ft "tut ; iu i VOLUME IX NUMBER 97. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, OVEMB Ell 4, -1 854; WHOLE NUMBER 1 148 i. ' THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I pabtishcd every TtrDAT, Thdkmi tnd Satvidat at to per annum, payable iaallcases in aavanee. - - BV THOMAS LOR.ING EDlToa andPeopaia tfoa, . Corner Front and Market Streets, .WH.MIS6TQK.lt. C. . RATES OP AUVDUTISl.a. 1 Bar. 1 insertion $0 50 I I sqr. 2 oionlhe, S4 CO 1 - 2 . 75 11 " 3 " 5 00 1 3 1 00 i 1 "6 " 8 00 1 " I month. 2 60 1 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a sauare. If an silver Itsement exceed ten lines, the piice will be in . proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of ITuur i nsertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made bn the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising Will bo nermtlled. Should circumstances render chants ia business, or an unexpected removal hecessafy.a charge according to tne punnsned terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the timo he has advertised. The Drivileze of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited to their own immediate business j and all advertisements (or the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits enzaeed. win be charged at tne usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or countrr. or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheta cr the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thesa are excluded by the term "immediate business." All advertisements inserted in the tri-weelitv Co nmercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. AttENTS FOR THE COHMERClAli. ; IS iv Yobk Messrs. Dullkeb & Pottes. Iftwron Chablbs Smith. No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohm. Baltimore W m. H. Pbakb and Wm. Thomsok MISCELLANY. A SAD AND CURIOUS SPECTACLE The Boston Courier gives the following' account of a remarkable case now occupy inr the attention of the Supreme Court : The Supreme Court room has been thron ged for a day or two past, by men and wo men, Spiritualists " mainly, who are ei ther interested directly or seeking pleasure in the mournful details of a trial for divorce t present pending1 before that hih tribu nal. The parties Jare Kidder vs. Kidder. The husband is defended by Hon Rufus Choate, the" wife by Hon. Chas. G. Lo ring, and Mr. Justice Bigelow is on the bench. . The woman is accused of being a Spiritualist, a believer in free-love, and an ndulterses ; the man, less than these, sim ply an adulterer. The woman has troops of female friends to cheer! her in her dis tress, and prominent among them is a la dy of Waltham, of distinguished accom plishments.' These ladies watch the pro ceedings with anxiety and apparent earn estness. One witness, a woman, testified that Mrs. Kidder had. on several occasions, attempted to convert her to the free-love faith, which mears " when you find your affinities you can live in perfect happiness with them ; and the children of such affini te3 born would be pure and holy." The witness named a man, a common looking customer enough, whom Mrs Kidder had described as her "affinity," because " from his earliest infancy he hud made women his theme." - This infant prodigy was in court, and t.ne would suppose that bis pug-nose alone would be sufficient to affright any woman of spirit; but free love, like " other love, is probable in need of spectacles." Accord ing to this coarse theory of free-love, a married woman who has discovered her "affinity" even though it be secrected in a. deformity with brief leg and a long body, -and physiogomy compressed, it is all right to leave her husband, embirorder three rings and emblems of love in his cravat, "and go off with him! Such a anion, with out the firat semblance of marriage ceremo ny, is sanctioned in heaven so the spiritu alists say. - This is curious stuff, and yet it is called f religion," and " morals," too. It does not follow, however, from the mere statement of a witness in court, that Mrs. Kidder believes in any such loose doctrine. Other evidence was put in with a view of -showing that the lady had been unfaithful to her husband, and that her spiritual no tions had an immoral smack in them. The case of Mr. Kidder will come on as as soon as that of his wife is disposed of. THE CONDITIONAL, MAN. There are some men who are never known to give an unconditional assent to any proposition, however self-evident. We have in mind a person of this char acter,' to whom for the sake of convenience, we shall give the name of White. 'A beautiful morning, Mr. White we remarked ou one occasion, , 'Yes,' said be, doubtingly, but I shouldn't wonder if it rained before night.' . Your piazza is a great improvement to your house,' we continued. - . ' Yes, sir, but it's a little too narrow. It it was, say, a foot wider, it would be just ihe thing.' -. ... - 'In that case, you must like Mr. Smith's, for, if I am not mistaken, his is precisely that width.' - - '-,-. Very true, but then it's too high.' How do you like our new minister? , Ha is generally popular a good preacher a good pastor, and a good man. . ; Why, yes, I admit all that, but .didn't you notice how askew his neck-cloth was last Snndavf ' ' No, but admitting that to be the case, it was no objection to him in his official character. Why, no, but inert we expect a minis , er to pay as much, attention to - dress as other folks.' You have a fine eld of potatoes yon ler, Mr. White. Yes,- they look well r enough -above ground, but there's no knowing but they may be all rotten.beforc they are gathered.' for the town, and do very much to build it . up, don't you think so?' . 