- , , " i " - . "J - " - - I X XX ft ., I 1 ' V ; , i , i i 1 1 . .VOLUME IX NUMBER 88: WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1139 I ; !V ,11 JisiiJ.uj III.:' II III hi x it ii y MISCELLANY. . ; romanism: The Rev. R. V.V Clark, has delivered several .lectures orv Romanism, in East Boston,. We" give a' report of Lis fourth Lecture, although the extracts which form the ground Of tiis remarks have been al ready published in TAe Commercial. ; He first quoted from a paper published a few y ears since at St.' Louis, called The Shepherd of lh? ' Valky, which - said, 'the Church is of necessity, intolerant, a man has no right to his religious opinions, &c.' . t. If the Catholics should ever, gain a nu merical mojority, such"; principles prevail ing, religious freedom is. at an end: ' Another autnority nas sanr tnat popes and general councils hayejpassed in secret the4ost bloody; and persecuting laws against all denominated 'heretics. In Brownson's 'Review, the acknowledg d organ of Catholicism in' this country we find, on the subject of the Pope's au thority, he says. 'We believe in the direct temporal authority of the Pope in all mat ters or the church, c." What is meant by the term 'temporal authority 7' , 1 1 is defined by the Council of Trent, as 'consisting in the most exalted decrees of dignity and full amplitude of . jurisdiction, not founded upon human insti ui'ions, but emanating: from the Head of the church, of God himself.' " Here was the most absolute despotism conferred upon the Pope. Brownsou has said in reference to the Constitution of the United States, 'our people (i e., the Catho lics) must destroy the Constitution, of the United States, if the church decreed it.' Again, "in 'regard to toleration, Bishop O'Conner of Pittsburg; has said., 'religious toleration is only endured till the opposite can be obtained.' ; t Such are the sentiments which are now openly proclaimed; not in despotic Europe, but in free America; not among the dark clouds cf paganism, but amid clear gospel light. We throw wideopen bur gates to the oppressed and suffering of all lands, we place at the feet of the millions who come to our shores all the privileges and advan tages which the enterprise of , our fathers t have "secured, ,and we are paid for this by designs against ouf government of the most treasonable character, by attempts to des- troy that liberty which constitutes the at traction and glory of our land. And if we raise our-voice against -such 'treacherous sentiments and treasonable movements, and presume to inquire into the nature and vir toes of that system which boldly proclaims antagonism to civil and : religious freedom - and the Constitution of the United States, "the Roman Catholics exclaim that they - are persecuted. ; t .. . . - . It should not be supposed that the people of this country are so very amiable as to . sit by and hear such sentiments expressed," without remonstrance. - The past ; history of the American people should not lead to such an opinion of our people. Amiable ness we may have, but this is not the only virtue to be found among . the American people. - 1 here is in this land : such a sentiment as patriotism, a love of civil and religious liberty which Roman pnests and political - demagogues will find exceedingly difficult to crush. The right to discuss every ques tion which touches our religious or national welfare, the American people will never re linquish. .. ' -r ' . The despotic character of popery, as ex hibited at the confessianal, its tendency to break down all independence of mind, and to be. converted into a mighty political en gine for enslaving the people and sustain - ing tyrants f was dwelt upon. -Where the . confessional exists there can be no religious freedom. The priests have supreme pow er over the" consciences of the people, : and stand in the place of God to them. The disastrous .effect of this institution upon the virtues of the people was refer red to and illustrated briefly. Special pro minence is given by them to the maxim that evil may be done in order that good may .ensue, and that - the end sanctifies the means. The slaughter of 60,000 of the Albigenses, by order of Pope Gregory, was committed by men otherwise virtuous, who supposed they were .obeying God's com mands. r ; - - - . ; , Whether such scenes shall ever be en acted in America, depends upon, the Pro testant community.; Apathy among true Protestants will' occasion the success of 6uch doctrines. - -But if Protestants have patriotism enough" to sustain civil and reli gious freedom, and keep uncontamtnated the school system, withy the blessing of vjou upon .their, efforts, these doctrines can never prevail. The question is for Protes-.