1 ...... . y i ' l 1 . J. i V A. I t I ' VOLUME IX NUMBER 98. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1854. tVHOLE NUMBER 114 f t: i f HE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL Is published er Tsiidat, ToptftAr and Sitvdat at i5 pur annum, payable 'Ball case to advance. BV THOMAS LOItlNG F.ditob andPaoFBia. Tea, , Corner Front and Market Streets, W1LMISOTOW. K.C. - t RATES ok aovkktisixg. 1 aqr. I insertion 4t 50 I 1 aqr. 2 months, S i CO l 75 I I 3 " 5 00 3 " 1 00 I 1 " 6 " 8 00 I month, 2 60 I 12 12 00 I Ten line or test make a square. If an adver tUement exceed tea lines, the pIce will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable' at the tiroeo their Insertion. (.Jo iiracu wild yearly advertisers, will be made on tho moat liberal terms. ' -. ,Vry transfer of contra for yearly advertising ja-&iMrr?Clft!. aJfiMi Id circumstances render a climbs in btwlnesa, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the tiuie no nas aaverilseo. ' The privilege of Annual' Advertisers la strictly limited to their own immediate business; and alt advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con noctod with their own business, and all excrs of advertisements ia length or otherwise beyond the limits en:ra?ed,will be charged at the usual rates No A.lvartisemonte Is included in the con rati for lh(j sale or rent of houses or Innds in town or cmntry. or f-jf the sale or hire of nogroes, wheih er the prp.irty i owned by th? aJvertiscr or by othsr person. The are excluded by the term "immediate business." - All i.tver'isemsnts inserted in the tri-weekly C nmsrcial, re entitled to one lesertion In the Weekly free of charge. JOB. CARD AND VAXCY IRIWTING, EXEtID TED IS SUPERIOR STILE. Pa THE COMUEKCIAL,. Nw Yosk Messrs. Dollkbb &. Pottbb. m-ChahlsjSmitii, No. 6, Central VVharf. Philadelphia S. K. OoaM. Baltimore VVm. H. Peaks and Wm. Tuomsok MISCELLANY. A GHOST STORY. 'Talkin' of spirits reminds me o' my ex perience in that line, said Sutler, gravely shaking; the ashes from his pipe. 'Let us hear it,' I said. 'With the greatest pleasure, Cap'en. My father, you se, had been under the turf for a good many years. He wnsn't a bud man, by no means; a kinder heart never beat nor his j but he was oncotnaion fond o' ter baker. J I'd smoke the day out and the day in. He hadn't an equal in that way, except old Sam Flint, our nearest neighbor, and he was just about his match ; and tell their tough stories erenin' after eveniu', but that afore my father died. My natentl susceptibilities bein' fine, I felt rather bad when the old gentleman stepped out. I used to lay awake night 'after night and think on't, Ooe niht in the fust of the erenin', arter I had turned in, I heard a strange knockin' on the win tier sill, and uidn t Know what on earth to make on't Who's there?' says I. Your father,' says a voice. It can't be possible 1' says I. 'It's nothin' shorter,' says he. How do you like as fur as you've got ? 'I'm not over an' above pleased,' says he, I'm sorry to hear it,' says I. . ' What's the trouble?' li s eenermost impossible to get any good smokin lerbacker, says he, hi a der- jecied voice.. - 'That's melanchully ' says I. 'Cant I do anything for ye?' Nuthin' to brag on,' says he ; but you'll obligfi me by layin a good piece of pigtail on the winder sill, nights, when you' go to bed.' 'I'll do it says I. . I'll feel obleeged,' says he. vsol at all, says i; 'but it it's a fair question, I'd like to know how your time there' you pass It's no offence at all, sonny. I set on b vbame most o' the tim plavin' on the je dai p.' ,. 'iSnust be very amusr.' says I. 'Have you gt'e old thing wri ye?' :I ain't gawiihinJ-ssV says he. Play us up a tune, then,' 1 continued. 'With pleasure,' says he, and sohe6truck up. That's raj ther melanchully.' says I. I know it,' says he ; 'but it's all on ac count of the terbacker 'I'll gel ye some of the raal pigtailsajs l. 'So do, and I'll play ye something liveli er next time. Good night, sonny,' he ad ded, in a more cheerful tone. 'Come again, says I. You may rely on't' says he. Good night, then,' says I. 'Don't hurt yourself doing the miscellaneous work, Mrt-f I I ranmm.nj m tirin r n tiAffaf instrument when you come again. And with that the old gentleman hurried away. Did you place the pigtail on the window ill?' I asked. 'In course I diJ the raal ginewine.f And did he come after it?' 'As regular as the night camo. l never knew him to fail, and an oncommon sight of the stuff he made way with. If all my relations had come back, and used as much of the weed as he did, I should hare been dead broke. And what kind of tobaeco did Sam Flint smoke at that time?' I continued. Pigtail nothing but pigtail, just like that used by the old gentleman, said Sut ler, with a look irrisistibly comicaL 'How was it about his father's ghost?' I said one day to Sutler, as we were alone. The fact o' the ease was,' he replied, I found it took off the change like all natur to keep my father in terbacker; so I told Flint alt about it, and axed him if he could't supply the okl gentleman with a pig or two occasionally for old acquaintance 'I couldn't think of it, says he, 'Ive got a large family to support, and I use an aw ful spnnklin' o' the weed myself. But I've got a pound or two I'll sell ye cheap. What kind is it?' I asked. 