f ft? n - I III.. 1 1 1 1 1 I 111, 1 1 1 r III III III 1 VOLUME-IX NUMBER 94. WILMINGTON, N. C.a SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 1145 THE Till-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, I DubliaheJ every Tuesday. 1 hubi-dat n Satosdav at S3 per annum, payable inallcases In advance. BY TdOMAS LOIIING EoiToa andPaopatK toil Corner I' rout a art Market Streets, W1LMIS6T0J. W. C. I14TE8 Ol' AUVJJRTISt3SG. t sqr. 1 insertion 0 50 I I sqr. 2 months, S4 00 I 2 " 75 I 3 o OU 3 1 00 I 1 "6 Y 8 CO 1 munih. 2 50 I 12 ' 12 00 1 t Ten lines or less make a square. Ifanadver tUemcnl exceeds ten lines, the pi ice will be i hroDoriion. All advertisements are payable at the time of Iheir insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made no the most liberal terms. lia transfer of contracts Tor yearly advcrilsin will be permitted. JShonld circu distances rende a chin? in husiness. or an unexpected rcmova necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. . The Drivileee of Annual Advert-isors is strictly limited to their own Immediate business; and all aj"rtiseniente for the benefit" e-f other persons as well as aliedveruserncnts not immediately con necied with their own business, and all execs of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits enzazed. will be charged at the" osual rates. No Advertisements is Included in the con-ract for tha sale or rent of houses or lands in town r rountrv. or for the sale or hire of negroes, whet h er the property Is owned by the advertiser: or by other persons. These are excluded y tW term "immediate business. AH advertisements Inserted in the tri-weekly fin mercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD . AND l'AXCY PRINTING EXECDTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. AOETS FO!l THE COMM ERCIAI. Nbw Yobk Mersrs. Dollkeb & Pottib. Boston Chku lbs Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Comix. . BallimoreWtt. II. Peaks and VVm. Thomson MISCELLANY. HE WAS A STANGER TO HER. Those yhoare termed "simple mind ed people" adopt . a curiously innocent mode of expression occasionally," winch comes so near art, at times ;as to render . its "simplicity" doubtful. :"-' '- Wc heard of a young married couple from the country, of course; who recent ly attended an exhibition of "Dissolving Views." The bride, being prettyj attract ed the attention of a stylish lookin city gent who happened to occupy the same seat with the twain. During the Exhibition, the audience part f the Hall being already obscure: by som ac- cident the light was eutirely extinguish ed. Fending its recovery, which occu pied some ljuie time, t'ae city gentleman (perhaps accidently) : gently pressed the hand of the bride, who was too much alarmed to offer any resistance. This bold act was followed by a bolder cer tainly not accidentaly, for the city Lotha- no Kissed trie Dnae! l his was too much! and the youug wife resolved to tell her husband; which she did; the fol lowing whispered solioquy took place, "John." "What?" . . "This fellar here's kissing me!" "Well, )said John, who was a- little shy of the citizen) tell him to quit!''7 "No John; you tell him!:' ... "Tell him yourself." "'o, John; I don't like to; you tell him. The qetleman's a perfect stran ger to me!" Our informant did not know whether the "city geftlemau" ultimately received a "notice to quit" or not; but was under the impression that the unlawful salutes were repeated several times before the lamps were re-lighted. ' That bride must have been deliciously .unsophisticated : don't you think so 1 FURY OF THE CREW. The following statement is made by a gentleman who conversed with Capt Luce, of the Arctic, on the way to New York: - , - - - Captain Luce remarked, in illustration of the demoniac fury that took posses sion of a large portion of his crew, and impelled them to secure their own safe ty in spite of every consideiation of hu manity, and in opposition to all authority that while he was . preparing a boat to rescue a number ot. ladies, a fireman rushed fo ward to plunge into it, and when arrested in the attempt by capt L. ilrew a knife upon him and -threatened him with death. The captain instantly knocked the fellow down with a mallet. The butcher of the vessel rushed through the crowd with his knife drawn, and cut the tackhn that ' connected a boat with the ship, and that was being filled with passengers under capt Luce's super vision .' . , " .- - A number of the , ; Irish adopted citi zens of Williamsubrg have organized a club under the name of the Democratic Union " Association. This is the place where the Irish beat so many people to death for wearing what is called a Know Nothing hat. f? 5 , i? STEAM ENGINE AND SAW MILL. T WILL sell low, and on accommodating trma ih. KnoraA and Mscninervot the Cape Fear Steam Saw Mill 14 inch cylinder, 2 feet stroke; three 32 inch boilers, 30 feet long main shaft 10 feet 6 inches long the power of this engine is estimated at 60 horse, has a new extra cylinder and log: goering, and all the appliances necessary for 4be full equipment to operate at once. - -1-' - Also, 2 Stave-dreasing Machines, Jointers, &c complete. . . o. Q. PARS LE V. Jan.2l . . , - l-tf . VIRGINIA AND MAGuALENE. or the Fos ter Sisters, by Emma JL. E. N. Southworth. Received and for sale by . T, MUNDS. ' - : 87. Oct. 7. EDITHS LEGACY, r BV author of Adelaide Lindsay. Received and for sale by ... , . J. T. MUNDS. Pet. 1. ' - - - 87. WESTERN BACON. . -I HHDS. of No. 1 Banon Sines' and Shoal JLtJ ders. jast received and for sale by Oct. 7. J. BATHa WAY & SON. - BUSINESS CARDS. E. J. LUTTERL0H. FORWARDING $- COMMISSION MERCHANT. wII,MINGTO.V,.Jt.C. Sept. 28th. 1864., . r 83-12m DR. GEORGE BETTER, OF NORTH CAROLINA. "OFFICE, No. 533, BROADWAY, l , i'l ' OR AT THB ' - ' PRESCOTT HOUSE NEW TORK. Feb. 16, 1854. 