- " WILMfNQTON. N. -C.':V,. ; .THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1855; TO PATRONS." Those who .send o us for The Commer cial, will please state which issue ia want ed, the tri-weekly or iceekly. We have been quite at a loss how to act irfseveral cases, lately. ' . " ;. - I' ' ..YELLOW FEVER. 1 We iti vite the attention of our citizens lo 1 nn hrticle ob our Srst ge, teBpectirig the . Yellow Fever. ; - OUTSIDE FORM. AmoDg the interesting matter on our out- tide form, is a very important document re lative Jo Cuba Jind slavery. We publish , cdr on Tuesday, an account of the satisfac tory proceedings of the" Spanish Cortes, andifiow present the executive directions to ths Captain General of Cuba. All sensi ble ferrd honest men will at once declare that "wehave no cause to complain of Spain, in regard to the institution of slave ry. As to others, it is a matter of smnll " importance what they say or think upon the subject. , AN OVERSIGHT. ; Our Legislature neglected to cede a por tiQn of Land, at the last session, on which to build a Marine Hospital consequently the appropriation of 40,000 for that pur pose remains'; in the U. S. Treasury, there to remain tUlthe session of '56, '57. i VERY FORGETFUL, f Our neighbor of the Journal remember ed to tell "the people that the late disturb ance in Cincinnati was not a contest be tween Americans and Foreigners ; but now that everybody knows that such was the nature of the contest, ia so very forgetful as not to mention it. Let your readers know, the truth for once, in despite of 'party ties. However indignant your political as sociates may be if you should dare to do so, v. e think you could gather strength to bear the weight of a small sample of that article, so very, rare and scarce in political warfare. . ! LIFE OF SAM HOUSTON. i Mr. WmfAKER. has placed upon our ta ble "The Life of Sam Houston, " the only authentic Memoir of him ever published, illustrated with plates representing promi nent scenes of his eventful life. The read er will, doubtless, lind this a very interest ing Cook. The Book concludes with an Address "To the People of the State of New Hampshire," by Edward Durke, in October last, issued by the General Com mittee of the Democracy of New Hamp shire, in which Mr. Houston is nominated as a condidate for President, in 1856. ELECTION IN PORTSMOUTH I At a municipal election in Portsmouth, Va., on the 7th inst. the Mayor and all the ten Councilman "Of. the American Party were elected. The majority for Fishe Was 140; for the Council, 133. The Demo cratic majority was about SCO at the last Presidential election. This is Sam's do ings, and there must certainly be some live j Know Nothings down in Portsmouth. Wo ! have advertised in vain for a live one to be brought to us. . " f TEMPERANCE VICTORY. " I The Savannah Republican of the 4th inst. says : t; We levrn from a gemlemait just from GrifSn, Ga, --that the municipal election in that place on Alondaj', resulted in the success of the entire Temperance ticket fur Mayor, City Council, &c. It B reported that 'Sam' also supported the i Temperance ticket. 1 V-MPfV t vh ir-p fully and hopelessly Aourided, that impeiled ShNMbLbA.NU JL1. ! by mot, ves of humanity, we asked pern.rssion . In introducing a .otter from his Havana j cf one of the officers to kill them to relieve Correspondent to his readers, the Editor of j them from their agony. We have often since the Charleston Standard has the following j that time rej .iced that we were not allowed excellent remarks : i ! to do so, for two reasons first, because the The brijr Somers, Cttpt. Watson, arrived j c"rny could not fail to hear thit we killed in this city on Friday last from Havana j 0' r prisoners, without appreciating the mo-liavin-r left that port on the morning of the tives. and thus our people lay under one of Monday preceding. By this arrival we ! the foulest imputations ; second we have have a letter from our Correspondent - Pal-; eince become satisfied that we should have nicuu, viumiumnjr iuv iiiieiiiireiice Ol me ; death of Estrampes by the Garrote. lit - w.ii everored on th mnrnin-r of t, OT.h and, us ia reported to its both by our corres-1 pondent and by others, died likea brave man. We cannot coniess. ourselves very tauch surprised at his f.tte. It was difli- cuH to see how in ihe pursuit of the same policy by whose direction i'mto suffered tleath, he could be allowed to escape. Our "Lo jca for some, other than a f.ttal result ! were excite 1 hy the telegraphic iiifLima-' " a viuia, but ihronghout the Island. ' La lion, that in consequence of a sirong pro Prensa," a paper published at Havana, thus test by our acting consul at Havana, Mr. j speaks of the unfortunate man the day be rioLertson, tl:e matter had been referred to i fare his death : - the bpamstt' .Mti.iiter at H as-htngton, but 1 these hopes were never increased into nn expectation. There can he no donlit Km mat xJsii,;'iiyt's was guilty ot tne ouence "with which he was charged, and there can "be no doubt but that for this offence he might legally be put to. death. We may sympathize with him as a citizen of the United States, but we have not great richt to complain. We may question the pohev, too, of the Cuban government in resorting .to such harsh measures, but 'that is their affair ami not ours. This severe exercise of authority is even a different matter from the firing into and the searching of our ships ; for in this there' was nn aggression, and such hggression the Cuban "govern ment anust be allowed to punish after its own fashion, however much such punish ment may conflict with our American sense of humanity and justice With this guard against the eager republicanism of our cor respondent, we submit iiis letter to tell its pwn story, without further comment. What did you hang that cat for,' Isaac?' asked the Echoolmarm. The boy looked up, and with a grave countenance answer ed, For mew-tiny, marrn.' That boy will never come to any good end. ' POPULAR eorEREIGNTf . I5KAKSAS The Kansas election which baa been re ported 1y telegraph as having resulted in the election ot an entire pro-slavery Legis lature, seems to have been rather peculiar in its character. We lately gave the census returns of the number of voters in the vari ous districts, from which it appeared that in the first, or Lawrence district, settled entire ly by New' Englanders. there were about 300 voters. ' A telegraphic" despatch from Kansas to tha St. Louis Republican gives the following returns of the election in thai and other districts: ' "Kansas, March 319 P. M . ,: Pro-slavery ticket triumphant as far as heard from. Total vote : Lawrence. 