-.taitts. to decide,, whether they will "court he, favor of Catholics "for-"-political purpo ses, or whether they will maintain their in dstitutions in their present integrity. . Let Romanism be judged by -its fruits, by its effects upon civil and religious free dom, and upon the morals, of the people where it. has undisputed sway, as at Rome, the city of priests and eardinals, where no reformation has ever : disturbed it. The - .most reliable authorities testify that - there js not a worse governed, r less religious or' jmore immoral, city in Christendom than Home itself, v There is no personal liberty stherej. the patriots have fled, the suspected .are . imprisoned,, spies and informers sur jound those who are suspected of any in fidelity in the authority of the pope. The manner in which the city of Rome ihas been laid off into districts for the super vision of -sets of spies was 1 then 1 showed, And some of the results of this f state' of things upon citizens and foreigners 'were :stated. In regard to modern improvements ;Rome is utterly dead. . Such a state of things may be expected Jiere'if the power is obtained by the. Ro xnanists, fQr they tell us that when - they get the power they will destroy American liberty, and the Constitution. ' - - The effects of popery in Spain, Ireland and Mexico' were referred to,- and " their present condition contrasted with that of Uie United States ; and- in conclusion., tie urged his audience to oppose the insidious encroachments of this despotic power, as the only hope of preserving our institutions, and extending the influence of the protes- tant faith to future generations. The lecture oecupied, nearly an hour in its delivery, and was listened to with, much interest by a large and attentive audience. - ---- D. C1SIIWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL.91I5IGTON. N. C Sept. 30. ' 84-tf STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL. T WILL sell Kjw. aod on accammodatiosr the 4Jane fear Steam Saw Mill 14 inchjii cylinder, 2 feet stroke; three 32 Inch boilers, 30 feet long main shaft 10 feet 6 Inc-hrs. long the power of this engine is estimated at 60 horse, has a new extra cylinder and Jog geering, and atl the appliances- necety.for the tall equipment to operate at ones." '' r-sr ' Also, 2 Stave dressing Machines, Jointers, &e complete. O.G. PARSLKK Jaa.2t . , - - 'n-tf J; : 5BIRD CAGES, UST RF.CE1YED at ' ' AO". U. J.M.ROBINSON'S. GROCERIES-GROCERIES A FliESH SUPPLY of H. Smith, Hopeton; Seneca and Kayetteville Floor; fa whole' and half barrels; Fulton Alarksl Beef; Goshen Butter; Lard, in kegs and barrels ; a fine lot of North Car olina Hams, Sides and Shoulders; a fresh lot of Smoked Tongues; Mackerel and Salmon, in kits and half barrels; Old Government Java, Rio and Jamaica Coffees; Gun Powder, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas; Brown, Clarified and Crushed Sugar, just received and for sale by Ave. 15. RESTON TOWNS HEND. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Batter, and fur sale by C. DoPitK & CO. June 22. 42. ' - ' F A L, L SUPPLIES OF FRESH GROCERIES. t fcSTON & TOWNSHEND are receiving from t the New York and Baltimore Packets, Ara- rmnto. Marine, Mills, and Powell, a new supply ot everything. Smoked Tongues; Dried Beef; Fulton Market Beet; Ml IK and oda .oracKers; f Hot ana Ship Bread; Boston Butter and Water Crackers, in tin cases; Pine' Apple and Yankee Cheese; Brown, Clarified, and Crushed Sugar, and liolden Syrup; Tobacco of all grades; Lamp and Sperm Oil; Scotch Ale. and a new lot "East India Ali;" Sperm and Adamantine Candles: I( kegs of su perior Hutier ; 50.000 Cigars ; Java, Laguiia and Rio Coflee ; and various other articles to arrive. Sept. 16. 77. S BALES Cedar Falls Sheeting; 18 bbu. Fay etteville Flour; 40 bbls. N. O. Family Syrup; 50 hhds Prime Cuba Molasses, for sala by Aug. 19. - T. C. A B. G. WOK I H. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. Q 2nd hsnd Spirit Barrel for sole by wsept. 16. ADAMS.BRO. &. CO. TflOS. B. CARR, M. D. D.l PRACTICAL DENTIST for thelastt .D. S. en years, JL Charges for K) or less artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each. 7 00 An entire set of tee: h on fine gold plate, 150 00 Ditto on a old witn artibcial gums, 150 DO Ditto on P Latin a nlate with artifi cial eums. 150 00 Unneror under ditto, each. 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguish ed from the natural, 6 00 A fine gold filli ng, warranted permanent, 2 00 Do. and destroying the nerve. S3 to E 00 Extracting a tooth, : 50 els. to 1 00 Best dentifrices and tooth brushes always on hand Every operation warranted to give entire satisfac tion. Teeth inserted immediately after the extrac tion of the fangs and remoddeled after the gums hare shrunken, without additional charge. Office on Market-st., 2 doors helow the Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 22. 16-tf. J CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS CUT, made, and put down, by T WILKINSON A KLER, Paper Hangers and Upholsters. Sept. 29. ' ': ' 83. LIME. Off BRLS. on hand in prime order, and 1000 Uvw, J. daily expected. For sale by E.J, LUTTERLOH. Sept . 23. 83-4 u THE WHOLE WORLD. - $300,000 worth of Gifts, 1 t- for'the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL Of the Whole World, Pabliihed simultaneously in the three cities of 3KW .YI1EK, PHILADELPHIA ASD BALTIMORE, As soon as 300,000 subscriptions are . obtained and having already- an actual circulation or about. 