A NQTICE TO TAX PAYERS. ALL penoM whe have not paid their TAXF.M Tor i ho year 1862 and 1853, ere hereby tnrm fcd thai if the same is not settled la fbll by the na DA V OP JANUARY", I will proceed forthwith to Dtstraia wt'thon. respect LL heri(T j. iss. -. . " . j ; . iTlltVIBoij:i. W. A. M. YamBokisxen. VANBOKKELEN & BROTHER, - Vannfacfurers of and dealers in Naval St we. fctofsgeand Wfca'rfaa fovProdBee furnished ut fair rates nodel" insbrance, if desired. Jan. I. - - ' IK-tf. OFFICE 51AN,Bvl:0iD CO., WILMIXO TON, H. C, Jau. 4th. 1855; fS and after this data. the Sinnier 2BPtn K will leave the wharf of i be Wilmias'ow and. Raleigh Kuil Koad at 8f35 P. M., (provided the Northern Train arrives before -that time.) landlns thj pisettgera aa.: connecting with t be niail Train on this Road at the Station pposite'Mar- Kct st re t. - Vtakzhr wiJl herealer he fortacfltd er delis 'tred unlit the frtieht i void Ail freight ia the Coisipany'a wafthouc, r He- ' i'u ed b-canse of the noa-payinent of the freight, vUI be eaiirelr at riie owrKsr'Tlk. " : 1 L J. FLEMING. Gea'U Stt-i..M. & 11. K' R. Jan.. . . . 1221-. " Ta'2j vgro ye- 'J ACADEMY, -NEAR KENANSYILLE. TlHK sabseriucr has much pleasure In informing -L his mends and the public generally, mat "expect i commence his next session In a new htrge and comfortable Academy, '(45 by 70 -feet,) pleasantly situated, about a mile from the vi'Vagc; wriih ample accommodation for any dtstraWt' hirm ber of pupils. 'I be bui-diug will very eit te coiitpteied. and due notice w ill be given of the , opening of the School. c' Aided b eomptlem as.-istants and with the 'coinru.nd of facilities, suck as he hua ntet before enjoyed, he confidently hope to give, fair and-en-tiie xauafactiun to ail fvh- may be dispusi d to eon ti le to Ins ejre the education of their tliiliin n and wards.- Board uutf be procttred with bte- Pinei ptl, or with other tauii I ic in the"- vicinity, at 7 per moo'h: and the whole cost of Hoard- ard Tui tion wiy not exceed frw $4i to $30 per I'ts.sion of five inonib. pairjs ill be sparert to jircpare l;ia ;tupiis thoroughly furCoile. e, lor Teaching or for Business. . t , For lunhtr particulars, arfdresa KKVi JAS.M. PhCNT, Ken tntrvtlip, N. C ALSO Dcinjr desiro of removing his rci- drnce to the tuoic imrh dialc vichiity oi' the Atad-l etny. he oiler for shIi bis HODsJK AND LOT, i.N KEXANSVJLLF. ; The- dwelling is ComiortaLle and cynvenietit containing evi n rooHin, ith 4'antrt and Kitchen attached together ith a trt ffce or smdO Servants' Houaies. uioke House, Barn, Stable &C-, all trained building, rccemly put up. The lot covers nearl) five acre?, wild exi-; water. J and a choice selection of Frnit Trees, in a bewrint! i-taie; int liirflng Apples, Pears. Peitehes Plums Cherries, iVeciarinea, Apricots and Grapes- To those desirooa of s ptrior lacilii its fitr edit eating their i hildren, this Mioatlon (Tort ppcolisr advantages,' since, in addition la the S-chvWs at ready existing, a 4 cmale itmnia; is just about rs be commenced . , --- Paice-2,3ao, wl h interest till paid. Jan. 6th, 1835. 122-3t-w. HARPER'S MAGAZINE : PKTivfEisO v'S Ladies' Wagaxincj . Godeys Ladys ook ; Graham's 31 agazinc; Ballou'a PieroTKif; ' " " Kiag of -oor Union j , Saturday Kvertmg P jst iSaiunlav K.Teninn; Mail; Marion Star i ... Yankee PriTaKer acd Know-Xoihina; Paper: - Any person wishing n subseribe to eih r.- or ll o the hbove M agazines and i'upers, ' ill And it to their advantage to do so, at ' Jan. 6. . J. TVM.USLS', Book Stpr. HISTORY OP THE CONSTITUTION. r 7 ISTOKT of the Orient. Korniti-ui and Arfon- I JL tton of the Coristittrtinn of lh TJnfted States f wi h. notices its principal framirs. By Gcvrgr Tickner Curtis. KersaJeat - ' Jan. 6- , . H. W. WHITAKKa'S. LIFE'S LESSON, . IS the title of domestic story abotrodiae Itt nat ural sketebes of character and freqent paihet. ic and touching scene-. The plot shifts, often to different and distant locations, affording scope to tiM writer for portraitures of a great variety of so -cUl ith.-iees. 'I'he vluwo is recommended oy it air of reality, its excellent moral lone, and the flowing ease of language. Just received a second uppljr of 'his beautiful and interesting story, and for sale at : VJ. T. ftl UNOJS. Jan. 6. -, -.... -Bk Store. . ALL ACCOUNTS , . MADR previous to 1st inet., now due, arc made trt and ready for setrtemenk TJiwe in.lebi ed will please save themselves the mortification, o bein? dunned, bv earning lor ward an.f settling ihtdr bills. ALKJi. WMllAJr , . " Inip rtr of China. 'Ac. JaB.4."' -' " ' t kll-im. NOTICE. , . WHF.RF.A9, there are many, folse reports rir eulated concerning the management ef the Seanwns' Home, J deem it my daty to the Sea mens Friend JJoeiity.to give public notice to all it mar concern that the hours is. not -.opened yet- utt.ier the patronage of the but is under going repairs and 1 am keepings' " few Seamen that prefer a Temperance House, on my own ac count. Therefore if any Gentlemen hearing .re ports of any misdemeanor or stories tending tu injure the Home, when it is open rd, I will thank them to come and see me and 1 will give every satisfaction required ; and that all evil reports are false I am prrpared lo snow to any ene who wilt discern troth from falsehood. That I -nave acted wiih jastiee'snd humanity to all since I have been here, any one can testify that lias had'dealhtgs with me.. .Yet IJtavemany seeret enemies. VVno they are I know-not; for they are always ha'Vged1 re tell no name, mt I will not think- hard-ef fh tn. So gemloraen cotne forward and let me know J w hat crimes I am guilty of. I want to know the wnrst.' I am human, and will act kindly" to all that call. .' - G. W. WlLf.IAMg.o Jan. 4, . - , - , " - 121 2t p. J. A H. It. and send bill talhi Office. NOTICE. - THR SHbscnber would "respecVfuHy. annon nee that, from the I si inst.. he will offer Furniture for "cash oxlt. This public notice is given, to avoid the neceaeity of personal refusal. J. D. I.OVK, Jan.?. Furnitare- Ware House, Froat-tt. ;; Dai) J. and H. copy I week, s . , . r:' NEW SCHOOL . : J-R. J. 1? DCMFFS.tr Tadate 4rw S.C. 1 A Mitaa.y cut 1111, tjostgtt- s tiinnrngw s -nn fa th; town af Wilmington on the 4t of February next, lor the instruction of boys, and of prepara tion for aa advanced scientific course. " In addition to alt the uso.it elementary branres, everal tests will be introduced in Pure and" Mixed Maiheiiiat ics. The Elements at Geometry, Algebra, with Its application to the solution of Geometrcal Problem, to Conio Sections, and to Fractions, er ihe Differ ential Calcutta. Plan and phincttt Trigonoroe-, try. with their respect iv applications lo neighs and distance. Land Surveying with field prac tice in connexion with which will be tanght Typo graphical Drawings. In order to onfotnt his sys tem aa nearly as possible with that adopted by Mil itary insi it at ions generally, he farther proposes to teaeh the Sqaad and Company Drills,- with other Military exercises two afternoons in every week, free of choree. A svnonsis of I ha eourso of study in each class will be distributed on tits day of com- ! mnceroenu Applications may be kit at th tsr of easts..