i ' " 4 r I I I J ' . . sT I I I IK VOLUME IX NUMBER 131, WILMINGTON Nv'C&'. SAT URD A Yvi: ORNBVO. ; : J AN U A R Y 27,- 1855; WHOLE NUMBER 1 1 82 -'. M- - A"! I ! A mi 1 TilK I'tHViiEliLV 1'O.U.Ueitl'llL T I pmbUsbed -every Tospat, Tmcia atf I Satkdt at S5 pel annum, pyable in i I eases l!n adviiac. ' " V.- .':. ar THOMAS LOilftJO Sorro na Pofsi- i?Bt ' r. -.- f . , .. . tioruer Front ad Market Streets, . WILMISGTON. jr. c ;- . -. - B ITES OF ADVERTI8I5G." : I insertion tb 501 1 air, 2 month t7 4 60 3 . ' 1 00 1 1"1 - 8 00 t " I month, , , s ea J I !. .--l2H Ten tinea or leas rriakaa sqaaret If artsdver 'ement exceeds len lines, the ptice will be' in t.'foportion. , - . : - AH aJvertiseraents ar" payable at .'the lime of Jieir iasertton. . - - Oofiiraeta with yearly adTertisers, will be made n the mot lieeral terms. - --:" ' ...ft transffTof contracts for yearly advertising i i 4 Bt) permitted. Should circumstance render a chm?s ia bftinesst or an unexpected- remoTaf (accessary, a charge ; according to the published !wbis will b at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised, ; The privilege of Annuaf Advertisers Is" strtetly limited to their own Immediate business; and ail advertisements for the henefit of other .persons as wsll'&eaH advertisements not Immediately coa , nccted- with their own business, and- all excess of advertisements la length or otherwise, beyond the limit unijasred, wifl be charged at the usual rates." Tin Advertisements Is included in- the contact ! f'W the dale or rent of houses or lands in town or conntry. or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the orioorty la owned by the advertiser .or by ther persons. Thee are excluded by the term' AH idvertisements Inserted lit the tri-weekly Cainntareial, are. entitled to one lesertioo in the H-'etklg free of charge. - '. JOB, tARD AXO FAffcV PRINT! KG, ' EXECDTED IS. SUPERIOR STYLE. . i , 1 1 ." 1 AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. " Naur Yoasr Mesers, Dollkbs & Pottsr. ffosMn Ckaslss Smith, .No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S.-R. CM. : -- . -Tlaii im are W m . fl. Peaks and Wat. Thomsons MISCELLANY. . "- OPIUM EATlN'O. The New York Dv.tch.mtiw says; we"cever conld understand how people can get 4 taste "of 'jpium fhstened oa them. We tried a small quantity of it the other day for a 'paia internally.? We were ordered to take two pills day four - days. --The first dose was. realty delicious. It gave us a pinfe- tirrged sleep, filled to the brim with girls made of rose leaves. . We indulged in dreams of the most oriental order. - In one of them we bad a mother-of-pearl hand-sled, with golden runners. With this we glided down a rainbow made of ice-cream, and brought up on a terrace,: the supporters- of which were spars of emerald. -Thc second night things began ia change. v About the., supports of the terrace anacondas began to appear, while-in the distance a lot of green monkeys, with their tails burnt off, were quarrelling about the proprie ty of making a pin-cushion of us. The third even ing matters grew appalling. The terrace had gone and so had the rainlow, and the girls made 'of rose leaves f and in their stead we had a "bed filled with grizzly bears pulling at a hawser, one end of wliicb was faatended on our : neck aad the other to an iceberg. That men should use opium for a day does, not surprise, us in. the'least j tht . they should do so, however, for a montlt seems ; really wonder fnl. . Bather than become a confirm ed opium eater we would throw ourselves' into Etna. : We can Imagiue nothjng more terrible, : CHINESE PIRATES. The piratical force in Canton Hiver has become Mlarmfng bringing trade almost to a stand stiU. , A boat expedition had Already -destroyed a num ber of junks at a village close to Hong Kong. Among others, the C S. steamer Queen, not 8 war vessel, armed with only .two. or three guns, was attacked-by the pirates armed with heavy guns. A letter say:- "- . ;' . .; '. .";''' "The heavy armament of the junks compelled her to haul off, and in three- hours she renewed the contest ; but the 82-poundera from the junks would soon have made miDCcmeat of ber, for while the pirates shot went through hw,1jer own fell 8hort,"so she was again, after the most pcrse-vering-efTorts of Lieut. Preble, obliged to abandon the action "and steam off to Macao, where she foil fn with Her Majesty's ship Encounter, which ves imtnediately weighed and stood" away in company with the Queen ; the pirate fleet remained at an chor, and threw some splendid shot at the Encoun ter! but her 120-poundersr proved too much' for them,-ibr, having received six. shells from the large gun, and a few 68 lb shot, they abandoned their vessels and took to the hills ; the junks tvero burned." - 7.- 'i ';:f V;; AS ELXXniTIONIST IN LIMBQ . T We notice that -Prof. Charles WhitBeyA well known as Vlecturer upon elocution, and for bis entertainments, has bees arrested in Detroit, for passing counterfeit money. He admitted," saya the Tribune, "that he knew the bills were not very current, but he t bought they would pass.- TJpou searching bis baggage.-S200 In" 20 (told pieces was fonnd, two &'4 bill on the Bank of Bepniogton, broke, a fl bill 00 the Railroad Bank, Adrian, broke, a 81 counterfeit bill oa tle Northern Baak of Kentucky and a $5 bill on the Bank of Benoington. I would seem from the above inventory, that be was pretty we IWopplled with the taaesnrfof making a" specula tloa out of bad money. " There was alo found, in a pocket hook with his money, a list-of the- Indiana Banks " ahat are broken and discredited at the Treasurer's office at the Capital of the State,"ao thai he seems to be pretty well posted np upon money, good and Ibid.