""' o - VOLUME IX NUMBER I3' WILMINGTON N. C.s THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1855, WHOLE NUMBER 1181 if. ' . ----- - . . - s if iri IB V I .11 1 1 T.1E aril-WtiiSKLY C0MMEHC1AL Is published every. Tuesday. Thcssdav and Satubdav at SB per annum, payable tnallcases n aavance BV 1'ciOMAS LOR1NG Editob andPaorais- ton, Corner Front and M 4 rtet Streets, WILfl6TO!. K. C. R 1TF.S OK AUVKKTISIXG. eqr. 1 insertion So 50 I 1 sqr. 2 months, 4 Ob 5 00 8 CO 12 00 2 75 I I 3 " 3 1 00 1 I 6 I m.mlh 2 fitt I 1 12 . Pen lines or leas make square. If an ader iseinat exceeds- lea lines, lite pi ice will be in broportion. . AM atvertisemeols are payable at ihc timenl iictr insertion. , Cjurwn with yearly advertisers, will be made rt the most liberal terms. . ttmf-t of CJruracts Tor yearly advertising Will be permitted. Should circa .ostances render l change ia business, or a-a unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the tiinu he has advertised. Pur nrivilere f Annual Advertisers is strictly !iniied to their wn immediate business; and all ad vert ienirni3 for tha benefit of other persons, a rn as all a.ltf ertisciwms not immediately con-n--e;od with their own business, and all excess of i4 vurTisc-nents in length or otherwise beyd ihe limits enasied, will he charged at the usual rates. No A Jve--i-w;mn isIm-lHircd in the con-ract f-ir th-t Hle or rent of iiwi-f a or Imd in" town or f.mntry. or f-r the sale or hire of negroes, wheth r r the property is owned by ih- advert I-er or by i! her person-. The are excluded by the term "immediate business." ileriseint Inserted "in the trl-weckl Co mni,-:iat, re entitled to one iescrtion in-the Weekly free of charge. JOB. .Rt ANl FASCY PRIXTISG, KIWtJTEP H SCPKEHiK STYLE. New Vobk Messrs. Dollkbb & Pottcb. )iii-Cnmi -Smith. Ni. t. Central Wharf Philadelphia S. K. Coh. HaJtimart Vfm. H . PiAiiild V. Thomso MISCELLANY. Vivid Vic! u re of the Devastating lifficts of the War In Ktrepe Victor Hugo, a distinguished French rxile, residing in Great Britain, in a recent speech which he delivered upon the ar.ni versarj of the Polish revolution of 1830, thus graphically describes .the horrid de vastation of the present war: "Atihe present hour, Asia Minor, the .Aland Islands, the Danube, Tebemia, the White Sea, the North and ilie Souths ci ties, a few months ago flourishing, now Ij ing infcshes and smoke. At ibis hour St nope is burned, Bomarsund is bu'rned, Si list riais bunted, Vama is burned, Kula is turned. Sebastapol is burntnr. At this j hour, by thousands, soon by hundreds of thousands, the French, the nrliab. the Turks, the Russians, butcher each other in the East before a heap of ruins 1 he Arab comes from the bill to be killed by the Tartar, who comes from the Volga; the Cossack comes from the steppes to be slain by the Scotchman from the Highlands. JJatteries thunder n gains l batteries, powder n;ig;tzine3 explode, bastions cru:nble, re doubts give way, balls perforate vessels-, entrenchments ate bombarded, bivouacs are under showers of fire; the .typhus, the plague and the cholera come down with ihe grapeshot upou the besetgers, upon the besei ged , 0 poo the camps, upon the fleets. tixn the garrison," upon the city, where the whole population women, children and men agonize. Shells destroy hospitals ; a hospital takes fire and two thousand sick are calcined, says a bulletin. And storms, too, it is their season. The Turkish fri- irate Hahira founder under sun, the two Egyptian boats Abod-i Djihad are engulfed near Enjada with seven hundred men, rales dismast the fleet, the screw propellor the Prince, the frigate iNympb of the Seas; four other war steamers founder, the Sans- i .i r - .1 & . pareii, me oamson nun tue Agatueuiiwii, lie in shallow water, broken by the storm ; the Retribution only escaped by throwing her guns into the sea ; the Henry IV. per ished near Eupatoria - the advice-boat Pluto is disabled ; thirty-two transport ships la.Ien wiih men run aground and are lost. On land the conflicts become every day more savage. The Russians beat the - wounded to death with their muskets. At the end of a battle the heap of dead and flying obstruct the manoeuvres of the in fantry. In the evening the battle-field makes even generals shudder English, French and Russian corpses are mingled -as if they were biting each other. 1 hare never seen aayllunglikc ir, cries the old Lord Raglan, who saw Waterloo; anl yet they will go further still. It is announced that 4 new' means are to be employed against ihe unfortunate city means which make -one tremble, and which they hold in re serve. 44 Extermination is the cry of this war. The entrenchment alone costs a hundred men a day. Rivers of human blood flow ; a river of blood at Alma, a river of blood at Inkermann; five thousand .men killed he 10th September, six thousand the 5th aJctoher, fifteen thousand the 6th' ..Novem ber, and this is 'only the f beginning. Ar mies are sent and they melt away. It is well. Come, let us ' send others ! Louis Bonaparte has repealed to the ex-General Cahrobert that imbecile saying of Philip IV. at SpinoJa: 1 JMirtptis lake Uuda.' Yesterday, Sebastopol was a sore, to-day it is an ulcer, to-morrow it will be a cancer the cancer which " devours France, Eng land, Turkey and Russa. "This is he Europe of the Kings O - future', when wilt thou give us the Europe of the Peo ple? " . ' - 44 1 continue;. On the ships, after each hattle, are