lm m- W :r'M&:-i4 4 W : A'- '' ' WILMINGTON, N. C, TIIUKSDA MORNING, lAPRIL 26, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1121 VOLUME X NUMBER 19, To tlie-Member of the S:ameu's Frieud So ciety, WUmli:gtoii. t respectfully suUiRita goneral report '. of 'my 1 iIxm-s as Ai nt, aud ot thf operations of oar So cict jr since its. last aiiuivciary. - , - 1." Etlorts ti scure Govi-ninitnt and State Jlariuc ILwn t:.Is. Neatly half of the jwwt yt-r was (U-i-Ui t coilcttin rttil pnblis ina-facts, and itJT 'tfii ts coiiiicclml with the fNtabli.vh-SiK-t't af Oovt-rmm-iit ai State Marine Hospitals ii ur I'ort. Tlxise ctlorts wtfre important ami necessary to our Swiety, for unless snch tiisstitu tions are tstshtisheil, sick Beatucn, aa our. coui Vii toij incr'ases, must Ixtorue an irifnpp)rtab!e .ri!ilt ii t the Home. Etforts were also made at the la-st Legislature; tltoush nnsacctrssful, to ser cure the co-opration of tiitf State in providing for shipwrecked, 8iHieted and destitute Seann'U. We do not know of any other Port where one char itable Institution only has been nnderthe neesi - tv of providing for all seamen not entitled to relief rfrotu th'J G"JV rmm'Tit, S"d thereby relieTing the State aiid mnnicipal authorities from the wo: k. If, however, the Home had closed Its doors against snch, it woul I have fallen into general disrepute and if it. continues to receive , all without "aid K will lie iuiossibl to sustain it. ' t'onsress has at last made an appropriation for a Hospital and Pest House for this Port. This will afford ns some-relief, but it is far more tmpartant ta the S'i .' cicly -o Secure a State than a United-States-Marine HtspiUU, inasmuch as tee receive some, tkovzh not an adequate remuneration far retmen fiat would be admitted into a U. S Marine llmpitai, whereas S'at- Marine Huspitals p oxide for sea-iien for xcJwni we receive no c mpensa'ion whatever. State Marine Hospitals exist in Georgia, Suth XJarolina, Maryland, and other Slates, and some of tlieiu have been" established upwards of riQy Tears. They exist even where there are U.S. Marine Hospitals, as in Charleston and other xr.s. Our last Legislature passed a resolution request ing the Governor to correspond with the Governors of other States wherein State Marine Hwpita;s are located to jrct information to bo laid before the .next General Assembly. This may he regard d as an implied pledge on the jkii t ot" the State to establish the' Hospital, if the inf mnation obtained should demonstrate tho necessity of it, which it will most assuredly do. Wholesome laws were "passed for the better protection of onr Seamen. Provision was made tor the apHiuIineiit of a Miip ; pjnjj Master, so as more ;U'eHuaiiy to guard the i iideresis of ship owners and seamen. - IVnaliics-' ft.r ti.irborius seamen were made recoverable for ; the lKMietit of the Home. The property of the-' j Society was exempted from State and County-J taxes. The Directors of the Marine Uospit.il As ! sociatio.i were authorized to pay over their unap-'i propriateil funds to our Society. These funds Amount to about 2K0, and were collected tinder the Act of. 1817, to establish a State Marine Hospital in this Port,. , 2. Amounts contributed to our Society in Bos ton and. New York. D nationn in Bot:i Thonia-t Simmonds, 31'0; Allmrt - Fearing, 1MJ ; Ulau-S chard, Sherman &. Co., $lt O ; Lewis & lrew, S1W ; Win. Ropea & Co., 61tH); Allen, UarrU & Potter, S100; Potter, Elder & Xute, felOO; Ai H. Allen, S10U; Doe, -Hazel ton & Co., Charles Smith, 650; Co-land, Wibiams &. Co.j J-ot); Gage, Hittinger & Co , 55: ; M;inufaeturers Insu ance Company,1 S60; Glidden & Wiliiams 550; N. E. Mutual Marine Insurance Company, iJoO; Warren insurance Company, S-jO; E. Ik Kri.ha4ii & Co., 650; W. F. Weld & Co., sit); Thomas B. Wales & Co., 50; J. KiUredsie & Co., 5i) ; T. & E. Batehellor & Co.,,,0; Joseph Whitney & Co.,SoO; K. U. Ft rlesJi:.oU ; Ruajrh s, Nourse,Masou & Co., Sot) ; F. Peaice & Co., i-jO; Foster, Lawttiiee & Co., S50; J. G. Blabe, S5() "Buckley & Bancroft, $50; Abner Kinsman, fcoO; Thotnas Wiaalesworth, 50 ; Seward, Day & Co.', $50: Win. Appleton & -Co , S40; Johu Bertram, J5b; Moses Pond &. C., 45; Chase, Brothers & Co., SjO. Smaller nubscriptior.s, 85. A gregate, --,0U!. Of which 'amount 2tMJ is due oti cash subscription and tSGi in, furniture for the Home. Donations in New Yoi k Win. Oot hout&.Bro .l(M; Jas. Donaldson, HJO; Doll- ner, Potter & Co.. Wlance due, SUM) ; Phelps &. 1 Kinsman, 50; Phelps, Dodge & Co., 50; J. N. Wvcliolf, balance, .50; Hopkins, Alien &, Co., ,-$50; E. Robt tts & Co., S50; A. T. Stewart & . Co. S50; John Saverys &. Sons, 50. Smaller subscriptions, 500. Arejiate, 1,210, which ad ded To former collections h Nw York, tiiakes 5,750. Of which amount S170 is in fundi urc. Much more would have been accomplished in both of these cities, but for a severe and p, ot; acted .illness, and the cstraortliuary pressure in money matters. The contributions were greatly en . "hanced in value by the generous manner in which they were bestowed. 1 was received very cr dially in both cities, and shall ever remember tUe many acts of kindness to me personally, and the manifestations of a gonuii.c, disinterested benev .olence, and hearttelt appreciation of our cause.! 3. Visits to Literary Institutions of our "State. Several Institutions of the State are pledged to furnish rooms in the Home ; and we pur-irase bav in!; the name- of each Institution Inscribed oa the room or rooms furnished by them, on account of its moral effect on seamen, and to perpetuate their interests in the Home. It will tend to destroy the impression amon seamen that landsmen are in different to their spiritual interests.- Such a ma ni testation of interest, on the part of young ladies especially, will awaken the hallowed asso ciations of-home, of a mother's and sister's kind ness and care, nd strike cords of generous feel ing in the hearts of the sons of the sea. I would arnestly. commend this plan to other institutions and Churches. The cost of fumishiu a room will be from S75 to $100. Articles and funds for this purjosts may be forwarded to the Ladies Seamen's Friend Society, care Uis & Mitchell, Wilmington. 