JOB, BOOK, c&ia in $ if a h cy; corxci or fosi!d iuMrr tfRCtn, v - - WILMINGTON, 5. C. aj:licoia'r Attention paid, to fle . I'oIIotvIj: kiurfa f tite-t n Irint Inr. Hills of Exchangc , -H'dU of Lading, Vook; 't'mrds, v- 'ufaatrweo, j-tijicatesr ZShrels, t irenltrt. Entries of Merchandise. Handbill, Label. IilaU, 1'nmublett. Receipts, Itutet of Freight. Orujl. q-c, f-c . ., An I PLAIN AND FANCY PKINTING.of eve ly description, dune in ihe makit inan ncr, and on the mini reasonable lertna. Wjh.iington. August 17, 1851. SOAP AND CANDLES. .- X CONSTANT supply of heal Soap and Tallow 'JA. Candles. of SMITH &. McUAE'S make, ran jhe found at the subscriber, store, for sale af less h-.n !Vew York price. Fnennrsge Home Man' "Ulayure. A LEX. WcKAK, Jr., Importer of China, Ac. Vcb.3. 131 tin. SUNDRIES. OT BAGS Rio Coffee; 20 do. Laguirn and Ja JJ va do ; 60. Mils. C. Yellow Snsar; 40 do. Mullelii, in park bbls prime order; 20 do. Crack era, Sugar, Soda and Butler ; 25 boxes Steam re fined Cmdr; iO biie Fresh Raisins; 50 boxen Chcse; 40 do. Candles; 50 do. Soap, Starch. Pepper; Spice, Snuff, ToHarco, Cigars. Scotch Herrings, Shot, Powder. f-e For sale by Jan, 2'- ZENO II. GUEENE. K . U. T. copy. CANDIES. A CONSTANT supply of assorted Candies at --c"Vi Hholesale and retail. For wile by L. N. B.tU LOW, Feb w ' No. 3 Granite fl.iw, Front-st. "TSrDExIs 3I0LASSES. pO? HHD. prime new-crop Cardenas Molas 0 U sea now landing freni brig EJkn Huyden, Ttoni Cardenas. For sale by Feb. 6. J. A J. L. HATH AWAY A CO, THE UliKAT DISTRIBUTION POSTPONED ! THE Cosmopolitan Art Association announc a brief posipuDciiHnt of the Distribution Ir n too 3Uih of January, to the ZSrij of February at w hieh time it will positively lake d..ce. The Managers find it necessary to mte the above change, owing to the delay in computing the building of the Galleries, and rhc reception or Works of Art; which necessarily deferred the publishing of the Illustrated Catalogue uniil Idle in December, thereby preventing the general cir culation desired among- the distant Secrctati.s aud friend of the Association. TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET SUBSCRIBED The fast opportunity is now presented. Any one subscribing previous k thc26ih of February, are entitled to the Magazines for 1855, " The J'.-)) ment of 63 entities any person lo'eith'er one of the following Magazine for rheyenr 1S55 t Harper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Black, wood', Graham', Ma-uz ne of Art, and Godey's Lady's Book, and the Quartet ly Reviews re-print-ti in New York : Edinburgh, Wes'minisfcr, Lon don Quarterly, and North BritUb. Also a ticket in the Distribution, giving the holders an .qua! chance in drawing the oS.VOU Statue f the Grut Slave, or Venn. Bacchante, liibc. Flora, with broexe SiatneOe nd several hundred Mognrfi-, 'tent Oil Painting ! - For lull particular fee IMuMraltd Cataloguer, which are sent free, on application, to ail parts I iho.ouniry. Add-ess C L. DERBV, Actuary C. A. t L. A., Knickerbocker Magazine Office, 349 Broad way, N. Y., or 165 Wnte r-st. Sandusky, Ohio. SPECIAL NOTICE. N. B. Distribution w ill positively, take place on the evening of the 2'th of February, In the presence of alf members who t hooee to si rend. It will be conducted in precisely the satne man ner as the American and Philadelphia Art Union, by honorable gentlemen, elected for that purpose, by the majority of nt embers prerent. The trunactiunscf Ihe Association, giving list of drawings. &c, will be putlithcd and forwarded to all members, immediately after the Oistiibntion. ,Fe 6. 135-a. LIME. 5G0BRLS Jan. 30." in Store and for sale by ; - E. J. LUT r ERLOH. ALUM SALT. 2POT1 BG. 2 bushela each, in si )jJ for sa'e in lots to tiif, by ore and Jan. S. EMPTY BARRELS SKCOND-hand, of choice quality. VvyLsaleby RUSSELL& Bl For BRO. an. XJ. l-9. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the subscriber. 'near RaUJvh. and nn fh onir:il ISall Road, is oot yet disposed of. A decrip- tlon has already been given bur no one ill f course make so important a purchase without visiting Ihe. premises. Apply to Wm. 1. Pjole, Esj., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. - - T. LORING. Wilmington, N. lan. 23, 1S5 i. SPIRIT BARRELS. Of 'ill SECOND hnnJ Spirit barrels on hand (ml V f and for sale by Feb. L PETTEWAY PRITCHETT. NEW GROVE ACADEMY, NEAR KENAXSYILLE. - fpiIR aubscribcr has much pleasure in informing JL hisfiicnds aod the public generally, that he expects to commence his next session in a neir, Ltrge-and comfortable Academy, (45 by 7t feet,) pleasantly situated, about a mile Irom ihe village; with ample accommodation for any desirable num ber of pupil. I he bui!dtng will very soon be . completed, and due notic will be given of the opening of the School. Aided by competent assictahis. and with the 'command of facilities, such as he has nevei before enjoyed, he confidently hopes to give full and en t ;er satisfaction- to all who may be disposed lo con. fi le to his care Ihe education of their children and wards. Board may be procured with ihe Prinel lil, or with other Jamil iea in ihe- vicinity, at 7 par month ; and ihe hole cost of Board and Tui tion will not exceed from S40 to 350 per session of live months. to pains will be spared to prepare hi pupils thorwtghfy for College, for Teaching or fur-Buaiaefii. :For rVrrber pajatcutars, address " - REV. JAS.M. SPKUNT, Kenaosvilje, N.C. ALSO Being drsiroua ruf removing his resi dence to the mote imoMdiate .vicinity ot the Acad emy, he offers for enle his . HOUSE AND LOP, IN KEKANSV1LLE. The dwelling is comfortable, and. convenient, containing seven rooms, with Pantrv and Kitchen attached; together wiilt a r.ent tfficc or study, Servants' House. Smoke Housv Barn, Stables, Ac, all framed buildings, recently put up. The lot covers nearly five acres, with exct Hen; water, -and a choice selection of Fruit Trees, is a bearing -Mte; including Apples, Pears, Peache. Plurtis, Cherries, Nectarine. Apricots and Grapes. . To lb 6 desirous of s pe rior facilities for eeit vat ing their children, this sitnation offers peculiar advantages, aince, in addition la the Schools al .xesdy cxisttog, a Female Seminary is jut abool to be commenced s Paic-i,30f, with intcrcEt till paUl. Jan. 6ih, 4835. I22-3t-w. ' PROPOSALS. WK' ,he DUUing eemmittee of the Presbyterian Church at Goldj-boro"; N.C., will receive iproposaJa nt 1 iheOth-' of February, J855, for building a Brick Church 55 ft. by 40 ft ,a follows t 1st Proposals for the brick work ; 2nd Proposals for the wood work, or 3rd Proposals for the completion ol the whole Church.' r '.