, WILMINGTON," If. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1854 FBQ CU2 ECSTC5 CCaSZSFSKIEKT. Boston, Oct. 4, 1854 Thb Know Nothwgs. There is said to Ve a large body of the order of Know No things in Boston. Dame Rumor is respon aiblo for this.: The source of her informa tion we hate no means of knowing Tle number is put down ut five thousand, if so, ii must present a formidable front at the ballot box. Meetings are held weekly in each Ward : what is said" and what done, & of course behind the curtain. The more one attempts to , learn of these myste iwus invincible, tbe mor? he gets conr founded, and after a long course ot tne pur suit of knowledge under difficulties, he is quite apt to become a real Know Nothing, At least in this particular. A State Con vention of the order, it is said, is to be held hi this city in about two weeks, for the nomination of candidates for Governor, Lieut. Governor and the transaction ofolh er business. ', These nominations are not to te let out of the shell till the morning of the election, the 13th of November. Trulj . this is a novel style of doing things, as the Frenchman said, we shall see haf we shall hear." t " --- - v Merchants' Exchange. The Merchants' Exchange Reading Room has been re-opened after having been rejuvenated to the fune of some $10,000.. It . appearance is particularly neat, ifnot beautiful. If jour readers come to the city and wish to see all the live-places, they must not omit this. "By dropping fri here they will not only see the best Reading Room in the country, but get a glimpse at the monied men men fat in purse and paunch. .This is something; how a man, worth all the way from one to hve rXiiliiOD. dollars, looks is of consequence in fact he is truly what is called in lady ia thfc anriiprvt nf Jf. tint nf hnntlir kind. It i. " r . .i . ,i ' I i I e . is a cuiiuus litci uiai luese oiu cuapa lur tbey are always W are always fine looking,1' very much more than they would be,' if poverty and emptiness lined their pockets, instead of two per cent, a , month; Let us farther point ;af:er, arriving at - the Reading Room into a little enclosure on ; the left, where is a desk, a chair, a curtain, ! and stationery of beautiful quality, and there se$ a man of extraordinary mark T T t a nr la itinntanano tKln halr rpmfirlr aVil r lTfra Aroa anA intpnup! v int llfr.tnft1 cj" J " foret. .J, will impress you as a most indes cribable man. I'ernaps you will not know who the person is, and it may strike you , that the information would be highly satis factory.' Let us tell you then that 'that is E. P. Whipple, the Lessee of the Room, and the best living essayist in the English language, and one whose name- will: go lown to posterity as the Shakspeare of Prose.- Mr. Whipple does little butdetail, having two very skilful and youthful per sons jo execute his directions. The Lessee ship gives nim about $3,000 per. year,-his writings $1,000 and his lectures $1,500, thissum is not very hard to take SpraiTVALisTS House. A 4 Hotel -at the corner of Beach street and Hudson avenue, known as the Fountain -Housej 'was.pn Monday consecrated as a " Sprit itualisls' House." It is to' be theliead quarters, and . ' r : j i : : 1 cuiicium vi iiitiv tapiuiy lutieasiiig s viuaa of vagaiists called" Spiritualists, of ' which .Judge Edmunds, formerly of New "York, is the head and shoidderx . The "breth ren" will here resort "to tell their dreams, to talk over and indulge in those Utopias which soar so far above the -utilities of the practical world. Surely this is a- progres sive age, a.nd "we shall no doubt, one of these days, have spiritual Colleges, stores, food and what-not Nil desperandum.' The pgethalbas invented a'telegraph, put down Bloomerism, and is going to cross the At- Jlajuic cqean in-six days," is equal to any What is talked op, The city of Bos ton is. m negotiation with that well know character Uncle Sam, for the sale' of th Court "I louse in Court' Square, a piece o' ally dismal by the immense sum of money it originally tost.- -'What Uncle Sam has a ' notion" of doing is this- to gut the whole building, and make it into a United Slates Court House and a Post Office. The ob ject is .excellent. At present the United Sutea occupy the building on a sort of suf ferance and have very ; J meagre ; accommo dations at that - besides, the Post Office is not in the most convenient place, in - the Totlil, the more especially for every body, cave a few downtowners. J It ' the trade is cwle? Vs thmk1t!wiU lvefy sensible on jlie-pan of Sam the Uncle.' . He want it, , and why should not he buy? that's: the . point. ' . - v; -... ' - . . .: ,: UHAaLZSTOWIi ASSEXfcB: TO BoSTOS. this is an age of ' annexations,, i Individ u - als, -families communities towns,' cities, tales, nations, illustrate the principle To bo annexed in some form er otlier seems to be the part of destiny. Charlestown,- the history of , which runs so far back, arid is so Jrenerable and famous, is now part of Uoston. l ne nooie granite shaft on Bun- ket XIU1, consecrated to the mt mory, of great events, ana reaaient of the blood of .the Beyolationary patriots, U "within the cir cle of our city. Trimount now adds ano ther to its bills, an J the last h the "noblest Roman of them alL .We cordially wel come the sister city to our embrace, f ' i has done polIy,"anJ, proved herself trua to Ler interest gr cJf union (a consutQmatioa long and dav&iJywiiie4) Boston obtamr the opportunity to increase its, commercial capacity to (k very large ex tent, which will not fail to be done at the earliest practicable period.""" Charlestown. in losing its name, gains the -wealth ' and energy of Boston, to say nothing of a more efficient municipality. The annexation Will hasten the removal ot the Navy Yard end the State Prisons both of which are sore spots.' -' The value of property will be rais ed Cochituate water introduced and count less other advantages accrue. The act is an indication of progress, intelligence . and enterprise. The event was celebrated trom the cannon's mouth, by processions, music, fireworks, &c, barius vuUtus. There are now six courts in the full tide of success ful operation in Boston, and all under one roof. This would seem to indicate that we are a litigatory people. It would not be 8tranjre if we were. Mayor Smith, in a speech at a Temperance meeting, Sunday evening, said that half of the persons com. mitted to the Station Houses, for drunken- ess, were out of to woers- people who visit us. .iy; ' i...