COMMERCIAL RANK OP WILMINGTON A GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholder -t- of this Bank will be held at their Banking' House on Monday, the i4tn may next, to decide as to the acceptance of the amendments of its char ter and the increase or its capital to di.u,vvw. fall attendance is Important. . ' t O. G. PARSLEY, Prea't. AprilB. 9-1 6t. WILMINGTON BOOK-BINDERY. ( Onr door bthno the Cape Fear Bank, up Stairs.') T EATHER binding done ia every' variety of -U style. Ptrtieuiar attention paid to the -bind in? of MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS. Also, to Lin AuaibUiUiL Bvwa.3...-Libraries re bound to order; Paper and Fancy goods Boxec made and repaired. - . PHILIPP HEINSBERGER. March 8. 143 lm. CAPE FEAR AND DEEP RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY, TMIERE will be a meeting of the Stockholders of J. this Company, held In the town of VVtloihig'- ion, on lliursday, the ISKh April, la.i- as busi ness of importance will be before the meeting. punctual attendance ia requested. By order of the 'resident and Board of Directors. HENRY A. LONDON, Serfy. ' March 13. - 150-tm. INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. -vTHK Subscriber having been duly appointed by X the Board' of Commissioners, Inspector of FLOUR. FORAGE and PROVISIONS, aud duly prepared himself for prompt attention to same, of-4e-s his services to the Merchants generally for the Infpeecionor FLOUR, HAY, COTTON, BEEF, fwaK, tucfc, ana an otner articles in his tine. F. J. LORD, ' No. 23, North Water St. April 5. 9-tf. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KROLLERIONl FOR CURLING THE HAIR. FOR many years it has been the object of deep est study with chemists and others, to produce fluid that, applied to the hair, would cause it" to wave and curl equal in beauty to the natural curl. '. THE KROLLERION . Is the only article ever offered to the world that will eflect this most desirable object. But three or four applications are necessary to curl if as much as may be desired, and for any length of time. From - the many testimonials of those who have used it, the subscriber does not hesitate to warrant the KROLLERION to give satisfaction, and prove as ICIiUUlUKIIUCU 1U ail CflKQ. The recipe for making, , with full directions for . use, will be sent on the receipt of one dollar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost over 12 cents. Direct to H. A. FREEMONT, , . .. Warren, Trumbull Co., O. - Aprils. ; I ' ; 9-3rn-lQ-c. KATE AYLESFORD; a Story of the Refugees; by Cha.les J. Peterrson. Just published. Re - ceived and for sale at . - RESIDENCE AND LAND FOR SALE! SITUATED three and a half miles West oi the City of Raleigh, and within thiee hundred yards of the North Carolina Central Rail Road. The residence is new, and built in Cottage style, containing four rooms of good size. Theout hous es are ail new. The Barn and Stable and other improvements, ar all built with an eye to the con venience or a Farmer or a Professional Gentleman. The track of land on which the residence is located contains seventy-five acres, six of which are now prepared tor cultivation, the remainder wood land well limbered. - ' The property will be so.d very cheap for cash or negotiable banic paper. Any one wishing to pur chase a handsome summer residence, in a healthy and desirable location, cannot but consider this a rare chance. For further information inquire of me rumor ol tne iMortn Carolina star. April 3. - 8-5l-c f RAH AM'S Magazine, for April. Received and VJ for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. April 5. 9. NOTICE. j h a. iwciiug oi mo vuuiuiisiiiuncrs apiioiuieu . & . f . .. , . . under the Act of Incorporation for the purpose of creating the capital stock or the Wilmington Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, held this 14th day, of March. 1855, In the town of Wadesboro', it was ' Resnlvtd, That books be oiicned for subscription to the capttal stock in the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, at the places and by the persons designated in the Act -of Incorporation of said Road, on the 2nd Monday, (the 9tb) in April next." Notice is hereby given that Books win be open d at the following places, on MONDAY, April the 9th, 1855, for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, tinder the direction of the following per sons: '''; Wilmington-. George Davis, T.C. Worth, A. II VanBokkelen. John C. Latta, Miles Costin, Geo. R. French, J. H. Planner, Edward Kiddr, S. D. Wallace, A. J. DeRossett, Jr., John A. Taylor, II L. Holmes and R. H. Cowan, or a majority of them Whitksvtlle Calvin Haynca, T. S. Memory, w. w. uaJdwin, Wm. Frmk and TBos. Smith, or a majority of them. Lrnka.n's Store Havocs Lennon, Thomas L. Vail, Lovet Peacock and Marmaduke Powell, or a majonry oi tnem. - - Fiia Hixrr Alva Smith, Angustns Smith Jno. coiey.ana Yf.u. Williamson, ora majority of them Lcmbbrton John T. Pope, Edward Lewis, Koo t. S. French, Rcbert E. Troy, Edmund Mc Queen, H. F. Pitman, and J. M. CarmichacT: or a n8jontT of them. f Flobal College ArcUrd. Smith, Malcolm Pur- ceil, Jonn Uilcbnst. sen.. Dr. Keal McNair. Wm. bellers and Peter A. McEaebin, or any three of tbemv . .. LiCBiNSBURG John Mallory, John Fuirlcy. John Gilchrist, Jr.," D. C. Mclnttre, DAa'l McEinnon, Jno. L Fairley, W. M. McNair, Duncan McLaurin, ana uev. mos. uioson, or any tnree ot them. RocKt.veniM Walter F. Leake, Midi Wall, Wm. B. Cole, Gen. Alfred Dockery Stephen Cole, Col. Jno. W.Covington, and, R. S. McDonald, or any three ot tbero. ". ; - . Wdesboko u. B. Hammond, Geo. W. Little, 8. W. Colo, E. t. Lilly, P. G. Smith, Jos. White, J. R. Hargrare, Purdie Richardson, and Jas. Med ley, or any three of them. - Emubkthtow.v Jno. G.' McDugald John J. McMillan, Jno. A. McDowell, Taos C. Smith, and Duncan Crornartie,; or any three of them.