WILMINGTON. N. O: TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1853. WATCH! FELLOW CITIZENS! WATCH! Quite a number or daring robberies hve been rcportid to us within a fortnight past. Stores and Houses have ben broken into or entered by false keys and money snd other t ticle stolen. v An attempt was made to set Are to the bone of Mr. Jives Wjn.Totth second! dwelling went of our premises, on Saturday night, by placing a bag of straw in a hole nndur the stairsteps, which was found to be on lire about 8 o'clock, P. M. These things are very apt to occur" when there are a number of strangers abont, doing various froits of transient business, or no business at all We want on incorporation to giro authority t- on efficent police. The town is large enough to be an incorporated city, and is surely able fo pay the cost, of protecting Jtsclf from I be aggres sions, or of detecting and pnuMiiiig the authors of them. " '.' " ' ,, . ' . 1 , ' : SWISS BELL KIXGEB3,, The Swiss Belt Ringers give tbclr first enter tainment this evening, at ,be Theatre. From the rery favorable notices of this Company, that me see in onr exchanges, onr citizens may expect a rich miiMcal treat, entirely free from vnlgarisms and buffoonery. WORKS RECEIVED. We Lave received Arthur's Home Magazine for February, published by T. S. Arthur & Co., Philadelphia, at $2 a year, in advance. Also, the School Fellow, a neat and interesting work for children, published by J. S. Dicekrson, 637 Broadway, New York, at one dollar a year. THE G0LDSB0RO' TRIBUNE. The Goldsboro' Tribune considers the sent'meut we lately uttered, viz : that Roman Catholic Bish ops " feel authorized to tell lies, when the Church is concerned," a very shocking one. We are ask ed to prove this assertion. We refer, - then, to their ' Probabilism a system of principles and rales of life which tolerate every thing that could be defended as probably admissible ; their excu ses for perjury and crimes of all kinds, sometimes by arbitrary perversion of language, sometimes by ambiguous expressions and perplexing inter pretations, sometimes, too, by mental reservations, according to which a man had only to think dif ferently from -what he (aid and did to be justified, in his own sight from the greatest crimes. If -. this is not being authorized to tell lies,"-we would be glad to know what is. These, and other traits of alike nature, may be fully and accurately learnt from the letters of Paschal, or the writing? of the Jesuits, Samhez, Bauny, Escobar, Saurez, and Burenbaum. ' The Editors can, if they will, find proof beyond contradiction, that " such monsters of iniquity " have dwelt on the fiice of the earth, erer' since the establishment of the Roman Catholic Hierar chy. The words " moBsters of Iniquity " are used by the Tribune as applicable to the Bishops, who' think it their duty, and always hare thought it their duty, to tell lies and use " pious frauds to promote the interests of their Church. ' We did not suppose there was one intelligent protestant that doubted this fact. : THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. , No event, wilhin the ' period of the Christian Era, has so shocked the sensibilities of the world, as the promn'gation of the recent dogma of the Roman Catholic Priesthood, and tho style and "" Test anf CTiTiitian, ""enlightened by" theSpIi of Truth, it must be contemplated with horror, and create a wonder that the earth does not reel and ftrnggle under the load of this reckless, daring . BLASPHEMY I M A a political duty to onr readers, we are not tire that, in a few weeks, we will not prepare wmo articles on this subject, and endeavor to render apparent to every honest, friend of civil ami religious liberty, that private oppression and public wrong arc the absolute consequences of the doings of this II ieiarchy, and in proportion as it influences the Councils of our country, do we proximate a state Uiat hares us without the seicise of reason iu man, and without hope for our coontry in the gracious Providence of God. In the meantime, we prescntathe following apt remarks on this subject, by a correspondent of the Baltimore Clipper, writing from Cumberland, in the State of Maryland, under date of Jannarv 15ih: . " "The news of the establishment of the new dogma of faith, the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin,' by the recent august Council at Rome, has reached our Catholic friends, and on Sabbath last quite a large crowd assembled in their Church here to pay increased honors to her qneealy majesty. A full length portrait of the ' Virgin,' I am told, was presented to the devout gaze of the faithful,' with painted glory stream ing from even- her finger ends, to whom these 'better citizens' (!) and still better Christians !! offered the most enthusiastic, or rather idolatrous devotion. " Doubtless, glowing visions of the fnf nre pros perity and glory of Catholicism, crowded upon the untamed imaginations of these stupid idol tors, as they celebrated amid the deep pea'ing tones of organ and choir, the sublime event of the Virgin's apotheosis. They aaw, undoubtedly, in their wild fanatlcbm. Protestant temples convert ed into Cathedrals, and Romish Chapel; and the millions of Protestant christians, in all lands crowding around their idolatrous khrines, earnest ly seeking admission into ' Holy Mother Church.' What tho eternal truth of the Gospel, ilh itr electric powerand aided by the snblime and al mighty energy of an ever present spirir, essayed, but coll Id not do. the more forcible energy of this new dogma of faith, in the, Catholie creed, is to carry forward :o a sublime consummation ! ! The rations, which have J this hour remained invul uefabfu to the mightiest influences of Bible truth and bJallible tradition, and have even defined the power of Romanism, and laughed provokingly at the thunders of the Vatican, are now, by the magic power of a new truth t made to capita Into, witbont a struggle, and bow as willing vas sals, and do homage to the tripled crowned ty rant at Rome 111 All fhia these blind worshipers C a dead woman are led to anticipate. by the ar dent and fanatical haranguers of a wily and cun ning priesthoc . ". - - ", . 