- y yy . OUR INDIAN RELATIONS The late massacre, at Fort Laramie. tf an officer and his command of twenty-six men, and the imminent danger in which the garrison is placed, surrounded by hos- . I - - i . . r Ji me ana t-xcueu tuaians, suouiu ajuraci ice attention of the whole press of our eoun- try to the condition -of bur . Indian affairs. end awaken public sentiment to an ade quate expression on the subject. The state of our relations with the Indian tribes, in stead of being that of parental and filial protection and dependence, is mutually de fiant and aggressive, giving occasion for the bitterest blood on both sides, and mak ing hostile encounters between the two t races inevitably frequent. Though this state of facts must, eventually bring about the complete destruction of the Indian race, that end will not be attained wilhout' the oss -of much , valuable , life i among jhe Whites, and which might in a great .meas ure be avoided,, by the adoption of some different system of intercourse with the savage tribes. As things are now con ducted, the Indians are deceived, defraud- ed of their annuities ; left to starvation and misery, unless they take' the' means of re dress into their own bands, and plunder the emigrants or the settlements. This course necessarily draws down upon them the in dignation and retaliation of the plundered, which is again fallowed by massacres and burnings, and so- on. ad infinitum.. , Every mail from the West brings us the details of itch encounters, all aiding- to demonstrate the fact that ; our system ;of protection is radically defective land wrong. '. The late massacre is a case in point, il- ustratinglhe workings of the present plan and stronglyarguing in?fvor of -some im proved one Trie Indians assembled about the Fort, waiting for their payment, were kept in suspense for : many days, , by the non-arrival of the money, and were entire ly out of food. Oan any one wonder that the poor wretches killed and , ate a lame cow, left behind by a band of Mormons ? Is there any white man in ' this city, who would not have done precisely the same thing 1 Of course not. . It was simply the action of the first law of nature self pre servation.' But the Mormons complained that their cowJiad been killed, although. sne was lamej and Jeft behmd. and the commanding omcer at the Jrort sent out a subaltern with a piece of artillery and a stnail command, to arrest the guilty parties., But these the Indians refused . to give when the young lieutenant,' just- out of West Point, ordered his men to fire" V single volley "was all the troops could ; den liver they were shot down in their tracks. The rash and - foolish young officer paid the forfeit of his temerity wrth his life he fell, pierced by-twenty-four ' arrows. 'The Indians, then, exasperated beyond endu rance, surrounded tie fort, and, at- last ac-4 counts, there was a prospect that the post would fall intcrtheir hands, and the garri son be put to death, as it was too small to make; ianyenlcier.treswaac6i''dnd-,iiht' nearest reinforcements were hundred miles'away, Is hot this a sad picture -of the conQtion of things on the plains t A thousand Indians, brought together on the pledges of government,-: to receive" theif payment and foot!, are sufferecf to starvo unaer tne very guns ot .an American ,ior-. tress,-and because they are guilty of 'kill ing a . mi se ra ble c ow,. wh ic h tc n I dollars, would have .'Compensated J for the poor wretches are fired upon by the rash act of a boy,' it is true but they were shot down, and in return, they butcher the troops and threaten the garrison I Where is the fault here?". Is it-with, the poor, shiyering,tarv ing creatures', dependant upon a rirnVna lion and cheated by it, or is it with the gov eminent of that nation, which "so far. for grts its sacred pledges as to neglect .. and leave to die of want, whole tribes of help less people, men, women and children ?- Shame on that -government,- .which can thus abuse the duties of "its position, and while negotiating" for some stretch of, pow-4 er over new teiritoryTor endeavoring to es? tablish a repution for bravery by feats of warfare, can forfeit it - pledges ignore its responsibilitiesneglect its obvious duties and abandon thousands of human beings, dependent upon it for life, to the alternative ot starvation or tne buuet. : Buffalo IfmocTol. ' 'IVhy docs an aching. tooth impose silence on the sufferer? "Because it makes hjin hold his jaw. , " . ' . y ' OFFICE WIL. & RALEIGH R. Rl CO. a . .. .. jWIt, HINGTOrV, Mav 6th, 1S64.. i , I U IX 11 11 ARTICULAR NOTICE.! HEREAFTER Tickets to pasa over -tho Road of thiaCompany will, in no cuae, be sold to- a NKnnn - - -- - - .' - - " Owners must apply In pet son and purchase for tnera.nand the Ticket to the Conductor, and pon oat lo him the negro for whom it was bought. I ; By order. . , S. D. WALLACE, Agent. May 6. . . , ' . - 22.tL - F0R SALE. ; , QX BARRKLS City Mesa Poik; casks Ricej - . ' 'i' 20 baskets Champaigne j - . , 25 boxes Adamaotloe Candles; Low to close consignments.-.; ; RANKIN MARTIN. - ..... . "-South Vler-Bil Sept. 28. ' -.