WILMISQT05. if. C- SATCRtjAY6CTOBER14,185. KfiVOIiUTIOJfABV AJTEcbOTE 1 T 7 5. In a lonely house, that separated Lexing ton from Woburn, aat two females, each holding an infant in her arms. Mrs K-, the mistress of the mansion, had two little children beside her babe She had, within a few days, witnessed the departure of her husband, who had shoul dered bis gun, and gone forth in defence of his country. . The husband of Mrs. v. was m w u taht clime, and her only brother on the field of battle. She, with her infant son, had fled from Boston, then in possession of the British, to seek a quiet retreat with her , friend in Lexington. It was a dreary night, the roar of the cannon, which had been heard through the day, had ceased, and ail was hushed in si lence. The clock had struck eleven, and the two women were sitting over a few dy ing embers, talking of the perils of the town, and the much loved ones far away. il IT 1- ITl :,l C U 1 honr fWnf- lldlA I BW .... . 1 steps." -a It is only the rustling of the trees, and we will "not be needlessly alarmed," replied the other, turning deadly pale, and pressing her infant more closely to her breast, as if afraid it might be wrested from her, and trying to assume a composure which she could not feel. ,At that moment the latch was lifted, and a gentle rap was heard. Who is there asked Mr. K, in a tremulous tone. 444 A friend,' replied a low voice, speaking through the key-hole, 4 for Heaven's sake let us enter.' The door was immediately opened, and three men entered in profound silence, each muffled in a long cloak. Do not be alarmed, ladies,' said one in the same low tone of voice; 4 we are friendr to our country, and are pursued by the enemy ; we have hid in the woods through the day, and have come to seek your bounty, and shelter for the night. And those yoo- shall have, with all my heart, said Mrs. K, whose countenance brightened up, when she found, that instead of the dreaded enemy, her noble guests were none other than John Hancock, Sam ael Adams, and one whose name is not now exactly known ; but,' she continued, 4you would not be safe here a moment. Why, the red coats are prowling around us in ev ery direction, they were here onlv yester day, eating - up all my pie3, bread and cheese, and because tr.ey could not find enough at my neighbor's to satisfy their hunger, they must needs rip open their beds and leave their cider running out. Oh, sir, these are dreadful times.' 4 They are indeed madam,' said Mr. H, listening with painful interest to her sad tale. 4 But gentlemen, he continued, tur nin to; his companions, 'what shall we do, for if is certain we are not safe here V They looked at each othei, but spoke not. fHaveyouany neighbor,' asked Mr. H. 'at whose house we might find safety for the night ' None, except my father's, replied Mrs. K., 'and it would be dangerous for you to go the main road, and you would never find your way through the woods, and we have neither man nor boy to show you, but what have gone to fight the red coats.' Mrs. V. now turned to her friend and asked her 'if she would stay alone and nurse her babe, while she went with the gentlemen to show them the way.' 4 i will,' she answered, 'though it is sad to be alone in suca dangerous times. Uut you must not go ; you are not able, you who are lame, and never walked a mile at once in your life, will not think of going so far on this wet night.' Mrs. V. made no reply, for she knew that there was not a momenyo be lost ; so, laying her infant in the arms of her friend, she wrapped her riding-hood around her; a' garment much worn in those days, and desired the gentlemen to follow her. When they saw this little deformed woman, in the dead of night prepared to walk a distance of nearly four miles, they looked at each other in mute astonishment, but they had no time to waste in words, for the case was desperate and she, taking the offered arm of Mr. H. they went forward, the two gen tlemen bringing up the jear. The rains which had fallen for some days previous had so swelled the creek over which they had to pass, that they were often ankle deep in water, and one of the gentlemen was obliged, in many pla ces, to carry their guide in bis arms. What with walking and wading they reached the farm house about three in the morning; and no sooner had they aroused the family and made known their situation, than eve ry individual was in motion ; and even the dog tried to show them by his. gestures, -that they should find protection. j ? A blazing fire soon shone forth, and a 1 plentiful repast was provided, and, notwith standing the gloominess of the times, a de gree of cheerfulness and even humor per vaded the little company. " Early in the morning, a carriage was in readiness to convey Mrs. V. back to her own house. As she was about to depart, Mr. H. took her hand, and said, ' Madam, our first meeting has been in troublesome times. Heaven grant that we may live to see brighter days. But God only knows when these scenes will end ; should we arrive the struggle, and you ever need a friend, think of me. Saying this they paj ted and never again met Years rolled on, peace was restored, and prosperity budded forth. The three gentle men arose to honorable stations, and in the confidence and respect of their fellow citi zens, as virtue and talent should rise. But what became of the woman? Alas my story i soon told.' Little was after! wards known by the writer of Mrs. K Ma V.s father lost all his property d uring the revolution. Her only brother was mor tally wounded at the battle of Bunker HilL Here he, with many others who shared the same fate, was thrown into a cart, and con veyed to. th loathsome- prison in Boston; where, after lingering foe some lime, desti tute of care And attention, and almost the permitted to see one of his dearest friends, he passed with- aaany - others into that world isor whence no one returns, and was soon forgotten amid the calamities and horrors of war."