MUNDS. ' - Sept.. - Agent for Wilmington, W. C- N. C. BACON. 0rK(f l-B.,in fine order, just received from I Halifax county . For sa!e by . Sept. 5. ... r. i FREEMAN 4' HOUSTON. MY FALL STOCK ISJUIRUING, Per Ike Expresi AVip YorJc packet s,,un4 all are re 'qnested to cU and buy Jresh' good and cheap. , ; Groceries, just received per tchr. Ernilu Keith.- . "I MATTS old Gov. Java Co floe, " l 6 bugs best No. 1 St. l'oiuingo, 2 -do .Black Pepper, . . .. 1 do Spice, '. . I do Kat e Ginger, 5 bhla. Irish Potatoes, , 3 d Red Onions, ' 1 0 , do " Yellow Sugar, 4 Go Lprrillard'd t-'r.DtT, 4 halt'bhls 6 bh s. Leaf Lard, ' ' IQkega bctu Goshen Butter, very Cae. Ltf forcash at, GEO. H. KELLEiS. Sep. 2. J H cf- N C T Spirit of the Age c'py 72 PRIME WESTERN BACON. Of) HHDS. WeMern Sides and Shoulders daily j expecUd, and forsale by Sept. 5. J. HATHAWAY ifc SON. )ND VJ3L. RY E HOUSE PLOT, jwst published S and for sale at S. W. WH1 TAKER'S. Sept. 6. .: - . -. - ;-v 73. HARPER'S LATEST PUBLICATIONS. LEATHER Stocking and Silk; or Hunter John i M vers and his times. A st jry ol the Valley of Virginia. Just received, and for sa'e at S.-pt. 5. S. W. W HITAKER'S. JUST PUBLISHED. THE Iron Cousin, or Mutual Influence by Mary ... i . -1 i. Ar . . v. n ':n.. A c Shakerpeart'a Heroine. Just arrived and-for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Sept. 5. .. - ' - 71. J anotherTupply OF FASHION AND FAMINE; Life and say ings of Mrs. Partington; Hard Times; Sir Jasper Carco; Dodd family abroad; History ol Cuba.hy Ballon; Lamplighter; Pilgrims of '. VVal- singnain. Keecivcd and tor sale at , Sept. 5. S. W. HITA KER'S. . N.C BACON AND LARD. 1rXf( LBS. N. C.-Sides and Shoulders; 1000 tJJJ do do. Lard a prime article, just received and for sale by Sept. 5. X HATHAWAY SON. FRESH FROM NEW YORK ' Per Schr. ALBA. 1 f KEGS of prime Goshen Butter ; " ' lUlr bbis. Lard Leaf ; 23 boxes of Stewart nnd Bnrsing Candies. Low for cash, at GK.O.'H. KELLEY'S. Aug. 29. J., H., and N C. T. copy. 70. PETERSON'S NATIONAL Magazine for September.' Receiv ed at , . ir. ' j -. J. T M UN DS .Sept. 2. ,. : t - k 72. - GLEASON'S PICTORIAL AND FLAG OF OUR UiVIO.V.-for Satarday. September 2d. Received and forsale by Sept. - J.T. MUNDS. CHILDREN'S SHOES - A LARGE and handsome assortment, re vtlhv ceived this mornin?, and for sale by , JONES & GARDNER. -- May 25. . - t 30. SANDWICH ISLANDS NOTES- A. NEW and interesting work, hy A. Haole, re ceived to-day by Express and for sale by. Aug 10. J.T. MUNDS. NO. CAROLINA BACON AND LARD. CI i )f LBS. good N. C. Bacon, hog round : JUVJU 2.50U lt. prime N. C. Lird, in kegs. Just received per Kailroad.and for sale by - Aug. 17. J. HATHAWAY SON. HAY, PORK AND MACKEREL 1 Tl BALES Hay ; lObbU. Pdrkj 100 bbis. 1 VWTaekerel. To arrive rr Schr. Wake, for sale, by , GEO. I1ARRISS. Aug 17. 65. - FULTON MARKET BEEF. 1BBL. Family Beef; 4 half-hirreU Family Beef; 4 quarter bbis. do, do.; 1 half-bbl. Beef Tongues. Fo sate by 4 QUINCE Ac COWAN .. Aug. 19- . . Z- 68. EMPTY FLOUR BBLS.5 WANTED. IfVVl EMPTY whole UvAy wanted by . Aug. 22. ' PETTEW'i i EMPTY whole arid half Flour Barrels AY A PRITCHETT. SUGAR, SUGAR. . QrvHHDS. New Orleans Sugar on consign. OWmerU. For sale by. . -; - -Ang. 8. : J. B. BLOSSOM. . N. C. IIAUS. OfTt SM ALLsIse N. C. Hams, just received ZJJ and for ssle by . U N. BARfXW, , Aug. 8. No. 3, Gronhe Row, Front si. GOLD PENS. WE received yesterday morning, very, hand some assortment of GaM Pens, in gold end silver eases,-som new and beautiful styles. .- Also extra Prims of yarionasiaec and styles.' ; Aug. 19, 8. W, WHJTAKER. HraIVIC f.ESS?r.IE'S LAblE'S fiAfcETTE for X" September. J received arid forssl at sept. 8. a. i . 