- We suppose the bills may be classed among -f Whitney's celebrated imitations." " , t " -I'amarRtiiSma.;; A man named David Bates vaacbuvtcted.at the last term of the Indiana county courts,' of big- amy, and sentenced to twenty-two months' impri sonment in the Western Penitentiary; to . which plajp he was brought the other day- jJt appears he was committed tor the same offence in J851,' "nd bad just got but. .Ho returned to tljo beight borhood of Blairsville, and by dying hi wbiskeni ' and changing his name to David BeaUy,' was again married to a young widow, by tb.4 very same Jua-1 tice of the Peace who juarried him before. Ono "of the witnesses on thl trial suted that Bates had sett if wivci living, or even more. -, ' "- - - s Pittsburg. Post. ' , A FEMALE LAWYER, V Misa Emma R. Coe was on Friday registered at the Office of tho District Court of Philadelphia, - as a Student of Law, in the office of WmT. Pierce, a member of the Philadelphia bar. Coe will be a good name to go into partnership with after Miss Emma is admitted to practice. t . Serlo.ua Railroad tt.lot and B'.oodslied. ' Bcrr aw, Jan. '2. A riot of a very serious na ture occurred to-day 'on the Buffalo, Brantford and Goodrich "Railroad ' The disturbance. -took ' place among the laborers at Ridgeway,-some 20 miles- fnm thfs city, who, not baying received their pay regularly gate notice that they wodldspike doww the switches to-day, if they did not receive the wages due them. As their money was not fojtb-comiug,-they accordingly spiked the switch at Rtdgewa thisaftemQoo, an4 opened .one or two of the bridges, , thus preventing effectually alt travel over the road. ';" ' : The chief officer of the road at once hired aboafe twetiJr-five men from this citr! armed them with revolvers, &.C, and procteded over to" Ridgeway to take possession of and protect- the track. On arriving at tho scene they were fired upon by the laborers, who were armed with rifles, when a reg ular fight ensHed, In which the party from, the city fared the worst, one of thrjr men named Smoa Wemple being killed, and two or three- of the laborers were also, wounded. ; . . '' Tco ofSctfrs however succeeded in . arresting a dozen 0 the rioters and orders were -sent to this city :toi Irons; as is supposed for- the securement Of those arrested. T;- -!' "-" - ' , '. The whole party from, this city wpre" deputized by the 'Canadian sheriff and acted under his orders. The president of the" road and a cumber of Roman. Catholic priests, togetSer, witlj the .sheriffi. firit made speeches to tue laborers ana ; tned to ,pr suade tbenv to desist, but te no purpose when the sheriff ordered the track to lw opened and cleared, upon which, the melee took placet -The man who killed Wemple was arrested and after an examination was fully, comm LUed io answef. ' ' : Om of the Park Orators Set to Work. ' On Thursday afternoon last; while a man' nam ed Cbas. Smith. was declaiming In the Park, it) New York, against the soup societies, and declar ing that be wanted work, one of the audience in timated to him that he was lazy and liked better to talk than work. M. Smith replied indignant ly. " The individual says the Times, refused to. retract, and offered to put the orator to work in stantly at the rate of $1 pert day. The, bargain. was closed, and Mr, Smith stopped talking and prepared for work. His employer took hi m to the ruins 0 the "New City Hall," and desired him to remove thenco a pile of old brick and lay them up neatly aud expeditiously in another place. Mr. Smith took off his cloak (he wear a cloak) and "rolled up his sleeve'';nd did as desired," cheer ed on by a large "and admiring crowd, 'who had assembled to see the fun; while hia employer looked on with all the severe dignity of a "boss oontractor." He worked hard and well for about au hoar and a half, wheu bis employee expressed himself satisfied and rewarded his employer with the sum of fifty cenfo. : Mr. Smith gained the day, fifty cents and the applause of the spectators. --' ' . BEAUTIES OF, 1HB LAW ".: The Fitch burg Reveille sass a ease waa decid ed in the Court of Common Please at Cam KrWge the othe day, which happily illustrates the rious racertaioty of tho law,'; and the very leis- 1 urely manner in which tho courts" render satisfao- ; Hoa to litigants. In the spring 1849, Tuttle, o' Action, sold s eour to Browa, of Concord, J fo" 850 : sooa after the purchase, Brown discovered j that the cow had one dry teafe "He then request- j ed Tuttle te allow hirn a discount of S13 j on the bill, and stated that be- was ready tq pay the balance. TnUle' refused to mak any allowance for the dry teat, and sued Drown for the whole bill. The case was decided in bis-favor, but was carried up on appeal, again retnrned t J the Com-. mon Please, where it has remained on the dockt t until last Tuesday, when it was decided in favor of Brown. The costs have amounted to eight, hundred dollars.-' ' ' " 1 11 1 1 n 1 in 1 1 1 - ' - GOLDSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. TH E third Sesa on of this I nslitotion comm. ri ces on Wednesday-, (he 3rd of January,-1835, and ends on the 3rd of June 18551 ", " Kev. JAS. H. BRENT, A B. President. ' ' Dr, Moaaasr Ctoss, late of Chapel Hill, Prof, af Mathematics. - - - - And a full corps of Teachers fn every branch. ;' Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, - Ac, per session, . 9 ."O,0f THUonin Primary Department, - " : . 10,00 C'olleglate Department, . " . 20,00 . One hundred dollars will cover all "expenses of the seif.ion ia the Collegiate course and all orna tnental branches. - - . V Pupils ia primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable In advance. r-7 a'- ''- i' ; - - - Three Lectures on scientifie. "subjects will be delivered each month- . . " . 1 , We are making every effort to tender the School tria fist ia advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our number of pupils reaches 200 we tball be able to reduce the prices nearly one half, every of aiding us. Is also aiding ia placing the meana of a superior ed a cation within the reach of almost every jirl in the State. , . ;' - . ., . i Wa return thanks for the unexampled support we have had and believe it wili be continued. - For farther information srply to the President oC the faculty or myaeUV. WM.LLANK, -, . , - - . 