142-lyc. W. SI. SHERWOOD & CO., T7HOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer V V chants VVilniin2Un. N. C All consignments oi Naval Stores, together with Uotton. Bacon, L,ara, tjorn, aieai, t tour, tc, snai eeure the highest marker price. .. Dec. 13 - , : t,.-.": .i C J 15-tf T J. D. LOVE, - - AJAXUFXCTURER AXD DEALER IN ' ;C1BIXET FURNITURE, ; BEDSTEADS: CI1AIKS, MATTRESSES, &c,'&c. Front street. South or Market, . -BftOWNS BUILDING,' WILMINGTON,' N. C. f Sept. 16, 1854. . , 79-y-e ! J.C.LATTi, COMMISSION MERC HA NT f- GENERA L AGENT. i WILMINGTON, N. C. " Oct.I,!834. - 85-lyc. WILKIiSUiV & ES5LEK, UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses, Feather Bms, Window Uurtains ' and fixtures. All work in the ahove line done al shortest No lice. ' viinunton, in. o Market St. March 18, 1854. 1. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Prompt personal attention given to Conslgu- meiits tor saic or suipmcoir , Liberal Cash adcances made on Consignment to ... me or to my Jyeie yoru friends. , Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854.- . 135. W.C.HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington. N.C. Liberal 'ash advances made on Consignments. Not. 29, 1853. , 109-UV C. DUPBE. DANIEL B. BAKER. C. DuPRE & CO. GENERAL. AGENTS COMMISSION AND fJRWARDING MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. July 22d, 1854. 54 12m. : J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMlSGTOSi N. C. J. Hathawat, J. L.. Hatmawat. Feb. 15, 1854. - - - . at. AMES ANDEBEON. EDWARD BATaGB. ANDERSON & S WAGE. GENERA L CO M MISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON W. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. March 27, lo54. . ., . 94. RUSSELL & BROTHER,. (LATE ELLIS. Bt7SELL & CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS i WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consisnmentso Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. - May 3, 1S54. j " C. & D. Da PRE. WHOLE SALE ANtr It ETA L DEALERS I N Drugs. Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oil Dye stuns, utass, a-cnuiaerj, visi, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles. &c ' MARKET STREET, Wll.MIVGTOS. N. C. ?res?ription8carefullyjoinpounded by experi need crsons. March 28. 1854. I J. E. HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington V N C. Oifice in re ir of McMillan, Davis & Go's Store. Every attention paid to the sale and purchase of produce,- and liberal casli advances made on sonignments. f -. ;-r llelers to uant. uoert ' fot'er, tt. r. nan Pret Branch Bank Stale N. O ; O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Rank: McMillan, Davis & Co. f - .. . - y ; Ian. 21, 1S54. - 131-tf J WILLIAM A. GWYEt, cneral.lent.ForwarJingtComniiSMon31crehant I take pleasure in informing my friends, that I rn prepared to give an Dusiness entrustea to me fficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample aecommodatioss, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; end all kinds of coun trv produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. i April 18, 1554." 15. ' CuNLEY, KIRK & CO. ' DEALERS IN T3 UTTER, Cheese. Lard, and Smoked Provisions, U Pork. Beet, Beans, Peas, and Dried Fruit. "' 233 and 235, FRONT STREET, Corner of PECK SLlr, NEW YORK. -March 25, 1854. v ' ly-c. WILLIAM n, PEAKE, COLLECTOR AND aDVERTlSlKG AGENT- For Country Newspapers throughout tbe t'f- i: ; United States, --j.-..r , Basement of Sun Iron Rn Joints, Baltimore street All business ecUustcd to ns care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. - ? - sept 7, 1S54. . .. .. , ..' .. " ' 95-tf JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants. WILMINGTON. N. C. Jas. H. Chadboues. Jan. I, 1854. - Geo. Chadiodis. 123. i HENRY NUTT, FACTOR ASD FORWARDING A6ENT, . Willgice hi perianal attention to b utiles entrust t - cd t hi care. ' v. ? , Sept. 8, 1854. 75-lyns. JOSEPH H. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINOTON, NC. -May 9th. 1S54. f f ' 87-ly-e. GEORGE MYERS, WDOLESILE AND RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand, H'tnes, Tea, Liquor, Provision, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confectionaric, fc. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nv. 13, 1853. - . . 109. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, C031ISSI01 AND F0SWAR81NG SERCHNNTS, v WILMINGTON, N. C. Jaa 17, 1854.