X a. J- - Vi, n J . -1 -A" A. ' ii r I . f 1 1 1 '.I 11 li I , I ,11 Volume ixNUMBER i3c. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAt7, MOANING, FEBRUARY 8, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 11S7 f AT-. if 11111 Y. . . 'fJE TRI-WEERLY COMMERCIAL Is published every Tviidat, Tmussdav and Satubdat at S per annum, payable inaUcases n advance. BY THOMAS LORING Editob andPaoraia toa, ; Corner Front and. Market Streets, - ""-'" ' WILMISOTOS, . C. tw," RATES UK AOVERTISIXG. ! eqr. I insertion tb 50 I I aqr. 4 months, -i uu 1 3 1 00 1 1 " 6 8 00 i I month, 2 SO I I ' 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds tea lines, tbe ptice will be in VtVoportion. .". All advertisement are payable at the lime of ihetr Insertion. . Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made n tho most liberal terms. N transfer of contracts for yearly advertising "will be permitted. ' Should circa.natances render a clung is business, er an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option, of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. - The privilege of Annual Advertiser is strictly limited to their owe immediate business t and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the contract ferine sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth ' r the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term ''immediate business." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-wecklv Commercial, are entitled to one iesertlen in the Weekly free of charge. -JOB, CaRD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. A GENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. NbwYobk Meesrs. Dollneb & Potter. Boston Chables Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. V.. COHm. Baltimore Wm. H. Piaki and Wm. Thomson. MISCELLANY. Pon.! or, one Wonder too Many, au Some years ago, Major- In dian Agent, was taking to Washington and old Pawnee Chief, with an Inter preter from the same tribe. The Chief had never seen a steamboat, and knew hut little respecting the wonders of civi lization. The interpeter had been to Washington once; and on his return to his native wilds he kept silent, knowing that his brothers would set him down as a liar, if he mentioned - half what he saw ! The Major and "his companions went on board a steamer on the Mis souri, en route for St. Louis. Tbe old chief carefully examined everything on board, the boat, and man ifested much surprise at the machinery, &c. He was greatly delighted after the boat started with the everlasting, puff puff puff! of the steam pipe, which he regarded, as the breath of the huge monster but he was astonished at the progress the boat made through the water and she was an old hulk at that. The interpreter inwardly chuckled as he observed the interest the chief took in these things, all of : which he had himself previously been familar with. Tell the chief,' said Major to the iuterpeter, as they all sat down on the hurricane deck, that we have stcam " boats at the eastward, which go twich as last as this.' ' The interpreter told him. 'Poh J' was the answer of the unbe lieving chief as only an Ipdian- can pronounce the monosyllable. Tell him we have iron horses on land which go sixty miles an hour.' . ; The information was conveyed. '. Poh ! poh !' bluntly answered the incredible chief. Tell him that we have a machine which can take his likeness so faithfully that his wives could not tell the differ ence between the picture and himself.' 'Poh! poh!' replied the chief still discrediting these marvels, with all of which, as we have said, the interpreter was acquainted. The fast steamers on the Hudson, the railroads, the daguerre otype, he knew all about. Tell him, finally,' said the Major, that we can place two men three thou sand miles apart, and they can talk just as easily to one another as we do now.' , This staggered the interpreter him self. He had never -seen the telegraph. It was too modern for him. It had been introduced since he had left civilized life. Three thousand miles apart !' he ex claimed. That story too tough. -1 can't believe that. I 'oA '! that myself Pou r The old chief vociferated poh P and the Bteampipe, taking up the strain, belched forth a. 4 JPoh P which made the forests eeho a srain. The Major never told a story afterwards, that some mischievous fellow did not inter fere with a ' pob at the precise moment bo wished to be most implicitly believed. He generally had an . opportunity, however, to return the lavor Deiore we ntgm enueu. Boston Times. A WOOD SPECULATOR. The hard times have produced some funuy Scenes. A gentleman in Lydius street has been in the habbit of bestow ing a load of wood now and then on this, that or the other poor family. Among those who turned up regular once a fortnight, was a Mr. D who allow- ed he lived in the next street and was on "the point of starving." Our benev olent friend honored the drafts on his jwood pil for some six weeks, when he thought he would call round in "the next street" and see how 4that poor fel low with five sick children" was getting along. To make things work smooth ly our friend disguised himself aud en fired the little shop of the unfortunate widower, unde,r the plea that- he was looking for a Mr. Van ZanL : As the parent of the five sick children "didn't know no such person," the philanthropy 1st thought he would open