. .ll-USUBl '-.J.-BU'.J'Uatf'i. 'l.SuaVBSJBSSSSa r-:. !' num. Thf market I sraHrnifhine ed. Pilrv are st'lT r but hot quotablT higher Lard Iptd a-dvancd I.' Naval Strv e The market is steady ni pric- art nnrhaniri4-( . - '.-. .km'T Mrket.s-The rrlobejr market Is easier The batik hs reduced lis Mfe tn 41 ht cent. Cn"l for money r- qmii.tt at 92 a 921. United Stales clocks ar better : also State se cn-ities. . Frni the BJtr' Cncnlar : Ashes-Tin market a unit! anl nnchsngeil. Ctfi.n Stiiek of it itln in port 615 000 bales iricln lrrtr JJS7 610 Im'e Anieiirsti wnnn. 15 M-Hig Br tho t& Co. qnt I lie Lrourh-n mar kefs. folh-w-i. Iron Welsh u-uls m hoard an q Ootid at i 7 ttd & 10s.; Scotch pig iron q noted a l 68. JOB, BOUK, casd ah id TAnir COB.VER. OF rOXT iVD tlABKCt 8TRF.ET8, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular Attention pair! to the Kollowlt kiwis of Letter Press Print!' g. of Exchange, fHli'a of Lading, L'cok, f'on', tSeriiii:atty Khrc'kt, t ireuiirt, ihaflt. . Entries of Merrhandiae rlandbdU, ImcI I Aire Blank, Xofes Potrr, ft' ceipta, It. tea of fre'.'it. . - dc- tf-e , tf-c And PLAIN AND KANCY PRINTING, m evt ry aWcription, done in ihr min in man tier, and on ihe itn- reasonable ttrtiis .Wihuin-iton. August 17, 1851. JUST RECEIYi D BY (J R. FRENCH, , FK Ks H supply of PER R V DA Vis' V KG E rv TABLE PAIN KILLEti, in er.ti,e Nw rict.i To be sore tint y oi tet ihe genuine !,rt- ii-ine. inquire, lor he New Dress with two fineen- gravd sii-tl label j tin each bottle. April 19. 13-tf , . N. c. BACON. Bm-on hoc round, ins! re C!f'f I.Ri. N.U. Bacon ceived pf r Kail I ond, and I'm ! by Apnl 21. ZENO H. Gil KEN K. B tT.tOU'S DOLL A It MOXTHIV MlGV Z I N K, for May, received urn) for ai April 19. S. VV. WHITAKKR'S. EMPTY BARRELS. QQC PRIMK econd-hird Empiy Barrels, just -fc. J iiinded and i for sale by April 19. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. : TH1E OO PARTNERSHIP of P. K DICKIN- X St) fc t'O, i ihi d iv din?"olv-d iiy mutual ' coi) nt. The buin. .- of the firm will be atliltd by either uf the Co partner. P K. DI :KI'SOX, HDBT II TH)S D. April 10, 18S5. 1 WALK Kit. IMm. THK CO-PARTNEItsiI P of PAHSLEV, IcUAE & tt., is thi day diol ed bv niu tiiil consent. The sisfnuture of the firm will be used only fur Ihu cloaing up f ihp bu.iiness. O. G. PAltsLEV, J NO Melt Ah, VV. G. JONES. April 10, 1S35. 12-lm. T'HF. TTNDERSIGNED hnv pnrchnard irHrcn I lire Interest of P. K. D1 KINN Sr CO. in the Gaston Milla, and of PARS LEV, McHAK t'O. in the Hilton l ilU ; and have ;i.-sn it.-it ihemslyr toeeiher nnder t lie firm of PAtiiiLEV, CeW AiN & t O.. They will continue the transaction of the Lum ber ltu!iin'K in all it branches; and hope to re tain the eorrtapondence of the old Kirn. O ii. Plt.s.Kr, ROltT. II . t:t)VA.V, JNO. AIcRAE, W G. JONES, DAVID S. COVVAN. April 10, 155. 12 if. Journal and Herald copy. LOOM!' PR ACTICAL ASTRO OM V.--An Itiirodiii'tion to Pr clival Aironouty, wish a coll- clion of Astrononpcal T.ihles. By F. I i i L'miiii is. I.. L. D. Just publihd. K.cfivi-d mid f .r aaleut S. VV. VVHITAKEb'S. . Apiil 17 14. NOTICE. At a meeting of Hie Cotuniissioners appointed wrnlT the Act of Incorporation for l In purOMnt criatina the c:nital.i.ti.k of Ihe Wilmington, Chaihfe & Itutlierf.irri Kailr.:id CotnKtuy licl.t this I4'h day of March 1855, in lh town of , Wadc-boro , t wa-t litvU&d That Im kn ! V cicd er au Script ion to the capit.il t.K-k in the n iliniiigfi.ri. LIi ii li.it.' & Ktithfilord KailroHil at Ihf il.u-e- ainl !iy the MrMii (l.-.-inait-d in th - Act Ittcorpoialion uf Mtiil Road, on the 2'nl Monday (thr Vlih) in Ar:il u-x " Noiicv N h r by ,'ivcii that Itooks will lie open- i ar no-i iiohitis pino-H. , MONDAY, A.rii inea.n ii.r. f.r siUiti iptiorm to ili i-apital.stock l Oh. Wiiminxton. C'liarlotl. & Riiihi'iToid Kail- roart, uikI.t the dir-ciion of tin- followins t r-ion: Wilm notos George Davii. T. C. Worth. A II. VaitBokkeWn, John C. Lalta. Mile Co-tin . K. rrench. J. II. Flaimer Edward K'ddur S. D. Wallace, A J. DiR-.-wet, Jr., John A. Taylor. n .'iioicuea auu k. ll Covrao, or a m;ijority them. WHtTKSTiLtK Ciilvin Hivn.s. T. S. Memory. W. M. Baldwin, Win. Fiiuk'aud fhos. Smith, or a majority oi tiiem. - Lksnjn's Stomb Harnes L nnon, Tltotuaa L : i tr . a . " . 9 nu. i-uvci i-eaeocK ana Alarmt duKc I'owell, or a majority of Ihrm. Kta Bixrr Alva Smith, AngnMna Smith. Joo! Co lev and W. L, WilliiniHon or a majority l'ihtin. MMBetiTi.M-joiin T. roe, E.I ward Lcts EoU't. S Frt mli, fibert E. Troy. Edmund lie- IT o 1: . i . . . u. u ij r i iiiiiau iimj, uai uiicuuel. or it iiirjoifty of them. t."i. College Arch 'd Smith. Malcolm Pur. cell John Gilchrist, sen.. Dr Neal McNair, Wm. S llra and IVter A. McEachiu, or any three of thrill Lal-rinsbcro John M illory. John Fairh y John Gilch-iMt. Jr., D. C. Mclntyrt', Dan I Mi K intion, ,Jt L. Fait ley W M Mcair, Duncan M. Lam in and Rev 1 ho. Gih.xon or anv thrc of thvin. Kocjcingham -Wither F Lake. Mial Wall. Wm. B Colt Gen. Alfred Dockrrv, Stephen Cole Co!. Joo W. Covington and K. 3. McDonald, or any three of Ihem. - WDKBao' II. B. Hammond. G-r. W. Little fi W. Cle K. F. LHly p O Smith J.. White: J. R Haig-ravt Pnnlitj Richard.-m, and Jas. Med Jer. tr any tvhree of them. k Ei.izBKTtiToWN J uk Q. McDtigald. John J. 