- . j . --r 83. " BATCHELQaS,FA MILIES,- HOTELS Steamboats, e., can be furnished with mat trasses, beds, pillows,' bolster, sheets, pillow, eases, blankets, comforts, spreads, towels, table clotha,&c.,bv calling on , - - WILKINSON & ESLFl, ' ' Upholster an j Paper Han r s ram r h" ; "t r;" . - do., .' "i iitm Smi:h"c' V-atu N. 1 & Fa' co. PenH Starrs Id C j: 'or rate tr ,AN. 79. Sept. 13. THE Bndertlgued nave this day formed a -conn rtnershin under (he firm and Kyle of PET' TKWAY fc PRITCHETT, for the transaction of a General Commtsalon, Forwardmz and Who le gal Grocery busineas . JAS. T.PKTTF.WAV, -: ' GEO. E. PttlTCHETTTf j juiy is. . ."r .; .': . , si. '7 FOR 31 EN AND BOYS. - A NRVV auonlv of Linen Drills; Angola Catai- - mere, Colored and Black Cashmareta, with a few Patterns Fancy t'rence Cassimercs, May 9. : v?.-HEDEICK & RYAN. IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. OlNGLF.and double fotdiaa- very convenient O and pmof against vermin, for sale b it vermin, for sale by : v-' Wilkinson esler: -July ia. npN different kinds of Matuaases on hand, and . JL. made la order by - - - -. : WILKINSON & ESLER, ; July lSy- .UphoUters ana Paper Hangers. wmmm r WSJ THrtsiiticribei'.respectfalfy iiifornia the public, thathe is nowtranasctine the Auction business on his owh account, and hopt a by strict af.ention to busiaes. to merit a continuance lthat patronage heretofore aoliberaUy bestowed upon him. Stock". Real Estate arid Negroes, bought and sold on B commlsfuonol I per cent euner at private 01 public sale. , . : :-yf3,.:. - 'v j CiORNIUES lor aiouclieto Netting put up, by -" ... y y VVtt.KINSOJN f- ESLEK, June 8. ' . ': ; ,. .' s- . ' .- .7. UENRY'S INVIUORATLNG CORDIAL, , PUREL Y - VE Uiu J A liJK IN ITS ., . , ; composition; - yy ; ' III Sin valuable Uordial, Is extracted from Herba L' ant Roots, which have been found after yeara of experience, by (he most, skillful Physicians, to bt- poaseaed of qualities most beneficial m ine dis eases tor wmcn n, is recoiumenaea, ana nence whilst ir Is presented w . the public, as an emcj- eiouB remedy, it is also known to be ot thatcharac- er cd wblcn reliance may ne piacea as to itasatety. In eases of Impotency, lioemorrhages, Disordered Sterltliyi Menstrua lion. or Suppression of the Men ses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or lor " , y irislngfrom any cause. such as weaknesefrom sick ness, where the patient has been confined to bed for some time, for Female after Confinement, A bortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in Its salutary etiectst orinloesof Muscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness.' Palpitation or tne Heart, indigestion, slug- gishness,' Decay of the Procreative Functions, Ner vousness. Ac., where a tonic Medicine is required, It will be toundequaijir not superior to any i-uin- pound ever used. - - Henry 'elrivigoraiing Cordial is one of the most nvalua ble Medicines in the many Complaint to which Fetnalas are subject. It. assists nature tu brace the whole system, check excet sea. anil create. renewed health and happiness. . Less suffering. diseareand unhupplness among Ladies wouli exist, were tney generally to aaopt tue use of (tua C r- dial. Ladies who are debilitated by thoswbsiruc- ions which females sre liable, to. are etoid bv the use of a botil- or two, to bloom and to viuor. . : .-V w.4vw.4mj&4v. H, fcif That solitary pfactke, so fatal to the existence uf man and it is the young who are most apt to bc-o-nie Us victims, from an ignore nee of the danger j wiuca tney aunieci nemseies. cauws - . xrr it LVi i Ts iwntr rri,- ... Weaknesaol the System, and Premature Decay- Many ot you may now Desonoring. misled as to the cause or source of disease.. To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselve Premature Im potency. Involuntary seminal. Kmiraions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anvother consequejieea of unres trained Indulgence of tho sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing the felicities of -.,,: MARRIAGE. ; v ; lessening both mental and bodily capacity, .Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those iinportsntiunctions to a heoltby state, and will prove of service to you. ft possesses rare virtues, ts a general remover of disease, and strengUieoer of the system, .--.-' -" .x 4 U AS A TONICMEDICINEL .. it is unsorpsssed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, as is customa ry, sppend a .King tiwtoC Kecoovinendations, Cer tlficatrs, Ac beginning -with Hear -- wliat the Preachei says." and such like i it is not necesaary, for Hunry's Invigorating Cordial." only needs a irl.il to prove that it witlaecompllsh all we sayi THE GBNUJXE HESRYS- IXVIGORA h- . . viva mnnri.n a , i is put up In S ox. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog nized by lni- Manofaeturers signature on the table of each B.tr 1, (to counterfeit which Is forgery.) as well as his private Seal on the Cork of each Bottle.- 0Sold for 2 per Bottle j Six- for S3 ; S16 per ..dozen.r . " - ' - - ' Prepared only by S. E. COH EN. No. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., TO WHOM jtLb-ORDliRS lil'ST; BK AD DRRSSF-0, For Sale by aHrespoctableDruggists A. Merchants Ihroughout the country.' "' r ' -Oct.29, - j., -?s:t;!i ',97.I2m-e.' 5 TAYLOR'SilNlRNAlONAL 'HOTEL, BHOAD WAV; Cor. of IfraskJin Street, IS completed and opened for. travellers who desire-agreeable and attractive accommodations.' ft i.i conducted upon the principle of -the best Kb- ropean Hotels, tho meals being served in the sevo rat opartinems, or at the tabtcs in the snlonn at the option of gueaia. - The Hotel, and Furniture combine elegance wiih comfort, and is designed as well for tho convenient reecption' of travel lers by tha late trains. - - - f-. - '.i'it i : t ,t f JOHN. TA YLORj Proprietors'1 JanG.. f,- t t ' .'I33Iye. i - - BACON HOG ROUND. . - - JL sjr splendid article ior saie oy July 18. C. DuPRK & CO DENTISTRY. r y; Da.T.B. CARR has returned from (Tr-. the North . i. ' - x tne ivorin witn a targeiy increasea I .1 r stock ot i eetn- lnstrumenis, sc Having consulted many eminent Dentists, he