1 ," .Pres't. Stockholders. Dee. 9th; 1834. . .. ?...-. lU-tf. - OUlV MOTTO IS UT0 PLEASE" -i ;; " - AT THE ; Wlimlucton Saddle, Harness, and Trunk - . " Manufactory. -.,,.--..',-:' ''PH E a ubscriber respect! ully t n form s t h ep ublic A that be has recently raeeived additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, fte., the latest and most improved style, andts eoostanly manufactu ring, t h is store on mar ke t a treet je very description of articleia the above line. Krom hie experience i a the basiaess, be feels coafidentthat be will bo able to give entire satisfaotientoaliwho may favor him with a call, Heuasaowo band, and willconstanily keen a larxe assortment of Vonck, Oizand Suttcy Harness, lady's Saddles, Bri4lct FFfttps, $-t., Geafewen'a Saddles Wkif , :- Sfrt, cS "" ' ' '-''--,. fe- -nallof which he will warrant to bed . t ithe best materials and workmanship. . He has alue a la rsre assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Tritikks,&c, and all other ar ticles asaaliy kept in snch estabiishments,aU of which heotiert low for CASH, or onahajricrdit to prompt csstomers. "--Li ? ' . s - i - . i Saddles, Harness,Trunk$ Jtedieal RassV&e", Ac. made toorder, -.t, ' 1 - In addition tot he above the Subscribe ral ways keeps oa hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and will k'-spthrough the season a good assortmentof Fly Wfctta.'. . " , All are Invited to call, and examine ny Good, whether! n' want or not, as I take ttleasarei nahww- ingmy assortment to all who may favermewilh L HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair nriee to nereona buying to manufacture Also, Whirs orwholesale. ' . - -' on eommla-ione. , JOIJN J,' CONCfLKY.V - Feb.T, 1S54. ' - . - 118 ' 5 - IRON BEDSTEADS r FLDIND, proof agairigt canker, knives, and vermin, for sale by . ) WILKINSON A ESLER, Aprils. .... - Upholaierera. BUSINESS : CARD. FOR WARDING COMMISSION - :,-' ? MERCHANT. - . - - i. -,;..-ivjf II.-'MIGTOK, jt.c. " - " icpt 2tth.ieS4. Mi. fC--'-- H i 83-12m. . ' DR. liEOHGE BETTiSER, - -: r OP NORTH aKOLlSA.,- " , ; ; !: 'OFFICE, Ni 53 1iatADWAY . j'.'..:., .' , tn it'tHB " . ' ', .-.'. PRESndT BOCSfi -SE YORK. Feb. 16, 1851.' .. ' 1 iit-1 vb. V. Mi SHERWOOD & CO., , r. WHOLESALE Grocers and'J 'ommieaioniMej chants Hihnineton. K. C t - ' AH consignments' i Navel-Sitores,- together with Cotton, Kcon,Lard, Corn, Meal, Kiuur, &c, ehai ecu re the higbestiaarke price. " .. , -.--.-v Deci3 . t i :' U&-tf --Jf teyK--"' t-:i"---'-- SlAyVFkCTURER ASlPJSALSn W ' 7 . CABINET FLKlltKEr BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES. dbcKj. ' i.': Front street, Somber jfarket, ; ' 'saoWv" BO.I.N-; WtLMisOTOS, Ni C. v - Sepj. 16.1854. .; ". -' 79-f-e; j c. urn, 7 COMMISSIONS MK I1CU AST aETXERAL. WILMINGTOW C, 1,1654 ,'83ny-e. -' r - i . ' WILKINSON & V.tljtlK, - UPlt3LSTERS "h PAVEU HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND Mi irB TO ORDER, - jMiUinssc) Ftatlur Bedsi-Wjadow'.Curldias . o)t&. fixtures, f - tV:'-'".'- All work in the nfeve line d.me at shortest No-' ilea.' Wilmington, ft. C. Market St. - -March IS, 1854. . , - I.'- G me ral Commissioa and Forwarding Sercfiant Prompt personal attention givetrte Consign-- f . ' meuts tor Sale or isfUpmcnt." -. . Liberal Ccwli advance matin on Consignment ,to i 'r me or to my New York friend. r - i. -v? Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. ' '' .135, ' " i WJlViioWARD, ' GeifKRAL Commission and F awarding :Mr cuant, Wrlmlngtoa- N. C V- - " -: i.iaerjl Jash adonees made on Consignments-, ;Nov. 291853. l9-tf c Durae;-- '. DAN'ICt.'S. BAKEB.- ' . - .r - G. DttPRE & CO. s GENERAL. AGENTS COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEItCH.WTtS, ; WILMlNO'FOf'N.C; July 22d, 1354. ' ; " . 54-12m. Iau AKDsaaoN, aowaao sAVaea. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS . Liberal rash advance made on consign mtnts. March 27, 1854. f . - 94. ; RUSSELL & BROTHER, -.--!', LltE SltiS. aCSSBLL CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . .,.;mLMIMmN,-S.J. Liberal cash advances made on constgnmentsof Naval -it ires, Cqttonand other produce. - ' May 3, 1554. , ; . - ' -. ' . - . .-, . : C. & D. DttPRE. : V, WHOLE BALE AND ft ETAC DEAt-ERS I tf-" Drass. medicines, cnemtcam i-ainw.uu, AJye Slum, uia. rirmureij, vh.m. Old l.lquors; Fancy Articles, &c . .: r - MARKKT ST8.RET, t : " ; T WlLMlNOT05l-4 S . C. Prescription soaref ully o npouhded y experi- aneed persons. : ; -. ", - - .'"y' - . v WILLIAM A: G WYEil General .Iseat.ForwiriiiigSt Commission Merehani i Iakepleasure ia informing my friends, that I arn prepared . to give ell business entrusted to me efficient and personalatteotion. I have a wharf for NavstStores, with ample aocomrnodatioss, Spirit IInse,and Warehouse. , ConeUnraenle of Naval Jtores for ealeor shipnienii snd all kinds of coun try proiuce solicited. Cash advances "made n consignments, ' -. - , ..- ... . - April 18, 1S54. " -, 15-.. CuEY7ir.R "& CO. t T. " : DEALERS IN " ' : ' BUTTER, Cheese. Lurd, and Smoked Provisions, Pork. Beef, Bean, Pea. and Dried Fruit.' - -233 and 235, FltOINT ST it E RT, Corner of PECK March 25, 1634, - - - . " Iy-c. - - WILLIAM II,PEAKE, 'collector asi) jdi t'Rii sig acejst. : For Coantry" Newspapers througbout tbe ' : United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Idinjis, Baltimore street All business ectruated to it is care transacted promptly, oa liberal terms. v. ". ' " sept 7, 1354.. ' - ' . . 95-tf - 7Jas. H. CHADBODRN & CO., v General Cocimission Merchants, . WILMIJfGTOJi. N. C. Jas.H. CaADBOuasr. Gao.CMAesouBir. 1 , Jun. 1, 1854. . i -' ' U3. HENRY NUTT, . ' FICTOS kd FOilWABDISli iCEST; u y" Will git his personal attention to bussness entrust - j-v j -. .fr-.. eti to his ears. .. ' - - t Sept; 8, 1854. : ; 75-ly-fc. ; 'JOSEPHsjVc General. Coniraission j&erchanlv : ' WIL.MINUTON, N. C, May'Btbi 1854, - y.v 87-ly-e r GEORGE 3IYERS, m-mrw mk I Ith M f 1 11 ft ft A K 9k " :. - UiiilLEiAaiiu AAU aLildlli kkUVCtt.V. Keeps eoustffntLy on hand,. H'vnes, Teas, liquors - Provisions, Wood and. Willow Wars, Fruit - CnfcctiovArU. tf-e. South Front street, ' -,! vv-iijminotn,-n.a;. -. . 