'Me.MtlUo. Jno. A. McDowell. Thos C. Smith and Dnncan Croninrlie. or anv three of them Mo.NKor. . Ukion Co Hugh IIon.on, Sam'l II ; "Walktip Hugh Wilson. Msen CtUhhertson Jona than Tmll. M. Sluart and W. W. llart, or anv tbre of tbem. s Hamilton a Stobs-Wbi. Hamilton, Wm. L. Sti jall and Caiy Tidon. Datih' Gold Mink-Wm. Houstoo, Capt. James SIoiiton and Wm. Hudson. Wilson' Stobk Geo McCain, Jno. Stewart Col Wm. Walk up and Hugh Wilson. -. HowtHos Stohic - Robt. Howard. Robt. Howie And Col. Jaa. A Dunn. ; Chilott8 Wm, Johnson, Gen. John A. Yontu; John Irwin. Leror Springs, John Walker, Wm. Maxwell Win. l! Matthew. Williamson W. W. EIm, C J. Fox and Win. R. Myers, or msjorty of them. ' . Lincolntom Henry Cansler. John F. Hoke, L D ChUds. J. F. Alexander and Benjamin John on or a majoiity of them. Dallas James H. White. Alex. Iloyle. Dana Jen kin. Japr St owe and Wm. Sloane, or a ma, jonty i.rthem. . . ; SHKmr-Dr, W. T.. J. Miller. Dr. Tho Wil liam Charlea Blanion, Wm. Roberta and a. C Durham or a majority r.f them. ! RcTBUBroaDToMw. Miller. Rami Wilktngs, Roh rt O. Twitty. A. L;an ami T. B. Jostico, cm a majority of them. . - , And at aucb other places, and t nch other pcraona. as m majority of tk Commls.iowra at CTirlorte may direct. ALEX McRAE CU'n. Wiftuington, N. C, March 20, 1855. "HAVE Y0D SEEN SAM !" rjHE Iler of SW Jaelntt. The Lire of Sa -1' Moua on The Pioneer Geeeral Presided' . -""enJi'tr taterman.Tha tmrn Inirretuins Book f i ha 4if.. Jual ffon thi- Prens For Mite ai i - AftUUt t Si W. WUiTAKKll'a. ,JF SfHli. LOUISA PF.AKX Kellry, wfll dej-pjuch for b- abo.pori. Vvr . -Vsari frcf "hi or paaause, apply, to ' ,- April26. J.. I'Li.NSF.a FOR FRFIGnT OR CflAKTER. . Tlliv.frai ni:ieg S c Utw er ttf& ' RC F. rf 4'UfIsS'CtMaiin, and JULIA. C'f tu Applvto GEOlGUA'RKISS April 2j. ' "v IS). FOlflilLL, EGUXnT x.f THK A. I. rwo 1 Karq-rr- 'ATI f A RINK, j-vp Oupt. Watts, iil lave .deapati-h tot i lie above poit. For frcithtor p'agl. b ivit.g superior accoiiimudatioiiv, apply ' -April 24. J. II. FLA NN Eft. FOR NEW V0RK. : THE Htib LOUISA SK.AKS, Kelly, find -r'.-t Schr. SOUTH KUN BEL1.E. Pow. II, wil nave netipatcn as aov. ror tre'trnt or passage. uppl) to J. II. KLANiNEIt. Api il 24. 18 FOil l-IIILAUELFiHA. MERCHANT'S LINE. . TllEpicifi cho.mer DAVID F ll'sT C;it. N wi-im ir. and Schr. liHOD BKVUH.ip' . will hi ve desmieh for Ihe Shove port. For freight or p .ssnotp. apply to April ZU . J. ntJU J iJ. FOR NEW YORK. lilt-, pneket citrs. n hLK K, -apa n Xlutes. and VV. A EI.LI t.npt . lei. will liiivf dt pa'CO lor the at.ove port For lrei;i, nr as;iffe, :t Iv trf - P''I H T O. VTOSfTH FOR NEW YORK. NO. .Til TATK I I E. THK p.fkel Sehr. t-HTHI MIG PI 'J P ''P. Moni, will h i vi rl ii .!, Ii f,,r th X r'f above p.irl For Irci-xlo or pfcne. nt'iifv o J. !i BLOs-OM .-vpn!2l. OS NEW LINE of SI REW STEAMSIHS TO SAIL BKTIVKRS KK l YOKK A .V GLASGOW. TH K "iKle Serew Steam Ptickel "7 'int.in 's new te:im-hl. 'lvl " - iri" ; B d Petrel, are i aleinle.i to sail h i -From 'vew Vorii. fll.VDK VVcilnes.l.iv, Augns-i 6th, at 12 o'e .n k, noon. Kitten of P.is.iiee, (-lewrd' fee ineludei!.) 'hitf Cabin, 'I'. A iimiitd niiMil.tr of il.ml las passengers will be luken mid Mipplhd i't nod J-no fomiiM-iably enoked provUionN, at a2 Berths not geur. il till pai,) lor. Theie cew strsini-hint have In to hnih ;ind filled onie.pres ! for I he I note, on lllf ni.ifl :i.priiril piinepu. fc securiniT oii ty, comfort nd pe d ; and curry tuch at experienced tirpem For Freight or Passage apolv to IMBKHT P TONT, 3' Bro dBV, N. V. Money orders srnnted on Gin-i-ov. . in m.his d 1 --terlin and upwards, pa; able on dcin-md. Aug. 4. bill. HOI SE FOR RENT. A Comfor'ahle Pwellins; House, w ilh 6 Rooms, 4 of them wi;h ri e places, n smut pantry, wlrh a J ne essarv out bni!dins. a arge gurdt n aid coil wt tl ct an r. i:u;i. ti on l-.C-'rnerof I lock ..rid Old Bom.diy Jstreits ntnr Miles Cosiin, Esq. Ap(ly to Ht)S. F t; UE, T. k uOijr.M) Jan.-20;h. 1 8" 5. 12."3-tf. J. & H. copy. CHOLERA. Certain Cure for lira disease, may be fout.d - in the use of iei ry D.ivia Vegeiable PAIN K ILL Kit. - ST. LOUlS,,iVl. , Jui.e 14th, 18t9. Mr. A. T. Woodward, Avail of j'erry IjatW l'ain Killer. . . Dear sir I ltel it a duty 1 owo to the public, to inaiie kuuwn Hie v.iuu of Davia' i'jiii tviliur, and my -.ipuiii-iit e in a.-iu it lor some ui to. coniplatmalor h hicti it is highly n c u n.ei.i:id. lu Apri' iUkI, on your recuniuieiidutior, 1 pinch .m .i a viie dollar bottle of ou lor puiua litis ho li I have lorn; been uld cleJ, and nuut ute ol it on in) trip down to Atw Orie.ti.s, nh lite inoet ;rui. tytng and bcnencral eli'.cts. On my re um tup to ihia city, the Cto h r., ni.ule it appearance mn .ng -otue ol iii paseengrrs. 1 made u.-e ut the t'atii Killer, haviug no oilier rtiui iiy on board, and iv my surprise and gratification, lotind it gave immc Uiate relief! On my arrival in at. Louis, I culled on you and got lour large botile?,und elated lo you ffiy confidence in it as jn iniaMible t. holt ra rcnu i)", acd temai king to yt.u ihut 1 uunied nootlter Chol era rcntetly on my boat. 1 initde U!e of ihe four bottles on my trip to New Oil, ana and back, for Cholera and koine oilier cimpl.iints for which ii waa recotnnieiided, and met wiiliihe most aston ishing success vihtn 1 oidend frun ou more one dollar boil i. a Jincc ihtn I l.ave matle tw o more trips lo New Orlt ans anrt ba-.k, anil on rny previous trip up, 1 had more than SEVENTY CASES OF CHOLERA On board, when the JAAV KILLER wis imme diate! used with the most u'.onishlug rexitlts. In nil cases where it was used in time, a gave teliei in a very short linn ; and 1 can ulili onfi.ieiue S'iy to the public, that in all of the that maizes oi tliolera, when taken in time, it is in mv opinion, an iufaUible remedy; and uiiira lair trial with ii lor several wevkv, und for four trips to New Or leans and back, and Ufing ii lor Cholera and for oiher e.mplaints (or which u is rprointm nii.d, .o cousidf rati n would induce me to Icivepon with out a good supply belUvini: it lo be a medicine in .t no officer id' a boat or any fatuity would be without a single day after using one bottle. Be lieving it to be the most valuable family medicine known to ihe wm Id, lor all ihe diift.rent complaints or which it is recnii'mer.ded. P. ai. Please stud me six larje bortTrs flr lliii trip. J. M. BiiOADvvELL, Captain Steamer Atlantic. I r oat cordially 4nite with Capt. Broadwell in reccmmending Perry Davis' Pain Killer to the public, having' myself bten severely attacked with ihe Cholera, and found relief in a few t ours bv using the Pain Killer, and have myself admini Jercd it lo more than fifty persons attacked with the Cholera.' and when used in time, a cure war ffeeted in a few hours, and take pleasure in re commending It to ihf public asan invalual le med icine, that na individual should be without a sin gle hour. JOHN N HOKFF1NGEU, iterii ateumer Ailantn. Davis Pais Killm. In to-day's Union will be found an advertieinent of this celenra'ed remedy The certificatea appended from the captain unit cletk of lh: Stvamer Atlantic, we know tube gen uine, and loundeu on tacts, a trtev verbally rtaieti in our otfioe ihe substance of what th.