Ck Cxrmimrcml. WILMINGTON, N. C.r " , . ' SATURDAY,- APRIL. 7, 1S55. . " CINCINNATI ELECTION. . DISGRACEFUL PROCEEDINGS. , 'FEARFUL RIOT AND BLOODSHED Twelve persons killed and' mortally - wounded. - .Cincinnati, April 3J. Yesterday was altogether the most disgraceful elec tion day 'ever experienced in Cincinnati. In the "conflict between the Americans and foreigners", pistols " and. other" fire arms, were discharged indiscriminately, and the "only wonder is that we have not more terrible results to record. As i'it was,: a fearful "bloodshed took place, and it is supposed that from 10 to 12 persons -avere either killed or mortally wouuded. . - - a .The particulars of the affair have not yet transpired, and it is dilficult to learn the number of killed and wounded. The result of the election is still un decided. ; There is an alleged fraud in the twelfth ward, which gave Farren, "Democrat, 500 majority for Mayor. It is proposed, to throw out the entire vote .of the ward, and if this is done, Tay- lor, American, vill have about 100 ma jority, but if the ' ward is counted, Mr. Farren will have four hundred majori ty. The eleventh ward, where the box es were destroyed, is supposed to have given Farren from five to seven hun dred majority. Had the entire vote of the city been counted., the whole Dem ocratic ticket would have been elected by from 500 to 1000 majority. ,: , There was no more rioting last night further than that heretofore reported. second despatch. Ci ncinnati, April 3 P. M. The city remains quiet. On an investiga tion it has been ascertained that the ballot box of the 12th ward contained 55 more tickets than there were names recorded on the poll books. One of the judges insisted on throwing out the en tire vote, but the others would not agree, and while the judge was counting the votes, a body of men entered the room and took the box, containing the tickets forcibly from them, and then burnt the ballots and tally sheets in the open street. Thus the votes of the eleventh and twelfth wards have been destroyed. The 'remaining wards give Taylor, American, 477 majority. : The" American party contend that there has been a large amount of illegal voting . . t It is reported that Taylor will not ac cept the. office under the circumstances. third despatch. .' More Excitement Tlie Riot about to he Re sumed. - " n Cincinnati, April 3 9 o'clock, P. M. The greatest excitement prevails here tonight, and there is every indica tion of a renewal of the fearful scenes-of last night. The piece of cannon taken from the Germans yesterday by the A mericans was quietly conveyed from the public landing tins afternoon by the Ger mans, which causf-s much excitement. An immense number of people have now assembled at Fifth street and Market space, awaiting the rttiitn of -a deputa tion which lias been sent to Freeman's Hall, across the canal, the headquarters 1 of the Germans, to demand the return of the cannon. The mob have resolved that if the gun is not delivered forthwith they will go and take it by force. This they will do if necessary, in which case 1 -: 1 1 . . - -i i. . r ' . .i mcie win uu uouui uo anouier serious riot. i Alter waiting until near 11 o'clock last night, it was found impossible to get anything later from Cincinnati Reporter, LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE ST A It OF THE WEST. S New York, Apiil 3. The steamer Star of the. West arrived here this even ing about 0 1-2 o'clock! with 100 passen gers and $230,000 in treasure. She brings San Francisco dates to the 9th ultimo. The Star of the West connected with the Sierra Nevada, which loft San Fran cisco on the Oth and arrived at San Ju an del Sud on the 22d nit. She en countered severe gates the whole pas sage, and had to touch at Key West on the 29th for coal. General J. Estroda has succeeded Chemorro in the direction of Nicaragua affairs, rand is Commander-in-Chief of the army. : ? The British war steamer Devastation ! was at San Juan. . i The news from California is of little interest. Business was exceedingly de pressed, and monetary affairs stringent. The house of Messrs. Wells, Fargo Co. was going ahead as formerly, but it was doubtful when Messrs. Page, Ba con tfc Co. would resume. All the oth er bank failures are bad ones. At Sonora the depositors broke open the vaults of Messrs. Adams & Co., through a committee, and i paid them selves, leaving a balance behind of $8,000. , The rains " continued and the miners were actively engaged, but owing to the scarcity of coin, but little dust had been boucht. . & . The Kern river diggings have been attracting thousands of persons, and it is represented as tlie richest yet discov ered. . - Blake, who shot Mouryf the contract or, at San Francisco, who swindled him out of $1300, has been 'found guilty of murder, but recommended to mercy,, John Faber, who killed Mansfield, of the San Joaquin Republic, has been par doned. -- V'.'i '" It was reported at Sau Franciseo that Alviu Adams has been held liable as a general partner for the debts of Messrs. Adams & Co. The publishers ; of the California statesman nave sued Senator Gwin. to recover $20,000 damages foV a breach of contract. Mrs Gwin having failed to sustain the Statesman, according to con tract. The Statesman was -Mr. Gwiu's Sacramento organ. ' LAT ERFROM HAVANA. t ARRIVAL OF TUB BLACK WARRIOR. ? New York, April 2d.