4. -Nov. IS, 1853,- ---Vfr-; , 109. : JAMES El METIS i COMMISSIONS 4- FORWA RDLNG - I ' MERCHANT. "V 7 ' v - -" ri t,MiNGTfyiif i jr. e. ' . ; -sf-August 26th 1854. - . m -- 69-tf. v Oive&B: G. WORTH, tJX Jan 17, 1354-., JAS. eso. a. vatTcaaTT. PEPfEWAY &:PRITCHET1, - deneral Commission aud-Forwarding JHer CHANT. A LO WHOLESALE ROCERS, fc ' " NOitTH WATER STREET,- - WllMlSOTOSf, N.C. . ' I- " ProTnpt'attention will be giyen to the5 sate- of. Naval Stores and all kinds of Produce. ' " " Intend -.keeping an assortnicpt ef -Groceries, Lqeors and Provisioos,, , '- uly 18. . . .. , , J- Sg. 1 -QUINCE & CO WAN.V ft vYIIOfESALn AND R ETAITj CROCERSj ; DEALERS IN triNES LIQUORS. n Corner of Front and Princes streets, 2 - WILJIINflXONj NC. '"' . .v Jaly 29. ' ' t- '; -;- ,t.' M. businjsjss PAUl) j A. H. .VANBoxaeireN W ' A. M, VanBoskklesi. r VAiNBORRELExV k BUOTHEi, I " wimingtOn, n. ay .r'1 ' f ' Manufacturers of and dealet stu Naval StoresVK,' storage and wnariage ir rroam-o lumuucu a fair rates under iaaaraaeev if desireay ; ja,i.;-:: - -':;-.'; ;''iBt!t rREEMl & HOU8TOS, 4 '-'V' MERCHANTS 'AND FACTOES, - , ; . ... WILMINGTON, rr.Cv ': ' " '' ' D. C ' FR EKMAS " CO," ' " 'iv -COMMISSION MERCHANTS --'' 'its FRONT TRKET,' new; YORK, r ; : . . . .... ' - ; . . -v- v .1. - ,'-,, KEEP . constantly pn hand a stock oil Flour, Corn,' Pork, Bacon. Salt, Co fee, Sagar, JHo lasses, 'tobacco, Cisaro. Snuf, Candle, Soap, 'or tipn .ond 0omelie Lfquoro and H'ineti Irozu Nail, Point, Oils, Glass, Domestic, Hat, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and Va riety of other articles, anltable lurYamilyand plan tation use and the retail trade,, which they, will disposrof in Jots to suit dealers or consumers -en reasonableterma for cah, or in exchange for Na. val Stores or other produce. ,-.---, t.- ; - The senior nartner D. C. PaaeMAR.lslocated In the city of New York t the junior; partnerj Oao HoosTOiv, in Wilmington. Jf desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either nines: All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention and orders for floods wilj be prompltyana eareiuuy uueu. e VSept; 9, 1854.. - n "'r.6-ti- GEO. : UARR1SS, r v r GeceraT Comniissiou Meiebintv IVIL.MINGTON, N. C. t QTRICT attention given to procuring Freight I O and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Kill! TO Wilmington. - Messrs. Tooker, Smyth &, Co ) N Y t . ,.TboMipg0n& Hunter, $ l"w 10Tk Alex'r. Ilerroo,-Jr. Philadelphia. . - geK"Bar!ie&BUl,er' j Charleston, S. a ; Jan. 2. 1854. ,. . -' 123. tL i , , .i ., , ,. j A . . 1. -ujESSEt.. ' . H. B. E!LER.SV' WESSEL-& EILERS: : T COMMISSION MKltCHANTS St, WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., -WiN mington, N. C, intend to keep at-the above stand a ceneralassortmca t of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry .on a GencralCommission Business. , , - . W R. E. Halt. Pros' l Br'ph Bank of the'State,. te 3 t. ; 5 Wit O, G. Parsley, PresH Commercial tsana. P-.Jw. DtclUnson, f.eq . : - Poppe & Ca 1 N York. ' Dollner & Potter- $ MCW 1 OTLr, . . v - Jan. 20 1854. ." - y-V .-' .11".-: ' - Tgeo. h; KELLY, ; : C03IHISSI0N MERCHANT. ' Next dooi to A. A. Wannet'a,en North Waterat. willattend to the sate of ailkinds of Country Pro- luce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon .l.ard , Ac. awd will keep constantly oa band a full aapplyaf Groceries. c - ' :, ,-t, f K -..'.,f - - - References. Willea Half .o r Wayne , J ne Ueltae, Wilmington Caraway .' . Gen. Alx.. McRae. . K. P. Hall, Wilmington .Wiley A. Walaei . ' . Pee. 13.1853.; - ' JAS. fCoiLLESPrE. GKO. CIIXESriB. JAME- F GIEiTiEAPlE S )H " PRODUCE AND FORWARDING f;,:;.faGINTS';,,;.Yfe: - - WILMINGTONN..C., ; - -v Pattlcular attention paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Stores, 1 1 miter, Jjumber, Vara, Bacon, Vot- ;";. t.. - - . ton. e.. fel...'j : .". March 30, 1854. . - - -: - . ,r , . . 6. . S.M. WEST, ':: Inetionwr and Commission ifcrehaiit,v -, - - ' WIliMINGTON, N.C. .v WILL sell or buy ileal Estate and Negroes al a small commission. -,-"' : - s -, . '.: . ..- " ;ateof 4 " ;"'.- Strict attention given.to the sats of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce OaSe second door, South side of Market street, oa the wharf.- ; . i,'.- . June 12, 1854., '- r: ' -ly' W. p. MOOBE, . JRO. A BTatri.Tr ' .v w, JokV.s f ;M00RE, STANLY & CO :l COMMISSION 'ME R CHAN TS. ', . - , WILMINGTON, N. C. Oet.2Sth, IS54. - ' . S3; '-r ; - ' f c7 3IYKRS," . Z ' WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN II A TS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS . 'AND WALKING CASES, ; --No. 1 Grauite Row, Freut Street. ' V WOOL, Fur. Silk, and Moleskin Hate, Cloth, "lush, and Silk Gl.is d Caps, by thacaseorduxen", at New York Wholesale Prices. - Nov. 9. . - . :t- .- " ' 99. j:& J L. HArilAWAY& co: C O MMISS ION MER CHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1. HATHA WAT, j. l. hathawav, wm. a. utlet. ' 0. CASHWELL, - COMMISSION MERCHANT. . , WILMINGTON. X. C .-. . Sept. 30. ' . : , " M tf ; ; f T. C. WORTH, v ; General Commission Mcrclianfj WILMINGTON, W , . ; USUAL advances made on couslgnmeiusof Cot ion, Naval Stores and other-produce . . . Pauieularatumtionivenby G- VV. XHviatopur. chasing cargoes, procuring treightafor Vesse Is, &tt. - March 2ti354. . - " 128-Jly,c ;i - COCHRAN & RUSSELL; 1 (SCCCESSOhS TO TIIOS.' iLlBD.'iE & C6 ) General. Coniraisioii Merchants, Ne 32, North Wharves, ind 63 North Water Sts. PHILADELPHIA. - J. HABVKV COCHSAM,. t -. ;-. ;' . '" W. . BUSSELL. . ' t " , -. ' Liberal cash advances made on consignments,,'. 4: Jtrly 30th, 1354. . " - 63-tC '""' -""n'.in ' .u. ' " W ! 1 . ' iii i..ii.