A Lit I W it'i-ir.r nr i' .:v:lW li A ill-: I if MiT: ' ! , 'it'" ! .V I J i V Wilmington," kr a, t jesd ay moaning, apkil 10; mtil VOLUME. X--NUMBEK' tl.' -WHOLE NUMBKIt 111! i - I .jet br i - . a 5 a, a l j. i i a a - i r at r .. .. . - - -. at a i . i - -tt - a -. i a a t a .ai i v s. i a oa at i . i a i - i i r if MISCKIXANY. SPECULATION l.N WHISKEIIS. owi Sol Snnlks '- Theatrical Jnwyey- tcork and Anecdotal Rucnuectmnt." ; " Thvrelivfd in At;cM. a daodififd iutliviil- - . aaA K:a't. itu 1 1 f itL-a .'I'hia ttnli- , vidnul liati h lolerably. iav.r:ble o..ior i1 iU tcrou:i HppvurHiiCe.V Hi fin.ira were tiiMijied with rinys, ami hw lurt-bosorn,a, v-l ;nn hiKiu were made, exactly to ni; tif tvorf kid lov sof remarkiible wlitie" ; . liU hair was o:letl And dre?'d lit tie netiii tt uTe and. ut complete1 his killing ajj'Hin utter. tv )orteJ ao enirmu :iir ol rttil "whikfrs! OP thee whisker. Jnk was h riud as a ywutig nt w uf her tail when eh- first diccvt rs lie has one. ;C' ; - " 1 uas sitting one day in a broker ofiice, Jenks Citniti in to inquire tlt" price of exchrfne oit Ntw York. He was invited to sil'doiva. ami a risru" w;vs offr;d him. ? Con t .... vcraaHoii turumtr on ineunjet ol roinjr and rlig to:k., a remark nai nilr by a gniileiiian pri-wwt," that he thought no r pon should ot stock in Purli-und-Of-li n inn m tii&b tiiuc, u iiiuci wiil iu n. few daj-8. - - --- - - - i 1 will sell anything I've got, it I can make anyihtng on it, replied Jeik. -.-. 'Oli, irt, reiliid one. im anything you wouldn't II your whiskers !" ? ; r . A loud Juujh followed ihie chance remark Jenk imniediiilel v anewi-red : ' - ' X' I would. bu who-wo M want them 1 Any ernn maklnj; the j'urchaee would lose money by the ojieFa'inn. I um ftiiiikiog. . ... . Well. I would be willing to take theepcr- . illation, if the j-rice could be made reasona ble.' . ;. ;. -vir ,;: Oh.. I'll et-II 'em cheap.' answered Jenks. ' winking at the gentleman present. v What do you call clieaj.?' I inquired, I'll feil i hem for filly dollars,'. Ji-nk atr wfr iij jiuuji2 lorin n nnuu 01 bimukc ucruw tjie p.nnitcr. und repeating tl.e wink. :"- Well, that is cin-ap and J ou'll sell your whisker Ibr fifty dollurs ?- " '" I will.' . 'Both of them V - , s ' Both ol th m.' . .v ' I U lake I hem I When can I have them?' Any time joa ch n.se to call lor them.' 'Very wtll they'te mine. I Ll-ink Itih.lll double my money on them, at leatt.' 1 took a bill ofoale ni lidlows: . . r .t ..i k.,i a.,.;.!. ;.. r..!i for n crop of whiskers, io be worn ttt.d irt ken cure of by me, and delivered to him when Called for. J. JENKS. The om of fifty dollar wii paid, and .Jenks li-ll the hroher'u office in hisfh ylea. tl'Miririliii.g five Central hank X'a. and trtlinir all hi acquaintance of the great bargain he had m:ide in the a!e of his whisker. The broker and his' friends laughed at me lor being taken in eo nic ly.. ' Never mind ' enid I. let thone laugli that win ; I'll nke a profit out of those wliiokt rs, ' dep nd on it.' For; a week after this, whenever I met for ny whik'rs. ' . 'I'll let you know when I want them.' was alway tny Hiwwrr. - Take care of ihem. nil . tberu occi.rioi.ally ; I ahull call tor them one ol thee day.' .- A splendid ball wan to be given. I ascer tained that Jetiks was to be one of the ruan . asrii he bt inf a grrat ladies man (on ac count of hi wlii-kT. I iippoed.) una it oe- tirjuj4 In rA llki.l Kj.!i,rA IIim KmII tful l.l.l.. I might a w ll call for my whiskers. " One morning I m-i J nks in a barber' (shop. He was Hilonizitig htTi.re a large ndr for. and combinir up his whiskers at a devil of a rate. ' Ah. there yon are, olJ fellow,' raid he, 'Come f-r your whiskers, I suppose.' - Oh, no hurry,' I replied, as I sat down for a shave. - - - :-: - ; ' . . A I i I. . f I 1 giving a final tie to hi cravat. ' Come to think of il,' I Baid, musingly, as ' the barber begun to put the, lather on my: - face, perhaps now would be As gootl a time as another ; you may sit down and let tht barber try bis hand at the whiskers.', i " Voa couldn't wait unlit to morrow, could you V heasked, hesitatingly. There's a ball to-night, you knw ' ' To be sure there is. and I think you ought to go with a elean lace; at all events. I don't see any reason why jor should expxt to wimr mv u. liixkpr to lr.at bull so sit down.' He rather sulkily obeyed, and in a lew mo ments hi cheeks were ioa perfect loam ot lather.. The borbvr flourished hi razor, anil was anout to commence opeiauons, wneu l suddenly changed niy mind ! '.;f " Stop, Mr. Barber,' I said, 'you needn't shave off llne whiskers just vet.' So he quietly put up bis razor, while Jenks started uu from the ciiuir , ia someth.i ff very mut h resembling a passion. -- - . , ' - -v ' This ur trifling !' be exclaimed. ? You have claimed your whUkers fake them.' ilt - 1 . 1 a uri irc n iiinu tins n niii iu no ur- pl-H8 wiili rji own properly, I reraatkeU. and Je.itkd W;iff)tKtl hl lViri. "At iiifitirr ll vat day ihe conversation urnel upon the wi.irkt-r uifair. It sefiii ih wliole tfktaru (ftil Uf.n4 l at u.l Ta.ls.a tifit mt lunIL' w t fw watsvt t lino I'uiu nu if uin the stieets without the remark being contin ually made by iliehy Theie goes th man -with Old SV whitkert !rt And they had grown to.an itnmeiis- wze. for he dar-tl . . r. .u . f .i a t. . . i.i " iooi i.h ni. iti ftinn, i oi-i aine ronvmi-eu , J-nk wax waitings very impatiently for me to aawe rt my rihi in the. property. It hap pened i ha I several ol the party were titling opposite me at dinner who were present when the singular Itargain wsut made, and they nil irged ietatnke the whieker that reryday,' ;and thus compel Jenks to go to the ball wi.i- eilei.