778 to- 255; Tecnmseh. 266 to 34 Douglas. 330 to 6: Doniphan. 320 to 25 i Sbawnee Mission 40 to J6; Leavenworth. 899 to 60 ; Hickory Point. Z63 to b. infection passed on quietly and wan very little uisiuroance." As an explanation of how this marvellous change was wrought, the Republican gives the following telegraphic despatch from West ern Missouri: . " Ik dependence. March 31 9 P. M.- l-fceverul hundred returning emigrants rrom Kansas have just entered our cilv They were preceded by the We6iport and Independence brass hands. Tliev- came in at t!ie west side of the public square and proceeded entirely around it, the bands cheer ing us with nne music and the t migrants with good news, Immediately Ibllowing- the bands were about two hundred imrtmeii in reruar order; following there were oim hurtdredand fiiiv wagons, carnages, etc. They trave re. peated cheers lor K'uisua h nd Missouri. They report that not nn anti-tdavery man will be in the Legislature ol Kansas. We have made a ch an sweep." This procrsoion must have contained about a thousand men. who had jrone to Kansas for the sole purpose of votjng, and having elTec ted this by dint ol force, returned to their Mi osouri homes with a great flourish of trum pets. . Such is the popular sovereignty pro vided by the Nebraska bill a sovereignty ol non resident outlaws. Let us see what will be the effect of this. The above accounts and remarks ae from the Philadelphia American. . We have not the bill before us. but. of course, the imposi tion on the ballot-box arises from a deficien cy of the law. Put if any man nan vote the moment he becomes a squatter," or resident, ihe far t does not warrant the condort ot the Missourian, who openly violated the princi ples upon which republican freedom is based, simply because the law was inoperative in the case. They (bus intimated that they would not have acted wickedly, if the law could have prevented them. They assumed a false ground, because they were neither " squatters' nor settlers, in which character they voted, but persons a ho-had uo riglit whatever to vote in Kansas, any more than the ciu'zens ol the latter place had lo vote within the precincts of Missouii. It was an outrageous ailuir, and it is a pity the parties cannot be puniehed in some legal way. or. ni any rate, be prevented from a repetition of tfie infringement. SHOT THROUGH. TUB BRAIN. We copy the following from nn exchange paper : . 'A post-mortem examination, made nn the body of Count Ziegenhorn, who cominitied suicide in Albany. N. Y- on last Thursday, on account of unrequited love, disc osed the fact that the. ball which he discharged at his head, entered at the right n'de, parsed entire ly through the br.iin and etrink against the fckull on !he left side, when its force being spent-it sauk down two or three inches. Still life was not extinct fr eighteen hours afterwards." We should he inclined to doubt tho above, were it not sustained by an incident which passed under our own observation. A Bri tish soldier was wounded, probably by o piece of bomb-shell, which took off a part of the top of the head. This was at Ihe as sault on Fort Erie, in the war with Great Britain ol 1812. and the campaign of 1S14. We first saw him early in the morning after the night attack, Jving in the angle ol the 1" ort, On Ins hark his head greatly swelled, by whuh his eyes were closed. In tin's po sition he was turning uhout his finders in his br atn, with a mumbling groan, the whole day. and did not die till about sundown. We were so much shocked at his situation, and that of another who lay beside him. uUo aw- ever regretted as a rrime, as it really would k..., V ... "lc,, a 'ansacuon mat Could not be ius,ineJ u,,ucr -y P'? whatever.. EXECUTION OF ESTUAMPES. . Estnimpes. a cilizen of the United Slates suffered de ilh, on the 3lt ult., by the g;i roe. at Havana, on the chnrge of exciting a revolution. The execution, it is caid. has e;u,stt' niost intense txciteurent. not only 'AtJ oIock. A. M.. this day. Friday, Don p ranciscn Estrnuipes. convicted and oudty by confession ol the crime of treason nsninst the State, and sentenced lv the Ex ecutive Permanent Military Commission of ibis Island, at the council of war held on the 2Sth March, to die by the infamous garote, was placed in chapel, his execution beir.gor dered to take place to-morrow.