-y pn'hli-h. " .i . - ... " Xous La ton. The Pain Killer la sold bv G-orge ft, French, VVilmingtoo; C- C- Green, Elixabeth Oitv ; Jauie V. Caroier, Ncwk-rn ; VV. H VV tllard. VN suhini; lon and by Drsggists and Grocers evervwnere. April 191 55. ? y : 13 -3m. THR FOUXTAIN; PEN has been trrraly In.'. I proved, bv nlncin the fountain farther fn.o. the point. Thj only objeetioa K these btlng thi very be.-1 pen in use beta no sremoved. we hav just received a kuge supply, anticipi'l rj the de-' maN win oe equal. a.- VV. VV UITAKF.K.-" April 13. t ...... ' - - 15. - ORATORS AND STATESMEN.' fAIIE lautt rmin-ni Orators and S'Ht.-.ien c' Ancient and Modern timt s; containing t-ke'ch-' es of thet r Lives. Sfpeeimena of their Fn'r-rtnm an-t an estimate of their Grrtin. Bv Diivid A Harsh.,-) ust published Rt -reived -d for sale at i April la. 8. W. TViliTAKEJl'tf. UaLIxgTwN and vr:LCo r. r, Ktigfr tn4 tSuu-'M .uic . VV.. & VV. R, R. Co . ; -. ; l't bruary I, ISL5. - .- - GOING XO TH. - " "I'll E p serrer iraiits-ver tlds road will, until m itir'iier noth-e. run a" lothtms Fi-st(l'Xiire?t MaCi) tiatn Ivuv.-s VVilmingtoo at 6o-lKk A Vf. - ICeactieh Goldboro'ai A. jVTv " . , Ariitesat Wtkiimal 1:6 P. M Stcund (At-cuuiuiod i ion .Mail) train enri rip? tme-fn ! ear . av. V t.nun . ion nrlOfl P. ii. HeHt hct- Ot.(ihoi .. f.n p r 31. Arrive at W t htm 12 ut in-hi. GOIN'i: .sob I'll First Train k av.s VVeklon at -i.':00 M. Keach' t-tioidsi oro'lii 3:15 P. Al . Ai net s nrV jituin'on 7;3'i P M . r-tcond Train Icav". s eblon irt ii:C0 P. 31. Reaches Oohitiiior' I:3o A ih" Arrives at V ilmiii; ..n't .'SO' A- M Fare to GolU.sboio" 2.fn' j to i ldon S5 Abon't line rent iwr Hide iMta is t lia ted pasat-iiets uho tlri not ftrtcurc tickcie at Vie tt.Uiont Ihroui'hti ke a 'i 'al'.ioiore lo PhiUdel- pht:t ; to N'c-w York 15,30. 55Ti kt is "will not he .-old t" tn-srro in. person t xoresf Frtiiht- (i.y .Vt-coiiimoitati' n Train) wil- be ehart'e. tl 20 per tent e.rra; and such r iiriit in go Nonh be ni the Depot by I oYI-h-K P. M '. and ina.ketl ' xjTct l-'reiyht Tv o freight tr:.ins ti in t k w ill t n " gilarly ihrotipli to Ueklon, e.tiiyiiv lrii hf both waa On-tr.tir will inn rt .-an nrli as f ir n rtn as Gtrldsboro', nd rnco n li nwiih the N ". It. V , and two olh i r vvav Triiinswit sen as fai nonh as niav be re-qidi-.l. tt.tir) fii; l:t i.t :A: irtei eciate statior s A I dues on d iwnw ir i irti. ht itii'bt t' J nid on de livery at iiniin: ton . L. FREMONT. Gcn'l. Su.Vr. Feb. 3 Ut. WI! & WELB0N &' N. C R. ROAD. tii .oiG'i i''.!i:ic:i i's. Fko t c-'t's t srrtcK V..t& vy. R li. V'v i iiiiraioi;. N . ... Ft b. U'll-. ltS5 i ' ' R KLi : T t in i'niicalon or anv t.i'Mii oil S th.-W.vV VV, i! K t :inv frt'iun on the Norrh -' 'aro iua it. It . nnd ;! from any .'Mat ion on' ihe , . ij it. it lo VV uiuuiioti or oii. rpoiorn . tin VV, .t VV. I". IJ , wH e Iran lit, pi tf and imwirdi d from G. ildsiioro - J'rce of cluirgt for tiansluiunl. f-r By ihi" l":h of March mxt artangrinents wil be i inte by whiili li.i.ils.niii pr-tl u e t oni ihe inte rior for ttf iptiit rt irom-o to be s- Id in V iiinini; i n.and Ik It nit - ta tor the inti riot, will be de livered or received tm the 'o,nipany's wharf Iree it charge lor vt harfie or dray age. . - Dm rue from VVilnit hiou to Rah ih bv Rail roail, IJ i iiiil -.-; from Hatctgh to Pol trinonth Va.. 7G' r!iiJ';- c nee 4" miles. trti-hton it'b.r tl oi Flt ur frero Orani-e io U i min. inn is 2il t ems k than jt i.- from 0:arigi to Portsmouth, Va. S. L FREMONT. Snp't. Fch 13. 13- 3m. NO TH E. cVi-j3. l3-iS53 fSHrOi Office VV 1 1 s o. , i;aui,'h It. IX. t'onipa- y VV'iLMiNof os. N. " Jaiut irv lo'.h, l!r"5, iROI and aiier thi date, tl-e P:t!--t ni r ac coiitiiiod.i1 ion train wil: hove for W..i0ii ai 3 . -I. vw nri-.i- vi I oriva it l!j o'eloet;, A. VI. I his ehatiee t f t-hediile Is made to connect with the V. i lu'HJ'oi! A Marie nfii-r I 1 1 Una f over v' i ; i t I ty r iin -vill e h re tftcr t tin. connec'mLi with ihe Ifea.'s Si.nrh. t"lThe U "if Uttnd ti Is now regnlatod bv tt n w Statidur.l Ctoe1,, m id. h is ai prc.-ent about 10 initititcs nticiid iA the tov n nine. FREMONT, ' Knincur & .Superintendent. Jan loth, I?"i. 12-tf. TOWING BY STEAMER CUHOUN OftDKRN for to wi nghy STIC A M I f; iMI.IH)l!.. will have attention Ict'i t the office of "GEO. IIARRIS.S. Nov. 16. - 105 TOWAGE ! TOWAGE ! ! STF.V.VIEU SamIi. ;irj ,V M Gtttb ric, master ; Steamer t 'alhopn. Jot sprinss. niasii r, are rcadv at all times fot aiiMni'.-s. Ordcis tor lottuefwill have prompt a lenlion if left aiolliee of At?ent. ft AKItf ."?. GEt. June ! 1 T T PASSENGEI iSV t r"! -oTEAVIFU "K.I I R V , V!v,V. Wilmington fur Fjhi'iv ' til Ii ave i!!e. i vn V l.i y and Thnr-ilav .VI ort iiiir. a 'J o 'ciot-i., mid r i c: e die for V pti.tt g'ort. e rv Wc.lnes.da a nd Saturday, .t sun rtse. with pas st-nneM and freisht. JAMS E. MlCTT.-t, Arent. March 3. 147 if. FOR RLNT. : TII VT iti-sirnldo llw'elltnft (.iltintrd nn fr;i)fta Front Si rt et. between .Vlnihnrv and Wol l4jji n"i. next north td the residi nee of Mr. It. F. Blown. For it-tins. nppt to RA.vKIN tV MARTIN, Oc.5. South W a!er-i-t. BA NK OF CAPE FEAR. 'I'llE liOO(C for subscript. on to the Increased i tJitpilai St k of the Bark of l.'ape ar, ac otdi.nii to the piovisie.ns of the Art of the (ii iie ral Assembly " of mi?. Mate, ratified on the I6t h lay ol February, ti-aa, are. now .opt n ai the Bank TH ta. li. WRIGHT, Pris t. March 29. l&iS. ti-tf. I N eonseq'tence of the scarcl'y of Money, and the 1 delay ol our customer to pay lln ir accounts, we are compelled t ceasu operat I.-ns at our ,V1 ill for thirty days. It must be obvious to every re flect ft r mind t hat, w iihom some degree of prompt ness it payment of oills, it will he impossible fnr ns to coniltiel our business to our own satisfac tion, or tho interest vf out etistomers THOS. SU.ITII & CO April 10. II. and J copy SOdays. 