'j . BR EACH OF PKOMISE.CASE. In the Providence (R. I.V Court of Common rleaa ou Wednesday, the case of Mary A. Clark vs. Thomas M. Brown, for a breach of promise of marriage, resulted ia a verdict for plaintiff for 5,000. The Frovtdenco Journal says that the proof of plaintiff consisted of vfcits of defendant to plaintiff, bis waiting upon her to parties, to church and other public places, calling opou her t ber place of business, presents of rings, ex change of miniatures. Ac, and finally that he was the father of ber child. The defendant denied any promise, alleging that, they boarded .in the ame family, and'tbat the attentions were ordina ry civilities, also tbat.diKfing all the time of the alleged intimacy, the plaiptjff knew that be was - rngagea to marry aootRer laffy, ana that JUiere- fore, tpe plaintiff con Id not reasonably expect that b wa about to marry hrr. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION. J CfTABLESTOH, S. C. Jan. 19. An alarm of fire was given about one o'clock this morning, which was traced to the Blacksmith shop on the South side of Chalmers, between State and Church streets, occupied by Mr. C. Thompson, and owned by Mr. James Moorehead. From this point the flames extended westward, and destroyed the in terior of the next building, leaving the walla stand ing however. ; The next building on the East to the source of the Are, was the brick building formerly occupied as a livery stable by Mr. William Hockaday, and owned by Geo. W.' Brown, Esq., which was des troyed ; as als the next building, eastwardly, adjoining the corner house on Chalmers and State streets, which was owned and occupied by Mr. M. McBridev There was no insurance , on this building, we believe. The stables on Chalmers street contained about 500, bundles of bay one-half belonging to Geo. W. King, which Is covered by insurance. The buildings were also insured, as were also the sta bles on Church street, which connected in the rear with those ou Chalmers street,. and were also des troyed. I The fire extended across Chalmers street to the North side, and reached two small wooden build ings. One of them, a small blacksmith shop, owned by Mr. Thwing, and occupied by a colored man, was pulled down ; the other, occupied by a i Irish family, and owned by Mr. Thomas Bysn. This was one was saved with partial injury. We regret to mention a severe injury, occasion ed by a fall of the wall ot the brick stables on Chalmers street. The sufferer was Mr. Allen Spen cer, formerly a fireman, but for several years con nected with the South Carolina Rail Road, and having charge of a locomotive. He was caught in a mass of falling bricks, which overwhelmed him, and bu being rescued it was found that both legs were broken -and other injuries sustained which had not been ascertained precisely when we closed our columns at 4 o'clock. All possible attentions and alleviations were afforded by trs Pettingrew, linger and Mood, who accompauied the patient and uncomplaining sufferer to his res idence in King street, but could not entertain any confident hope of his recovery. ' 'For the information of our commercial readers, we state also that the removal and derangement of the apparatus and fixtures of the: Telegraph Office, on State street, which was considered for some time in imminent danger, may prevent ope rations for a day or two. , Our firemen behaved with even more than their usual coolness and bravery, and hid there been a full supply of watery near at hand, their exer tions might have arrested the devouring elctuoct at an earlier period, . ' Jan 20,-r-We are now enabled to add a few particulars to the necessarily hurried notice we rave yesterday of the fire, which occurred at an early hour of that morning. '" . The two brick buildings, owned by G. W. Brown Esq. were covered by insurances in the Foreman's Insurance Company the one on Chalmers street being covered by a policy or svnjn, anit that on Church street by a policy of of S00OO, making an aggregate off 14,000. The blcknil:h shop and adjoining shed, owned by Mr. Jaa. Morehead. wero insured in the Com mercial Insurance OJice to the extent of $2000 The brick building adjoining these to the westt, and lately occupied by Cbs. F. Farelly, was also owned by Mr. More bead, bat was not insured. It b is been considerable damaged both by Are and water. Mr. M. Mc Bible, who was a loser to a consid . i l - ... :........ : as are also Messrs. llrornas lijan, owners rvspee lively uf the two email buildings that were des troyed on the north side of Chalmcrs-st. A two-story brick building on Law range, that belonged to theestate of Ottolengui, was occnpii d by E. C. Mowband F. J. Shaffer, qs , a Law Offices, was insured for 81,200 in the South Cur oiiim Offitc, the damages pei haps not exceeding half that aruouut. The occupants, we are pleased to learn, preset vd their books and papers. The actual loeses are estimated at an aggregate of 24 000. -, ' ' . The City Engines were busily emphyed yester day in quenching tho smouldering, ruins, and finally subduing the dct out ing element. Courvr. FIRE IN NEW YORK. S riov Gas Expiation Rescue of Females from the Flames. A largo fire ocenrred in the Bowery at N York, on Thursday night. It broke out at 11 o'clock in the rear of the clothing store of Aaron Chich ester, No. 98 Bowery, near Hearer street, and the rear of the building being of wood, the flanfe spread rapidly, on every aide, to the adjoining builvlings, and before extingni.heri, six stores, with the greater portion of their contents, were entirely deMroyed or badly damaged, iuvolving a loss of about $50 000. The firemen had not got fairly to work before a tremendous explosion occurred in Chichester store, which compktcly demolished the building. Portions of lht strnefure were blown into the middle of the atree . The firemen who were on the sidewalk narrowly escaped 'with their lives, only one maB, niimber of Engine Co. No. lo, Wing injured. "The xplotoa I. supposed to have been occasrootl by the extreme heat about ti e gamter.rj?;;i.-;?