-- - 125-e JAMES E. METTS, COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT. -' wilmi r GTON, w. c. August 26th, 1 85 r r 69-tf. BUSINESS CARDS. 0L. FIlLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, FOR WARDING f- COMMMSSIUJ MERCHANT. O' F FIU K over Store of W. H. MeEoy, Sonth Water etret-t, Wilmington, N. C. will make liberal cash advances on consignments. He has enirepd the services of Mr. John Hall as a Gen eral Produce Broker. Refers to.; ; E. P. Hall, PresiJent Branch Bank of the State, Wilmington. - ---f O. G. Parsley, i CoiTimerefal Bank, Wilmington. Gen. A. Mcllac, President W. o It. Railroad: do- fien. W. W. Harllee do. VV. & M. Railroad, Mari on C. H., S. C W. K. Lnne. Goldsboro', N. C. Sept. 20, 1S54. ' f - - - ' ly-c. MRS. KING, 273 King Street, between Wentworth and Society Sirects. Charleston. S. C. TANUFACTUltES in very superior sivle, 1TX Wizs. Taupees. Plain Bands and Curls, Ear Rings, rt least pins and Bracelets, and all kinds of Fancy HairPlaiung. Orders thankfully received by Mail or-otherwise. Charets moderate. Ad- dwes as above, April 13, 1854. ' ' 121 y-c. D. C. FREtMAN. MJEOBOE HOOtJTOH- - KUKEMAX HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C - ,. I. C. Kit REMAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS I'KOVT STKULTr, NEW YORK. ' FREEMAN AND ilMISTOS, WILMINCTOJf. N. C- r"EEP constancy . on hand a stock -ol rlour, iVCorn. Pork, Bacon. Salt, CofTeerSaar, Mo- lase, Tobacco, Ciar Snuf, Candle, Soap, r-" cien and IJomenlic liquora ana t vines; - iron. Nails. Paint. Oil. Glass. Domestic, Hal. Boots, Shoe. Leather. Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for lamilyand plan tatton use and then-tail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbeem ait, la located In the city "of New York t the junior partner, Geo. Hoostox, in Wilmington, it ocsirea, advances, will be made on eonsisnments to androm either olace. All business entrusted to ihem will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptlyand carefully filled. Sept. V, 1854.;- b-t. GEO. UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, QTRICT attention given to procuring Freight kj and purchasing Cargoes lor vessels. Kef ca to P.Hall, Esq. 1 . O. G. Parsley, Esq. ..t;i. ' . A.Taylor, Esq f" J. D. Bellamy, Esq. J Messrs. 1 ooker, Smy in & Co., ? v Vn. ' Thompson & Hunter, J ""7 ' Alex'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia Messrs. Williams & tSutlcr, H V. Baker. Esq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. 1854. 123 tf, I. WE33EL. H. B. EILEBS. WESSEL & FILERS. OOMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE- VJSALE GROCERS. North Water St., Wil- minston. N. C. intend to keep at the above standa "eneratassortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on Genera ICommission Business. I EPEB CKC t ! '-- E. P.Hall.Pres't Br'ch Bank of the State. 1 O. G. Parsley. Pres't Commercial Bank. Wif. P. K.Dickinson, Esq . , PoppeiCo. 1 w Ynrk Dollner A Potier. Jan. 20 1854. . , 131. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdoor to A. A. Wannet's.on North Waterst. willattend to the sale of all kinds of Country fro- iuce.such af Corn. Peas. .Meal. Bacon , Lard ,4c. and will keep constantly on hand a full supplyof broceries, sc. References. . Wille Hall-of Wayne, Jno tfcRae, Wilmington w.Uaraway. ' Uen. Alx.. iVlcliae. E.P.H ill. Wilmington .Wiicy A. WalKei . " Dec. IAS. F. OILLESriE. --! , GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAVIR- GILLESPIE & CO PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. Pat lieu lar attention paid to the receipts and Sale of xVartu btore, 1 imber, isumber, Corn, tfacon, Cot- ton, q-e., f-e. , l , March 30,1854. j 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant,, WILMINGTON, N.C. T7"ILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at VV a small commission. - " t Strict attention givento the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce.' " O.fice second door. South side of Market street, on the whart. June 12. 1854. ' - 33-ly. A. H. VANB3KKELEN. General Agent, Commission anl Forwarding , ' Werehant, ; ' WILMINGTON. N. V. .. , Particular attention given tosale and purchase oi in aval stores. Jane 1. 1854. . . 123-lyc. T.C.WORTH, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. fTS UAL advances made on consignments of Cot- j w ton, i aval stores ana otner produce. Psttieular attention given by G. W. Davis to Dur- ubusing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, &c. jiarcn &, 11.1a. . iza-iyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SUCCESSORS TO THflS. AL1B0NE & CO )- Gencral Commission Merchants,' No 32, North Wharve. xnd 63 North Water St. fHlLAUKIiflllA, J. HABVET COCHBAN, W. S. BITSSELL. , Liberal cash advances made on consignments. . July 30th, 1354. ...... ,6S-tf. '- : ; r- : r H. POLLKF.R G. POTTIE. Jf DOLLNER & POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . SEW rUKK! . - Liberal Cash Adcan-es mad on all Consignment. April ju, 100. zu-ly-pd. JAS. T. PETTKWAV. .