it ..... -ww w i I S VOLUME IX NUMBER 140. . WILMINGTON. CMf STJRDAY: LIQNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1855, WHOLE NUMBER 1191 . ' .-.-.v ..cjii J; &. i ill . ' . ' m r i y,iauE auoTATioNS ; ' Such ef but readers as are fond oTtht! transcend ental riiay;adinirethe 'follow trigl from an old English norel : , , 'Our herb then turned, and touching his left band to the shoulder ofhis horse he rose perpendieularlyt like a pyramid of fire, "and again descended dnhvsseaf, as a flake of sno? on a rose bud. ' Me then touched his. white wand to the iieck - of his sfeedj wbo immediately Imooated the air, like a winged Pegttstls; while the. Duchesa.. cried out, thinking her Harry a gone rrlan: but he returned as composed as thoujh he were seated tan a bed ol cotton.' ' , Happiness iiT sweetly fleetwg; kf ui not to be measured by time; it has no Tuies to martc or distinguishea -ine pe- i noas; sKims 010004 eagles' wings, or rests upondowr v G ;,: :;l --t, -. 'A smile, 'an expression, will teTl. a history; there are years of associations iii if; long years of memory and their shadows.' . ? . . 'A writer has compared woVdly friend ships to our shadows, and a better com parison was-never made, for while we walk iu the sunshine it sticks to us, but the "moment we enter the shade it des serts us.' - the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunder bolt from the darkest storm".' 'To imagine that mere beauty is suffi cient to keep the fharriage boiid unbro ken without heart and intellect, which alone can knit it firmly together, is to at tempt wearing a garland, of jidwers without their stems.' , , - . fNo one canJmprove ia company for which he has jiot . respect enough to be under some restraint.' 'A good education is a better, safe I guard for liberty, than a standing army or severe laws.' , 'In your language be plain,, comely, honest, natural, clear,, short and senten tious? 'Deliberate- with eaution, but act with decision, and yield with graciousness or oppose with firmness.' israve actions are : the substance of life, and good sayings the ornament of it. ' The trials of life arejhe tests which. ascertain how much gold there is in us.' v. Oneto-day is worth two to-morrows.' Innocence is a flower which withers when touched, but blooms not again though watered by tears.' - .'Youth writes its 4 hopes iuppn the sand, and age advances like the sea, and Profits is the crown of labor." For to be lowly born, If not base "born, detracts not from the "bounty of Nature's freedom,- or an honest birthr Nobility claimed by the right of blood shows simply our ancestors deserved what we inherit: " ' , i ' Laziness travels so slowly, that pov 1 erty soon overtakes her.' -! 4 An Old Maid is an odd boot of no 1 use without its fellow - ; ' Who ever is courteous, honest, frank, .sincere, truly honorable, generous and candid, is a true gentleman," whether , rich, learned or a laborer.' . "- ' Jokes, the cayenne of conversation 'and the salt of life. . ' 'The pebbles in our path weary us, ; and make us foot sore, more than the rocks which only require a "bold" effort to surmount.' , '. -" Happiness is a bird that "-owns -no UttgC UUl Hit? uu&uui. , , WHICH IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE? wvmo incuij( caia av, vi-ics i v-v xu Berkshire yjunty, Mass. iwo physicians -of considerable skill and eminence. One of them used ko spirituous liquor the other drank freelv : and. while -the one had acquired considerable prop MISCELLANY. erty, the other remained poor. Meetingtjos, card- and FAScrPRiwriKO, each other one day, when the Jormer was returning from a distant town with a richhr painted and well made carriage, the latter accosted him thus :' Doctor B , how do you manage to ride m a carriage painted in so costly as man ner ? I have Lbeen m practice as -long and extensively as you, and eharge as much : but I can hardly live and drive an old : one.' The paint on my car jriage,' he replied, : did'nt cost half as much as the paint on your face r GAMBLING; " " The following anecdote of a noble man still living, though not of recent occurrence, refers to a circumstance which actually took place. : Returning, between seven and eight o'clock one morning; from the gambling table, he summoned " his iady. requesting she would take the carriage, and set off to view a house' and grounds a'few miles from town,1 which he said was likely o , suit them. She readiljr obeyed, and was no sooner gone than his Lordship handed over house furniture, and all, to the person to whom, during the pre ceding night, he had lost the; whole by . one unlucky throw of the dice-box. , .The day after the battle of Stoning t ton, several British officers were invkeo on shore to dine, - While at dinner,- a lady, sitting next to one of the officers. asked him to explain to her the flags of , different nations that decorated the room. After telling her to what nation several of them belonged, he pointed out to the Star Spangled Banner, and said with j a sneer, that is what we call a Gridi ron. I presume so, sir, said the lady with quickness, by the broiling' you had upon it yesterday. A STRIKING "-HHCIDEKT.T. :-;"An iucident which .transpired in thje Crirainal Court of Baltimore, during the proceedings a lew days since, 'says the -drgrtt,.cansea no smaii aegre oi eja citement