3 'y- y I r I . Ill II 1 II v -4 1.-! VOLUiME JX NUMBER So.. : WILMINGTON.VNv C, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 185.4:.-;: WHOLE NUMBER 1137 ' V- V J , .J - .. V 1 - y 1 i ' ' ' ' ' ' - " ' --inpu V ' "" i""'" ' "'' """ bbbb1 "" "' '" ' '" ' , ' ' ' ' " .iuiLli .TiiETi:i-Yi:i::iLY 'coxueuk ' I pubiMueJ every Tbcsdat, Tubda -4 Rni t 45 per aanam, payable b ailcas . la ad vane. . ' ' i- r.rtlOiIAS JU001Na-EiTa 4PaopsiK. o, ' f .. - - ' . . Corner Pirout 44 Market Streets, . RITES OP AOVERTISIXC. t ajrl I iiwcnion SO 5i) I 1 qr. 2 mooiha, 4 Oo t - 1 " 73 I I - 3 . S OU 8 t0 60 I 1 I 12 00 Ten lin or teas make a sonare. ' If an ajver- Un.o..iH eeed.ia llnf th pilcr.wlll.be i MrtlM. y . , - . U i le-iiomenta arc payable at ihe me of Thir InertKMi.V . " :.;,rvTeu yCariy adverttaera. will he made fthetntliburailerHa. 1 a M trif -f cantracl for art advertlafaj; ill b Br.irmittud. .Should eircu.uaiaacca render clunj i bttus!"ss, or in unexpected removal Hucessar, chjri's a-cordn K the pniJuhetl , Urrt will Uat iha of CoflincC r, f jr the tincW'H4lTCriia:d. ' .. The oriUeze of Anna at Advpn Uersl n'lticih, iinin-d i i ttteir wn immediate btisineaa. and all f -4 eriUem nia (or tho benefit, of other persona, w.'ll all vlutise-nMit8 not immediaielr con atJ with their owo buini a, and 'atlxeeeo( lerlUe'"nr ia length or otherwise. bcT tb-; limits encased, wtU 0 charged at the nal rate. " tin UrtrtUemoota is Included lathe epo rnci, for the al or rent if house or land la low or Qitntry or far the sale or biro o( ngroe. wheib-'r er the pr p-rrfy i owned br the adrerller ut bv oihsf prsori.' Theare esctoded bjt the, lertu "imnuffuite ftane. -'""All i iJr isetionts Inserted In lt trl-reklv Co sre entitled t-tae ieeertiun in rle KVtklt free of ehar?e. , , ... .. , JOB, CR1 'AX1) PAVCY PB1XTISG, tf XSCCTED IJI SCPERIBS JaTILE.,' r eaa saaBanaaapMsaaMwa BaawMM aMaai awM WETM roH THR COHHESClAIi. s Naw Yotr-Mews. DtLis fc Pottb. Ohas lbs Smith, NO. 6, Central Wharf . Pkiiadetptia-8. K.-'Von;M " 's' " . ., HaiUmortWM. H. Pakb and Wm.Tmomobi ; JOB, BOOK, (DABIDAHID IF&HCY : " co a we a of raoifr and mabket stbeets, . 4 V i-. WILiUXGTOS, N, C. j Iartlclar Attention paid to the Following kluda T Letter Press L "Printing. ''SXt of Exchange, . Hill of Lading, ' ' IJooko, - r CnrtLov - -i Catalogue, f " ... . Certificates, ' - I EntrUt qf Alcrckandi- Handbilli, , , ! Label. - ----;'.'" Late JSlank," ' ; - , Soiea, - . ,;'- ' Pampldat, " ' " CAeeira, t-'iVeuiare, Draft Potter, : . Rate of Frthght. 4-c 4rc,c. . -. . And PLAIN AND FANCY FEINTING, of ere- ry description, done in the neatest man- , j - ner, and on the moi reasonable terms. , Wilmington. August 17, 1954. , , ., . MISCELLANY. ' " female society: ; : i 1 No society is " more profitable, because none more refining and provocative of vitt tile than" that of a refined ami sensible wo! man.' God enshrined peculiar goodness in the form "of nvoman, that her beauty might ., win, her gentle voice invite, and the desire. lof1 her favor' persuade mgnVsoula fctf leave the path of sinful strife for'the .wajs of - Ttdeasantne'ss and peace. . But when wo " man falls from her blessed eminence, , and sinks the guardian and .the cberiaher of pure and rational, enjoymenta utto me vain .coquette and altered idolater of idle fash ion, she u an worth j of an honorable rrians 'admiration." -"Bettutjr is then bataf best j ; " A pretty-pUythiajf ' 4 i- Dear deceit.". 1 -VV V.-.'. -i -.We honor the chivalrous deference which is paid in pur Jand.towomart. ' ' ltj proves (hat our men know bow to value, to respect, her afection, and that our women are won thj f such respect. " Yet woman should " be more than mere woman to win us to her lsQciety,v a be our companions they should s be fitted to be ur friends-;- to rule our hearts they should be deserving' the dpprolwtiort "of our inindr r;'' t - f " vTbere ari many such, and that there are t net more is rather the fault of our own sex 'than their own and duspite all the uuman 'Jy scandaJi IhaChave beerilhrown opoa jUiein jo prose ad verse, they wooitl rathet shure rational conversation of men of sense than listen to the silly compliments of fouli.j 'and a man dishonors them as-well as' Uis . craces himself, when he seeks their circle for idle pastimes and tiol for jhe" improved meut of hu mind and the elevation of his Hear?- ' V" '- ' - ''.V." ' L . v: SHOOTING.- - i Washington Citt, Oct 2.Tw6 jounr Germans,'1 named Cbrwilarj X3lanl ' and. Henry Glaau, bretherswereiout gun ran f near Bladensburg on Friday, anf, on being remonstrated with by Ed ward W JHuvall, a resident oa the premises, as to lheimpro. jpnelj aod danger of tnetr pursuit, an alr cauon easaed between the. .parties,; when one of the vounsr men deliberately shot Mr. Davall, who, in ihe course1 of the dayt(Jied -ot the effects of the wound.,. . I be , Uer "inaps were arrested, in this city, andean be ing arraigned before Justice tknn," stated that they committed thefcelin self-defence; l'h?y were com mined t? jail : for ".' further : GUNNING ACCIDENTS. ; t Dr. John 7. Shields, a youn physician of Frederick. ?.U , accidently killed him self on Tuesday last by the discharge , of bw own gun whilst on a gunnmg excur- too, The FredencK Herald speaks ot Dim " aa younjr srentleir oa cf crreat