- Brown d- .Atiderson. : Terms pde known or. application. t Ranaences f Th Faculty of the Stste Milita ry Acndemy, Charleston ( The Board of-Vioiiore, vif Gen. J. Jones. Gnaniteville, S. tJ- Gen. U. F.Jamison, Orangeburg, C. H: Gen. t. Wallace, MomeryiHe. Union District 1 Gen J. H. MeaM.1 duc nen 5 01. . u. iigoB, Society HW, D hngton District 5 Gen. R. O. M. Dtmnovant, nine ty six Depot, Abbenllej Wilmington, T.W. Brown, W . S. Anderson. . . . Jan, 2nd. ISaS. f" . lD-tf. Weekly Journal t. ; . I f BBLS FAMILY .FLOOR, Jut In Rtnrm lf and for sale by QUINCE COWAN. ' . . 106. . Nov. 25. WHITE LEAD & SPANISH BROWN 1 fin KEGS Pare, extra and No. 1 White Leads X Js 25 bbls. bpantsh Brown t to nose eon- signment. trct.23. MOORE, STANLY" & CO. - JOK. BOOK,; ;A cdaitEB n rtosT.iitn mirket stkf.Jts, -. ' WILlMEXafDX. X. C. Paftlcutar U(ni,tloti paid faMbe Fvllowins lifftds of Letter Press I'rbttii.g- B i'Us of f'xehange HU1 ef ldin ' Book, ' Cards, . t . Catalogurm,' ' ' Certigcafet, t Fintritt ef Aicrclianditt. TtatKlbutut - j'. ; - '" - 0, -i. ... . Werv J,f -6 .' . -XT' icctiptt, - " ' . ' : J Iititt4 if Frttghl. ; . Citrfcrrs, Drqfl: And PuAm AXD FAICY PRINTING, of K ty aescriptlMR, uone in iua neatest rrjaib, ncr, and on the nto-t reat-onatle'ii ruts. " ' Wilmiogtoa. Aust,17, lS5i. f x. . ' TOR NEW. YORK.- tianTU STATE .Vft Nehr. II .fVI-.It.-M irt'tlT..w U.harcJ . deiKrteh frr the abse rj'irt. ' Fr f'rt is1t' .or Bissau, ar.ol. to J. 11. BLtJSWH..- FOR FREIGHT OR CIIARTElt. - THE -ie.lir HRA'RY NUTT. Cpt Gar wood. Hill atry 14. t OCT feet UuhUt. A. .freight to the est Jnrtu-5 prHurred Ap- GKO HAKRfSS. 30. :. , , K9. FOR NEW YORK. . .. OLD LINK- -. THRpacietSehouMis M F'1?4.f.S Capt. Terr.- and J N A.S.N M ITH. Capt Fermanivlll h despateb rahoT ' -For freiahj or passage, npply t WORTH. lec.J2d. i"' ... r ? I 8 TfO li F REI H 1M) R n 1 R T E R . SCHl! I.F BUR.G. I00,f CO ftet lont-'-f!. berc ipiit i'y.- Apply o , .r-y.. Dec. 23 " G!"0. HARRISS. STEAMBOAT FOR SALE : . TH K ST E A W F-R "SPRA Y-J ngt h MO feet breadth 1 fift. draws -ss than 4 inct.es ot Wtt'er-. has two rnuirws of fiif,' horjie poer iflclt, is4irttd up fgi carrying ftw p 'j' rs.liavinir exoeilent irr iritiiidotion fY saiiie. has capacDy joc.a hrst qur.twy of freight, equal to any boat'of her Uiitieiw-ioDS two year okl warranted in food orttcr. ' . For teims, wu'ieh will beaerfnipodaticr. apply in person, or by letter, lo the lubscribtr-et Vil mington. . . ' ' : : ; . I ". 'f A. H. VasBOKKKLKM Dec:j9s f : 'Mll5-!m-, Nin? LINE of St RE W SIA3ISIliTS TO SAil. BKTWREX AXIt GLASGOW. . - ' " -?r3F-ti ' TrK;ijrd, Screw Steam Packet "--flt :Cottpariy'5 new Meaitishlp. ivd Vrti&arfd Petrel, ate irtTeh Jed to sail !wr Glasgow as- uHer:- . ' " From .cw Yo. CLYDE Wednesday, A,Bgtts .'6th. at 12'c:oi k. noon. Rates of Pas'sge, (Steward's fees in'ludl.) r Chief C-abHi, S'Ht ' A limtfrd nmxbeT of tfiird t lass passervger will yt iakeonJ.upp!i d itU pood and c"omlotrally 'toed provisian, at S2j )?erths not secured till, paid for., .These . Sere "itamhfDS have been built and Bttrd ootexoresa. ly for the trade, on the ni.t approved prine.ipifis, fo- securing safety, cimfort and speed ; anrl carry each a experienced Smtgertn.- - "r' , For Freight or Passage aptly t ' ' - ROBiiRT PATOTf,"." - i " " 3' Broadway, Ti. . ' Money orders-gynnted on Glaiiow, tn sems of jEl Steiling and upwardV, payable on fcmnd.' t Attj. 4.- r . . 63 tf. PROPOSALS.- ,V 1 XT7E, the"lnil.liil eminittce of the Prosbylertan P VV Chareb at Gold.-boro. N.Oy'yei'.l rceivs prop' saw ant 1 the SCih ot Vbrttryr 1 b'55, fiijf buiWir g a Biiek Church 5S ft. by 40 ft , a follows: 1st Proposals lot th brick work - ' ' 2i.LProposala fo the wood work, T " 3rd Proposals for the ccwip c!kn clothe- whole Church. ? ' - . " The plan end spreifications can be seen by apt plying to the Committee. - ; , , Wll LIUTAL! ) J ' . - ' ' JOHN KVKltlT,!," ,. I . , - 5 A-iW I'KI.XN ITfT . f Cfoni ' J AWES McftVFFIK, frnit ee. v Key. I). T KO LES.. J, D. CAMPBELL. , J Everittsvillr'.?. ClVe, 28. il8-lt-w. " ; : "notIcc, . ;7 J ILL.be sold en ccommofatdog ternla'cighty t acres of eh ared Rice I.nrid. wf jr jiiniHteU lor, planting, as jel'arda. exempiion from j ds'and treshetsi also a good upland M-ttlemerit wi;1 be sold wi:h the t'wTe land,- Any person jprf aiiirxs' tit err gage 1 a the business, may learn rurUier inforrrta li n frmi . , ! - 3H. CliO. L Y. Deo 23. . -. 118-if. special notice. . . having business with Gold." borqf Female iWi' and r lating la tlm. inntrUetWnal de A Lt- partment, will ap--V to VVVS. . Andrews for s t tit ntent (or things properly belonting to tnoca t, JV K. Lane for provisions - - ' ' SITU ES H, BR FNT. ' Jan. 2d,lS55. , Journal 3t. - ; - I2tl-3t& FOUR BBLS.TRESH BDCKWUEAT. J IJ.-T lo st xeand for safe by - , Dee. 30. . - , " QUINCE 4-COWAN. NEWr BOORS! ;NEWt BOORS !! THE Arch Bishop, hf tlrvida N. B.Jish ' : " The Lileof P.T. Barnirm, by HiiMseli't. , Southward. Hot by W. Giirnorv bWiiiiis; Afrj, or Life apd Love in Norway, by W. Joy Morris ' -. , , The Newsbfjy ; Eventide, by i-iBn Attott; Hearts Easr, by atrtltor ) Heir 6 Bcdiffej" - Th ti Norfii Starts In 1776 t arauihust , , Th Pride f Life, by Lady -Scott; ' The Lamp I.ithter; '. . , The Know Nothing j .1 " Tl Plurality of World- : - . . .V Capt. Casiet.ur 2i) vearsof an African Slaver; - The Youth of i adatue D Longnille ; Pariidt and other Per.ciiOr gSf by Kit watdt , Our Honeymoon fiom Pnnch 5 -.?-,. Uar"er .Story Riroka-, by Jacob Abbott ; - -. Appietans Library fos Huyand Girls, by SI. J. Hclntoth;,; . , -; ...... . .... .