-. Saiurdjy m the same hour of 7. ' - Thecriminal hoard standing hi sentence read to him by the assistant notary nf W3r. and manifested the greatest serenity and nN tentinn. inclining his head slightly at the con clusion of the reading, and answerim in a natural voice- If is well.' P.efore the end ing ni the sentence, he delivered to tb Con sul of the United Stales, who was present, a letter for a member of his family, who is in the United States, and thi morning, us we understand, he was occupied in writing vari ous farewell letters. - v. " " The crime ia one which we ever detest, hut the criminal, whoever he may be, has at least our sincere compassion and reu-ret for hu mitlortune." . "Pray sir," taid a judge angrily, to a blunt oid Quaker, from whom nodirect answer could be ob tained ' do you kuow what we sit here fori" Tea, verily, I do," said the Qnakcr, "three cf you for fonr dollars eacli a day, and the fat" no in the middle for funr thonsand avear. " MINISTER TO BCES63 AYRE3. -Mr. J a mes A. TEif , formerly of this town, was formally acknowledged as Minister resi dent for the UnileJ States, at Boeoos Ay re, on the25ih of January last. His reception was mora brilliant than ever before shown to a Minister of his rank, from any country. At the close ol the ceremony, a salute jdF '21 guns was fired'Jrom the frt, which was -responded to by a similar salute Irora the. Uni ted States s.'oop of-war Germantown. ' from Herald ot Tuesday. THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. - There were about forty persons all . toll, who manifested soffieient interest ia the Library As sociation about to be formed here, as to attend the preliminary meeting at the The! re list ee ning. The andience, we suppose, would have been larger, bnt businesscr pleasure engagements kept persons away. This little community Uoafnict ed with a mania for work it recognises so decid edly the superior cliinn of business over recrea tion, that the wonder is that any tin whatever can be found for purposes of relaxation or enjoy ment. The evil of all this is, that while as a com munity oar town occupies a highly creditaple . po sition, in so fir as regards energy, business eapa cit.v, and industry, . it fills lamentably' behind others in that fondness for literary recreation, wbieh is sii admirably o!culat i to improve th-' mind, and adorn the character. In our haste after the pract ic.il we Lave neithe leisure-nor inclination to tarn asiijte for a moment even, to pluck a flow- a er of the beautiful, scattered as they are, in our pathway, j Cannot this be rectified I The meeting was called to order by appointing Jno. A. Taylor, Ei-, Chairniun; I). Mcltae, aad T. liurr, Jr!., Secretaries. A committee, con.si-tinjf of Messrs." J. C. Latta, Q. R. French, and R. W. Gibbs, vas a)ointed to nominate oJlicers for the present, until the ;er na nent organjzation of the Society. The committee r-p6rted as( follows : For Preside lit G. J. McREE E-q. 1st Vice Prefideiit-GEO. HuUS TO.Vr Esq. 2J do. do.. Dr. JAS. II. DICKINSON. Secretary and .Treasurer W. R.-UTLEV. E SAVAGE, 1 JN'O. II ALL V Librarians. Dr. V. DePKEE. Rev. Dr. DRANE, 1 R. II. COWAN. J TIIO'S LjoaiNQ, J Executive Committee. D. McRAE, I T. B CAKR, J ' The rep!rt w as unanimously concurred in. Tin; pieaiatin of a Constitution and Dy-Laws for the government of the Society, was entrusted to the Executive Committee. G. J. McKee, Esi moved that a committee of three btf appointed to obtain additional members of the Association. Cartied, and Messrs, J. J. Lifpitt, T. C. Worth, and N. W. Sch-nck were sp pointed. . Mr. E. Savags moved tint the Mercantile Li brary Association be invited lojoin this Associa tion, and m rge their Library with this which as carried. The meeting was entertained by addn. ss,', from O. J. McRee, Geo. HonstoH, E Savage. Jno. A Taylor, and Geo. R. French. Eq"s, and finally .id- I journed to meet at the call of the President. TEitRICLE R0'V AT CITY POTNT. PfiTK lisoL'Bu , Va. Apt il 10. A gentleman who come up from City Point last evening, informs us that a ten ilito row occurred -thoro yesterday on board of the schooner Surp-ise, now receiving earo for New York. The particulars, so far a our informant could gather them, seem to be nearly as follow: A portion of the crew of the barque? , Kin;: at llarihou's Bar, about tea miles below City Point, embarked on board a stn ill boat, and came up to the Print. After arriving at the Point, they indulged qnite freely in honor, and in the absence of eniIo'iMrnt went on board the schooner Sur print, Colk, Sit., now taking in cir'o for N. Yoik, and insisted noti helping to load tho' vessel. They were remonstrated with by the mate of the Surprise, and told their assistance was not seeded. Stiil ieristii g, however, an effort was inade to ject them, when a general row ensued. Cap!. Cole, bring an elderly man. took refng in .the cabin of his vessel, the mate of tho Surprise Mr , was struck twice over' the bead with a bilh-t of wood, fracturing his skull, and endanger ing his life to such and extent, that at last ac counts, though still alive, two physicians had pro nounced Ins case hopeless. A nero man own d by .Mrs Moody, at the. Poiut, was knocked over board with a bar of iron anil drowned and one of the crew of the barque had his back badly broken by a powerful blow. Two of the crew of tho barque have been ar rested and lodged in jsiil, but the others made '.heir escape. It is to be hoped that, all may be secured, and severely punished for sogrossati outrage. Express. MISS BLWKLEY ANI)TIIE-JC3LTT3. A Inciter in tlie iNew ork Crmader, dated at Norfolk April 21, contains tho following reference to Miss Josephine Bnnkley : Another threatening letter has been addressed A. t! ! . . ?. 1 T . .,, ....... in iuisi uiioikii'), n win oo published in her forthcoming work. I have had the pleasure of persuing several chapters of her startling revela tions, and I assure yon it is destined to canse a profound sensation throughout tbu Union. The mysteries and iniquities of Conventnal life are ex posed with a bold hand and clear head, in a plain and comprehensive statement of her own exper ieiice, while the relation of other facts, which have, come to her knowledge, is expressed through the medium of a tale of tlnillia interest, evin cing a degree of gonitis and 'intellect which a: once an 1 f rever e m-rare h-T from th.j charge of hin icy preferred against her by Jesuit ieise cntors. Ths Lady ''Superior," of the Ennnetsburg Xnn nerr, who was in Such hot baste to defame the character of M iss ftunkley, will find that the "novice" is fir ' superior," in point of intellect, at