promise, r :A. Intai, gunning- acc ident occurred -4n on the 24th instant.. A lad named rAurin .L. - .vn, while out gunning, raised hU t gun to s:"k ' some apnles from treend troi-'ht tha gun dawn with' 6uch ' force as to expIoJa lie cap' The entire charga en tered L.3 face, killing him instantly. fatal Accident. Mrs. Elizabeth McCarty, cf MatUooi felt, wUls steppipT on the cars cf tha train "foT-NeW' Ycrk on 'i'hursday - ariernoon, af- ter the fcai been "pur in rr. tion,' fell, from he steps n ' ta'y crashcl between 1 ' s that she CI: lin fiw D. CASIIWELL, : COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sept. 30.' - 1 . - - 6-'f STEAJI ENGINE AJJD SMI "ILL. T WIL.U sell low, and'xn nceommodaling a A. terms, (he Kniine and nacninery t the C' t! Kesr.sieam !iaw Mill 14 Inch cylini.r,-2 feet iruke; rhree 34 Incli boilers, 30 feet lon main hf 1U f. t 6 inches lon--ihr power T this enpineis esil .'ain at 6i' hotsshai a new extra ey linger a lit jCMln and aR tb appliances neely lor the full cqnlj u tni to oiteraie at ont-e. " ' " m Also, t Stare dres-log JUarhtner, Jointers, Ac. com pine. - u u. vA RSLr if " ... 7l,,f ! BIRD CAGES! JUSTRKOKlVKlat - - -Aag U.-' ' i.MROBINSOJTS ; - .CROCEIEGIJOCERIES'I 'PltKSH"rJVPl.' of H Soiling Hooeton. . 1 Seneca and Kavettvrllle Klour, fn whote ano half barrelst fintim M trket Reef; Goshen BotH-r: Lard, in kegs sod barrel; a fine rot at North Car olina Himis Sides end Srtonlders; a'.freh' lot Smoked Tongrt.es ; Macken-I afcd Salmon, in kit atd half barTels Old rmiKTit Jnra. Rio and Jamaica CoflVe Oan Powder.--Voiinjr Mi. Imperial and" Black Te'Sj Brown,. Cln nfie4 iit; ' "rushed Svgar. iuft rV-iHi nnJ for by ' Aog. 13. BS rOV TOWXSl.EP . C JUST RKCi'IFEI) " FKW kega of extra Batter, and for sale by -XX - .. C. DbPKK & VU. "itnttt. - ' r" 42., JUST, RECEIVED, A ND TtfSTO IF ' , s . 'iU Boxes Admantloe Candles: , . , 70 do. No. I .-Soap,. n .,,. . , 10 3j. do.'' do.; ..., '60 bble. City Mrs Pork r ,20 do. Whiskey ; ' I hhds. Western .NiJee and Shouldersj ' 20 Boxes Tobacco; . - . 19 Firkins Goshen Butter. tor sale low. by ; Aw. io. PKTTKWA V A PKJTCHKTT. NOTICE. NU.M BF.It of oar Mtal, Hommony and Horsc t Fel customers, have oeclecied to return their bags; they will center a favor by retarning ilum Immediately; - . ' - - Aug. ?i , PKTTKWA Tf PR1TCHF.TT. " '.,! .r: F A LL "i ' ."" . SUPPLIES OF FRENU GROCERIES t) fcSTON & TOWNSHEND are receiving from, k the New York and Baltimore Packets, Ara minto, Marine, Mills, and Powell, a new supply of everything. Savrked-Tranes ; Dried Beef FaHoo Market Best r Milk and aioda Crackers j Pilot and Ship Bread; Boston Butter and Water -Ceaekere,' la. On easoa; Pine Apple and Yankee -Cheese i Brown, Clarified, and Crushed Sagar, and oWeiv Synpt Tobacco of allpradesj Laoip and Sperm Oil; Scotch Ale. and a new lot "EastIkma Aistf' tf perm and Adamantine Candles: 10 kega of aa perior Hutterr 50 000 Cigar; Java,' Laje nira and KJo Cotlee ; ano various omer articles io arrive. Sept. IS. - -' . -- Y " - 77- -- '. ,;.i-..V - TAR. - - ; Ofin BB LS. In prime shlppfnfr order. - YtSt sale UUby .".HATHAWAY SON. Sept. 9. ' - - - '..."" ' 8 BALKS Cedar Falls Sherungt 13 bbU. t- ar ettevUle Floor; 40 bbto. N. O. Family Syrup; 60 hhds Prime Cube Mohtsras, for sale by Aug. 19. i - TCv dk BG WOIATH.. - ROUGH RICE. 5,000 BUSHKLS Rough Rice for sale by Aug. SI. C. DoPRK dt CO. EMPTY FLOUR BBLS. WiNTED. 1vfWTi EMPTY- whole and ban" Floor Barrels XAJyJ wanted by ' A ag. 22. t PKTTEWf AY A PltlTCHETT. C - - -v leecres. - v : -?c 1 rrVnsWED,aiH Leeches, by Adama& Co's. I UVJvy Express. For sale at . . . ' . . ; t - , C. dt P. DoPltEStDrii4 Store. -, ' July 1. . J. and H, copy. .j 6. . V CHILDREN'S SHOES. ' H A LA ttGii and handsome assortment, re. Vss cerved ihls roornine, and for sals by V-'- ;v ,UOK3diCURDXKR.. Mar2S. . - . t SO. - EMPTTSPIRIT BARRELS 350 2nd bond Spirit Barrel for sale by Sept. 16. ADAMS, BRO. & CO- TH0S. D. CARR3- D: D, D. S. I PRA;TICAL DKNT1ST for the last tea years; Chargee fr , . - - - vr1:. - t 10 or leas artificial teeth 6o fine gold plate, ... ,.H each, '. - -- v.- -T 0f An entire set of tee h n fine gold plaie ' 150 0 . Ditto , . on sold wlth.artifioial gums, i69 t0 Ditto on Platina plutewith artifi " , cialguros, , ;- ; t v J 50 00 Upper or ander ditto, each, 75 OO A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguish-- ..4 ed from the natora - ' , 5 00 A flee gold fllU g- warranted permanent, 't 00 -" Do. i and destroying thi tH-rve. 93 to t 0 F.xtractint-s tooth. ? . ? SOeis. to I Wi Rest dentifrices and tooth brushes lw a vs on hand; Everr operation warranted to give entire sarisiae tion Teeth inserte iat uediaiely at' r the eatiacr lion of the fangs :ind nin ddeled after ihe gams' have shrunken, without iddltlonalcharje. -Office on Mirket-st.,t doors below the Church. Wilmington, N,CH . April tl. 16-tf. . GLUR;;v-i-:;:n. BBLS a eaperfor itrle for ssl by -- 20 Sept. 23. FRKKMAN HOUSTON. : n; c: bacon and lard,, - . I 1 AfVY tBS N.C Sides and Shoalderar I00f I 1 JJJ do . do. Lard a prime article, just recti v. a and lor Bale tm efw.,6 ;t 4A. HATHA WAV SO!?;-, f S.1LT! SALTM Of Ann BUSHF.LS coarse Salt, dally expected, for aale by "Sept,2X J. HATHAWAY At SON. - HAY! UAY!1S ',. ; 1 Afi BALES prime Hay. For sale by 1VAJ ' ." PET-TEWAY A PRITCHETT. : sept. "23. . , 8L. MOLASSES. B B LS. N. O. M olasws for sale bv do Sept. FttKKMAN HOUSTON. WINES, BRANDIES, &e. $m 5 CASKS SHERRY WIAE, - " - I Pipe Port. do. ; ' i 1 1 2 Half -London1 do. - " O.C " do." ;do." , 2 baU'-Pipes Old Crawford Madeira Wins. . -4 i do. . Ceokinf . de. . , do. , ' , V -V-Caak Sweet Malaga f .