5a GODEY'S LADIES' COOK FOR SEP. gUBSCRIBERS, please e,l5d.ele', . Sep. 2.. JAMES DAWSON, TS Const ntly receiving superior style" of White X Goods, viz; Jaconets,"'. " -. . . Cambrics, Tape Checks, Swiss Mulls, - , " Mull Mulls.' India Books - Bishop's La ww, " Victoria Lawns, ' Striped Sla. Dotted Swiss, ' Toilet Quilts. Fine Shirtings. . Together with a full and complete assortment of ever thing comprised in tne trAU uooas m, to which the attention of buyers is respectfully solicited. - .June 3. Herald copy. 34. ROUGn RICE. T trr BUSHELS Rough Ric U,JJJAus. 31. C. DePRE&CO. NO. CA. LARD. . 11 KEGS of prime, just received- per Rail I Road. For sale by ' - Ang. 31. - v J, HATHAWAY 5c SU.H. FOR SALE. 1 fV l TONS Guano; 100 barrels Pork, to ar lUUrive. For sate by GEO. HARRIS'S. ' Aug-. 31, . -. - .. - f.- 11- RECEIVED Tnisl)AY PER Express, 500 prs. Children's Shoes a va riety of styles and colors to suit the season. May 23. JONES & GARDNER'S. : SILKS SILKS. er"V CENTS PER YARD a handsome assort JVinentby KAHNWE1LER 4 BRtl. July 27. .. 56. HOOP IRON. 1-1 TON'S, Consisting of 14 d . ' 1 inch ; 3 1 do. lj do. 2J fo. I - do. ' . 1 do. I do. .of !e&t American Iron, and which we will sell for small profits. June 24. V W. M. SHERWOOD or CO'. CRACKERs"--CRACKERSr" Just received per Schmmer Alary Pwcil" 1 ( BBLS. Soda Biscuit; lv10 do. . Cream Crackers ; -10 do. Sugar do. 10 do. Pilot Bread; 15 boxes Soda Biscuit j . 3 do. Fancy Crackers. For sale by L.N. BAR LOW, ; Aug 10. No 3 Granite Row, Front st. SUGAR. Qr HnDS Choice Sugar, for the Fall Trae. &J We can sell Sugar cheaper than the affiule can bebougjit in the Northern market - -JVly ?9. ; - W. M. SHERWOOD &, CO LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. ypwrerw. THE snbscriher would regi Tspeptfully invite the .Mention wW anfcj 1 "Tl 1 i J of the public, to his very large l and complete assortment tl Furniture now being received and recently scUctrd by hlnmt If at the Manufactories: dm ing month, h'sstock will be complete and consist in part of the fol lowing articles. ' Fine Sets Drawing Room- Furniture, in Dm ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts fainted CnaHiber Fusr it tire. 50 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Cases ; 50 Sofas and Tele aTctu; . 100 Kiireans; 100 Wa.ih Stands, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs ; , 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables ; 7.Centre, Card and Sola do. 4 . " 75 Toilwt do. 100 doz. Chairs, fcushioned, cane and Windsor; 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut niaolc and iron; Wardrobes, mahogony snu stalnea : Office Fumimre ;" Children's Chairs ; Ottomans, Fot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; .Teapoy's Whatnots Hat Stands ; Settees, Work Tables'; Work Boxes. Pap-r Hangings; - Window Shades, A e. dc. A ri vr.av.rm Piaso Fobtbs, and in fact al most any article that may be dexircd, In comtil te ly firrnishing P ellirics,' Hotela, Ofnces-or So ciety Rooms 'Front Street.. ..' -,- - - A ' ,--;::-;;, J. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N.C, Sept, 9,1353. 76., 5 CASKS SHERRY WINE, I Pipe Port, d. 2 Half "London" do. 1 Qr. do. do. 2 half-Pipes Old Crawfotd Mad. ira Wine. 1 do. Cooking ' do. do. 1 qr-Cask Sweet Malaga : diK 2 d. Muscat do. 2 half-PlpesOtard, Citpy & Co. Brandy, 2 eighth-CnTks Champagne do. ' 1 Cask Old Peach - do. 4 PipeaCognac do. 1 bbl. Jamaica Rnm. 4 do. H ir.itnond v hitkey, 4 do. Double-distilled do. For sale low, by - PETTEVVAY A PRITCHETT. July 27, 56. - "nE VVELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. A NEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all Accidents from the use of Burning Fluid, Camphtne, and other Eiplotite Compound: Used for the prodnction of Lisht. This Invention is applied to all common Lamps nnd Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar, Camphene Lamps, Lanterns, &c. . ALSO, Burning Fluid, Camphene, RoVin Oil, For sale by C. A D.DuPRF, Druggists, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C ; -.' The following Certificates are a sufficient guar anty of the entire safety and efficiency of the Safety Lamp and Feeder r i -r, v , . CERTIFICATES. 