-or ctay at home. 1 1 agreed with Jhfm it was about'time to reap my crop, and jirnnnWtl that it they would all ute I ine ut he broker's ehop where j the purrlute had teen made. I would c-tll on Jcuks that even i.g. ..alter lie-had dressed for the balf v AH oromiai. ! a 1m nf..j...f ut thA Tronowit uK;t v. jag oprraiMMt i; the broker's otfiee, and I sent On the appenrtne of Jenks it wns evident ic- ioucii vexeu ni tne tujnen can upon iiim. and hi vexatioo was cerlMinle not ! s- sened when he saw the broker1 t-ffiee iva UKetl to overflowing bv iwelutora anxious to behold tli h.h ... .... r,w.uw;n i-,. t -i -I 'Come, be a hurrv ' ' he said, a he took ai seat and lrniu.i l. h.J .k. - -i nillin. mm i . u - U f tor stipporu I can't stay here Ion several lauie are wai:inr for mn to wr.nrt them to the ball . .- J -' ,'Tru rery irne you n'rf one' of the manager rl' rerol I -el . Mr. Barber iont detain the gentleman -gt ta work at mice. The lathering was soon over, and with n hut ihreesirokes ol the razor, one side ol hi fae was deprived of its ornamant ! - " Come, come n'd Jenks, pu-b ahead thfrw is uo time jo be lot let the gentleman have tU wliUkpr lie iixDjaueui-' . 'Mai at all,' I coldly repl.ed. l'u , in no 8 il f hnrry. iiy-H and tmwd It. ink o) if us your t m must he precton aUtht parti ular limtf. seei-iaJ -l.uhe heh.jr wiiog I r you to escort them t the ball.. ( In Itevt-. I'll Mt take4tw oihcr wbi-fce.r to jiijhii'v - . A lowd L.uirh ti-oni the by-staud-rs. and n "iflanet? in a mirror. cnuei Jnk toojien hi.. "-yrS to' the' luda-rous appeararie.e tit: rut with a" single- whisker, and he began to insist, up on my hiking the whole of - my - property. But all .wottld'iil do.' I had a right to lake it when I cltose I was uot obliged to take t nt iOnte and I oluwe to ? tke hut "halt at ilral partieular peri'td indet-d I iutirnateit to him very plaiidy that I was not going to be a very hard creditor, and that if he Iwhavetl linnw ll' perhap 1 should never call for the balance ol which he owed lue.' i ," - -VV hen Jenk. becams con,vine.e"d I was de termined not to take the em iaing . wliwkrr, he began, amidst the loudly expressed mirtt. of the crowd, to propwe terms of compromise --first offering me ten dollar theh-tweirtj. thirty, forty fifty 1 to ta k e off the reti..tining whisker... J id, fiimly "My 4lar here is no use lalking I li,II iawton your vvi-ftr-mir that whWier Wmf hr month or two.' : Whnt will you take for the whiskers?' he at iefitrili aked. ;VVou you Sell tbeiti bach to mo V . ""-?. .-. . - - -. : - lAh ! replied .now you' begin to talk 'a n busines niaii should.: Yes. I bought thi-m on til ilion I'll sell thetit if I cau get ifoott price.' - - ' , - - VVhai i your gAnd price ?' 'One hundred dollars must' double m money.' .. - . Noihtnjr len?' . . .. , . r . 'Noi a IVirtliiojr less and to sell even at that price.' Well. I'll ta'ie, them 1 he I'm not anxious ffroaned, Mhere i. your mnni-y, Jnd hen, harder,, shave off :hi inlrrnal whisker in ie.s. than no time I -hall be tale at ihe bll.' - .. ' y' ' TdB ntl-WiKLY COiDIEUClAi; I onhlislted every Tdefdat,5 'I'HuntOAV and Saturday ai 5 per annum, payable n jlicae ..n mivunce. ,t"'" V PiiiJMAS LO III N3 Editor and Pbopiik roa, " - ' ' ' Corner Front Market Streets, WIIMIMTOM. H. C. RVTRS tI' ADVEItTISIXG. I sqr. I insertion tb 1 I siir. 2 months, S4 Ot 73 I I " J " ; 3 01' t .4-3 1 00 1 I ' ' 6 " r 8i t t " I month. 2 50 l '12 li 00 ' Ten linos or less make a square. If aanJver- isenu-nt exceed ten tinea, l.ic pi i e win uc-in ..rup.iriion. .til tvertisemeots are payable at the, lime ol hcirln-sertton. ; (oiircis vvitti vcrly aitvcrtisers,' will he triad. n the mJt liberal terms. " " ' : ' ,Jn irinsfcr of uonlrac'i for yearly Bdvcrtlsiny witlt o.'rmitted Should circuaistam-- re.der uhin'elnuiiiine', ur an unexpected rnn .v; necessary, a eliura accordins io the pa li-;lo lertni will be ni'tie opuon of the conirai-t jr, f..t 'he time hu Iln adveriis. d. , i . The orivileue of Annuat Adveriiscrs la Mricily limited totboir in luiineliate business; and all jdcertiseiin nt for the benefit of other person, i well .is all .i.lwcrtUcm.-nts notimincdiat.-ty eon riveted with ihcir own hitslness, and all exet o -idvcrttem'n! in Vngrih or otherwise beyond the limit ngazed. will be charged at ihe usual rates. No Jvurii-ieimsnts is ineliided in 'he con raet or itln nale or rent of homes or 1-iniN in tovn r oiintry or for the sale or hire of oegroi'Si wheth r tha oTprty t owned bv the aJvoriixer rhv thar pursons.- Thee ar excloded by tlin term "immediate businc " til. I er i-e.neiit inaoried in the tri-weekU Co amercial, nre tntiited to. one iesertion in the WrJc1g frn of charse. ion, ;4.r ami kwcv orivtisg, . - RXBI'DTED j 1 SUPKRHIR STYLE. f;t?vrH fi T3ir: coMnisrtciAij. Niv Vmi Mesrs. DoLLKER & PoTTaa. Biilm. Omal- Smith Xo.ti. Central Wharf Philadelphia S. R tiOHES. , Baltimore Wm. H. Peaks and Wm. Thomson GRATIS! Jast PubMshcd, a New Discovery In Medicine. few words on th rational treat jtjXTfm. tnent, without M dioine, of Sperma datiiiidT torrhea ot Loi&l weakness, IV trvouc :euilny Low Spirits, Las.'-ltude. WaKness cf the, Limbs and B.ick Indisposition nnd Incapacity for -'tudy and Labo', Dullness of Apprehension, La s of Memory, aversion to Society, Love of Nolitnde. Timidity, Silf-DUtruat, Diziiness, Head iehc. In volunury Disiharges, Pains in theS'dej Affections of the 1- yes, Pimples on the Face, Sexuatund eth er Infirmities in man. '-. '.T, , FROM THE FRENCH of Dr. B. DE LANE Y The important tact that thi-ae alarming romplai n-s may easily be removed withoot MtDuixt.li, io this small tract, clraily d monstrtited; and the en tirely n wand highly suceessiul treatment. asndop ted Hy tlte Author, t ally expl.ilned, by in. an., of which every one ia enobled to cure himself perfect ly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. - Sent to any nddrers, gratis, and post free ia a sealed env-tope by remitting (post paid) two no-t- aee stamps to Dr. B. DK LANET, No. 17, Li.spen ard Sire. New York. --March 10. 149-6tn-p. "CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS" CUT, mad, and pot down, y ...... i - r . ; ' vvilkinso & KLrrt; f Paper Hangers and Upholsters. Sept. 28. - - 83 . C0AL COAL!! , H IVE reduced the price of the Cool now on my wharf j 97,50 pet ton, delivered r Feb. 27.' T. C. WOflTH. MULLETS. I rXf BRLS. No I Mullets: in oak and pine I tJKJ bbl., and in prime order, for sal. by Jan. 20. f MUKJU STANLY & CO ' nOOP IRON AND RIYETS: H 5 TONS Hoop Iron. 1. 