m.nino ' i n Chi WILMINGTON, N. C.; TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1117 VOLUME X NUMBER 14. NEWS. ARRIVAL OF TI1E WASHINGTON. FO UR DA YS LA TER FROM E UR OPE. THE VIENNA CONFERENCE UNSATISFAC TORY. New CoicttHans-Proposed by the Al lies 'Disagreeable to Russia. . GENERAL ATTACK ON THE ALLIES BY THE RUSSIANS BEFORE SEBASTOPOL. Hie Russians Repulsed with Great Loss. "New York, April 12. The stearn ; ship Washington, frorn Havre via South ampton, with Liverpool dates to Wed nesday, the 28th ult., arrived here this evenings Her advices are four days la ter than those received per steamer Bal tic. ' " ., The steamer Canada had not arrived out when the Washington left. THE VIENNA CONFERENCE. The proceedings of the Vienna Con ference appear to be unsatisfactory. The allies do not insist on the destruc tion of Sebastopol, but propose other conditions disagreeable to Russia. It was understood that the conference had agreed upon the first two points, and that the critical third point on which the question of peace or war turns was under consideration and would occupy several days. The demolition of Se bastopol would not be demanded. On the other hand another dispatch says : ' All conjecture as to the result is idle." 'THE LATEST FROM VIENNA. March 27th, Evening: -The state of the political horizon has again be come gloomy, and the conference of the day previous on the third point was anything but satisfactory, the conditions required by Russia being very disagree able. . , FROM SEBASTOPOL. Odessa advices of the 24th ult. -state that the Russians, in spite of repealed attacks, maintained their position on Mount Seponne, whence their guns play upon the French lines. . The weather continued fine and the health of the troops improving. The advanced batteries of the British were making considerable progress. A ccording to information received from deserters, the Emperor's death had not been promulgated in Sebastopol. Omer Pacha arrived at the allied camp on the 12th, and on the 13th the Russians opened fire from the heights of Balaklava, but the English, assisted by General Kuoys, routed them. On the 17th, the Russians attacked the whole line of the allies, but were driven back with great loss. Projects for converting Sinope into a strong fort, and for erecting extensive : sea fortifications at Sebastopol, are fa vored by the British government. The alliance between Sardinia and the Porte was signed on the 15th ult. Prince Gortschakoff arrived at Sebas ' topol on the 20th ult, " On the 14th the Turkish cavalry at I Eupatoria made a sortie, but ' were re pulsed. On the 17th three battalions of Zou aves attacked the new Russian redoubts before Sebastopol, but were driven back with great loss. On the night of the 1 5th the French troops carried the line of ambuscades occupied by the Russian sharpshooters, and at the same time the Russians made a sortie, but they "were repulsed. . . FRANCE. Preparations continued to be made at Constantinople to receive Napoleon, in the mean time he and the Empress will visit Queen Victoria on the 16th of April. France agrees, says the London Morn inar Herald, to send 5,000 additional troops to the Crimea, after the close of the Vienna conference, provided Eng land will furnish the means of convey ance. ' ENGLAND. Sardinia is in the English market for a loan of 2,000,000, at 4 per cent. In the House of Commons, Mr. Phi lia moved an address to the Queen, praying that in the peace negotiatious exertions be made for the reconstruction of Poland. After a debate, in which Lord Palmerston opposed the motion on the ground of creating further difficul ties, it was withdrawn. In the House of Commons the sec ond reading of the bill to abolistrnews paper stamps passed by . a large ma jority. Sir Charles Wood stated that it was .'intended, as soon as the ports in the Baltic and White Sea open, to establish a strict blockade. - The committee of inquiry into the conduct of the war continued its sessions, and the revelations were still more ap palling. At the annual meeting of the British ' and American Land Company, a high- ly satisfactory exhibit of the state of af fairs was made. , Dantzic advices of the 17th report the navigation opened there. . At Rima the ice remained unaltered. The bulk of the British Baltic fleet at Spithead was expected to sail on the 2d of April. Parliament has agreed to Sardinia's request for a loan of 2,000,000 ster lingone million to be immediately ad vanced from the public treasury, and the other million a year hence if necessary. ENGLAND AND SPAIN. The Madrid correspondent of the London Times states that the Spanish Cabinet has been discussing . a strong note addressed to the Government by Lord Howden, the British Minister, on the subject of the religions, &c. ; and it was a question whether the letter should not be returned to the author. ' Lord Howden got 'wind of this arid threatened that if such an insult was of fered he would, within six hours, sus pend all intercourse with the Spanish government. A satisfactory adjustment was accordingly looked for. SECOND AND SPECIAL DESPATCH. A n Expected Split on the Black Sea Question Appalling Revelations I of the English Army, $'c. i New York, April 12. :VVe have the following further interesting intelligence. f WAR MATT ESS. I The suffering of the English troops in the hospital at Scutari are reported as terrible. f The imperial , guard of ' France left Paris on Tuesday for the Crimea. 