TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 17, 1 Sol. THE ARCTIC CATASTROPHE. 5.1 m TY On THE IROS PR OfELLEfr FURTHBH PARTICULARS. Fuillw-r strszuts of the Arctic's Crew. . i , Halifax, pet 12. -We have tlates from New "Found la ml to the 4th. which an r.ounce the nnival of the French screw stfiicier Vesta, tit St Johns, on the 3J inst., with jier foremast and b.ws shattered to Ijit-ces. sue being: the vessel, trial came in collision with the Arctic. She picked uj --fiTliI ImTVII iViSt inlA r-vt-t ul nf tlio Arctic's J I 1 KWV1 liiLU WW I L U . -" - crew. . i The Vesta lost J3 of her passengers, supposed to be those who were run down by the Arctic in a small boat. Three of the Arctic's boats have not jet been heard 'from, but being lite boats, they are.stipposed to have been picked up. The vessels sent in sea r h returned on the 3d without success not having found the slightest trace. As rejrular communication bet wet riTthis nnd New ;Founiland is but once a foit niirbt, that period will probaby elapse be fore ve hear 'an j thing- further with regard to those suved on board the Vesta, li is probable; however, that the sleamer Oprey. tent to convey the passengers of the City cf Philadelphia to Philadelphia, may stop here. . She was expected to leave Sr Johns on the Sth inst. I "C. S. Mitchell, of Charleston, S. C, is' nmong those saved, who left here with otu ns rescued on the Europa. i ADDITIONAL STATKM EXT BY MS. GEO. H. BCBN!?. The New York Herald says : One of our reporters saw Mr. Burns, Adams & Co.'s Express Messenger. He looks very well, r.nd appears in nodegree affected, as far as Lis bodily health is concerned, by the ter rible calamity in which he has been an nc tor, nnd the conseqientsuurtng he must have undergone. i " Mr. Burns informs us that the ship went down at four o'clock on the afternoon of ihe 27:h.uhirno. Previous to this time, on ly a few of the passengers were aware of 4he danger in which they stood, and whrn the truth broke upon them they were pan tic stnrok, nnd it was, consequently, the iiiure difficult o save any of them. The raftj7bVfore spoken cf, ws between the ship nnd the boat, and drif'ing astern ol the paddle boxes. T h ship went down stern first, nnd the boat was fortunately far enough from her to be saved from s vamping. At this time Mr. Burns recognized on deck Mr. and Mrs. Mash Ion Day, who went down with The shsp. These names were accidentally omittea in his account previously p ibh.sh ed. Captain Luce was seen standing cu deck when the ship went down. Mf .Buri.s last saw Mrs. E. K Collins oh leck, and furnished her with a l.fo pre- server. He was about to do u like favor fur Master Collins, who refused, s.iytug that he would not take one while any 1 uly was left without one. j high spirited and limit fellow this. Mr. Burns seemed positive in his assertion that Mrs. Collins was on bo'Tv! f lip a few iiiiau'e3 btfoie s-lie went i.-j .vn. Wkep the firt boit went ofl from the clap it wns liot supposed that the Arctic was in any immediate danger; this boat of Mr. Gourlay, the first officer of the Ai'c lie, to render such assistance as might be available to the persons on board the stea mer wuh which the Arctic hud come ia collision. It is thought that Mr. Themes Wilde, boatswain, and Mr. Rogers, thief engineer, knew of the danger in which the Arctic stood, and took this opportunity to save thf-msoives. They left the ship an hour after the collision, and were seen no more. The boat which they took had pro visions for fourteen days, plenty of water, md every necessary for comfo.t. Mr. Gourlay acted under orders, but it was thought that the other officers should have stoo l by the ship. The boat which contained .Mr. Burns and thirty one others, was launched for the sole pi.r,;ofi of aiding in the costruction of the raft, and when the rush came to the taft, this bont, containing Burns, Dorian and others at work upon the raft, was im mediately filled, and had she not been cut off from the rafr, must have bee i sunk After the ship sunk the boat picked tip two additional passengers, and so closely were the people packed in it, thl their bodies were bruised by the close contact with each other. In this condition, with no food except a cabbage, the leaves of which were divided, and no water, the per sons on board the boat suSVred no little pain during twenty-seven hours, when they were picked up. as before related. EIIE LADT FASSEXGEHS OF THE ARCTIC. . New Yoek, Oct. li.- After carefully 6ifting all the testimony, the agents of the Arctic'en'ertain strong hopes amoummir almost to a certainty thaf Mrs. Collins nod a large number of other ladies were placed on mm of the boats, and safely launched under the immediute supervision of Cap tain Luce himseif The third mate denies the statement that they were thrown int. the sea by the breaking of the davits, but that they were placed in a boat with abun dance of provisions. - t JURE OP TUE VICTIMS SAVD. Boston, Oct. 12.A gentlema n who ar lived here this marning on th train, from New York, states that taere was report ft Fall Rivet that a vessel loaded with railroad iron had arrived nt Warren, R. I with forty persons, picked p from one of th missing btwus of the. Arctic. EECAPITLT.ATIOX OF THE I rST AND SAVED t . Lost. E. Busch, F.Henry, M. Grant, lady and child, T. E. Jom-s, Miss Jai.e Murton, W. B. Brawn sw.d lady, Miss Ma ria Brown, M. B ibcock and Tidy, C T. Mitchell, M. B-.bcock, jr, M.'De Mayer' J B. Cooke, A. Btnche, M. De Dratle, friend and servant, Mrs. G, McCracken, Mrs. Scott. Mr. Morriss, M. North, M. U. Yoasi, C. Fabbricotii, J. B.'Hog?. M. Daw. son and lady, Miss Benjarnin,CMrs Ropes and Bon, Mrs. Childa and daughter. Mis Nevel. Miss Bronson M. Scheibler F. V. Grtile, lady and. servant, M. Adams, M. Brady, F Catherwood. J. J Bern!!. M. Ililcer and frierxl, M, Hollub, M. N iven. C. St. John, M. Perkins;, J, Smith and lady, m m. m - T tt I la. jMclivviat i. mauison, ai.. Vnrin;r. Capi. D. PfaU arid Judy, H. P. Stuart, M. Major ami friend, Mfg. Miijor, infant and chili. Mis Brun,Mrs. Drew, J. Holbrook, Miss Jooes, J. Mtiirhead, James Smith, M. rUHfwd unl friend. G Brown. M Meaver. II. Cook, C. Christian as.d friend, T. Jiot jon O. Dodge, M. Pasive nnd four friends, 1. Vilorg and friend, AL'iMayer, M. B r hnr J. Thomson. H, Thomas, Miss Mansay. P. Johnson, G. Messes, jr. Mrs. Perrir, B- C. Wood, J.' Zollogs, M. Milviile, S. Jel furds, O B Pear.