'WelI, I don't know but it may, but then - . ... til I.. v.n w . L . " it vtiit uo tcij iniojr, o'j Luai u uouy can t Jiave a quiet moment to himself.' We must be content to submit to a little ineonvenienrfi for th itatrA rf nht.iiniiw great good. That is the .true philosophy of life.' . Perhaps it is, but then them railroads are confounded noisy.' : Almost despairing of obtaining a straight forward, unconditional, answer to our. in quires, we, as a last resort, pointed out a boy who was passing by and remarked.; ; 4 That boys has very dirty hands.' 'Yes, said Mr. White, 'yes, but but but, he was evidently seeking some way m which to bring in an objection. . At length his face brightened up and he continued ''but if they were washed, they would be cleaner We left him to his reflections. s . -. , . , . Waverly. TUNNEL UNDER THE OHIO RIVER. - The Louisville Journal has an article up on the prospects and feasibility of the con struction of a tunnel under the Ohio river at Louisville, Kentucky, and Jelil-rsouvillc, Indiana. A charter for this work was granted by the Kentucky Legislature, March 6, 1854: and the right of way given by the city of Louisville, and the work for ever exempted from; taxation for city pur poses, on the 27th day of May, 1854. The Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad Com pany have accepted the charter -and the release of the right of way; and propose making up the stock, and if possible to put the work under contract this Fall or early in the Spring. , The tunnel will be exclu sively for railway purposes, with a double track, adapted to the use of "all the roads for the different guages.. It will be 28 feet wide in the clear, and 17 feet high, perpen dicularly, from the centre of each track. The arching will be sixty feet less than two miles in length. The descending grades into the tunnel, at either end, will be only eighty feet per mile on a straight line. From the head of the grade on one side to the head of the grade on the oppo site side of the river will be two miles and a half. The tunnel will be constructed in the river by excavating a channel or pit in the rock and arching over with the materi al excavated, milestone rock of the best quality. The work has been surveyed, and the cost estimated at 1,200,000. It is proposed to raise this sum by a cash subscription, no part of which is made pay able until the whole sum is subscribed. Whenever all the stock is taken, then it be comes payable in four equal semi-annual instalments. THE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 worth of Gifts, lor the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL . Of the Whole World, Published simultaneously In the three cities of JEW TURK, PHILADELPHIA AD BALTIMORE, As soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual cihcclation or about 200,000, it is now certain , The Distribution will soon take place. Anions' the extraordinary list or gifts, (being one for every ticket issued,) are ITot. if art's Hlegaut country seat, vaiueu at 825.000. A magnificent Citv Residence, valued at S 1 T, " ooo, A Cash Loan for I OO years, without interest or security 8 10,000, Building Lots, Elegant Piano Fortes, Meiodcons, Gold Watches, Bracelets, Kings, Hooks ot Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. Hart; Ileal Kstute, tf-c. fc- dec. in all num bering 300,t 00 Gifts, valued at 8300,000. Every sinate remittance of $1, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one share in the 300,000 G ifts. Th us every person investing in this stupendoas Enter prise receives trie tun worm ot nts or ner money, in subscription to a first class journal, (ihc great est and most in tetesting Pictorial of the age,) be sides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an immense foriune to tne receiver. , For complete list uf eifis, and full and explicit nanicnlurs in rcsard to the sreat Knterprise, Dis tribution, Acs sec a copy of Thb Whols Would, which will be promptly sent, tree ot charge, where desired by letter, post paid. The VVholk Would may also be seen at the offices of ail paperscontaining this advertisement, where information may be obtained in regard to the paper and Enterprise. - Agent), Postmasters andlLadles, desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far the most liberal in ducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, commissions, &c , wherebv any person, with ordinary activity, can easily make S 1,000 and upwards,, per rear; to which fact the agents we already have can certi fy. Secuie the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write ther address Name, Post-office, County, and State, PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fault if thev fail to set an answer. - Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of tne world. . If any orders are received after the 300,000 sub scribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, post-paid, to the persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, WITH GIFT TICKETS, must invariably be ad dressed post, paid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World Hall, Li roadway, Au York, there being the only office tor the Gift Enterprise. Bat remittances for the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Hart' Building, Chesnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa., there being' the principal editorial anl publication office. , , 001.3,1834. 