11-lm. F0i' REST. A Fine ROO.M newlv filled un. -nSpp. S.ia ond street. Apply to J14L KANKIN & MARTIN. , Sept. 23.- , , 83. WHISREY! WHISKEY!! CI BBt.s. just received from New York, and for tVlsaby JO.-. R. BLOSSOVI. April 17. 14. EMPTY BlRREIS. Kfr SKl.rO D-HAND. of ch ice rt-jalitv. tW v i K.ir i sale by UUSbKLL i 11 li. 133. Feb. 13. RYE WHISKEY. DOZ. Bottles pure old Rye Whiskey, of su perior quality, r'or Bale by 12 April H). , , L. X. BARLOW. I PICKLED nERRING. ,Tf A BBLS. p.ime Nova .Scotia, just received, and JU for sale by , ADAM, BRO. & CO. April 19. ' . 15- PERSONS In war.t of Old Liquet- will find it to their advantnse to call upon the subscribers, where they can find Old Ports ; Old Jamaica Rum ; . , s hemes Scotch VV biskey t - y Madeira; t, Irl-h ": !cup'pernonf ; Holland Gin ; " - Bounces; " Giuoer aitd Raspberry Brandies AM of which they oflVr in lots to suit, put up in demijohns, ol" from one t five gallons. Call and taste. -QUINCE &- COW AN. April 7. , . . It. ATTENTION ALL !' 4 , U7"E this day call the attention of all in want tSf the ioliowing articles, to give ua a call, as we have just received ' , tiO bids. PriitHi PI inline and E.nioa Potatoes; 70 botes choice Codfi-h. fiotn 44 Down East;" 3H bv "fli'ce, assorted of all kiuds; 1 20b hie sugar - , 15 Firkins Lard, N C, choice; 50bbls-N O. Molasses t , .""T40 kea Nails; - " " fc " 3 ton Hoop tron j -; 5i) bbls Roe Hefrini lartre snd fat.EaMerB.." vApril2l. WM.SHKKIVOifDAAO. RECEWED THIS MOllllNt. B express- ; .A3E Gent's and Vomh'f fine Pans ma, Mara-. 1 . evi and Granada liats. a hand; ome lo. i in i l " i Liiujjwji-a. J-ii 'imi.mil aTit. 1 1 in ADA IS At CO'- (IR BAT XOit til " AND SOUTHERN EXPRESS! fAKHY PACKAliEVef every desriiptieft fd V Petcrsbtira Kb hmc-i Kredrles sburg-" Wash i,nf?ton it Ports oooth, Norfolk, Baliinioro, &e.; in cnrgt of .P-peciat nicsmngfirt, r., JOilN L-tJANriVKLL.JVeenl , Office On Front, near Marker xl. May IS. ' .' " - 27-tf. ' THE ADAMS EXPHESS CO M PAN Y. 1TTOULD it-pectiui!y VV having elTeted eon ii.l'-iin it public, that contrttctsi wi'tlt the various Railroad Companies "JfoHih and West, for the nan--p ri toon rf PA Itt.ELS, Fl EIGH I'S. siE:IE, VI E 'ftril AN DISE, dec. by pas naei trainsin connect!"?! with their N-orthcrn .uteri, as ht-rt fofire. to the Northern cities by hot It, land oifc, ia V iln.n't'vnt Baltimore, Pnil.tdelphia, New Vork anil Boston and also to New ork bv s'eatrtisj they are ritw pretmred to forward to Auaiina, Savatinaii, Jlaron, : Columbia. Ann rictts, Atl mta, t'hattanooira, Knoxvllle, Na-hvillc itmi Vlonig.imet-, and 'here connecting with the boats tor -Vlnbile and New Orleans, to whom ihey will deliver as per order; For the' better security "of VI on res. Jewelry and Oilier valuables,, an Irnn- safe i- plated In cacti Express I ,"nr, areotrinanied w i; in experienced messeneer, who has the e.r!rtsve e ire and custody td" 'his eSpre-s ear, and w-ho-e business it is to rerreiire and deliver poods and p.trct is tit the agents at stations on the line of the roil' . ' . WfyaT,'l''n'nr at'pntion is paid to the colfeef ion ol .Notes, Prafo- arsd bills nnd to the Sulh clfon of hjlls on the defiverv of Goods. Such facilities for the s-pec-dy tranpniisston of G mmIs hav ir 2 never before been orH fed to the pnloie t.i'u:h Hie South and VVest, ihey trust it w ill be eppn eiated bv the rnisinss rum nttntiV. . JOHN L. CANTVVELL, A -ent. Jan. 11. 124 tf. EXPRESS CARD. 'HE luWitiie rct-fteetfittl inloinniif ihai 't'h duns Express Cuiripanv lutve "suit."li.heil OiTtces in Co n n ii.i and ' amden. Snu'h Carolina, and ar prt pMieil to forw aid every d'srtrriplion of aetawes in rhe t' lerior of Nonh of sijuih Curt- lina. via those offices. i Oct. 31. - "tS-lf EXTENSION OF THE EXPRESS. ,.,,., , T MIK AD V VIS FXPiSE v - . .. - I leasu ie in inloruiin" ilieir pinions and the ptttilic. that they have extended their line over do s.,t,ih Side Rail Road, and are daily fsrwardina jood-i and vahiabics &('.. to Stations .llf nj; IllC line ot that ruSd ai d the inti tior ol Viiinia" Oct 1634. ,; 93-tl. FREE READING ROOM , the eonvet.it nee nt'ilie public we wilt Fk keep files of a few of the principal Wwspapers. ADA AI S tf- C ' S . EX PR KS , From, near Market st. May 19. 27-tf. COMMISSIONERS' IIALL.J Tckmiay tviMMi, .March 2 th. lSo". At a meeting of Cotiitiii.vioticts ait'l hot va to pen liotiks i:i VVi ' in i t. t irt . for subset ipf kips to the cad ill slock !' the VVriluiingtiiii Ch.tr'ottt anil Rttthfif.iril Kail Road .esfiit A J. Dtr-Ros-et Jr.. J II.FIittipfi- R II Cowan. 0 It. Fri uc!i, V. II V:tiiB..kk. leti J. : l. HH Miles Cdslitt, Ivl waul Kidder and S. D Wallace. ..-t On up ii ton R. II. t'otviin w as iippoiuteil Chait tliaii, tind S. I. VVjil.iee tcrrelai'V. itt-!slv:d That hooks he iHm-iI - tin Mon lay, Aii'iMt h l.Vr. at tin- 15 ink of Cip - Fear ..Bank of tip- State and ut the Commercial : Batik. C J!,-fnfrrrf. T- at G R Fr.-nt it It. H, t'owah .ami A. 11 VuliIJi kUeleli lie a ;r s ii t; td I a C'liiihliOet to ohi.-iin siihsciiiiiioiis to aid in dcfrivin. the cs-iK-iis. . oT nn expfl t-ntal survey : to Iw' "made iVtitti tin- town of Wilmington and from Whites vifle to L'lniherton. A'i.Wii-..'. That the Mayor lie requested ttycalla rneeiii.gt.f the citiz -ns to appnif difeai -s to he Mass mectinjr in B'adi tl so s'ioii us it is a certaineil whcti that met -tins is to be lu-lil.-'. P.. II. COWAN';. Chairman. S. D. Wallace. Si c'y. M tidi 21 155 " 4-tf. NOTICE. II AV just rpeidverf from the North : r?0 b itf s prilii- I 'nil1!? ; 2'. tdils. Rectified Whiskey; 5 " old ::ye do. ; : .; 5 bin's. pr;inc Sii2ar ; . ' 10 tibls. VV hite d'J. For sale low for e-ir-h, S. M. VV ET. by Aptil 7. 