(.;;v:.d.. st do. t Muscat -j;-. do. . - 2 balf-PlpesOtsrd. Ctipy dk. Co. Brandy 2 eighth-Catks Chanpaino do. . : 1 Cass. Old Peach .-. -I Pipes Coenae - '-.do.- j . 1 bbL Jamaica Rum. - ." . . . . 4 do. Haramond Whiskey, ' ' ' r 4 do. Dottble-d. -.r.Ied do. T . For sale low, by - t. - PETTEWAY A Pr.ITCIIETT.' t July 27. ' 55." - Cl"r."T AND CIL CL0TII3; CUT. maJ. and rut down, bv , iLKiNio i & ksler; - . Paper lin i and Up Roisters. t . c I. . .... v t . o- , r o - . ex CARDS" - E. J-LUTTEULOa. FORWARDING d . COMMISSION w it. nn a uion j S i ts -fir'v t.lh4854.- ' , ' - 83-I2m. . DU GEORGE BETTNERf v- . :- OF NOitTH CAROLINA. . . . ' ' ' OFFICE, No. 638 BROADWAY, " . ' - 0 T THK " - " - PRE.OTT OOCJENE' "TORK " 'gt,0- l9 5- r ."I . " ' H21ye. V. M. SHERWOOD &.C0.f- ;! : WHOLESALE Grocers and Jomiaision -M i chants kV iliiiiugton. fii C. - . v ! ' All consignments oi Naval Stores, together wuit Cotton, Bacon, Laid, Coin, Meal, Flour &C-,bar ecwm the highest marks price, i ; . . Dec. 13 . ; . y t'5-tf rr, . 7' JTj). love, ' M&Sl'FKCVURER AXO DEALER IN - CIBIMH. FURNHUliE, BEDSTKAD8 Oil AIR3, MATTRESSES. &c, c. , J rroiit t reet. Soot h of Market, r ; " - wovw BVir.ntNtt.' wiLstrsoroir. ? i Seou t.-4ry-j"- - y-. .f: ; ,:::-J.-C. LA'ITAv-nf: '. L'O.tflfrSft.V MKllCILAS'T 48jt$EltAt - WLLMiNGTOV. N. C4 4 PJIOLNTERS & PAPER HANGERS, tkEEP ON it.kNU Ai(l MAUb lU ya.ur.tv. M-UtresKS, Feather Bed. Wiudovtf Curtains - " itndlixtures.y", AH work ia ihe aiove line done at shortest Jo- tice- , Wilmington, WiU.; JUarseoi March IS, 1854. - . J r7T JOSEPH R.-RLOSSOMi ' v Cmeral CDm:nisioa aad Forwardias aierctaiit. IMompt personal atteotloii given to Consign- ment lor Sale or "Shipment. , t, : . . Liberal ,h adcanees Jtiad On. Cniiimtntt to .... . martomy Ne'm Ywr4.. ' j j , Wilmington, Jari, 30, 184. - -.. ty "l-u.W. C. HOWARD, v v G KNEE At, Commlssioo and Forwarding Mer cuarrt, Wilmington N.C i " f Liberal Jaah adancea made on Consignments. -Nov. 29, t853, a-. ' 4 O9"" , . c. Dcpe. . - ' v. danieub, ai-ie ::. DuPRE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS -COMMISSION . ANU POKWAHDIS6 MEIICHASW, ' WIL.M1NQXON .C.. Jeff 22(1,1554. ; , ;; r . ' ;4-i2a. :t: J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Hatha wav, " " wturMwtr. Feb. 19,1854. 31. JAMCS AirosaeoK. dwabb satask. , -ANDERSON & SAVAGE, i GENERAL CO t mSSiOX MERCHANTS. Liberal cash advance madetslgwtna.' . : March 27, 1854. ... .y;, V .-y RUSSELL & BROTHER, ; (LATB ELLIS. BCS8BLU & CO .) , 2. GENERAL COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS ' Wir.MINOTON: N. C. ; i Liberal cash advances made on conslgnmentaof Naval Stores, Cotton, and other prddace. j v ; May fci8M. v -i - C, & D. DaPRE.- - v " "BULL . " ... Drurs. .Medtelues. Chemicals, lafnts,OIl, Old tUIatiors. I'anry Articles, c, r , i '-"- M.ARKKT dTRKKTl : -tfv wiiiJUWOTOj if J , eVf . rescrIption ;aref ully :uiapoundei by expert snceo le.iaona. , . .f. 4" - March 23. t854. , - ' V ' : : , - - y- :- - ' .t . J.t E..HALL, iT( t V- 1 "" COMMISSION; MERCtlAN T, WIltninion N C. OIBce in reir of Me MUian, Davis 4 C.At'h. Stave. ' f ..- P- - - v Every attention paid to the sale and parrhaoe of produce, and liberal eaaft advance made on soasignntenta.- "fi v--"4 '- 1 aeler J Capt, Gilbert' PoUery K.P. Hall. Pre'i Branch Bank State N. C r O.G. Purlev. Prea't -Commercial Hank . McMillan, pvi A CO. .-. .t- - " - " ' fan. 21, l?B4.' 1 1 - ; v; J31-tf' V -:;;'fll"lJlI.A6YYEl, ; Geotral IgedlForwarJiiig&CommUdoa Serebaat ttake"plit!urrt In IntormlnsT my friendrthat 1 m-' prepared" td lve all business entrfii-d to nre efficient an t personal attention. I have what! fo.t r'ivtt .t.jr..', with ample accommodatios,-,Spit ji tla.Vl-W.irho!'ve.' Consianmenta of Navl Sari's f ir nTir r hipnient ; and all kind of cvho- xs y ro j tav? ipi'm '.iied... Cash dvarwt. nadoai ,j.ii;. tN l Jo . . ..;f , J5, t;ireuNLEY,viitRK;&- co. ? -r D BALERS IN "fl UTTER. Ch-ec. L ird, aad Smoked Proviaions, LJ Pork. Heel, Bean, PeB.and Dried Fruit- ?33und 45, FitONT STREET. Corner of PECK , i SUP, NEW YORK. i 'March 25, 1S34. - ly-c ' - WILLIAM JirPEARE,- - :j - "f Per Cosntry Kewspaper.a throwfhotit th ' " v'r Unite ! States. -" . '. , v ' .i Basement of 4un Iron B loinsjs.Sjliimore street Ail buaioestt. cremated ij us cto transacted protnptlv.oolibcraHerma. ' . t ? sept 7; 1834. ' " ' 95-tr ' JAS. H. CIIADBOURN & CO., t - Ueueral Commission Merchant. Wll.MISGTOJi. N. CV , - Jab. H. Cbaosovbs. , Obo. Cbadsocbiv. Jan. lt 1854. J f - UJ. ; HENRY NUTT, ... riCTOI ISO F31WlEDlWJGE.Tr, WiilgiBe kit pertmat aUeiUiom to b mines entrust- - , ed tm kit ear. .. " .tl jSept8.;.1354. i s , . ,- ... - J&ly-e,'- 1 JOSEPH TLi,ErZ General CoanisvIon flercLsnt," WlhMINtiTOJT, N, C. Msy 9th, 1834. . 67-It-.-; -.- -i s'"T' -r r" . yrn ri . ', 1X3 EETAIL " " Kemp eantl.inJJy on hon2, If iti. TVas, Liquor, Prmiio"t,Hood and IVHioxt ITare, Fruit, . Conf.u iiariet, $-e. SouZA Front street, - ' ' v i tiiii . GTtj.v, n. 