4. Ladies Seaman's Friend Society of Wilming ton. A Society, embracing ladies of all tlcnomi- , nations, has been oraaid.ed for the purpose ' of furnishing and supervising the Home. It was deemed inexpedient, however, to commence the - work until the Home could be completed, t s- pecially as it was so furnished by the; Superin tendent as to supersede the necessity of an iunne- - -diaui efibrt by the Society, but now that the - Ilome is in a condition to be. thoroughly furnish ed, they will engage at once in tho - work, aipl from what we know of their energy, benevolence juid interest in this enterprise, ve may coutidently " expect that the work will soon t)e done, i Tlli'V will d what they feel they ou.;bt to do, and then "Appeal .to ladies eKcwhere to take part in the xxl work. ,.We hope that other ladies will gen- ' Toiisly an'icipate the appeal, and commence at once to collect and forward articles ;A funds to' he Society.. We would expres in behalf of this Society, our -thanks to the Ladi. s f Ne wbuiy-. port, Mass., and- Milf)rd, N. H., for the interest they have manifest d in this work. 5. Report of the Executive Committee of the Sic;ety. This report shows that the c.t of tl e Ilotue and repairlw ith additiofial lot, i about fimiUen thousand doHars, that the internal re pairs are now completed, that it' will require for . repair on tho outside of the bni!dio2 3.1,000, that the indebtedness is S2.40Q,' that we need for fur lUhing th Home $2,000, and for an additional IJuHdin aiid furniture for Bethel aud Hospital Rooms, 4,500, making hi all SU.'JOO." We lit ve in avai'able sabscriptions S1.500, in tha Hospital fund $2,(XK), leaving balance of 6,400 tt be collected. It is uecessry to ecre tl.u amount to ha snfticient room, for tli sick, and for re- ligioua services. And yet. the room. for. Bethel purposes will only Ihj " temporary arraugeniuut, until 4 larger amount can be obtained so as to provide the Betlnst iuself. ; t r 6. Financial Report of Treasurer and Agent Theletitire receipts for the year were 6,540 08 i , Due on subscription, S1.5G3. Agaregate, 8,103 98. Of which sn. us there was received front the American Seamena Friend Society, 50rt; Btwton, " S2.136; New York, $1,040; Fayetteville, 4187 ; Salisbury, S106 10; Perry Davis, Providene, R. Y l-t g75 j'tadies 8emenii" Friend Society, Milford, if. I1.,S 0; V o'vurtlt iWWH, C'l. Coiote,! u biati in- Wi;tuitirtoii. Tn a-Uiet-oi old 8.. F. Society, &10 A-.; Rents, c 5J. ami the baT ance from citizwrs ot Vv" limi'-gton. f 'ibe wimie aniomit hat twn rSp-ndei save a balance hi toe i harids of the Treasirrer oti17t. - - f 7. Report of. the Snpx'-ii.ito.ttlei.t i.f the H-in . The wbolo nuriiWr of s a4iH act-oinnioe.at. d : t the Home tor tiie year ending M.trvl J, lt:5-, i was 53i Of this n'onilw 111 were in tin? IIosj.;- lal dpartint iit,o!iJy -49 of tht te cie etitLtU-d to relief from the llos i:a! futid of the- U. 45. , a. id i these there were 6 whose iihies continu al over. !J5daF9 the ritKl f r which-allt watico Is made by tl e Government, and two of tltesto were eaeli ; sick at tho Home upwards of f mr .mot.tiut i d -stitat'J sielt seamen were uho'dy p'ovided for j by the Hume, at expense of. 251 3 5. Tins does-ntit include ;jt laro. uitniter of ship wrecked and other tlistressed seamen who were reiicved at great expense to the Home, but whosivSf efjn-nUy paid the same.' Only 8 seamen abscoridi-d indeiK- ' tdtothe Home. Five of the worst drunkards have reformed, aud f other inmates of tin- Home have been converted to God to of whom have h s.;i iii s .?'Stt --:i!s ( . .TIJ.:-.? V-rr-i;AJt .. titined ibtelf, thotish it lias mt Tu;irdel aaiiennit remuneratmii for the valuable services of the Superintendent.- Wo believe there is no other Sea men's Home but what is in part sustained by voluatary contributions, or the profits of "aCjoth iiig establis!imetit; or Shijiti OlSce. connected with it, besides In-ing relieved to a very etinsider-' able extent by grate Marine Hospital, and t.ther iiisfltntions. of the expense of providing' for sick and destitute seamen ;.but the Home, under the' management of its very efiicietit Superintendent, has provided for nil the destitute, and yet sustain ed itself independently of any such aid. The de pot ttneut of the SL'amen kencrally I. as been very trjod, such aswe niiht expect of men saved f om uemriraiiziiig, andblcsscd with moral asidlreiiious associations. 8. Report of Hie Colporteur of the Home. This report embraces from May 1, ls51. to April 1, 1855. Number of seamen eonver.vd with on religion, 92?? ; nuiubv f hopefully pious, 70 ; nuio ler moral aulsj-t spt'C'ful, 528; number p'ofane and vulvar, 327; uu iiber of Captains vUo bonaht. books for their men, and encouraged them u read, of) ; only onk Citpta'm ivfusctl or forbade his men to receive a book or tract; amount of books sold to seamen. 751 64 ; amount gratuitously distniw utetl . to seamen. 21 1 68; -hooks and tracts sold to the inmates of the Home, 85 27 ; lUtnluitv-l jT'.at'iitoti !v i:i the Home, sO-'J '.'2; a.-.-t: it.-, $1,1 li' 51. This H jexelu.