up a chat with him. ' This - was - soon btoken in upon, however, by the entrance of a J;dy of foreign extraction, w ho entered into the following dialogue with the bereav ed widerwer. s , "Mr. D , I want sixpence worth of wood, and as I have no money, I hope you ' will trust me for the same till Saturday," : "Can't credit, Mrs. Murphy wood is wood. That pile in the corner cost me fonr dollars." " But the childer are freezing." ""I can't help that, mem. When, I buys wood I pays cash, and when I sell wood I sell for cash." Mrs. Murphy had finally to give it tin in despair the wood could only be sold for cash.' The operation opened ; the eyes of our Lydius : street friend. , He returned home, took off his - disguise, and immediately started for the Police Office, where be entered a complaint against f 'the widower? lor -swindling. The wood that he wished to sell to Mrs." Murphy a for cash," was the very wood that he had begged from Mr.- only twenty-four hours befcre to keep M tnose five sick children from freezing-? The party of the second part will probably Mgo tip" for ninety days. ' He deserves it. Albany Knickerbocker. - 'Salla Mander safe ?" said Mrs. Part ington, as her eyes fell upon an adver tisement.; "do tell me, Isac," who this Salla Mander- is- and what she's been doing that they've got her safe , "I don't know what she s been, a do ing, said lice, "but i guess she is sister to Jerry.' "Jerry who, Isaac r "Why, Jerry Mander," said Ike. G0LDSB0R0' FEMALE COLLEGE. THE third Sess'on of this Institution comm. n ces on Wednesday, the 3rd of January, 185S, and ends on the 3id of June 18. Key. JAS. H. BRENT, A B., President. Dr. Moiiax Closs, late of Chapel Hill, Prof, of Mathematics. And a full corps of Teachers in eVery branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, Ac , per session, - $30,00 Tition in Primary Department, 10,00 Collegiate Uepanmenl, 20,00 One hundred dollar will cover all expenses of the session in the Collegiate course and all orna mental branches. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. One half payable in advance, ' ' Three Lectures on scientific suliects will be delivered each month. We are making everjr effort o render the School the fist in advantages and cheapness, and pledge to reduce prices, and multiply the advantages in proportion to the increase of patronage. When our nnniber of pupils reaches 200 we khall be able to rednce the prices nearly one half, every one aiding us, Is also aiding in placing the means of a muporior education witiiio tfa roach of elmsst everjr girl in the faiate. We return thanks for the unexampled support we havehad and believe it will be continued. For further information apply to the President of the faculty, or myself. . WSJ. K. LAN E, i rres l. atocKnoiuers. Dec. 9th, 1834. ; : . ; lll-t. ' I A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! AMONG the thouands of Pile remedies which have been recommended, COL. C. K.. GIBBS" (of Livingston Sumter County, Alabama,) late discovery, is the only one which is calculated to make a radical cure the modus operandi is entire ly new. - It also removes all Kntozoa (or Worms,) which produce irritation and inhabit the rectum. . look well to Ike contents of this Small Book, which represents a short history of the diseau, .j well ss some most aggravated eases which nave been permanently cured ater many years of in tense suffering. A host of diseases are carried off by this new discovery. . It produees a healthy state of the rectum, and removes all scaly formations which are sure to be in connection with that re gion. . Price 410,00 per package of four vials, jflK ALL CASES ONE PaCKASB WILL PEBFOBM A eiRMA.NENT CUBE. DR. S WAYNE & SON, So. 4 Ncy,th Seventh Street, above Market, PhiTa Sole manufacturers for the discovertr, and exclu sive agents for the United States. - N. B. As COL. GIBBS Remedies are compos ed of the most expensive materials, it will be itn pos-ible to send them out on agency, but tat order to let the afflicted from all parts obtain them, they will be sentres (on the teceipt of 910,00) by Ex press or otherwise. A very liberal discount to the trade for Cash. . Nov. 16. , 10-My-c. s SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted bij Guy C. Holclikiss. THE public are hereby informed, that I have beec appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, Blinds; aud Doors, manufactured by the New Haven Coot., and am prepared to fill all oraers in the above line. The quality of the work ol the New Haven Com. is well known in this market. Builders andall persons in wantoi the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will bepromptly filled. Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A. QWVKR . General Agent Commission and forwarding Mer' chant. . April IS. 16 LARD. 5BBLS. North Carolina. For ss'e bv No,23. WM. M.SHERWOOD 4 CO. PRIME NiSW ORLEANS MOLASSES. A( BBLS. in good order; 15 half bbls. do. do. V Low for cash, at , GEO. H. KELLEVS. Dec. 6. J.t H., NOT S. Age copy 114. "BELLS 1 BELLS ! I BELLS ! mT TPIJE Subscribers manufacture and keep eon- X stantly on hand a large assortment of Bells suitable for Churches, Aeadmics, Factoriee.Stea mers, Plantations, etc.,' mounted with-their Im proved Hangings, the most efficient in nse. Their establishment haa been In operation Thirty years, having turned oat nearly 10,000 Bella averaging 600 ids each ; and its patterns and process of manu facture so perfected, together with recent improve ments, that its Bells have an nncqualed reputation lor volume ot sound and quality of tone. '1 hey have just received Jan. 1854 the First Premium (A Stiver Medal) of the World's Fair in New Vork, over all Bells from this Country or Europe. Hav ing a large assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate connection with routes in all direc tions, either Rail Road, Canal or River, and bnt 4 hours from New Yotk, we can execute orders with dispatch. Address . A. MENKELY'S SONS, if- West Troy, Albany Co.. N. Y. Feb. 21. - 144-tyc. FOUR BBLS. FRESH BUCKWHEAT. JUST in store and for sale by -Jan. 9. QUINCE & COWAN. v NEW CROP MOLASSES. ficn HMDS, nrime new eroD Cardenas Molas ZOl sea, now landing from Brig S. P. Brown, from Cardenas. For sale br ---JaB-. J. J. L. HATHA WAY CO. BUSINESS CARDS. E. J. LUTTERL0H. FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. . WII.MI JIGTOS , N . C, - Sept. 2Sth. 1654. " r T S3-2ni-' DR. GEORGE BETTNER, OF NORTH CAROLINA, i OFFICE, N. 548, BROADWAY , PRE3COTT HOUSE-NEW TORK. -Feb." 16,185. ' - 142-lye. W M. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Met chants Wilminston, N.C - AU consignments ui Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Heeun, La:d, Corn, Meal, Flour, Ac, shai eeure th highest market price. : . - 5Dee. 13 , -. :, - I15-tf D. LOVE, . : MJLNV FACTUItER AND HEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c.(JiC.' rront atreet, South ot niar-Kei, BROWN'S BOlhDlNO, WILMIKUTUV, . C. Sept. 16,!354. 79-y-c - J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT d"- GENERAL AGENT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1854. . ? ? . i 1: 85-1 y-e. WILKINSON fc CSL.UK, UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, 3Iadtresscs, Feather Beds, Window Curtains ; . : and Fixtures. Ail work ih the above line done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. March IS, 1854. . ., i - - .: ' - L. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, - General Commission and Forwarding Nertkant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advance made on Consignments to me or to my New York friends. Wilmington," Jan, 30, 1854. " 135. W.C.HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington. N. C... I.iberalOash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 19, 1833. - - 109-tf C. DUPKB. DAKIBt B. BAEBB. C. DqPRE&CO. GENERAL, AGENTS COMMISSION AND l"OR WAKD1NG MEItCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. V. 4 July 22d, 1854. ; 54-12m. iAMCS ANOBBBOW.. ' BDWA B D SA VaGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON W. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. March 27, 1654. , 94. RUSSELL. & BROTHER, (LATC BLLI8, BOH8ELL & CO..) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Liberal aash advanirea made an cJMisianraentsof Naval stores, Cotton, and other produce.. xMay 3, 1854. C. & D. DttPRE. WHOLE SALE AND R ETA L DEALER tt I It Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stufls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, - Ultl litauori, rsiitj Ariic:,c MARKET STREET, WILMINOTOV.-N. C. Preseriptionscarefully ;om pounded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1854. ?T" WILLIAM A GWYEit, General Igent ForwarJingSt Commission Merchant I take nLeasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommoaatioss, -opirn House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment; snd all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. - . April 18, 1354. CoNLEY, KIRK &C07 DEALERS IN, - RUTTER, Cheese, Lftrd, and Smoked Provisions, 1 . u ur Roan. Tu. t,r,A nrift Wrtiir 233 and 235, FH ONT STREET, Corner of :PECK SLtr, ni.v xuH.fi.. r ; March 25, 1S54. ly-c. WILLIAM H, PEARE, COLLECTOR 4SD ADVERTISING AGENT. Far Country Newspapers throughout the- , i United States, . Basement of San Iron Bu-ldings.Baltimorestreet All business en'-ruetcd touie care transacted promptly, on !'oeral terms. sept 7, 1854. , ; 95-tf JAMES E. METTS, COMMISSION $- FORWARDING MERCHANT. rTILMlNGTON. X. C. August 26th, 1854. 69-tf. T. C. & B, G. WORTH, C3SSIS&10X A7ID FOftWlRDlSG MERtHSSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan IT, 1854. 125 c - JAS.f. PKTTEW A V. GBO. B. PBITCHETT. PETTE WAY & PRITCUETT. General Commission and Korwardlni? Sler SUANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, NORTH WATER STREET, . Wiimisotss, N.C. : ' Prompt attention will be given to tho sale of Naval Stores and all kinds of Prwduce. Intend keeping an assortment f Groceries, L quors and Provisions. j July 13. ' -y" " - 2a JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9h. 1854. - 87-1 y-e. JAS. H. CHADB0URN& CO., General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. C. Jas.H. Ohadbocbw. Jun. I, 1854. Geo. Chabsovbk. 123. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDING AG EST, Will give his personal attention to business entrust ed ts his ears. Sept. 8, 1854. . .a: . 75-ly-c GEOiiorYERsT WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, U'mts. Teas, Liquors, " . provisions. Wood and Willow War, fruit, - Com fectionaries, f-c. Sooth, fron t street, .WILMINGTON, N.C. Not.' IS, 1852.. . 109, QUINCE & COWAN. WHOL.T3SAL.E AND RETAIL GROCERS; DEALERS IS WISES d LIQUORS. Comer of Front and Princes streets, WILMINGTON, N.C. Jnly 29w . 