startling His -Hou6r, from a Sonambulic position, precipitating the BailuTs lrom their VArious perches and causing a1 ruslt, extraordinary, upon th part of spectators attorneys, aud even jte ofct Apple- Ladies who garnish the door-, ways of the Temple oT Justice" .wth fruit for sale, both seasonable arid un reasonable. , ' . . The origin of this commotion,, was a 'colored woman named Andersii, plac ed on tnal for the theft ot a watcn, tfte. property of Mr. Cunningham. ; Tfce wife f the prosecutor having tIeliTereu her testimony, with a truthfulness: whicH fined she robbery: upoa tno prisoner; te yond the lossibility of a' doubt, ; walked towards the. bar in which the, culprii was seated. Tliecoioredesperadja co sooner perqeived the witness ' within the grasp of her clas7 than she arose and dashed upon Jber .with tFje fjf&JlEir. gress. J, f v The unfortunate lady's face jwas, bat tered, we understand, -in quite a dreads ful manner, and one of her.yes consid erably blackened ere the infuriated con vict could be secured, and draggedway Jrom her unrt-sistirig prey. The child Lof the assailant, a . stout, dingy, colored lad, about seven yearsiot age, interfered at an early stage of the hostilities,- and whilst his 'mother was attacking -the luckless" lady in front he managed to open a 4 fir in-the rear,1 by tearing her dress in 'it 'manner which defied a dress maker with a scarq. of rleedleVto remedy. At length the warden of the jail, his deputy wardens, andthe bailiffs, all ral lied to the ' rescue, f-',. . "The tigress -was compelled to unloose herjioid, and, being forced again into the prisoner's box, to receive her doom, Judge Stump ; appeared ' to her with -a sentenw of five years" and 6 months in .the Penitentiary just three yearjs-more than, it is said, she would have received had she kept her claws and talons fold ed instead of exercising them upon the person b the Lady- Witness'. - -Th Parkersburg Gazette says that Sav-Nothinss is the style and title of a new secret society,-recentTy organized in wmo anu otner oiaies xi is a iocu,kjco institution and its members make it their busness to worm themselves into Know Nothing Councils, and then report pro- ceedmgs: to head quarters. Xocofocoism I TBE TRI-WEERLY COMMERCIAL la psblishej" kvery Tesdat, ,Th an Satwiat at 5-per annum, payable laalleaaea in advance. t - . UtnlCr IvroDI mt uihi o.rwis, - WtUtiKfiTOIT. H. C. R ATEStAIVEBTISIBIG. -I aqr. 1 insetiiou & 60 I 1 jr. 2 months, 4 00 I, - " 75 I 1 " 3 " - .6 00 I 3 , " lOOtl ,r-6 ' 8 00 I " I month, ' 2 60 f I . '. li : 12 06 Ten line or tea make a iqnare. If an ailyer tieement exceed tea lines, the piice 'will proportion. - ' AH advertisements are payable at the (true of their Insertien. ' . Contracts with yearly Advertisers, will bemads oa the roost liberal term. ... - No transfer of contractu for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, charge according to ttis published terms will be at the option, of the coolrsetor, for the time he haa advertised. . . Th nrisiletre of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business;, and alt advertisements for the benefit, ot other persona, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length er otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at me usual races. No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands In town or country, or fat the sale or hlrejof negroes, wheth er the property Is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "imrHediatt euswiess." ' AUHdverttsements Inserted tn the trl-weekly TCoatnurciat, are entitled to one. lesertlon In the Weekly free of charge EXECUTED IS SCJEU8X nTTLE. AGEtTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. Nsw Ypss:--Messrs. Dot lhks dj. Pottsb . , Beaton CisLss Smith, No. 6, Central WhSrf. "Philadelphia S. K. Cohb:. . Baltimore Wm. H. Psakb and Wm. Thomson BRICKS. 50,000?; iNORTH River herd. For sole lew GEO. HARR1SS. , . . 119. SERMONS FOR 1EE PEOPLE, !t B y TH. Stockton third edkie. For ssleau Jan. 18.- &V. WHITAKEft'S. FREIGHT. VIa freight on Naval Stores-by Capefest Cne 1 -f Koats. will hereafter be collected at WU- miaeton. , T. CAB. G., WOKTH. Jsw.27.- f ; THE DEMAND . FOR our Umbrellas ia increasing, bet by ojtr a 'rangements for receiving them, ws are at all times posted with the largest and most complete assortment. in the State, and can sett them at prices that must suit. ?; C. M VERS. 1 Jan. 27. . " Hat and Cip Kmporium. , vBAC0N. 10 HHOS. Sides riO do. Shoulders-. Pot safe r - - " KUsoELLA BK.O. - . -"- ' i s 4-29. Jan. 53 CAN4L BARROWS. EOB SALK, by - . ' . ,WsrcJl30. ;, : JM. ROtfNSON.. n.c:hams . i "LOT ef choice Hams, jnst receive nd tor tx sale by FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Feb. 10. GROUND PLASTER. 4 TONS, in bags of 200 lbs. each, for saleX Feb. 10. FREEMAN A HOUSTOf. FRESH FROM NEW YORK Per Sckr, L. . StnUi. rtCC BAGS No. 1 Green Lagnirs Coffee: 8 bbls. -S of Stewarts A Coffee Sugar; 40 Reams of Wrapping Paper, loir for cash, at Feb. 15. , GEO. U. KELLErS. J, H, N C Tnd Spirit Ageopy. v:, -:. ..v - .-A. BUSINESS .CARDS, . f & J. LIOTERLOfls V- FOR WARDING COMAZZS&IQI MERC&AMT. . VJIfIIG-T(.!ir,lf C. St-pt.gah. ffiH. v u. e3.2m. ' DR. GEORGE BETTXER, v- v" ' OF" NOttTH AROLIVA. V 0FF1CK, W 538 BROADWAY, , m AT TIM! . PRE SCOTT liOUaK-NjB YORK. " Een. 16, 1854, . 