Its of Torpeutine t C J a . c- ..a; ..c gallon, cash and on time, - , - Rice. The stock is light and prices firm at Ihc late advance. 8 mall sak-s at 5ft cents per lb., on time.. , - Flour.-Supplies continue to come forward very slowly, and .the demand for shipment la quite lim ited. " Bale of 1500 barrels, standard and good brand, at 47,75 per blI and 600 barrel extra at 1S8.25. At the close moat holders., demanded 58, in consequence of the favorable accounts by the Canada. ;t ,- . . - ' - :---.-- ":--:" Vr " FATETTETILLEr ARRET.- -Oct.'T. The North Carrt'misu rert: Trade has been brisk dhrfn; the j.aat week.-. The market baa been well tsnpplied with Bacon sale at 10 to 15 cents per lb. There is a emid supply of old Corosonie pew sold at..9Q cts. ;r bashel. Receipts of Cotton large sales" of :ne w cotton at 7 to 8 J. Flour continues to decline, and sales have been made under quotations 6,25 S6 75. - Spirits Turpentine improving sales at 45 cents per gallon. Raw do. 42 60 and $2,75 per bbl. FOREIGN MARKET." -v " By lie Canada. ' . s Liverpool. Sept. '22. Cotton There continues to be a good supply of C"tlon offering, particular ly of the better quality of American, in anticipe tion of early arrivals of hew cotton. The market eontioaes in the same state, ind though hovers liave the advantage, there is no materia ltera- tion in prices. . "The week's sales are 85 500 bates, 'viz: to spinners 30 090; exporters 4,750 and spec viators 670 bales. To-day's sales 7,000 bales; market, quiet ; -- ? ' ; Breadstuffs There has been a good consump tive demand for Wheat and Flour, throughout the 'week, and the stock here has , become somewhat reduced. Wheat has advanced about 4d. per bu ; Flour Is 6d a 2 per bbl., and Indian Corn is in fair request at Is 6d per quarter advance. Provisions. Beef rs in limited request, dealers only supplying present wants. Pork. There is no fine, here, small sales of western at about the lowest quotations. Lard The sales reach 200 tons at 52s. per cwt, with an advaucing tendency: Rice. The sales are 300 tons Caroline at 18 a 15s 3d per cwt. for low qualities ; 2.600 bags Ben gal and 12,500 bags Arracan brought an advance of about 6d per cwt, Rosin continues in good demand at 4s 8d a 4s 6d per cwt. r Spirits of Turpentine 450 bbls. brought 88 per cwt , at auction. . FOR NEW YORK. THE packet Schr. HELENE Captain i Griffin, will have despatch as above. - For freight or passage, apply to " . T. C. vvoaTH, Oct. 10 : Walker's Wharf. FOR NEW YORK: THE packet Schr. LAM ARTIN E.Oapt. , Mos. will have despatch as above. For .lreiiiht or passage, apply to TC. WORTH, ; Oct. 10. Walker's Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LINE. THE Schr. CATHARINE JOHNSON, , Captain Cranmer,- will have despatch as ibove. For freight or passage, apply to Oct. 10. GEO. HARRISS. FOR NEW YORK. THE packet Schr. H. RALLOCK, Copt. Pow, will have despatch as above. For ight or passage, apply to "H. FLANNER. ; - - . V- 25 North Water-st. FOR RIO DE JANEIRO. , PASSAGE ONLY. TH E A. I. Fast sailing Copper and Cop- TSPera8lenea ar'g c.fli!.L.iis,, jonn l'acs- 3Pau.mrat wiater, will bave despatch for the above port. Having fine accommodations, can take a few passengers. ' Apply e -Oct. 7. - , RUSSELL BRO. ' - FOR NEW YORK. - THE Schr. H; HALLOCE. Capt. Pow. ( will have dispatch for the above port. , For freight or passaee. apply to Oct. 7. .i J. H. FLANNER. FOR FREIGHT OR CHAPTER. THE fast sailiner Schr. MARIA JANE. Capt. Somera. Apply to , . . - Oct 7. CJKU. HAKKlaa. TO CONSIGNEES. THE Schr- THERESA C. fiem Phlta- js delDftia. naa arrived, and la dirhimmn Jf tcargo at my wnan. consignees will please attend to -the receipt of their goods. Oct 16. GEORGE HARRISS. ""notice. ALT persons arecaationed aeainat irui-i- kIng any of the crew of the Br. Brig Ariel, as bo debt of their coorraetin? milt h paid by the Captaia or Assignee. Oct. 10. . , GEO. HARRISS. THE SCHOOL-FELLOW. A MAGAZINE for Boys snd !"L received and for sale at Girls, Oct. No. Oct. 10. - S. W. WHITAKER'S. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE. PER Schrs. Helene and Catharine Johnson, trom New Vork; . 20 Boxes N. Soap f ' . 10 half-boxes do. do. s .53 Bbls. Soda & Sugar Crackers: -. 20 half-bbls do.; , 20 bbls and half-barrels Pilot Bread ; 10 Whiskey; 10 Dark Brandy; ' 10 "Holland Gin; " ' " 20 " Pork ' s 10 N. E. Ram. For asle by - Oct. 10. PETTEWAV fc PR1TCHETT. - BRIGADE ORDER. Smallottb, Bbvr swisk Co., N.'C. " 1 ' HaAD aoABTKBS, 3d. Brigade N. CM., f Tas several Regiments eomposinz the 3rd pialA Af Mivaslk r.Mlt Uttt. h Brigade of Nor fa Carolina MiliUa, are hereby f followias; Uoea and places, via : The 39th R L Wa-UCIBU tBTaUIUIjajr. Un Blianfl. Tn M am A a a. . I s r w a aaw titftu U.. intent at SmithvjlJe, on Thnrsday, the 2nd day 1 I of November t the 30th Reriment t wiimin.. Regiment at Onslow Court Hoose, on Tuesday, 7th November j the 31st Regiment at KenansviHe. vn r nuay, ine iuin ivov. iine to oe rormea pre It will be required of Commanders of Regiments v jibiv luiiflnu vuoif'c rciums ui4 incir IvCgt mMfi AH lha a n( rv(.OL Co Rim and era of the different Regiments will drill wejr ameers ine aay prevnu to neing reviewed. HENRY" H. WATTKRS, Brig. Gen'l , " r 3rd. Brigade N. C Militia. By ordes ; . ; - t R. U. Cowis, Aid. Oct 7. . v 87-3t. WINTER STYLE HATS. TLACK( White, Pearl and Nankeen Colored Ca J yaiters with and without Cord and Tassel I. J alien bolt Hats. assorted colors, velvet and plain t rimed. Pearl French Felt Hats, new, opening at the Emporium. : . , - C MVERS. Cot 7- . . 67. FASHIONABLE DRESS HATS. T7INTER Styles just opened. Four different ' styles b rench and American Manufacture, at the Hat and Cap Emporium. C. MVEHS. Oct. 7. 87. Commercial Bank of Wilmington. ; THE regular annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank will be held at their Banking House on Monday the 6th day of November nrxr. , -s. .: T- SAVAGE, Cash's.. wumfBgtonr N. C.j Oct. 7tB, 1854. 87-w.' THEf N CAROLINA STATE FAIR THE Second annual State Fair of the N. C. a. State Agricultural Society will not be open eJ to visitors eeneratly vniit Wednesday rhe 18th or October. Alt member of the Society ara earnestly requested to be present at the meeting of the Society on Monday evening the t6th Inat at which time the judges for awarding premium, will be appointed, so that they may enter upon their dunes on Tuesday morning, before the Fair Ground are thronged whh people. , By order of the President. ' t t J. F, TOMPKINS. October 7. 