has perfect co'ifidenee in tha superiority of Allen'a Pa tent mode of inserting teeth -with artificial gums Full sets Inserted immediately, after the extraction of ihe-ieeih, and remodelled after the gums have healed without additional charge.. They -can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouih by the wearer, and are cleaner and. eirongor than teeth inserted ia any other way, and are warranted to give perfect sausfaction. All othes operations per, formeft in the most approved manner. . Reference to tndividuala ia this place now wearing teeth with th palnt improvement. , , .Oct 4-w-tr tf , , ... , 86 X TWO FLATS FOR SALE. ; : . ' " FLAT nf 325 bbU.' capacity, and one of, itO l bbi.. will be told cheap, locloae a eoneorn Apply o. . . j ..vyu. A- gw veil 65. i- ; ICE.MCEi! ICEI!! . ; v ; ,THR "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSF.' i S now open the public may depend, on havin their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. s , : -r- - ' .Orders from theeonnt.ry addressed to f'WHming. tdir Ice House", will be well packed aad promptly forwarded. - '""' .-"- -.' - i... .-.,,f' i'-A?H VajiBOKKELEJV", Proprietor,, "tMarcfi lOih, 1854. ;'XZ - w -J- MV STOCK IS NOW - COMPLETE. ; - F" Received per ScAr. 4 IV. IL'SmiiA, ' 0TBOXS No- 1 Soap, Wm. Col gates;-.. . , CO 20 half do. pale do. . do.; . , - '2 bbls. large new No. I Mackerel; 9 IC do. R. L. St A. Stewart's Crushed Sugar; . 2 boes . do,.. : Soap; . , RlblIrisPotatoe8f B. da Red Onions; ", 10 matts of old Gov. Java Coffee ; - so bags best St. Uomingo; .'-'- . - i . i i l,keg Saltpatert - .-5 do. Gum Camphor; - '-'.- ' ---' .. 5 do. do, Asafoelidar - . " . Low forcash at 3EO. H. KELLEiTS. -Sep2I. J H.f-N C T Spirit of the Age c'py 80.- SO?TE jo St OriF. mors of that super; r CI. ' zo E-!'cr, received, warra te t the rfif ( t in 'ar. let, by , - w. ;:. :il:;m. j co.. i o l. i ' I 'i r 20 boie t creci . ruiuii atyie -LER, , Ilangeis. JLX b calling on WILI INSON' ulsterers and . Aus. 22. " RATES OF ILOT'T TUST priciecf and for sale at e Commercial Office, the Rates of Pilotage fr the Bar and River. . . 3-tf. : : M0SCIIET0 NETiLNG. MADEand.pui.apon Iiigh or low post Bed steads, by WILKLNtfON A FSLKR, . May 20. . Upholsters. HOOP IRON AND NAILS. rr'H E aul)scriber wilt be constantly receiving rory-J.- aigmnenta of these articles, -of lle bt st tjualny and e tier s them at lowest maiket rates - - JOSEPH -A. IsLlWcOM. Idrch"6 - : -" s-tf BELLST BELLS ! ! 'BELLS! ! ! - ILIK Subscribers manufaeiuro-and keep eon- atantly unhai.d la-large assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Acadrtiies, Fuctoru-t, Stea mers, Plantations, etc,' mounted with their ' (un proved Hangingr, the most efficient in use. 'Their establishment has been in operation Thirty ye;ir. having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 lbs each ; and its patterns and 'process of manu facture so perfected, together with recent Improve ments, that ita Bells have an nnequaled reputation for volume of sound and quality pf tone. They have just received Jan. 1854 the First Premium (A Silver MedaI)ofthe World's FairinNew Vork. over a II Bella from this Country or Europe. Havs inga large assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with mutes in ail dircc, lions, cither Rail Roadj Csnal or River, and but 4 hours from New Vorts, we can execute order with dispatch.' Address A. MENKELY'S SONS, ' - VV-at Troy, Albany Co-.Nl Y7. '"' Feb. 51. - - .v r 144-1 yc. ' - PAPER HANGIMxV WE have j at rreeived a Very handsome as sortment of French Gilt oud Anieri-i-an Pu-. per Hangings;itArdeTs, Fire Si-reen, and Centres for sale. Hung In hiipilime stvle by " '-WILKINSON & ESLER, Upholtefcrs. , April 18. : At our old atanrf. - LUMBER, yy,-:- A SM ALL parcel oi prime Rl rr ; Lumber iSL Wide Boards and Scantling, suitable for Plantation purposes, fur sale, by March 30. , , JHt yf Gl LLI SPIF. & po OUR 310TT0 IS ' TO PLEASE" AT THE Wiimingtoit Saddle, Harness, and Trunk " - ', .y . Manufactory, "."'.. yy' . - HE subscribe! renpectlully informsthrpublic JL that he h is recently received additions to hi stork of Saddle and Harness Mountings.&c:. the latest atid most improved style, andia conslanly nianuiacturlng.ai nisstoreon market street, every description of trticlein the above line. From li ic experience in the business, he foels confident thm ne win do s Die to give emm aatistactionto all who may favor him with a call. He hag now on hand. and wtiiconstauiiy Keep a iariieaiortmentor , Coach, Gts and SuCiey ffariuss; Lady's Saddles, BridkSjVkipstifrC; Gentle men's SaddhsAfkipa all of which he will warrant to be ol v rr'; he beat material and workmanslitpi" t-V It has also a large aortiitent of ; Trunks, Valibt K. Maddle and Carpet Satchel.. l'aiicy Truiiks, &: ,and altother ar ticles usually kept in such extabtishmenta.all of which he offer luw for CASH, or onshortcredit to prompt cutrniert2 y , i ' -Saddles, Harness.Trunks, ReJica 1 Bags, die. In addition tot he above the subscribe ralwavs ket pf-on hand aJarge supply of String Leather, and has now, and will k3(i through ibe season a gool assortmcni of I'ly-Ktlts. ', ' Allarelnvited to call and examine rny GoOitsi whether in want or not, as I take olensureinsiiow iigmy 9or,rr11' all who may favor ma with a can..--, . - ........ ; i Harness andCoacb -Trimmings sold at a fair price 16 persoas buying to manufacture.' Also, vvniraax wholesale.- .,.v r ., 4.llkindaof Riding VehW lea bough t u nd sold on eomrallon. , JOHN J . CONOLK V . c, Feb. 7, 1954. - Ii9 . !i ROGERS' CUTLERY.? - ' THE Subscriber Is now opening a faie aasort msnt of Rojrtrs' seleeted Knives. Scissors; etc t and h-i made nn arrangement by which h will bo regularly supplied with hir goods, gotten up especially for his retail eles.Tliose who wish lha best 1a this line wilfalwars firtl themr at y-:r. , ?.. J. M. ROBINiONrSr Wilmington, N.C.; May 18. . . 