141ye. : W, SI. SHERWQOn & CO., IT7HOCESALK Grocers ami Oorrunlssion Met ctwms WjliBlnj! ton, JV.-t,. - '"All eensisirtneiws oi JfaTat t99therwitb fCoiton7B4con,ld, Corn, Meal, Flour, e.,haf Dec. 13 f ; . Ii5-tf . J. D. LOVE, MAXVfACTURER ASD nEAL.M!M Iff CABINET FURNITURE, . BEDSTEADS. CHAlRSt MATTRESSES, 4e,Ac. 1 i t - Vrvnt street, SoHth ot Slarset, . nfl, StLMNd, WtlHOTOK, K C. . Sepr. Mv84.- tr i -l' . " W-y-c t i J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MBR&HANV f- GENERAL, : -r ' ! 5 iOBAT.---.- - -. WILMINGTON, Ti, C ' Oct. 1 1 1854.- . ' ' ' 85-1 y-c. t. - ni.KIBfSO?l & ESL.ER,- UPHOLSTERS & PAPEK HANGERS, - JiBEP-ON II AS D. AND MADB.TO OBDEH, MaltrefstSj Feather. Bedt-,m Window Curtains ' .and fixtures. : All work Irfrhe ahovellnedone at 'ahorteai No-j Mice. wilroiogion, td iy.,'iurci or. - MarcD io, isxm. - JOSEPH n. BLOSSOM, Cfieral Commission and Forwarding -Merchant Prompt personal attentioik citwt t Coiislgu- . ' merits tor -Sale or fehipment. jibe rat Cask odcancf 'made an Conairnmmxt to - 'nuort"my Pfew York friend . ' WilrqingtonJan.3,l854. " 13 . a- W. C. HOWARD. GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Sler e!ianfj. Wilmington, N, C. Liberal jash ajfancea miJeon Consignments. Nov. 29, 1633. , . " 109-tf . C. DCPBB. DAStEL B. BAKER. . C.DqPRE&CO." general agents commission ASDS'ORWARDISOMERCHASTs, WILM1NGTO.Nh- c. July 22d, 1S34. ; ' 54-12m . jamcs loteeos. 1BWHTI. XNDERSON & SAVAGE. . GENERAL COM MISSION MERCHANTS, ... . WILMINGTON N. C . "Liberal cash advances made og, consignments. March 27, t54. . S4. RUSSELL & BROTHER, tATS ILLI8, BlTSSH-t et CO.,). " L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. ' - i tLlbMl ctskd'nces made an cpnwg nrnntsor Navarsiores7Pu'lranraotHer Produee. . May 3, 1354. . - . C, & D. DuPRE. ' ran n t a t t r i kin u tn t. DEALERS I N Drnss. Mediehies.. Chemicals, Paltita.Dll, Dve Stufl's, Ulass, Perfumery, jigars, Oli Liquors, Fancy Articles, c. MARKliT STREET; . W1LJ1INGTOS, N.rC " PrescriptIoneoarefuilyompounde4 byexperi eneed persons. , 1 "' March 28. 1854." - . - 4 WILLIAM A. GWYEaV GeieraJIgtatJoriinsiCommisiioaSere I uV. Measure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient snd personal attention. I here a wharf for le a;comoKxlatioss. Spirit Hnse. and Warehouse. Censianmentsef Nsvai .ara tar rhIr or h1nment rsnd all kinds ef conn' tr nrodiMJS solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. ' . , April 18.1854. . , 4 ....... IS. . C0NLEY, RIRR & CO. ' - DEALERS 'iV - r UTTER, Cheese, Lard, and Smoked Provisions, U Pork. Beef, Beans, Peas, an uriea- e rutr, 233 and 235. FRONT STREET, Corner of PECK SLIP, NEW YORK. March 25,1834. " nr- If-. - -WILLIAM n, PEARE, COLLECTOR lSD4DfEBTlSJRC. iCEST, For Conntty Newspapers throng'hont the . ... United-States, Basement of San Iron Bo Vairtge, Baltimore sKee All business ee'.msted . t'onis care transacted promptly, op liberal termi- - -.8617,1354. ;, - ; . ?5-tf " JAMES E. METTS. COMMISSION Sr FOR.WARDJNG h . MERCHANT. v Wr,Mij(OTO!l, K, C. rAugttst 36th, 1854. ' 69tf. CBXSISMOS ISO FOSttlEDISC .MEaLHSSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jsatfi 1854.- -.-.' ' 125 e T. TETTIWAT.V - . GXa K. PalTCHSTT. PE TTEYAY- & PRITCUETT. General Commission ami Forwarding Mer- CHANT.' ALSO WIIOLE3ALB GROCERS, -.NOitTH WATER- STREET, . --- . - . WitMimn, Pf. C. . " :-. Prompt attention -will be given to the sale of Naval Stores'snd ait kinds of Produce. - " Intend . keeping an assortment ef Groceries, Lquorsnnd Provrsions. -" july lSJ; . ."L 5. 11 JOSElti n-'TLiSER,. General 'Commission Merchant, . , ' ril,MINtT03r, ic. c. ... May jth, 1334. - , oMf-c. - JAS.. II. cnADBOURN ttr CO.," ' General Cor.iuission Merchants, WILMIJiGTOS, W. C. . Jas. H. Cmadbocbs. . Gae. CadbO(tbi.' 1854. ' , ' : 23. HENRY JfUTT; r PlCTOS m F02W1SDISB 1SEXT. . Will g hlperwvtl attention $9 business enlrusUJ ISept.S, 1BS4.. r GE0HGB MYERS, "iTIiaLESUE 15D EETHi CWCER'V : Keeps constantly en hand, Wines, Teas, L,ujwsrst x k Provisions, tt ooa and yrulov Ware, r ruilx , itXonfeetionaries,. South Front street,, V ,VILMIJiGT(Wr N. U. , Noy.18, 1853... m j, ,t r ,: s'j. 109. QUINCE & COWAN. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS; DEA LERS IN WINKS LIQ UORS. Corner of Front end Pi inoee streets, WILMJNOTON, N.C. July 29. 56. BUSINESS CARDS.UTHE WHOLE VV0KLU. . ri,. ri ' r ' m. ' . A;. U. VC&Kitrcits. W. A.-TH. tahbkkei,ejt. TANB0KRELEN k BROTHER, vyimington, n; a ' I . Manufaciarefs at and oealet sin NavaiStpres' KintKfn'.na Wharrasa for PVoduee furnished at ri in.. HHrtfir VMsnuuiea. If -desirtd. Jan.l, B. c FBKCMAI.- " ftOBG tWSr -MERCHANTS AND FACTORS - - WILMIN QTONj N C. ...... v , P- C. KREEMAW &HJ. " , COMMISSIONS MERCHANTS-, - IT FRONT STREET, ... . '. NEW VORK. . - FBEE11S 1XD n0UST0S,.WILBlXCT0S, . C KEEP eonstsntly.on hand a siock ot riour, Pork. Baton. SaUl Co fee, Saeat.