-..-; .The phi n and specifications can be seen by ap--plying t the Committee. ' .. ' WILLIS HALL, JOHN EVKRITT, J , SAMUEL SMITH. Com 's JAMES McDUFFIE, f mij'ee. Rev. D. T. FOvVLES. j . J. D. CAMPBELL. j CvetltUviaerJt.CDcc.,28. 113-4t-w. - FOR NEW YORK. fV Inailr ...III -I K i. . L t' y win line urnfiniuii us avuvc For - y J. H. FLANNEBj Fl'b.-C. : S5 North Water nr et FOR 1NEV YORK. REGULAR LlSB. Schr. MARY POWELL. Chpl. David aoo, will have despatch as above. For r- frel-ht or passage, applv tn t Fib 6.; GEOi HAIilllSS. FOR PHILADELPHIA. HE HOWS USE. WARRANTED first vessel, with de pa4ch. The renlar faat wfft'ff : Packet Schooner LI LI. IK SAN DKRS, Theo. Coi- on, master, will have quick d'Sj)atch lor tiie above port, f or mi"ht or passage apply to Feb. 3. " GEO, fURIMSS. r FOR BOSTON. BRIG WATER V ITCH.Simrsen. ma ter. will have despatch aabove. Forfre'gi t or paaaaec. apply to- - - 3. GEORGE HA RniSS 'I FOR NEW YORK. Schr. EMILY, Mankin. master, now .loading, r or frctahf or pass?, to FREE. MAN d HOUSTON. Feb, 1. i ' - 133. NJSW LINE of SCREW STEA3ISDIPS TO SAIL BETWEEN NM W YORK AXf . f LA50'0ir. ' A, THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet Uompanv'a new nteamrhln.'. t lvJe and Petrel, ate intended to sail lor Glaeow nner : ' From ew York, CLYDE. Wednesday, Angus! '16th, at 12 o'clock, noon. Kate of Passage, (Steward's fees inclnded.) Chief Cabin. i0. A limited number of third class passengers will be taken and mnnlud u ith root! and comfrtably choked provtMons, at Berths not .'secured rill paid for. Thcve Kcrew Sieainhins have been buill and fitted out express Iv for the trade, on ihe most approved principles, fo .eeirinsr yaR-ty, comfort and speed ; and carry each as experienced Stirjeon For Freight or Passage applv to r ROBERT P A TON, i 3 i Br.dvrv, N. Y. Monpy orders granted on Glast-ov , in stints of l Sterling and upwards, ayablc on demand. Au: 4. " 63-tf. WANTED. eS&v to load fir a Windward I -land. Apptfvto." Jan. 16. ' . GEORGE HARUl-S.S. WHITE LELD & SPANISH . BR OWN. 1 KKGsJ Cure, extraanj N-. I VVhiie Lead; X Vv 2 j bbla. Spanish Brown ; to le eon- siifimient. : AlOORE, STANLY &, CO. Oct. 28. I 94 HOUSE FOR RENT. A Comfortable Dwelling Honsp, with Rooms. 4 of them with fire nlnee. n criml llisLpantry, with.a'l necesiFary out buildings, a larse garden ard cood well of water, situated on S. F-. C'irner of Dock and Old Bcitndry Streets, near Miles Costin, ttl. Apply to ' - , t I HOS. F. G.lUfE, T. F ROBESON. Jnn. 50th. t3'5. 1 J8-tf. J. & H. copy. .- . .. . ,. . MULLETS. I AOnRr'S"3Vo I Mullets, In oak and pine I tJKJ bbls., and in prune o-dcr. for sale bv Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY & CO. . - - BAGS. " - v...' O rrf TWO and three bushel Gunny Bags. -ijVJUU for sale by . Jan. 23. , RUSSELL Jr BROTHER. CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS. on colors, W hi le. Pea rr and Black Reavers and CasMmeres, at reduced prices. Jan. 23. C. MYERS. I PRESSED BRICK. 4HA1 KIRK'S pressed briek, for sale in I sUJty losuit. T. C WORTH k)l? N.5. I music nTn CHARMS. THE rheape.-t assortment of realty good musi cal instrninenta now in this State, mar be found at J T. "Mrtnds' Bookstore. We now have in store. Guitars of nil kinds and at all prices; Violins from the very best dow n to thote at 50 els.; Fln'es, Fifes,, Banjs. Tamborines, Aceor deons, FltKinas. dec, dec-, Ac. Any of these' we will ntiw-tseli atcoM, as we are desirous of. felling off onrprepcnt stock. to make room for our Sprint supply. If yoa wish to gel a bargain, before pur chasing elsewhere call at J. T. M UN PS' Bookstore, ' JVcxl to C. & D. DuPre'a Drug Store. Jan. 13. 12.J FOR SALE OR RENT. BEING about to break up him-e keep ing, J will sell or rent the House in which 1 now the corner of Walnut and 4h streets. I have, alsw, several article of household furni ture that I will dispose of at moderate prices. Call at tuy residence between the hours of 12 aod i o'clock, on any day ol ihcwcek. 1 LUKLMi. Jan. 16. 1W if. f BACON! BACON!! C HHD3. Western Mde ; 10 do. Shoulders, for sale so close cofis;gnment RANKIN S MARTIN. Jan. 27 131 -St. $500 REWARD, . WILL be given to any person or persons who shall find the Chain and Ar.ehor of the light vessel Frying Pan .hoals, and deliver-(he same to the keeper of the Ye sel. . : . The cable Is supposed to be very near the pres ent place of Hsht Vessel, it i 90 fathoms long and lies about E. S . R. A W . N. W . D. P. WOODBURY, Capi. Ent'rs. Jan. 23.; . ..130 -10. SALT. 1 On BUSHKLS (in bagj.l tcrjt heavy Curra A JJ coa.for sale low to close, h y HANKlN A MARTIN. Jan. 27. l il-4t. NEW CROP CARDENAS MOLASSES. JJO HHDS., 14 tee. and 4 bbls. prime New OftO Crop Molasses, now' landing from Brig John Hathaway, from Cardenas. For sale by Jan. 27. J. & J. L. HATHA WA Y & CO. COAL. IfVTONS Sidney Coal now landing from A JJ Brig Active. This Coalia a euperior ar ticle, put up fof family use, for sale in lots to suit, by ; . T. C. WORTH, at Walker's Wharf. Jan. 16. , 126. MR. HIRSH ARTIST BEGS to inform ihe pnblicthat a his stay in this place will be limited, those desitoos of hav ing Miniatures taken in every t tyle- of the art, had beat communicate with hiui soon al the Caiolina Hotel, w here lie has rooms for I he present, v . in order thai ho Ladies anaVthe public generally may have at, opportunity of inspecting specimens of his work, he has left a few at the no re of Mes srs. Brown & Anderson, Market street. ' Dec. 12. H2-tf. Fo1j,uco"" rf" BOXES various quatitii s, fur sale at Factory OK t prima. T. C. & B; Q. WORTil. - Jan.27. ' - -y,-v j -;',:- - . . I3t, .