least to any V5nperior of any Nunnery in Am-ri-ca. This young girl, like the boy. David, g.es forth to the fight, and with God and my Native Land"' inscribed ujKn her bauner, she will slay the opposing foe. The character of this young lady is beyond reproach, as tho highest authori ties of this city would if necessary, testily to. THE SURVEY. . The experimental survey of the WibningU.n, Charlotte, and Rutherford Ro-vi commenced on Tuesday nn.ler the direction of John C. McRae, Chief Engineer. Messrs. Robert P. Atkinson, an I Geo. Kirby, Assistants, and John K DravvnRo;I pian. FIRE. Mniov, C.H., S. C, April 10. The barns and stables of Dr. C. II. B?ack, at his plantation, were totally consumed by fire on the night of the 21 inst. About five hnndred bushels of corn, and eight bead of horses and rnu'es were consumed. The Bre is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Star. . - ' - We learn that on Sunday the axle of the tender of the down day train broke near Mullins's Sta tion. Tbe damage was slight,' hot the accident delayed both up and down trains several hoars. - . lb. . DEATH OF MARTIN- VAN BrjRES,;jR The Baltic brings intelligence f the death of Martin Van Bnren, Jr son f the ex-Preidcni: He died isf Paris oo the 20th 'nit. A large osm- ber ot Americans accompanied hU remains to their temporary Testing place lo the cmetery of Montmatre. The deceased bail For long time ben wasting Bnder4he "blight of consumption, bnt bis death was so sudden as to surprise even those friends who bad despaired of . bis recovery He had seated himself at the dinner table when hia head fell forward, and lie. expired without a groan. An eloquent, allocution was pronounced at the tomb by the distinguished Protestant di vine, RI. Coquerel former representative of the people under the Republic" The deceased was about forty years of age, and was : next to the youngest of Mr Van Buren s four sons, f His re mains will be brooght to the U-. States in 3 nly. A gennine down easter was lately es-aying to appropriate a squace of exceedingly totigh beef at dinner, in a Wisconsin hotel. His convulsive ef forts with a knife and fork attracted the smiles of the rest, in the same predicament ashuistjlf. At last Jonathan's patience vanished nndcr; 111 suc cess, when laying dowa bis utensils, he burst oat with : . 'Strangers, you, need't lafT-rif yoi haint got any regard for the landlord's feelings, inu orlcr hare 'same respect for "the ott bull," This sally brought down the bouse." - ? . l KHODE ISLAND. , .' . . The Providence Journal says that the flection in Rhode Island on Wednesday passed olf very quietly, the result lieing a foregone conclusion. The vote is light, but tbe majorities arex-nai nious. It adds; . ' i K? "Our returns embrace the entire Stale, except Cumberland and tbe two island towns', and tbe Know-No? btns have eant"d all luif two; Oloces ter and Foster. Glocesfer elects Dcp.i letairy t- the General Asstmtdy by twelve niiijoi ity ? Foster elects a Whig Senator ty (ne tnajoi it v, aiid n iK m qcralic Representative Ly four tr.B.joi if y. u!l oth er members of both Houses are -Kriow-Nutliinsfs." The vote for Gov. Hoppin, the present Vh;g in-cnmtK-nt, is 10 4C6, and for Mr. Potter'; bis Dem ocratic competitor, 2.800, giving Iloppin a majori ty of 8lJ. The majority for Mr. Rose", the Lieutenant-Governor, is 5."2 . He was only upon tbe Know-Xoihings ticket. In the eastern f district Mr. D n rfio is elected to Concress by a ni joiity of 3 700; In the western disIiictMr. Thtlrstou's majority will be near 4 00'. "i EXCITEMENT AT II, f' ANA. I ' -New Tonic, April 8ih A letter received here fm Havana, dated the VA install, states that irrcut excitemeijt existed there in consfqti iice of the freqirent wse of the garote. .. ' ' 'J- Extensive military picparatio'is were eovitinaed for suppressing acy revolt, imd for meeting and desl roving filibuster expeditions shon'd they reach the ir-hind. Many houses were coavei teil into ill ill rooms, by tbe. authorities ..where-- Span iards, Creoles and Negroes were-being fa tight the u -e of arms. - . . f ? :i The arrival of ihe steamer United Stnlcs from New. Orleans, reused g'cat alarm, it having been previonsly reported thut she had landed nit u anil munitions of war at another part of the islatid. She experienced in consequence, many nconve nk-nees during her stay in poit. . 1 ESCAPE OF A SLAVE ! ' A female slave, belonging to a w idow '.lady, who .was to start for Washington, secreted herself on board the steamer Jamestown, at Not folk-, a few days ago, and was not observed until the boat ar rived at New Yo'U. Before she couUTie arrested by the captain, she was placed in a hack by the coloied cook and made her escape. It is-stated that should the Jamestown return to Norfolk she will be forfeited by tho laws of Virginia, and the oflieers arid crew liable to bo imprisoned for aid ing; in the escape of a slave. I j i ARE DROP. LETTERS. TO BE IT.EI'AID T The follow ing is an extract from the new pos t.ige act : ". c"-: I ' And all drop-letters, or letters placed. In any postiilliee not for transmission thioiih ttlia mail, but for delivery only, shall be ehaiged with post age at the rate of one cent euih and all teller's which sha'l hereafter be advertised as remaining over, or uncalled for, in any posfeolficw, t-hnU be charged with one cent each, in addition) tothe re gular postage, both to be accounted foe as other postages now arc." t ,- - J j!' PEACE RESTORED. AT CINCINNATI. tlf.sntl nfthe HkcHon, The disgraceful riots at Ciin innati seem to have been broimh to a vlos'. The pipers fiom that city, as late as Saturday, an n -uiice a perfect restoration of peace :iid Older. The Commercial s-a:es that not only had cot liflca tes of election been granted to all the democratic candidates, but that Mr. Faran l.as'bei a sworn in as mayor. His majority i.s 1 ,333.. tv The Know Nothings, it is said, have majority of the Councils and will contes.1 the tjlectiunof the Mayor and other officer.. The Gazette ex presses the opinion that the democratic-candidates were entitled to their certificates of election, and adds that under the circumstance., they are glad ll.oy have obtained i hem. j ' . CINCINNATI AFFAIRS Cincinnati, April 9 The -funeral of Monroe, who wps killed in the not, took placo yesterday and passed off quietly. There were aUnat cue thousand persons in the procession. i The new city government was organized and weiit into . operation to-day. Major Farran an nounced in his inaugural a determination- to en f 'lce nil. the city ordinances. J POLITICAL. , ' i ; IIautford. April. 