-jve of tie- am lint sold aud iiiven to other portions of our community. The Colporteur soles that luaty seamen are f nd of religious readi.ir finta very rcsjiectablo num ber tif those at the Home attend its religious ser vices, and the pubiic worshiti of God, an I that some of thciu exhibit vivid examples of pUty.. They are guilty of no disorderly conduct, meet each other in the most friendly manner, a:vi dwell together like one common'" brotherhood. We would say to toe Honus of the country, that we n-gard the Colpottenr as indispensable to our work, atnl earnestly comuiend them lo havu- at least one of these zealous christian laborers to counteract the influeiice of depraved " runners " who gi t scamt'n iiitoxioated and drat!ietn to the aliodes of death. AVe belie ve thet tlie f.iithTul Colporteur's position for tm-fulness anions s-aii:oi cannot well be filled, even by the Minister, in 1 .'8 he combines tho labors of both MiiiisU-r aud Col porteur. CONCLUSION'. In iew of what we- have done, are now doi;!r, and propose to tlo, ar4- we not ju-tiiied in. a;ij ai jiSj abroad for aid. The app'ais of New tMeans, Char:eston, Mjlii!e and other ciii-'s abroad f r such institutions, a!Prd a detnotistraiiott that Wil mington with her comparatively limited resources, cannot accomplish the woi k with out such ai l. We know of no other prominent undenomination al institution in the Slate, anil we therefore appeal to all of catholic principles to consider the clai iis - of our Society in their donations and legacies U. charitable pnrpt.scs. May we not expect ou to foster an institution of yonr own Stuto. We do not know of any it.stitntion. North or South, tl. at a liberal amount would more bent-tit at the pre-t nt, and - yield a richer harvest in tu-s t.iturc. -have only stated the sum that is necessary to m -et present exiaeucres, and not what could be judi ciously invested, and is adequate to1 provide for the' physical, moral and spiritu.il welfare of all our Seamen. Give, and secure ''the blessings of those ready to perish," and of Him who has so abundantly prospered this institution. Give, and hasten the accomplishment of the piopliecy, "the abundance lf the sea shall he converted to God." W. I. LANGD0N, Agent. iI-Wti2iiLY COjlilSIiCiAL I n&idUijriJ every 1 desuav, TucntDAv and Satuedav ai S3 per annum, payable nallcaes in utivanee. BY rtlvJ.UAS LOitlNa Kuitob and Pbopbie- roa, - ' ' Corner front rid "Mm ket Streets, W1LM1SGTON. N. C. RTIW OK VOVKKTISINfi.; I sqr. 1 iascrtioa t ! I 1 8ir- ' months," 64 Ou I 2 " 75 I t" 3 " 5 nt' I 3 " 1 JU I 1 " 6 ' 8 i t) I "1 month, 2 at) I I 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds tea lines, tne pi ice will fee in iroportion. All .i tvertisoinents are payable at the lime of dietr insertion. .-, Ooniracis with yearly advertisers, will be made the most liberal terfiis. irinsfer of contracts for vearly advertising will be permitted. , Should cireu.n'stancea rendi r a cllangt in busi nes, or an uuexpeeteil retrMvai necessarv, a charaa according t the pu limbed term will be at te o;iion ol ibe contractor, for the time he has advenicd. Thi? privilege ot' Annual Advertiser? is strictl) limited to iheir wn immediate uusiness; and atl advertisemf nts for the benefit of otUfr pi.rns, a well .is all adaertisemenis not iirvusdmn-ly con nected with their own business, and all esns- of advertir,ents in lengih or otherwise beyond the limitf "n'i-lied, wi'l be charged a the H8ial rates. No i 7nrtt-i;:nvjnts is inetmled in the con ran 'or thf- sale or rent of house or I tids in (own ,r onntry. or for ihe sale or hire of neroe. wheth rr th pferty l' owned by th--advert isor or bv jthr prsofts. TliiHj) are . excluded by th tcm 'iinmAditttebusirtcstV ' . All i.lorT4seat inserted In tho tfi-weeklv Co nmereial ire entitled to one iesertion in the H reklu f r of chnr?.. Kill, -f:KlV AND PniMISC, r KitircrEO i scpLRina style. iVi tiik ' coniEnciAi" XW Y.iBIt th'fsra. OotlKSI & lOTTf 1. H-Ktnt OKBESs-Saf tro. So.ti. Central Wharf. , ftiladrJf'liaS. K. ToilE. - . HaltimoT Wm. U. PsAKaand W. Thomson '"" COAL ! COAL!! H AYR rrdtteed ihe price of h Coal now on my whr! t 7,50 per "on, U h vertal ' ' ' ,. Feb. 27. ... T C. WORTH. mitllf:ts. J CA Bfif.S. Ttn I Mullets, in oak ami pin l JJ bbls., and in prime rdr; fir .-d. by Jan. 20. 91.JOHK, STAM.Y &.OO TTUNT'S .MERCHANT'S MAC5AZINK for A..L April, received and" for fan-st t ApiilI2. H. W. WHITAKF.Il'S E CLEfTTirj MAGAZINE, f -r Anrll. wt-lvelJ and for sale at , S W. WlllTAKRtt'S. FROM TBI R METHODIST BOOK CONCEriN we received wcstr!ny ; " HynmS, in ail iha various styles of binding issued; Pisclphne ; Veley'a Srrmons ; The Home Alfart Ir. Andrews on Family Goyernment j , Open 0Mnnnkm, by S. V. W h: riwy. A. M. ; MetHo-im ia Lamest, by Key. JammCantrhry Foril at . S.-W. WHITAKEU'S. I rill 9. . V' - 5. ' BUSINEs CARDS. ' c J MM.Th;:i.H. FOR IVARJDIXG 4- C'j)LZSSIO. r .1 R KCH X T. s f . "! I .; T t , -V - C. S.-p.2 "th. Ib54. f3-l m V. 3!. AT CO ; XT lIiLESAl.lv.t;,o rs i.nd ,!;.-ion Mel 'V thiiiiK ft ilmiajtcn, Ur Alleonsi-.'imi. .Nav.d stor-. losthei with Coiton, t-HCon. La riji oa, 'te:d, Kk-ur- ic, ba. jciir j tii" iiiiief-t m truet.pt ice. Dee. 13 - . 115-tf MASVlWCTUnCl! ASl VF.ALFin iS SEDSTEADS 0 tl A I R!.- ATT R ESSI. &C.&C. y rottt trcel. iSoulli i Slarket, ., V Bllmtv's RUlUPlNii. Wlt.MtN'UToN . It' C " . Seiu lb. !;r4 , ., . 79-y-c . 2 i-.t t -rfvi--r-.- f -r ' - . COMMISSIOS MVHCHAST 4- GEXCRAL agi:t wilmington. n. c. Oct. I, !3"4. - J 55-ly-c. upa')Lsn:5J&-p.Pfi. iiangehs, KEKP ON ilA.NO AND MAUIi TO fHlUElt. ALUlretsis, Fcalhr. Jl'Js, Win- low Curtains . arid fii'lurcs - i 1! work in tho a ove line d me at .-birtet No- V iliiiiiiiiion, N, C Market St. I. March H, IS4. JiKSErif H. BLOSSOM, Mineral I'oia.ais.don aal rorwariIi;i Merrbant I'rompt pevsn tat attention triven to Conslsn- - ment lor. "Sale or Sltipjintit. -lAberal twit udeannf .na.? on Consrtrnmenls to - rn or to my .V?rr Y'.rk f riends. Wilmliiyton, Jan. jO, 13 4. 135. wrcTiiawASD,"?7' " ''iKVKilAT. Commission and h'jrwarin? Mer Vj c mt, '. ihiiin'ion ;'.". ' ' ; l.i ier il " iHti i" tnces m t ie on O.jrisi jnments. Nov. V9, 18 i. 109-tf c. dcpk: P1VIKI, B. BlKKIt. GCXCItAl At I i'.N'i's COMMISSION u i'.i .i v v 01 t; ! :: .icii. x rs, . W ILdLNGtON .N. C. Jntv 22d 1Sj4. 5-t2tn. J.AMiSiSO'ilSfUX. KUWAKD SWAGE. AAifiiWihl a. dil .Ibb. . e i: ha l. t: 't i 1 - o v .1 k a ciia x ts VIL.MI.U I'tj.N .. '. Liber dea-h liv.nees made on consign tin. nts. Man h 27, ic3t. ' 04 UU SSHJX &. c5io nmt, (LATB EI.1.1S r.W'SEtt. AT C'l ,) GEXEIlAh CO MMISSt'tX MKIICUANTS, T WILMINGTON, N. CV Liberalcash 1 1 ine.,-.j m,i.!e on on dgnmcntsof N-aval .t.ite-, -.lotto 1, and other produce. ,ihy l i'd. -' - " -'' v, & d. OiiriiK. WHOLE n-Al.fc A M UETAU DEALER I N I)i iits. Ilt dkit c-. Chemicals. laints. Oil, UV stall!., tilas. ,.