'U. : ";Nv. IS, 1S53 ' . - ' 109J. . ' . f p -ft . V" n"f i A v v.. k 4 V Aii... r " .4,IA.4.I i J I Htli.l.. J'tti .t,..utll . . . . yiL.'iixaTax,x. c- . Jan 17, 1" 1. : i;;-e T'nwfPn ... . j A A J, - FoiTTii"r;;:rf7 cozmzzio:: ' t 'Tyi- "TV " . it. i , .... . - . BUSINE v .. o.'jj. tiLLYAW.r ; PRODUCE BROKER, -.FORWARD nfCr. COMMISSION, MERCHAXT. , OFF!;"; over Store of W. L, McKoy, South Water stren, Wilmington, N.-C, will tnakf .iberalcash advances eoneignmenia.i. He-Has ragaged the service of Mr John HaUaa a .Gen eral Produce Broker. Refe'a.to. . ; . - . . K. P. tlall, Presi lent Branch Bank of. ihe Stan. tVilmingto-, v- ' - " O. G. Parsley, Commercial Hank, Wilmington. Gen. A. Mc.tae, Prenident W. f- It. Railroad. d -tSen. Wr W Harllee do. W. eV M. Railroad, Matt CH.0. - ' - w ? - -t . K.L:n. GoMsboro', N. C. - - . . mrsa king, ; '17S KlPg -Street, betweeav Wentworih and-Socieiy Streets, Charlestow, S. C. - ' ItTANUFACTURES 1 very superior style, 1VJL Wigs, Taupeee, Plain Bands and Cnrl,? Eat tiings', .ireast Pins and Bracelets, snd all kinds of Fan'V Hair Plilting. ; Ord ihanklntiy reebjved by Mail or otherwise.. Charges moderate. Ad dress as above. - '" - - - - -AprH13r854: ; v .t 121 y-c. : a. c. ra3SMA . oeoactt -itotjsjToit . V , CitKGMAX Ht4JSTON,T t opnou ivj'i'j vriA PAirrnpa - i - WILMINGTON, N..C. 'hT 1 ! o PREEM A & to.M : 1 ' dOMMlSStON MERCHANT3. ' f -- NEW -YORK. , ' ; , rBEEXHiT'tSB flllCSTOS; WltSlXCTOff, S VEEP feonatantry. on harid a- atock ot flour, (aitet. Tobacco' Ciari. Snuff. Candle; Soap f)r ityit ana foirwc tMiptor - rr . Faiutt. Oils. Glass. Domestic. Hats Boots, Staet. Leather. Aurlcultural mplementt.tni a va riety br otherarticlea, suitable" for famllyiind ptan-tation-ase and the retail trode which they wilt -Uspofrcof in lots t aiiir dealers or consumers on reasonable torms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. " " TheMeniomartner D.O.FiitHoJt locatedln the elty of New York th6 junior partner,"Go. Hocstow, to Wilmington. : ti oesirea. -navances, will be made on iizn noots to and from, either platfe. All- biiine entrusted to them wII receiv proper attention ;-and orders Tor Oooda; vrtll he promptlvand carefully filled. a r f v ! k . Sept.v'1H54. .-'if.--i ; - r t GEO. UARRISS. Geueral Coutmission SJercbanl, t , VVIL.MINGTON, N. C. . . TRICT attention given to procuring Freight O aad purchasing Cargoes for vessels-" -V . Rarca ro. K. P. Hull, Esq. VT , ji.j ArSq;lwi.,nipg,o... v.. 3lcs8ra. Took? rfc5inyth 4LCo. NAvrTDTk . Thompson & tlunter, tsf-T01fTT AICX r nerrona-vr.' t-nirane4riuiB ? , - ; - . S5?,!.Tl,hSf-" BntU, : f ChaneatoniSi t:. H F. Baker. Ksq. J r, ' Jan. 2. 1854. - - -w 1 " rt23if. I. Bo B. ElLERal. ; ; WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOfA S A LB GROCERS, North Water SCf Wil miogton, .N. tottwd- loj- Jkeep at the above stand a general assortment of, Grocerteet Liqstfra, aaxd Provisions at .wholesale and to carry oa a GeneralCommlssion Business. t . .. aarcacircB t -K. P. HaH.PreaBrch Bank of the State. ' O. Q . Parsley , P res' t Ceimaercial Bank. - Wir. P, K.Dickinson, Eaq-. ; - , , : Peppe Co. '? w" y Jk - , ' Oolrner Potier.J, ew. ' is ; Jan. 20 -1854-.'.. " - ltt a.t GEO. H. KELLY, ' -t V V bvubv a aai avdi avat ia. e .-- Nil t door to A. A; Wannet'e.on North Waters t. wlllattendtothesaleof ailkindsof Cbuntrv Pro luce, such arCorn, Peas, Meal, Kacdn. Lard, e.. ind will Keep constantly on band a lull suppijet uroceries, sc. , , :.si r ' " References. :. .- ; WHIesflair.ofWayne, JnofcRae, WHtnlngtop v caraway . .r - : Gen. ;.ix.iUCK,ae. ; K TP. Hall, Wilmiagtoa .Wiley A. Walsei . ' Dee. 13. 1853. , . w , . JlS-lv. . JfS.' P.' GiLtlfspia ti 'V ; oecv' cillespie. . - VJAHU' I'. CII.LKSPIE m Ct) , PRODUCE AND FORWARDING a g ents. --v: . u. uim nrn v m r. . nt ticular a'ti'niioa paid to the receipts snd Ssleof . . .-. . .... . . . . .n . " J naval aiorert J trnoer, .wmocr. torw, oacun, n - ton; drc.,d-c. . 1 , March 35, 1854. - " ' 8. j - , ,. ..V.i.i.. B, , ,,wj,t.-.id... ill. , i i.-W- .' M 'I'."" '"""!" f" ,s. west, Auctioneer aad Commisuon Jierchant, . ril,tttIGTtN. Nj C. T IT TILL sell or buv Real Estate and Negrooa. at -vv small cam mteiom" fivi .i s't Mia r-i 8 ' ' .Strict attention yWeoM the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Conntry Vroduce. 0.5C4- eecond dsor, Soath side of Market street oar the wharfs t. . "j- - lone 1?. 1854:, t.;.;' ij. 33y. V A M FANBORRELEN. Gederal Agent, Commiuioi aal . Forwardias - - Jlerebaat, WIl.MINGTOX.VJf. C. . Particular atttuiion given to sale and purchase of .vaval stores, ; ... , f June I; 1854. 123-lyp- . v., Gpaeral CommissioD Iercbanl, - v. vVIf,MI VGTOTV, W". o."- - USUAL advance madoovt consignments of Col loo, Naval Store and other produce . , Pattieular attention given by G, W, Davis to pur chasing cargoes, plrddurtnglreLjhtS for yeesels, Ac. March 2tl?54. :, 129-lyc, ? COfHRIN St RUSSELL. , (SCCCEXSOkS TO TUOS. UIB3ME i CO ) General: CoiniaiioH' 4Ierehant,r -Vo 32,.JVorf WWrss. wtd 3: Xortk Water Sis. - V,- -PIIILrADIil.PUIA." " - KBStVIT COOIIAX, ' I-' : -"!"' t'v-' ,. w. a. aaaatL.3r-?". -f' M"' - Liberal cash advances made oa Consignments-1 t Jaly 30tb, 1354, ; - ' tfr'O; . - . ''" " m"? ' 1 ' . r-- ' i B. DOkLHER " : O. POTTKRj.r D0LL!,C?a L POTTER, GEXERAL COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, . - NEW YQR&: - - . . Liberal Cash Adcan-e mads on all ConsipimaU April 130, 1854., .. ' '- . 