-Tho steamer Black Warrior has arrived with. Havana dates to the 20th. . The United States steamers Princeton and Fulton were iii port, all well. The Fulton was to sail for Nqrfolk on the 3lst. - ' ' ; Numerous additional arrests had been made at Havana ; amongst them Don Carlos Castillo, manager of a bauk, and Don Alcozas, a wealthy Broker. - Their only offence is believed to he uttering expressions of sympathy for Pinto. Mr. Robot tson, the acting U. States Consul, is understood to have sent in .so strong a protest against the so-called trial of Estampes and Felix, as to have induced the Captain General to refer the matter to the Spanish Consul at "Wash ington before carrying the sentence into execution. The announcement had gone forth that six companies of colored militia were to be established in Havana. FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. PuiiADF.i.piiiA, April 3d. Thegale of wind which prevailed between nine and ten o'clock yesterday morning, and which passed over this city, raged with arcat violence a few miles up the river. Trees and fe:-ccs wore in some instances blown down, and r.t the town of Pro gress, at the mouth of the llancocas Crvk, about ten miles above Camden, a Urge and extensive glass manufacto ry, lielonging to Mr. Julius Kelter, a Frenchman, was torn down, and up wards of twenty persons buried beneath the ruins. The alarm was immediate ly given, and all the residents of that place, numbering from two to three hun dred persons, proceeded at once to res cue the dead and wounded from the ru ins. Up to two o'clock, we learn, it had been ascertained that eight persons were instantly killed, and several others were seriously if not fatally injured. The building was located at the cor ner of Taylor and Kossuth streets, and was constructed of brick, with 18-mch walls, in the most substantial manner. It occupied a space of 125 feet high and -12 feet wide ; being covered with a slate roof, supported by heavy rafters. The loss by the destruction of the building will probnbly exceed $18,000, including a considerable quantity of manufactur ed goods, and all the tools used by the workmen, This manufactory has been in opera tion about eight weeks, and has thus far turned out nothing but hollow glass ware. Only a single furnace was in operation, although extensive arrange ments had leen made for working sev eral other furnaces. By this accident i about twenty-five persons will be thrown out of employment. We regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Beehtold, of this city, is a loser to the amount of $'2,500. The building, we are informed, is a total wreck, having been -crashed to the ground by the force of the wind. A gentleman, who was in the vicinity at the time the accident occurred, states that the large front doors of the build ing were open, which no doubt coused the accident, as the wind was enabled to sweep through the building with great violence. We are unable to learn the names of the persons killed, or those wounded, in consequence of the non-arrival of the train due here at G 1-2 o'clock lastevcn it)2. It was reported, however, that Richard Palmer, a lad 14 years of age, a son of Alderman Palmer, residing in Fileventh street, above Franklin, was among the killed. lie was taken to .Mr. Bechtold's house. He had visited the place a few weeks ago for the pur pose of recruiting Ins health, and being pleased with the manufacturing of glass ware, solicited the proprietors to take him into their employ.. DEATH OF MRS. CASS IN ROME. A letter dated Rome, March 5th, says: " The diplomatic circle here has recent ly sustained a fresh " loss in one of the most amiable of its members, whose deutli succeeded those of the Marchesa Pralormo, Marchesa Bargagll, and Bar onoe d'Arnim. Mrs. Mary Cass, born in Lndlum, wife of the Minister of the United .States, was yesterday snatched from life and from the affections of her relation by the bursting of a blood ves sel in the licad. She was near her ac couchement. Her virtues, beauty, and amiable qualities will make her memory deeply regretted by all who know her." A COMMON ERROR. The vulsrar are apt to conclude that where a great deal is said something must be true ; and adopting that lazy contrivance for saving the trouble -of thinking, splitting the difference, ima gine they show a " laudable caution in believing only part of what is said. This is to he as simple as the clown who trunks he has bought a great bar gain of a Jew, because he has beat down the price from a guinea to a crown for some article that is not really worth a groat. ". HA VE your Rooms papered in handsome style bv tailing on WILKINSON 4 ESLER, Aug. 22, . Upholsterers and Paper Bangers. PENNSYLVANIA BUCK WIIEAT7 EC BAGS Fresh Ground, just received -from Philadelphia, and for sale by " . , March 27. - L.N. BARLOW. NOTICE. HAVE just received by late arrivals, F0 docen Winsor Chairs; 2U . do. Cane Seat Maple Chairs ; 20 do. do. do. Hall top do.; 2 do. do. do. Rocking do.; 2 do. Wood do. do. do.; 1 do. fine Maple do. do.; 2 do. ' line French Mtihogany do.; - 1 Uo. do. do. do. Hocking do.; w 1 do. Childs' Office , do, do.; 1 do. fine Mahogany Beaureans j . I do. do. do. Sofas c :. 4 do. fine Maple Beadsfeads, now in store aim iur saie iow lor cash only, by u n, ' S. M. WEST. Feb. 22. 142-tf. -.'EEXAii.T. MORGAN, FOItwARLDTO & COMMISSION MERpHANT, .. CHEUAW, S. C." " ' March 27. 1 S53.