200,000, it is now -certain The IJistributiou ivIH soon take place. Among the extraordinary lit of gifts, (being one for every ticket issued,) aroV - . . - . -Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Seat, valued at I- 925,000, " A uaciiiQceiit Clt v Residence, valued at s n OOO, , -" - . - - A Cash Cos it for I OO years, without interest or security (iu,uuu, ; . Building Lots. Elegant Piano Fortes, Melodeons. Gold tVatches, Bracelets, Rings. -Books ot ; Travels in the Old and- New Woridr by Prof. ttart; Ilea! K slate, tf-c. q-c. &e. in all num- bering300,t00 Gifts, valued at 8400,000. Kvery - single remittance of 7 91, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth--Pictorial, and the gratuity of a'Gifi Ticket, which enittles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gift. Thus every person investing ia this stupendous Enter prise receives the full worth of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the great est and most in let eating Pictorial of the age.) be sides a Gil t for each subscription which may prove an immense loriune to tne receiver. ;. y For complete list uf gifts, and full - and explicit particulars in regard to the great Enterprise, Dis tribution, Ac; see a copy of Thb Whole Would, which will be promptly sent, free of chare. where deired by letter, post paid. v- -- Th Wholb Wobld may also be seen at the offices of Ul paperscontaining thisadvertisement, where information may be obtained in regard to the paper and Enterprise. Agent, Postmasters and readies, desirous of lucrative and at the same time senteel emoloy- ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far iho most liberal in ducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, commissions, &e , wherebtr any person, with ordinary' activity, can earuy inaKe ai.UUU and npwards, per rear; to which fact the asrents we already have can certi fy. Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. - correspondents must write Iher address i ime Post-office, County, and State. PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fault if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of tne world. If any orders are received after the 300.000 sub scribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, post-paid, to i e persons sending it. All letters and remittances, for the Pictorial. dressed posl.psid.lo Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, tvoria aau, oroaawaj, new jvtk, mere oetng the only office for the Gift Enterprise. r - Bat remittances or the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART,, Iart m Building, Chttnul Street, Phila delphia, Pa., then being' the principal editorial na publication office.' - . - BUSINESS CARDS. E- J. LUTTERLdfl. FORWARDING COMMISSION - MERCHANT. - WIIMISGTON, 5f . C. Sept. 28th. 1854. 83-1 2m. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, . OF NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, Na 638,. BROADWAY; ' ' OR AT THB PRESCOTT HOUSE NEW TORK. Feb. 16, 1854. . 142-lyc. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., W HOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N". C. All consignments or Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal,- Flour, &c, shal -eeure the highest market price. Dee. 13 . V 1. V: .r:r". l6-f ! ' MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. Front street, South of Market, .. BBOWN'S BCILOING, WILMINGTON, M. C. , "; Sept. 16.1854. 79-y-c J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT d GENERAL ' AOKNT. . WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1854. 85-ly-c. WIIiKINSON fc ESLEK, . UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Window Curtains ( and fixtures. All work in tho above line done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, n, Market St. March 13, 1854. . 1.. JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention gtveu to consign ments for Sale or Shipment.' Liberal Cash advance mad on Consignment to me or to my new Yorx jrxena. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. 136. W.C. HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mcr caant, Wilmington. N. C. Liberal vash advances maae on uonetgnmenis. Nov. 29, 1853. . 109-tr C. DC PRE. - DANIEL B. BAKER. ' C. DuPRE & CO. . GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSI UN AND fORWAHDISG MERCH ANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. Julv22L 1654. . 54-l2m. J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 WILMISCTOS.NiC. j. Hatmawav, : J I Hatmawav. : Feb. 15, 1854. - --. - " , 31.-. JAMES AMDBBSON. - DWABD SATaOS. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. . ch27, 1854. ' 94. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATS SLLIS, USSBLC'& CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. - Liberal cash advances made on consignmentsof Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1854. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AMD RETAL DEALEUt? IN Drngs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, live Stufls, Glass. Pertumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Kancy Articles, &C, t MARK.KT SlM.fclS.1, - WILMINGTON. N. C. ?reseriptionscarefully :otupounded by expert enced persons. , . ; March 28. 1884. J. E. HALL, COMMISSION MKRCHANT. Wilmington J N C. Office in reir of McMillan, Davis & Co'b Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce, and liberal cash .advances made on sonaignments. " ' Refers to Cant. Gilbert Potter. E. B. Hall Pre't Branch Bank State N. C; O.G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank; McMillan, Davis A Co. - ' lan. 21, 1654. 