If II J lkJ ra U KJ I I I li III 111 III h i iii '4s VOLUME IX---N UMBER 138.' WILMINGTON, N. C.TUESDAjY MOANING, FEBRUARY 13, 1855, WHOLE NUMBER 1 ISO MISCELLANY. From the PUgrint. MWII.TIIE IIUMHBACh. Br MAUT IRVING. 4 Shame f fur hifne P 'To treat lefuruieil c'.jilJ so! ; z Why c .n'rjoa look, muii, what you're trPrtiltrijf upon V Such were a few trf the ejaculations j.ouie.J uui by ti roup of men, on the out. .k iris of a crowd. )fi;nb!fnl t witness a rrniiti exhibition of fireworks, on the eve nf ihe Fourth, of .July. The first speak er hutl picket! up from ttio tliuly grass a rhihl, who li;wl accidentally been knock d down iii the jjeneriil crowding uinl justtin. ti hJ who now by apparently senseless m Jiis arms. 4 Who is it ? what is it V inquired one and itnoiher. It's Joe iVtiPrmm's little hunchbacked II tig b, aiwertd the man ; and it's n pity Ihey ciHitdii'l Gave kept liiiii out of the crowd. He bus be ii knocked down ;i ml hnr.ffed about, t;ll I urn not sure whether th-r ts Mity life I fl in him.' 4 iiriua: hiin here, sir P exclaimed an ele gantly dressed Ialy, whose carnage hail been driven just outside of the riii which encircled the crowd . 4 Oh, mamma? he is ih-ad ! the poor boy !' cried the youngest of her children, with tears in her pi'yinjj blue ej-es. 'Just as well us if he were,' said anoth er lady in the carriage. It is cruel kind ness to let such a drfonnrd child live to grow up. 4 Hush! sister,' ret turned the first lady, 4 he is coming to. llemeuiber, ihe child probably has a mother to love hiin, if he is hunchback !' 4 And.he ha3 a xouly too, Aunty, spoke up little Lilla, with a reproachful look in her half-dried eyes. . 4 You are a strange child, Lilla ! Look at the fireworks !' But the blazing rockets had lost lmlf their attraction for Lillia; and when her mother proposed leaving litem for a few minutes to lake the deformed boy home, as his arm was very painful, she consent ed gladly. 4 1 declare, I never will ride with you' gain sister Winstan,4 said the aunt, dis dainfully ; 'you are always picking up something to shock my nerves. I shall nut get this creature our, of my. dreams for t month 1 " . Lilla glanced at the boy, whose lips and eyelids trembled, though be lay still on the cushions. Hugh had heard all ; but it was nothing new to the poor deformed child to hear ridicule and scorn heaped upon him. Yet it wounded him not less deeply, for he had a sensitive spirit which had grown sore on its harsh contact with a selfish world. In one thing Mrs. Winstan hod guessed wrong, he had i.o mother in this world, but was cared for in some small measure by a boisterous drinking father, and a rough, but well-meaning sister. Dorothy, the sister, came out to receive him, soon after the carriage stopped at their dwelling a tumbling down block in the dirtiest street of the suburbs. Slie lifted hiui out in her strong red arms, thanked the lady for her kindness, in a- loud shrill tone, and then stood to. watch the horses trot away.5 - 4 Oh, Dooly !' moaned the hoy, 1 please carry me up stairs V 4 Yes, yes, you silly child ! this is what you nave got by going to such silly places ! How long 1 wonder, bt fore you will learn that you are not like other folks, and can't go amongst 'em r 4 Not like other folks? repeated poor lit tle Hugh, when his sister had tucked him up cuiefuily m his warm attic, and gone down to prepare a wash for his sprain. lie forgot for a moment his bodily pain, in the pain which shot through his heart at tjtese careless words. 4 Not like other folks f no indeed, 1 am not! But how am 1 to blame for :t? I didn't make myself! Why did God make me so t lie raised the blanket from his face and peeped into the darkness with a kind of tiuperstiiious fear at the question he had in voluntarily csked, for he had not forgotten what his dead mother had taught him ; that God was good, and that he did every-, thing for the best, 4 1 don't know what wo shall do with Hugh, to keep him out of harm's wy,' said his father the next morning. 4 He has such an intolerable curiosity to see all that - is going on in the world that he'll get his neck broken among these city boys. I'll " send: him to my sister's cousin in the coun try, to learn the shoemaker's trade. 4 The best trade in tho world for such as h,' replied Dooly: And so soon as the .sprained wrist was strong again little Hugh was packed off to a coun'ry cobbler's close leather-perfumed shop. It was a new thing for him to be impri soned, from morning until night, waxing ends, whittling pegs, or driving them into the tough soles of shoes, new or old. Not n kind word ever fell on the poor boy's ear. if ho did his work faithfully, he received no word or look of encouragement If he fell to musing, as he some times did, he was roughly aroused by a shake, and a growl to the effect that he 'didn't earn the .salt to Lis victuals; should like to know what ke expected to do in the world V One Saturday Hugh, had the unusual privilege half Jioliday. With the village hoys he could not go to play, for they had once, driven him from then green with shouts of scornful lacghter. - So he turned .down a shaded lane, that led to a dark pine wood. . Through the heart of this wood tolo a still stream of cold water. Upon a mossy knoll, on its bank, Hugh threw him self down to cherish sad thoughts. 