-' "." , W,o4 Noie. by TeneUa ? '' ' ' - - . ' The Lofty nod the Lowiy.hy M.J. Mcintosh j loafer Yeats. b-v author of Owl Cretjk LeHers; . The Hartn S-opeiiy f)fgr j M ill "Stones tn ons IS.e jvuu ,JJ fVood f . . The Cabin Ut ; . Strg;Je for Life, e., Va For sale at ' Jan.2. ' J.T.MCNDS'. MACHINERY OIL ' . 4 1 f BBLS. llachinery Oil just recefyed". nd for 1 W Bale, by . - J. dJ. L. HATHAWAY A l.O. Jan. i. 12d. . NOTICE " . WiLsisroToir. December 30th. 1S3. 4 ON the firal Monday in Febrnacv next, at the Court House, in "Elizabeihtown, I Uoil re out lot one j-ear. all the Slaves bclnniring t the Estate of the late Qcnr James I. MITav. The usual bonds und security will bit required. -- -JAMES ROBE (SON ' - - A dini rostra tor with the W illannexed. . , Jatt2d, ly5. '--'-,- ,5 -130-IS. ' BUTTER AND CHEESEtifc C KK sS prim GoehoA Batter SO boxes prime J Gosheit Chees. Landing and for sale W Jan. 4.. N OTeopy. , ZENO H.GRJvENE. SOAP, TANDLES, STARCH. &c, ftf BOXES No. 1 and PaleJ?oapff doi A leJoao fltl do. Ada JJ munt ids and Sperm Candles ; 10 do.-No. 1 Starch. Landing and for sale by - ; v Jan. 4, N C T copy. , ZENO H. GREEN R COAL. 0T HHDS..wfo rr.ve per Steam hip KortfcJ Dec 30. 6EO. HARR1SS. , RUTn HALL. BY Fanny Fern. Jast published. Receiyed nd for sale at 3. W WHITAKER'S. Dec. 30. t 119. IT TLr plv to iDee li NORTH lAliOi.LNA KAIL RQAP- - VIS ana aJ.ter...woosr mmrj isi. tors, ine im ) ?!.ilinaJtai-rud iH be pen d for the trans- part a kiurrol Pawenffers a r h- ti t n-vw uoiapooro' td'niniisnt's, C niiies in of R. f ten." PaSi h r twiteaefcUH!jrtoi'4JaUT, 3KW A. ai. . vel a ciah " , 60 , " arives at Duth-im's" 7.48 ' i.-a.K.TUti.NG . ' . . ' Trfen2rttlnVe IHnrat.'j ttif, 3tOO F. M. frormwiiajrvUh tne tThntd States Mail tHiinon 4B'VilmiownnhUUkfgh ttajlroodat KaH-ilrTijJ . . . 1 f i If.il l : .jrc and OfrS. liHl" t I'unn i uui line ui iou four ye i h.re bos.1 Coat he? at UntliuD s. rimnliig litTiiy J'MiilbTo!,-GrhaiH. Gj nt-bvto Jhto stuara.'ar - . I leiri and Lexini'on to Salin'y. from vhtr h point "fi. rhatJott iU4N'"rih Uuiolina Railroad Company areTirnnne a tafTin. - 7 hjyi2h Kretht'Bnjn leaves tloittehoo' sve-J iy THttCitJay, for Ourhutii's, retnrnins; every Krl ta jr. '"! ? -' " : , ' ' 's t .A way'Frdiaht rrotif -villi rn eery 1 aefdiv tr4ai'iidr0tir'-lm SwrHintsi i i! jttirrf same fda'vv and iH uutSe ext.r trip wlien nesi-arv. ,,., 5 VALTKR OVVrXN, . CJi'ef F-nKihtc, N, CVUfit C.i Jtn 2nd. IS s5 er-tf. NoritE. t rF.lE TF lF.R, a Fr. isM.t'&r will ,be afiached i 1 1 t lUe't AqerittttloMlitfion i"a iter- rvuln. in V hi. -It fit irtxt will lefrB.-u4r!et ditlly.W atad lroiB GiCdxJio'. and i irtwrintij in Ul Siatious. An o diinai i luirue of 2ft per v;-ni otOhe Jt uine rjtes he itt iicil. FreialuTr thiT'riin mgtt bo the Vtare lloiifl hv J-oiM-6. and' marked ' by eifmadutiB Tritin M. TOoS. 1 J. h ' - " " Traiii-pnitaiion .Agen. Dec. . 4 " ..15. I 3 4 jr"3 05jp2TSkJs -OlOpc '" S Uatetsn It. li. ll'Orpa' j N n alter JSaMirlav l&di ins'., ihe - n:fio- r daf rnr.iinw-i!t Cj ave ai 2. instead rtj 3 I, .tl , and avrfie .at Wlimi!!to1t 9 A; 51 y iu-tcan 7j , oVIoeh., . . , , " " , 'I'Iip at jrnint - na-'s.-ng r "train -wi.! leave at -jG o'clock, 'is herenf 'fe. f tr v J J . VVALT.ACF. Ticket Aent. 'Dcct.11. - - ' 113. . trm e'or Xr--vfrtt i t y & it , a?5a3 iT4 'V-vS fr5tvrt. yrrt -V t t- t t; N am! alter ta I4:n. insl ail downararj frel;ijt T.II f.ANR. - A Sunt Tmn-'port.-iliMn. '. ' '. . .11. Dee. 12. - OFFlt E WIU tif R ILEIGR R. R. COU 5 , " WlltlJNGTQ.N', 4hv 5iI,1S54. ' HEilKAFTF.R Tickets to (iiMii.f the Bond of trrlU-Mipu,nv wil, n no cuse, be sold to f nko;. . - - " Own-rs titttst pi'ly In pe.taon ;mA pttrrhase ior Jhera.hand ,tte Tluket Ht the-Cop lticturrTiBdfJoiiit out to'hhu the negro far wh'ojn it was bought. Hv order. " S. D. WALLAC1C A-efjt. , nip- e... - - . - . j. .. at ' - . . 2-rf. TKRUVriN GUANO. 200 BAO- l-.2t. iHfly -dawuiatd. - J. R. 'Pl'rjf ft' ' BLO-S.ttM Al'BUttN STILL FOR fiALE. . , THK Pl.-Mttaflon -of-tfie subscriber. - 'near Ralclahj nnf on tlie t Jcntml IU',11 S3 - Ttoall. is not Vet dltntsed"of. A do. cria . IL tton nas taireaay n jrtvm Dut aoonewiiiot cufsc matte im-riant a purelvtse vvitiioat visiting the premises. -( ' .. . - Apiilyto Wm.'IC PooLBKsq. who.Mvs near the place, or to the subset fLcr. , " T -"' . - . T. LOttlNG. . Wilthlajrion.y. C lan.Sf, 185L ' - '; -.: ITY I10TEf:: THIS Tlotcrwas roccntly been enlarge llt. andrJU:ed will, all the modern. Wonrove- iiUnienUi. and i fttw ouen for the" reception oi peTtpaitent end transient boarder, and vjsttors. J M cals ecrv'e. at ll liaiirs. H'Ik-4. in. their -apart-. jweritgwith'nif extra" chaste "or. in ine private eintng rppnts or mi the alta in.m?e. " iv.t n tgar taehedi be. Hotel. v Tins'- ll "Jek being Water wuhin three" inin Hies walk -nf the llitrlera, lltultn River and New HaverwDepn's. 3ojHcnrrs io the t;fty will find -It no their advantage lo give the t liy Hotel a all, as the propi tt4or tol-cilj; a share f the public patron;irre - GEORGE SY. Tit HP PL.T'fs If for New. fork, July, 29, 1354, - 57 6ov?. FOR RENT. Tj? Tdestrafile Jwellinsf situated -OH Fronl Stret. In lween Muibury ami Wai mi't, next north of the residence of Mr. R. Brwwn. f or terms, npptv t. KAilN 4tv MARTIN . '1 f Oct. TO Jt RET. Fine IC.OOM newly fitted up, on See- street. Apply to RANKIN & MARTIN Sept. 29. J FOR RENT, - TH-AT.large, comfortable,. trtxl commodi eh4. ous DWELLING HOUSE, Mtuated on lhr corner of lied (ross-'ond Third streets, and lately" occupied - by the subscriber; with all tke etM( houses in perfect order. For pai ticuiirs. apply, -in my nbjwncc, to N. N. Nixorr, Erq..orto M Crotily; Auction er. m- - -: i ll.R. NJXON Oct. 19 ' . - Vt-tf. ' RICE LAND FOR SiLE. i1Cf OR more acres of "prime Rice Land lying: JJ 8 i rules above Wilmittgion on. lite Cape Fear River, and adjoining the lunds of T. B.,. Ra-J .Kes, a nit .n. Bryan., i Here is a goon u pitmn -Net lenient of 7n acre, with' a one story dwellmg with foiM toonsnehd other imrveinonts. ; Terms laade.eay, or I wonUi exehansje for rent estate in thoTown of Wilnungion FrtrUvr discrtptjixrof he land ,is urneary h itvs wi.-hing to purchase f iU examine fir tntDse!es. f ," - ; . THOSSMITrt July 11. , t , . PORK. tjflV BBLS: city Mees.Prim Mess, clear, romp tJK H t ard pi hue. For sale low. by - Dec 30. ; , . .'GEO, HARRISg. - fownSG BY STEAMER CAIHOUN. .ORDEUsfortowlngby STEAM F-R ' C ALHOCN; will have atteBiionJf left ft ih office of ,. ... Ntf. 16." 