16 Bovlstoj St., Boston, 21st Nov., 1953. PaorsssOB Benjamin Silliman : Dear Sir. I take. the liberty of asking you if any circum stance has occurred, tending any degree to di minish the full confidence you have felt in the protection aliltrded by Newell's Pateol Safety Lamp I .... (:.... j ;":...'". With high respect, truly yours. ' A. A. Hates. Boston. Nov. 21.19 3 To Da. A. A. lUrrs:-Bear Sir, In reply to the inquiry contained in voor note of this dae,-I can now state that "Newell's Patent Safely Lamp, after a considerably extended experience iiji Tty family, ha fully justified the favorable opinion which I expressed of it abont a year ago. Until this protection was presented,. I never permitted the so-called burning fluid to be used in my bouse. Now it is constantly employed by the domestics, and it has been occasionally burned in the parlor and study. The house being lighted by gas, there is little occasion for its general nse. in the family batvilA th protection named abort, 1 should have no hesitation to use it wherever, there is occasion for artificial light, and I do, with en tire confidence, recommend it ro my friends, and others who eonsu'lt me on the subject always protesting,, however, against the unguarded ne which has produced so many distressing and fatal results. ' , I remain, dear sir, very respectfully and truly yours, - R. Shu-man, Senior. WitMisoTOir, N.C, June 15th, 1854. I hereby certify that 1 witnessed the experiments of Mr. Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp,, for furnishing "fluid" and am perfectlv satisfied of the safery of the same v, ,1 , ' Ai.i.ra. I a, H. DicKsosr, - . President of the N. C. Medical Society. e. This is tw certify that I have used Neweli's Pat ent Safety Lamp, for more than twelve months, and they have given perfect satisfaction June 23d,lS54. .T H r .., Gf. R- Having parchaaed the right for Jhe State- of N. C, fronv tho Patentee, we arc prepared to fill all Orders at short notice, for every deacriptioa and Mriety of Lamps, &c. .... ; ' All persons are cautioned against infringing up on the above patent, as the law -will be rigidly en forced against all offenders. ..- .. ,.- - - . - - . ' C. DuPRE, ' . D: DePRK, Jr. ' - A. C. DICKINSON. Jane 22nd, IBS4. -' 43-ly-c. j INDIA RUCn.: CCDS - , A V D fvsbioBS for aale by --. " " -J. WILKINSON- A F.SLF.R. . AprH8.' Uphpey. CO'IIIERCIAt COLLEGE. "Located 1ST DaUlBaore-ct., IJalUmore, ML 'pHIS Institntioa presents superior facilities to X. young man desirous of obtaining a practical bo sin ess education. - The ooursfl of Study embraces Double Entry, Boon-Keeping as pacticaiiy appiieu iu mi man agement of Mercantile, Bank, Manufacturing and Steam Boat Books .Business Penmanrhip and and Mercantile Computations familiar Lectarea on Commercial Law ; a pen the subject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts, Partner ships, Ac. ' The arransementa are such that applicants can enter College at any time and avail themselves rf the advantages ol the entire eour.-e of study, each student being separately taught. The students have access to a Commercial Li brary procured expreasly for their accommodation. There is aUo attached 10 the College Reading Room, where may he found all the leading Daily papers from various part of the Union. Usual .leng'h of time to complete the whole coarse from eight to ten weeks. Tuition for the full eoure 40. 1 . For patticulars write and receive a circular by mail. August 3.1, 1854. 59-ly-c. PRINTS. ENGLISH, French nnd American, white goods 1 of every kind and quality ; French Coreis ; s large assortment nf Ribbons and ' Dress Trim mings, and Buttons; a full line of Goods for Chil dren's Spring and Summer Clothing ; Bonnets of the latest style; Hair, Cloth, Grass, Rope and Corded Skirts. Fer sale by -A pril 1. J A ME3.DAWS IN. HERRING. OK KEGS Dutch Herring, ju received and for w f sale low, at , July 8. GEO. MYERS. 