- " - . BO. E. fBlTCHSTT. PEITEWAY & PRITCIIETT. General Commission and Korwardlne Mer "UiSI, ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, NORTH WATER STREET, . . WitaitxaTosr, N.C. 1 t Prompt attention will be riven to tha sale of 1 Naval Stores and alt kinds of Prodace. ' - Intend keeping an assortment f Groceries, k. qnors mna i-rovisiona. July 18. . ' 52. QUINCE & COWAN. WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL GROCERS; it IS A LttS tils .Tr WINES Q LIQUORS. . .Corner of Front and Princes streets. -WILMINGTON, N.C. -Jnly 79. ' - - - ' .;- " - B6.' CANAL BARROWS. FOR SALE, by March 30. " J. M. ROBINSONS MEDICAL HOUSE, A'. 16, SO UTH FREDERICK S TREE T, KAI.TI.YIOK.K. ai An. 1 L,Ai l). ' Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound and, scientific .nea teat A iaf f and for the suppression of 'j DR. I. B. Ssiith has for many years devoted his wboleattention to the treatment of Private com plaints, in all theic varied and complicated forms. His area I success in those lone standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received Within the last eight years, Dr. S. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians how- ad vertising in Baltimore, and not a single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, 'without efieciin a radical and permanent cure : therefore. persons jrSicted with diseases of the above nature. no matter now aiiucuu or lung standing tne case may be,'' wonld do well to call on Dr. Smith .at his uffice.No. 16, South Frederick St..and If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services.' tus medicines are tree from Mercury and all mineral poisons : put up in a neat and com. pact furm,nd may -be taken in a public or private house, or. white travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except in cases of vin. nt inflammation, do change ot diet is necessary. , o t itic i utiiis,-ur. onuin nas1 discovered -a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient.- Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate glandi,or neckof the bladder.is some times mistaken Icr strictures by general practitioners orcharlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted wiih Seminal Debility, wheth er orisinatinsr from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which loiiow. when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expanse. By bis improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cases oi this com plaint. . ' Alldiseases peculiar to Females (ns also Sup pressions, Irregularities, etc.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been well tested in an extensive practice for the last twelve years, v Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part-of the United States, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential.' Office arranged with separate apartments, so that patients -never see any one but the doetor himself. Attendance dily.from 8 in the tnoining till 9 at night. . j ': N. B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will d Well to a'.'otd the vrio7is i ; NOSTRUMS AND SPECIfiqS, advertised by Apothecaries and, Druggists-as a cer tain cure lor any and every disease. 1 hey are put up 10 sell. but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good theref x6 avoid themt A word to the wise is sufficient. Address. . DR. J. B. SMITH, '.6 South Frederick Jt.; Ualtiuiore. Md: Oct. 13. 1- 90-Iy-c. SANDS SARSAPARILLA. IN QUART BOTTLES. ' For Prifif:'.-g the Blood, and for the Cure of Srro- fula, Khtamatism, Stubborn L leers, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheun, Fever Sores, Erysipelas, Pim&les, Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Er lions. Liter Complaint, Bronchitis, gumption, Female ComptaintsLos of Appelile, General Debility, dc. AN this preparation all the restorative properties of the root are concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy tAmt while SarsapsaiUla Root forms an Important part of its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded with other vegeta ble remedies of great power, and it Is in the pecu liar combination and scien ific manner of its prep aration, that its remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. : It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowels: and thus three processes, which are ordinarily the result of three dinercnt kinds of r cdicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumcmaliiy of this one remedial agent which gently stimulutcS While it disinfects and expels Iroin the stomach '-and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same time esiores vigor and tune. . Many other preparations imitate in oearinz the name of faursapanua, and in that their resemblance ends, being often prepar ed ironi wooWcii and inert roots, and ot course possess ntTncaling or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which they will use, should take no other, but thatone entitled 10. their confidence, from the long list of cures it has effect ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials 'and residence have been published, and who are still bearing daily testimony to ita worth. , . ' Ao iUMSHinu CLiUK. ? i j Pattmsom, N. Y, 20th, 1851. Messrs'. A. B. dt. D Sands: Gentlemen. Hav ing witnessed the most beneficial effects from the