-ioii, D. Cannon, VV. Baw en M. Berny, Miss Stewart, Miss Hasard, W. Barber, M. Chrissie, H. H Koon, Ii Kood, C. O. Springer. M. Eggers, Hmch. lady and servant. M. Hewitt and lady. H. Hinde and friend, M. Wallace, M. Waterman, Mrs. Major,, friend and child. M. Havetiscroft, Mrs. Bryan, T. Lochmil- anettM. Pratt, M Shelron, Mrs. M Hodg son ond infant, Miss Ford. J. Fryer, T. Shetburner, T. Schuster, lady and two laughters, M. VVinterbnrn, S. Culuer, M. Guiliiatn, Miss Mitchell, Miss Hay, H Arbucale, F. Coop, VV. Ferguson, hi Hil broner, A. G-ircia, Miss A. Davis, T. New man and son, M, McDougal, M. Mustard, VL.liatcncr and trtenit, Airs. Hide end friend, M. Geiger and lady, M. Fess and friend, Edgecomb and infant, 51. Frank, F. Rhine, M. Culman, M. Bush and son, M. Patterson, Mrs. Craig. ijavsd. Mr VV. f. ltathbone was a res pected merchant in Providenct, R. I. His friends will rejoice to learn that he reach ed Halifax in safety. - " M. Dupasseur hid been on a vt3it to France and was en ruute for New Orleans. leis engned in the cotton "brokeras l)usiness,in II tvre and New Orleans. H was one of the party that landed at Hali fax. ' ' Mr. W. W- Gilbert ws n member of the firm of Johnson, Coe & Gilbert, of the this city. Mr. Henler?on JJ.Mre is a native of this city, a scion of n togtiiy respectab.rt tauniy. !so the fulowing named persons: Mr. Ward, F. T. do Macryn, W. A Younir, E J. Milclieieia.T. ' Hunnesy, J McMath. Geo. Dowds, E. M Juss. J. Bo- ijert. G. Du Laeni', Win. Nicells, Treseoa, Seilty Island; Henry Jenkins, do; James hompson, N. Orleans; Lapt Panel b . Grann, N. York; Geo. H. Burns. Thiladd- na. Twenty-six Hours ou a Haft A TrlHins Narrative. Peter McCabe. of Ireland, who was res wd from the raft and broiirht to New V'ork, publishes a letter, in which, after str ing that he rr mawied on the Arctic unul ihewatt.r retched the miin deck, and the essel commenced sinking, says : I left the door, -' and got ujKjn the rait, which had been partially constructed from he spars we look from the vessel. A great i tny persons were trying to get on the iff. Some were clinging to it w:th one tul. and, although it was already crowd !, others were striving to get a foothold. Among the number who were upon it 1 tw four ladi3. 1 heir names I did not know. Aloire'.her there were sTcnty-xix rsnn $ on the raft. The sea, though not ivng. was rough, and the waves, as they sUed over if, washed away a portion of ts living freight. I shall never forget the awful scene. There we wrre, in tin' midst of tin; ocean, withojt the slightest hone of iSiisl.aice, while every minute one or more iof our unfortunate fellow passengers wer- dropping into their watery grave from sheer exhaustion, those wlio luui lue preserv ers did not sink, but floated with their ghast ly faces upwards, .reminding those who s ill remained alive of the fate that awaited thrtn. In the midst of this, thank Heaven, I never lost hope, tut retained my courage to the Inst. One by one I saw my unfor tunate companions drop orFj some of them floated off, and were eaten and gnawed by fishes, while others were washed underthe raft and reu ained with me till I was res cued. I could see their faces in the open ings as they were swayed to anil fro by the waves, which threatened every moment to wash me off. The raft at one time was so crowded that many had to hold on by one hand. Very few words were spoken by any, and the only sound that we heart) was the splash of the waters cr the heavy breathing of the poor sufferers, as they tried to recover their breath after a wave had passed over them Nearly all were sub merged to thir arm pits, while a few could with great difficulty keep their heads bove the surface. The women were the first to go. -They were unable to stand the expo sure more than three or four hours. They all fell off the raft without a word, except one poor girl, who cried out in intense ago ny, -Oh, my poor mother and sisters." When I was about eighteen hours on the raft there were not more thi three or four left. One of these gave me what appear ed to be a small map, but which I under stood him to say was a sort of title Jeeiho his property. In a few moments afier I iooIy it, he too unloosed ins hold and was added to the number that floated about the raft. I endeavored to get the paper into mv pocket, but fount ihi3 impossible, on ac count of my cramped position, so I placed it between my teeth, and held it there till I was overwhelmed hy a wave, when I lost my buhl of it, ami it washed away. Ano ther, who had an oiled silk coal on, called on me, fur Heaven's sake, to assist him, as his strength was rapidly falling, and lie must fall off if not relieved. As he was i bout four or five feet from me, it was diffi cult to reach h;m, but sifter considerable ex ertions I succeeded in doing so, ami helped hut with one of my knees until I