1 Pigtail,' said h. Brung it over, says I. With pleasure, says he. And so the ?ex fay brought it over, and I bouhi iL Well, come to look it over, I found ome of the identical plug which I bad laid on the winder sill for the old gentle tnaj&a, Upon careful inquiry, I found ho bad solo several pounds o' the stuff to the neighbors, and seemed to have plenty o' the same sort; although, 'afore that," he used to be Izard up on terbacker, for he was as poor as Job, and an oncommon smoker. Arter that time 1 didn t lay any more ter backer on the winder sill, thinking it best to let the old gentleman depend on his own exertions for a supply o pigtail.' I EMPLOYMENT FOR AGENTS SKVEUAL. Thousand energetic and trust worthy young men are wanted to act as agenta both local and travelling--in every state in the Union, lor the sale of a paren'ed niri:!o of manufacture now in extensive demand. Tho exclusive right for the United States is owned by the advertiser., and agents of capacity and business tact can easi ly earn Two Hendred Dollars per month. , -. NO CAPITAL MKCKSSAlty. Extract from communications from ouroftnfs" " I hertteith enclose vtru a tlrafl .for dollar; deducting One h anil red and ninety seven dollars as mf wttMunm on the sale of the last month." Sigma H. Head. ' 1 shall realize as commission on my sales this month about one hundred and sev-enty-)ire dollars." E. V. t'ieUL. , I lie occupation will prove a light and senile. m;inly tinploi mem aa honorable as it is profita ble Xoajjentwill be arepplftf unless nble to pro- duce substantia! itKiinioniul as to cbaracxr and industry. . . S -i juries will be arranged for ine nrl yenr it prc- erieil. : - - St in.inv answers to advertisement are forward ed from motive of idle curiosity only, l he adver tisers wi.'l consider no application unless acoin-pnni'-d bv tine Dollar as evidence of sincerity, vUeu full particulars will be firarrfrd. - v ; Address BUlCVcS, BENKD1CT fe Co., Baltimore, Md. To the substantial nature of the enterprise, we refer lo Kenneth f- Dale, Le K"y, Son & Jo Also to Hamilton R. West, Ohio; Hon. C. M. Oenfis, Rhode Inland, and M. Kay, Key VVet. Ka Uct. 16th, 1354. . 9l-2mc. REMOVAL. WM. A. G WYER, Commission MtrcUnl. I f AS removed his Office to the Corner of Wi 8J-3.ii. 1 tur a ma Princeas Street. Oet. 10. RAISINS. TVTEW Crop. In Whole, linlf and quarter boses, for ale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Oot. 26. 93. THE SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS, TlVLady Bulwer Lyiton. llet-tived and for XJ s sale by T.MU.NDS. Oct. 7. 87. WINTEU SHAWLS AND WOOLENS, A T MOZART HALL. IIRSE G ods will continue lobe sold st MO Z tRT MALL, from 9 a 11 A. M., until .ur ther notice. Wilmington, N. C.Oct. 7. S7-tf. THE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 -worth of Gifts, l- tor the subscribers to the MJvIMOTHE PICTORIAL Of the Whole World. Published simultaneously in the three cities of XfcW iJCK, fillUDELPHU l.D BALTlHOBIf, As soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual cibculatios op about 200,00V, it is now certain The Distribution will soon take place. Antony the extraordinary list or gifts, (being one for every ticket isfued,) ate Prof. Hart's Clegaut Country Seat, valued at 8-.f5.00O, A maffiiiliceut City Residence, valued at 9 t T, OOO, A Cash (joati for IOO years, without interest or security 810,000, Building Lots. Elegant Piano Kortcs, Metodeons, Gold tVatches, Bracelets, King, Books ol Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. Hart; Ileal Estate, f-c. fc, &e in all num bering 300,1 00 Gifts, valued at 8300,000. Every single remittance of 31, secures one years subscription to tne aitinmotii notorial and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket. which enitiles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gil'u. Thus every person invesiins; in this stupendous Enter prise receives the full worth of his or her money, in sioscrtpiton to a first claasjournal, (ihe great est and most inteiesting Pictorial of the see,) be sides a Gil t for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. - For complete list of gifts, and full and explicit parncnlars in regard to the irreat Knterprise, Uts tribution, Ac.; see a copy of Tut Whols Woild, which will he promptly sent, tree of charge, where desired by letter, post paid. Tub VYholb VVobld may also be seen at the office! of all panerseontainihs thiadvertisement, where Information imy be on taint d in regard to the paper ani Knterprise. - Agent, Postmasters and I adie, desirous of lucrative and at the same time gentt el employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far ihu most liberal In ducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense ca!h premiums, gifts, commissions, die wherebv any person, wltlt ordinary activity, can easily make $1,003 and nn wards, per rear; to which fiet the jg ;nts we already h-ie can certi fy. Seca re the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, nd happy. Correspondents must write ihcr address Name. Post-office, County, and Jitate, PLALN and D1S- rifMCT, or it will be their own luuit it tnev tan to eet an answer.' Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired. In any part of tae world. If any orders are received after the 300,000 sub scribera are obtained, the money will be promptly return d. post-paid, to ir-e persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial. WITH GIFT TICKKTS, must invariably be ad dressed post, paid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World s Mall, tfroaatcay, veu iorkt there being lbs only office tor ihe Gift Knterprii-e. Kut remittances lor the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickers, may be sent to Prof J. WOODMAN HAItT, Hart s Building, Chesnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa., there being the principal editorial an t publication office. . , Oct. 3, Ib34. o3-6m. CnEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : 4 finn OZ-German Quinine j 1 jUV V 500 do. French do; &u lis. uaiomet : 20 do. Syr. Io lid Iron j a5 do. Bloe Msss ; ' 50 do. Vallelt' Mass; 60 gallons Sp'ts Nitre i 40 do. Aq. Atmnon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts 10 do. Copperas. For sale by C. d O. Do-Pit E, Whole.ale Drnggists, Oct. 5. , 86. NORTHERN EXCHANGE, AT sight, in sums to suit, by Oct. iti. ADAM 5?, BUO. CO. . POTATOES. OfiBBLS. Irish potatoes, in fine order. For Wsale by J. H. FLANNER. Sept. 26. 82 SEED RYE. Or( 1 BUSHELS received and for sate r 4.0J ELLIS MITCH F.l LL. Oct. 28. 93-2w-e. PORK AND BACON. - rfl RBLS. Me Pork t S bhda. IU For Ml by Westers) Side. Oct. 26. PRTTKvVAV k. PRITCHETT. LANDINO FROM BRIG REUBEN CARTER : "I f BBLS. Apples; 40 Empty Barrels; 100 J bbla. PnlaiAMi KA haloa Eamltrm H. Ml Hkimim Knees. For sale bv vcu so. RUSSELL At BEO- BUSINESS CARDS. E. J. LUTTERLOfl. TOR WARDING 4 COMMISSION ' i MERCHANT. W IliMINGTUN, JT . C. "i Sept. 2Sth. 1654. 63-12m.. DR. GEORGE BETTxNER, f OF NOilTII CAROLIMA. OFFICE, No. 538, ba-JADWAY, OH AT THE i PRE3COTT II0USE-NJ2 .V TORK. Feb. 1(5. 1S54. 142-ljc. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants VV iliuington, N . C. All consignments oj Naval Storrs, together with Cotton, Bacon, Laid, Corn, Meal, Flour, iftc, shal AC ii re the highest market price. - rjec. 13 , HS-tf J. D. LOVE, MASVFKCTVREIt ASD DEALER IX CABINET FUHNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c.&c. Frout street, South o Market, BttOWSf'lt nUtl.DINti, WILMINGTON, N- c. Sept. 16. !834. 79-y-c J. l LATTil, COMMISSION MEftCfAXT d GENERAL AGENT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,! 834. , 65-1 y c. WIL.KI.'VSOV & ESLEll, (JPI10LSTEKS & PAPER DANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses, ! eat fur Usas, Window Curtains and Fixtures. AH work In the ahove line done at shortest No- tic. Wilunnaton, IM. C, fllarket March IS, 1854. 1. JOSEPH li. BLOSSOM, General Commission aal Forwardias Merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consigii- meni; tr sair or suijiiurnu Liberal Cash adcanct made on Consignments lo me or to my Neir York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. 135. W. C. HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mor dant, Wilmington. N. C. Liberal Jash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29, IS33. 109-tf C.DUPaK. - PAVIRL B. B.IICEK. C. DuPRE&CO. GENERAL AGEN'1S COMMISSION XSii t'OlltrAKDITIG IHKCII.NTs$, WILM1N0TON N. U July 22d, 1854. 54 12m. JAMES ASDKBSOX. EDWARD S WaGB. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMI.NGTON N.C. Liberal rash ndvances made on consignments. March 27, It5 4. M. RUiSELL & BROTHER:, IliTI ELLIS. B-'.ILl & CO ,) GENERA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. U. Liberal eash advances made on conignmentsof Naval si. ires. Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1854. C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE 8 ALE AND It ETA L DEALER I N Drugs, Medicine. Chemicals, Paints, tti, Ityt Stuns, litass. i-eruuoery, liii, Old Liquors, Kant'y Article, Jfcc., MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. rescrlptionscarcfully .-o.npounded by experi enced person. March 28. 1354. WILLIAM A G WYEJ, GcneraIl3enl:ForwarJin l& uomraission .licrenani I take pleasure in informing my friends, thai 1 am prepared to give alt business entrusted lo me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample aecommodatioss, Spitit House, and Warehouse. Consisnments of Naval S'torei for sale or shipment snd all kinds of coun try pro luce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1354. - t . ' . 15. .. "cTZyTSirr & CO. DEALERS IN BUTTER, Cheese. L ird, and Smoked Provisions, Poik. Beef, Benn-, Peas, and Dried Fruit. 233 and 235, Fit OAT ST It EET, Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. March 25, 1834. : ly-c. AYILLIlllII, PEARE, COLLEUTUR aSD lDVLRTlSlfG AGIST. Pr Country Newspaper thronglicnl the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bo !oin?s,B:tlilmore street All business entrusted iomis care transacted promptly. sejt 7, , op :.oeral terms. 1S54. ; 93-tf JAS. n. CHADBOURN& CO., Gcaeral Commission Merchants, vVIIiJIINGTOJI. ?r. c. Jas. II, Chooc3I. ' Gbo. Chadsocss. Jnn. I, 1354. 123. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR ASD FJSWARDI.XU AGEST, Will give his personal attention to business enlrust- sd t his cart. Sept. 8, 1854. 75-ty-c JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, K. C. May 9th, 1354. r , . 