horrible crowds of .wounded. To cite only the figures that I know, anil I know not the tenih part, our hundred wounded on th Panama, four htioared and S1?1.""6 or the Colombo, which towed wo transports in the same "manner the mi VI be r I -do not know ; four hundred and seventy oo the Vulcan, fifteen uundred on the Kangaroo. They are wounded in the . L - . Vrimea, tueir wounds are dressed at Con stautinoDle. The two hund sea and eight days' journey between the wound and the dressing I . During the voy age the' neglected wounds become fright ful : the mutilated men, with no aid, no as sistance, miserably heaped up on each oth er, 6eo the worm of the grave come from their' broken limb,, from "their wounded sides, from their c lor en skulls, from their opened bowels ; and under this horrible swarming they become corrupt before they are dead, in the pestilential holds of hospital-steamers- immense common graves fill ed with living men eaten by worms. I do not exaggerate. I bav here the Enjrlidh journal the ministerial journals. Rend for yourselves. Yes, T insist,' no aid. Four surgeons on the Vulcan, foiir on the Co lumbo, for nine hundred and nineteen dy ing men! As for the Turks, their wounds are not dressed. They do as they can. I am only a demagogue and a blood-drinker. nm well aware of it, but it would please me better to see fewer boxes of consecra ted medals on the fitdd of Boulogne, and more physicians in the camp at Crimea." ; THE ECHO. A little boy, whose name was George, as yet knew nothing of the echo. On one occasion when lvft alone in the mea dow he cried out loudly, ! O ! when he-was directly atiswerd from the hill close by, O ! O ! Surprised to hear a vr ice without seing any person he cried out loudly 'Who are "you Y Me then screamed out, 'You are a silly fvliow",' nnd silly fellow, was answerd f: ohi the lull. This only made George more angry and he went on calling the pcftm. wltom he thoneght he heard, nick names, which were all" repeated' exactly as he uttered them. He then went to look fdr the boy. in order to strike him, hut he could find no one. So he ran home and told his mother an impndeiit fellow hid himself ''behind the treason the hill, and called him nick names.' Having explained to his moth er what had taken place, she said to him. ! , . Kjleorge, my loy, yon have dtccived yotHsell. You have heard the echo of your owu words ; if you had called out, a civil word towards the hill, a civil woid would have been given hack in return.' 4So it is,' said the mother, in life, with boys aid girls, men and women. A gcol word generally prochices a good word, or as the wise man said, 'a soft answer turnetlu away wrath.' " If we smile on the world the world will smile on us, if we give frown-, we shall have f owns in return. If we are uncivil or uiiktiid towards others, we cannot ex pect anything letter frtmi them in ptty mut. Ohio Farmer. t;0LDSB0R0, FEMALE COLLEGE. ""pilK third Seas oa of ihi intitu'ion comjiii-n-JL : s on Wednesday, the 3rd 1 January, ISij, and ad oa She 3rd of June IS3. Uev.JAS H. I'ltKlV r, A B., President. Dr. Mob a an Ct-oes, late ofC!apil I J ill, rrof. ol Mathematics. And a full eorps of Teachers in -very branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, - Fuel, e , per session, " S.'0,00 Tuition in primary Department, 10,00 CotU-giaie Dt purtmpnt, , 20,0(r One hundred dnllar.-t will cover all expenses of the eition in lite ColLjjiate course' and all orna mental branchi s. Tupil-t in primary depsrlmcnt eharsrrd Ihe usual price for ornamental branches, f.'ne half payable in advance. Three Lectures on scicntiBc sul jects will be delivered each month. - We are making every effort 10 render the School the fii-i in advantupi s anil cheapness, and pledge to reduee prices, and mul:iply rtie advantages in proportion to trie increase ol patronage. When nr number ol pupils rear h en '-!UU we -hall be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one aidinr n?, is also aiding in placing the means" of a superior edocat ion within the reach of rltnost every girl in the State. We return thanks for thc'unexampled suppott we have had and believe it will be continued. Kor further information apply to the President of the faculty, or myself. . . IVJI. K. LANK, Prcs't. Slockholdrrs Dec. 9ih, 1834.- lll-tf. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEliE" i . AT THE WllmlNstoit Saddle, Harness, aiti Trunk Maiiut'acto-y. I'HKt ubseriber respecti ully i n form s t U ep.ub lie- -a. that he has recently received addition! to his a tor k of Saddle and Harness Mountins,&e., the latest and niol improved style, andts conslanly manufacturing, ut hisstoreon market street, every description ofarticlcin the above line. Kroni hie experience in the business, he feels con fident that he will be able to giveentire satisfaction to a 11 who inayfavor him with a call. He has now on hand, and w inconstantly keen a lar.se assortmen i of Coach, (3 1? and SuCketi Harness, Isady's Saddles, Bridles, lyjups, 4c... Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips i Spurs, de. feal)f which he wiU warrant lo be ofyj- TJtae best materials and workmanship. ' "Ht has also a larare assortment of Trunks, Valises. Saddle and Carpet Bas, Satchels, t- aucy Trunks, Ac. , and all other ar ticles usually kept in soch establihntcnls, all ef which heoff'ertlowfor CASH, or on shortcrcdit to prompt customers. saddles, Harness.Trunks.Redical Bags, dee, Ae . made toorder. Inaddition tothe above the nbscribeT-ilwv kei-ps on hand a large supply of String Leather, ana nag now, ana win trip Ul rough ine season a onri assortment of Fly Nt-tts. A 11 are invited to a II and examine my Goods, whet her in want or not, as I takeple.isure.inshw Ingniy assortment to all who may fa vor me with a enU. . Harnesf andCeaeh Trimmings sold at a fair p'ri-e to persons buying to manufacture. Also, W hip at wholesale. Vllkindsof Hiding" Vehlt les bough t nd sold or !nmniinn. JOHN J. CONOLKV. Feb. 7. 1654." - - - 118 CELLS! BELLS! ! BELLS! !! rll K Subscribers aianufactnre and keep con rtantly on hand a large assortment 'of Bells suitable for Churches, Acad mice, Factories, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with their im proved Hangings, the most efficient in nse. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty years, hiving turned ant nearly 10,000 Bells averagins GOO lbs each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture so perfected, together with recent improve ments, that its Bells have an vnequaied reputation fos volume of sound and quality of tone. Thry have iust received Jan. 1854 the First Preminm (A Silver Medal)ofthe World's Fair in New Vork. over all Bells from this Country nr Europe. Hav ins a laree assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with routes in all direc tions, cither Rail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hoars from New Vors, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address A. aihKKEt.r'S SONS, W-t Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. . , 144-lyc. BRICRS. 50,000 NORTH River har.1. For site low ? GEO. H ARRIS S. ' HjaJ "' ' tQ- ' Dec. 30. IRON BEDSTEADS, FOLDIND, proof against canker,' knives, and vermin, for sale by WILKINSON KSLER, April 8. -' Upholsterers. BUSINESS CARDS: E J LtlTTEIILOH. FORWARDING COMMISSION - MICH CI A -V 7. - W I L M I cm , N . c. Srpt 2sth. 1S54. . . . 83-12m. DM. GEORtlE BETTiNER, e OF NO:tTH CAROLINA. OFFICE, No. 538. BROADWAY, OR AT TH K PRBSt'OTT HOUSE -KE-V YORK. Fet. Id, 1851. 112-lyc. W W. SHERWOOD & CO , "I7HOLESALE Grocers nnd Commission Mer W chants V iluiiositou, N C. " All consignments t! Jv.'ival Stores, togetherwith Cotton, Bacon. La d, Corn, .Meal, Klour, Ac., shal eenre the highest market price. Dec. 13 115-tf . J. D. LOVE, v MASUrxCTURER AXO DEALER. IX CABINET FUitiMTUliE, BEDSTEADS CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. &C.&.C. i'rent street, South l larket, BUOWV BUlt.LtlNO. WILM1XGTON. N. C. Sept. ItS, !854. 79-y-f J. CYLATTA, - COMMISSIOX MERC II A A T if- G EX ERA L AG EXT WILMl.NGTO.N. N. C. Oct. I ; 1854. 8-Iy c. UPII3LSTEBS & PIPE!. II ANGERS, KKKP ON Jl AN D AND MADE TOORDER, MMlrcsscst Fcatfwf JivZ., Window Curtains Old . Fixtures. ' All work in the a"wve line d.ne at shortest No- tic-. .. Wilmington, IS. C., Market St. March IS, 1854. - 1- JOSEPH R." blossom, Gmeral Coia.iiissioa nai Forwardins Slerchaal lonpV perswiat attention Rtveit to CoiislgH- naettUt tor Sale or Jsliiptnent. Liberal Cash adcan.ee made on. Consirnmenl lo me or my Pietp crk friend. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1934. 135. V. C. HOWARD; GENERAL Cotnjiissin and Forwardins: Mcr- VJ c timt, W iliuington in.C I. iier.it IidvMacos nude on Consignments. Nov. 183J. 109-tf C, DCPK8. PIKI. B. BiKKIt. H. DuPRE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSION AX1 f.iii WAHDISt; .MLiKCilAN'Ts, WILMINGTON N. C. July 22d, 18o4. . 54 12m. EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDSRS9N& SIVAUE. GEXERAL CO M MISSIOX MERCIIAXTS. WILMlNGfON N.C. Liberjleash advance made on consignments, jllar.: a, lk21. . 94. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. RCSBELl A CO.) GEXERAL COM MISSIOX MKRCAXTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash adanrs made on eonignmentsf Naval ?tore, Cottai, and other produce. May 3,1354. - C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLESALE AND HETAt nEALEBS IN Drus, Medicines. Chemicals. I'jtints, OH, Dye StnHs, Olass. Perfumery, Cigars, Old Clqnors, l-ncy Articles, ifcc., MARKET STREET, XV 1 1j.1I I N UTOS , N . C . Prescriptions :arefull) :o.iipoitnded by experi enced persons. March id. IS31. WILLIAM AG WYE.?, 7 Ceaeral lgcatForwarJiugiCuniraission llcreliant I take pleasure in informing my friend, th it 1 am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and persupal attention. 1 have a wharf for Naval Stores, wyh ample aecommodatiosV Spirit H.mso, and vVarehousc. Consiifnntents of Naval Cstorrs for salcor shipment ; snd all binds of coun try pro luce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1S54. - 15. C JNLEV, liIRK & CO." DEALERS IN ' BUTTER, Ch'-ese, L ird, and Smoked Provisions, Po.k. Beef, Beans "Pea, and Dried Fruit. 233 and 2i5? FltONT STll EET. Corner of P-ECK .SLIP..NKW VORK. March 25, 1834. - ly-c. WILLIAM II, PEARE, COLLECTOR SD ,iDVTRTl5iip 1CI RT- Kor Country Newsapet s throughout tbe Uuited ttc, Basement of Sun Iron Bu luins.n.iliimore street All business erirusted to tis care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. " sept 7, 1354. , . 9S-tf " as. n.faiTBoiJRN &oT, QcucraL Commission Merchants, WiriJIlSGTOl. N.C. - Jas. H. Chaosovbk. - Gso. Cbadboubit. Jun. I, 1854. - 123. HENRY NUTT, FicrasUxD fuwabdinu acext, VT ill glee kit personal attention to basinet eulr ut - ed to his care. Sept. 8, 1854. - , 75 Iy-c. . - JOSEPH n. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, . tril.MIXliTON, s. c. Ma-9th, 1854. . 87-1 f-e. - " GEORGE MYERS, . WILilEX.lLE kU RETAIL CRilCKR Keep cansdanlhj an hand, tf'ine. Teas, Liquor, Pr ieitions, i'ood and Willow Ware, fruit, . Confectianaries.&c. South Fronttlrtcl, YIL.!UIJCiTOJf, N.C. Nov. IS. 1853. - - - . 109. JAMES E.METTS, COMMISSION 4" FORWARDING MERCHANT. tf ILMISGTON, N.C. August 26th, 1854. - ' L39- " T. C. & B. G. Y0RTHy C311ISS10X m PilSlY IRDIXG SEKtn.WTS, WILMISGTOX, N. C. Jan 17, 1854. 125 c JA. T. PETTEWAT. 6BO E.'PaiTCHETT. PETTEWAY & PRITCHETT. General Commlssiou and forward lnp Mer CHANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, NORTH WATER STREET, W 1 1 m t jroTo s, N . C: Frnmpt attention will be given to the. sale of Naval Stores and al kinds of Produce. Intend keeping an assortment f Groceries. L quors and Provisions. ... July 18. . ' S2- QUINCE & COWAN, v WIIOIjESAIjE" A VII R ETAII GROCERS; , DEALERS IX WIXKS 4- LIQ UORS. 'Corner of Front ami Prince ttrecta, WI LM INOTON, N.C. . ' July 29. 86. BUSINESS CARQS. A. 11. Va.mLSokkki.kn. W. A. M. V4NiioitKKL.l VAN CO K HELEN & BROTHER WiMlNGTON, N. C- Manufacturers o and dealet in Naval Stores Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnit-hed at fair rates under insurance, if desired. Jan. 1. - 122-tf. , . C. FREEHAX. - GEOIIGE HODSTON fltKBMAN to HOUSTON, MERCHANTS1 AIVD FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N.C O. C. FRBUMAX & C. I- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I7S FROJTT STREET; ' NEW .VORK. FREEMAN ASH HMjoTG WILMINGTON, 31 C 7"EEP constantly oa hand a stock ol h'lour, IVCom, Pork, Bccon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo lasses, 'Vobaeco, Cigars. Snuff, Candles, Soap, V-'or-eign and Oomeslio Liquor and Wines j Iron, Sails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Huts, Boots, Slioes, Leather, Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the retail tmde, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for caeh, or in exchange for.Na val Stores or other produce. , ; The senior nartner D. C. Fas em a n. is located in the city of New Vork ; the junior partner, -Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consign nent3 to and from either place. All business entrusted to thi-ta will receive proper attention and orders for Goods will be promptlyand carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1854. 76-f. GEO. HARUISS, General Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cur goes for vessels. Kbi ei ro K. P. Hall, Esq. U. G. Parsley, Esq t 'ii. ..i ... i -... 1 i Wilmington. -.-.1. luyiu. r.su i J. I). Bellamy, Esq. j Messrs. Totter, Smyth & Co, ) v., v k Thompson & Hunter, J rew ;k Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Witliains't Butler, j,., c r. H F.Baker, Esq. J Lharle.lc-B.S. C. Jan. 2.' 1854. 12 J if. 1. WEiSr.l tl . B. El LEKB. WESSEL & EILERS. COUMIS-SION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend tb keep at the. above stand a cnera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors and Provi.-ion? at wholesale and to carry on a Genera iConimispioa Business. n srss ence : E. P.nall .Prcs't Br'th Bank of the State. O. (3. Parsley , Pres't Commercial Bank. P. K. Dickinson, Esq . Wif P.TpeACo. NVu-Vnrt Dollner A Potter. Jan. 20 1854. 1 31 . GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nex I doot to A . A. Wannel's.on North WalersL willattend to the sale of 1) kinds of Country Pro- auce,sach as Corn, Peas, Meal, Baeon.Lard ,ic. md will keep constantly on hand a full auppl jff Groceries, kc. - References. Willes Hall. of Wayne,-JnotlcRac, Wilmington W Caraway. Gen. Alt.. McRae. ' K. P. Hall, Wilmington , Wiley A.WalKe.. Dec. 13, 1853. 115-ly. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLE.TIE. JAMES f. (J I L I ., K j PIE Ac CO.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Pai lieu far attention paid lo the receipts and -olenf Xacal Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Col ton, r-c., cf-c. March 30, 1854. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission illerclianl, . WIliMINti rox, X. C. ' WILL sell or hiKV Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. A LSO i Strict attention glvent-tilie sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, ot any kind of Country Produce. O-Bjt! second duor, South side of Market street, on the wharf. . ; June 12. 1354. . 31 ly. W, p. UOAItK. JVO. A. STAM.T. J. W. JONKS. M00RE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION 31 ER CHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 26: h, 1851. 93 C. MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RE I'A IL DEALER IN II ATS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES. Jin, 1 Granite How, Front St reel. WOOL, Fur. Silk, and Mol.Ktin Hats, Cloth, lHsh, and Silk Glx- d Cap, by the case or diMten, at New Vork Wholesale Prices. , Nov. 9. . 93. 7 J & J. L HArUAWAY & CO.- - COMMISSIO N, MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. I. H ATH A WA V, J. 1.. HlTHlWiV, WM. B. ITOKY. D. CASIIWELL, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILSlIXtiTOX, N. C. Sept. 30. - : ' - ' 84 if T. C. WORTH, Genentl Commission Merchant, IVII.MIVtiTOS, V.C. USUAL advance made oaconsigomeHtsof Coj ton, Naval Stores and other produce Pellicular attention given by G. W. Davis to pur ehasinaeargoes, procuring ireights for vessels, Ac. Match t; 1354. , 128-1 ye. COIiiRAN Si It US S ELL. (SCnCESSOhS TO TfloS. 