'To be a shoemaker all my days, and Btay in a stived up shop!1 thought he; 4I can't bear it I But what else ea 1 do Who cares for me Who is there "that does not laugh at me ? I wish I was dead so 1 do I' He laid his pale cheek on the soft moss, and watered it with bitter tears. As he raised his eyes at length, they lighted on a clear blossom of the fringed gentian. As be took the flower in his hand, it seemed lo him as though its fringed blue eye look ed -lovingly into his saying 'God mide me!' : : . . 'God made you yes; made you sweet and beautiful, bin Iiow did he. make " wt? reasoned the bewiidt-red boy, whoe rebel lious feelings had by no' we ans left him. S ill he 1 toked fixedly into the flower '1 don't lauirh at your hunched shoul ders, Hugh.' it seemed to him ajfaiu to.be saving sofily. 'No ym don't; and if there was -one liv ing blue eyelii.it lo..ked as kind . s your.-, he Stopped, nirtl litotjglH tor a moment f little Lilla and h r mother. 'B it1liit was only pity; even kind people can never loe me. 1 woiider if the angels in Heaven will love My inether will I know' and his lips trembled, 'fchit I am afraid I never shall be fit to go to her, if these naughty feelings stay in my heart! I can't help them, either. -It must be God m ule tne for something, as a well 'as dear little flower. Yes, he gave me." ihejlitUejrirl said that ! Perhaps my smiI can do something t in the world, though ny body is poor and crooked. I'll try !f And with the se little nngic words, Haarh sprang up from his knoll, buttoned the flower in the veat, and made his way home- ; ward to his Work. r ire years have flown. In the h ut ol ft village academy, a knot of school-girls are 'discussing a. weighty mutter. The young men of lb academy have been delivering uratioiis of th'ir own composition, for a prizi aiid the result, has astonished every one. Ms it not too had,' says Sarah' that such a fellow should win the prize?' 4 Why. has !e not as good a right as any of them V asks a bhte-eyed giii of foum-en at her side. ; Oh, right, o be sure, but I shouldn't think such a deformed piece of humanity would be very forward to push himself be fore o.her prople !' 'Should he not make the most of ihe gifts God has given him It is unjust, Sarah ! He won the prize fairly, and spoke nobly ! you ought nut to be so unkind !',, r 'I snpjiose you think no prize too great for hiin,' responded Sarah, with a malicious little laugh. I 'Perhaps he will offer his services in escorting you to the p:c-nic Monday, in return ; for your eloquent de fence of his rights. 'The Lily of Lisbon Academy,' as Professor I J. called her, i would be honored by such company.' 4 bhe would indeed be honoured, Sarah "by any mark of esteem from one who e opinion is worth something' replied "the blue-eyed gvrl proudly a rehing her grace ful neck. ' 'Did you never learn those lines of Watts -. . 'I vuulj la measured by my soul; Ttv mind's l!ie statute of lUe tpun V 'You are , a most unaccountable ' girl, Lilla -Winstfin ! But, good evening! 1 must not stand fooling any longer.' And away went Sarah,' followed by most of her mates, while Lill.i returned to the school room, to search for a missing book. 'Thank you, .Miss Winstan I' These words, spoken almost in her ear, as ti e wasoending over her desk, caused her to lift her head with a start and a blush of surprise. The deformed Hugh, now a young man of some seventeen years, stood by her chair, gazing at her with ' those mournful, deep, black eyes, which had of len won her sympathy. Bless you for your words of kindness! they have done more for me than a hun dred pi izes could! I have learned that there is at least one in the world who will judge mc by Imlh nut by sight P In the pulpit of one of the piincipal churches of D , rises Sabbath by Sab-, bath a pale-faced, high-browed man, whose deformity is the first feature to catch ibe eye of a stranger. It is not until you hear him speak until you catch the lire from his eye, and the enthusiasm from liii lips, that you forget to pity the speaker. , You do not wonder then, that he is willing to come before the public eye weekly, even with the weight of his natural defects; for who can' think of these, when once carried away by ine tide of Ins eloquence? Yes, Hugh has gained his end. He is -measured by his s-ul" in the sight of all who know him He has striven .nobly, by the help of his Maker, to fit that soul for companionship with the spotless apos tles and angels, and a ray of their own pure light seems to have fallen upon it. If any one wonders at seeing, after the church services are over, a young, proud, beautiful womarr, lay her white hand upon the deformed preacher's arm to walk down the richly carpeted aisle, they have but to look into Lit la's face for the solution of the mystery. Lilla not only loves the crippled form at her side, better than the most matchless ones of earth, but she U proud o( her noble husband ! rJE TilI-WLEKLY COMMERCIAL I publUtii'd every Tuesday, Thvbkdat and atubdav at S5 per annum, payable in all cants in advance. BV rao.lt.VS LOaiNG Editob andPaopi rom, Corner Kront nA .Muket Streets, W1LM1SGT0X. K. C. R TES OK ADVERTISING, t aqr. 1 inaertion $ 50 I 1 aqr. 2 months, J Do I - St - ; . 