43. SPIRIT UlRiiKLS. Z NEW Spirit Barrels, a superior article. Jt Korsalu low by Aug. 10. PETTEWAY A PRITCHETT, OFFICE WIL & MAN R. R. CO., . WILMINGTON, N. C, July llih, 1854. i IN consequence of losses sustained by the es cape of Fugitive Slaves, with forgid passes. over tns line, and to ifttard asrnfnst it in future, the folowing rules will take effect on and afar the 16th Inst : . Tickets to pts over this Road will, in no ease, be told lata nepro. Owners of slaves must, in person, purchase the Ticket and point nut to the Conductor the negro for whom 11 was bought. . L. J. FLEMMING, ; Gen'l Sup. W. A M. R. I. ' July 13. 50 2m. - CITY HOTEL, 427 fc 429 Brvadway, New-York. . OONDCCTF.D CPO't THIS tUMOPKiN FLAN. , THIS Hotel has recently been enlarged tnnd refitted with alt the modern improve ments, nnd is now open for the reception 01 permanent and transient boarders and visitors. Meals serve; at all hours, cither in their apart ments, (without extra charge ; or in the private dining rooms or in -the Sail a mange, which is at tached to the Hotel. TJim Hotel being, located within three minuter walk of the Harlem, Hudson River and Newllaxcn Depots. Sojourners 10 the City will find it to, their advantage to give the City Hotel a .call, as the projnk tor solicits a share of the public patronage'' GEORGE W.; IIARPI-.L, Proprietor. LNew-York, July, 29, ia"j4. 67 ?u - - , CROCK KRY' CHINA GLASS WARE, &, &e. ' GOUL.US & ELIIOT'I", IMPORTERS. 1,95 Pearl Rt (near Maiden Lane) New York. A 'HEAVY Stock a general and beiullftil as-swtrrwnt--latet styles prices which detv t om pctition, n.l a jleas;.nt place for. all whoui it may corncern to pass a few moments in examina'ion. Repacked for Country Trade in the 1110s. cartful manner. .Terms liberals , July 18. .- .. - y 52-3m c. THOS. JL CARli,lf. D. D. D. s7 PR ACT IC A I.D EN TI ST for the last ten years, Charge for ' . . s 10 or less artificial teeth on fine gold plate, - each, - 7 00 An entire set of tee h on fine cold plate, 150 00 Ditto , on pold wjh artificial gums, J 50 00 Ditto on Platina pi ite with artifi cial gums, 10 00 Upper or under ditto, cacji, - 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguUh- - . ed from the natural, 5 00 A fine gold filll g. warranted permanent, ' 2 00 . Do. . and destroying the nvrve. . S3 to-J 0" Extracime a tooth, . 60 ets.' to 1 00 Best dentifrices and tooth brushes always on hand Every operation warranted to give entire satisfac tion. Teeth inserted Immediately aft-r the extrac tion of the fangs snd remoddoled after the gums have shrunken, without additional charge. . Office on ,M arket-st., 2 doors helow the Church. Wilmington, N.C April 22.. I6-tf. IK KW BKUaXWICK Jt D U ER C0.1I P,l SI ' Warehouse IW LitxTty & 15 Colar St. N Y.. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALER. in all kinds of Rubber Goods, madeundor Chart -s Goodycar's Patent, consisting of Alen's, Women's. Mi-s:s and Children's Me taMc Boots and Shoes, Coats, Cloaks, Overalls, Combs. Stay and Dress Bone, Dolls, Pull Heads, Balls; Toys. Whips. Teething Rings, Syringes, Breast PnmpVdcc , A c. - The above Company-would solicit a call from their friends and the public before purchasing. . JOHNSON LETSON, Pres. July 20. : "'L -H53"e,""ei ST0RET FOR RENT. ? r THE. Store under Home's Hotel, lately occupied b the sutscrtter as 3 Boak S tore for terms, &c, apj,ly to v j: 1. oiu.vus. Match 28. II. and J. copy. 6. G0LDSB0R0' FEMALE COLLEGE. THIS Institution commences its second session under the new organization, on the 1st day of May, and will clone the last day of November, 1854. Rev'd James II. Brent, A. B. President, with a full and contDetent faculty. S7J) per session will cover the entire expense for Tuition and Board in the Collegiate course, and 100 will entitle to the fuH course and all the ornamental branches. 