27 - CIGARS, TOBArCO ANb SXI FFj v AT THE CIJ Y CJGAt STORE ' j OPPOSITE the Market, South Side )' Wh..le- sale and Retail, at prices lo -uit cmiomri). i Call and see. , , , .,, , ,, . ...VANsilCKLE . May 11. s 1 24-tf. ' OW is tne ilirtr to have your rooms and paa- saes paperrd with decorations, line or ni mon, as we have large aa?onment on hand, and superior wotkmen from New Vork, who. will hang paper in latest styles. ' - VVJUMGTO.'V Sl ESI.KII " July 22. , Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. TlMGlRsf SUGARS!! TUST recelveJ a prime lot of N. For-eale by f - - - J - ' J. K. BLOSSOM. June 6 t ' : .w . . . i" ' '"35 - rir v ti.r ,T Jir.'t ,- i " ,t f t '. wheat; rice.' corn:& piatan, TUo I in storeana tor saicoy.i Oct 3. J. M. ROBINSON. PAPER. HANGINGS . U j :N hand, and r.ut ur by J V.. VVILKINSON& ESLER, June 7. " " ' " paper hangers. : , , ; n . i ; i, , - ; : UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING in all Branches,' executed in superior Style and nf alinrl nflllrtt. hV - ' ' 5 " .. . .. 5 -.. WILKINSON A T.fLER, I Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hangars. SPIRIT BARRELS. ' FL(r NKW Spirit Barrels, a superior article. JJ For sale low by - - - Aug. 10. PKTTKVYAV & PRITCHETTr , .;TAB.;:j ti i, 250 BBLS. Tar, in, prime order. For snl by Alig. 21. "ADAMS, BRO. CO. iGOLDSBOtlOl FEMALE COLLEGE, nfHlS Institution commences its second session X uadet the new organisation, on the 18t day" of May, and will close the,la8may ot vember, i54. Rev'd James H. Brent, A: B. President, with a full and, competent faculty S70 pef session wll cover the entire expense for Tuition on.l ' Board In the Colleelata course, and $100 will eutM to the full course and alt the ornamental branches. $60 will cover the exaensee for Board and Tuition" in ihwPrimarr. Department. 'Ornamental branches exiraattheasual -efcargal -"-'-" The Board of Stock hollers have taken great painain procuring facilities for iziving a thorough education, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Siudei received rv time. ! ?-! '"'..S'VZii f t For further inf ormalion addresf the President of theFactilly, tT the subscriber; . i ' - ' - ' WM. Ki LANE,. t i .:' r. t j Prttt. Board Stockholder: : May 4. ' - : 21-tL - . T Z GUNNY BAGGING?- - 1 CBALRS Gunny Cloth, of superior quality. I J For sale by J .H FLANNER. . I Sept. 29. i . - ; HOOP IRON, 1-1 TONS, Consisting of . , 14'. do. - i inch.. ...-- . 2 do. li do. ' ;.: 2, fo. L- do. - ' - do.-. . i do. of beet American Iron, and which w will sell for amall proBts. . ,' June Z4. ' W. J4.SHER.WPPP & CO. . HISTORICAL SKETCH ES.V TI ISTORICAL Sketehcsof eminent Statesmen Jnl who flourished in the time of George 3d, - To gether with remarks on the Frnch Revolution, br Henry, Lord Brougham, F. R, S., member of the National Institute of France,, complete ia 2. vols- Forsalo by "'-x. ,''-- -Oct. 6. . 'l y SWJWHITAKER'S. XC -DISSCLCTION.:; THE COPARTNKRSHIP OF CASH WF.LL &. PARKER in this day dissolved bv mu'oal consent. :-D. Casiiweil will attend to the setil'i tent of the Firm's affairs, and continue the Com. mission Business In his own rsme.' ' v. - d.cahwell; . J.-A. fAKK. r. tv .1 A v c yuur Kooiiis j. ept. 4. IZZi. ' CIICCL LuCH", i - , , j STANDARD, theological, historical;: LAW, - MEDICAL, . j f. WfllTlEE2,V III VJ . 1 SoSlda Market atvV'jty . i WILMlAGTnN. N. CltijT BIOGRAPHICAL "AXD MISCELLANEOUS. f BOOKS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL." DR, JOHNSTON Proclaims to the nffllcied, far and near, that he has diecovertd the most cer ain. speedyand. effiracioua plan fur treating partic ular diseases that has ever been prescuttd to the world. -' By his plan, foui dedon obscrvutions made tn tlie Hopitalsof Europe and 'AtnericoJ he- will icnure-"-- . ' --"." - -. . A CLTJIE JX TVO DA YS OR AO CHARGE. Xo JUercury or. Nauseous Drugs Used. J Pain in the Luins, Constitutional Debility, Im potency. Weaktieta of the Back and Limbs, uflec tiuus -ot the Kidneys, Palpitation ol the Heart, Dyapeps-y. Nervous irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose.or iikin; and all those serious and melancholy uiborder arising (m the destruc tive habits of Voujtv, which (destroy both body and mind, those secret "and solitjrj practices more fatal to thoir victims than the song of th-c !Syri.n to the rnarint rsof Ulysst?. flighting thtir most brilliaui hopes orantlcifxiou8,fendor.ui? mariijge,&c, iin-po-tlbic, .. " ' ,. s , . , " : ;yousgmen.. 1 Especially, wlio have become Hio viptims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destrocjiye habit whii Ii unnually sweeps tu an uti timely trove thousands ! young men of the ttlott exaltt-d rjlents and briili ir,i U.telleel, Wh might Jtlicrwisc havi- .tntranccd Ht--trmcg -Sea'ites with the thuod. rs of' , Juaufnce. tr waked tp ecsiuc),the livinglyre,may .call wiih full confidence. - MARRIAGE. . iMarrieajpfton, uruiowconiempiating iriarriage, being awar- of physical wedkntje,sB.jild immedi. ately cohsult -Im J., and te restored to perfect henltbi v ? ', ,' U : rf .- .. ; " lie who places himself under the care of Dr. John ston m.ty feligioUily confide in his honor us a gen tleman, aDd L-ooftdently rely upon hii-skill asa phy sician. - " OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side UP. THE STEPS O-HE PARTICULAR in observing tho NAME and NUMBER,or you will mistake theplace ' , r -r ' J)R.t JOHNSTON." Member if the lioyal College of Surgeons, London;' graduate from one of the most eminent ''allege ol th United States, and the greater ;iari ol whose life tins bocn spent iu the Hospitals ut f.ondon, Hur ls. I'hilodi iphia.and elsewhere, hut til 'cted some of the moat astonishing c-uruiii.al were 'ler known; iii-iny troubled with riogiug. In the Head aud ' ars vlii-ii asleep, great nervoutrn-sii, being .Jai;md nt oQdden 'aoiinda.1 and bashfunets. wiih freauent blushing.nttettded sometime with dirunen enl 'of mlna, were curra mmwaiajeiy. - -- - TA KE PAR TIC U LA R NO T1CE. Df. J. addresses all tnose who have injured them selves by privute and improper indulgences, that ec cretand solitary habit bichralcs both bodv and ' mind, unfiuing them for either business or society. ' 'I ... a ra emitn "f lh .11 arA ioA.in.tnli. ..a' - - - produced by" early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of Back and LimJ.s. rvlo 1 rl tin- ad. Uiunna-r of Sight, Loss of Muscuiur Power, Palpitation of lheHean,uysppsin, ii?rvoustrruaoiity, Ueranae nientoi the Digestive Functions, GuoeraUebiliry Symptoms of Consumption, tc. ........ ' , Mshtallv. The fearful effects on 'the niind are much to be dreaded ; Lost, of Memory, ot Causing of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil-Forebodiuon Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust.' Love of Soli uid". Timidity, Ac, are some of the evilsproduced. Thousand t of persons, of all ages, can new judge what is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, have a einguiar apnearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. DR. JOHNSTON S t.WIGORA TIXG HEM. EDM FOR GEXITAL DEBILITY ,.- Thisgrandand important Remedy, has iestorei) strength arid vigor to thousands ol the m isi ner vous and debilitated, many of-whom had lost nil hopes, and been nbandoned to die. Byits complete inviguration of the Nervous System, the whole facu ties become restored to their proper power mid functions, aad the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty, onsistency, nnd dumti n.upon the j uinsof an emaciated and premature decline to sound and pristine health.. .Oh, h'-iw happy have - hundred of -iiusauidea voutns oven mnae wno nive bran mH. deiily restored to health, from the devastations of tnoc terrinc m;iiaaics which re nun irom lndiscre liow'y Such persons, before con tr-mpta ling MARRIAGE. y4 Shuuld reflect tl)jit a s)unj mind, and bodv. are the most.rtecjCbsarrefiuisites ' tu promote connubial happiness. . indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wearv pilguiunge, the pros- jiect hourly darkens to the virw rfrfinind becomes Shadowed with despair, and filled with the nielan tholly reflection, that the happiness of another be comes blighted v ith our own, ; I.er no false delia-. y prevent you but-apply immediately,' and save yoursclt irom ine arcaoiui conwqufnci-' of tut (er fibteWH,luly;- - . t i - : r- " WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS' Immediately cuicd and full vjoor losiored. "'' " " rjrAL.L LETTERS MOST BE POST PAID. Remedies sent to anv parrot tne country. , -i wmt- TO STRANGERS. - f DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore, Lock Hos-pit.-i1,-Mhose long residence in this city, standing as gentleman ot cliaracterand estfinsuilitv, exten sive practice-in .the various Hospitals of Europe and Jliis country, and skill and experience to which thousands can testify, as well as Ms ability in the SBrgical department of his profession, aa eviderred bv report of his operations on the Eyes and 'De formed Limb published in tha Baltimore Sun and Oilier papers, in the years 1341 2, -by which the bliiid irtrc jna.de4oea and the lame to wmJk ttraufht. ren ders hiin-worihy of all confidence -pon the part ol those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trifling und ignorant- preten de.rs advertising themselves ss Physicians. ;. s - 3ZTo those unacqusinted wiih his reputation, Dr. Johnston deems it neeei-sary to cav that his credentials or dipromas alwiivs hang in his office, t nrOFFICE,No7 SOUTH FitKDERICK St., Eaut side, up ihastepa. t i- ? '' i Oct. 13- tt.v '.--' , 90-lv-e- o9 Broad Street, Corner of Beaier,Nl York, Offer fr KHle-thisiwtlwing hvaw?CMton Fahric: . NEW-ENOLAA D' COTTON "SAIL DUCK- 22 inert, all nitinbvre, bard' and soft g also -alt the various widths of Canvass manufactured at .this es tablishment comprising every variety known to the : trade,and etfered at the lowest rates. i i UNITED STATES PILO CDUCK-Woo lberry i and Mount Vernon Extra. A foil assortment oft tjin superior fabric. . , , . jWIIfJM ANTIC COTTON DUCKV 16, 19,20 ai d ii Inch, ni; numbers, hard and soft. Tliis fub- rif was awarded the highest Premium at the Iin- don World's Fair, also m. onr oWo Si ,ttf Fair." " ftHlP-AND BEARAIAKf J)UCK Plaia and jwilled.'manufactrtred by the Greeiiw jod'a Com pany, a auperiorarriele for lisht sails, tents, awnings. Ac; also. Mount Vernon Twill d Ravens, Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phoenix Mills ; Lightton Havens, pluin TS to 27 inch ; Henvv, dJ, do. - , -COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. tarpaulins, hammocks, stuffs, &.c. PAPER 'FLLTINO 30 id 72 inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier feIfs.: - - " - CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, frcm 30 to 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering nnd roofing rsilroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof,; and .more adurino thVn t(ia.uari('tr. . - v .. . ENAAIELLING CAN VASS--30, 33, 4Jj 45 and SO inch plain and twitted, in every variety." - BAGS. AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bags. woven whole, all size, in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining strength.' utility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. 4! ; . , - ' .. . WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sizes, a new and desirable articles- r...( . 