- VALENTINE DAY IS COMING, AND we h ve this morning received by express a magnificent assortment of the finest Valen tines ever offered in this market. Call in time to make your selections. J. T. MUNDS. Feb. I. . 13 ... bacon.; 1 f HHDS. Western Sides ; 10 do. do. Shottl ivy ders a superior article. In store and for sale by RUSSELL A BRO. Dec. 21. '16. LARD AND HAMS, JUST received 10 bbls. Prime Lrd ; 1 hhd. Bal timore city cared Hams. For sale by I.. M. BARLOW, it's Jan. 30. No. 3 Granite Row, Front-sf. Feb. CHANGE CF SCHEDULE. JANUARY 15tf. ljBS'i. THE following Schedule will go into opj-ratioo till day: . bp thai. KlOHT : BAY. Leave W..& R. R. R. 8.(0 P. M 7.0'J A. to Ma. Wilmington 8.30 7.30 14 Brintt ley's-- 9,2 ' 8,26 h I-ix well's- - Fleming ton.i i - 1 0,2 1 " ?,2I " VVhilesvitio-.-' 10,57 95 " Grist's..- ll,50 " I lf.2l " Fair Bluff.-- -l2.K3A.M. ll.fO " Nichols'-..--12,31 " 111,28 u Mttllen'a,- Marin ------ 1,24 - 1253 P.M. Great Pee Dee-"- t 52 12.34' Mat' Blt.ll'... 2,41 ; l,-4 " Floranct 3.14 " 1.40 - Timniotiille..--.- 3.4A .' 2.16 . " LinrhHurg. ...-4.20 " " Miysvwles" 4.5 i " . 3,05 " StiinrerviHe 5.26 ; " ( -3.3S fc - MarMhester-."" 6-04 "4,03 . ' Watcree. P,32 " 4,25 " Arrive at KingsvMle --. 7,30 - r.fcO. " DOWN TUJ K. MOHT. PAY. Leave Ki?gsvilie.---.3,f0 P. Al. 5.00 A.M. VNntcrec 3.46 " 5,44 ' Miinche-t. r... 46 6 02 - -V Siitinterville 4,41 1' 6 36 . " .Mavsvilie. 5X7 ' 7,l " " r.vncrrbur M5 7,26" ' Timmonsville--- --6,19 7.T Floranee-.... ...... 643 .- r.25 " " Mai's ilittff.. 7.10 : i. t,49 " " Great Pee Dee 7,51 j U,i7 Morion.... .-SiO ' 12 " JIuUi '- " Nichol s.. 9,12 ' 10,32 . " '- Fair Bluff. P,50 " " I l'.DS " " " Grist's 10,25 " I 11,37 " " Whitsville 1050 " 12.05 P.M. " Flemington--. 11,45 ' 12,40 " " Maxwell's.- i " Urinklev's. -12X5 " J I 30 44 Atrive at Wilmington..- 1.40 " 2,20 " W.K. R R...... 230 2 53 ' Day Trains will atop nt the regular Slatious, and afcHoodstreek. Maxwells. Whin-marsh. Pence. s, Cerre-Gordo.Mnllin, Carter! vilio, and Cane Sa vannah, whe.n signalled tc take tin or put down Passengers. L.J.FLEMING, Gf neral Superintendent W. if- M . R. R. Wilmington. Jan. LK. - 126-lni. Office WiliaiugleitASc ttaleigU It.K. Cumpavy. WttmNGTOs , N. C January 15th, 1655, IROM and after , aaia date,- the Passenger ac commodation train will leave for Weldon at 3 l. Vf. tletitrnin r. will arrtva i 4 o'clock, A. M. This change of schedule Is made to connect wjth the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road, over wlii-'i j Jiy train vill behereifter run, oonnccting with the Roads South. . fThe Rail Road lime l now regulated by a Dew StandartfClock, which in at present about 10 minutes ahead of the lawn lime. ; S. L. FREMONT, " Engineer &. Superintendent. Jan. loth, 1855. . 12i tf. OFFICE WIL & amrRTROAD C0i, WILMINGTON, N. Jan. 4fh, 1$.j5. ... sir- !ll!i.jiiii.W TVfO Freight u-ii'l hcrrafler be forwarded or. dilir- j L ered until the jreifrht Li paid ' j " All freight in the (,uiiip:iny's warchtMisc, or ile-t-tined b-tauae rf the non-payment of the freight, will be enu'relv at the owner's ris-k. " I. J. FLEMING. Gen'l. Suj.'t. W. & M. R R. Jan. 16. . l-'6 tf. NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. tfte&ig.ji ly-Afcyat, ru.MMg N and after Monday J inuary 1st, 1S55. the No. Carolina Railroad will be opened for the trans portation ef Passengers and Fr i'.'htlrofuGoklsboro to Dnthaiu's, '.'6 miles Wen of RaUigh. Passenger train leavea.Goldsljow'.daUy, 3:00 A.M. passes Ka eli?r. ;' " 0:00 airives at Diitham's" 7.46 u RETURNING. Passenger train leaves Durham's daily, 2:00 P. M. passes Xaleign " .l:flj " ' c a rrftrcaiiT oW8boro'-e:2 Connecting with the United States Mail train on the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad at Raleigh; and Messrs. Bland f- Dann'aMail line of four horse pott Coaches at Durhatns, running daily via Ulllsboro', tiruhant. Oreenshtiro', Jamestown, Sa- Iciii and Lexinaton to Salisbury, from which point to Charlotte the North Carolina Railroad Company are running a daily truin. . A through Freight train- leaves Goidsboro' eve ry Thursday, for Durham', returning every Ft i- day. " - - A way Freight train will ren every Tnesday from Goidsboro' to tStallines rrd return same day, and will make ejtra trips when necessary. . ' W A I. IKK UWVKN, , Chief Engineer, N. C. R. IL Co. Jan 2nd. 13:5, 120-tf. NOTICE. HEREAFTER, a Fn-ight Car will bo attached to the Accommodation Passenser Train, in whi.-h freiiht will be transported daily, to and from Goidsboro and the intermediate Plations. An ad ditional ehnrge,of 20 per eenr. on the regular rates win De en irged. Kretght tor this Train must be at the Ware House by 1 o'clock, and mnrked '-by Ac commodation Train." THOS. II. LANE, TransportatiiMi Agent. Dec. 19. . .15. TOWING BY STEAMER CAIH0UN. ORDERSfortowingby STEAMER UALtiUUiM, will have attention if ileftauhe office of GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. 1 " 105. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE ! ! STEAMER Sam Beary, A M Gtttb rie, master; Steamer Calhoun, Joe Springs, master, are ready at all times for business. Ordets for Towsgewiil have prompt attention if left atofTice f Agent. GEO. HARRISS. June I T 38-tf. RICE LAND FOR sTle7 ) more acres of prime Rice Land lying rJJ 8 miles above Wilmington- on the Cape Fear River, and adjo4ning the lands of D. R. Ba ker, and M. Bryan. 'Phereisa good Upland Set lenient of 70 acre, with a one atory dwelling with fout loom-" and other improvements. Terms made easy, or I would exchange for real estate In the Town of Wilmington. Further description of the land is unncssary a those wishing to purchase will examine for themselves. . . , THOS. SMITH. July II. 49-tf. FOUR BBLS. FRESH BUCKWHEAT. JUST in stre and for sale by Dee. 30, O.U JNCK 4- COWAN. cittTmiSs pork. " Qi BBLS. rust reeelved. and Tor said by OVJan.23. J.& J. L. HATH AWAY U CO. pork Xnd bacon. BBLS. Mess Pork; 5 hhd. Western Sides. For sale bv Oct. 26. PETTEWAY & PRITCH F.TT, BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, ND ih Flag or our Union, for Saturday. Jan ii z'j, received ana tor sale at Jan. 16 ) S. W. WHITAKER'S. THE PHRENOLOGICAL AND THE WATER CURE JOURNALS el For sale by the single copy and subserfptiona. received at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Jan. 16 226. RUTH HALL. B Y Fanny Fein. Just published. Received and for sale at 3. W. WHITAKER'S. Dec 30. 