- 5-g fn-c. .SACK SALT. S ACKS In prime order, Tor sale by - Feb. 13. - J. 11. B LO&S OM. 500 NEW FRUIT, JUST ARHIFED. rr"V BOXES Orancesacd Lemons, infine&rder ; JJ 25 bbls. prime Red Apples, "" - u 25 boses steam refined Candies, warranted pure; E0 s' ' best layer Knicins. Aiso.Figst Nuts, Prunes, &c all aelpeted with care. W .U. H. DzNEALK March 31. . '7. DR. R. F, EISDATiD'S WILD CHERRY JUTTERS, FOn Nervous Weakness and General Debility. These Bitters are highly eerviceabie in oli dys peptic affections ; they assise disWion; restore the tono of the stoinaeh, sumulate The liver, and create an nppciite. They are unsurpassed in r moving lanpor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move,) antfifilrtiiaiiy throw off the drowsiness incident to tho! S-'prinTor warm snson. Sold W holesale and Retail, by . March 31. GEO. M VERS. NOTICE. TORTII CAROLINA DISTRICT TEXT, No. 1 18 I. O. of It., will hold her next Annual ses sion nt Scott's Hill on the fir&i Tuesday in April next. Primary Tents under her jurisdiction will please send I represent?! lives. . VVM. LAUKINS.D.R. S. March 21, 1935. -4-6t. COAL. Of C nHf)S. to arrive per Stenmthip North CWU farolitia, firm 1'hiUd-- 'j-hia. by Dec. 30. GKO. HARR1SS. . A fW BRLS. In prime order, for fn'e by '1UU Apiil 3. JOSKPil il. BLOSSOM. F2ES3 FR95I NEW YORK. pint SCO, w. n. SMITH. Q BKLS. L. L. & A. .Sti fa C. yellow Sugar; CJ 25 ba3 best i)!.; Gov. Juva Colii; j 200 " Table Salt ; 5 hhds. of prime Yellow Susars ; low for cash, at CsVM. II. K KLLKV'S. April 3. J., II N. C. T. & Sp. Age copy. 8. . fi:e: n flour, FROM F A Y ETTl'viLLE. f f BBLS. of Super. Flour; iV15 do. best Family do. ; low for cash. at .April 3. F.O. II. K EL LEY, J ., II., and N. O. T. copy. BUTCHERS' IMPERIAL liLES. Tl'ST received a,full supply. u April a. J. M. ROBINSON. rr f CASKS firsh beat Rice, just received fiom JJ lh mill, and lor sale by S. M. WES!'. Match 2-1. 4-lui. CANDIES. JXJST received and opening, one of the Inrtreat and bet selected stocks of French Candies, of the latest importation also. Home Manu.'aeiuic ever br.iiii'u to this market; all varieties, of the best matiulaciure, not to be excelled by any similar establirliiueni in lha United State. Call at March 31. Vv M. II. DeNKALE ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE For April 1. received and for sale at Match 31. S. W. WHITAKER'S. DAILY EXPECTED PER FIRST PACKET 100 boxes Orangesand Lemons; 20 bbls. AppLa. Cocnantns by the hundred. For sale, wholesale and retail, by March 31. W.M. H. DbNEALE. EHrTY CARRELS. rAfl RECO.VD-IIAND. of tlmiee quality. ev w v. 1- Mr sale by RUSSELL &, liRO. Feb. 13. 133. KOTICE. THEpubscriber, respectfully Informs the public, thathe is nowr in ietin the Vnetion business on his wn aceount, and lufn-itby strict attention to. business, to inerii a continuance oll'iat patronage herctolore soliberolly bestowed upon him. Stock, Real Estatcand Negroes. bought and sold on a eomnii-aionol I per cent either at privaccor ptiiilic s.ili!. Jan y.lsp-i. 1 GLUE. o F the bet quality, and Uuns of all sizes always fin hand. J. II. liLUSSU t. Nov. 'I. 97. NOTICE. I RETIRE this day from the frenernl practice of Medicine. 1 tender my returns to ail consistent patrons, and wish them future cood health. I. DcPREJa. VViltninTton. N. C , March 10, 1Sj5. P . S.-r Those indebted to me will please make early payment. O. DtrP., Jr. March 17. 1-lni. PRI3IE NriW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Al BBLS. in rood order; 15 half bbls. do. do. 4fcvJ Low for cash, at GEO. II. KELLEY'S. Dee. 16. J., H., N C T & S. A;e copy 114. JUST RECEIVED, PER SCIIR. NAPIER, from Halifax, Nova Scotia : 15 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 10 i - " 1 do. B0 ' " 2 do. . 250 " " 3 do. 10 i " " 3 do. 3 ' " 1 Salmon ; 123 " Cut Herrings, (extra :) 60 boxes Digby Smoked Herrings. For sale in lots to suit, by T. C. WORTH, March 3. VValkers's wharf. ERICRS. 50,000 f?aT Til River hard. For sale low GEO. IIARRISS. .119.'. Dec. 30. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for mIc at The Commercial Office, (lie Rates of Pilotage for the Bur and River. ' 3j-f. - " ' a'ngiv AM) ' AT0NDERFUL DISCOVERY ! AMO.NGtho thouandsof Pile remedies which have been recommended, COL. C. It. GIBBS' (of Livinctot Sumter County, Alabama,) late discovery, is the only one which is calculated to make a radical cure the moan a operandi is entire ly new. It alo removes all Kntozoa (or Worms,) which produce irritation and inhabit the rectum. JmL veil to the contents of this Small Hook, which represents a short history cf the diieaau j well as some most aggravated cases which nae been permanently cured nfter many .years of in tense suffering. A host of diseases are carried off by this new discovery. It produces a healthy state ot the rectum, and removes all scaly formations which are sure to be in connection with that re gion. ; Price SI 0.00 per packaee of four vials, 0"lt ALU CASES ON PACKAGE WlLl i'KRFOSM A PEliMA.VEST fCBB. ' ! DR. S WAYNE &. SON, S'f. 4 Xnrth. Seventh Street, above Market, PhiTa. Sole manufacturers for the discoverer, and exclu sive agents for the-United States. N. It. As COL. GIBBS' Remedies are compos ed of the most expensive materials, it will be im pos iole to send them out on agency, but in order to let the afflicted from all parts obtain them, they will be sent. free on the tcceipt of 810,00) by Ex prees or otherwise. . A very liberal discount to the trade for Cath. Nov, 16. . 