1 and 1, inch; - : 60,tH)0 Kivtts all biies. Kor ato bv Slarch 22. - - ZENO H. GitEKNE. . . . N. C. T. eopy. , 77 BANK OF CAPE FEAR. 'P H E BOOKS for SHbscript.'on to the increased I Capital Sturk of the Bans of Cape Frar, ae ordinu to ih provision of the Art of the " Gnr ral As.emly " fit tht Siate, ratified on the 16th day of February, IR65, are now oprn at the Bank THOS. H. V.U1GHT, Pria't. March 23. 13!5. - -- v ; 6-tf. , FRENCH'S IIOTCL, Corner of City Halt Sqaare and FrankfortSt., lv--:--- "NKW;YORK, ' -- OppnsiU the Citjf Iltll dad Park Fount:.) Z- BAS been RE FITTED and FURNISHF.D. Th; subsvriber trHSi that, for con vni.nc t! egance,eoinlrt and economy, it cannot be surpass, ed io the wo.ld. AU the rooms are warmed gratis, th-y are fitted up with tnarble top wash si mis. which are supplied with t'rotoa water, by silver plated cock The ball and water-closets on evt y fl or. are liaht. d daring the ni'ht. This Hotel is e-ndueied on the Kuropean Plan of Lodgine Rooms, and meals as they may be erdrred in the llef.-iorv R.. FRENCH." " Ai. B. Do not believe Hackmen nnd Runners who may say that we are full, it some do ao from PKCO.VIABV INTBBtST. i - March 29, IS55. ; 6-m-c. . :V. - BACON. in HHDS. SidtS 40 do Shoulders. For sah 11 by ... , --; RUdSliLLst B rO t Jaa. 23. 129. BUSINESS CARD.S. - E J LUITICRI.OH. FO R WARD IX O 4- COMMISSION, ; " - mrkchast'- ' .. xv f i. ii i .t u -ro x . n c. . ' .. S, p !iHth. t.3-t2m.-- r w.'ai. sulmuTooI) & co i"T7 ITtLKUAl.E Gioixra nnd Uonnhission Mcr V V "ehants iluiiujion. IV. li. ' ; Allewrihiunniems .Nval ft iows, together with C-tMton, l uciin. La d, (;nnT Meal, KUiur, cba. dcura the ii;hct matket price. . , Dee. I J 115-rf J,D, LOVE, - MANUFACTURE AXD HEALER IX , MBIM2T. VUiim USE, BEDSTK V US CHAIRS. M ATTUUS8ES, &C.&C. , . l'rout street. South !' Market, ' -'..'saavrv's boimiimu. wilmi.voton. n. c. Sent ll)M8r4 T!-vc , , , J. t. L.V1TA, COMMISSIOS MERCHANT GENERAL AGKXV ' WILMI.NGTO.N. N. C. Oct. 1,1834. . 85-1 y c. 7 Urn-ILSTEKS at lMPEiS DANGERS, KKKP ON HAND AND' MADE TO ORDER. Millrcsscst Feather B IVtnfhfa Curtains and 'fixtures. ? f " All work lanhe aove line dnoe at shortest No- ic. - VViiniii;tti, N. C-, Market Stk March IS, 1834. . , s, - .,-.1. JOSEPirRTnOSSOM, : Mineral ComaiUsioa tal rerwarJia Ucrcbant iiompl .-i-8o.al atieiitlo giveo to tonsign- noat I'lir Salf nr j!iipm-iit. Liberal C orfrrtne martt on Cmlsrnmenlt to --i.rT -m or to mtf Nem Y'.rk friends. - ' Wilmington, Jan. SO, i8'4. . - 135. ' rKNP.RAL (Join nissl n and Forwarding Mer UTetant, Vihlngtoa -l. --: t.i-ienl :.i-!i iiU incea made on Conslgnnn-nls. .Nov. 29, 1833. lOJ-tt . C.DCPBR. IUMKl. B. BlSKK. i:. DuPKE & CO. GENERAL AGP.N i'3 COMMISSION AND IMBIYAH DIXtl tlKitfllAXT-i, WILMINU ION N. C. July 22d, 1854. 54-l2m. J AMES ANDERSOS. B D W A B O S A V AOE . ANDUSON &, SU I.E. GENERAL CO M ifSnN MERCHANTS. . .. ., wll.MI.ttJroN C. -Liberal en-ih advances made on consignments, . ..lUar.h 27,,lbot.; . M '. "nuisELi'" & BiirriiHK, ' t'CATB BLLIK sfftLt At r ,) GENERA L COM MISS It AN .W E R CHA N TS: - WtUvltAGIUS, N, C. Liberal easii dance nratfe on i-on-ignmcntsof Naval .t ire, Cotton, and other produce. UyjM354.'.-j -'- ' - '5;' ' X. & D; DiiPRG. : WHOLE 8ALB AMD It ETA L OSALERf I N . 1 Drills. MciHrIt.e. Chemicals, t'aintx. Oi I , Dye sttutli, ;!. iert'M;nery, Cigars, Ola tilquors. i-'aney Articles, die., . AIAUKKT NTUKKT,. ' XV I li SI l N t;Tt N , N. C. rescrlptiont. -arcfull) -o upounded byexperi- ieifiisan. - - ; M4rch .2811SS4. . 7VILL!Vi A. (iVYE., General siit ForwirJiasttoiaiiiisyoa Dereham. "" I lake pfts.Miire In .inforining my fri. nds, th it I am nrep.in d to ive ah bti-iticfSi:niriisti it to nv rTicientan t jt-jruonatJiiention. I h-tvea whati t'.o Vav:if Stores, with a'.iple n.Hiointnud-iilos.-, 8iiti' lloose-aod V irohou(!. IJni' nmen's ol tNavai x'tures for sale or shipiueni ; snd oil kinds of coun try prol'iea solicited. Uash advancta made on eoni rnments. April 18, 1834. 15. WILLIAM D, PEARE, COLLECTOR AND aDTLETISIMI AGC5T. " Fsr Country Newspaper throiiglionl the r t - United states, - Basetnent of Sun IronHu Idinga, Baltimore street AH business er.tositd toais cire transacted promptlv.on Ilbcrulterms. - . ; sept 7, 1854. : 93-tf " . JAMES E. METTS,' COMMISSION S- FOR WA RD1NG MERCHANT. flliJIISiGTOS. Jl c . August 26th, 1854. ' 63-tf. 'l T. B. G. WORTH, IVILM1NG TONt JV. C. " Jan 17, 1834. , 125 e JAa.T.KTTT, ! CRO . rSITCHBTT PEiTEWAY & PlilTCHLTT Uctietal Communion and Forw.trdins tlcr CHANT. AL-O WHOLESALE QlIdCERS, NOltTH WATER STREET,, K " WlLMISOTS. IS. C. Prompt attention will be given to the sale of .Vnval Stores and all kindx oi Pr.nluce. Intend keeping an assortment f Groceries, I. qior-t and Provisions. July 18. . - 52. - , JOSEPH n. FLNNER General Coiamission Merchant, wii.uixuruN, is. c. i ' May 9lh. 1834. . , 7-ly-c. JAS. D. CHADBOURN& CO., lieaeral Cormtihsiou Merchants. s . , ' Vir.MINtJTl. X. C. Jas.H. Cmaoboubw. . Geo. Cbabiom. Jan. I, 1854. U3. IIENiiY NUTT, WUlg 'ut hi p&ranaai altentioa to business entrust. . - td t hi core.. ' Sept. 8. 1834. ' . ; i 75 lyc Ju ? GEORGE 'MYERSr Keeps constantly on hand,' U tn.- 7"ea. Liquart, PntUioiis, li ood and II7oir Ware, Fruity " Coiifeelianarie,iXe Soul;i Front street,. , Wll.MIXGTOS, N. U. -NovI3. IS&3 f. - - 109. QMXCE & COWAN. - WHOI.I2S4 A 1 .4C V I It 15't'A 1 1. OROCKRS; ; . DEALERS IN HINES d LIQUORS. Corner of Frnt n4 V inces streets, Wlf.M INGTON. N. C 4 MAGNIFICENT NPIUNG GOODS. rJUS DA V, March 2Pth w will open a iargs snd beautttul t..ck of . .. . . - v .- . r ! LADIES' D It ESS GOODS, "elected with great care.- many of them imported lUrect if our own imuoi tatio'n. Oar Stock I hi -prinff wi.l, snd shilt, compare &voral.lv with any iher Hoase, for F.leganre of Ntyle Dt-sign and Fa' ,! We will also reerive an4 opto ih'wme day i l-ire assorimt-nt of Paris Visiles and Capes, la- Paris. Patterns, v A I mo, a large and elegatr? va 1 iety of Shawls. Scarfs, etc Ws rcaily receiving uew Goods. Please call and etta'win or Sroekv -ciCAUMWfiiLEii vbkos:- BUSINESS CAUDS. ' A 11. 