VOLUME X- NUMBBK 7. i WILMINGTON, N; C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAKCH 31, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1110 - ' . , From tU Spirit of Ike Age. let r E r no: 3. To Messrs. J A. fruitgh and others : Yutir 9ih paragiaph is too nis to quote. I will not misstate it. 1 refi Vot: to it. As a further reason why the Legislature has not power to legislate use uesired, you say : " Society only required that he (man should surrrudt r, wtiat was injurious t tier interest and was at war. with her own happiness and iteace." ' " 7 There is more propriety in this propo sition than any tiling ejse you have satu aav i propose to assent to it. " J leel as if 1 had ho'.i of something;' and teally Jen a. wild vexedthat you did not stof X it, instead of spoiling it with the trasl V It UowTVYcTfTtd tnT the whole it aloEc. You say (and I assent) that livery right a man had, that would" be injurious to society, re surrendered. Well, is the traffic in spirits and is in temnetanee injurious to society? - 1 they are not, why did you say they are? Shall 1 repeat your 2d paragraph 1 . If they are injurious to society, then, accor ding to your own showing, he has sur rendered die right without a struggle, and you may restrain him ly law. Again :. Is the traffic in spirits and is iu ienipefauce 'at war with his own hap piness anu peace II they are not, why -did .you say .-they are? It they are, then, according to your owii -showing; he has surrendered them without "snuggle, ami you may restraiu him ly law. INovv all this is so plain and pro p r, ifiat I dislike. to have to notice what , Jol ows. You say ; 'The right to eat -. and dunk was never furrendf red. buy mat over again : 1 he right to eat and drink was never Mir rendered.', Phiio?o ' phy, defend us ! Well, did the memo-" rtalils say to the contrary? .. I presume not. I mio-hf hAV simrvvsprl - tlirit vein did not intend this as a general proposi tion, hut only for the consideration" nf the Raleigh landlords, if it had not been for the reasons you give which reasons bad almost thrown me into another fit of laughter. You say: The iiht to ent and drink, was .never "sin rendered, because to surrender them, would stru inen," it would, do no such thing ; it would strip him of his lif- ! ! - A i:d change him into a mere automatic ma chine, do you say? No, gentlemen, it Avon Id change him into no such big word as that, it wowd change him into a lump of clav ! Control ed by the will o( the. law-making powerdo you say ? No, gentlemen, it would r ut him past nil control. " You do not do ynnr side of the question justice, gentlemen. You ought to speak out" and be earnest you ought to have thrown your 'whole pow er into one word such as, that 'it would mash Aim into fits.' You conclude this paragraph with th following: Your committee believe that the passage of such a law as would satisfy the memorialists, would operate most injuriously to the peace and welfare o! ine rieopie. What"! Do yon think it, would pro duce worse results than intemperance and, the traffic produce? Worse than 4 insanity ?' worse than beggary ?' worse than desolation Y worse than the"' untimely death of countless mil lions?' worse than 'ruin to society?' Why, gentlemen, you believe no such things. Your report states .the evils carefully considered, which you find would result frrtm thu Liar Vnnr IO1I1 - - - - w s w a s, a . Its m. V paragraph contains them. And what are they ? Jealousies and heart-burnings. ' These are all. And are these comparable to the evils in your 2nd par agraph ? But how Would it produce jealousy ?, 1 1 can conceive of but one way: A man a husband and father has indulged to the full extent of his J craving appetite injured his mind, affected his wife- ' beggared his chil dren,' 'desolated his hearth' and the law takes from him th tioht which ho had surrendered to society, la commit these; evils, and be regains his mind, cherishes his wife, provides for his chil dren and cheers his hearth feels like a man, looks like a man, acts like a man ; iaud do you think that it all the. good women in the neighborhood should love, htm a Utile for the change, that the haji py. wife would tie jealous? But how would it produce hear,-burn? An? you physicians, gentlemen? But what if it should i rod luce ; heart-burn? . "A tea-j spoonful of soda, or it may be a little vermifuge., wotild curg. iu Why, gen- ! llejiieu, if it produced the ramp c.iliY. it . would .be- "nothing like the evil enu merated in your second paragraph. With' your 9;h paragraph you close 1 your constitutional argument ! I ! f oun ded, not upon .the coiiKtitulion of North Carolina, or of .any other Slate or gov ei uni(nt, J ut upon your own constitu tion, greatly shattered by your last WinJet's privations. Either theubject wa too great for you, or else your meals wero.too small. You were , evidently overworked and badly fed. And no one ought to be surprised at ..the big headed, ' little-legge I rickety offspring. I !eheve I have presented tor you ev ery one of your positions,- reasons, il lustrations and arguments. I think you have failed to show that the legisla ture had not the power, and you have shown that the legislature had the poweelaimed by the memorials!. Therefore but little remains for me to Jo in r gard io ihis'ui.estjoii. I ...n ;.:, loirbt bjit that '" ih'it L-gis!;tiure 'inigiii fuiino' an act Jvhich would l u-.co n ufioitu!. hut l' se wrrM U' .-tJo'' dd tiou'ty in fiiitiii. g? t U ti .'t -i consjiutio; a' Tha t! e I .egi--:,ui t v.i sesses the imwcr to regulate die tudli , has never been questioned, and the pow er has? always been exercisid. Yu cannot sell it to slaves Yon1 cahnoi sell without a license. You cannot sell at all at ceitain limes and in certain lo ealiiies If you cannot sell without the State gives you license, may "in t - the State withhold licieiiS' ? If the traffic can be taxed at all, may it not be taxed so high as to amount to prohibition ?-j If the traffic' can be . proMhited ' for time, may it not lx- fix -all time? If it can le piohibited at one p'ate,.-nuy it not at every place If the Lgislatur-' can puutsfi with whipping, pilloiy and deatli (as 1 have shown you it can) for delivering a book of evil tendency, why may it not ptiiosh in th sam. way the delivering a bottle of J evil tendency? ' I conclude, therefore, that the legis lature had the power to grant thp pr.iyer of the memorialists and pass some law ' to stay its desolating course its ruin ous effects Uoii society.' I come now to vour argument as lo the expediency of legislation, which be gins with your 10l!r 'paragraph.' - But you mustjudulge m!ai:odi-r week, in order thnf I 'may imitate your example and 'carefully consider' the same. - i ' " Yours, truly, f PICKLED ROD. I SHARP DHAI ING. . Smwi tinir sine a man entered ;i sloi-e to s. ll some brooms. The stor -keeper said he would tuke the brtwtns' if h- would take half his pay iii money, and the rest in goods. The man complied, and after receiving his money, toM the storekeeper that he would take for his pay in good half the brooms ! The storekeeiter thought hint a prcttv hard case i DISrilLSSING tin hYiflav mry'it wpi'k ili owe Iui'? of" Mr. Keller, in Rye Towiiship, Perry county, (Pa.) was des'roycl by fire, an ! his three children perished in th" names. The I'uildinsr was one storv and a Ivdf high, - The. chiMiTu were asleep in the 2-arret and the parents Ivlow. Thefne was not discovered until the roof had fallen in, preventing the escape of the children. ! HEAVY DAMAGES. " L.it wrrk n cai- waa frtil at Cliirl?o. wliirh reti!tl i n vt1iI oC rliree honsitinl two iMitiilrcn m ml hi IV ilU--ir njj.iirist tin ritv. for lsinnsre 0"tiiuMl tv a lnilv con Uiirtetl piiti-wulk. The plaittlifT iv:t it ht- hortns matt. who. on rMiirnini; from his tfrork, fe'l into Ihe cify trap. " - r.iK ra-V oKKLY X'OJIlIEiiCIAh l rnuliiiii:J rv I'phpak, 'I'huucDAv ond Satuhdait at to vt annum, payable ii jllcaoct n mivance. BV raO VI.VS I.OXING Kdito and Pbofuim- roa, Corner if ro ii( mil ii a rice i !sirects, 'i . " W1LMI VGTOS. S. C. . a irr op advertising. t aqr. 1 insertion U 50 I s"r. 'I monliis, S4 Ou I . 3 J 1 00 I l "6 8 fO t ' I wonth, t SO I 1 ' 12 12 00 Tea lines or tc make j nqitare. If nn adver- isemt-nt exceeds ten tinea, lu inice will be in rotoriion. All ilvortisemciita are payable at the limeol heir iniwrtion. . . oorracla with yearly advertisers, will be made in the nei-M liberal lerma. .V' tr-nfr -if c.ttra:t for voarl adverllsinr will bo uirrntitlod .-li.uM circii.uaiiin'i a rend.-r ilians ia biKine , or An unespciel rem va occewnrv. i cntrse accorilin-j io the tiie liuet terms will be at the op'ioa ol the euntract'jr, fr the time he h:is advertiwd. The privilege of A nmnl Adywiocra ir ttricth limited to their innn: liatr bminc; and nil tdvertiaemrnis tor the benrfit of other p rion, la well us all advortUtviipnts not immediately con oected with their own hMsin-s, and all eci-at- of itvrrtlsemenfs in ln!ith or oihrrwiRC b'-yonil Ih limits engagcJ. will be ebarrd at the nsnal rufps. No AJertirrnint I im-iiid-vf in the con-ract 'or the sals or rent of honors or I inrii In town or onntry,or for the sale or hire of nrgro'S. tvheih er the property H owned by th advfMtixcr or by other persons. These are excluded by the term immedutU bustnf " . .Ill i Ueniseroeot!" inrH!d in the tri-wecklv Co itnreial ntit entiiled to one icaerlion in thf Weekly fr nf ebnrye. ' JIOB, CAIIH Al I'AXCY PHIVT1SG, EXRtllTED 11 SITE BlllR STYLE. " i2Nr Vit tti k cownnci.Utt. Nsw Vo Mr-Fsrs. Duusti & Pottes." ffji't--'5nLi Smith ;..!. Central Wharf 1'hUadelpkia S. K. 1'oHtJ . : BaitLmore W. H. PtAcmd Wm. Thomson GRATIS! Just Pub'Ulteil, a New Discovery io Medicine. ttti rational treat- JJj. iL' Z "ruent, wiihout M abaaa lo'ih-a or Lmul dirliu-, t4 Spi imn wiakotft, N trvcii- wnuivi l.ow ?D'ril. L.:i.-iiU(ie. nraknnu ft ih- .itutuiand BMlk, Indisposition and Inc:iiai.iiy fi tndy and l.abu , UuUiium ! .ApprehcnHofi. i r Uenrnrr. avvraion la Sfcflf t'. Lnyrof SuhtudH rimi.'i' v. slf PUtnist. Dizzinr, Iliad At-hc In- v.kiuntjry Disharr s. Pains in theSii-, A flcctinno I the ( yff, Pttni ies on lite f-ace, i xualand clli- ef lnfirmilii s In nun . .. . ; FROM THE FRENCH of Dr. B. DE LANEY TlwiniDOftantfict th it iH se aliHnin2 oinu.ain p wit fuUy be rciif 'Tt'd winii ct l t tit, vkk is, in, !hi ninali tract. j-Ii stly d fiiorirti iitd. nd thi -ire!y m wattd hubiy yucrBs:oHi utii!ci)i.as nrinp hfl hy the A u I j iilljr exyl iinl. by nans, of whk-b every otw is cnililt a iu rutv b.ma. il n-riV-i- . an l at ihf la' jo-s:ble n t.iiviJiii liwrt bv iill tile :id veni-d nojrtiuu of 'Isr djy. . ' 8enl lo any address, itratis. ami it fr.-e in a staled envrlopr. by icmtitir ( ' paid) two pu l aye si ant l. Dr. U. L)K LAN Gl", Ao 1 7, Li.-peo ard Simt.N'iw Verli. - March 10. J4!-6nj-p. CANDU1S CAN DIMS. C BOXK-s akoried t4 i. t, fi. d. fn tre and 4-U J.w ale by ZKNO H. GitKEN K. Feb. 17. .. - N C T ip. liO. NOTICE. NOTH CAROI.IXA DISTRICT TENT, .'o. 18 I. O. of It., will hold h r next Annnal s sion rt Scoit'a Hill on ih firt Tuesday in April nest. Primary Ten:s under her jurisdiction wl;l please send reprrstmtatlves W M. LARKINS.D.K. S. March 24, 1355. - 4-6u UCSINKnS CARDS. ; E. J iMi j'TJ"?t OH. - -v )ii ir.i an i v ( 4- commission MnncriA.w. !i .' h. 551.. , fS-l-'fii. . tiTsiuiiiUMb & co v: . j HiJl.KS.M. K Oioccrs nnd 7uniii8iuii Mci i t-hanii. 'lniiiii;li)ii. l Ij. . , VI ..in-it!nDii-;- : Atvul .Store, together Willi Pinion, neon. La d,Jtin, Alcal, Kluur. hal -tttiir-. ih iii!he-- trkei price. - - Dec. 13 tl5-tf J. D. I.GVK, MASVFXCVUREI! ANU HEALER IX x CMBiNili FUifMTlJilL BEDSTKAI Cil MRS. MATTRKSSKS dtc.&c V-.o .t lr,e!.Sotnli t Market, BH'tVTN - BL'll.:lii. WILMINGTON. 'X i !S."t J. V. LAiTA, CO IT.VJSSIOX MKrt CI1A .V 7 ' 4 GENERA L . . AGKS'I WILMINGTON. N. C. ; .'cl. I, !S"4. , v ' 85-ty c. WIt,KIStJi & IiSL.RH, " upn )h,srt:sis & impei: dangers. KKKI ON tl.VNU AND MADE TO OKDKR. Mtilrcsscs, Fcatfcr B cl.y Window Curtains and fixtures Ail worlf in tile o iim dne at !.iorttt Nor lice VVilmiiiaum, JN. Market St. Vl:ircll IS, ;S.'4. I. JlrSEiH IL inHsOJlT77 llmeral Ca:a:nissioa aaJ ForwarJiag Merchant. ira tat altuution civcii ti Co;il .tu1?:! "it-Sale or tliipuifnt. Liberal tali adrnnce mad': on Consignments tu ) m&ur lo mt S!t Yt.rk friends. .Vilmi.i:f i.m, Jaa.'iO, IS'.i. ' I35i 3"urtTli0WARD, : KXKlt.T. O tin !ti.st hi Mid F rw; riling Mcr ii,ii.tnl V. t. 'i i :n.-i ,i i U- n Cii!innfi'nlg. ;. !U9 it iuia b. BtKKit. ; si: n i u : n is com m i ?sion i . i,;v vtf invc n:;i;tn im Ull.MiNUItrX N c J..l iid in, 4. ' 54 1 vim. 4M! 8 AOUBON. EDWARD SAVAOe. INDiiSON & SVAiE. iENEltAL. CO il MISSION MERCHANTS Wit. VII U ). .. V. Liberal a-tt .idvancts made on fomigniin.nt. Mar. i i7, 1:5 L - (LATE Sl-LIH nlf ILL IV CO,) ' HESEllAl. CO niSSr MEtClfANTS WlbxIl.NOlt'.V, .N. C. I.i'reral c;isti id.in'-e. ih iJ-r mi i on-iignmont l S.ival - oo", i, and oilier produce. AUjr 3L 1351. 'r & y. Diii'ilE. . WIIOLK MALE ASO IIETAL OCALEHH IN l)rns. lfdlfltie. Cteilrat!. Im1its. Oil, Ili tu (Ik. ;l;iss. tert'uraery, Cigars. Old Manors. I'ancy Articles. &c UAltKKT STUKliT, Wtl,)H(JTO, N . res'sription--arcfull) o apjunde.l byoxperi- mieio M-taons. larch ia. 1854. WILLI1H A. (VYE., G'cnd l?eai Furwar.Ihigi Commission tcrehaul 1 t ike :ioaiire in informinif my friends, th it I i n tre:nrt d lo jive ali urn nie!8 cntriioun to me iTl -itjit anl oiro'tnalutiention. I hivoa uliarl lor Vival urua. Willi noinle a.reouiiiiodatios. Spirit rl.iuse.and V trehotno. 0'Hitianmenis of Naval Stores for aaliMir obinutenr ; snd all kinds of dun trv !!r-ltiuj solicited. Casili advances made 4n April 19, 1334. ' 15 C IN LEY, KIRK & CO. DEALERS IN i "".v; il UTTF.ft. f -h cue. L trd, and Smoked Provisions, ! P .t. Kitv, Hain, Pa. nnl Uriert Krtitl. .'33 ind F it t) T ST;i KF.T. Corner of PECK SLIP, NKW YORK. ; . .March 25. Mii. ly-a WILLIAM H, PEAIiE. CIlLLKi! niU tSD 'lDVI-BTlSlf.U AGIST for Country Ncvsoprr8 ' throtigliotit the ... United States. ... Basement ol Sun tron B Jiin28,Haltimore street All bnaincss rrtrusiid to 'tis care transacted promptly. on liberal terms. . . sei 7, 1654. . : : - aa-it JAMES E. METTS; COMMISSION 4 FOR WARDING MERCHANT. - tr I IjM I SCTIIS ; N. C. August 26it, 1354. , 63-lL T. C. i B. G. AYORTH.' C;)tl.lIlSS101 m r.Hl;V RUING MEKtll.lMS, WILMINGTON, N. C. . Jan 17,1854. , 125 c IA T. PBTTSWAT. ' OEO K. TStTCHBTT l'LTTEWAY & PUITCIIETr Cetteial Cirnimlssioti and t'ortrardinc Sler- CIIANT. LO W1IOLESALB OUOCEttS, , NOltTirWATK.il STREKT, . WlLMINSTfiX. TV tj. Frowipt attention will be ivrn lo the sale of .Vnval s--res and airkindsot Produce. tntend kretMos an ajsomucnt f Groceries, . mr and Provisions., ,- ' . July 13. ' , . 1 . , 52. J:SSPII IL FLANXEIL 7:. (eniTiil t'oiiinii.Nsiun Mi rcliant, -WH.MI VliTO.V, X. C. ih. 13"4. . - 97-ly-c. JAS. IL CIIADB9UHN t CO., e:tpral Cotuitiissioii Merchants. - -VM.HIVCTOM. N. C. -. Jas. II . 'JHAOs ios.f . Geo. (Jhaosoubw Jun. 1.1331. 123. HlIE.VY NUTT, PiCTlB 4l) fMifftRDI.; AG EST, 7 WiHfir his ,rsonil a'i'.nliitl lo business en trust -; " ed t his cor. . ' ;- - .Sept. 8, l54y ' '"'-.'" r" IZ-tJ-'':- : ;eoiu.e myerv" - ' AKD '8ET.Ul ; Keep c instantly oh hand, "t tnes. Tea. Liquor, Pr mUiou. HWi mnd TViflo Wars, Fruity Cnferliniarits,i$T. South Frontttreet, - iril.lllGTUK. JTot. 13, 1853 - 109. QUINCE & COWAN. ' ' Wlior.ESAI.E AXIKt4rAIL.CROCF.RS; PEA I.ERS IS WINES if- LIQ UORS. . Corner of Kttmt n I p. iuces strvets, ' - Wf LM LVGTOAi. N.C - July 29 . .-. - SS. NOW U th time to hsve year rooms and pss saars papered with de'rations. fins or com mon, as we have large srort men's 0a band,' and -tunerinr workmen from New York, lio will bni paper in Jairt st !. . . K - t s . : ILKtXSON & RSLER i Jiiljr 2i Paper Uaogersaad JJpbobucrcn. . BUShNESS CAIIUS. A'l. VANiiifKllKI.ICN W. A. .MVISlBoKll..K.V. VAMiOUilKLEN & BUOllIKIi, VVlilLNUiHuS', N. C. : - .Mannrac-iurets ot .wd deab-i in .aval.4itorin'. iSloruge ai d Uiiuriaue loj- Produce l'jtntht.'d ..i ; ii' ra'- uuJr lnsutance, u doiita. Jan.J. : Z.-, 12-2-f. D. C. rKEEMAN." GEOBQ UvUISTON - I'itiOEMAN I1UMT1, MERCHANTS AND FACTOltS ; WlLMlNGTOX, N.C. - DKIIEEMAV & CO. - COM.HSSION MERCHANTS, IH I'KOST-HTIUilil, . NEW VOKK. ?RtEK,S ASD IllJSTU, WIUllXGUhX, X C , T- W? L? n MAnolnnllS 1 n J 9 lfU'b 111 fIlUf 1 rr,i vuiiaiiuiiij . - - r IVCorw- Part.' Bacon. Sail. Colfer, Sa?ar, Mo- I asses, Tohecrti, Cigars. Snuf, Candles, Soap, r-; Nail. Pain's. Oils, Glasi, D-jmeslici. Hats, Boots, Shots. Leather, Asricullurnf Implement, and a va-: ritiiir ill othnr artielcs. suitable for faiuilvand nlan- tation use and the n-lail trade, which they wilt disoowiof in lots to unit dealers or eonsuniers 'o reasonable terms for riSKlt.orin exchange for Na vol Stores or other produce. '.'. -. ' The senior nartner D. C. Fbsemas.Is. located I r; the rliy "of ISew orb ; the jhokw partner. Urn Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, adtmnees, will be made on '- ti'n items lo and from ehlu-r olace. All biies entrusted to them will rreciv proper atlen'lon: and rders for Goods wilt hr uromptlr anrt nnreltillv III leu. Sept.o, S54 - . -' -.' 7fi-f p;tcrai Co:ni:iioii Mt'tciuiiH. I- wHiiisuro, . c. ' TRICT uteiiiioo eiven -to pr-ocurins, Fretgb '3 and ;uireh isiiiir CarOi-a for vessels. -,. UtltJ D i - K. P. Hull, K:-q- V .yV:1 rvi,un3,on. V; I. 1). Pella nv, Ki-q J M. Ssrsg o .ler, f ,-.K& O... Xew-V.rk. " Thovpit Jt Himler, J Uex'r. llerroo, Jr I'hiladel pitta lc-r U ill; .ins & liij'L.r, tl V. Baki;r. Ksq. liarleMon. s. C. .I.ui.2. 1334. . 121 ll. I. WKSaKt.. II. B. GILfeHS. WESSFX & EILEHS. I i tOMAIlsSFOM Mi"..t:in.TS & WilOf.F. O.SALK GttO:KUS . North YVmer St.. WtU inington, N. C, intend to Weep sf the . sboii stand i ;cnernlasotmenl of liroinlcs. Liquors' and Provision at wholesale and lo carry on a OencralCoriiniission BuMni-s. R BPEB ESC E J K. P.ltall Pre't Br'chil utk of -lie Slate O. G. Parsley. Pies't Couniere ial Bank, Wil? P. K . Dickinson, F.sq . ) ...," ncw York. ; DoHner .vt Potier. J , Jan. 20 194. U! i:o. H. KELLY, COMMlSSlOiN MERCHANT . Next Jooi to A. A. Wannet'fi.on Xorlh .iValersl: willattond to the sale of all kinds of Countrx Proi- iitce.siieli as Corn, Peas. Meal. K: won . Lard .ir i id wil i keep constantly on hand a full - itppl y f Groeetics. A.C. Itefefnee . Willei- Hall. ol Wayne. J no lc:.ac, Wi1mingtoj v Caraway. Linn. IK . Mcllae . K. P. 1 Vil:iiinsrton , Wiley A. Walkei Dec. 13. iS5. 115-ly. rAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAUH I'. CIM,PiPIU .t C PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. --WILMINGTON. N.C. Pa 1 tie nla r a tent ion paid to the reeeipts and Sale nf .aval Atore, I tm'ier, Lumber, Corn, liacen, Col- . - - ton, de.. tf-c. Mareh 3Q, 1354. C. S. M. WEST, - Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, AVlliMIJfGTO.V, .V. C. Tl LLj sell or buy Ileal Kstate aod Negroes al V a small commission. j Strict attention given to the sale of Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, oranvjkiud of Country Produce. . !' O fiei second door, a'ouih side of Market street. on the wnnrt. , June 12. 1854. 33 ty. W. P. MOOBK. JNO. A. 8TAXI.Y. . . J. W. JONES. ' M00RE, STANLY & CO 1 C03IMISSION M B R C II A N T WtLMLNOrON, N.-CV jj Oct. 26ih, 1654. . .'-; " ' -.93. f; C. MYERS, ' ' 1 WflOLESALK AND UK I'A I L DRALEIl : IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES. f - "No. 1 Oraulte Row, Front Street.' WOOL, Kur. Silk, and Moleskin Half, Cloth, 0Iiish, and isilk Glazrd Caps, by the case or dozen, at New York Wholesale Prices. . j Nov. 9. - -.'99. J . d. cAsnwEiX, 7 T COMMISSION MERCHANT Sept. 30. - P4 tf T. C. W0IM II, j General Coiilniission MerchanL QS UAL advances made on consignnieiitsof Cot ton, Naval Store and other produce . M Pilrieular ultention given by G. W. Davis lo pur-' ehasinEctriroes, procuring lreijts for vessels, Ac. waicii Z, l.ii. . ..... iid-lyc. - COniRlN & RUSSELL. (SLTCESSOfiS TU THUS." i LIB ME k CO.) General Couimision Mcrclianls, No ii. North ll7irces. wi t!3 North. Water Sis. I'II!t..li:L.iUlA. ' j J. HABVBT COCHBAH, - , .. - P W. S: BC4SCLL. ' -.1 , L'bent msti Ivances made on consignments. July 3Jth. 1334. . - 53-1 f. H. DOLLSIER. G. POTTfcR.jr. J.CAMEBDEK- DOLENER, POTTER & CO. f COMMISSION . MER C HANTS, Aprll30, t8S4. - 20-ly-pd.' . I.N BARLOW, J WHOLESALE Sl RETAIL GROCER. LIQUORS WINES ALE. PORTER d.-c. ' jio. a;urantte rniw, ftoMSireet: . ; - ' WILMINGTON, N.C. v - ' i Feb. 17th; tP53.. " "',J 40-tf, - NO. 3 MACKEREL. i HQ BRLS ast received md Tor tle by ' Oci.26. I ADAMS, BltO & CO. feathers, dhied apples and "NEW OK LEANS STROP. .. " . dCl VI LBS prime Geese Feailirfu 10r bush-' VvA tts Dried Apples; 20 bb!s. best Family s-yrup For sale by - y , Psc. 6. .:. - T. C. B. G. WORTH. SCOTTISH SONGS, j BALLADS, and Poems by Hew Ain!ic.ntho of ths .'-InalB sidt. On wi' the Tartan '1' Jtow Loch Uyan," Ac Just poblih.d For satosA - S. W. WHITAKEK'S." FtrXL . 144. 'tllii UHOLi: WOHLU. k $300,000 worth of Gifts, , tor ii-JiubsifriSers to the . - MAMMOTH PICTORIAL : r . orihe n iioic worid, published sioiuliantously in the thrVe cities os .XLW YiiEEraiUDELPim A.D BiLTI.lHII.B, As soon as 200,00i) nub scrip lions are iubtsin d ind having already an actual cieculation or abjct 2IW.00U, il is now certain . . - The Distribution ivill soon tafe place. Afflin; the c.i raordinarv list or cirTs,(bcln2 onu lor every tickrl isi-ued,) '(: It of ! i art's LiU'ijaiil Coiihti y rtcat, valued at 85 ,000, inmillicei.t City Residence, valued at SI T. , tHw, t j: ' - : A Caf,h I, nan tor f Ol yeaisv without interest or vecurtn 8 I O.Ot 0, Huiloin- l.ot: Klegjn' Piano Fortes, Ml:idcon. Gold Vaielies. Hr.icrleti, ltir.f, tioo.s' ui Travels in theOid mul AeW oild' by Prol Han; ltea.1 Ktaio. dc. 4c In all mn berin" 3UU,( 00 Uilis, valued at, saOM00. . Kvery Mngte remitianee ' of St, ieeun s one year's subseripi ion lo Hie Slaimnoih Pictort il, and the graiiin.v ot a Gill Ticket. liicli cni'ite tin. hol)er ttt one harc in (he 3l)i),009 Giiis.-. Tint? every person tnvclinst in this utiiiien.i. as Knitr-pri.-x; teceivct- the lull worth of hi or-lntr momi, in siihn rijiiion lo a tirst fclar journal, ( In; -gt.m est and mum in icirsting. Pictorial uf the fc!;e.) ' e. sides a Gilt for each sbd:ipi ion lii li may ir.ie an iuiiiiinse fortonc to the rtcciv r. , - Kor eompleic litfi of gilts, uul lull and explicit panienlal in repaid lo ilie rnat Knterpriw. IH trlbmion, tc; wc a copv of Tite Whuli Wor'lo .v Melt .'will 'j promptly sen', uce at charge, where dei-ired by letter, pus' p.-iio. 'I'hB Wholb Would may also be seen at the offleoi. ol .ll iapersciiniainti)r Hii.vet ttM'tnenl. where infot mai mh m ty be obtained in regard lo the papiT and . Knierprise. - ..J'AsiJiit, lotnuisleti au.l I.adics, desirottK of lucrative and lit the fame time "Cnti ci employ ment, fchuuid not i ill In wee a copy oi' The Whole 'A rld. wliiuii ( on'.u'n- by far lh.- nioc liberal in-difi-tiicnTS ever otr-red lo n-icr.ts in tlto way or immerse cah premiuiii3. gift, coinmiss'i'ins, Sc., hercli arrvper-ion, with ordinnry activity, run eai-ilv aiiaUe t .(jO a ml ' Unwordn, cr vear; to which f t ! t!i i-:nts we already have can cerii I'v. eeuie :he I'ietorial, and beenmo vvit.e, rich, and Imppv. ' ' t " -;iirc.nindcnis tiitiyl write liter address Nnnie Posr-office, t;onnty, urn' Slate, PLAI. and D1S TINf "T, or it will" he their ow n fauli if Ihey liiil to !"et an answer. Adhere lo tlija, and al ritiirn.- id be promptU sent whurcver iu ..in part o! tne wi.tM. If any order are reeeivrd after the 3C0,f 00 n ericr- arc obtained, the nto'iry will be prompt!' relitrmd pot-p iid. to t' e persons sending 5r. All leper and remit ian'C lor the Pictorial, WITH GIKT Tit; KKTsi, must invariably be ad dressed pnt. n to Prof. .1. vOODMAx HAIv'l'. WorlT Halt Ilrotidvay. New York, there bein the only nfliee lor ihe Gilt Kr.teriri-e. i'.ux reminanres for i ho Pieiorial WITHOUT Gift Tleke's, mat' be sent lo Prof .1. WOOD M AN H A II T, Hirfs VuilJinjr, Chesnut Street Phil.,. dlihia, lJa . there ')ein tliu princtpiil eiliuiiial in' putitieation oflleu. ' Oer 3. ii'4. 65 Cm. Xci rnai. Anl l-coi'Iml lc Toothtvash. TO THE LADIES. " OTI t I.N'G .adds mora lo beauty than .clean. X1 white Teeth, and Gums of healihy color. I lie mo.i l -aiiifiil face and vcrniillion lips becoiiit repulsive, if the latter, uhrii they open, exhibit i he li in iblo eetacle of ne.tcleil ireth. - All who w it'll clean, while Tecih, healthy Gum and a swee breath, fhuuld -live Z KilM.l N TOO'I II iVAsII a trial. Kor sale by C. & L). PhPRK, Ascntsi, Wilmin;ion A. C. Sept. 30. 61 PEIirUM ERY I LTST J hia LTST received frmn New York and PLi'ndcl Gross LtiMna's Kxtracls for the Handk'f ; do. do. . Toilette Monti ; do. G lun n y Mush Toi'c'io Water; do. do. Vei hrna do. do. do. Yankee Soap di). C iiitphor So.ip ; '" -1 do.' Pominu do. A J.i rue asortm"nt of Hair 15 rusher,, and a nuin ber of fane uriiele usually kept in Oru Srorc O & D. DcPai:, Wholowale Orug-jists, Oct. 5. , -Markei-st., Wilminlon, N.C THE NORTH CAROLINA 3ILTPL LIFE INSURANCECOAIP'V, U.VLEIUU. N.C. -PHE above Ootiipa it) hi'sbcen inoperntionsince X the tstof April. 843. under the directiunof the following Ollicers, vi. i Ur. Charles K.J onhson, President, ' Wni. O. Haywood, Vice President, James F.Jordan. Secretary, VV in. H. Jones, Treasure, Pcrrin Kusbee, Attorney, " '.'. Dr. tJliarlcs t'.. Johnson, j T ,. , . r Dr. Wm. if. McKee. Medical Board of , Dr. It. B.Haywood, $ Consullalwn. J. Hcrstnan, General Agent. : This Company has received a charter eivin? ad vantages tome insured overanv othcrtJotiiDaiiv. The 5tlTSeelion gives the Husband the privilege lo insure his own lileforthc sjIoiiss of his Wife and Children, free from ony clamifof the reprcsenia- '.ivcs on lie husband or any of his creditors. Orsanizcd on purely mutual princiuk". the life metnbcrsinrticipaicln the leioleof the nrofitsu hich aredeciared annually Fesides, Ih applicant tor life, when the annual premium is ovcr30 may pay ..no 111 II In m N...A Vile null ll lll'IC. All rlnims for insurance a zn Inst the Comnanv will )c paid within ninejy days after Droof of the death of the party is furnUhcd. . . lavcs are insured for one or five years, at rates whieh will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of properiiy against the um-ertainty of life. Slave insurance present a new and interestins feaiurcln ihe history of .North t 'arolin!'. which will provi very important to the Southe'n Slates. The last four months nperatiun Tthis Jofnpany shows a very! arse amonnt of business more than the Directors expected lo do the first year having already Issued more than 300 Policies Dr.'Wu.-'W, IlAttsisB.McdieoI F.xamincr, and Ag-ent. Wilmington. N. C. . ., AH 'om'ti.tnicationsonbuslnessof iheCompany xhooid be addressed to ' A53. F. JORDAN. Sec'y. .alcish. Jan. 25, IS54. if. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GKOItGKR. FRKNCH-al his old stand "n Market street, befe leave to return his thanks to his old friends and cut-l-touTS for the liberal -Mit"ona!-e herefuiore extenoed to mm, and to inlorm themthal hi stock of Ho ts and hoes, ircludin-; evcrv vari ety iii hi line is now as complete and as extensive ts at any former period. His stock ol Gentli men Roys nd Children's Boots and Shoes embraces eve ry variety nf style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called lor, including a fine assoilmcnt of Ladies.Jlissesand Gcnttenien'sOver Shoes. . He wo-tld particularly Invite the attention of the Ladi to hiexlnnsiv assortment of Ladiej and Misses Leather, Morocco. Knatneled, Rronse, Pal. Leather, Goat Mkio.- bluck an while Kid and a va riety ol" fancy colored Baots; Sboes and Slipper. Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated -silk Gaiters, anew and handsome article, with and with out heels.. Ladips fancy Gaiters at tl z pair. " Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Si hoe Find-' loss. Please call sod examine. -, .. Mr Frsneh would also inform his friends and the public, that he is Mtate As"nt for the sate of Davis' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesale or retail. No40 . , . 102 SUPERIOR BUCRWnEAT. PLATTS Mills Parent Hulled Buckwheat, an extra article received to day nd fer rnle by L.N. BARLOW, tio.H. ..';. .. . . No. 3 Granite Raw. IRON BEDSTEADS iraBsT Sl.XGLKand double fnldia? vcryronvenicnt and proof against vermin, for sale bv July 15. WILKINSON & ESLEO. DUCT., JOHNSTON, , . BAii imoh i; i.tn.K Hospital. t7HKt4K urn y be obtniptd ihe iiiort speed-, V piciir.ini and itlettual itintdy ia the world lor all ' : . . . .. ; rRet:ET Disn.vSKs. Gonoiih. tc, Uct , Muictutt. emiral Wetk not, 1'ait s in the I. .ins. Constitutional Debility, i iiioli t;ey, U i ak ik ui' the Back and Limits, Al irwiunstn the Kklneys, Palpi iution of the Heart, -I) VM' Cf Hi. ,t . vui.s Irtitabi ity.'Discascs uf the I lead, Toioat Novi or tskin ; and ult I Suite serious and melai;cIio!v disordt-rsariMng front tlie destruc tive habitant ouih, hich destroy bo:h body and mind, those secret and solitary practices ttioref ital to Iheir victim than the soi)?s of the SyreiiS to the mariners -f liiys'sess, bligli'inp their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Jkc, liiipossible - YQUNG MEN. "f 'speeiaUy, who I n vc become Ihe victims of SWia ry Vice, liial disadfui and destructive habtl which ne.iiiilly sweep to an untimely rave thousands ii youna Hcn of the iiu-t exalied talents and brilliant iiiteile-, wli i might otiicrwiiie hav enrranced js leniri! -Stiai3 with, the ihutKUlt 6f'loq'vehee. er wuked to eesiacy the livinglyrc, may cull wilh full confidence. . , - . . , M .nn i age. : . .1arrtl psi-aon.ort'uivpcnntcmpIatinE mnrrisge, bein awnrrof physical weakness. !lo"ld immedi aitly consults Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ' : ' .- - ' . t He who places himself tindorlhecareof Dr. John ston may relisriotirty confide in his honor ns a cen tleman, and confidently rety upon hUskili asa phy sielnn. OF KICK, Xo. 7, SOUTH FUEDEIUCK St..7 PfUIUS FltflSJ liA LTiMORE St., (,;asl sUe.) UP THE STLl'Si - . O-I'R PARTICULAR Inobservitifrthe NAME and A L MB Ell. or yon will mistake the place A CLUE IN TWO HA YS, OR NO CIIA RGE. No Meixnvy or Natisentn Drugs Used. "? T.AK'F. NOTICE. - Da. JoHX(tTo! is llc ot ly repulnrly Educatid PhysUian h i advertise hia veiy extcn-ive Proc lise, and his ;nany Wuudeiful Cur -s is a nurni ient ju:irnniee to ihe afflien d.' 'IVrost vba irish to b ' speedily ami tfiecluaUy cured, should shun the numtr oas trifling importers, who only ruin their health, and uppiy to Dr. Johnston '.:"' I) li. JOHNS TON. Member if the. lioyal Collegs of Surgeons, London; iiraduaie from one ot the most eminent Colleges vt tilt United Stales, and the greater part of whose life lias been spent in the Hospitals of London, Par is, Pililadi lilila.nnd elsewhere, has effected some of i lie mod astonishing cures that vyereever known. Many troubled uijli ringing in I lie ears and head vhi n asleep, t'leat ntiKiUintsf, bejnr r.laritli d at fluid' n sounds. :ind baahf i.nesa. with - frequent blnsliitii'Jn(iei:i d soim times with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASkT W hen tin mi "guided and. imprudent votary ol pleasure find. lie has imbibed iho seeds of .his painful disease, it too often happens lhat aniil-titn-ed sen.-e of t-hainc, or dread of discovery, deters him finm applying io those who. Item education md re.peeiabiliiy, von ulonc b.t-frlcnu him, delay ing till the ooiisiiintiouayi-tiiptotiisof this horrid diieare make their nppebrui.ee. such as ulcerated ore ihrat. diseased note, noelural pains io the bean and linibe, dimness of si-jht, deafness, nodes on the chin bum s and arms, bl, itches on the head, faee and xtieiuilies prritfrcss on with frighrtul ra -pidity, till ill last the palate of the mouth or ihe boneiMd' ihi; noun lall in. and the victim of this auliil disease becomes u horrid object of commis si ration. tilt death puis a period lo his dreadful suf ferings, by sei.ding him lo - tlinlr liouiiic from win-nee no traveller remans."" To fbeh therefo-e. Ir. Johnston pit dges liininelf to preserve the most inviolai le m iey j nnd. Uom hij extensive prac ticein the lin-t Hospilalsin Europe and Ameticu. hecan confidf ntly recommend a safuand speedy cure to ihe unforttinn'c victim of tl.in horri.l diJ cas'. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims lo tin's dreadlul disease, owing to ihs un skiiftilni ss ol i .nor.-.nl prtlrndcts, who, by the use of that deadly pniscn. mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either si nd the unfortunnle u(lerer lo an untimely grave, or elae uiakclhc icsiduu uf life rnii eralle. ' " TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J.arldrcsses all rnose who have Injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. Tin fe ii le some of ihe sad nnd melancholy cf fo is, pioi'iii-i d by eaily habit of y. nth, viz: Ueukriers of Ihe Hack and Limbs, Pains, in ihe Head. Dimness of Siehl, J.os of Muscu'ar I'ow- er, .Piilpit.iiltin ol the Heari, D-epty. Nervous instability, Pernnpt ita nt vt tl e Diges'tivu Func tions, Gdncra I Debility, Symptoms of Consump- IIWI. IHL. 1 . I. T I. I. m. I T . j . ...nruy i nc leanui i -riccrs on ine mind are much lo b dreaded; Los.ol AJcinory. Cvnlueion ol ideas, Depression Of Epulis, Evil ForeUoilinrs Aversion uf Soeitty, Self Disliust, Love of Soji- t title. I nn idily , cVc. . are some ol Ihe evils produced Thousands of persons of all ages, c-in now ind"p t. .. . : . . I. . ..i- .1. . ! .1 - i t . , , . r wiiiii i-i iiir- cauMi m uitir ueeunini! neaitn. jLos ing thpir vigor, bceoming-weak, pale and emacia ted, have . a sineulai appeararico j.bout the eyes, couch i:nd svni'lotiis of consumption. MnrrUd Peoum, or those contemn! iting mar riage. In Ing aware or physical weakness, shuuld iiiinii diately consult Dr. . and be restored to per fect rteimn. , . DR. JOHNSTON'S LWIGORATING REM E- . DV FOIl ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured and lull vigt r restored. '1 hou.nnds it the most Acrvous and Debilitated individuals who hud lost all hope, have been imme dialciy Telicved. All impediments lo - MARRIAGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir ritabilitv Tremblings and V cakness, or exhaustion ol the most leaijul Kind, speedily curtd by Dr. John-ton. Voutii; men who have injured themselves bv a certain practice indulged In v hen alinc a iiabil lriqueiitly learned from evil companions, or ul school, ihe clli cts of which are nightly fell, even -ben asleep, and If not cured, renders mariiuge imrossible.and destroys bo h mind nnd body. I What a pity that a young man, the hopo of hi eouniry, and tne anru.-g oi nis parents, should be sn.ib bed liotu all protptcls nnd enjoynii nis of life, by jiiceonceqiicnt r- ot deviating iroin t .e pain el nature, and indulging in a ceitain secret habit. such persons, before contemplating " .' . MARS! AGE. Should reflrct that a sound mind and body are the mofl necessary requeues ;o promote connubial happiness. - LkI J, uithout these, the journey through life becomes a wearj pilgrimage: theprns pect hourly darkens to the view; the mind Iscccuies shadowed with despair and fill, d with the inelarv elioly refle.-lioft that the happiness of another be comes bjiuhted wilh ou r own. -OFF1CCNO. 7 SOUTH FRKDERICK-ST., -' Caltimobe, M d. ' -All Snrglral Operations IViloimed. . "N.IJ- .Let no f ilse delicacy prtvtnl you, but ap!y immrdiati ly eithr r ptrsorully orb) letter. Sklu Ji!caics Speedily Cured. TO STRANGERS. The many IhousintU curat at this institution with in Ihe last ten years, . and the . numerous Impor tant Surgical operations periotmcd by Dr. J., wii-nesscd-by ihe Ueponersof jhe papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again nd ncain before Ihe public. Is a sufficient euaran- Ltee that the afflicted will find a skilful and honora ble physician ' ' - . TAKE NOTrCE. " It is with thegreatest .reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permit his card io appear before the public, deeming it unprofessional for a phvMcian to adver tise, but unless he did sir, the nftiicu-d. especially sirangerf, could not fait, io faH into the hands of lhor impudent,' boasting Irnposters. individuals d-stimte of knowledge, name and characti r, ped hr, shoemakers, mechai ir, Ac, advertising them m Ives as physicians: ignorant qnncks. vilh filthy, lying eerliJicaU of Great Wonderful Cures frtiin persons w ho cannot be tound. or obtained for a few dollar from ihe Worthlessand Degraded. ind many other cunning and contemptible sriificesto enike the afflicted, trifling month after mrnth, or ks lonsr as possible. nnd in despair, leave you with ruined health. to sieh over your gatline disappointment. It i this motive thai inducrs Dr. J. to advertise. for he alone can curt you. To those unacquainted mini nn reputation, he deems it mcrssnry lo say thtt his credentials or diplomas always hang in his Office. WKAKNF.S" OF THE ORGANS immediately cured, and full visor restored. - rTALL LETTERS POST-PAID REM E DIKS SKNT BV MAIL. Jan. 9th, 13-5. l-ly-c V ILMINUTON BIARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1"HK Subscriber having accepted the agency of several! irge establishments at the Norift which will firrnislf him an unlimited supply of finished or miini.-lud, foreign and domes! ic MARBLE of all iUalftics, is prepared to fill all orders for - IU. UAIt:.M r ANU TOM I! STONTESS 4nd every other article in the line of the business St reasonable rales. SCULP1URINQ, LETTERING OR CARVING. Esccutcdas veil as can be done either Norjh o .South. ' :- ' ... ... Tbc best reference ca be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. . u", OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE ' - AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Tinnk Manufactory. -r rPHE subscriber respectlnlly informsthcpubl c JL that he has recently received additions to liia L atoekof Saddle and Harness Mountings, &c. , n tatcs i and most improved style, andisconsiahly Htunun(;liiring,l his store on niarkat street, every description f article! n the above line. . From his jspcricnceinlhe business, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire s.tisfaclloxitoall who nay favor him with a call. He has now on hand, nd willconstamly keen a larjte assortment of Coach, Gi.s and Sidrw Harness, Laity's SnddUs; Bridle W!ups,d;-c Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips Spvrs, pe. fallof which he will warrant lo be offj- ij the best materials and workmanship. kV "U has also a larce assortment of -Trunks, Vnlisrs, Saddle and Carpet liag. Satchels, Vaiirj Trunks, itcond all other ar ticles usually kept iit such establishments, a!I of which- lie offers low for CASH, or onshortcrcdit to prompt customers. Saddles, Hsrnoss .Trunks , Re lioa f nags,dc. .fee., made lo order. Inaddition tot he above the subscribe ralwa v a keeps on hand a large supply of String Leathe'r , and has now, and will ke?p through the season a good assortment of VJy Nitts. Allareinvitcd to call and examine my Goods, whether In want or not, as I take plea sure i n siirw ingmy assortment to all who may favor tne wil hv n call. HamessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair prien to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. - Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bough t r. old on commisoions. JOHN J. CONOI.I'.V . Feb. 7, 1854. li? TIIOS. R. CARR, M.D. D.D. PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last !en years, Cha2es for - 10 or less artificial teeth on fine gold plaie. each,' 4 7 00 An entire set of teelh on fine gold plate, Ditto on gold with artificial gums, Ditto on Platina plate with artifi cial gums,' Upper or under ditto, each. 10 00 150 HO l.'.C P0 CO P0 to no A Pivot looth lhat cannot lc distinguish ed from the natural, 5 A fine gold filling. varravUd perrramni. 2 Do. and destroying the ncrve.-s to ! Extracting a tooth, , CO els. to I 0G Best dcnufrics and looth brtifhes alwn ys on linnd. Every operation varratifd lopive entire satisfae lb n. Teeth inserted immediately after the cxiric tion of the fangs and renMdeld tiTior the gums have shrunken without additional charge. Offico on Markel-st , 2 doors below the Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 22. IG-tT. CARPET AND OIL CL0TRS CUT, made, and put down, by ' WILKINSON & ELKR, j Paper Hangers and Upholsters. Sept. 29. . , 83. COAL. . 7) HIIDS. lo arrive per Stinnifhip North )I Carolina, fioni Philadelphia, by . Dec. 30. GEO. HARRISS. NOTICE. JUST receive by i he subtctiher cr.d (' aulc -'i Bbls. Whiskey; 4 qr. eask Frenen Rrnndv ; (in botes "f fissoitcd Candles; 30 do Cheese; 10 half bids. Iliiam SmUi Flour lfi whole do. do.; 30 ) bags Table nlt ; . . ,40 bill, assorted Siisars, Ac. The ahovc articles will bo sold low on short time, bin lower for .ash. Ore. lb. W. L. S. TOWNS H END. SACK SALT. Sacks in slo'c, for sale In lots to suit by ttUSSELL & BRO. 1000 Jan. 23. 129. FR03I FAYETTEVILLE Per Stramrr Fanuy Lullirhtk. RBI S. Super Flour; 10 h I, family do for tin- cash only, at GKO. II. KELLEV'X. 25 Feb. 10. J 11 and N C T copy. 137. RAGS. 2 0007vviBnt ,l,ree bushel Gunr,y.B289. by Jan. 23. RUSSELL &. BROTHER. FREIGHT. ALL freight on Naval Stores by Cape'Fear line of Boats, will hercailcr be i ollec'ed at Wil mington. T.C. B. ii. WORTH. Jsn. 27. - J31. PORK. RBLS-. City Mcs, received per fehr. Edward Kidder, and for sale by J. H. PLANNER. ion Feb. 17 BRICK. 7,000 Is.TbrlUCKj',s, received. D.c. 13. ADAMS, BROTHERSc CO. LUMBER. A SMALL parcel of prime Rirr Lumber, Wide Boards and Scantling, suitable fur Plantation purposes, for sale, by March 30. JAS. F. GILLISPIE 4 CO. HAVING perfected other srrnntrrn-.ents. Ihe un d rsined ofli-r I hi ir entire stork of Grocei 'wt. Tin and Wooden Ware, for rash only, at gre;.!ly re duced prices. QUINCE & COW AN. March 17, 1955. I. Herald and Jour .ml coy. HAY. "I Cf " LES expected per wlir. Naniau, frc.ni i. JkJ New London, Cl. -Formlehv March 10. GEO. HARRISS. MAGNIFICENT SPRING GOODS. 'pHIS DAV, March 20th, we will open's la.-ge . ana Dcaoiil il mock ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, selected with great care, niar.y of thrm iniportrd direct uf our own imporlatin. Our Stock ihi Spring will, and shall, compare favorably with any oihcr House, for Elegance of stylp. Design and Fa bric. We ill also receive and open the si rue dsy a large assortment of Paris Visiles and Capes, la test fans f atterns. Also, a large snd elegant va- iety of Shawls, Scarfs, etc. We are daily reccivins new Goods. Please call and examine our Stock. KAHNW ElLElt, dc BROS. March 20. 2. E. R. DIRK RE, " 130 WATF.tl STIIEKT SEIV-YOIIK, Manufacturer and ProprieUir of DC UK EE'S TE1ST OB B1KIVC P0UDEE, Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SUP. CARB. SODA, SAL-SODA. CASTILE SOAP, BLACK LEAD. URITISH LUSTRE, RKF-D PEARLASH, SALERATUS, COO KING EXT R A CI S. MATCHES-WAX asd VOQD. Dec 23rd, IS54. J17 ly!S.

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