102-ly-c. CANDIES. A CONSTANT supply of assorted Candies at XJL wholesale and retail. For sale by i, L. N. BARLOW, Feb. 6. No. 3 Granite Row, Front-st. J. F. IIEINS & M. RIGGINS. T ESPECTFULLY inform their frirnds atid the i- public thnt they have opened a TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, on the south side ot Market street, over Mf. Augpstikb's Confectionary and Fruit Store,where they will be prepared, at all times, to furnish them with Clothing, to order, made in the neatest manner and most fashionable sty lew : - : ... "' Feb.8s . 136-3m. JUST RECEIVED ' Per Schr. P. SMITH. 2r BOXES that fine Excclaor Soap, and tor J sale by the box for by I " Feb. 22. . S. M- WEST.t -ii-.. .it, t ,.,ii,... w :. i --:'m- -- 1 ' '- . SIEBiCAL ROUSE, - No. 10, SOUTH FHKDECICK STREET, BALTIMORE. ilARYLAAU. Established iu order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .tied ical Atdt t , . ' unci for the suppression of Quackery. , DR. I. B. Swith hasfor many years d.evotedhis wliolea.itn'ion to the trcutrueiit oi Private rom pluiais, iu ull thc-ir varit-d and couipiicatca f.jru s. His ri-,at success in those loitg etani-iiuH and ii;ui cult caies, such as were f'nuoi ly C4sid?ifu lricur able, is surnL'ient to commend him to liie pmdiu ub worthy oi the extenMve patronage he has received, V iiliin i lie last eight years, Dr.' S. has treated mow tlmu 23,oOue.iseaot Private Complaints1, in thir different forma and staijes ; a 'pructh-o 'which no doubt exceeds thnt of all other piiyaicitirto now advertising-in linliitiiore, and riii a ainale case is known whnrc his directions were etriciij followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without t-detiiing a radical and permanent curt)'; therefore, persoiiS iillict;) wlt:i dioastsa of the above nature, ' n n utcr now dilhctilt or lon stantlinfr the case may be," would do well to call on Dr. Smith -at his uliicc.iVo, lb, Sotiill Frederick St..and if not t U-c-turdly relieved n- renioneration will bo .ruquirft for hi services. JIi-- medicines nre free from Mcreury and nil mineral poisons; put up in a mat and cuh pact torin, and may be taken in a public or piivate houcc.or while travelling, without exposure or hin drancc t'rom bir-iness, nod exeep in owes of vio. ent inil imnnition. no obanre of diet is necessary. f 1 tilw 1'u RES. -Dr. bmitli has discoveied a new iin"i!iod bv which he can curetrin woist formot stricture and that without pain orinconver.ienrc to the patient. Irritation -oi Ui urwtlin,-or la mis, or rieckof trie riladder,ism)nieiiine8iiiisi:i!- vn Icr sliictutes by'c:'e a I iir.icliMoneij orcharl.itaus. and otht'r? a fU in ted with Spmin,il l):Mlity, whctlt erori!.jin:itin from a Certain i)eefrnclive Habit, or fnim any other cause, with train of nudity uu.l mt n tal evils wul-U follow, when rieilecled,hould tur-ke an e:u!v application, thereby avoiding (itui-li i rmii.U and suii.-iiiipf, as well as expense. l!y bis fiuprovi d method t traatiner.t, Dr. h. can ;ne'y ciinrani.e a ci t.y and peilect cure in nil case di thie cjiu- piUlllt. - ',';".! All diseases peculiar to Feuiuieti fns also Suii- pr'-rfioiii!', Irrejjul-Mties, ecc.) s pteoiiy and tlFrciii ully removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove, airictiuTis, have been?., will tested in an extensive practice for the lafet twelve years. . Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to nny part of the Uni'ed St ites. always acconi'tanied witn full and explicit directions for vise. CotmiiunirtaTinns con sider d strictly confidential. Oiliec nrransred with eeparate apartmonta. so that patients mvvrrspc any one but the doctor himself. Attendunce-daily,fiom 8 in the moininer till i at nitht. i : r . N. I!. Persons aftiit ted with any of the above complaints, will do well to a oid the vsii-kius NOSTRUMS AND SPFJCIfiJCS, advertised by Apothecaries and Dritft'ists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. 1 hey aro put u; to sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than srood thr-f Vre avoid them. A word to the wish is siilacjent. A'blresa DR. J. B. SMITH, lb South Frederick ft., Ballit'tjore. Md. Oct. 13. i i 90-ly-c. NOTICE. THE undersigned bclnjr about to make an al teration in the members of their firm, find it necessary to settle their old business as soon as possible. All persons Indebted to- the present firm are therefore requested to come forward and settle immediately, as the bnt-incps must be clo d. Feu. 15. K.A UN WEI LE R & ULio- GREAT BARGAINS FOR LADIES. IN order to make room for our Spring and Sum mer stock, wo will sell odour Muslins, Lawns, Tissues, Uureges at greatly reduced prices. Feb. 15. KAUNWK1LER& URO. LARGE LOT OF LINEN AND LINEN . - LAWN,1 ALL of which is of our own importation, for sjle cheap, by KAHN WEILER & Ul-'O. Feb. 15. 13'J. SANDS sinsiiunlLLl IN QUART BOTTLES. For Purify r: the Vloocl, and fortlic Cure of Srro fida, liheamulUuij Stubborn, Ulcers, I)ipejmia, Stilt i., I:-cr Sores, Erh-iclui. Pimj.Ue, Biles, Mercurial J)!scnst!js, Cufuncouj Erup tions, Liter Complaint, Ilroiichilut, Con sumption, Female Complaints t Lost of Appetite, General DxUUity, dV. JN this preparation all the restorative properties of me ro-it nre concentrated in their utmost strength and efficacy ; but whiU Satfapariiia Rout firms an important part of its eumbituilion, it is, at the fame time, compounded wlih other vegeta ble remedies of rent power, and it is in the pecu liar combination and scien lfic manner 1 its prep aration, that i t s remarkable eueeeMS in the cure of difeabo depends. It nets sinraltaineounly upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowtls; ind thus three processes, which are ordinarily