60 willcovcr the expenses for Board and Tuition in the Prim.irv Department, Ornamental branches extra at the usual charge. , The Board of Stockholders hive taken great paina in procuring facilities for irivirig a thorough education, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Students received any time. -For further information address the- President of the Faculty, or the subscriber. , WM. K.LANE, Prest. Board Stockholders. May 4. ll-if. MOURNING GOODS. BLACK and half Mourning Genadines and Twisted Silk Dresses ; Black and half Mourn ing Borates, some very fine 4 Plaid and plain Tissues-; French and English Lawns and Muslins, a large assortment; Ginghams and Calicoes, new est patterns; Ribbons; Mourning snd half mourning Sumner Silks ; Maltese Lace Col lars and Underslcevcs to match, and a full and eenerat assortment of all the fashionable styles of Collars, Undersl'-evcs and Chimizettea to be worn this Summer; Fans; Leve Veils; French Lawn Handkerchiefs: Lupin Summer Boinbuxines and Cballysf the very best quality of Kid, -Black Net and Black Silk Gloves; Black and Steel colored Parasols; English' and Italian Crapes, dc, A a. For sale at the lowest prices, by - - ' April 1. JAMES DAWSON. r BACON! BACON!! 1 f HHDS. Prime Western Sides and Shoul X t ders, to arrive per Mary - Powell.- from New York. GEO. HARRISS. - August 10. ' . 62. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Hixit Mavbb, Jo'ssra Math A. Fbistk Matcb, nnder the style and firm of Mayer ft Co., ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. MAYER, J., F. MAYER. Aug. 12ih, 1334. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of Mayer ot Co , will please make immediate payment to the subscribers and those havinf claims against the said film, will please present them for reile ment . , -s. HENRY M A, r,? ,ec. JOSEPH MAYER.."- .Ang. 12th, 1854. r ,6-lm t-- . Wtekjy JrA H.copy 1 motth.. - - I if -i m ii NEW LINE of SCREW STEAMSHIPS. TO SAIL BSSTWRRS NKW'YORK AND GLASGOW. VJr THE Clyde Screw Steanf Packet 'JT.irCoT,1',K oteemahlpe, Clyde riisnd Petrel, are ltimnAA ... Mt r Glasgow aa under t ,cKom fl'T ?rLk' CLYDE. Wednesday, Aagst 26th, at 12 o'clock, noon. Rates of Passage, (Steward's fees included.) Chief Cabin, $'J0. A limited number of third class passengers will be tsken and supplied with rood end comfortably cooked previsions, at 2V Berths not seenred till paid for. These Screw Steamships have been built and fitted out express ly for the trsde. on the moat approved principles. for securing safety, comfort and speed ; and carry each an experienced Surgeon. For Freight or Passsge apply to ROBERT PATON. 31 Broadway. N. Y Money ordera granted on Glaauow, in sums of 1 Sterling and upwards, payable on demand. Joly 29 67-71-tw-c AYER'S PILLS, Anv sad eingnlarly suecessnil remedy tor the cure of all Bilious diseases Costivenesa, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, Are., Ae. Indeed, very few are the diseases ia which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much akk- ' nesa and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive hajtit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Uenoa a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Frofes. ors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character aa to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Amonfj the many eminent gentlemen who have testified m favor 01 these Pills, we may mention 1 Dr. A. A. Hates, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the Hon. Edward. Everett, Senator of the TT. S. Robert C.Winthrop, Ex-8peaker of the House of Representatives. . . Abbott Lawrzxcz, Minister Plen. to England, f John B. Fttzs atricx, Csth. Bishop of Boston. Also, Da, J. R. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by How. W. L. Marct, Secretary of State. Wit. B. Astor, the richest man In America. S. Lelano & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all. parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and moat complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together m such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason' is perfectly ob vious. . While by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. .As it is frequently expedient that my medicine- should be taken under the counsel ot an attending Physician, and aa he could not properly judge of a -remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have 1 supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and BritUh Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by marl to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known! Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no mysteries. . - The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge, their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em- inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Fills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were mors than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the' internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of ' the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correctinflr. wherever they exist, such dcran (fo ments as are the first origin of disease. - Being sugar wrapped they .ara pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm ean arise from their use in any quantity. ' For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. . Price 25 Cent per Box. Five Boxes for $L HOLD BT O. A. BRADLEY, Wilmington, and by Dtug gl" generally July 18th. 1S5I. ' 6M FACT,? CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET THE AFFLICTED RE D AND PONDER! jTMore tti an 50 petsons in the city of Rh hmond, Va.. alone testify to the rcmstkable cures per formed by 1 CARTER'? MXISH MIXTtlRK. THE grea'. Spring Me.ticine and Purifier of the Blood is now used by hundred of grateful patients, who testify dally to the remarkable cures perform ed by the greatest of nil medicines, Carter's Span ish Mixture. Neuralgia. Rheuuiaiisni, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, el ects, Old Son s, Atlrctions of the Kidniys, Dis eases of the Throat, Fvinak; Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bone ami Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable reme dy. For all diseasea of the. Blood, nothine haa vet been found to compare with if. It c lea nee the ays tem of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Diges tion, gives tone to 1 ho Stomach, makes the Skin clear and n slty. snd restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its prisMne vigor and strength. ' is incomparably bet er than all the cosmetics ever used. A lew dose of lis ter's SpanWb Mixture will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the rose mantling to the cheek, rive elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard ot. A targe number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persons residing In the eity of Rich mond, Va , by the ose of Carter's Spanish Mixtere. is the best evidence that there is no humbug sbout it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians, and public men, well known to the eomiMii nity. all add their testimony to the effects of this Gbcat Blood Ppainsa. Call and -see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. v-l-tt' x None genuine unless signed. BfcWAfcl BEERS, Droirgista.- " rt nsF A CO Principal Depots at M. W ARD, CLOSE A UO , No. 83 Maidsn Iane, New 1 ork. . ..... . T W DVOTT A SON'S, and JENKINS A H4RTSHORNE. Philadelphia. . BENNETT da BEERS, No. 125 Main Btrre., AnSTo'rVtei.r WM- LIPTITT. WU.ui.g.0. and by Drugfrista every wBere( Juiv 13th, 1S34. . . RECEIVED PL'?. SCECOHERS PWm. It! Smith, CharUt fildtt and L. P. Smlh. KTS. Old Government aCorTer hoses Pe fenoVfntreh; betes Babbitt's Mosp Towdetsf bsakats QHve Oil, a tne article bosrs Citron 1 bo- TV" ICsWne t half trwj qusrter boxes M. R. Kauinet raiCte .Preserved UibI( Mir. prraton , M rest Po. ini quarts and pints London 1 Ii I Market ferl; No I B.lmon. No. hnde.r'. 