73 I 1 3 " 5 t t ' 3 ' I 1 00 I 1 " 6 8 00 4 " I month, 2 SO I li 12 00 Ten lines or less maWe 4 square. If an adver- Uemeat exceeds lea tines, the pi ice will be in proportion. All a lverlisomcnls arc payable .at the liraeot their insertion. Contracts wild veirly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No trailer of contracts for yearly advertising will bo permitted, tihoutd circaatstancea render a change in business, or art unekpected removal necessary, a charge accord ins to ihe published terms will be at ihe option of Ihe contractor, for lite time he has advertised. The privilege el Annual Advertisers Is strleil) limited ta their own immediate business; and ail advertisements for the benefit of oilier persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess o( advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the coo. ran for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town r country, or for the sale or hire of ngroe. wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thee are excluded by ihe term "immediaU 6itsiM " All advertisements Inserted In the tri-wecklv CVnnureioi, are entitled to one iesertion in the Wctlcl x free of ebarre. IOB, CARD ANI)FA!ICY IRISfTIXG, EXECUTED IS SCPESIOS STU& - BUSINESS CARDS. E J Lll 1' VVMIMI. FOlflrARDISG Sr. COMMISSIONS' MEliCIIAST. IVI,MVG'I'iIN, N" . C . pi 2-ih. 1654. 83-l ?m. D- !;K0:E JJI-rmEB,.. " -.-ok no mi imtouNi;. ; - '. of '!'-' K -N . . iiilO.VDWAV, - . .' IT Til K ' - ' ' - p.tfisiirr iioaE -se v tork JTrti. I. Hi-lyc. If . ;sLiau(HJ & tu . J llvJf.ES.li.K liuHM-rs Jim ' t-hHiiis l :lniiii-in, N .'. id 'joiiimis.-in Met AH t:ouisrni N.tvul Mori !, together with Cotton, iiiic.ru, l.j d, t'oin, .Ueal, KloUr, &c, shal etrtirn tin? liiifh'c.-! nttrkei pyice. Dec 13 riS-tf J. I). I.OVE, MJkSVFApTUREIt A.V7 TiF.AL.ER .V . IM3INET KUHMTUHE, B E UST E A US C 1 1 A T Ri. M ATTU E8S KS. &.c . &c . front street, South ol" Market,' BWV BLir.DINli, WILMINtiTUN, X. C. .Sept 16. !Sr.4. - 79-y-c J.C. LATTA. C OMMISSIOX M EHCII A .V 7 G EXE RA L AO EST. WILll.GTO.T. N. C. Oct. l,!8o4. 8-ly;. tVILKHSOVit ESLKR, (JPI3LSTEKS & IMPER HANGERS, KB El ON II AND AND MADE TO ORDEit, Millfesses, FMt'ier ll-di, Wnulow Curtains and fixtures. AS work in the ahove line done at fhorfc-u No iice Wilmington, K.C-, Market St. Alarch IS, !651. L " JUSEni li. BLOSSOM, Srncra! Cotnaiissiou and Forwarding 3lcrcliant- ttomit personal attention Riven to Coi.slgu- ineiits lot-Sale or S"ipmrnt. Libcrul tiui adcaaees made on Consignments la me or to my Xcu Yt.rk friends. ' Wilmington, Jan. JO, 18.'4.' - -135. W. C IIOWAUI), GKXRKAT Corrfmissi'n sitid Forwarding Mcr c.taiti, Wilminatoft X. ' f.h.enl :nh 1 1; jn.es in j.Ic-on Consignments. Nov. ill, !S3J. iOU-if c. DCPBIi. pvii:t B. E.-.KKR. C. Du?RE&C0. GGNGHAIa agents commission AXI l'JMVAI!IIIVti MliltCUAXTs,' WILMINGTON N. C. Jly 22d, IS34. . 5M2ro. JAMEAS0EBO?C. - DWABD S. Vl. A.NDEUSON k SWAGE. GEXERAL CO t WSSIOX MERCHAXTS . WILMINGTON w.C . Liberd -a advance inadtou coiiBijnmt nls. Mar. h 27, It 51. ' l- RUSSELL XBUOTnYlL (LATS ELLIS. RCSCLL fc C(l ,) GEXEltAL COMMISSIOX MERCUAXTS. WILMINGTON, N. U. tWftwJtoJxitau! i.igM4"l Naval tore, Col tin, and other produce. M ay 3, 1354 . -- - - r t . &. D. D uPRe7" tVHOLt' rtALB AN O IIETAL DEALEHi! IN Orifs. aiedltiHes. Cheuilrai. Ilnt Oil, lv"V StuU's, t;ia. tjrtunery. Cigars, Old Liiquors. I-"aiicy Vrliclcti, &c., l A ttK KT STltKKT, WlhJIlNOTOSI, N. C. Prescription rarcfullj a pounded by experi-!rM-eo persons. JVIarch 2S. 1831. . ! WILLI 131 A. GWYE, General ljeal ForwarJinsi Commission Hcrcbant I take pleasure in informinii my friend", th il 1 am prepared 10 give all huines entrLstid 10 me efficient and pursouat attention. I have a wharf lor Naval -Stores, with ample aecuin modal loss, piiil Holise, and vV'Arohonse. Consignments of Naval Stores for saleor shipment; snd all kinds of eoun trvproltico solicited. Cash advances made on coni jnmtnls. , April -13, 1334. . . - , . 15. C JaNLEY, kiijr &Tc67 . DEALERS IN BlTTEH-, Cheese. L trd, and Smoked Provisions, Foik. Be!', Hen, Pea, snd Dried Kruit. 33 and 235, KKOXT Tt EET. Cornerof PECK SLIP, NEW VORK. r March 23, 1831. ly-C - WjLLiaM n, PEARE, COLtECTflR IJiD nDVtUTISIf.C iCIM. l' or Couati-y Newspaper throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bo !oings,H iliimorestreet All business-entrusted lb ;iis care transacted promptly, op ti'otrultcrnis. seyt 7, IS54. ; - ' 95-tf jasieYe. mett s, COMMISSIOX 4- FORWARD IX G MERCHANT. inLMlJiGTOX, N. C. August 2Cih, 1854. 53L,f. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, WIL.MIXGTOX, A. C. Jan 74 1S54V 125 c JA t. rmtwAT. ceo r r bitchett. PEfTEWAY & PRITCUbTr. General Commi&iot nnd forwardlne; Mer CHANT. AL-0 WUOLESALE GKOCEUS, NOitTH WAT Kit Si T It EET, Wr I LM ISOTO S, )S . C. . Frnmpt atienlioo will be tiiven lo the salo of N.ival Jirores and all kinds of Produce. Intend keeping an assortment f Groceries, L qnori, aad Provisions. ufyia. j . , , S3. i JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMISUTOX, X. C. May 9ih, 1334. " t 87-Iy-c. JAS. II. CIIADBOURN& CO., Geueral Comciission Merchants. vii1mingtoi. nr. c, . Jab. H. OttAoaouas. Go. CnAnaoeaw. -J a. I, 1854. 123. HENRY NUTT, ' FACTOR AND PaSWABDlXB WEST, r if ill gic4 hi pertnn.nl attention t btuincn talrusl- ta (0 aw care. Sept. 8. 1834. - r 75-Iy-. GEORGE MYERS, "hdiesale ixd eetail grocer Keep constantly on hand, (linear Tea, Liquor; frfUiant, Wood and WUtoto Ware, Fntit, (Jonfcrti'Hiarie, tf-e. South Front street, " WILMISiGTUS, 7i, t!. Nov. 13,1853 ' ft 109. QUINCE & COWAN. WHOLESALE AVIi RETAIT. GROCERS; DEALERS JX WIXKS d- LIQUORS. Corner of Front and Pi incus streets, . WILMINGTON, N. C. Ja!?l. 65. BUSINESS CARDS. A II. VanUukkklkn." W. A. M. VanUukkklsn. VANIiORRELEN & BUOpER, ; : WIMINGTON, N. C. )f aniifaciurersoi and dealei a in Naval Stores; Mor.ifc atd Wharluge for Produce farnithedat lair ratei under iosuraBce, if deind. "' an.l. 122-tf- o. c I'll KKM A J. OEOIIGE HOUSTON M E ROM ANTS- AiN D FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. I C t'ECMA & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITJ FKOST STKEI3T, NKlV VORK. FBEENIS A SID BHCST8S, VI L3IIXCT0N, S C I EEP constantly on hand a slock ol Flour, IV Corn, Park, Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo laaAem. Tubaeca. Cisur: ShuT. Candles, Soap, For- eien and Domestic liquor and Wine iron, Sail, Paints, Oil, Gtoaj, Domestic, Hals, Boots, Siots, Litalher. Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for laiuilyund plan, tation use and the retail trade, which, they wiir dispose of in lots 10 suit dealers or consumers- reasonable icmi for cash, or in exchange for Na val Store or other produce. Tin? senior oart tier D. O. Kb e em an, U located In the citv'.of New Vork ; the junior partner, Geo. liotTBTo.", in Wilininaton. If desired, advances, will be made on eotiaii'iient- to and from either place. All business entrusted 10 iheni will receive proper atteniion ; and orders for Goods will be nrompllvand ewrcfully Riled. Mept.ft. 1S54 ' , 7"-f. GEO. IIAUUJSS, Geueral Coiumission 31erclian(. WiLMISGTOS, N, C. OTR.ICT alteniios given lo procuring Freiglil O and purchaamg Cargoes for wsacls. 11 ei s.2 r K. P. Hall, Ksq. 1 - ? ,G-.,!i'r.-,',;y;.Ksq Wil,ington. I. A. Tayl r. Ksq J. I. Bella iiv, Ksq j .Messrs. loiter, su-yili &. o., , Thompson & Hunter, 1 Alex'r. Herron, Jr. Philadelphia New Vork. Mi'Mxr Williiiins ifc Llutlcr, ; Charleston ,S. C. 121 tf. II V. Baker. Ksq. y Jan. 2. IS54 I. WCiiSEL. 11. B. tlLLRS. WESSEL & EILERS. OOtl MISSION MKRCHANTS &' WHOLE-': vis a lk JHluifcits, iNorin water 01., u ningjon, N. C, intend to keep at theahovc" standa eneralassortmenl of Groceries, Liquors, and Provision at wholnsnle and to carry on a Genera lOomruissioD But-incts. n efer rnci : P. Hall PrcVi BtchBank of thn State. O. G. Parsley, Pre'i Comtnerciul Bank. Wit P. K . Dickinson, Esq . .P!pe .. lYw V.rV. Doi'ner 6 I'otter. ) . Jan! 20 1854. 131. GEO. II. KELLY. COMMISSION 3IERtiIANT. Nrtt doot to A . A . Wannei',on North vV liters t. willatiendto the sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce, such ar Corn, Peas, .Meal, Bacon .Lard ,1c. and will keep constantly on hand a full suppl j of Grocrties. ic. . ,. ,M4UtrNat --. .-. Wille Hall. of Wayne, Jno lelae, Wilmington W Caraway . n. Aix.. Jjcitae. K. P.H ill, vVilmington .Wiley A. WalKei . ' Dec. 13. i83. 113-lV- 14S. F. GILLESPIE." ' GEO. S. GILLESPIE JAMK-i !. (illililI'lB fO PRODUCE AM) FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N C. rP'at tienlar a'teniion paid 10 the reeeii.li" nnd S'aleof Xatal Store, 7 unber, fiutnber, Cora, liacon, Cot ton, if'C, if-c. MareU 3-1,1654. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WlliHINGfON, N. C WILL sell or buv Iteal Kslute and Negroes at a small commission. Atso : Strici attention sivesto the sale of Timber.Tur pentme, Tar, or any kisd of (ionntry Produce. O.fiue s'-cond door, vieuth side of Market .street, on the wharf. June 12. 1834. 33 ly. W. F. MOOIIK. JXO. 1. aTAM.T. i. W.JilNES. MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSIOX ME R C II A X TS, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 26 h, r954. . 93 C. MYKRS, WHOLKSLK AND BRi'AIL OKALER. IX HATS. CAP. UMBRELLAS . t AND WALKING CASKS. No. 1 Granite Kow, I'ront si reel. WOOL, Vut. Silk, and Moleskin Hate. -Cloth, luli. and bilk GIax'dCpi, by the case ordozi n, at New Vork Wholesale Piices. fVov. 9. q- J. & J. L. HATHA WAY & CO. C O MMISS IO X MER CIIAXTS, WILMINGTON, N. 1. b. HTH.Itfir, c. I. BATH A WAV," H. B. UTt.KV. D. CASIIWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL..HINUTOX, x. cw Sept. 30. f T. C. WORTH, General ComiaissioD Merchant, viiiMisros,Jf.c. TTSCAL ndrancib made on consign men is of Col- U ton,-N aval Stores and other produce , - raliirul;tr attention given oy t.. v. uavis 10 pur clinsintfc iroes, procuring treights for vesel, &c. March 2, 135 4. . 123-lyc. corHRiN & russellT (Scr.CEssoriS to tims. aliBoe & co.) General Commission Merchants, feAo 32, Xorlh harrt. tnd 3 N'orIA Water St. . t'lllbAUisbruiA. . J. HABVET COCHBA5, fc W. 8. SUSSKLL. ' Liberate ish idvaaceupide on consignments. July 30ia, 1334. W 55-if. B. DOLLNER. G. POTTklC Jr. J. CAMBHDOi. ; DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSI oy MER C HANTS, " N E VT Y O R K . April 30, 1354. : i - 20-ly-pd. 23 J3RLS just (occived and for sale by Oct, , MDA.MS, BIIO & - tZ. CO, THE PRUAL1TY OP WORDS. WITH sniniroHoction. by Edward Hitchcock. 1). D.. President of Amhe(st Collee, and Professor of Tbeoloey and Geology. A book, that must interest att scientific minds. Jnsr received and for sale by J.T.AIUND. Dee. 23. ' H-- P. R. SUGARS.,.; , IN hhds. and bbls.",f".r ale low lv - -Jan. 20. MOORK,STALT.CO. EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP.- FOR sale low, lo cits eonsi?nm-rt hf . Jan. 23. UOOHR, STANLY & C'X, JH1E WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 worth of Gifts, . tor the subscribers to the MAMMOTH PICTORIAL Of the Whole tVot id, Published simultaneously in the three cities ol SEW .Y'lRI,' PUIUtoHlA AD BlLTlJIflEE, As soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; andhtving already an Actual cibcllation op a boot 20U.0OJ,il is now certain The Distribution will so:i tale place. Anion; the extraordinary list gifts, (being one for every ticket issued,) aie v li ot: Hnrfs Elcsuut Country Scat, valued at 823,000, i A m tsnilieeot Cttv Residence, valued at 8 1 7,- OOO, " , A Cash Ioau for I OO years, without interest or security S 10,000, Biiiidinjr Lots. Klegam Piano Fortes,'Melodeon, Gu'd Watches. - Bracelets, itieu, tiooks wi Travels in the Old snd New Morld, by Prol iisrti Ileal Kstate. if-c. fc , die in all nnm- boring 300,1 (HI Gills, valued at 8300,000. Kveiy tingle remittance of 41, seenrte one year's subsirip:ion to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which eninles the Holder to one liare in ihu30U,0U0 Gilts. Titus tvery person investin? in this stupendous F.tiur prise receives the full worth of his or her mom y, in subseription to "a first cla journal, ('he great est and mnsr intcirsling Pictorial of the see,) tie sides a Gill for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune 10 the receiver. For complete list of gilts, and lirtl and explicit partic-nlaisin regard to ihe great enterprise. )is trihmion, Ac; see a copy of Thb Whole Wqrld, -A'hh h will be promptly sent, tree of charge, where desired by letter, post pain. Tut Whole Wobld may ulo be seen at the offices of ail paperscontaining this jcfveitisenienl, where information luiy bo obtaiutd in regard lo ihepaperand Knterprise. As-.-i.t-, lostmaslei e and I, adieu, desirous of lucrutivear.dat the same time penhel employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, wiiieh contains by far lh most liberal in ducements ever offered to aicnts in the way of immense cash premiums, gift., commissions, &e., wherebv- any person, vith ordinary aetiviiy, can j.nilu tnnke SI.OfKI anil 11 : ward, ner rear: lo which fa -t this Agents we already have can certi fy 'Secure the Pictorial, and become witc, rich, and happy. - Correspondents must write thcr address Name Pofi-ofTiee, County, ami Stale, PLAIN and Dl-S-'fiNCT, or il will be ihrir own fault if thev IaM lo eel an answer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever dished, in any part of tne world. - If any ordera are received after ihe 3C0.CC0 sub scribe 1 if are obtained, ihe money will be promptly retnrni d posi-p lid, to ' e persons tending it. All letters and remittances (or the Pietorial, WITH GIFT TICK KTaf, must invariably be ad dressed psi,p;.id, 10 Prof. J.' WOODMAN HA UT, llortf all, Broadicay. Xevo York, there being the only office lor ihe Gift Kntcrpris-e. - Hut remittances for the Pictorial WITHOUT GiflTicke's, may be sent lo Prof. J. WOODMAN f 1 A ItT, ' ILrrf Building, Chesnul Slrctt, Phila tUlphia, Pa . there beinjj the principal editorial an ' publication office. Oct. 3, 1S4. 65 Cm. Z.'1'mai.N Vnticorbulic Tooth wasU. TO THE LADIES. "OTHIXG adds more to beauty than clesti, white Teeth, and Gums of healthy color. 1'ha most b-autiful face and vermillion lips become repulsive, if the latter, when they open, exhibit the horribia apHteie of neg.ected teeth. All who wish clean, while Teeth, healthy Gum- ai.d a nwri t hrcuih, should ive ZKU M A IS 'c TOO I II vVASll a trial. For s.tle by C. &. D. DcPltK, Agents, Wilmingion j.C. Sept 30. - 64 PE1JFU51KRY ! 7 JUST received from New Vork at, U Phiiudel I hia : ' Gross LuMns's Ix'racts for the Ilandk'f; do. do. Toilette Soup?; do. Glenny AFush Toilette Water; do. do. Verbena do. . do. , d-. Yankee Soap 1 (I t. Camphor Siup; d . Pomino - do. A I ir;e assorf m mt of Hair Itruehen; and a mini ber of fine " article usually kept in Drtij Stores. C iSl D. DePRK, Wholesale Orugisls, 0- t 5. Market-st., Wilmington, N. C. . Tllli NOItTIl CAI10LINA MUTUAL LIFE LXSUI.'AACECOAIP'Y, KALL1GU, N. U. IliC above Company hes been inoperatlonsinct the ii ot April, '.843, under the dircctioi.of the fotlowiny Officers, viz : Or. Charles K.Jonhson, President, W'm. O. Haywood, Vice Preaideiil, James K. Jordan, Secreiaty, , , Win. 14. Jones, Treasure'. Purrin liusbee, Att-oiney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson, i .. . .. . .. ir.W.H.IWcKec. S All Board of Or. It. M. Haywood, Consultation. J. Hersuian, General Agenl. This Company tnis received a charier eivina;ad vnniase toihe insured overanvothc-rCompauy. The 5lli aid lion gives ihe Husband the privilege t insure hisown lileforthe sole use of liis VVifo and Children, free from any i-laimrof ih representa ivcsol the husband or any of his creditors. Organitd on purely mutual principles, the life members )irticipateii the whole of the profits which are declared annually.. Besides, ih applicant lor life, when the annual premium is over$3G may pay jne nail inn ioie. - All i-laims for insurance against the Company will e paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or live years, at rates which will enable all b'la velnlders tn secor this Class-of pr.operity avatnet the uncertainty of life. stave insurance presents a new and interesting feature In ihe history of North Cnrolina.which will prove very important to the Southern States. ' The last four months operation of this -Company shows a vertl argeamounl of business more than the Directors expected lo do the first year having ntrendy-isaaed more than 200 Polieirn. Dr. Wm. W. HUaaiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. WLminston, N. C. . AHommiinicatlonsonbosincrsof the Company should be addressed to AS. F.JORDAN, Sec'v. RaielKh.Jan.25,lS54. if. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Gt-XJilGE R. PRCXCH .i his eld stand on Market street, betppflj. leave to return his thanks 10 his VCT old friends and customers for ihe liberal patronaue heretofore extended to him, and lo inform them thai hi stock of Ko"ts and dhoes. including every vari ety in his line is now a complete and as extensive aa ai any former period. His stock of Gentlemen Hoy s a nd C hi Idren'e BoAtsand Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality ihst can be 4 desired or thai is usually called lor, including a fine assortment 01 Ladies. jammcs and Gentlemen sOver Shoes. j . ; Hewo-j!d panipulirly invite the attention of the Indies to his extensive assortment of Ladies and Misses Leather, Morocco. Enameled, Bronze, Pal. Leather, Goat fikin. black a nd white Kid and a' va riety of fancy colored HaotK iiboes and Slipper. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Gaiters, a new nnd handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters al tl a pair. Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. Krench would also inform his friends and the public, that he is State Asmt for ihe sale Of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable PUIs, by either wholesale or retail. Nov 40 102 ;i SUPERIOR BUCKWHEAT. T3LAVP.-S Mills Paunt Hulled Buckwheat an' fkl ctra article received to ?ay and for sate by. 1 --. . nKliUn, i 'Nev.ll No. 3 Granite Rw. v IKON . BEDSTEADS AND "CRIBS. SINGLKand doubfe folding v(:ry convenient and nrx(i-arainat vermin, lor sale by : July 15. , WILKINSON & ESLEH. DOCT. JOHNSTON, KAI.i'lMUKC LUCK HOSPITAL. TT7HKRR maybe obtained ihe most speedy, VV plcabanl and etiectual unudy in the world for aL SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhi te, Gleets, Stiicturt s, Seminal Week new, Pains in ihe Loins, Constitutional Debility, impotrney, W euknexs of ihe Back and Limits, A f tV'Ciions ot the Kidneys, Hulpitalion of the Heart, Dysfej aia. No. vous Jriitabiiiy. Diseases of the Head, T.nroal Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melaiichofy disoidcrs arising from the destruc tive habiteof Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secrei and solitaiy practices morefital to their victims than the songs of the Syrens to ihe mariner? of Ulyssesp, blighting their utol bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, i&c, impossible. YOUNG MEN. Especially, who l-ave become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which wnnuiilly sweep? 10 an untimely prsvc thonsnnrlsof ynnng men of the most exalied talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwinn have entranced listening-Senates wjih the thundursof eloquence, or walagfB'ecstacy tire living lyre, may call wilh full confidence. . - MARRIAGE. ' Married pc-ons, orthosecontcmplatingmarriape, being awaieof physical weaknes,, should irn medi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. -V: He who places himself nnderlhe ci reof Dr. John ston m.iy reiiiiiouslv confide in his honor ns a cn lleman, and eonAJently rely upon hisskill asa phy sician. OKKICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOOllS 'FROM BALTIMORE St., (east side,) UP THE STEPS. f-B E P A l TICUL A R i n observing the N04 MJZ and XfMBER.m you will mistake the place. J A CURE IX TWO I)A YS, OR XO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseovs Drugs Used. TAKE NOTICE. Da.. Johnston is ihe only regularly Educated Physician who advertises his very extensive Prac tise, and his- many Wonderful Cnr;s is a sufficient guarantee to ihe afflicted. 'Ilwsc vlio vish lo be speedily and effectually cured, should shun Ihe uumer ouatrijiing importer, who only ruitt their heahh, and apply to Dr. Johnston. J) II. JOHNSTON. , Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate fiotn one of the most eminent Colleges ol ihe United Matet, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent In the Hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia. and lfewhere, has eliected some of the nio.i ast.nihlnt cures that wereever known. Many iroiibleil with ringing In I lie ears and head when asieep, "real neioiit nst8,' teing jilarmed at Fuddc n -sounds, nnd b.ishl'uiness. with frequent blushing, attended sonn limes wiittcrangcii:etil of mind, wire cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided nnd impiudct,! votary of pleasure finds he has imbibid the e(cda of .his painlul disease, it too often happens lh$t anill-tim-tJ sense of fhaine, ordn ad of Uis.ovory, deters hiinfiom applying lo ih--se who. from 'education and rrxpeeiubilily. on iilonc befriend hiiiY; delay iiig till the constitiitiuiial sysmpluiiis of this liorriil ei&ease 111a ke ihtir ii peurui 1 e tui h us ulcemted sore throal. lises-i d note, noctural pains in Ihe hcao and limbs, dimness of si. .Ju, deafness, nodes hi the thin bones and arms, bloiclic on the head, face and xttemilies pri.Kfcss'on uith frightlul ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bonetof Ihe nose I a J J in. and Ihe victim of this uv fu I disease bi comes u horrid object of com mi -scr.iiion.til! deatn puts a eiiod lo his dreadiul suf lerincs, by tei ding him to-"that bourne from whence no iravelh r returns. ' To. ueh ihertlo-e. Dr. Joliusioii pledges hliurelf to preserve the most invUduble tt rti ty ; and, from hi extensive prac- luc In the tirsl Hofpltnlsin I'.uropennd Ameiica. heeun corifitl. nilv 1 eeomnieiid a safo-und speedv cure lo tn-unlurtuna'e v;eliiu of li.is iiotliu dis ease. Il is a melancholy fact, that thousands I. ill vicMirs 10 iit.-s ureauiui uutnm: owing 10 Hie un- skili'ili.i i-s H ignorant pit it ndeis, who, by the ntc of that deiuil.v pois,n. mercury, ruin lh constilii tion. nnd either send the unfortunate suflerr to an uiitirm ly erve,or else ui-ke the rt sitluc of life mi erabh'. TAKE PARTICULAR XOTICE. Dr. J. addressee all tnose who h ve injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are S'me of the sad nnd melancholy ef fee is, product d by eaily haliiis of yulh, viz: V eakne.