-t fu uciy. Cigars, Old list!Oi , Fancy Articles. Ac, .NIArtKc.T STilKKT. W I I ' i V .. X. C 'resiriptton arclully -j up anded by experi rceo -O'i sons. 2I ,rch 1S34- General ?,mI Porfrar.Hag& raaiai?sioa ilerebaut. I ta'o p!e..nre in informinif ov friend, thai I i'n pi'cp-ir. d 10 nive at. t,u-iue-s eiurustetf to me dieieni ml p-nou it .iMention. I hive a wharf btr N'uvil St rea, wiih i-nplts a--coiriiiioil n ios-, St-.iril H.ii-e,and V trefi.jiiso. . lJout-nmn!6 of av il 'torr tor sab-or shipment ; snd all kinds of" eotin trv proiuei solicited. Ch advances niade on con-lnnu:nis. April 18, Ji54. , . - 15- William n, "peake; " COLLEb'ftJS INU IpVIIJTlSiM. ACfM- Vor Country Xetvspaieis thiongheiit the 4,' , United Stales, Basement of -un Iron. Go !.iiiii,ti ibiinore street Alt business r";'.iii8itd to ,is c ire transacted promptly ,nr ijutral terms. sej.1 7, larvl. 95 JAMES E. coiimssiox FORWARDING MERCHANT. nihuixtnoN, n, c. -. August 26if, 1854. . 69-tC T. C. a; B. G iVOilTU, aoniHssins wo fmivv vniiiNG "ekcubts, WILMIXOTOS, .V. C. Jan 17, 1354. 125 c JA. T. PETTT.WAV. GrO E. F BITCH ETT. PEITEiVAY & PIUICIILTT - General Cmmt-ioii and l'orvvardiii5 Mer 'JllANT AL-O WHOLESALE GMOCERS, NOdTII W A TtHt S I REKT, VV'lLMIN'GTaW. N. li. Fromnt anention will bt: given to the sale of Naval S-irej and all kind-t ol' Pr.1rt.1ce. Intend keepinc; an assortment f Groceries, I, rju irs and Provision. - July IS. - - ' - J2' JOSEPH II. FL INN El, " Gcaeral Commission Merchant, wibHun, X. c. Mav 9th, 1334. S7-ly-c. JAS. II. CIIAB0URX&" CO., iJeaf ral CoiamiMion i'orclianls. tviius(;foi. N. c Jas. H. f:nD)0iN. Geo. Chadboobw.. Jun. I, 1334. 13. 'HEN II Y NtlTT, F I c r . 1 n : ,1 M) , F ; 1 1 W 1 it D I ' ; crsT, WUlgite hU pennazt r!l-.nlum to business entrust ed I his cure. Sept. 8, 1334. , - - - .75 1y-c. ; - georijeTmyI's. 7 " I 4.rQUESUri.-,t.B KETMfc BUaCER , Keep etnst inlly on kand". Wines' Tcasx Liquors, , Prtvi-'io ., si ool and WUtotp liar, fruit, CoiifertUmarit,n,$-r Souit'i frint street, - V1II1.GT", N. V. , Nr.v. 1 . '853 . . . ' - ; 109- i QI INCf: & COWAN, w 1 1 m, i 1 .1 : x 1 1 1; r a 1 1 o. r oc f.r s ; '1EA I.KIS r. n XKS 4 LIQUORS. Coruer f Frmit and P. inces trcets, VVIL.MINGTON. N.O. July 20 - B8. 3M6MFICENT N.PKING GOODS.. THIS D A V, March Srtth we Ulopen a large and beuu)ifel - tuck of .,. , . ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS -itelected with ei-raj cart?, iiibbv of them imported Ldireci vf our own importation. Oir Stock. iWi" prin2 wjt, sod ait, compare luvorably wttn any other Hou; for Etfjianceof Style, Qft-ign and K hrlc. Wef viU also -act ive and open ihr 8me dy a lare iissorinit nt of -iarla Visites and Capes, la test Paris Patterns Also, a are aod rietan' Va riety of Shawl, Scarf, etc. We arc aily receiving new Goods. Please. eH and rximine 01 r Stock. KAUNWElLEit BUOS BUSINESS GAUDS A ft VSliotiK.:t.t'.N -W A l;VohxKKLtN. Maniifaetor.- di and tfuaU-s in val Stores. Ml ijc ikt'd W eanae tor 1'rtMiuct ldi iiji-bed at or raie un.lcr insurance, il dt-ciicd. . - , Jan.l. : ' UU(. a. c. FttKEMAX. GtOMGE HOUtSTOM f.t..ir.Ui HlrVST., . il E KUtl ANTS AN J FAUTOIIS, WiLMlNai'U.M, N.CVf .'-. l. c. i'i:e:iax & co. : COMMISSION M LIRUllANTS, 113 I'ilOVr WTKEJJ'f, NKW VORK. lfKFE3l.V!v IXB II-.DST03S, WILUINGTOS, " C ABKI' OrMtanil or nd a stock ol t'loar, eVCurn lork, liacon Salt, Cofi SnFar, AJu-, 'IWiocn Ci"". ei.ia drrfdhi Simp, I " r Usrn and Ihtmas t.!qnor a.id H int ; ieou. Xnile-, Paliil OUm, Oiot, Domestic. Hats, Boot. Stioe. Lea'lter. Azriculiurttt Implemenfs.anii a va riety of other artielcs. suitable for family and plan tation use and inert-mil trade, which, rhoy will dispose oT in lots to suit dealer or consumers on reasonable terms for cash. or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. -; . TheVniomarlnPr D. C Krsemaw .-i locsftedln the ciiv'td New York ; the jiiniar phrtrn r fbo. Hocstos. in Wihninifton. li deired. advances, will be made on .consign ncnt-t 10 anl from 'either ptace All b'u?lne- entrusted to them willreeetve profier aften'ion; and orders for Gooda will be irohiptlvnd earpfllllv filled. 4 Sept. 9. IP51 ' 'fi-f. ilcaeral '" t'oisimiioii clraisl. VUIIVtiOX, N. C. iTRlO T .ttieoiioii uiveii to procuring KreiUt an I urchaaiug Cargoes tor vessels. . ET E.l T - . ' V K. P. Stall, Ksq. ") . ; ). (J . I'ar.rt. y . ICsq viLninsto. i I. A. I ay I ir. t.sj f j. o. nciianv, I'sq 3 . ' Icwr. Tokcr, Moyih A Co., ) x w Vork " " 1 llU'iipaOII vV ll.il It tin-, .... hix'r. Ilvrroit, Jr (hiiadeiohia. y- M..rs Wil!i...,.8&Btitc;r, , ,,ortc;tort1 S. T. II K. B itier. ktitj. , S Jan. . 1554. 121 If. t. WErfSKt.. H . B. l LER. WCSSCL & EIL111S. f "COMMISSION MKKtHIANTS & VVHOT.E S JSAl.K Gltot 'ELtS, Nortb Water St.,- W il o1n;t,n, N. Intend to krt-p al the nhovr stand jenerahisoftinfnt of Groceries, Llqanrs, and froviloni- at wdioiexale and to CM ry on a (Jcnera It'oniniission l'iii-ii i-s. , R KFElt r.SC E ! .- E. P. Hall Prcs'i Hr'ch i'.anU of th Sta4ft. 1 O.G. Parsley, Prcs'l Commercial Bank. Wif P. K . Dickinson , F.fq ; 3 . . . OoPrM'r .4 Poner. Jan. 20 18S4, 131. GEO. H.'UELLY, connsaiON inntANT. Next doot 10 A . A . Wuanei'i,on North Vate nt willatteud to thea!e of ill kin If of tbturitrv Pro ince.f in li af i;.rn, Pea. Meal. UaCn .l.ard , ic. jnd wil ! keep eonitiantiy on ban d a l ull supplif Groceries. &c. Ilefefnefs . VVi'dr s- Hall ol'Wayne. .'no Irlai?, Wilmington VV Caraway. - ' . Gn. .: Ht re . " K.P.I ii. Vilninton , Wiley Ai-WitlKft . ' ' Dcc.U, iS3i. 1 15-1 V- IAS. F. OlH.ESPIB. f;t:o. H. till.LEf-Ptli. 4AM' K. ;ir,I,lIHV Vfc t t., PRODUCE WD F0U WARDING AGENT S . Wli.MNi TO.v, N C. Paiticnlaraiten'i'tt paid 10 tlu; reeiUplnaml .tilerd .Vara Stores Timber, .u.nbtr. Corii, Hueon, Cut ton, dc , f-c. . . .Mir. h 3). H.:3. " . 