! ' .The husband of V. d.sd & few years af ter, in a far distant land,- leaving her a helpless widow, with tb ree small children to support ; and from that period it might Ja vb" almost been said of net, ,as of an an 7T-... .:.... b-fc-.rr Irr-W tn nr,,1 afterwards Known 10 smue. f She .struggled on a little -while, amid poverty and sickness, and then went down to an early grave, little known and still less missed, save in the hearts of few, in whose memory she still lives.. " J". a , ') . From Ik Baltimore Clipper. Hew Popery Treats Repnbliieanlna, and how Papists like the American Constitution. ' ; Some of the Pope's hireling scribblers are occupying m"cb space in the Sun, Argus, and True American, to paint tne virtues or Romanism and the vices of it asntagonists, They claim that there is no danger to be apprehended from that papal supremacy in this country that is likely to arise trom tne emptying of Ireland upon us, from the fact that the Pope cannot control his' own Catholic subjects in Italy, and bad to call in French bayonets to keep them m sub jection. Oh what silly fellows I Don't they know that his nonness excommunica ted as "heretics, infidels, and children of the devil" all who rebelled against his tem porary authority, and that be recognizes nobody zs Catholics but those who took up arms to sustain him on his despotic throne? Ask Bishop Hughes if he calls the Ital.an patriots Catholics, and he will answer 1 Think my master would pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth . if hey were Chathliss?" Catholics indredf No man is a Catholic (as the Pope understands it,) unless he fights for a proscription of Protestants in Italy, and intrigues unceas ingly for it however he may locale him self. . ;V s Again, the hireling scribblers alluded to, boast that we annexed Catholic Louisiana, Florida and California, and found their in habitants til loyal supporters of our Con stitution, and that we are now offering one or two hundred million dollars for Catho lic Cuba. What ignorant creatures, and how dumb and stupid they must consid er us Americans! Don't they know that the faithful papists of Cuba are dead against the sale of that island to the United States, and that the Creole patriots of that island favorable to coming under our Gov ernment are regarded as abominable here tics, to be imprisoned, shot, or garroted, as the nature and extent of their love for our republican system may warrant ? Do they not know that the true and steadfast pa tists of Louisina, Florida, and California pulled upstakes and returned to their old priest-ridden homes, rather than live under the free-toleration Constitution ot our coun try and have they not had warning that all the old Spaniards will pull up stakes and leave Cuba the moment a revolution may be successful there, or a purchase of that island made by our Government If the papists that remained in Louisiana and Florida proved true to the American Con stitution, is it not because their numbers were too few to justify a contrary-course on their part? Having thus Bwept away all the arguments of the papal apologists and defenders, let me now say to all true Americans win venerate those Know No thing founders, (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Tackson.) that your paper is denounced as the "BigoCs Organ" and as it is the oran of Americans, this is denoun cing all Americans and Protestants as big ots. But let them go on. They can hard ly call us harder names than the British and Tories of the Revolution called our pa triot fathers in their day, and as we are fighting anew the battle of independence let us bear this abuse of the foreign party patiently and meekly. John Hancock. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COUP' Y, ' v RALEIGH, N. C. THE- above Company hrs been in ope rat ions! nee the Ifiof April, (843, under ihedirectionof the following Officers, viz t Dr. Charles K.Jonhson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasure'. Porrin Busbee, Attorney, 3r WrlH MckH?"00 AMiccl Board of Ot. Wm. H, McK.ee, V ...k; Dr. R.B. Haywood, "Ko.on. J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages tothe insured over any other Company.- The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any clajmsof the represents Uvea of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members sarticipatei n the whole of the orofi ts which areicclared annually. Besides, th ) applicant for life, when tne annual premium is ovcrS30 may pay one half in a Note. - All claims for insurance againatthe Company will e paid within ninety days alter proof of the death of the party isTurnished. Slaves are insured forone or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properity against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina.which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryl argeamonnt of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having aireaay issuea more man iuv roucics. Dr. Wm. W. Habbiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. AIICommunicaMonsonbusinct sof iheCompany noma ot aaaressea to J AS. F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleieh. Jan. 25, 1854. if. TO THE LADIES THE Ladies ' Benevolent Society's Clothing Store Is again open, and they are ready to recu ve or ders at their Depository on Front st ."ci. under the "Seamen's Home, for garments of all descriptions, which shall be filled promptly and well Farmers and Contractors will nod U to their intereat to er. courage this institution, in doing which they will at the same time be dispensing charity in the moat enectual ana least offensive manner. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 3. 