-. n.in.y t)0LLSER- ? G- POTTt'B. Jl JCAMfeftDE. v DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION "MERCHANTS, ''i,C,' .".'' NEW YORK, , v : AP-H30. 1834. - - 20-ly-pd,; ; . NO. 3 MACKEREL. A BO BBLS: just received and for sale by . ZO Oct. 2S. - . ADAMS.BRO CO. M THE PR UALITY OF WORDS, f WlTHan-introduetion.by Edward Hitchcock. JD. President of Amherst poliagaj an. Professor of Theology end Geology A book that ' must interest all ecientific minds. J nst- received and for sale by - ' ,.J.T.fMDND. ' --Dec28..f--- ..V' ' .i --US, E-Tlr SUGARS. TN hhda. and bbla., for sale low by r s- ..r 1 Jan. 20. . .jaoORCf STANLY.A CO, f - EXTRA AND NO. I SOAP. FOR safe low, to close consign m-?fr by , 4 Jan. 20. MOOR E, TAN LY &. COT. B. P. Hall, Esq. 1 1 0.3. Parsley, Esq. r. A. Taylor, F.si: f J. D. Bella r. Esq, J ;riIEyVH0LE WORLD. . $300,000 yrortix of GlftB, i - lor ihaSjibeeribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL f.t. - Of the. Whole World, Published sjmuliaoeonsly in the three cities ol As soon a jyv,wui subscriptions are obtained having already an actual cibcdcatiom or Aaotff ,2!0,ClU, it is now certain - ' - , - , TheDistriDaUon M ill soou take place. - AiMoitlie ext raordioar v list or gifts, (bl-ing One tor every nc6ct Issued.) are ' - - '- ti ef Start's Elegant Country Scat, valued at 823,000, , y J A mnsniiicenf City Residence, valued at 9 i 7,- . (Hit), " ' - ;'-'.-.;'- A Cash Loan tor lOO years, withoet interest or security 81M,Uhj, . ... ifuiidirig Lots. Kutint Piano FortcS, Mt-lodeons, , Gv'.d Watches; - liraeeleta, Ring, Books -t -Travelsin the Old fnd Nw,VVorld, by Prot, TtlarTt Iteal Kalate, tf-e eff., &C in all nom- beriog 303,100 GinsV valued et 8300,000. i Kvery' einaSe vimiltance of 91, secures one yearht sabacriptioa to- the Mammoth. Pictorial an-rt Hie gratuity ol a uut fi tCKet. wntctt enitiiea the holier to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person inventing in this Stupendous Knur, prise receives the full worth of bis or her money, in subscription to a first clas joarnal, (ihe great est and mrt interesting Pictorial Of ths age,)be aides a Gitvfor each subscription wbJtjyb may prove ab immense foriune to the receiver, j For complete list of gifts, and full arid explicit purticnlurc in regard to the great Kntt. rise, Die. tribution, Ac; see a copy of Th Whow World, whuih will be prompuy sent; tree pt cnatge,wherc ..desired by letter, noet paid. 4 i " ."""" -- The Wholb Woblo may also .'be seen at the offices of II papers-containing ihiasc'vertlscrncnr.; where Informal ion may bo obtained in regard to the paper and Enterprise. , '' Agents', Postmasters and Iadles; desirous of lucrative and at (he same time genteel employ ment, should not full to see a eoppof The Whole World, which contains by far the most liberal in ducements ever offered to agents in the way -of immense cash premiums, gifts, commUsiona, dec, whereb.' anypcrson, with ordinary activity, can easily make $1,000 and upwards, per resM to which fact the agents we already have caa certi- fy. Secure the Pictorial, and become, wiae, rich," and happy., , 1 ' v- . ' ' Correppon dents must write theraddress Name, Poat-office, County, and Slate, PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fault if they ffl to got 'an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns "will be promptly sent wherever desired, ia any part ef tae world.. 4 i. . - . . , , .If any prders Jre received after the 00,000 sub scribcrs are obtained, the money wilt be promptly returned, post.paid, to ti e persons sending it.- All letters and remittances -for Abe Pictorial, WITH GIFTTICKKTS, rouat invariably be ad dressed post.pnld, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Worlds Hall, is roadway, Jeto York, there being the only office lor the Gift F.nterprise. But remittances for the PictoriaL WITHOUT GiftTickets, ihay be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, Harfs Building, Chesnut Street, Pliila deljihia, fa.lheTe being the. principal editorial an 1 pnblkrotion office. ' : " Oct. 3. 1654. " ' - 65-Cm. . Zcrwati'-f Aut i-Scorbatlc Toeth wash. TO THE LADIES. : VT OTH I.N G adds moro to beauty than clean, n white l eeth, and tiuml of heaiiny, color. The most b -auiiful face and vermillion lips become rtipnlsive, ir tlte latter, wiien .they ppen, exhibit the horrible eneclaclr of negiectea teeth. All who wish clpan, while Teeth, healthy Gums snd a Stcert breath, should give ZKRMAN'S TOOTH WASH a -trial. .. For sale by ' " C. &. D. DpPBK, Agr-nto," r -- , - Wilmington ff.(X ScpU30. r ' i - ; ...... 84 " PERFUMER V!" - J" UST received from New ' York and Phlladcl biai Gross I.ubins's ExtracieJbr the Handk'f , . aa. ' flo, ..- roiieuc soaps ? ; , , , ' do. " Glenqy-Mtish Toitette.Wnter . ' do. do. - ' Verbena do. . , do. . ,-- , - ' ' do. "YantceSoapj - t -'' d.." - Camphor Soap j" -,4B --'--.. --- .' - '" doi- Pontine -do. . ''. A Urge .igsbrtmentof Hair Brushes, ends num ber of faac? article usually kept In Drug Stores. - - C &. D."- DePftF, Wholesale Drugifft," 1 Y Oat 6,-v Markct-st.; Wilmington, N. C; . THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL" LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, , ..:.;, HALE1UH, ti. C. pHE above Company hps been I n operational ace -A. theistot April,i84ci, under the directionot the lotlow lDji Onicers, via : , . . Dr. Charles K.Jonheon, President, . ' ' - Wm. D. Ha'ywood, VicePresident, - - Jamea K. Jordan. Secretary, - , Wm. H.Jones, Treasure'. . PcrrinBusbee, Attorney," . -' p Dr.Charles 1.. Johnson, 3 r V'' V - Dr.Wa..H.McKee.. i , tl"! u ?u : Dr,R.B, Haywood,- $ Consullalvn. . J. Hersinan. General Agent. ' v s . This Company has received a chnrter giving ad vantases tothe insured over any other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to rnstmibis own lite for the sole use of bis Wif snd Children,, free from any -claim sof the reorestuta tivesof thenusband erany of his creditors. .