119. FOR SALE. O nVl GUNNY Bags, 2 and 3 bushels, by UiJUU , RANKIN & MARTIN. Jan. 37. 13l-3t. MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE lot of choice Old Mnsie, now in 1 JTk. store, will be sold oat at cost. Call and make your selections before it ia all gone. Jan. 13. J. T. MUNDS. " 'ADAIS &. CO'S Gtt EAT NORTH ERST AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! ("iAittlY PACKAGES of every description to J PetersburrrTachmond, Fredriekabulg, Wash inifton Jit jr. f ri smooth, Norfolk, Baltimore, Ac, im ehmrsottf St fj-'o1 "r"-eteer: . . JOH'N-iA-CvVELL, A-eni, " OfTica art Front, near AJaikct at. May 13.. V S- 27-if. f THE ADAMS EXiS COMPANY. WOUlD repectlulfy inform the public,"' that having effected contracts n!h the var4ns Railroad Companies, Sou th. and. West, for ( the transportation of PARCELSA"t'-ElGaTS SPECIE, MERCHANDISE, ic. y-.aachgerl irains, in connection with their nnnntra nncs, as heretofore, to the Northern cttiea boih land roti'e.via TV jhiungton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston and also o New York by afeasreis; they are now prepared t forward lb Aususia, Savannnh, Maeon, Clombia.A m' rieus,' Atlanta, Chattanoosa, Knoxville, Wahhwilc and Montgomery, and iherc cn netting itb tfcfi boats for Mobile and New Orleans, to whom they wilt deliver as per order. For the better tearily of Vfronies. Jewelry and otln-r valaabkw, an ire.afe i placed in each Exprcaa Car, aceotnpanicd wtrfri an experienced tneseenger, who kaa the exclusive care and etistodv tf hia express ear, and whose business it is to receipt d t'eliaetr roods t and of the parcils to I Re agents at stations on the Una fonie. - Particular atlentinn is paid to the collection ofc Notes, Drafts and bNis and to the collection of bills on the delivery of Good. Such facilities for the fpecdy transmission of Goods having never before been offered to the D4tblic ihtouiih ike South and Weft; they trust it will be appreciated by ihe businees commtuiit v-- JOHN L. CANTWELL, Atent. Jan. 11. 124-it EXPRESS CARD. aHE Public arc respectfully Informed that The A e'dnms Express (.Tompanv have established Offices in Columbia and f amden. South Carolina, and art prepared to forward every description of packages to the interior of Noiilt or South Caro lina, via those offices. Oct. 31. - - 95-lf. EXTENSION OF THE EXPRKSS. THE ADAMS EXPREs-S COMPANY take pleasure in inlorining 'heir patrons aod llio public, thai they have extended iheir line over the South Side Rail Road, and are daily forwarding good and valuables &C-, to Stations along the line ot that road and the interior ol Virginia. Oct. 31sl, 1354. ; 95-ti. FREE READING ROOM 170:1 the convenience of the public wc will 17- keep files of a few of the priwcipnl Newspapers. ADAMS f- CO'S. EXPRES -, Front, near Market st. Mav 13 - 27-tf. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MRS. E. A. FORD, woukl inform her friends and the public, iha4 her Poarding House is nr,w open for the winder- Fam ilies wishing boaid, can be accommodated with large and pleasant rooms on reasonable terms; a few single rooms for gentleman and transient eooipanv- Also, board without lodging. Nov. 25.' 105-tf. WE Call ihe attention ef tho public to our ex tensive assortntent of . - BOOT AND SHOES, consist irg of every quality usually nl!, d for in our line A new lot of Ladies' Brtiwn and Black Thin and Thick Sole Gaiter. A good assortment of henvy work for the Country. Solo Leather and Calf Skinsalso Manu'ne'nring and Repairing a. naoaL G. & O, BHADLKY fc C , A the Old Siacd, Si;'n of the Big Boot. M is rket Street.- Jan. 23. . 129 Int. TOWN BLUFF PLANTATION AND - STORE HO USE FOR SALE. ri'!! E undersigned offers for sale one f the most L desirable plantations, and Lusint ss sites in the middle section ef Georgia, located en the Altama ha liver, iwo milea; below tlu- junction of the Oconee and Ocniulgee rivets contains twrhe hun dred and fifty acres, has about two hundred and seventy five seres cleared of as productive lands as can be found in itris section, wii h a river fiont of a bold bluffthreeqitattcis of a mile on l he river. The; Store can command the largest Iri-de of t ny store in a distance of seventy miles in any d reel ion. The best Shad fishery on the river. 1 he best site' Tor a Steam saw .Milton the river above Darierr. Apply personally lo me n the prftHtses fe-r two months or by letter lo Hull's Post Office. Appling County, Georsia. P. H. LOUD. Jan. 20th, 1825. - 12-2;n. . STOLEN ' FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, CHECK on Commercial Ba'ik ol Wilmington ii for S3, payable to cash or bearer. No. 1108, drawn by Kidder i Atartin. dated Dec. 23d. 1S54. One on tame by saute, for $10, No. 1 1 24, payable to J . W . Ford or bearer, dated Deer. 30th. One on same by GeortM: Harris- per- Aj J. H.iwcll, for S6H.12, No. 1.673, payable to S. B. Everett or bearer, datro Dee. 3". Ono on Th Assistant Treasurer U. S., New So8,43. payable to K. W. N hi taker or or. de. (not endos d) No. 121, drawned by Capt. D. P. MOoUuury, dated Wiimington, . C.,Dec. 30ih, iss t. ... A Note for SI 00, payable to J G. Sewell, and endorsed by hint, due January Itt, 1655, drawn by Jared Mathews f. Williams. A Note for 9.fi9, payable to S. W. Whitnker or order, one day after date, dtawn by H R. Strang, ttaiett wiimineion. U., January Mtn, lb5J. A Note for ll,25. payable to S. H . Whimker or day after date, drawn by Edward Cant well, dated Wilmington. Ai'euat 23d. 1S53. A Note for $37,lf, payable lo S. W. Whitakeror order, one day after dale, drawn by Crawley Fin ney, dated Wiiming'on, July, 1854. A "ote for S28, payable to S. W. Whitaker or order, six months after date, drawn by W. H. Maf fitt, dated WibBington. I$53. Ari order from the Agent of tho Goidsboro' Grist Mill on Pet it way d Piitehett. for S25. pyUo to the order of. and endorsed bv John ilfinrns Also. a nupiberof due bills, amou&ts not recol- lected, payable lo the undersigned norie endorsed by him and an acceptance et James E. Melts for M00. ' . . - All persons are hereby forewarned against trad ing for any of the above, aa payment has been stopped. S. W. WHITAKER. - Jan. 17th, 1355. 127-tf. HENRY BURKHIMER WHOLESALE A BBTAIL kTOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIC Of THE 11IAN CHIEF" MARKET STKEEr. . oue floor Uov Water Wilmlnsfoii, X. C. A'. B. All Orders JUUtd KtlM despatch. Oct. 26, h. 1354. . U3 t&w-. BACON. HHDS. Sid. s ' Jan. 23. Odo. Shoniders. For sale RUSSELL A BRO. . -'. V !i9- CANAL BARROWS. 'OR SALE, by March 30. J. M. ROHIIVSON. DENTAL PRACTICE. V?R attend to tha Surgery of the Teeth and Mouth from 10 o'clock, A. M until 5 P. M. For a gold stopping, S3 ; bat lr large or diffieut. from J4 to 5, Ac, &.et Cleaning teeth, front 5 toS2 Separating a tooth. &1; Extracting! tooth, from $1 to 50 cents ; a Pivot tool h, front i0 to 5. K. SPENCER. Wilminiton, Nov. 28lh,1854.' Il7-6nv. PERUVIAN GUANO. QOn BAGS, slightly damaged. Apply lo 4JJ De.-.2l. J. R. BLOSSOM. MACHINERY OIL. I f BBLS. Machinery Oil jost received, and for 1 W sale by J. f. J. L. HATHAWAY CO. : Jan. 2. i 120. I " NOTICE. WILL be sold on accntntnodatrng terms, eighty acref cleared Kice Land, well aiiiuiiM tor planting, a regards exemption from bi:ds and Ireshcts; also a good upland telilement will be ld wi;h thea'xive lands. Any person wishing to en gage ia the baaioea, may learn farther informa tion from V M.CRONLY. Dec. 23. ' ! Hlf. POTATOES. Of ) URLS. Extra Pbinting Potatoes, jasl re- O JJ ceived and for sale by Jan.2J. J. H. CHADBOURN & CO. ' " KE WELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. NEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all X. Accidents from (he are of Bunting Fluid, Camnhtne. and other Exolotiee Compound: used for the production of Liitht. Thi Intention lr apidied lo ell common Lamps and Lamp Feeder, also, to Solar, Cauiphcne Laiup, Lanterns, Ac. ALSO, Uurnim Fluid. Caniphene, ltotin Oil, For sales byC. dk D DbPRF, Druggists, Market Street, Wilmington, K.45- The following Certificate are a sufficient guar anty of the entire safety and efficiency of the Safely Lamp and Feeder t CERTIFICATES. 16 Bovlstom St:Botox, 21st Nov., 1853. 1 PaoFE8soa BcNjANts Silmman: Dear Sir. I lake the liberty of asliinsf ' you if any circnm ) stance has occaned, lending any decree to di rinih the full confidence you have felt in the protection atktrded by Newelra Patent Safety Lanip t v - WittLtl'fh respect, truly yours. . . A. X." IIavcb. CosTo.t, Nov. 21,18 3 ; To Da. A'. A. Hayes -.Dear St'r, In reply to the inq'iicf contained in vonr note of this da'e, 1 eun now'stato that 'Nc well's Patent Safely Lamp," af era considerably extended experience, in ny family, ha fully justified the favorable opinion which I expressed of It about a year ago. i Until this feroteciion was presented. I never permitted the so-called burninir fluid to be used in tny house. Nowids constantly employed by ihe domestics, and it has been occasion illy burned in the parlor and study. The house being lighted by as, there is llltle oecasion for its general ne in ehe family; but vrilh ihe protect ion named abort, I should have nohesi'niton to use i wherever thcic Is occasion for artificial light, and I do, with en tire confidence, recommend it lo my fiicnda and others who consult tin: onlhe subject always protesting, however, against the unguarded u e which ha produce i so many distressing and fatal results. ,S ' T remain, dear s- very respectfully and truly yours, B. StLLrsiAX, Senior. Wilminotos, N. C. June lftb " 854. I hereby certify that f witnessed the experiments of M r. NtwellT wrtb hi patent Safety Lamp, for furnishintT "fluid" and aui perfectlv aatUned ol the safety of the same. V J-. IT. Dicareow. President of the N. C. ..lcdi.-al .Society . This is lo certify that have rts d N well's Pat ent Salety Lamps, lor more man twelve mon and thev bavesiven iwrfeei satisfae-lon June 2id, 1854. Om. It. Fbskch Having purchased the rijthi the State of N C , from the Patentee, we a ra prepared" lo nil all Orders at short notice, for every description and varieiy of Lamps, die. All persons are captioned against infringing up on the. above patent, as the law will be rigldy en forced azainst all offenders. C D A. June 22nd, 1351. . DcPRE, DuPRE. Jr. . c. dickinsox: 42 ly-c. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION ! qHE AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, would A lespcciluliy announce lo the citizens of the U. States ui d the Carradas, that lor the purpose of cttl uvntin" a taste for the fine aria throughout ihe coun'ry, atwi with a view of enabling every family to Ic'connposc8ed of a allery of Enra ings, B Y TIIE FIRST ARTISTS OF TIIE A OE, 1 hey have dctrtt niined, in order lo crente an exle n sive sa'e for their Engratints, md thi s not , only :hc employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire anion our ceitntrytnt n a tastr for works cf ail, to piese nt to the pu ehaura of their etiffravingS. wh n 2jfl,'C0of. wl.k h are rld. 250.000 fjjfo of thr actual coal tf 1 50,000 Each piireonsorof a One Dollai Engraving, rhTc fore, receives not otily an E?raving richly worth the money, out also a ticket which cntiilta him to ono of the Gifts when they are distributed. For Five Dollar", a highly finished t-ngravinsr, beautifully PAINTED in Oil.and FIVE GIFT TICK ETS, will be sent ; or Kive Dollar worth of splendid Engravings can be selcctrd from th; Cat- Mane, and sent return mail ar vxpr. A e'Py of the Catalogue, together with a speci men of one of the Engravings, ran be aj a; tho ntftca (tf thU paper. ' . - Fwweh Dollar sent, nn Eneraviar mrtually trortJi that tim, and a Gift TU-ktt, vUt immediately beor tenrded. '''.' . A i:jiTsi The Committee lit ving that tha nieces of this Great National Im btakiko will he matiially prQintled by tlieent rxy and enterprise of Intel. igent knd pcrserving Agents, have resolved .10 treat wiih such on the most liberal term t. Any person wishing to become nn Agent, by sending (post paid.) SI, Hill receive by return of mail, a One Dollar Enpravinir, a -Gl FT TICKET," a Proapcclu, A (.dialogue and all other neeresaary information. - On ihe final completion of the sale, the Gifts vt ill be placed in the hands of a Committee of the pur chasers id be distributed, due notice f whit h VIII be given throughout the United Mates and the Can ada. LIST OF GIFTS I Off Marble busts of Washington, at S'OO 10.000 10.000 10,(00 lO.ftOO SftOO 100 Marble Dust Clay, ...- IU0 - Webster 100 -' - Calhoun,. SOe-legintOil Paintings, in splen- 1 did gill frames, size 3x4 feci each, 3 ICO elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3 feet t each, I 500 at eel plate Engravings, bril- 1 liantly colored in oil, rich gill 4iame8 24x30 inches each. S lOtJ 100 100 ICQ 50 5.000 10 5.0C0 10,Oi0 elegant stert plate Kngrnv i 1 i. A;l . 1. .. ' ih I c 20 f H'astiington Monument. 20 x inehe-s each. 237,0(0 s'eef plate enaravings, from 100 dilierenl plates now I In possession of and owned by ' ,k, ti... M r lllij Al UPin llif.'l, o HIV j to il each. I first-class Dwelling, in 3lst St., N. YCitv. 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101 st 9 li.O wts.N. Y. City, tacit 25xi00 feet deep, at 10 1C0 Villa Kites, containing each 1 I0.C00 sqttnie feet in the su- j butbs of New York City, and ! commanding a inngnificent .view of tho Hudson River I 5T0 and Long Island Sound, at J ij perpetual toaoa ot caan, with ith- i h,y out inteicst, or security. sroe. 6,0 o B.000 5,000 5.000 50 " , ' " ICO 100 ,.-. ' 5 230 - .. .. 20 fc ,000a 5 J0,t00 . Reference in regard lo the Real Estate. F. A. Via W.RII at Co .Real Estate Brokers, New Yolk Orders, (post paid,) with money enclosed, to h ad dressed. J. W. HOLBROOKE. Secretary. 505 Broadway. N. V. '0"The Engravings in the Catalogue are now ready for delivery. Oct, 2Sth. 1854. SS-Gin-c. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Locafed I2T Raltlmore-st,, ltallimore. Md. 'I'HIS Inutititiion presents superior laciliiies to A yoang men eleairons ef obtaining a practical business education. The course of Study embraces Doable Entry, Book-Keeping as p-actieally applied to ihe man agement of Mereamile, Bnk, Manafaeturinf and Stenm Boat Books; Basineaa Penmanship and and Mercantile Comptrtat'ons ; familiar Lecture on Commercial Law ; upon the subject ol Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts. Partner ships, Ac J,t. The arrangements are such that applicants can enter College at any time and avail themselves of the advantages of the entire course of study, each strident being separately taught. The students have access 10 a Commercial Li brary procured expressly for their accommodation. There is also attached to the College a Reading Room, where may b found all the leading Daily Papers from varion paru of the Union. Uual length of limn ta complete the whole course from eight lo ten weeks. Tuition for the full course 40. For paiticulars write and receive a circular by mail. Aagott 3d, 1654. . - 59-ly-c. LIME. - tnnnB8LS.liitfiiMoriler. For sale by JJJ , FREEMAN A HOUSTON. ec. 23. 113. THOMAS SMITH k CO. DEALERS IN CORN. MEAL. HOMO.W. PEAM and OATS, and COW sod HORSE FEED, IBtaits Wiarf, North Water Sired, . WILMINGTON. N. U. THOMAS eMITfl. n- DffltC, JR. Our Stenm Glial Mill la now in successful opera tion. We will have It in our power to deliver ih above article at short notice. We have a 11 horse power engine and shall run two pjir of four f. ei stones. Orders can be addressed lo C. DoPie fc Co.. or lo ihe subscribers. L3fCorn ground on TOLL. " THOMAS SMITH A CO. April 2 15 " ALtM SALT. 3,0(X) and fur r 2 busheU each, now lar,d;ng I a ie, i y .... Oct. 26. ADAMS BRO. at J . AYER'S PILLS, 1 5tw and singularly successful remedy for th il enre of all Biliou dWaaeCotirerieaa, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism. Fevers, Oont, Humor, Nervonsnesa, Irritability, Inflamma tion, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Lunbs, Female Complaints, Ae., ite. Indeed, very few are the disease in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or 1cm reqnired, and much iek tew and suffering anight be prevented, if a harro lcsa but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person ean feel well while a eontir habit of body prevails ; beside it soon generates serions and often fatal disease, which might have been avoided hr the timely and judiciou ne of a good pnrgative. This U alike true of Colds, FeTcrish symptom, and Bilious derangement. Tbey all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearse all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of it virtue by Physician, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not nb tanrinted by person of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among tiie many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : Dh. A. A. II AYRS, Analytical Chemist, of Boston and State Asssyer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the How. Kiivaid KvMtrrr, Senstor of the T 8. Rorekt C.WiKTMiior, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representative. Abhott LawuexcK, Minister Tien, to England, f Joh B. Fitzpathick, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, dr. J. It. L hiltox, I'racucal wbemist,of New York City, endorsed by How. w. L. M Alter, Secretary of State. Wm. 11. Abtor. the riehest man in America. "K. I.VI ll X- Co IVnnr'a of tlm ilrntw, Hotel, and other. Did pae pcraut, we eottld give many hundred -ertific.ites, front all parts where the Pill have been nscd.InU evidence even more convincing than the eperience of eminent public men ia foand . in their effect upon trial. These Pills, theresult of long investigation and . stndy, are onercd to the public aa the best and tnes-t complete which the present state of medical acU'tiee can afford. They're compounded not ef the tlmgs themselves, but pf. tho medicinal virtue only of Vegetable remedieaextracted by chemical pro-es in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicine Las been found iu the Cherry Pectoral aud Pills both, t produce a more ellUient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained br any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While bv