85-6m. CUE) C LS--J UST RECEIVED : If lni"l OZ. German Quinine; 5VAA500do. French do; . : 60 lbs. Calomel : 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron ; 25 do. Bine Mass ; j .50 do. Val left's Mass;. 50 gallons Sp'ts Nitre t 40 do. Aq. Ammon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts; 10 do. Copperas. For sale by - C. f D. Do PRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct. S. : - : 86. - : NORTHERN EXCHANGE, AT sight, in sums to suit, hy Oct,2t. , ADAMS, BRO.ACO. GUNNY BAGGING. QC BALES Gunny Bagging. For sale h -CUoct.26. . H. FLANN V KR. SEED RYE. On BUSHELS received and for sale hy CtVl ELLIS & MITCHELL. Oct. 2S- . 93-2 w-c. PORK AND BACON. :r BBLS. Mesa Pork 5 fahds. Western Sides. fJ For sale or Oct. 26. PKTTEWAY & PRITCHF.TT. LANDING FROM BRIG REUBEN CARVER : 1 ( BBLS.App?cs j 40 Empty Barrels j 100 1 vl bbls. Potatoes; 54 bales' Eastern Hay; SO Hacmetae Knees.' For sale bv . ct. 2fi. RUSSELL A BRO. BUSINESS CARDS. E. J. LUTTERLOfl. FOR WARDING $ COMMISSION MERCHANT. WIMIIINGTON, K.C. Sept. 28th. 1864. . 83-12m. DR. GEORGE BETTNER, , OF NORTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. 638, BROADWAY", OR IT THR PRESC0TT U0USE-NEW T0RK. Feb. 16, 1854. 14Jlyc. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N. C. ? All consignments oi Naval Stores, togetherwith Cotton, Bacon, La;d, Corn, Meal, Flour, Sc, shal eenre the highest market price. Dec. 13 U5-if " J. D. L0VE " MANUFACTURER AX pr.DE ALE It IX ..CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIR8, MATTRESSES, &C.&C. , Front street, South ot Market, BROWN'S BUILDING, WILMINGTON, H. C. . Sept. 16,1854. . 79-y-c J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANTS GENERAL A(jtT " " WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,1854. t 85-1 yc. WILKIN SO N & HSIjEU, UPROLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, . KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses, Feather Bds, Window Curtains and Fixtures. All work in the above line done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C- Market St. March 18, 1854. . , 1- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention Riven to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made em. Consignment to me or to my Nete York friend. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854. 135. " W. C. HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington. N. C. LiteraUas!i advances mide on Consignments. Nov. 29, 1853. 109-tf C. DUPRE. DANIEL B. BAKER. C. DuPRE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSION AND fDKWAKDINU MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. ; July 22d, 1834. 54 12m. JAMES ANDERSON. KDWASD SA VAGB. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL. COMMLSSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. ' Liberal cash advances made on consignments. March 27, 1854. ' 94. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (late sllis, bussbll & CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmentsof Naval stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1354. " - C. & D. DuPRE. WQOLE SALE AND HETAL DEALERS lit Drugs, medicines. Chemicals, Paints, OH lye Studs, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Lluuors, l'"aucy Articles, &c, MARKET STREET, . WlI,MlVGTOX, N. C. PrescrlptionBcarefuIlyoo.npounded by expert ;nced persons. ' March 29, 1854. t ; ' - ? - WILLIAM A. GWYEaV General lgcnt;ForwarJingi Commission Screhant I t.iVM nln.iaure in informlns mv friends, that 1 am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I nave a wnari io Naval Stores, with ample accommodatioss, Spiri House, and Warehouse. Consianmenis of Nava Sttnrv for sale or shiomenf : and nil kinds of coun trv produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1854. 15 CDNLEY, KIRK & CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheese, Lnrd, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Bean, Pea. and Dried Fruli. 233 and 235, FRONT ST U EKT. Corner oi rt.UK . oLIf, iMtSTV lA'lllL. . March 25, 1854. ly-c. WILLIAM n, PEA RE, COLLECTOR 4SD ADVERTISIKC AGEKT- for Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of San Iron Bu !uinss,Baltlmorestreet All business entrusted to ais care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. sept 7, ,1854. ; 95-tf JAS. II. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants. WILMIVGTOV.X. C. . . Jas. H. Chadbocbw. , Geo. Chadboosn. Jun. 1, 1354. , 123. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AD FOKWIRDlli; AG EST, WUlgive hi perianal attention to businea entrust ed t his care. Sept. 8, 1854. 75-Iy-c. JOSEPH n. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, 1VILHINUTON, fi C. May 9 ih, 1854. - 87-1 y-c. GEGEIYERS; , WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand, H'tne; Teat, Liquor, Provision, Wood and Willow War, Fruit, Confeetumarie, f. South Front tlrett, WILMINGTON, N . C Nsv. 19, 1853. 109. JAMES E. METTS, COMMISSION Sf FORWARDING MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, Jf. C. August 26th, 1854. . 