131-tf WILLIAM A. G WYE fl, Genera Agenl.Forwardinglt Commission Kcrthant. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am oreoared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. 1 have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodatioss, Spitit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment; snd all kinds ot coun trv produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1854. 15 C0NLEY, KIRK & CO. DEALERS IN - T UTTER, Cheese, Lard, and Smoked Provisions, - Pork. Beef, Beans, Peaft. and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, FHONT STUEET, Corner of PECK ' SLIP, HEW VOilA. March 25, 1854. . , s - ly-c. WILLIAM 17, PEARE, i COLIECTOR 45D iDY ERTlSUG ICEST, Per Country Newspapers throughout the ' . United States. Basement of San Iron Bo luings, Baltimore street All business en'.rusted touts care transacted promptly, o Uoeralterms. sept T VSA.j t ... - - ss-tr 1 JAS. H. CniDBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, Vi VVIliMIVCTONW.C. - -; Jas. H. Cbadiobm. - Geo. Chadsoubjt. , 4Jsn. I, 1854. ' - 123. HENRYNUTT, -Jtrl :i FACTOR ia FORWARDING AGENT, Will girt hi perianal attention to b urine entrust. '.- ed to hi care. Sept. 8. 1854. - 75-1 y-c. JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Hay 9th, 1854. . 87-1 y-c. GEORGE MYERS, V WDOLESiLE ASD SETAIL GE8CER . , Keep constantly on hand,. Wtnet," Tea. Liauort, r mansions, r oou ana. r U19W ivare, f ruit, Confectionaries.if-c. South Front street. ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. IS, 1853. - 109. ; t. c. & c. Gavonm cohissim AX3 FUWiKsiss Krinms. WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1334. - "123-c.. '?.'"- : J.!':L'3 E. L'ETTS. COMMISSION & FORWARDING I.IERCUANT MILMICTOS, .. C. August ?Si, ls54-. -, . - , O-t.'. . BUSINESS CARDS. 0. L. FILLYAW. PRODUCE BROKER, FORWARDING d COMMISSION MERCHANT. OFFICE over Store ot WV H. McKoy4 Sooth Water street, Wilmington, N. C, will make liberal cash advances on consignments. . He has engaged the serricss of Mr. John Hail as a Gen eral Produce Broker.. Refers to. - .; E. P. Hail, President Branch Bank of the State, Wilmington. - ' - O. G. Parsley,"1. Commercial Bank, Wilmington, lien. A. McKae, President W. f R. Railroad, do. Gen. W. W. Harlleedo. V. t M. Railroad, Mari on C. H-S. C. - -------; ,- W. C Lane, Goldsboro. N. C. 4 : Sept. 20, 1 854. .. - --. - - L : . ly-c. - MRS. KING, 273 King Street, between Wentworth and Society Si reels, Charleston, S.C. MANUFACTURES in very superior slyle, Wigs, Taupees, Plain Bands and Curls, Ear Rings, Breast Pins and Bracels,anJl all tindttf Faney Hair Plaiting.' Order thankfully received by Mail, or otherwise..- Charges moderate. Ad dressas above. ' April 13, 1854. . 121 -y-c.- . C. rBSEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON FKCEM1N & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. D. C. PREEMAW A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .115 PROSTT STREET, . NEW YORK. ' FREES A3 ASD HOUSTON, WIL3USGT0N. . C KEKP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Cofee, Sagar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snujf, Candles, Ooap, For eign and Domestic Liquors and Wine; Iron, Nail, Paint, Oil, Glast, Dometicy Hate, Boot, Shoe, Leather, Azricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable tor family and plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val. Stores or other produce. . ' . . " The senior partner D. C. FaseMAic.Is located in the city ;of New York ; the junior partner, Gio. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. Alt business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; ana o rue re tor uowii wm vo promptlyand carefully filled. T - ' ' Sop'-9. 1854. - ; 76-f. fJEO. UARR!SS G en era 1 Co mmission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. ; Rcrsa ro K, P. Hall, Esq. . Wilmington.. J. D. Bellamy, Esq. J Messrs. Tooker, Smyth &. Co., rew Vork. " Thompson & Hunter, J le"5or" Alex'r. Herron. Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs Williams & Bauer, Charlcston,S. C. iker, Esq. J . H. F.Baker. Jan. 2. 1854 K VESSEL. H . B. EILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE V-VSALE. GROCERS, North, Water St., Wil mineton. N. C. intend to keen at the above stand a aenerel assortment of Groceries, Liquors snd Provisions at. wholesale snd to earry on a GeneralCommission Business. - itriiisci : K. P. Hall. Pres't Br'ch Bank of the State. 3 O.G. Parslev. Pres't Commercial Bank. Wif. P. K. Dickinson, Esq . . , ) PoppeACo. i New York Dollner 4 Potter. $ n ew 1 orK' - Jan. 20 1854. 131. GEO. H.KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A . A . Wannet's, on North Walert. willattend to thesaleof allklndsof Countrv Pro duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon , Lard ,4 c. and willkeepconetanilyon band a full aupplyof Groceries, c. i-. -. . t- - . ; References. Wllics Hall. of Wayne, JnoMcRae, Wilmington w. caraway. - uen. Aix.. aicme. -E.P.Hall, Wilmington .Wiley A.VYaUe.. Dec. 13, 1853. , , 115-ly JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JfAMIS I. Gir.l,ESPIE JSi CO PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. - - Pat tictilar attention paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Store; 1 inxber, L-umber, Corn, Bacon, Cot- ion, pe.f qc. March 30, 1854. ' ! 