5. BUSINESS CARDS. A. II. VanBowcklkk. WVA. M.'anUokkklek. VANBOKKELEN & BROILER, WiMINGTON, N. C. . MannCaclurers of and dealet a in Naval Stores.! Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnished at fair ratea under insurance, if dfcfclrtd. S . ; ; l.Jan.1. 25-tf- . - e- D.'C. FRCEMAK. GEOHGE UOfflTOH wir KEMIS A HOUSTON. W MERCHANTS AND FACTORS WILMINGTON, N. C. n. C. KREEMAN Si CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS I'KONT STREET, . NEW YORK. FREESAK AMD H0UST0S,-W11SISGT0H, S. C KEEP constantly n hand a stock ol flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagmr, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Ciar, Snuff, Candles, Soap, for eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines f Iron, NaUst Pa'tnUpils, Glass, ' Domestics, Hats, Boots, Sltoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. The senior nartner.D. C. Fbeem Ast.ie located in the city of New Vork; the junior partner, Gso. Hoostojc, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from cither place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be protnptlyand carefully filled. ., Sept. 9, 1854. 76-f. GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant , - WILMINGTON, N.C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Rcraa to K. P. Hall, Esq. 1 J. D. Bellamy, Esq. j Messrs. Tooker, Smyth & Co., K Vnr!t . Thompson & Hunter, J tew ; Alex!". Herron, Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams fc Butler, rh .. . o r H F. Baker. Esq. Charleston, S. C. Jan. 2. 1854. 123-tf. I. WE3SEL.. , U. B. eiLERB. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above Stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to catry on a GencralCommission Business. CFIttNCt t E. P.Hail.Pres't Br'ch Bank of the Stsle O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. . P.K.Dickinson, Esq. Poppe A Co. York Dollner A Potter, i wcw , ' Wif. f f Jan. 20 1854. 131 GEO. H.KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT, i Nextdooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North iVaterst. willattendto thesaleofallkindsof Country Pro luce, such a f Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon, Lard ,4c. and will keep constantly on hand a full supplyof Groceries, Ac, References. WIUesHan.ofWayne, JnortcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway. ' Gen. Alx. . McRae. " E. P. Hall, Wilmington .Wiley A.Walaei . Dec. 13. 1853. ' 115-Iy. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAM E"i V. GILLESPIE CO' PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON,N. C. - ', Patticnlar attention paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, fe., f-e. ' March 3ff. 1954. . .' y . 6. ': S. M; WEST, :J lattionrer and Commission Merchant, ; WILMINGTON. N. C. w ILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. , ALSO S Strict atten-tion givento the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, Sotfth side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12, 1854. 33-ly. W. P. MOORE. J SO. A. STANI.T. 1. W. JOKES. MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION MER C HA N TS, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Oct.26ih, 1S54. 93. cTmyers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS - AND WALKING CANES, No. 1 Granite Kow, Front Street. - -WOOL, Fur, Silk, and Moleskin Hats, Cloth, 0lnsh, and Silk Gliizrd Caps, by the case or dozen, at New York Wholesale Prices. Nov. 9. 99. j7& J ILHArUAWAY & CO. COMMISSION MER CHANTS, . . -. WILMINGTON, N. C. v 1, HATHA WAY, J. L. HATHA WAT, WM. . UTf.KT. DCASnWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON. N. C. Sept. 30. 84 tf T.C.WORTH, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N.C. USUAL advances madeonconsignmeutsof Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce . Pattieular attention given by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, Ac. March 2, 1354. - 128-1 yc. . COCHRAN & RUSSELL, w (SUr.CESSOhS TO THOS. ALIBONB 4 CO ) General Commission Merchants, .Ve Z2, North Wharves, nd 63 North Water SU. PHILADJSLP1IIA. J. HABVBT cocuban, W. S. ICJSttL. . Liberal cash" ndvanees made on consignments. July 30th, 1351. , 59-tf. B. DOLLNF.R. O. rOTTfc'B. If. J. CAM EB DEN. dollner; potter & co. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. April 30, 1854. 20-Iy-pd. NO. 3 MACKEREL. OQ BBLS. just received snd for sale by Z0 Oct. 26. ADAMS, BRO A. CO. THE PRUALITY OF WORDS. WITH an Introduction, by Edward Hitehcock. D. D., President of Amherst College, and Professor of Theology and Geology. A book that most interest all scientific minds. J est received and for sale by , . J.T. AlUNDS. Dec. 23. 