69-tf. T. C. & B. G. WORTn, CD1.1ISS10.1 AID F0RW1SD15Q HEglHSXTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1854. 125 e FASHIONABLE DRESS HATS. WINTER Styles just opened. Four different styles French and American Manufacture, at thft Hat and Cap Emporium. C. 84 YE US. Oct. 7. . .. - ,..87. Commercial Bank ef Wilmington. THE regular annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Bank will be held at their Banking House on Monday the 6th day of November next. . , T. SAVAGE, Cash'r. Wilmington, C-, Oct. 7th, 184, , ,87-4w. thousand TnniFcnm TROJI favorite anthnra. rnlfceteA nnA arrn nmvt JC by Caroline M ay. For sale at " - J. T. MUNDS, Oct. 19. J " - ' New Book Store. BUSINESS CARDS. 0. L. FILL YAW. PRODUCE BROKER FOR WARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. OFFICE over Store of w; H. McKoy, Sooth Water street, Wilmington, N. C.,v witl make liberal eash advances on consignmrnts. He has engaged the services of Mr. John Hall as a Gen eral Produce Broker. Refers to ( i:' E. P. Hall, President Branch Bank of tHe State, Wilmington. - h ., O. G. Parsley, Commercial Bank, Wilmington. Gen. A. McRae. President W. 4- U. RailrwidT.! do. Gen. W. W. Ha'rllee do. W. &. M, Railroad, Mari on a H- s. ti. W. K. Lane, Goldsboro', N. C. I . Sept. 20, 1854. ly-. ' MRS. KING. 273 Klna Street, between Wcntworth and Society - sr rents, unariesion, o. . i MANOFACTUKE1 in very superior style, Wigs Taupees, Plain Bands and Ctlris, Ear Rings, Breast Pins and Bracelets, and all-kinds of Fancy Hair Plaiting.' Ordra thankfully received by Mail or otherwise. Charges moderate. Ad dress as above.. ':., , i-'..,-April 13, 1854. Ul-y-c. , , .. , , , . - i , i -j - D. C. FREEMAN. ' GEOROB tlCCSTON. KUKIJMAN & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND. FACTOI13, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' 1. C. F"R EU.11AS & CO. 5 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175 FRONT WTKIiUT, NEW V'ORK. , ... ; FREEMAS AND IMUSTOS, WILMINGTON, N. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock ot-Flour, Com, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, So gar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars. Snuff", Candles, Soap, For eign and Domestic Liquor and Winea.t Iron, Nails, Paints, Oil, Glass, Domestic, llala Boot, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they-; will dispose of In lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores, or other produce. i; : j: ? Theseniorpartner D. C. FatisiAN.ls located in the citv "of New Vork t the junior partner, Gso. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired.' advances, will be made on consignments to and frdm efther plaee. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Good' will be promptivana carciuny nneo. j t Sent. 9. 1354. -7S-f GEO. HARRKSS. General Commission Merchan(, WILMINGTON. N. V. CjTRICT atteniion given to procuring Freight O and purchasing Cargoes for vessels Kbi ss to E. P. Hall, Esq. 1 0. G. Parsley Esq. J. Wilmington. 1. A. Taylor. Esq. 1 " J. O. Bellamy, Esq. ) Messrs. Tooker, Smyih & Co, " " Thompson & Hunter, ew Y iork Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. st's.?. B,,,, I 'r9i c- Jan.Z. IS34. 1. WE3SEL. ' ' H. B. tLERS.' JVESSEL & EILERS.i ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLfe SA LB GROCERS, North Whier ft t., iWil mington, N. C. intend to keep at tihe above stands ireneralassortment of Groceries Liquors, and Provisions at wnoiesnic and to carry on a GeneralCommission Business. , t, (, ' urn ence : E. P.Hall.Pres't Br'ch Bank of the S State. ) ; mH. fwir. O.G. Parsley, Prcs! Commercial Ba P. K. Dickinson, Esq Poppe & Co. New York, Dollner A Potter. Jan. 20 1854. Ui. . GEO. H.KELLY, j t COMMISSION MERCHANT, i Next dooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North jtVaterst wrMattend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro iace,sueh as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard tAc, and willkeepconstantly on hand a full ,upplyof urocerles. c. . t : Willes Hall, of Wayne, Jno 4eRae, Wifinlngton W. Caraway . G-n. Alt.. MeRte. i V t U.ll WiUlinrmn Wil.n A W.ltf. 1 v. ..-., ' ..... ...w. j.awv . .wm v. ., Dec. 13, 1853.' ' 1:15-1 y. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. ' flEO. 8. CfeLKSriE. JAMHS GILICSPIi: 4t COi PRODUCE AND FORWARDING ' AGENTS. j! l. :: miL.iMl.VU t CI iM, IV. O. ( ii .(. " PatiietilnraitentloKpaid 10 the receiptssnd Sale of Natal Atoret, 1 tmber, L.umber, Corn, Litfcon, Cot ton, f-e., f-e. j t i i March 30,1854. . f . . J. S. M. WEST, h Anctionrcr and Commission Merchant, WIliMINGTDS. N. C. ! IT TILL sell orbuy Real Estate and Negroes at w f a small commission. I. A lso t Strict attention glvento the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, I ar, or any kind of Country V'roduce. OSice second door, South side of Market, atrcet, on the wharr. ! . ; ; June 12. 1354. 35-Iy. -4 i 1' I n tri itnnirirni nir i it. 11. I ilUisilltbLtftil. ; General Agent, Coinmiwioa and Forwardia Alerthant, - ; : WIIiMIfM'l)X. N. C. i Particular attention given to sale and purchase ot naval stores. ' i - t Jane 1, 1854. -. - - 123-lye T. C. WORTH, General Commission Merehanf, WILMIXGTON.ff.C. J '! USUAL advances made on consignments of Cot tun, Naval Stores end other produce I Piittieular attention given by G. W. Davis to rur- chasing cargoes, procuring Irelghts for veslsj tc. .uarcn t, usy. s . , iza-iyc COCHRAN & RUSSELL, j (SLTCESSO&S TO TflOS- ALIBOME & CO ) General Commission merchants, No 32, North Wharves, ind 63 North Water St. fHlliUJE.lirUIA. V.: J. HABVST COCHBAIT. ." I, - . S. BDdSBLL. Liberal cash advances made oa consignments. July 30th, 1354. 