- M ok bob, Union Co Hugh Houston, Sa.m'1 H. Walkup. Ungh Wilson, Moses Cuthbertson, John atbaa Trull, M. Stuart, and W. W. Hart, or any three of them. , - ' - Hamilton's Stobk Wm. Hamilton, Wm. L. Sti gall, and Carey Tolson. --' Datis Gold Mink Wm. Houston, Capt James .Houston, and Wm. Hudson. - " Wn sow's Stor Geo. McCain, Jno. Stewart, Cor. Wm Walkup, and Hugh Wilson. Howard's Store Robt. Howard, Robt. Howie, and Col. Jas. A Dunn. Charlotte Wm. Johnson, Gen. John A. Yonng, John Irwin, Leroy Springs, John Walker, Wm. Maxwell, Wm. H. Matthews, Williamson, W. W. Elms, C. J. Fox, and Wm. R. Myers, or a majority of them. LiScoLNTOM Henry Cansler, John F. Hoke, Jj. D. Childs, J.F. Alexander, and Benjamin John son, or a majority of them. Dallas James H. White. Alex. Hoyle, Dana Jenkins, Jasper Stowe, and Wm. Sloanc, or a ma jority of them. Shslbt Dr. W.T. J. Miller, Dr. Thos." Wil liams, Charles Blanton, Wm. Roberts, and C.'C. Durham, or a majority of them. - Ruthehpordton W. Miller, Saml Wilkings, Robert G. Twitty, A. Logan, and T. B. Justice, or a majority of them. - ; - ADd at such other places, and by such other persona as a majority of the Commissioners at Charlotte may direct. ALEX. McRAE, Ch'n. Wilmington, N. C., March 20, 1855. SACK SALT. 1000 g acks in store, for sale in lots to suit RUSSELL BRO. : : ... - 129. Jan. 23. FROM FAYETTEVILLE . rr-Prr Steamer Fanny Lutlerlok. Q BBLS. Super Flour; 10 b Is. family do. for Jh,ec,8h n!- Bt GEfJ- H. KELLEY'S. i-eb. 10. J H and N C T copy. . 137. STEEL AN D GOLD , or, The Heir of Glenville; A Story of Revolptionary Days $ by Francis A . Dun rage. s Just published. Received and for sale Bt. " , , S. W. WHITAKER'S. April 5. , v r- . . . g ivFiiari nnv vakv Lamartine, at S. W, WHITAKER'S. -"- " fa wviiti WEBSTER'S Elementary Spenera, we furnish by the gross, dozen, or single copy, at the owe si races, four cases icontainin? to Jioti FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE Sch"MARTHA, Golder. wRl have , despatch for tba above port. or freight : i or nasaatre. SDDiV to April 7, ; GEO. HARRISS. FOR BOSTON. SCHR. 3. H. CHADBOURN will have despatch as above For light freight or Vm passage. to April 7. JA CHADBOUEN & CO. FOR NEW YORK. NORTH STATE LINE. THE Schr VAPOR, Smith. Master. will have despatch for the above port. For freight or passage, apply to April 3. J. R. BLOSSOM. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. THE Schr. BEN his arrived from New York, and is discharging cargo at my wharf. Consignees will please attend to the receipt of their goods. April 3. ...' GEO. HARRISS. ; FOR FREIGIIT OR CHARTER. THE superior Schr. EMPIRE, 2.700 bbls. capacity. Apply to April s. i- w. nutti.ti. FOR NEW YORK. SCHR. M TROVER. Horton. Master, win have despatch for the above port. For r freight or passage, apply to March 29. T.C.WORTH. FOR BOSTON. SCHR. J. PRICE WETHER FLL, Brooks, Master, will have despatch tor the above port. - For freight or passage, apply to March 29. T. C. WORTH. FOR PHILADELPHIA. MERCHANTS' LINE. SCHR. C. C. STRATTON, Morsclan der, Master, will have despatch for the a bove port. For freight or passnee.applv to March 29. . - T. C. WORTH. FOR BALTIMORE. MASON'S LINE. THE A.I. clipper Schrs. ARAMINTA, Capt. Marshall, and H. P. RUSSELL. Capt. Edwards, will have despatch for the bove port. For freight or passage, apply to March 29. RUSSELL & BRO. FOR BOSTON. SCHR. NAMEAUG. Capt. Rogers, will have despatch aa above. For fnight or passage, apply to March 20. GEO. HARRISS. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE Schr. GULF STREAM, Cranmer, Master. i.Mii bbls. capacity. Apply to March27. GEO. HARRISS. NEW LINE of SCREW STEAMSHIPS. TO SAIL BETWEEN XEiV-YORK AXD GLASGOW. THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet Company's new .steamships, Clyda and Petrel, are intended to sail for Glasgow us under: From New York, CLYDE, Wednesday, August 26th, at 12 o'clock, noon. Rates of Passage, (Steward's fees included.) Chief Cabin, 90. A limited number of third class passengers will be taken and supplied with good and comlortably cooked provisions, at $23. Berths not secured till paid for. These Screw Steamships have been built and lilted out express ly tor the trade, on tnemost approved oved principles, peed ; and carry for securing salel y, comfort a nd s each an experienced Surgeon. For r reighl or Passage apply to f ROBERT PATON, 30 Broadway, N. Y. Money orders granted on Glasgow, in sums of XI Sterling and upwards, payable on demand. Aug. 4. 63-tf. HOUSE FOR RENT. A Comfortable Dwelling House, with 6 Rooms, 4 of them with fire places, a good pantry, with all necessary out buildin's. a larire garden and eood well of water, situated on S. E. Corner of Dock and Old Boundry Streets, near Miles (Josun, tsq. Apply to I HOS.F. CAUSE, I - T. F ROBESON. Jan. 20th. 1S55. 123-tf. J. & H. copy. FOR SALE OR RENT. BEING about to break up house keep- ing, 1 will sell or rent the House in which 1 now reside, at the corner of Walnut and 4lh streets. T. LORING. Jan. 16. 126-tf. FOR RENT. THAT desirable Dwelling, situated on Front Street, between M tilbury and Wal nut, next north of the residence of Mr. R. F. Brown. For terms, apply to r. RASKIN & MARTIN, Oct. 5. South Water-st. FOR RENT. A Fine ROOM newly fitted up. on Sec ond street. Apply to RANKIN &, MARTIN. - Sept. 23. 83. I'M HAY.--: f OO B-LES expected per schr. Nameaug.from IVA New London, Ct. For sk by iuarcn io. titu. HA11K1S3. 1 E. R. DURKEE, 139 WATER STREET NEW-YORK, Manufacturer and Proprietor of DUkILEE'S IEAST 0RB1KIXG POWDER. Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SUl. CAKB. SODA, -SAL SODA, . - CASTILE SOAP, BLACK LEAD, BRITISH LUSTRE. , , REF'D PEARLASH, SALERATUS. , loumpiu bJtTKACTS, - MATCHES WAX and WOOD. Dec 23rd, 1951. Ii7-ly-c. CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON. N. C. "PHE CLARENDON IRON WORKS are now JL prepared lo receive orders for Ream. Vertiral. Horiiontal or Oscillatin? Sleam F.nine. Hiwh or ' Low Pressure, and adapted to all purposes ; Circu lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Mills, complete j Pumps, Minim? Machinery. Grist and Flour Mills. complete; Parker, Turbine and other Water Wheels, equipping oi steamers, uar -Wheels and Axles ; Horse Powers of various patterns: Rice Field Pumps and bngineat Rice Thrashers; Shingle Machines, Shsftlnz. Pullies. Hansen. Gea aU other Mill Work. CASTINGS. Iron and Brass Castings of all descriations. Inclu ding ornamental iron uaiung, ripe. Bridge Cast insrs. f-c fcc The Company would resDetrullv invite attention to their styles and patterns of Rail- i mg, wnicu may oe seen at tneiromce. BOILERS. Tubular. Flue and Cylindrical Boilers. Water Tanks, Chimneys, and all other kinds of- Boiler Wot. '- REPAIRS. A separate department and force will be kept for repairs, where worK will oe cone thoroughly and wim uespaicn. -All work done in the establishment delivered ei ther on the cars of the Wiltnineton &. Manchester Rail Road or the Wilmington A Weidon Rail Road. or in naia at me vompany s wnan, iree oi charge. uavinz larze tacnuies, tne aoove work will he done on as reasonable terms aa elsewhere. North or i souin,and in a prompt ana satisfactory manner. Consultation by letter or otherwise, in regard to plana and designs for mills or their furniture, and for machinery eenerally, willingly answered. All orders or communications to be addressed to the undersigned. w jh. UK.ANE, Agenu March 17. V 1-rf. GALATINE. ; 1 GROSS Swinborne's Superior Gala tine, far1 X Jellies; dhic juangcjocc. -r or sale Dy v L. N. BARLOW, I No. 3, Granite Row, Front St." April 3. TISSES' SPRING STYLES Hats and Bloom- i'x era. now operj, t;. JlVbRS jaarcB n. , 7, WELD ON R R Eng'r and Sup'ts oiace,r. & W. It; R. Co. February 1. 1855. THE passenger trains over this road will, further notice, ran a follows : until First (Express Mail) train lea res Wilmington at b o'clock; A. M. . -r Reaches Goldsboro at SMO A. M. 'Arrives at YVelJon at 1:30 P. M- Second (Accommodation Mail) train carrying one treigbt car-cleaves t llminxtonat 3:VU P.JV1 Reaches Goldsboro' to supp r 7:30 P. M. Arrives at VVeliion 12 at niiht. -GOING SOUTH. First Train leaves Weidon at 12:00 M. Reaches Goldsboro1 at 3:15 P. M.; Arrives at Wilmington 7:30 P. M ; Seeond Train leaves Weidon at 9:00 P. M.; Reaches Goldsboro' 1:30 A. St.; Arrives at .Wilmington 6:30 A. M Fare to Goldsboro' & - O . in VWIiInn 45 Ahnnt one cent per mile xtra s charged passengers vho do not procure tickets at the Stations. Through tit-ke s 'a. Baltimore $12; to Philadel phia S14; to Sew Yoik 515.50. fCj-Tickcis wiil not be sold to a negro in person. Express Freight (by Accommodation Train) will be chargetd 20 rer cent, extra; and such freishttoea North u;uet be at the Depot by o'clock P. AI-, and marked Express Freight. Two freight trains per week will run regularly through to Weidon, carrying frciaht both ways. One train will run regnlarlv as far north as Goldsboro, and in connection with the N. C. R. U, and two oth er Way Trains will run as far north 88 ma be re quired, taking freight at all intermediate stations. All dues on downward freight must be paid on ce livery at Wilmington. , o . L. rHK-JiUA t . en i. c up i. Feb. 3 131. WIL. & WELD0N L N. C. R. ROAD THROUGH FREIGHTS. Eso. & Svn's Office W. & W. R. R. , Wilmington. N.C.Feb. 10th. 165o FREIGHTS from Wilmington or any Mation on the W. & W. R. R. toany Station on thoNorlh Carolina R. R., and also froin any Station on the N. C. R. R. to Wilmington or other points on the W. rft W. R. R., will be transhipped and lorw.irdd from Goldsboro'- free of charge for transhipment. By the 15th of Marclr nrxt. arrangements wilibe made by which Goods and produce from the inte rior for shipment from. o. to be sold in Wilming ton, and also from bea for the inferior, wilibe de livered or received on the Company's wharf free of charge for wharfage or drayage. Distance from Wilmington to Ralrish by Rail-ro.-ul, 131 4 milas; from Ruleigh to Portsmonth, Va., 17fii difference 43 miles. ' - Freight on a band of Flour from Orange to W ilmington is 29 cents less than it Js from Oiange to Portsmouth, Va. S. L. FREMONT. Sup't. Feb. 13. 133-3m. NOTICE. Office Wilmington tfc italeigb. It. It. Company. Wilmington, N. C. January lath, 1S55, FROM and after this date, the Passenger ac commodation train will leave for Weidon at 3 P. M. lleturnin-;, will arrive at fij o'clock, A. M. This chanue.of Schedule Is made to connect with the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road, over which a d iy train will be hereafter run, connecting with the Roads South. The Rail Rood time is now regulated by a new Standard Clock, which is at present about 10 minutes ahead of the town time. K. L. FREMONT, Engineer & Superintendent. Jan. I6th, 1355. 126-tf. OFFICE WIL. & MAN. R. ROAD CO., ' WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan. 4th, 1855. 7 f -i fir. TVf O Freight vsill hereafter be foritarded or deliv 1 ered until the freight is paid. All freight in the Company's warehouse, or de tained bxeaase of thenon-pnyment of the freight, will be entirely at the owner's risk. L J. FLEMING. Gcn'l. Sup't. W. & M. R. R. Jan. IG. -- 126 tf. NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. AN and after Monday 3 inuary 1st, L2'5. the No. V Carolina Railroad will be opened lor the trans- portalionof Passengersand t it lghttrotn Goldsboro' to Durham's. 2b miles mt ol llal it;h. Passenger train leavet, Goldsboro'.daiiy, 3.00 A. M . M ' " passes Ra eish " 6.-00 " " " arrives at Durham's" 7.46 " RETURNING. Passenger train leaves Dm ham's daily, 2.00 P. M " pasees Raleigh " 3:30' - " arrives at Goldsboro 6:42 " Connecting with the United States Mail train on ihe Wilmington and RaTcieh Railroad at Raleigh; and Messrs. Bland if- Dunn's Mail line of four horse post Coaches at Duihams, running daily via Hiilsboro', Oraliam, Orerni'ooro', Jamestown, oa lem and Lexington to Salisbury, from which point to Charlotte the North Carolina Railroad Company are running a daily train. . A through Freiuht train leaves Goldsboro eve ry Thursday, for Durham's, returning every Fri day. . A way Freight train will run every Tuesday from Goldfboro' to Stallings' and return same day, and will make extra trips when necessary. WALTER GWYNN Chief Engineer, N. C. R. R. Co. Jan. 2nd. 1855, 120-tf. TOWING BY STEAMER CAinOUN. ORDERS fortowinaby STEAMER C4LHOUN,ill have attention if fallen at the office of v, GEO. HARRISS. 