6. " -s. 31. w::st, j" r Auctioneer mi l CiiniiiiissLui .i'frcliant, VI11IIN: TON, N. C. TT'lLf. ellor imiv U'tiI )Utate and. Negroes al V a small commission . A lso ; Strict attention ?lvent 1 i'ip saleof Timber, Tur penttne, Tar or any kind of Cotiu'rv Pr'tduce; O li.;'- nocond door, South aide of Market street, on the wharf June 12. 1334. " 33-lyk T. P. MOORK. J5.0. A. BTAKI.V. ?' J.-W. JONES. MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION MER CHANTS, WILMIXG IOX.N. . Oct.2G.h, 1S51. - 03 C. SIYKRS', WHOLESALE AND Khi'AlL DE A LEU IN UATS. CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING OAES. No. 1 GratiHe ttotv, Front t reef. WOOL, Kur Silk, and Moleskin Hat. Cloth, liiah, and Siilt Glaxt d C.-ipt, by ihc case or dozen, at New Vorit Wholesale Prices. - Nov. 9. - f 93. " IK CASIIWELL. COMMISSION MEllCHANT, WIlJlINGTOX. N. C. - Sept. 30. i - 84 1 T. C. W0R ! II, Gfncral Commission 31erclianf, . WflitllXCTON, y.c-." . USUAL advance made on Gonsignriieii 1 of Cot ton, Naval Store and other pivM-e' Paltteular attention given by G. . Davis lo pur cbasine c trioes, procuring Ireight for epseh. Ac. Maieh 2, 1.54. .. .12d-tyc. c;,ni n ijTjT Russia U (Ki'riEssDas ra tii:)s. uiar.c l co.) General Commission dlerchanls, .Vu 32, Xorlh niutrecs. nJ i3 XorLk WaUr-St. PiUI.AOliLlMIIA. J. UAHVEV COCHBAX,' - . ' W. s. BUaSEtL. .- " '"'; '. " Liber tl : th ilvances made On consignments. July Ii0;h. 1334. . ' - " " 33-tf. ' ft. DOLLXER. G. POTT t R.J T. J. CAMERDEH- DO LLN EH, POTTER CO. commissios z HiEncmisrs, - N li W V O it K. . " " April 30. 1654. , , ' , '20-ly-pd. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER ' ANI DKALf.lt IS . ' '" - L.tQUO"ItS 'WISES ALE. PORTER tf-c. ' No 3, Gratiiie Kow. l't nt Street, WILMINGTON, N,C. Feb. 17th, IMS. ; ' .149-if. - FREIGHT. : : ALL freiabt it-N.tval storta by Cape" Fear Rne of Boats," will hcreatter be . biitcced ar WH mingtun. - T. C. A B; G.- WORTH. Jan. 27.: - v-- f.- .. . 131,. - . POUIi. 1 Cf BBLS. CStV Jttea reeeived per sehr. 1 V J I Edward Kidder, end foi :le by FiB17. 4 r , H. jFL.4 NNER;' "" TT AVING oerfeered other arranVrmentalahft nn- Q d(TSi?ned offer their enttrestoek of GroeetiesH .i m mwta ooovn -v afctar tsnm fvmy, at pnntly re--ducedpdees. . 41UINCE- COWAN. Uareh 17, 1951. i ; i; . ; Heraldnd Journal cbpyj " s ' X-"rniai. AiiU-ei-rbtittc Tooth wash.' . TO THE LADIES. . " QTH1"0 add iB 'tB ltf beauty than, clean, vi bite '1'eeth, and Gutii-f heal hy color.' the nio.tt li autifil face and Vermillion li pa beconu eprilfjve, ir ihe latter, ' vihfti ihey orx ii, exhibit 1 be horrtirfe epwlncl f r1t;.rj,'ie(l leeih. All hv j irli clean, white Tt-eth. bealitiv llam ai d i. .iwi-ft breath, should ivo iJKUMilN'sTOOlU V AStl a trial. For snle by . , . C. fc D, DcPltH, Asjrnm,. " Wilminjjton N. Sept. 30. ..---'- .;''.'' '-'. . 61 ' ' n rTnriirTi TTiT v . UST rercived ftmri New Vork aud Phi'adel hta t ' Gro?s Ltibin'a Fx'racta for the ILandL'f ; do. ' tlo. I oitcttt: oap ; do.5' Glenny Mtissh Toilc'te Water; d. do. - Verheua do. ; do, .do. , Yankee Soap; do. Camphor So tp ; bj. " PoTiiine do. " ' A Isre .ioriint of Hair Brushes, and a nuin fier of lane arlii-le- tiana'ly kept in Dru Storaa t; & D. DcPilK, Wholesale Orusf jUta, -OH; 5. '- .Urit.i:t., Wamlt.i, tw. J THE -SOUTH CAROLINA . . MUTUAL Lift lASlIiANCLCOyP'Y, RALfclUH. N. 0. IHE above Company hi-a been moperationsincc the liioi April, 643, under the directionof the futlowinf.- tirticer. v iz j Oi .Charic E. tonhiion, President, Wni.D. ilaywood, Vice Prtbident, Jauivd K. Jordan. St cictary, VV iii . M, Jnru.a. Trcaaui t, Pcrrin Hus'jkc, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, i A, .. , , , Dr.V,. H.McKee. Alcdiea Hoard of Dr. U.B. Haywood, Consultation. J. llerstn.in. General Agent. This Company has received a ch irtcr sivlngad anfaae loihe insured over any otherJoinp:iny The ail. Se lion (iives the Husband the privilege 10 insure his own die lor the sole use of his Wife and I'hildren". free I'roni tiny ebiin-f if the represtntu rivef ol the husband or .my of his creditors. Orjariiid on purely mutual principU e, the life inenibt rfi;irticlpait in .the irltotcitf the profits hich are declared annually Pesidcs, th applicant for life, win n the nnnual premium is over$30 may pjy lilt- nan in a i-oiu. - All laiins for insurance a 2a ins t the Company will e n ild wiihin nineiv dave after proof of the death if the party is furnii-ln d. - lavi;sare insurei! forone or five years, at rates whit-b vt ill ennhie nil Slnvi-holders to nectire this class f nrnpcritv atralnl the UiVt rtainty of hfe. Slav insurance present.-a new and interesting featui. in iht hlntory of North 1 'nrolmp. which will prov veryluiportaei lo the Southe'n Siatea. Thelasi four ttionth operation t f this Company show 1 vi-ryl are inioiinl of hit sin ens more than the Directors ex-n cted lo do the firm year having :ilrend issued more ihnn 300 Polleics. Dr. W'w W. llABtsa.M'-di al ITxatniner, and A nl. WJ mini'ton. . ('. . Alt ",o:n!ttttiictUnnsnnl)iisinrfsof thcCompany should be addressed 10 '- - I AS. F. JORDAN .Sec'y. llalfith.Jan.25, IS51. if. OUR 31 OTTO IS 'T0 PLEASE" AT THE W ilmlnuton Saddle, Harness, and Tr11.1L Jlauufactory. 1' II E subscribe 1 ret pcctluily 1 n forms th ep ublit thalheliis recently received addition to his i-lo. k ol .Saddle and Harness .'Uounlinfce.&c., t lit laiei .uid nio.