5S-lf. .DOLLNER . POTTKH, Jr DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW XUKtt.: . - i , ,i Liberal Cash Adcan'e made on all Consignments. April 30, 1854. , 20-ljr-pd. JAS. T. flTTIWAT. ro.e. raircRSTT. PETTE WAY & PRITCUETT. General Commission and Korwardlns; Mer CHANT, ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' NORTH WATER STREET, . WiLNfxoToa, N.C . ' PromDt attention will be civ en to the sale of Naval Store and all kinds ef Produce. , Intend keeoins an assortment f Groceries. L qoors and Provisions. ' July 13. - ' - 5z. OniVCE Jt C0W41V. " - ' . WHOfiESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS; ViHAUiSHS IN WIX US If- M(j(UV : Corner of Front and Princes streets, i v - WILMINGTON, N. Q.e Joly 23. ;- s: t - 56. - CANAL HARROWS. 'OR SALE, by -. ' ' - - .. -" . . March ?TJ.- i ' - JM. ROillXSON. - MEDICAL HOUSE, - No. 10, SOUTH FREDERICK STREE T, BALTIMORE MARYLAND. Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .tied leal Aid ' "" and for the suppression of '' v '" ' Quackery. ' ' i - ' ? ' PR. 1. B. Smith has Cor usoy year devoted his JL' wholea:iention telhe treatment of Private coiny plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success in those long standing ana diffi cult cases, such as were fomierly considered incur able, ia sufficient to commend him to the duUUc as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. rrutun tne last eignt years, Dr. a. has treated mere than 29,500cases of Private Complaints in ihttr (iillerent forms and stasfes; a practice which no ctouot exceeds that of all other physicians now ad- j .criming m tsauimore, ana note single case is known where his directions were strict!) followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without e Heeling a radical and permanent cure t therefore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, 'no matter how difficult or long standing the ease maybe," would do well to call an Dr. Smith ,nt his office. No, 16, South Frederick Strand If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for bis services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons; put up in a neat and com pact form, and -may be taken la a publit or ptivate house, or while travelling, without exposqre or hin drance from business. aDd except, in cases of vid eo t inflammation, no change of diet Is necessary. JSTRIOTURES.Dr: Smith hss discovered a new, method by which he can cure the worst formof stricture and that without pnin orinconvenience to the patient. Irritdtlon of the ttretha, or' prostrate glandi,ur neckof the bladder.issotnetlmesruisutkei? lcr stricture by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility; wheth eroriginatinp from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby s voiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expense. By his improved method of treatment, Or. c:n safely guarantee s speedy and perfect cure In alt cases ol this com plaint. . - TO FEAfALFS. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, See.) speedily end eflectu nllyremoved. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been, well tested in an extensve practice lor the last twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. bv n letter, post-paid, describing ae, and have medicine securely put up and lor warded to any part ot the United States, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Oilice arranged with separate apartments, so that patients never see any one but the d'ctor himself. Attendance daily, from e In the morning till 9 st night. N. II. Persons afllicied with any of the above compliitttts. will do well to a .'old the various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIf ICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Omgelstsa a cer tain curetor any and every dtsense. , I hey are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much niore harm than srood theref Te avoid Tr.em. . -A word to the wiiieiB sufficient. Address ; . - DR. J. B. SMITH, 16 South Frederick M., Ualtiinore. M J. Oct. 13. " ' " - ' 90-1 y'-e. SANDS SAUSAPARILLA. , IN QUART DOTTLES., For Purfi,'..gthe Blood, and for the Cure of Sero fula, Rkettmatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Lhjspepsia, Salt Iltieu , Fettr Sores, Erysipelas, Pimples, Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup. . lions, Lifer Complaint, JironckUis, Con- . sumption, Ftmale Complaints, Lots of Appetite, General Debility, $-c. IN this preparation all the restorative proprrties of the root are cmcemrat td In their utmost strength and efficacy f but while SarVaparilla Root tortus an important pun ot its comoiojiitm, u is, at'ttie same Uine. compounded wj)i olhef vegeta Die remedies oi great power, and it is in Ihc pccu liar combination and scien ific snsnnerofiis rrei araliun, thaiks remarkable success in tho curs of disease depends. ; It acts simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and the towel : and thus tbree processes, which are ordinarily the result of three dinurent kinds ot n edicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial sgent which gently stimulates while It disinfects and expels irom the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same time estores vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate in Bearing the name f Marsniuirilla, and io that their resemblance ends, being often prepar ed from worthless and inert roots, and of coarse possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice or which i hey will use, should lake no other, but that one entitled to their confidence, from the long list of cures it has effect ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials and residence have been published, and who are stiil bearing daily tesiinony to its worth." -ASTONISHING CURE. " - Pattbso, N. V , 20th, 1851. Messrs. A. B. &. D. Sands: Genilumen. Hav ing witnessed the most beneficial ctlecls from the use of your Sarsapnrllla, it gives me plessure to send you the following sta lenient in regard to my son.. In the spring of 1848 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeks of severe suffering the dis ease settled in his left kg and foot, which oon welled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced by his physician, and discharged most profusely; after th-it no less than elevc n ulcers formed on the leg and foot at oae time. Wehad hvedillerent Phy sicians, but none relieved him much t and the last winter found him so emaciated and low that he was enable to Wave hil ej, suttcring ihe jnoat exciucia tine pain. ' Durinz this time the bone had become so much affected that piece after piece came oui, of which he has now more than fwonty-five preserved in a bouie, varying from one hulf to one and a half inches in length. - v e had given up all hopea of his recovery, ontat this time we were induced to try your Sarsaparilla, and with its use his hea lib. and appetite beganimmediately to improve, and so rap id was the change ih at less than a dozen bottles ef fected a perfect cure y , " ...... With gratitude, I remain truly yours, DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neighbors of Mr. Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facts of the above state ment. H. & R.S. Hayt, A.M.Trowbridge, Geo.'T. Dean, O. Eastwood. ; ' Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail hy A. B t D. Sands, Drusaris:s and Chemits, 100 Ful on street corner of William New Vork. Sold also by Drngslsis generally througlmat the United Mates snd Canadas. Price l per bottle j six b. tiles for 5. ' For sale by Dr. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs. C. A D. DuPre, Wilmington," H.C. April 8. . . 15-6m WE hnve n hinJ a very handsome asKoruneni -of Paper Hangings, Fira Screens Borders, Window Snides, Curtains, Cornices, 4e f-C For sale and put up hy WILKINSON A ESLER, JuaeS. Upholsterers and Pkper Hangers. WE have on hand a benuufuf assortment of French and American Paper Hsnsinzc. Dec orations, Fire Screens. Window Shades and Cur tains, Cornices, Picture Tassels of newest styles, for sale by . WILKINSON F.SLKK, June 17. ' . Upholsterers. DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporters. THIS is to certify, that C. D. DaPre Drug fists of Wilminetoa. N, C. are mv aile scents for the sa'e of the above Supporters for this olace and vicinity.- E. SETTMLUK. nilnungtoo. Pi. C, March 23, 1854. V mncl rMnwirnn tfaTI t. .fti'Titinn Af ttt Medical Profession of the Slat Io .n riarainnlnn of the above Supporters. . C. St. D. DePRE. marco ca, . , , --tf. TTTE have now ia store ' a fine assortment of v V French Kneligh, and A merican sa ner ban . lngs. borders, docoraiions.. drc. AIia. cartain. cornices, shades, tassels. &c. for sale, and tiun in the latest style. - WILKINSON KSLKR , " , . tPil?to.,,TtD Papr Hangers. Sept. 23 T " --.- 83.' TO WAGE I TOWAGE!.' ORDER for towage by steamtug bUUA iUli.( .-IRt. Jarnh Pr ..,-,11 SI ... .i ft . r r itxri ie proiiipi attention, if teft at my office, corner of Dock and ' -i .Sll.4.i . MARTlNt -tgeoi. Wc. i. S-lm D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MBRCI1ANT, : tVlLMINUTOX. M. C Sept 20. , ..... , 64 if ' THE IMAGE OF HH EITHER, OR one Boy ! more trouble than a Dozen Girls, (Quite an l-'.iior,) ri'a an i lor srlo by -Per. 7. .. ..V--. J.T. MUM)3. K lu IV .4 It It I V A Ls . OV l'RL:ll COOPH '." ' - - AT THe . ORIGINAL FAMILY GROCERY, Fit O NT STREET. THE subscriber, t'uly thankful for the liberal pairunnge herrtoto.e bestowed upon him by his floods, and all desirous of obtaining good ar ticles in his trade ot wholesale and mail, begs leave to inform them Hint he hss p- rfccird arrange ment! far procuring a uonauat Supply of the ve f oci urwceiies, ai me very lowest prices. , TEAS. Old Hyson, Vouas Hyson, Imperial, Pouchong aodOoioog, . . . W1XE? AND LIQUORS. Olard. Cogctt. Dupny A Ou' Branrties.Old M- deitM. Cixrty, I'oti, ,klMscMt srul Mnliga Wln, Monotigjhela, Uyc, Irish end Mcsich Whl.sey, Holland Gin. t halnp.igiies snd Boitled Winci,. Heidoick. I) lien I, Grape. Uonrhf all of hs firat quality. Uo.tled Otard Brandy, C'ugnao, Muderla, Stherrr. and Holland Gin, Aioinuiic St hnuip. and Cordials. 