-fife- Usses,TMsees, Cigere, Snirf, CandUe,-Soap, dr- in unit uomeuve L.iauor nm irmeei irvn. Painlm. Oil. Glaea. Domestics. Hats, Boots-, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural implements, snd va riety of other srtteles. aoitaois lur lamnr rpwn- tation use snd the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to salt dealers er consumers on reasonable terms tor casn.orm exenange vai Stores t other produce. : " The aeniorbartner D. C. Pucv an, is located in fh citv "t( New Vork ; the junior partner, Gio. HotrsroK, n w.jtmingion. Jl eesiree, aavances, will be made on e-)nsinientsjs and from either nlaa. All business entrusted to them win receive nroner attention j and wrders for Goods -will bvs premetlyana eareinuy niiea. - . , - .. . f 1 1 an . j , Sept. 9, 1BS4.. '-- GEO. UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. W. C. OTRICT teniion given to procsring Freight O andporchsstng'Cargoes for vessels. . , . . Rsr ca to. . K. Pf Hull, Esq. V ' ' ' d. C.farsley, Esq. -1 vvi,in,ts ' . r f . A. Taylor; Ksn. I . . J.D. Bellamy, Esq. J Messrs. T ooKer, binyih Sc. Co:, ? K Vork " Thompson Honter, Jeworn. . Alcx'r. Herron Jr. Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams Cfc Butler, rtljlllnBS H P. Baker. Esq. an.2. 1B&4. . 123 if. 1. ft ESSSL.- - H. B. QiLBBS. WESSEL & EILERS rOMMISSlOfV MERCHANTS & WIIOLE- VSA-LE GROCERS, North Water St., WIU rmnaton. N. C- intend to Jteep st. the above stand a "encralatssocment of Groceries, Liquor and Provisions at wholesale-nad to eatry ens OeneralComroJssiee Rueincss. triiotci : E. P.Hall.Pres't Br'ch Bank ef .the State. rTJ.. Patsley.Prest Commercial Bank. wir. P.JC.Dtetlnson, Esq. - , PoppeAto.' i N York Dollner A Potter, $ Jan. 20 1654. ' r I SI. - GEO. II. KLlLLY, . ' COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. iVtmt'a,ea North Walerst wilTottendto the sale ol oil Vmdaot UountrvhTo luce, such sf Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac., and will keep constantly on hands full aupplyof Groceries, c. ' , . wme wrr.e fws yi6?3n'tf WTfTrflngton W. Caraway. " Gen. ai..mviu. E. P. HaU, Wilmington, Wiley A. Wmlsei . Dec. 13. 1953. , 115-ly JAS. F. GILLESPIE. .CEO. 8. GILLESP1K. JAM -4 F. GiriL,F.SPir. A C'r)M PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. :-. WILMINGTON. N. C. Patllcnlsr attention paid to the receipts snd Sole of Nqsat Stores, Timber, Iumber, CornBacon, Cot-. ion, Qe.. q-r. "March 30, 1854. ' 6. , S.-M. WEST,. lodtonfer and Commisiioa WertliaBt, WILMINGTON. N. C, ITTILt. sell or suy Real Estate and Negrees-a't V a small commisskMs. . - . . A LSO t - Striet attention givento the sale ef Timber, Tur. ocntine. Tar, or any kind of Coimtry Produce. Office second door, South aWe of Market street, on the wtiarf. v , June 12,1354. 33 ly. W, P. AfOOKK. IKOv A, STANLY. J. W. JOKEft, - M00RE, STANLY &.C0. COMMISSION ME R C II A N TS , WILMINGTON, N. C. OctS6;h, 1854. - - 93. C. MYERS, WHOLESALE AND BRf AIL DEALER IN IIATS CAPS, UMBRELLAS ' , ' AND WALKING CAES," Wo. 1 Granite Rowrent Street. -- WOOL, For, Sttk, and Moleskin Hats, Gldth, Plush, and SUk Glan d Caps, by theeete Orduzen, at New Vork Wholesale Prices! , Nov. 9. - - 99. j:& j. l. HArHAWAYvt co : C G3IMISJSIQ N MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, NfC. A . DCASHWELL; P' COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. "8ept.-30. - - . - 84 tf . , ..T. C. WORTH,-. General. Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON W.Ur. S UA t advances made en eonsignments of Cot ton. Naval Storesend Other produce. Particular attention riven y Q W. Devis to pur- chasing cargoes, procuring treights for vessels, Ac. March 2, 1354r , " 123-lyc ' COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (ymcEssohS to te9S- iubo;ie t co.) . General Commission Merchants, JVs 32, ATorfV Wharves, jn3 63 North Wafer SU. PHILADELPHIA. - . j. awtaVEr cocubaji, - , . W. S BD4SBLL. . - . ' ' Liberal eash tidvawes made on consignments. vJlr 30th; 1354. . ' ' - . BSwf. , hT 061.LNER. T.'iOTTi;R. jr. 1. cambrdcn. DOLLIER POTTER '& CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW 'YORK. j April 30 1854.' V - ; 2tly-pd. NO. 3 MACKEREL. OO BBLa iust received nd for sale by : CfJ. Oct. 2S. ADAMS, CO.1 THE PRUAL1TY 0FW0RDS. w WITH an inirodueUon, by Edward Hitchcock. D. D., President of Amherst .Colioge, nd rofessor of Theology and' Geology. A book that jnu st interest all scientific minds. Jast received and tor sale by ' aW.T. J4UNDS. . iDee;23.. " m r , - . .,118. ; P. R. SUGARS. . IN hhds. and bbla.4 for sale low by ' -' Jan. 20. - MOORE, STAN LY dk CO. EXTRA. AND NO. 1 SOAP. FOR sale low, to close eonslgnmsat by Jan. 2a . MOO&E, STANLY dt CO. li - ". ' .- ' ' $300,000 -worth of Gifts, , for the subscribers to the imiMOTH FXCTORI All Xs Of tUe Whole World, . .. PublUheJsiinuliaseously in the three cities ef lEWA'aRI, flflUDElPflU l.D B1LT1S0CE, Asaponas 300,800 subscriptions are obtained i an & having already an actual cibculatiow or ABotrr ?mj.UUJ, tt li now certain The Distribution will soon) take place. . Among the extraordinary wst or eir-r's, (being one fee every lie kot issued,) ere Pret: Hart's Elegant Coiitrj Seat, vale at 25,MK, "t A maguiSceut City Residence, valoed at I T,- OOO, S.,. . A Cash Loan' tor lOOjears, without interest or security 13 10,000, . V . BuUdiag LoN.KIegint Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Gold Watches, Bracelets, Rings, Books' oi Travels la the Old and Ktw World, by Pror. ILitt Ileal Katate, f-c. f-c., die in all nom ' beiag 3OO,C00 Giftov. valued at a 00,000. Kvery single reesittance of tl, secures one year's sabecription to the Mammoth Pictorial, sad the gratuity of 3ift Ticket. which entitle tle holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in tikis