87-1 y-e. GEORGE MYERS, WD.UES1LE IXD BETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, H ood and WUlow Ware, Fruit, Confertionaritx, f-c. South Front street, - triMIINUTtl.V, N.C. Nv. 13, 1853 109. JAMES E. METTS, COMMISSION J- FORWARDING I MERCHANT. niliMISCTOM, N. C. August 26th, 1354. 69-tf. T. C. & B. G. WORTn, C311ISSJ31 HD F.IRW 1RDI.X& EERCIL1.1TS, triUMliSli VON, N. C. Jan IT, IS.V4. - 125 e FASHIONABLE DRESS HATS. WINTER Styles just opened. Four diflerent style French and American Uanufaetnr. at th Hat aad Cap Emporium JdVEKS. tJCl. i. 87. CoBsaarrrial Uaufc of vVUsalttgtoB. fHE regatar annual meeting of th Stockbold- a. er of this Bank will be held at their Banking House on Monday the 6ih dy of November next. T. SAVAQK, Canh'r. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7th, 18E4V . 87-4w. THOUSAND THOUGHTS, ROM favorite authors, collected and arranged by Caroline Uay. For sale at J.T.M0SDS, New Book Store. Oct '19. BUSINESS CARDS. 0. L. FILLY AW. PRODUCE BROKER FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANT. OFFICE over Store of VV. H. McKoy, South Water street, Wilmington, C, will make . liberal cash advances on consignments.: He has engaged the services of Mr. John Hall as a Gen eral Produce Broker. Refers to. K. P. tlall. President Branch Bank of the State, Ailmincton. O. O. Parsley. " Commercial Bank. Wilmington. Cen. A. arcitue, President W. f- K. Railroad, do. (icn. VV. W. Harllec do. W. &. M. iiailroad. Mari on C. H., H. C. W. IC Lane. Goldsboro', IV, C. Sept. 20, 1 5 4. ly-c. MRS. RING, 273 King Street, between Wentworth and Society Streets, Charleston, S. C. TiTAXUPACTUltES in very superior style, 1VL WijfB, Taupees, Plain Bands and Curlf, Ear Kings, Breast Pins and Bracelets, and sll kinds of Fancy H;ir Plultinir. Ordprs thankfully received by Mail or, otherwise. Charges moderate. Ad drees as above. - i April 13, 1S54. ' l?l-y-c. D. C. J'REEWAiM. GEOBGE HOUSTON. Fltl'MlMAY noUSTOSf, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, ! WILMINGTON, N.C. D. C. FRRI4MAV & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175 I'KOSTT ST It HUT, NEW VORK. U- FEEEMAX m nnUSTOS, W1LM1XCT0S, X C Tekp UueV constantly on hand a stock ol Hour, Pork. Bacon. Salt, Cofee, So ear. Mo- hbaeeo. Cigars, Snuff'. Candles, Soap. or- tign and Uomeslic Istqritors and vvmes; iron, Nails, Paint, Oils, Glass,. Domestics, Hals, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Azricullural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they wilt ilispofeoof in lot to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior partner jy.C. FaacMAir.ia located In the city f New Vork ; the junior partner, Go. Hocstox, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments lo and from either place. All business entrusted to them will reeeive proper attention; and orders for GooJa will be promptlvand carefully filled. ! Sept. 9, 1854. 7fi-f. ! GEO. ilARRiSS, Geueral Commission 31ercliaii(, V IVIIiMISGTOJI, n. c. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Iter sa to j- - : K. P. Hall, Esq. 1 . I Wilmington. J. D. Bellamy, Esq: J Messrs. I ooker, bmyih Sc Co., I v vrir Ales'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams &, Butler, H F. Baker. Esq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. 1854. 123 tf. I. VESSEL,. B. B. EILERB. WESSEL & FILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS &. WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a genera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale snd to carry on a GeneralCommission Business. iriiiitct : E. P.Hall .Pres't Br'ch Bank of tho State O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. P. K.Dickinson, Esq . 'Wif. PoppeACo. New Vork Dollner Potter. $ lNCW 1 orlc Jan. 20 1854. 131 GEO. II. RELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nexidooi to A. A. Vannet,on North vValersL willattendto thesateofallkindsof Country Pro luce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard ,ke.. ind willkeepconstantlyon hand a full supplyof Groceries, &c. .. -,'.' References. ' WillesHall.ofWayne, Jno tlcXae, Wilmington W Caraway. ' Gen. AU-. McRae. E. P. Hill, Wilniingtoa , Wiley A. Wtliei . ' Dee. 13. 1853. 1 15-1 y. J A3. T. GILLESPIE. :j GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAUI1S t". Gir.fRSPfE t co PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Pai lien lar attention paid to the receipts and Sale of Natal Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Col ton, f-c., 4rc March 30, 1854. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer aad Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. V. IT7T LL eell or buv Ileal Estate and Negroes at V a small commisf ion. ALSO t Strict attention givento t tie saleof Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. - O.B:e second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. J one 12, 1354. 33 ly. A II VANBDRRELEN. General Agent, Coaimission -anJ Korwardiag Merchant, Y i WILMIMUTOX, V. C. I Particular attention ziven tosale and purchase of Naval Stores.