t he result of three diiierent kinds of n cdioinui are carried on at the same time, through the instrumentality of this one remedial asrent which cnlly stimulates while it tlifiti'ecT and expels iroin the sroinach nnd bu ( Ks al that i- Irritaiii'jr, and at the same time 'Cfloies vii'nr and tone. Many other preparations imitate in ocarina the name of Sufsatarilhi. and in that their resemblance tndst, being often prepar ed Iron! wartltliss ana inert roots, and of course possess no healing or curative properties, and pa tients in making choice of which they will use, fchouM take no other, but that one elftitled to their confidence, from the lutrg list of cures it has effect ed on living witnesses, whose testimonials und resilience have l een published, and ' who are still UeariOii daily testimony to it worth. v - ASTONISHING CURE. ' Patteiiso, N..Y ,20th, 1?51. Messrs. A. B. &. D. S-awrst Oftnil'ftnen. Hav ing witnessed the most benefieial 'cir-cts from ihe use of your .Sarsaparilla, it trives me; pleasure to send you the following stoieriient iia regard to my son. In the sprinpof 1823 he took a severe cold, and after eight weeKs of severe nulfciitig the dis ease settled in tils left Jr-sr and faot, Which soon swelled to the utmost. The swelling was lanced bv his physician, und discharged most protusi ly; after th'tt no less than eleven ulcera formed on the lea and foot at onJ time We had fivedilfrcni Phy sicians, but none relieved him mueh; and the last winter found hint so emaciated anil low: th.-tt he was unable to leave hit ed, suti'tsrina; the most excrneia tina pain. During this time the bone had become so much aflected that piece after piece came out, of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved in a bottle, varying from one half to one und a halt inches In length. , We had given up all hopes of his recovery, butat this time we were induced to try your Sarsaparilla, and with its ua his health and appetite befranimmedinlely to improve, and so rap id was the change that less than a dozeri bottles ef fected a perfect cure. !; s With gratitude, I remain truly yours, DARIUS K.4LLARD. We- the undersigned neighbors of Mr, Ballard, cheerfully subscribe to the facta of tho above state ment. II. & R. S. Hayt, A. M. Trowbridge, Geo. T. Dean, C. Eastwood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by A. B. tt D. Sands, Druffzists and Chemits. 100 Ful on street corner of William New York.: Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Cnnadas. Price SI per bottle j six battles for $5. For sale by Dr. A. O. Bradley, and Messrs, C. D. DaPro, Wilmington, N. C. : i April 8. " ; . 19-6m. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING in all Branches, executed in superior style and at short notice, by r . WILKINSON & ESLER, Aug. 22. - Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. NOTICE. i THE PARTNERSHIP entered into by the un derpinned on the 1st October, 1333. will termi nate by limitation on the 30th September, 1S55. Their business in North Carolina has been eon ducted underthe firm of FREEMAN f- HOUS TON and in New York as D.CL FREEMAN & CO. In order that a settlement may take place be tween the parties, on the termination of partner ship, as above specified, notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted to them must settle their ac counts without delay. Up to the 30th September next they will sell their stock of goods in Mlining ton at a small advance on cost, for cash or negotia ble paper. No new accounts will be opened; nor will any orders for. articles be attended to, except for those who are known to be punctual in making DaTraents. ' 0Their Commission and Forwarding business will continue to receive strict attention, both In New o;k and WiJimngton. . - 6 I. C. FREEMAN. ' .. GEO. HOUSTON. March 17,1855. I : l tf. CANAL BARROWS. T70R SALE, by I j March 30. i. M. IIOBINSON. fiCUOOL BOO 3, ' gTAXDARD, .i . . TIIE0LDGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ' BOOKS, t-V So. RidA ; r WH.SUXGTON, N. C. -r? fr-- -' i --3 QA- ''tr JfT; NEGR3 PASSES. ANEWform f Passes.coritaining sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, ai d a number of others interested in the welfare ol our colored population, is just issued at the oilice ut llxe commercial. Gl'NNV BAGS. OnnCX CUNN V BAGS for snle bv OUUVJ Nov. 2. C. Dul'RE f- Co." RCfJERS' CUTLERY. THE Sul)cri!ter is now opening a fine assort ment of Roff'-rs' seleeted Knives. tScissors. &e ; and hu.- made an arran!r"ment by wliii h he will on r 2iil irly iii)iii.d with his sioon.. toiten no especially for hlsr-Mnil sales. Those who wih the beat in this line will ulwavs find them at J, M. RuBINaOiN'S. Wilmington, N.C., May 18. . 27 I7'El)ave on hand, on assortment of Paper V Hanging, Borders, Decorations, Kin .Screens Window shades, etc., for snle ard put lip ly WILKINSON fe EsLER, 'uly 15. Paper Hangers and Upholsters. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS : ?f (l tH LH8. pure ind extra White Lead; CJ9JKfJ 5.000 fjtilla. Linseed Oil Xt Dhls. lied Uehre , 50J fills Chrome Green; 11) bbls Veertain Hcd ; 30'.l g:dls. Ohrar.e Vellowi ia bbls. Lamp Black 8 bbU t'oaeh and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Prussian Blue; Logwood, Anna no and Madder. For f-ule by C. A- D. DuPllE. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 5. 