became quite f.iinr, when 1 was obliged to leave him to fate. Poor fellow, he promised me. if he ever got to New York alive, he woultf reward tne weli. , He clung with terrible tenacity to life, but he, too, dropped off in hii turn. I was now left alone on the raft: not a s-ohtary being was alive, out of seventy; but still my hope continued strong. The night of "t he second day was about closing on rae, and during the whole tune l nao been in the water I bail not eaten a parti cleof anything or drank a drop. ; My strength, 1 found, was beginning Jo give way, nnd my sight had become so dim that I could not perceive objects a few feet off; even the ghastly faces of the dead, tht looked up l me from under the raft, were h ir.ily discernable. I determined on tna k;n one more effort fur life; 1 raised, my self on my knees upon the raft, and through the dusk of the evening I saw, or thought I saw a vessel. My strength seemed to re vive, anil in a few moments I heard the voices of persons in a' bout approaching me. Ten minutes more ami I to would have gone; but Providence had mercy on me, and after twenty-six hours exposure I was by its uiercy preserved from a watery grave. -: : ---V--!:- ; - Mr. McCabe is lying in a law - condition in New York, arid seems, at times, partial ly deranged. Since taken from the raft, lirge eruptions rnw taken place on bis limbs', which, aa well, as his hands cr.j nrihs, are' very much swollen, from t' 9 -el fcts, hs is supposed, cf being; im...ei .ed in th water so long. r. ? A NEW supply at Linen Drill, A nsla Cartl mere. Colored anil CUck Cahmarcts, wiib a tew Patterns Fancy Kre-nr-Ca mnra. May 9. HEDKICJT& UYAN. IR0N BEDSTEiDSlND CRIBS. SliNGLK and doitbte tuldina very tonvtnirni nd proof agaimt vermin, for pne by July 15. WILKINSON & KST.FR: L'K-i d:irercl kindwf illlrut on hand, anU made lu urdcr hv WILKIXSOV& F.SLEfl. Ju'y IS. Uphold l lis and Paper Hangers. CiOItNICES lor Moh to Netting put hp. Iv , ' - W1LKKNSOA 4' LSLEIt. June 8.,; t i , -t , f 37.. ilLNUY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, PUHEIsY VUUETAULE IN ITti - COMPOSITION. 1 'PHIS In valu.it.it ; Cordial, Uextrncudfrom Herb X unit lioots, which have bet-n faiiitd afrtt vi.-Hru of e(f riencv, b) the most stilitul Physician, tu be possessed ol qualities most iKaitGcial lit tiic t'is- eiises tur wiiilIj i, is recoi.iuK-nat'tt. and l nt-e whilst it is prtst nud to the uuLIic. as an rffit: .- ciou rtintd v, ii also known to bt ot that cliarac tor on which reliance uia v b- ptat-Vd us litaa'ictj . In easoot'Iinpotency, l!oenioritvi;t . Diwrdeiet? .SifiidiJ'.Mensiruuiiun.or 3 impression ol the .VK-n-ivs, t'iuur Aibus ur hit s. or tor ' DEBILITY : .: '; '' .irising from any causti. such an weaknrjf from sick :iess. where the pafit ni has bft-ti contined tu beU I'o ijme time. for Kcmaitf alter Coiirineiiiei'.i. A bonioti t Mi-tcjrriaue. uii Cordial cannot be i xct-lli d in i' s ilutary etiL-cts: or in loss of .MuseuJui Ktiergv, l.ritatility, pliyeicui I'ro-truiion, N, iuiiihI iuk teas, Palpitation ut t ho Heart, Imligesti-m. . eiliijj-i-tslim-!". Ucoy ) ihe Prucreaiivr l''unt:iions, Str loueni s?.r.; where a tomc Aled cine is required, it wilt be fiiUndequal, if not superior to any Com tcunU evor otd Hrnry'sl iviffoi aiinju-'ordial, I one of the mol itivniuiibie Aledliint s in tin- inuny Coniiiiint to uliitli H'eui. tits are subject. It a?sis 8 nature to bryce Iho wh-Its system. ch' CV CXCCtSca.anttcreiile.- reneweU-lieaun and h.irpincss. I. ruts suflUrin" iliseafe and iinliapin usuiiiunv Ladie woul t eill. were they aent rally to adopt . the use ol this C? r di;th Ladies vthn ire debilitated bv diose . La:rtic dons m htch leniules are liable to. ate teHnitd b lite use ot a botil- r iw. to hlooin and to i"or. YOUNG MEN. Th.it do'itary praelit r. s latal to the extstrnceof man and it U the youns; who are nmt-t apt to bc i':iie its victims. Iroin an imirence or the danger .o which lU' V !ii'.j-cf 'hrniselvi h. i-imsrs NEllVOUS DEIUL1TY Weakness ol the System, an. I Prematiiie Decay Manvofyou may n. lu iX in j. misled as tt the cause or source ot disease, ro tlioff.then, who bv excess have broi-gUt on tl'.einpt Ivet- Pri ma It re lin- potency, Invol, ntary Seminal Kniitsions, VV'eak nessand ."Sbrivtl.irg of t::e Genital Organs, Ner vous Affections, or anvother cotisequenc. s unres-tr-intd induliienr ot" the srnuil passionp. itt-i-a-sionin" the necesstity of rrrounoing the felicities of MARRIAGE. te?srnin boih men'al and bodily capicity. Hold! Henry's Invio-niinir Cordial, a AItd:cin that i pun ly Vest-table, will aid nature c retoie thoee iinportnni tuncdon to a healthy stat'-, nnd will prove of service to you. Jt posxeMes rare virtue, ii a "em-ral retnovcrof d.sease, and ir. njiticner ol the sysften 'ASA TONIC MEDICINE. it i unsurpassed. V e do not place this Cordinlon a footing with quack me.iieines, and. nf is customa ry, append a lotip liM ot lecmiHendation. Cer- titit ai' S, tSc, tu-iilnnin" wiih - Hear what the Preachei stys." and etirh like; if i not necessary, for Ht-nry'i? Inviaoratin" t Ntrdial." only nn ds u tii tl to piovp that it will nrrontplish nV. wh iay. 7VE CC.Vf7.VB II R i rS IS VIGOR A VISG CORDIAL" is pit' up in 9 07.. P mnel itottles. nod is easitvrrcoff nixt'd bv the M iniif.tcturer'e Hfn:itrc in the lible oft-auh Hold'-, (to c tiiiierl'ell whtoh i ft)r';rrv.)ai' well as hla priv itf Keal on the cork of eaeh Koltle. 53-SotJfarSi per Uotdc; Six for 3ji!0 pot do-..-n. Prepared only by S. F..OOHF.N. Xo. 3 Franklin Itnw. Vint? Street. below Ek'hih. Philadelphia, Pa.. TO WHOM r.L O'tOKIlS MUST BK All DltKSSKU. Far Sale by nil rrspectableDrai'gislF A Merchants throughout the eoor.try. Oct. 20. -- . ' OT-I2111-C. . ICE! ICR!! ICE!!! THE "Wlf.MI.OTON ICK HOUSF." JS nw op:n the pubticniy d.?p"nif on hnvln? tlieir wants supplied ull tea'ont of the year, at rc-jsunatlp t- jfrs. Order from the conntry ntfdre'fer! to fcVViImin! tnn Ice House", will be well packed and prompt!) forwarded, A. TT. VajBOKKF.LF, Proprietor. March 10th, 1S.:4. " ' ' 152. KECKIFED PER SI'IIODNFr'S " Wn. U. Suuth Chirks 'Mills . L P. SmU. pKTS. Old fiovrnm -ni Java Ci itcj bi.es Po t land"larch! box.-a ll ibliit's Soap . ow.teis . askeis Otive lilt, a line ariiW ; lioxt s Citron 1 btx es L tyer itainins 5 hdf andquailtr boxes M. It tni-in ; oas-s Prigiivtd Gine box- Pres'on t M'-rrif Yeast Powc'ei ; qu irts and pint London Porter s bb;a. f Hari('t iteeti N I Salmon. tNu I M ickerrl, (:d Fi-h j boxes Sc.tK'd Herrin? : hhdst. P. it. Suiiar; bh:8. flushed Slignr; bbli Lir'iCersB Ilefitit-d ; b'iU. Ycl ow Sitjar ; Fiikinf rxin Butterj b-xes Prime Cheete : t.,w Meti ia Leni'n4. ForSfil-ihv L.. .N HA it LOW, Aug. 10. Nil 3 f!raniic itow, Krt'ni st. "TnE MornER-ix-uu, BY Mrs Southwcrtll. ICcceit d and forsnte by Oct. 7. J. T. HU.VPS, GOODS ATMVR JLKSALE. KAIl VWF.ILFIt . BitO. are now pn pirerl to furnihMerchant!i anil F-trmeis lth a larue jrtrty of Winter Good. eon-Min-r nf HoinotH' ind Fancy Staple lry Goods, which thiy C n of i"er at nn'isual sow prices. Oct. 5. S6. ALUM SALT. 'O'ln RWHKf.S Turks !'and 'U 'vndinz from Urig Chiren Salt, now f and lot .ile In lots to suit, by -Oct. 5. C. WOiffH. 6C. IXI)E 'I RICTIBLE BOOKS FOR. CliilUitn A scrieM ol beautiful publica tions, priirTed on linen. Jit't i-nird. Fot aleat W. U I11TAK KIFS . Oct. 12. 69. FIFTY YE. 4 IIs! In both Hemispheres, or Rem ieiscen e of iheli eofa fonaer Merchant, bj Virtceni .Nolle, rectived and for stlf bv Oct. 12. J.T.ilUXDS. ANOTHER SUPPLY Ob' Leather - tn-kini ana UK I liurirr jonn Vlvt rrd IiIm limesi a siory ol the Valle ol Viririni.i. Ucceived and for Bale bv Oct. 12. J. T. KUXO8. THE LIFE OF HENRY BIDLEMAN RAS 1 CO , U D L. L D ,l..e Bishop of the Meih-!i-t Kpitopul Chun h. South Bi Rev. M-M. i lentil,!. I), li. , Received and lor sal bv Oct. 12. J.T. ilU.VDS. NANETTE ANDllER LOVERS. TALK 01 Normandy, by Talbot G vtine, rc- celved and for tale t y T. MUxNUS. Oct. 12. 8J. SNUFF AND TOBICCO. 1 e B'lLS. LoriJarde nttfl": 30 boxes Chewing L ) Tobacct ns.ori d qteititii s, for salo by Ocl.T , NCTeonv 'ZRW1.H Ott-R VP. TURKS' ISLAND SALT. fft BUSHftf.S.'n s-ore ami fnr sat by ZKiUU . ZKNO.H. GitKKNE Oct. 3 N O. T. copy.) 83. SALT! SILT! ! r ri DUillKf.S AFLOAT. For sala by ZUJ J. HATHAWAY & SON. Oct. 10. 87. REMOVAL. WM. A. G IVYER, Commission Merchant H of Wa- tur ana PiincurS Sireet. Oet. 10. f ' R7-3-W. . NEW SCHOOL. THE Snbrrlr will open a SCHOOL for Boys in Winning ton on tlus 1st ilondiiv.in Oethor, next. . - J. P, SMITH. - PxrEssTO , , H'n. David L. Swaijt. Chapel Hill N.C Ooct. VV. W. llAast-a. "J R.OST. It. l'Wi. l.,r;itm' " fJ - Km W.Uau, . l " 1 Sept. S3. -- 81 it. HAVE four. Rooms jancrtd in" hondsino siyte ovcaiiinoa .-.. " . . ii. ' WJLirr?v30V FiSLFB, ' Aug. 22. UphclsJerers and Paper HangeiS. RATES; OF PILOTAGE. JUST primed, and fr sal at 77te Commercial Office, the Kates f Pilotasc for the Bir and ler. .-: ''3-if.v ' aiOSCIIETO iNETTLNG. "TADE and put op on high or low post Ced - L tea.ls, by , W lLtl.S&O A KSLKU, May 20. Cphotsters. , HOOP IRON AND NAILS. THE suiiseriber will be constantly reteivinsr eon sisrnments ol these articles, ot the best quality and otters ihem at lowest market raw"-'- "" ' -JOsEPH H. BLOSSOM, ilarch 23. . S-tf. I'ELl S! BELLS! ! BELLS! ! ! IHh Subscribers manufncUKe and keep Con- slant ly on hacd a larsro ttsoruni M officii suitable for Churches, JU-udtei. , Fnctorn Stea uirr, PlantaiioitS, etc:, RKtumrd with their Sur proved llan:rinrs, the most eftu-ieni in use.. Their e-ial.ihifeni has been in oiwrniion Thirty year having turned out nearly 10,001 BjiUaveraifina COO lbs each; and its patterns and process t f ni.inn f.ieturt topirfecti-d, togrethrr with recent improve oents, that its Betls havean ant quitted reput.ttion fiw volie of sound and q'laltly of rone. ThfV ltav" ju-t n et ivi d Jan. 1854 the First Pr"'iuni (A Silver M. d;il (of 1 he World's Fairln.Vew York over all Belt from this Country or F.tirope. Hnv inn a Jarse itfsttrinit nt of Bell on hand, and heinir in immediate connection w ith r. w'ct in nil diree lions, cithi.r Unit ltoatl, 'anal or River, nnd but 4 hour from ,'eu- Vol K, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address - A. MF.XKF.LY'S SON', W-st Troy, Albany Co . N. Y. Feb. 51. " l44-ve. p.i per ua.ngim;. W'R have j st ;ree iv.d a verv, handorne n Sor'meni of Freneb Gjlt anil Aoieri'-an Pa per llaninz, Borders, Fire Screen, and Cuulrei t'orsale. f 1 una in hantl- me stv le hv . WIl.KiJSSO.N A ESLF.lt. UphoNtcrers. Aori 13. - At ttiirtiM Hanit. LU31BKR. A SMALL parcel ol piime Hl'tr Lumber ISL. Wide KoarJs an. I Scantling, suitable fot Pfinta'ittn purposes, for sale, bv Maich 30. i AS. F. GM.LI SPI F. & CO. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE" AT THK Wiliniiitoii saddle. Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. - rMlK subscriber respecuuity 1 a form f t :iep ubli 1 tI1.1ihch.1s rettcutly re -eivc.l .tdditionc to hi stot k ol Saddle and ll.irncs. .lounlirik,tV c, the latest ai.d most improved style, and is t onsUnl) anufacliirinu,itt It is if ore 011 in.irket street, over) description ol artich In the adjrc tine. Front it 1 .:Xierit nct'in the business, he fo,4s eonfldenl that he will be able to aiveeniirt .4jtittlnclioiitoallvlio ma favoi him with a call. Hr Ims now in hand. "and willconstalllly keepa f:i rite a-Mortmcn t nf Coach, Gts ami SleH Ilirntxs, ht I n't Si'l'lUs Bridles, WAtps, f'C. Gi.-tltemeit's Ha.litUs, Wkipf Spurs de. ','-: all f which he will warrant to he offert J&A Hie best materials and workni'inslitp. ( lit has also a :ire assortment of Trunks, a list k. Muddle ntul Carpe' Satchel-. I'aiu y Trunks, Ac , and all other ar ticles iisuallt kept in such I'Atablihinents, nil of which he ofi'er low for CA 511, or on sltorlcredii 10 prompt cnsit n'eis. : -Saddles, li.irnttss, Trunks, RaJica I BajSj&c. ic. made tt. ord-r. Inaddition tothe above the st'ibscriber il ways keep on hand a larv'P supply of String Leather, and has now, and will kc-jpthrough the season "iiot'isforito' rtol I'ly itts. i Allarelnvitedto cull and .-xamirir my Gootts, whcthei in want or not, as I take pleas it r i o sis-w-inj.'my assortment to all who tuny favor me with rail. .. , . - HarncFrandOoach Trlminlnzs sold nt a fait pric to perrons buying to niatiufapturc. Also, hi. si wholesale. 1 . - Mikintitif Ridin Vi hl les hotiffhl ind sold on nomoiistons. JOHN J. CONOLFV. Fib. 7. I 51. j 118 ROGERS' CUTLERY. Til E Siibse-iHer is now nperini' & fine assort ment of ltoser selm ted Kiiive, .Scissors. & t and h is made, an arrantrtieni by which he will be reaul irly piipplitd wiili bis trood, eoiten in cspeel illv tor lus retail Kale. 1 hose who wi.-h tlic best in this line will ulwais fin't Ihem nt J. M. UOBIN'SON'S. Wilmington, N. May 18. ; . , 27 CIGARS, TOBirCO AND SNTFF, A T THK CI'I Y C1GA R STORE OPPO.-I1K. the Market, .'-out.'i SUe ) Whole sale nnd Kctail,at prices to uit cio-tomers. Call ami see. VANSiCKI F. 3! ay II. i tf. V" OVV U the limp to hn? your rooms nnd pas A s3'cs nanen d witti det-urntiotis, fire or em mnn. ns we have lare asvor'nien'H on hand, am' Kiiperior woi kmen from ,( York, who wilt bans paper In latest . - -WILKI VSO.V t FST.F.R July 22. Paper Haimer and (JplioUierers.. SUGARS! SUGARS!! UST received a prime lot of , O. Forsn'e b J. U. BLOSSOVI. ' J Inn'" It. 3 WHEAT, RILE. CORN & PEA FANS, JUST in storeand for salt bv Oct 3. J. .M. ROBINSON. PAPER HANGINGS ON hand, and 1 ut up by VVILKIMSON A FSI ER, June 17. ''--' Paper hanpprs. UPHOLSTFRI.VO AND PAPER HANGING in all Blanches, executed in sunciior style aim .it short notice, by WILKINSON Jt K.S.i;i. Aug. 22. 1 TJpboIsurtrs nnd Paper Hangers. SPIRIT BARRELS. Z(Y fEW Spi'it Barrels, a superior article eJt I I" or sale low by - Auii. 10. PI.TTKWAY A PRITCHETT. . . . ..TAR-. ,Vr iBBLS. Tar, in prime order. For l l- by iOU Aug. 21. ADA MS, BKO. & CO. G0J.DSB0R0, FE3IALE COLLEGE 'I'HIn Inftiiution rum uoiiees its second session I uodei 1I10 new rani iib-n, vn the 1st duaMl Mai.ami will el -e tUe tact day 't November, l r Itevd James H. Brent. A; B President. with ' full und couioeien faculty. St 0 pe session w ih cover the entiie expenstr for Tuiibnian l Bard in th Collesiate course, and 10U will entitle to tlo full cotir-e and alt the ornamental branches. r0 willcover the expenses for ti.tard aril tuition in 1 lie Piim iry Hepanment. Ornamental bratichif extra st ihe usual charge. : The Bourd of N tools hollers mve laiten arreai nninit In nr.icnri no facilities for sMvinir a thorouah tducation, and solicit a lit-eral share of patronage -Students received any tune. r " , Forfurther Information address tne i-resiaenr ei the Fuculty, or I he subscriber. r . Prtst. Board Slockholdert. May 4. ' 21-tf. GUNNY BAGGING. I CTBALF.S Gunny Cloth, of sitperl-.r quality. I J For sals bv J,H f LAAatK &epu !Jt - '"' - --"""- 82 DISSOLUTION. 1-I1E COPARTM-ltsHIt OF CASH WELL & PARK Kit In ihiH.iv dissolved mn 11 ' consent. DCashv. ell will attend to the senl ment of the Firm's afftirs, and continue the Com mieaiou Buslnt in Iiia own name." ; ' ' . . I). CAH WELL, - I. A. PARKER. Sept. 4. 1854. ' .. ..' . - :. - :. E4-6t8. SPERM CANDLES & SPIRIT CASKS 3 BOXKS stpemt Csndltsj 3 0 prime iVew t ' Spirit :ask. extra siao, for sale l.w t r ln-r consignment. 'i C. WORTH. ttl. 5. ' ' - - ; ' . ,- . ' 9i ' FRENCH I30XNETS &? ailLLINERY KAH WK1LER BRO?, are bapny t Inf .in ihcir friends and eu.-tonu r, thai ibvir Frenet Bonru-ts hav jut arrived and are pro for exam Inailon, whic'i for beauty aod taste ranMt te sur. ;MrS-t aaywhern- Thev nave fecund ttw service of nf the most fasMoitakle Milliner, w ho is eonrpetent t make and trim Bonnet with latest and moat approved style. T l'J Ociaw--- ' -i S6- SCU00L COOKS, . 8TASDARD, "THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, DI0GRAPNICAL AND ":-f iiK "5 ol S i MISCELLANEOUS eous rp" BOOKS F0 & POLHEMl'S, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N. York. Utler tor suit tiit follow ins; hearr C"lloit ralnie-: VI F.VV'-KNGLA.ND COTTON SAIL UCCK-2S i inch. all nu'iiiiers, Imid and sollj als - nil tht various w idiltx of f Canvass 111.1nul.1c1u red at 1 hi- es ct lili.-lmn ni compiling t very variety known to tin trnde.and otiertd a the lowert rates. UN il'KO PATES PI I.O T DUt;K-W.odhern and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assortment oftin- sup rior fabric. . wit.' imavtic Cotton duck 16, ip, 20 lt d 22 im h, il' n bef. liMid md soft. Tl is Tab- ric was uw irdetl the liitihest Premium nt the Lon don VVoiki'a F.tir. ulo at oi.r own St ite Knir. -HIP ANI BK.tK M AUK DUCK Pliinnnd twilled, ni niif.HJinred hy ih Rirenw t.td'f Com puny, a suptMl traiiji-ie lor HlMiI "nils tenls, awnings, t&c 5 also. Mount Vernon Twill d Ravens. H twaid Ravens, Pioneer and Phnanix Mills; Lfghlton Itavetts. pl.tin 2'.' to 27 incb ; Hc ivv.do do. t OTIO.N' ."AIL TW I NE A full assortment. TAIt PAL'I.t N. HAKMWKS. sTUFFs.&c PAPER FI LTl.XG 72 inch, made very henvv.exp-ess v '"r drier lelis. CAR COVERING Cotton Canvass, nil widths from 30 to 130 in Ites. and all number, made rx presslv for cover'tia and rcofinz riiilroao cars, is perfectly nnd iietmanenlly water-proof, and more endurin-tban ihi-earitS' If KN AM EL LING Oa.N VASS 30 3fl.40.45 nnd 50 inch plain nnd iwiHWi, tt every variety. BAGS AND BAGGi G Of every deseripiion. Srnntless Itiiirs. urn wliuli', all size. In ba.'es of l(X, 200 nnd 300t combinins: ctrenisih. utility nnd cheapness, for iuinnnd meal are iin-tarpassed. Al-o, heavy Cotton Saekin-r. 4f inch Ctnvass. 3 thread Wnrp.-ind Filling, heavy twilled, do. do , 20. i . 40 and 44 inch. WOOL sACI.s Woven whole all sizes, a new nnd di-.-inible article. Feb. 21. H4-ly-c. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COUP'Y, RALLlUil, N. 0. THE above Couipam h.'Sbeen i n opcrationnlnci J. the 1st ol Aptil, 34 i, under i he ditcclioi.of ilie follow tt tllicei. viz z Or.Clur.es K. tonhson, Preshicnf. Wm. li. Haywood, Vice President, James F.Jordan. Seerctaiy, V in. 11. Junes. Treasure'. Perrin llusbt-c, Alltrney, -lvvh-,rtH ,:J"hnuu-; AJcJUat Board or Ur. V ni. tl . iMcKee. .. .. ,. Dr. R.B. Haywood, $ Contullulwn. J. llersm ui. General Agent. This (youipuny t is received a ch irler sivingud- Vantaceh ttttue insured over any otlier ;ontpaiiy 'I'liealt Section ives the lliisbanci the privilege to ir.surt his own .tie tor the s ileusool his lie and t'hildreii, free from any elaiie- if th represenla 'ivet ol l lie bii-ha tut or an V of his creditors. Orsaniztd on purely mutual principle, the life memiiei warliclpa't in the irhalttit the profits liich ur. declared annually - t'esides. fit appllcnnf Itir .ifo.wlitn the (innuitl iremium is ovei 3( may p.iy nf half in n Ni le. ; All 'laims 'or insurance nsainst the Company will lepiid within titreiv davsufierproof ol the death f the nariv Is furnished. Slaves are injured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all la veholders to secure (his class nf imperii v tinalnst the uneertaintv of lifr. Slave insurance present a new nnd iniereslinp feature In the hUtnry of Vonh 'nrolini. which will prove very important to the Sttiithe'n Mates. The last four months operation . this Comp.m) shows a Very! nrs 4 mount of bu-Jncss more thnn the Dirt'Clors exoccted to do the fir-t year - liavinp aln-adv Usued more than 300 Policies. Dr. W. vv, IIarkis. M dleal Examiner, and Aii'-nt. VVi mlnttn. t . C. . AH ;nin it mic:itl'ns nnhnsincsf of thcCompany should be adilressett to - AS. F. JORDAN. Sec jr. Raleiah. Jan. 25. IP54. h TO THE L1DIES. IAICELidi!'Beiievot nt Society's Oloihlnz Stive L is sijNin open. Mntl t hey nre n ady to ree i ire or lers at iheir. Ooposilory on Front si i unlerihe e tiio n't H no for saf "ent of all de-criptions v'i-jIi h i I hn li I -d . rominlv ami well Farm. rs tnd Contr icio s will fin'! it to iheir in erest t et.-oiiri-je thN Injiituti-tn, In doi"g will, h tht y will i' 111 Mil li no be iis,iensing eh irity in lht most eli.-i'lunl and f:ast otl ;n-lvo lusnmr Wilmington, i. C, Oct. 5. 2.n. PAINTS, Oil S, DYE-STUFFS : ")( ( .1 l.l'S pure an I extra W hite L ad; iU,li 'v ' 5 000 a.Hs. Liawied Oil 23 bbls. Red Oh re; BO ffal's 'hryme Greeoi lobbls Ve etain Redv 30 t S tils. Chrjne Vellovvj 25 bbls. Lunp Black ; 8 bbls oaeh and lapin Varnishes: Terra D'Ttinna. Amber and Ptutinn Blue; Lo" wood. Annullo and 1 ni'dt r. . For tslf l y O. A D. DoPttE. VVholesale Drugsists, Wilmington, N O. Oct. 5. tG. WINDOW GLASS. 0"V"V" BOXES Frenth nnd American Win i UU J dow Glasses frotti 7.9 o Ix'.iG. For sale ny Oct. 5. (UD. Dol'RK. WhoIes-ile Druggists, Wiiniinton. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby forewarned from Irad. ina for or buyln a note to t he amount of f..ur hundred d dl tr or t'v-r--tb 'tit, execuitd by me, pa v able to FEIsTE MEYER, as the said note was o t lined Iroin me by fiaud. the dt bt bi inu due to Mayer Sc Co., with whom I have s tt'ed this d.v. JAMES LEFFKRS. Wilminsttin, N. C, Sept. il. . ba il-t-w. Weekly J. 4- H.copy 3t. EWPTY BARRELS. X Cf RFCOND HAND Spirit Barrels, f good quality, fur sale by July 22. RUSSELL &. BRO NEGRO PASSES. NEW form f Pas sps.contnining snnitary pro , visittns, approved by he Commissioners, at d a number of others interested in the welfare of our colored population. Is just issued at the office ot TttefVminrcirU. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BPOADW A Y. i'or. of Franklin Sireet, NEW YORK. S completed and open, d lor travellers who de sire nereeable and attractive aeconintndai ions. It Is nondaett'd unon thn principle of the best Fo ronean Hotel, the inenk beinp servetl in thesevr 'ai apartments, or at the titbit to tbe snltu n, st 'he option of truest s. Tlir tint. I rrd Fnrniture comMne ele-rnnt-e with comftiri. and Is designed is well firths convenient reception oi travel lers by the late trains. - JOHN TAYLOR, PropHe'or. , Jan. 26. : '; ' . ; ; ;;- - . ir 133 lye. ' BACON HOG ROUND. 1 Afi I I'lKOKS "nrih Carolina Bacon, 1 ffiv HI splcnJiJ article for al.. -v July 13. . C. DuPRE&CO. TWO FLATS FOR SALE. FLA T of 3 brU. capacity, and tine nf ISO tibU , will Us sold vhuap, loe.ose a concern. Vpi.lv t.i W)l. a. GWlT.lt. AagBst 1. Fa. - lNOTUE.. THEs-bscrIbr,respet tfuliy inform the pnblie, that h; is now r ft tsctiny th imtion businesa oo hrsAwuaeeoum. and hop, sby strict riltentiot to tusiaers, to merit a eontini.M.- t ltnul patronage hsrotofore so libers Uy bestowed tspon him. ' ' . ? - J4.CK.ONLY. Stock, Rel Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on a en mission of 1 per cent either at private ot public al. . ' ; f : , : -i ri- - J8.1854. wv. , STATI0.NP,r, BLANK DOOKS, ! PAPERS X)T ALL DESCRIPTION, ; CARDS, PEN'S, INK &c, -J MUSIC. J P ' a r k el t '.. i WILMI.NGTON, I. C ,'ii r ARTIST'S MATERIALS RECEIVED TniS DAY, PER Express. 500 prs. Chiltlren's shoes a va riely of style nnd colors to suit llif sen -on. " May 23. JON KS tfc GA ' DN Et.'S. DR. J. B. MARCIIISrs ci;li;biiati;d (jTiiuLiiOiW For llw relief &cun ofSulTeru g Femalth. ll M.iod-piet inl notit lor its cuuiiivt p er tit all l lie iiif e.is-s fr whieli II I" roeonliiiended , call uti . l-rinileComplaiiiU Oi inuse tl I'so- LAP40S UtBBI, Ol Falling ol the vV inn ; Ft-ovs A l bus, or whites Chronic I iiflniiliia lion and UU'cihiIi.ii f the W omb lot 1 lenlal lleinoi ili ii;. , tr Floodino t Pain ul, Supiiresri'il. and . rreiru-liir Alt nstrujt . .t.eit tccoinp iny evils, (1,'nnee. sxeepted.) i uiatter liowsovere or of how lon -tandlnsf The Catholiron far surpasses other remedies In bi Insr niore certain, lesfXtensive.and leavinuthe system in a better comli'ion. Lt t nil Interesli d in such n reuicfdv call and obtain a pamphlet (irei cenlainiii" nirple proof, from highly rcspectabl oures.of the h ipnv results of l use toi'ether w iib le'tersfrom ftrst-elss experienced physicians, who have UKed If in theii practice, and speak irum iheir own obseryalhtns. ar.PKBExcr. Prof. Dbnanr. M.l , il.iliimore, Md. . J. J. Orriek, M. I., P. B. Peekham, M. D. Uiicn, N, Y. D. V Fooie, M. I)., Syracuse. N. Y. " M. II. Will. M. I) , Rochester. N. Y. L. D FI in?, M. !.. C;in;in.l.iiL'iia, N. Y. VV . VV. Reese, M. D., City of N. Y. VV. Preseoti. VI. O , Cor rd. N. H. J. P. New land. VI D.. Uiicn, NT Y. Pa'tiphlets can bo had ?raii-nt the store of 8. B. A I. A. KVA VS. Dniiraists Wholesale und Ret nil Aeents. VVilminfftnn, N. C. And f moul of the leading Druggists in the State. Lrlter nil'lrcxierl to Mettra. Beach if' Brow nn . A-rentt at Setrbernj C. II., S. C, by Rev. C. S Beard, of tame Stale. flnt!i SpRtxos. Jan.Oih, lfi"3. Messrs. RrACH & Huownsoji Sibs t I send fot mother bottle ol Tour .Vl irchl-l's U'urine Ca hnlieon " Mv wife has been itfllie'etl for clpvrn cents, and a variety of mean ha-been resorted to for rollor, I'tii none was obtained until I n-ceivid Mils nfdieint front; oil Is Inllnpt ce seems til-m-'st oi is itvil i tli-ro wis a minilest improvement from the day it'wus taken. As there ire a crest m inv fefunles In our country tai'orins under the nfflictionfor which yniirinedi einti nmpoxett n remedy, I feel it a duty to recom mend it to nil sm b. (iirncd.) CiopoH S Beard. J. B. M R'!ilt"? & tut , Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 brondwov N. Y. Nov. 19. IP6 lye IR0NBrDSTEAl)Si FOLDIND, proof B"nintt cunkcr. knives, and vermin, for sale by W ILKINSON ESLER, April 8. Upholsterers. BOTAND SnoFsTORE. " (TZ .O FORGE It. FRI NCll.ni his eld sland "n Alarkt I street, bets .fc leave to return bis I Intnl. s to his oltl i ientis ami eusl. tniers for the libctul patiniia ilereiuforu xrcn Irti to nun, and to inlolin iht in llinl his Btta-k of li't ds and ho. . trclitdiu t-Vt rt v.iii ety it hi-line is now uncomplete mid usextensive as .tl any former period. His stock of G. nil. mei Bovs i ml Cbil Iron's II. tis and Shoes embract s eve ry vatiety of stjle, ftffnioii unci qin.lilv I tin t can bi desired, tu that ia usually called l-.r. includimi s fine hs.so; liiicnl ot l.auics.AUsscsund Gi.n:lciiiun sOvei Slmes. He w.i'jld particularly invite (he attention of tht Ladies to hi cxtenaivo assortment of L ulled nnd Vlisses Leaihei, Mortcco. F.tiainelt'd, Bron'e, Put. Leaiher, Go it skin, bl icx'und u hite ! id uml a va riety ol f.mcy coloicd B.iots;' Shoes nnd Clipper-. Also, blacK, ttrown. Hue, purple and vnrn g ilt d silk Giiitei. a mw ami inin.lsume article, wiihtind wito- out heels l.adi. s f.incy G. liters nt CI s pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Pk'itse call and exitmine. Mr Frwt would nlso infirm hi friends nr.d the public, that In is State Ai nt for the sale ol Davis' P.tin KUI'-r ind wnehi's Indian Vegetable Pilla, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 40 102 CARRIAGES. I six seated CARRIAGE. I I t'an red Quarter Rncka way, I dn ir t i.:K iiy and sevurallizht Busslev just rt cived and for sale by Sept 27-tf DIBBLE & RRO. THOMAS SMITH & CO. DEALEits V ;ORN. MEAL. HO WON V. PEAS arid OATS, an I COW nnd HORSK FEED. Bealty's Wharf, Nirrlh Water Slrett, WILM1NGION. N C. THOMAS SMITH. D. DI'PHE. JH. Our Steam Grist Mill Is now in successful opera tion We will have it in our power to delvirihe aboe aitii.'les at short notice Wr have n Ti h rn power engine and shall run two pair of four ft-tt stones. , orders can be addressed to C. DuPr 4 C0..01 to ht siibsctihers. CCorn ground on TOLL. THOMAS SMITH CO. . April 20. - J5-tf. COPARTAEUSHIP NOTICE. TIIK Under-liied h ive this day formed a Co partnership, under the name of CO"TI. GUK.GG 4 CO., for the transaction of tne Lum ber Busiuve. MII.KS ttOsTIN, J. F.LI GKKitt. ALFRKO SMITH, J. G. LITPLKFIKLD. March 16. I5t-if. INDIA HUBiSER BEDS A YD Cuhion for sale by XX WILKINSON A F."'LFR. AprilS. Upholsteiets. , W I L M I NUT O JV MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 111 K SubHcribei havins accepted the agency r-i several Urceesmbii-limenis st tlie.orih which will fiirnikti hi in an iinlimiiedsnpplv 'if finished 01 unini-htd, foreign and dourest it- MARBLE ol al qtlalitics. ts nrrpured lotill all r ets for liXU3lf: Tj AXI) TtIII?TiXF., and evert other inlclt in lltt line of ll. business at reasonable rales SCULPTURING. LETTERING OR CARVING Fxecuiedas ell 9s can he .lone either North m South. The best reference csn he yivrn if trqi.i1. JAS. McCLARAfAN Jan. 6, 1854. . CRACKERV CRACKERS. Just receive fee S Ananer Atari) Pvwclt. I rH MLS. Sods Bisct.il 1 lUlO dt. Cream Crackers ; 10 iUf. Sugar do. 10 do Pilot Breadi 13 boxes Soda Bictri ' ' ' 9 . 