-: ' - - - . - June 1, 1854. i 4 123-UC- T. C. WORTH, General Commission JlVibliaUlj I WILMINGTON, V. C. USUAL advaneea made on consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce .) P.ittirular attention eiven by G. V. Davis to'pur- ehasing eargoes, procuring treight for vessels, 4c. March 'I, K54. -r v la-tyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SDCCESSOhS TO mil AUB3.HE ic CO ) General Commission Merc hunts, No 32. North UTinrtes, ind t3 North Water Sis; PHIL.A1J1SL.PHIA. i 1. iiaivit cocniAS, W. 8. BUJSBLL. " - ' ' i Liberal e ish Ivanee made on consignment. July 33ih, 1354. 6S-tf. 8. DOLLNER O. POTTtH, It I nm.T.TVRR &. POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK.: Liberal Cash Adtan-es mad sn all Consignments. Apr! 1 30, 1854. 20-ly-pd. A. T. MTTIWAT. BO. E. FBITCHaTT. PETTE WAY & PRITCHETT. General Commission and Vorwardlnc Mer- CHANT. ALSO WUOLE3ALB GROCERS, v NORTH WATER. STREET, , WitmsoTaa, N.C. Prompt attention will be gisn to the sale of Naval Stores and all kinds or Produce, Intend keeping an assortment of Groceries, L qaors aad Provisions. --- Jnly 18. - - - - ' . " S2. QUINCE & COWAN. ' - T VTHOr.ESAL.I3 AND R ETAIL, GROCERS; UtSALISRS IN WINKS 4 LIQUORS. Corner of Front anrl Princes streets, - WILMINGTON, N.C. Jnly29. - ' - 58. CANAL CARROWS. TJOR SALE, by '1 KarchSO. jUEDICAL HOUSE, Ar. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIAlOitE. MAK.VI.Ain Established in order lo afford the Afflicted sound ana scientific .r.eaical Aul, . , . andor the suppression of " - Quackery. 1 ;-'': pjR.l. B. Smith b( JTor many year devoted bla wnoieauenuon toroe treatment ol Private com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success In those long etanding and diffi cult cases, such aa were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend him to the Dublio worthy of the extensive oatrooaue he has received Within the last eight years, Dr. d. has treated more man -j,auu cases of t'rivale Complaints, tri thur diflerent forms and stages;. practice which no doubt exceeds that of ail other physicians now ad vertlaing in Baltimore, and not a single ease is known where his directions were strictly followed and medicines taken at reasonable time, without euecting a radical and permanent cure: therefore persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, n iHiuerautr aimcuu ur long standing the case rn.iy be," would do well to call on Or. Stuith.af his omce.mo. lb, South Frederick btand 1 noteiicc tually relieved no remuneration will be required fo his services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons: out up in neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from, business, aod except incases of vio ent innamniotion, no change of diet is necessary. 5TiiiarURES.-Dr. Smith has discovered new method by which he cancurethe worstformof stricture and that without pain orincon venience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate yianas.or nerKof the bl:idder,isBomeumesinistaken Icr strictures by general practitioners or charlatan? . 1 UUNU MblN and other nffiicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating trom a Certain Itestruclive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an eany application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well as expense. By bis improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a' speedy and perfect cure in alt cases of this com plaint. TO FEMALES. AH diseases noculiar to Fomales (as also Sup creations, Irregularities. die.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cureot ineaoove attect tons, have been well tested in an extens ve practice for the last twelve years. Persons at a distance mav consult Dr. i. bv letter, post-paid, describing ease, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part of the united states, always accompanied with lull and explicit directions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Office arranged with scparatenpartments. so tlvit patients never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance duily, from c in tne mottling mi 9 at nigtit. N. B. Persons affiirted with any of the above complaints, will d well to a .'oirf ihe various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIFICS. advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put op to sell, but not to cure., and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. , A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITH, 1.6 South Frederick St., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. 80-1 y-c. SANDS SA USA PAR I h LA. .V QUART BOTTLES. For Purifs ':.g tit e Blood, and for the Cure of Scro- . fula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheu n, Fever Soes, Erysipelas, Pimples, Biles, MercuruU Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liter Complaint, Bronchitis, Con sumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, de. ,N this preparation all the reatorative properties ;ot the root ar concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but while Sarsaparilla Root tor ma an Important part ol lis combination, it is. tne same lime, compounded witn other veeeta- e remedies of great power, and it is In the Decu- iar combination and scien ific manner of its preo- aration, that it remarkable success in the cure of disease depends. It acts simultaneously upon ihe stomach, the circulation and ihe bowels; and thus three processes, which are ordinarily the result of three different kinds of r edicine, are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial agent which gently stimulate while it disinfects and expel iroin the stomach and bowels all that is irritating, and at the same time estores vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate In ocaring the name of Sarsaparilla, and in that their resemblance ends, being often prepar ed from worthies and inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice' of which ihey will use, should take no other, but thatone entitled to their confidence, from the lorz list of cures it has effect. ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials and residence have been published, and who are stiil bearing daily testimony to its worth. . ASTONISHING CURE. PATTBBf on-, N. Y . 20th, 1851. Messrs. A. B. dr. D. Sands: Gentlumen. Hav ing witnessed the most beneficial effects from the use of your Sarsaparilla, it gives me pleasure to send you the following statement in regard to my son. In the spring of 1848 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeks of severe suffering the dis ease settled in his left leg and foot, which soon welled to the utmost. The swelling was ianced btt bin nhvsiplfln atwt AiayhrrtrMA w.., ...... r after that no less than clevt n ulcera formed on the ;eg ana toot at on-tune, wenaa nvedifierenl Phy sicions, but none relieved nim much; and the last winter found him so emaciated and low that he was unaoie 10 lea ve oh l ed, sultering the most eicrucia ting nam. uurlns this time the bona hud Knm. so much affected that piece afterpiece came out, of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one half to one and a half incnes in lengin. we naa given up ail hope of hi recovery, butat thi time we were indueed to trv S.r...ll. I ...t.u :.. L. - I . . J. i"1" mi wm, u un uis neatin and appetite began immediately to improve, and so rap id was ihe change that leas than a dozen bottles ef- iccieu penrci cure. ; With gratitude, I remain truly yottrs, '. -.: . . . DARIUS BALLARD. We the undersigned neiehbora of Mr k.il.j cheerfully subscribe to the fact of the above state- menu n. at n. j. rtayt, a. n. Trowbridge. ' f Geo. T. Dean, C. Eastwood. : Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail bv A. R 1.9. rk n.Mai... . .1 i. i . .An-v- s'reei corner oi niuiini ivew i ore. Wold also by .Drnggiat generally throughout the United State nnd Canidas. Price 41 per hot tie i six hctilea for l j. r orsaie oy ur. a. u. uradley. and Mara C. A D. DuPre, Wilmington, N. C. . - - ' ' April B. 19-fim WE hsveon hind a very handsome assortment of Paper Hanging, Fire Screens, Borders, ,imuuw oniuBS, vunuioi, cornices. e r ,r or saic inu pui up nv U- I J I - , - WILKINSON & ESLER, vane a. .upnoisterers and I'aner Han ires. Afr. nave on nana a benutilol astmrtmont ( . V V French and American Paper Hansinirs. Dec- umiivii., tit, oi;icrn. , iuuuw oniQefl and JUT- . t i.: wi. i oi. . 7 CT rt tains. Cornices, Pictnre Tsssels of newest styles. ror saio "7 niL&insu.i a KaLKK, . June 17. --y- - -. .- Upholsterers. ; DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Cciebratetl Galvanic Abdominal Supporters. THIS is to certify, that C. . D- DoPm, Drug gists of Wilmington, N. C, are my aula agents lor tne sa e ot toe above supporters tor this place and vicinity. - E SEVMLUR. rViimington, N. C, March 23, 1854. .-. ,:: We most respectfully call the attention of the Medical Profession of the State to an examination of the above Supporter. C. & D. OcPRE. ; March 23, . 3-tf. WE have now ia atore fine assortment of French Engligh, and American vaperbang ings. borders, doeorat ions, dtc Also, curtains, cornice, shades, tassels, dkc. for sale, and hang IA the latest style, WILKINSON 4t ESLER U pnoisiers anc raper nangers. Sept- 29 63. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE 1 1 - T ORDER for towage by steamtugs mm MARINER, Capl. John Davis, and EUU A 1 Uxt, Capt. Jacob Price, will receive prompt attention. If left at my office, comer of Dock and Water atree'.a, over NefT A Son's Ship Chandlery. . SILAS H. MARTIN, Agent Oct. 3. 65-lia D. CASH WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, niLJINGTON. N. C. . Sept, 30. 84 tf THE IMAGE OF niS FATHER, OR one Boy Is more trouble than a Dozen Girls, (Quit an Error,) rt'd ana for ele by ' Ocr. 7. J. T. MDNDS. NCW ARRIVALS OP FKS11 GOODS ' ' ' AT THS , ORIGINAL FAMILY GROCERY, FRONT STREET. THE subscriber, truly thsnkful for ihe liberal "patronage heretolo.e bestowed upon him by nis inenos, and an desirous ol obtaining good ar ticles in his trade at wholesale and retail, bees leave to inform them that lie has perfected arrange- nieni tor procuring a constant supply ot the very best Groceries, at the very lowest prices. ' TEAS. Old Hyson, Tourig Hyson, Imperial, Ponchong and Oolong. . . . . . j- WINE AND LIQUORS. Otard. Cogr.nr.Dupuy A Co Brandies, Old Ma deira, Cherry, Port. MUscat and Malaga Wine, Monongsneia, itye, Irish and Scotch Whikey, Holland Gin, Champagnes and Bottled Wines, Heidsick. Ducat Grape, Boushe all of the first quality. Bottled Otsnl Brandy. Cognac, Maderia, Sherry. and Holland Gin, Aromatic Schnapps and Cordials. rr COFFEES. Old Goverment, Java, Laguayra, Rio, Jamaica and St. Domingo. - SUGARS. Crushed, Powdered, Granulated. Loaf, Coffef Crusbed, Cla'ified, Porto Rico, and Sugar