405. TOWAGE! TOWAGE ! 4 m. STEAMER Sam Bcary.A M Goth 1 Tie, master; Steamer Calhoun, Jot Springs, master, are ready at all times for business- Ordeta for Towage will hare- orompt altentioo if left at ofliee oJ.Agent. - - -. . ; ' GEOHARRfS. "June 11 . : -"-. r, -38-tf. NO EXCEPTIONS TO TH E GENERAL A LL Bills eoniraerv. .previous io aiOBiroi B jlL.nar. I855;are due. Please sail, and save a, fhe trouble of pretmig Jfottriiis. JsntTi i - - M?k MYERS NEW- CR0RjlX0LASSESv-a HHDS. prime new crop' Cardenas MoUs 40t sea, now landing ftora Brig Si ..'P.:-Brawn? from CartJenast . For sale by , - : -- : , .Jan. -J. ; HATHA tYAt ACff. . -4 m AUIY 1st. " IT Jl " V LL BiUe cttntraeiej at my Store previous to this date, are now ready Jt srtilemsnt,- and mn$ oEi ftm wRIl- presented., Jan.- 4. C. MYERS. v, LIQUORS ! LIQUORS!! " ArnrJLS. Rectified "Whiskey; lQdo. RoeGin 0 I IQ S: Brandy ; 10 do. N. . E. Rnm. Now landing, and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE.. Jan, 4 - H O T sopy.. f-t . UJ. . F- ADAMS CtVSsGmiA XtJBTlIERX AND SOUTnE RKEP.R ESS! VA!VftY PAUKAttK-S f e-ry deseripiion l vy PetfVsbur-j, Riehmonil, l-'ri riciishurg. Wash EXPRESS CJJID.- j jfe. -- 1'HF, PflWfe arc wspc&tfnHy rnf.Kmed trait Th i dat'ns F.x prw Cdtnpan y haVe" esfibUshed Offn es-in Co'unrbia od .'"anf.len. Sjth Caraijns, anVaSk trt rtared lo forward every drsel-iotion of fneka?i n iWe "trfio of iSort ot fceOili li-J linn, via muse orucv. I Oct, si.: - - - 9j-tr.. EXTENSION OF TIIE EXPRESS. TUlKADAS.EXPilKS COMPJrNT s-ike L i nlasare in infoiu.Tn" Ueir. pofrons. and the Lmifjjic, that they have extend"ed their Hue the ??ajirvtule Kali K"a, and rc uuj lurwaiajnj pood aJ Vahtab'es tu fetation atvmg toe line ot lhal roaifarid tbeinKtior ol ATirgfU. . . TREE READING ROOM J-rnri jhecjvenit;firr-.rthe p'abtic re Mjll i V iteep files ofa fewtf llu? principal Xewspjiftet, L ' 'ADAMS 4 C I'rf.' ! -Frant, nea Mortet srr Ma v. 18 r t7-tf WLVf ER ARRaN(;E1ENT. MRS. E. A. Ft'KD, would iriform bet rrienos r.nrr mo puoiie, hkii tie. t-wummp ltruse is o.w wut n lor the wtntr -vFain- l'ren wisiiina hoard, can Itt accoRUtt' datcd. with Wgf and "tittafant fn'ms.-n,ii nst'nabie terms; a Lh-w t-tnshj 1ni.iii)s j.r eefitli man and lransPfnt e.'u.panv "Also, biad without lodging. - , .Nov. 25.' , .'iCC-Ki , notice,?:"" "7' r- . . F fER the firt.1- djy of Jnhnnry next, air pm- i i nasvs maos at oiifrtre, moft te pant torn d.Hvery, ejteept pceial contract to Urge -aVa- Til above will pt; strietlr addrred -to. " ' ' - EI.LIS & MITCH1LL. ,"aiiingtati, IJfC.Sb; v1fe - 116-lut., I iie0RERS0FFICE. V - i .ST'iO.VG memorial having hen handed lo the f Cominissiont rs of itti.irgicn i entry Into fT-ei the Liw for rcjruiiMirg the sfave' lal orfn and abo"iit soirl tnvn ihe'5-ulM ojber. w ilf op n an oflW Snnth of Dor street on ,thr wh irf. Corner of MMterjj' Alley and Water stcel.'.aod -be ready nn !t liintttify Itfri. to fnUe e.t irgA. nf and hire mit' daily. or oihT ij ;fl wich pea roes," male and fitfiialo. whie owhits in fon or" otintry may fUenVc ( cnfi'e to irtV man it inrnl all such hu-. sutcts.. it woijid to dcsiraKIi; to Kctt e; weekly a n4 mosrhfy. THOS' F. GAUSE.' ' .W ilHiinto-nN. Oz; De.'rist.-i654.. - H6 If. ' 7' ' DENTAL PirACTICE. : ' , " VVft.tttfend to tup Srery of tfco TeellraBd Hfouth friiuv lioVl.H-k A.' M..4IOH1 5 p. 31. . . For a gold-vtoprpii.g, S3; bur it targe or dialetM'. frrnn to VS. Ati4 tfcc Cli -ining ceh, from So 'to $ti Si pjr;ipj? a lupih. $1 Fxirsctlrg at tootl, ")oii jjl lo oO CLtiU ; a Pivot loiih,froiu S'O to a ' : JSPFvtiivt,.- ,tVjUiin-tdn, fiow. 23th, 1654? , U7,ui'C. Tf7T 'PORK AND MCQ : r( RB'.-"-e Pork; 5 hh ia, WestcYn Shre i. I V I For sale hv " '' " ' -Tjt. 2S. 4'l-rrTKWAY & PR1TCBETT.,,- OYSTERS ! ptSTf?ES ! f ' RFCElVF.Ii. aAILV-F.R(i?.T XQRFObK iRlVAlK Fjiti-ilif can !e niii(iHcd by'jho gaj . tort or qnart $t ,S p"r gaU(aaf jhe agency, nVst dcor to Dr. Fvrwnf4n,"t)fri e. JAs K. KEYNES. Aarnf,, Cet.26. - 03-W L HENRY BUKKHIMER i- wuni rst is ,9r m w tit ' ' TOhA C GU, ; S A VFF AND QIG ArA .S-T.-O H E. r t-v " 4 SltiV OF 1 UtLlMJlAN CHIUV MARKET STKEKT,- e dooraoVe Why ? "IVfUaljilioit. 'TJ. --4.-.V B.' Aft Order fUlrU wili Sipttfk. P Oej Sft:lv y354i - ' - ' . S3 tar.w.f. - ' f LARD. .- TStlRsg JIAElMi-lr. F! GJ A; Rvsssn. U would beg Jeov'e (o anncunee t thm, Ldjes ot ilniin;ton,tUat she las lociitid at the cornfcr of Oocliand Front stieer,(it Mi. E"A. Firrd'a Hoard- trg lloue, ) lor th b-ive pirrpesetg llielaie-t lat,h ioui and Tesneejfully soticiis u ttitirat of. our- pat ronage ;" feeling confident tliat 6ui can please. Wilniingl ;i4"Dccf,l5th, 1854. 115-iut p. E. R. DtfRKEE V 139 lVVTnn HTniCF.T.NEW-Y'OnK. . Manufacturer and -PVoirietur f f t ( B KtV S' I JU S T OB B UlC Jlf DEB ; . . Importer and. Dvak-r.ia - . ' CUE AM" TARTAR, - - , , - snp.gAitR, SODA," ' SAL SODA. . -'.- ":' ' CAST U.K. yOAP, - . ULAfK LEAD. " - f - KR1TI s it LUTRR, : - - SALERATUS; MATCHES WAX awd VV'OOD. Der. 23rd." 185 1 v . -117-ly-e. - - OWNEIt WANTED FPR 28- Grindstones, marked diamond -ceived per Scbr AlbafruTa NVw Vuft. Dec. 28. - - GEO. HARRIS'S BACON. or sale by J.II. 15 hhds., ft FLANNER, . 118. Dec. 23- FEATHERS, DRIED APPLES AND ' -. NEW ORLEANS S1B.UP. - " ' drf LBS. hrime Geese Feathir; 100 bosh VJK A els' Dried-Apples: 20 bbls. best Family Syrup. .For sale by-. . Dee.ft. j- - 'T.CA B. G. WORTH. THOS. R C A RR, M. D. D. 0. S. PRACTICAL DKNTlSTfor the last lenyeats, Oharges!lr u 1 ".. . . , 19 or less artifjciol teeth on fin gold plaieV ..each. - :-. -.' . ' ' . XOft An entire se of fee4h.on fine gold, p'a'C, 10 fift Dittd . on gold wi th si tificiat gums, liS J 00 D'HtO .en l'latira ptate. with artifi. u ciu! gtnrisf . . ,. 13C C'O Uppct osunder dltio, rsch, '' . 75-00 A-Pivot tooth thatfanpot be ilistingui.-h-- ' .ed frost the najrnl, .''.- " 5 00 A Jine gold hi I In a. trarravttd-fiermaeni. f, 2 00 . Do. ? sod destroying t he-ntrrye. : ' 3 to Kxtca-yiag a tKh. , - v 50 et. to 1 "OC Bc denuTrlea and tooth orhcsplw ays onliand Every operation varraBfdtt nr' aettxae ti!aw Teeth insened lmrnrfiatr.ater. ttomvxtrae- tton of the fangs and re. n .deled fter the . gunn nave snrunKen wt'hout adcntionuj-cnarge- OffieeTon-Marttet-st , 2 doors -behiw tUeChHrelt . WtliiBgTjn,NC.;AprM-22j .- .