1LIS3NE k CO ) General Commission Merchants, Xo 32, iVoWA Whartes, ind n3 N'ortA Water Sis: PI1II,AIEUP1IIA. I. HAITIT COC8IAX, ' W. 8. BDd8ELL. . Liberal eash Wanccs made on consignments. July 33:h. 1354. 5S-tf. H. DOLLNER. " G. POTTkR. jr. J, CAMERDEX- DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- K E W YORK. April 30, 1S54. . . . M-Iy-pd. NO. 3 MACKEREL. OO BBLS just received snd for sate by OtJ Oct. 26. ADAMii.BRO.dk po. THE PRUALITY OF WORDS. WITH aa introduction, by Edward Hitchcock: D. D.. President of Amherst College, and Professor of Theorogv ad Geology. A book that must interest all scientific minds. Just received and for sal by J.T.MUND-. -Dec. 23. IIS- P. R. SUGARS. IN hhds. and bbls., for sale low by Jan. 20, MOORE, STANLY A CO. EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP. FOR sate low, to close eonatenmsnt by Jan 20. SIOORE, STAHLT&CO." THE .WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 worth of Gifts, for the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL Of the Whole World, Published simultaneously in the three cities of ICW Y IRK, PIIILIDELPIII.I i.ND BHTIjJOIiE, Af soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual ciicclatioh or Asotrr 200.00'J, it ia now certain Thel!s:ribut!oii will soon take place. Among the extraordinary list or gifts, (being one for every ticket issued,) are Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Seat, valued at 825,000, y A munificent CItv Residence, valued at 8 1 T.- (MM, - -.' A Cash roan lor IOt years, without interest or security S IO.OOO, Building Lots, Elegant Piano Fortes, Meludeonr, Gold Watches. Bracelets, Rings, Books ol Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. Hart; Real Entate, 4-c. f-c , Ac in all num bering 300,1 00 Gilts, valued at S3 00,000. Every tingle remittance of si, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which en'mlee the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in this stupendous Enter prise received ihc full worth of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (ihe great est and mofi intetesling Pictorial of the age,) be sides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an immenfe fortune to the receiver. - For complete list of gifts, uod lull and explicit partk-nliir in regard to the great Enterprise. Dis tribution, Ac; see a copy of The Whole World,, which will be prompily sent, trce"of charge, where desired by letter, post paiu. The Whole Woblo may also be seen at the offices of all papers containing tliisadvertiscmrnt, where information miy be o'oluinid in regard to the paper and Enterprise. A sent, Postmasters and Iadic, desirous of .lucrative and at the same lime genteel employ ment, should not f.iil to see a copy of The V hole World, which contains by far tho most liberal in ducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense cash premium, gift, commissions, & c, whercb anv person, with ordinary activity, can easily make il.GOi) and upwards, per fear; lo which fact the agents we already hae can certi fy. Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write ther address Name. Rosi-uflicc, County, and Slate, PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fuall If thev fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all retnrns will be promptly scot wherever desired, in uny part of Ine world. If any orders arc received aftor the 300,000 sub scribersare obtained, the money will be promptly reittrni d. post-paid, to tt e persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, WITH GIFT TUKETS, must Invariably be ad dressed post, paid, to Prof. A. WOODMAN HART, World's Hall, Broadway. .Veto York, there being the only oflicc tor the Gilt Enterprise. But remittances for the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tirkc's, may be sent lo Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, HuC Building, Clusnul Street, Philu tldpJiia, Pa , there bein the principal editorial an t pit Miration office. Oct. 3. tSU. . 85 Cm. Zei mai.N Ahtl-corbutic Toothuasli. TO THE LADIES. N OTHING adds more to beauty 4 ban clean, white Teeth, and Gums of healthy color. The most beautiful face and vermillion-lips become repulsive. If ihe latter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth: All who wish clean, while Teeth, healthy Gums and a swttt breaih, should give ZERMAN'S T0OI II WASH a trial. For sale by C. & D. DePRK, Aeents, Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30. 81 PERFUMERY! JUST received rrom New Vork and Philadcl I hia : Gross Lubins's I x'racis for ihc Handk'f ; an. an. Toilette .ouns : do. do. do. do. Glenny Mtih Toilette Water; do. Verbena do. do. Van U re Soap ; Camphor op ; Pontine do. do. A I irt;e assortment of Hair B rushes, and a num ber of fane article usually kept in Drug Stores. C & D. DuPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Ot. 5. Market-st., Wilmington, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALlilGli, N. C. THE above Company hi-sbecn inopcrationslncc the 1st of April, i843, under the directionof the following Officers, vix : Dr.uuarlea E. Jonhson,i'resiaenr, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, J attics F.Jordan. Secretary, Win. H.Jones, Treasure. Porrin Busbec, Attorney., Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Dr. Wm. H.McKee. ; AleUU-at Board of Consultation. Dr. R.B. Havwood. J. Hersman. General Agent. This Company has received a clnrter