85- 2m. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS : f( tfi LBS. pure and extra White Lead; &L,JUU 5,000 galls. Linseed Oil 25 bbls. Red Ochre: 500 galls Chrome Green; 10 bbls. Ver.euin Red; 300 galls. Chrone Yellow; 25 bbls. Lamp Black; 8 bbls. Coach and Janan Varniahes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Prussian Blue; Logwood, Annatto and Madder. For sale by C. A D. DoPRE. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 5. 86. WINDOW GLASS. VIMM. BOXES French and American Win dow Glasses from 7x9 to 24x36. For sale by C. at D. DoPRE, Oct. 5. Wh-jlcsale Dmgglsts, Wilmington. C1NDLES, CANDY AND TEA. OV BOXES Adamantine and Sperm Candleat do. Assorted Candy T u nail-cheats, and 10 Catty's Black and v-rcen leas, tor sale by Sept. 19. PETeWAY St PJUTCHfcTT. r CAUTION. A LL persona are hereby forewarned from trad r-; "r onying a note to the amount of four hundred dollars or thereabout, executed by m, L".,bKl! V.??ISTK MEYER, a. tfaa sal note was obtained from me by fraud, the debt being duo to Mayer & Co., with whom I have settled this i C " JAMES. LEFFERS. Wltai ngtoo,N.a,SepU87. 83-3W-W. Weekly J. d H. copy 3t. ?4 ; CANDY1 CANDY ! I 1 rfV,BS Steam refined Candy, put up in 50 and 24 lb. boxes. A SDperior artl- c,mD0. w, bJ-lliMO U. USEJiNK.. Per SrArM'IMly," from New fir BBLS. "Hiram 'Smith Flour; tJ 6 do. Hopeto'i- - t do.; ' t al-bta- "Hiram Smith" do.? - 27 boxes Colgate's No. 1 & Pale Sonv 13 do: do. Peart Starch ; s by - - x, Q.CINCE Sept. 19. , , for ale iAN. " 79. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a co partnership, nnder the firm and style of PET TEWAY & PR1TCHETT for the transaction of General Commission, Forwarding and Whole, sale Grocery basinese. v JAS.T.PETTEWAY, GEO. E. PR1TCHETT. July 18. - 51. FOR MEN AND BOYS. ANEWaupply of Linen Drills, Angola Cavsi meres, Colored and Black Caahmarets, with a few Patterns Fancy Frence Cassimeres. May 9' HEDR1CK A RYAN. IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. SINGLE and double folding very convenient and proof against vermin, for sal by 1 July 15. - - WILKINSON A ESLER. rnN different kinds of Mattrassea on hand, and JL made to order by . . WILKINSON & ESLER. , July 15. i $ Upholsters and Paper Hangers. NOTICE. THKsubBcriber.reBpectfuIly Informs the public, thathe la nowtranascting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore solibtreliy bestowed upon him. . ' - M. CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private oi publiesale.' , , - Jan8.1854. - CtORNICES lor Moscheto IVettiug put tip, by WILKINSON d ESLER. June 8. pi s-.x : .t -.. -Ji . 37. HENRY'S INVIGORATING C0RDUL, PURELY VEGETABLE UN ITS ', , - COMPOSITION. I'HIS invaluableCordial,lextractcdfrom Herbs . and Reois, which have been found after yars of experience, by the most akitiful physicians, to be possessed of qualities most beneficial lit the dis eases -lor which it, is recommended, and hence whilst it is presented to the public, as an effica cious remedy, it is also known to be ot that charac ter on which reliance may be placed aatu iusafety. In cases of Impotency, lloemorrhagcs. Disordered Sterility, Menstruation. or Suppression ot the Alen ses, Fluor Albuaor Whites or for , . ,, DEBILITY --. ricins from any cause, such aa weakness from sick neks, where the patient has been confined to bed fo some time, for r enisles alter confinement,. bunion or Miscarriage, thia Cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary effects: or in loss of Muscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weak ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Slug, siahness. Decay of the Procreative Functions, Ner- s . i I : : t I VOUsness.wc.i ioi mcuicine njuireu, it will be foundequal, If not superior to any Com pound ever usea. . Henrv'slnvifforatine Cordial, la one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which Femalas are subject. It assist nature to brace the whole system, check excesses, and creates renewed health and happiness. Less suffering, dire a re and unnappiness among Ladies would exist, were thev eeneruliy to adopt the use of this C r- diai. Ladies who are debilitated by those tbsl ruc tions which leaiaJes are liable to. are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to vigor. That solitary practit c, go fatal to the existence of man and it is the young who are most apt to.be- e-me its victims, from an ignorence of the danger j wtllcti tney subject 'nemseives, causes NER VO US DEBILITY, - Weakness ol the System, and Premature Decay Man v of vou may now bt'sutTerinz, misled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then, who bv excess have brought on themselves Premature Im potency, Involuntary seminal Kmiraions, Weak ness and Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Ner vous AHt'cnons, or anvother consctjuenetis of unres trained indulgence of- the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing thefelicities of i MAItttlAUK. lessenimr both mental and bodily capacity. Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicins that is nurelv Vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important functions to a healthy state, sod will prove of service to yon. Jt possesses rare virtues, is a general te mover of disease, and ttrcngthener of the system- AS A TONIC MEDICINE. It is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, and, as Is customa ry, append a long list of Recommendations, Or tinea tee. Ac beginning with Hear what the Preacher says," and such like; It ia not necessary, tor Henry's invigorating uoraiai." only needs trial to ureve that it will accomplish all we say. THE GENUINE "HEXRYS IN VIGOR A- ... TIN a CORDIAL," is Duf up in 8 ox. Pannel Bottles, and is easily recog nized by the Manufacturer's signature on the lable of each Home, (jo counterfeit wnicn is forgery,) as well as his private Seal on the cork of eacli Bottle. f3rSoldforS2 per Bottle; Six for 99; 16 per dozen. - Prepired only by S. E. COHEN, No. 3 Fraaklin Row. Vine Street, below Eighth, Philadelphia. Pa TO WHOM ALL ORDERS MUST BE AD DRESSED. For Sale by alirespectabieDruggists cV Merchants throughout tnecountry Oct. 29. 