6. . ; S. M. WEST, - - Aactioncer and Commission Merchant, - .-- - WILMINGTON. N. C. T7ILL tellor buy Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. - ' ALSO I J Strict attention givento thesaleof Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door. South side of Market street, on the wharf. - " . June 12, 1854. . 33-ly. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. General Agent, Commiision and Forwarding - ' Bert hant, t - " WILMISGTOS. W. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase or tv aval o tores. - - . Jane 1, 1854. J - 123-lyc. V T. C. WORTH, General Commission 3f erdhant, WIL.MIN.GTON ,!fiC i; j fTSUAL advances made on consignmentsof Co t- KJ ton, IX aval Stores snd otner produce. Pattieular attention riven by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring ireignu xor vessels, sc. Jtarcn z, ms4. . . . lin-iyc COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SEHCESSORS TO THOS. AL1B0ME k CO ) 1 General Commission - Merchants, No 32, North Wharret, ind 63 North Water St, TlllliAUCtil -III. HABVET COCHBAIT, W. S. BUSBI.L. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1354. 1 i 5S-tf. H. DOLLTtKR ' ' . ' ' POTTfcR, It - DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - NEW YORK.: Liberal Cash Adean't mad on all Consignment. April 30. 1854. , 2lMy-pd. - - .. : -r--. ! JAS. T. HTUVAT. ' CSO. S rSITCRSTT. PETTEWAY & PRITCHETT. General ComnUssion and Korwardlat Mf VII ANT. ALSO WHOLKSALB UttUUiU3, ' NORTH WATER STREET, :.t WlLMI!OTO!r, N. C- i Promnt attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores and all kinds of PTodace. - Intend- keeniar an assortment mf Groceries. L qsors and Provisions. ' . - July IS. -. - . QUINCE COWAN. WHOLESALE A?rn RETAIL GROCERS; DEALERS IN WINES d L1Q.UORS i Corner f Front and Princes streets,, i . WILMINGTON, N. C. . , July 23. ' 56. Ct y - I?OR SALF., by , 11,, ROpIKSON. MEDICAL HOUSE, As. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order to affard the Afflicted eounct and scientific .uedical Aid, and for the suppression of, - Quackery. f- 7 DR. t. B. Smith has for many years devoted his wholeaaeniion to the treatment of Private edta plaints, iu all their varied and complicated forma. Hts great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. d. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages j a practice which no doubt exceeds that of alt other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and note single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without e Hooting radical and.' permanent care; thorafore, persons atSicted with diseases of the abovs nature, ' no inttr how difficult or long standing the case may be," would do wH to call on Dr. Smith At his e&ce.No. 16, Somta Fsederte 8ta4 if notelee. tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put up in a neat and com. pact form, and may be taken in a public or private honse, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drancefrom business, snd except in cases of vio ent inflammation, no chance of diet is necessary. TRICTURES.-Dr. Smith has discovered s new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain orinconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate glandi,orneckof the bladder,issometimesmis:nken lcr strictures by general practitioners orcharlatans. YUUNO MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as welt as expense. By his Improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a jpeedy and perfect cure in all cases of this com plaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar tp Females (ss also Sup pressions, Irregularities, dec.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been well tested in an extensive practice for the labt twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Or. . by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, always accompanied with full and explieit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see sny one but the doctor himself. Attendance dally .from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do well to a old the various ----- NOSTRUMS AND SPECIf ICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain care for any and every diaease. They are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address -DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick ... ' - Baltimore, MJ. Oct. 13. - - ; ? 9My-c. SANDS SARSAPARILLAf IN. QUART BOTTLES. For Pmd'.'