'ak ttoKKKl.KN. W. A il. VNli.OtICi..liN. , YANUORKELEN & BK OTHER, - r . VVlMINuroN, N. C . , 1 Manufaciur.'t ot and dealci in Naval Store. tet.r..j;e ai.d liariuL'e tor I'rodoce-turnithed ;tt uir rate, under insurai.ee, if dcMrtd. - ' Jau.l.- . - . lti-r D. C. fHKKMAK. GKOKCt UUVd TUN ViliiHWAX Si IItJ!irX,f MERCHANT AND FACTORS, ' WILJIING'PON, N.C.-V 'f.'s-i" ; : "- D. C. FK BiSSIA V Vk! P. : ' v COMM ISSIOX M EUCH ANTS, . . its fsf iri;iiT, . .. - - NEW YORK. - ; . v., " '-4L- L niEMH AMD H'lUSTUS, - C ?"EKP: const anily on h-nd a -stck-ol : Flour, lCorn, Pork, tiaron Saft. IJofttSarart Mo lasses, Tobaero Cigars. Snuff', Candle; Slap, J-'ar eign. ind Domestic Mqubrs Sitf iVinens L ou. Nails. Paints, (Hls, GI:ts3. Otmeatics. Hats, Root! Shoes. Leather. Asrir.ul.'Hrat Implements, apd a va riety of other-artit-les, suitable fur tan til nwl plan tation use and the r tail rndr, which they wtli iipoheof lit lots to nit deaiera of roiwinwr' n reaswnahte terms for enwh.oriu eehange: for Ka rat Stores or other prorfuee. , : ;. ! 1 1 . Theienloniartnr D. t;. FaRBt!.t toenfed in the city "of New York ; tha junior (mrim-i1, Gro.-Hobsto-v, in Wilmington, If dosiiriid, advances, will be made on r mJ.'iWiit' to and From eiiH:-f place. All business nnruted to then! will re-civ. proper attention; and order lor GoodswilI be iroinptlennd carefully fi lied a , ; . '1 ' Sept. 9, 1S54 -' , " tiHJ. iltUUi.YS, "General Coitin!iMon -iJvi chanf . WlltHlSUiVSi--X:-Vtf, fit . TlilCT ..tieiuioo tive n to procuring Frefgb' O and arclwsiug Cargoes for vessels. 'f-ji ' - Uhj T!)' '-'" -'.-"'4 .'.. J " K. P. Hall, Ksq. "I - : J - ?' : P-ey, Esq Uvitniioston.,;' r 1 1 I. A. I ayl r. Ks.j f ", ; t J.I). Ucifanv, K.-q J v.'. m : Messrs. to.jker, Mt yih & Co., t v, Vhib Thouipaon & Mttnter, tlcx'r. Herroo, Jr i'hil.'i.U-l.liia. v;;;' Messrs. Willi:.m& Uuilcr, ( rinfl!S. C. H F. B iker, l-q. . Jan. 2. Ibjt. - ; .. ' 12 1 tf. I. WE33CI.. H. B. Elll.KltP. WESSEL k EILEUS. .'commission m mti m a rs & who r. E- SAI.K GROCERS, North WaterMj. rt it tiington, N. f., intend to keep nt tlii iilmv. tand j en.'Ml nssorini-nt of Groceries, t.ifiitor, jod Provi-ion- at w hile-ale- and 10 earry on a Genera iCoittmisslor I'liMm e. , - ". . R I.PRB I'NCt : -' ' vi i. K P. Hall Pr.-s'f Br'ih 15 m!. of iheSinte, .G. Parsley .-Pres't Com merciel 'B,'i nkj. K . Dickinson . K.q -? , ?:-';r 1 1 New York, , Wif luiilll'i I U.'CI. J Jan. 21) 1854. ill. ; g::o. h. kelly, ; I COilMISION 5JEUCUAN1VS NeXldooi to A. A. vVannet'fjOB Norih V'atet willaltend to the sale of .ill kin is of t'.ounlri Pro-Iucc.siit.-h as Corn, lca. M'al. I'.ainn ,f .a.rd , ir . ind will k cp constantly on hand a full dppl J 'if itroe.-riee. tc. Refer.-ni'cs . -'J WiUc Hall.ofWayiie . J no Ie'lae, Wil-oirgtoi. W Caraway. Gen. Al . MeRa- .5 ' E. P. .1 itt, -Vilmington , Wiley A.Wali.i Dec. 13, !85i. . ll-tv. TAS. F. GILLESPIE. i- GEn. S. (ITLL ESPin. JAMUi K. C.If.I.!:-iII'. (Hlw PRODUCE AND FORWARDING A G E N T S . :H:r-.' . - rt H.MINtiTON, N C. .-v-Vrt "aTtlcnlara't.-niinn inn'd to ihi' receipts and alefi Xaeal Stores, TlatUer, Lumber. CornyB.ican, Cut ton, f-c , dc. . I : - M irch 30. H55. - 6. S. M. WEST, , - Aoctionctr and Coianilssiaii Hcrchant, vii.m.N; ion. v. c. i r w I LL sell or huv Real 1-.iate and; Negroes at a 8inall conitnist-ian. . , also : . " Strict attention sivent.t ihesaleof Timber; Turr pentine, Tar, or any kind ol" Country Procure. Offirte seconil door, South aide of Market; street, oa the wharf. ... 1 June 12. r3a4. . -33,-ly. W.t. MOORR.' JNO. A. STAM.T. J.Vi'i tOHV.H. MOORE, STANLY i C0.1: COMMISSION Ml2 R CHA NTS , n WILMINGTO.X, N.C. ) Oct. 2G h.TEoi. i ;93 C.lfYLRs7 WHOLESALE AM) KEtVIL DEALER IN -HATS. CAFS, UMRRGLLAS AND WALKING t:ANE-;i 1 ; i. No. I (il anile How, Front si reel.' - WOOL, Fur Silk, and Moleskin Hais. iCIoih, "Irtsh, ami Silk Glas d Cnp, by the case brd.Ksen. at New York Wholesale i'rit-cs. v ; i Nov. 9. . , . , -J irO'). D. CASIIWELL. ! r 't " COM MISS I ON MBR CHANT, , - VIt.3IINCTON, N. i' Sept. 30. ' " 84 if T. C. WORTH, General Commission Merchant, IVIIjVIiNtJTON", N.C. SUA fi advances mad? on consign men is of Cot f.tn. V.tv.tl Xt.irt n.l ni her tM-ivti :irn i- l lltU..lI!Ul..lW....V.tlt'J , ' ..'. I ni pMI chasine cargoes, procuring Ireilits- for vessels. 6c. Alaict) 2, 1..54. . i U-tye. D.t;..il nlinnoi..!.. I. .- I I Y I. ll.vld i;. nn. coniRiN x rus;ll. fLT CEoSORS ra "THIS. UlS I'iE 4 CO ) -General Commission ' Merchants, No 32, North Wharves, iml 3 North . Wafer Sis PHIIj lOUIjPil t.V. J. HABVCV COCRBAN, i. .,.t -j. W. S. BU-iSELt. - r ' Liber ii 4.im)i i tvanccs made on convigoments. . July 3b, 1334. . , . 53-if. -. H. DoLLBR.' G. P0TH.R JT. J. CAMKBJJEX- D0LLNE5?, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERC1IA STS, N LI XV YOK K. April 30. 1S54, . . - . .. 20-ly-pd. I j. N. DARLOW, - : ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. LIQUORS WINES ALE. PORTER dVr So 3, Granite Kow, Froi.t fStreCf, -. WILMINGTON, ;. G, K : . Feb. I7th. l55- - ; . , . , , , I40-tf. ALL freight on Nav.il :t.res by Pnpc Fear lin of Busts,' will htrenlter be ortirrrd at.Uil- mingten: ; .& B. G. WORTH. . Jan, 27 i3l P0HK. ; lOO , BBLS. City Me, received per sclir. Edward Kiddur. and for sals few Feb. 17 . , J.H.FLANVF.R. HAVING perfected other arr: nc mer.ts. the un drrriinid offer rheir entire stork of Grore'iev. Tin and Wooden Ware for esh only, at ceaily re duced prices. - QUINCE tS. t'OWA.N. March 17, 1S5. v, . ; - 1. - ; . ' llsrakl and Jouraal coriyi 4 BOOT AND. SHOE STC RE. 