1 1 i-l m. i HE NEW YOi;K JOURN AL For April, re i reived snd for sale nt March 31. S. VV. WIIITAKER'S." VI EMt 'I'ts OF THE COUNTESS OP.BLES i i L sINGTON I'he Literary Life Snd 'Jorres non lenee of the Countess of Blessincton. by R . R. Miidden.M R.I .. tnthor of '-Travels in ihe Eat '"' I nfirmities of Genius," "The Uunilmin," "Sluinesand Sepulchn s," tfce. Just published Rt ci ivrd and for sale at ; i - April 17. S. W. VVMITAKER'S. THK STORV OF 1 PIHLOsOPHEit : THE PEASAN l-I.OY or. A Child Gathering Pebhlt-s on the Si a shore (Founded on the ear ly life of Ferguson, t he Shi phcrd Boy Astronomer and intended to shew how a poor fad became ar qtinimed wijh the principles of natural, science.) By Henry Mahew. Just published. Received and for sale at S. V. V HITA KEit'S. April 17. 14, CLARENDON IRON WORKS, . WILMINGTON. N. O. ? IMIK CLARENDON IRON WORKS rt-re now prepated io receive orders for Beam, Ver'ical, Horizontal or Oscillatintr Steam Engines, High or Low Pressure, and bdapltd to all purposes Circu lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Mihs. complete ; Pumns, .Viituxg Machinery, Grist and Fiour Mills, complete; Parker, Turbine and other V ater W heels, Equipping of Steamers, Cur VV heel and Axles ; Horse Powers of various patterns; Rice Field Pumps and Engines; Rice Thrasher-. Shingle Machines. Shu ftlna, Pullies, Hangers, Geais, and nil oihei Mill vvork. CASTINGS. Iron and BrasCasttn2sof all descriptions, inciu dimr Ornam ntal Iron Railing. Pipe. Bridne Cast ing-! 'f-C i &c. TheCoinpaay would respectfully invite ntieniun to their styles and pit lei ns of Rail ing, wnicli may be seen at their otlice. BOILE:iS. i i - Tubultr, Flui and Cylindrical' Boilers, Water Tanks. Cli.mueys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. . - REPAIRS. " 1 A pirafe depirtmerit and force will be kept for repiirs. whsre work will be done thoroughly and with despatch. AH w tilt dorn in the establishment dsllvered ei ther on th" ears of tff VVilmingt.tn ife Vlanchest-r '.Jail Road or the VVilminitton & W eldon Rail Road. or in tl its at the Company's wharf, tree of charge Havinst larsre facilities, the above wark will be done on as reasonable terms as cl.sewhere. North or 'o i h. and in a prompt and s atisfactory manner. Consultation by letter or otherwise, in regard to plans and designs for mills or their lurni'ure. anrt f r machinery eenemlly. willingly answered. All orders or communications lo bo addressed to the undersigned. ' HENRY M. DRANE, Asent. " March 17. 1-tf. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE 'will be opened for delivery of lee from the firt day of April lo the first day of November- between nnnse and nun-el. On Sundays, will close, pos ilirily, tit 9, A. 31. Ice ordered for the country will be well Dacked and promptly forwarded at all times. All orders for Ice mutt be addressed to Wil mington Ice House. . . ; Tetnts CASH In all eases. Tickets can be proettred if desired. Persons ordering frm a distance can. make de posits ol such sums as will meet ihct orders. J"Priee one cent per pound two merits per pound wil be chaigrd for any quantities less than three pounds. ' . Ke will he furnished gratis to theiek and poor, provided they send an tder from -a phytlcian, or a member of the visiting eornmtttee'. . - A. H. VaBO WKKLEN, Proprietor. April 12th, 1Sd5. . , 12., MISSES' HATS. : MlSSES'Unirimmed Leghorn and Braid II. also Children's Trimmed Hats of every, des rriptioB. Kaducmg stock and sellina low. " April 24. . C-MYERSi . GUANO. - rQ TONS dai 3 expeded, for sale by - '-ADAM.S, BJiOTHKR A CO: ' April W. "- , Id. ' InXWELL'S PATENT , SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. NEW ARTICLE, wurratied to prevent all .XV Accidents fr-m the use f fJuminfr fluid. famplien, aa oiner JrpLonn Xjompouna. nscd tort lie production ut Llitht.., "This lme;lon lr a it ied to ull common . Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar. Catunhcne Lsn , Lanterns'. Ac. K ALSOrUurntna Fluid. Gamphene, iotn Oil, For sale b (J. A O Del' 1th, Druggists, Market Street.'W tlmingion, N. t . . - - The following Certifieafe ace a sufficient guar anty of ihe entire safctv and etaciency of the Safety Lamp and Feeder: y . . CERTIFICATE. ' ' 16 BoTLtTG ST., BoTo, 2lst Nor., 1853. ' Paorassoa Kcnjamisi Silltmak sIJear Sir. I take the laberty of asking you if any eircum stance has occurred,, tending any degree to di minish the full confidence yoti have telt in the protection all jtded by Neweli'a Patent -Safety La ih p ! - With high respect, truly yours. t -,i - .A. A. Hayes. , ". ; . Bosto-t, Nov. 21. 18 3 To Da. A." A. Hayes : Hear Sir, In reply lo the inquiry contained in vour note of this dare, I can now. state that "Newel l' Patent Safety Lamp." nfiern considerably extended experience in ny family, has fully justified the favorable opinion which I expres.ed of it about a year ago. Until this protection, was" presented, I nevtr permitted tiie so-callrd burnins fluid to be used in mv honxe. Now it is constantly employed by the domestics, and ii has been occasion illy burned in the por'or and amdy The house beine lighted by '.is, lhere is little occasion for its general use in 'he family ; but villi the protection named abate, 1 'should have, no hesitation to use it wherever tbere is occasion for artificial light, and i do, w ith en tire confidence, recommend it to my friends and others who consti't me on the subject always fr.iittin;;. however, against lh unguarded lire which has produce 1 o many distressing and fotal results. r I remain, dear si-- very 'Respectfully and truly yours, - B Silliwan, Senior.. VViLMtsjQTOw, N.-C. Jnnn IPth, "654. - I hereby eenily thHt '" w itnessed Iherxperinients of Mr. Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp, for fnriii-hinc '-fluid" and am perfectly satisfied of the sa'eiy of the saute. . J , J. IT. Dickson, President of the N. C. dedieal Soctely. Thi is iticeiiify tiiat I have used Newell's Pat ent Safety Latin s. for mnre than twelve months, ntid ihey have srrven perfect sat islnciion June 2d, 1854 , . Geo. It. Fkksch. II ivini? nureh.iscd the ri"ht for the State of N. Paten-.e, we are Preparedi to fill all Orders at -hort notice, for every description and , c f . t.ll I'T' l I..I11IHII, U t , - A II ncrson8 are cautioned ajainf t infrinffing up on the above patent, as the law will be rigidly en forced against all oliendi-rs. C. Do PRE, D DcPRF, Jr. A. C. DICKINSON. Jane 22nd. IS54. 