97-12m-e TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, Cor. of FrankUn Street, . NEW YORK- r . . TS completed and opened for travellers who de- X sire agreeable and attractive scconi modal ion It is conducted upon the principlo of the bent Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the seve ral apartments, or at the tabica in the saloon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegsnce with comfort, and is designed as well for the convenient reception of travel lers by the laie trains. , JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan.2C. ; 133 lyc. BACON HOG ROUND. 1 ACi PIECES North Carolina Baron, A'iV.v splendid article for sale by July 18. C. DuPREciCO. DENTISTRY. Da. T. B. CARR has returned from the North with a largely increased stock of Teeth. Instruments. &c Having consulted many eminent Dentin, he has perfect confidence in the superiority of Alien's Pa tent mode of inserting teeth with artificial gumx Full sets inserted immediately after the extraction of the teeth, and remodelled after the gums have healed without additional charge. They . can be worn without pain, and removed from the mouih by the wearer, and a re cleaner and stronger than teeth inserted in any other way, and are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. All other operations per formed in the most approved manner. Reference to individuals in thia place now wearing teeth with tne patent improvement. Oct 4-w-tr If 1 t.v - 8S TWO FLATS FOR SALE. A FLAT of 315 bbls. capacity, and one of 150 bbla.. will ba sold rhnan. Corlmut a roncern. Apply to; WM. A. GWVER. Auguat I. ' 85, ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" IS now open the public may depend on having their wants supplied alt season of the year, at reasonable rates. . ' Orders fromihe conn! ry addressed to "Wilming ton Ice House", will be well packed and promptly forwarded A. H.VakBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, 1854. , 152. MY STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. Received per Schr. W. IT. Smith, Opt BOXS No. 1 Soap, Wm. Colgatea ; fCJ 20 half do. pale do. do.t 2 bbls. large new No. 1 Mackerel ; ' 1C do. R. L. A. A. Stewart's Crashed Sugar; 2 boxes do. Soap; . . 5 bbla. Irish Potatoes i do Red Onions 10 malts of old Gov. Java Coffee ; , -5 bags beat St. Domingo I 1 keg Saltpetert 5 do. Gum Camphor t B do. do. Asafcflildai . .-,-. Low for cash at - -GEO. H. KELLEVS. Sep, 21. J H 4- N C T Spirit of h Age Cpy 80. XUTTEIli CCTTHH!!, " SOME mora of that mparior - Cherango But!err jut received, warranted the verv at in mar ket, by - VY. M. SHKRWOOi)&CO. - i XX b caiuag on ': ' - Aug. 23. . Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for sale at " The Commercial Office, the Rate of Pilotage for the Bar and River. .- 3-ii. M0SCHET0 NETTING. VTADE and pot up on high or low post Bed iVl steads, by WILKINSON ESLER, , May 20. Upholsters.': HOOP IRON AND NAILS. THE subscriber will be constantly receiving con signments ot these articles, of the best quality and offers them at lowest market ratea. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 28. r 6-tf. BELLS! BELLS!! BELLS!!! r HE Subscribers manufacture and 4vcep con stantly on hand a large assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Acad mice, Factortee, Stea mers, Plantations, etc.. mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in dm, Their establishment has been in operation Thirty year. having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 lbs each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture so perfected, together with recent improve ments, that its Bells have an unequaled reputation for volume of aound and quality of tone. They hove just received Jan. 1854 the First Premium (A Silver Medal)of the World's Falrin New York, overall Bells from this Country or Europe. Hav ing a large assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with rases in all direc tions, cither Rail iload, Canal or River, and bat 4 hourafrom New York, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address ' - A.'MKKKKI.rS 90KS, West Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. 141-lyc. PAPER HANGING. WE have j at rect-ived a very handsome as sortment of French Gilt and American Pa per Hangings, Borders, Fire Screens, and Centre? for sale, flung In handsome style bv WILKINSON & ESLlCit, Upholsterers. April 18. A l tir . tanrl. LUMBER. A SMALL parcel of prime Ki'rr Lumber Wide Boarda and Scantling, suitable f- i Munta'ion purposes, for salr, by March 30. J.VS. F. GILLISPIE & CO. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEA&E" - AT THE Wilmlugton Saddle, Harness, and Truuk Manufactory. . nMlE subscriber respectlully informs t lit pub lie X that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings. Ac. the latest and most Improved style, andis constanly manufacturing. at niastoreon inarlcelatreet, every description ot articlein the above line. From his experieocelnthe business, he foelsconfident that be will be able to give en tire satisfaction to a 11 who may favor him wiih a call, lie has now on hand. and willconstanily kcesa large assortment of . Coach, Gig and Suikey Harness, Isady's SaddUs, Bridles. JVAijs, dc., Gentlemen's Saddles, Wiips Spurs, dc. ' ' allof which he will warrant to be ofw I'ne best materials and workmanship. YH haa alao a large assortment of Trnuks, A a Uses. Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, &c. and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of which neotierf lowior v; ASH, or onshortcredit to prompt customers. - Saddles, Harneaa.Trunks.Redical Bugs.&c. ic. made to order. In addition tothe above the snbscriberalwavs keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and nas now, ana win se-jp tnrougu tne season a goodassortment of Fly Nttts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whethcrin wantornot.aal tokepleasurelnshww Ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harncseand Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whirs at wholesale. .llkindsof Riding VehUles bought and sold on commlstons. JOHN J. CONOLF.Y. Feb. 7, 1854. 138 ROGERS1 CUTLERY. TH K Subscriber is now openings fine sssort ment of Rogers' se lee ted Knives, Scissors, etc ; snd has made an arrangement by which he will be regularly supplied with his goods, gotten op especially for his retail sales. Those who wish tbs best ia this line will always find them at - J.M.ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N.C., May 18. 27 TlCtARSTOBACCO AND SNUFF,. A T THE CIT Y CIGAR STORE. "OPPOSITE the Market, ISoutk Side.i Whole. V sale and Retail, at prices to suit customers. Call and aee. YANSICKLE. May 11. , 24 tf. - . - t' A. NOW ia the time to have your rooms and 'pas sages papered with decorations, fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on hand, and superior workmen from New York, who will hang paper in latest styles. WILKINSON & ESLER July 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. SUGARS! SUGARS ! ! fUST received a prime lot of N. O. For sale by P i. K. BLOSSOM. Jnne 6. " 35. WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS, TUST In store snd for sale by l Oct 3. J. M. ROBINSON. PAPER HANGINGS N hand, andmt up by KJ . WILKINSON & K.SLEK, June 7. Paper hangers. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING in all Branches, executed In superior style and at Short notice, by WILKINSON & ESLER, Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Handera. SPIRIT BARRELS. 50 r NEW Spirit Barrela, a superior article 1 L'.. ..I. 1.1. b. . Aug. 10. PKTTEWAY A PRITCHETT. . TAR. 250 BBLS. Tar, in prime order. For snle by Aug. zt, - auams, tstiu. t wu. GOLDSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. T'HlS Institution commences its second session J. undei I he new organization, on the 1st day of May, and will close the lastoay ot .November, loo. Rev'd .James H. Brent, A. B- President, with a full and competent faculty, 870 per session will cover the entire expense for Tuition and Board in the Collegiate course, and 100 will entitle to the full course and all the ornamental branches. S60 willcover the expenses for Board and Tuition in the Primary Department, Ornamental branches extra at the usual charge. ' The Board of Stockholders have taken great paina in procuring facilities for giving a thorough educsdon, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Studenia received any time. r . " . For farther information address the President of th. Faculty, or the subscriber wjf k LANEt Prett. Board Stockholder. May 4. il-if. GUNNY BAGGING. 1 5BFAor'sa?e,brny 'jLA&r Sept. 28.- - - " 82- - HOOP IRON. T. 11 TONS, Consisting of , 4 do. i inehi 3J do. I do. 2 fo. 1 do. . I do. do." of best American Iron, and which we will sell for smsll Pr"?'- ' June 24. W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. . HISTORICAL SKETCHES. . HISTORICAL Sketehesof eminent StatMneA. who flourished ia tbs time of George 3d. To- f st her with remarks on the Frsnch Revolution, by lenry. Lord Brougham, F. R.S., member of the National Institutsj of France, complets in vols. Fpl!,r - S. W. WHITAKER'Sl". - DaSSOLUTION. . : THE COPARTNERSHIP OK CASHWELL dt PARKER ia this day dissolved by sBSJinal ConsenU D-Cashwell wUI attend to ihe.-seul-sacnt of the Firm's affairs, snd eontlnaa tb Coaa. mUskm ?U !" LI CA H WBLt, . - v, -- j i a piitrER. " SCQO0I. LOOKS' ' ST AS DAK D, , TIIE0L0GICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, " MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR, JOHNSTON Pro-iiims to the sftiicied, far and near, ihat he has discovered the most cer ain. speedy and efficacious plan for treating panic alsr.discaeesthit has ever been prrsenu d to the wot Id. By his plan, fouidcdon observations mude tn the HocpitsUof Europe and America, he will tenure A CURE IN ttVODA YH, OR NO CHARGE. No AUrcury or Nauseous Drug t-Vc.J P-ln in the Luios, Constitntionai Debility. ln. polency, Weaknan-s of the Knckstnd l.imbs, ulli c tions ol the Kidneys, l'airit ition r the tleiiri, Dyspepy. Nervous irritability, l;isoaies ot the Head, Throat, Nose, or riitiu; -i.id an til '-e seriuus and melancholy disorders arising trom the destruc tive habits of Youth, which uesiioy boili body u no mind, those secret aid solit .r practices more fatal to their vie finis- than ihu song ol the syrn to the mariners of Uiyssef. blitihtiug tht ir most brilliant hopt-v orantKipations.renderiog inurrldge,CC., im- ptireiuic: Kspreially, who l ave become Hie victims of SoMa ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive hnbit which .onuiilly fwerpa to an untimely srnvc Ihonsnnds if young irien of the most exalie.d" tolenis and brilliant intellect, wh't niiijltt otherwise hav entrj.ieed Ha. tenina Senates with the thnndurs ol eloquence. t.i waked to ccstacy the livlngiyre, tn.y cull with full confidence. MA Kit I AUK. Mi rried pe "ton, o r I h o se co n te m p I a ti n g m a rrl a ge, being uwor- ol physical weaknea. should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He who places himself nndarthe cireof Dr. J.hn. eton may religiously confide in his honor as s pen- ' tlemantand confidently rely upon hUskill ca phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St 7 