" WILMINaTON, H. ; v ' V ; . :;: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1854. ' ' --T? ; ,. From the-Baltimore Clipper. POLITICAL . ROMANISM. The NewYork Churchman, an organ of the Protestant Episcopal Church, has an article condemnatory of the Know No things, which was evidently .written in ig norance of the principles .of the associa tions known by that name. It says : - " The Know Nothing agitation is precise ly of the nature of those popular excite ments which, when they gain full domina tion over the public mind and heart,- give birth to civil convulsions, blood and crime. It has already in various places given rise to scenes of violence and disturbance of the public peace; and although we have no apprehensions that it will go to the ex tent of unsettling the foundations of socie ty, yet it is precisely that mixture of true and false ideas, salutary and pernicious principles, convictions of -conscience and impulses of prejudice and hate, which all history teaches us are. the stuff whereof such issues are wrought." ;; -i We have.no objection to the repeal of the naturalization laws and the limitation of the right of voting to native-born citi zens with a provision, if it be desired, for granting by special legislation that right and also that of eligibility to certain offi ces, in special cases. . But as to the rest, vre have nothing but condemnation and rep robatkm to express of this whole Know Nothing organization. This organization invokes to the polls the spirit of religious fanaticism and theological hatred. It pro poses to wage a political war against the .Roman Catholics ur war to the knife" a var of extermination, waged, as we under stand, by political weapons. A . Hatred to the Roman Catholics, as such, this appears to be the deepest source and spring of this movement.;-This at bottom is its most es sential character. .Now we have nothing to say in favor of Romanism. We would do everything to check the progress of Romanism, to work indeed its utter extinction, that can .be properly and fairly done. But we would put it down by the force of truth and argument, not by po litical proscription arid persecution. - Per secution is both wrong in principle and fool ish in policy, as well as inconsistent with our eminent pretensions in behalf of reli gious freedom. JS Persecute any error of &uth or opinion, and you make it grow ; you increase the evils you see, the dangers 'you dread.. BesideSi if the Know Noth ings wage political warfare against Roman Catholics foreigners, how can they consis tently help waging the' same: warfare a gainst native-born Roman Catholic citizens? and how does that suit the genius of our institutions ' How will the sense of the nation sustain that " V . ' . ; . . lSo far as we have observed, the Know Nothings are disposed to be peaceable and orderly and we doubt whether a single instance can be shown where they have commenced a riot or disorder of any kind. They have a right to assemble to hear street preaching ; to meet together at their rooms ; and to wear such habiliments as they may and in doing this they frivc no just cause of offence to any man ; and yet they! have been assailed by Irish Catholics for the color and shape of their hats, and for listening to the preaching of the Gos pel on the Sabbath. --Can it be expected that they will quietly submit to be thus as saulted and beaten by foreigners without offering resistance ? Were they thus to act they would deserve, to be cudgelled , wherever seen, : i , . , . If we comprehend the principles of the Know Nothings, they are in favor of reli gious toleration, and seek not' to interfere - with the religious worship of any denomi nation,' , It js to political Romanism that : they aro opposed to the effort which is "being made to render legislation subservi- ' ent to the propagation of the Roman Cath ' olic religion. ; They care : not I whether a man be a Calholic'or Piotestant,' as long as he will exercise his rights without seek ing to obtain supremacy for his" own reli- w gion.. ; pi3tinctions between Catholics and Protestants are of recent date.? They, com !ihenced with the efforts made by Mr.Kear- ' tiey and others in this State, and by foreign priests in other States to apply a-portion of 4he"public school fand to the separate uses of- the Catholic Church. Now in this country the support of religion is entirely - Voluntary ; but. by Mr. . Kearney's ' bill it was imendedJ.0Jx the people at large for - the propagation of the Roman Catholic re ligionV;The school fund 7s devoted to the secular education of children of all denom inations ;anV had the Catholics been con tent, as heretofore, to participate , in the blessings of the public school system, we venture to assert that there would . have been no array of Protestants against them.. But the first favorable moment was seized to drawa line of distinalion, and to attempt ' to educate the children of onej portion of the community in opposition to others. To - mis uui LLlVj cli xiuuiaiiiaiu iucic is u uicmt objection ; and seeing that thd placing men , of that religion in power .will be, to shape public measures to the advancement 5 of it to the prejudice, of other persuasions, an impression prevails very generally, that it would be safer to confine public offices to those who will act with more liberality.