119- P. R. SUGARS. rN hhds. and bbla., fr safe low by L Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY A CO, EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP. sOR sale low, to close consignment by Jan, 2a MOORE, STANLY CO. THE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 worth of Gifts, for the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL Mlie Whole World, Published simuitaneoasly in tbe three cities ol SEW YiJBi, PIIItADElPHIA 1SD BUTIHOBE, As soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual cibcclatios or a boot 200,000, it is now certain The Distribution Mill soon take place. ' Among the extraordinary list oKirT, (being one for every ticket Uued,) sre v. lrii'. Hart's ISlegaut Country Seat, valued at f25,00O, A matnifleeut City Resideuce, valued at I T,- A Cash. liOan for I OO years, without interest or security-S 10,000, BuildingsLot. Elegant Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Gold batches. Bracelets, RiCgx, Books ol Travels iii 1 tie Old and New World, by Prof. Han; Reai Kajate, 4c 4-c, die. in all nam. beriag 300,Vip valued at 9300,000. Every single J-emhtanct of tl, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity Of, a Gift Ticket. which entitles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person invesiiag in this stupendous Enter, prise receives the fulMvorih of his or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the great est and most intetesting-Pictorial of the age,) be sides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an Immense fortune to the receiver. For complete list f gifts, a4J-ll and explicit particulars in regard to the great Eaierprise, Dis tribution, Ac; see a copy of Thb Wholb Woblo, which will be promptly sent, tree of charge, where de.ired by letter, post psio. Thb Wholb Wobld may also be seen (at the office of all paperscontalning thisae'verttsetnent, where information mny be obtaintd in regard to the paper and Enterprise. Agents, Postmasters and Ladles, desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whwla World, which contains by far tho most liberal in- 1 dueeinents ever offered to asenta in the way of immense eash premiums, gifts, commissiona, Ac, wherebv any person, with ordinary activity, can ea-ily make 1,000 and npwardu, per rear; to which fj.:t the agents weralready hae can certi fy . - Sccuro the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write ther address Nsme, Post-office, County, and State, PLAIN and DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fuult if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of tne world. If any order are received after the 2C0,COO sub scribersare obtained, the money will be promptly returnrd. post-paid, to ti e persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, WITH GIFT TICKETS, must invariably be ad dressed post, paid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, World's Hall, Broadvay, Nets York, there being the only office lor the Girt Knterprite. Cut remittances for the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickets, mar be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART, HarCs' Building, Chesnul Street, Phila delphia, 'a , there being the principal editorial an I publication office. Oct. 3, 1834. S3 6m. Kcrmai'' Anll-Scorbutlc Toothwash. TO THE LADIES. XJOTHING adds more to beauty than clean, 1 white Teeth, and Gums of healthy color. Tho most beautiful face and Vermillion lips become repulsive, if the latter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wiati clean, white Teeth, healthy Uums and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by C. . D. DePRE, A cents, . - - Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30. 81 PERFUMERY! JUSTrereivedfrom New York and Philadel I hia : Gross Lubins's Ext racts for the Handk'f ; do. do. Toilette Soaps t do. Glenny M uih Toilette Water; do. - do. Verbena do. do. do. Yankee Soap t do. Camphor So;ip ; do. Pontine do. . A Urge assortment of Hair Brushes, and a num ber of fnnc articles usually kept in Drug Stores C. & D. DuPRE, Wholesale DruggUls, Oct. 5. Market-st., Wilmington, N. C. THE NORTlTcOLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM P'Y, ' RALEIGH, N. O TH E above Comoan v hp been i n nneratlonsince X the 1st of April, 1 843, under the directlunof the following Officers, via : Dr. Charles K. Jonhson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F.Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasure'. Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, 1 Dr. Wm.H.McKee. . Dr. R.B. Havwood. S Medical Board of Consultation. J.Hersman. General Agent. This Company has received a chtrter giving ad vantages to the insured overany other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claim sof the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life memberspsrticipatein ihetc10eof the profits which are declared annually. Besides, th-i applicant for Ilie, when the annual premium is overaJO may pty one nan in a note. All claims for insurance against the Company will oepaia wituin ninety eays alter prool of the death of the party is furnished. . ' -- , ,. Slaves are Insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properuy against the uncertainty of life Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carollna.which will prove very important to the southern States The last four months operation of this Company shows a veryl areeamonnt of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wm. W. Habbisb, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. A)inommtnicatlonsonbu8ineesof ihcCompany snoma De addressed to . . - JAS. F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleifrh, Jan.25, 1854. tf. BOOT AND SHOiFsTOeT s&fy RRORRE R. FRFNCH.at hla lj old stand n Market street, bevfl a-fca leave to return bis thanks to his old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and 10 inform them that his stock of Boots and Shoes, including every vari ety in his line is now aacomplete and as extensive as at any former period. His stock of Gentk men Boy s snd Children's Boots and S hoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that ia usually called for, Including a fine assortment of Ladies. Misses and Gent lemen's Over Shoes, - v He would, particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive assortment of Ladiej and Misses Leather, Morocco, Enameled, Bronse, Pat. Leather, Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va riety of fancy colored Baotsi Shoes and Slippers. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and varieeated silk Gaiters, a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. Uadies fancy Uaitersaltl a pair. ' Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find in?s. Please call and examine. Mr. French would also inform his friends sr.d the public, that he is State Agent for the sale of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by eiincr wmuichicvi mail. , Nov 40 . .. ... , " ' ".. ' " V"" 102 SUPERIOR BUCKWHEAT. PLATTS Mills Patent Hulled Bnckwheat, 1 extra article received to day and fer eale by -.- . v . , I.. N. BARLOW, Nov. 11. ; No. 3 Granite Raw. IRON BEDSTEADS AND CRIBS. SINGLE and doubla folding very eonvsnieaJ and proof against vermin, foe pale bv " aly li. W1L&INSON ESLEE. DOCT. JOHNSTON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. WHERE maybe obtained the nion speedy, pleasant and efl'ectual remedy in the world for ah SECRET DISEASES. -Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures. Seminal Week- nese, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impott ncy, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Af iVciionsol the Kidneys, Palpitslionof tbe Heart, Uysrepsla,l('.vous Jrutabi ity, L)ieaes of the Head. Tnront Nose or Skin : and all those serious and melalichely dlsoidersaricing from the destruc tive na 011 sot x outn, v men oestroy both body and mind, those secret and solitary prac tires more fatal to their victims than the songs of the Syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moat bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossible YOUNG MEN. Especially, who I see become the victims of Solita ry Fire, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tenii gSenntes with the thundersof eloquence, or waked to ecstac) the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married pe'sons, or those eon tcmnla line mirrli being awarrnf physical weakness, should immedi. ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He who places himself underthe eareof Dr. John. ston may religiously confide in his honor as a fen tleman.and confidently rely upon hisskill as a phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7. SOUTH PREDERirr a. t DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side.) UP THE STEPS. ' 1 ' rB E PA HTICULAR in observing th. NA MP. snd NUMBER.ur yon will mistake the place. A IVltti i.M IIYUIJA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johnston Is the only rerulnrlv V.Aia Physician who advertises his veiy extensive Prac tise e nd his many Wonderful Cur ;s is a sufficient guarantn o the efflicu d. Those vho vinh to be speeety and rgectuaUv cured, should shun th. aus trifling imnosters, who only ruin their health, ami appiy 10 Lr. jonnaion. DH. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal Colleireof Surireona r.n.., graduaiefnsoi vneof the moat eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London Par. , ruu.uiiuii.iuu ciHwuera, nas enected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. luiiny irouoieu wun ringing in tne ears and head vhen asleep, great nervouensss. beinir Ur,.A sudden sounds, and bushfuiness. with freouent blushing, attended somt tinies with d mnrren .1 ,.1 mind, were cured lmmediHiely. , A CEHTAIN DISEASE. When the ml.guidcd and inipradcnt votary of plensure findu he has imWbtd the seed of .his painful diaesse. It too often h.iuoens that nlil.itm. ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery deters nun iioin nppiymg 10 inoso who, trom eduesjion and respectability, c an slone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional tyrmpioms of this horrid diaenRe make their appenrarce. six h as ulcerated fore thrit. rfiead noee, noctural pain In the head and limbo, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and xtremiiies. progress on with frlghtlul ra pidity, rill al last the pulaie of the mouth or the bone of th nose lull in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object bfcommis serution.tiH death putsn period to his dreadful suf ferings, by tending him to -that iourna trom win nee no traveller return." To rtcti thercfo-e. Dr. Johnston pledges lilui.elf to preserve the moat Inviolable seererv and, from hia axteosive prac tice in the first Hoapttalain Europe and America, he can confidently n t uminend a safe and speedy cure to the ontortunaie vielim vf tltls horri.l diu- eam-. It la a melancholy fuel, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the un skilfulnessol inoranl pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poise n. mercury, ruin the conrtitu tinn, and either s nd the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mis erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J.addreasesall tnoae who havslnjured them selves by private snd improper indulgences These are some of the ssd and melancholy ef fetie, producid by eaily, habit of youth, vis j VVcaknesof the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Aluscu'ar Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervoua irritability. Derangement f ti e Digestive Fune tion, Ganernl Debility, Symptoms ofConsuiiin tion.tVe. . , v MmtaVy The frarlulifTtcls no the mind are much to be dreaded 1 Los of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Deprcsxion of pliits. Evil Forebodings Aversion of Society, Self Dlstiuat, Love of Soli tude. Timidity, die. .are some of theevils produced Thousands of persons of all ages, can now indue what is the caure of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming week, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyer cough snd symptom of consumption. ' Married Persons, or those contemplating mar riage, bting aware of physical weakness, should Immediately consult Dr. J, and be restored to t-er-fc-ct health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REM E DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great snd importsnt remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured snd full vigor restored. Thousands of the most Nervous snd Debilitated individuals who hud lust all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All Impediments to MARK1AGE. Physical or MenulDiaqualifications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings snd V eaknef s, or exhsuslion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. t Young men who have Injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when slone a habit frequently lenrned from evil companions, or at school, the effects .f which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage lmposrible.ard destroys both mind snd body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of hi country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects s nd enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, aud indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons, bclore contemplating MARX I AGE, Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the mot-l nereasary requisites to promote eonoabial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a wear) pilgrimages the pros pect hourly darken to the view t the mind become hadowed with despair and filled with the melon eholy reflection that the happinersof another be cwnes bliahted wiih our own. OFFICE NO. J SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., Baltimobb, Ma. AHSurglral Operations IN-i termed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediately either perMtnally or bj letter. . . 8kla IseaesHiee4Uy Cured. . TO STRANGERS. The many thousmd cured at this Institution with in the Ut ten years, and the numerous impor tant Surgicsl Opera lions perfotmt d by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Keporiers of the papers, and many other peraona.fiotictsof which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guaran tee that the afflicted will find a skilful and honora ble ptojriciaBi . - TAKE NOTICE. ft Is with the area test reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permit hia card 10 appear before the pablic, deeming it unprofessional for a physician to adver tise, but unless he did ao, the affilctrd, espotrislly strangers, could not fail 10 fall Into the hand of those impudent, boa at ing imposters. individuals destitute of knowledge, name and eharactrr. ped lar, shoemakera, mechanics. c.,edvrtilna; them aelvea as physicians t Ignorant quacks, viih Why. lyimg certificates of Great Wonderful Cures Irani persons who cannot be foand. or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthies and Degraded. a d many other cunning and contemptible artincra to anile the afflicted, trifling month after month, or is lona as powible.ead ia deapair, leave you with rained health. to aluh over your gallingdUappolaiment It i thia motive that induce Dr. J. to advertise. for he alone earn ears you. To tbeao unacquainted with hl reputation, he deems It necessary to ay that his creoVauai or diplomas alwaya hang ia his Office. WEAKNESS Or THE ORGANS Immediately cured, and full vicor restored. CrALL LETTERS POST-PAID-EEME-DIKS SENT BY MAIL. , Ja.9tk, 183. m-Iy-a. WILMINGTON MARBLE AXD STONE YARD. I 'HE Subscriber having sect pled ths sgenrv of 1 several large establishments at the'Norih wlurtt will furnish him an unlimited supply of finl.hi'd or untlnUbed, forelt n snd domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all nrHer for IONUMlCNTM AND TOM II rtTOXF.H. snd evafy otherKlclaln the Una of Hi bualm at reasonable rales. 8CULPTURINO, LETTERING 0RC ARVINO. Executed as well as can b dsn either North of South. Tbebest reference can be glvm. if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1834. tf. OUR MOTTO IS 'to FLEAS ft' AT THE Wilmington saddle, Uamcta, and Trunk Alauufaetory. THE subscriber respectlully In form I he public that he has reeently received sddltlonv to hit stoc k of Saddle and llarnea Mountin,A e. , lh lateatand most Improved stylo, a nd Is conslanly manufacturing! his store on market street .every description ol article-in ths above line. From hi experience in the business, lis feels confident thai hewtii bsabl to glveenuresatlsfsetlontosllwho mavfavorhlra wltlt a call, llshasnowoa hsadi and willconstaMily keeps lareaaortmnt of Iamuh, aig and Sultry Harnett, Laity i bidUrt Bndtit, Wkipt, f-e., Gentlemen's Sartttkl, H kipt Spurt, d-c. la