DOOIIS FROM BALTIMORE t., (east f-ide UP THE STEPS. J3THE PA KTICULAK in observing the NAME and A UMBER, or you will mistake the place. . DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life hss been spent in the hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, haa effected aome of the most astonishing cures that werdefer known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervouensss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfuiness. with freaurnt blushing, attended sometimes with dcrangeinenl of mina, were curea immeaiaieiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all tnose who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. thnt se cret and solitary habit which rules both body and mind, untitling them torcitner business or society Ttieae are some of the sad and melancholy efiects nroduced bv early habits of youth, vizt VV.iU, of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimnenn of Sight, Loss of Musculur Power, Palpitation of the Heart, uyspnpsia, 1 ervous i rnta Dility, Derange. men t of the Digestive Functions, General leoiliy, oympionisui uuiioumuimn, kxik. M cmtai.lt. i no leariui enecii on tne mind are murh to be dreaded ; L,os of Memory, of Causing of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodinon Aversion to society, fceJt-Uistrust. Love of Soli tude. Timidity. Ac, are some of the evils rjrodueerf Thousand ot persons, of all agea, can now judge what Is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming wealc, pale and emaciated, naves einguiar appearance aoout tne eyea, cough and svmploms of Consumption. DR. JOHNSTONS IN VIGOR A TING REM EDY FOR GENITAL DEBILITY. This grand and important Remedy haa restored strength and vigor to thousands of the most ner vous and debilitated, many of whom had lost all hopes, and been abandoned to die. By its complete invigoration of the Nervous System, the whole facu-ues become restored to their proper pswer and functions, snd the fallen fabric of life raised up to beauty, -nnsistency, and duration, upon the ruins of an emaciated and premature decline to sound nnd pristine health. Oh, how happy have hundreds of miKguIded youths been mode who have been and denly restored to health, from lbs devastations of thoe terrific maladies wnlcti result froni indiscre tion. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE., Should reflect that a sound mind and bod v tire the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without ihewe. the j iurney through life become a u enrt pllgrlmse, ihe pros pect hourly darkens to the view tht ruind becomes shadowed with despair, snd filled with the miian cholly rcflertion, thai th happiness of another be comes blighted v Ith our own. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save y out sell Iront th dreadful consequences of this ter rible mnlndy WEAKNESS THE ORGANS Immediately cured and full lgor ff stored. aTAL.L LETTERS MUST BE POST PAID Remedies sent to anv part of the country. TO STRANGERS. DR. JOHNSTON, of the Baltimore Lock Hoa- piial, whose long residence in this city, t-'snding ss a gentleman oi cnarscirr ana responsibility, exten sive praeiice in the various Hospitals of Europe and this country, and skill nnd experience to which thousands ean'temify, as well as his ability in the aurgicaldepnrtmeni of his profession, as evidei -ed bv reports of his operations on the Eyes and De formed Limbs. publl!-ned In the UaltimoretSun and other papers, in ihe years 1341 2, by which Ik blind tceremaae toeet ana the lame to walk etraight. ren ders him worthy of ail confidence upon the part ol those who need his professional services, and who would shun the many trifling and ignorant preten ders advertising themselves ss Physicians. IrTo those unacquainted with hia reputation. Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say that his credentials or diplomas alwn rt Imnnin his office 13-OFFICE.No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK St., r.asi siae, up ine steps, - Oct. 13. 0-ly c. FOX & P0LHEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N. York, uncr tor sale tne following heavv Cotton Fabrics: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK 22 Inch, all numbers, hard snd soft; slso all the various widths of Canvaas manufactured at this es tablishment comprising every variety known tothe iraae.ana onerea at ine lowest rates. UNITED STATES PILOTDUCK-Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric. ' WILI IMANTIC COTTON DUCK- 16, 18, 20 snd 22 inch, all numbers, hsrd snd soft. This fab ric waa awarded the highest Premium st the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK- Plain' and twilled, manufactured bv the Green wjod's Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents, awnings. sc.; a iso, mourn vernon will o tlavens. Howard Kavens, rioneer and fhcenix Hills; Ldghttoa Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch j Heavy, do. do. COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. rnrr.tirn.unu ou to it, inch, made very heavy, expressly for drier felts. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, si widths. from iU tot inches, snd all numbers, made ex pressty for covering snd roofing railroau cars, Is perfectly snd permanently water-proof, and mure enduring than the car Its-lf. ENAMELLING CANVASS 20, 3ft, 40,45 and SO inch plain and twilled, In every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bs gs. woven whole, all size, In bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining strength, sillily and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking. 40 Inch Canvass. 