5 The total effective Russian army in the Crimea is' one hundred and fifteen thousand. f The position of the allies is now com pletely shut in by an enclosure of for midable entrenchments, extending to the heights of Balaklava. Important events are shortly anticipated. The condition of the troops was improving. t THE VIENNA CONFERENCE. i The fourth sitting of the Vienna con ference is represented as 'having been very stormy. At London the impres sion appears to be that Russia will not accede to the conditions regarding the Black Sea. The conference will prob ably split on this question. ? Constantinople letters, however, in dulge hopes ot peace. ENGLAND. J The relations of the Roebuck com mittee of the British Parliament, inquir ing into the conduct of the war and the late condition of the troops, in the Cri mea, are appalling. FRANCE. ? Fifty arrests had been made in Paris of parties implicated in the conspiracy to assassinate the Emperor at the Jate review of the Imperial Guards. I The prevalent opinion at Paris is that peace is near at hand. E AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND. ? The three years' dispute between Switzerland and Austria has at length been settled. THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I published every Tuesdav, Thdbbday and Saturday at 5 per annum, payable inalleases in advance. BY" THOMAS LORING Editob andPaopme- TOB, ; Corner Kront and Market Streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. RATES OV ADVERTISING. 1 ear. 1 insertion SO 50 1 sqr. 2 months, $4 00 I 2 75 I 1 " 3 " - 5 00 I " 3 " 1 00 I I " 6 8 P0 I I month, 2 50 I 1 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the pi ice wilt be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change in business, or an unexpected removul necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate business." All advenisements inserted in the tri-weeklv Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of chnrse. JOIl, C.IRO AND FANCY PRIXTISfG, EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR TUB COMMERCIAL.. Naw Yoic Messrs.- Diillneb & Potteb. Hvitan Chables Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohen. Baltimore Wm. H. Peake and Wm. Thomson. GRATIS! , Just Published, ;Sew Discovery In Medicine. JPfgJgtZt A few words on the rational treat SLJXw, nipm. without Medicine, of -Sperma-tSiiifci' torrhea or Loral weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Los of Memory, aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Silf-Distrust, Dizziness, Head Ac-he, in voluntary Discharges, Pains in the Side, A flections of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and oth er Infirmities in man. FROM THE FRENCH of Dr. B. DE L.ASEY The important fact that these alarmingcomplain's may easily be removed without Medicine, is, in this small tract, clearly dtmonstrated; and the en tirely new and highly successful treatment. as adop ted by the Author, fully explained, by means, of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of ihedny. Sent to any address," gratis, and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two po-t-age stamps to Dr. B. DE LAN EV, No. 17, LUpen ard Street. New York. MarehlO. 149-6m-p. COAL ! COAL!! HAVE reduced the price of.theCoai now on my wharf to 7 ,50 per ton, delivered. I Feb. 27. T.C.WORTH. : MULLETS. ' ; ICABBLS.No I Mullets, in oak and pine tU bbls., and in prime order, for sale by Jan. 20. MOOilli, STANLY A CO. HOOP IRON AND RIVETS. ' TONS Hoop Iron. 1, U ""d 1 Inch ; 60,000 Rivtts all sizes. For sale by Marco 22. ZENO H. GREENE. N. C.T. copy. . . BACON. t f HHDS. Sides; 10 do. Shoulders. - For sale JLUby RUSSELL BRO. Jan. 23. 129. BUTCHERS' IMPERIAL FILES. JUST received a full supply. April 3. J. M. ROBINSON. BUSINESS CARDS. E. J. LUTTERLOH. ' FORWARDING if COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N . C. Sr pt.2?ih. 1854. 83-1 2m. W J. SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mer chants Wilmington, N. C. All consignments Naval Stores, togetherwith Cotton, Bacon, Laid, Coin, Meal, Flour, &c, shal ecure the highest market price. - Dec. 13 115-tf J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &C.&C. Front street. South ot Market, BROW.v'p B0IL.DING, WILMINGTON. N. C. . Sept. 16, "854. 79-y-e J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERC HAN T 4- GENERAL AGENT. WILM1NUTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1834. 