(jv;: i-.f-;. jy:- r Whea tha rUmos reached the building ocenpred l y Mr. Sarah Brewer as boarding house, the greatest" con.fui.lon prevailed among the hoarders, a number of whom were females, wboruhed ont dressed in their night clothes, and almost ravin from fright. An old lady, named Mr J Francis nelllcar, agt d 85 years, was forgotten in the hur ry, as were also her daughters, who resided in one of the back rooms of the bouse. The female who escaped at length missing the females above alluded to gave the alarm.' and three gntk-men, who dewrve honorable mention, rushed info the building, regardless of their own safety, and succeeded in rescuing the old lady, w he was lying in ber bed sick. Her daughters were also rescned. Soon after the fire broke out In Chichester's, Mr. Wm. Brooks entered the building. and seeing two children, endeavored to bring them ont Into the street. They were alarmed, however, and run under a bed, crying, " Donl take nt to the tatkB bouse." Mr. Brooka succeeded In bis en deavors and carried the children oat safely. Subscription by Southern Slaves for the Northern Poor. It appears that the slave of Mobile, touched with the suffering condition of the poor white in New York and other Northern cities. ar organii iog a geaerel subscription for theh- relief. There are bo more humane and generous people than Souther Slaves. Moreover, they are able to spare of their abundance for the supply of their less fortunate white fellow men in the Northern S'-'es, and we are glad to see them do If. In the mtdat of hominy and bacon, never knowing hun ger or cold themselves, they are yet open to the appeals,, of pity toward these .hapless creatures who have nothing to eat, drink or clothe them selves with but Uherfy. The example of the slave of Mobile is worthy of the general imitation it their fuvered clasa. , . THE AMEUAN BLiUOPS IN ROME. -. From the Rom an corresxmdeuos' of the -.Now York Crusade, we take the following: Within St. Petet's, I confess that the ceremony (of the Immaculate Conception ) was, as it would have been called in some New York daily paper, "imposing ," but without, the procession presented more the appearance of a poor masquerade than the assemblage of the rich prelates of the church. With the exception of the Italian bishops, almost all those from foreign countries were compelled to hire carriage and servants ; in few hours ' they improvised in Rouie new liveries, jockh-s dressed in the most strange arid ridiculous cos tumes; coaches bearing newly painted coats of- arrrn of some mitred barbarian, and the ghetto of the Jew was ransacked to dies up and ofler some dignified showing to the suit of His Holiness. Among the dilapidated bishops who loolced more like pilgiais than prelates, I am sorry to say were those from the Lnited States. Th'-y looked very sorrowful, in being driven in such an bumble con dition, side by aide with carriage worth several thousand of dollars; and which ruittt have remem bered to them the style of oriental luxury. Your Archbishop John, and the one of Baltimore, wire provided with a decent coach by their fellow friend and companion Gaetano Bedini, but unfor tunately, not one of the . American prelate has been made a cardinal nor Was there assigned to them any conspicuous place in the procession. R INCIDENT.' During the ceremony, beirg within St. Peter' I witnessed a curious occurrence between a papal major and a French Officer. Major Casciani. (father of that famous yonog Casciani who de nouueed to the papal police several of his politi cal friends) having ordered his soldier to kneel down, precieved that a Freucb officer was land ing. 'Cascian? commanded him genon a terre, but the foreign; officer (emattied immovable. Ibis irritated the papal eenturinn to such a pitch that ha drew his swortHn the temple of the'" G tddess of Heaven, and was going to assail the French Officer when Col. Guglielmi interfcrred in time to prevent a collision. I learned afterward that this offlcei" Is a Protestant, and when the ceremony of the Immaculate Conception was over ho a-ked the papal m.ij r with what right he ordered him to kneel before the holy water. I am comman ded by my sovereign" answere-l the papal major. 1 "Well," replied the stern Huguenot "tell your snvereig i that the French have do orders to re ceive fioin hiiu, we being his protectory grid that for myself, I kneel only to God.," . - t- FkEE SUFFRAGE. A Bill to amend the Constitution of the Stait of North Carolina. Whereas, a large number of the people are disfranchised by the freehold qualification no required of voters for members of the Senate, Sec I. Therefore be it enacted by ike General Assembly if the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of thf same, (three fifths of the whole number of the members of each house concurring,) that the second clause of the third section of the first article of the amend ed Constitution, ratified by the people of North Carolina, ou the second Monday of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty five, shall be amended to read as follows : Every free white man of the age of twenty-one years, being amative or naturalized citizen of the United States, and who has been an inhabitanH of tho State for twelve months immediately prece ding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a mem ber of the' Senate for the district in which he resides. ' f : . - Sec. 2. , Be it further t h acted, the Go- .-nr tk- Ct.'. v.. J . . jt-. .. J to issue bis proclamation to the . people of North Carolina, at least six months before the next elec tion for members of the General Assembly, setting forth the purport of this act, and the amendment to the Constitution herein proposed ; which pro clamation shall bo accompanied by a true and perfect copy of the act,' authenticated by the cer tificate of the Secretary of State; and both the proclamation and the eopy of this act, the Go vernor of the State shall cause to be published in ten oewspapers of this Stale, at least six months before the election of members to the next Gene ral Assembly. . Inhuman Treatment of Palleuta In the Alms J 'House Department. New York, Jan. 19. An inquest was yesterday held by Coroner Hilton, at Blackwell's Island, up on the body of John Hanlan, a native of Ireland, 90 years of age, whose death appeared to have been hastened by neglect The deceased was found sick in one of the upper wardr on Monday last, and sent to the Belle vuo Hospital. The au thorities at the hospital, instead of affording him proper treatment, sent him to the hospital on Blackwell's Island, on a little open ferry-boat, without anything to protect hinv from the weath er, he being at the time in a dying condition. lie had been but a few hours on the island when, he died. The testimony of the warden was taken, and went