3 thread Warp sad Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, 21, 40 and 44 inch. , WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sixes, s new snd desirable article. Feb.2U - 144-Iy-. EMPTY BARRELS. Cfirt SECOND HAND Spirit Barrels, of good quality, foe aale by J sly 22. RUSSELL. BRO :v NEGRO PASSES ANKW form f PaMa containing sanitary pro .U!a annw.SA.4 Wss ika f 'nmrniaadmort. ssll Bsmber of others interested in the welfare of onr colored population, is just issued at toe office Ot - I " 1 SoSiio Msrket WILMINGTON, . - j -STATIONERV, BLANK BOOKS, PAPEftS OF ALL DESCRrPTIOK, CARDS, PENS, INK. etc., MUSIC, ARTIST'S MATERIALS &e , dec, die. RECEIVED THIS DAY. PER Express, 600 prs. Children's Shoes a va riety of tjle and colo'i to suit ihe sesson. May 25. JOM' dt GARDN EK'S. DR. J. B. MARCHISI'S CELEBRATED MilOLUON, For therelief &curc ofSuffering Females. It ttanda pre-eminent for Its curative poweramall thedis- m-tmmm f.ir urhie.h il is ."Tv. recommended, call ed Kiinale Complaiuti Of tnese are I'so tapsos Utbbi, or Falling ol (he rVomi) Fbova Al bus, or Whiles Chronic I "Mamma tioa and Ulceration f ihe Womb t Incl lentul Hemorrhage, r Flooding Pain wl, Suppressed, and . rreguHir Menstrua on. dec, v ' excepted,) t. .heir jcc niiiany evils, (Csnce, matter howsovere or of how long standing. 'l bs S.ihoMcon far surpasses other remedies, In being more certain, icsexpensle.and leavinglhc I tystem in a better condi'lon. Let all Interested In .uii a iciiiccuj cull n u uumg m yufitpiiiMi i n v containing ample proof, from highly respccisbl sources, of the happy results of its use together with letters from first-class experienced physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak Irom their own observations. BKPBBBSCCS. Prof. Dbe.ior, M.D., Baltimore, Md. J. C. Orrick, M. I)., " P. B. Peckham, M. D, Utlca, N, V. D. V. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N. V. M. H. Mills. M. D., Rochester, N. Y. L. D. Fleming, M. D.,Csnandaigna, N. V. W . W. Reese, M. D., City of N. Y. W: Prescott, M. D , Concord, N. H. J. P. Nswliind. M D.. Utice, N. V. Pamphlets can be had gratis st the Store of S. B. dt J. A. EVANS, Druggists Wholesale and Retail Agenta. Wilmington, N. C. And of most of the leading Druggists in the Ststs. Letter addreeeed lo Mettrt. Beach d- Brow ton, Artnt at dewberry C. ., S. C., by Ret. C. S. Beard, of earn Slat. Glkw SpaiMos, Jan. 9th, 1R53. Messrs. Beach dt, BiowKno.t Sias i I send for another bottle of your " Msrchlei's Utsrlne Ca- holicon " My wife haa beers afflicted for eleven vears.and a variety of means has been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine from ) on. lis influence seeais al most migical s there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taton. As there sro s great many females In our country laboring under the afllictionfor which your medi cine proposes s remedy, I feel It a duty to recom mend it to all such. (Signed.) Clooon S. Bsasd. J. B. MARCIUSI A CO., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway N. Y. Nov. 19. 106-lyo IRON BEDSTEADS, T70LDIND, proof against canker, knives, and X vermin, lor sale by WILKINSON A ESLER, April 9. Upholsterers, 'nTTD"snOE STORE. r.vnnr.v.Ti FBi.-TnH..t his old stsnd on Market street, beifsff. leave to return hla thanka to hia Saw old friends and customers for the libersl patronage heretofore extended to him, and to inform them that his stock of Boots and Shoes, Including every vari ety in his line is now ss complete snd ss extensive nsal anv former period. His slock of Gentlemen Boys snd Children's Boots n id Shoes embraces eve. ry variety of style, faenlon and quality mat can oe desired, or that is isuslly caltu 1 lor, including a fine assortiiicrt of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. He would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive asfortment or Lsaiej ana Miases Leather, Morocco, t-'nameled, Bronte, Pet Leather. Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy coloied Baois; Shoes snd Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and vsriegsted silk uaitera, a new ana nandsome article, witnana wuri out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters st tl s pslr. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, snd Shoe Find lnta Please call and examine. Mr French would also inform his friends sr.d the public, that he is State Agent for the sale or Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 0 102 CARRIAGES. I six seated CARRIAGE, 1 Panoted Quarter Rockaway, 1 Qaiker Rockaway and aeveralllght Buggies just received and for aale by Sept27-if DIBBLE dt BRO. TH03IAS SMITH & CO. r DEALERS IN CORN. MEAL. HOJIONV. PEAS and OATS, and COW and HORSE FEED, Bealty't lVharf, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. THOMAS etflTH. O. DCf BE, JB. Out Stwm rtrist Mill Is now fn su??erfu! r-rrrs-tlon. We will have it In otir power to deliver the above articUs at short notice. We ha ve a 23 horse power engine snd shall run two pair of four feel stones. . Orders can be addressed to C. DuPra Co., or to the subscribers. C"Corn ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH CO. April 20. 15-lf. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TMIE Undersigned hvs this dsy formed s Co 1 partnership, under lh nam. of COST1N. UllKUU dt CO.. Tor the trsnsaction or ins ian ber Business. , MILES COSTIN, J. ELI GREGG, ALFRED SMITH, J. G. UTTLEFJKLD. March 16. 164-tf. INDIA RUBBER BEDS A, ND Cushions for sals bv XX.- WILKINSON ESLER. April 8. U phoisterars. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 'PHE Subscriber having accepted the sgency of A. several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an eolimited supply of finished or oafintshed. foreign and domestic MARBLE of all islities, is prepared to fill all orders for MOD UHBSI Tt AND TOM H BTOH ES, and every other article la the line of lbs business at reasonable rates. 