'KJ&'&Sh Aof . 10. No. 3 Granite Row, Front at.. POETUV. TIIESEER. r JOH.f O. WHiTTI. I hear tlio far-off voyager . horn, I hear the Yankee trail ; Ills foot on every mountain pass, Ou every stream his sail. He's whistling round St. Mary' Falls, Upon his loaded train ; He's leaving oo the Pkture.l P.ocka His fresh tobacco stain, "I hear the matlock In the mines, The axe-stroke In tlio dell. The clamor from the Ind;.vi lo lgo, Tlltf Jt-kUil's cliajicl-bell I I tee the swarthy trappers come From Mississippi's spring ; And war-chiefs with tlit-ir painted bows; Aud crMof eaglu uings. Beh ind the squaw's birchen ennoe, The steamer smokes arid raves j Ami city lots are staked for salo Above old Indian graves. By forest, lako nrol w aterfall I see the jellar's slilm-; Th'e mighty minlinjr with the nicari, The lolly with the ow. I hear the tread of pioneer Of nations yet to be ; The first low wash of waves, where soon; Shall roll a human sea. The rudiments of empire h re, Aie plastic yet and warm ; The chaos of a mighty world Is rounding into fot in ! Each -rude ntul jiNtlin fragment soon Its fitting place tdiull lind The raw' materials of a State, Its muscles Mid it mind I And, weltering btill, the star which leads . The new world in its train, Has tipped with fire the icy s;iears Of tuany a mountain chain. The snowy cones of Oregon Are kindled on its wy, And California's golden sands Glnim brightly in its ray. fMISCEJ -LANY. DIABOLICAL .MURDSJi The Ciiiciiiiiati 'rum s ol S iiurl.tv l.i.-t s.ijs, it bfcoinea our July to-tlity :o rsroril one of the most iiihiiinan tlet-ils ih it ha ever tlisirriiced the nniiiil.-i ol our iiines; -- It id no less u crime lit. in cold blooded ninr- Jer of u 3'uiinjr buy, by n burly uriu. in ibo streets of Covitioion. in bio ul il;ty-li;lit. V visited our bister city tins rn .nuiv to leorn the pitrticuhirs of this liondiie nf fitir, nrnl frotn ilie blii'rilTof Ihe county we were tiifiiriitfil thai as ne.tr u the f ids nro known ihwy nre stibdianii tlly ns follows: leBtenhiv nnernooii, nliout five t clock, ns Stttiiuel. (njrt.J pbout eleven cnrs ) u bon of Shiitlfonl Enston, tt bighlv rehO' ctiihle citizen of Covington, w;u reiuriuno; fnun school in cotnpmiy with it number of lua iniitea, nrnl on iho way were jihiyiiipr 'bm- ny.' v lien near t lie corner ot fcuxlii nini Crtti"; stree's. n qu.irrt'l, from 6011m slight Cituse, coinmeiiceil betwetn tlic scl'O'd children and 11 German I. id whom they met. On twein-r the ultt rcittion, u l.trio Geimitn iniirifil Furtwnn,- who resides in that locality, came out anj cotrnntiict-J iibusintr iIih boys. Youuir Krttlon, being n spirited l.ul, rc. semed the insults, in wonls, nmil they Citine loo thick for him 10 bear when in retaliation fur beinn; call '-u tl tl li th? American Know Nothinjr son of a h h." Easion hit the burly Dutc lunnn with Im 'sliini ey stick." Upon this the Ravn-jo monster wrencheil tht; stick from ihe I. id, mid with one blow cu the temple I iid him senseless on the around. iui KatUfirtl wn li 1 liis. actually stamped ami kicked him ns he would hate served a vrnoinuus repiiH. The bruised nnd mangled cliil l was con veyed home, nnd died in lw hours (here after, in spite of the cointiiiietl skill ofu number of ihe best physician. The Krpetrtiior of this omrajre was im mediately arrested and confined iiij.il Thin morniiio- ;i,e (irand Jury, whir It is i-t session, received 11 special charge with ref erence to this case, and retired at 10 o'clock. The morl intese rxoitemrnt prevni!s nmoiiij the people of Cuvuiirtoii in relation to tie nffoir o much so. nt!eetl, thai it is feared by many Iii'V-abnling citizens that in case ihe exeiie I populace obtain an op portunity of executing their designs, the criminal will be lynched. A VALUABLE PRESENT FROM THE CZAR. Mr -Omrles N Haskell, late ensr neer in chief of the United Slates Navy, for draw, ings ami plans of steom machii ety furi:ih etl to I lie Czar, nt ihe request of th I l e Russian Minister, M. IJodisco, has receiv etl frotn Nicholas, as an acknowledgement of this service, nn iintnenrfe. tli niioud per haps the I trgegt in this rountry. The stone is of the first water, arvl is in size very neurhy, if not quite, half un inch in diume ter. POISON LNG. The coroner's jury have foutnl Mr. George W. Green, a wealthy -citizen .f Chicago, guilty of poisoning hi wife with strychnine. The Chicago journal think that frota the wealth find position of I ho accused, his trial is likely to make ti ten sa'ion not les than lh.il of Dr. Webster' ti few years ago A LOST IIEIKrS Catharine. Byrne, alias ,fr Guinness, has" berotnt- heiress to upwanls of ClO 000 in Ireland, but slw? canno' b found, i' tinck Brne, the husband of Catharine M Guin ness, was. it appears, seiiiencei.' to trans portation some years ngo nt the Atttriin assizes. Soon afier the rxenni -n of ih sentence he was left the jroj tty mention, e.i by a distant rel .tive. 1 h;s prt. ny Was lransf. rre.1 to hi son. Thomas Byrne, who was then in Aui"rica, nu4 who h .s since tlil, leaving 11, with other sum, to his iiif.fher; "ow the r l .lives are in a state of jrreat anxiety as to the fxisiei.ee or fate of 'he interested party. TUE NKCRO'tJAXIT, " BV Reynold. For Sute by Oct. 7. J.T. l USDS SilA.NNOXLAI.E, BY Mr Souibttoitii.nctivtd si d for lc by Oct. 7. JLT. .tlU.VUS. SALT. Ofll rv BUSHELS T. I. Salt In store for sale t6UUWbr KHEK.MAi iiuusiui'- Oct. H- iO.