42 ly-c. CirM tl ERCI L COLLEGE. Locnrctt 127 IJ.t!t l:nore-st.. Italtimoi e, Md. i Hi's Insiitn ton presents superior facilities to I younir men desirous of obtaining a practical business education. Tho course of Siudy embraces Double Entry, BooU Kttpinr r.s p aciiealty applied lo the man agement of Mertramilo. Bulk, .VI lnul'ictiirini; and steam Boat Books; Business Penmanship and and VLrcantile i 'omputafons ; familiar Lectures on oitnitierci it I. t w ; u non the Mibject of Bills ot i-.'si lmnaii, Promissory Noiea, Contracts, Partnership-, tic. Tin-arr ingements are t:ch that applicants can enter College at anv tune ond avail I hi.tin-elvcg ol (hi; ailvarst ues of thi entire emir e of study, each utudt nt hi irtjr sepfirati ly tattuht. 'I he studctits have access ! a Commercinl Li brary proenri d expressly for their accommodation I'hrrt- is al-o attached ro the Uol'ege a Rcadin ijoont. where may be found all the leading Daily Papers from va imis pins of the Union. Usual h n'h of ritne to complete ihe whole course from eihl to ten weeks. Tuition for the full course kit). For paiticulurs write and receive a circular by nail. .august jd, 5a-iy-c. H ENRY BURRHIMER WHOLESALE & BETA1L TOBACCO, SXUFF AND CIGAR s t o it e: SIGN OK TIIC INDIAN CIIIi:K, MARKET STREET. one door above, Water YVilminstoti X. C; ' .V Ii. AH Of Jen fi!U:d with defpnlrh. Oct. Hi tl. Hal l3 t&w-c. THE SMITHSONI IN IIOLSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON ST., NEW YORK, ON the same block with tho Metropolitan Hotel and Niol '"s Garden, und two blocks a'love the St. Nicholas Hotel, will open Apii' 15, and oilers to travelci s scpi biob accommodations in ihe heart of Broadway, in imiiifdiiiie juxtaposition to the other first-class houses and places ol nintisi inent, at mod erate rates The house lias all the ronvt nrenct s in vogue, and wi I be conducted on the European Plan "f lodglng-iooms, at fifty cents to $3 a day, according to location, Ac , and meals furnished as ordert d. ut pric s graded to sun bo h the economi cal and extravagant, ihe guests ordering meals at pleasure, and payintr f r only what is tist.-d. Trav e eiswiU find at the SMITHSONIAN accommo dations of superior order, and can make their bills less by at least one-third than at other first-class Hotels, as conducted on the old system. For re spectability, order. neatness, comlori and economy, tho SMITHSONIAN shall make its nnrk on the times, ond be worthy the patronage of the people. KIDNEY KOPMAN. March 59. 6 lim-c. YOUNG MEN'S SPRING STYLE." 6 CASES Philadelphia -and' Vuunu Meu'a Dress Hats. March 31. New York Styles Opened ihisday. C. MYEivS. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES. THE subscriber has just rettirnedfrom the North wi'h a choice variety of Groceries, VV ines, Teas and Liqn.irs; Lea & petrin's Worcestershire Sauce; John Bull Sauce; English Pickles, of eve ry variety ; Preserves. Jellies and ConfcsMionarics; Pruits, Brandy Peaches, Brandy Cherries, Boker Bitters, Catsups, ofall kinds; Layer Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes, extra ; Figs, Dutch Head Cheese. Preserved Gingar. Bouche und Starr Ch.impaigne, of the finest grades; Old Government JaVii Cotl'ce ; Rin. Laguay ta and St. Dominco do. ; tOO boxes A. M Candles, chenp ; 1 pipe of that Ex tra Crescent Brandv, from-Custom House, Wil mington 50 cases Extra Cl.iret W ines; 10 barrels fine old Rye Whiskey, for retail; Madeira, She.ry, i'ort, Muscat, Scuppcrnong, and every variety of Liquors, on retail; Patent Sperm, and Sperm Can dles; Kav Rum; Colgate's and Fancy Soaps; Hi ram Smith's Flour, in bbls.. half bbls. and bags; Vermacit'a, Macaroni, Currants, Citron, every va riety ol Nuts; Raebcrry and Cherry 'Syrup, by the sallon; Mackerel, Salmin. Corned Beef, Beef Tonstues. Smoked Beef. Y. Powders, Extracts. Oils StufTod Olives, somethirg new; Anchovies, Sar tines, Fresh Lobster; Fany Baskets; Key Baskets ; 20 cases ola Dry Slndons ; Buckwheat ; extra Goshen Butter, and everything that consti tutes a well-selected stock of Groceries. Whole sale and retail, at the Original Grocery. ' March 31. GEO. MYERS. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. KROLLKRKN! FOR C Ull LING THE HA IR. IOil many years it has been ihu object of deep I est study with chemists and others, to produce a fluid thai, applied to the hair, would cause it 10 Wave and curl equal in bennfy . to trie natural curl. THE KROLLKRION fs the on!y article ever offered to the world that will effect this moatdcsiraCleobject.; Hut three or four applications are necessary 10 curl it as much as Hia y be desired-and for any length of time. From the many testimonials of those who have used ii. the subscriber does not . hesitate to warrant the KROLL&ttlOM to give satisfaction, and prove ss recommended in. all cases. . The recipe lor making, with full directions 'for os;- will be sent on rhe receipt vf one dollar, post paid The ingredients will n.t cost over 12 cents. Direct to ' . H. A. KKEKWONT, . VVarren, Truuibult Co., O. :,.;"April5. ... ii, ' ' 9-3m-iO-e.' , FROM FAYETTEYILLE -Per Steamier fanny Lutlerluk 'jfr BBfJS. Super Flour sld h is. f iniilv do for J th cashenlv. at GEO. HKEtLKY'vs.. Feb. 10. J H snd N OT copy.. 137. TERLiAND GOLD or. The Heir of Glenville A 5i ry of iJevolntionary Days; by Francis A. Durivage. ust published. Received and for sale at , . W. VVHITAKER'S. April 9. . fl. TH0M1S SMITI3 & CO. - OKALKK": IN CORN. MKiL HOMONY. PEA. and OATS, snd COW and HORSE FEED, - tBeattjt WkaifNvrth Water Street, V X ' tVILMlNGrON, N. C. - THOMAS SMITH. ' ; - ' DCrBE, JK. Our Steam Oritt Mid is new in successful eperd ion. We will have it In our power to deliver the above articles at short notice' We have a 23 horse power engine and. shall run tvfo pail otfour fcei stones. 