the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of Iseri monious and injurious qualities, by this eiu-h hidi e virtue only that is desired for the eurntWe,, effect in present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left lie hind, tho curative virtue only being retained. Hence it is -self-evident the etioct should prove s they have proved ntore purely remedial, and the Pill a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. Aa it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an sttending Physician, "and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formula by wiucW both my Pectoral and Till are made to the whole tiody of Practitioners iu the United. State sad Briti.h Amer ican Provinces. If however there should lie any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded bv mail to hi address. Of ail tha 1'atatil M mil trine that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition wa kuownl Their lile consists in their mystery. 1 have no mysrene. . , "The composition of my preparations is laid open to all ineu, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their conviction of their intrinsic merits. Tb Cherry Pectoral wa pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before it effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of . my Pills, and even more confidently, and art will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effect anon trial. Tbey operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstruction of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organ of the !odr, restoring their irregular action to health, and by aorrecting, wherever they exist, such derange ment a are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in anv quantity. . For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED. BV JiVMES C. AYEIl, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. fries. 25 Cents per Box. Tire Boxes for SL SOLD tr A O. BRADLEY, Wilmington, and by Drug gl generally July 1 8iii, 1551. FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LEI' Tilt AFFLICTED RED AND POXDLT.! $j.Uore I uib500 persona in the city of Richmond, Vs.. otone testify to the remaikjt.le cute per- fiMvoed by CAR rURV M'ANISH MIXTURE. TiiE urea'. Spring Medicine and Purifier of the Blood is now used by hundreds of grateful pa'lenla. who testify daily to tho remarkable eures perform ed by tt gieutfst of all medicines. Carter's- Span irh Mixture. Neumlgia. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Ernptions on the Skin, Liver Dl-wse, Fevers. l'-,-ei, OH Sores, Atteciione nf the Kidn. ys, Dia eases of I lie Thrt, Female Complaints, I'aina and Aching of the Bonea nnd Joints, are eedily put to flight by osinj this great and iqcatimable reme dy. . ' Far all diseases of I ha Blood, .nothing has yet been foun4 m compare with it. It clear the sys tem of all impurities, arts gently aod rffi-ienilr n rhe Liser and Kidneys, strengthens the Diges tion, gives tone lo the stomach, makea the Skin clear and lieatty,and restore the Consiitntion, en-fr-ebW by di. tse or broken down by the excesses of voenb to Us pris-ine vigor and strength. For th Lidls,ii i incomparaUy Lat er than all Ihe cosmetics ever A '.--. A. e f ter' Spanish Mlxtnre will remove all sallownes 5M 40.OC0 . " , of complexion, bring the roses m ant tin to the check, give elasticity to the step, and Imprjve the general health in a remarkable degree, beyond all ihe medicinso ever heard ol. A large number of certificates of remarkable cores performed on persons residing in ihe ciry of Rich mond, Va .by the use of Carters Spsoi.h Mix 'are. Is the best evidence that there is no humbug annul U. The press, hotel keepers, maglira(e. physi cians, and public men. well known to the corn ina nity. bH sdd their testimony to the effects of this GAT Blood Pearnss. Cull and see a few hand reds of that certificates around the bottle. None genaine unless signed BENNETT A BEERS, Droa-gists. Principal Depots at it. WARD.CLOSK CO., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T-W. DVOTT A. SON'S, and JENKINS A HARTS HORN E. Philadelphia. BENNETT dt BEERS, No. 125 Main 8treef, Richmond, Va. And for aale br WM. H.LIPPITT, Wilmington and by Drugeists every when, Jaiy 13th, 1854. MMf . GL'TTA-PLIUHA COLLODMN. A F,VV B'1 Va!nbla Brmrdy for Xi. ..and. ( in,. :r., i;i,er. Il l a been tried .liccciully by pl,t siclan ahd d tit.d superior lo any remedy Bf ,t llrUf no'w , It lorma, when applied, (;Miiele, aoM, elastic, a ml inipervi.Jii. I.i i water. a..1.lll1. mo.l p. tfi t tlv the Cuticle, it may he .dv.nlieou-h used in chipped lips, ecoiial,m, ,),, nr, i and ear of children, and lor nt.rasions f almo.i every kind, and a a dics.inj in sur"l. al oi.cra lion. ' ' The proprietor, fxl grtal rnhT,.!, , , prienf Ing the above article for use, lx Iu t,n H HI r r" c fully adedtia'e lt the end. propon.t, , invslu,, ble a medicinal rcnn dy. i i.r,. , ,(,,. .(J. Prit' r. C. 4 U. UfiPUE. ALso - VrTI'niA.Mf Y C, IT TA PI i:f A COLLODION for H.d.lle and Name., (i ,l.t i ourds and sort s on horse. For sale , ihe Pro prie'ors, . H. DiiPIIK. May 20. Drtigflst W.lniington. N . C. TIIKAJIEIIICAN'S FKIENDI! m. m is mm a . m: . iav m w w v IIOLLOWAY'S TolheVUixenmof the United SioUoi - I iu i huittbly and sincerely thank you for li s Immense pal ronaze which you hwve hestowi d upop my Pill. Iljle lhls o;fiortunity of alaling that my Ancesfwrs were all American Cilia ns.aml ihsl 1 entertain lor all lhal roneern A mrtli a krid the Americans, ihe most lively ) iiipalhh , so much that I originally comnounilt d Ihise Pills piessly lo soil your climate, habit, consliiiiilotis, ann manner ol living, Intending to e.tabilrh my lak' e.f among yoo, which I hive now dun.-, by ing pri nun in Ac w 1 mk. THOMAS HOLLOWaY, 39, Corner of Ann and Na-sou Si., . Votk. The IJhmit Lirrr and Bdinm Cmtriint$ The Ciilxcits of the Union nlli r mhi h Irom di s' order of the Liver an.. Moii.aeh. The fair se, perhaps, the most handsome luthj Woild.ala it r nin period, loose ihelr teelh and good louke u hik. yetin the heyd ly of pf Tin o evil may bo t-f leclually remedied by eonltnUully kee tnir the IjIh.mI pure, and the I. "er and otoni teh In healthy nc lion, when life will How tinouthly. I sivf.urlr' ly, ihm hiallh and life may be prwlonvi d f r l i ar Hnlloway Pill are taken lo purify tha bl.MMl, In accord in with the direction which ncc mpnyt a. h ft. a. Cure of Htnliuss d' iKnHly ,.