9, The Union ticket nomi tiated by the democrats in this city asatost the know-nothing was np.oited to-day by the anti-knoiv-nolliings wl.igs in the city election., sod the Union ticket tarried fourof the six aldermen and thirteen cf the twenty-four eoupeilmeii. The know-notlungs are said to be routed on the full voto. ' . ' r I STvLOCLi, MISSOURI..; f The municipal election at St. Louis oh !th 2.1 instant was conducted with order ami quietness. 1'here was no nndue excitement, no drunkenness ooiioting." The Know-Nothings -were eenerailv victorious, having elected all their nuniinces but two. the City Marshal str.d City Treasurir: They elected Mr. TTasfaingtou King to the office of May or by a large plurality. The number ofJ votes re ceived by him is 4 204. John Ilogan, Whig, re ceived 2 (XjO, and J. U. Llghtner, bprn. 3,171. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA.. A letter to the Savannah Republican dated at Jacksonville on tbe 2d infant, ;ays ;?lTo-day the annuo.! electiin for an Inlendaot and six Coun cilmen of this city came off. One ; hnndred and eigh'y-tbree votes were polled fof. Intcndanf, of which Phillip Praser, the Know-Nothing; candi date, received 114 and' F. Livingston, hia' pjio nent, 65. and 4 scattering. Messrs. - E. A- De- Cottes, Geerge A. Turknett, sr , SJ N. WilBams. II. II. Hoeg, Calria Oak. and Dr .A. S.i Baldwin were elected Councihnen by about" the same vote as that cast for Mr. Fraser. The -result Hf this election has astonished every body;" f i " Mrs. Partington advises all young people a filict- ed with preparation of tbe heart, to apply the cat aract oTmnstard to draw out tbe information, and she says she has never known a failure where this device was followed .. ' i y, DOING A TOLLMAN. '.; f .Two yonng ladies of Indianapolis, Indiana, Wb: Itj the byt belong to the boa torn, were out riding i in a boggy fhatnsclves, and after driving throob ; the t-arions fashioDablo avenues, tbey ooncluded to try the plank j-oad. ' Well, to the plank road they wtnt, and white trotting briskly along tbey wpre suddenly arrested by a toil gate-keeper, who demanded hia toll. How much is it V asked the girls. -'. For a man and a horse,' he replied, "it to fifty cents . Well then get out of the way, for we ate girls and a mare!, del np Jenny,' and away they went leaving the roan in mute astonishment. ROMAN CATHOLIC RIO T. . New Yobx, April 0. A riot occurft-d at Oxford in this State yesterday, among the Human Catho lics, in consequence, as tbe report goes, of a c r taia excommunicated member being oi dered out of the'ehurch by the priest. The services were suspended, and a general fiht ensued outside the building between the Roman Catholics and Protestants. The result was not serious. Oxford, N. Y, April 0 Evening. The priest of the church," and several other parties, have been arrested and held in SI 000 bail, to keep the peace. The priest was also subsequently arrested to auswer a charge preferred against him by the excommunicated memoer. The parties are Irish. There is much excitement, and furtberdiOicuhies are anticipated- An old lady being late at church, entered as the congregation were. rising from prayer. "La!" .said ihe, curtseying, '-don't get up ou my account." It ia the opinion of the doctor that the lawyer gets his living1 by plunder, while the lawyer '.dinks that the doctor obtains his by pill ao-e. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. There will be a special meet ing of the Chamber of Commerce this evening, at 7 o'clock. Busi ness of imortanee requires a full attendance. 'April 12, 1853- GEO. DAVIS, Sec'.v. Il-lltiwa'i's Ointment and Pills the best Reme dy for Barf Legs and all kinds of Wounds. The sin prising sale of these invaluable medicines in every pai t of l he civilized world is one of the most Convincing proofs of the efficacy in curing bad leirs old wounds, scrofula nnd diease of the kin. Thousand of people who suffered from these dreadful maladies, haw been cured by their use after every other remedy failed ; and it is a fact beyond dispute that there is no disease, how ever obstinate but that m-iv be shorllv eradicated by these wonderful medicines, therefore the af flicted should try Holloway'a Ointment and Pills. April 7. I0-3t. TntRB aiib v k w things which sfTird tis greater plea-ure than sittinsf down to wi ite a notice of the celebrated flootland German Bitters, because, we are fully coiifeioiiit we are confer, in a public benefit, and ot.r heart tells ns that by cur notices many have been induced to take these iiittets. atnl been rescued from death by Dyspep sia. Liver Complaint, Sic. for the ctne of whirh it is certain. It is prepared anil sold only by Dr. O.M.Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, No. 12U Arch street, Philadelphia. Aptil 5. 9 Ct. lg LIVER DISEASE.-CnTEti's Spamsh Mixtkhk, ns a remedy for liver disease, and the number of formidable e ils connecteI with a dis organized state of that oigan is unrivalled. Hundreds of certificates."' from the highest sources nf persons livinjj in the city of Richmond . Va miKht be given of cures effected by Carter's Spanish Mixture. We have only room to refer to the extraordinary cure of Samuel M. Drinker, Ks.p, if the Hun of Drinker & Morris. Booksellers Richmoud Va. who was cured by two bottles of Carter' Sputiish Mixtnru, after three years suffer ing from diseased liver. He says its action on the blood is wonderful, better than all the im-di-cine be bad ever taken, and cheerfully recom mends it to all. S e advertisement. Apiil 5. 9 1 in. "notice. rT HE Subscribers as sn ccssors of John- Daw- 1 son & Co., have oh the 12 ill inst., entered into partnership tor the purpose ol carving on tho IJrv Good and Hardware business In the Town of Wil mington, under the firm of A. Maclean & Co. They will conduct Ihe business at ibo f tore occu pied by ihe late firm, and solicit for themselves the patronage of ihe public. A.NDltF.W MACLEAN, JAM K 3 I. Mc-CALLUM. July 13. jTHE Brazilian Remedy for Diarrhoea and IKsenterv, Hundreds can teslifv to its virtues Prepared'and sold only by C."& D. DlTRB. June 27. 44 tf. THE CO-PA'? rNERSIIIP of P. K DICKIN SON & CO, U ihi'f day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will tie settled by either of the Co partners. P. K. DICKINSON, KOBT. II. COWAN, THUS. D. WALKER. April 10, 18"5. 12-lm. THE CO PARTN KRSIliP nf PARS LEV, McKAK & '0.,V this day dioL-ed by mu tual consent. The fisnature of ihe film will be used only for the closing up of the business. O. t. PARSLEY", JNO. M ell A 10, W. G. JONES. April 10, 1835. 12-lm. 'yilE TIN D E RS I a N E n hv purchased theen 1 tire interp.t of P. K. DICKINSON & CO. in the Ga3ton Mills, and of PARSLEY, McKAK CO.." in t lie Hilton Mills ; and have n.-sociutcd themselves toaetbor under the firm ol PARSLEY, COWAN CO. They will continue the transnruon of the Lum ber Huness in all its branches; and hope to i.v 'ain tlie correspondence of the old Firms. O O. PARSLEY. ROMT. II. COWAN, JNO. McRAE, W. O. JONES, DAVID S. COWAN. April 10, 1855. 12 if. Journal and Herald copy. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE "VVlLMLVnTON ICE HOUSE" IS nnw open (he publienia v dopend on havine their w.-ints supplied all seasons ot the year, ai j ra.i.sonalile ran . Orders front the rntmtry addressed to ' Wllming too Ice House", will be well packed and promptly lorwardcu. A. tl. VaxBOKKELEN, Proprietor. April l'2th. lS.iS. 12. 0RAT0KS AND STATESMEN. PIIR most eminent Orators and Statesmen ol J. Ancient and Modern liinee; containing skeioh- cs ot their Lives, Specimens ot their Kulogiums, and. an estimate of their Ueuius. ty IJavid A. tin siii. Just published. Received and for sale at Aptil 12. S. W. WHITAKKR'S. "I'lIE SONS OFlrilE SIRES7; AIIISTORV of the Rife, Progress, and Dcti nv of the American Party, and it probable inrlnenee on ihe neii Pre-,ik rvtial Flection. To which i added a review of the letter of the Hon. Hc-nty A. Wise against Lie Know NothiOE. For eaicat S. V. WlllTAKER'S. April 12. - . 12. niNT'S MERCHANTS MAGAZINE, MERCHANTS MAGAZINE, for JLX April, recrivcd and for nale at Apiil 12. W. WHITAKER'S. ECLECTIC MAGAZIXK, fur April, received and for ale at - S. W. WHITAK Kit's. " HAVE YOU SEEN SAM !" . rpHR Hero of San Jacinto. The Life of Sam X Hons'on-The Pioneer General President Senator Statesman. The most interesting Book of the diy. Just from the Presa. Korxaleat April 12. S.'YV. WlllTAKER'S. SNUFF, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. LGRILLARD'S SnnlT, in bbls. and half bbla. 1 50,000 Cigars, from 8 to 3 per thoagai.di 25 Boxes Chewin? Tohacco. For sale by r April 12. . ZENO II. GREENE. NAILS! NAILS!! NAILS !!! Jf KEGS assorted, from 4 to 20d. For sale by I V April 12. ZENO H. GREE.NE. . . Vi 4 '-2 1 Onri nil i i PORT or WlCMINOTOX, APRIL . ARRIVED. 9. ScbT. Southern Belle, Powell, from N. York, to J. 11. Planner.. . ' " Schr. Thornss Der.ison, Story, from Cape Aon, to J. &. D. McRae So Co. Schr. Helenc, Slates, from New York, to T. C. Worth. Steamed Fannv Ln'terlrth, Stedman, from Fay etteville, to W. P. Elliett. 10. Steamer Flora McDonald, Ilnrt, from Fay clteville, to T. C & B. G. Worth. Steamer Rowan, McRae, from Fsyetteville, to W. P. ll!itt. Schr. H,.dri and Beolah, Sharpe, fiom Phila. to f. C. Vi, th. . Barqrie Sanuiao. Bullerdick, from Charleston, to Wexel & Eilets. Sehr. Nelson Harvest, Boarse, from Boston, to J. II. Flanm r. CLEARED. ' , 9 Steamer Gov. Grahata. Evans, for Fayette ville, by T. C & B G. Worth- 10 Steamer Fanny Lutterloh, Stedman, for Fay-etfevill.-. by W p Elliott, Brig Clark Windsor. Percival, for Bosten, by T. C. Worth ; with naval tor-a. &c- 11. Brig Albeit Adams. EMridge. for South America, by Adams. Bro. &. Co. ; with lumber Sehr. Matchless, Smith, for Pliila , by George Harr'ns; niih naval stores Sehr. Lanjartino, Brig?, for New York, by T. C.-Vorth; with naval stores &c. Sehr. Martha, Golder. for Puila., by G -o. Har riss; it h naval stores, &c. Sehr. A!ta Timnioris. tor New York, by George Ha.-iisa; with naval stores. &c. Schr. Echo. Hatr for N. York, bv T. C. Arorth : I Willi naval stores. Schr. Wm II. Smfth. AMen, for New Yoik, by DeRossct &. Brown; with naval stores, die. CK1CKEGSI CliACHERS!! Qf BI:LS.. and 20 bixes, fredi Sugar, Soda iVand Butler. I or s.-.le by April 12. ZENO II. GREENE. NOTICE. At a medio? of the Commissioners annointeil under the Act of Incorporation for the purpose of creating the capital stock of lh Wilmington Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad Company, held this 14th day of March 1855, in tho town f Wadesboto , it was " ttesolved. That books be opened tor subscription to the capital stock in the Wilmington. Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad at tbe places and by the persons designated in the Actol incorporation ot said Road, on the 2i d Monday (the 'Jth) in April iiext." .Vol ice Is hereby given that Rooks will be onen- ed at the f diowing places, .n M-JNDAV, April the yth, lfeoo. for subset iption.s to thi ca'pital. stock of the Wilmington. Charlotte & Rutherfoid Rail- i I it . . ..! . . ,, roan, Winer lue uirecnon i ino lollowmg Uersons: Wilmington-. George Davis, T. C. Worth. A. H. VanUokkelen, John C. Latta, Miles Cojtin, Geo. R. French. J. II. Fianner, Edivard Kidder S. I). Wnl lace, A. J. DeRosset, Jr., John A. Taylor, H L. Holmes and R. II. Cowan, or a majority of them. Whitksville Calvin Hiynes, T. S. Metnorv. W. M. Baldwin, Wni Friuk and Those Smiih.or a majority of them. Lkv.nan's Stoiik Ilavncs Lennon, TImiiuss L. Vail, Lovet Peacock and Maiiueduke Powell, or a majority of them. t- Aia Ri.i'FP Alva Smith. Augustus Smith, Jno Coley Slid W. L. Williamson, or a lilijoi ity of ! hem. Lcmbshton John T. Pope. El ward Louis. Rob't. S French, Robert E. Troy, Edmund Mc Queen, II F. Pitman and J. M. Carmichael, ot a majority of them. Flora i. Oou:K A roh M Smith Malcolm Pur cell John Gilchrist, sen.. Dr. Neul McNttir, VV'm. Sellers and I'eter iV. MoEichin, or uny three of them. Lacris-sscrq John Mallory John Faiiley JoI,n Gilchrist, Jr., D. C. Mclutyre, Dau l JieKinixm, Jno. L. Fairley, VV. M. McVair, Duucan McLatirin arid Rev. Thos. Gibson, or any three of them. Rockingham Waller F. Leake, Mini Wall, Wm. B Colo, Gen. Allied Dockery, Stephen Cole, Col. Jno. VV. Covington and R. S. McDonald, or any three of thorn. Wadksboro' H. B. Hammond, Geo. W. Little, S. W. Cole, E. F. Lilly. P. G. Smith, Jos. White, I, H. Hargrave, I'mdie Richardson, and Jas. Med ley, or any three of them. Ei.iZABimrroWN Jno. G. .McDugald John J. McMillan, Jno. A. McDowell, Thos" C. Smith and Duncan Cromartie. or any three of them. Mo.su ok. Union Co Hugh Houston, Sam'l H. Wolknp. Hugh Wilson, Moses Cuihbertsou Joiia Iliini Trull, M. Stuart and W. W. Hart, or any Hit e of them. Hamilton s Stork Wm. Hamilton, Wm L Sti gjtt I and Csty Tolsoti. Davis' GoLn Mink Whi. Houston, Capt. James Houston and Wni. Hudson. Wilson's Stork Geo McCain, Jno. Stewart, Col. Wm. Walknp and Hugh Wilson. Howard's Stork -RoUt. Howard. Robt. Howie and Col. Jas. A Dunn. Chahi.otte Win. Johnson. Gen. John A.Yonii", John Irwin, Leroy Springs, John Walker, - Wiu. Maxwell. Wm. II-Matthews Williamson, W. W. Elms. C J. Fox and Wm. R. Myers, or a majority of them. Litfcot.NTnN Henry Cansk-r. John F. Hoke, L D. Childs, J. F Alexander and Denjatuiu John son, or a luajoi ity of t hem. Du.las jatues H. White Alex Hole, Dana Jenkins. Jasper Stowe and Wm. Sloane, or a' n.a jority of them. Siiklbv Dr. W. T. J. Milter, Dr.. Tho. Wil limns, Charles ISIanton, Wni. Roberts and C. C Dm ham. or a majority cf them. RlthkhfoitdtonW. Miller. Sam'l W'hkings Robert G. Twiity, A. Logan and T. B. Justice, or a majority of I hem. And at such other places, and by snch other persons, as a majority of the Commissioners at Charlotte may direct. ALEX McRAE, Cli n. Wilmington, N. C March SM, ltwo. FOIl RENT. ia A Fine ROOM newly fitted up, on Sec- KANKJ.N" cfc MARTIV. e.i. E. R. DURKEE, 139 W lTER STRK 1CT X K iV'-Y Oil K, Manufacturer and Proprietor of DISK EE'S TEAST (Ml B1EIVG POWDEC, Importer and Ue.iler in CREAM T AHTAR, SUP. CARI!. SODA, .SAL SODA. CASTII.K SOAP, CLACK LEAD. BRITISH LUSTRE, KEK'D PK.iRLASII, SALERATL'S. - COOKING KXTiKACTS. MATCH KS WAX and WOOD. Dee. 23rd, 133 1. Ii7 ly-c. CANDLES! CANDLES!! TALLOW and Adaman'inr Cendlr?. for salt? Tn lots to suit, by ZENO H. GREKNK. April 0. - . 11. RRAND ROYAL ARCH CH1PTER CF , NORTH CAROLINA. TFlRRtptdar Annual Convocation of 4hU body id be held in Wilmington on Monday, the 4tn oay 01 Jtnemii. ou bordiale Chapters are requested to be punctual in eendtns their reprnentati vt s, as mat ters of much importance are to 'te acted on. H. P. RUSSELL, Grand Secretary. April 10. ll-tin. FROM FAYETTEVILLE Per Steamer fiHit LuUer!A. 2r"Z BBI S. Super Flour; 10 h U. family do for J:h"cahonlv. at OKO. H. CKLLKY'S. Keh. 10. J 11 and .NOT eopy. 137. QTEFL AND GOLD 1 or, The Heir of Glenville; O A Story of Revolutionary Days; by Kranci A. Durivage. ust published. Received and for sale at ' S. W. WniTAKER'S. April 5. . 9. FOR RENT. THAT desirable Dwrellina. fiiaited on Front Street, between Mtiibury and Wal nel. next north of the residence of Mr. R. F. Brown. ' For terms, annlv to -RAAKIN& MARTIN, Oct. 5. South Water-t. THE NEW-YORK JOURNAL For April, re ceived and for sale at ill arch 31. S. W. WHIT.UtK'd. WHOLESALE ri.ICES CUIIREAT. ,.MLV.ft Perl. Porto Rito. RACOPf , in. n a f 0 Cuba, 21 Sbouldra o. JO (,, j NAVAL SIoltKs Mao,. wtiietB, ti a 00 Velio di, Q Vh do'f 9 : Virgin dip hould.ra, do. f a Hard, I H ' . -i - . m. 1 1 t ti t n ,r til fan ' iu a i t a 0 ( f ouner.per lb., 23 a 29 "t'.hK, per bbl . eiorihern inesa, 13 a ' f" V 00 als I Rosin hy tnlt-t '", It3 0(' b I 10. (J 0-i No kS. i VJ j ipuit, Tur.'i a'aIl."' 39 ' I.ILi.pciScjt.Miult,,, inrou.h:, jo a ;7j Ol L, pt i c-ii p.. rni o-, a , p. do Hf ... . .: ' 6 01) i J 00 COKKKK, ,,,-rlb. St. Domingo, 11 12 Rio. iu4 u Laeuayra, lj a tl Cuna, none. IS a IS Cotion, per lb. 9 i CO (Jo.n, per bus 95 a (0 Candles, N. C II a la do. Northern, 16 a 17 ltlafTiur.tine, 25 a 30 SperiM, 4 i, 50 Cliche, U a 13 Cor on Varn. ti a 17 do Oinabnr' 9ia 10 a I -- "' or. 5(j , ork, Pta ihern per Ub ."" o-i OU a W , 1 enB).lr, ,!lfj I I .'A t -4 N C febeei ln', 7 a S ( hwetinsr til 7 Kl.Otrit.,.,., i, Kayettevillc, 9 50 9 62i Bk 111 mo re. a Canal, ex. 12 TO a 14 00 Feathers, 45 a 50 G LI' K, per .;. A met Iran, U a 1 4 11 A V, per I Of' lbs !'n:.lrn, J 25 a 0 00 N. Rivnr, 1 vr, i 0 CO Ash hejid- 9 (jt) inj', 12 00 a Holi.tw- jlV'i Nut 0 0(1 i RICE. t r lll.nl.. On 13 'Cltanrii. 4 a i.i'tialt ric-nom. 1 if j 1 per i.iifil,. i 0ll a ,vspVi:8. r-erlOKO. . nii. 23 CO 3 : roiigri. Dic-sk d non-. i '. hint I', m rottrrh. Dresed, I'ifngles. tor If.ijp. (,' omon. - si) r, n iu, on r.iet, 5 M ilihiet'a ' lirr n Qr, Sal - p,.- l.t,,.i.t 'I nil . a 7 5 CO ,'lT w-ire, 3j I 'ION, pr fh. Ameriran, i)eii re lined, fj a Kn!iah a??oried, Swede heal relin- 4 5 land, i.lov .,, l.iv ( reool 40 Unlit a peri.irl, J 45 Soup, per M. fcie. rt , Rro,vn. 5i t S'e.-I per lb American sneer P. -Hi .sv ,..i. a LC.MRK.lt, netioun rrr, "i Sim ;! I", on n ir; , l-'l.-orinr, 10 0i a fi lV boards 7 0d a oij i ;i p i ;i n if and scam lint?, C 00 n lg Ol' vVidn buard.4 erinnn, 15 l.li'.-irrc.l. (j i'esi I "n . Iter I r;!.i!il V It a a 23 M ill ed'Ji;d, 14 Ou a 00 On . ii leel, 5 Oil nriee ; v,,r ... 4!i t d 11- fuse hrilf prie 6 no Miir-u i.iMiiic.jt. : v . Orlenno Eloorins, I! CO a (M 0 : ' forlo Itie, Wde ho'rd.-. 7 00 0 0 St . -roit Senntlin?. a 6 f'O f oaf ' Lard in bUs lOta IIJTIMrrrrt 5 a 7 -i a R 8 a 10 .4 a II "' I IC'Ci'i r, I. CO h e'js 1 1 at' .shi ! pinr. 00 ( 0 n P0 1 0 i.ioie r 1.1,1. 1 .io a 11 LiaiTOllS ,ier ;ai:, . f'eneh hrandv Apple, ' C5 a 1 tin I'r'iee tnijl 7 00 0 8 00 '"oi ir. on, 5 Stl a 7 5 1 inferior. 3 r;0 a 4 00 fallow pr lb 12 a 1 1!' W. I-S.per i r.llon". Madeira, I ('0 a -1 CG fo . 1 fi.i A live whiskey r,0 n 1 ( 0 Kee'lf:ed, 4P. a MOLASSRS ier ;.i!lon NevvOrlcnns. 23 '1 CO Valaaf 40 FREIGHT. To Xr.w Youk. Rosin, - - !,) 011 deck, -Ii under Turpentine, - . 51 . Spirits Turpentine, - G" Yarn and Sheetino, 8 cents per foot. Cotton per hale. Sl,fU Pea Nuts, per bush. C cet,ts. TO PlIll.AnKI.PHlA. .Naval Stoics, - . .10 tts. on deck Spirits Turpentine, - 7:) cts. per bid. 4 tin. am an t s.ieetiiijT, . . s " foot. Pea Nuts, .... 0 " " bushel REMARKS ON .MARKET. Tl-rpkntink. -5.y.j8 bbN. Turpentine were sold at S2 00 per bid. for Yellow Dip, and 1 50 for Hard Spirits Tin rr.vTtNK. 50 bbls. changed hands S9 centK per gal. Rosim. No sales of either rpiaiify that u hear of. Tin. 229 bbls. Tar sold at 1 85 per bbl. Timdrr. 4 rafts were sold at piices ranging from $6 to 8 per M. Hay. 200 bah-s Northern ILiy Here sold at 1.05 per 100 lbs. Cotton. GO bales, Middling quality Cotton, were sold at 9 cents per lb. FLOUa. 23 bbl.s. Flout (Wilmington inspection) were sold at 10 per bbl. for Family brnnds ; sil lier, 9,50 to 9 75 per bbl. NEW Yon K MARKET. April 9. Ihe Jour, of Com. reports lo Sit unlay cvenifi : Nuv Stores Crude turpentine h i been (Inn er, with fales of 1 0U0 bbls. lit :i 25 a 3 o7J for lot-.. 011 th spot ; some Miles to nnive wer 111 nlo at 4 a 3 12i. Spiiits tmpentiuu have t.aitial!v Uiecovereil the decline noticed lat week, but ajain close heavily; tlie sale are 1 l'H) bbN. at 42 n 42 50. Conitnon ro.shi bus improved, with sales of HtHK) bbln.. Ht 1,50 a 1 (15 for eonimott. inclnd inj: 1 500 to-day. mostly- at 1 C21 ; 1 C7J a 1 75 lor No. 2 and low No. 1 ; SI 81 ( a 2 25 f..r No 1. Tar rntitirnii-H dull at $2 5o a 2 75. Included in the experts for the week are II 2-V.I barrel ro-in; 50 do. Iinpetitine ; 12 do. spii its ; 200 do. tar, and 50 do. pi teli. Exnorls for the week; - bld.t. 11571 I.l from Jan. lt., - io. 1'.'5 !:!' L'o. snnie time bii-t year. do. 155 197 Rice Then; ha.s Iven !e.ss activity- this week, the hith prices asked by holders haiin checked the demand, but there v.a more firnniess again' to-day; the sales for the week arc l,5y0 tc. at 5-1 25 a fcoo'JJ for f.ir to prime. Fiports for tlie week, - tcs. 175 Do. from Jan. 1st, - - do. -1 7'i" Do. sanl : time lat year, - do. l'Ml'.O EOSrON MARKET. We rxtraet frotn the BotonShip. Sc Com List, of iS 1 itirtlay. April 7 : Tbe market hat been rather quiet the past ' week, and on Thnrsdd v last, - Fast Dav." hesi- ne.ss was entirely Mispcnded. ISofh Flour and Coin have sustain. -1 very fill pii-es, P01 k it ve ry scarce, and .as advanced, bile other Provi sions remain unchan.ed Coffee is quite lirni, and Mobiees and Siiar are in steady deiu in.l at prrviom prices. Not nmeh ramcmnl hi Ca'e'it Ui Goods, but Linseed, Hide, Gutuo Lags unci Cloth nr held qu.tK flrni. In o' her leading art 1 -el. no matei ial change ban taken p!ac-. Our money matket cotninu c-emj.aiHtively easy and tbe rates of ii.ler.-kt remain u it bout rbane. There is very little paper iti'eriti on iheMrret, ai.d tirst cias in teadily taken at fiom li to 8 per pc r cent. Exchange on London has been quiet for. some day, but i. firm. We quote 00 day Bill on Louden at 10 per cent, pu-ni. end oil Pariat f.5 OS a f 5 10. - The receipts nf Flour for the week have been 5 3b8 bids, by Railroad, and 15 95.) bbls by wa ter. The receipts of Corn for Ihe Mime time'havu been 507 sacks and &1 hoi bushels ; and of Wio-at 6 72o bnebrla. Sales of Flour at s9 51) a 12 5 ' Com 02 to 10C, as to quality. Cotton f a lOJ. Naval Stores. There have b-e.j s-il.-u of bL. Spirit Turpentine at -15.;., iind.o'her miall lot., as 4ic. per ! , cash, clo-inj at the la'ter rate. In Tar there have been a'e of ,"07 bbl.. Wilm'n.'-ton.- to arrive, at 3 er bbl., fi in .s. Comrnoti Rosin cwntintte Keare. Sal. s of :J,W bbN. for ex port at $1 fc7 a 1 : and 40 bl.U. ... 2 at $2 'l prr bbl., fi nos. Iu Pilch sales of 200 bbls. Wil uiington to arrive, at 2 50 per bbl . 6 mos. lmpoits from January to Ai.rtl 4. le.V5. 1S54. R-sin bbls.. - 10 3D.J 12. 122 Turp-iitire. bldx.. - - fi4 t 1 (i7', Spirits Turpentine, bbls., .3 417 2 8 Pitch Dbs., - - 80 Tr. bbls.. - - 4 000 1 Rice. There have been sales of good nualitv at 51 a 5c. per lb., 0 mos. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. March IS. The business done since our last has been f very insijniiicant character. Ia fact, we have not, for a long time passed, witnessed such an alter stagnation in trade s has prevailed, dnring the past seven day. Even in the great staples but very little has been done, while hold ers of other classea of mercnandise have in many instances not effected a tingle sale. Every thing baa been at a complete stand.iiil. Wo quote small sales HaxsII Flour at 15; KioCof.ee ai 15 cents ; Butter 30 a 45 cents ; Adamantine Candies; at 55 cents; Barley at 2 cents.; Comberlan'l Cos I, to arrive, at SJS. CO to

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