1L Br bbia. Ciushrd feogsrj Grocers II. Kefiit. d bbis. Yrllow Mug., , Lklns extra Batter; b-aes Prtme Cheese 1 t..,is M,..t n a Lemons. Forsale by I.. N.KAUI.OW. Aug. 10. No. i Granite Row, Krom st. 0N EC ASKS ARD IN ES j (Case Sardines. toe. f 4 barrel Cfrr Vinegar;' -7 doaon hoava Li oiuu b tup j II mala Cinnamon r 1 bbl, Languedoc Almonds ; I do. Jordan do. 17 Drums Figs. J&it in store and f ir sals b July 20. QDINUF. A COWAN, HvIll PAPKltlMsV A LARGE Assortment; and Bordeiinrs. of elf kinds; also Fire tocreens 1 Taper and tii V in dow Shades of all siaee. Uulf Limn, exptassly made for Window Shades. Alo. a ar?e arson meht of Window Cornices, of all kinds snd u. 1 p All the above named goode will l.e aoM at r-.l n.-,-. Drieesbf unu. July 27. Bti. A CURE .FOR ALL!! HOLLOVVAY'S OINTMENT. CUirens nf Its Union 1 You have dona nie the honour as nith one voice, from one end of the Unl'jn to the other, to stamp the character of my Oloiment with yr approbation. It is scarcely two years since 1 made It known among you, and already, It hs obtain ed more celebrity than any othi r Mr riern n so short a period. THO.V1AS IIOLLOWAY, 38. Corner of Ann and Nassau His.. IN. Yoik.' Curs of Srt ? ajter Ntne Yeart S'utftinp Mr. W. J. Lanjlcy. of lluntsville, adklnV Vnh r.rnlina .uflV.rrd far nine vrara with one of the most nsmfnl sod troulili somw sors legs that1 ever fell to the lot of man; and aftvr iryrng eveiv medicine he Imd rver hraid of, be retfenrd In tes air all hope of bring eared f bill a friend brnughr itn a eoiiolo of note of liollowav'a Ointment,' whicn caused the sores nit his lea to heal, and It entirely regained his health, 10 the ..loriti-l.nn ii f of his acquaintances and friend.. Curt nf a Bad BnaU. yehrn the Patic-I trns rt - ill. la. . I rei in j iimtr, Mr. R. DURlNT. of New Orleans, -itdnsted Profissor Hollowav as follow 1 For 7 years ntf wile had a bud breart, with ten running w Minds, (not of a cancerous nature). I was told that nothing could save her 1 she was then Indat ml ir use your Ointmunt snd Pills, when in lbs ihoif space of three months, thej'r flm-ied a perfect cure,, fo the astonishment ol all who knew as. We nb tained yotir Medicines from Messrs. Wiijlii A Co., of Chsrlres-streel, New Otltane. I enf this from Hotel des Princes," Paris, ol'lu n; h 1 had written ft at New Orlenns, before we Anall left, at thai time, not knowing your addrsae af New York, . Nor. Dih, 1353. (Signed) R. DCR4NT. The Pills rhould be used ronjolnlly wlih the Ointment In most of the follow lug r Bad Legs, Bad Btcasta, Burns. Bunions, Clill'' blairs, Clmpped luinds, Contracted and Still" Joins,' Fl-tulit. Gout, Glandular Mwillinge l.unihago, Piles, Kheuiiitftisin, bolt Rheum, SealJs, uro Nipples Soro-throuis. kln-dist a-s, htuivy holt' llituds. Ulcers. Wontids. Sold al the EstsVILhtnent of Processor Ilot lowav. 33, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets. Nvw York ; also by all re'pcctublo )rnge,tsis an.f Dealers fn Mediclnas throneho-nt the Uitilef btstes, in Pots, at cents, 87 cent, and ait each. To be had Wholesale of the ptim Ipnl Dtug' Houses In the Union, snd - Sold al III ettahn.hmrnisof Profcrror llolhrs ay, 80 Maiden Lare, New York, and 'Hi hltsnd, .un don, and by all res, efible lruiri;tts. A.U. BUADLKY, Wilmington. N.C. Tin re Is a considerable saving by taking ihc larger sixes. N. B. Directions fr the guidance of palli nts in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. June 20. 41l-t. DENTAL NOTICE. DR. CA itll Ins returned from the North, sn.f' is n w prepared to attend Iw Dental piai n.e in all its branches. Aug. 31.. 