'CS J GKOIIGEU. FH I NCH.at'bit 5 ola .t in 1 ' n Market iiet, bept sJfc k-uve to tt tin n hi. iliui.L 10 hi s dd t ien.ls and eost'.if.era for tht; liberal irfitionnte lvreufor! esicn. led to Bjim, aod lo Inforlo tx m (hni j in- si.tk of .t'j ! iinJ -'Jlio- s. trcluilin iv rv v..ri- t eiy i lu liru? lnow r e..m)lele mul 8 extrusive j is 11 aoy former' period, tins stock of tit rilit men j Kevi 1 GiMlttrtin's tJ it? iuhI SIi.k einlracin cv ' j ry jiieiy of style, f;.snii.n mitl 1,11. iny thul can be j deirtd.' " thai is usuallv calle-l i.r. ini:1iii5ioa a fine : uttji.iitiiicnt of Ladies . ilist csand Gniteiueii'sLhoi He vyo'i'.loartieularlj; invite, the attention rfthe f.:irties to his 'ixteti.iiye as-onmcnt of L idie nnd Misuses Lea 1 her, MoroijeO. Ko.unrl.'d, Hwnws, ..Pat. Leniher, Goat k:n. bl-icU and white Sid and a va rictv ot fancy cl.ird Bunts; Sh.ics and Mipje. r. Aho, black, brown, l.luc, purple and v-.iricgated silk Oniters. a new and liantisome article, wu U and with out heels , l.adi 8 f.uiuy Gaiters at l a pair. A No, Sole LeatHer, 'slut-?' Skins, and &huc Find ing's. 3 PI!iBeeiM snd examine. I-.Mr KwiK'h would also infirm hi friendsnnd the nnMje..thl he is State As,tit for ihc fttk- oi Davis' P.iin (Ciller md Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by i-lihei wholetle or retail. Nov 10 ' ; , .V . 102 Zsrr.ni. Antt-crrhuMr Tonthv.ash. -TO THE LADIES.' XOTT11NO o fTdr m.'ie to l)e;intv than clean, wluie Trcih. and .Gurus' f heai.hv color. ! li it 1 Oil linli:ii'.il f ice an J ver.itjilLun lips le,..u.. t-pulcive, If ihe l .tim, I win it ihey open, eliit ii hi b .rriMe Kpeet.M-le of m'i wiml teeth. All lm l.-h clm, v.-l-ite Tee'h. br-.tliUv Gum" nrd :i wect breath, should give ZKR.M l.'6 TO'J'i II V AS 1.1 a irUI. For by ' - C. 4V. D. DiPTtK, Acenis, - ' Wiliultigtoa A. O. Sept. 3. dl PERFUMERY! JUST rTeived lioin New" York and Diiloilcl 1 h, : - ,.. Gross Lii'.ius'a I'x'tacta furihu HanJk'l'; do. do. I'oi-le'ti' ." p-i ; do. Glenny M nli Toile'to U'ntnr ; . do.- do. VerJirna do. c"o. d.i. VinrR Su.ip s d i. C.iinphof So .p ; . dj. Po'iiipo do. ' A I tr ia is-iortufiit oT II ulr H rulin;-, ur.d a nttni 'cf of fine arfi. l.. i.stiaMy l;ej!t in Dnij Stores ; tic D. DoPRK, Winl!ale t.i ngy i-ls, O.t 5. M irUcl-st:, VVil.iiinl.Mi, ,. c. THE "NORTH CAROLINA-'" MUTUAL i.il i. l.SLRAMLC03iP;Y. RALLiUti.' N, C. ItlE above ("oinpum li.-sbe. n inorMTation-iir.ee the Itl et April, ali, unJet ilieuiicttloi.ol tile toltowilli t'lltCcta. vji : Dr. Charier 1C. ouhton,Prciliici)tt .Wm. D. Haywood, Vice Pieideiit, J.mit'S t- . Jurdnn. S. cretary, . Vk ii. It. Jones. Trcitninc'. I'uriio Lustx e, ti.iiH) , Or. U,. H.AicKee. $ ATcdteal Iloard of Dr. It. H. Haywowd, - $ Consutlalio,; . ' i. HertHiian. Ucnetal Agent;". This. i,ompany 'ins received a ch'irter ttiving ad antaver n. . lie in.urcd over ,m v "lli'-r .'oiii,... ny 'l'l. 5il Suetion fives the H iiisbatiu :hc privilege in instil. Ill own iiit tor Ue sole use ot his IV jl- iinc! 1 ;iili!rtn, free irom iitiy jlij I .- l" the reprcsculu iverof the husban.l or ,my .f hit- er dltnrs. tlraratiizid on purely mutiuit principles, the life meiiilHTr narlicipuH to ihe uholeol ne piofiisH hich lire declared annually I'esides. umilieant for :if . wli f the an nil nt ,) rem! 11 111 is ovc r f30 may J' 1 j me Imll in a N.'le . . A It la in! s loi intiiirarec against the Con 1 pa 11 v -iil le (i i i.i vviil'.in iiii.etv d-ivsafu rprouf of the jeaih .f the parly is tnrni.-hed. hives are insured f-r one or five years, at rntpf. vvhieli t j!! enable all Sla vtl.idei s to ecnie this clas oi ; imperii y again si I ho uneci lain I ol life. Slave insurance present r a new nnd 'i'Heretins feaiiii. io the fi-rorj of North t 'arolin: which will prove ver imp.iriael to the SmithcM. .States. The lait four months oprraiion . J:hif t .'onipnny htwsa verri ar-je minimi of. 'm-ini .-s moie I'lir the Directors xo,etcd lo do ihe lir-i year liavin" aln'adv issued more than .00 Policies . e Dr. Ww W. II v RRifii . M-'di. al Examiner, and Ag nt. Wi minpton, N.f T. AH 'oiiiiii.iiili?-i'to!ison'niB!ni'Sf of ihcCotnpany should be adtfrc&r-ri! io S. F. JOIf DAN ..Sec'v. Ralcish.Jan. 25, 1"S4. u. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEaIe" : - AT THE UHraintoii Saddle, Harness, ami Ti uol .tlainilaetbi y. ' I MI E subscribe 1 respect! uliy in form r t'.irpublU A thuihi'h ts recently n..-eivrd addition" to hit sto. k oi Saddle ar.1 Hurries .Mountiuyt.tX: c, the latent tmdloot ImpniVud style, and im 1 oniiaid v i.taiiufiiciiirieg.at hit. store on market street .ever) di t-ctiptu n ol article in tbeahuve line. From hie 9XOCTH ncein the business, he feelr coulideli 1 thai he will be able to eivecntiri satisfaction to ul hi l.o mai faroi hio with a cull. Hr has now on hand, and ur inconstantly' keco a lari!ciirtortiuen lof Conch, am ad SiU:r ttoruiss, Lfly't SdJlrs, i ifriait. tYHtps. r . (irnl'.i'iM.rs Saddles, Wluyt ; - Spurs, tyc. ytallf whicli he will warrant to be of '''-' bt n iiMterials and ..rkuuosliip. i He has also n larjre a.-si.ri uu iit of Trusik. A allsc. Sn((!Ie and Carpet llajrv, "lfhel, I "aiicy '1 rtu;l.s, Ac . and all other ar ticle. nsualU kipt in sueli esiaoiirlnncnis, all ( which heotl'crriow for CASH , or on niior torcdh 10 prompt euslen.crs. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Redid I Bags, Sit. An. lesiV to order. ,-..- 1 h adtiition tot he above the milweribei alvvayf (to. pon hand a larsresiijiply of String leather, and bus now, ai.d will ke. through the season a good assortment of l-'!v Nvtt.. AH arr Invited to Cull and examine my Goods, whether in Want or not, ns I fnke plensure i ns'u-w. ingtny assort mem 10 all who may favor me with 1 cnll. , ' Harnes eandCoaeh Trlintoins sold at a fall, oricrto persons hiiyin" 10 manufacture. A Iso, V. yp ,ii wholesale.- . AllUindsol aiding V. hii les bousrh 1 r.. old o eo.n uis-ir.ns. JOHN J. CONOLKV. Fib. 7, t?r4. 118 XV I L M l . C. T O N .'MARBLE AND STONE YARD. Mi lSiin-M-ritci iii!Vii.f accepted the aei-ntr ol sevi ra. Iirgt crt lOli-luoenm 111 ihcNorili which vill f.trhish Ihiii an unlinmeil supply ol fininhcdor unrfnUiwif, f..rc!?n and J-oncsiit M AH BLE ol alt fiuiilitirr, ir prepared loilll all ,.r ill fur 40T3ItN I'S ANU 1 OJIIt siTUN tZ&, and even oiiirr article io ihe line 4 i the bualmss l ri'asunable rate -SC CXP TC.KIN 0 . J. fJTTEP. IN C. O R 0 A EYING Kverutcdas v tU as can 1 done uiilitr North or biMiin. Thcbest rcfeu r.r can f-piv n if renlrrd. JAif. McCLAUANAN. 