14 V OLUME ; X NUMBER 9. . WILMINGTON, N. C., THUKSDAY: MOHNING, APRIL" 5, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1112 1(" i'll iff M M4WJM y ii. I MISCELLANY. ! - r ; - From the AskevtUe Spectator. THE FRENCH BROAD ROAD. The last News contains a most flimsy and low-lived article on the subject of the French Broad Icoad, in which it pur sues the course it has lately marked out for itself, as a foreign organ . It denoun ces s for an article published in our last m which we Endeavored to call the attention of our merchants to the flour ishinff town of Wilmington, and asking them to; give it a trial in the purchase of groceries It says that our course will ruin the prospects of our road forever, that South Carolinians will not assist m building, if we ever advise our merch ants to trade any where but at Charles ton. A stranger seeing that precious ar ticle, would have supposed that it was writteu -not by a North Carolinian, for " shame would have prevented: him from . openly avowing such abject servility not by a South Carolinian, for they are high-minded and patriotic gentlemen, possessed of as much State pride as any .people on the American continent, and can respect and admire it in others but by a man who was a friend to all other people but those whom he acknowledg es as his brethren and fellow-citizens. We must confess we hung our heads with very shame when vu,read that ar ticle, abounding in sentiments and ex pressions unworthy of the lowest and vilest wretch, who rots in the dungeons of the State ! Our astonishment ceases, however," when we reflect that the au thor of that article is. not a native of this State, but was raised among a people al- ways ready, with divers others, to abuse and ridicule our State and its citizens, and that he is the peculiar friend and defender of South Carolinians against those whose bread he eats ; of foreign paupers and felons against American citizens, and of the Pope of Rome and his hellish doctrines, against the Protest ant religion. It is only, after all, carrying out his principles. Citizens of North Carolina, hang your heads and hear what a pa per published in your midst says to you : " It," the Spectator, " urges u pon the peo ple that it is their duty as North Caroli- .- nians to trade at Wilmington rather than Charleston ! Now, "State Pride " may be a very useful article in making up commencement speeches, and Fourth of July Orations, and may be useful gene rally in its place, but to our certain knowledge, it has never tunnelled a mountain, nor transported a bushel of beans to market, for Western North Carolina."- In the name of high Heaven, has it come to this, ' that a man is to be de nounced as a traitor to his section be cause he speaks well of one of the grow ing towns of his State, and entertains the patriotic wish that he, . with others, could spend his money there ? Or at least, that during the prevalence of the ye.low fever in Charleston, our merch ants should purchase there instead of going North among abolitionists! Out upon such cringing, crouchiug servility! South Carolinians. themselves will de spise you for ii ; every true man in that maguanimous State will honor the spir it which prompted our article. They have slaves in South Carolina, it is true, but they are black slaves, negroes, and servility among white men they scorn and contemn. . State prideas the News well knows, voted four millions of dollars at "the last legislature for the - completion of the Central Road from Salisbury to this place, and the very spirit manifested by the News, was cast into the teeth ot our representatives, and; came near defeat ing that appropriation. We , denied t here indignantly the insulting taunt that our people belonged to South Caro- lina, but alas, we knew not how truet it was as to many ! That same town of Wilmington voted in the Legislature for our Cross charter, for the Western Ex : tension, and for whatever else we asked in the West J they are encouraged to do so again. - ? Now, when the News was publishing letters from W. H. Thomas against the French Broad ..road, and circulating them amongst members of the legisla ture, vc we're electioneering, speaking, and voting for it. Which of the two were doiug most for the road, is a mat ter for the public to judge of. We did what we could for it -r it did as much ;as it dared against it, for the purpose of i .-securing a circulation (as it almost ac-1 Jvnowledgod) in the Western counties, j n our article we said we desired very .much a rail road connection ; with ! Charleston and so we do, because it is our interest to desire it, and we shall be fonnd among the foremost, according to our means, ift promoting that Road. We are also, strange as it may seem to the small foreign organ, a friend to the State which gave us birth ; may God ' bless hei; we hope whenever we forsake defending her and her interests, that we may sink, if it be possible, irjto insignifi cance, as low and contemptible as the Editor of the News has placed himself by his own article. Pass him around, gentlemen of the press, and let North Carolinians pass judgment upon him. HORRIBLE AFFAIR. 1 A letter from St. Mary's, Ga., to the Sa vannah Newa, tiale that on the 21st of March, a negro girt who had been Bent to the wood for fuel, returned and reported that the had seen a- drunken, man lying on the pteand. A number or citizens proceeded to the place designated, and to their horror dis- covered the bodies of a man end a little boy their throats cut. arid the neck of the latter broken." The bodies were immediately re coffnized-to-be those of T. S. Stiff and his son. a litUe child about six years of age. It appears that Mr. Stiff was a man of very intemperate habits, and for a week previous had been' partially insane, tie leu ot. jv-Ja rj a not long ago, ns he said, to go to the countrv. instead ol which he went to the woods, murdered his little son and then kill ed himself. A razor was louna tying open by his side. Stiff was a carpenter by trade, about fifty years ot age, anJ lormerly rest ded iu Baltimore. - : - I A party of twelve or fifteen English neoule paid a visit to tne t rencn cor vette, the Inflexible, at Calais, a few days since. They were treated with great attention, and shown over the ves sel by a midshipmanl to whom the spokesman of the party offered a sover eign on leaving. The young admiral tn futuro promptly took two Napoleons from his pocket, and said, : u It is very kind of you to present me with a likeness of vour queen allow me to give you two of my emperor V I . AMUSING. I One day last week, as a train on the L.oweII and balem road was approach ing the " target " station at Wilmington, the conductor observed the target hoist ed, and the train was stopped. The person who had occasioned the stoppage of the train proved to be an elderly la dy, who, on being requested to get a Board, replied, t " Oh no sir, I don't wish to go I only want to lind out at what time 1 can go to North Reading. 7 A fact. Lowell IS e ics THE Till-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL Is published every Tuesday, THuatDAr and Saturday at $5 per annum, payable inallcases in advance. BV TaOilAS LORING Editob andPsopsis TOR, Corner Front and Market Streets, WILMINGTON. N. C. RITES OF ADVERTISING. I sqr. 1 insertion S& 50 I 1 sqr. I uiouihs, $4 OU 5 00 2 to I 1 i 3 " ' 1 0011 " 6 " " 1 month. 2 50 1 12 8 CO 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the piice will be in nronortion. All advertisements are payaDie at tue time oi ;heir insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made rjn the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circu.nstanccs render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilese of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to theirown immediate business ; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements notimmetlintely con. nccted with their own business, and all execs of advertisements in length or otherwise bcy-'nd the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included In the con Tact for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town rr eountry, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thee are excluded by the term "immediate business." All ldveriisement inserted in the trl-weckl? Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charffe. JOB, CARO AM O FAXCY PRISTIXG, . EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STILE. AGENTS FOR THE COM HER CI AC New Yobk Messrs. Dollneb & Potteb. Barton ChabiesSmith. i'o. 6, Central Wharf. PhUadelpteaS. F.. Cohen. Baltimore Vm. It. Peaks and Wm. Thomson: GRATIS! Just Published, a New Discovery In Medicine. A few words on th rational treat ment, without M dieine, of Sperma torrhea or Local weakness. Nervous OebiLiiy, Low Spirits', Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and L.abor, uminess ot Apprehension, uo-s of Memory, aversion to Society, Love of Solitude. Timirfity, S elf-Dif trust. Dizziness, Head Aehe. In voluntary Discharges, Pains in the Side, Affections of the Kycs, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and cth-' er Infirmities In man. FROM THE FRENCH of Dr. B. DE LASEY The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed without M edilixe. is, in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the en tirely new and highly successful treatment. as adop ted by the Author, tully explained, by means, of which everyone is enabled to cure himself perfect ly, and st the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. ' Sent to any address, gratis, and post free In a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two post age stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEV, No. 17, Liaj.en ard Street, New York. March 10. 149-6m-p. 7 NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT TENT, No. 13 I. O. of R., will hold her next Annual Ses sion at Scott's Hill on the first Tuesday in April next. Primary Tents under her jurisdiction will please send representatives. WM. LARKINS.D.R. S. March 24, 1S55. ' . 4-6t. "CARPET AND OIL CLOTDs" CUT. made, and put down, by WILKINSON & ESLER, ? Paper Hangers and Upholsters. , . Sept. 23. - ; 83. FROM FAYETTEVILLE - Per Steamer Fannw Lvllerloh. 25 BBLS. Super Floor ; 10 h Is. family do. for the cash only, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Feb. 10. S H and N C T copy. L 137. COIL I COAL!! I HAVE reduced the price of the Coal now on my wharf to 7 .60 per ton, delivered. Feb. 27. r -; - T. C. WORTH. NOTICE. HAVE just received by late arrivals, - fiO doien Wlnsor Chairs; 20 do. Can Seat Maple Chairs; 20 do. : do. do. Ball top do. 2 do. do. -do. Rocking; do.; 2 do. .Wood doi do. do.; 1 dc " fine Msplo do. do.; 2 do. fine French Mahogany do.; 1 do. do. do. do. Rocking do.; 1 do. Childs Office do. do 1 do. fine Mahogany Beanreausj ' 1 do. do. do. ' Sofas; 4 do. fine Maple Beadsieads, now in store and for salo low for cash only, by S.M. WEST. 142-tf. Feb. 22. Cf CASKS fresh beat Rice, just received fiom fJJ the mill, a nd for sale by . S. M WEST, March 24. - - 4-lm. KENAN T MORGAN, FORWARDING &. COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHERAW, S. C. March 27, 1835. B-6m-c. BUSINESS CARDS. E J. LUTTCHLOn. FORWARDING C 02HIISSIOX MERCHANT. XV 1 1- 311 LNGl'UN, N.C. . Sept. 23th. 1654. . 63-12m. W M. sllEilU OOD & CO., 1T7HOLESALE Grocers and Comtwission Mer VV chants Wilminton, N. C. All consignments i Aaval Stores, together with Cotton, Kacon. Laid, Coin, Meal, Flour, ic, shal eeuru the highebt market price. Dec. 13 115-tf J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURiMTUKE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &C&.C. Vront street. South oi Market, BROW.H'S BCH.D1NO, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16, 1834., 79-y-e J. C. LATTA, C OMMISSION ME R C HA N T GENERA E A OK NT. WILMINGTON, N. Q. Oct.I,!S54. , - SVlyc WIL.KI.SO & ESIElt, UPHOLSTERS & PAPEU IIAXGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO OUDER, Mattresses, Feather Ruls, Window Curtains and fixtures. All work in the aovc line done at shortest No tice. W iluungton, N. C. March 13, 1S54. Market St. 1. inSEPII R. RL0SSSM. General Coianiisiion and Forardiaj Merchant. Irompt personal aiteniioii given in v oiimu- 111 T 1 1 C " I v . '.J'-.-. .... Liberal Cash adcance made on Consurnmchls to mm nr In r.iH New Vcrk friends! Wilminston, Jan. 30, 1834. 135. W.C.HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Llcr c.iant. Wilinirt2ton. N. C. Lioeral'Jash advaaces made on Consignments Nov. 20, 1833. 100-tf C. DCPRB. DANIEL B. BAKKB. C. DaPRE & CO. GENERAL, AGENTS COMMISSION AND I'ORVVAItDIXC 31 lilSCLIAXTs. WILMINGTON N. C. July 22d, 1S34. 54 12m. JAMES ANDERSON. EDWAfiD SAVAGB ANDERSON & SU AfiE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS W1I.M1.NU1U.TI W. U. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. 31 arch 27, It 5 4.. 94. RUSSELL & DR0TIIER, (LATE CLLIB. BtJ.-'EBt.l. & CO..) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON. N. C. Liberal cash advances hi iiIr on consinmcntsof Naval Store, Cotton, and oilier produce, .May 3, li3. C. & D. DtiPRE. WHOLE SALE AND K ETA L DEALERS IN Dru"s, ?K'(liciacs. canmicis, l-aints, Dye ' Slims, liiass, k-criuiTicry, n,ai , Old. Ilquors. 5'anry Articles, &c., MAUKK.T STitEKT, XV 1 Ii SI S I TON, N. C. ?rescrl?tionecarcfullyimpounded by expert need pr"i sons. March 2fc). 183 - "WILLIAM A.WYEX," GenerallgeiitForwarJingSiComuiissionJIcrehaat. I take nicisure in Inf'irmin? my frionds, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient anJ personal attention. 1 have a wharf for Naval Sttiros, with ample a-.-commodatioss, ftpirii Mouse, and Wurcliotne. Gonsiirnmems of Naval Stores fur sale or shipment ; snd nil kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 13, lSa4. to WILLIAM II, PEAIiE, COLLECTOR AND ADYERTISIJ.G AGENT- For Country Newspapers throughout the United Staten, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Ijins.Baltimorestrcet All business er.lriistir! touts care transacted promptly, op liotral tcrma. 95-rf : JAMES E. 5IETTS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT. iriLJimcTox, n . c . August 2Cth, 1834. - 63-tf. T. C. & 3. G. W0HTII, CDMISSIO AND FaaWiRDlSO MERCnSSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1S34. ; 125-c AS. T. PSTTCWAV GEO. E. PRITCHETT. I' ril: General Conualisioti otirt 1'orwardlns Mer- CHANT, AL-0 WHOLESALE UUOCIiUS, . NOilTH WAT lilt STUEET, WtlMIN-GTCX, N. C. ' " Promnt attention will bo eiven to the sale of Nval Stores and all kinds of Produce. ' Intend keeoins an assortment f Groceries. L quors and Provisions. July 18. b. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WIljSHNCSTON, N. C. May 9th, 1834. 87-1 y-c. r JAS. H. CHADBOURN &"C0., General Commission Merchants, HIL.'ll.llilU.n. n. . JaS.H. ChaDSODIX. ; GO.CHADBOUS!f. , Juo. 1, 1S5L . 123. HENRY NDTT, PACTOS ASD FSSWABDIXIi AGENT, Willgice his personal attention to business entrust- ea it nis care. Sept. 8. 1654. - 75-Iy-c. GEORGE MYERS, ffDDLESiLE AXD BETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, tPtnes. Teas, Liquors, provisions, Wood ana Willotr n are, r ruu, Confeclimarie,f-c. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N.C Nov. IS, 1853. 109. QUINCE & COWAN. wholesale: asdrbtailgrocers; DEA LERS IN WINES 4- LIQ UORS. ' Corner of Front snd Pi Inces streets, , ' WILMINGTON, N. C. ' . Joly29 . S6. BIAGMFICENT SPRING GOODS. THIS DAT, March 20th, we will open largo and beautiful Stock of . - - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, selected with great care, many of them imported direct of our own importation. Our Stock this Snrinv vll nnH .K n II .Amnap dam hi wilh InY other Honse, for Elegance of Style, Design and Fa bric, vv e wm also receive snd open the same oay a la rue assortment of Paris Visites and Capes, la test Paris Patterns. Also. largo sod elegant va riety of Shawl, Scarfs, etc. W are daily receiving new Goods. 'Please call and examine our Stock. KAHNWE1LE11 &, BROS. March ?0, . i, BUSINESS CARDSi A. H: VanBokkki.kn., ... Vf. A. M. VANlloK'k4.i.v. VANsoikiiELEN & b::ctih:r, WIMINGTON, N. C. f i I Manufacturers of and dcalet s in Naval Stores storage ar.d Whorlage for Produce furoUhed at fair rales under insurance, if dctittd. .- $1 Jan.l. 122-tf. . . , 3 - D. C. FREEMAN. GEOHGE HOUSTON lyittiKHAN & IItCSTON, S t MERCHANTS AND FACTOI1S, WILMINGTON, N.C. j "" '-t--.Mi T). C. FRBEUAV A CO. t i j COMMISSION MERCilANTS,'! t its KKOJfT WTHUIiT, - I-f;' JSEW VOUK. tl FREEMAN A SB WILIinGTOJfi N C rrEEP constantly on hind a stock ot. Flovr IV Corn. Fork. Bacon. Sa!t, ('of ee, Soar.s iMo- lasses, Tobarro, Cigars, Snuff', Candles,doap, F,v eisfa and Domestic Liquors and Wines j "Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dimes! ics, Huts Beota Shoes, uta'her. Agricultural implements, ana n va ripts of other articles, sttitubln for faintly and plan tation u?e and then-tail trade, - which t!iry jwill dispose of in lots to su.t dealers or consumrrs on reasonable terms for ca!i,orin exchange fat f a val Stores or other proauce. j ', i The senior nartner O. C. Kheemak, is locatod in the cilv "f New orb ; the junior partner, ;Weo HocsTOJf, in Wilmington. If desired, advances will be made on consignments to and front eith place. All business entrusted to them wllf receive proper atteniion ; and orders for Goods will be promptiva nti carctutiy ituca. . j i-i Sept. 9, 1S54. .76-f. GEJ. HAiaUS, i ji General Coianissian Blcrchact, tYIIiMlXUTOli, N. if. i t OTRICT attention given to procuring Freight O and purchasing Uarijocs lr vessels. j Uei ea to -i i i E.P.Hall, K.. 1 it! I'ZlVlXkf?- fn,In,on. jj J. D. Uella-ny, Esq. J ! t! Messrs. 'l ooker, Si.ryih & Co i i. w Vor!.' " Thompson & Hunter, J ",,ew 1 ork:' Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. Philadclphh. " .J Ij Messrs. Williams &, Butler, ) Charleston S jr 11. F. Baker. Esq. $ .narlton,a.;t-. Jan. 2. 1534. l'.'J jtf. W ESSKL. ii. n. eileks. Ei Lij i.S. i i i WESSEL & OOM MISS ION MKilCHAMX & WIIOI.K- VSALK GttOCKltS, North Water St., i Wil mington. N. C intend to keep at !! lal.ovc stand n senera 1 assort men t of Groceries, Litjaors and Provi.-iont at wlmliwale and to carry a Genera iCommission I'nsinr ss. fi i REFERENCE J R. P. Hall Pres'tBr'ch iUn of the Slate. 3 O. G. Parsley, Prcs't Commercial Uank.i Wif. P. K. Dickinson, F.eq. . .J Poppc A C. N v . j i Do! !ncr & Poller. lUW 0rl!' : : Jan. 20 1354. J 131. GS0. n. liKLLY, C0?niI.SI0Ni1IEi:CHANT Nex t door to A . A . Wan net 's,on North Vaters t. willattend to thcsa!e of till kinds of Countnv I'ro- iuce.siieh a? Corn, Peas, Meal, liacon .l.ari! ,.ie. ind wiilkccpconstantly on hand a full supplyof uroceries, &c. Itefcrenecs. Willcs Hall. of Wayne, .1 no .fen-i6, Wilmington vv. faraway. ti.-n. .4tx . We. nc : K. P.H tl, Wilmington .Wiley A . Walfcei i ' Dec.l3.183i. 113-ly. IAS. F. GILLESPIE. G I'O. S. GTLICSPIE JAMMs k. Gif.T.::ssi:'-. &. -o produce aad ro;;wARi;ixG ' A G L N T S . WILMINGTON. N. C. Paitienlarattenlion paid to the reeeipts artd Snleof Natal Stores, I im'ier, Lumber, Cornf Ll.uon, Col ton, $-c-, if-c. r March 33. IS'5. ' 6. S. "I. W EST, AnctioncfT and Comrnissiaa ilcrcliaat, WILMINGI'ON. N. f. IT7"ILL sell or buv Ileal Estate and Negroes at VV a small commission. t '. also : i s ! Strict attention jivento the salo of Timhflr, Tur nentine, Tar, or an v kind of Country I'roiltice. O.Ro-e second door, South side of Market street, on the whirl. , s i June 12. 1334. - - J33-ly, w. p. Moonn. ISO. X. STANM.y. J. VV JO.YES MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION ME R C II A N TS , WILMIXG'f ON, N. C ; Oct. 2Cih, 1654. ' ; 93. : . C. SIYLRS, 1 - WIIOLF.SALK AM) UK TAIL DFALF.ft IN HATS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CAN EH, i I.' No. 1 Granite It ow. Front Street. WOOL, Fur, Silk, and Moleskin Hats.i Cloih, Plush, and Si!k Glazed Caps, by the caae or dozen, at New York Wholesale Puces. : i Nov. 9. ' 9D. D.CASriWELL, I, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON. N. C. i Sept. 30. 64-tf T. C. WORTH, 1 1 General Commission 'Icrchant, WILMINGTON, N . C. 3 f - rTSUAL advances made on consignments of Cot- J ton, Naval Stores and other produce. ! Pattieular attention eiven by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, tq. JI arch 2,1 .'54. JiS-lyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELLU (scrcEssohS to mas. amm i co) General Cosiniission Slrrchanls, No 32, North Wharves, xni S3 North Water Sis. PHI LAUULPII1A. W. S. VtrSBKLI.. " 3 - f ! h Liberal eash advanecs made on consignments July 30th, 1334. j ! 53-tf. U. DOLLNER. G. POTTLR.jr. J. CAM R R DEN D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NEW YOttK. April30, 1S54. ; 20-Iy-pd. L. N. BARLOW, , WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DSALES l ' LIQUORS. WINES. ALE, PORTER, rf-c. No. 3, Granite How, Front Street, w VlL,.MliJtiUil, in. ' -Feb. 17th, IP55. I 140-lf. FREIGHT. ALL freirjht on Naval Stores by Cape'Fear line of Boats, will herentter be . ollteied at Wil mington. T.U.4B.G. WOaTH. Jan. 27. i : - 131. PORK. . I 1 I rBBLS. City Mes, received per schr. Edward Kidder, and fur s-ile hy Feb. 17. J.II. FLANNER. HAVING perfected other arrangements. the un dersigned offer their entire stock of Groceries. Tin and Wooden Ware, for cash only, at greatlv re da red prices. QUINCE tit COWAN. March 17, 1S55. . t I, Herald and Jouraal copy, i i BOOT AXD SHOE STORE. rf? GKOXGE It. FRPNCH. at his I old stand on Market s:rt, beusv fe&iaBfc leave to return hi thatti-s to his sjijaj old friends and ciit-tou;ers for the liberal patronise "icretufore exlendeU to h;m, and to infortn them th:it hi stoek of Bo'ts and fctioes, including everv vari ety in his line Is now ns cnmjU;te tind as extensive at at any former period. His stoefc of Gi mi men Roys and Children's fJontsand Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fashion and quality that can be desired, or thi! is usually called lor, includinc: s fire assortment of Ladies. Misses and Gtnt lemon's Over Sitoss. He wonld particularly invite the attention of the Ladies to hi extenr.ivo assortment of Ladies and !Mis?.s Leather, Moroex'o, Knamel'd, Hr inze, Pal. Lealher, Goat U;n. bl ick and white tCid and a va riety of f.iney colored Huots; Shoes and Slij;por'. Alt-o, block, brown, blue, purple and variegated niik iaiters. a new and hand-some article, with nnd with out heels. Ladiesfancy Gaiters tit SI a pair. Alo, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, and Shoe Find ings. Please call and examine. Mr. Frenc h wool I also inform hi. friends nhd the puMie. that he i State Ag.-nt f.ir the sale of I)avis P.iin Killer and Wriarht's Indian Vegetable Pills, by either wholesales or retail. Nov 40 102 ZermatN Ai,H-i"e,fii tric Toolliwasli. LAD J. AJOTHING adds rn re to be.nity than clean, 1.1 white Teeth, nnd Gtitns of ' hetlihy color. The most b auii'til face and vermiilian li;is beeonie repulsive, if the biter, w lu n th'-y open, exhibit the horrible speetaefe of nejr.t cteil tceih. Ail who wbrh clean, white Tt-eth, hf Uiliv Oum nrd :i sweet breaih-, should pive ZKUMAN'S TOO ! II WASH a trial. For sale by C. St D. PcPUF., Agents, Wilmington N. C. Sept. 30. S I PEuFU:'IERY J CST received from New York and Phiindel I hia : Gross LtiMns's Fxtracts for the Handk'f j do. ilo. Toilcl te Snaps ; d. Glenny Mush Toiletto Water; do. do. Verbena do. do. do. Van-'ec Sor.p : d ). Camphor So p ; do. Posuine do. A l ire assortment of llni.r Rrushes, and a nuni ber of fine-' artie. t-siially kept in Drur Siores. O. ic D. DuPRK, Wliole? i!e DrujiMS, 0.7t 5. M;uket-8t., Wilmington, N. C. TllC Nor.TIl CAROLINA niTLAL im: f;iiMNCECo:jp'Y, UALliiGtl. N. C. 'TP 11 n above Company h.-s been i n opcratioi:lnee -L Iho id ol Ani ii, Sli, under the direclioiiof the follow in:.' oi'.;ci is. viz t Hi . Jiiar)e .ioaUsnn, President, Wm. 1). Haywouil, Viee I'reaident, Jnuies F. Jordan. Si eu tary, v m. 11. Jones. Treas'lie". Peniii Uu-bee, Attorney, Ur.f'lcirt' b i'.. Johnson, ) , , n Ot. Wm. il.MeKee, i Mal Roard of hx. U.IS. Haywood, S Cuns,lltaUon )f llersmun, Gvnorul Agent. This Company m:h received a ch.irter pivingad vari!ai'.e to i lie i:iMirtd over an y other 1omi: y . Tile uili Sei-tion sive'a I be HiieUano" (he privilege to tr.siiK liiii n.vn 'lie lor the no'euseol his Wife nnd Cliildrrn, iron r.r.y claimf-if tn" reprcsenln- tives ol i he husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principli-?, the lifi? memberstj.iirtieipiitt in I lie irlio'.e of the pro lis u hicli are Jeeiaren a'mu.i.iy. i esiites. tfi iiioiluunt tor Uie, when the annual premium is overdo!) muy pjy iiii' ii'iii tii -i i.' ti.. A I! '-laiins for insurance nr.i ins t the Company will OC nni I u limn nineiy ua vs aiierprooi ol Uio ucath t tne party If lurnUlH-d. v laves are insured for one or five years, at rates whirl) wiii cniTie all M.T. elioi.!ers to secure this ciifsol propent v u.nin:-t tlio iiiei-rininty ol life. nuve insurance presents a new and lu'eretin" feature In the hiioi y of ortI Garolinf.w'iicli will prove very iiitpurtltil to the r.- it t tif i States. 1 nC las-t ionr months operation iais Comn.inv shows a veryl orei mount of luiiitie?s more than the Directors expected t do the firi year having atreaut l?tiel more man ii U rolieu . Ir. v m. v. IIarri.ib. Medical F.xaininer, and Ag-nt . 1 iimin'jtor, T . C . A!'' -om in 'lineal tons on'jusInesFof thcComranv snouiu oe aaorcfseii to I A S. F. JOIXDAN .Sec'v. RaK ich. Jan.C3, 1S34. if. CUR MOTTO 'm 4,T0 PLEASE" AT TflR Wilmington Spddle, Harness, and Trunk H3aiiiilact.rv. j H K subscriber respect: ui.'y i n forms the pub lie J- that lie !i.,s recimtlf received additions to his stock ol Saddle and Harness .Mouiilin c c. . the la'eft and most improved style, and is conslanly manufacturing. at hisstorc on market sunt. every descriptiun oi artielein the above line. From his ax peril nee in the business he fee Ik eon fill en 1 1 h.i i he will be able to give cm ire satisfaction to a 1 1 who may tavor lii.n with a call, ilehnsnowon hand and willconstaiilly keeoa lare uxaorlinen (of iraru, o; and Suftey Ilirntzs, Lad if Saddles, Bridles, Whimr. d-c. Gentlemen's Saddles. Witins 9ars. ii-c. ":tallof which ho will warrant to be of?"-w the best materials and workmanship. iZ; a He haa nlrt n Inrff. nf.-wort rnrnt of irtuiK, aiiscs, Saddle ar.d Carpet flats, att lltls, V'onrv Trunks. &c. and all other ar ticles usually kept in such estaijIiVhrnents, nil of wuicn ocoiierslowfor GASil, or on short credit io prouipi customers. SajKlles.Harness.Trunks.Redical Birs. A iSeXmade to order. In addition tothe above the unhpcribernlwava Keepson hand a large supply of tstrltit; leather, ano nas now, ana will Keon tlirousll ttie season, a good assortment of I'lv Ntlts. All are invited to call and examine mv Goods. wnctncrin wantornot, nsl takepleasure i iishww- mg my assortment to all who may favor me with en li. . HarivesandCoach Trimmings sold at a fait price to persons buying to manufacture. j iso, v mpp at wholesale. Allklndsof Uidinsr VVhtdcs bou;lit r.. old on Mmmisons. JOHN J. CONOLF.V . Feb. 7. 1S31. i 123 W.I LMINGTON MAR CLE AND STONE YARD. 'T'lIK Subscriberhaving accepted the agency of several larce cstaoiitiments a t-tlie Norm winch willf.irnish him en unlimited set I lv of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic M All CLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill nil orders for iION UMRN V AND iOUII STOSKS. and ever other arlichr in thelinc of the business' at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed as well as can be done cither North or South. Tbeuest reference can be given, if rretiired. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1834. - tf. TH(S. D. C ARR, 31. D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last ten years, Charges for 10 or lesi artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each, v . 7 00 An entire set of teeth on fni eo'd plate, I'O CO Ditto on gold wlin artificial gums, 15J 00 Ditto on Platina plate with artifi cial gums, ' 150 00 Upper or under ditto, each, -' 75 00 ; A Pivot tooih that cannot be distinguish- ; ed from the natural, 5 00 A fine gold fil.iniz, varrar.ted permanent, 2 fO Do, and ties'roying tne nerve. j to a uo '"' Y" Extracting a tooth, 50 cts. to I o:t Best dentifries and tooth brohes always en handJ Kvery operation varranted loerive entire satifac ti'-n. Teeth inserted immcoiately alter ineextrac tion of the fangs and rem d.;l -d after the gums have shrunken, wi'hout additional charge. Office on JIarkct-st., 2 doors below the Church. W ilmington, N. C, April 22. 16-tf. . . . rr NOW is the time lo have your rooms and pas saves nanerrd with dersrations. fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on hand, and superior workmen irom iew l oru, no win hang paper in latest sty l-s. nil.Wiouii cc r.LCA. July 22. Paper Hangers and UphoUtercrs. -DO'CT. JOHNSTON, n aii i;.ioitu liocu hostital. V7H'lt-E maybe obtained the mot speedy, pleasant and ell'cctual ntiitdy in the wmld for ah SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhoas, Gleets, Strictures, .Seminnl Week net, t'ains in ihe Loins, Constitutional Def.ility, Impotency, veakncss of the liuek nnd l.imliM, At-frejii--ri! ol the Kidneys, Palpi lation ol the Heait, l)ys"ej sia.Nc. Vous iriiiabiity. liiaeases of the Hcid, 'i inoat Nose or Min ; mid nil thot-e serious and mel.il.t holy liisordets a rif ing 1 rotn f lie destruc tive hahHsnf 'ou;h, hicli d'-siroy both body and mind, llio.-se secret and fo.it.ny prueliees inorefital to their victims than tho nou- of '.he Syri ns io the mariners cf Ulyft-es". blighting iru ir mo-t bril liant hopea-or anticipations, rendering nurria"c, dec, fuipucsiblo YOUNG MF. N. Espreia:!y,v.Iio I ave become the vietimstff" Solita ry Vict, tliat droaJful and destructive habit which annually FWcrp to an untimely crave ihousnnda of young men of the mot exalted talents and brilliant tntc'li .t-t, wh. iiifg!u ritliei wine have entrnneed lis tening Senates Willi the thunders of eloquenee, or waked to ccstacy the living lyre, may caU with full coiiliJerico. mar ni. an. M !rWfr)erSOn,ortiioMeco:itcrnpIatIrgmarriage, being awtiieof physical weikne should immedi. ately c.r.sult Dr. J.. and be restored to perfect he:dih. r He who.plaees himself undcrthe care of Dr. John ston may rcli-iou-dy confide in his honor ns a tenth-man, and confidently ie!v upon hisskiil asat hy Bicmn. ' ' ' OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FJ! RDnRlCK St ,7 PtJORS I'IMIM 15ALTi;.IORE St., (cast side i UP THE STEPS. ' r!.rHf. PAPTICULAR in observing the NAME and NC'Mlj;f.nr yon will niiiir.Uc i!k piacc' A CURE IN TH O DA YS,ORNO CHARGE. No Mercury or Xauseoug Drvgs L'sal. TAKE NOTICE. Dr. Johxstow is. the or ty ieularly Educated Physician who advertises li i m veiy extensive Pruc lie. an.l his rtiai y Wendetful Curn in a sufficient cuarantee to iho ctllle te d. Those irio vis!, to be t pee city and tftctiiaUy cured, should shun the nutiier-ous.trijiiv-; im;;t- rs, who only ruin their health, uud upjdy to lr. Johnston. If II. JOHNSTON. Member of the Koyal Golitgcof Surgeons. London; graduaTe from one of I lie most eminent Colleges of tlto Uuitcd States, and the greater part of whose lile has been spent in the Hospitals ol London, I'ar Is, Philadelphia. nnd elsewhere, has eflectcd Home of ihe must ajloniwliing euresthat wereeverknown. Many troubled with ringing in the ears nnd head v In n alecp, irreiit iicioum.h, btinj; f.Jarmed ot suddm sounds, nnd b ilu iinesn, wiih frequent blushing, aiiended sometimes wiih derangcn.ein of mind, were tur"ri i mmedi..lcly. A CK.RTAIN DISEASE. W hen the inbguidcd jnul jinprinli nt votary of pleasure find., he has imbibed Ihe seeds of ,his p.-iiiilel dise!:n-, it too oftt Ii li .ppenn that nh ill fiin t d sene of Hiame, or dread of disc overy, dvteis him fiom npplying to those who. from education and rcj: elabiiily.f nn i.lone b nd him, delay ing lill ihe roriKliti.tjon::! r i-initoms of thi horrid cii. eaee iimke tlitir iij pi nrai ee such ll8 uleeiuted nure throat. diseoi d no;e, noetural jmins in the head und limlja, dinincs ol" si'.ht, dciifac.-s, nodes on the shin bom-s and arms, Mitehcs on the head face and extremities progress on w iih fi ihtlul ra pidity, iiii tit list the pnl.itc of the moniii or Ihe hone-of tho liose tail in. and the ' victim of this n fill disefisc heeonies h horrid object of commit neraiion.tili dc'atii putsu peiiod to hiadrvjdlul fcriets, by rdin.1 him to " ilmt l.ourrie lf.m whence no truvelh r returns. To tuch th'jrefo-e. Dr. Jotitn-lon pf dges hi:ue!f (o preserve ihe most invhJ.it.ic tccicf j ; iiiid. fiom his extensive pr.ic tire in the firi-l .liosp Itnlsin Europe nnd Ameiica. he can confidently reeomu.end a safe and n;iecdv cure to the unfot luna e victim of this hoi rid die e.is". It is a iiief.mi holy l ift, tlwi th-msan Is liill victius to tl'.ie dretidli:! disease, owing lo tlei nn-s-klifidnei-o ei i r.or.int pietf ndsif, who, bv the m-e of th'it deadly poison, mercury,- ruin the eonMiilti ti..n, nnd either s nd the unfortunate sufieii r lo an untimely i'rave, or tloC make the residue ol iile mi., erabi". TAKE PA Ii TICUI.A R NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses a IJ t.tosc who havi injured them selves by private nnd Improper indulgences.'" '1 In te .-.re some of the sad .".nd I. i I mi l o!y cf fer 18, produced ty ea;(y hnbiln of ymitlu viz : Wcnkne-s of the Hack 'and Litnbw. Pains in the Heod. Dininecs of Loss of Muscu:nr Pow. rr. Pal; it ii ion of lbK IJeari, Dyspejis-y. Nervous irrirahiiity. l'er:.nirei) nt ef il e DiyiMive K Imr.s, tr.iiicral Ocliility, Symptoms of Con tion.Ac. ;iuiip- M ntulhj The feorfu! i flirt on lac mind uri i. ... . . .1 . .... .i i . r . , iinicir iu uicaoeu j i,u.i. ui :wemory. onlU'iion ol Ideas, Depression ol vp i i u i, Kvil ForehodiivE Aveision ff Sociity, ,v If Dinni' i, Lov.- of Soii tude. Timidity, &c..iire some of the evils proilueed J liOitstiiias ot lu rsonsol nil nc-s, e in now jud'i what the caue ol their declining healih. Lol ing their vigor, bi.eoniing wi nk, pale und enincia ted, have u singular oppr-aryi ee about the t ye. cough anil sviiij K ins of eor.."iiinplion. Marrhd 1'i.nans, or l ho-ii eoritempl.itin'r mar ringe, luing aware of physical weak'nesH. shouid liiiinediatcly consult IJr. J . and be restored to i tr fecthoilrh. DIl. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REM I. u i I OH Oil'jrANIC WEAKNESS. Cy this great and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured and full vig r r stored Thousand!) of ihe most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who hud last all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to " - MARRIAGE. Physical or Mental Difjualii'i'Miions, Nervous Ir ritabilitv Tremnlines arid enkness, or exhniiHilon oi ihe most teariul Kind, rpcedily cured by Dr Johneton. , .r toung men who nave injtirca ttiemselves by a certain practice indulged in whennione a hu'bit friqucnily learned froio evil companions, or at school, trie em eis hi which are nightly lilt, even when nscep. nnd if not cured, renders mariiuge impose ibie.ar.ti uestroys boin mind and body. What a II I U- that a vouni? man tln horn, of M. rountry, and the dirii. g of liis parents, rhould be snat.-hed Irom all prospects n nd enjoyments of life, Dy the consequence oi deviating irom thepnih ot nature, and indulging in a cert jin secri t habit. Such pcieor.s, belore con'emplaiing f Alt !t ! a f : r." Should refl; rf'tlial a sound mind and body are the motl necessary requi.-iies, :i promote connubial hnppini fs, lud 'ed, v. itlpmt these, the journey through life becomes a Wear) pi'criintige: the pros pect nouiiy iiaruenfto Iheview; tn-j mind 1-ecemes shadowed wiih despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that ihe li'ippinets of another be eot'icm bli-hted wiih our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH F III7-D E R I C K"-ST. . B.ALTIMonEj Md. 'AllSttrglcal Operatic us I'eitoruied. N. 15- Let no f.il: d. lic.iey prevent you, but apply imnif din:efy eirhi r i rsenaliy or l letter. nkiu iieaie !(ueiiiy i.ut eti. TO STRANGERS. The many thou indscurednt this institution with in the la tt ten years, and Uio numerous Impor tant Suriilenl Prero'loTis peifoimtd I y Dr. J., wit nei-sed hy the Reporters cf the papers, nnd many other persons, m-tici s of winch have Appeared nL'iin and again before the public, is a sutricient guaran tee ihnt the oiiUcicd wii! finds fekilful and lioiiora bie phjsician 1 . tv v, iui It is wiih the greatest reluctance that Dr. JOHN. SI ON permit bin card to nppeor before the public, deeming it unprofet sional for a physician to adver tise, fcul ttniess he did so, tne tillhcied. especially strangers, cotild not fail to foil inio the hands of those, impudent, boa si ing importers, individuals destitute of knowledge, name und- charaeti r. ped lirs. shoemakeis, mechanics, ic., advertising them, selves as physicians ; ignorant quacks, xciih filthy, lying certfficatts of Grent Wonderful Ctirts Irom persons w ho cannot be found, or obtained for a few ', ,i.. . .l - -.i-i in 0 ."ar-' ,ne " "'ln"" T'""1 "n"-v other running a nd contemptible anificrs to entice llic Ulan iru, iiioiiijj iiiuinii .no in, -ii to, oi ns long ns possible. and in despair, leave you with ruined henlih.to si&a over your galling disappointment. It i hH motive that induces Dr. J. to advertise, for Its alone can cure yon. To those unacquainted with hii reputation, he deems it ni ccssnry to any ihat his credentials or tiiplomas always hang in his OfHce. . - WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS immediately cured, and fu'l vigor restoif d. 33-ALL LF.rrF.RS POST-PAID REME DIES SENT 15V MAIL. All Letters mu'l be Pa:d and contain a Postage Stamp for the reply, or no answer will he sent. Jan.Sih, 13.5. 123-ly-c . MISCELLANY. AMERICA ITS AGE AND ITS AMII.irilS. The only knoivledijij which the l'ie-ent can obtain of ihe I'uft, nnteriur lo umii'ii history, must bo pnlitrcd lioii llic lc.--oi ,4 tuuglit by the monument tlmt La ve survived the ilevdhiaiinjj tv.trs of ijrrioraut nnd iiifuti i ted ruan. tfi cro-!i ol tho tlements, tuij-ilni slow corroding jn . wcr of -untold time. Tho two eoiifinerus oi' this Western hi-nii'j' here uliounil wnli ilii se tr,!iiei eriiliirlnif rt i oul--. The l.tbors ofilie .inli ii,'iii.iiis in Ai-i.i. Alii ca, and Korr.pc Ji;jvo disclosed ri)"Mum"iitof art now in ruins Unit Were retired by ;i peo ple wIiceo h.otory p I'sed down to us i i writ ten records. Will the yfnfr.il l.isfoiy ol'tho Assytians, tlie Isiaelities. Ihe T.jy ili.ms, t!io Cat lliuijeiiiutis. the Greeks, and tlio ll'i'iun we are n! ready ocijunirited. mid ull ilirover ics liKide by iiniiqiKiriuiis in their reMttti c(e. in those countries, ntiiotio; the ruins id uu cienf rmluc tetnplcf, aid c.l c-i, serve I tit t) illumine nonie portions cf wri'len history tleit are now d.nk or illustrate olfiers tlmt arc im perfectly detailed. Uut eiH'h is not tf iu c;'s.; in Auiericn, The- nut ifiiiiies of A rm rir't ex tend Irom the shores of ihe Ailanii'- lo ti n Pacific oeeai), tuui liotn the o-rpiit InLes iu i Diitish Provinces to Peru und Eraz l, iii South America. TlitKt ruins are imt illin l ruled or even alluded to by tiny written his tory. Their oririn is lost lo view behind tin", impenetrable: veil impo.-cd by uniniiiibei i d cycles of unchronicled a nlurii s. lnirnei.se lliie.-ts over tin ruin of l.iijje cities (iml t!.o giiantic nize of trees, wiih iiiiiic.iiiuiis th.it oilier tfciicraiions of trees sprun; uj nnd grew uud decayed beliiro tin in, ro e t but tliese ruins preceded the rbri'tiaii r,i. Nei ther Jiutory nor tradition indicate the oiiin or thn riwft of the -io vut mounds that lire found sciiiterf: ) over tli North Anieiic.in con'inent. ThiyMund in silent praiob nr. monuinetiU oj' .tVuce ofpeoplu that have long since pnsoed umiiv. leaving no other trace id their cxit.lei.ee. Jlit; i.-liii.iiiible in Kjieak of the Eastern continent :m the Old Wort!, vet it is not known to be nni;!r; 1 m ibis iipj i II. i tton. Who can F.iy tliui il.e Andes :ind the Blerra Nevada iire n t the seisin. is ol tho Alps und the ILiiiala :i 7 Who is piepaii d lo prove that Ihe ruins of I7.mul and l'eien que and Ihe pyramids of L'lu.Iulu. in Mexico, do not lake piecedenee in 114,'c oil Ii t; t nliinM x and pyramids of Mgypi or the winded li.n s of Assyii.-i 7 History traces the rixo and fall ol Nineveh, of Jlabylon. ami ol Tht ln i. hut iv Itave no record ol the lise, pri jxrei-s, or fall oi l howc pn at cities in Central America which the laborious researcher! cd': Sievt ux und Ca'.herwond broupht to liht. Tlieic. the huruan-faced bullrf nnd the uinoed lioi.i ol IV I lie veil find their equivalents in the yu tcsqfue carving in filniv: of hidioiii tortus of men an iw.iiiials. Who run my that Ihcm rude sculptures of Aniei iea did nut precedn tliose of Asi:t ? Hut we willnol f j.f rnlati on atulij'Ct ihat oil'eisr.o basin on which even a p!au-.lle ar guaicut t'i'n be en elt:il. ,'i'bc evfslei.ee ol' numerous nnd immense ruiiiH in America i.f what wei 'r once large cities is a tixv.A tact, and we must be content lo reci.nn i;i utter inor.iiice. tf tin! ejmeh in whirl, they llonr-i-?hcd. I'he miisi extensive of the;--e iu ns ate to be 1'iuiid at L'xin .l utal Palenqtie, in the southeastern pa it of Alt x ii o. At L'miiuI are immeurte pyramids coated wiili tonf, 111,11 quai ilratiijuliir rlone idiiices und itniee -. The bi-liest ol these pyrainld.-i i-i l.'i i ii 1 t. utid 011 the niiueiit ii siij.pi.rt.-- ii li nij li ; on Oii; r.f ibe faciih s of tin: teui j.lc aie luiir l.u man ('ifurcs cut in slone v,i;li greiil 1 x.-ielm s-i ami elegance. The hata!-. nre ciok.-i d nj i n the bieast, the bead i.s e-ivercil ia Ki'ineil.ii, like a helnie!. about 1 1 . neck ii ;t "arinei.t of the skin of mi iilh'irutnr, nnd "vere.u ii liun'y is a lignre of ih nib's bead ami Imn-.j. At i'alenrpie nre ininieiiHe 1 uins, a ci'y ' f great xti ni, with tl.e rtmairn ol a ronl palaef. One temple, tliat 10' (y'n art. was 52') feet by C jO. and i- s pi osed to have hi en its large ns Ht. Peter's ut Koaie. Another temple d great dimeoioiiB i- here, bavin: nn entrance ly a portiro Wit feet Imig iind feel broil ii siands 11:1 .an e'.rvalion of d() lee!. The pill.i rs ol tl.e portico an- adorned u iih f ieroi'l". ) I. ics urn! fiber di v ii:i a. I 1 f -ferent objcels i f worsliiji have been hniad, repi esenl ali'Mis of tlio gudx who W ere Wor shipped in this country. These temple, with fourteen largo buildings and many' other ' b jecis of curiosity, lain! hero ns tnniiiirfnni' of ancient greatiif ?h, to remind tin of the ie nrole in igia t f a mighty empire. .Thin city has been described a the 'ibeln w of Ami li ra, and traveller I ave supposed that it nrist have been sixty miles in ncnnilert nre nnd contained a population of'J.OCU.'j'. 0 ol It is in Mexico that we must seek the l.ir trest pyiamid in Ihe wuild. Tl.e n.uiin!i. ih liisloi i.ms, and tlie ueograt licrn h.ive tnado us I.. miliar wiiii tne pvraiiia nriiotigrft which ibat of C'luops wonder among wonders. liul is i.i 1 t. 1 ii'tna nj) a ('beers h a niirrnv compared with thai or (Jbok;!.i. in Mexico. Tim pyramid of Choiul.i is dcf-ci ;;,e(I ;n coveting folly lour acre f giouinl. On 'rn summit was a temple, nnd in the interior has been discovered a vault, roofed wi:b bennn of wood, containing skt 1l Ions- und j.Jo!. .'.ev. cml 'smaller pyramids surround ih.s l ir": one. It appears to hiive been formed by culling a lull into an ariificial shape. Iu t.'i nr'nfci'iris tiro imniei-f-e, being netiiiy three miles in cirruni : -r- ncc nnd about four hun dred It-el high. It is divided into ti rr, ih and slopes, eovercd v.i h thi'foin.s, si:gis, ar d bastions, eitva'-d one above the r-iln r, and al! formed with larg utont-s t-!.i!l!u.ly cut and joined without tiny mi.i i t. In c me re spects the etb: cf archiuctuie rfs-inbi'es il.o CJjth-r, being massive am! durable ; iu oil r-.r rc-sj-icis it resembles ihe Egyptian ; yet the general conslructiiit . manner and st) le of architecture, are different irom any thu g hi therto described in the worid. Tiie wave of (migration which bus plant ed the Anglo Saxon race on the short of the Pacilic, cannot fail to be fivorable t the advancement of k no u ledge among nn n. Tlie well-known activity, eiuerpiipp. and i.,'piii live character of the race Kill naturally I rompl tltern lo explore tlie ru;i; ul.nh aro so tiro iisei;! y scattered over Mex co e.i.il Souih Aniericit. and it vet mav be the denj- j. - j . . ny n. some restless iai.fe-e io trace in tr.c ruined temples nnd cities cf thi- sirar gr I 11 d 8 latitorv wiirh lias .'iiil.erto laid r i-iijen un der the rubbish of countless eentnries. Isf'iiUrille Jvitnul. A son cf Erin gave the following toast: " I lores wishing ou mav ucv- rrdio, nor nohody kill ye, until ye knock yer brains out ogaint the silver knock er at yer own door ! ' "At length," -aid an unfortunate man who had taen ruint d hy vexatious law suits, "1 have K und happiness, lor I am reduced to necessity and that istheojuy thing I know cf which has no law.''