6G. AYIXDOW GLASS. OnO BOXES French and American Win fUUU dow Glasses from 7x9 to 21x36. For sale by C. & D. DcPRE, Oct. 5. Wholesale Druggists, V ilmington. pTrIiVr take oiirE THAT wc make the very best Spring. Hair Moss, Shuck, Sea Grass, Patent Peit, and Palm Leaf Matt rasscs WILK1N-SON i F.SLER, junei. , RIRD CAGES. , TUST RECEIVED at J Ang. 12, J.M.ROBINSON'S. CARRIAGES. -J six seated CARRIAGE, L 1 Paneled Quarter Rockawsy, I Quaker Rockawav and severallizht Busbies just received and for sale by Sept ii-ll 1 J I KHLK Oi HltU. PREPARED CITRATE of MAGNESIA, AN agreeable Rcfrigersnt and Laxative. This preparation is extensively iiFed in the fo.Tii of t-olution or liquid Citrate, and has given very gen eral satisfaction. Frequent applications for a pre paration in the form oi Powder, of similar nature, and properties, have suggested the advantages that might result from i;s introduction in that form, specially when the " iilk and weight of ihe lijiiid Citrate, (an nrtic le so justly esteemed bo'h by phy sicians and in ptivate families wherever it has been used,) wouid interfere with Its teinsr sent to rrreat distances it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleasant acidity of taste and its efiervesc Ir.g character, is rendered a very aareenble and re fre.hing drink, at t'te mmc time, that il is a good smbsihute for Epaom salts or o!her saline purga tives, s-oldby Dr. A. O. BRADLEV. " Drujifist. . Dec. 12. 112-tf. BATCH ELORS, FAMILIES, HOTELS, Steamboats, &e., can be furnished with mat trasses, beds, pillows, bolsters, sheets, pillow, case, binnKets. comtorts, spreads, towels, table cloths, oic, by callinon v 1 lj KINSON & ESLER. Upholsters and Paper Hangers. 63. Sept. C8. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE "WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE" TS now open the publicmay depend on having I their wants supplied all seaton of the year, at reasonable rsi tes. Orders from the conntry addressed to "Wilming ton lee House", will be wll packed and promptly forwarded . . A. II. VasBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 10th, I8i4. , 152. INDIA RUBDER BEDS ANDCushioniforsalehy WILKINSON & ESLER, April 8. " Upholsterers. SASn AND BLIND FACTORY. rpHE Wilmington Sa?h and Blind Factory isin 1 operation again, and is prepared to execute ail oroers at short notice for Sneh, Blinds. Doors, Scrolia and Urnckets of anv shape or figure. Col I umns for Porches, Mouldinas of any pattern or six, P.anis-ters and Hand Rails forStairway, Turn ing of any dimension. The proprietor solicits the patronage of hi friends and jhe public at large, and hopes to merit the same by the well execution of his work and prompt attention to all orders forwarded to him. Office and Factory first building North of the Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road Depot, S. P. IVEY. 'Jan. 9th, 1S55. 123-ly-c. 'TTcLOTiirs drying machines j WL. S. TOWNSHEND has still on hand a few Clothes Drying Machines; a great convenience and great saving of labor also an assortment ef Jelly Strainers and patent metal Milk Pans. March 6. 147. P. R. SUGARS. IN hhds. and bbls., for sal low by Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY & CO. noor IRON. o F the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. J. 1C, BLOSSOM. C OEM ICALS JUST RECE1YED : 1 flMO OZ. German Qninfne; jJUV7500 do. French dot 60 lbs. Calomel t 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron ; " 25 do. Bine Mass ; . 60 do. Yal left's Masai 60 gallons Sp'ts Nitre t 40 do. Aq. Aminonj 20 bbls. Epsom Salts j 10 do. Copperas. For sale bf C. d D. DoPRE, Wholesale Druggists, ' Oct. S. ..-' ' v- . 66. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. THE Plantation of the snbscriber, wSncar Raleigh, and on the Central Rail J Road. Is not yet disposed of. A dencrip- i tion has already been given but no one will of course make so important " a purchase without visiting the premises. .-. Apply to Wit. R. Poolb, Esq., who Uvea near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING. Wilmington. N. C., lan. 23. 1854. TURPENTINE STILLS, all sizes, lor sale for cash, cr negotiable paper, V7 by Wil. A. UWVKR. March 29. DISTILLERS' GLUE. SUPERIOR article, constantly on hand, and ri for sale in quantities to suit purchasers, by March 29. VYM. A. GWYES,', ".far If I t. V- Slc , &c, Sic. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. ' TH E subscriber would n wld n Q i-miuii vT", pecl fully Invite the utti 1 ot the public, to Ills vet and complete assortment of Furnimri now ( uif received und recently selected by bin. n It at tin Manufactories: durinz the present month, liicMo k win be complete and consibt in partol llieloj lowing arliclts. Fine Stis Drawing Room Farnlture, in Dam ak and'liair Cloth Setts I'afnted Cnamber Furi.iture. 60 Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Cases 60 sofas and Tete aTetes; 100 Bureau 1 100 Wa.di Stands, marble and plain ; 100 Rocking Chairs ; t 75 IVurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Toblesj 75 Centre, Card and Sofa do. 75 Toilet , do. 100 do?.. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor: 250 Uedsteads, in mahogony, walnut maple und iron ( Wardrobes. mahogony and stainea ; Offiee Eurnii ure t Children's ( "hairs j Ottomans, Foot Stools j A fine ussnrtnicnt of Looking Glasses t Teapoy's Whatnots Hat .Stands j Settees, Work Tables 1 Work Boxes. Paper Hangings j Window hhades, &c. dc. A few vsav riss PtAifo Fobtes. and In fart at most any article that may be desired, in complete ly furnishing Duellincs, Hotels, Offices or So cicty xivuuii 1-turn tfticci, . J. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N.C., Sept, 9, 1S53 , 70., MRS. KING. 278 King Street, between Wcntworth and Society 01 rwn, 1 tiariegton, e. fj. T IT A NUFACTURES in verv .1 iVl Wiffs, Tauoees, Plain Ba nds and Curls, Ear icings, reat j'ins and ISracelets, arid all kinds of r aney ziair j i.iiung. uniers tli.'inltlully received Dy man or oinerwise. unaigea moderate. Ad dreys as above. April 13, 1854. 121-y-c. HOOP IRON. THE subscriber is constantly receiving consign ments of this article, of the best quality, and oners it at tne lowest mantel rates. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Nov. 21. 104-tf. WHEAT, RICE. CORN & PEA FANS JUST In store and for sale by Oct 3. J.M.ROBINSON. DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporte.r$ rIMlIS is to certifv. that C. &. D. DuPm. Ortin A pists of Wilmington, N. C, are my sole agents tor tne pa e 01 tno above supporters fur this uluce ana vicinity. ki1,) uuiu, IV ilmington, N. C, March 23, 1854. ..v 11 . 0,,t.,, uuj vait ,11c llit'linun tn tile Medical Profession of the Slate to nn examinaiion Wa mi.!T.. n a Tl .1.. I.- m C . . 01 tne aoove oupporters. V. ol v. uufivl. March 23, 3-tf. "ITITP" have now in store a fine assortment of v v r renen'lah, and American paper bans intrs. border. 1noiationA. Ait. Alan tttrtnn cornices, ihades, tassels, $rc. for sale, and hung in 111c latest siyie. tuiviiiti'iii ol h.iji'.u Upholsters and Paper Hangers. Sept. 29. 83. "T7M V not have some of our Handsome Pat V terns of Pa.ier-Hansrinffs on your walls It will greatly improve them, nnd is ns Furniture in a room. WILK-IiNSU Jt KMKB, Dec. IS. Upholsters and Paper-IIanijera FILES! FILES!! FILES!!! TUST received, a full assortment of Butcher I genuine .Saw Flics Also, tha double tan; extra Mill ?ow Files. J . AI. KOUHNaU.X. Aprili. GLUE. 1 ( BBLS. Prime American, just received an i V7 for sale by ADAMS, BRO. & o. Oct. 2d. " 93. XTTE have on hand a beautiful assortment of b rench und American Paper Hanying?, Dec orations, Fire Screens. Window Shades and Cur tains. Cornices, Picture Tassels of newest styles, for sate ny WILKIINSOIN A r.S L KK, June 17. Upholsterers. MC0N lOG ROUND. "14 fV PIECES North Carolina Bacon, X-ffiWW splendid article for sale by July 18. C. DuPRE&CO. OH Oi'Vi A Superior article. For sale bv OW,UW RUSSELL & BKO. Feb. 3. 131. ALUM SALT. O r)AT BAGS, 2 bushels each, in store C JJJ tor sale in lots to suit, by and Jan. 6. AuAMS, BRO. & CO. DENTAL PRACTICE. WE attend to the Surgery of the Teeth and Mouth from 10 o'clockj A. M until S P. M. For a gold .topping, 3; but if large or diffir-ut. from $4 to5, &c, &c.j Cleaning teeth, from 5 to 2 Separating a tooth, St 1 Extracting a tooih, from CI to 50 cents 1 a Pivot tooth, front 810 to Hi. K. SPENCER. Wilmington, Nov. 29th, 1854. 107-fim-c. TASTE & SEE FOR Y0URSELYES. I HAVE just received a Iresh lot of Goshen But ter and Cheese, aloo Fayetteville .Superfine Flour, and a lot of the largest size New River Mullets. A. B. McCALEB. Feb. 13. 139. EMPTY BARRELS. ArfiSKCOND-hand, 0f Choi"-miallty. For JWUsalehy UUSSELhA BRO. Ian. 23. 129. TOBACCO. 50 BOXES various qualities, for sale stFnctory nriets I . Jm Oh Mi. KM, ? Jt r Jan. 27. 131. AYniTE LEAD & SPANISH BROWN. 1 f lH KEGS Pure. extra and No. I White Lead; JAV 25 bbls. Spanish Brown to tlore con signment. MOORE, STAN LY&. CO. Oct. 28. ' . .- , :, 94. NOTICE. THK Subscriber would respectfully announce that, from the 1st Inst., he will offer Furniture for cash okly. This public notice Is given to avoid tha necessity Of personal refunaL . - - . - J.D. LOVE, Jan. 2. Furnltore War House, Front-st, Daily J. and II. copy 1 week. EMNEVY NOTICE. BY W. L.S. TOWNSHEND 30 bbls. of as sorted Whiskey's t S do. Old Kentucky Whis key j 1 half pipe Renault Brandy 2 qur. cask Gauter Frere's Brandy 1 1 qur. Old Tom Gini 1 qur. Amsinck Port Winet t half pipe Scupper. non Wine 1 also Madeira Sherry. Ac. East In dia Pale do.j Navy Bread t Pilot Bread j 25 boxes assorted crackers. The above have just coineand for sale cheap. Feb. 13. 133. COAL. TONS Cumberland Smith's Coal, just re ceived per Schr. Exchange, and for sale 100 by - J, H. CHADBOURN Ol tu, March fl. :CLD3L0R() I E..I.1LE Ci) LIEGE THK thiM s.'on of tbi I n.iii ir i..n tomm n 1 ciina Wi!lne!av. the m ol jjuuarv ir.:,",. and ends on (h 3id tt Jitni I65"i. itsv. J AH. II. I!ltl'.. T, A H., Prrshlrnt. It. Momoam Closs. tale of Chabt 1 Hill. Pr,,f t Maihtftnaiii . And full corns of Teachers In nrrv br.nw h Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, etc., p-r m-'H-jn, $-.0 f)i Ti-liton In I'rltnaiy Department, o,u Collcgiiite )eprim nl, ao.'t't) une nundrej dollnro will cover all expense ,,f ihe session In 1 ho Coik liialv Course and j. It itrn. hrutichts. I bmiI In urliiiirv dcnartm ni ha pri.:i! f.r orHtiiucntal brunches, t rie hull ey.iu! in sov nnr-f . Three Leciirros on scientific subjects will be rlivrred eai h nt m'ti. Vt- are iii.kiim rverv effort 10 render id !,,. the fin In ii, imd rhenr.n. m and 1. , ,1 ... to rediico price., nod Mini; tpty it.e rHvsiiiitia In pr.prtim lollie inir.a of iatianaun. v l.i n our nuitiler ol pnr-il rra Ii. h .tj we iuill b u'd: t rei'nct! ihe pf it ci. nca:v one hulf, rvi rj lin " al.lir.w ut, I a'so Mitlmjr In ptorinu ihf. msans t.f s iipennreiiuesifiin within Ihe rt at h of slnmst 1 rv lrl in tile M;ilf. Wc rt turn tfi.tnks for the iincxainril'il unmmr' we liavehiid and In Ih-vi; il will b, run 1 initrrf, lurtlntr inl..rtt.ii