--. Were Protestants placed in the control of - all public affairs, national, State and muni- eipal, it would work ao evil to Catholics, because there would ..be no proscription, and measus would be adopted without re ference to any religious test. But suppose J the-thing were reversedand power given exclusively to' Catholics- doe any one believe, that the foreign priests-'would. not ; 'shape measures for the exclusive benefit of '.. their church? , We fancy that we have as liitla religious ami? .hy or prejudice as any one, jet we should net like to see the - -riment, tried. The Know Nothings are acling hn ijbe defensive. Tbeydo not wish to deprive others of their , "rights, ;but they are determined to preserve their own. In reference to foreign immigrants, they think that they should not, be naturalized until after a residence- in the country of from fifteen to twenty-one years. They desire to guard against a future evil ; and to protect the country against the designs of foreign powers, who seem disposed to attempt the destruction of our free institu tions by transporting to our shores , the most worthless portion1 of the European population ; but we believe that no one would endeavor to deprive adopted citizens of the rights which they have acquired under our laws--f ' ' 'THE N0ET1I CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFB1NSURANCEC023P-Y, RALEIGH, N. C. TPHET above Comoanv hrsbetin innnerntinnatnec J. the Isiof April, 1843, under the direcUonof the following ameers, t t - ' Dr. Charles E.J onhson, President, Wm.D. Haywood, Vice Presldeat, : James F. Jordan, Secretary, ...... Wm.H. JonesJTrcasurer, - - " . Pcrrin Uusbee, Attorney, ' i . - lr. Ubarles K. johnsoa i)r.Wm. H.MeKee, Dr. R.B. Havwaod. Medical Board of Consultation.. - - J.Hersman. General Acent This Compmny has received- a charter giving ad vantages to the insured over any other Company. The Sth Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure hi own life for the Sole Use of his WifeTand Children,' fret from any sclaimsof the represeata Uvesof the husband or any of his creditors. - Organised on parety mutual principles, the life members art1cipatein the tchole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for life, when the annual premi am ia over$30 may pay one half in a Note.' ' 1 All claims fot insurance againstthe Company will e paia wttntn ninety dnys alter proof of the death of the Party ts furnished. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates wtucnwtu enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of propenty against the uncertainty of life Slave insurance presents a hew and interesting (eaturem the history or North Carolina.whlch will prove very important to the Southern States. ' The last four months operation of this Company snows a veryl arge amount or business more tnan the Directors expected to do the first yearhaving already Issued more tnan 2UU Policies. Dr. Wm. W. Habbiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, C. ; ' All Communications onbUBincssof theCornpanr suouia be addressed to - - - - jas. P. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh. Jan. 25rlS54. - if. A NEW MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA. THR undersigned are preparing, and will pub lish as sdnn as the necessarv Survevs. f-c. can be obtained, a New, Large and Complete Map of Noith Cabolima, five feet by three, well en graved and fin is lied in the best style; ' it la admitted on all aides, that such a worlc is a great desideratum in our State, and it is in conse- Ar . 1. " . .. : : . u : . i. ; . tttat the undersigned have embarked in the enter prise. ' ' ' - , - ; The only attempted work of this kind is that of MeKea, published in 1633; and since then the Counties, Towns, Roads and Post-offices have in creased in number, and all our works ot. internal Improvements, with small exceptions, been set on It is intended that the New Map. now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid down, all the Natural Features of the State the I nlcts, Harbors, sounds, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, die. Also, the public improvements and artlficial dv. visions. Tho Railroad,' Plank roads, Conn ties. County towns, PoBt-offices, Cities, Villages, Post- roads and Canals, Colleges, Acadenncs&c., etc. The lUap will bo ready by tbe summer or lfc-55 . WILLIAM D.COOKK. SAMUEL PKARCfc'. TP.RMS In best Stvle. Gilt Rollers and First Im pressions. - v ,' . 310.00 In Plain Style, Black" Rollers, . - : 6,00 Information from any source, and which may be of service in making the above work, will be thankfully received. All communications should be addressed to : WM. D. COOKE. Raleigh, August, 1854. -- 64-lm. , WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THK Subscriberhaving accepted the agency ol aeverallarffedstablishments at the North, which willfurnishhim an unlimited supply of finished or nofiniahek, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill alforders for " ; MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, and every other artiele in the line of the business at reasonable rates, ' SCHLPIURINQ, LETTERING OK C ARvINQ , Executed as vellas can be done either North or SOOth. '" ' The best reference can be ?iven. if required. JAS.McCLARANAN. ' Jan. 6, 1854. , -- ... ----- if. THE LARGEST AND BEST SSORTMENTof Tobacco. Snuff and Cierars. A in the City of Wilmington, for sale Wholesale and Retail at the City Cigar to tore. - . VANS1CKLR. May II. 24-tf. FREE READING ROOM FOit the. convenience of the public we will keep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. : - auahs sutra. HAruhs - Y..:. -. k h Front, near Market st. May 18. ' CORN-CORN. rrf BUSIIKLS CORN now landing from f JJ Schr. Cbar.es Mills. - fc'or sale by Aug 10. J. HATHAWAY & SON. CURTAIN, CHINTZ. AND DAMASK. OILK WOOSTED, and Silk of all colofs and O quality, for sale at reduced prices, by July 27. . KAHNWEILER& BRO. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for sale by ' . C. DwPRE & CO. . June 22.- - . 42. ,rTHE F.LEGTION IS NOW OVER AND WE jl snail te pleased 10 nave tnofe wno wisn Rooms, Psssages, &e., paper d in handsome style, call and leave orders for any kind of Upholstering or Paper Hanging t Mattrasscf, Pillow, .Window Shades and Curtains. Ac. - , , . WILKINSON & KSLER, Aug.'S. Upholsteiers and Paper Hangers. PRINTS. TUST received, a lame assortment of Enslish J and American Prints, new patterns and colors, I can recommend: uinghams assorted Colors and Mourning and half Mourning do.; Grass Cloth and Victoria Skirting; Bob nett Mosquito Nett ing t Lanen 'l a Me uamask 5 iMapkins ; Uoylas and Irish Linens; Linen Cambric and Lawn Hhdkf, and Ucnf s ditto ditto 1 Allendalo . Brown Cotton Sheetings, all widths ; Blue Denims, medium and heaviest qualities made; Georgia and South Caro lina Cotton uznabttrgs; Heavy ( Brown cotton Shirting; Marlborough Plaid and Stripes; a very cheap lot of Bed Ticks; Linen Oznaburgs aAd Burlaps; aod Crape Shawls. For sale by June 3. " . - JAMES DAWSON. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE I ! jKMMfcte CTI7 A Miri Cmi's kt n.iL rte" rie, master; Steamer Calhoun, Joi f gr'' "-'". are ready at all times for business. Orders for Towage will have prompt attention 11 leit atomce 01. Agent. GEO. il4RRlsr.S. June 1 33-tL. ' JUST .RECEIVED. AND IN STORK 20 Boxes Adamantine Candles t -20 do. No. 1 Soap, 1 0) do. ' do. do.; 60 bbla. City Mesa Pork ; v : 20 do. Whiskey ; r - IS hhds. Western Sides and Shoulders; 20 Boxes Tobacco ; 10 Firkins Goshen Butter, for sale low, by Aug. 10. PKTTEWAV PRITCHKTT. r NOTICE. A NUMBER of our Meal, Hommony and Horse Feed customers, have neglected to return their oags; tney wui coaler a favor by returning tnem immediately.- . Aug.W. PETTEWAT & PRITCHETT; -EBRCIDZD G0CD3. x . : QWISS AND CAM BRC BUFFS , Edglngsand I naeru ngs ; U u d er SletTes and Collars ; Lace and Cambric ShlmUetfs; all wi l he sold at reduc ed prices, by K A tl N W EILER 4 BltO. .lull 27. - - - 6ti- morse's COSiOUND f. - iiVnLLnViT!!:fiiT i THIS is a Purely Vegetable Com;x)Li(i, scientifi cally prepared irora the best Roots and Herb of the Materia Medics, and has gained an anrivall ed reputation for the following effects, vlxt i; PURIFYING TIJ2 BLOOD. and thus curing all Humors, Sore;, Uicers.CuUne- onm r.ropttons, Canker.acai l Head, e. .. - BesBiaiiBg aidciezs lit &umaca wvtli. thus it cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costivenes, Strenstbentoe the OlrestiTe Orrans. - thuseaasing the food to nourish and support every . i ' .----: ' part.-'; . r.:,-. , . . KEQDLATtnS THE SECRETARY ORGANS, - and, by enabling them in perform their proper fune tions,pm emlDg and curing Bilious andotherpain- StreRsthenio and Onietinrrte RerToniSrilem, thusailaying Nervosa Irritation, and curingall dis eases oi me ixerves. . nnrivalledio thecure of all ' FEMALE DISEASES. - as Weakness, Irregularity'.Obstructions, Ac. It is pleasant to take, and safe in all cases ; act ing in harmony with the restoring powers of nature it never injures bat always benefits and cures, aa thousands of voluntary certificates from the beat authorities testify. Prepared by C MORSE dCO.,2 Maiden-Lane, N. Y. Soldby Druggistrand othersthroughoutthian otherconntrics. S. B. d J. A. EVANS, Agents, , Wilmington. N. C. ept.30." - . , . 83-ly-c IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. SINGLE and double folding very convenient and proof against vermin, for sale by July 15. , - - -WILKINSON & KSI.KR. TEN different kinds of Mattratses on hand, and made to order by '" ' ; WILKINSON & ESLER, Juty 15. Upholsters and Paper Hangers. NOTICE. rpHEsubscriber.respectfuily Informs the public, JL that he ts nowtranascung im anciioo duhikh on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance .of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. - M. CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private oi public salCi - -' - ; : a;1 - : Jan 8,1853. ' CORNICES forMoschetoNettina put op. by O WILKINSON d ESLER. - June 8. . 37. GOSHEN BUTTER. )r KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, just received J and for sale low for cash, at June 3. GEO. MYERS. FRESn PEICIIES. CSfC CANS Fresh. Peaches, just to hand in JJ beautiful order, at GEO. MYERS. June 3. 34. INDIA CR0LAG0GNE. A CERTAIN Remedy for Chills and Fevers, as XX tho'isands can testify, ror sale at -C at D. DwPRE'S. Drug and Chemical Store. June, 20. J. and II. Copy. ' . 45. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, - COMPOSITION. . aHIS invaluable Cordial, is extracted from Herbs X, and Roots, which have been found after years oi experience, uj me uiusi ssiiiiui rnysiclatM, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial in the dis eases tor which i', ' tconimended, and hence whilst it is presented to the public, as an effica cious remedy, it is also known to be ol that charac ter on which reliance may be placed as to its safety . In cases of I in potency, llocmorrhaees. Disordered Sterility, Menstruation, or Suppression ol the Men ses, r l uor aidus or w mtrs, or lor- ' DEBILITY arising from any cause, such asweaknesrfromsick ness, where the pstient has been confined to bed fo some time, for Kemalesafter Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary etfects: or in loss ot Muscular Energy, lrruaomiy, rnysicai rrosirauan, seminal weak ness. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Slue- gishneas. Decay of the Procreative Functions, Ner vousness, Ac, where a tonic Medicine is required, tt win oe lounaequai, u not superior to any uom pound ever used. " TO FEMALES. Henry'slnvigoraiing Cordial, isoneof the most invaluable Medicinea in the many Complaints to which FernaJas are subject. It assists-nature to brsce the whole system, check cxceeses.and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, diseateana unnnppiness among L.aqies would exist, were they generally to adopt the use ot ibis C r diaL Ladies who are debilitated by .those obstruc tions which females are liable to. are restored by tne use ot a Dome or two, 10 Dioom ana to vigor, i YOUNG MEN. : That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence of man and it is the young wno are most apt to bc omo its victims, from an ignorence of the danger tj wnlcn tney sunieci inemsetvcs, causes , ' NEll VOUS JJEUILITY, Weakness of the System, and Premature Decay Many of you may now besuffering, misled as to the cause or source ot disease. 'Jo those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature lm- potency. Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Orsans. Ner. vous Affections, or anyother consequences of unres trained indulgence oi tne sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental and bodily capacity. Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those importanttunctions to a healthy state, and will prove ot service to-you. j r possesses rare virtues, is a general remover of disease, and strengthener of the system ; - - ASA TONIC MEDICINE. it is unsurpassed. We do not place tliisCordialon a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Cer tificates, 4c, beginning with Hear what the Preacher says," and such like; it is not necessary, ftr Hnrv'a Tfl vlfrnr fine f ?irt i .1 nnln m r.,A trial to prove that it will accomplish all we say. -THE GENUINE HENRYS INV1QORA v; ' TING CORDIAL," is put up in 8 oz. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog mzea oy me Dianuraciurers signature on tne table of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery,) as wen as nis private seat on me cork ot each Bottle. lg-aoia iori pernoiue; ssxx tor 93; Vie per dozen. Prepared only by S. E. COHEN. No. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BK AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Druggists u. mcrciinnio iiiruugiioai me country. - Oct. 29. ' ?7-12m-c. EMPTY BARRELS. SECOND HAND Spirit Barrels, of good JJJ quality, for sale by July 22. , RUSSELL & BKO; MACKEREL. K( BBLS. No. 3 New, and of excellent quality, jyJ For sale by . RUSSELL & BRO. July 22. , 64. PICKELS AND PRESERVES; AN Elegant , assortment of WUDderwood'a Pickets and Preserrcs. Jnt receivr d and for sale cheap, at GEO. MYERS. -. 43. . Juir 3. : NEGRO PASSES. . ANEW form f Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by i ho Commissioners, aiid a number of others interested In the welfare. of our colored population, is jtut issued at the office of TfieCommertiaL "".--' TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL""" HOTEL,BHOADWAY,Oor. of "Franklin Street, NEW YORK. . IS completed and opened for traveller -who de sire agreeable and attractive accommodation. It is conducted upon the principle -of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tables in tho saloon, at ih option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance with eomfort, and ia designed as well for the convenient reception of travel' lers by tho late trains. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 25. -V" , 133-Iye. . BRICKS BRICKS. A n nnri HARD North River, for sale try fJAjVULI . GEU. HARRISS. May 18. - - - 27. CC?ARTNERZIP NOTICE. THK Undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership, under the nam of COSTIN, GREGG dL COfcs the transaction of the L am ber Bu;ress. MILES COSTIN, J. KU1 UUKtiU, ALFRED SMITH, K JO. LITTLEFIKLD. H L34-f. - March 16. GATES 07? PILOTlCm JUST printed' and for sale at T Cmmmtraat Office, tb Rates of Pilotago. fori be Bar and River." - - 31-tf. CAC0N I BACON!! 1 Q "'Vnf LBS. very apexior If. C- Hams, X 0,UUU Side and Shoulder, just received and) for sole by -' , -- August PETTEWAY PRITCIIETT. TO THE LADIES:-.' - "OPENED this mornir,a fwijnificent stock of Ktnbrotderiasf taemding Jaeonett, inoia muu, and SwIaarCediars, Chimizetta and Uadersleeves, also, Real Honhorr, Real Maltese, and Real Va lencene do. do, all in setsr not In sets M uslin Col lars, Real Hon It on do. and Muslin with Yalencene L.8cc attached ; also, a large assortment or under sleevee, aH of the richest and newest patterns. fiy the same Express received : Dresses, Rich Silk Grenadines and Tissues, plain do. do. assort ed colors, and Satin Plaid printed Berages, plain Challys, Black Silk Mitts and Glover, and color ed Kid do., Brown, Green, Blue, and Black dotted Laoe Veils. For sale by April 18. JAMES DAWSON. M0SCIIET0 NETTING. TADE and put up on high or iVl steads, by WILKINSON or low post - Bed- ESLER,' . Upholsters. May 20. HOOP IRON AND NAILS. THE subscriber wilt be constantly receiving con signments of these articles, of the beat quality and offers them at lowest market rates. - -JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 23. . - . 6-tf. BELLS! DELLS !! BELLS!!! ' 111 E Subscribers manufacture and keep con . stantly en hand a large assortment of Beils suitable for Churches, Acadmics, Factories.Stea mers, Plantations, eic- mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in use. Their eetsblishment has been in operation Thirty rears. having turned out nesrly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 Iba each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture so perfected, together with recent improve ments, tnat its Bens nave an unequaled reputation ror volume or sound and quality of tone. They have iust received Jan. 1854 the First Premium ( A Silver Medal) of Ihe World's Fair in New York, over an Bens tram tuts uountry or Europe. Hav ing a large assortment of Belts on hand, and being in rmmeaiate connection witn routes in Ml direc lions, either Rail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New Vol it, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address A. MENE ELY'S SONS, " - West Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. 144-Iyc. BUTTER! BUTTER!! 5 KEGS' Extra No. 1 Goshen Butter. Just re ceived by L..N. BARLOW, June 3- 3 Granite Row. PAPER HANGING. WE have j -st received a very handsome as sortment of French Gilt and American Pa' per Hangings, Borders, Fire Screens, and Centres lor sale, riunar in handoome style by - WILKINSON & ESLER, Upholsterers.. April 18. - . At our old aland. :-- ;-:: PAINTS. - iv v OC rf1f"i-.BS; Prime White Lead; 5000 lbs JJ iJ.JJ Venitian Red : 40 bbb. Spanish Brown J 25 bbls. Fire Proof Paint s. 500 do, Yer- dlgris; 1000 do. Ch. Green s SCO do. Paris Green; 5 do. Jap in and 3 do Coach Body Varnish, for sole cheap, by . d & D. Oul'liK. July 1. , J. and H. copy. V 4& WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. 2X DOZEN Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps, quarts ' and pints, jut to hand, and for aulc, whole- aio ana retail, ai.new York prices. April 20. . - : GEO. M VERS. , . PERFUMERY LUBINS, Pivers, Prevosts, Boxins, and Glcnns Perfumery and Toilette articles, a "very large and choice assortment of the above, for sate by C. &. D. DuPRE, July I. ' . Wholesale Druggists. J. and IT. cop. , LUMBER. , A SMALL parcel of prime River Lumber, Xm. Wide Boards and Scantling, suitable for Plantation-purposes, for sale, by March 30. , JAS. F. GILLISPIE & CO OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE ' Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. - - THE subscriber respectluily informs tbepublic that he has recently received addition to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dec, the latestand most improved style, and ia conslanly manufacturing, at hisstoro on market street, every description of articleinthe above tine. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will beableto giveentireaatisfactiontoallivho maytavor him with o call. He has now on hand and wlllconstatltlv kern a larKeaasortmen tof Coach, Gar and Sidney Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridle, mips, de., Gaulle nun's Saddles, iVAips r ... imrs, n-e. . . - . . , r, -tallof which he will warrant to be off II the beat materials and workmanship, if. S He has also a large, assortment of f iruiiks, anscs, saddle and Carpet Bs, Satchels, Fancy Trunks. tc..sniiloth, r. ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of wnitu ueonerrtowior UAOH,ot ou short credit (uprvmni casiomcrs, s - ' Saddles, Harness.Trunks.Redical Bags, die Lie, made to order. . . In addition tot he above the siibscribcralways "iJ?u" uuu largesuppiy or string liCatuer, and has now, and will ke?p through the season a good assortment of "Fly KUtt. All are invited to call and examine my Goods whetherin wantor not. asl takeoleasureinshnw. ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a caiU. - ..." . , Harnestand Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persona buyingto manufacture. : Also, Whir at wholesale. llkindsof Riding Vehicles bough t and sold JUHCi J. UUIVOLKY. : Feb. 7, 1854. , 123 ROGERS' CUTLERY. pHE Subscriber is now opening a fine assort menthol nogers'selected Knives, Scissors; T "I"00 n 'rangement by which he. witioe reguiariy supplied with his goodj gotten op especially for his retail sales. Those who wish tne oesi in tms line will always find fhem at . " ' " J. M. ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N.C., May 18. ' . 27 TlGARS. TOBATCO AND SNUFF, AT THE CITY CIGAR STORE, m irrysi 1 K tne marltet, t South Side.! Whole- gale end Retail, at prices to ntt eutomcrs. , . - :-i VANSICKLK. , May lU 24 tf. NOW is the time to have your rooms and pas sages paperrd with decorations, fine or com jrobj, as we have large assorimenrs on band, and superior, workmen rrom JVew York, -who will 3 psper m latest styles. . -. - r' o- r w WILMINGTON & ESLER. July 22. , 1 Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. SUGARS! SUGARS!! TUSTjreceived a prime lot Of N. O. For nle by rI - J. R. BLOSSOM. .June 6. ,a y .35.. WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS; TUST in store and for sale by ' . . ' J Oct 3. I. M. ROBINSON. CHAMPAGNE. fif) BASKETS Choice Cbamjwene,iBBt to hand , , ""easonable prices, a: . GEO.MYERS, J'y8- 48. - .PAPER HANGINGS Cy hand, and put on by Jane 17. r , . ?per fc,nge;g CIGARS. 250 OHO HA VAPTA Cigars just reeeived JU9JJJ from tho Philadelphia and Balti more Market, am! :orale cheap, by . , - , C. & . DtrPRE. . June 29. Wholesale Druggists. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING in as Branches, executed in umnii, 1 at afaort nouce, by . ' rviuaJISaUIM A ESLER, . Aug. 22. Upholstereroand Paper Haagera. CILIIIPIGNE AND CANDLES.- fJO BASKETS Chamoagnet WboxeaAdaman UKJ tiae Candies. M ot be sold to eloe. - Apply to - KAN KIN & MARTIN. t7-4t. Aug. 22 Cov - r ' " - f D1 JOIINSTC: Proc: iinato the aClcted, Us and near, that ho has discovered the most cer- aln. speedy andreirJeaciooo plan for treating panic, nisrdiseasea that has ever been presented to the wortd. By his plan, founded on observations made tn the Hospitalspf Europe and America, he .will i enure - - . A CURE IN TWO DAYStOKNO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseou Drug$ Uted. Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Iiu potency. Weakness of, the Back and Limbs, affec. tions ot the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skint and ait those serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc tive hablta of Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secret aod solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes oranticipations, rendering marriage, &c., im possible. , YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men 01 tne must exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of cloouence. or waked toecstacy the living lyre, may call with full connoence. . - .MARRIAGE. V Married perton, or thoaecontemplating marriage, oeing a war. 01 pnysicai weannesi, snould Immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. , r ewho places himself undsrthecareof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in Die honor as a gen. tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill ass phy. sician. -':' OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.,7 DUUK.S KUUM UAL. I IMOKli St., (east side.l IT D TUP STfc'Pfi .S-DC DiDTIfiiri .n .-. v . ... . rnniivu in observing the NAME and NUMBER,or you will mistaxe tne piacc. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals or London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of ihe most astonishing curesthat were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousnsss, being alarmed st sudden sounds, and bashfuiness; with freouent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of Jllino, were cureu iinnieoiareiy. - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences,! hat se cret and solitary habit which rules both bodv and mind, unfitting them for either business, or society. -T are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Di of Sight, Loss ot Muscular Power, Palpitation of tnetlesrt,uysppsia, morvous irritaoiiity, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, dto. . . ' - M but ally. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, of Causinc of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodlnon Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust.. Love of Soli tude. Timidity, Jkc , are some of ihe evils Droduced. . Thoutandtol persons, of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losimr their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, ne wiisuiai i.iiiito auuui iuc eyes, cougn and symptoms of Consumption. - ... DR. JOHNSTON'S IN VIG OR A TING REM EDY FOR GENITAL, DEBILITY. This grand and important Remedy has restored strength and vigor to thousands of the must ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to-die. By its complete invigoration of tho Nervous System the whole faculties become restored to their proper power and functions, ana tne taiion taonc 01 nie raised 11 n to beauty, onsistency, and duration, upon the rufnsof an emaciated and premature dcclino to sound and pristine health. Oh, how happy-have hundreds of misguided youths been made who have been sud. deniy restored to health, from the devastations of those terT)hc maladies wtucii result from indiscre tion. Such persons, before con lemplating -7 . MARRIAGE, Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness, indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, ihe pros pect hottrl darkens to the view the mind becomes snanowea wirn aespair, ana mied witn Ihe melan cholly reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted v ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself from the dreadful consequences of this ter rible maiaoy. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately cured and full vigor restored. CTA.L.L LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID. ilemeaies sent to any port or tne country, TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON. of the Baltimore Lwk tln. pital, whose long residence in this city, standing aa gcuiRiiiiuui c 11 u incu r anu reeponsioniiv, exten sive practice in the various Hospitals of Europe and this country, and skill and experience to which thousands can testify, as well as his ability in the Surgicaldepartinenlof his profession. as evidenced by reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs, published in the Baltimore Sun and other papers, in the years 1341 2, by which tin blind vert made 10 tee ana lie lame to walk ttraight, ren ders him worfhy of all confidence npon the part of those who need his professional services, and .who would an un tne many inning and Ignorant preten ders advertising themselves as Physicians. 0"To those unacquainted with his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say that hia credentials or dipiomasalways hang In his office. J-OFFICR, No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., r.nBi siae, up tne sieps. Oct. 13. 90-1 yc FOX & POLHEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N.'York, Offer for sale Ihe following heavy Cotton Fabrics: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 Inch. all numbers, hard and soft ; also all the various widths of Canvass manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known to the tracic, ana onereu at tne lowest rates. - UNITED STATES PILOTDUCK-Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment ofthia superior fabric. WILUMANTIC COTTON DUCK-16, 18, 20 and 22 inch, all numbers, hard and soft. Tbis fab. ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don world's f air, also at our own state Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK-Plain and twilled, manufactured by the Cireen w od's Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. etc.; aiso, mount vernon twuiro Karens. Howard Havens, 1'ioneer and Phoenix Mills; Lightton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS. STUFFS, dec. ' PAPER FELTING 30 to 72 inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felts. - . CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, iiuiu ju iu iw im ues, una an numoers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroad cars, ia perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more cmturing man tne csritscti, - ENAMELLING CAN VASS 30, 3fl, 40, 45 and su men plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description Seamless Bags, woven whole,, all size, In bales of lou, XVU and itW; combining strength, utility and cheapness, tor grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy CoftoiiSacking, 40 inch Canvass, 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, i,iuonai i men. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sixes, a nc and desirable article.-" , - 'Feb. 21. , - 114-ly-. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the subscriber, fJ near Raleigh, and on the Central Rail Ci -A- RoacLianotretdisnoscdof. A descrio- ILL flon has already been given -but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to v m. it. Pools, Esq., who- lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING. . - Wilmington, N. C, Ian. 23, 1651. " , - ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! - TUE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" IS now open the pablicmiy depend on having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. , -. ' " Orders from theconniry addressed to "Wilming ton Ice House", will bo well oacked and orompllr forwarded. , . A. H.VxsBOKKELEN, Proprietor. MarcK I0thr 1854. ' 152. , OFFICE WIL, & RALEIGH R. R. CO., WILHINGTON, May Sth, 1854. trtTPARTICULAR N0TICE.g3 HERKAFTER Tickets to pats over the Road of itiiaComDinr will, ia no eat, be sold to a NEGRO. - - - - Owners must apply In person and purchase for them. band thaTieket tctlso Cendaetor. and point out to him the negro for -whom it was bought. By oraer. . s. u. vyal.l,auc Agent. May ... f ' -- r: 22-tL -FIL! FILE3II FILES!I! JUST received, s full asaortment oi Butcher's rrmuimm Saw File. Also, tho double tang eitra MUlSaw Files. J. M. ROBINSON. Aprtli- 3, Iv':'f. r 1 rf wv-.v CELLCHATED CiTUOLICC'i. For tbe relief & cere cf Sa-erisg Femles. y"V '".T Ym. . It stands prs-emi. nest for Its curative powersia all th dis eases for which It is recommended, call ed Female Complaint Of tnese arc Pso lapscs Utsbi, or Falling of the Womb; Floss Al bas, or Whites; Chronic Inflamma lion and Ulceration of the Womb; loci' "'leetal Hemorrhage, r Flooding ; Pain til, Suppressed, and .r regular Menstrua; on, die.. . tin ... :helr accompany evils.- (Canee! excepted,) u.