- J W-tt 7n r7iiirsh7 artist - ; BEGS to inform Jhe public lhal as, bis stay in this place wfTfbe limited". t.hosedesiiousf Bar ing Miniatures t&kea in every s tyle oi thn art, had best coiiiniunieote with him Won at -'the Carqiioa HoreL w ber he ha rooms for the present. -. In order that the Ladies and the public gerrcraUyJ nay nave at. opportunity, or inspecting pee .n ens Of his work, he ha left a few at the store oT Mes srs. Brown & Anderson, Marker street. t" Dec.!?. - . - -112-tf. . - -B1ESS PORE: W "V Of BBLS. Mess Pefkjsi rceiyL and for sal SUbf J. A.L.HAT04W4Y A.CO. : Jan. F t I8$pe haV Diaries-. Daily Journals, Dnily'J Httnorandams and Amount Book -ia. theM greatest variety.- ' w,H 1XA CHE.il liORSU AND COW FEED WE have ia stony a saperior article of Corn Sad Cobs, at B'?eper bushel , ' Ocj- 10. PETTKVV A V & ; PIMTCHTBTT. IRON BEDSTEADS TOLDIND proof against canker knives, and AVyerntia.for sale by. " ' " ' " : . ' - tYILK-IINSU S r-.3L.e-rt, f AptJlS. - ' Tpholslerera.4 PAPER HANGINGS VI ' rTvand, and j ut op hy ' - W . . WILKINSON &FJSI.EIt JaaeT7. i ?apet hapgers- fntf ton t Tit y, P.nso.6ui hj Norfohtr Uahlmore, dx., intharrc mf-SpteUH MtHSWtgtr:'.- f - -. js J.OIi.N-L.OAVi'-VEIX, Ageni, . OfJSce en Frool, near alaiket sf. HADEM0ISELLE HA DURAIND, COUTOItlRRK OK f A flS. li AYLNaxtMHOvedht-r Fawry- Dree Alwking Es 11 tablihtTicnt to terend stret,-ni from ths 4 north west cort-ey. in the huttse formcily oecuel d hy Mrs. Tit AC Y, Dress Maker, aptioj-ite the Care litta Hotel, where she will he happy to s her Oua toiDra,and aU Ladica wh ma bo nor her with a call. . ; . , - ' ; Her long experience here and in Philadelphia, and' her great success io.h ITT1AG, (in which she can not be surpassed.) enable her tonfidently lo guaran tee ia eery rnstahca-to give entire satisfaction. - -Vilo-iBglon. N. C., Oct. 28th, 1S64. S4-3bk NCVVELt'8 PATENT ' SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. ANEVV ARTICLE, warranted to. prevent all Accidents from the use u( Hunting fluid, Camphcne, and other JyifUomic Compounds, lined tor tUe production 'of Lisrht. Tlh Invrn:ion is applied to all eomrnon . Lamps ami Lamp Feeders, also, to aoiar, cantpnen l-aiiip", uauterns, ic. ALSO, Burning Fluid, tlamphene, Uobin Oil. For-sdle by C. & D DttPRF, Druggi:s, Market S t reel r Wilmington, N.C - ... . , ... ' The following Ct.-rt:flcaics are m sufficient gnnr anty Wf the entire safety and efficiency of the -Salil Ijmpond Feeder t V.... CERTIFICATES. Pbopcseob liENJams Sillima-: Dtmr Sir.-- i l.lafce, llitt li'wty of asking )ou Ifany circum 'i.tncHa.' occuiteu, lenuing any aen tw ot 'i.1ni.h rlie full eonii.lenee you have felt in 'he pri?tec.toh aii'jrdcd bv" Newell' Patent .Sufcly Laiopt. . . . . . .;.,..'. .Wtlt hTahj-espcct, truly yours."' " "' . , A. A. rT!y8. , . Borrow. Nov. 21. 18 3 JTerTJa-Af rtys t Hear Sir.-n reply to- -us inqwio contained in vuiir ot .if this date, J r . . - ...... . . T - ii.. ..... - r . m T. ioip.'.'nf at acontudCrHblv" exfended cpetinee in ny fauiily, "hat I ally jaiMift'd the favorable opinion v, hich J expressed tf it about a year ago. 1'iUil this .prolection, . was pr'fs'tiit)4l, 1 never pet united i.e so-called mtrning fluid to be tlM'd In m itmse. jVoW it. ieonKtantly employed by iIk domestics, and i has-been nectisiibn i lly "burned- in the .'a! It r a nit siadjr 'IW bon-e being iiliWd by as. there i Ijttleeenian fc.r itsgenral ti li ilir fatniU JbBiyM pie prof eclion named abate, 1 shmtl t.hai'no-jjeiitaijiin fo-use it wlte.yver thetc i itc4jasin fr nrtjrrrial light, and J do, v. ith en- tire ''HnuOiT.. ommejui it- to my 4ntni sou T others hc nu'i mc on the subject l ays protenttpT, ,lwtf''i, against the tinstuariW n t whlelt hi produce! sottiany distrest-ing atidf.nul remits. ' V--t? y - V ' Jr - : ,4 1 "icmain, dear s"f -very respeftfuPy Snd-.traly yom - .,- . B SiLtrMAx, Senior. t Wjlmikbtoh. ,. t.'..JHn'? l;-tlt854. . I hcTfyeHtfy t h;t witneusedTh cxpriMierrH-f of M. Ncweit, wttli patent i?iifr-iy .Lamp. lor .i'rriiihinjr 'fluid? arid am pcth-ctly sutitfied . ol U.e salVl'y of Hve sutuc. . -'-, . , - ; ' - " ,-Sr. II. DtcCsotv,- : . ...Ivrsi.Tr,nt of .Inn X. C.'.'.tedival.ftof-icty. Thlis f.xtnify l"hat t haveusid NcweHVPat- enl SaftJy'l.anH s. for more lhan, twelve tnonths.l art tUey liave siVen -pitlect sat if lion -June 2d, lfc34 ' " rJSo. R. FsEKch. ftaving Ynin hasid thtr riW for the S ate of N: (', . fnnr the lfat(in"ee4 ve are prepared tor'li.l all Order at bbri notU-e, for every dJi-cripUon and vatiety H' f.i.mng. de. ' . - " .. .All FCTsong'are CJlitredgiTirlst infringing up on the above pate-m.-as the fa w will be rigidiy en forcctlnginst all oil'tiutiirs. ..T . - , , CrOoPRR, 4 " D DcPRF.Jr. 4 . . C A.u.picicrvsox. Junc?Tnd, 1851-.? : - 42 ly-e. AME UICAN AliTlSTV UNION J 'T'HK AM ERIK AN A RT1STS I'NION, would L' i, fully ttnnout.ee to thct-irisers f jho. U. tJfMes'wcd he Otinadi.sKtbai lT jUqe p frrpus of cnl Itvrtfinir a wttt. for the'fine ar lUtotijhotit- tle 4-Himtry. add v.1ih a view of enabling every faiiiWy to AectitiKi b..'is,t'd of Ti gnlVry'ff . Ensrovinfis,- BY TUH FirmVRTlSTS OP Tim AGEA They have dei mtntd, tn rder lo create an exu-n-Sie ta'i for tfieir; Etf;ravings, tind thus riot ,nly jtive e.tipliVHient to a lar! ntmincr -f artift and 1'iliofi. but Inspire anxiiu juvr c- tmtryrnen t ste for works of s.rt, to , present to 'ihe pu-cl a?er of ihiirT.rnTfBffB. wli i 280.tlD of Vhich ar arid. '230s000 G!fit;f ttearttial tva of SH50.00o"s! l-.ach parcnasia oJ S"Une uollat f.ngra vtngnre- ftre. receives col only n Enrrrat isa t ieWy worth I the money ,'rtnt oloi tiekct which, entitka him to J r ,-.r .1... k. -v .n,, . 1 r or rive iona... m iituiy u keaut'fuliy PAliVTED 'in Oil, JACKETS, will be Sent ; or Fiv vtiieodjif Engr vings cti be?s-le For Five Dollar., a hlthly finished ngraving, i ant! -ieiy iv ut f i i ve DoIWrs worth of selected from 1h Cat- a-kigtte. an sent by return jhbH orexpres " -A:cpyf-theCtaieptie, togeih-r whh-a epeel. men tt one of rho Engraytng, can "be sot n a. he Tiffics sf this pter. - ' ' Vf each Oollnr Sent, en EnerttrinsroHaaHn mirth thai sum aod'a,7t Tkkd, viit iittmedltUly btfor-.i vtfrtled. - - - " " J -p. . - 1 Afif.NTs . -, TheCOmmUtf beljtvlDg that the , access of this Tinr-a-s Natuku ' tTtrniiBTAKiKfi wjll fe BKiteriallj proiiiHled by toe (mtrgjr and enterprise of lnt4-;igeni and pcrserying Agents h-ave'ri solved to treat' with such an t-he n"i: liberal Urm. " T - Apv-pfrson wish'ng" lo income Agpflf,bc Semfin (rrsl paid-.) SI, will receive by vTJtirn.jf fltnil a One Dollar Engraving, a "GIFT TICKET' a Pnupcelup, a Catalogue jnd aft other -necessary InforSimtion.