105. Nov. 16. TOWAGE! TOWAGE! STEAMERSamEeary.A.M Gutb rie. masters Steamer Calhoun, Jot. Sprinss, master, are ready at all times for business. Ordets for Towage wiil have prompt attention if left aloffice of Agent. GEO. HARRISS. Juno 11 . " 33-tf. TO PASSENGERS. STEAMER "FAIRY." will leave ;.-vV""fy Wilmington for Fayetteville, every S&SSm&u Monday and Thursday Morning, at 9 o'clock, and Fayetieville for Wilmington, every Wednesday and Saturday, at sun rise, with pas senders and freight. ' JAMS E. METTS, Agent. March 5. " 147 tf. EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP. FOR sale low, to close consisnm;nt by Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY. CO. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kega of extra Butter, and for sale by kJ. DuPRE & CO. June 22. 42. GUANO. -I pzf BAGS Guano, just received nerBrigA. J. JJ Adams. For sale by March 31. ADAMS, BRO. p CO. BANK OF WIL5IINCT0N, N. C. BOOKS for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of this Bank, will be opened at the Commercial Bank on Monday, April 2nd, and remain open sixty days, under charae of JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, 1 Standing Committee ' . . tor subscriptions. 6-U1. V ALMIKU MAKTUN, H. P. RUSSELL, J. H. FLANNER. H. B. E1LERS, ; J ;Marcb29. - , RICE LAND FOR SALE. O KCi OR morc acres of prime Rice Land lying JvJ 8 tnilea above Wilmington on the Cape Fear River, and adjoining the lands of D. B. Ba ker, and M . Bryan. There is a good Upland Set lemcntof 70 acres, with a one story dwelling with font tooms and other Improvements. Terma made easy, or I would exchange for real estate in the Town of Wilmington. Further description of the land ia unnessarjt as those wishing to purchase will examine for themselves. THOS. SMITH. July 11. ' ,49-tf. FOR SALE. 100 ehiice: Planting Potatoes, yellow and 40 bbls. Apples.- just received w. M.SH RRwoon a no . and for fate by - rerj. y. . . ' ' HI. I WILMINGTON AND AIUMS A CO'S C H liAT NORTH ER!f AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! ARRY PACKAGES of every description to V- Petersburg, iuenmourt, t redricksnurg. Wash ington urty, I'orismoutn, ttorioijc, Bammore, etc ut charge of Special Messenger. . - . i JOHN L. CANT WELL, Agent, I t.' . pmce oa Front, near Market st. THE ADAMS EXPRESS C0MPANIT. t "TTOULD re!pectiully the pubtie, that V having effected contracts with the. "various uailroad Uompanres, iooin and vr?r, for th transportation of PARCELS, F'KKIGHTS sPbUl JiKitUiiA-MJis &c. cy paaenger trains, in connection itrt their INortnern lines as heetofore, to the Northern cities by both Jand roa'e. via Wilmington, Bah imore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston and also to New York by steamers; they are now prepared to forward to Aususta, Savannah, Macon, Columbia, Amtrreus, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Na.-hviile and Momcomery, and there connecting with the boais iur uoiiie inn new uncans, iu niin iney .will deliver as per order. For the better security? of f . , , r . . l . . , - . Monies, Jewelry and other valuables, "an iron safe is placed in each Express Car, accompanied with an experienced messenger, who nns trie exclusive care and custody of this express car, and-fvhose business it is to receive and deliver roods and parcels to the agents at stations on the line of the route. : ! E3fParticu!ar attention is paid to the collection of Notes, Drafts and bills and lo the collection of bills on the delivery of Goods. ouch facilities Jor tne t-reedy transmission o Goods having never before been offered lo the public liuough the South and West, ihey trust i will be appreciated by the oosmem community. - JOHN L. CAA a Yt JsLL, Acent. Jan. II. 124-tf. EXPRESS CARD. THB Public are respectfully informed that The X Adams Express Company have established Offices in Columbia and Camden, South Carolina, and art pn-parod to forward every description of packages to the interior of JNortii or -sou tit Caro lina, via those offices. ;' X Oct. 31. 3-tf. EXTENSION OF THE EXPRIS. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPAN Y take pleasure In infoiuiins heir nni t-ons and the public, that they have axiended iheir line over ihe South Side Rail Road, and are daily forwardinn goods and valuables S-C, to Stations along the line oi that road and the manor ol Virginia. Oct. 3 1st, 1S54. . I d-tt. FREE READING ROOM TjVJ:t the convenience of the public we will V keep files of a few of the principal Newspapers. . AUAilS (( CO'B. KXl'KKS-, Front, near Market st. May 13. , 27-tf. COMMISSIONERS' HALL. ; ' TcksDay EvKMN.i, March 2 'th, !".". At a meeting of CotnruisMoners authorized to pen books in Wilmington, for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte nd Rutherford Kail Road preserft. A- J. DeRos- set. Jr.. J. H. Flatmcr. R. II Cowan; G. It; Frtnch, A. II. VanBokkt lcn. J. C. Latta, MiksCosiiu, Ed ward Kidder and . D. Wallace. , V i " On motion. It. U. Cowan was appointed Chair man, ami S. V. n allaeo, Secretary. !f llaitlctd. That Books lm oiieneu on Mih'iav, April 9th, lboo. at th- Bank of Cape Ft-ar, Bank of the State, and at the Commercial Hank, Hewlced, That G R. French, R. 11. Cowan and A. 11. YanBokkelcn be apiKintcd a ct'inniitice to htain subscriptions to aid in defiayiiiir the ex penses of an expcriTcntal survey, to b" niailc om the town of iluiiiigton and fioiu Whitcs- rille lo Lnmberton. ! . Ilesnlveil That the Mayor be requested to call a meeting of the citizens, to appoint deU'irates to the Mai meeting in Bladen, no sou as it is as certained wbeu that meeting is to be held. It II. COWAN. CLaiiman. R. D. Wallace, Sec y. March 21, 1S55. 4-tf. 1VA.NTKD. Q UICK despatch ior 100 bales cotton to Balti- e. A nnl v to ' WILLIS M. SHEltVODD'&: CO. 146. March 3. i COAL! COAL!! "J OTONS RI D ASH COAL; for Family 1 mie, to arrive per Srlir. 'Virginia,1 Iroru Phil:id'a. (cash on delivery.) For sale by Feb. 24. GEO. HARRISS. SUGAR AND 3I0LASSES." 