85-ly-c. Wii,Ki.soX & KSr-HR, UPnOLSTEHS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, MMrtsses, Feather Beds, Window Curtains , and 1'izlures, All work in the above line done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. March IS, 1S54. 1- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments for !ale or Shipment. Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments to me or to my New York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. ? 135 , W."c HOWARD, " GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer cnunt, Wilmington. N. C. Liberal Jash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29, 1633. 109-tf -c. dupeb. DANIEL B. BAKKR. n DhPRE & co. GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSION ASDl'ORWAKDIXG 31 KKCIIAXTS, WILMINGTON N. U. July 22d, 1854. 51-12m. JAMES ASDEBSO.V, EDWARD 8AVAGE. ANDERSON & SWAGE. GESEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal rash advances made-on consignments. Marc h 27, lb54. 94. " russeTl"brother, (LATE ELLIS, RPSSKLL & CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash adances made on consignmentsof Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1851. : C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND KETAL, DEALEHU IN Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, l'aints, OH, Dye Stuns, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, MARKET STREET, WlIiMINUTOS,.N, C. PrescriDtioncarcfully :ompounded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1854. WILLIAM A. GWYE!, General Ascnt.Forwardingi Commission Merchant. -1 take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am Dreuared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval stores, with ample aecommoiiJtioss, spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd ail kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. t April 18, 1354. 15. WILLIAM H, PEAKE, COLLECTOR m ADVERTISING AGENT. Far Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu luings, Baltimore street All business ec'.rusted touts care transacted promptly, ot lioeraltcrnis. sept 7, IS54. 95-tf JAMES E. METTS, C OMM1SSIOIT 4- FOR I VA R DING MERCHANT. WILMINCTOX, N. C. August 2Cth, 1S34. - 69-tf. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, C0.U31ISS10N AND FORWARDING MERCHNNTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1854, ' 125-c JAS. T. PtTTIWAV. CCO. It. PBITCHETT. PE PTE WAY & PRITCnETT. General Commission and forwarding Mer CHANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GROCERS, NORTH WATER STREET, i- WlLMINOTOS, I. C. Fromot attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores and all kinds of Produce. Intend keeping; an assortment of Groceries, L quors and Provisions. July 18. 52. JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILSIIXGTOX, X. C. May 9ih, 1S34. . 67-ly-c. JAS. n. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WILMISCTON..N.C. Jas.II. Chadboubs. Geo. Chadboubn. Jun. 1,1854. : 123. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDINU AGENT, WUlgiee his personal attention to business entrust ed t his care. Sept. 8, 1S54. 75-Iy-c. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Wtnts, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, ;', Con ifectionar Us, fe. South Froni street, , ' VVIL.M1 NCSTON, N. C Nov. 13, 1853. 109. QUINCE & COWAN. WHOIiESAIE AND R ETAII- GROCERS; DEALERS IN WINES f-LIQUORS. Corner of Front and Princes streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 29. i , BS. MAGNIFICENT SPRING GOODS. THIS D A V, March 20th, we will open a large and beautiful Stock of . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ' selected with great care, many of them imported direct of our own importation. Our Stock this. Spring will, and shall, compare favorably with any other House, for Elegance of Style, Design and Fa bric We will also receive and open the same day a larse assortment of Paris Visites and Capes, la test Paris Pattern'? Also, a large and elegant va riety of Shawls, Scarfs, etc. We arelaily receiving new Goods. Please call and ex r mine onr Stock. " . KAHNWEILER& BROS. March 20. 2. BUSINESS CARDS: A. H. VanBokkklen. - W. A. M. WnBokkkles. VANBOKRELEN & BROTHER, WIMINGTON, N. C. 3 Manufacturers of and dealet s in Naval Stores. Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnished at fair rates under insurance, if desired. ;; if Jan. I. i 122-tf- D. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE' IlOBaTON KICKE.M AV & IIOCTtV, f MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C, : f ft; D. C.F1IEEMAN CO.! i ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175 FROST STU15UT,: NEW YORK. : FKEEM1N AND HflUSTOS, WILM1SCT0S, N. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock ol Flour, Com, Pork,- Bacon. SaU, Cofee, Sugar, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Ciars. Snuf, Candler, Soap, For-, eign and Domestic Liquors and Wines;1 Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics,- Ualst 'Boots, Shoes, Leather, Asricullural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will disposeof in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash.orin exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. j ! J Th eontnrnarlner D. O. KaEEMAK.is located in the city "of New York ; the junior partner, Gbo. " ,1731 : . 