- i-"! -. ' . " - .tn'ih. final cumidetiorr of ihe.ale. the Gifts Willi Lbephtcul in the hands r a Committee oi ane pui t:heer tebe dietoltuu-d. doe tiolice ofulihh will le uiven throughout th United Statcsana t;ie tan a'das. " ' ' ' ' - .it r.t.tr op ' gifts. tOR Marble- busts of Washington, at tH!0 100 Maru'.e ousts CJ.tv, ....... ' 10U VO.00ft 10.0W) 10,f00 40.C00 f,m W. -bsfer lliO- ririrt ,: t. r?itlbi,m . .. . 100 ,50 sk-jpni Oil Painting", in spUn- did gi't frames, sue 3x4 feci - 400 c.rwo roeii. lOOelegant Oil PainUngs, 2tj3 feet each, . " a. 600 steel- plate Engravings bril- ( liamly colored in oil, rich gilt frames 24x30 Inches each. - to 6,000 10 5,000 40,000 t-lcgant stetl plate Khgrav - -. .... I i - ,U- 40JJOO H asiungton Monument, ivx'ib t lmheseachV - . . J 737,0t)0 ajeel plate engravings, frotit ii)0 niilerent plates r.ow-i .in io session of and owned by ! ' ,"4J ,000 -'tho. Artists' -Union, at . the f'- ,J'. ... market aae'of ftom 0 cirT 'fol itBh. ,ln 3Istst, j 2,000 Oand 101 st J ' ' 1 firat-ciiMs dwelling, Y.Ci y. . 22RuiiditT'f.nisiit400and 101 st J ets.N. Y. City, sach. 25100 VIJO 22.00X1 feet drep, at . . - ., 10Q Villa. Mps. containing each 1 , m.lJOO sqti-fet .i the-eu- j 7- ' 'K . burtie ol.Aew ) ork Cltv. and t, -i' commanding' a" ,mnguifieenl j view of the -Hudson UIX I - and Long Island Sound, at - J 60 . 6aooo 20 perpetual loans of cifh, with out. interest, 'or secuii!y of " 6,0.0 50- "s. " ' 100 " ... . . S 6,000 IPO ' M Bl," - 5.00O 259 ' '- " - 20 " " '--. .tB i.ooo-!' :, ; 10,004 , Reference in regerd Jo the Real Estate. 7, 1. Via sx her oi Ctm R.l Eittate, Brokers, 'etS .yeilt -Ordera, (postpaid.) with money ear Insed, f be aV drcsaed. - , . J. Vf. HOLBROOKlvr, . Secretary." 505 Broadway, N Y. jrTh Tvrrgravings in the' Caialogu are Brw cadv for dV-lt very. ' ', ' . . . Oc:t.2?rtf,'lS5i. 4 .;- v . 9S-om-e. i 'COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, t Leeated 12T Ult)more-st., IlalUatore, M4. I (H LS lntinntm presents superior facilities to L'yaung men desirous o( ebtainieg a practical husoiMiAs enoeaflon. . " Th oonrse of Sradfy- embraee Doable VLn try, A Book.Kecping a practically appttea to trie man agement of Mercniiip. B mk, Manufacturing and Steam Boar iiooHiSi Business. Penmanship and; aakd Mercanilte Computations ; familiar Lecture on Commercial Law ; upon the .abject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Centracis. Pa riser - hip., Ac. . ... . . .' "J'be arranrgomeois are each tbat applicants eaa enter CoHegaiany time and avail theewelvra f tbe-advaatages of the entire course of study, each Hatadent beidgaeparafcly taught. - - t Thaetadertf. have access to a Coramef ctal Li brary procured expressly for their accommodation. Three is aUo attached to fh College a Reading Room, where. may be found all the leading Daily Papers from varjons parts of ths TJsiorv. - - . Usaar leosli of Hat to complete -ih who! Leoorse from eight to tew weeks. ' . " : - ... -rutuffs tor toe tt coarse 9iv. ' - ,. i, For jKuticulara write and recciy a tht olaf. by mail. l' ' - z '-: ." ' - - . - Aagast 3d, 1354 ' BlyV l 'ifin EBL9..m fin order. Forsateby 4 XDei3 113.' THOMAS SMITH & CO. DEALERS IN CORN. MEAL. HOoV. PEAS and OATS, and CO W and HORSE FEED, HcaHt Wharf, Xorlh. WaUr iXtot, . WILMINGTON'. X. f. THOMAS P.MITH. D.'Dfr,Ht, JB. Ouv Stettin ntlst" Mill n)r isdccessfiil opera tion.. We will have it in oir power to delrvrrih aboveatticles at short notlcs.- Ws hays 23 rvrc i power engine and shall run two pair of four not stones. .- tlrdurs can he addressed lo C. DuPie A Co., or to the sabscriber... . ... A. 4 LSCotn gronina on TOLL. " THOMAS SMITH CO. .'April 29. li-t'. ' ALUM SALT. Q OHf . SACKS, 2 Liifchels each, now landing O.UVJU and for sale. y - APAM-S, BKO. A. AYEIi'S PILLS. 70S AXX TEE YXT2P08EI 071 FAMILY PHYSIC. Tnaaa has' long existed a public demand for an 4 effective pnrgativ pill which could be relied on aa sore aad perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet thai demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with . what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. ' It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to malt the best of all pills ene which should have none of th objections, but all the advantages, of every ther. This has been attempted here, and , . with whs success ws would respectfully submit to . .' the public decision. It has been unfortunate for -the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to th bow Is. This is not. Many of them produce s much -griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from (them. These pill produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obatruc viaw or derangement in the bowels. Being purely .vegetable, no harm can arise from their nse in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their nse in the several diseases to which they are p nhcabla ar aittea an the box. Among the com plaints which hare been speedily cured by them, w may mention Liver Complaint, in ita various form of Jaundice. Indimstien. Lanartior and Loss of Ap fetit, Listlessneas, Irritability, Bilious Headache, . lilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins :. for; ia truth, all the are but the eon- aeqnenee of diseased action in the liver, .As an,- aperient, they afford prompt and sure rebel in Cos l tivencos, Piles, Colic, Dysentery. Humor, Bcrof-ula-end Scurvy, Colds.. with soreness af the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short say v aad every ease where a purgative is required. ' The nave also produced some, singularly sue cessfui sores ia Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Fains in th . Back, Stomach, and Sid. Tby should he freely taken in the spring of the year; to purify the blood - and prepare lite system fos the change of seasons. An occasional dps ' stimulates Ihe stomach and - Dowels into healthy action, and restores th anpe tit aad vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their :; stimulant setion oa the circulatory system, rcno- rate the strength of -the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies bf the whole orgnnwai, . Hens an occasional dose is advantarreout, even though no serious derangement -crisis; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, . as every purgative medicine reddecs the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand easesin whioh . a physic is required cannot be numerated herebut " they suggest themselves to the reason af evsry -body; and it is confidently believed tbi pill will -answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto beep available to mankind. When their .virtues' ar once known, the public wtlk no longer doubt what -remedy to employ when tu need of cathartic medicine. Being sngar-vrrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, m harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directiaus see wrapper ua ths Box. - ' " fKEPAREO BY " Practical and Analytical CUcmtst, .