to show that the managers of the Belle vue Hospital were in the constant practice of sen ding the weaker patients to the bdaud; that many of them died on the boat, and others immediately after binding'. r CONGRESS. Washington, Jan. 19. In both Houses of Con gress yesterday an important Message was receiv ed from the President of the United States, in re gard to (he necessity of increasing the military force in anticipation of Indian hostilities on the route to the Pacific. The Message enclosed a let ter from the Secretary of War on the subject, it la proposed to call oat three thousand mounted men. Mr. Gwth, In the Senate, explained the ur gency f the demand, and hoped for early 'action, lie also enforced the necessity of an overland route to the Pacific. Mr. Welter, as a member of the Military Committee, promised prompt attention to the subject. In the House of Representatives the President's Message, urging the employment of volunteers to ojicrate against the hostile Indians ou the route to the Pacific, was, on motion of Mr. Faulkner, referred to the Committee oo Military Affairs. The urgency of prompt measure on the part of Congress .on this subject seems to be admitted, and an early report may therefore be expected. TYPES OF LOVE. In North Carolina, it is said that it is frequent, among her forest of fat piue, for a lover fn dis tress to send the fair object of his affections a bit of its staple vegetable productions, with an eye painted upon it. This lgniges, VI pine." If fa vorable to him, the young lady ' selects from the wood pile the best and smoothest specimen of a knot this signifies, "pine not." Bat, if on the other baud, she detest bim, (there is no middle ground between destation and -adoration with young wemen.l she barns one end of his message, and this generally throw the young- man into despair, for it means, "I bake light of your "pin ing." . . . DOWN-EAST PROPHET Brighara Young, the present leader of the Mor mon, and, a he has it, f-by the grace of God" Governor of Utah, is said to bo a down-easier, a nati if 0jJcf4 coun ty. Main. SUPREME V'RIU . Ralemh, Jan. 2a T.. .following decisions have been delivered by tLia Tribunal: v By Nb, C. J. In Mantf r. H unter, frera- Pas quotank, affirming the jrKgmeot. i Also, in .Grif fin et ai. Admrs. v. BLick, from Pasquotank af firming the judgment. Also-ln Adam v. Pate, from Wayne. , Judgment reversed so far as costs to the State. ! ' ' f By PxaC so, i.lrf White r. 8mitb , from Per quimans, awarding a venire . de novo. Also, in Nichols t. Pool, from Pasquotank, affirming the judgment. AJso, in Richardson jr. Smith, from Perquimanaf awarding , ventre de novo. . By Battle, J. In Thoroughgood v. Walker, from TyjiM, affirming the judgment. Ahjo.'in White A". Laverty r. Griffin, from Pasquotank, affirming ihe judgment. Also, in Kepnedj', -ii. Equity, against Armstrong; from Duplin. - at" . ' ir i ui-i . J ,AN I.VTEnKSTING Land Komaxtic CahiT.--A CjJSC of quite a romatic character i.i now pending be-' fore the Surrogate of New York.; The Tribune ajsr . "It is that of the estate of Jeanne Dulux. for merly a French milliner in Broalay;r and nio-e recently a capitalist and money lender in William htrcet, who died last autumn. -quite Mi'.l lcnlv , though at an advanced ag2. leaviiit; an elHtc north nohsstflan $100 000 accunnilated by avarice Jucky invotments, and -. shrt wJ uiaiiagrnicBl. This large property is claimed by "imu Ferrit from Cincinnati, ahir-dreerb trade, and applrenily aboA'e fifty years old. He was brought up by Ma tlaine Dulux as her nephew, Ixit I to nov assert! that he was her son by an early raarriagu, wr.ich took place auirtl the troubles of the French Revo lution of 93, and which she afterward cottceatel. That be really i her sori waalr'arly utadeout on the trial; but the public adrniiiistrator, acting in behalf of unknown heirs, conteudt that it is not proved that he ix her legitimate urn, born in wed lock. The evidence goeit back to tho Revolution, and involves some complicated and curious point of French law and nocial nsa-es." The Lynchburg Vlrgiiiian. speaking of the or ganisation of the' American urty, says, " We have reason to believe that the new oigahization embraces m rich f the intellectual and moral worth of the country, and cannot, therefore, con clude tliat its objects are so incon.-istent with the obligations of patriotism, and the duties f good citizenship, as its revilers would have us believe.' A Crcel btt Effectual Expkdirkt. At Guil ford, Conn ," is a stone house which U the olilcst in the United States. It was raised in the old Indian wars before the Revolution, as a fort. About twenty miles EasO. of : he stone house, on the Homtuotiasuck' river, lived a mm whose? name was Stannard. By some means he ffad made him self obnoxious to the Indians, and they therefore seized him a nd held a council, at which it was determined to bum bim. A hot fiie a accor dingly made around a stake, and Stannard, with his arni- bound with thongs Lchimj him, waited to be fooked, uhilc the Indiana went through with their w wow. In the meantime, Standard work ed his hands clear of tho thongs, ami seizing a papoose' from the back of a squaw, tossed him into tins middle of the fire ; and the long legged Yaukee leaned for the stone house. Whether he made bis mile in 2 40, more or less, wk know not; history and tradition are silent.' Tho doors of the stone house closed in' upon Stannard. just as the whole tribe came howling and yelling t the wall. Stannard was safe," but the papoose he was roasted, INSOLENT INTERFERENCE. Baltimore, Jan. 17. The Amcrjcan-born dri vers of hacks complain hitU;rIy of the ill nsase .. .a. v uJvvvca Xij me foreign backmen Who- attend at the Camden street depot. The foreigners make a practice of hust ling them and their vehicles out of any position they may occupy, and if reniotiKtrated "with, are assailed with the most brutal epithets and threats of personal violence. These fellows should be taught better rainners. Clipper. , REDUCTION OF PRICES HOLLO WAYS PILLS ASU OIXTMEXT. Tlii-Je famous Medicine will in ful nre bo sold throughout the Slates at the following prices : Sniiill Pot or Box, 25 cents, instead ot 37 Meiliumdo do.. 624 ' " fT Laree dr.. dn. SI 0t j) 5,j I'rnt'emor llolioveay 's Manufactnrii- are ut 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 241 