-Organized on purely mutual principles, the life merciberswartlcipatein tnetcfto'eof the profits which are declared annually.' Pesldea, tho applicant for life, when the annual premium is ovcr$30 may pay one nan in a ivoie. -. ' . All claims for insurnnceag.nnalthe Company-will e paid within ninety aavsattcr proof of the death of the uartv is furnished.' - : - - ,' ' Slaves are insured for one or five years, at fates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of pro perlty against the uacertalnty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and Interesting feature in the history of North Carolinc.whtch will prove very important to the Son t hern States . a he last four montns operation ol this Company show a very I ergeamottnt of bpsinese-vmore than the Directors' expected to do the first vear havine alreadyissued more than 200 Policies. . . Ur. Wa. W. IlABaiss, Medical F.xaminer, and Agnt.WIlmia?ton, N. C. -! - " . -.- AllCommdnieatlonaaabtisinessof the Company should be addressed to - - , JAS, F. JORDAN .Sec'y:"- Kateign, Jan. IBM. , -. r tf. V ; BOOT ND SHOE STORE. GKORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand on Market street, begsa leave to return bis thanks to his bid friends nnd eucrnrners for the liberal patronace heretafore extended to btmand to inform thetnthat his stock of Boots and Shoes, including every vari ety in bis lino is now as complete and as extensive sat any former period Ilia stock of Gentlemen Boy sand Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fasmon snd quality tbat can be desired, or that is usually called for. including a fine assortment of Ladies. Misses and Gentlemen's Over Shoes'. . . - Re would particularly Invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive-assortment or LaCtej ana Misses Leather. Morocco, .Enameled. Bronze.- Par. Leather, Goatskin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Haots; Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown,'blue, purple and variegated eilk Gaiters, a new and hand some articles with and with out heWs: Ladies fancy Gaiters at I spnir. -Z " Also, SolelAather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find fngs. Please C8ll and examine. , Mr. French would also infn-nt his friends and the publie, that he is 8tate Agent for the sale of DavSV Pain Kitter and wrignrs Indian, Vegetable Pilis, by either wholesale or retail. t , - a , - No 40. :' v 102 ' -SITERT0R BUCKWHEAT. PtATT-5 Mills Patent Hailed Buckwheat an xtfa article received t day and fry eale by r-. - --- -N. BARLOW,, jNov.lL . No. 3 Granite Row. IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIESU, SINGLE and doublu foldias -very coBvehieaf trnd proof against vermin, for mtle by . Ju:y la.' - .WliJfcLNSON a t.SL.tiw :Dt)CT. JOHNSTON, BALTIMORE LOCK IIOSflTAL. - WHERE may be obtained the moM speedy, pleasant and elfectuul unu-dy In the world for ali c . - - - , SF.CHF.T DISEASES. Gonorrhoea, Glens, Strictures. ScUiinnl Week ncpf, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impoltncy, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Af- impoiency, ienngsioi me uacx ana L.1 t-ction8 of the Kidneys, 'nlpltation of th Dvanereia, N'-iVous J rrftabl 1 ty. Discast Head, T nront Nose or Skin and afl thus ne Heart, sea of the se icrions and melui.choly disordt rs a rising frofn the destruc tive hn hi is of outh, u hich d'-stroy both body and mind, ihoe secret and solifiiry practices niorefital to thrr Victlma than the son en of he Syrens to tbcm.irlorscf Ulysaese, blih!ing ihi-ir niowt bril liaat hopes or anticipuiiona, rendering marriage, &c impossible. , .,;--.. - YOUNG MEN. ., , Especially,' who have become the victims of SblUa ry Vice, that dreadful end destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the moot exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who ruijht otherwise have entranced lis tening -Seuates wuh the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the livinglyre, may call with full confidence. . . . MARRIAGE. . Married persons, o r those contemplating marriage, being awareof physical weakness, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ' - lie who plaoes himself tinderlhecareof Dr. John ston may religiously confide In his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hisskill asaphy sicmn OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK-St.,7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side,) CPTHESTF.PS. , . . 13-BE TA ftTICULAR in observing the NAME and NUMBER. or yon will mistskejheplace. A CURE IN T WO DA YS, OR NO CHA RGE. 'No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used.; . , TAKE NOTICE. '' ,f Da. Johnstoic Is the only regularly Educsttd Pbyuician who advertises bis very extensive Prac 'tisu. and his many Wonderful Curia is a aofficient guarantee to the afflicted, T7oe itAo vnsh to be spesa'ip and effectually curid, should shun the numers out trxfi ftg ianjnsters, whei only ruin their health, and apply oJr. Johnston. . - DH. JOHNSTON. Memberof tho Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate front one of the uiust eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has beenspunt in the Hospitals of London, Par ia. Philadfiphia. and elsewhere, iias eHected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing .in. the ears -and head vben asleep, great nervoupnsss, being alarmed t suddtn sounds, and bashfuiness. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement f mind, were cured Immediately. , . ' A CERTAIN DISEASE. C" , ' : When the misguided and imprudent votary 'of pleasure finds ho has Imbibed the seeds of ihls painful disease, it too often happens that anllt-tim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying lo those who, from education and respectability, tan alone befriend him, -delaying liU iho constitutional (-ystuptonis of this horrid disease make their appvarar.ee, such s ulcerated nore throHt.diicaw d nose, noctural pain ia tbe head and limbs, dimness ofslhf, deafness, nodes on the ehtn bones and arhis, blotchea on the head, face and rxtrernitie8., progress on with frightful ra pidity, till nt lust the pnlate of the mouth or the bones of the.nose fall in. end the victim of this a wfut disease becomes a horrid object of comrois eratinn,till death puts a period to his dreadful suf ferings,; by tending hint to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such lther.