- . - A' LOWELL, MASS. ... Trice 15 Cents jer Box., riy Boxes for $1-. - ; AYUrr s CHERRY PECTORAL, ' Fsr tb rspl4 Care of - . corGiis. c oLnsr .oaksexess, - BR0XCIIITI9, HIIOOPIAC-rottU, I',,.. - CROUP, ASTHMA, ASI : toxsisirxio.v. . This remedy has. won for itself mch notoriety ".from its cares of every variety of pulmonsry dixease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount th evi- dence of its virtues in sny community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its ttse fames, and so-numerous the caaea of its enrcs, that ahnost every section of the country abounds in person publicly known, who have been. rent. .red from alarming arid even de per at diseases of th , lungs by ita use. When once tried its superiority , over every other medicine of its kind is too'sppar . ent to escape observatioa. and where its rirtae are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ, for the distressing and dangerous alfcc "tdons -of the pulmonary organs which are incident ta our climate. And not only in formidable at- tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties ' of Coxns, Couons, Hoaj-seness, Ac; and for . Childben it iathe.pleasantest and safest medicine that ean be obtained. As it has long been in emiRtant use thronghot-l this section, we need not do more than assure ths people ita quality is kept up to the best that it ever Vis been, and that ths genuine article ia sold by . O. A. BRADLEY", WUuiington, and by Drug gw generally : July 18th, 1651." 1 ' ' B2-1 Jt. vj- i FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET TIIB AFFLICTED RED AND PONDER! JJ-M.ut t;ian 500 persons in the elty of Richmond, . Var alone tvetify lo the retnatkabl cures per- tinned by - . CAKYER'S SPANISH MIXTURF. THE grea Spring Medicine and Purifier of the Blood ia now ased by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to the remarkable use perform ed by the greatest ef all medicines; Carter's Span ish Mixture. Neuralgia .' Rheamatism, 8crofula, Eruption On ihe Skin, I jver Ulsesse, Fevers, L'l cattsOid Sons, Aliecttons nf.ltia Kidneys, Dis easeof the Throat, Female Complaints, Paine and Aching ol the Bones and Joints, are speedily "put tortight by using this great and inestimable re me rry . V - -' " For nil diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been f.sunA lo compare with It- -It cleanes the sys, tem of all impuritie., acts gently aad effi . ntlv onvthe Livetand Kfdneyaj strengthens the DlgeS lion. gives tone to the Stsmaeh, muke the Skin clear end h ally, and restorea the Constitution, an. fee bled -by disec.se or broken do an by the Sxceaae Vif youth, to it pria-lne yigoy and strength, - - Fos the Ldi.s,it is incomparably Xet-er than a the cspe.rics ever used A few dosed ef Car lei Spanish Mixture will remove alt aatlowness Of eemplexioe, bring' the- reae mantling to the cheek, euaeiasiicity to the step; and improve the general health In a remarkable degree, beyond all the 'medicines ever heard I.'- " . A large Rumbcsof eertifiratesof retnarksble rnres parfbrined an person residing is 'h city of Rich mond, Vs . by the ase of Carter's Spanish Mixture, is the best evidence that there ia mo hnmbag abeirt It. The firess, hotel keprs. magistrsieo, physl- l ciana. and public men, well known to the eomma-t-. , . u -fr-..- .r .hi. CJbbat Blood Pcnine. " ; Call nd sec a few hnndreds of the. eerUncates around the bottle. ' ' ' " " , ' i-i..,- . None -gepuioe a nleas Signed, BENNETT dr B Prtncil'Dl&t W. wXRD;CtOSK CO , No. 83 MaMen Lane, New York . " PT. W. f V ' 'TT & -KON'Ss and JENKINS , HARTSHd VE. Philadelphia. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 T' .ia Sueet, Richmond, Ya. ' . ' ;- Andrort t v n-3C.n. LIPPITT, Ay&nfnfctfon aad by Dm every where- 'j July lh, toil, - - Olye. Oct. 26. - t-&X; -;-i..-rV ..rrr,y t.f.4wU MEDICATE D GUTTA-PEIUHA C01.L0DI.iN. ANEW and Valuable Rinodv for dte.flnj Woim Is. Cuts, li.irns, nn-l Fleers. I' bat bet n tried sucrtsatully by Pin ian , nnd li ui.d npcilor loany reuo.lv of the kind row In tin- ll lorrns, hf n applied, a Cm trie, aoi I, elastic, n ml i.npervlo.1. to wi er, nslinil..iinc most p. ft. Hy the natural Cuiiele. It m;iy ad vnnl u on v asetfTn chapped Hps, eteoii'iijons Bh.nu ibe n eR snd ear of t hildren; and lor abiai.ms I slim-t every kind, ahd a a dreeing in fui;iml oj fla ttens. '1 he proprietor feel great frnht!i nci in pirfi.nl ins the above article for ne, beh. v,0, M H ill prove fully adeq'ta'e to the atA pror-e d, an. I invnt. n. ble as a iMcdicinal fitntdy. l or nil-? by tin- 1'ro prictort, , , C.& i, DuPP.E. A LSO VI TKIJIAN RY GLTTA PI l'.l II A GL'TTA PI f COLLODION fott Saddle and HirnpssOi.il. Wounds and sorca on horsis. orielors. f ui sulc bj Hie Pro C A D. Dt-PRF., Msr20.- ' Droggtsts. W.lttilhgi.Sh. N. t "T" TUE AMERICAN'sTr I END! f IIOLl.OWAY'S IJI.l.S. 7' ths Citizens of th United Suites t-- 1 in ist humbly" and sincerely thunk you for the immense patronage which you hi, vr h. mowed uprt my Pills. - 1 tat this opportunity of stating that my Ancestors were ail American Citizens, and that I entertain fir all that conecrt.s A nietii n and i ho Americans, the most lively sympafhrs, so rum l( a that I Originally cempoandrd these Pills rx prrssly to suit your climate, habits, constlimiun!), nd manner of living, Intending lo crlnb'Ml tuv self ariidng yon, whh-h I hutro now doncby tak ing piiihisc-s In New Yoik. - THOMAS HOLi.OW.tY, . 