-t improved style, and is conslanly .i.iiiiif;u'iiiriii, at.hifc.ttore on market street. evert d- ft-ription ol articb In the abuve line. From his -txpcrii iici in the business . he feels confident t ha t hi will Ik- ;ihle to uivt: entire satisfactlontoallwho ma favoi liim with a call, lit-has now on hand, ai't-. w iif iinstaiiiiy Keeji a larseaHsorinienrni j Cimeti, Uu tuirf Sul.eij 1 irntft, LnJit Saddles, tSfluuy. u ilijis, t'C... UeallmttCii s SadtlltS, Whips Spurs, tpe. - V-Jlvsa"',f " hich he will warrant to be of t the best materials and workmanship. t' tl" ha hIho a larse-asBortmcnt of I'l-un!.?, a 1 1st n. Saddle and Carpet Itnpr. -iatchel. l "an y Trunks. JtC ., and all other ar ticles iisiiallv kept in such establishments, all ol which he offer low for CA SH , or on shortcredif 10 prompt custotnets. , Saddles, I Li moss, Trunka, tedieal Bags, &c. .e. in a lie lo ortir r. Inaddition tothe above the sitbscriberilwa v keepton hand a lure supply of St id on; leather, an nas now, and win ueiplnrough tlie season a tfoodissorirncniol I'Ty Xiltt. All are Invited to call and examine my Goorls, whet her in want or not,. as I tuke pleasure in allow in my asbortnieni to all who may favor me with .1 call. Harness and Coach Trimmings aold at a fall rtrie 10 ersons buyine to manufacture. A lo, hies at wholesale. Mlkindsof Uldin VVMflcs bonarh t r". old on r.Mn.niinna. JOHN J. CONOLEV . Feb. 7, 1S54, U8 W I h M I N ( T O N 3IARBLE AND STONE YARD. j 'II E Sob-scriber having accepted the agency of - sevcr.11 large cst.ibli-liiiieni at the Nonh which ill furnish hint fin unlimited supply of finished r unlint-hed, foreign and domestic M A RKLE ol all qualities, t! prepared to fill all ort'e r for .M0.vu.1inx rs a tu.mii stones, and every other article in the line of the buslneas at reasonable rales -"SCULPTURING, LETTERING 0RCARVING. Eveeuted as well as can be done either North or soil Hi. . The best reference can be given . if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. if. THOS. I. CARR, M.D. D.loTs. PRACTICAL DENTIST for thciast tenyear. I Charizes for . , . 10 or lest artificial teeth on line gold plate, each. An entire sel of teeth on'fine old plale, Diuo on gold with artificial (rums, Ditto on t'latina plate with artifi cial gums, Upner or under ditto, recti, $ 7 00 ISO On 150 Ou 150 no 73 00 A Pivot tooth that e:inn"t he distinguish ed from the natural, - 5 00 A fine gold f Mine, teartavled perwaneti. . !l ffl v Do. and destroying the nerve 3 to 5 0 Extraetlne a tooth,' 50 cm. lo 1 0v He! denlifrirs and tooth brtifhe lw ays on hand. Every opcmtlon varranttd 10 pive 1 ntlre soiii-fe-ib n Teeth inserted Immerliately after therstrac tion of the ftng and rem tdob'd after tho gams have shrunken widtoul additional charge. Office on Slarket-st , 2 down below the Church W Ilminjton, N. C. April 22w ; -' - . 15-tf. .OW 1 the time jo have your rooms and pa saues papered w ith deraratiuns, fine or torn min, an we trove large assonmenisorr hand,' and sitpetior woikmen irom New VerJt, who-will hanij paper in laiesi njles. , WILKINSON A ESLEO. . Joly 2J. ' Paper Ila.15ew1.nd Upholsrerers, I E. R. DURREE, . 139 WTIiR STBICRT NEW-YORK, - Mrnfacturer and Proprietor of DL CKEE'S TLrlST OR BIKING POWDEU, - -' importer and Dealer in v' : CREAM TARTAR, SUP. CA It B. SODA, SAI. SODA. CASTILE SOP, BLAi'K LEAD. BIUTIVH LUSTRE, V- UEF D PE4RLASH, SALERATUS. "' ' .COOK I NO F-XTRACTS, - -- ' MATCHKWAX ako WOOD. Dec. ?3rdfc183J- " , C 117tly-e. . '.. , NOTICE. T HE subfcriber.respectfnlly informs the public, thai he is now" ran ,te tin the Auction business pn lii own aecounu and hopes by strict attention to buaineFc 10 fnerii a conticuaree oft hat patronage henuoCjre so litierslJy bestowed npon him. i StoekTReal Esrateand Pfejroes.botif hi and sold on a -om'iufslonol 1 per cent either at private 01 put lie st'e. ' , Jand, loj. DOGT. JOHNS'IUN, I MORE LOCK HOSPITAL. tT7flKRE may ae obtained the niotl speedy pleasant and utTectual utptdy ia the world for al . . . SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Kirictuua. htmlonl Wet k net-, Psirta 111 the Loins, ConslilulioriBi Debility. Impoirney", Weaknesa of lh Back and Liinhe, Af lections 01 Hhe Kidneys, Palpitation of the lleyit. D,fepsiu,Ne.ouB Jnltabi Ity. Diweacea of tl.t Head, 'J uro.it Nose or kin j aiid all ihofe st-iluu and mebii.t holy disoidersariainy from the destruc tive habitrol ouih,u tilt h destroy bu.'htod sue mind, thone secret and sollfaiy praclh-e more fats, lo their ici iiiitr than tho tuliyn ol '.he Nyrci,a to ihe m irtners cf Ulysness, bllgli'lnn their iiiot bill Until hope orfliitUipiiiions, rxndeiluj; marriage. &c.t ituuotsfbJe. YQUXGMEN. E.prclnlly, who I sve become ihe victims of SolUa ry rice, ihat dreadful and destructive habit which uunttiilly ewceps in an untimely grave thousands of your.j; men of the inot exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might othcrwia have entranced lis. lenirc Senates wiih Ihe thundvrsof eloquence, or waked to ee3ta"y the liylng lyre, ntajr cull wilh fell ta3d-caoe. "; '. i :- MARRIAGE. ? . SUrritdpertons, or ihowe conlcmplatlnpmarrlire, being awareof physical weaknesf. should imniedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect hetihh. lie who places himself undertheenreof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in bis honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hisskill asa phy siemn. - OFKICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St.. 7 DOCKS EROM BALTIMORE St., (east side.) UP THE STEPS. ' O-llE PARTICULAR In observlnjttheiVi ME and SUMIlER.'it you will tuistnke the place. 'A CURE IX TWO DA YS.ORXO CHARGE. No Mercury or Naiiseoim I)rug$ Used. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johnston Is the only regularly Educated Physician u ho advertises his veiy extensive Prac tise, and his many Wonderful Cuna is a sufficient auarnntee to the ufllicl. rl. Those uha vieh lo be tpteaily und effectually cured, should shun the numer ous trifling; importers, who only ruin their heullh, und upply to Dr. Johnston. DR. JOHNSTON. Jlembcr of the Royal College of Surgeons, London craduaie from one of the must eminent Colleges of the United Stafrs, and the crcafer purl of whose lift has been spent In the Hospitals ol London, Par Is. Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has effected some of the iiiimi astonish in k cures thai were ever known. Many troubled uith ringing in the ears and head when asleep, creat neivoiirness, beinp alarmed si sudden sounds, and bauhfumess. with frequent biuehinx.atiended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the niiguided and imptudctit votary ol pleasure finds he ha imbibed the seeds of. . his painful disease, It too often happens that anjil-tim-td setiHe of thame, or dread of discovery, deters him fuuii applying to those -who. from education and respteiability.f on alone befriend him, delay ing till the cousliliittomil ryMiiptoms of this horrid diseaseiiiakethclrtippenrnr.ee, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased note, nueturul pains in the head and limbs, dimness of, siuht, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on ihe head, face and t-xtremities progress on with frightful ra pidity, till at last the palate of ihe mouth or the bone-of the nose full in. and the victim of this awful disease becomea a horrid object of com mi s eritiin, till death puts a period to his dreadful suf ferings, by feuding him 10 "that boutne front whence no traveller returns. To such therefo-e. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve ihe most in viola tde secrey ; and. from his extenkfye prac tice in the first Huspitalsin Europe and America, he en n confidently recommend a aafe and speedy cure to the unt'urtunae virtim of this horrid d io ta w. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victim to this dreadful disease, owing to ihe tin sUllftdnes ni Ignorant pretenders, who, by the ue of that deadly point n. int rcury, ruin the constitu tion, nnd either a nd the unfortunate suflerrr to hit untimely grave, or else muke the residue of life mis erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all inose who haveinjtired them selves by private and improper indulgences. These arc some of the sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by eniJy habits of youth, viz 1 Weakness of the Back an. I Limbs, Pains in Ihe Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, DyspepKy. Nervous irritability. Derangement if the Digest I vo Kunc tiorifc, Ganeral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion. &c. M'Ttltdly The fearful cflerfs on the mind are much to l,e dreaded r Los ot Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depresxion of .Spirits, Evil Korcbodin'-s, Aversion of Society, .Self DiMiu', Love of Soli tude. Timidity, Ve. are tome of iliecvila produced. Thousand of persons of all ages, can now judge what it the caufe ol" their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eye, coiitth nnd svmptoins ol consumption. ALirried Persons, or thosa contemplating mar riauc, bting aware of phyticul weakness, khoufd inmiedlalely consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect healih. . DR. JOHNSTON S INVIGOIIATINO REM E DV FOH ORGANIC WEAKNESS Ry this grcnt and important remedy weakness of the organs is speedily cured snd full vigor restored. Thousands of the mnsi Nervous and Debilitated Individ uals who had lust all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to M ARM AGE, Physical or Mental DWquallfications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremolines and Weakness, or exhaustion 01 the most teailul kind,: speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. Voting men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit fr rpiciuly learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when akleep. and If not cured,, renders marriage iiufositde.and destroys boih mind and body. What a pity that a voung man, the hope of his couniiy, and the darll :g of his parents, should be na ti lled ftoin all prospects and eiijoymems of life, by the conscquenei s ot deviating from the path ot nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such pereoos, before contemplating MARRIAGE, . Should refl. et that a sound mind snd body are the moM . necessary requixltea :o promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through iil'e becomes a wear) pilgrimage: the pros. peel hourly darkens to the view; the njind Vecomes shadowed with despair and tilled with Ihe melan choly reflection lhat the happiness of another be comes blighted wiih our own. OFFICE NO 7 SOUTH KREDEB ICK-ST-, Ba ltimobk, Mo. All Surgical Operations lei lormed. N. B-- Let no false delicacy prtvent you, but apply immediately either personally or bv letter. Skin IUeae Speedily Cured. - -.. " TO STRANGERS '" The many thousands cured al this institution with in the latt ten years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical Operations perfotnud by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, and ninny other person, notices of which have appeared ogiin and ss.dn before the public, is a sufficient guaran tee ihat ihe affile led will Hod a skilful and honora ble phjshtiar . - ' ;.. TAKE NOTICE. It is with the arrentesi reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permits his card lo appear before the public, deeming it unprofessional for a physician 10 adver tise, but unless he did so, the ntfiided, especially strangers, could not fail to fall Into the hands of thos impudent, boasting iniposters, individuals destitute of knowledge, name snd characti r. ped Urs, shoemakers, mechanics, Ac.,sdvenisinK them . Ives ss physicians; ignorant quticks. Kith filthy, lying certificates of Oreai Wonderful Cures trout persons who cannot be found, or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthies and Degraded. and many other cunning and contemptible artifices to entice the affilcied, trifling mcnth after anenth. or a Ions as possible. And in despair, leave you with ruined hesbh to fcleh ever your gallina disappointment. It i this motive that induce Or. J. to advertise, for he alone can sure you. To those nnacquainted with h'11 reputation, be deems it nrcrasary to say thai his credentials er diplomas always hang in his Office. - - EAKNES OF THE ORGANS Immediately, eared, and full visor restored. Or A I.f. - LETTERS