0 BBLS. C. Yellow Su-ar; , iH' lilotassesby the hhd. or parrel; for sale by March 22. ZEU ii. GREK SE. N. C. T. cypy. i f : pif.NAM'S MONTHLY, for Apt i I, rer. ived and X lor sale at S. W . W HITAKER'S. March 27. ; ' 5. T ADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS, assorted sizes X l and style of finish, open at the Emporium. March 31. . C. MYERS. Q (fV LBS. WAYNE CO. BACON. Hojr tjyjyjKj Rom ound. for sale bv March3I. C. DcPRE A CO. ISIDORE DE MONTINGTON. or ihe Siou?- L filer of St. Male, by iSylvanus l.'obh, Jr.. just pub- usnea.nna ior sale at . W. WH1 TAKER'S, ill arch 27. i . 5. a"nevTam) : WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! AMONG the tbouahdsof Pile remedies which have been recommended, COL. C. R.sGl BBS' (of Livingston Sumter County Alabama,), late discovery, is the only one which is calculated 10 make a radical cure the modus operandi is entire ly new. ItaUo removes all F.ntozoa (or .Worms,) which produce irritation and inhabit the rectum. i I aok veil to the contents of this Small Book, which represents a short history.of the diseat. a well as some moat aggravated cases whicNKnate been permanently cured after many years of in tense suffering. ' A host of diseases are carried off by this new diicovery. ft produces a healthy state of the rectum, and removes all scaly, formations which are sure to be in connection with, that re gion. i. , . Price $10,00 per package of ybur vials, t 1-Iir all casks One Package will, perfoxm a F(I11IA.NKKTCCC, :t - . DR. S WAYNE & SON, Ko. 4 A"ofci Seventh Street, abort Market. PkiTa. Sole manufacturers for the discovertr, and exclu tive agents for the United States. , ;, N.B. As COL. GIBBS' RenWies are compos ed of the most expensive materials, it will be im possible to send them out on agency, but in order to let the afflicted from all parts obtain them, they will be scntre (on the leceipt of i0.00) by Ex press or otherwise. . i" ; -; A very liberal discount to the trade for Cash. "Nov.16. . i 102-ly-c. OF tire beat quality, and Baoss of all sizes always en hand. J. R. BLOSSO 1. Nov. 4. 97. NOTICE. I RETIRE this day from the jreneml practice of Medicine. 1 tender my grateful returns to all consistent patrons, and wish them future good health. D. DcPilEj Ja. - Wilminsrton.N.C , March 16, 1655. ; P.S. Those indebted to me will please make early payment, . " D. DcP., Ja. March 17. , . 1-lm. PRUIE NtJW ORLEANS MOLASSES. A f BBLS. in pood order; 15 half bbls. do. do. fbvl Low for cash, at GEO. IL KELLEY'S. Dec. 16. J., H N CT 4 S. Age copy 114. JUST RECEIVED, PER SCHR. NAPIER, from Halifax, Nova Scotia t 1 . ,- .-),. .-. . , 15 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel j f i J . 10 " 1 do. , w i.'- ' i .50 " ; 2 1 .do. i . 250 - 3 d. I 10 3 do. 1 -3 u M 1 Salmon t 129 " Cat Herrings, (extra;) j , . 60 boxes Digby Smoked Herrings. For sale in lota 10 suit, by s T. C. WORTH. March 3. Walkers's wharf. BRICKS. FCl nnn?0RT14 River hard-i For sale low JJ9JJVf by ,4 f GEO, HARRISS.-J Dec. 30. 117. ' NE CELL'S PAtET SAFETY LlilP & LAMP FEEDER. A HEW ARTICLE,warranled to prevent all Aecidents from the use of Burning itTuld, Caynjikene, and other Exvtasice Compound, used for the production of. 1.1 M. Tliis Invention it applied to aU common Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar, Camphene fanpe, Lanterns, Ac. ALSO, Burning Fluid, CarupUene, Ro.ia.Cit, For sale by Cfc D. DoPR-E, Dniggisu, Market Street, Wiimington.'N. C. -. , The following Certificates are a-sufficicnt enar. anty of the entire safety and eClciency -of the Safety Lamp and Feeder ' ' , . , -t CE.R'i'1 KICATES. 16 Bovieros 5't., Tostos, 21st Nov,, 13."3. PaorEssoa Bbsjamix Sillimam: Dear Jiir . I lake the htierfy of asking you if any circuio- sfance has occurred, lending any degree lo di-. minish the full conridence you have fell in ihe protection aliordvd by JNtwell's Putcat Safety Lamp! K With high respect, truly yours. . A. A. Haves. Eostoji, Nov. 21, IS 3 To Da. A. A. Haves : Hear Sir, In reply to the inquiry contained in your nute of this da'c, I can now state that Acweirj Patent fcalety Lamp," aficra considerably extended experienee in Tiy fami:y," has luily justihed ihe 1 ivorable opinion which I expressed of it about a yearajro. Lniil this protection wa presented, 1 never permitted Uie so-cn lied burning fluid to be u.-ed in my hoi).e. Now It is constantly employed by i!ie domestics, and it has been occasionally burned in the parlor and study. The house being lighted by las, there is little occasion for its general n.-e in the family : but tri'h the protection named alior e, I fhould have no hesitation to use it wherever there is occasion for artificial light, and 1 do, with en tire confidence, recommend it to my friends and others who consult nie on the subject always protesting, however, aealnst the unguarded ue which has product) t so many distressing and fatal results. I remain, dear sir very rcpppctfulty and truly yours, K. aiiUMAN-, brnwr. V ILMIXGTON, 1. L. Jutwj li-th, 'b34. J hereby cenify that f witnessed the experiment of M r. Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp, for tiirnis-litr.g 'nuid " and am perfectly satished of the sfely of the same. J 4". H. UlCKSOX, Presidr-nf of the N. C. ..ledical Society. This is lo certify that 1 have used Newcll's Pat ent Safety Lamps, for more than twelve months. and iney liavcsiven pcrleci satislartiort June zid, Icrol. " ueo. R. r bevch. Il.ivin purchased the ri"ht for the State of N C, from i lie Patentee, we are prepared to fid all Orders at short notice, for every description and variety of Lamps, &c. All persons are cautioned against infringing up on the above patent, as the law will be rigidly en- torced against all otlendt rs. C. DcPftE, D.Dt-PRE, Jr. A. C. DICKINSON. June 22nd, 1854. 42 ly-c. COMHERCML COLLEGE. Located 127 la!lhnoie-st. , Ita llimore. Mil. ' IMI IS Instilii i.jn presents superior facilities to A youna: msn dt-sir jus of obtaining a uraciical business education. The course of Study embraces Double Entry, Book-Eccping as p-actically applied lo the man agement oi iMrcantile. I. ink, .Maoufacturina and Steam Boat Books; Business Penmanship and and Mercantile Coinputafons ; famiiitr Leciurc.- on Commercial Law ; upon the iubject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Noies, Contracts. Partncr- nip.s,0it:. 