33, Corner of Arin and Na.aau Sts., , Yotk. The Blood, lAcer unit Uilioit Cumplniuti Tit Citizens of the Union suirermoeh from dl orders of the Liver em. tomsch. The fair scs,, perhaps, the most hiihdsoinn In Ihe World, si a cer ain period, loose their teeth and grtntfirtoks whil.f ystin thu hsyd iy nf I'fi. Th.s-i etlls ma-be el lec'uaUy remedied by continually keeping the blood pure, and the Ll-ersnd Sfoniueh in it heaitl'iy tlon, when life a ill flow smoothly. 1 sny ft eflc-" ly thst Inalth and lile may be-pruhMigsd for ytiu-ff beyond tire ordinary limits, il Holluwsy s Pills are taken to purify the blood, in. accord inee with the directions w hich ocC' mpnny eaeh Box. Cure of Wetikntft f Ihlnlily of ID Vtnrt Stiniin?; Captain Jo.n Johnson, of Astor Hons, New. York, suirtred for ten years from a dersngenn nt of the Liver and Stomach, and waa so reduced in strength thst he never expected to go tu se.i an)' -ajnure, bating tried every known reined without d riving benefit. At In. I. hs had reeonrae lo Hoi laway's Pills, whiclt completely cured him, nft. r a.iag them for thrre inon he, and' he now ctjojs, the sotindtst health. Tkete celebrated Pills art vnite fully rffUaciiul id " the fallowing cnniiliuul t Ague, Asthtatu, Billons Cooiplulnls, Pfotchit on' lbs Skin, Tiowcl Complaints, Constipation of Ih Bowels, Debility. Dropsy, Erysipelas, Female lr- . regiilariiiea, FCvett ttf all kinds. Gout. Ileod-nt be, Indtcesiion, Jnnndica, Liver Cnmpl alnts, Piles, Retention f Urine, Scroiils, or Klnu's Et il. Stone end Ontvel, Secondary Symptoms, V tu f.il A H' C liuas,.Worins of all kinds,' Wvakfif ss, fiuln lial- oycrcsuso. Sold nt l"he EstablitJiment of Ptofrscor Hol fua ay. 33. Corner of Ann and Xasu Mreuls. N. York ; also by oil reprciable Dr ipy ii and IJea !ers in Medicines throughout the l'r.itd Slat. f. lit Uoves. at J7-eenu, 87 can is, and 4 1 .GO each-' To be had W holesals of the piincipul Dies llout.. In the Union, and SoM at the establishments of Prolessor Hollowny. PO Maiden Lane, New Vork, tnd by u 11 ttfp.xluL!" Urtifcists A. O. B ft AD LEY, Wilmington, N. ('. Titers Is considorablu saving by lukidg the lur fitr sizes. . N, H. Directions for the guidance of putlehir Id every disorder are aflixed to each llux. Juno 17. 40-ly-r. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEI'MA. Jauwlice. Chronic A'e eon DJtilily earn "f Hit Kidneys, and all Diii-.tgia arising from a ilisorderr'l JJcer or Stomach, titch at Constlpution.lnward Piles, Fullness ot Tlond to the Head, Acidity of the "toiiiBeh, su-es, II. nrf burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Wi lht in tlie Stomach, Sour Eructations, . I ri k i n or Flult. tin j stthcPitof the Stomach. Swimming of t fo-1 1 . ml' Hurried snd DiflKtult Kreafhing. Flunerinf s t ilic lliuirl, Ch'Vatng or S uflocutini' SennMi.na uli. nirf a lying pos'ure. Dimness of Vision, 1'ot. ot v 1 1, before thesight, Fever and Dull I'uin In the II. ml, Dbficlcncyot Perspiration, Vellowncas ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Buck, Oust, Limbs, dc. Sudden FIukIics of Heat, Hmriln In tlw Fl pIi, Constant Imaginlnysof evil, and great dcptis.ions of Spirits, can be cliectualty cuird by DR HOOFLAND'- CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, puiiPAHEnnY nn. v. m. j i kso. No. 120 Arch street. IMillailtlpl.fr.. Their powerover the above diseases is not excell' ad, if equalled, by any other preparation lit the L'ni led Ststes.it silts cures attest, in many cuscsalter kilfal physician h'td failed. These Bittcrsare worihythe attention of Invalids Possessing great vi: lues in the reel ilieatlon ol dia eascs of the Liver and leaser glands, exercising the most scarchingpowers in weakness and aflectionr of thedigsstiveorganshey are, withal, sate, cef tain and plenaont. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Mors Testimony nf the strong-est kind from Oh!at in favor of Dr. HOFFLANIV3 GERMAN HIT. TERS, prepared by Dr. C. M.JACKSON. Philn. delphia, fully proving that these bitters are u rebell ed for th cure of lArtr Complaint, Dyrjirpsiii, Jaundice, Nervous DebMty, Disease qj tit kidney t, d'C. Head the proof i K. KESSRLMKIR. Jeweler, Wooster, O., Dec. 2d, 1351, ssid t'l embrace this opportunity of in forming you of the grest benefit 1 have dcrlvrd . from the use of Dr. Hooflund's German Bi'lers. I have used them for C hills snd Fever, and Diordor' dered Stomach, snd found relief In every rase.". They are the best .remedy for disorcitred a'toioeeh, I think. In existence." P. FOLEY, Bloomfield. O., Oct. 7, 1ST.? snl.it "With feelings of gratitude 1 tsks my pen lo Inform -you of the incslcabt benefit 1 have derived from the use of Hooflmd's German Billera. I have ua ed them forth Liver Complaint, and take plcnsnre iri recommending them to th public as I lis safest and best remedy in use." , Th Editor of the Woostcr Democrat , May 6. IF63, said : "Hoofland's German Hitters. -This Invalna ble medicine Is daily jH-rforming cures of th most remarks bl character. VV do not apeak ol this medicine without a knowledge of It eft'icscr, as w hsv tried it In our family, snd find it fo be the only thing needed ia Liver Complaint er Dyspep sia." - v OGIER d CLARE'E.Canibri.lFP, O, Nov. 17, 1852. said "By those persons w ho bay used your lloofland Gertnsn Hitters, they ar considered aat invaluabl remody for Dyspepsia." CrYou snould beat in mind that these r.i tiers arc sanrtaeLV yaasrasLa, thereby 4osses.ing. sN vantages over most of the preparations recomuicnd ed for sfmilar diseases.' Forest by O. A. BRADLEY and W. II. LIP PITT, Wilmington, and by Druggists every where. July 3fh. ia54. , 60-1 y GOODS" ATMVHOLESALn. KHUN WEILER A BRO. ars now prepared to famish Merchants snd Fanner with a larye variety of Winter Goods, consisting ef Dome.iu; snd Fancy Staple Dry Goods, w blear they n af ter at anusualUw price. Oct. 5. ' , ' . '.. ' ' ".:. JUST RECEl t'Rf) 'AT" THE ORIGINAL FAMILY GROCERY 3 BBLS. Cranberries t It bl.ls tsaunfai Apples t 3 do. She.l Barks 15 do,, Mew W heal IllreHi Smith Flour; 10 d.'do. do. o rlOboxe Lem ons t 1 000 lbs. "l y Cared Kew Hams: 25 boxes extra (bees t 2j ifjt Ghen Butter; bObO largo sweet Or s ryes New Buckwheat deal Nev.2. v ,- atiEO. MYERS. riULLETS. m let received. -it MOOKE. STANLY dt CO v.r JONATHAN, ti i ...a rtOir For safe st H. V. WHITAKFR'S. I D PC. CLARIFIED Sl'CJR. CnLS .diirermt trades, for aalo l.y Dec. 2A j, FREEMAN dt UuCiTON. CALCINED TLASTLIL CBU. for sale by . Dec. 2S. FREEMAN HOUSTON. 70 20