25-ly-pd, . Aa.4.rtTTwAv:- Q r- varrcRSTT. PErTCiTAY i PRITCEETT General Commlwilnn and Verwsrdlne: Mer- CHANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, . , NORTH WATER STREET, - ; V .WlLBllKOTOS. N. C. v- Prompt attention will be given to tho sale' xd Naval Scores and sU kinds fit. Produce, o. - - 5 intend keeping an assortment i-Groceries, L qnors and Provisieea. . ' . July 13. - " - - .52. ... , . --I f- Qy T,,I.-"- -wjrot.nsA i.J Is n'n v. Yai C groc r asi 'j)EALi:::s ix 1. 1 ' "s djuquoi: Cof 'r of ; t 1 Piinoes streets, - .il ...viiu.f, n.c. rVU LliltAL Uti ISL; ' - Vo. 16,' SOUTH PRE 1 M HICK S TREE T, EtUiblithtd iu vrde-r to afford thi Afflicted . tuund and cient(fic .JeJicalAul, , - wtuijur mc suppression of yyf"-:- tnacKery. J' ' : DR. I. B. Smith bos for tnany -years devoted bis whole a.teniion tothe treatment ot Private com pluims, in ail their varied and cuiooiluated formal iis trcix success i n ftiose lonsr ttdodinir and difii- oil cs,uca aa we tormoriv eoooidered inenr- ible,is sumcuint to commend hiio to the public as Worthy of tlie extctuive patronage he has received. iutiu the last, eight years, Dr. S.has treated more ihuo 29,500 caeea of Privato ComplainUf, la thutr iliftereiit forms and stages; a pr.ictiie which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad-.-rising in Baltimore, and nvt a single eiise is known wh.-re his directions were strictlj followed, and niudicines taken at reasonable time, without utieciinga radical and perm men t cure; i h - refort-, tuiivtea wiiii. uiawaees oi me aouve nature, 'no nvtttorhoW difficult Or Ion? standing the ease way lo," would do well to call on Or: Smith .at his r'SWefo.,16. taeath Frederick.iit.iMdHf not erlec- tuatiy relieved noTejnuneralioo willba required for hirt services. Hrs medicines are free from Mercury and uli mineral poisons; put up io a neat and com puct form, and may ba taken in a public or psivate house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin. France from business, and except incases of vio eut infimmation, no change of diet is necessary, : s TitlO PUa.ES.-Dr. Siniib haa. oi. overcd a a w method by which he ean cure the Worst form of jiricmrc jinij that without pain orioeoavenienire to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate eNMidf.or oeikof the bladder.is sometimes mistnker. lr.r strictures by aeneratoractiitoners orehariutan. . YOUNG MEN v , and otlieraafBicted with Seminal Debility, wheth eroriginating from a Certain Destructive Httbtjat J from any otner cause, witn train ot bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and sulfuring, as well s exponse.:- By his improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safejy navapiee a sperdy and perfect cpte in all cast oi il.it com. plaint.:'' , t,-- .-:-. i ' ju - TO FEMALES. - - ' All Usea.cs picuilar to Feinulos (as olso Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c0 speedily and efteetu aHyremoved. TheeflSCacy'of his remedies, fortlit cure of thenbove alFoctioos, have been welt tested in an extens; ve practice for the latt twelve years. Persons at a distance' may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing aso,nnd have medicine -securely 'put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied wkh full and explicit directions for use. .Communications ctuir sidered strictly confidential. OiTicc arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the doctor himself. . Attendance dully .from 8 in the rooming till 9 at night. , N. B Persons b dieted with any of the above complaints, will do well to a oid ihe various , IXOSTRUMS AXP SPEC If ICS,- ,t advertised by Apothecaries and Druggist? as a cer tain core for any and every disease. They are pot up to sen, but not to rare, and frequently do much more harm than gixid-'lheref tb avoid them. . r A word to the wise is KuBicient. Address A DR. i.B. SMITH, 16 Sottth Frederick st, - llnllimAp. VI. I Oct. 13. , . y. ' o-iy-c. - SANDS fcARS IPARIL'LA. 'i- . IX QUART BOTTLES. For Purify 'ug the Blood, and for tits Cure of Sera, fula. Rheumatism,' Stubborn Uker, Dyspepsia, Sail Rheu , Fever Sores, Erysipelas, Pimples, v Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup. J, ttonst-Licr Complaint, Broneliitis, Con-, t stemption. Female Complaints, Loss ofr t;i Appetite, GtncralDcb'UUy, de "f, N this propafation-aM Hhe restorative' properties of the root are concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while Sartaparilla Root forms an important pun of its combination, it is, at the same lime, compounded with other vegeta ble rewediea of great power, and it is in the pecu liar combination and acien trie manncr-nt its prep aration; that its remarkable success in itpj cere of dreae depend . It acts simultancoimly jipiin the stoniach, the cirt elaiion and the bowels ; nd thns t htee processes, which are ordinarily, the result of three dUereaf kinds of v edicinc, are carried on at ttio same time, threaeh the iostrunientaltiy of this one remedial agent whfcli gently stimulates while H dislotrct .sod expels from the stomach and bowvls all that 4s irritating, andat ibe vaiAVtime etores vigor and tone. Many other