of all grades. FLOUR. Hiram Smith, John Rice, Cnsiiilia and New Vork Mills; in Barrels, Half-Barrels, and Bags fresh t Fayetteville do. CANDLES. Judd's Patent Spe-m, Sperm, and 75 Boxes A. M. Candles, lower than they can be bought in New Vork. CRACKERS. Soda, Butter, Pilot, Sugar, Picnic, Lemon. Milk, Waliur, with every variety of Crackers, VV. Under wood & Co'. Pickles by the Hundred, Jar, Gallon, Half Gallon, Quarter-Gallon, or Pint. Pickolilla Cntchup., Mustard, Sauces, White Wine and Cider Vinegar, Olives, Spanish and French! Capers, Preserves, in every variety. S.UiNDKlfc.S Goshen Butter, fresh weekly; Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues. Fulton Market Beef. Salmon. Mack erel, Codfith, Herring, Cheese English and Imi tation, Kucon, i'ork, Stuart's Syrup, sperm and Whale Oil. Fruits in every variety. Nuts. Munrt's Conleciionei r, Market Baskets, Clothes Briskets and Fiuicy Baskets, Wash Tubs all kinds. Brass hooped Buckets, Common Buckets, Brooms, Travs, Sifters, Keelers, Cup Tubs, Scrubs, and every va riety of Wood and VViilow ware, Spice, Clove, Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Pepper, Ginger, Mace, Cho colate. Iing: lass. Gelatin. Macaroni, Vermicelli, natsins, currants, Citron, I'runes, preserved win ger, blrawberiis. Grapes. Fresh Peaches, Fresh Lobster. 5 OB boxes assorted size Sardine. Fin Paste, 1 00 Canary Caere various style and pat terns, Sqiiirrell Cures. Mockinc Bird Cotes. Ele gant Boxes fine Tea, containing 2 lbs. each the oox being worth the price ot tbe package tzeach, Rarpberry and Cherry Syruo bv the Gallon extra qu:tlt; 5000 of the most choice Cigars ever brought to this market, and every variety of Groceries that can be procured, wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible prices. 50,000 t-igar, from 44 to .15 per thoueand. GEO. M VERS. Sept 30. 84. LARGE STOCR OF FURMTURE. THb subscriber would, re ft pectfully invite the tlentio the public, to his very large and complete assortmcni of Furniture now beins received and recently selected by himself at the Manufactories: duiing the present month, h!f stock will be complete and consist in part of the fol lowing articles. Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair Cloth ; Setts Painted Cnamber Fun iture. 60 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Cases; 50 Sofas and Tete a Teles ; 100 Bureaus; 100 Wa.sh Stands, marble and plain; 100 Rocking Chairs; 75 Nurse do. . 125 Tea and Dining Tables; 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet do. 100 doi. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor; 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut maple and ron ; t Wardrobes. mahogony and stained Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs; - Ottomans, Foot Stools ; A fine assortment of Looking Glasses ; Teapoy's Whatnots Hat Stands ; Settees, Work Tabic ; Work Bo.e. Pnper Hanging; Window ades, &e. dC. A few vcar rina Piano Fobtbs, and in fact al most any article that may be desired, in compute- ly furnishing Dwellings, Hotels. Offices or So ciety Rooms Front 6'treet. i. U. LUVK. Wilmington, N. C, Sept, 9, 1S53 76., TOBACCO. 1 A BOXES Manufactured, rent as samples and 1 will be .Md low to introduce to the trsde. Apply to RANKIN & MARTIN, . South Water-t. Oct. S. 86-41. PERFUMERY I TUST received from New Vork and Philadel- J nhia : 1 Gross Lubins'a Extract for the Handk'ft t do. do. . Toilette Soap ; - J do. Glenny Mnnh Toilette Wster do. ' do. ; Verbena do. do. 2 . do. Yankee Soap j . i do. . Camphor Sosp; I do. Pontine do. ' A lane assortment of H sir Brushes, and a num ber of fane'' article usually kept In Drug Stores. C. d& D. DcPRE, Wholesale DruggUts, , Oct, 5. Market-tM Wilmington, N. C. OATCHELORS, FAMILIES. HOTELS, U Steamboats. Ac. can be furnished with mal- traxsen. beds, pillows. boNlers. sheets, pillow. canes, blinkers, comforts, spreads, towels, table cloths, ore., by callin? on WILKINSON & ESLER, Upholster and Paper Hanger. Sepl.t8. .... 83. FILES! FILES!! FILES!!! TUST received, a full assonment of Butcher's genuine Saw FMrrn Also, Ihs double tang ej Ira MiilSsw Files. J. M. KOBINSOW. April. SnOT AND BAR LEAD. AClfl PA9S DroP nd Buck Sho1 ' 600 lbm- Br Lead. Jnat received and for sale bv I Oct. 7. U CTcopy ZENO H.GREENE. - CIGARS! CIGARS! ! nil I if if I OIGARS, vnrfoos brand, for' sale - w,w w ebeap, by . ZENO H. GREENE. Oct. 7. N C T copy 87. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'T'HAT the annual meeting of the Stockholders -a. or tbe Wilmii.son R.ifah Bail lload Company, will be held In This Town, on Thursday j the 9ih dav of Nev. t A dividend of 4 ner ram on th Caoital Stock of I oi ine iooipary, lor the last m.x months, nss oeou oeciared, and via be payable on tbe JOta of rw. The Book for ilut trn&r of Stock will be eJos- ea on ZCtb Instanu By order JAMES S. GREEN, 'ry. Oet. 17. . 