tall of which ha will warrant to b oft. 1 11 1 ho beat material and wofknianthlp. I J Tt 11 has also a laru assortment of T Trunks, Valises, MaddTe and Carpet Hagsj Satchels, I'anry Trunks, e&c, snd sll other sr tides usually kept In such establishment, all of whicn uaoiiert low for CASH, or onabortcredit to prompt eustomer. Saddles, Harness.Trunks.Redlcsl Baa, e&ei Ae., msd to order. In addition totha above tha subsrriberalwavs kscpson hand a lare upplv ef Mtrittr Leather 1 and haa now, and will kep through the eaon a goonassorimentoi 1'iy nttts. Allarelnvlled to cull andeiimlne tny Goodi whethcrln want or not, as I takepleasursiiialiMW- ing my assortment to all who msy fsvor ma wit II a can. HarneasandCosch Trimmings sold al a fair price lo persons buying to manufacture a iso, nip at wholesale. .Ilklndsof Riding Vehicles bongh 1 1 r. . old on eotnmllons JOHN i , CUNOLI.V . Feb. 7, 1854 U8 FOX k P0LI1EMUS, 59 Broad Stra t, Corner of Beater, N. York, Oder for ssle I he following hesvv Cotton Fshrlea: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK- 22 Inch, all number, hard and sulti also all the various widths of Canvass manulactuted at ihla 1 tablioluiK nt couipriaing every variety known to 1 lie trade, and o He red at the. lower! rale. UNITED STATE; PI LOT DUCIC Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full aaaorUnenl ol Hit superior fabric. VVH.UMANTIC COTTON DUCK- IC, If, 2d and 22 Inch, nil number, hard and soft. I l ia Mi rlcwss awarded the highest Premium at ih Lon don World's Fslr, alo si our own Ktute Fair. SHIP AND BEAU MAUK DUCK- - Plain and twilled, manufactured by the tf 1 fn w joil'a Coin pany, a superior ank le fur light soil, tenia, wninya; Ac.j also, Mount Vernon Twill d Raven. Howard Raven, Pioneer and Phwnlx Mills 1 Liglitton Raven, plain 22 to 27 Inch t Honvy.do. do; COTTON KAIL TWINE A full aaanrtmr ht. TAItPALLINS. HAMMOCKS, MTUFFS, etc. PAPER FI.LTINO i0 10 11 Inuh, made vi r heavy. exprely lor drier lelis. CAUCOVF.IUNO-Cotion Canvas, alllwidiha, from aO lo 130 inehea, and all number, made rx pressly for covering and roofing rallrouu cor, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and niuru cnuurini man 1 n ear n'i , ENAMELLING CANVASS-30. 3P, 40,45 an 1 50 im h plain and twilled, In every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every deaerij.llon Seamless BagB. woten whole, sll sir., In bales of 100, 200 and 300 1 coinblnlng slre-nglh. utility and cheapness, for grain and met sra unuriHa d. Alao, heavy Coiton Sacking, 40 im h Cunvaaa. :i ihread Warpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do.. 20. ,40nnd 44 Ineh. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sltea, a new and derlrable artit le. tVb.2I. 144-ly-r. THOS. B. CAR R, mTd. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last ten year, M. Chararea for 10 or lea artifii la! teeth on fine gold ftlate, each. I 7 0() 50 Of) 150 tfli An entire cl of teeth on fine golj plale, Diito on gold with artificial gum, Ditto on i'latina plate with artifi cial gums, Upper or under ditto, raeli, A Pivot tooth that cannot be dial Ing tilah ed from the natural, A fine gold tilling, varranltd rtrwaneni ir.c 00 75 00 00 00 Do. - and destroying tli nerve. (3 to & 00 Extracting a tooth, 60 ct. to 1 OJ Best dentifrice and tooth bruthci always un hand. Every operation varranltd 10 give entire sallrluc tlon. Tcrth inserted immediately after the rxtrac lion of the fang and ra n tdaled ftor ths gums have shrunken, wiihoul additional chsrge. Office on Market! , 2 door below lit Cliur Ii. Wilmington, N. C. April ft. 10-tf. THAT SUPERIOR BUTTER UAH COME! 41 Sikln all from the dairy of AHam War ner, the moat celebrated dairy i New Vork . 100 boxes Cheese 1 60 bbls. superior Pink F.ys Pota toes t 6 hbl. Buckwheat Flour. All for aale by Dee. 16. W. M. Sll I.RWOOD cX CO. MEMOIRS of Celebrated Character, by Al phonse De Lamarline. Among the c lebtatr d characters of whom sketches are given In thean volumes, are NeUon. Ileloise. Colutiiba, PaMaey Ihe Potter, Cicero, Homer, Joan of Are , Tenelofi and other of no less wide a dverlty of poriiion, lonune snd age. 2nd supply of this popular work arrived and for sala by J.T. Ml'ND. Jan. 9. rs. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS CUT, made, and put down, by WILKINSON & RNf.F. R, Paper Hangers and Upholaiar. Sept. 29. 8J. COAL. Of ( 1 HIIOS. to arrive per Rtrmhip NonH CJJ Carolina, fron Philadelphia, by Dec. 30. - GEO. HARRISS. NOTICE. ' i ' JUST receive by ih submlber snd or lc 'i .BbU. VXhlakeyi 4 qr. caiks Freaen Brandy j . 6tV boxes or assorted i andle , . 30 d. Char 1 e 10 half bbU. Hiram Smiih, Flour' ' . IC whole do. do.f 300 bags TaWa H r 40 bbla. assorted Sugars, Ac. The above articles will be sold low on lior llwie, bat lower for eah. Dec. 16. W, L. . TOWNS II END. EMPTV SPIRITS r"?XLl. 500 PRIME 4nnd band . ' V Npirlta Tur- a f",ni (ill- A. i3, BK0.4U). 113. Adam. For aal by Dee. 30. SPER3I CANDIXS L : 1 1HIT CASKS. Of ) BOXES Kpetru "undlea , 3 0 prime New JkJ Spirit Caaka, exiia aixa, for aal low to r loae consign ment. T. C WORTH. Oct. 6. tn. TnEFOSSILSFlRrrr A BOY'S DREAM OF OKOLOOV. by J6hr Mill. M. D. Jat pibll.bed. Fr.Ut Jan. 16) S. W. WHITAKLIC'S. SACK SALT. I rVAA Sacks ia eto , for le In lot to uft lUUUby BUSStLLaV BRO. Jan. 23. 1 l BBLS FAMILY FLOOR, Jl la Store, 1 li and for sal by QUINCE A COWN. Nov. 36 10t.