prcpnratious Imitate lo oearing the name of Sarsaparitlu, .and in that their resemblance ends, bcin often prepar--cd lront worthless and inert roots, and of course woof- no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which iliey will use, rUoultl take no other, but that one entitled to'their confidence, front ihe lung list of cores it haa effect tsd on. living witnesses, whose testimonial and residence have been published, und who are atiil learioa daily tesiitiony to lis worth. ; -vu -ASTONISHING CURE. s a 'J . i". - PAVTasO!, N. Y , 20th, 1S51. Messrs A. B. dt. D Samosj -Gentlemen. -Hav ing wiinuBsed the most bvnefiuLal effoots from the ose of your Sarsapa rilhi, it ,givef me pleasure ui send vou-the following statement in rf pard to my. on. In the spring of I843 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeka of severe suffeiing the dis ease settled in tils left J. g and foot, which Boon swelled to the .'utmost..- The swelUng was lanced bv his physician, and discharged tuost profusely; after tht no leas than elevi n ulcers foriin-d on the eir and foot at on time. Wehad fivediff rent Phy sicians, but none relieved him much ; and the last winter found him so emaclnted and low thai he was unable to Jevehi' ej, suffering the moat excrucia ting pain.' During. this time the bone had become o much affected that piece after piece came out, of Which he has now more ihao twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one half loone and a hail inches in length. We had given up alt hopes of his recovery, but at this lime we wero induced to try your SatsapariUa, and with its use his health and appettie began immediately to Improve, and so rap id was the change that less than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure. - ' I. :-' With gratitude, I remaintrulyyoors, " ' " f DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors nf Mr. Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. H. ft R-S. tlayt, A. M Trowbridge,' -.i.'-.yi-'i, Geo.T. Dean, ' C. Eastwood. . . ' 'Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. A D. Sands,- Druvsrlsls' and Ch emits, 100 Ful en street corner of William New- York. Sold also by Drngsisis generally throaghoat tho United states and Canadas. Ptico l per bolt let six h tiles for S5.u For sale by Dr. A. O Bradley, and Messrs. C. A D. DuPre, Wilmington, N. C. ' ' : April 8; " '- ' X9-4trt .- , . , .. i, . . I, ... -.. i 1. 1, i i ' i. WE have on hmd a very handsome assortment of Paper HansIngsJFlre Screens, Borders, Window hdes, Cnrtams Cornices, Ac, po. Far sale aad put ap bv - " WILKINSON & ESLER, ""Jne 8". ' Upholsterers and Paper Hangers'. , WE have on hand a beautiful Assortment o( Ftench and American Paper Hangings, Dec orations, Fire Screens. Window Shades and ,Cur. tains. Cornices. Picture Tassels of newest styles, for sale by. W J LKINSON ES L Est, .Anne 17 . - Upholsterers-. ' D.1. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated "Galvanic Abdominal Supporters. rpHlS is to certify, that C A D DaPr Drug L gists of WilminKton, N.C., are any sole agent for the sale of the above Supporters for this oJaed andricinUy. . ... E. SKYJttLDR,. . . rtiiruingion, N. March 23, 1854., , j We most respectfully call the attention of the r.Trdical Prolessionof the Stala lo an examination of the above Supporters. C. 4k D. DoPKE. . March 23, - ' - , -tf : FIFTi c.tccusi:; DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO gans. Havinsr purchased car t tire atock jnst from the manunciorie. ve ire 7 r"ared to otTer inducements to ibe COUXTJi V uiERCU AiV7Veqaal to any establishment South of Bos ton. -, .; . . April 8. , . , JONES &. GARDNER. - TTE have now In store a fine assorlmeot of 1 -"eh I, 'ih, sni American panerfaangt t -. f r' r- dVc.AUo, cartain-, i i . . i-.ii i-, , r-.. for t . anl hang tat .iju..!!' .:'-C.XtijjS'iiXi. L . aad I.. " - BILLS OF EXCHANGE. J AN Elegant Edition of Bills of Exchange, print ed in Getmanyrlo) Books of 10 quires and In sheets, just received and for sale at the office of The Cvmrnercial. j . ; w r c vtt i vim v ' viti 3 II dl iitii : . AN Eminent Physician or Philadelphia, has given to the world the benefit of his expe rience by preparing remedies suitable to almost every disease. .-"'. -' - . ' Dr. Sioayns's Comptmnd Syrnp of Wdd Chtrrg, for ' Chriog Caught, CoUs, Consumption, and all - Oisoaoesof tbe 1 hroat, lirea.t and Lang. ' ; DR. SWA YNE'S VERMIFUGE, For Dcktroying Worms, louring Dyspepsia, dVe. '' Dr. Swayne'a Sugar Coated Sarsapa and Tar Pill, senile purgative aad alterative Medicine, far superior to the Pilla in general use. , Dr. Swayne's Cholera .Morbus Diarrhoea and Dtsetitery Cordial, a never failing remedy.9 A freth supply just received at r V:; . C5 A D. DuPRFS, Drug Store, , '' ' "' Sole Agents for Wilmington. -. - . April 2S. -: ?'tl-v-t -V - ' - - ' ' IT-lf. WE have' on hand, an assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Fire Screens Window shades, etc., for sale and pur up by WILKINSON & EsLKR, - Julv 15. Paner Hsnrera snd Upholstera. IRISH POTATOES, A CHOICE lot of Irish Potatoes, just In store A and for sale by QUINCE A COWAN. Am. 22. ' .. . . - - - - - 67 i ill E A 17, H0M3I0NY & fiCRSE FEED. t"' H K subscribers having be n appointed agent - -torhe-Goidsboro Mill, will keep ronstsntly on hand, Frtsli Uound Meal, Hommony and Horse Feed. i'ETTKWAY & PK1TCHETT. ---Aug.