10-2-v LI VE R COM PLAINT, DYsPEPNlAr JuHit'ic. Chronic ur Nerriivt Dibility. Ui euie if the Kidney, ami all l)in:r ariniMg from a't lArtr or HIuuuh U. such m Constipaliei, , inward Plica, Fullnt aa cf flood to tne Hejtl, Acidity of ilia Moinai ll, .Ntiu 1 a, II. at t burn, Disg tin for Food. Fullm-aa or VWii M in th Sioiiltch, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fr lulu tins' at the Pit of the Slontoch, Swimming nf the Hi nd, Hurried and Difficult Hrtnthiiig. Fluttering a t Ihu lli-nri, Uhoking or Sull'icatintf aienraiiiine whenin a lying poaHre, Diinoesa of Vision, Lois or tVibi before thesl?ht, Fever and Dull Pa ill In the I la ad. Deficiency of i'ersjiirallon. Yellownesa ol llieSkln and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, LlrmS. ipc, Sadden Flushes of Heat, Burning in th Fl sh Cunstanl Itnaginintrsof evil, snd great depressions' of Spltlts,can be elj: claally cuietlby DR HOOFLAND'A' CELEBRATED SERBIAN BMti:::Sf i'iti;i"ui:i 111 iu t . hi. j( kkiik, No. I ( Arrfl atreet, IMMIadelplils. Their powerover the above diaeasesls not eie, W ed, it equalled, by any other preparation In the I nt-' led States, a s the eiirea atieai, in many eascsaltef skilful physician, h id faili d. These Killersare worthy the attrniii n of Invalid Possessing great vit lues in the ri rtlf.rstion of rii eases of the Liver snd lesrer g lauds, r letrlini; t he. most searching powers in ak n-ss and alioctions' of ihedigeaiive organsliey ate, wiUiul, shU tP tsin and pleasant. HEAD AND HE CONVINCED. Mors 'Prtlimonw of tl mrmwrtl kind from tthiiS' in 1 ,101 of Dr. HOFFLAND'S (iKUMAN KIT TEilS, prepsrid by Dr. C. M . J ACKhON . I'hH d.-'phia, fufly proving that thrse Idiu-rsars uof'iull ed for the cure of Lire.r ( vir luint, Jh,tut, Jaundiea, Nervous IhbUily, Ihttnt iff Hi 'j.dntym, tf-e. Hend the proof : F. KESSELMKlll. Jew.b-r, Wooster, O., Pee. 2d, I3Sl.said 'l embrace this op;ioiMuniiy of In forming you of the great benefit I have derivxf from lite use of Dr. Ilootland's German I'.i'ieis. f have used ihrrn fort hills and Fever, and D -dered Stomach, snd found rell f In every 1 or They are the best remedy for disordtied Siomath, I think. In t ncc.' P. FOLEY, Bloom Held. O., Oct. 7, IS57 said . "AViih feelings of gratitude 1 take my pi n to Inform you of the incalcable Nnefil I hava li rived fionr the use of HoofUnd's German Bitters. I have us ed thorn for the Liver Com plaint, and take cdeatAru in reeomrqnding them to Jhe public as the af st nd heal remedy in use.- The Editor of the Woosfer Democrat, May 6. 1F53. said t "Hoofland's Germsn Hitters,--! Ins invslus ble niedlciae Is daily performing cures of the mo. r rcmarksble character. We do not sprsk of this medicine without a knowledge of its ellicsrj, aa we have Ulrd It in onr family, and find It to be the only thing needed In Liver Complaint or Dpp sia." OGIER 4 CLARKE, Cambridge, O., Nov. 17. 1662. said t "By those persons who have used vor Hoofland German Bitters, they are conaiderrd sat invaluable remedy for Dysprpals." rjrYon anould bear In mind that these Elrtera are nvTiaaLT vseaTABLs. thereby posaesslne ed vantages over most of the prepsrsiions recemmend d for similar diseases. , . ,, ,, Forsale by O. A. BRADLEY end W. H. LIP PITT. Wilmlnsrton.aod by Dret'tjiats every where. Jaly H.h. ItS. ' FRESH C00D3, JUST landed from Schr. 'Helen j" 2i bbis. Sugars Powdered, Crushed, Grsnula- led and Yellow ; 4 Firklna Vermort Dairy Batter I Case Porter I do-. Ale; Twenty thowaand Cigars, ran priarrig the f..lor. ing brandsj Havana Londrea, fr.sp.tania. I.I r.x relsior, and those antrpma. know Neihir-g. Fer sale by iiClNCK 4 COW AN. August 24. 1. CUNTS flERCIMNrs .11, FX It Aar-nst. For sh at Ag. 17. j. -tf. vTiifrji; S BALES C,Ut F.Hs M,ret1P7 , Hi;... ymy. rftevrlte yuti 40 b4.e. N. U stil atn W hhds Pttnae Caka fi .ik r Aig t9. . 1. C. P, U. IM;l fl.