-s of ihe Hack and Iwmbx, Puins in ihe Head. Dimness of Sight,, Loss of Muscular Pow er. P:il: itaiion of -ihe- Heart, Dyspepfcy. Nervous irritability. Derangement ff tie Digestive Func tions, G.lneral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, &c. , Al-rilully The feailiit t fit -els on Irie mind are much to L.e dreaded ; lisx ol Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spjijts. Evil Forebodings, Avirsi.m of Sot-it tt, Self DisliU'i, Love of Soli tude. Tiiuirtiij, tic. ure some of the evils produced. Thousands of person. of ullages, cm now judge what is the cau;e of thi ir declining healjh. Los in; iht-ir vior. becoming weak,, pule and emacia ted, have n singular appearance about the eyei", cuiteli ami ft inpittins of eonsumpiion. Married Persons, or ilntse contempliting mar uage, bting a ware of physical weakness, "slpiind in 1 no din it ly consult Dr. J. and bt ictturtd lo per fect health, i DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By ll.is great and important rniieriy weukneM of the organs is speedily cured and full vigi r restored. Thoiisniids ef the iiinsi Aei vous and Debilitated individuals who had lust all hope, hafcbeen inline diaieiy relieved. A II unpeelinit nt 10 MARitlAGE. Physical r Mentai Di qnaliiie.itions. Nervous Ir ritubihtv Tn iuoffnr.8 and eukt.ets, or exhaustion ol the moil tearful kind, speedily cuud by Or. Johnston. Voting men who hive injured themselves by a certain practice indu'grd in when alone a habit Inqueully leainrti from evil companions, or at school, the cIi ets -f which are tiiuhtly fell, even ben asieep. and if nut curt d, lenders nianiage imiitissjlile. mr.d dtsiroys bo h mind and body. . W hnt a pity thai a young man, the hope of his country, and Ihe darli. g of his parents, should be snatched tiom all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequent ts ol deviating from the path of nature, ui.a 11 cutting in a i.-crtini secret li.itut. ft ueh peibor.s, belore eon empl.iiing ilARXIAGE. Should reflect lliat a sound mind and body ore the most necessa'y reqitisiiis to promuie connubial happiness, li.dettl. wiihoul these, the journey Ihrontu life becomes a wear, pilgrimage: the pros pect htuily darken to Hie view; ihe mind Leecines sliadovwcd with despair nnd fill, d wilh the melan holy Tt fleviion that the happiness of another Ce eornes bliihf'd with out own. OFF1CK NO. i aoUTIJ FREDERICK-ST., ' Baltimobb, Ma. All SSurgleal Operatlona I'eiloimed. N. B-- Lei no f line delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately either prrsunallv or b letter. kiu Jicas teedily Cured. TO STRANGERS. Ttiemany thuus-tnjs cured al this Institution with in the latt ten years, and the numerous impor tant Sureiesl f 'peraiit r.s perfoimtd by Dr. J wit nessed by ibe-Keportcrs ol the paper, and many other pestms. ntiees til which hia ye appeared again and again bef.ire the public, is a sufficient guaran tee that ihe afflicted will end skilful and honora ble physician TAKE NOTICE. . I I I wilh the greatest reluctance thar Dr. JOHN STON permits hia card tt appear before ibe public, deeming it unprofessional for a physician to adver tise, but an less he did so, the afflicted, especially M rangers, could not fail 10 full into ibe handa of those impudent, boasting ttnposters. individuals destiirite of knowledge, name and character, ped lars, shoemakers, mechanics. e., advertising them selves as phypiciars: ignorant quacks, ytilh filthy, lying certificate of Great Wonderful Curt Iroui persons wiio cannot be found, or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthies s nil OegradetLand many other cunning and contemptible artifices to entice the afflicted, trifling momh after month, or ta lone as possible, and in despair leave von wilh ruined health. to friffh over your eallina disappointment. It i I his motive that induces Dr. J. to advertise, for Me alone eon cure you. To those unacquainted with his reputation, he deems il nectssary to may thai his cTeiteoeials or diplomas always Lang in hia Office. - wmiCES Or THE ORGANS Immediately cured, and full vi?or restoied. tS-ALL BETTERS POST-PAID-REMEDIES SENTBV MAIL Jan. 9ih, 13.3. n3-Iy-c. W I L M I N (JTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. J II E Saliscribei having acctpted the agency i f several lar;;e establishment? at the North wbirh will fornish htm an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MA RULE of all qualities, is prepared lolill all orders for MONUMENT AND TOM 11 STON r:S, and every oiherarticlein ihe line of the bu&ints at reasonable rales. SCULPTURING, LETTERING 0RCARVING Executed as veil as can be done either North or South. Thebeal reference can be given. If rrquirrd. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. t. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEASE"' AT THE VIImIns(oii Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. Til E s ubscribcr resnec tl ully i nform t hep nblic liiutnehaa recently received addition to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac, the latest and most improved style, and is tonstanly manufacturing, at hi store on market street. every description of articlein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that bewill beableto givccnlire satisfactions all who may favor him with a cull. lie has now on hand, and willcon8taiilly keeps lameaasortmen lof Cofizh', (it 'j and Sultry Harness, Lady's Sfid'll'f, BfidUs , Whips, tf-c, UciUlctnen's StKldUs, Whips Spurs. iS'C. , " allof which he will warrant lo be oin 1 he best inaierials and workmanship. A He has also a I arse assortment of . Trunks, a I Urn. Saddle and Carpet ll.igo, Satchels, I'am y Trunks, &c, and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all ef which he ollerslow for CASH, or on shortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness.Trunks, Ro Jica 1 Cags,&c. ir.. made to order. In addition tothe above the subscribe ralwnes keeps on hand a Urge supply of Strliis; leather , and has now, and will ke-;p through ihe season a goodisEortmentof Kly Nc-tts. Allarelnvilcd to c-all and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, ns I take plea su re i 11 sli-w - ing my assortment to all who may favor nie wit h a call. Harnesr and Coach Trimmings sold nt a fair price to persons buying 10 manufacture. Also, v nipp nr wnoiesate, fllkindsnf Riding Vehit lea bought 1 r.. old on oommiiion6. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7.J634. 139 FOX & POLIIEMUS, 59 Broad Slrctt, Corner of Beaver, N. York, Otli'l- for sale the following lies VV Cotton Fabrics: VT EW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 i inch, ail numbers, hurd and soli; also all the various w idtha of Canvass manulactured at I his ts tublishmt nt comprising every variety known to the trade, and ofl'crtd at the lowest rates. UNITED STATES PI LOT DUCK Wotxlberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A full assort mint oltlus superior fabric. W 1 1. ' 1 M ANTIC COTTON DUCK-16. IP, 20 and '21 inch, nil numbers, hard and soft. This fab ric was a wardetl the highest Preuiium nt the Lon don World's Fair, also hi our own State Fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK- Pl.iin and Iwiiled, manufactured by Ihe GrtenwiodV Com pany, a superior article for light sails, tents-, awninys, tic; also. Mount Vernon Twill d Ravens. Howard Havens, Pioneer and Piiomix Mills; Light ion Ravens, plain 'iZ to 27 inch ; Heavv.do. do. COTTON SAIL TWIN E A full assort ment. TA li PA.ULINS, HAMMOCKS. STUFFS, Ac. PAPER FI.LTINGbO to li inch, made very heavv. expressly for drier It-Its. CARCOVERING Cotton Canvass, ail widths, from oO to 13U inches, and all numbers, madu ex pressly for covering a nd roofing railroiio ears, is perfectly nnd permanently water-proof, and tnoro end ti rill".' than the car its- If. F.N AM ELL1NG OA N V'ASS 30 3P, 40, 43 an J 50 inch plain nnd twilied, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Base, woven whole, all size, in bn'estif 1 00, 200 a nd 300 j combining urength. utility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch C.invasd. 3 thread Worpand Filling, heavy twilled, do. do ,20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL SACLS Woven whole all sizes, a new and desirable ai tiele. Feb. 21. 144-ly-e. TIIOS. B. CARR. JJ.D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for thclast ten years, Charges for 10 or less artificial teeth on fine gold plate. each, S 7 Of) An entire eel ef teeth rn firp gold plate, 10 f IMuo tin gold with aninclal gums, 13. 00 Dino on Ptatina plate wilh artifi- . -elaJ gttms, . ---- - : i Upper or uiiilcr dit'o, 1 fi li, 75 CO A i'voi tooth that e inn.it i,e di tin p uUh- e I ftoin Ihe natnr;il, . A line fcold rilling, varravtcd erirovent. 2 f0 Do. snd destroying ihe nerve 43 to ! 0' Extraeting a tooth, 50 cts. 10 1 0: Bel denlifries and looih brushes always en hand. Every operation varran'rd totlve entire sutl.-fie-ll- n. Tit th inperted immediaii ly after ihe extrac tion of 1 he fangs and remodeled after the gums have ahrunken wi'hout addiiionul charge. Office 011 Msrkel-ft , 2 doors below the Church. V ilmingion, N. C, April 22. lG-lf. HHAT SUPEltlOR BUTTER HAS COME! i. 4 fii kins all from the dairy of Adam Wr ner, ihe most celebrated dairy i-i rVcw Vork . IC'0 boxes Cheese ; 50 bbls. Snperior Pink Eye. Pota toes; 5 hbls. Liuck wheat Flour. All for sale by Dec. IG. W. M. SHI.RWUODci CO. !TKJ 1VJ phonse De Lamartine. Among the ci lebiatt d eharacti rs of whom tkett hes are given in thc.-o volumes, are Nelson. Heloise. ColinnLiip, Pal'scv Ihe Poller, Ciei ro. Homer, Joan of A rc , Tene'on. and olhtrs of no less wide a d;vemity ol poyitpin, fortune and age. 2nd supply of this popular work arrived and for sab ly J. T. 31 UN OS. Jan. 9. 123. CARPET AND OIL CLCTIIS CUT, made, and put down, by WILKINSON & ELFR, Paper Hangers and Upholster. Sept. 29. ' &x COAL. QfVf 1 HIIDS. to arrive per Sicamrhip North CJI Carolina, fru-n Philadelphia, by Dec. 30. GEO. HARR1SS. , NOTICE. . - -s JUST receive by the subscriber arid (" olt ' Bbls. Whiskey ; - - r'-' 4 qr. casks French Brandy t ' -fill boxes f assorted tandics t ' 30 do. Cheese; "-r 10 hah" bbls. Hiram Smith Flour 10 whole do. do.; 800 bags Table Sail ; 40 bbls.-assorted Sutra rs, Ac' The above articles will be sold low on thon time, but lower for lash. Dec. 16. W. U. S. TOWNS HEN D. - ww--- -- - EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. 500 Adams. PRIME second hand empty Spirits Tur pentine to-rels, just landed from Btiir A. ruriueuf , AUjIllSUU.SLU. ilee.30. v U'J. SPERM CANDLES & SPIRIT CASKS. Of BOXES Sperm Candles; 2 prime New JJ Spirit Casks, antra size, for sale low 10 close consignment. T C. WORTH. Oct. 5. . yii. - TOE FOSSIL SPIRIT. A BOT'S DREAM OF GEOLOG V. by Joiin MilLM. D. JuH DublUhed. For sale SI Jan. 16 S. W, WHITAKER'S. SACK SALT. I ClTlfi Sack ia slo'e, for sale In lot lo suit lUUUby kUssELL & BRO. Jan. 23. I.J. 1 BBLS FAMILV h'lAtCR, Jual In Sior, 1 I and for sale by QUINCE CO WA N. Not. 23. IOC