POST-PAID-REME-DIEs S KNT BV MAI L'. i All Letters must be Paid and contain a Postage Stamp for the reply, or so answer will be sent. Jan. Sin. laas. - . ,.t, I-M-IT-. - - iT V- , FREXCII S HOTELi Corner of City Hall Pqtiare and Frankfort t 1 NEW YORK, OppviUth CUf Ildland Park Pwnlnin,) HAS been RE FITTED snl FURNISHED. -The subscriber irus s Ihst. for convenience 1 : eg 11 nee, comfort and economy, it cannot be surpn.. cd In the wuild. All the rooms are warmed gratis 1 1 hey are fined up with marble top wu,.h eiundr which are supplied wiih C'oton water, by s.le plsted cocks Thu halls and water-ckx-ets on evr- y floor, are ilghb-d during the nlrht. This Unit I is c-ndueied on ihe European Plan of Lodging Rooms, and meal as the may baordrrrdln thu Relectory. R. FRENCH. N. B. Do nil believe ITarkmen and Runnrr-t who may say lhat we are full, aa some do so fii.l rCCtlNIABT IKTsaCST. March 29, 1865. 6-f.m-e. OWNER WANTED F bags Guano Marked R. A S It Pit Hehr Lb.zlo Russell, Irom Rultimere. . RUSSELL A iiUO. March 31. n e ms uvui to.. AN Klesani Edition of Hills of Exchange, pf Id. ed In Getmaiiy, In Books of 10 quires and Id sheets, for i Is at ti ctnte of Th Cummctriul. FOR SALE. I f( BBLS Planting Potatoes, yellow nn.t 1 V- V-' ch Icej 40 bbls. Applite, junl received and for sale by W. M. Sll KRWOOD b CO. F0. 80. Hi. BRICKS. Kf rVlfl NORTH River hard. For snte loV For Hntf JKJ,JW by I CEO. IIAKKISS. Deo. 30. 11'.). ISIDORE DK MONTI NGTON, or the Sinn glerof Si. Mala, by Sylvnnus f 'obb, Jr..jiiNt iii! llshcd. and for sale at 8. W. W IIITAK Kit's. March 27. B. COAL! COAL! I lOeTONS RED ASH COAL, for Famll ure, to arrive per Sthr. Virginia, frot,1 Phihid'a, (cash on dcllveiy.) For sale hy Feb. 24. GEO. 1IARRISS. FRESH FROM NEW YORK. PER SCIIlt. W. II. SMITH. OK BBLS. L. L.& A. Stuart's C. Yellow Sugar! J 25 bags bet old Gov. Java Cofli-e t 200 ' TubleSalti 5 hhds. of prime Yellow Supers t low lot cnah.at . GEO. H. KKLLEVS. April 3. JIIM N. C.T. & Sp. Age copy. 8. CANDIES. IUST received and opening, one of ihe Iargcit and best self end stocks of French Candies, ol the latest Inipoi tatun also. Home Manu.aciure ever brought to this market; all varieties, of 1 1 - best munulucture, not 10 be excelled by any sitniliir esiHldhhmeni In the United Slates. Call nt . March 31. WM. II. Dc.NHALE. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed nnd for sale at 71k Com m err hi , Office, Ihe Rales of Pilotage for the Bar utu! River. 3 J if. CANDIES. rT A CONSTANT supply of assorted Candies pi j.x wholesale and retail. p pr snle by L. N. BARLOW, No. 3 Granite Row, Front-!.. Feb. 6. LADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS, assorted !$ and style uf finitli, Uji'in at the Emporium. March 31, C. MVHIS. 3(tf( LBsTwAYNK C)7 BACON, Hon )JJ Round, fur side by March3I. C. DtPRE A CO iiraNlTaidiiGAN, FOUWARDINO & COMMISSION MCUCHANl, C1IERAW, 8. C. , March 27, 1655. 5-Gtn-c. SACK SALT. fZf( SACKS In prime order, 'or sn!e l,y JUU Feb 13. J. R. BLOSSOM. DISSOLUTION. rTMIE Eipret-s titiiibunt Company was tl A ' JL dny dissolved by inuiuul consent. 'Ihe boot.'' and papers of ihe Cencern hI Fayeltt ille, an plnei d In the hantls of Mr. John Shiiw, al ). ' VV. McLaurin's, who is fully authotied to stt'li and rect ipt for the some. JAMES E. MF.TTS, N. A. RAMSEY, April 4, 18"l. M.J.RAMSEY. Ill AVE sotil allmy Strnmbonts, except, the South erner, and have placed her In a linn wiih D. A W. McLuutin, w ho ia now running the Chuihtim, on the Cape Fear Kiver. ' Persons having claimsagalnst iho P.xpress Sicam. boat Company will please htind ihtin In for inenl. and those indebted will call sml st ole wit!, out delay. J A.M ES E. M CTTK. April 7. m ID-il. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. A GENERAL MEETING of the Stock holdtt 6 of this Bank will be held at their f Ian kin House on Mondsy, the 14th May next 10 decid; as to the accepts nee uf the amendments of Its char ter and the increase of its capital to $910,000. A full attendance I Important. O. O. PARSLEY, Pres't. April 6. 9-ICt. ATE AYLESFOUD t aSiflryof the Befugeen y Clin les J . Pelerrton. Just published. il ceived snd for sale at , AprilS S. W. WHITAKER S. THE SONS OF THE SIRES j AHl-STDRY of the Rise, Progr, and Dcs'l ny of the American Party, and lis probabU. Influence on the next I'rt-idi niiul Elctimn T . which Is added a review of ihe Idler of the Hon. Heniy A. Wise against the Know Nnthim . Fo: salesl H. W. W1UTAKI.R S. April 12. li. FRESH FLOUR, FROM FAYETTEV1LLK. 1 f BBLS. of Super. I" lour 1 U 15 do. best Family do. 1 low for ensh. nt April3. GEO. H. KELLEY Jn II., and N. C. T. copy. (Zf CASKS fresh beat Rice, just rccMvid font JJ ihe mill, and lor sale by S. M. WEST. March 24. 41m. GRATIS! Just Published, a New Dlsr&very lu Medicine. jrfjitJWt. A few words on the rational treat 'LmiJj y mrnt, without Mtdlcine, of Sperms-fc-gT.- :S ' ' torrhea or Local weakness, Nttvou Debility. Low Spirits. Lassitude, Weakness of ih Limbs snd Back, Indisposition snd Incapacity fti Study snd Labo', Dullness of Apprehension. Co; r of Memory, aversion lo Society, Love of Solitude. Timidity, Slf Jlisiru!, Diziinc, Head Aef e. In vulunury Disirhargcs, Pains in die Side, A flection of ihe Eyes, Pimples on the Facetxual and eth er Infirmities in man. FROM TUE FREXCItofUr. U. DE LA XE Y The Important fact that these alarming eonipisin'i a may easily be removed without Miduisi. is, in this small tract, eteaily demonstrated; and ihe en tirely new and hifihly successful ireairnenl. as adop ted by the Author, lully explained, by means, of which every one la enabled to ctire himself perfect, ly, and at Ihe least possible cost, avoiding thereby all ihe advertised hoetrums of ibedsy. Sent to any addrera, gratis, snd post frra ins sealed envelope, by rem.liing (Pl raid) two p-,- age stamps 1 to Dr. B. DE LANk.l,ro 17, Lltn ar t Street. New York. Marin 10. 43--P- , RTHUR'S HOME MAOA2INK For Aft. V received aifJ Wl Skis) y