8CULPTURINO, LETTERING OR CARVTNO, Execatedas weQ as can bs dons stthsr North or Sooth. r - . The best refsrsncs cast be given. If reqalrrd. - . , JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854.' tf. CRACKERS CRACKERS. - Jjt received per Sckont Mary PvwelL 1 f BBLS. Soda Biscuit lVllO do. Creasa Crackers t 10 do. Sugsr do. 10 do. Pilot Breadt IS boxes Soda Biscuit ' 3 do. Fsn.kFWbr y Aug. 10.. . No.JOl"tsB.owJ-nisjt.' 1'UL. l Tf THE C.NSATISflED. Why thus longing. by fors.er slshlng For the far-off, nnatuloed and dim. Wb'.Is tbs beastlfal, sM sroond thos lying, Offers up- Its low perpetual hymn. Would'at tkoa listen to Us gentle teaching. All iby restless j earnings It would still : Leaf, and flower, sod laden bee sro presetting, Tbtos own sphere, though liiwnLle, fit st to Oil. Poor Indeed thou asual k.' If srotind theo Thon no rsjr of light and joy canst throw If no silken cord of love hath honn-l I lieu To some little world, tlrcm-h wesl sod wo: If no dear eye thy fond love can brighten, No fond voicos answer to thine own ; If no brother's sorrow thou can'st lig1iten By daily sympathy and g -utlu tone. Not by dords that win llio world's spplsuies Not by works that give lbe world-renown Not by martyrdom, or vsunted crosses, Can'st thou win sod wear the immortal erownv Dally strugglinp. though nsloved snd lonely,. Every dsy a rich rrwsrd will give! Thou wilt find by hearty striving only, And truly loving tbon can'st truly lire.. Doit Ihou revel iu the rosy morning, When all nature bails the lord of light", And bis smile the mountain top a-l..rrlinr, Robes yon fisgrant Held in railieticu blight 1 Olhi r hands may grssp the field snd forest, Prond proprietors let pomp may shine j But with femnl lots if llion adotesf, Tlion ait tvealll.ler all iho voill i llilnel Yet If IhriMigli earth's wide domain thou rovt, Sighing dial they are not tlilnu slotio. Not tbosH fair field, but thyself thou love.t, And their beauty und thy Health are gone. Nature wears the color of Iho spirit ; Sweetly to her worshljijier sho sings j AH the plow, the grace she doth Inherit, ' Round irr tm-t'rj t!.!!i iU CIl.-s.. THE TIDE OF DEATH. The tide rolls on the iMu rol!f on The never-ci'Silng tide, That sweeps the pleasures from our hearts. The lov-d ones (rt m ovt .lde That brings sffllcllon to our lot, And anrolsh and dehpiir, And boars from youth's uni uffl.-d brow The charms that lingered there. Tho tide roll on : wave after wave Its swelling waters flow ', Before It all Is bright and fair ; Behind It all I woe t Tho Infant from its mother's breast, The gay and blooming bride, Are swept swsy and borne along By that resistless tide. Tho lido rolls on : tho soldier's eyo Orowa dim beneath lis swell j The scholar shuns the mystic lore That be bath loved so Hull ; Tho monarch puts the crown aside, And labor's weary slave Rejoices that his limbs will know The quiet of the grsve. The tide rolls on : like summer brook It glidoth to the sad ; But like dark winter's angry tido, It rnshetb to the glad. From kingly hall snd lowly cot, From battle field and hearth, Its sweeps into oblivion's sea The dwellers on Ihe csrtb. Roll on, thou daik aud turbid wave, Thou canst not bear sway The record of Ihe good sod brare, That knoweth not decay; Though fierce may rush thy billow's slrifo Though deep thy current be, Still faith fhsll lift her hiscon high, And guide us through thy ses, MISCELLANY. KATHElt SPICY. The editress of the Olive Hrnnch, pub lished at Boston, hnvinrr received a com munication from Nushville. Tennessee, in quiring whether some femule printers coulJ be hired to go to Nashville, replied as fol lows : Every girl in Boston who ia olJ enough to work in a printing office, or ony other office, has a lover, whom she would be just as likely to trade off for a Tennessee arti cle as she would be to swap him off for ft grizzly bear. The idea of a Boston girl, who goes to operas, patronizes Juelien's concerts, waltzes once a week, eats ice cream, rides in the omnibuses, wears satin slinners. sometimes kisses the editor, going to Tennesse, except she goes there as the wife of one of your first dm citizens, is truly ridiculous. Would'nl a girl in a silk dress, -ith lace edged pantlets and shiny gaiter boots, look well trudging through the mud and mire of Nashville to an old barn of a printing; office, while in one cor ner of the same room two old JarkUe are jerking uway olJ Ii.uu.ib'o j resa, and in the other the editor is squirting tobacco juice over the floor? Wouldn't she be in a nice fix when the editor an 1 some grat brute of a fellow, whom he offended, got playing at the game of shooting their re volvers across the office ut each other's heads ! Who would make tho fire when ihe had run off and the editor was drunk? Who'd go home with her dark nights? Who would take her out ta rido on Saturday afternoon, and go to church with heron Sunday? No, sir, ft Boston girl won't go to Tennessee for love nor mon ey. She can get enough of both nearer home. Getting A Bahy by "Hook or by C rook." A fellow nanW Drury stole little boy, two years old, from a gentleman of Natch ez recently. He was pursued by a band or armed men, who arrived at hi hoU": a distance of twelve miles, at midnight. 1 he stolen boy was found in bed, between Drury and bis wife. Drury pleaded that "hirn self and wife had been org married, were without offspring, and he had determined upon the possession of ft baby ky 'hook or byrook.f" SWEET AND SOUR APPLES. The Manchester Mirror says there is a rentleman in that vicinity who has two apple trees which bear fruit, of which one side ia tweet .nd the other sour. Such ap ples must be just the thin for an ill sorted married couple the sweet wife nilling away at one side, while the sour husband, cheek-by -jowl, crunches the other. Tne noTi:n?.-i:;-LA7, B V Mrs. BoalhwerlU. Itccivd snd ..ri sy Oct. 7. k4t W. - 4 4 - car fx , -"r