1 Orders can be addressed to C. DuPrs a Co., or to the ttftbseribere. , , - Ltf Coin ground on TOLL. . THOMAS SMITH A CO. AprI120. - - ; j15-tf. AIAJiil SALT. Q OAA SACKS, 2 bushels each, pow landing J,VJJVJ and for sale, by wet. 20. ADAM.BRO. & OX AYE 11 'S P I jL Ij S FOB ALL THE PURPOSES OP A FAMILY PHYSIC. Tnu has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all piilt one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been um fortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow. els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in ths system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pillt produce no irritation or ptiin, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we -may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body. Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly snc eessftil cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dnse stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the cireulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, everts though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of everr body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which bus hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, oi harm can arise from their use in any quantity. l' or minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYE 11, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 1 LOWELL, MASS. Fries 25 Cents per Box. Five Eoxei for $1. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COrCIISV' 0LI)S? II0ARSEXESS, liio.m niTis, nioopi(;-(oi(.ii, CROUP, ASTHMA. AXD 10.SIMPTI0.. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so" numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who haVe been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and where it virtues urn known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerons sift-e-tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lunga, but for the milder varict ies of Colds, Cocohs, HossHsenfjis, Hie. : and for Child ken it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant nse throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the ' " people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever Vias been, and that the genuine article is sold bv A. O. BRADLEY, Wilmington, ond by Drug gists generally July 18th, 1551. 62-1 st -r.Ljt-. ... FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET THE AFFLICTED RE VD AND PONDER! 3r VI ore Man 500 persons in the city of Richmond, Va.. alone testify to the rcmaikabie cures pcr- foi med by CVIU'ER'SSPAXISH MIXTUItr. " THE srea. Spring Medicine and Purifier of the Blood ia now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to the remarkable cures perform ed by the greatest of all medicines, Carter's Span ish Mixture.- Neuralgia. Rheumatism, scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers. Ul cei,Oli! Hores. Affections of ths Kidncvs. Dis eases of Ihe Throat, Female Complaints. Pains snu Aching of the. Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable reme dy. " . - - - For sll diseases of ihe Blood, nothing has vet been found to compare wiih if. ll cleanes the sys tem of all impmitie, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens Ihe Diges tion, gives tone to ihe Stomach, makes the-Skin clear and hcalty,and restores the Constitution, en feebled by dl sense or broken down by the excesses ta -m KsA-y.xSLe A SrifvCU: of roitth. tails pris-ine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is Incomparably bet er than ail the cosmetics ever usd. A few doses of Car ter Spanish Mixture will remove all sallownrss of complexion, bring: the roses-mantling to the cheek, uive elasticity lo the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicine's ever heard oL- A large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persons residing in the city of Rich mond, Va .by the use of Carter's Spanish Mix'ure. is the best evidence ihst there Is no humbug about it. The press, hotel beepers, magistrates, physi cians, and public men, well known to the commu nity, all add ihr-ir trstimcnv to the efJecia of this Gsbat Blood Pvainea. " .'Call and see a tew hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. - None venutrte-, unless signed BENNETT t BEERS, Drn-igisfs. Princiwtl Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & CO., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New Y'oik, T W. DYOTT SON'S, and JENKINS A HARTS HORNE. Philadelphia. BENNETT A, BEERS. No. 125 Maid Streer, Richmond, Va. 4 - . - - And for sale bv WM H.XIPPITT, Wilmington and by Drngeists every where. i. '1" - - '. July 13tb. lf4. . , ; 60-ly e. - -WBD1CAUI) - - . GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODIAN. ANEW1 and Valuable Remedy for dtessinjf Wounds, Cuts. Barns,' and Uleeis. It hsrf been tried successfully by Physician., end ftiand' seperior to any remedy of the kind now In me lt forms, when applied, a Cuticle, Soff, eisetic.am! impervious to wa.cr. assimilating most p rfeetly the natural Cuticle, ll may be advantageously ased In chapped lips, excorisiions sboft tht net t and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and aa a dressing in surgical opera tions. The proprietors feci great confidence In present-' ing tne rbove article for nse, believing it ill prove fully adetta'e to ihe ends proposed, and invalua ble as 8 medicinal remedy. For sole by the Pro prietors, C. & D. DuPKK. A LSO VETERIANRY OtTTTA-PKITCH A f ind Harness Gall, For Sale by the Pro Wounds and sores on horses prieiors, CAD. DuPRE, May 20. - Druggists, Wilmington, N.i HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Cilizent of lit Union . Vou have done me the honour as with on? voice, from one end of the Union to the other, to1 stamp the character of my Ointment with ynuf approbation. It is scarcely two years r-ince I madd It known among yon, nnd'alrcndy, It his obtain ed more celebrity than any other Medi-ine it so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOW AY, 33. Corner of Ann and Nassau Sis.. N. Yor. Cure of Sore Lsgs after Sine Years Standing. Mr. W. J. Lan-fley, of Hufllsville, Yadkin, North Carolina, suffered for nine years with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man 1 and after trying every medicine he had ever heard of, he resigned in des pair all hope of being cured ; bitt a friend brought him a couple of pota of Hollowsy's Ointment, whicn caused Ihe sores on his legs to heal, and he entirely regained his heahh, 10 the astonishment of his acquaintances and friends. Cure of a Bad BreaU, when ths Padrl was ni Death's l)nor. Mr. R. DURA NT, of New Orleans, -adrcosrr! Professor Holloway as follows: For 7 years nty wife had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a canceroaa nature). I was "lold that nothing could save her : she was then induced use your Ointment and Pills, when in ihe short space of three months, the;, effected a perfect cure, 10 the astonishment ol all who knew us. W e ob tained your Medicines Irom Messrs. Wright tic Co., of Charires-slrcct, New Orleans. 