.'gth Blood, and for the Cure of Scro fula, Rheuntatitm, Stubborn Ulcer, Dyspepsia, Salt Rhcu n, Femr Sore, Erysipelas, Pimples, Bilet, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tion, Liter Complaint, Bronchitis, Con sumption, Female Complaint, Loss of , . Appetite, General Debility, f-e. , TN this preparation all ths restorative properties JL of the root are concentrated In their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while Sarsaparilla Root forma an Important part ef its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded with other vegeta ble remedies ot great power, and it is In the pecu liar combination and scien 10c manner of its prep' arntion, that its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels t and thus three processes, which are ordinarily the result of three dillcrcnt kinds of n ediclne, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent which gently stimulates while It dtsiniects and expels irom the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same lime estores vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate in bearing the name of Sarsauarilla, and in that their resemblance ends, being otten prepar ed front worthless and inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which titer will use. should lake no other, but that one entitled to their confidence, from the long list of cures It has effect ed on living - witnesses, whose testimonials and residence have been published, and who are stlil bearing daily testimony to its worth. ASTONISHING CURE. . Pattsssow, N. Y . 20th. 1851. - Mewrs. A. B. dfc. D. Sards: Gentlemen. Hav ing witnessed the inost beneficial effects from the use of your Sarsaparilla, it gives me pleasure to send von the following statement in regard to m v son. In the spring of 1848 he took s severe cold. and alter eight weeks ot severe sunerlng the dis ease settled in nis lett leg ana root, wnich soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by uls physician, snd discharged most profusely; after that no less than eleven ulcers, formed on the leg snd foot st one time. We had nvedifTerent Phy sicisns, but none relieved him much j snd the last winter found him-so emaciated snd low that be was unable to leave his !ed, suffering the most excrucia ting pain. Durins this tine the bone bad become so much affected that piece after piece came out, of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved ia a bottle, varying from one half to one and a half tncnes in length, we nad given up an nopes ot nts recovery, butat this time we were induced to try your sarsaparilla. and with its use nis nealtn. and appetite began immediately to improve, and so rap id was tne change that less tnan a aozen ootties ef fected a perfect cure. " : - With gratitude, I remain truly your, -'fe DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard, cheeriuiiy subscribe to tne tacts ot tne seove state-ment.-.H. A R.S. Hayt, A. M.Trowbridge, ' - -Geo.T. Dean, C. Eastwood. ' Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. A D. Sands, Drogeisis and Chemits, 100 Fulton street corner of William New York. Sold also bv Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadaa. Price SI per bottle ; aix bottles for 5. For sale by Ur. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs C. A D. DuPre, Wilmington, N. C. April 8. . . 19-6m- WE have on hand a very handsome assortment of Paner Hanirinirs. Fire Screen. RnrHra. Window Shades, Cnrtsins, Cornices, Ac, f-c. For sale and put ap by - June 8. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. WE hsve on hsnd a beautiful assortment of French snd American PaDer Haneinss. Dec orations, Fire Screens. Window Shsdes snd Cur tains, Cornices, Picture Tassels of newest styles, for sale by WILKINSON 4 ESLER, inneu. Upholsterers. DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Suvvorters. THIS is to certify, that C. A D. DnPre, Drug sists of Wilmington. N. C mw mala smnts for the sale of the above Supporters for this place : I ( . .- ... enrur rru rv liming ton,. n. March Z3, 1854. We most resnecifullv call the sttentlon of the Medical Profession of the SLMie to an examination of theabove Supporters. . w C. A. D. DvPRE. Marco w, ;.,-..,, ... .. .-'.,---h- FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS r WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND BRO gans. Having pnrchssed oar entire stock just front the manufactories, we are prepared te offer inducements to the COUNTRY MERCH ANTS equal to any establishment Sooth of Bos. ton. April 8. 30NES & GARDNER. ( have now la store a fine assortment of French Enjr!::h. and American saner hmv. tngs. borders, docorations, Ac A Uo, curtains, cornices, shaJes, tj!, ".t.. for sale, and bang in the laiest style. WILJCISO.V dcESLKR t y- , , - L paai5icra aad Paper Handera. ,a BILLS OP EXCHANGE. AN FJea-ant Edition of Bills of Kxchange, print ed in Get many, in Books of 10 quires and in sheets, just received and for sals at the office of 7 Commercial. ' - DR. SWAYNE, AN Eminent Physician of Philadelphia, has given to tho world the benefit of his expe rience by preparing remedies satiable to almost every disease. Dr. Swaynt's Compound Syrup ef WUd Cherry, for Curing Coughs, Colds, Omsumptian, and all , Diseases of ths Throat, Breast and Longs. ? DR. S WAYNE'S VERM I PUCK, For Destroying Worms, Curing Dyspepais, cVe. Dr. Swaynes Sagar Coated Sarsapa and Tar Pill, a gentle purgative and altera tivs . Medicine, far superior to the Pills in general ose. Dr. Swayne's Cholera Morbus Diarrhcea, and Dysentery Cordial, a never fail lag remedy. A fresh Pplyjust received st ' . C. A D. DaPRE'S, Drag Store, . bole Agents for Wilmington. , r April 25.; fy y; z ; l1f- ' WE have on hand, an assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Fire Screens Window shades, etc., for sals snd put up by WILKINSON A F.SLKR. July 15. Paper Hangers and Upholsters. IRISH POTATOES. A CHOICE lot of Irish Potatoes. Just In store rl snd for sale by QUINCE A COWAN. Aug. 22. 67. - SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Holckkiss, THE public are hereby Informed, that 1 have beec appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, Blinds aud Doors, msnufaciured by the New Haven Com., and am prepared to fill all oroers in the abovs line. The quality of the work ol the New Haven Com. Is well known in this market. Builders andall persons in wantol the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will bepromptly filled. Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A. GWYER. General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. IB PIANO FORTES. A LOT of fine-toned instruments, just received and for sale low, by J. D. LO V K. May 9. 23. MECHANICS, INVENTORS & MANUFACTURERS. mSIO IN CASH PRIZES. 5TO VOLUME TEN OF THE "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN" commences on the 16th of September. It Is chiefly devoted to the advance ment of the Interests ot Mechanics, Intentors, Man vjacturers and Farmer, and is edited by men practically skilled in the aria and sciences. Pro. bsbly no oiher journal of the same character is so extensively circulated, or so generally eoteemed for its practical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Patent which Usue weekly from the PATS.fTOr fice .are ill nitrated with Engraving; and the claims of ail the Patents are published regularly in its col mns as they are Issued, thus making It a perfect Sciejrririo and Mkchamical Kkcvclofe dia of information uponthe subjects ef Mechan ieal Improvement; Chemistry, Engineering and the Science generally. It Is published weekly ia quano form' suitable for binding, and each volume contains Four Hundred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Matter, Several Hundred Engraving, with a full and complete Index. Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscription oriee. .,.. ' Ths following Cash Patxss are offered by ths Publ shers for the fourteen largest litis of sub scribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1855 t $100 will be given for the largest list t 975 for the sec ondi 65 for the third; s55 for the fourth t s0 for the fifth t $43 for the sixth ; $40 for the seventh $35 for the eighth) $30 for the nimbi 925 for the tenth; $20 for the eleventh j $1 forthe twelfth; 810 for the thirteenth ; and o for the fourteenth The cash will be paid to the order of the success ful competitor immediately after the 1st of Janu ary. 18"6. Tsbms . One copy, one year, $2 I one cony, six months, $1 1 five copies, six months, $4 ; ten copies, six months, $9; ten copies, twelve months, $15; fifteen copies, twelve raon'hn, $22; twenty copies, twelve montns, arm in advsnce. Wo number of subscriptions abovs twenty can be taken at less than $1,40 each. Names can be sent in at different times snd from different Pot Offices. Southern and Western money taken for sub scriptions. - Letters should be directed, post-vald. to Mean db Co . 128 Fulton-Street. N. Y. Messrs Mm 6l Co. are extenalvely engaged In nrocurinz patents for new inventions, and will sdvie inventors, without charge, in regard to be novelty of their improvements. Aug. 24. 68 3 w. 0i BBLS. Whiskey, 10 do. Rum, 10 do. Rose iCJ Gin. 20 do. Dotmsflc Brandy. 10 hhds. N O. A P. R. Sugar, '20 bags Rio Coffee, and 6 do. Java do. Just landed and for ssle low bv Sept. 9. PETTEWAY A PRITCHETT. FREE READING ROOM , T?Oil the convenience of ths publicwe will 17 keep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. AUAS ipUU'S. fcAl'llhS', - Front, near Market st. Msy 18.- ; 21 tf. BALTIMORE BUTTER BY EXPRESS. rpiIE subscriber has just received s first r.te A article of Baltimore Butter st retsil. . On band 23 krgs of best qsality N. C. Lard ; 4 hhds Western Sides i s lot of N. C. Hams. Sides snd Shoulders, and a general assortment of gro ceries, at low prices. A. B. McCALER. Sept. 2. . rLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT we make the vers best Spring. Hair A. Moss, Shuck, Sea Grass, Patent Pelt, and Palm LearUatirasaes WILKINSON A ESLKR. ' June )7. ... Upholsterers. FRESH PER SCUR. WAKE FRpM JSEW YUKA. 1 H BBLS City Mess Pork; 20 boxes prime JL Cneese, tow tor cash at Oct 3. J &. H copy GEO. H. KELLEY'S. ""shelves and countersT FOR SALE, two sets of Shelves with Drswers complete, and two Counters, all noarly new. Apply to -, b. n. " KST. Oct. 3. 85. NEW BOOKS. A LARGE varietv of miscellaneous books, just received st the Book Store, Nor ih-ide of Mar ket street. J.T.MUND8. Oct. 3. - S5 THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTM ENT of Tobacco, Snuffsnd Cigars, in the City of Wilmington, for sals Wbolevsle snd Retail st ths City Cigar Store. May If . 24-tf. y. -GROCERIES. 1 HO BAGS R, Coffee; 30 do. Java and La A JJ guyra do t 75 bbla. C. Yellow Sucar. vcrv nice ; 0 hhds. Prime M classes, for ssle by vcu . . a u I copy v , Z. It. UREEIMB, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FROM the very best Manufactories In ths United -States and German-. Consisting In Dart of Violins. Guitar. Accordeons, Flutes, Ilscioe. Tsmborines, Ac, Ae. For sals eheip, by - ryy.;;..--P0TATCi:S.:--;v:- . 0"iBBLS. Irian potatoes, in fine order. For -wUl..r J.H. FLANNER. , TEN'S SOFT BLACK CAVAI ITI HATS, ii 1 A new style just epe&ed ax tLe ! "riuin. . THE TRI-WEEKLY COHUCKCIAL la pabliahsd every Tsssdav, Thwsssa snd Satdsoav at S pot snaam, payable a all esses in advancs. BY THOMAS LOR1NG Editob aadpsoeats. roe, Corner FronC and market Streets, .' WILMISSTOS. ). O. RATES Of AOVKHTISIXO. 1 sqr. 1 Insertion $U 60 I 1 sqr. 2 months, $4 tM 1-2 75 I 1 ' 3 " ft 00 1 3 " i oo 1 1 u M ' n to I - 1 month, 2 toll "12 i00 Ten Unas or less Make a square. It m r tisement sxcosds tea lines, lbs pile's in proportion. ' -. All aJverilssmsnls are poyab4st the Mm of their Insertion. . Contracts with yearly advertlaers, will be mads on ths most liberal terms. No transfer ot contrasts for yearly advertising will fcs permitted. Should ires4istanss rsnder a change la busins, or an anexpeeisd removal necaisjry. a charge aeeerdiag to the futiiichad tstnte w4UbMtnoptto e4 the nw.vr, tr thatlms hs has adveriissd. The privilege of Annaal Advertlaers Is strfcuy limited to their own Immediate bualnesa; snd sll advertisements for ths benefit of other poraons, ss well ss all advertisements not lmndwtely con nected with their own buslneas, and sit excess ef sdvertlsements in length or otherwlae bryond the limits engaged, will bo charged st ths usual retvs. No Advertisements la included in ths contract for ins sals or rent of houses or lands is town or country, or for ths sals or hlrs of negroes, wheth er ths propsrty Is owned by the advertiser or by other parsons. Thsse ars sxcladed by the term "immediate bustntss." All advertisements Inserted In the trl-wecLly Commsrslal, ars satlllod to ens lesertion In tits Weekly free of chsrgs. JOB, CARD . AN II FAHCY PRINTING, .EXECUTES II SL'PEEICl STILE. AGENTS FOR TUB COM if RRCIAI,. Nsw Yobs: Messrs. Dollsss cc Pottib. Boston CMASLstSniTM, No. 6, Central Wharf. PhiladelphiaS. K. Comb. Baltimore Wm. H. Psaks snd Wat. Tuosfson. JOB, BOOK, cornes op rao.ST ASD subset stkccts, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular Altciitlon paid to the following Muds of letter Press Printing. Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, Books, Cards, Catalog u ts. Certificates, Checks, Circular, Drafl. Entrle of M rcliandine. Handbills, Labels, Ijaie Blanks, Notes, , PamjtliUts, , Poster; Receipts, Rales of Frelr 4., d-c., f-c. And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, ol eve ry description, done in ths neatvat man ner, and on the moat reasonable letuis. Wilmington, Auguat 17, 151. MISCELLANY. - i . ' . A "KNOW NOTHING" GAME. A green, slabsided Yankee, who liveg somewhere in Vermont, mw an ndvertise meot in the Boston Herald, that any one who would send f 1 to J. Uurlmount, should in return be told how to make Jots of mon ey..' So.Grceny up and did it, and receiv cd in reply tho following : BoeTo.t, Sept. C, 1854. Mr, Dear Sir: Ypura of the 31st of Aug, and post-mark the 4th !. is at hand and in reply, if you will uko a horse and waggon and peddle ergars you can do as well as 1 told you. I made seven hundred dollars in 7 months last year, yours truly. . J. DrnLMoriST. Greeny "allows" that he Las got his money's worth in experience.1. A MODEL CLERIC. Young man. "I called to see about tho clerkship you advertised as vacant" Old Gent. 'Hem I Have you a gold watch and chain, a fast horse, a diamond ring, six suits of clothes, a bull-dog, a thou sand cigars, a cask of brandy, and an as sortment of canes?" Young Man. "Yes, sir, got 'em all." Old Gent. "Then you'll suit. My oth er clerk furnished himself ,wiih all those out of the till, so as you're supplied I'll sav e the expense." An Irishman had been sick a long lime, and while in that slate would occasionally cease breathing, and life be apparently ex tinct for soma time, when he would come to. 1 On one of these occasions when he had just awakened from his sleep, Patrick asked him, "An how'Il we know, Jemmy, when ye're dead? ye're a finer waking, up lvery time." " Bring roe a glass of grog, and say to me, 'here's till ye, Jemmy,' and if I don't r island drink then bury me." CHRISTIAN RESIGNATION. The Washington, D. C. Star snys : The editor of the Belfast, Me., Journal, a Demo cratic paper, takes the defeat of his putty quite coolly. Ho desires some one of his readers to loan him a copy of "IJaxtrr'a Saint's Rest" He wants to read souiO good book in which there is no allusion to politics. A GOOD REASON. There was once a clergyman in New Hampshire, noted for his long sermons and indolent habits. "How is it," said a man to his neighbor, "that Parson , ihe la ziest man living, writes these interminable sermons?" "Why," said the other, he probably gets to writing and is too lazy to stop," t Smith made an assertion to Jones. Jour replied thas it was a confounded "lie kl story .f Smith first stared, and then bland ly requested Jones to be kind enough to place his syllables closer together. AN INVENTION. A double barreled cannon tn lnl at tt . breech, and the barrels different directions, has I ten construct.! t Berlin, Prussia. - TVe my fV . a i-n&rance, but ml pre- . SUfr X 1 Ifl W .n I. a a rmth!n t'-.oulj say nothing. Why is a muff like a ai: y r. -Li:: ' Because it holds a tad y'a fefl.30. . V -J:.J - G. ,-Rf . ' '