1 t - Feb. 21. - 144-ly-e. E'irTY BARRELS, ; r On SECOND HAND Spirit Barrels, of good )JkJ quality, for sale by July 22. RUSSELL & BUO - Nrano PASSES. ' ' - ; ANEW form af Passe s.containir z sanitary pro visions, approved by -he Comiiiiasioners. ai.d a number of others interested In the welfare of our colored population, is just Lssucd at lis odea of BTATioxrrrr, BLANK D00K8, ' PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, - CARDS, PENS. INK .MCSICf AKTISrS MATERIALS tc , &c.,'&c. .' '; RECEIVED THIS DAY, PER Express, 500prs. Children's Shoes a va riety of style and colore to suit the scsson. May 25.. ' . ; JON ES t GARDN E U'S. DR, J B. MARCniSI'S -'CELEBRATED OATllOLIt'ON, For the relief &cure ofSalTering Females, - Iltandspre-tmi-nent for its curative powersin all the dis eases for which it is recommended, call ed Female Complaiuli Of tneie are Pao- aps us Utbsi, or Falling of t Ii e WombtFfcOca Al- bus,' or Whites; Chronic lnflainma Ulceration omb ; Inci emorrhogr, r Flooding ; t'ain- ul. Suppressed, and irregul'ir Menstrua oii.-oic., ' - .netr inpaoy evils, (Csnce. excepted,)!. iiaiier howsovcre or of how long standing - ' ' - - . - The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, In being more certain, leFxpensive.and leaving t he system in a better condi. Ion. Let all Interested in such a remeedy cull and obtain a pamphlet (free containing airple proof, from highly respectabl sources, of the happy results of its uss together wiih letters from first-classexperlrnced physicians, who have used It in their practice, and speak Irom their own observations. nrriiiNcci. - Prof. Dboiinr, M.D.;Bakimbre,Md. ' 3: O. Orrick, M. D., P. B. Peckham, M. D, Utii a, N, V. - D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. V." M. H Mills. M. , Rochester, N. V. L. D.' Fleming, M. D.,Canandaigua, N. V. - W . W. Reese, M. D.. tlity of N. Y. -i W. Prescott, VI, D , Concord, N. H. ; J. P. JVewland, M D.. Ulita. N Y. "'; Pamphlets can be had gratl at the store of S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Druggists. Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Drugglats in the State. ' Letter addressed to Messrs. Beach 4 Jfrotrwaon, Agents al Newberry C. R., S. C, by Rev. C, S Beard, of same State i r a Gle-.v Ssbinos, Jan. 9th, 1853. ' Messrs. Beach &, Bbownson Sibs i I send for Another boirle of your '" MarchUi's Utarine Ca tholicon " . My wife haa been, ufSicied for eleven vcars, and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this nvidicine froni)ou. Its influence seems al most nugical : there was a manifest improvement from the day it waa taken. : A s tlicreare a great many tcmales In our country laboring under the ufflictionfor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to alt such. - - (Signed.) Clocgh S. Ucarp. J. B. M A RCHISI & CO., Proprietors. , Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. V. ; Nov. 19. , , 106-lc ' "IRON BKDSTEADS, FOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by - - WILKINSON ESLER, -- April 8. Upholsterers. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH. at hia dd stand n Market street, bcnap leuve lo return his thanks to hia W. old friends and customers for the liberal patronaite heretofore extended to him, and to Inform Miem that his slock of Boot and -hoes, ircluding evcrv vurl etyiu his line is now us complete and us extensive as at any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Boysand Children's Uo-ts and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, tasnion nnd quality mat can De desired, or thai is usually called lor, including a fine assortment of Ladies. Aliases and Gentlemen's Over Shots. i 5 . . He woold particularly Invite tha attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Lames ana Misses Leather, Morocco, Enstneled, Bronze, Pat Leaiher. Goat Skin, black and while Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers. Alt). blucki brown, (duo. purple and-variegated ilk Gaiters, a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters nt 31 a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings., Please call and examine. MrFrench would also inform his friends nr.d the public, that ho ia State Agent for the sale of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retsil. , -Nov40 . 102 y- w. CARRIAGES I six seated CARRIAGE, 1 Paneled Quarter Rockaway, -1 Quuker lloekaway and severallight Baggies just received arid for fccle by ' , sept 27-tr - umuwa bku. , TU0MAS SMITH & CO. ' DEALERS IN CORN. MEAL. HOMONV, PEAS und OATS, and COW and HORSE FEED, ? Beally's Wharf, North Water Street, ' y u . C v WILMINGTON. N. C. THOMAS eSSITH. t D. pVMEi JR. Oar Steam Grist Mill is now in successful opera tion. .. We will hsve it iaour power to deliver ih above articles at shott notice. . We have a 23 horse power engine and shall run two pair of four feel stone?. .,-,.-..?. : : : i' Orders can be addressed so C. DuPre A Co., or to the subscribers. ' . ''.-.-!,- !2Corn ground on TOLL. TZ ' ' - i. --.THOMAS SMITIJ A CO. I April 20. yr y . IS-tL 01URTNERSIIIP NOTICE. J: 1'HK Unfersigned hive this day formed a Co. 1 partm;r.xhip, under the name ol COTI.V GREGG V CO., for the transaction of the Lum ber Business. t M 1 1. F.S ;OsiTl N , - - - , , , - . J. ELI GREGG. r y y y -. , alfrkd smith. . J. G. LITTLEFIKLD. March 16. 154-tf. INDIA RUBKER BEDS - A rDCushionrforsa!eby ix' WILKINSON ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers. l m in d t on"- y f MARBLE AND STONE YARD. jj'HE Subscriber having accepted the agency of P t- several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfin(hed, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for . MO.VUMES T AND TOMB HTONES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates." J' " ' SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING. Exeeutedas well aa can be done either Northor South. - . -; ' ' The best reference ean be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. y , if. Jan. 6, 1851, y 7 S?&t?S. f " 'ion and l.rlkfli 1 fenta'i H m I ii s i : v CRACKERS CRlCKEns. Just received per Scknaner Mara Powell. ' 1 riBBLS.Soda Biscuit; do. Cream Crackers; , , l(r" do. Sugar do. j- -10 do. Pilot Bread; y'. ' .. 15 boxes Soda Pi sea iff 3 do. Fancy Crackers. For ssle by ' - . : .'U.Jt. BARLOW, A$ 10. K- 3 Granit Raw, Front at. ' "'!!" '.-.'