1 send this from " Hotel des Princes," Paris. althnu"h, 1 had written it at New Orleins, before we finally left, at that time, not knowing your address at New York-, Nov. 9th, 1553. (Signed) R. DURA NT. The Pills should le used conjointly with tha Ointment in most of the follow ing cases : Bad Legs, Bnd Bieusts, Burns. Bunions, Chil blains, Chapped hands, Contracted and Si ifi' Joins, Fistulas, Gout, Glandular .Swellings Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum. Scalds, IS'010 Nipples Sore-throats, Skin-diseases, Scurvy Sort Head, Ulcers. Wounds. Sold at the Establishments of Professor Hot loway, 60 Maiden Lane, New York, and 2-14 Strand, London, and by all respectable Drutrtlsta and Dea lers of Medicines throughout the "United Stan, in Pots and Boxes, ut 5 cents, G.l cents, and SI, 00 each. tTfiere is a considerable saving by taking the larser sizes. ' N.B. Directions for Ihe guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. June 20. . 41-ly-c. LIV ER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA Jaundice. Ch tonic or Nerrong Debility Di . eauejif the Kidneys, and oil Diff uses tinning from a disordered Li cer or Stom'trh. such as Consiipalion.inward Piles, Fullness of Eloo'di the Head, Acidity of ihe Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weight In thJ Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, .Swimming of the Head"', Hurried and Difficult Breathing. Fluttering n t the Heart, Choking or Suffocalini' Sensations win n ir a lying posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Wt-bs befote thesiglit, I- ever and Dull i'ain in the Hi ad. Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of tli Skirt and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, tfc, -Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fl sh , Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depression cf Spirits, can be til! dually cuicd by . DR IIOOFLA.ND'5 CELEBRATED GERMAN BJTTERS, IR RPAR ED'IJY IR C. M. J ACKSON, No. I20 Arch street. I'hiladclphra. Their pnwerover the above diseases is not excell ed, If equalled, by any other preparation in theUni ted States, as the curesattest, in many cases afti-f skilful physiciant hid failed. . These Hi tiers a re worthythc attention of Vnvalids Possessing great vi'. tues in the rectification 01 dis eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exeicisfnc ;l,e. most searching powers in weakness and o-ff ctior.s of thedigestive organs. they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. HEAD AND BE CONVINCED. Jlfore Testimony of the ttrorirest kind from OHo, In favor of Lr. HOFFLAN l)'S GERMAN BIT TER!, prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON. Phila delphia, fully proving that these bitters are untqu.'l ed for the cure of Lieer Complaint, Ifrrrpef tin , . Jaundice, JVerrout Debility, Biteatt of the Kidr'Ktf1 f-c. Read the proof : F. KESSELMEIR. Jeweler, Woostcr, O., Le, 2d, 1331, said :'-l embrace this opportunity of in forming you of the great benefit 1 have c'erirt.'l from the use of Dr. Hoofland's German Bi'fers. I have used them fort hills snd Fever, and Dlsordor dered Stomach, and found relief in evety cat-e. They are the best remedy for disordered .stomach, llhink.inexlstep.ee." - P. FOLEY, Blocfrnfield. O., Oct. 7, IS.'? said i "With feelings of gratitude 1 take my pr n to inform yon of the incalcable benefit I have derived from the use of Hoofland's German Bint rs. I have us ed them for the Liver Complaint, and take pleontre in recommending them to the public as the snf. st ind best remedy in us-. The Editorof the Wooater Demorrrd, May 6. 1: 53, said j "Hoofland's German Litters. This invalua ble medicine is daily perforin ingturcs of ihe most remarkable character. We do not speak of this medicine without a knowledge of ita .-eflicarv, as we have tried it in our family, and find it to ue the only thing needed in Liver Complaint or Dyspep sia." OGIEIt d- CLARKE, Cambridge, O , Nov. 17, lP5'f. said : -By those persons who have used vouf Hooflanl German Bitters, they are considered an invaluable remedy lor Dyspepsia. " OY011 snould bear in mind that these Bitter are bxtibbly vegetable, thereby poesers nig ad vantages over most of the preparations recommend ed for similar diseases. For sale by A. O. BRADLEY snd VV. II. LIP PITT, VVilminifton.and by Druggists every where. July 13fh. 1854. t--Iy-c. MULLETS. 60.NBoBv.ff. just received. MOORE. STANLY tt CO. N. C. LARD. TN bbls.. for sale br X Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY & CO. GARDEN SEEDS ! .' JtTST received from Landrelh's Seed Garden, a large and choice collection of Garden. Grass and Flower Seed, Herbs. Onion, Lettuce nnd As paragus Roots, also Nebraska Peas. Fi r st!e wholesale and retail by C. &D. DcPRE, Pee. 14. Druggists. Markct-sL BAGS. O riAH TWO and three bushel Gunny Cogs, Zs))JJ for rale by Jan. 23. RUSSELL Cl BROTHER. GRAHAM'S Magazine, for Aptil. Received ar.d Tor sale at ti. W. VV U1TAKER S. AprilS. 9. SACK SALT. IOOOoV Sacks in sto'e, for sale In lots to suit Jan. Z3. 1-9. "! TISSES' SPRING STY LES lists and Bloom- X A era. now open. C.MYERS. March 31. 7. BACON. HHDS.SIdts; 10 do Shoulders. For al in lUbr A CURE FOR ALL!! v ch I SX"? v - . r i itei$ I h Wj tf.vV., jerr. : iTlJx,u r -RUo-SELL BRO. - f' . I-V. Jar ZJ. - 44

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