-foe, l)r. Johns'ton phdes himself to preserve the irnost inviolable st-crevj' i and, from his extensive prac tice in the firtt fiospitals in Europe and Amciica. "he can confidently recommend a safe a n'4 speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid dis-CdfC- It Is a mi lancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful dieease, owing to the an skiifulnces ol iynorunt pretender?, who, by the use of that dendly poim.n. Hterenry, ruin th constltu tiitn. end either si nd Hie unfortunate saflerer to an vntimelj grave, or else make the ttsidtje of life mis erable. , r " TAKE PARTWULA R "N6TJCE. "Dr. J.'s3drc8iJesaHthote whbhavelnjured them selves by private ami improper Indulgences. These are S'-nie of ihe sad opd melancholy cf Jecie, producfd by early habits of youth, vie: Veaknesof the Hack and Limbs, Pains In the Ht-ad. Diuineee of Sights Loss of Muscular Pow er, PalpUatioo of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability, Deruripctrrrrit uf tl eLiEestlve Func tions, General Debility, SytMptoms of Consump tion, die. .r "- : MmtnUy The fearful tflects on the mfnd are much to ti dreaded f Lo of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of pirits,"Kvll Forebodings, Aversion of Secitty, Self Uistitfi, Iove of So-li-tude-Timidit-,&.c.,ore some of the evils produced. "' Thousand of pereone of ntlngcs, cun now judge what is thc-cause of thdr declining health. - Los ing their vigor, becoming weak,, pale and emacia ted, have a 'singular appeararco about the eyes, cotih and symptoms ol consnniption. Married I'eronsror ihoo,oootempkting mar riage, being aware of physical Weakness, bhould imiiitdiaiely consult Dr. J. andbe restored to per fect health. . r . r-"; - ' ' ' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REM E-" - DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. '. By this greet and important remedy weakness of Ihe organs is speedily cured snd full vigor restored. Thousands of the-most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who bud lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All Impediments to . MAKH1AGE. f Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings end Weakness, orexhaustion of the niofci fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. . - ' ' " ". , . - Yotmjr mm who have Injured themselves bv a 4 certain practice indulged in when alonea habit frequently, learned from evil companions, or at school, ihe effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. What a pity tbat a young man, the hope of his country, and the d.-trli.ig of his parents, should be snatched from ah prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In u certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating ' - - MARS. I AGE, - ' Should reflect rhata sound mind and body are tbe tnott accessary requir-itcs to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey throngh life beconwsa wearj pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darkens to the view-, the mind kecomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another' be eonwe bliahted with'ouT own, -.. ' OFFICE XMa 7 SOIiTU FREDERICK-ST . -. . -. . . . Baitimois, Md. . AH Surgical Operallcaa Peifotmed. . 'N. B Let oo falsa delieacy prevent-yov but apply immediately either personally or b) letter. - Kklu Diseases Speedily Cured. - " " TO STRANGERS". ' ' - TTieniant; thousands cured at this institution with in the last ten years, -and the numerous impor . tant Surgical Operations performed v Dr. J.. wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers,' and many etner persons, notices or wnicn have appeared again snd again before the publicise snfficient n-uarnn- tee that the afflicted will find a skilful and honora ble physician r ' . - - " " . '' .' 'iS TAKE NOTICE. ' : It Is with the greatest reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permits his card to appear before (be public, deeming if unprofessional for a physician to adver tise, but sales he did so, the afijicted, especially strangers, ouJd not fail 40 fall into Ute hands of those impudent" boasting importers, individuals destitute of knowledge, name and character, ped7 tars, shoemakers, mechanics, Ac, advertising them selves as physicians; ignorunt quacks. ttUh filthy, lying certificate of Great Wonderful Cures from persons Who cannot b found, or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthtees-and Degraded, and ma ny other cunning and contemptible arufices to .entice tbe afflicted, irifling month after month, or as lona as possible, and ia despair, Uave you with ruined hnlih, te siah over yoor gallin? disappoint menu- It i this motive that induces Dr. J. to advertise, ritrfl.iwH. jw-r- , . . uh his rcDotation. ha deems it neersfcary la mar lsbt hie credentials or diplomas always hang In bis Office. - - - . ' ' WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS Immediately -coved, and fell vi"r restored- - " ALbaKil MtS POST-PAID RE31E DIKS SENT BY MAIL Jaaib, I8CS, , . m-ly-a. I 0X & POLHEML'S, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Btav r, A' Y,- EVV-f-..'SLANDCOTTO. MAIL WK-V Inch.aJI numbers, hard and soli i also all .he Various widthsof Canvass manuictured at (hi laWUhmt-nt coniprislng every vari.ty know n to ihe trade.and offered at th lowest rates UNITED STATE PiLOTDUCK-Woodhrrry and ftlounl Yctnon Extra. A fall assortment oltins superior fabric. Wil l IMAN'TIC COTTON DCCX-ll, o ;o and 22 Inch, all number, hard and soft. Ti l. . ric was awarded the highest Premium at the Lon don World's Fair, also at our own Stnte Fair SHIP AND BEAK MAKK DI CK- Plain and twilled, manufactured by the Greenwood's Com pany, a superior article for llghtsaits. teuis, awnings, tc. also. Mount Vernon Twill d Raven. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and I'hanii Mills; Lightton Ravens, plain 22 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do. , COTTON KAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, Ac. PAPER FELTING 30 to 72 Inch, made very heavv. expressly for drier foils: . CA II COVERING Cotton Canvass, all width, from 30 to 130 Inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more enduring than the earitself. ENAMELLING CAN VAS330, 3S,40,45 and 50 inch plain and twilled, In every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description: Seamless Bags, woven whole, all site, In bales of 100, 200 and 300 j combining strength, utility and cheapness, for grain snd meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 Inch Canvas. 3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. do., 20, 22, 40 and 44 Inch. . ' WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sires, a rievf and desirable article. Feb. 21. ... . ... lil-Iy-e. FOUR BBLS. FRESn BUCKWHEAT JUST in store and for sale by Jan. 9. ' QUINCE & COWAN. NEW CROP MOLASSES. OvO HHDS. prime new crop Cardenas Molss- JJ see, now landing from Brig S. P Brow n,- irom uaruenas. r or sale oy Jan. 2. I.St I. L. HATHA WAY A CO T HAT SUPERIOR BUTTER HAS COMEl- 45fiiklns all from the dairy of Adam Wofi ner, the most celebrated dairy it New York . 100 boxes Cheese j 50 bbls. superior Pink Eye Potatoes- 5 bbla. Buckwheat Floor. All for sale by Dec. 16. VV. M. SHLRWuODcVCO. MEMOIRS of Celebrated Characters, by A. phonse De Lamartine: Among the celebrated characters of whom sketches are given in theso volumes, ore Nelson, Heloise, Columbus, PaHscy the Potter, Cicero, Homer, Joan of Arc , Tenelori. and others of no less wide s diversity of posiiioni lortuoes end age. 2nd supply of this popular work arrived snd for sola by J. T. ilt'NIt.s. Jan. 9. 123. f NOTICE. THE Subscriber would respectfully announce that, from the 1st Inst., he will offer Furniture for cash oslt. This public notice 1 given to avoid the necessity of pergonal refusal. V J. D. LOVE, Jan. 3. - ' Furniture Ware House, Front-at. - Daily J, and H. copy 1 week. RUTn HALL. jY Fanny Fein. Just published Hercivcd -i ana tor sate at S. W. WH1TAKF.RS. Dec 30. 119. BELLS! BELLS! ! BELLS!!! TUP. Sub. stantly becri'.wrs manufacture and keep enn- on hand a lame assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Acudmies, Factories, Stea mers, Plantations, etc., mounted with iheir im' proved Hangings, the most efficient in use. Their' establishment has been in operation Thirty yenrs, having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 000 lbs each; and its patterns and process of mami facture so perfected, together with recent improve ments, that its Bells havean unequaled reputation for volume of sound snd quality of tone. They have just received Jan. 1854 I lie Firt Premiuuf (A Silver Medal)of the World's FnirlnNcw Yorfc, overall Bells from this Country or Europe. Hav ing a large assort men t of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with routes in all direc tions, either Rail Road, Canal or River, and but 4 hours from New YorK, we can execute order with dispatch. Address A. MF.NEF.LY'S SONS, West Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. SI. 144-lyc. BRICKS. KCi AAO NORTH River hord. For sole low tAJ,UUvJby GF.O. HARRIS'S. Dec. 30. 119. nlsfoRY OF theTonstitution. H1STOUY of ihe Origin. FormmloB an I Adop tion of the Constitution of the United States f with notices of its principul framcrs. By George Tickncr Curtis. For sale at , Jan. 6. S. W. WHITAKRR'S. SERMONS FOR THE PEOPLE, Dl T.H Stockton third edition. For sale at XJ , Jan. 16. S. W. WH1TAKER S. f 1 BBLS FAMILY FLOUR, Just In Store, a ana lor sale or QUINCE St COWAN. Nov. 25. 10G. PORK. rC( BBLS. city Mess, Prime Mere, clear, rcmp JJJ srd prime. For sale low. by Dec. 30. GF.O. H ARRIS S. MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE lot of choice Old Music, now in store, will be sold out at cost. Call and make your selections before It is all gone. Jan. 13 - J. T. MUNDS NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE GENERAL RULE, ALL "Bill contracted previous to 1st day of Jsn uarv. 1855. are due. Please rail and save us the trouble of presenting your bills. Jan.2. ' . GEO. MYERS. BACON. 1 ( HHDS. -Western Sides t 10 do." Shoul- fl'-' dcts a superior article. In store and fof sale by RUSSFLL& BRO. Dec. 21. 16. . AUBURN STILL FOR SALE THE Plantation of the subicriber, j3n car Raleigh, and on the Central Rail Ml L J oad. is not yet disposed of. A descrip- ,1 tlon has already been gtven -but noonewniof course make so Important a purchase without visiting tho premises. Apply to Wat. R. PooLie, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the eabserlber. . . T. LORING. Wilmington, N. C. Ian. 23, 1354. . LIFE'S LESSON, IS the title of a domestic story abo sr: ., ,- - , a nat ural sketches of character and frc;;ieta r.-ithct-ie and touching scenes. The plot shiiis oie. n re different and distant locations, ailording scope jo the writer Tor portraitures of a great variety of so ck! phases. The vo)u-ne is recommended oy its air of reality,. lis excellent moral tone, end thii flowing' ease Of its iansuase. Just received a second supply of. this beautiful and inieresting story, and for sale nt , J. T. 31 UN D S', Jan. 6. - - Bookstore. NOTICE. VtLMsoTOJi. December 30ih, ISSi. ON the first Monday fn February next, at I the Court House, in Fiixabeihtown, i shall Jii$.hire out for one year all the Slaves belonging to tt.e Eatafa of th hue 0;H. Jame I- Jlckay. The usual bonds and security wiil b required. JAMKS RUBI'.riSU.l. Administrator with the Willannexrd. Jan.2d.rP5. 12fKI5. ALUM SALT. GS. 2 bushels each, in store snd sale in iota to oU, by AuAMS, CF.O. Sl CO. Jan. 0. i