- matter how aevers or of how long standing. The Cat hollcon far surpasses other remedies, In being more certain, lessexpensivs.snd leaving the system in a belter condition.' Let all Interested In such a remeedy call and obtain 0 pamphlet (free containing ' ample proof, from highly respectsbl sources, of tho nappy results of its use together with letters from first-classe xperienced physicians, who have used It In their practice, and speak from their own observations. . . .. .. . . mixcii. . Prof. Dbsnnr, M.D., Baltimore, M4. . J. C.Orrick.M. D., , P. B. Peckham. M. D, Dllca, Nr Y. . D. Y. Vooio, M, D., Syracuse, N. Y. M. H, Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. V. L. D. Fleming, M. D.,Canandaigua, N. Y. W , W. Reese, M. D., City of N . Y. ' ' W. Prescotl, M. D., Concord, N. II. J. P. Newland, M. D.. Utlca, N. Y. Pamphlets can be had gratis at the Store of S. B. ot J. A. EVANS. Druggists Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N..C. And of most of the leading Druggists in the State. Letter addrctted to Mettrt. Beach d Brown ton, Aetntt at Newberry C. ., S. C, by Item. C. S. Beard, of tame Stale. . Glbww Spsihos, Jan. 3th, 1853. Messrs. Rkach dc. Baownsosr Sias t I send for another bottle of your tf archill's Utarine Ca tholicon " My wife haa been afflicted for eleven years, and a variety of mean has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine from you. Its influence seems al most magical t there was a manifest improvement from tne day 11 was taken. As there are a great many females In our country laboring under ihe aflUctionfor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel It a duly to recom mend 11 to all such. ... (Signed.) Clodsh S. Bbabd. J. B: M ARCHISI & CO., Proprietors. ' Centra) Pepot, 304 Broadway N. Y. . Nov. 13. , 106 lye WHITE GOODS. A VERY lores sndextoneivo variety of every kind of White Muslins, including Joconetts, Mull, Nansook, Medium. Book, Blsiiops and Vic toria Lawns, Pin id, Striped, Plain and Figured Swissand Cambric Muslins, which VIII be sold at ihe lowest price, by JAMES DAWSON. . April 13. , 12. T7 SMOKED TONGUES, PICKLED TONGUES & SMOKED BEEF. Just received together with 2 bbls Salmon 1 2 bbls. F. M. Beef, 5 half barrels do.; 50 Bsskets Champaign 1 40 packages assortrd Crackers; 50 bags Coffee ; 30 Drums Figgs; 40 Boxes Extra Prunes; 20 bbls. Sugars; ts. O. Molasses ; S. II. Syrup, with a gencrul variety of good thing ut the Original Family Grocery. GEO. MYERS. June 3. . . 34. IRON BEDSTEADS, FOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by WILKINSON A ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers, BOOT AND SHOE STORE GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, begsfl. leave to return his thanks 10 his old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and to Inform ihem thai his slock of Boots snd Shoes, including every vari ety in his Jlne is now aa complete and as extensive as st any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Boys and Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called for, including a fine assortment of Ladies, llisscs snd Gsnflemen sOver Shots. He would particularly Invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladiej and Misses Leather, Morocco, Knatnplcd, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety or fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers. aibw, uiacK, urown, Dine, purple and variegated silk uBiicrs, b new ana nanasomo article, with and with out hee ls. Ladies fancy Gaiters at tl a nslr. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. French would also Inform hi J friends and the publie, that he is Stsle Agent for ihe sale of Davis Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by euncr wnuicsaie or retail. Nov 40 102 CHANGE OF BUSINESS. TTAVING sold our entire Slock of Confection JL -L ary, we have opened at the same place s hand some assortment of Upholstering Goodt, Paper Hangings, Window Shades. Curtains and f ix' lures, Mattresses, Feather Beds, PUlovcs, Cumtons, Lounges, dc. fc. . Having superior workmen from the North, we will fit up Private Houses, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Steamboats, Rail Road Cars, dec, In fact every thing in incline of Business, snd endeavor to give satisfaction. At the same time would return our sincere thanks for ihe very liberal patronage we have had tor tlio last seven years, and shall endea vorto merit a continuance In our new Business, WILKINSON dt ESLER, ' March IS. 1 -tf. Market Street. . talty Journal eopy. CHEMICALS. 1 rtflfi ZS.. German, French, and English a JJJ Quinine 1 50 lbs. SvruD Iodide Iron 1 50 lbs. Blue Pill Mass t 16 oxs. Sulnh Morohiai 20 oca. Surph Cinchonia, and the largest supply of VjHcmicuia ever ottered lor osie in this state, t or sale at C. D. DuPKE'S, ; June 29. " J". d H. copy. Drug Ware Rooms. FOR MEN AND BOYS. A NF.W snnnlw of T.lnan rirf It. I.anl, "..! mere, Colored and Black Ca-hmaret" witti fViaaa. t" . . L . MX 9- - - - HEDR1CK dc RYAN- THOMAS SMITn & CO. DEALERS IN CORN. MRU. Iiounivr. PEAS and OATS, and COW and HORSE FEED, Bcaltfs Wharf, North Water Street, , WILMINGTON, N. C. Til OH A 8 8MITII. D. Cl'PBE, JR. Our Steam Grist Mill Is now in successful opera tion, vvs win nave it ;n our power to deliver the above articles at short notice. We have a V3.horse powder engine and shall run two pair of four feci atones.. - ' Orders can be addressed to C. DuPrc A Co., or to ihe subscribers. LfTCorn ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH 4 CO. April20. - IS-if. DENTISTRY. ' Ds.T.B. CA RR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock, of leeth. Instruments, fte.- Having consulted cnaav CHkineot Dentist, he has perfect confidence in the superiority of Allen's Pa lent mode of inserting teeth with artificial gams Full sets inserted imwtediatety after the extraction of the teeth, and re mod cited after the gums have sealed without additional charge. They can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouih by the wearer, and a rs cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted in any other .way. and are warranted ia give perfect satisfaction.' All other operations per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to individuals In mis place now wearing leeth wiib lb patent improvement. OeH-w-trtr o rrVTrV Trnfoivn nnmno . . . ...... llUUO.llll AS VulJillti) TtroTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO V gana. Haying purchased OB r est Irs slock jost from the manufactori. we sre prrpmrra 10 offer AN 7 equal to any asubUshsncat Soaiii of Bos. ton Aprils. JONES A GARDNER. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT wa make the rrr best priag, flair. Moss, Shuck, Sea Orssn, Patent Pit, ami palm Lai Alalirassee witKMinun KSLLK, June !. UshoUteteta. 7 TOETIII. WHAT IS TlilSt I uk'd an sired man. a dimi of cares, Wrinkled sod curved, mA wUla with hoary l.airs, Tims is the waro of life " b aid V U .1 The young;, tho fair, tbs gnf, to weavo U well." t axlcod Ihsi mrwUnt venorftbl dcal. Cages who wrote and warriors who, lcl : From Ue cohl gnro, a hollow murmur flow'd, " Time sow'd tho sosds wo reap In this aWa " I ask'd tbo dying sinmir, era the stroke Of rutblesa'death, llfi' golden bowl had broke,. I ask'd him what to time Time," ho rcj.Hvd, " I've lost it t ah, the treasure ; ud he u" ..!. I ask'd the golden sun and silver spheres, Those bright chronometers of days and years, Tbey answer'd, " Timo Is hoA a meteor's glars,' Aud bade mo for eternity prepare. I ask'd the seasons In their annual round, Which beautify or desolato the ground ; And they replied, (no oracle more wise) " lis folly's blank and wisdom's biglient irixo." I ask'd a spirit lost, but 0 the ahrkk Thai piore'd my soul I I shudder while I j;W It criod " a particle I A sjveck, a milo, OC endless years, duration iuOuIle I" Of things Inanimate, my dial I Consulted, and it inadu tne this r-jly " Tims is the season f.Jr of living well The path to glory, or tho path to hull." I ask'd the Biblo, and mHlitiiks it said, " Time Is the present hour, the print is flud Live, live to-day J to-morrow never yet Ou any humsn being rose or set." I ask'd old father Time himself, at last ; But ln moment he flew swiftly pant ; His chariot was a cloud, tho viswlcss'wlnd His noiseless steed, which li ft no trace behind. I aak'd tho mighty angi l, who shall stand One foot on sen, aiid one on solid Utid ; V By heavens great King I swear, the inyntory o'er, Tims was" he cried. " but t'me shall be no mote." WEDDED LIFE. How swet-t the Joys of wedded life, When Uuity and Peace apiwars, Where hearts whoso model is tho dove, Glide sweetly through this valo of tears. Oh I she with foiid affection's wing, , Defends her young whn dangers nigh. And he stats near to guard or sing, To cheer her heart and glad her c yc. So faithful hearts link'd In tho tie, Of Love's firm band and silken chains, Love ou through cares until they die, Free from lifu's corroding pains. The path of lif they strew with flow'rs, ' Unmix'd with thorns or weeds of strife, A happy sunshine gilds their hours, Till Death steps forth and closes life. STANZAS. Tho bright and ftilr Is Beauty's flower, : Too soon Its fragrance niuitl decay; It blooms hut for a little hour, And then 'til doomed td f.idc away. But Virtue, puro and sacred, lives Beyond tho reach of chango or time ; Its grace, Its loveliness survives, To blossom In a heavenly elitno. MISCELLANY. MURDKR ATGRI:aT FALLS, N.IL We are informed that 011 Saturday evening, a party ofsix, (thrco mn and thrco women) went from Salmon Talis 10 Dover, N. II., to a ball, and after tho ball was. over they procot-ded to (Jteat Falls. William Maxwell and a man by the name of Levering went wiili tho horses to the Mechanic' Hotel to Iiavo them put up, and were told by Hodge, the hotel-keeper, that bo was all full and could not put them up. Ujon this Max well threw a slonc at the hotel door, when I lodge got n club, made at Max well, and struck him on the bead. Hodge left Maxwell 011 Ihe ground, and made at Loverin. Loveriny then took the horses away, and went back and inquired- after Maxwell, and was told by Hodge that be bad pone off. Lovcring and others then entered tho house through 'a window, and found Maxwell nearly dead. This was about 11 o'clock Sunday, A.M. They then raised the alarm, and Hodpcs was ar rested. Maxwell died aliout 12 o'clock last night. An inquest is being held to day at Great Fall, N. II. ISolon Journal, Mnlay. DEATH OF A I SON A I'A KTK. The "Princess Zenatda Charlotte Julie Bonaparte, died at Najtlei on the fiih. Sl.e was tho eldest daughter of Joseph Dona parte. King of Spain, nnd wot Lorn in lur is on July 8, 1802. She married her cons in, Prince Charles, the eldest on of Lucien Bonaparte, and leave by him eight chil dren. Her usual residence was Home, where three of her married daughters and her eldest son, Prince M'JSKignano, aie now lirinr. SPIRITUAL HEADaUAUTIinS The spiritualists of IJoston are about for ming a comoanv. with a crmital of &1.000. lot the purpose of buyinjf the furniture and fixings of the Fountain lions, at the cor ner of Beach street and IIirn,;oii avenue, for the purnoHeof formin." a rtmnil Immn a ' - Xj -- ----- - for such n ma v choose lo move in spiritu al circles. CATIirUI.a OF CATHOLICS AT ROME, ihe Paris Universal al.ilra tS.it n r-rnriI council of Roman Catholic Bishops from. an parts or the world is lo assemble at Rome at the end of next October, to tit libe rate on the nuegton of the irnmnculate conception of ihe most Iloljr Virgin, and linally to settle what is the true u--;:., of the Roman Church on that point. The Univers says that 'it in probable that tho 8th of December of this year v. M wirnrss the accomplihrnent of ihe m.ivergal wuh.1 DissoLUTraNcf cc?.::;i;;::;: mlu-DinTM'tlvirlKI .. f I dor ihe rn tt II cCali b ACilwii, la il.ia day diaalnl ty mrti . contrni. A. B. MtCsI. ? U suihonar4 lo soli t . .i,. acsa td lh l-i f.fin. A. II. I'l t'A I I I! Ao-.Zih, 1151. II-U. OIL! i .u! y a a v.. THR swbserlrr hsvlnr pnrihatr.t l! of Mr. II.D.G1LIU !tr la iV ,V tnlrrral 4. - . - -- - - - - . . - "J ,.; j, J 1 1 1 i . coau-D (jnitri. fiK-nts and the pan will b mo chasi'S ij W - '"V ;,!( 1 1 I lll t will bcaochaaa in tU n.n. . .. i ,,r , , bu,. nnaa, ami wunij ,c i of th public falrui Aa2;i!i,-5I. naaa, son wouia rp. ,;1iui;y . ,u, rnago. A. U. tUCAl-KH. ? J it. . . -.. r-T: ' ; V-

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