1 COFFEES. Old Oovermcnt, J.vs, L:iguayra, Rio, Jamaica and St, Domingo. , , , SUGARS. Crii'hed, Powdered, Granulated. Loaf, "Coffer. Crushed, Cla-ified, Purio Rico, and Sugars of all grades. , . ' ""' FLOUR"' "' lK ' ; " Hiram Smith, 'John Bier, Casilllia mtd Nrw Vork Mills in Barrel?, Half-Barrels, and Bugs fresh Fayciuvilie do. - CANDLES. . Judd's Pal nt Sem. Mpcrin, snd 5 Boxes A. M. Candles, lor iluin tiny can bv bought In New York. ..,.:- ...... -CRACKERS, Soda, Butter, Pilot, Sugar, Picnic, Lemon. Milk, Wali.uf, wiih every variety Of Crackers, W, Under wood & C'S. ,.- Pickles bv the Hundred. Jar. Gallon Half Gallon. Quarter-Gallon, or Pint. I'iekolilla tJatchup, Mmrturd, teatife, VV liito Ine and Cider Vinetsr, Olivef, iiu iali and French i Cnpers, Preset ves, in every-variety. - .; , SUS DRIES Goshen Buller, freth weekly; Smoked P.eef, Beef Ton eties. Fulton Market lleef. Salmon. Mack erel, Codfish,. Herring, Cheefe Engih and Imi. tation, 11 icon. I'ork, feiuait s hyrup, Mpcrm and Whale Oil. Fruits In cvrrv variety. Nuts. Munrt's Confeeiionei y, Market Basket, (iloihes Baskets and I'nrry Harbets, V ash Tubs oil kinds.. IJracs hooied Puekfls, Commun Butkets, BriMiins, Trail. Silieis, ts'-lets, ;up Tubs. Scrubs, snd every va riety of Wood and Yiil-.w ware,, Kplccs, Ciovis. Ntniiietr,t i namon. Peppir. Ginai r. Mncc, Cho. colaie, I.ing;la, Gelalln. Mucsroni, Vi rmWili, ftsisins, Currants, Citron, Piunes. Preserve.! Oin gi r. Mra herit s. t.irapea, Fretll Peaches, Fienh l.tt r. 500 ot.i h assorted sixes tsrdincs, Fig I'.iwr, i IMI Ojn.iry ,'iii h various slj li nnd ai teins, Siiiriii t'.iges, Moekinfj Biril Cuiri s. Ele gant l!'it fine "Tea, cmtalijng t lbs. tuich the boj tu irir worth the tiriec of rhe t arkse 'ieseh. iLtpU'iiy and Ch rry hyrup by the (ijllon emia ijit lit j ( 60J0 of the ui isi choice ;Lrars ever hrout;hi to ihi ni.iiki t. ond every vnri ty of Groceil. s that can bepriMMiredt whale and retail. t th lowest possible pticce. uO,tUO t-i-jais.fn in il to IS per thoiisancf. GEO. M VERS. Sept 3D.' ; '-- c4. LAKG'E' STOCK- OF l URMTtUE. THE subscriber would re IE stibserlber would reA t fully litvlir the t ntion Lj io public, iu hi very luige J , sped! t l))o and eoinp1( le ji-i-orinii in tit Futniiure now being reeHel STtrt Tr-cnly lcll if hlnil si Ills ,Alsniif.1i.'iorie: (iuiinir theprcacni month, hUsiock will be t'"i'ilcie an. I ciiihirl in pun of Ihelol lo'it2 an feb . 'J ' ' ' ; Fino Seis lr iwinT Room Farnimrc, ia Dam ask and llir t loth t Melts t'ainled Chamber I'uri llnre. 50 si'lelx)jril. Soerelnrie. ami llouk Cases BU Sofii and l'He a 1 1 le. j 1110 Bnremiif ; , 100 Wa,h Sloeds, marble and plaint 100 Rocking Cbairs; 7.1 IV ii roc do, f 23 Tea nnd OinlnB ' Tables (' 73 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet , , tit). 100 A n.. Chair, cushioned, enne nnd .Windsor! 230 Bc'datcado, In inahonny, walnut ni.iplr and iron ; . . . i Wardrobea.tmih'ifony and aluince Olfice Furniture ; ' Children's Chairat Oilomann, Foot Klools ... . ..... A fine ii..orliu:ni a' I. ooMnz Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hal &'lund ; '&ettocs. Work Table f j . Work lioicH. I'apir Hangings ( . Window .shades, Ac. it-c. 1 A' few vsav Wi Piuno Fortes, and in fncl al most an v ariiele lb if nmy be deaired, incomplete ly furniMn Ducllinsrs. Hotels, Oflices or So ciety Rooms From S'trcct. - - ' J. D. LOVE. ' ; Wilmington, N.C, Sept, 3, 1653 76., TOBACCO. ; U BOXES Maniifiictured, rent as ramples snd will be s.ld low to Introduce to the trsde. Apply to Oct. t. tlX S KlU t MARTIN, fcouih Water ft. . er,.4i. PERFUMERY I UST ret civtd from IMew Vork and Pbiladel phia : . I Gross LuMna's Fi'racis for the ITandk'fj i do. do. ,- 'I'oilene oap j , do (Jlenny M u.h Toilctie Wsicri . 1 do. do. . Verbena do. do. 2 do. - Yankee Soapj i do. Camphor 8o ip( j do. Pontine do. a Ur.,....n,fm...l At I1..i RfMah.. n .1 ll M . . ... ber of fine nrttelM natt.Uy kept In f)ro2 Mmriii (J. ol U. ucru-r. tvnoiinie urujii, O l, 5. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. BATCH F.r.OftS, - F MlLlF.S, -HOTELS, Steamboats, te., e..in be fyrnished with mat iraxses. , beds, piilnwa. boMer, sheet, pillow. cace, blanke's. comforts, spreads, towels, table cloths, &c-t by calline u'l I if ivw . of r- r. . i iii-i.iow.i UK r,ni,r,u, Upholsters and Paper Hanger. Sept. C8. 83 FILES ! FILES !! FILES!! ! JUST rsceived a full assortment of Butcher's genuine Saw Flics. Also, the double tana cxtrs MillSsw Files. J. 31. UOBINSOiV. April!. . - - y shut Axn Rin inn A fC BAGS Prop ana Buck Shot , 600 Ibe. Bar ' I Lead. Just received and for a.U bw Oct. 7. T CT copy ZKNO H. GltF.E.N F.. CIGARS! CHJARS!! fSfiOnS lkranita f..r . .1., rj nfVlciCAiis cliesp.by ZKiNO 11. G&EK.N F.. NOT copy 67. Oct. 7. NOTICE IS I7EREBY GIYEN iXfi' y4- ii i T'llhT the anneal meeting of the Jtoekholder f hm WUmii-rton snui Katoiefc Wail Moad Company, will be held In This Town, on 'J uarsdsy the 9th day of Tier. next. , A divtHnH n t ner rn on the Conilsl Stock M af the Compat V, or the last i i mua:h. bsa hrcn declared, and will be payalk on hufJ0io of Nov. next. .,... . l a Rnoks for tho iraaafcr ol Stock wlU be cloa. ad on 2Cth iasiant. By order . jAiit.a o. on.r.r..K, i-ec-ry. Oct. 17. ' 81-lnl. EMPTY SPIRIT CARRELS. rf PlilK DiJiiMnwi Uarr lsiiwt re. -C V'KJ cnypd ana tr sl- ty , i Oct. t. Atr.tMsf, r.ao, & co. MISCELLANY. METEOHOLO-JICAL JOUHNAfs. A pcntlemnn lately kept tt iiRtrorolu-.M-cal journal ol hi m ile's temper f ir a week during the summer ynson, which lm fcnml to be' " ' ' ' ' - -1 Sunrla t)nrrp nfii! cn!ll in il)r moriiin;', clonAy in fhe