giving ad vnniaces tothe insured over any otherCompany. The 5tli Section gives the Husband the privilege to icsurr his own .lite for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claim sof the representa tives of tlie husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, Ihe life members Marticipatei ii the irliole of the profits w hich are declared annually. Besides. Ih j applicant for life, when the annnal premium is o ver y 30 may pjy ne nan in a note. All claims for insurance against the Company win re pnid within ninety days after pruef of the death f the party is furnished. slaves art: insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders lo secure this class of properiiy against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryt arseamount of business more than the Directors expected lo do the first year having already issued more thsn 200 Polirirs. Dr. Wm. W. Hassiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. Alinomni.inicatlonaonbusincf rof theComoanv should be addressed to J AS. P. JORDAN ,Sec'y. Raleigh. Jan. 25, 1854. if. BOOT AND SHOlTsfcRE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, lB leave to return his thanks to bis old f -lends and eui-tomeri for the liberal patrooase heretofore extended to nun, and to inform them that his stock of Bo-its and a hoes, ir eluding every vari ety iu his line is now as complete aad as extensive as at any former period. His slock of GenuV men Boysand Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called for, including a fine assortment of Ladies-Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes. - He woild particularly invite the attention of the IiadieetohisexLonsiva assortment of Ladies and Misses Leather, Morocco. Enameled, Bronze, Pat. Leather, Goat Skia. black and white Kid and a va riety el' fancy colored Baota; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaiters, a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters at $1 a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find, ings. Please call and examine. Mr. French would also inform his friends and the public, that he is State Aeeitt for the sale of Davis Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. - Nov 40 102 SUPERIOR BUCKWHEAT. ' PLATTS Mills Patent Hulled Buckwheat, an extra article received lo Say and for sale by I., ft. BARLOW, Wov.Il. . No. 3 Granite Raw. IRON BEDSTEADTaND CRIBS. SINGLE and doable folding very convenient and proof agaitist vermin, for sale by Jnifli. ' WILKINSON aV J5SLEK- j DOCT. JOHNSTON, f AIriMOllE LOCK HOSPITAL- WHERE maybe obtainrd the most speedy, pleasant aad effectual remedy in the world for ah SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhea;, Gleets, Strictures', Seminal Werk nesr, Pairs in the Loins. Constitutions! Debility, Impotency, VVakness of the Back and Limbs, Af fections of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dysecia, Ne. voua Irtitabiity, Disrates of the Head, 'i nro.il Nose or fekin ; and all those serious and ineluticholjr disoidt-rs arii-ing from the destruc tive habitsof ) outh, hich drstroy both body and mind, those secret and solitary practices more f ital to their victims than the nonic ol the Syreiis to the mariners of Ulyssess, blighting ihelr most biil liant hopes or anticip.itions, rendering marriage,' 4 c., impossible YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become Ihe victims of Solita ry Tier, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the ntot exalied talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married pe 'sons, or those contemplating marriage, being awarcof physical weakness. should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect henhh. lie who places himself tindsrthecareof Dr. John ston ni.iy religiously confide In his honor as a ren tk?man,and confidently rely upon hi skill asa phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOOKS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side,) UP THE STEPS. ' J3rBE PAH TICULA R I n observing the XA ME snd Xl'MBER. or you will mistake l he place. A CURE IX TWO DA YS.ORXO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nan font Drugs L'ned. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Jomnstox is the oi ly regularly Eduenlid Physician who sdvrrtisrs his veiy extensive Prac tise, end hia many Wonderful Cur:s Is a sufficient guarantee to the tfllit lcd. Those vho trui to b speedily and rgcctually cured, tlumld thun IU numer ou trifling tin rosters, who only ruin their health, and apply to Dr. Johnston. J)ll. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; gradoniu from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, arid the greater part of whose life has bet n spent in ihe Hospitals of London, Par is, PhiUdrlphhi. and elsewhere, has ellccted some of the motfi astonUhltig cures ihat werteverknown. Many troubled with ringing In tho can and head v-hrn nslecp, crenl net voiivnsts, being tilarmcd si sudden sounds, nnd bushf t.r.ess. with frequent bluvbing. attended soiik times wilhdcrangenic.nl of mind, were cured iiiimedinlely. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and impiudetit votary of pleasure finds'ho has imbibed the seeds of .his painful disease, it too oftcH happens that anill-ilm-ed sense of shume, or dread of discovery, deter him fiom applying 1o those who, Irotn education und respectability,! an ekinc belrfcnd him, delay ing till the constitutional syrtuptoms of this horrid disease make their uppi arui ce. sin h us ulcerated sore threat, disenst d nose, nor turn I pulns in the head and limbs, dimness of slfcht, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face urid xtrciuilles progress on with frfghtlul ra pidity, till nt last Ihe pillule of iho mouth or iho bones of the noso tall hi. and Ihe victim of this aw ful disease becomes a horrid object of commis sentian.lilt death put a H-riod lo his dreadful suf ferinffs, by sending him to " iluit bourne from wh' nc: no iravelli-r returns. '' To urh theri fo-e. Dr. Johnston pi. des himself to preserve thu most invlulut-lc- ict tiij t and. from hi. extensive prnc ii e in th lirvt Hospitals in Europe and America, heuan confidi ntly recommend a safe and speedy cure to the urifui luna'c victim ef I Ms horrid dis ease. It is a melunrholy fact, that thousands full victims lo llils dreadful disrssc, owing lo llm un skill'iilm ss ot I. norHni pr tcndetr, who, by the use of that deadly fuin n. mercury, tuiii the conslilii lion, and either s nd the unfurl untile ruflerer lo tin untimely gruve.or tlsc m-Ke ihe it tidueof life mis erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all Muse who hsvelniurcd them selves by private and improper indulgences. Thrse lire smne of the s.id nnd nit luncl.oly ef. fetts, pioduct d by euily habits of youih, viz t Wtalnefi of ihe Buck and Limbs, Pains In Ihe Head. Dimness of -Sight. Loss of Muscu'ar Pow er, Palpitation ol the Heart, Dyspepi-y, Nervous Irritability, Derangement f ll.e Dijestive Func tiont., General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, die. Mntaly The fiarlul i fli ris on the mind ere much to Le dreaded ; Loss ol Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Avirsion of Socidy, -f Disttusl, Love of Soli tude. Titnliliiy.&c.. are some of the evils produced. Thousand ol persons of all sg s, can now judge what is the cause of ihiir declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming wink, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appetir.-ir.ee about the eye.', cuueh and svnipioius of consumption. Married Persons, or those contemplating mar riage, biing aware of physical weakness, should intuit dinicly consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DV FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured and full vlgi r restored. Thousands of ihe most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who hud lust all hope, have bctn imme diately relieved. Alt impediments to . MAKKlAGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings snd V est nets, or exhaustion ol the most tearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. Voiiug men who h ive Injured themselves by a certain practice indu'ged in whcnalnm- a habit In quit illy leumed from evil companions, or at schwol, the cfTecis of which are nightly felt, even when (isleep. snd If not cured, renders manisge itnnossible.and destroys both mind and body. VMiat a piiy that a young man, ihe hope of his country, and the datfl. g of his parents, should be sn iteht-d lioui all pro perls a nd enjoyments of life, I by the consequences ol deviating from the path ol nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persois, before con'rmplnting MARX.! AGE, Should refli ct thai a sound mind, and body are the mot I necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wear) pilgrimage! the pros pect Imuily darkens to lite view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filk-d with ihe nieian holy r-fle-iion thai ihe hsppiness of another be cinxs blishti-d with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 aOUTH FREDER ICK-ST.. Baltimoib, Mo. AISnrgIrsl Operations Prilormed. N. B- Let no CaIm delicacy prevent yoa, but apply imniedisu ly eithi r personally or bj letter. klu lieaes eedily Cared. TO STRANGERS. The many th ousind cured at this Institution with in the hut frit years, and ihe numerous impor tant furgical Operations perforated by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have sppeared ogain nd again before the public, la a sufficient guaran tee that tho afflicted will find a skilful and honora ble phtsician TAKE NOTICE. It is with the greatest reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permits his card to sppear before the public, deeming it unprofessional for a physician to adver tise, but unless he did so, the afflicted, especially strangers, could no I fall to fall Into ihe hsnds of those impudent, boasting imposters. iarfivldusls destitute of knowledge, na hie snd character, ped lars, shoemakers, mechanics, e-, ad vertUlng " elves as physicians i Ignorsnt quseks. vttn puny, tying ccrtiJScate. of Grtat Itonderful Cures from persons who cannot be found, or obtained for a rcw dollar from the Worthless snd Degraoed. and msny other cunning and contemptible artifices to entice the afflicted, trifling month .fter ""( as poslble..ndYlo despair leave you w th rained health, to sink over yoar galdae disappointment.-, It i this motive that induces Dr.J. la advertise Jarh "lose eon ear you. To thosa unacquainted with hiv reputation, he deems It iwerssary Ut may tbsi bis credentials or diplomas always bang In bis 'WEAKNESS OP THK ORGANS Immediately eared, and full viffor restored. rjLL LETTER H POST-PAID REME DIES SENT BV MAIL. . yn.9th, 18'5- lJ3-Iy-e. MISCELLANY. AN ENOHMOUS APK In a Iectur rrcentljr Jclivrreil bef-ir tl.r Hritish Association for ihe Atlruticr rnri.t of Science, I'rof. Owen dertcribcd it new ,. ciea of ape, cliscovrreJ on the Wcmrru coast of Africn, named thiJ(IonIla spfc;'", the adults of which attaine heilit of five feet five inches, and nre three leel uroaii across the chest. Iu heud ia double iho size of a roan's, nnd its extremities nro enormously deyelopetl. 