'Jan.6, IS3L . - . .. - , t'. T HO S . C C A R li M . D D. s" pitAtlTlC.AL DKNTISTtcr the last :on years. L Charges for " " ' 10 or it's artificial teeth 00 fine gold rla'e, f aeh, 7 00 An entire set rf teeth en fire cld r'ate, i'tl fi' Hilt. on sold wt'h anifieial eeo, 15 ' Ot -Di'io e-o I'l.itina plaie with uilifi- ci lfit'ms, ' .... JjC fii Upper 01 under ditto, racb, . . 73Cl A Pivdt looth Ibrt cannot heditinpu!sh ed from ine oaitnal, 5 V fine sold fil'f ra. vat raffed rerntLtnr 2 1 1. ltt-" h uu o s rwy ii' i ne iit-'i vc a iu a i i , . i . -. . . . r . . . Kxtraerissr . wo'h. ' g ; He,, dent,., ie aBd tooth brurhe ul y. ... hsd Kvery jpersiioo rorronUdoe .nun sai.-fac- n . 1..,htnseriedimm..tia.ly..terihe.xtf.e. innof ihe f-mas aril ra n . -d.i tsr the gum. , -ve-.brunken w, b.H.. ad.!iia,nal charge , OlSec nr. M irket-M , I .to.,, belaw tUe Cht-rch Wiio,inSton, N. C, AjnU lo-if. i OW I.s the lime to have your rooms and pas sages papTtd with dei'rarhs. fine er m mon, as we have lanre asc.r'mens un hapd, ani sun?ror woikincn from New Yoik, r. l.o will hin paper in latest sivh-s. . WILKINSON & FSLER July Zi. Paper lladerj and L';.fiolaUrcr9. I DUCT. JOHNSTON, ;t i.i l.uom; 1.01 u iittMMTii.. t"X7HI"RE mcy b ubfjli-id if e nu.sf sp. t-.') V picranl aud fclfei lual U Bit Cy ia ll.s uuilo for ah -SECRET DIM:. ISF.J. G-iBoirh a?, lilei 's, .riciuns, i n.!i nl N . i ne-s, l'i.ii s n ihe Lu.i.s. Cn.tiiuii. mil I) hlhiy hup. .1. 1,1 y, V ii.;iK,i ut ths iia. k 11J l.iiu. , Al u cu.'ii!- i.i t'ie Kidm-ys, 1'. I, liatioo il llie 11. ..I I vri e si.i . .e. voiiS triitntii iy. Iise-irei i.flU 1 1 ni, i ou.ai ,o- or kin ( ai.d all th'.re s 1 iour and iiieiai: ho y dis..rJ. rairiiiy I nun the tU utruc live luhitbof Youth, vilileli d s toy t.o;h t vd.t nee, 'ind, tlee s, tit-i and ro.ii.uy praeiiem more f .la, io th. ir v iviiiii then tin- roi.s of '.he Myn i.s 1. 'he in u in, r cf L'lyJ, blihtir. iln-ir most (nil liani hojics. n antiilp .liuim, r nJerni iii.nTiaj.'e Ao., ii:4;o!-iJie YOUNG MK x. Effei lally, who t nve become llie victim of f.'ii ry Vice, i.iat diea.lfiii and dustruef ;vi hnblr wlii. h in hi :iy wt-eiH to an 'niiimely ir Uiohbuiics o youri": men of the 111 i-t t al;ed' Inh nls nod brilliant intellect. Who mSitht ollerwj have entmneed lis- tenii g Sen itos wi.h ill" tliuiij.'i b of eloqnenee. .r w.:!.. il t ecstacy t he li v i nf 1 re, 111.1 y cll wiili fi. cui.ua.uce. MAuif.iai:. Mirr'ed pfuns, 01 t:i-,re con tcinpl.i ti n marriage, btiny nr.ti of physical weaknes. should iniiue.li. nicly c.nsult Dr. J., r.r,d be rtatund to 10 tftci healili. ,. . , vvh t;i'a(es Id ns. If nndoi thee irenf Dr. Jol.n eroii niiv n.fi-ioiirly o.i.n.lc in I. is honor ns a n-n-tL.ninn, and conn j. ntly icly upon hi5!.i!l am phy kiemn. ' tst-'i icr, rvo. 7, solth Fiu:Di:i:K:ic si. 7 DMDJJs FitO.M UALTUiORi; i., (.art side.) UP THE sTFPS. r'ff'E P-v I8TICCLAJI in id.st rvir.ir the NAME and Af' VH Elf. or vail will miMtake il.. nine .1 CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR No CHA RUE. No Mrcr.ry or Xtuwiiw Drugs 6e. TAKE NO I ICK. Ol. JoHtTiix U Ihe or ly leulaily Edilf-it.d Physician v ji udvertis.'-a In veiy cxti ruive I'i ne iite, 11 rut hi mury U ondcifii ' Cur-sin a snJitej. ni "viMiHi t.c m ihe 1.1: h 1. il. 'fhoxt rto v.iU tf li; p:cui'i cn eclual'y curtd. ilmuid saun the nii'tn r ft trj.Li.t' iMtwtrr, who onlruin ihiii luallii, una spfiyto Dr. Johnston. Dlt. JOHXSTOX. Mcnihfroftho Ifoyul Co'l'J ( 'iir-i.oii, Londm. j rai'.imti trom one of. the !u.j.. iii.-r.1 ;;iejc id tiw ITinted Males, ami li-.e ereat.-r port . Mhose Ule Ih.s bu u spenl in Iho ll...).Ha; ol London, i'ai it Pliil id. hiu.ii ml drew hero, has cli. cU O mine of tiie 10 iri a.-tofiihi.ii; t nr. r i hu i w etc ever known. Many troobluit with rlnlpg loihceaia rind head v h. i: :ilee!, meat noiVciiM.n.?, liin;; i.larined nt sudd, n sounds, mid barhf i. rices. frcijm nt b:usliir..ttileiidt' sunn tiines with deronteo nit of mind, wuu cuteii iniirtdiaiily.. A CKRTAIN DISEASj:. " Wln-n the uii'souidi d an'd nuj lo.U.i.t votary ol pleasuie iin.is Ii,; hs irnbibid the , rd m .In. i nirilul ili.-e:.., ii um li, 11 lri.!en (!i,h uiiii'l-liin. i .1 sense of k'uaiiic, or dread of dis- Livtry. dt.-r. in hi fimu applying to llu (, v. ho, ir.-m cdueniioo and r'rt'eeiui'jiiiy.eiin idvlic bi hit ud him, di ia -ini; till the rci.-.m it I jciil i-ynupioiii of Ihic horrid rie:is riia'.t iluir !, p. ,,rui.i.! mi. h i.n ukerul. il ore fliro.it. diseased no.-e, n i. -jural paim ia the heiioatid limli.-. jiiiine ,(' it;ht, il n;'ii, niules n tiic thin hai,.- i.ud uiniti. bl ii. hes uu ihe h.-ad, f .c. and . xrn-ii.irifii pn.jri-H mi u nil li i; lillul ra yidiry, lill al lart the p ilati- tf iId mouth oi llie l,one-of the rio-e tali i.i. ui, ihn vieii.u of this aJui disunre IfOi.ifK n horrid oh)?ct of comitil. era t inn. t ill death puis n pei fi;d in his dreadful u,'. iciii ys, by rei dititf iviii to - ilmt hni.iru Irotu wiiene." ijo iriivttli r rcni-ris.1' 'J'o lueli i!ireloe. Dr. Johnson pi d;;es hiutro f to preserve the nt6i invi" 1a le n.i It 1 j ni!fl, fruiihi evicnaive pric ii e iii the first f lorpit; .' i,( E:ir..(Mt an J A me i. . hecan cor.fi.li ml v I ernmnifr d :i safo and s i. iOv curr- tu t lit iinlorlnn.-i e v.eliin of l Jr hairi l di ence. Ii is 11 on lunch. -ly laei. ihi f lions .rid f,, v'i. iiiii lo ih!fr ilreaitlid diri , .,-. owjni io ihj ini ski'fi.h.M s ..: ivnora.nt prui iidcts, who. hv the ioe of t'h'H deii!U Jioif., n. 'iieiei.ry, loin tin; con -In u li"n. .ind either s nd tf'.e ueLirlunat.- -ni, n r t v. untimely ftav,or else iii-kello i.j!i.c o! i:'e ,11,1 Cl'.'.ll. T. 1 lill FA 17 TCIL 1 H A O TIC II. Dr. J. a Id i esses ail ln.e who h i vu injured tl.eiu selves by pri. ale and improper indul;,'. nei n. Tin e arc some of the sad and i., 1 1... i o.'y ,(. fa is, pro.iii. i d l y cmiIv h.ihil;, vt v. ti ' h. viz :--Ve;iKi r-s of the Hack "and Limbs.' Psin iiiih,. Ileioi. t'iiun. s of S ii. Low of Musi-u'ar 1' i.i er, i'l-li it.i'iiui ol iho Hear', Dy.epi.y. A'trk.uo irriia' i!:iy. I cranyi n;i i,i i ii,e Dircmive l-'iot-r::,r r, G oeral Debility, Symptoms" if Can.