Strand, London. The best evidence that can be adduced in favor of the eflirfaciousnesa of Hooflauda German Bit ters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson is the unpre cedent demand for them from all parts of the Union; and although there may be many coin pounds prepared and" represented as being wor thy of a liberal patronage, yet we feel constrained to remark; that the.; vast number of testimorihrfa with which the worthy doctor ba.s been honored, by persons of the highest character and respecta bility, who found it necessary to havo recourse to his preparation, is testimony sufficiently coitcfu clusive. that a more effectual remedy for almost immediate relief of those afflicted ith thai dire ful malady, dyspepsia, bas never been discovered. . : ' ; y ;. ' 124-6t. v ."CONSUMPTION AND SPITTING BLOOD. v bee the certificate of Mr. Turner II. Ramsey, fci many years proprietor of the Farmers' Hotel, Fredericksburg, Va., and lato of the City Hotel, Richmond, Va. Dr. John Minge, of the .City of-Richmond, though a regular physician, anil of course oppos ed to what he called quack medicines, was oblig ed to say that its good effects in the case, of Mr. Ramsey, were wonderful indeed. He. had been given up by several physicians ; had tried most of the qusck medicines, and was oo the-vcrge of despair, as well as the grave, when be tried Carter's Spanish Mixture. We refer the public to bis full and lengthy cer tificate around the bottle, stating his cure. See advertisement. 120-1 m, BURDON BURROWS-ELIXIR VITJE. It virtue have been endorsed by DIVINES, EDITORS, LAWYERS, CHEMISTS, and other eminent individuals. By the Masonic and Odd Fellows' Lodges f Norfolk.? By 6,000 citizens of the city of Norfolk, and town of Portsmouth, and every ne of their 25,000 inhabitants, are Irving witness of ita extraordinary virtues upon them selves or some friend and acquaintance. Remem ber certificates of cures performed in 'this city, wfre the medicine is' prepared, are- alone pub lished. Numerous persons take il every Spring and Fall, and all who have adopted so w ise a course require no other medicines, and the testi mony of ail after using a few bottles is, I have derived more benefit from it nse than from all the medicines I ever drugged my system with. If there are worms in the body it Will kill and ex pel them It will remove and cure the worst carbunkle, and if drank freely during inflamma tions, mortification can never ensue. . - BURROW SELIXIR VITE. - J ; Extracts from an Editorial notice in tie Ports mouth, Va Globe, July, 13, 1854. The Editor says i: In this community this medi cine scarcely requires a notice, it ha been so often tested and it virtues so well known from the nu merous cases of it successful use, that it is sold now just as readily without prescription or re commendation for the disease for which it is re commended, as quinine is for chills. E3In the local column of the Norforlk Daily Courier, the Editor in speak iug of this preparation says : It i certainly a great medicine, and within our own knowledge ha restored those who were considered beyond all human Aid.- Time would fail to enumerate those cured of the variolar Chronic Diseases, Nervous Disorders, Ulcersy putrid Throat, Fevers, Syphilis Dispepsia Incapacitated YoiOh. Ague and Fever, eVc, ad infinitum. ' " . 124-T4. ITTHE Brazilian Bemoly for Diarrhoea and Dxaentery. Hundreds can tetify h U virfues Preitsvred and sold only by C. & p, Dx PBJJ. Jane 27. ' 41 tf. . WAttRANTt. Just printed,' bandonte edllln of .Wrranl with and: wiihai Judgment and Esecnfioa th the back. Also tempersnce and 4.thcr Negro Passes, and for sab- at The Commercial. OJfioeZ, - r ; notice. i- TtlRuhactilxrsaji an remors of Johx Paw sow A Co . have cm the I2lh inst., entered inio nannertiip for ihe pmpae of carvine on the l)rv Good and Hardware bus! nee in the Town of V il niMigion. ander the finta of A. ,Maclia A. Co. They will eirjdncr the thiinesi al th t-rrc ncrn pied by tale firm, and solicit tor lliernelvt t, the paironage of ibe pHbtfc. AMIKI'.tV M.trXE.tX. J.tJlF.SI. McOALI.UM. July IS. A KEMEDY FOK'LMtU DISEASE. y5p AT thtf request of ninny of my paiterst. i5? I ha ve consented lo put u; a class o! my tti"Ht ftfU-ient prefcrijitions in Ilie form of Family Medicine, eai rroneuited to a irii -nt;ir diseasis, ariit not like the nianiifai-turrrs f ttie tinny ns imma and pan;t jea.-ot the day, iromu!ti-ti in inf world iIihI any one coinitoi.iiid will cure iilldiacueuk. and who (in the words ' I t he rc i It..li ji pbvfi rim pallaszaki) 'jittmeiicititat'tciiuli thti knoir little bodies of vch ic'i Liey kuuie Ices.'' J. s. ROsK. M. I . Chil ftR. J.'S ROSE'S EXPECTOtlAXT, OH COUGU SYRUP, M a octet failing remedy !or t,;ou;li, I old arid alt Long Di-e;is . f'ricc 60 cents :ind 81,1 0. - ' . I)R J. s: ROSE'S triIOOPLXG COUGH si YRUP, aive- iniiiiediaie telief, I-iri q .e Hi) 'cure in one werts : "Priee 50 cji. Dlt J. S ROSE'S CROUP S YRUP n. ver Taiis in rutin, ihe rroup, ili:it d.iuerous eompl itiit amoii" ehfU'rrn. Price -5 reMis. . . OR. J. S. ROSE'S PAfS CUREU will- cur. Stiff Neck. Sore Throat, Painn in th face, ;side, buck o' limbs, from a Cold. It cure Sprain, Chilblain, Cramps or Pain In the tlnniaeli or Bunu'e. I'rire I'iie. 25e sind SOe. DR. J. S. ROSE'S EX !7M CTOP U UCII U f one ot ihe best r medio ever iihhI lor discaao of ih-KUneys tttiildf r, Srr. Irir 5fte. ItR. J. S. RO.SWS JJYSPEP'rC COM POUNft, a Hire vure tor D i-x:pia, f.iver (Join pl.nni, ami I ndigft-iii-n. when taken in conjunc tion w ith his .4 iterative or futility fills. I'riiCui bmli 75c. 1 ' DR. J. S. ROSE'S GOLDEN PILLS, for falim of the Wonio, Kuiuale VVtukneSS, Dublin) and fteli'xation Price 00 cts. DIU.X. S KOsE'c ANTI-BILIOUS, OU IIA1LUOAI) PILLS. -These Pills are not wai ranttd to cure every malady or disetise incident re man, hut they are a grand remedy for a BiHious siate of the system and common fevers. U hen used with Dr. Uose'a Tonic Mixture, will cur tnc mrwit'vtuhborn cases of Bilious Kcver, or Kover ana Ajji'e- ' Bit. J. S- ROSE'S SEBVOrs A.D I.XVIG:)R IT1.L DIAL, V'os Heart Discase.all Nervous Afrcclions.Klaiu lence. Heart Burn, Restlessness, Numbness, ?eu ratgia, raising the spirits, and giving; power to the whole system, it is almost miraculous in its ellucl 50 cent!" a bottle. ' . DR. J. S. ROSE'S SARSA PARILLA COM POUND, for all Skin Diseases, Scrofulous Sore, and lor purifying the Blood, it ia superior lo all others. Price Su cental and 1,00, All wliose constitutions areimpaired by disease, or weak bv nature, should read Dr. J. S. dose's Medical Adtticr, (which comainn a description of the Diseases of our climate and ihe mode of treat ment ) It can be had without charee ot J.& I). DufMtK, Wilmington, N. C. t VAUGUAN &, MOO It I-;, Goldsbero'j S. J. HlNSDA t.K, Ji'ilyeite. ville, WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, Raleigh, and of Dealers generally in cveiy City and Town llirouifhoQI the State and Union. TUE GREAT SPECIFIC OF THE ACE ! DR.SWAYXU'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. THE MOST EFFECTUAL AND SPEEDY CURE KNOWN FOR CONSUMPTKN Coush: Cold. Atthma, Bronchiti. Liar Cotn- flaintt, SpiUing Hlood, DiJJUTrtty of Urcuthing, l'ain in the out ana urtai, M'uipivuion of the Heart. Influenza, roup, tinkm Constitution, Sori Throat, Ntr rout ttebility, and all Diseases of the Throat. Breast, and Lung. ANOTHER HUM K t.KHTI KICATK. GREAT CUKE OF EZEKIEL THOAIAS TIl. It SVVAVNK Dear ir Beinit lr a XJ. length of lime afflicted, with- a veiy violent couch, with pain in the side and breaet. sorenear of the lungs, shortness of breath, hies of appetite. nisni sweat a, tic, i iiinciu (nat r . rm,- dies, Meh were rceoiirtnendcd highly in the pa pers, but cnrdualty grew worse, 't he violence O' imv roash etich that tt.e blood rurbed prolusv ly from my no.-uils w hen the paroxt sins or coug't- ing came upon me iniUnl, my h le yietn seemed prosirutetr, and" ihe hour of my departure teei.ie.1 near at hand. At this time, you recom mended rite use of your i;uiiip(iiind -yrupuf Alio 'Jherry. whlcll iinaiediatelv began to soothe, com fort, and allay the violence of mv cough, n I eved tlu.' pain in my side, treug(hei:ed and Ilea ltd iny lunu), ofc. I continued ili usr ol it; but naw th ink to God and lo the etieet of your Compound y rup of W lid Cherry, I am cured., and aide lo pursue my deity labor. I think ii an invalu.i1 le ineditinp in omglin, coUl. imd dit-cama of t hi lima and one ili.il sh-rtild b known to nil urfiict ed. If person would purchaKe ihe oriain.l and iirnuine article as nreiMired by you. and nt tarn per with the iuanypurius and worthiest. .rt our- allona wliieii aie aitempted lo be i:ilnudin on tin reput.ilitn of votira. il mi"h.t b. 'lie means t'l t-av aany valinblu live-it. I freely offer HiU rintemeiti ment lor tnu benent ot iinire n are niil. ruiif aw I was. KZKKIKL THOMAS, Cherry si , th ee doors wcsi of Schuylkill Second street, t'liiradeipliia. . 1 '1 ho above invaluable medicine ia prcparc-J by Dr. swayna liitiiscll, alter many tear close ittien lion lo lha practice of the urulesfion iu Phiiadcl nhia which accounts for its ureal vuperiorit v over r all other preparations. 1 1 gives tone lo tho btoiu- acn, 1 untying u nil ii-inivuuns, anu imparls a uc Bree c-l otrenuin linn . la really Dstoni.ntng. - Uw I. no 'CHKttRY" preparation If.t " SWAVA'E'.S," u nrranied Hie "original and only genuine. Dlt. SWAVNR'S aUGAit COATKU SARSA PARILLA AND TAIt PILLS May be taken arull timen, and in fact In every diseate where an aperient, alterative r purgative medicine is required, and for ihe disease ineideni to females tliey are unequalled. The above vwlnahle Medicines are prepared only by Dr. SWAYWK at his Laboratory No. 4 .North Seventh Street, Pbiludelphia. For sale Wholesale and Retail by C.i D. DuPRE. Sole Agents for Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 16. 102-lyc. IliUuicay's Pills, a certain l-mcdy for Female Citmpluints. ;be invigorating and iiril'yiug proiiert ies f 4 bene liivaluable Piil,- render t hem sale and infallible.- 'TBej amy 1e taken by fe malen of all aes, who- are anffi-ring from any de rangemeiit of ihe system, to which ' their ses ia lecnliaily subject, prevrntinjj those ditre8ing diease whieb frequently occur (from inatten tion) at the turn of itfi-. - It has been incontesti bly roved, by experience, tltat these Pills are the very let reined leu" ever knwu for thcnr of tboe dixtrdeis, and wln-n taken at the turn of life; there need te no apprehension of d ropy -or worse consequences. ,j r-;; y: - v ll!8-3t. UMBRELLAS. A LARGE and handsome assortment of Silk and Gingham Umbicllaa at the Knipariwm. Jan. 23. , - C. MYKRS. HHRKF, new siylea roft Hat, suitahle forbusi X nets or drers, at the Hal and Cap Kmporium. Jsn. 23 . C. MYKtt. CIIILDRELVS DATS AND CAPS. ItUBROlDKRRD and plain Clth Capo, vari J ous colors, V hlte, Ptart and Black Beaver and Cassimerea, at reduced price. Jan. 23. ; ; C. MYERS, ClTr MESS PORK. BELS. just reeeived. and fr sal by 30 Jan. U. J.dc J. L. HATHAWAY f- CO. BAGS. O DA I TWO and ihre bushel Gunny;Bajs, z,9JKSKJ for sale t.y Jaa. 23. RUSSELL & BROTH EH. BACON. -I n HHDS. SWif 10 do. Shoulders. For sale IU by RUSSELL BRO. Jan.23--i:. ''i"",-V ' 129. ' SAC1ISALT. - I fWI Sack in sto-e. for sal In lot to suit I JJKJ by - KUsifrELLffc BBO. Jan. 2i EMPTY BARRELS. F(lC SKCONP-band, of choice quality. For O JiJ sa.le.hy; - - . ? ItUSSELL BltO. Ua.ti. J v . 123. Al AiUNE NKWli. 7t- ir .. 4. PORT OiriWIISaTON. JANUARY 23. arritjed! " t. , - 19. Schr, D.f-I)in. Hill, from New-Berne,- to Moore. 8tauly 3s Co. .-chr. ifleM-idence, Smith from IIdj county, io tt, kli'Cti'-ll - - . - Sehr. Telegraph, Mjon, from Hyde County, to tliiea Ctwtin. m ebr.- Tupaz, Willi, fr-iii Wahbiiittn. C, H laster Seltr. Emily Waul. Ward from . CharlcMoti to Ge. Martix - I'll.' K." W. - a in-w Ve-el wul 'of 000 t.-iis biiit!ie:i; ilie - owtn-.l, in part, by Geo. H.mUs. L'-(.. nd is iiiUi.d;-d for the cuasliit trade. . . ill. Steanitr." G v. Gflif m. Lvans from Fay-t-itetillu to T C. & i. G. W tli Bri Kcniii.ike .lt.fk-u fri.ui U .tstrtn.lo lViree Si. Dwdlev. . r elu. G-ivernor. WAtsirti, froni St. Thomas to J. & I). Millie &. C - il Schr, Ed aid Ki'bler, Tj'lcr.. f.ui Cbarles !i. S. C, to Jos II. i 'atnier. , , , . C LEAKED. 10 Schr. Chatle Miiis, 8i,.ifli ft-r New YoikJ. by i)i U'ii.m-1 & UiMivu; null ,iriil Si.n 2" . I: if; Debit, nt Ln k Pai "it. fr II irana, by Kidd. r &. Mie tiit ; iili L'linlier. ellr. We.-) Wind '.ltiii, I'm r,1.rn t'.-itM-llu. ly Itn. il & Uro ; ulili Nival M. and L iiiit'C'-. " SlcMlii t Hota Slcl tial l Hurt, lor Pavel e- tille bv T. 0 & B . Wtih. - UtiS I'. tin. n Fieeman. for Havana 'by J. i J. L llailtaway & Co ; ttitu LiimlM-r, &c, &.. .DISASTER. 