stupendons Knttr- 'jprise receives the fall worth of bis or ber money, to suoscripuon o uiii cnujournai, mc great est and most lntete8tingJ?ictoriaKof the age,) be sides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. - m Foj complete list of gibs, and lull and explicit particulars ia regard to the great Enterprise, Dis tribution, tc, see a copy of Tn a Wholb Would, which will be promptly sent, tree of charge, where deired by letter, post paid. The VVholK Woblo. may also be seen at the offluesirf all paperseqntaining"thisafvettlsemeit, whersinformaiion nay be- obtained in regard to the paper and Kourprise. " Agent, Postmasters aud Ladlcr, deairons of hierative and at the same time genteel employ ment, should not foil-to see a eopy of The VVliole World, whiuli coii'ans by far the most liberal in ducement's ever orlured to aents In the way oT immense cash premiums, gifts, cominissioaa, die, wherebir any person, wiilv ordinary activity, can easily , make 1.009. and npwaMs, per rear; to which fact the agents we already have can certi fy'. Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. . " Correspondents must'write Iher addreta Name, Post-office, County, and Slate, PLAIN end DIS TINCT, or it will be their own fault if they fail tto gel an. noswer. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever acsirea, in any part of the world. - if any orders ase received after tho 300, COO sub scribers are obtained, the money will be promptly jreturntd, post-paid, to li e persons sending it. . All letters and remittances' for the Pictorial, WITH GIFT TICKKTs. rnostinvariably be ad- fdri.-d poat.Peid.ta Prof. J. WOOOM AN H ART, Wortct Hall, tSroaaway, is eve i oru, mere Demg the only office lor the Gift Knterprite. But remittances for the Pictorial WITHOUT Gift Tickets, may be sent to P-rof. J. WOODMAN H A ll T, HarCs Building, ChesnxU Street, Phila ddjikia. Pa-, there being the principal editorial Ant publication office. P04. 3, 1634. .... ' 85 Cm. Zermati AnO-corbntic Toothwash. TO THE LADIES. VJOTllING adds more lo beauty than clean, 1 wRite Teeth, end Gums of healthy color. The most beanttful face and vermillroa lips become repulsive, ifj the Utter, when lht open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who urwk Im., wKitw Teotti, healthy Gams and a wwt breath, should give ZKitMAVS TOOTH A'ASll s t viial.. Fur sale by . i C. t D. DuPRFj Agents, 5 - . Wilmington N.C. ' Sept. 30. . ' -84 I PERFUMERY J . TJST received from New Vork and Philadel' ,'1ia ; - . . J I Uross Lubins's Kztraets lor (tie Handk'f ; I do. do. . TJilete eaps ; i do.. Glenny Muwh Toilette Water; J do. do.. Verttenade. . do. 1 d. Yankcf Strap; j dn. Camphor Sospi j sdo. Pomino do. . . A Urge aasorlment of Hair Brushes, and a num ber of fai c 7 article, usually kepi in Drug Stores. - - .I C.-dVD. DoPRK, Wholesale Druggists, ; Ojf. Market-st Wilmington, N. C. i THE NOttTH CAROLIA J MUTUAL LIFE LNSURANCE COMP'Y, . KALEIGH, -C. THE above Company hr s been in opera tionsincc the lstef April, 1848, finder the directionof the foMowinir Officers, viz : - j Dr. Charles ti.Jonhson, President, 1 Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, i . j James F. Jordan. Secretary, - - f i i m I'M'ni.-H. Jones, Treasure'. I Pcrrln Busbee, Attorney, . Dr. K.B.Haywood, S tonsailfaien. i ' J. Hersman, General Agent. n : Thla Company has received a charter giving ad; vantages tothe insured ovsrany otherCoiapaoy. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insurc.hisown life forjhts solevse of his Wife and Children, free from any ciaimsof the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Orgaotced en purely mutual principles, the life .meraberssarikipeJeinthe vthoUot the profits which are declared annually. Besides, thi spplicant fai lire, when the anneal premram is overSJO may pay one he If In a Note. . -"--v. : 11 claims for insurance against the Company will -epsKi witnin otrvety uaysanerproot 01 the death of the nartv is furnished. Slaves sre insured -for one or Ave years, at rates MslucB will enable all Slaveholder te secure this class-of properlty against the uncertainty of life. " 8 love insurance presents a new and interesting featasein the history of North Caroline.wnfch will prove very important to the Soatbera Statea. , The last four. months eperation-of this Company shows a wrri sreeamonntof business mora than the Directors rapected to do the first year having najr ihuo msrc inin iuu rouein. Dr. Wm. W. Habbiss, Medical Examiner, and 4gent, Wilmineton, N.C. . AllCommdnicatlonsoobusInessof IheCompany should be addressee1 to . r' - ' JAS. F JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh. Jan. 25, 1S54. if. ; ; t B00TAND SHOE STORE. GEORGE R. FRENCH, at his old stand n Market street, bevsfl. leave to return hht thanks te his Vaa old friends and customers for the liberal patronage hereteforeextended fo him, and to inform them thai .his stock of Boots and &hoes, including every, vari ety in his line is now as complete and as extensive as a l any former period. JiU stock of Gentlemen Boy s a nil Children's Boots and Shoes embraeea eve Ty variety of style, faartlon arid e,nality that can fee -desired, or that ia n anally called for, including a fine assortment of Ladies, Misses and Gentlemen's Over Jihoea:-'..