-iinip. liun Ac. .1f nt.Jy The fi arln! i if, rts on hf injrwl urc lisucji io bedieiided Lossol rUemory, Corilii ni ol i dfts. Depression of Spjiir.s. I : v i I Fuiei...;;n, n. -tVelriolJ if Nneii t, t!f" Lll U-l, Lov. of.S'jt ti-rfe.'l iii'iility . .St cur; some ol the cvilu j.r.al .i-. d. TliotiMitttts of person i f all . em r..-vv jiol; e what the t-au.-K uf tloir declining lirahh. I .'.-,- tnif their nor. tee Min2 weak, pad: nnd tiiiiicij ted, have u slncutar iifprainr re iihoi.l the eyes, cutirli f.nd svmpti.nts ot eHiSriiirp'irin. Marrird I'ertotu, or tl4.je oritempl iiin' l iar rlage, hi inj aware of physical Wi aknesf. P, n J i nun. ii in li iy consult Dr. J . nnd be let tn d I j ef fect hen It h. DR. JOHNSTON'S IWlOO't tig ni:.Mi;. DV l-'DROiDiANIC HK,li:.M-S, By this gieal and liiiporlatit rein, i.y we-.kne.i of the .'.ryf.in is sp-iedily cured and I'uil vii; r ichiored. 'i'hou.-.md of ih in- st Asrivoiin. a..d I mil ii. .1 individuals who had .. n i,ope. I,ae be. n iii.mt ti.lie.y relieved. j il inij'iuiiti. 1,1 lo jiAitniAf;i:. Plivrical or Mi'nliill)i-.ijUiiiili.;.ii!on. Nervous lr ritahil.tv Tii mollies ai.d V tnUi m, or chauvi..n oi the uiorl tearlul kind, rpcedi'y curtd K$ Lr. Johnston. Youri j mm who have Irijiirid ihenisdvc f y a cetlnn pratliee iiiduid In u lit n i,. ru - a l.aLit J i ,m i-.Hy le nnd iroiu evil con pai.tor-F, ui at sehowl. ihe i :Ji cis I w hitll aie rightly i'. If, i-.tn . hen ns. ei p imd if not cund, tt nu-rs inurii ic inn urril.le.iind t.l.-o) LoMi mind and U.cy. VNlial a piiy that a yuuna man, ihe hopir'uf his enuuiiy, and the darli. jr of bin parents, rh-jtih! h. sn.it. lied noiu idl prorpn it. and ciijoyun pis ol lib , by llie ohm 'jai nci ,1 dcviat.o Iron) t.eail el i.aliire, and ii.e'ldeir.r; in a c.-'tiin .tM tnJil. uch persul.a, Lclorc Con ctiiph.lin MA 11:11 AGE. Shuidd refl ct thul a ..i iid mind nr.J I o.jy are the HIOM meeSrary reriiirtles to fil-nnnte coriiiitLiul happiTierr. 1 idc:(-d.sviihoul these, th.r J M.inry lliroiiicU life Iwc.oines a viari i i'i riniM : tiier r - ....... ........ ..... .... on.... ... it ...m tf)ni!owed with di senir and fiil. 4 wil i the m. I..n . ...! ,..tWii..n il.Miil hr.. ;. ..r .1. . i... I ...in, V . ir . l k i. l,n t'l.-iui . ... ..i.. .........( -- - - " - cor" ini-nu-a wnu mi r ow n. CI' FIG E JN 0. 7 .SOL' i ll I ' R I D V. i ! I r K T. . HiTiMum, .'.in. AH Surslcal 0;er.-!tli us 1 iloimrd. N. IS Li't tio f de delicacy w vi nt i- ". but fif ply inniieiila'eiy eiilu r r irrwt nliy or I Lilt i . s&JU - a s .ec.llly Viii c.l. - TO STRANGERS. 'I Tie nmy Ciai in !enr, I at ilr s insi: union w iih- inir.cl.nl leu Vial-, an I i lie nuim ious im, or- , , , t , ,, d In, t V t a ri i ve I, tant Mire ii l 0p i.r. j inn n: A I y Dr. J ., w n- J . fi ', . . . ,1 ,i i . . , necdi.y Udiuis.i id. japirv ur.d m .ry 1 '." fP, lv"'' ,l''1"1 ' I ' other r-tunt. nt.lifi. set wiii. h li i ve appear d iir'.,ii r',:r' 'el 1 1 elm lit wiiln.i ihe 1'nunne, i. , ly and at-d" btdVirc the piibtic. is a sf!iici.i i;i.-iran- ! t . -1 . i r I Doni a.li i.ihcf. The tiirt (mil i tI teeihat ihe tfUictcd will rind a k:ilul and tr.nnin. j thin! were Irotet.u-l; I I.f . eon.l p.ully' K -blcphyici..n -j- 4 ICE NOTPT. ! m nnd .:U.ly IVoi.-si-.i.tj over nil. u..,., ..t. ,t ' ' , . ", . ' ("V. ri III. 1,1 ill li.c I'ri.VIl I .'. w..,. (i,V,r- I. IS H I .11 I I.' t :i-'HI-"l I'J HI 1-llil.M I il , I I . Jt.i I w'l i v ...... ). .. i ... i.. . ... .1.. : . i1m in?nr it iirinrul'e. cnal for a i hv.ici,.n lo uclvei. ! rise, tul iii.lets b did so. the wrt'.icud. especial' v r'raneis, ci.uld lint lail fall inio ihe hands of' th - liiipu '- nt boakiiii; tRij orters. ln.iiv i i uo d rri'ute ot kri'in ltd;;e, ri true and charnci. r. p d lit s. sh-Jtma wi"S. nn . I hi les, t; , adv. irj!n;i i),. m. s.-lves a-s .' S cijr i Ijnorar.l ipibiks. tf 'i fiUhy. hj'nv c,rt jiul.t of tin d i'mtdiri'ui ( ures from pi-r-"n - niuri:nii h- . t:r a. i oi ls rid lor a U, w -. , , . , , i i , ..... . i , lh, -r cunnhsnd contemptible ar.it'.-. s t . t mi, .he. Bll!l,..d flin m. ml. tf. r ,n. nth. or ,.. l-'n, ,8 r...tsiW.,,nd in des, ...Ir. leave you wi il, ,,, , -J ,',,,, ,rt kil h ov. r )..ur tailir,, d,.nr,p.,i,.,. ,., 1 ,. ,hJ, mo,;ve fri,f ,, Dr. J i !,,rk, rtr ht ,ilaut tan rHrr ,r)t, To fh,,e ,..,,,,!.. w , ,h hi . r. r.ulsf i..n he de.m. I, .r..n.w'.- ... ,h. his cr.dentials or dii.iotuas atwa vs l.a,.., in I..'. fffif. ' W K A K N V. S O r T H E t ) R G A N iJ i i n m . ,1 . ale! y cuied, an.fo'l vior.re!on d, t5rALL". LETTEItS POST-PAID REM E LU- SENT t'.Y MAIL. ! All Lifers iM'i be Pa'd and ..main a Poiinje Starnfi f.T l e reply, r uu ai.se.'Lr ill I- n. Jm 9.o, l ,5. t '3-I-e. mici:ixanv. The i;i g'J'i ai.tl ITit? J a I l.iw '. The slinr-ltiri' rxU.l.il io.. oi' j iy v:im , .it i:n ol'ilie Ki'flia'i ihe.itr. t no r.'inj ihe lie vvh of tlic Humou .ni j i roi V 1. Im v line reira!!! I in h! iU?r yi,it It 1 . : of the sober news jmrti-Ms rui.l I i-i',ih ei'lu'r al their exoliiui oi. 4ii.il out i.',l'..e 4 ill llitf J'iiii!-!io;i v t ; ! 1 f . 1 v llicMl 1 1 , 1 v 4- . rlinmeibl l!r.t.iys of (lie siuik; I'i t .'.i rcci-nl letter Iroiu Ijoml.iri r.is; "The .free! b.tll ul ringers Il iVe li"en r. t'njf u lurvet the .rt-e..t w ei U out . I ;i 1 'irir on i,e de,,ih i. ilie i z,r. The 1 herl thiiio; to hi iili.,0- 1 u,tr wl.ilo :i. ivl-irll ihcv tuill'tl lo llr Io lihl.i I.llil, 1 he is llciiij U lifi h llie 1 1 1 1 j i -1 1 lint il. i if 'lu-lr l.e;iri' r-.i.icnl. 4rn el 1 1n- inM 1 I 1 1 A x por-ed j ii 1 ori s r lirerei.i ,t l ir.-e .,'u!ni nod'lli.o; ji. iirse. pull l.e.iicra. 11 ults iu.il .ii len.l.K.ls. Willi li e devil lis ;i nu!';irv nimi ri er lollovviiio- lo Ihe o,iive, Ihe lil'.llo ol 'oim i. eere in. inn, er lnr il,.- cmj cior.'