. - i:0..i'HY. ' RecipViv:: a novel." la the .'rcary recew of a t!,Kk planted wowi Iuiagiiu.. a .tlo for age, has stood ; Suppose, too. a ,le Lleedi. j fcpcctre , wMt0 Stalking ronnd its niJe wall. D ,Il6 of b ; nicht ; Make some Lero (in courugo a snatch fur tha devil) ... , ucicnuimo pursuit or the ev'l. That keeps Ibe whole placo la fturpeiuat afK ight, Prom the close or tha day to the dawning of ligh t Make some heroine a closo winding parage ex' -ifc- plorc--- - i ... ..... Which (most wondron.) has never been .iun.1 out beloro : While the rain beats in torrents, around, the winds' Iicn And a Uet-p sullen mnnuur breaks furib from lh ground ( Let her lamp be extingu shed, k-t one feeble ray Of tha muoD through a chiuk of the wall Bod its way, As it Just for an Instant escapes from a cloud, TIipn An i-L- fiM, itrf.in. tiii-b Vim . , - , , - o- lslt4. Having g-roped in this lioniLlo pTace for a wlnfoi Let her Qnd out a room iu Ibis lmlf-rnln'd pile, Micro Diurdcr root foul uas comiuiitud of old . Ia due fot-rn and order the talo to unfold, Let a worm-eaten trunk the apartment adtro, (Containing Home manuscript mouldy and torn, An old tablo aud chair thickly cover'd with dust, A deep battered helmet, a curiae all rust ; Let daggor with three drops of blood oo tho blade, At a few inches distant, be bkillfuKy laid. On lior tufuing a key, let the npictro appear, While fho heroine dialaj s not a symptom of fear; At this eo'.einn liuiu, let her lover attuin, By a track which till low ho had sought for in vain, Tho mysterious abode: bo surprised with the - maid, By tbo lord of the castlo pur.tucd and betrayed. Lot the trumtiet be bounded the drum beat to arm ! And the pluco be assailed. In tbo midst of alarms Let tho Baron be slain, jet confess ere he fall, Tho diro fact brought to light to tho wonder of - all; Let the clock at this critical moment strike One, Sot the pile ia a blaze, and the business is done I SONG. BV Mas. mary s. D. Dana. Oh happy d-tjs of childhood I Ye hare left mo all too soon, When I wandered in tho wild uooJ And sang sweet "Bonnie Doon." When merry voices ringing In the tonus of childish gloo, Told that do sad cares wcrn clinging To my young friends or me. OA in tho woodland hiding, How wo ran from trco to tree, Or on young pino saplings riding, We laughed in ccstacj f t Or in the waters wadlug. On the smooth and sea-girt shore, While the weatern sun was fsdiDg, We froliced more and moro, Oh, happy days of childhood I Yts will never more return ; For the waters and tbo wildwood. In vain, io vain I yearn. MISCELLANY. Prom Ike Baltimore Clipper. THE RIOT AT CINCINNATI. The proceedings of the German Catho lics of . Cincinnati afford the citizens of the United Stales a foretaste of the treatment which they would receive were the Pope's party in this country to obtain the ascen dency. - The intolerance of these bigoted and ignorant Germans, it seern, will not permit a Sunday School to be opened in their neighborhood, and, because the Meth odists thought proper to endeavor to instruct gratuitously Buch poor children, without distinction of sect, as might wish to become men.bers of a Sunday School, the foreign tools of the Pope assumed the authority to urrest the proceed ng by an illegal and riotous course. They resorted to arms to compel Protestants to desist from educa ting the young; and our only wonder is that those concerned in the riot were per mitted to escape with their lives. Such insolent interference to put down Protest umism in this country will not long go iin-scourged,-and we warn the bigots who are exerting themselves to establish the supre macy of the Pope under our free govern ment that they may draw down vengeance upon their heads. The American people may be patient for a time, and yield much to preserve ofder, but they will not be trod- ded under foot. Old and young will rally in support of religious freedom, and will maintain it at the sacrifice of their lives, if it be required. Ihe attack upon the public school sys tem in lialtimore and elsewhere, is only ibe milder phase of the Cincinnati procee ding. Both aim at the same object the rearing . of the young in ignorance, that tbey may the more easily be made instru ments in the hands of priests to carrry out the designs of the Pone. The foreign priests have arranged this systematic at- tack on the public schools, and foreign Itoroan Catholics are resolved to force Americans into submission. But they have committed the error of forgettino; the coun try in which they live, and the government under which it U ruled. They are no long er under the despotisms of Europe, where priestly authority is suppotted by the St?.te, aud 'freedom of opinion is punished as a critTie. They cannot mob Americans into submission; but will find that the Litter can strike two blows for every one received. ' Notwithstanding every riot between, Catholics and Protestants ha3 been com menced by the former and, notwithstand-. ing, in every case the aggressors have been, ignorant foreigners, there are native Lorn. Americans, professing to love their country,, who incessantly charge th se who are cn-. gaged in maintaining freedom of re! .us. opinion, with being bigots, proscripu-ji.ioU and violators of the Coustitution. 0-t u; n. such shameless falsifiers. They J id -race the country which gave the r.i birth; and. are better suited , to be the Pope's slaves than free citizens of the United States. Genuine'Americana v, M Fjill the last drop, of their blood in support of the Constitution, and laws of their country; and particularly, in defence of the right of private judge ment in religious matters. They will not bow the neck to either foreign or domestic tyranny -to king-craft or priest-craft andi woe be to those who may endeavor to club them into oWedience. They will resist such, efforts w ith an energy that will sweep tbeii enemies from the earth. Mark what we say. r' ,: j ... il..J.-.

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