1 r .1 .... A ..l..nnnnn llOCeTON, 111 limillUlUIl- ; 1 UC3i, DUIohlgs, will be made on ensiamnents to and from ieither place. All business entrusted to them will receive nrnne.r nttention : and orders for Goods will be promptlvand carefully filled. - . Sept. 9, 1S54. n i 'o-i- GEO. UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N.C ! STRICT attention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. i i ; Kbf El T'J , ! i K. P. Hall, Esq. 1 ft, ? ,G-Ja"ley:.K6q- J-Wilmington. 1. A. Taylor, Esi- f ,.:! i , J. D. Bellamy, Esq. J u. ; : Messrs. TooUer, Jniyth & Co., ) kpv1 vnrt Thompson oi Hunter, ) , , V Alex'r. llerron, Jr. Philadelphia. k I Messrs Williams & Butler, ) CharieitonS. C. H K. Baker, Esq. Jan. 2. 1854. 123 if. I. WESSEU. H. B; EILER8. WESSEL & EILCRS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep al the above stand a genera lassortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to-carry on a GeneralConimission Business. ;f i E. P.Hall.Pres'l Br'ch Bank of the Slate O. G. Parsley, Pres'l Commercial E ink. f P. K . Dickinson, Esq . Poppe 4 Co. ? New' York, Dol'ner A Potlcr. J Jan. 20 1854. wir. 131. GEO- H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. iveiercnces . - Wille Hall.ofWayne, Jno .IcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway. ' Gen. Al.t. . MeRaft; ' V It II. II t,VUmlnTnn Wilou A W alVri . '' n r- .'bee. 13.4853. . ' ' ; 115-ly JAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S. GILLESriE james k. mT,r.-pirc co.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. ; WILMINGTON. N C. Pai ticular attention paid to the receipts and Saleof .aeal blares, I imbcr, Lumber, Cuvi,- Bacon, Co- lon, J-c, if-c. March 30.1S-5.- ! ' G. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, miiMIXGTON. N.O. ! tTTILL sell or buv Real Estate andt Negroes at v a small commission. ALSO : -V - i Strict attention given to the saleof Timber, Tur pentine, I ar, or any kind of Country Yroduce Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wnart. June 12, 1854. 33-ly, W. P. MOOKK. JNO. A. STAVUV. J. W. JONKS M00RE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION M ER CHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. Oct.26ih, 1S54. C. 'f. 93. C.MYERS, S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKR IN HATS, CAPS, IT Mil tl EL LAS AND WALKING OANES. Tio. 1 Ci anlte How, I'roiit street. WOOL, Eur, Silk, and Moleskin Hat.-. Cloth, Plush, and Silk Glazed Caps, by the case or dozen, at New V ork Wholesale Puces, v :f . i v Nov. 9. : i t :n 99. D. CASH WELL, HI! COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON. N. t ; ? Sept,. 30. f i 84-tf T.C.WORTH. General Commission Merchant, iv bi.iib ib ail ii rw - . 4 - SUAL advances made on eonsignriieiilsof Cot Patti.nlar nttpniinn oivAn hv (r. VV. Ilnviit ln nnr. chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, ic. iMarcn l, LJS-k. izb-iyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL; , (SLT.CES&OES TO THOS. ALlBONfe k CO ) -General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharves, ind 63 North Water Sis PHILADELPHIA.,. 1. HARVEY COCHIAS. : f, W. S. BI7SSELL. . . f.i Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1334. , . - ; 53-lf. tl. DOLLNER. G. POTTfcR. jr. J. CAM EB DEN. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW VORK. -April 30, 1854. - 20-ly-pd. L. N. BARLOW, t ;f WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, LIQUORS, WINES. ALE. PORTER. f-c. No. 3, Oraitlee Kow, Front Street. - WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, IP55. . 140-tf. FREIGHT. ALL freight on Naval Stores by CapePear line of Boats, will hereafter be olltcied t Wil mington. T.U4H.U. WORTH Jan. 27. 131. PORK. ' f'Ul. 1 fl"! BBLS. City Hess, received per achr. J. UV. Edward Kidder, and for sale by ; Feb. 17. J. H. FLANNER. HAVING perfected other arrangements. the un drrsrzned offer their entire stock of Groceries. Tin and Wooden Ware, for cash only, at greatly re duced prices, - QUINCE fc COWAN. in area u, iaoa. .w p 1. Herakl and Journal copy.' . 1 Nex t dooi to A. A. Wannet's, on North vValerst. willattendto the sale of all kinds of Country Pro auce,sui'h at Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon .Lard ,4c. and will keep constantly on hand a 1 ull s uppl yof r. i e Zermau' Anti-Scorbulfc Toothwash. TO THE LADIES. NOTHING adds more to beauty than clean, white Teeth, and Gums of healthy color. The most beautiful face and Vermillion lipt become repulsive, if the latter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wish clean, white Teeth, healthy Oums and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. 