-gy --- 67. ' ! SASH, BLIND , ." . AND DOOR AGENCY. - Formerly eondyxled by Guy C llolchkiti rpHE . public are hereby informed, that 1 have -L beeL appointed agent for the aale ot Window Saeb. Blinds aad Doovs, manufactured bv the iNew. Haven Cbni. and am prepared, to .fill all oroers in tne above line, i ne quality. o; jne work ot the New Haven Com. is well known, in this market. Builders and all person in. want of the above articles, are requested to ser d in their ordere, and ttiey wilt e aromptiy ailed. Terms invariably casnon aeuvery. IVlVf A GWVKR General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mef ehant. -. : v1"-' . -- V - - '" Aprll-t v.-.- I yr - .. -.'. 18 s piano fortes; - LOT of fine-toned instruments, jnsf received rV and for sale low, by May 8. , , . - J. D. LOVE. - 23. WANTED. " O f( f LJtS. Bees wax, for which thehighest ' market price, will be paid in cash March 9. 1 . . B. U. VtUKIU.' SPRING, HAIR. PATENT, FELT, MOSS and Shuck Mattrasses. On band and ma le to order, by WILKINSON dt ESLER, , - May 20." ' " Upholsters. BUTTER-BUTTER-BUTTER. T. FIRKINS from the Dairy of. Deacon Warner, Chenango County, whose butter took the first prize at the World's Fair in 'London. - - To accommodate our friends we will sell by the pound or firkin : retail price 30 els-. Jute 20 , . W. M. SHERWOOD 4k CO. ..MECHANIC S , - ' INVENTORS & MANUFACTURERS. 84TO IX CASH PRIZES. 7 0 VOLUME TEN OF THE "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN" commence on the 6thof tpttftnber. It is chiefly devoted io theadvaHce rnenl of the Interests ol Mechanics Inventors, Man vjaclurers and Farmers, and is edited by men pxacotaily tkiiled in the arts and sciences. - Pro jwibly jto otbvr journal of tho eaiuc character is so extensively circulated, or so generally estctmed ir its practical ability.-'' Nearly" all Ota Valuable Pocnti .whieli isue K-eeRiy from tlie. Patbnt Or rica are illustrated with.. Engravings, and the elaims of all the Pate nrs are published regularly In itscolnmns as they are l.-sued, thus making it a perfect SciBnnc and Michasical EncrcLopE rIA 'of Iriformatiorrapon the su'eets of Mechan ical Improvements, "Chemistry, tSngiitttrintr ahd the Science genertily. it is published weekly in qoarto form suidhle for binding, and each volume contains-Four Hundred -sad Sixteen Pages of ReadHiaTf Matter,. Keverai Hundred -Kngravjngf,' with a ful) aad eomplcte Index." lis circulation on iru- U.-J Volume exceeded 23800 copies per "week, nd -h iH-ai-tieat receipts in one volume-are worth iu any f untly Bioch more -than the subscription price. . - The following Cash Patxcs are offered by the Pa VI tibei a soft-the fourteen largest lifts of sob. scribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1855 i i00 wilt te given for the largest list ; 875 for the sec ond; 65 or the third; 855 for the fourth ; 80 for the fifth ;.8J5 for the sixth; 840 for the seventh; 835 for the eighth; 830 for the ninth; 825 for the tenth; 820 for the eleventh; 81 5 for the twelfth; 810 for the thirteenth; and 85 for the fourteenth. The cash will be paid to the order of the sneeesa ful competitor immediately after tbe 1st of Janu ary, 18)5. ' ' ' . Txbms: One copy, one year, 82; one copy, six months, 81; five, copies,-sjx months,, 84 t ten copies, six months,, 83; ten coplc?. twelve months, 815; fifteen copies, twelve mnn li, 822; twenty Cypies, twelve months, 823 in advance. -- ' No number of -ubaenptions above twenty can be taken at le than 81,40 each. Namea can be. sent In at different times snd from different Po.-t Offices. . Southern and" Western money taken for sub--seriptions. - 4" :'---, . Letterashoald.be directed, post-raid, to Mean & Co , 123 Fulton-Street. N. Y. - - Messrs- M irxx dt Co. are extensively engaged in proeariag patents for- new inventions, and will advle inventors, without charge, in regard to, the novelty of their improvements. :' - iAag.24. ---V-. -- -4'-- s- -v 68-3w flc BBLS. WhU'jey.lO do. Rum, 10 do. Rose Q..A P. R. Sugar, 20 baits Kio Coffee, and- 5 do. m J l ij Ij t ..I- I l diavei co. f us I lanct u sjciu ivr nrnoK mjw uv . Sept. 9. PETTEWAY PRITCHETT. 1 C7free reading room V-.li7 lk. .nBwrtlru. of I Ki rmKlii me tit L keep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. .-ADAMS CO'S." EXPRES , - ' Front, near Market st. May 18. - : ..- 27-tf.. BALTIMORE BUTTER BY EXPRESS. THE subscriber has just received a first rie article ef Baltimore Butter t retail." .' " On hand 23 kegs of beet qealitv N . C Lard t 4 hhds Western Sides j a lot or N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders.and a general assortment of gro ceries, at low pnev. -. a. B. McCALEB. Sept. 2. ; y; V: - .. . . , .', PORK AND BACON. : O BARRELS CUj- Mess Pork t 10 hhds. prime naram oaeon aiaeeaad etnoulders. Just ! , 1 . .... rcn-irci snqjgr aaio oy - JW20. ;-. J. HATHA WAT & SOX HAIR BRUSH H3. 1 OO DZE?I pf French, EngUsh and Amert- a. can Manufacture, also, a large arson meat ot Paint, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, just at haaa, and ror sale very cheap. y - ' -, . . . , C.A.D.DcPRE, -T -4 - ; -Wboteale Druggist Ju!yt. - : J. and H. py. 46. TwlL C" CAEA 17AN. a. 'j.T.lCNiS. for aalo st - - ... o for aalo 2. Sept. iO- 1 uiOo A .... ivilvii Tn AT we ni, ' b ' verv lebt'S'piI II".. Lraf Maticaaact WlLL.'..-.i fc-oLL- ; MISCELLANY. A MALE AXV FEMALE ACADEMY TALE. Toe Knickerbocker Magazine tor September has ihe following, relating now a nroiessor was soia. A. correron- dent relates how at a Male and Fe male Academy" sundry couples had broken Ihe rules which prohibited the caged birds lo associate. And at length it had come to the ears of the faculty thai such was the case, and that on sundry occasions pairs, male and female, had been observed lo enter the front gate of the yard from - tha vil lage street at unseemly hours of the night, in direct contra version of the stat us in such case "made and provided. This was a breach of dissipline noi to be tolerated by no manner of means, 'and as a remedy, it was proposed in a solemn convocation of the powers that were, that one of their number, whose room was conveniently, situated for the pur pose, should keep careful "watch and ward, and that when .he should see a guilty pair approaching from their noc turnal violation of the, law, ho should stealthily - creep out, pouuee . upon them and having caught them in flagrant delicto, ' they should, before the assem eled school, be made to tcel the terror of the law. ' , '. ; . This scheme soon became known to some oi the sinners and , no sooner .known than a counterplot was hatched. It was determined that one of the boys should array himself in the dref s of a lady ta so much of a ladiessdres as he could get, and he knew how to get on ; that another-young gentleman should acrom- pauy this counterfeit young lady upon an evening , walk, and that when they re turned they should take good care to be seen by the official spy. - .To obtain the necessary material?, for a disguise a descent was made, upon the, painting-room where the young ladies, kept the garments which they used while pursuing their studies; there a gown, shawl, and hood were procured, and with these we made what served our turn for a lady on the occasion.; not very graceful certainly nor calci . r. Al for close inspection, but tshe' didf ' s the seque showed. Thus equipped, ihe lady ana ner attendant gentleman sallied forth. It was about eleven o'clock cf a beau tiful summer's evening, the moon sltot:e brightly in the mid heaven, and -'not a sound was to be heard save the faint chirp-of the, cricket, or the far off bark of some sleepless cur. The faintest loot fall was painfully distinct. The guilty pair passed through the front gate into the. village street, and in a few minutes returned, as it had been arranged that they should be detected at this stage of her crimes. As they entered ' the gate, a signal was made by one of Ihe conspirators to attract the attention of the official .look our. He approached, the window of his room, looked out, when Io, to his 'eager gaze, in plain sight appeared the offen ding-pair, apparently unconcious of their danger an J enjoing -with great ktisto their stolen interview. lie qui cU iy slipped out of his room and passed down the steps in front and there, in the shadow of the building awating : their approach. :Tlie pair stopped about mid way of the yard -and seem to be gazing at ihe stars. The guardian of the night grows impatient, and saunters slowly towards them. 1 hey commence a slow retreat. He quickens his step, aril they keep their distance. He grows j furious at the audacious attempt to escape, and breaks into a desperate run. And -now commenced a 'race, tha like of which I may .never hope to see again. . 1 ne lady and her attendant gentleman take to flight like startled deer. i he steps of the pursuer apd pursued resounded the deserted ? stueet like the chargtng-of a squadron of horses. On on, they flew; the pursuer gains; the gallantry of the gentleman, leares him and wh , it he leaves the lady; and poor thing! what shall she do? The foot steps behind her grew more distinct every moment; she strains every- erv but her -dress impedes her step?; it will not do: she muskeither yield to her fate or else adopt a desperate and last resort. And then in her frenzy throwing aside all maiden modesty, she seizes the skirts ot her dress, and quickly drawing them up around her waist, iind -freed limbs she darts away, an I is soon beyond the the reach ol pursuit . ' r -'And the pursuer? There-lie stands the picture of astonishment andthagr'a. When he the saw upward movements of the lady dress, he stopped, (he was a modest man,) transfixed with horror at the idea that such depravity should ex ist and be displayed before bis face and eyes: and next, as the upward movi ment displayed a pair of stout' calf-skin boots and cassiroere pantaloons, the cooctoushessoftiavingbeen sold flashed over bis mind and completed his dis comfiture: which was in no wise dimin ished by three hearty cheers from the throats ot tne young scamps w no naa bought him so cheaply. He crept back to hi room. a sad let but a wiser man.' . ; PROMISING CHILTX ', " Fatetp. V w I think, sir. thst I nir sale. Iy say that I never saw a child which pave each' pre " " -9 of becoming dlsiia "u'.ihed, Iow just beaf..luai, . Cor-.e, JuL.:s Orsar, tcl the .gentleman wtat TCi'U t $ vLeu you grow op. . 4,,.,- - -'JlxrcrCxlAk' ffrii?To" & '-slr.r-'ta J-ZOalt. - -. A Lpaolatorw ' ' ' 4. & 1 r .