91-tni. EUPTY SPIRIT BARRELS- j OHflPRtME Diamond "S." Barrels just re- 4JVJ eelvad and for sale bv A' JOKING CLERGYMAN. Re Df. Bjrles was tbe Original com pound df religion nnd mirth, conspicuous in the latter part df the fast cenniry, in New tnglaiKl. Wiin a good heart, a mind of stable principles and a decent' reTCrence for his holy office, hd nevertheless' posses sed a buojanl and genht! flow of spirits' constantly running ovef with puns and witty conceits, fie' maintained hist con nection with his (the Iiolfis street)' Church for forty-three years. He was a hnle, yet aged roan, when the Revolutionary war began, and in his predilections leaned to ward the royal side. In May, 1777, it was deemed necessary to arrest him as a Tory. He was ordered to be placed aboard a guard-ship and sent to England.. Subsequently the sentence was changed to confinement in his own house. A sentinel was kept before his door day and night whom he was wont to call ob serve a lory. AtJast the vigilance of the Board of War relaxed, and the sentinel dis appeared ; after a while he was replaced, and after a little time removed akogethef, The Dotfo used pleasantly to remark tha he had been guarded, regarded and dis regarded. Once the Dictor tried to have tht sentU nel let hfrn" gcfafiet some milk for his farrr ily, but he was firm and he would not; then he argued Ihe case with the honest but simple fellow, and actually induced him to go after the milk, while he kept guard over himself. . The neighbors were fiHed" with wonder ment to see their pastor walking in meas. ured strides before his own door, with the sentinel's gun at hiJ shoulder, and when the story got abroad H fafnished food for town gossip and merriment for several days. The Doctor had rather a shrewish wife, so one day he called at the distillery in Lincoln street, and accosted the proprietor thus : ' Do you still V That is my business,' replied the pro- pnetor. 1 Well, then, I should like to have you go and still my wife,' said the Doctor. He served rather an ungallant trick upon this good lady at another time. He had some curiosities which people occasionally called to see. One day two ladies called. Mrs. B. was then in suds,' and begged her husband to shut her in a closet whilt he exhibited his curiosities. He did so. Af ter exhibiting everything else, he said to the lad io8 : Now ladies. I have reserved rny great est curiosity to the last,' and opening the door he exhibited Mrs. B. to the ladies. There was an unseemly 'elough of des' pond,' before his door in the shape of a quagmire, which he had repeatly urged the town authorities to remove. At last faro of the town officers, in a.carriage, got fairly stuck in it. They whipped the horses they hawed and geed but they could not get cut. Dr. Byles saw them from his window. Ho stepped into Ihe street. I'm delighted eentlemen,' said he, rub bing his hands with glee, 4 to see you stir ring in the matter at last I' The 'sore in the ground" was healed soon" after. Going along the streets one day ho found himself in a great crowd near the old North Church. 'What is the matter?1 he asked of a by 6tander. 'Why there is a man going to fly from the steeple.' . Poh !' said he, 'you all come here to see wa t l t a man ny wny, i nave seen a norse ay. A learned lady, of Boston despatched a note to him, on the great dark day, in the following style : 'Dear Doctor How do you account lor this darkeness V His reply was 'Dear Madame I am as much in the dark as you are." " JUST RECEIVED A FINE let of Negro Kerseys, Blankets and Shoes also 4 hhds. Western Sides; 15 bbls Pork j 150 Sacks Salt, for sale bv Oct. 26. A. B. BIcCALEB. SWELL LIFE ATSEA DR Fun, Frigates and Vatching. A ColtrcMori of Nautical Varna from the Log Book of a youngster of the Mess. Just Published, nrrivtd and fo-sale at S. W. WH1TAKER S. Oct. 26. - V -, 83 THE FLYING CLOUD, A ROMANCE of New Vork Bay, and tho Chaeres River, by Professor Ingrshftra. Just published, received and for sale by aa STY rv T -W 0 n ' FOR RENT. THAT large, comfortable, snd commodi ous DWELLING UOLSK, Hrosted on the trner of Red Cross and Third streets, snd lately occupied by the subscriber i with sll the out houses in perfect order. For particulars, spply. in my absence, lo Pi. N. XMixon, fc.sq-.or lo M .roniy, Auction-er. U.R.NIXON. Oci.19. v 92-1 f- LI5IE I Olfl CASKS Rockland, now landinsr, and 1 for sale by E. J. LUTTERLOH. 93 3u Oct. 26. ROBERT BRUCE, - THE Hero Eine, by ihe author of "Wallace, the Hero of Scotland." Jasl puhlished. Ke- eeived and for sale at Oct. 26 S. W. WUITAKKK'S. 93. WR have on hand, an aortment ol raper Harxrinva. Borders. Decoration. Fire Screen Window Shades, etc.. for eh nd 1 put up by Jaty 15. Paper Hanger and Upholsters. NO. 3 MACKEREL. 23 BBLS. iut received and for sale by Oct. 26. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. CLEAR THE TRACK. I HAVEjast returned front New Vork wiih a large and extensive assortment of roods of al most every desctiption admirably adaoted to town or country trad, all of which will be oU very low, cither at Wholesale or Retail. Country Mer chants wishing lo purchase small stocks, or per sons wanting goods by the piece, would Snd it to hrir advantage to give me a rail before making their purchases else where, ss 1 am determined l sell if! can ret a e ha nee i my atock consist of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots snd Shoe. Hardware aad Cutlery, Hollow Ware, Crockery, Glass and Stone Ware, Saddlery, Naila, Groceries and Provisions of all kinds. Come and see for yourselves. A. B. UcCALEB. ,OeV2fi. " n- , , ,---.;. 83a-. X. M. R08INSON. OcL 7. AOAJIS, PRO. & CO.

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