- Mr. ( ; 1 11 inch's siiioi rs. lil'ul, Inlieliinif with a vi;yT ons r-ttlier f 1 . rt . H or.ieel'ul li.iilil lli. re. lie 1 I' the dissolution, thus tiul!ij'nthj co.tj l ie ilm lory: "Ami ihi" Ki glirli .Ii,'i ii d I t us u Ii And l!oy I'uiii d him in 8. i.iiu;a I.' Hut ivor-e ilian nil tlii are tin liiliii. s of ihe I.oii-I .it pit il. nil.!.- 1 ' ill i r 1 1 1 : 1 i.f I ho wns of 1 be liia Ik 1 r !.i st . 1 , . 1 lor Murtli 10th, il,n Icn.liii ; ill.isi.'.ii.'iii i ,t liilitfnl i-ieture r jri ri'iitii Nielmli. in il lulcli of Dc.Uli, ho iiin Ihe pii-e i.f ( i rial t'ev ner.' In iui.i!,( r j Inn i; is l.iti I iliut n tilling jiiliijili lor the tar tv.iul.J !, : 'Thn IHyht Man i t the Hl-hl l'Ui,;.u o llie builcsqiio I'.n K.inicr lary r,.ri 1 .1,. ,( i StUleil ll,;il 'In tin- I.r.r.ls. liie I'oi i.'h . 1 1elafy.t11.il in llu: O.r.im 11 , i!,e 1'i.tni. 1. 1 . . 1 . ... . . . ni!in; 111c (iiiie ci riieiit 11. ui v ;i ..i .i in Kuroj.e l:uJ Ineii suilcleiity miuhi llie Judihllil." Tin's m.iy !,, ., . .1 ti I 1 . 1 . 1 iinii ihceiicy, necni.iiii" to 1-nv' it is iiifiuinoti iumJ 1j.hi,;. diti "a 1. , ii.ii- 1 1 r iiniioim ui' i! uiitcfiiit.il Aiin ii. ,11 s. . ; I'i "it Ihi' lltillii.i'ir ''''j, MA It YJ. AM) T(l.i:il I in A Or. .Sl. t. h'S ) tin: llu, iy II,, ',.-' la,i,f loth,' ,,-, y ,, ,' , ;;,' Pic.'Uj!, r idlh 'r.dm.'n,, I 'y ,'. nil Clifrc.'i. 1 i!ti..irr r-r-tf- Al.ir,,!,, The Komi, in (! 1 1 ' n I li iv uliviis i : tl.e merit nl'l. tvi. -t tn en itn- li -i Iho l.'i.lleil M.iles. t., I,;. I, . i,:.f. , .-ii; i"ii ; .im! M-uj I.iihI 1. m i. i ii i r;.,ei ,i llie. i-;.iie .1 II l n il i llie c l !i i e i.ee 'u I in till! I Id. J!nf l.e I ! , 1 1 , . ll.nl nil'.' iiii.VI ; ' I l'1 v, i, nt Tl.e lio II' I I the ; Sill iv In u i! r.i ! i lull i x:i'i i.c :l !l;e pump! let II:.' til-..! w in- I, i,, o, IV ill in me Inn (iitle. I lit loin I iirinn. r.'inl il illlmr !i:n e i v en. in it.i 'i'f ,l I'. Il 1 1. 1 Hi a f'n, '.I, IK. 1 1 in in. nil i e,i coiiM i-ti il will: I'iilly ine'lnll- ol l,l:,.l. v I d r I., i o! 1 1 1 c i i ll II 1 1 In. i;i j ' 1 1 y In i , i ., I.le I ; , :i. n col f. i, I i I nil ni lis Ini l.e I I t" i 1 i 1 1 1 I I JI ' !i li" i he I ; i in i n I ', i lie 1 i.i in . I II I; h.i-i i , I lie !!.. Hi I -Vi i ;i lino v In Ii ( i Ml vl.nl I'llin nl Inn ly In- . , 1 , . , 1 1 1 1 : e 1 In ! i'i nici n I i ni iimi Iii,!.. in .it.ee t. liie ..,.ri j nl' I In- I lieu iniliif iy. ur In tin- ne H of l.i-i I ' I li:: snl j eel i r.'fiilui lime. l!m il is .,..y ini. Limn io ei.icr i-.tn im i ..iiiiii,.i'.ii i I punt. W r-'ler In M. Allen's pan.; Wl ere It Ul li.- Iniiiiil l.nily r. .le, I. in .1 poi ll ii by llirll'il'ill I il ls. We rj'joli' final llu: pninpl. lei ll u ' I InllnU, k'jiniti .ry nl it cm U i, is. ivlin li wi: j ii -1 mo! 1 1 in : . f n llie Vi- '.V li i ,v (,, !t i ii. 'I We 1 1 ur xi-eii. lli.it I In 111 - I in llie 1 ii i ! . r v. iiovv known r. ,, t' ' I -'- ' -i tl.e .I.i r la i 5 1 .,'i l Il it ol iv i I.I I I iini. w.ts in. i ! I, v . lore I. mil It ill iinni'e I 1 1 1 1 . t , i .line l Mary's, r.iii'fjuei.ily iliii Nl ; r I.i . I v . i.f lirrt sen!. ,1 by l,i:n. 'M Wc I. live rei ti. liinl lie lint Mil!, m Were of ihe tjl.ineh id I), a!.u,il. nnd ! il ('liiirch. Willi iis Ain.i'iiv ninl vvnifl n, w ii..' lirl c.-i,i!.!i-iii ii mi M.irj I ni l 'nl. Ai, I I (ml nl llit; col my In on rltl i,v .r I.;, ( i iv i r . n" I'nlvirlin jtjijl, a vi iy eoii.uj. r.i'.le -.n t Were I'ioIi rl.inl-. tjniiseiju in I v . il c ii i.,1, I. e ra id W 1 1 1 1 If ill h I tin I Miislnid w,,h liul sll!il Wild Hu, mill ( 'ill ml ii J. 'Ill W'e I i.l V c ri i li. 1 1 ml ..Ii t.ili.ni :i i ..v ll'iili r.lni id, Was I.i it li li id. .1 ol 1 1 in I il.i ; Ini I lll.it lii iti rt im i w..s pi (iv il.nl 1. 1 1 m I li .'im i le'r. I.i (ioi(i I'lnlerlnnl ill, 'I Ili.ieni l-!s, lin- Icr the'lVolt rlniit nullioiiiy .y ul.u II lie. n iJ.--ii. Wc l.i c m i n ;ij uu, ili. in l1, ixi 111 i .irs II Ill ihe I il i.i I ;f nl l,in,l ii i- II. oi t:'k i i.loiiy. I lie ( inn i nun nl in I . in vini'e, Wiis lo I l.e 1 rti.ilH id' I'lol' i.i.in! .. n:,. lli.ll. too, lV I. old Jj-illillinf f nVII lippoi il tlll I.I. " We lir.vc cifi. that i. nv I ) Joj.' liicr." v.ere I L ; cointie '. "II ,c li I - I (-. 1 1 letl In in f Ken! l-!ifil .11 f IVoI. s'.ii.l Ii.ivn, i I'll. It.- n,t Cmiirtiiii'.i. uu i,l. 'llll' M'i'':,.Nlllllll, tl.itf nf Pi. .M.trj'n i ( jiiiiinn ii in il list l l mil ftt.uii; iitni i I ,.,,, e i .... ,, i .. ,,, . "liny ni Ihe Iiil.r vveie tl.e w. llnil si.e . . .. i ..... ... .1 .. . . I , .1,. ... .1 .. 4 ; inn hi im. ini, ,, ii i iii ii i m'i.i . 1 1 I1.IT.I4- j S.'.'l'.l.ly ll'I'll' i,l ll.nl l i'.i-s. v ; ' 'I'm! Ihird ei.-.l lo ii nf (I, it i,( Ainu' Ar- j in,,!. I uliiii I'm. ii int or I'liiiian, with a I'lO'l'slidlt I 'nl;intiiilli:i.f . -A i'oni'li. ih it id (Jintilrs. l.ei-n run. i led ui li n l'roli siniit IJi, rr. run inl. r, Mr. Hr-.r.'.e nnd I. is rolnnv wire I'i nl. ' a til. Im ,'. win,. I n ii (il ! vj. ,. . , ..,.,. . I. I , ! Il"r- .''l:n LifV III .-I a If. .m..! I .wi ol I,,.- ( . 'i i. if I nr In I wo. IV. re IV !c,-t ', n: ! .i fli i jnniy of nine to live nl'lhr no n lo i . i I e , .) to 'in: to.! A tlil'lv. Il is I."! I'i In: me- I , n ed ii u t tli il II c tr.nj.itiy nl ',,f. p.,j ul ( , . u IV ."s le w l'l ,!. i I.i i L in I H i i w .is. ii. .let . I. t.r... n o! nn. r i - .r., ti li. Tin' ll.rt-r nri t.'l.nr men. Kmni !.-t s ., i ,1 I'niiin1 I- - 1. 1 I Ki. I ii .1 - ( l j ! live s I -', by side. In I In" I'r IV i ,ct j ii ,,,l i .- -1 , ,l rj civ i! pi iv ileycs. and w ti e iipiiilv r"liiil iy Ihe (.':,. irtcr a-nl bv nn'! - ai -,l .u; l.nt oi Im 1 1: i mil !y II.. y del r . l i t m . c. I o oell.. r llu V Were l.n.iilc m it'll i! J ..i i ma li.wu ri's e;u Ii ni h r nnd he! . io- . i t hi their arts, "i'i , - - 1 1 I i rt r j t ,'u,i. m.r h:slnrv but tuo iniin.t.i'v !.i lv-;." ' I uoinli-r i!i; id il. my eji'i j w( ;i! !" fu.d a !ij il r lu a t',-i U iinm. i uVfij-, b. citiiu tht y niu iu a lu-.Jk ip'..ic' r.'iu;:.'-Hi the Ut uf. r

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