87-31." ' CANDLES, CANDY AND TEA. OPC BOXES Adsmantineand Sperm Candles; Oj20 do. Assorted Candy; 10 half-chests, and 10 Catty's Black and Green Tees, for snle by Sept. 19. - PETTEWAY & PXITCHIsTT: Oct. 10. OF TCDCniUDEHCF CdlZlLTXU. RSOLVED,.That from and after the Crstday of November next, the purchasers of fcpirita l urpenttne shall pay lor the guaging. GEO- DAVlS,Seciry. Oct. 7th; 1854- WESTERN BAC C IX" . 1 f HHDS, of No. 1 Bacon Sloes sad Shout i J received sod for sale bv- -.Oct.-.. J..HATHaWAY& SON. VIRGINIA AND MAG.ALENE.' or the Fo ter Sister, by Emma L. E. N. Stithworth. Received and tor sate by J.T. MUNDS -. Oct. 7. ' ' "" , 8T. THE SCHOOL FOR IIUSBANDS, BVLsdy 'BulWer Lyitdn. "" Reeelv. d snd for eslJy J.T. MU.NDS., - Oct. 7. . ' -. R7. - EDITHS LEGACY, BY suihoriof Adelaide Lindsay. Received and for sale by J.T. MUAiDS ' Oct. 7. 87. THE IMAGE OF HIS FATHER, OR. one Boy is more trouble than a Dozen Girls, (Quite an Error.) n'd ana for sele by Ocr. 7. J.T.MONnS.' - -THE NECROMANCE, . Reynolds, For sale by " """ " Oct. T. - - J, T. MTJXDS. SnANNONDALE, . nY M rs. Soulhworth, received and for sale by Oct. 7. J.T. MUNDS. TOBACCO. . 14 BOXF.S Manufactured, tnt samples and 4b will be ld low to Introduce to the trade. a - I" a RT tT rT U A I f I IU A PPIJ IW Ji . . WfllVl lit, r. South Wster-FU Oct. 5. . , 8G-4t. THE BIOTHER-IN-LAW, ? T V Mrs. Soulhworth. Received and foraaleby Oet. T. J. T. MUNDS. ' FILES J FILES!! FILES !f! . JUST received, a full assortment of Butcher's genuine Saw Files. Also, tha double tang extra Mill Saw Files. . ... J. M. ROBINSON. Aprili. '.; ' - ' . , , v WILMINGTON- - - - , D) ALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. THE second annual session of thia school com menced on Monday, the 2d dsy of October, in Society Hall, near the Episcopal Church, on Mar ket street. - " ' " - - BOABD OP IXSTBCCTIOir t - , G W. JEW ETT, Principal; ... - . Mrs. M. A. JEWETT, Preceptress ard Teacher of Drawing and Painting; .... - . M ieaea &1. L. STETSON, and J.M. W HIPPLE, Assistants. The rates of Tuition range from S40 to $12 per yesr, according to the studies pursued. . The course of instruction is designed to embrace all the branches usually taught In the higher Semi narie of the country. Students will be thoroughly fitted for College. A Primary Depai tment will be for cd for pupils of the earliest age. . " " " . f. " For further particulars inquire of the" principal, or see his School Card, which may be obtained at Whitaker'a or Munds Book Store, or of S. Jewett, st the Commercial Bank. - ' Oct. 3. . ; s.'m,z':-.,' .' : 85-tfl.-" r NEW SCHOOL. THE Subscriber will open a SCHOOL for Boys in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday, In October next. . J.P.SMITH. ' ' Rkfsbs TO -.. -Hon. David L.SwAiw.Ohaptl Hill N.C. r . tar bkt , . x . 17UCI. TV. TT. nAKRIBS, i -Wilmington. 3 T. D. Waikbb, Eti W.Hall, Sept. 23. . ei-tf PERFUMERY! JUST received from New Vork and Philsdel phi a : . - ,; . . ys. ... . - ...... 1 Gross Lebine's Extracts for the Handk'f ; 4 do. - .do. v Toilette Soaps ; . t do. Glenny Mush Toilette Water; . .1 4o. -do. Verbena do. do.. 2 do. Yankee Soap; 1, do. Camphor Sonp; . . do. Pontine do. A lanre assortment of Hair Brushes, and a nam ber of fane - irticlea usually kept In Drug Stores. U. 0b D, DPRK Wholesale Droggists, Oct. 5. ; Market-st., Wilmington. N. C. ' CHEjIICALS-JUST RECEIVED : I jU)A OZ. nerman Quinine; s I jJ)H0O d: French . - do; 60 lbs. Calomel: 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron; 25 do. Blue Mass; 50 do. Vallell's Mass; ' 50 gallons Sp'ts Nitre ! 43 do. Aq. Ammon; I 20 bbls. Epsom Salts ; s ': 10 do. Copperas. For sale by -' C. f D. DuPitE, VYholessle Druggists, Oct. 5. 66. GOODS AT WHOLESALE. KAHN WEILER & BRO. are now prepared to furnish Merchants and Fanners with a large variety of Winter Goods, consisting of Domestic and Fancy Staple Dry Goods, which they c of fer at unusual low prices. Oct, 5. v . 86. FOR SUE. QT BBLS. Fsyetteville Superfine Flour; 0 18 do. . 'oo. Family do. r 150 new Spirit Cat-ks j , ' 50 second band Spirit Casks. ' - -' Oct. 5. T.CB.O. WORTH. ALUM SALT. QOnfl BUSHELS Turks Island Salt, yJJJ landins from Brig Clarence an now Brig Clarence and for sale la lots to suit, by T.C.WORTH. ' 86. uen a. SPERM CANDLES & SPIRIT CASKS. Of BOXES Sperm Csndles; 3 0 prime New CjkJ Spirit Casks, extra siae, for sale low to-close consignment.- ..." , . T.C.WORTH. Oct. 5. v , . .. : ; , , . - 86. RECEIVED PER SCHOONERS Wm. H. Smith. Charles Mills and L. P. Smith. PKTS. Old Government Java Coffee; boxes Po land Starch; boxes Babbitt's Soap Powders; baskets Olive Oil, a fine article ; boles Citron ; box es Layer Raisins ; half and quarter boxes M, R. Ra tales j cases Preserved Ginger ; boxes Preston it Merrill Yeast Powders; quarts and pinta London Portsr; bbls, F. Market Beet; No. I Salmon, No. I Mackerel, Cod Fish j boxes Scaled Herring ; hhds. P. R. Sugar; bbls. Crushed Sugar ; bbls. Grocers B. Refined; bbls. Yellow Sugar; Firkins extra Butter; boxes Prima Cheese ; boxes Messi na Lemons. For sals by. L. N. BARLOW, Aug. 10. No. 3 Granite Row, Front st.' - TUB NORTH CAROLINA " ' MUTUAL LIFE LNSURANCE COMP'Y, r ; RALEIGH, If. C. " ' ' THE above Company hrs been in opera tlonainee the 1st of April, 1848, under the direction of the following Officers, via : f, . Dr. Charles E.Jonhson, President, " Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, v " ' ' , James K.Jordan, Secretary ,a ; . . Wm. H. Jones, Treasure', , , Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, " ' " ' v " Dr. Charles E.Johnson, j .." , ," Dr.Wm.H.McKee, MalDoardof : Dr. R.B. Haywood, Cvnmittatum. J. Hersman, General Agent."""" " Thia Company has received a charter giving ad vantages to the insured over any other Comoanv. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimeof the representa Ives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organised on purely mutual principles, the life members participate! the whole of the profits which are declared annually1: Besides, th applicant for life, when the annual premium is over S3Q may pay one half in a Note. . ' AH elaims for Insurance againatthe Company will repaid within ainety daysafter proof of th death of the party is famished. v" ' Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rstes which will enable all Staveholders to secure this class of properity sgsiast the uncertainty of life: Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature tn the history of North CsroKna.which will prove very important ta the Southern States. The last four month operation of thia Company shows a verylargeamoant of business 'more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already Issued more than 200 Policies. - v - ur. w h. w. fiABsrsB, nieutcai r.xsminer, and Awnt Wiimlnatnn rV. d. i '. tr i- AllOommanieatlonsonbusinessof the Company should be addressed to '---v JAS. P.;JORDAN,Sec'y. Raleigh, Jan. 25, 1S54. . , . A kj 1 1 Lilil kj vl u t, i . . jm.. - . j.. ui. TO SAIL BETWEEN iV- YORK' AND i-. - GLASGOW.., ', ,. "iv'. THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet Company's new steamships, Clyde " . . .and Petrel, are intended to sail for Glasgow ua under: From New York, CLYDE, Wednesday, August 6th, at 12 o'clock, noon. j - Kates of Passage, (Steward's fees included.) Chief Cabin, S90. A limited nam ber of third class passengers will be tsken and supplied with good and comlortsbly cooked provisions, at 2'-. Bertha not secured till paid for. These Serew Steamships have been built snd fitted oat express ly for the trade, on the most approved principles, for securing safety, comfort and speed; and carry esch an experienced Surgeon. v For Freight or Passage apply o ROBERT PATON, 30 Broadwsy, N. Y. m 'Money orders granted on Glssgew, in sums of jCI -Sterling and upwards, payable on demand. ' Aug. 4. j,,-:.-' 63-tf.. ..- STEAMER SPRAY,1 FOR SMITH VILLE AND 0RT0N. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. COMMENC ING MONDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER- STEAMER SPRAY, Cspi. John B. Pricrf. witl ply between Wilming ton and SmithviMe., landing at Or- ton. aa follows: Leave Wilmington. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday afternoons, at 3 o'clock. ' Leave Smithville, Monday. Wednesday a d Krioay mornings at ot o ciock. ;. Passage One Dollar Children and Ser vants half nrice. . , - Freight at cnstomiry rates. Light freight only taken on Saturday. ",,, : Apply lu Captain on board, or to - A. H. VabBOKKELEN," r No. 5, South Wharves. 'Sept. 6. i .v . 73-tf. STEAMERS ELIZA A FAIRY sre now running regularly between Wilmington and Fayetteviller all goods entreated ro this Itoe. witl receive dispatch Messrs. Ramsey &, Brother are agent at Fay- ettevjite... ' - - ' JAlta il,. MM is. - Wilmington, N.C.Sepl. 12. - -t-. ?76-tt TOWAGE ! TOWAGE! ! Ul f-fiyr as. ORDER for towage by steamtugs - - fM A II IN E K, Capt. John, Davis, and bliUA 1UK, apt. Jacob Price, will receive prompt attention, It ielt a tiny otnoe, corner or dock ann Water streets, over Neff t Son's Whip Chandlery. SIL is H. MARTIN, Agent. 7 --Oct. 3.1 :U: ': ba-tra TOWING BY STEAMER CAIHOUN. tfamTJ ORDERS fortowingby STEAMER V f C 4LHODN, will have attention if tsJlefi at the office of - GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. 105. TOWAGE! TOWAGE!! STEIMPR fismRniri A M Gntb rie, master; Steamer Calhoun, Jot Knrlnot " mafttpr. aril readtf at all times for business. Ordets for Towage will have prompt attention tr left ni ortice ot Agent. s : -r GEO. HARRISS. JnneU' v " 38-tf WIL. & MANCHESTER R. R. OFFICE NOTICE. TT EARAFTER no through Tickets to Charles JLl ton, Augusts, 'or Columbia, will he sold Oyer this Road bv "Dav Passenger Iratru, as the con nection with that' Train has been stopped on South Carolina Rail Road." " J. P. ROBEUTSON, Act'g Sup't. . Sept. 13. :'; :. .V . . 84-lm OFFICE OF WIL. & MAN. R. R. CO t&.SBa.aBBBbBBBBk Bal.BBBBBBtBBBB. SBaB.4BBBBBa.lBBBBB " .:, - - .-i -v V -NOTICE.- : t - N and after the 1st October,' the Passenger V J Katea ot fare on this lvoad will be established as follows: First Rale Fare per Station-. .......... 30 . to Kineville .-.....-$6 00 Sec'd ' " per Single Station- . 25 to Kingsville 4 00 J. P. ROBERTSON, . Act'g. Snp't. Sept. IS. 78-im. MAYNARD & ROSE, , r)ELKBS IH LEATHER, TRIMMINGS AMD FINDINGS, N. E. earner Cheapside and Lombard- itreels, Baltimore. Respectfully inform their friends and the nubile that they can furniah. at the shortest no tice, and lowest rates, a superior assortment of SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, both Foreign snd Domestic; also GAITER CLOTHS. UAL LOONS. RIBBONS, LACES of all shades and colors, necessary for the trade, low for cash, or good paper. .., t3rAI, always on hand, a 'large assortment of Water-Proof Vork Holts, which will be sold at Fac tory prices. 9 " " T Sept. 9th. 1651. ; j":' " 75-l-c LARGE FALL STOCK', r D. DARRAUGH, No. 16 South Calvert Street,"1 - Baltimore, Md. ' -J HAS just returned, from Ea tone, where he haa been assid uously engaged in the selection ana purchase of a large, choice and very services ble stock of .. i,-.-. iit- FINDINGS. TRIMMINGS, LEATHER, ' .. And other articles pertaining to his butinesa He is now receiving, and just opening. ; , r Patent Leather, . ., j Listings, French & Eng French Calf Skins,' Morocco, of all kind, - Also. SOLE LEATHER of all kinds on hand. - Persons visiting the city and designing to pur chase sny articles in the trade would do well to call and examine the superior assortment on hand, 1 sm prepared to sell every srticle In the above line at as low prices as any other houseln the . U States. ' - - ... Sept. 23rd, 1854. V 8t-9t-c. BALTIMORE COMMISSION nOUSE. U CARR, GIESE & CO- GRAIN Of L UMBER COMMISSION . MERCHANTS. i Spears' Wharf Baltimore. 't ITAVING recci.tly compUved their large and AX convenient Warehouse, sre fully prepared to receive Consignments of Grsin. Lumber, Ac, to the sale of which they give particular attentioa. ' Three fourths CosA advances- will be mads on consignments on receipt, snd balance on rendi tion of sales as soon as effecte'd. ' - " '' liril BT PBBMTSSIOIT TO John Clark, Esq , President Citizens Btnk. A. P. lilies, ksq., uasnier rrankhn Ba Messrs. J. C. Wilson & Co. -Messrs. Drskley 4 Fenton : j more Baltimore, Sept. 2lst, 1854. ? 30-lm-c GBOCKERY CHINA GLASS WARE, &c., &c. GOULDS & ELLIOTT, IMPORTERS. 195 Pearl St (near Maiden Lane) New Vork. A HEAVY Stock a general and beautiful as sortmentlatest styles prices which defy com petition, and a pleaaant place for all whom it may corneera to pass a few momenta in examina'ion. Repacked for Country Trade in the most careful manner. Terms liberal. - July 18. J " 52-3ra-cV . ZermaiiN Antl-Seorbutie Tooth wash. TO THE LADIES. XTOTHING adds more to beauty than clean. V kit- T..ii, nm. -r 1 t.w 1 - w , .., m .in. v. nt.m 1 1 11 y CVIUi," The most beautiful face and vermillion lips become repulsive. If the latter, whea they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of negieetesf teeth. All who wish clean, white Teeth, healthy Gams and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trwu ror sale oy 9. w- . - f C dt JJ. JJuPRE, Agents, J ' : VViImii,gtoa.N,C. Sept. 30. . . ' ... 84 FiTEaCn E0NNET3 & -L'ILLi::i:?Y. KAHNWEILER E.IO., are harpy to inform their friends and customers, thst their French Bonnets hsve just arrived and are onen for exam. ination, which i r beauty and taste cannot be sur passed anywhere. They also have aeenred-tha services of one of the most fashions Kie ton..B'i, whois conipetent to make and trim Bonnets wl.j latest and most approved styles. - - Oct 6. 3. -i -r , CITY" C DTZL, '-' v--427 &. 427 Broadway, Key-TTork. '1. COWD0CTED BPOJI TBS KCBOPgAM nil. ? -THIS Hotel has recently been enlsrgedl j :i and refitted with all tne modern Improve llJlments, snd is now open for the reception ot permanent and transient bosrders snd visitors. Meals serve j at all hours, eithei In their -apartments, (without extra charge,! os in the private dining rooms or in the Sell a mange, which is at tached to the Hotel. Thia Hotel being located within three miaates walk of the Harlem, Hudson River and New Haven Depots- Sojourners to the City will find it to their advantage to give the City Hotel a call, aa the proptietor solicits a share of the public patronage- GEORGE W. HARPELrProprietor. n. New-York, July, 29, 1854. - 57-6m-e. a 8000 ACRES PINEXAND FOR SALE. yM BEING DESIROUS OF MAKING 'some change in my business, I offer V. for sale s part of my lands in Bruns- tf1 issa wick county. These lands lie 00 the waters of Town Creek and Hood's Creek, high and pleasantly; situated, about 13 miles from Wilming ton. :"' ' '.'''"' "' ' '' - There are some 20 tasks of Turpentine Boxes now cut on the lan.A largepotion of which are young, having een cut within four years past. T e.e U also a Turpentine Distillery of 20 bsr-el -apacity, connected with the business, attested on Town Creek at the bead to tide way, where flats of iny size csn losd st any stage of the water without he least difficulty. 1 "- The Houses are st! good, consisting of s dwelling, s number of Negro Houses, (built lust winter,) Corn Crib. Stables and other houses necessary for such a business. .. . - . , . There is also some Swamp Land belonging to the track, said to be eqnai 10 any in the State, snd a quantity of up lands, if clesred snd put in a state of cultivation will produce Cora, Cotton, Peas and Potstoes very abundantly. Persons desirous of purchasing wiR do well to call and examine the premises. Air. Huas McAbv. who Is on the premises, will take pleasure in snow ing the Lands to sit who msy call. V JAMES. E. METTS." Wilmington N- C, Augt 26. -, , 69-tL RICE LAND FOR SALE. OFC OR more acres of prime Rice Land lying COJ 8 miles above Wilmington on the Cape Fear River, and adjoining the isnds of D. B. Ba ker, and M. Bryan. There is a good Upland Set- lement of 70 acres, with a one story dwelling whh font tooms and other improvements. ' Terms msdo easy, or I woutd exchsnge for real estate in the Town of Wilmington. Further description of ths tsnd is unnestary as those wishing to purchase will examine tor themselves. - i 1 ,t TH03. SMITH. July . v;:, ; v. ',; . , a,.j49-tL? JAUBURN STILL FOR SALE. " . ifi i- m . -c -u. ..w. :i ' CyJncar Raleigh, and on the Central Rsil 3 X Road. Is not yet disposed of. A descrip- tion haa already been given but no one will of course make so important a purchase withon Visiting lf premise. - Aooly 10 Wm. R. Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. .. -V,.... - r T. LORING.' Wilmington , N. C, laa. 28, 1854. rr-. ' '? FOR SALE OR RENT. . THE New snd Commodious Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the corner of Chestnut and Seventn streets. - If not sold by the first of October, it will be rent ed for the ensuing year. -i . For particulars upply to the Subscriber. - - , tJ. A. BRADLEY ' Sept. JG, .v ' . . ; . . 78-iL . F0RRENT. , , TH AT desirable Dwelling, situated on Front street, between itlulbury and vtai- .nut, next north of the residence of Mr. R F. UrownFor terms, spplv to " ' -. .' , . l. . s ,RAKIN & MARTIN., Oct. 5. South Water-st. .. , TO RENT. THE StorS at oresent occHpied by ihr subscriber, i Posseaaioa civen 16th Novem- .ber nexii Apply-on the premises. . ,..f Sept. 28.' - ' 83-tf. STORE OR OFFICE TO Rent from. 1st October.-. neat-door to T. .Freeman's Office. Apply at , KAHN WKlLER 1 BRO'S. Sept 21. . ' 80-tf. FOR RENT. A Fine ROOM newly fitted up, on Sec- end street. Apply to RANKIN & MARTIN. Sept. 23. . 83. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located 1ST Baltlmore-at,, Baltimore, Md 'llflS Institntion orescnts sunerior facilities to ; X .young men d-sirous of obtaining a practical The course of Study embraces' Double Entry, uoox-K.eeping ss p'sctieaity applied to the man agement of Mercantile, Bank, Manufacturing snd Steam Boat Books; Business' Penmanship end and Mercantile Computations c. fsmiliar Lectures on Commercial Law ; upon the subject of Bills of bxchange, Promissory notes, contracts, farmer ships. &C. i'y.- . J.S: -The arrangements are such that-applicants can enter College at any time and avail themselves of the advantages ot the entire course of study, esclf student being separately taught.; v 4 , .w a The students have access to s' Commercial 14 brary procured expressly for their accommodation There is also attached to the -College a Reading Room, where may be found all the leading 'Daily Papers from various parts of the Union. . . . Usual length of time to complete the, Whole course from eight to ten weeks. ' Tuition for the full course 40. , 5i: a For paiticulara write and receive a circular by mail. - ; . - August3d, 1854. v 69-ly-c." SHOT AND BAR. LEAD. , a nri BAQS Drp nd Bacc shot 500 ibs, Bar iJ Lead. Just received and for sale by . Oct. 7. ; N p T copy ZENO H. GREEN K. f .CANDYlJCANDI!! 1 AOTs LBS Steam refined LsndyK put., up.ia a uw 50 and 25 lb, boxes. A superior srti Cle.and for sale low, by v ZENO H. GREENE. Oct. 7. . HCT copy.. ' 01- T CIGARS! CIGARS!! K l ft f I CI GA RS. various brands for 'sale KJ,KJJU cheap, by ZENO H. GREENE. Oct. 7. r WINTER SHAWLS AND 1T00LENS, -"- AT MOZART HALL. "PHESK Goods will eontinue to be sold at MO IL Z ART HALL, from 9 a 12 A. Mn until .ur ther notice. .... . .... Wilmington, N. COct. 7. E7-tf. ' ; : s TO THE LADIES. , HPHE Ladies ' Benevolent Society's Clothing Store A. is seatn onen.and they are ready to receive or ders at their Depository on Front street, under the Seamen's Home, for garments of all descriptions, which snail be filled promptly ana weu v armers and Contractors will find it to their interest to en courage this institution, in doing which they will at tne same time be dispensing enanty in me most effectual and least offensive manner. ' ' " . Wilmington,. N..CL, Oct. 3 . . .,85-2m. i - - - FRENCH" BROAD- CLOTH: DOESRLN AND C1SSIMERE. A Ft W E assortment of direct impnrtstion, just -TV. received and for sale at nnusoai low prtcee at the store oC - JCAHNWEILER & BRO. , i PAINTS, OILS, DIE-STUFFS : ; r)"i V td LBS. pare and extra White Lead; SiU,UUU 5,000 galls. Linseed OU ; za dois. tcea ucnrej ; 500 galls Chrome Green; .. . k 10 bbls. Ver.euln Red; . w,,,-. , . 300 galla. Chrane Yellow ; r- 4 25 bbls. Lsmp Black;, 8 bbls. Coach snd JapaBarnishes: ' --Terra DTrisai. Amber and Prussian Blusi Logwood, Anoatto and Madr. For sale by K" Wholesale Drugs:s, . ihnington.N. C Oct. 5. - - - 86. 7i:;r3V7 GLASS. . tport UOXF.3 Frc! and America WIn tUUUdaw.C:: sea f:a.n 70 to 24T'5.--For ss'eby - . - U.O.U. Utt'iit:, -Oct. 5. r WholoaaJ Druggists, . . reirtoT.' ie, TT(4 hot piatsj sale at 4 Sept. .anulaetarers prieeo, 1 v -J.T.1XUNDS. ;C3 C0NT0RUATUrc-: -f- TOer ' a comfortable fitting Dress Hat, call at the L.poriam.aad witji the aid of our Cob format ner ws will la every instance easy, pleasant fitting Dresa Hats. 4 - C. MYERS, Sept. 30. - . - Rataad CapEmportaaj.- A NEW & PRACTICAL FORM BOOK. CONTAINING forms of sU those legal Instru ments important to be known by the people of North Carolina, compiled and avrangeu irom the best authorities, by Calvin H. Wiley, Esq. A largs supply, rece.vea sna tor saw st J. T. MUNDS' Nsw Book-Store. -Sept. 26. - . . . "82. : AYER'S PIjjBS;,; Akkw snd singularly successful remedy-for the cure of ail Bifious diseases 'Costnrenesa-, Iridi-' gestion,' Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, .1 Goat, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma- tkms. Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, Ac., c- t Indeed,: -. very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick-. nesa and suffering might be prevented, if .harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely need. No person can feel well while a costive habit of : body prevails ; besides it soon esmsratsa sarions and -often fatal diseases, which might hsve bee avoided by the timely sad judicious use of a good purgative. ,, This is alike true of Colds. Feverish svmrtoma. and ; Bilious derangement. . They all tend to become pt. proauce xne aeep seatea ana iormiaaoi. Qisreniper ' which load the hearses all eves the land.-. Hence a ' reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, snd this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes-- sors, sna rsuents, nas snown results surpassing anvtbJno- hitherto known ef any medicine. Cures have been enectea oeyoad behel, were they not suo-. . ' stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. ' f -- Among the many eminent gentleaaaoa who have , testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : , Da. A. A. Hates. Analytical Chemist, of Boston and Btate Assayer. of Massachusetts, whose high, ; professional character is endorsed oy tne . . . Hon. Edward Everbtt, Senator of the U. S. : , RoBKiiiC.WijrrKBOP.Ex-Spsskerof ths House of Representatives. - - . . , , Abbott Lawbbhcb, Minister Plen. to England. t JOHN B. Jfrrsp atricx, Cath. Bishooof Uoston cf wuperi.' I';s, Eia t, carmine in raj.o, t 't g ! rint, 8, 6,4,2 and i t. oe A,VRTOf,Whtfv4B"' Liver and Stomach, and wSs so reduced in v-i. ": a, i i : s Hon. VT. ikajtcr. Secretary of Btate. - :T S. Lbland & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan " Hotel, and others. - - , r - Did soaoa Permit, we eonld aive many hundred - eertificates. from all parts where the Pills have' - oeen-nsea, out evtaence even more convincing man ' the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. v. - " " - These Pills, the result of long inrestigstioa and - - study, are offered to the public ss tha bast, and . most complete which the present state -of medical science tail afford. They are compounded not of " the drugs themselves, bat of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, snd combined together in nch a maimer as to insure ths best results 'i"his . system of composition for medicines has been found 9 ' more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by ant process. The rsasoa, is perfectly eb rious. While by the old mods of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or loss of aeri-' . monious and injurious qualities, by thia each indi. ' vidual virtue only that is desired for tha curative ' effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual v ities of each sobstance employed sre left behind, the - curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should provs as they have . proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, ,. . more powerful antidote to disease than aay ether medicine known to the world.- .- ' -. - - Ascitis frequently expedient that my medicine . ? should be taken under the counsel of aa attending Physician, and as he could not properly Judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have . .'. supplied the accurate Formulas .by which both mv Pectoral and Pills are made to 'the whole body of Practitioners in the United States s&d Efitiiu Amer ican .Provinces. If however there should be any . one who haa not received them,' they will be - promptly forwarded by mail to his address. ."' ' Of all the Patent Medicines that are oflersd, how . . few would be taken if their com position was known Their life consists in their mystery. I have ae--' mysteries. - , . - .-. .. , f: v .- ... . - ' The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. . The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to bo a wonderful - medicine before its effects were known. - Many- eat inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, snd even more confidently, and are will, ing to eertiy that their anticipations ware mora than realised by their effects upon trial. . . r . . They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it1 into healthy action remove the obstructions of -. the stomach, bowels, Hrer, snd other organs of ths ' P body, restoring" their irregular action to health, and -, by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- f toenta ss sre the first origin of disease. " -' r' i Being sugar wrapped they ara pleasant to take.''- and being purely vegetable, no harm ean arise from - 4 . tfieir use m any quantity. . . 4, 5 ; .For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. -. . JAM E SiCKATBE ' Practical "and Anrllytlcal Chemist, . J " ' " . LOWELL, MASS. " ' j f Trio iS Cents per Box. Hva Boxes for SL. O. A. U RAD LEV,, Wilmington, and by Drug, gists generally - - . - . - , u , , July 18th. i5i; - .;-, -J , .'..HIM ut r- r FACTS CANNOT. BE DOUCTED. LET THE AFFLICTED READ. ASD P0XDER1 Jj-More tasn 500 persons. in the city of Richmond, .. a tone testily to tne .remaikabie euros, per formed ky -. ---r -,rt 'v CAlil'Ka'S SPANISH MIXTUBK, ' THE greav Spring Meuicine and Purifier of the Itlood is now used by hundreds of grateful pstienta, who testify daily to the remarkable cures perform : edby the greatest of all medicines, Carter's Span- isn aiixiure. neuralgia, uneumatism scroluia. Kraptions on ma m, tver Disease, he vers. Li- feia,01d Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Dis.- eases of the 1 hroat, Female Complaints. Pains and Aching et tne tsonea snd Joints, are speedily1 pot to nigm oy using mis great ana laesumabie reme dy; - " ,"- -'- For all diseases "of tha Blood nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It clesnesthe sys tem of sll impurities, acts, gently snd etSriomiy on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Diges tion, gives tone ta the Stomach, makes tho Skisi clear and hcaliy,and restores the Consiuutioa, en feebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. :, For the Ladias, it is incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used. . A ft" doses of Car ter's Spanish Mixture will remove sll ssllowneas of complexion bring the rosea' mantling to the Cheek, give elasticity to the step, snd Improve -Che general health in a remarkable degree, beyond aU the medicines ever heard oL ' ! ' v A large number of certificates of remarkable cares performed on persons residing In the city of Rich mond, Va , by the use of Carter's Spanish Mix'are. is the best evidence that there is no humbug about It, The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians, snd public men. well known to the commu. nlty. all add their testimony to the eliecta of this f . ' . . i Gbsst Klood Peairisa. r-: Si n Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. ' - - - ' ,J None genuine vnlesa alzned BENNETT A BEERS, Droggists. .' PrlnciDal JJepoU at M. WARD, CLOSE CO.. co .t j.. r tKT i.-- i . No. 63 iairC ncs i on. T. v. f VOTT et SO? an! JT HA r.T 'NE. Phi) e i: Richnir.J, a. And l.rf 's bv I . V," U.BiP'TtO 1 and by Lru. - -is every v Jv.fllh, ll, I L " i ". M EDICATKD GUTTA-PERCRA COLLODIAN. ANEVV and' Vslusbtt Remrdy for pressing Wounds, Cats, Barns, end Ulcers." It has bees tried successfully by Physicist , and found superior lo aay remedy of the kind now la -It forms, wbea applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, ana impervious in water, assimilating most perfectly the natural Cuticle. It may be advantageously aaed in cbspped lips, sxcoristions about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, aad aa a dressing la sargicsl opera tions. The proprietors feet great confidence la present Ing tne above article for ase, believing It will prove fully adequa'e to tha ends proposed, and Invalua ble as a medicinal remedy. For sale by the Pro prietors, C.dtD. DaPRE. ALSO VF.TF.RIANRX" GUTTA PERCHA COLLODION for Saddle and Harness Galls, Wounds and sores on horses. For sale by ths Pro prietors, C. cV D. DaPRE, . Msy20. Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. TOE AMERICAN'S FRIEND!! HOLLOWAY'S PH.I. Toths CUixtruof ths United Slates 1- I moat humbly and sincerely thsnk you for tha immense patronage which yon have bestowed upon my Pills. I talre this opportunity of stating that my Ancestors were sll American Citizens, snd thst IcBtertsin lor all that conecrns America and the Americans, tha most lively aympsthiea, so much so that I originally compounded thtse Pills ex presely 10 suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and manner of living, intending to establish my self among you, which f has now done, by la, log premises in New Voik.. THOMAS HOLLOWAV, , 33, Corner of Ann and Nassau Sts., N. York. r 1 f J r 1 ' l" 1 ' . . . I -p t auaa, mjivzt ana auum irmptaints. 1 ne vmzens si ine union sunermucn irom ais- 4ordf the Liver sna Stomach. The fair sex, perhaps, ths most handsome In ths World, at a or rain period, loose their teeth snd good-looks while yetin the hoydiy of Ufa. These evils msy be ef fectually remedied by continually keeping the blood pure, snd the Liver snd Stomseh In a hnsltby ao WV. !.'. 1 1 IU til IIIWIIIIJ. . J Cfll,- ly, thauhealth and life may be prolonged for years oeyooo tiouowsy-s fiussrs taken to purify the blood, in sccordince with the directions which sccompsnv each Box. Cure of Weakness d5- Debility vf 10 Ytart Slanding. CsDtaln Jolin Johnson. of-Aator House. New York.-sutlered for ten yesrsfrom a derangement of i-treneth that he never expected to go to sea any more, having tried every known remedy without d riving boneht. At last, ho had recourse lo Hoi owey's Pills, whlcn completely cured him, after .oHngthsm for three mon'.hs, and he now csjjys tne soundest neaitn. ,, .... .. , The celebrated' Pills are wonderfully efficacious in - f r a (As following complaint s Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotches on the 9kjn, liowei Complaints, Constipation of the Bowels, Debility. Dropsy, Kryripelss, Femsle Ir -regularities, Fevers of sll kinds, Gout, Hesd-ache, Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, . Piles, Retention of Urine, acrolula, or King's h.x 11, Slone and Oravel, secondary symptoms. Venereal Ante lions, Worms of sll kinds. Weakness, from what ever cause. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hoi loway, 33, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets. N. Vork f nlso by all respectable Druggists and Dea lers in Medicines throughout the United States, In Boxes, at 37 cents, 87 cents, and $1,50 ench. To be had W holesalCof the principal Drug Houses in the Unfon. snd - " Sold ot the establishments of Professor Hollowny. 80 Maiden Lane, New Vork, and by all respectable Druggists --" x - A. O. BRADLEY", Wilmington, N. C. . Thete is a considerable saving by takidg the lar ger aizes.' ' - - N: B.' Directions for the guidance of patients In every disorder are sifixed to each Box. June 17. . 40-ly-c. LiVEll COMPLAINT, DYSPEI'SIA. Jaundice. Chronic or Nervout DJbilily. Di$ taut f the- Kidney, and ail Uiututtt . ' arititig from a diiordertd Liver ot r t;.- Stomach, such at, : ; ., Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of BJood to toe Head, Acidity of the Stomseh, NaUncs, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Wcikhl in the Stomach, fcour h.ructations, Mnking or r luttering st the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Dilncuit lireaililng, t1 luttering at the Heart, (choking or a' uifocating Sensations when in S lying ptts'ure. Diinncas of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever snd Dull Pstn in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness ot tho Skin snd, F.yea, Pain in the Side, Back,. Cheat,. Limbe, J-C., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burnlngin the Kl sh, C'tnstarlLlmaginingsof evil, and great depressions of Spirits, csn be tH' ctuaHy cuicd by . - . , r Dll"' HOOFLAN WS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. PR EPAREI) BY IJR.C. M. JACKSON, : - nt,, tao Arch street. Philadelphia, i Their power over the above diseases is not excell ed, if equalled, by sny other prepsrstloniit the Uni ted .States, a tho cures attest, lo many, cases sfter skilful physician hid failed. . These Bitters sre worthy the attention of Invalids Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dis eases of the Liver and lesser g Isnds, exercising the f piostacsrcning powers in weaanessuna auctions of thsdlgestlveorgansjhey are, withal, sate, cer talnSnd pleassnt. , - - , . I - RKAD AND BECONVi-VCEDO Mors, Testimony of the stronfreU kind from Ohio, n favor of Di HOFFLAN 1'S GKRMAN BIT- f'TERS, prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON. Phila delphia, iuily proving tnai these outers sre unequii ed, for the ears' of Ltser Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice Nervous Debility, Disease of ths Kidneys, . Read the proof: , . FKESSELMF.Ill. Jeweler, Woostcr. O., Dec. 2d, 1351. said :' l embrace this opportunity of in forming you of the great benefit I have derived from the use of Dr. Hoo (land's German Bl'tcrs. I hsve used them for Chills snd Fever, snd Ditordor- riered Stomach, and found relief In every, case. JThey are tho best remedy for disordered Stomach, I think. In esietence." y ' P.- FOLEY, Bloom field. OOct. 7, 183? said i "With feelings of gratitude 1 tske my pen to inform you ot the Incsicabie beneht t nave derived from the use of llootiaad's German Bitters. I hsve us ed them for tha Liver Complaint, and lake pleasure Id recommending them to the public aa the safest and best remedy in use." ,-.. . " The Editor ot the Wooster Democrat, May 6. if 53, Said t"iloofland'sGerinsn Bitters. This invalua ble medicine is daily performing-eures of the most remarkable character. We do not speak of thia medicine without knowledge of its efficacy, ss w h.ive tried it in our family, snd find it to be the only thing needed in Liver Complaint or Dyspep sia." OGIER CLARKE, Cambridge, O , Nov. 17. l;i. said t "By those persons who have used vour I It, font German Bitters, they sre considered an invaluable remedy for Dyspepsia." ' -t 53rYou snouhi bear in niod that these Bitters sre axTiacLV vbqktablc, thereby possesving ad; vantages over most of the preparations recommend ed for similar diseases. , 1 , For sale by O. A. BRADLEY snd XV. H. LIP PITT, Wilmington, and by Druggists everywhere: t Julyl3th, --? , 50-1 y-. SEW BRUilSWICI BOBBER C0SP1.1T Warehouse 100 Liberty & 106 Cedar St. N. Y. ! T ANDFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE ili,D E AI K R S taalt kinds of Rubber Goods, msde under Uharlea uoodyears Patent, consisting of Men's, Women's. Misses and Children's Me talic Boole and Shoes, Coats, Cloaks. Overalls, Combs. Sy and Dresa Bone, Dolls, DU Heads, Balls, Toys. Whips, Teething Rings, Syringes, Bresst Pumps, cW, die. - f, The above Company would aollcil a call from their friends and the public before purchasing. .... i.KTsnw r... -V r' f - -- r---- . -.i -JBly20. 'S3-6n-. - "" 4 -"" iuijou buuus, . rJST landed from Schr. "Helens:" 24 bbls. Sugars -Powdered, Crushed.' Granula- ed sad Yellows ' - ' - - t Firkins Vermoct Dairy Batters i l?eAZr r- . Twenty thousand Cigars, eo prising the follow, lag brands: Havana Londre Kspetanzs. El Ex celsior, snd those nnapproschsble Know-Nothings For sale by. . QUINCE ,d COWAN. August 24." " .' - - XNUFF A?:D T02ACC0; . I K r'LS.Uril'v 's fiu.T: 30 boxes Chewing A.J 1 obacco sssoricd c 'f lities, lor sale by Oct. 7. NCfeopy .K0 II. GREENE. "rt jy i 1 V Drum- . lit - i js::;"I.' In or) . f .r -? I y . 3, N. C. 1. copy.) 65. It EV7 ARRIVALfl 0 PRESII Cdol OlilCINAL FASiTlY GROCERY, T PRO NT STREET. HE subscriber, ituly thankful for the l.beml . PS'runage hereioto.e bestowed upon him by , iH"Bf.' n1 desirous of oblslning good ar ticles in his trade at wholesale snd tr tail, begs leave to Inform tlwni ihat lis has prrfcctrd srranc teoii for procuring a constant supply of lbs y beat Groceries, at ths very lowest prices. J. TEAS. ml ttyson. 1 oung II vaon. Imnerial. Pouchurir and Oolong . . . . wl-.-l AND LIQUORS. Otsrd, Cogcse, Daptty A Co's Bisndies, Old Ms drira, Cherry, Port, Muscat snd Mala; Wines, Monongahela, It re, Irish snd Scstch Whl.ary, Holland Gin, Champ(rH a an( Honied V litrs, llsid.ick. Ducal, Gmpr. Uouslic ail ol tha first quality. Boiiled Otard Brandy. Cognac, Maderia. Sherry, aoo iiuiiana oin, Aromatic Bthnsppa srd Cordials. COFFEES. -Old Goverment, Jsvs, Lagusyrs, Rio, Jamaica and St. Domingo. SUGARS. Crushed, Powdered, Granulated. Loaf, CofTrr Crushed, Cla'lfied, Porto Itlco, and Sugars of all grades. 'FLOUR. Hiram Smith, John It lee, Castlflia snd Ntw York Mills in Parrels, Half-Barrels, and Bags fresh Fsyetteville do. CANDLES. Judd's Patent Spcm, Sperm, snd 75 Botes A. M. Csndles, lower thsa ihey csn be bought In New York. , 7 CRACKERS. Sods, Butter, Pilot, S ugar, Picnle, Lemon, Milk, Walt.ut.with every variety of Crachsre, W. Undtt wood 4c Co's. Pickles by the Hundred, Jar. Gallon, Half Gallon, Quaner.Gallon, or Pint. Pickolilla Csirhup , Rl ustard, Sauces, White Wine snd Cider Vinegar, Olives, Spanish and French Capers, Prtseivts, in every variety, STNDRIP.8 Goshen Butter, fresh weekly Smoked V.irf, Beef Tongues, Fulton Msrket Beef, Salmon, Mack erel, Codfish, Herring, Chee Krg lh sr.d Imi tation, Bacon, Pork, Stuart's Syrup. Sperm snd WhataOll. Fruits tn every variety, Nets, Kiunn'e Conleciiunery, Market Baakeia, .kthe linskets and Faney Baskets, Wash Tuba all kinds. Hrass hooped Backets, Common Buckets, Brooms, Trat s, Sifters, Kselurs, Cup Tubs, Scrubs, snd every va riety of Wood snd Willow ware, Spices, Clov.s, Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Pepper, Ginar. Mace, Cho eolaie. Islnglase, Gelatin, Macaroni, Vciml. -l. Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Preserved Gin ger. Slrswberirs, Grapes, Fresh Peaches, Flesh Lobster. 600 boxes assorted sizes Sardines, Fig Paste, lOOCsnary Cages various styles and pat terns, Squirrell Cngee, Mocking Bird Csges, 1-le-gant lioiea fine Tee, contolnlng 2.lbs. euch tho box being worth the price of tbeiaiknfe 42 euch, Rarpberry snd Cherry Myrup by ths Gallon exi is Sjualityi 6000 of the most choice Clears ever brounlit to this mar kit, and every variety of (Jrocni. s tiiai can be procured, wholesale snd retail, at the lowest possible prices. 0,000 Cigsrs.from ti to girt per thousand. GIlO.MYKKS. Sept. 30. . - 81." . NE WELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDERs ANEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent o.l Accidental from the use of 11 urn ing Plaid. Camphene, and other Explosive Compounds, urea for the production of Light. This Invention is applied to sll common Lamps and Lsmp Fccd , -also, to Solar, Camphene Lamps, Lanterns, dc. ALSO, Burning Fluid, Caumliene, Korln Oll, For sale by C. e D. DuPRK, Druggists, Market Street, Wilmington, IN. C The following Certificates sre a sufficient finr snty of ths entirs safety end efficiency of the Ssfcty Lamp and Feeder t CEailFICATL'S. 18 Bovlstox -St., Uoiton, 21st Nov., 1R53. raorassoa Bsxjamiw Silliman : Jar Sir I tsks the liberty of asking you If sny circum stance has occurred, lending sny degree to di minish the full confidence you havo felt in the protection afforded by Newell's Patent Safety Lamp I -h With high respect, truly yours. k t A. A. II-AYi Bostoiv, Nov. 21. 1 To Da. A . A. Havcs t Dear Str, In t to the Inquiry contained In vour note of thia i I can now state that "Newell's Patent bmuty Lamp," afier a considerably extended experienro in ny family, has fully justified ths favorable opinion which I expressed of it about a year ago. Until this protection wss presented, I never permitted the so-called burning fluid to be unJ in my house. Now it is constantly employed by tho domestics, and It lias been occasionally burned Ira the parlor and study. The house being llt-hied by gas, there Is littlo occasion for its general uo in Ihs family but uilh the protection named abort, I should have -no hesitation to use it wherever I hero la occasion for artificial ligbt. and I do, with en tire confidence, recommend It to my ftiends snd others who consult me on the subject always protesting, however, against the uncuard-d ure which has produced ao many distressing and fatal results. 1 remain, desr sir, very -respectfully snd fruly yours,-. II. SiLLrMAK, Senior. WjLMiKGTOif, N. C, June lf-ili, "b5t. I hereby certify that I witnessed the experiments of Mr,- Newell, with his patent Salety Lamp, for furnishing "fluid" nnd am perfectly. aatii-fed of the safety of the same. - . ..". JAS. 11. DlCBMON", 1 President of the N. C. Aledical sorirty. This Is to certify thst I have used Newell's lat ent Safety Lamps,, for more ihan twrlve ipont'is, and they havegiven perfect satlsfurtlon June 23d, 1654. - Co. It. Ft.-tii. Having purchased the right fur (he Si.-iio .f N. C, from the Patentee, we arc j rr i an d to fnl all Orders st short notice, for evuty.cittiipiion and variety of Lamps, Ac. , . All persons sre cautioned against infringing up on the above patent, aa the law will be rltriti y en forced agsfnsi sll etrendxrs. - n n r. V. DcPHK, Jr. A. C. DICKINSON. June 22nd, 1854. . 4'My-c. LARGE STOCK OF FUONITUIIC. c "V' THE subscriber would rrA ,apecifully invite the hitcntimi vjvf the public, to hH very lar;- I I and complete sssoriiurn I ti l'ir'H ii ri- iow liinj received snd recently st-ln' i . If I. lf ai tlio .Manufactories: duting the prr t tnt tin.,-. ,, l mo k will be coinplele snd cumul la V-lloi i,.elol- lowing articles. ' Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask snd Hair Cloth i ' Sette Painted Cnntn ber Kuri It ii re. 8 60 Sideboards, Secretaries and Hook Cici. 60 Sofas snd Tete a Ti les ; lOOBnresusi - 100 Wash -Stands, marble and t lalnt 100 Hocking Chairs i , - , 73 Nurse da. 125 Tca-aud Dining Tblc ... 7 Centre, Card and Soht do. ' j IS Toilet do. .- - , ; " 100 doz. Cii.i'rs, Cushioned, cane sr rWIndsori 3 250 Bedsteads, In mabegony, wain- ; maplr and iron i Wardrobes. mahogony and stained ; Office Furniture j r . Children's Chairs ; ' ' Ottoinans, Foot hioots i ' A fine susortniiTit of Lo- !n ' (. J Tespoy's Whatnots Hat i-'t ' Retires. Work Tblr ; J Wotk Boxes. Psp'r Ilangir, s ; V Window Shades, d e. dc. A raw rim I'm no Foar t al most any srticle that may be dv : rr. 1y furnishing Dwellings, H, : , , , ; 0 ciety Rooms Front Street. t - . J VP ' Wilmington. N. C, . I, . . i ;J' , . Vfll" r "i t . f ' 1IU II Ui KC BBLS. City Mcs perk, v wn u oags ii io ana l.auira - ia nnJs. Urleans ! u - sr; . , 6 Ions Hoop Iron, I , , . v . . . , - 10 bbls. best C. 1. r ' " -' 7 BOO lbs. N.' Carol , , . 4,000 "WcMern. hojr r.. The low prices si we a j 'in" t'u se articles, and especially t: , l.ic r article of Wes tern Bacon, is an induf i,M nt to-r 'jnicrs and lo turpentine men to give a o,'t. ; Ang. 22." ... W. ti. aiU..iWOOD & CO. ADAMS co 'a t; i : t M.iTHtnx ind souTDi;::;; ::;! CARRY PAC"JA(JF.S of every drseriptlon to Petersburg, likhmord, Fredih ksberg, tVush Ington City, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Baltimore, &., in charge s imperial J; ,r,, -i JOHfM L. CANl'WELL, Agent, Uwct on Front, near Aisrksj Msy IS. . . . , 2?-f- , . T. I. !LT. US TILLS sfiosi.for fJe in lots lo suit t jrclasrs. . .. FREEMAN A IIOrSTON. i::;ptv cfrntxi?. , t. Of( PRIME DUmond !." I nz- .juat e- .UU ceived and for sale by - Oct. 7. ADA S. CEO. t CO. r