1 or sale by C. & D. DoPRF"., Agents, Wilminion N.C. Sept. 30. . PERFUMERY J JUST received from New York and Philadcl I bia i Gross Lnbins's Extracts for the Ilandk'f; do. di. Toilette Soaps ; do. Glenny M unit Toilette Water.; do. do. Verbena do. do. do. Yankee Soap 1 do. Camphor Soap j do. Pontine do. A lare assortment of Hair Brushes, and a num ber of fincv articles usually kept in Drug Stores C. & D. DvPRK, Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 5. Market-at., Wilmington, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company hfsbeen inoperatiorwincc J- the 1st of April. 1 84a. under the directionof the toiloMinp Utticeis, viz r Ur. Charles K.J onh son president, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, James K.Jordan, Secretary, .Wm. H. Jones, Treasure. Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson, ) ,. , , , Dr. Wm. H.McKee, i Board of Dr. R. B. Haywood, $ Consultation. J. Hersmnn, General Agent. This Company has received a charter elvinsr ad vantages toihe insured over any other Company . The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free Irom any ciaimsof the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life membersunrticiuasein the irlioleof the profits which are declared annually. Besides, tha iipplicant for life, when the annual premium is over$30 may pay one nan in a ivoie. All claims fori nsurance against the Comnanv will oe paid within ninety uayaalterproof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insureo forone or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of propent v against the uncertainty of life. slave insurance presents a new and interesting featuiein the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a verrl arjieamounf of bueincss more than the Directors expected to do the first year having aireauy issueu more mnn 4iu 1 oiirie. Dr. Wm. W. Uabrisb. Medical Examiner, and Agent, w linnncton, i. u. All' -om 111 i meat Ions onbusinc fof the Comnanv snouiu Deauarcesci! to JAS. F. JORDAN ,Secy. Ralcish. Jan. 25, 1S34. tf. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Maiiiil'aetory. rpHK subscriber respectfully i n furni t tl ep ub lie JL that he has recent) y received udditiunv to his stock of .Saddle and Humes Mountings, & c, the latest and most improved style, and is con si an I y manufacturing, at his store on m ,-irket street, every description ol articlein the above line. From hit experience in the business, he feels confidenlthat he will be able to givecntireoatisfactionto allwho may favor him with a call. HehaSnowon hand and willconstaiitly keen a la rue assortmen tof Coach, (iis ad Suterti Harness, Laly's Sn'lillrs, unuicr1 n itp.1, if-r., uenli-emea s Sa.-lulrs, HAtps Spurs, q-c. fjf'lallof which he will warrant to be oftfejJ the best materials and workmanship, f" 5 He has also a large assortment of tt Trunks, Valises. Saddle and Carpet nas, Sati-liel -1,1' ain v Trunks. &c. and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of wnicn neoiiersiowior tJASii.or onshortcrcdit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness,Trunks,Redical Bas, &.C. ate, inane to oraer. Inaddition tothe above the snbicrlber:il urn vm keeps on hand a large supply of SHrliie Leather, auu iius nuw, ana win Ke-jp iitrougu tue season good assort men 1 of i'ly NVtts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, wnctlicrln want or not, as 1 take pleasure in shew ing my assortment to ail who may favor me wiih a call. HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips m wholesale. 4.likindsof Riding Vchic les bongh t r. . old on r.om.iiisions. JOHN J. C.ONOLEY . Feb. 7, 1S54. 139 WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. rPHE Subscriber having accepted the agency of -I several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities,-! prepared to fill aM orders for .MONUMENTS AND TOM II STONES, and every otherarticle In the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as veil as can be .done either North or South. The best reference can be given . if required. JAS. AlcCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. tf. THOS. 6. CARR, M. D. D.D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for thelast tenyears, Charges for 10 or leas artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each, 7 00 An entire set of tetlh on fine gold plate, 10 00 Ditto on gold with artificial gums, 150 00 Ditto on Platina plate with artifi cial gums, 150 00 Upper or under ditto, each, 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot bediftinguish- ed from the natural, 5 00 A fine gold filling, varranted permanent, 2 CO Do. and destroying the nerve. 3 to 5 0(1 Extracting a tooth, B0 cts. to 1 0C Best denlifries and tooth brushes always on hsnd. Every operation varranted to give entire atifac tion. Teeth inserted immediately after theextrac lion of the fangs and remodeled after (he gums have shrunken, wi'.houl additional charge. . Office on Market-fit , 2 doors below the Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 22. 