--t -..' ; -: ,, j He would particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to his extensive- assortment of Lsdiej snd Misses Leather, Morocco, Knameled.'Brenxe, Pat Leather. Goat Skin, black and white Kid and a va- riety of fancy colored Baots; Shoes and Slippers; Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk - Gaiters, a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. Ladies fancy Gaiters at SI A psir- Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Sltins, and Shoe Find inss. Please esll snd examine. -' n r. French, would also inform hit friends and the ebire, that he is State Agent Cor tho sale of Davis' Pain kCilUsr and Wrigh t'a Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. - - . NoviO Ayf' . - ' 102 - SUPERIOR DUCRYHEATs PLATTS Mills Patent Hnlkd Bac&whea an .extra article reeelved to day and for sale by - a ffc N, BARLOW, - " Nov. ll. . Noi.3 Granite Row. ' IRON RED STEADS AND CHICS. QINGLE and doable folding very convenient O and proof against vermin, for sale by Jaly IS. WILKINSON db ESLRR. D0CT. JOHNSTON, BALTIMORE: LOCK HOSPITAL. WHERE maybe obtained the most speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for ali - SECRET DISEASES. ' Gonorrhrss, Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Week nose, Pains in the Loins, Constitutions! Debility, Impottncy, Weakness of the Back and Limha, Af fections ol the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nts Voua irritabi ity, Diseases of the Head, Tfiront Nose or Skin i and all those serious arid melancholy disorders anting from tha destruc tive habitsof V oath, which destroy both body and mind, those secret and solitaiy practices more futsl to their victims than the aonys of the Syreus to the mariners of Ulyssess, blighting their most bril liant hopes or annexations, rendering marriage, dtc, impossible YOUNG MEN. Espeelallv, who have become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thoussnds of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Lis tening -Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecaiacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. V MARRIAGE. Married pe "sons, o r those contempts li ng ma rriage, being awaxeof physical weakness, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He who places himself undertheeoreof Dr. John ston may religiourly confide In his.honor ss a gen tleman, and confidently rely anon hiaskill asa phy sician. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOORS FKOM BALTIMORE ait., (east side,) UP THE STEPS. .. ' - JjrRE; snd NUMBER. or you will mistake theplace. A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous- Drugs Used. TAKE NOTICE. Db. Johxstoit is the only regularly Educated Physician who advertiaea his very extensive Prac tise, and his many Wonderful Cur.'s is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Thoss vho Irish to be speedily and effectually cured, should situn ths nsier su trijling tmnosters, who ojajy ruin their health', And apply lo Dr. Johnston. -. -ri nit. joiinston. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London t graduate from one of ths most eminent Collesree of me u aneu okairs, anu ins greater part f whose life Uasbecnspent in the Hospitals of London. Par. is. Philadelphia, sod elsewhere, has effected some ot the most astonishing cures thai were ever known, Many troubled with ringing in ths ears and head ,-lien asleep, EresfnervousnBas, being alarms si j i . . .. j . i. . ... - cuuui-ii juunui, nnu wuiuinru. witn rreauent brushing, attended sometimes with derangement of : J it i . . i iiiiiiu, weiu c.iireu tiiiiiieuiiiieiy. A CERTAIN DISEASE When the misguided and imprudent votary of I !.. I f trl. . - . - piensura q.iuk ii nil inioiora we seeas ot this painful disease, it too often hsppens'tiut an Ill-limed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thuse who, Irons education and respects bilhy, can alone awfrierul fcim, delay ing till the constitutional rysmpiome or this horrid such ulcerated sots throat, diseased uose, noetural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of ?i"I)t, deafness, nodes oe the shin bones and arms, blotches en the head, lace and 'Xirenmiea, progress on wmii frlghtlul ra pidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the bones of thu nose lull tn. and toe victim of this awful disenrc becomea a horrid object of commls seratlcn.tiH death puts a period to his dreadful suf ferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such therefo-e. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the moat inviolable secrefy; and, from his extensive prac tkcin the first Ilcspttalsiu Europe and America, he can confidently recommend a anfo and speedy cure to th unfortunate victim f i his horrid di eiitso. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreudful djease, owing lo the un Ailfulncssol i;nornnt pn lenders, who, by the use of that deadly poisin. mereury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send (he unfortunate sufferer lo nn untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mis erable. - TA KE PA li T I CUIs A R NO TICE. Dr. J. addresses all Inoee who have injured them selves by private. and improper indulgences. . Tlicse are some of I ho sad snd melancholy ef. 