'rhe,y exist in sorno numbers in the intermtnablo lorcsts ol t (.nu bia Ilivcr. The negroes of the country, in their excursions into the lorcats in Ht-arcli of ivory, exhibited little fear of the lion, us it slunk away from man, but they dreaded the (iorilla, fur when he saw n man nd vancing, he came down out of the trees la the attiick, nnd could siratigln a man with tho greatest ease. 'Ihe strength of the man ape is enormous ; his jaw is as powerful m that of a lion, and hi canine teeth just ns formidable. To this species, ihe great (So rilla, Uiosij reports and notices reUted of the much dreaded, apelike animal of the African wilds, that are met with in the re cords of travelers, from old Icullell down to Mrs. Uowdilch's reminiscences of Afch antee. Chandlhr on I'oPEttr. HouMr. Chan dler, of Philadelphia, a few days since, iir Congress, allrmylnl a reply to Mr. MuhIy-?, on the popery question and Americanism. The Philadelphia Sua reviews the speech, and closes us follows : "We see nothing in iho speech of Mr. Chandler to shake our firm convictions thai Papacy is a desoluting curse ond its creed nntugonistical to human lights and repub lican institutions. Our convictions urn those of a life-time; they have grown with our growth and strengthened with our strength his do not belong to his stock, they wero engrafted in his later years ; ours are native-born hia have been natur alized; ours are those which drove the Pil grim forefathers to Plymouth rock; tho Cavaliers to Virginia, and tho Huguenots to the Carolinas his stood on tho shore of England and continental Kurope, either to nrrctst ihcir flight or iintnolulo them Vj the Moloch of Home; ours arelhotsc incul cated by Christ, taught in the open lhblo ond scattered through its blessed influence his are those propa gated through tho terrors of the Aulo tie fe, the Guillotine nnd the Inquisition. May wo not then with Mr Chandler, nnd with equal solemnity, say in conclusion '-with my hand on my heart, and my eyes toward heaven, wiih reverence, I uppeal to (iod to witness lm truth of the assertions I have made, with the conviction of knowledge and the cre dibility of the testimony 1 have adduced from others." To Remoi'f. I'iiuit Stains from Linen. Wot the stained part of the cloth, and hold it tightly stretched and level over the biilplmrons ilaino of a, common brimstone match. In every cast; of slain, it is desireablo to prevent tin! clotli from becoming dry, and to keep its pores open to absorb the coloring matter; this is riuctod by llm applica tion of watc, salt, or butter. To Restore Colour to Flan nels. When from frequent washing flannels have lost their color, it may ! restored by fumigating tbeni with snl pluir. An easy way to do this is to place the bnring sulphur under an iu ver ted basket, over which the flannels aro laid. ... Little Mil. k Cakk for Uni;.ttFAST. Place on a table or slab one pound of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, two of surrar. threes of fresh yeast, or a very small piece of CJer- man, two ounces of butter und ono egg; have some new milk, pour in a gill, mix all together, adding more milk to form a nice dough, then put some flour in a cloth, put the dough in, and lay it in a warm place; let it rise fur about two hours, cut it in pieces, the size of eggs, roll them even, and murk the top with a sharp knife; egg over and bake quick; serve hoi or cold. Don't you remember old Towser, dear Kale, Old Towser, so shaggy and kind; How he used to lay day and night by tho gate; And seized interloper! behind 1 FOUR BBLS. FKESII BUCKWHEAT. JUST In store and for aale by Jan. 9. UUlNCE fc COWAN. NEW CROP MOUSSES. 259 HHDS. prime new crop Cardenas Molas ses, now landing from Brig S. P. Brown, from Cardenss For safe b Jan. 2 J. J. L. HATHA WAV A CO. THAT SUPERIOR BUTTER HAS COME! 4 Atkins all from the dairy of A dun War ner, the most celebrated dairy lo New Vork . 100 boxes Cheese i 60 bbls. superior Pink Eye Pota toes; 6 bbls. Buckwheat Flour. All for sale by Dec. 16. W. M. SULRWOOD CO. tTiFpiirEaSolokical AND THE WATER CURE JOURNALS. For sale by the single copy snd siibsr rlptions received st S. W. W H1TAKKK 'S. Jan. 1$. 2. SPERM CANDLES &. SPIRIT CASKS. 3 BOXES Sperm Candles; 3 0 prime New OU Spirit Casks, extra size, for sale low to lose consignment. ? . T C. WORTH. Oct. 6. , bo. Vf EMOIRS of Coitbrsied Characters, by Al ly J phoose De Lainariine. Among ihe o lebis led characters of whom sketches are given In these volumes, sre Nelson, lieloise, Columbus, Pshsey ths Potter, Cicero, Homer, Joan of Ate , Tenrlon and others of no I s wide a diversity of position, lortnnes and sre.' 2ad supply of this popular work arrived and tor ssU by J. T. MUNDH. Jsn. 9. liZ. NOTICE. THft Subscriber would respectfully announce that, from the 1st lost., he will olUr Furniture for cash oslv. This public notice Is given to avoid the nercsslty of personal tefussl. f is iw v r., Jan. 1. Purnttur Wr IIoum, Kroat-tt. lil J. and 11 copy 1 week. RUTU HALL B V Fsnny Fein. Jsl pu Wished. Received . VV. WI1ITAKER M. m. and pk sale at Dee 30.

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