4 About 1 o'clock vetevd.tv mombttr, thr-' Brii; J"ita rteii Iter nnHritig. fi-mn AJux-ida v'b Sliijt l ant. ami c-aine in e'H.lacl ttltn rcltr. Ciarrti er Pike (vl.k-h ve.nel a ready for xea ) cum fa a-.tay jibb:niu nirtiit!al jem ins, ami iliiiriu ot rtlaniMgH to Ilie latter; the fornier received but little il any damage. . J1"' -- m--m WE Call the attention of the puLIic to our ex tensive asaoiltceni nf BOOT AND snOES, cnnsi.ting of every quality nviially rjtH. d for In onr line A new lot of I. adieu l!nwn and Mark Thin anJ Thick Sole Guiiera. 4 good acportmen! of heavy work for the Country, ho'e Lraiher and Calf SkinaaUo Miinii'ao'nrinir and Repairing as usual. O. & C. B!IADLEV & CO , At the Old Stand, in of ids Ms Root, Market Street. . Jan. 23. -129 Im. potatoes".""'" r Of f BBLS. Extra Planting Potatoes, just re t)V tJ ceived and for ftile bv Jan, 23. . J. H. CHADBOURN CO . Er.gli eer Ar Wtip'fs. Office. VV. It. It. R. Ce. Whmisotiis, N, Jan. l&hj 1F55. Q EA LED PROPOSALS will b received1 at In. kJ Uffine. until the 7th dny of Ketirnary, WS, at 12 M ., for the delivery at t he wh.-irf or d not of the Compnny of 50 00 Icel of Whiio AaK Lira, l be not .lev than 15 inches in lUiiinetcr at- lite rninll end. and not le-a ilmn 12 feet long.. 2' 00 foet of I'o'l ir Tiinhet. not less than 13 ft'f t Inny. and to square not It ss th'in 16 inches, f'flers to Ire nt so m sett pi r ihous.-ind fret, including all expenvr of delivery, inspection, re. S. L. KilEEMtTV - engineer et s-uperinienai n. nil r Jan. 16. I J I V , J C 8 A X D mCSIClL PMECTiJMIEM AT Till'. Til RATH 12, TUEiSOAV, wp.OMfsnAY, d THURSDAV Evfnlnsa. V3d. 24'h. and 25ih Inf!. . FOR TURtCE NIGHTS ONL Y. THE ORIGINAL COMl'AN'OLOGI AKS. OR SWISS 1JELL UINGluIlS, . , P ESPEtri FUr LY annrunre lliree of ll cir XL rfa-ie and novel Municiil Kr.tt riuinnieni-ui ihn ThrMir as above. Awin'e t by il.e pcpultr Vorttibi U r Iim. i'icwI imd Si:;nnr Katiiiti, the inlii ita'-lc u rfi.rn er on tho Wood and Siraw nurniiient. or Trim iln ci nvplilllpli of rFl?nieinrrt(i. VW" rtebcls 50 Ueni. )iorH op n at 64 ly 1 f Juncert to cnnnnence ni 7 J o'el eh. ntrc-iftely. II. C. tilTH, Aieent. . Jan. 20. ;2- 3i. TOWN BLUFF n!fTiTOS"AND STORE HOUSE FOR SALE. HPHE ondrrsigned nflers for fmleone of die mod J. Oeeiruble planiniun, and buini sin in the middle section of Geutti.i, leealtd n ihn Altama. ha liver, two miles below thf junclit n of tht! Oconee and Oetiinlgfe rivets conluins twelve him drcd and fifty acrra. has about two bandied and eeventy bve acres c-karrd of oa produetive lands n can be immd In this seeiion, wiih a liver fiont of a bold bliifTtlHee quarters of a mile on the river. The Siorti can command the In r rest iide of i ny storr in nstance of n venty miler in any A reclion The best Si had tUhery on ihe rivrr. 1 h bcl site for a Klcnin fraw Mill on the river above Darii n.. Apply peri-or.ally to nienn ihe pu ntfsea t'-r two niontlts or by U tter to Hall's I oat Offce. Appling Couriiy, Georsia. p. II I, OLD. Jan. vOih, I6;5. ,12S-2ni. IIOISE FOR KENT. A Comfonable Dwelling Housf, with 6 Rooms, 4 of them with fiie places, a food puntry, with ml necesearv out buildins. a large garden and food ell of wan r. rituaKd on K. Comer of Dock fcnd Old Bonyidty JSttti t. mar Miles Costin, Esj. Apply to t HOS. F. GAL'S-E, T. Ii' KOEK0.. Jan. 20fh. 1835. . , - 128 if A- J, & II. copy. ; MULLETS. f trvBBLS.Nn 1 Mallets. In oak anil pint I JJ libla., and in prime order, for ante bv Jan 20. MOOKK, bTANLY& CO. STOLEN FROM THE JLJNDKRSIGNED, A CIlKCiwon Commercial nj'.k ol V iliifiRion xa. tor a. pavanie to cn or beater, INo, drawn by Kidder at .Hartio. dated Dfc. 23d tor 3. parable to cneh r beafer. No. 1108. 1854. One on fame by fame, Ut I0, fVo. 1 .24, payable to J . V . Krd or bearer, dated Dee. 30ih. On. nti same by Georee Harrirs per A. J. Howell, fr 69,12, A.. 1.573, payabfe la. . B. Kverett or bearer, datra Dt e. 3 t. . On.ion Thff Assistant Tres.urer U. 8.. Nrw York, for :.8,43. payable to . yV. V hiiaker or or de. (net eodoiMd) So. 421, drawnfd by Capt. D. P j V oodbury, dated Wilmington, i . C:. Dec. 30th, JtB54. i - , .h, A Note for ti 00, payaWe lo J O. Sewell, and rndorsrd by bim, due January 1st, It 65, diawn by Jartd Miithewa r VV ifbania. A Note for 3M9, payable lo . W. IVhitakrr or oifiar. one day aitci date, dia wn by II. K mronj-, dated VVUminHon.N.C, January 14th, lf-53. A Note for 1 9,25. payable H. O. VV. W hiiaker or order, one dv after date. drawn hy Edward Cant welt, dated Wilmington. Augasl 23d. IS53. A Note for 37,l, payable to 8. W. Wbitskcr or order, oca day after date, drawn by Crawley iiM ney,date WHmiM'on, July, 1854. - A ote tor 28, payable to tt . VV. WhilakrV or brder, six month after date, drawn by W. 11. Maf fiit. dated V ilinrns't-r-I?53. An order from ine A pent of the Goldab'oro' Griat MiHon Pe tic way 4 Piiu hctl . fr .'5. payabln to the order of. and endorsed bv John iliiama. Also, a rjumbtr of due bills, amour t not rerol lected, payable lo the, vnii iifn. drti ut endorsed by bim and an acceptance of James E. Melts for 8100. AH pfrrono ar hereby forewarned against trad ing for any of the above, a payment baa been topped. . 3-.W. WHlTAKEU. Jan. I7ih, l&f?' ' -'frit. ViIOLLJALC IBICES ttiiIiL.T. BACON peril. Torto Kico, 13 Cutiu, 23 0 Me.l I la i "lams, IT, C. I? Sides. do. 10 21 MHisldVvo h a Cd iJg ran nit, 1 1 f ilama wenif rr, t0 u CO file, dm. H a i "hfiuldcra. do y a Butter. per fb., b n 25 " b I . K K. per lit. I 'ioribefn iim tr, t5 a Ou nrtrrw ( el t;aitle. I Hit a bii., 5 tin u 6 Hi OKKKK. pr II.. Si. Donnnvn i 13 !to. n 1 4 Launyra, I J a 14 J.tt-a, none Java, 15 a In :( i n , per lb (it - J I "urn. in r utm 0 a 100 NAVAL N'iii;f- eli.,tt .tip. 2 80 a 0 0 i v nvin lip l-rtl. I 5u i'ltt h ,- L l 1, i(t, ' I I 71 A" 2 I ;, I 0t 0 10 0 (O I. UU '.'II -" I 10 . I !.?! it.- 1'iiri ' I r ui,X ' . . A 1 1. . (i f v, t tin 37 f-1 r.in - OH It! 10 i" I t!-t(l 1 2 If nil. I.in.-f i il ..,t-- c M. ,i tun' i. I'ef., f. i:. i.,- I 9 I t( 'Jundba, . C lt fiortlitrn i l IllCjnlilie, ?t erm. 14 11 2S 4f 11 lii lb 3f 5' i: 17 ID ' I 5i It- in per t li fcli lie I It lo i i f, 3 ' " I -I I.4 . lu-ei-e, II 3 Jutn.ii S aru (; v do OrBitlltra 't !. I I fl ft inr. 74 a t Ii ft. t; All, ; ' 'i . , ! 10 - sli .i-ii n i-j ,-, T 'i :i Kl.m, 4.- .11 .1. Kajellevil:i;, 9 25 4 i.lj p I. n ii -i. ill mere, . . a i v : . i i r. .'.trvil 4t !' itliern 12 I"' i: ! I Si) J .'5 t o (II-I K, i.u '! VliietietiT! 11 juv, r- ' J'f'i l-.:in -r, I 25 -i .in .- ;t. ' run 1-r, , r. it. . II : I:. ' si-.j. :. I I 0 0 IB CO ,. River. 1 I2 lt lieml- 9 l0 nt!.', 12 OU J . i.illon ware. 3 i r ll!t)., pet !.. tmerb-nn, hem re lined, 5 KnaHsli iMforie.1, I it li .UK Ii i;i'lt;l.ip 'I r.m t , il'.li.f-U's ; l-i rat: al ' pri l. jTtiiki I l;t ml, ; I'lutt n, ; I ,i ern ' pcrncll ) Soafi, ui-i il'nle. Hi own. i iiiiui 4 SO a 0 i 4 'Ml II rili i I fi rf ft 40 u ude loi reliu - ed 51 a incrii-iin llfer a Lni nun, rt n;if' S.Vawnd I HO a 16 t0 K'btorinir, 10 0(1 a fai Oii W board 7 00 a Od tWt I'lnnd anil aean'lin?, fi 00 u IS 00 A ide boitrdii edi'eil, 11 0 II a 00 00 l(i fue hull erirf. It I VKR Ll'M ll K ft Kloorins. II Oil a 00 Wdc l.w'rdu 7 00 0 Oli Scan' tin:;, a 6 t'O l.iiril in hhlt. 1 li ii do li e 13 a Linipr hbl. 1 20 a 0 00 l.lU(;0!lS.ier yall.m Peneh brandv Apple, ' C5 a t 0 Kv whikry ,r0 n I (HI llenifird, 39 a 4(1 K Kit in, 40 a 4 MOLAS.SK.s per;aloii. VewOrJenns. a 1 4". r. 5j . ; Me I j'er lb. (erinan. i:ii-tereil, lirst Ciif 15 ti 2.' 2fi , Befl iiiulii y ! ill ill h.'IWS. li fen. 5 6 rc 7 1 1 I Stiiir per I '. iV.Orlrnnf 5 a Purl.- It ieo ij a Si -rni.x, fl a I onf. lOJn i TMli; Kit pet 1 1 10" 'p, l. -Shiprin. 14(0 n 55 1 II ; Prime mill II OO a 12 r.O i!ntiinnn . 5 0 a 7 5' .Inferior. 3 50 a 4 00 Tullnw pr Hi 10 a 1 1 V i "S , per viillon. Vm'elra, I 00 s 4 00 Po I. 1 00 a 4 ,Vrtlno, 40 a rRElOHT.- Rosin, Turpentine, Htirita Turienline, Yarn and Slieetinjj, -To Xkw Vona. 80 on deck, 3 itixler. - ,80 60 , " fl ee-iits Iter foot. Cotton per bale $1,00 re.-i Nuts, jx-r bush. 6 cents. TlJ I'HII.AnKI.PIIIA. Naval Stores, Rowin, - Spirits Turpentine, Yarn and Bhceting, I'c.i Xuts, ... 30 eta. on deck. if) 35 80 " ' 55 etn. H-r Mil. C " " fool. r, ' " buhhel. C 0 ?.l 3! E Ii ; I I Ii. !ti'4 REMARKS ON MARKET. BitiCf onr lat inaio, vt-ty liulo pioilure h-ts been brought into market, con.'-equi litly, bu-inem has het-n sninewhat dull. Tl'aPKNTiMK. 212 bbls, Hard Turpentini! ttein sold at il 60 per bbl. ; Yellow Dip i.i rather on the decline, as e hear that S2 00 per bbl. ia tho highest! ofTer made. Spirits TfiiPKNTiwi-:. 60 bbl. changed hands nt :i7 ei iiIh per rH"ii. Rokin.-200 bl.N. No. 3 (bbls. Krtii.il) Mild at 108 and 120 do., inleiiorNo 1 , sold at ;i per bltl. . ' 1 Ta ind TiMBr.rt No salea of either, Unit wo hear of. riprt fur the wpi k rndl! g 221 iiikt. f t. Lumber. 475 5I7 feel ; TilltU-l , 25,OlHI do.; Shingles. No. 640,aM; Till n ,l ine. In5 ImrreUj Riin f i.0ii do. ; Spirit Tuii-iitiiio, tC-1 do.; lnr.75 l.I N.; Flour 18! do; Wx, 1 d ; H'.eet ina '2i biili; Cotton. ty5 do.; Pea Nui. 1 Hi lnsliel ; Flax Seed, lli'J l ; fietit. 4. NEU YORK MARKET. Iir thne ilam price iing. Jan. 20. The lipiug ami Connie rcial Lint tuioiti.: C-ttlon. The rah s fur Il.e ui-i k aesretate about 8i HO balr-8 a l . i iemlile port ion n tvhieli ia in traiiNint from Kniiil.eni jMiiintn Etitope Wf in.ie 74 at II. Hunt hern Flour has continued in limited re iriiiest. imd Milh libeial arrivals. piii;e hive re-t-etled Co cents. Tim Miles aj;Kre;ale 35'M) b.iln , c-lotiirff at 4" 8 75 tt 9 for nii.xcl to nlraight brands A'exandiia. It.tl' iitmie. Georgetown, mid Iticli niaud. S0,12 a 9 18 li.r lavm ii, and J'J 25 a 10 tin- la lie y and extra. Coin The hales ajjgrejrale 05 000 buihels. tho nimket closing quiet at W a It'J cia for tho rane. Natal Stores Tnrieniine cunt imies inactive, and is .ff.-red lower, wit limit, however. Huding buret lo any extetit Muck, 7 a K0 bblf. Spir it Turpentine lia been Iras aclire and Miineiale wer i-Hected at 3'J cent. ch, but at thin pi ice, there was little to be bud. and miinu a Itiivo Ik cii made at Ix-tK-r iHles Hoc k 4 a OoOO l.l.li. Thu alii nietila to California recently hare been laipe. in arly all put tip in cares of four five-giil-lan cans the Mtlea noted a week or two ago, wero af o-'l centa rafch can and cae extra (eiptal to almut i -cents per gallon addil ioual.) and no cliar-e for packing. The sales since onr lal aro 1(M0 bl.lx. Spirits Turpi nt iim. Imli-fale. at 3'J a 41 et.. pait in shipping order, ami ilh r lot a wantel for conrtimption 41 a 42 ra-h ; 80O hbl". VVacbineton Tar, a ill runa, 2 50 ; .'!tX No 2 KtfMn, S2 10 p r 210 lb., in ) ard ; I'VKJ North C'onniv smt Wilmington Common. 1 70 per bbl , and 1 80 1 K24 r 210 lb., delivered ; and 400 City Pitch, for ex-port, 42 50 per bbl. Kk-c The umiLet coniinti.-a firm, without v ilation in price. About lUiMI lea. of tl VarimiK uliiUn ha been dinMed of at S2 fc7 a St, 75, bull. . , PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Jan. 19 Cotton. Tho ales for the week pant only foot tip abi.nl 850 bales Upland, at 9 1 cent and New OtU.au at 10 s Z cents per lb., on tima. " flour. galea for t.bipping 5.000 bUa. at fc3 7,5. 9 I8 as In quality. Corn and Oiil, Sub of .10 35 0jO btwhel new yellow Corn st bC eta nmtly afjoat, and j. cent lor white, closing lo-day at 01 cents for yel low. Oat ate dull and ! r. Salt's i f &0OO, bnalit lea Soutbera at 5-1 a 63t eenl per bnhel . nvmlly at the fuiiser rate, and 1'etin-ylvani mt, 65Mt. Naval Slftrra. Pi Icea remain wilhont chanpo, and there ia but small bi.-fdncus doing; ainsli aaiVa of romni'in Vofin at gl 00 M-r bbl. Pitch tu-ll in b'fa at 2.25 a 2.75, and Tr at S3.5U Spirit of Tnreiiline meet a very liiiiiiel inqui ry ; Mleai.f lOU.bb!", lu aoiall bits, at 41 47 cent., cah and on lirnu Kice. The slock ia light nd priera rather firm er. Small sale at o lit Cent in r lb on time. Frviehla There ia move otferinir to LivertMxil . Considers bit' engagi-un-nla tiave been made lo Liverpool at 2 Iter bbl. for Flonr and Weal: 7d for Grain, ami 2)a for Pork, liarnn anil other Iteavy e-xtds. Coal frel-hi are rather nnnettled. We qnolf lo Bmtton &1 ; Ubofla Island 2 00, and to New York 42. , , FATETTEV1LLE MARKET. Jan. 20. H,t North Carolinian remark : Our ntaiket ha In-en tolerable brUU this week. Fbnr hs slightly sdvattced. ptut-U cotton, Corning in piinie ia worth 7J cH, Pork from carts I selling at 6 to C cents per lb. ' Beef not very p'entv. Flonr 47 60 a H Jtrowa Fheelinr 7i 8 o-nt. Iter J ard ; 0-l'e S a 10 Corn 4)5 a i 1 Oat. CO eta. ImtA II a 12. Beef on tho hoof 4 41, by Hie quarter vr side, 4 & ct. per IU,