( M Y or. SlHtirli w.' ('aplain Jo n Johnson,' of Anor llotire, Ntw York, sullirrnd (or ten yeur from a derangem-M o( the Liver and Kfoioui h. and waa so reduced in rlrength that he never expected lo go to .. an' more, having tried every known reined wliliol.l d riving benefit. At last, ha had recourse to Hot Iowa y 'a Pills, which completely cured him, nil. r uMaif them for three mon l., Bt.d he now c.Jjy the soitnrt. st health. T'Acaf celebrated I'imtre fuly rflcitritif in the ftdtiiminn ("lltnU t Al'iis, Asihnia, Bilious Coio(l.ilnis, Blolt In s on tho Skin, Bowel Cotnpl. tint, ('oustipailon of llu Bowels, Debility. Dr.-psy. Ktysljirlss, Female I r reguluriti. , Fever of all kinds, Gout, llriid-iichc Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Piles. Reteniion of l-'rlne. Scrofula, or Kinu's ', il.Sioni' and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, V enerenl A II. f lion, Vtuiius of all kinds, Wtskmas, iruiti liut ever rausn , Sold nt the Est ihlish :uents nf Professor llol fSO Maiden Lane, New Votk, and 214 Kirand. I .. -ti -don, and by all rcspeeluhle Druggist and Denh rs of Medicine throughout the I'niK l Sintr s. In l'ois and Bor. at 25 cent. C cents, nnd I. ( 0 each. S3rTheie is a considerable suving fy iiikidj; ihf! larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance c Jali til. ir very dis-irder are alllxed to c oi h Pot. Jutiu 17. 40-1 y e. LIVES! COMPLAINT, DYSP1TM i. Jauml ici Chronic nr Sei rmiH l),;tjilil y Dii ea.r nf tint liiituryit. ami till l)ii:ri ariniiig Jrooi a dimirilffvl IJvn of ijlunmclt. k nrlt ti Constipulinn, Inward Piles, FuJnesa of flood io tne He t.t, Acidity of i he Moi.iach, . nit e a, Hunt burn, Disgust for l'..od. Fuliness or N i Ijht in lh SioniHcli, Sour Eructations, sinking or FltitieririK t the Pit of Ihe St. limit h.Sw limning of the lie-nil, Hurried and Dilli. till llreaihiii. Flulici inf; n t Ihe H.-arl, Chouing or SuiIocmiIii-.' Scruniloim w Ik n ill a lying pasture. Diiunoss of Vision. Dot or Webs before the sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain In Ihe limit, Utlicieiiry ol t'erspiral Ion. ellowness ol the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back. Chest, Limb,, d'-c, Sudden Flushes of Ileal, llurnln t in the Fl sh , C'-nlnni linagininsof evil, and great dvpresxluiis of S,diits,can be ell ctimlly cuted by Dll IIOOFLAND'6' CELEBRATED GEH3IAN DITTEKS, ' r.i;iAii:i nv nit t:. m. j u khon, So. I ( . I tell street. IMilladelpbla. Their powerover the above dis.:oel noi cxe. Il ed, II equalled, by any other preparation In the L'rif led Mne..i, the ciircmtcst.ln many caxtalttr skilful physician, h id faih d. These Blttcrsare worthyihe niicnilon of Invnlit'a Possessing ?reat vl lues in Ihe recltliciillon of dis esses of the Liverand lesser glands, cxetcising the most scarchingp.iwer in weakness and allctionr ofthedigesiiveorgansjhey are, wlthul, on Iu , cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED, More Tetlinionij of the elronttet kind frotn t)hin, In favor of Dr. HOFFLAND'S GKUM AN BIT TERS, prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON. Phila' detphia, fully proving that theae bitter re unequll ed for the cure of Lirer tomdalnt, Ivvin, Jaundice. Xcrroui DrbUilij, Uuiute o) the 'hidnry., f-r. Mend the proof : F. KESSEL.VIEIIl. Jeweler, Wooafer, O., Dec. 2d, 1351, said t''l embrace this opportunity of In forming you of the great benefit I have detivrtl from ihe use of Dr. Iloofland'a German HI'ler. I have used them fori hills and Eever. and Disordor- dered Stomach, and found relief In every case. They are Ihe beat remedy for dison't r. d Sloiiiuch I think. In existence." P. EOLEY, Bloomfield. O., Oct. 7, IK52 snid , "With f.-tlinganf gratitude 1 lake nty pinto inform you of the IncnlcaMe benefit I have derived fioi.i the use of llitofland' German Hitter. 1 have us ed them for the Livor Complaint, and take plessuo in reconiiiiending Ihein to the publio us the sal, ( ind best remedy In use' The Editor of the Wooeter Pernor rnf. My6. Ic5 ! said i "Hoofland's German Hitter. -'I his invalua ble medi.-lae is daily performing cure of the mo. t remarkable character. Wo do not spenk of tliN inedicine wiihoul s knowledge of Its ellicncr, as ws have tried ii in our family, and find it to le ihe onljMhlng needed In Liver Complaint or Dysp. p- OOIER 4- CLARKE, Cambridire. O.Nov. 17. I85i. said i -By thnae persons who have us d o r Ho flan-l German Hitie is. they sre conMiien d an Invahtirble remedy for Dyspepsia." TJrVoa snould bear In mind that these Bluer, are iiniiLr vbostilb. thereby possessing ml vantages over most of lh preparations reconuoi nd ed for similar dlsrssra. For aale br A. O. RRADLRY and XV. H. LIP PITr, Wilmlnrlon.and by Drug.lsls every 1iii July 1 3th, IS54. . tf ly.-- GOODS AT iVHOLLSALL Z KAIINWFILEReV. RICO, pre now prepaid lo farni.h Merohanls'and Furuiers with a lurve varieiy of Wiaier Goods, consisting of Domvslte and Fancy Staph- Dry Goods, whUli they c n of- '.i unusual law prices. Oct. 5. JUST RECEIVED A T THE ORIGINAL FA8IILY GROCERY. 3 BBLS. Cranberries i 50 bbls beanliful Aptdea" 3 do. She.l Barks IS do. New Wt,,,, tram Smith Flour 10 do. do. do. r IUbo- Lem on i lOOOIb. City Cored New llamst -'." bote extra Cheese i 25 sec Goshen Butter C0UO large .west Orangc fijew . Ac . Nor 2 . iLO. MYERM. MULLET VT "BW.jtM rreeivrd eeivrd. JlOOltE. STANLY & CO. JJHO. tj. BROTHER JONATHAN, 1 vitvurisim. ror sale at A. Doc. 21. S. W. WHITAKER'S. CLARIFIED SUGAR" BBLS.. different rradea. for sale by lJ Dec. 'IS FREEMAN & HOUSTON. CALCINED PLASTER. Ol BBLS. for sale by 4ZJ Dee. 28. FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Pll.l.s. N. C. LARD. N kbls for sale by L Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY CO. - ' - .; ' t - . - ': ',- ... .."'...-'.,. ' . ... ..- . . 1

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