1 he nrrmgements are such hal applicants can ntcr College at any tune end avail lli. ni-rlvi g of he advantage of thj entire cour.-e of study, each mat ni Di'ine sr paraiciy tauL'tit. 'l'hestnilents have access 10 a Commercial Li brary procured exprcsnly for their accommodation. I lirre is also attached to the G'Ile'o a Reading Room, where may be found all the leadina Daily Papers from various parts of the Union. Lsual lentil of time to . complete the whole ourwe from ciht to ton works. Tuition for the full coure $lf. For paiiiculars wriie and receive a circular by mail. August 3.1, 15r4. 59-Iy-c. RSNIlY BURLIIDICR WHOLESALE & RETAIL TOBACCO, HSUFF AXD CIGAR S T O Ii K. SIC1VOKTI1E INDIAN CIHEIv" MARKET STH EE V, one door above Water fVilmlneton, N. V. X. B. A'l Orders fdlrd with dsrpnUk. Oct. 26. Ii. 1331 l3 li w c. Tlltl SMITHS0NI1N HCISE, BROADWAY, COtt.M.R OF HOUSTON ST.. NEW YOUK, a ihf fime block with the Metropolitan Hotel J nud Niblo's G irdi n, and I wo blocks ai'ovc the Nicholas Hotel, will open April 15. and oli'crt-to travelers slpebioe accommouatioxs in il.e heart of Ilroadway, In imnirdiate juxtiiposilion to the other first-class hotiFC-s and places ol amusement, at mod. erate rates. The house has all the convcnitrci s in vogue, and wi.l bo conducted on the Eukopfan Plajt of lodging-rooms, al fifty cc-cts to Si a duy, according to location. Ac, and meals furnished a ordered, at prices grided to suit bo h the economi cal and extravajrant, 1 lie pticels ordering meals at pleasure, and paying f jr only what i u sed. Trjv e'ers will find at the SMITHSONIAN accomnto dationsof superior order, and can make their bills l!-8 by at least one-third ilian at oilier firt-c-lass Hotels, as conducted on the old system. For re spoctabi.irv, ordrr.neatness, comhit". and economy, the SMITHSONIAN thall nihke its murk on the times, and bo worthy the putronnire of the people. SIDNEY KOPMAN. March 29. - - C Um-c. YOUNG MEN'S SPRING STYLE. 6 CASES Philadelphia and New Voting Men's Drees ll-ata. Open York Styles Opened ihiday. March 31. O. M I-..IS. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES. THE subscriber has just returned from the Norlh wi'h a choice variety of Groceries. V ines. Tea and Liquors; Lea & Perrin's orci ttihiri Sauce t John Bull Sauce; Hni'lifb Pii-klt,, t! m ry variety; Preserves. Jellies and Confc-ti..iimit s ; Pruiu, Brandy Peaches, Brnndy fberrh-s, Hoket Bitters, Catsups, of all kiuds ; Layer whole, half and quarter boxes, extra t Fin,' Duti h Head Cheese, Preserved Ginjerar, Borrhe and Siarr Champagne, of the finest grades; Old Government Java Collee; Rio, Laguayia and M. Domingo do. ; 100 boxes A. M. Candles, cheap ; 1 pipe of that Ex tra Crescent Brandy, from Custom IIou, Wil mington; 50 cai-es Extra Claret Wines; 10 barrels fine old Rye Whiskey, for retail; Madeira, She.ry, Port, Muscat, Scuppernony, and every variety of Liquors, on retail ; Patent Sperm, and Sperm Can dles; Bay lluin ; Colgate's and Fancv Soaps; Hi ram Smith's Flour, in bblsC, half bbls. and bags; YeriuaciJIa, Macaroni, Currants. Citron, every va riety of Nuts; Rasberry and Cherry Syrup, by the gallon; Mackerel, Salnun. Ctirned Beef, Beef Tongues. Smoked Beef, Y. Powders, Kxtia'Ms. Oils Stuffbd Olives, soinething new; Anchovies, Sar tines, French Lobster; Funcy Baskets; Key Baskets ; 20 cases old Dry Madona ; Buckwheat; extra Goshen Butter, and everything that consti tutes a weU-selecled stock" of Gr:cri s. Whole sale and retail, at the Original Grocery. March 31, . GEO. MYERS. NOTICE. JCST receive by the subscriber and ft" tale X 1 Bbls. VSbisUcy ; . 4 qr. casks French Brandy; 60 boxes of assotted Candies; ' . 30 do. Cheese; . 10 half bbls. Hiiam Smi.h Flour IG whole do. do.; 300 bags Table Salt ; . - j 40 bbls. assorted Sugars, Ac. The above articles will be sold low On short time, but lower for tssh. . Dec. 16. W. L. S. TOWNSHEND. OWNER WANTED " FOR 25 bags Guano Marked R. fe S B. per Schr. Lizzie Russell, from Baltimore. - March 31. . RUSSELL & BRO. ''pHENEW YORK JOURNAL For April, re A ceived and for sale at March 31. S.W. WHITAKER'S. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. ATI Elegant Edition of Bills of Exchange, print ed in Geimany, in Books of 10 quires and in sheets, for sale al the office of 1t Commercial. IRISH POTATOES. 1 C( BBLS. Irish Planting Potatoes, now land IlU inc. foraaleby , Match 27. FREEMAN &. HOUSTON. V 'TflOMIS S'IITH:& CO. DEAtEU IN COR.V. HIEAL. HOMONV. PEAS and OAT--, and COW and HORSE FEED, Bealty'i Wharf, North Wat 'rr Sir stt, , . " WIL1I1SGT0N'. N. C. . TU0MA8 6MITH. . D. Dt'PRC, Jft. Our Steam GrI&t Jfill is now In ucceful opera ion. We will have it In our pfwcr to dt;iv rlhe above articles -at short notice. We have a i'J hore power engine and shall run two piir of four fit i sl"tie.. .;... , ' , ' urderscan ue audressca to j. uul'ie & to.,or to ihe subscribers. - . " lTC.ra groend oh TOLL. ' ' THOMAS SMITH 4 CO. Ar'riI20. j 13-if. ALU 'I SALT. " Q nnnS-lCSS 2iMisbuUcach, now lauding JjJKJ and for hule, by - Oet. ADAMS. ERO. A 2X m AYER'S i puis. FOB ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Titers has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively fcliown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pills one which should have none of the objection, but all the advantages, of every other. Xiiis has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of tliera produce no much griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the Rood to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can. arise from thoir use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Jlinuto direction for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Amon; the coin plaints which have been speedily cured Ly them, wo may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Lnnguor and Ln of Ap- Eetite, Listlessnrxs, Irritability, Bilious Headache, iilious Fever, Fever and Acue, I'ain in the fcide and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action iu the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Co tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, uny and every case where a purgative is required. They nave also produced some sirtftuliirly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and JSide. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of. seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the bodv," and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the wholo organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, ev . n though 110 serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body; and it is confidently believed this pill vill answer a better purpose than any thing which has " hitherto been available to mankind. When the il virtues are once known, the public will 110 longer doubt what remedy to employ when in ncprt of a cathartic medicine. Being suar-urapped they arc pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their une in any quiLlilr. For minute directions see wrapper 011 the Box. rKEPARED BY JAMES C. AYE K, Practical ami Analytical Cheinlsl, LOWELL, MASS. Fries 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Care, of cordis, roLiJS, uoarsfacss, BROM HITIS, H ilOOri.VG-roiUi, tllOi r, ASTHMA. AM) This remedy has won for itself such iwtor" ty from its cures of every variety of putmi.n:.ry disc. -, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where il has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cur--, that almost every rcction of the country abm;:'- in persons publicly known, who have been rcvti;r d from alarming and even-desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its mipcriniiir over every other medicine of its kind is tw ..pp.'r ent to escape observation, and where iti virtue ar known, the public no longer hesit.ite what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonsry organs which arc incident to our climate. And "not only in formidable .a tacks upon the lung, but for the milder varieties of, CovoiM, II oars f.n ksh, Kc. ; and lor Cuildugk it is the pleagaritc&t and safest mcdiciuc that can be obtained. As it has long been iirtonstant use thrnutrlioiif this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever Va been, and that the genuine' article is sold by A. O. BR OLE V, Wilmington, and by Druj-gl-fs eenerally July 13th, 1.-51. 5M i j r: 1 '. t 1' , 11. FACTS CANNOT BE D0LDTED. LET THE AFFLICTED BEAD AND PONDER! j"Mie loan T0t) persons in the riiy of lib hni'.nd, Va.. alone testify 10 the remaikablc cures per- foimed by CAIt PKIt'.' SPANISH !1IXTITIIR. TiiK erea. t-piing .Mejici-te and Purifh-r of the Pdood is now used by hundreds of grateflil pa'icnts, who tts'ify daily 10 ihe remarkable cures perform ed by the srcait st of all medicines, Carter's fcpan ih Mixture. Neuralgia . UheumatUm. Scrofula. Eruptions on Ihe Skin, Liver Dicafe, Fevrrs. I'l i eis, Old S.ires, All ciin of ihe Kidneys, Dis eases of ihe Thriiat, Female l.'oniplaiuti, Pains and Acbinjr of the Bones and Joints, arc speedily put lofitgui by usirlg this great and- inestimable tum--dy. For ail disensos of (he Blood, nothinu has yet btsen found lo compure with it. It cluancs the sys tem of all i tnpurii ic, acts cently and tfJi i ntlv on the Liver and Kidneys. Mrena'hrns the iii'i -lion. gives tone to tho htoina h, makes th bkin clear and hcalty,and rtHores ihs Constitution, en feebled by disease or breken down by the excesses of vouth. to its pris'ine vigor and f trrnstli. 1 For th! Ladias, it is incomparably bet cr jhnn all the cosmetics ever used. A few dotrs of Car let's Spanish Mixture will remove all sallowm-M of complexion, bi ing the roses- mantling1 to ihe cheek, give elasticity to the step, end improve the general iualih in a remarkable decree, beyond all the medicines ever heard oi. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures perforli'ied on persons residing in the city of Rich tnond, Va , by the use of Carter's Spanish Mixture, is the best evidence ihat there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians, and public men. well known lo ihe commit nity. all add their testimony to the efiecia of ihl. N.vf.;:aVy-XV'i'i'.- li UaCATULOOD fcciriEi. Call and sec a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless sirrned BF.NXF.TT A BF.F.RS, Drunjjists. Principal Depots at M. WARD.CLOSF. A CO , No. 63 Maiden Lane, New York. T. VV. DVOTT 4 SON'S, and JF.NKJNS IIART.SIIORNK. Philadelphia. BKNNKTTdL CEEItS, No. 125 Main Street, Richmond, Va. . And for sale by WM H. LIPPITT, Wilmingion and by lru?ist every t here. Jui) 13ih. leal. SO ly c. MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DMN. A fVIW rt ValnnM f?tr'w fr. 9 A, . XV Wounds. Cuts. Lorn, and Clrcr. It ha been tried ruc coalully by Physician , and n un superior lo any remedy f Ihe kind now in ii'!. Il larm, hcn applied, a Cuticle, soft, rlasth', an Impervloits en waicr, itnilatlng most p tu i :l; the natural Cuticle. It rrnv te dvantii'toul . ,...! n ..,. i: : i i. . i and car of children, and lor abrasions f aliuo.- e-ry kind, and aa a dressing in surgical ut eri. tlnis. ' Thepioprictorn fee! 2icat conr.d.m f in piernr ing tue ebov artiele fir use, belli vinst ii will pro ' fully adequa'e to the t r,ds proiiorrd, and irnalu. u. .. . ii.. t i j.. .t prictrs, C. at I). DuPRE. A L S O - V K. T K ft I A N It V CUTT.V PriK HA v COI.LOOIO.N fur Saddle and 'Harness C . II r,,... " .11. our Js and sores on horses, prietors, For sale by ihu Pre' c. & d. Dupni:, May iO, Drugjiets, Wiliningum. N . l'. ' nnr.t .nu'A v.! niVTiit'vr Citizens of tie t'nione I - i You have done me the honour as with on voice, from on" end cf the Union 10 the 01!. cr, stamp tho charactc r of my Ointment with j 01 f approbation. It is sc. neely loo years fiut c I mad" it known among you, and alrexdy, It hi obtnln ed more celebrity I'mn tiny other Medicine n short a period. THOM AS HOLLOWA V, . 3, Corner of Ann and..jsau sii., N. V01 k. Care of Srre Lszn if ter Xim Ycrr$ S'aniHng. Mr. VV. J. Lnnjlry. .f II untsvillc, Yaduin. North Carolina, sulfered for nine years iih onJ of the most painful and lioublc n.inie sore lcjg ihji ever fell to Ihe lot of nrtn t and after trying ever' medicine he had ever heard of, be resigned in d .