16-tf. NOW is the time to have your rooms and pas sages papered with decorations, fine or com mon, as we have large assortment on hand, and superior workmen from New York, who will hang paper in latest styles. WILKINSON fe ESLER. July 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. . E. R. DURKEE, 139 WATER STREET NEW-YORK, Manufacturer and Proprietor of DUBEEE'S IE1ST OK BU1XG FOWDEB, Importer and Dealer i CREAM TARTAR, SUP. CARB. SODA, SAL SODA, CASTILE SOAP, BLACK LEAD. BRITISH LUSTRE, REF D PEARLASH, SALERATUS, COOKING EXTRACTS. MATCHES WAX awd WOOD. Dee. 23rd, 1351. I 117-Iy-c. NOTICE. THEsubecriber,respectfully informs the public, thathe is nowtranaseting the Auction basinesa on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance olthat patronage heretofore so libers 11 y bestowed upon him. Stock. Real Estateand Negroes. bought and sold on a commission ol 1 per cent either at private ot public sale. DOCT. JOHNSTON, BALTIMORE LOCK IIOSPITAI- WHERE maybe obtained the most speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for al SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhoa?, Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Week nese, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, lmpotency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Af fection 01 the Kidneys, Pulpifation of the Heart, Dysreisia,Nc voua Jrritabi ity. Diseases of ll.e Head, Throat Nob or Skin ; and all those serious and melancholy disorders a rising from the destruc tive habitsof Youth, which destroy both body and mind, those secret and solitary practices more filial 10 their victims than tho songs of the Syrer.s to the mariners cf Ulysses, blighting their most bril liant hope or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impossible YOUNG mi: x. Especially, who have become the victimsof Solita ry that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol young men of the most exaljed talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the ihundersof eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call wiih full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, orthone contemplating marriage, being awareof physical weaknest, should Iminedi. ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect henlih. He who places himself underthecarcof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a en tleman, and confidently rely upon hlaskill Osa phy sician. OFI-'ICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (cast side,) UP THE STEPS. Jj-ME PARTICULAR inobBcrvingthcVA-Vi and NUMBER. or you will mistake theplnce. A CURE IN TWO It A YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauxtou Drug Used. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johnbtos is the only regularly Educated Physician who advertises his very extensive Prac tise, and his many Wonderful Cures Is a sufficient guarantee to the arllklcd. Hose vlio wish to be speedily and effectually cured, should shun the nmrier ous trifling imjHjsters, who only ruin llulr health, and apply to Dr. Johnston. DIt. JOllSSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges ol the United Slates, and the greater part ot whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has efleeted some of the moHtiiHtonishlng cures that wereeverknown. Many troubled wiih ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being Manned l sudden sounds, and bashfuinesa. with frequent blushing. attended sometimes wiih drraiigenunt of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mioguided and impiudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed 'the seeds of .his puinful distal, it too ofieit happens lhat anill-titn-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters' him from applying 10 iIkjkc who, Irom education and respectability, run nlone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional yunptoiii of this horrid disease make (heir Mppeururce. surh as ulcerated sore throat, discar d noe, not-tural pains in ihe hend and limbs, dimness of sight, deufness, nodes on the shin bones and Hrnis, bfitehes on the heud, face and rxlieniiiicH progress on wiih filphtlul ra pidity, fill allimt the pnl.itt? of the mouih or ihe bones ol' ihn nose lull in. and (he vlcliin of this awful disease becomes a horrid object ofroitiiuif titration, till death- pul 11 period to his dreadtul suf ferings, by rending him 10 " dint foiiine Irom whence no traveller returns." To rueh lln-rrfo-e. Dr. Johnston pledges lihutelf lo preserve tliu most inviol.ililc ki icty ; and. from hi extensive prac tice in uie urn noHpnaisiu j.urope und Ameilea. hecan confidently recommend a SiilrtHtid speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid dU ea. It is u melancholy fact, that thousands fall vietiuir to tliiw dreiiilliil Urease, owiiis to Ihe tin skilfulness ol ignorant prelendeis, who, by the uo 01 tnai aeacii' poiscn. uiereury, ruin theconstilu tion, ond either send the unfortunate Mifleri r 10 n untimely grave, or else nuke the itsiduc of life mis erable. TAKK PARTICULAR NUT1CU. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the s.id nnd melancholy tl feels, produced by eaily habits of youth, vlx Weakness of the Itnek and Limbs, Pains in the IL.-sd. Dliiinecs of Sight, Loss of Musculur Pow erPalpitation of the Heart, Dyttpepky, Nervous irritability, Derangement nf li e Digestive Func tions, General Debility, Syinptoius of Consump tion. Arc. Matlully. The fi arlul 1 fieri a on ihe ininj are much to be dreaded; Loss of Memory, Confution of Jdcus, Depression of Ppitiis, Evil Forebodings, Avcii-ionof ScHiity, Self DIsiiiimi, Love of Soli tude. Timidity, Ac. .are some of the evils produced. Thousand of eion of all ages, can nowjudue what is the cau.-u of thei,r declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming) wen k, pule and emueia ted, have a singular nppenrance about the ryc, cough and sviiiptoms of consumption. MurrUd Ptrmnt, or 1 hose conternpliiirig mar riage, bring aware of ph vsical weakness. houid immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to t tr- fect health. DR. JOHNSTON S INVIGORATING REM E DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured and full viirr.r restored. Thousand of ihe luott IVervous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hope, hate been imme diately relieved. All impediment to 31 ARK I AGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings end W eakne s, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. Young men who have injured themselves bv n certain practice indulged in when alone a hubit Irfciueuily learned from evil companions, or at school, the elli cis of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriace iniDoshit le.ar.d destroys both mind and body. What a piiy that a young man, the hops of Ms country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched Irom ull prospects a nd enjoyment s of life, by the consequences ol deviating Irom the path el nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating MARX! AGE. Should refit ct thai a sound mind and body lire ihe most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wearj pilgrimage: the pros pect hourly darkens to the view; the mind Become shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection lhat the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE iNO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST.. - Baltimobb, Md. All Surgiral Operations leitormed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately either personally or b letter. Skill jjieac jpeeii!y 1 urcu. TO STRANGERS. Tlu many Utousands cured al this institution with in the latt ten yesrs, and the numerous Impor tant Sureical Operations prrfoimrd by Dr. J wit nessed by the Reporters of ihe papers, and many other persons. notices or winch have appeared sgain and again before the public, is a sndicient guaran tee that the afliicted will find a skilful and nonora- ble physician TAKE NOTICE. It is with the' greatest reluctance lhat Dr. JOH N. STON permits his curd to appear before the public, deeming it unprofessional for a physician to adver tise, but unless ha did bo, the afflicted, especially strangers, could not fall to fall into the hands ol those impudent, boasting i in posters, individuals destitute of knowledge, name snd character, ped lars, shoemakers, mechanics, Ac, advertising them selves as physictuns ; Ignorant auacka. vilh filthy, lying eertijirates -of Great Wonderful Cures Irom persons who rannot be foand. or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthlessand Degraded, and many other cunning snd contemptible artifices tu entice the afflicted, trifling month after mcnth, or s long as possible, and in despair, leave you with ruined health, to aigB over your galling disappointment. It ! this motive that Induces Dr. J. to advertise, for he alone can curt you. To those uoacqaainted with his reputation, he deemt It necessary to say that bis credentials or diplomas always bang In bis Office. WEAKNESS Or THE ORGANS immediately cured, and full vigor restored. 13-ALL LETTERS POST-PAID-REMEDIES SENT BY MAIL. All letters must be Paid and contain a Postage Stamp for the reply, or no answer will bm sent. Jsn. 9ih, 1355. 4 123-ly-c. FRENCH'S HOTEL, Corner of City Mall ftquara and ITaukf rt I., NEW YORK, OpiwtiU the Cift Hill and I'uik Fuuntu.it ) HAS been RE FITTED snd FURNISHED. Tha subscriber trusts that, lor convenience, el egance, comfort and economy, ll rannol be surpa us ed in lb world. All lh rooms are warnx d giuiia 1 thev are fitted up with mar bio top wash biuihIs, which are supplied with Croton wstr, by livr plated cocks. , Tha halls and wier- l.j-et on eve ry floor, am lighted during the nli-lit. '1 bis Hotel isconducted on tha European Plan of Loilin Rooms, and meals a they may be ord.feii in the Refectory. R. FRENCH. i. U. Do not believe Ilsekmen and Runners who may suy that we are full, as some do so from rXCl'KIASV IMTBBBBT, March 29, IBfiS. 6-''iii-c. A NKW AM) WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! AMONG ihe thuuandsof Pile reninlus whU h have been recommended .COL. :. K (Hltll.S' (of Livingston fcuniter County, Alutuinia,) 1. 1 1 discovery, is ih only one whiili is tali ului. d lo luakea radical euro tli modus operandi Is 1 mm -ly new. it also removes all Enlooa (or Worms,) which produce Irritation and Inhubii the n eiiuii. ImjU vdl totie contfiittof I it Snuill llonl., which represents a short history of the dlsea,. 1 wellss some most aggravated cusea winch unto been permanently cuied after many years of In tense sullerlnn. A host of diaeuMSSre carried oil' by this new discovery. It produces heulthy sit of tha rectum, and removes oil aralv tormuiions which are sure lo be in connection with that le gion. Price 110,00 per psckspe of fur t lain, tirlf ALL CASES OsTB PACKAOB HILL FKIIUUM A rCBMAWBKT Cl'll, DIt. S WAYNE & RON, S'o.iNmlA Srrenlk Slrrrt, hImi MhiUI, Ji,,i. Sole manufacturers for the discovert r, und exclu sive agents for the United Males. N. U. As COL. GIBBS' Remedies are compos ed of the most expensive materials, it will lie lin posililc to send them out on agency, bin In order lo ll the afliicted from all parts obtain th m, iln y will be Bentr (on th Itccjpt of lO.UU) by E press or otherwise. A very libcnl discount to the Irade for 1h. Nov. 10. JOMy-c. owner wa!sti:d IOR2.'tbga Gunno-Mnrkcd H . rV S- - II . per Sehr. Li.zi Runsull, Irom Haiti more. Murch3l. RUSSELL A BRO. BILLS OF EXCH INGE. AN Elegant Edition of Bills of Exehungu, print ed in Geimuny. In Books of 10 quires and in sheets, for sale al the office of TUt Cam wti rial. FOR SALE. 100 rhi Ic H Planting Potatoes, yi How nnd !') bills. Apples, just rccrivid W. M. SHERWOOD A CO. 111. HRICKS. and for rale by r en. t". 50,000 fy0,mi Die. '40. Rlvrr linrd. For s ite low tiiA). II.lU(iN. Ii:i. ISIDORE DE MONTINGTON. or Hie Smug gler ol St. Malo. by Sylvan us I ,'obti. Jr.. just pub. fished, and for kale at S. W, W II I'i'A K I :il 'S. Mnrr h 21. f,. COAL! COAL!! 1 QC TONS RED ASH COAL, for Family 1 s. J use, to arrive per Srhr. Virginia; ironi I'hilnd'n. (cash on delivery ) For sale by Feb. 24 GEO. HAICIUSS. FRESH FROM NEW YORK. PER SCIIR. W. II. SMITH. 2 I1HLS. L. L. & A.SiiibiI'bC. Yellow Sii.ii, J i't bas best old Gov. Java L'o.'Iev j 200 Table Sail, 5 IiIhIh. of piime Yellow Sugars 1 low for cash nt GEO, II. KKLI.EVS. Aprils. J., Il N. C. T. & Sp. A'ju copy. H. V CANDIES I EST recti vt-d and opening, one of the larxst nnd best selected stocks ol French I'midiis. of tile latest importation also. Home Manu. acinic ever brought to this morkel 1 all varidles, of iho beat tnanulneture, not lo be excelled by tiny sltnllur cHinblMiiiient in ihe Uiilicil Stalls. Call m March 31. WM. II. DaNMALP.. RATES OF FILOTAdJE. JUST printed and for sale at 'I'lit Cvmmtri in! Office, the Raits of Pilotage for ihu 1! ir nnd River. a ( if. CANDIES. A CONSTANT supply of nssort. d (Jandies ut wholesale and retail. For sale by L. N. IUKLOW, Feb. 6. No. 3 Grunite Kow, Fronl-sl . 1 A DIES' SILK I'M BRELLAS. n atoned u JL s and stylo of fini-h, u,.i n at the Emporium. March 31. C. MYERS. 3n V 1 '',JS- WAYNE CO. I! A (.'ON, Jl..g VJVAt Round, for sale by March 31. C. IHTRE A. CO. KENAN T. MORGAN, FORWARDING 4. COMMISSION MERCIIANr, CHER AW, S. C. March 27. 1655 5 (in SACK SALT. Cfn HACKS in prime order, forsnU bv )UU Feb 13. J. R. BLO-soM FRESH FLOUR, FROM FAYETTEVILLE. 1 ( BBLS. of Super. Flour 1 1 V 15 do. best Eumily do. j lowforrrifli.nl April 3; GEO. II. KELLEY. J , II., nnd N. C. T. eojiy, RTI1 UR'S HOME MAGAZINE For A .t it J received and for tale at Maich 31. ft . W. WIIITAKI'-R'S. DISSOLUTION. rpiIE Kl press SleamboM Cnmpuity kti II I. X diy dissolved by niutusl consent. Ihe tools and papers of the Concern at Fayelictille, am placed in the hands of Mr. John Mints, at l, f- V . McUaurin a, who la lully authorized 10 set and receipt for the same. JAMES I". METTS, N. A. RAMSEY, ApriU.It.55. M.J. RAMSEY. Ill AVE sold all my Steamboala, rier pf, the South erner, and have placed her In a lino with I). 4 tv . .uriaurin, wnii la now running itio Clistliain, on 1 he Caps Fear River. Persons having rlaimaagalnsl the Express Steam boat Company will please hand tlirm In for pay ment, and those indebted will rail a nd SI tHe mil,, outdclay. JAMES E. METTS. April 7. - 10-tf. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. A GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholders of this Bank will b held al their Cinking House on Monday, the Hth May nei t i di e,u aa to the acceptance of the ainendmrnis of its 1 ha r trr and the increase of its capiul lo i j; V.LU). A full attendance Is imprtan'. O. G. PARSLEY, Pres t. AprilS. y Itt. .''ATE A YLEsFORD 1 aStoryofihe Kefugees, IV by Chailes J . Prterroon. Just published. Re ceived and for sale at April i S. W. WIIITAKER'S. THE SONS OF THE SIRES ; A HISTORY of tha Rise, Progress, and Dean ny of the American Party, and it probaMe Influence on ihs neii Presidential Elenion. To which la added s review of lh Irtisr of the linn Heniy A. Wise against ths Know Noihinra. Eor sale at H. W. W II TAKER S. , April li. it-