fvenfns-, fain t nilit. Monday Wind H. and K. K i;, t,!nf cloud, tend low and quick in tli mornirir, squally at noon, heavy chips ol thun.lrr nnd sharp Jightning in . the evening, calm t,il night. Ttiesjny- Vnjiomh In th mornin, . i ,, at noon, damp in the evening. Wednesday Variable nil d.ty, 'duiui.t thunder nnd fnin in the evening. "Thursday Vaporish and c;iltn in li e morning, hot at noon, high wind and heavy rain in the evening, with peals of lliumh r and sharp lightning at night, Friday Wind Y. H. W. cool ud plensant in the morning, thoji'd , round to tS. N. E. ot noon,, nnd in the evening to K S. E. blowing a gulo nil riight, Saturday Vaporish and in the rvrning, rain, hail, nnd thunder and lightning in tho afternoon and evening: cool and ca 'in all night. Another jrenlleman's journal, for the week, utood thus. , Sunday Warm, but not npprrsMve m the fore-noon refieshing showers after dinner, and cool in the evening. '. MondayClear .: nil day,., aliiiorphert! warm, u iih genile hreezea. Tuesday Fino summer weather ; cool and lovely all day. Wednesday Clear titinopLt rc In I ho morning, gentle breezes , and Wreahing showers in the evening. , Thurodny Cool in the mornlnj ; wnrrn at noon ; a fine shower and rainbow in the evening. Friday Comfortable nil day ; verv plea sant in the evening ; cool at mht. Saturday Wind jN. W. blenr and cool all day ; heavenly breezes in ih evening ; a lovely night. a A lady of Han Francisco bcin invited to send in a Joust to ho rend at tho armi . r. r . . r . C lln I . . . .1 f,'i tmlljf v IIIK JiUlllillir o i-jlnnj fit- triers, funiBhcd tliii. It is ppieyfnoii";!! ., flavor fmlf a dozen tiiiiiiven?nry dinner: Tlio " Pilgrim Fathers," forsooth f Wh'nf luol tiicy to endure jn coirpuriHon wiih i f, Pilgiim Molhers? It it true, they had hunger, and cold, nnd nieknrr, ittn'j dan rrer foes without and foes within. Put the unfortunate Pilgrim .Mothers, they had not only these lo endure, but (hen lh v hnd the Pilgiim Fathers, also; and yet their names ara never meniioned. VVho ver heuid of the Pilgrim Mothers 1 Who ever giive it dinner in honor of them? Who ever writes songa, drinks tonMs. nnd rntihei speeches in recollection" of ih'cm 7 In self snfflciency on' the port "of Int ii 'a -.. yond endurnnce. One would actually nip. pose that New England had been eoloni, cd by men. rw.'d posterity provided by rapt-, ctal act of Providence. ' Only Mrs. I J mans has volunteered to insinuate that there evrr was a woman in the cufe ihnt the Mayflower ever brought anything hot men across the Atlantic. 1 assure vou, my dear friends, ihnt I am perfect I dm gusted wiih the self conceit of men. They appropriate everything to theniHehes, even the settlement of a colony and the eopling of a whole contiment 1 did hope, that there wasouo prcrogrativo they would kavo to women. We have submitted ((uiully to their inventions in superceding m in many things we will not tamely submit to .bo deprived of this one privilege we will not ourselves be deluded into the belief that iS'ew England was settled nnd peopled en tirely by . Pilgnm Fathers How could they have been fathers if thero had bieu no mothers 7 And I hope, dear captain, that I have succeeded iu convincing yon that you will be lending yourself foltn m t of injustice towards us, if you do not pro pose for your ton st "Tho Prilgrini Moth crs." ; " IJlSTHUCTmrilllPWRECk'. 'i ho Brig Adele, (Captain Lcwin, from Philadelphia for St, Kilts, was wrecked in . I i . i i . i i. , , uc iiuiiwe giiic vi oeptemoer i, every tnin being carried away from tho decks up ward.. 'J here were nine persons on hoani, including one passenger. When the bn r became unmanageable and fell oil' intojho trough of the sea, the male, ptostengrr, m .l three of the crew, with house galley, wan r casks, and bulwarks, were wished .out. board. The econd , mate wns dnt.I.' l against the rail with such force thnt fcvt'. ral of his ribs wer broken. He linenil in great agony until the morning of the t Si , when death put an end to his sufJeriiiH. The survivors were then without water On the evening of the same day the rnp tain diid. On the Jfith the cook - died -There was then but one survivor, (Jew '": Touro, an Italian sailor. Kevr ral ymth passed during the week, but the wr" U was so low in the wafer that it could i t be seen at any great distance. On tho ih U Touro caught a little water from nn bower. He had plenty to eat, but was wiih-M Water during twelve days.' On the morn ing of the 2 1 si of-September he cso.'M everkl buckets of water He was fina iy taken offby Captain O'Hrien, of the t-rf,t.. ner Altnro, of 'I Lomaston, w ho wns hoiii,.l from New Vork lor Aspinwall. DR. SUMVMJ, AN Eminent phyci-ian of Philad) Ipl.la, I, a gin to ths wrld ino brnrtti of M rieot by prrpjiing' rrniedies aaliabia iu alsnutt every diaesao. Or. Stray ne'e Comprtimd Syrup f Wil.l Chrrrt for Curing '7i, C"Ui, O' a a ; ant all fiaoasaof the 'I tiroat, Krat snd l.sajs. llt. HWA YS K'sl V HUM I KtUK, Fr Deatroyins; Wwtin, Curing I)y fia, A r. Dr. Swsynir'e Hmpr Coaird Bsrsapa snd Tar Pill, a jeaile pmrm snd slisrsuve Wedit ine, far supetir to h lil! ia ireneial . Dr. Swsyne's Chulera Morbus liUrrh.r i, un.t Diseatery Cordiat, a m-r tilling teme.iy. , freah stipp'ri"1 rereivtd at C. A D. OuP:tK'. Dm: M ,r. , Hole Ajents for V ilmlnirittn. April 24. l?tt. CIIELSE. 'o. t. :x rnr.i.'.i an a. IP