'fecia, produced by e,arly habits of youth, vis s i(j.uwt vi i n uaut una limdi, fains In the Head. Dimness of" Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Pahyiuuion of (he Hear', Dyapepsy. Nervous irritability, Derangement f lie Digestive Func tions General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, die. Mmtally The fesrlul tfTeris'en the mind sre much to 6 dreaded i Los of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of -Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society, fcielf Distrust, Love of Soli tude. 'J'injUfity.&c. ore some of the evils produced. Thousands or persons of sll apes, can now judge what is the causs of ihcir declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes, couch and svmptuuuiof consumption. Married Persons, or (hose contemplating mar rlage, bing aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect health. ' DR. JOHNSTON S INVIGORATING REME DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cored snd full vigor restored. Thousands of the most Nervous snd Debilitated individuals who had lest all hope, have been Imme diately relieved. .All impediments to MARRIAGE. Physical or Mental Diitqualificationa, Ncrvoua Ir ritabilitv TretnbJingaand Weakness, or exhaustioa of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. Young, wen who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frauentfy lenrned from evil companions, or st school, the effects uf which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, rendcra marriage 1mooserbleand destroys both mind and body. What a pity that a voung man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences ol deviating from the path ol nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating ' MARRIAGE, Should reflect thai s sound mind snd body sre the most necessary requisites to promote connubisl happiness. -' Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wear) pilgrimages the pros pect hourly darken k to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with oor own. OFFICE AO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., Baltimobb, Mo. AUSarglcal Oneratioua Pel formed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prevent vou. but apply Immediately either ptrtenally or bj letter. . . bsjs uisrucsBpeeany Lares. S TO STRANGERS. The many thoustnds cured at this Institution with in the km ten years, snd.. the numerous impor tsnt 8urgicsl Operations perfotnud by Dr. J., wit nessed by tha Reporters of the pspers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared sgsin and sgain beftra the psblie, is a sufneiem gna ran ts that i he afflicted will find a tkiUui and honora ble phjsician ' TAKF. NOTICE. s It U with the greatest reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permits his card to appear before lbs nubile. K -deeming k Bnprofes atonal for a phyaieiaa to ad ver- use, oni oniess ne aid so, ttvs smicled, especiaiiy strangers, could not fail to fall Into the hands of those impoienf,' boasting, iniposiers, indivldaals destitute of knowledge, name and eharscter, ped tars.ehoenaakers, mechanics, AcadvarrUioe them selves as pbysicisnss Ignorant quscks. tcUh fUhy, lying cerifUaUs of Great Wonderful Cures from persons who cannot be foond, or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthless sod Degraded.aad many ether canning and contemptible aruncseto antic the afflicted, trifllng-monih after month, or e long as possible, snd ia despair, leave you with ruined health, to sigh over your galling disappoint meat. It i this motive that Indaeee Dr. J. to advertise. f of he alone eon rare ymx j iiwh unacvjaaimea Wim till fCuianvn, .. . j w mm j hat his credentials or diplomas always haag Ia his tjfliee. '- WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS Immediately cared, snd full v4eor restored. CTALI. LIrri fcK3 f UaT-PAlIJ RKME- DIES SENT BY MAIL. Jan.9ih, 185S. 111;. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1'HK Subscriber having accepted the agency ot A Several ll rf eat.htl.hnivnt. at lh V An h alilrh will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreisn snd domeati M A itRI.K of all taalttles, is prepared to nil sll orders for MONUJMBNTM ANI TOM II MTON I'M, nd every other article In the line of tho business it reasonable rales. Rfinf.PTIJRING. LETtEBTKnonfl ARV1NH Executed as veil as can be done either North or South. Thebest reference can be given, if requlrrd. JAS. McC LARA NAN. Jan. 6, 1654. "tf. OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE'4 AT THE vVUaalngrou Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. 'THE subscriber respeciiully Informsthepublle A that he has recently received additions to. Ins stock of Saddle and Harness Mounllnas.eVe., ths latest snd most Improved style, and Is consianly msnulacturing, a this store on market si reel, every description of irtlclela the above line. From his sxperienceln the business, hs feelseonfident thst be will besbleto glvecntlresstlsfsctloatoallwho mavfavor him with a call. Hahaanowon hand. and wlllconatauily keen a lara assortment of Voac., dig and Sultry Ilamcts, Ijady t UaAitlrf, BridUt, Whips, 4-c, UcnlUmen't Saddles, Whips Spurt, if'C. 8rnalUf which he will warrant to be offir IJthe beat materials and workmaashlp. I J TT 11 haa also lara-a assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and. Carpet Hags, Satchels, I'anry Trunks, dte., sad all other ar tlcles usually kept In such establishments, all of which u offers low for CASH, or oashortcrcdlt to prompt customers. saddles, tiarness.Trunka.Redlual Hags, &c. Ae., made to order. " Inaddition lotha above the atibserlberalwavs keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, snd will kepthrough the seaaon a good assortment of lyiy Nc-tts. All areinvlted to call andexamme my uoom, whet her in wont or not, a a I take pleasure In show. ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a ran. HarnestandCoacli Trimmings sold at a fair price lo persons buying to manufacture. aiso, vv nirs si wnoiesaie. Allktndsof Riding Vehldrs boutrhl i r. .t old on eommls-ions. JOHN J. CONOLKV . Feb. 7, 1854. 138 FOX & POLIIEMUS, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Beaver, N. York, Offer for sale the following heavy Cotton Fabric: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DL'CK- 22 inch, all numbers, hard and soft i also all the various widths of Canvass manufnetured st this es tablishment comprising every variety known to the trsde.snd offered at the lowest rates. UNITED STATES PI LOT DUCK-Woodberry and Mount Vernon Extra. A fullassortntcnt of this superior fabric. Wil l 1MANTIC COTTON DUCK IS, 18, 20 and 21 Inch, all numbers, hard and soft. This fnl -rlc W88 awarded the highest Premium at tho Lon don World's Fair, also at our own State fair. SHIP AND BEAR MARK DUCK- Plain and twilled, manufactured hy the Greenwood's Com pany, a superior article for light snlls, tenia, awnings, Ac; also. Mount Vernon Twill' d Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phmnlx Mills Lightton Havens, plain 22 to 27 Incht Heavy, do. do. COi'TON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUKKS, 4c. PAPER Fl.LTING 30 to 72 Inch, made very heavy. expressly for drier felta. CARCOVKRING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 to 130 Inches, and all numbers, made ex pressly fur covering and roofing railroau curs, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and trior endurinx than the cor itself. ENAMELLING CAN VASS 30, 3fi, 40, 45 on.l 50 inch plain and twilled, In every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bogs. wocn whole, all size, In bules of 100, 200 and 300 j combining strength, utility and cheapness, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, .40 inch Canvass. 3 thread Waspand Filling, lieavy iwlllcd, do. do , 20. 22, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL SACLS-Wovcn whole oil sizes, a new and desirable article. Feb. 21. 144-1 j -r. TnOS. B. CARR. M.D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for ihelast fen years, Chorees for 10 or less artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each. I 7 mo 150 00 00 00 An entire set of teeth on fine gold plate, Ditto on gold wl lit artificial gums, Ditto on IMatina plate with artifi- cial gums, Upper or under ditto, rnch, A Pivot tooth that cannot be dittlngui.h- ed from the natural, A fine gold filling, varranted permanent. rc 75 00 00 5 00 2 f:t) Do. snd destroying the nerve. $3 lo 5 00 Extracting a looth, BO eta. lo 1 ?, Best dentifrice and looth bruhea alwaya on hand. Every operation varranled lo give entire satiffne tinn. Teeth Inserted Immediately after iheexirac tton of l he fangs and remodeled after the gums have shrunken, without additional charge. OfTic on Market-! , 2 doora below the Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 22. 10-tf. THAT SUPERIOR BUTTER, HAS COME! 4 Atkins slf from the dairy of Adorn War ner, the most celebrated dairy in New Vork . 10U boxes Cheese ; 60 bbla. superior Pink Eye Pota toes; 5 bbls. Buckwheat Flour. All for said by Dec. 16. W. M. SHI.RWOOD dt CO. VTEMOIRS of Celebrated Cliornctcrs, ly Al iVJ nhonse De Lamariint. Amonsr the celt biaicik ensrscters ot whom sketches are given in thtfu volumes, are N'eUon. Hcloise, Columbus, Pulley the Potter, Cicero, Homer, Joanof Arc , Tendon and othera of no less wide a diversity of pociiton, lortunes snd sge. 2nd supply of (hi popular work arrived and for sola by J. T. JtUNDS. Jan. 9. 123. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS CUT, mad, and put down, by WILKINSON & ESLEir, Paper Hangers and Upholster.. Sept. 28. ' 85. COAL. Of ( HHDS. to arrive per Steamrhip North CkJKJ Carolina, fro-n PhiUdelphia. by Dec. 30. GEO. HARR1SS. NOTICE. TUST recefv by the sabacriber snd fr sale s' l Bbla. W hiakey , 4 qr. casks Frencn Brandy i . . 60 boxes of assorted t sndles i 20 do. Cheese i 10 half bbla. Ulram Smith Floor 10 whole do. do. 300 bags Table Sail t 40 bbla. assorted Sugars, aVc. Tb above articles will be sold low on short lime, but lower forcssh. Dec. 16. W. L. S. TOWNS II END. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. COA PRIME second hand empty Spirits Tur JVJv pen tine Barrels, jast landed from Brig A. Adams. For sale by ADA11S. BRO. A CO. Dee. 30. 11?. SPER3I CANDLE3 L SPIHIT CASKS. 301 BOXES Sperm Candles j 3.0 prime New Spirit Casks, extra siie, for sale low to close consignment T. C. WORTH. Oct. 5. Bti. TIIE FOSSIL SPIRIT, A BOY'S DREAM OF. GEOLOGY, by John Mill, M. D. .Just published. For sals st Jan. 16.) S. W. WHITAKEirS. SACK SALT. 1 AAA 8aeka la store, for ssle in lots lo suit I WWW by BUSSELLA EHO. Jan. 2X 129. f "a BBLS FAMILT FLOOR, Jast la Store 1W and for sal by QUINCE COWAN. Nov. 24. 106. r

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