use of yuur iinrsaparilla, it gives me pleasure to send you the following statement in regard to my son. In the spring of 1848 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeks of severe .sunering .the us ease settled in his leil leg and tot, which soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by his physician, and discharged most profusely; after that no less than elevr n ulcers formed on the leg and foot at one time. We had fivedifferent Phy sicians, but none relieved bim much ; and the last winter found him so emaciated and low that he was unable to leave his I ed, suffering the most excrucia tin? bain. During this time the bone bad become so much aflected that piece after piece came out, of which be has now more than twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one halt to one and a. hall inches in length. - we had given op an Dopes of Ms recovery, butat this time we were induced to try your aaisapanlla, and with its use nia health and appetite began immediately to improve, and so rap id was the chanze thatless than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure. ' -. With gratitude, I remain truly yours, -DARIUS BALLARD, We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard. cheeriuny sanscrioe to the facts 01 tne above state ment. H. s K-. Hayt, A. M. Trowbridge, ' Geo.T. Dean, , C, Eastwood, j Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B A D. Sands, Druszists and Chemits, 100 Ful'on street corner of William New York..: Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price SI per bottle ; six bottles for 5. For sale by Dr. A. U. Bradley, and Messrs. C. & D. DuPre, Wilmington, n. c - 1 April 8. v I9-6m- YT7E have en hand a very handsome assortment V ofPaner Hansings, Uro Screen. Borders. Window Shades, Curtains. Cornices, tc, if-c.- Kor sale and put up bv - - June 8. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. WE have on hand a beautiful assortment ot French and American Paper Hanging. Dec orations, Kire Screens. Window Shades and Cur. tains, Co mi cel. Picture Tassels of newest styles, for sale by - - WILKINSON A ESLER, j June 17. . .. upnoisterers. ; DR. E. SEYMOUR'S l Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporters. THIS is to certify. that C. A D. DuPre, Drug gists of Wilmington, N. C, are my sole scents for the sa'e of the above Supporters for this place and vicinity. L- SEiMLUR. tviiiuington, . C, aiarcn 24, iom. . We most reaDeetfuIIv call the attention of the Medical Profession of the State to an examination of the above Supporters. C.4D. DwPRE., ; jaarcn zj, , . - WE hare now la store & fine assortment -of French Engiigh and American paper hang, ings. borders, . docorations, te. Also, curtains' cornices, shades, tassels. Aze.. tor sale, and bang in the lateat style. WILKINSON & ESLER . - upnoisiera ana raper ti angers. . Sept. 23 . :- . -- .83. TOWAGE! TOWAGE!! : ORDER for towage by steamtags MARINER, Capt. John Davis, and EQ.U Al QrL, Capt, Jacob Price, will receive prompt attention, If left at my office, corner of Dock and water atrce's, over NeH feon'a tohip Chandlery. ' - on ao a. at Aft im. Agent. Oct. 3. g-lw" BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Elegant Edition of Bills of Exchange, print ed in Get many, in Books of 10 quires and In sheets just received The Commercial. and for aale at the office of DR. SWAYNE, AN Eminent Physician of Philadelphia, has given to the world the benefit of his expe rience by preparing remedies suitable to almost every disease. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, for Curing Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Longs. DR. SWA YNE'S VERMIFUGE, , For Destroying Worms, Curing Dyspepsia, Ac. Dr. Swaync's Sugar Coated Sarsapa and Tar Pill, a gentle purgative and alterative Medicine, far superior to the Pills in general use. Dr. S wayne'a Cholera Morbua Diarrhoea, and Dysentery Cordial, a never failing remedy. A fresh supply just received at C. & D. DuPRE'S Drug Store, . ,-Sole Agents for Wilmington. April 25. 17-tf. MACKEREL. I Mackerel, in Kits, for sale by . FREEMAN Ot HUSTON. TVTEWNo Oct 17. . FRENCH BROAD CL0TI7, DOESKIN AND C1SSDIERE. A FiNE assortment of direct importation, jut ii. received and for sale at unusual low pricea at thestoreof KAHN WE1LER dt, BRO. Oct. 5. 66. I FASHIONABLE DRESS HATS. WIiNTER Styles just opened. Four different styles French and American Manuiaciure. at the Hat and Cap Emporium. C. MYEMS. - 87. , uci. 1 Commercial Ilank or Wilmington. THE regular annual meeting of the Srx-k hold ers of this Bank will be held at their Banking House on Monday the 6th d iv of November next. - - -v T. SAVAGE, CaFh'r. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7th, 1854. 87-4w. FOR SALE. QrX BARRELS City Mess Potk t ,J- casks Rite; 20 baskets Champaign?; ' 23 boxes Adaminlinu t'finclles Low to close consignmenta.. RANKIN & MARTIN, r "'-'"' . South Wster-st. Sept. 2S. , , , . . ... , , . 83. 8 BALKS Cedar F'alls Sheeting; 18 bbls. Fay etieville Flour; 40 bbls. N. O. Family Syrup; 50 hhds Prime Cuba Molasses, for sale by Aug. 19. 1 . C. dt, U. O. WORTH, EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 350 2nd hand Spirit Barrels for sale by Sept. 16. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS GUT, made, and put down, by WILKINSON dt ELER, Paper Hangers and Upholsters. oept .28. 83. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for sale by C. DuPRE & Co. June 22. 42. BIRD CAGES. JUST RECEIVED at 'Aw. It. J.M.ROBINSON'S. THE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 worth of Gifts, lor the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL w , Of the Whole World, . Published simultaneously in the three cities of SEW YURE, PHILADELPHIA AND B1LT1.U0CE, As soon as 300,000" subscriptions are obtained and having already an actual cibculatiom of about 200,000, it ia now certain . ' The Distribution will soon take place. Aman the ext raordinary tisT or gifts, (being one for every ticket issued,) are Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Seat, valued at A maetilficeut Citv Hcsldence, valued Ot 8 1 T,- tMM, - . i . . A Cash Loan for lOOyears, without interest or security 8 I O.OOO, Building Lots. Elegant Piano Fortes, Merodeons, Gold Watches. Uracelets, Uir.gg, Books ol Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. .Hart; Real Estate, pc. dc, cVc in all num benng 300,(00 Gifts, valued at $300,000. - Every single remittance of SI, secures one year's subscription to the 'Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which enittles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in this stupendous Enter prise receives the full worth of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the great est and most intetesting Pictorial of the age,) be sides a uut lor each subscription wnicb may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. . . . . For complete list of gifts, and lull and explicit particulars in regard to the great Enterprise, Dis tribution, Ac; see a copy of Th b Whole World, which will be promptly aent, free of charge, where desired by letter, post paid. ' The W hole, Woeld- may also be seen at the offices of ail paperscontaining this advertisement, where Information may be obtained in regard to the paper and Enterprise. - -Ageut, Postmasters and Ladies, desirous of lucrative and at the same lime genteel employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far tho most liberal in ducements ever offered 10 agents in the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, commissions, die , wherebv any person, with ordinary activity, can easily make 1,003 and upwards, perivear; to which fact the agents we already have can certi fy. ' Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents mnst write ther address Name, Post-office, County, and Slate, PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fault if thev fail to get an answer. Adhere 10 this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any partof tne world. " If any orders are received after the 300,000 sub scribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, post-paid, to the persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, WITH GIFT TICKETS, must invariably be ad dressed posi.pnid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World' Hall, Broadway, Nets York, there being the only office-tor the Gift Enterprise. Bat remi nances for the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Hare Building, Chesnut Street, Phila delphia, Jo., there being the principal editorial and pnblication office, :rt 40, . v ' Oct. 3, 1S54. - 65-6m. NOW: SELLING, rXf BBLS. City Mess Pork 1 CWifO bags Rio and Lagaira Coffee; IS hhds. Orleans Sugar t - " 6 tona Hoop Iron, It. If , It wldet . ? " 1 10 bbla. best Cider Vinegar ; 7.500 lbs. N. Carolina Bacon ; -. , 4,000 Western, hog round. . . The low prices at which we are setli ng these articles, and especially the latter article of Wes tern Bacon, ia an inducement to planters and to turpentine men to give ns a call. An. 22. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO. ADAMS CO'S GREAT NORTHERN- AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! GARRY PACKAGES of every description to Petersburg. Richmond. Fredrick shara W..h ington City, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Baltimore, otc. in charge of Special Messengers. v . JOHN L.CANTWELL, Ageni, ; ; Office on Front, near Marker at. MTl3. . .. .v. 27-tf. FAYETTETILLE FLO DR. rXC BBLS. oat from themilL lot sale by ' UUOct. 5. r: FREEMAN & HOUSTON. D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 30. 64 if THE IMAGE OF HIS FATHER. OR one Boy is more troable than a Dosaa Girls, (Quite an Eiror,) rt'd ana for stle by Ocr. 7.' J. T. MUNDS. NEW ARRIVALS OP PKES1I GOODS ORIGINAL FAMILY GROCERY. FRONT STREET. THE subscriber, t.uly thankful for the liberal patronage heretofo.e bertowed upon him by his inends, and all deriroua of obtaining good ar ticles in his trade at whojeaalo and rrlail, bega leave to Inform them thai he haa perfected arrange ment for procuring a constant aupply of the v y best Groceries, at the very lowest prices. TEAS Old Hyson, Voung Hysoni Imperial, Pouchong and Oolong. ' WINES AND LIQUORS. Otard Cogcan, Dupuy & Co'a Braudiea,01d Ma deira. Chprry, Porl, Muscat and Malara Winos, Monongahela, Rye, Irish and b'eatch WhUxey, Holland Gin, Chumpajn. s snd Bottled W lnee, Hcidsick, DucaL Grape. Boushe all of tha first quality. Bottled Otard Brandy, Cognac, Maderia, Sherry, and Holland Gin, Aromatic Schnapps and Cordials.. - t COFFEES. OIJ Goverment, Java, Luguayra, Rio, Jamaica and St, Domingo. - , SUGARS. Crushed, Powdered, Granulated. Loaf, Coflue Crusbed, Cla-ified, Porto Kko, and fc ugare of all grades. FLOUR. Ilirsm Smith, John Hire, Castlllia and New ork Mills; in Hsrrels, Half-Barrels, and Bags fresh ; Fajettevilie do. . JJf CANDLES. Judd s Pattnt Spcm. Sperm, snd 75 Boxes A. M. Candles, lower than they can bcboughl in New 1 ork. - ,r CRACKERS Soda, Butter, Pilot, Sugar. Picnic, Lemon, Milk, Walr.ui.with every variety of Crackers, W. Under wood dt Co's. Pickles by the Hundred, Jar. Gallon, Half Gallon, Quarter-Gullon, or Pint. Pickolilla Catchupt, Mustard, Sauces, V hile Wine and Cider Vinegar, Olives, Spanish and French; Capers, Prtseivcs, in every variciy.. SUNDRIES Goshen Butlrr, lierh weekly; Smoked Beef, Buef Tongues, Fulldn &Iarket Ueef, Salmon, Mack erel, Codfuh, Herring, Che-e English and Imi tation, Bacon, Pork, Smart's Syrup, Sperm snd Whale Oil, Fruit in every vurieiy, Nuis, Muiirt's Coniectlunery, ftlarktt BaBkeis, Clothes BnekcU and Fancy Hdnliem, Wusli Tubs all kinds. Brass hoopud Buckets, Common Bin ket, Brooms, Trava, Sifters, Keclers. Cup Tubs, Scrubs, and every va riety of Wood and Wiil.iw ware, Spiers. Cloves," Nuimees.Cirinatiion. Pepper. Ginet-r, Mace, Cho colate. Ioinggl.-isi", Gelatin, Macaroni, Vrrml.-r Hi, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Preserved Gin- fer. Mrawberha, Grapes, Krrsh Peacha, Fresh .obstcr. BOO boxes assorted . sizes Sardines, Fig Paste, lOOCannry Cag s various stylfs fend pat terns, Squlrrell Cage, Mocking Clrd Cb;ps. Ele gant Boxes fine Tea, contaii.lng 2 lbs. cah the box being worth ihe price of thet acknpe $2 each. Raspberry and Ch. rry Syrup by the Gallon eat ra qu ilitj; 6000 of the most choice Ci jars ever bronchi to this market, and rvery varitty of Groceiits that can b procured, wholesale and retuil. nt the lowest possible pi ices. 60,000 t.iais.f.f m 4 to 3S per thouanl. GEO. MYERS. Sept 30. 84. LARGE STOCK CF FURNITURE ' ' ' ?" TH E subscriber would r f7 ""ry ppcilully invite the alicntlon VJ1 Jol the public, to lila very IdigeTl and complete assortment of Furnimrt now being received aad' recently selected by himself al lh Manufactories: duiing ihepresi til monlh, li! stock win oe complete and consul in partol iheiol lowing aniclts. r ine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, io Dam- ana uuir t. luin ; Sells fainted Chamber Fun Itiire. 50 Siduboards, Sccrctariee und Book Caacs; 6(1 Sofas and Tele a Tctcs; 100 Rureaua; 100 Wash Stands, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs; 73 Nurse do. 123 Tea and Dinin? Tables; 75Cenire, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet - do. 100 doa. Choir, cushioned, cane and Windsor; 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut maple and Iron ; Wardrobes. mahugony and stained ; -Office Furnliure; . Children's Chairs ; 1 Ottomans, Foot Stools; A fine HMiorimcni of Looking Glasses ( Teapoy's Whatnots Hal 6'iandi ; Settees, Work Table ; Work Boxes. Paper Hangings; Window Shinies, &e. q-c. A raw vaar ruts Piaito Fortes, snd In fact al most any article that may be desired. In comoLte- ly furnishing Dwellings, Hotels. Offices or So eiety Rooms From .Street. . D. LOVE. Wilmington, N.C, Sept, 9, 1S53 76., TOBACCO. "I A BOXES Manufactured, tent as simples snd a -n wui Apply to Oct. 5. be s.-ldiow to introduce to the trade. RANKIN dt MARTIN, South Waier-st. r , 86 -4 1. PERFUMERY! JUST rereived from New York and Philadel- phia t I Gross Lobina'a Extracts for ihe Hsndk'f j i"do. do. Toilette Soaps ; 1 do. Glenny Moh Toilette Water; , 4 do. , - do.; Verbena do, do. 2 do. Yankee Soap 1 ' i do. ' Camphor Snap ; i 'do. Pontine do A larire assortment of Hair Brushes, and a num ber of fane article usually kept in Drug Stores u. ot v. uri'iiK, tvneiesaie urugguts, Oct, 5. Market-st Wilmington, N. C. BATCHELORS, FAMILIES, HOTELS, Steamboats; Ac, can be famished with mat- trasses, beds, pillows, bolsters, sheets, pillow, cases, blankets, comforts, spreads, towels, table- cloths, etc., by cam ns on WILKINSON &F1SLRR, Upholsters and Paper Hangers. Sept.CS. 83. 1 FILES! FILES!! FILES!!! TUST received, a full assortment of Butcher's genuine Saw Files. Also, tha double tang eitra Mill Saw Filea. J . M. ROBINSON. 9 ApriU. . SHOT AND BAR LEAD. ACC BAGS DrP nd Buck Shot 1 00 lbs. Bar H) J Lead. Just received and for snle by uct.7. W C T copy ZENO H.GREENE. CIGARS! CIGARS!! SO Of IO CGARS, various brands, for sale "VJ iyJJ cheap.by ZENO H. GREENE. wet.. .NOT copy 87. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the Stockholders ef the Wtlmit.gton and Raleigh Jil ",d Company, will be held In Thia Towtveat"Tharsday the 9h (lay of Nov. next.. , A dividend Of 4 per cnt on the Capital Stock of of the Compary, tor the last eix mon'hs, haa been declared, and will be payable on the 10th of Nov. next,-- ,-- ' ' ...... - The Books for ihe transfer of Stock will be clos ed oa 2Cth instant. Byorder " Oct. 17. l-tm. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 7 nnA PRIME DUnond "S." Barreu juare- 1 ccived and for aale by OcU-7. A U AM 8, BRO. 4 CO., NEWS, ARRIVAL OF THE WASHINGTON FOUR DAY8 LATER FUom rx iUOPK. Iyosa of the Allies at the llsttle of Alma, Change of the Plan . Operation Aislnt MeJ taitopol. THE BOMBARDMENT COMMKNCKl) DEATH OP MAP.SIUiTbT. ARXAI l Sajjdt IIook, Oct. 24-10 o'clock 1'. M. The steamer VTnsLlngfon, from Ureinen via Soulharapto1, with Liverpool nnJ Lon don dates to the 14th instant, four d.ijs ter than the advices per stcumef Africa, nr rived off this point a few minutes since Tho Washington brings 250 passengers nnd reports London corn market as Is denrer. Consols closed al95 1-4 ul 05 -Bf and the money market was light. The Washington left Dremcn on the Ctii int., nnd brings 200 tons of freight und her usufcl mails. Among the paiisengcrs ore I'arou Gcrolt, the Iluasian ambassador lo Washington ; Baron da Hodisco, bearer of dcKputchta from St. Petersburg lo the Russian lega tion at Washington, J. II. l'orter, Jr., at tache of the U. S. Legation ot Uerlm; J. A; Statjrner, x-I'osimaater Oeneral of Canada, and family, and Capt. Nicholas and lady, of the fchip Is'orih istar, n hicli whs sold at London The steamship Pacific arrived out al Liverpool on Tuesday night The U. S. steatnf-r Sail Jucinto tvus in tint Southampton dry docks. The London Times of the 0th, lOih mid 11th. contain volumnous details of the bat tle of Alma. FROM THE SEAT OF Wart. No official despatches has have l cil published relative to the battle of Alma. Tho English lobl 2000 men in tho engage ment in killed nnd wounded, nnd tho French J400. The allies lind changed their plan of operations nnd were lo attack Sabastopol from tho south, where it wnn found to be weaker. The baso of ihe oje rations is Ualakhiva, where tho cavalry mid the Beige artillery have landed. After the battle of Alma the IcushUii burnt all the villages which they passed through in their retreat. In their flight they left 0,000 wounded behind them. One thousand llushiuns who were c' corting a convoy of munitions of war, had been made prisoners, and I'iince Menchi kofF himself narrowly escaped rapture. The Russians have sunk seven whips of the line at the mouth of ilia harbor. The bombardment of Sepasiopol bewail on the 5th. Marshal St. Arnaud is dead, nnd (Jen. Canrobert in in command of the French army. The news of the deaih of St. Arnuud reached 1'u 'arts nncl Ixjndon on aumuit. Vienna Tvcstloy Eremne. On the 'Oili September 130 hawj guns were discm barked nt Ha Ink lava. Bucharest Oct. 5th. Prince Gortschukoff is ill. There is a great concentration of Turkish troops at Matchin, nnd Omef Pasha will begin operations n gainst th Russians in Rt-ssaraha immediately. FRANCK. A despatch from Marseilles, dated Oc tober lOih, announces lhat orders lrivc boen given to receive the remains of Mar shal St. Arnaud with all the honor paid him upon his departure for Constantino ple. The farewell address which St. Arnnud had addressed to the army, dated 20tli September, had arrived at Toulon, in which he says : "Overcome by cruel diseases, against which he has so long struggled, ho is obliged to resign his command." llt pays the highest compliment to his succes sor, Gen. Canrobert. LATER FROM SANTA FlJ. Louisville, Oct. 21. Tho Santa Fu mail arrived at Independence on the 22d An election had been held in New Mex ico, resulting in the Democrats ..having n majority ii the Housa of Representatives. The Jaccarilht Indians ore stilt ut wnr, and Gov. Merriweather refuses to treat , with them. The Utahs are uneasy, end the new Indian ngent, Mr. Labadie, has been sent cut to bring in the chiefs to ha t o a talk" wiih His Excellency. The ap pointment of Mr. Labadie gives great sat isfaction. Judge Benedict is holding court from s a o to uona. Judge Drocchus had arrived at Knntn Fe. Judge Davenport and family were met at the crossinrr of the Kansas river lv Messrs May, Merris and parly, who, aiso, met liishop Lamer near the Cold Spring. Near Cottonwood, they came up with the Keowds, and above the crossings of the Arkansas river al Uiir Uend. the Kaws were met, both tribes beinrr friendly to the millitary post on the Arkansas. Many troops were concentrating in ihe neighborhood of Aberrruia to resist iht Jac- carillas: and Cantain Dairaon and his com mand were en route from Santa Fe lo that place for the same purpose. The trial of Major Weightman for tho Killing ot Aubrey bad resulted In an ac quittal The crops were generally good. cnEufcjLs-jrsT RECEIVED : 1,000 509 do. V German QuiDln-; 'rent h a i 60 lbs. Calomel t 20 do. Hyr. Jodid Iron .. i$ do. HI us Mas" i (0 do. Va lb-it's Mass 60 f allons ttp'ts Nure 40 do. Aq.Aminoat 20 bbls.Kpaom Sails 10 do. Copperas. of sale by C. f- D. DePitK, Wholesale DrC(isi, Oct. 6. M. SnANXONDALE, BY M rs. Soath worth, received and for rsle by Oct.T. I. T. MUNDS. ALUM SALT. QfirVt BUSHELS Tarda Is'and Salt, now J.JJ IjBdias frosa Brig Clsrenre and lor sole io lota to suit, by T.C.WORTH. Oct. 5. (4,