ion apply to the ,,t iV iaculiy, or mjMlf. H.M. K LANK, Pres't. ntoi khol It :rt. Dec. 9ih, 1854. Hi ti. DISSOLUTION. THR Connrtnetfdln hpt, i,.f., exlstinir nnde I than:tnt- nn.l r, l KIITTiiv MAVD & O. m (tj-s. Ind on the fir-t ul March. The ' mine. ,, the I it firm will beset' lied by SOL Til. MAVD A, BIIO. WM.t'iTOV, . . , , ths. mk; riniAVD, March Cih, IP'S. CHAS suf Fll M A YD. cepARra:ns;m THK stibc ibtr h ive fornu-t) a '.itiftrtnerblti, X under ih-n-Mtic imd style of S M i i 1 1 VI A V I ) V lil!.. (or the ruri..BH nf enrrin!.' tn tlm Blaekumitli, (run and Hra Found'y nnrf Ma, tn nery l!neinex, in all it r nt tin, ul ihe tnnd for merly mi tipicd tv U HO V, NOU I'HMAVD V. CO., and would kolicit n shtire of vxrimnu"'. thus, hoi; riiMAVD, March Cth, lS.r,5. CIIAS. teOL ill MA V IJ. V?l" consequence of above dissolution II has bee.. me necesmry that till notes nnd tiecoiin'i duo the lute firm, be settled immediately. The sub scribers will pay ull debt, due by the lute firm. , , SOUTIIMAYD&. HRO. Wilmington. March Cih, 1835. Hi tf. PAPER HANGIXGN" ON hand, and pui ti.-i by Wi LlvIN SON A. ESLER, June '7. Paper hangers. FAMILY FLOUR. QT BBLS. of No. 1 fresh front FaycMcville. J Patronl.e home ard save Si a bbl. on tlnttr, good as the Hopeton and other Northern brand, and ! cheaper, call at GEO. II. KELLEY'S. March 3. J dc II copy. HO. SNUFF AND TOBACCO. 1 PETER LOIilLLARD, " MAN tTAC'TC BES, No. Chathum Street, Now York, Successor of Petes & Gcnnoa Lorillasd. offers for sale ull kinds of SlMd' and TOUACCO.S In general usii. For particulars, a Price Current can be obtained by ad.irentflnff n above. This Kniiih lifhtnent Is one of the oldest of the kind In the United Stutta. F.b. 13. 133-1 y-c. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. AM.tN of steady habits wishes employment os Overseer at n Mill or on a Plantation, or at Out door Clerk. He Is likewise competent to tent h School. Halhfaetory reference given. Address T. W. at the Commercial Office. WJhi, iugton, March 13. 150 lnto-pd. FRESH FROM NEW YORK P r S. ir. L. P. Sm.lh. BAGS No. 1 Green Laaulra CofTee ( 8 hbN. J of Stewar's A t'offi.-e Sugar; 40 Rctim of Wrapping Paper, low for ctifh, at Feb 10. Gl O. II. KKLLEVS. J, II, N O T and Spirit Age copy. GO DRY'S LADY'S BOOK, for A nrll. "received and f.irsaleat S. VV, WHITAKER'S. March 27. ft 1 tryn spntir barkeln, fun 1 )JJ duil purchasers, by ' sale In IoIn to March ;'9. VVM, A. GWYEIl. Gi,F. A VON'S PICTOIUALanaThc FlaToTnur Union for March 31st. received nnd fur ale t March 27. S. W. W1I1TAKER"). THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEt, by M. F. Muury. L. L. D , Lieut. U. S. Navy, just published. Reerlvcd nnd lnriiif nt March 27, 8. W. WHITAKER'S. jjluK s )C( SECOND hand Spirit barrels on hand y. V and for sale bv Fib. 1. PETTEWAY PRITCIIETT. RAISINS! RAISINS !! OK BULS. freull and prime. Jttt reeelv l nnd D for sale by ZK.NO H. GREENE. Feb. 27. NCTcopy. 141. . Noncil npil E S uhsctiber In rel y fives notice thnt he this A day retire fiom ihp Hhlp Carpentering busi ness, which Will in future be conducted t the old stand by his Son JESSE J. CA.!11KY, for whom 1 bt speak the mine liberal paironaga which hns heretofore been extended to nie. All persons having claims sainxt me will present them, and all owelng me will pitase cull and settle lmmedii(te!y. March 1st, 1855. - JESSE JTCASMDEY, If TILL continue tli business formerly conduct W ed by Mr. JAMES CASSIDKY, (l the same place.) and carry il on in all Its branches, and solicits a share f the public patronage. Wilmington, N.C., March 1st, lt-55. 14G-tf. SASU, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by (ivy C. Holchkin, fpllE public are hereby informed, that I have Jl beei appointed agent for the sale of Window Sah, lllinds and Jlooi s, manufactured by the New Haven Com., and am prepared to fill all oruers in the above line. The qunlity of thn work ol the New Haven Com. Is well known In this market. Builders and all persons in want el the above articles, are requested to send In their orders, and they will bepromptly filled. Terms Invariably cash on delivery. 7 VVM. A. GWYKR , General Agent Commitdon and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 18 QnnBBLS-E,rpian"nI,,atoc' iu-t re" OUU ceived and for ale by Jan.23. i. H. CHADBOURN CO. LIME. InnCi BBLS., in fin order. For an le by ,UiiU 'FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Deo. 23. TO PLANTERS. THE nndersied h. been , r 'PnlntH s?er,t for he sale of " K ETTE W ELLS C E M M L SALTS," or, "RENOVATOR OF I H K hOIf," seknowlrdTed by ihone who have flven It a fair trial to be one of the best renovators of the soil, and ierllllxers in the production of Cotton and Cos, that has ever been offered 10 the public t said 10 be fsr superior to Guano alone, in, that it not only stimulates the growth of vegetation, but supplies durably a defieit ney in ihe oil for the above productions, adding ideally to its vi. lii. Pamphlets explanatory of the character of the ar ticle, will be furnished tho delrfnt them, and orders for the Renovator will be promptly aitend ed to bv HENRY NUTT, agent for the State of North Csrolina, at Wilmington. Msrch6 147-lm COAlI inn TONS Sidney Coal now landing from lULBtig Active. This Cosl is a superior ar ticle, put up for family use, fof ti i' l' " "" hy ' T. C. WOIt I II, at Walker's Vbr. Jan. 1. - ' BALLOU'S PICTOHIAL, AND the Flaf of our l'nin, fur Saturd.y, Jan. 20, received and tor k at Jan. iS 8. W.WIUTAKER S.