- pair all hope f being cured ; bin a friend I r.iiisi ' him a couple of pots of Hollo ay's Oinliini". which caused ihe sores n his leas lo heal, und ii. entirely regained his health, to lht usiuni&hmeii of his acquaintances and friends. Cure of a Bid BreoU,-vhrn the l'atif"l trus nl Itruli's Dmir. Mr. R. DUH. NT, of New Oilcans, rtudre.- I Prof, ssor H ollowav as follows 1 For 7 ye j t s irt wilo had a bud breapt, with icn running wound . (not of a cancerous nature. 1 was told th;,: nothing could savo her 1 she u as then induced t use your Ointment and Pills, when in ihe id. on pace of ihrec months, the; effected a peifc t cur. , to the astonishment of all who knew up. e .b taiued your Medicines lr"m Misrs. W'luhi c Co., of Charircs-fctrctf, New Orleans. si r .t 1 hi from " Hotel des Piinccs," Paris, althoii"!., 1 had written itat New Orleans, bcf.. re e finall' left, a that time, not knowing jcur uifdrcss 1.1 New York, - Nov. Pth, 1353. (Signrd) H. MT.ANT." Tho Pills thould I e used conjointly with il, Ointment in most of the following nicer; Had Less, Bad Kieat,ts, Lurns, llunions, Chil blains, Chapped hnndu, Contracted und Stiirjoin", Fftula. Uout, Glandular Swtlliriijs l.uinbnK. . Piles, Kheiimulisin, Kali Uhenm, .j,ahls, Si, if Nipples S ore-1 liroa I s, S k i n-U icitu.-i s. Scurvy te' o 1 1 llcntl. Flovrs. Wounds. . Sob! ut the K.tiiblUhinenta of Pr jft -sor I!.,: loway, tj Muidcn Lane, New Vork. and VM l itrai,.!. Lomlon. nd by aU n-f-pi ctable Drui'ti-!.-. and l)t lers iA Mcdicinc-s llirouiioul the L iiitcd Mates' , In Pots and tloxts, ut k5 cents, C-l icnts, uml fcl ,0f c.icli. ' ' here Is a consid'-'iublc saving Ly l;iin;j the larger sizes. N. B. Directions f.,r ihe guidance ofpiticnis In every disorder are ullixcd lo each Pol. June 20. , 41-lj-c. LWVAl COMI'LliNT, DVsrEI'Sl 1. Jaundice. Cti funic or Nvrroux JcJiliu l)i eay. f the Kidney, a.xt all Mi;.,!! t artKiiigJruiii a. d inuntt-i I,ivvr or istiiiiiiich . nucli m Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness tf filood r the lle'jd, Aciiiityof ihe toniai Ii, Aiiu-i a, Hn.i burn, DirfgUtft for Food. Fullne.-, or Wiiifhl In ll, ' Sionrich, Sour Eructations, &inkin or Flulti rii. i. t liic I'll of I tie .Stomach , .S wi .1, in i of I l.e 1 1 ., ., . I lurried and Dillieiilt Kreothlng. I'll ferinp hi tl ,. IIc.irt,(Jliuini,'or SurlocatiO" Sem-ii'luns when -i a lin.' pnsMire. Dimness of Vision. Dots or V el -hi fore i height, Fcv r nnd Dull l'n in in i tie 1 1. 1. , Deficiency ol Perspiration. cllownefs ol tl;e M .. and Eye.-, Pain, in the .Side, li.iek, Chi si. I.iml , V-c.,. Sudden Flushes oHl.-ut, Hui nin M n I he I'l H1 . C.-ntani liiiaglnlnssof evil, an I sre.-it deprr s.-ioi. -ef S;iii ita, can be ctf'-ctually cu icd by Dit HOOFLAMiVS I'ELECRATED EI.:,IA KITTEIiS. Pill. P.Ui:i)IJY DIM. .11. JACKSON, .No. I Ut A rill street. Philadelphia. Their f owerovcr tho above discuses is not nn . -ed, il milled, by any other preparation hi ihe I i -lei .States, i s tin: cire. Htten, in many casctali.r sUill'ul physicians Irid laih d. T!lee Hillersare worlhytlie nttcntinn of Inval;.' Pos.scssiiit' irren t yi, lue s in the rcclilication of d,- -cases of ti;.1 Liver and l:fcr trlands, excicf-in ;l inosi seart-nins; powers in we;inss ;iril olh cti if oftliedirregtiveorgans.tliey arc, wjihal, safe eel lain anu piensani KKAIJ l I. 1 V. 1 . 1.1. .Mure I isfimom nf Vie kintl fi i.ui fji in fivor of Dr. liUFFLA.ND'S lil.K.U.AN HJ'I TE11S, prepared by Dr. C. M . J CKSON . Phil -de'phiu, luily proving that these bin. 'is ie urerju:. ed fur Ihe cure of t.iner Complaint, Urn-pips,, Jaundice, Scrrous Urbillt'j, vj the 'hid nr ,', de. Kend the prool : F. KES-NELMLIIl. J.w, l,r, Wo.-sf. r, O., !- -.1, J-!.)l . sanl : I embrace this oppoii unity of . forming you of th- gri at benefit 1 li.ive cl. riv..i irmn Hie u-e ot Dr. Jli. ilmi's Cermun I'iM'jrs. I have used llicin fori hihsund F.ver, snd Dm di i dercd Stomach, i.nd foui.d rcli f in every eai e. They are the beat remedy for disordered .Sloinael. I think, in existence.'' P. FOLEY, liloomiMd O., Oe-t. 7, IF.'? s-i,! : "With fetlinss of t'"tiut(!e I take ri y pi n to infori. you of the incatcable benefit lhavcderivid lice, the use of llootland's fierm iri Hitlers. 1 have u ed (h'tii fjrihe Liver Complairtt. nd take jile.-ini . in r- coniniending them to the ubiic a (lie ti t ind lies retuedy in use.'' The Editor of the Wui.tter Demount. MnyC. 1-f s-iid : "Moofiuttd's lierman Hitters. 'I his invale ble medicine ia daily performing cures ol the n,i, ri maik'ihie clurai ter. IU do not spmk of i ; . med;( inc without a kpowledse of" Its Ricacr, we have tried i' In our family, and f'nd it to i e' d . only thing needed in Liver Complaint or Dj i i sin." tiGII'.R d- CLARKE", Cambridge, O , Nov. i: Ic,"j.'. iid : 'Ry those peisons v h have used toi t Ho- fl.m 1 Ocrman Hitters, they are coiitieU red so invaluable rcttifdy for Djjk psl.i ." VVuu snouM bear in mind ihnt tin sr I'.iiter art entibklv irouA bli, lljeref y pon-en-iii h-' vantages over most of the j n paruiions rtcerniTiriiii td for sim lar Ci-eiise. I'ors.lj by A. O. imADt.EY and U H. UP PITT, -Wilminaion. and by Drug '.'ids tveiv vvheie July 1 3th. IS54. EC-ly-c. MILLETS. 6()nf RBLS just recelvrd. MOOUE. ov. q. STANLY & CO. BROTHER JONATHAN, 10"Chritm. For sale sf Dtc- 21. S . VV . U 1 1 1 TA K E R CLARIFIED StflAi: -l BRL-S.. differ, nt t'i!n. for sale by J Dec. -:H FliniCMAN &. HUfSTON. CALCINED PLASTER. LS for Sale It J Dec. 28. FREEMAN t HOUSTON. h. C. LARD. TN bbl 1 Jan s., lor tale bv 0. MOORE, STANLY A, CO. (JAR DEN SEEDS ! JUST received from Landreih' tarifc and choice collection i I Se d Car.h n. f (Jardrii. lii.r and Flower Herd, Herbs, Onion, lituce sod A psraeu Roots, ali Nebraska Peas. For u L wholesale and retail by C. A l. PePRE, Oec. I. ' irucgis's, Mdise) i. CANDIES-CANDIES. nBXF.Sn ii-V for -ale by sorted steim refined, in slrn n 1 ZENO II. Oil EE N E. Feb. 17. NCTopv, m;s, O MMfi T and three Lu.h I fJunny Pa, C iJKlKJ(ot tale fcy . A CLfRE F01l ALL!! , 1 . - . . - ' . ; Jan. -13. RL'SSl LL 6c LRCTHI i: