t dtMmcrrial WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1855. TOE cated denizensof the world without, to whom Jesuitical casuistry and doctnne.are unknown studies. A rtligeuse. or Bister, is bound by her "rule" not to touch the hand of a man, not even of her father, brother, confessor, or any priest; but mark the distinction flASE OF MISS BUNK LEV. should one of the last mentined class, es- T,r..nr-n mM pecially a priest of L-azare, take her hand, I I '-M,.-I I,.I 111 i I V - I - " - . . . . with whniTir intention. 8 tie must not with t . i T a ... ..r . Of I . . -. i. . jjisasirous unjiucm j vnetrrus '""s6 draw it. lier vow oi ooedience has su- Interpretation of tAe Vow of Coast it y nrmaev over all others. Rivalry Tealousy. Again : a sister is required by her vow The following is an extract from the pa- nf rhastitv not to look a man in the face : ges of the unpublished pamphlet of Miss not t0 rajse jier eyes when epeakinr to, or Josepmne at. tsunKiey, says me rxew i oik addressed by, the Father Superior, her Con- Herald, who made her escape irom the fessor or an v other priest, nor to nerm it her Convent at Emmitsburg, Frederick county, thoughts to dwell upon an individual of the Md., some months since. It will be read other'sex. If she breaks this rule for with interest. ' i- thou o-ht will sometimes overleaD prescribed Miss Bunkley says, at the conclusion of bounds esDeciallv with regard to a Driest. the last chapter, I said that convents, and sne is commanded by the rules to acquaint religious communities of a similar nature, are favorable to neither moral nor bodily health. As regards their disastrous influ ence on the physical frame, there can be - no doubt, as I have satisfactorily shown, and it 13 not denied, even by tnose most in terested in upholding them. The Mother Superior of St. Joseph's, in her remarkable letter, did not attempt to controvert this point, although she maintained that it was him and the Superior with her fault, and request a change oi place. LJut mark the distinction again if her Confessor, the Superior, or any other Lazarist, order her to think of lhem favorably, she is commen dable in so doing, for she proves herself obedient I would here solicit the earnest attention of the candid and honest reader to the dia bolical craft and cunning herfe disnlared. the result of the pious and charitable offices If a young girl is thoughtlessly betrayed to which the sisters had devoted themselves, jnt0 an infraction of the rules iust mention- in attending hospitals and ministering to ecjj anj discloses her error as required, the the sick. But the fact is, that most of the priest, so informed, can either take advant- sickness in the community arises from the age 0f her confession or not, as he may feel unremitted and laborious servile duties, and inclined, or as his iudirment of the eharac. a filling, which is very badly doi;e is coun terfeit j paper good. The police lodged Cody in the Hammond street station house, and then proceeded, to the resi dence of Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, in Fulton, where they found upwards of twenty thousand dollars of the same de nomination and same plate, but not fill ed up. Several of the sheets looked as if they had been freshly printed. They also got the ink, pen, fcc. used for ma king the signatures, 6cc. to the notes. Mrs. Williams was also lodged in the station-house, and a detachment of po licemen was sent in search of the plates, papers, and presses, a clue to which they have obtained, We suppose the parties arrested will have an examination iu the Police Court to-day. exhausting nature of what are termed devotional exercises, the fatisruine; forms . and attitudes in which are more assimila ted to torture than to meditation and wor If weakness, sickness, and a shattered constitution the natural results of over tasked strength had been the only consid erations against which I had to contend, I misrht still have been an inmate of St. Jo- seo's an unwillinsr one, certainly, as I ter of the offending sister may determine. Sometimes policy may induce him to ex press a holy horror of the offence, for the sake of exalting his own sanctity, especial ly if he entertains an aversion for the pen itent, or may deem her an unsuitable sub ject for his schemes. On the other band, should lheir own e.vil desires induce them to plan the moral destruction of a sister, how great an advantage they possess for its accomplishment by this doctrine of pas- was thoroughly convinced of the grieVOUS slve and merjtorinil, nhp,lnr.? 1V Ka mistake 1 naa commuteu dui siui, iaey would not have proved sufficiently potent in urging me to the desperate venture of an attempt to escape from its walls. I call it a desperate venture, because a failure to accomplish my object would have been at tended with consequences which even now I shudder to contemplate ; and no trifling cause could have prompted an effort, the detection of which would have exposed me to fearful punishment. But other incen tives, combined with the physical and men tal suffering I constantly endured, forced me to make the trial of escape from a place, the atmosphere of which teemed with dan ger and pollution. This part of my subject I approach with doubt and diffidence, and with feelings which sensitive minds can fully appreciate. TOE SjIITIISOMIN HOUSE, . BROAD WAV, COltN'ER OF HOUSTON ST., NEW YORK, ON the earn a block with the Metropolitan Hotel and Niblo's Garden, and two blocks above ihe St. iNicholas Hotel, will oven Avri' 15, and oti'e rs io travelers svpesiob. accommodations in ilie heart oi' Broadway, in immediate juxtaposition to ths other first-class houses and place ol amuai ment,"at mod erate rates. The house has all the conveniens in vogue, and wi I be conducted on the Kcbopsax Plas oflociHinrr-iooms, at fiftt cests to VI a day. according to location. tc ., and huh Is furnished as ordered, at prices graded to suit bo h the economi cal and extravagant, the guests ordering meals nt pleasure, and paying fjr only what is nwd. Trav elers will find at the SMITHSONIAN accommo dations of superior order, and can make their till less by at least one-third than at other firr't-cluss Hotels, as conducted on Ihe old system. For re spectability, order. neatness, comfor'. and economy, the SMITHSONIAN shall make its mark on the times, and be worthy the patronage of ih people. SIDNEY KOPMAN. March 29. t 6 bm-c. NOTICE. TTE beg leave to announce to our Patrons. V Y the public in general. Yet, conscious of the purity of my motives, shock as if o electricity, which paralyzed and convinced that the public have a right to know the circumstances and causes which influenced my action at the same time, conscious thai it is due to myself and friends to declare it I shall endeavor to discharge this unpleasant duty with truth and candor. . ; I entered the Institution of St. Joseph's under the complacent impression and im plicit belief, that among the "Sisters of Charity" I should find an entire devoted ness. an unselfish, pure dedication to the service of the Almighty. I Taad heard and read so much of their pious life, their ear nest efforts to comfort the afflicted, tend the sick and console the dying, that I enter tained the most exalted ideas of their Chris tian perfection. The short time, too, 1 re mained at the institution as a visiter, with the assurance of the Superior, confirmed the favorable effect on my mind, and I therefore became a member of the commu nity under most propitious auspices to view matters in the most friendly light. But I was speedily disappointed. The rose-color tint in which the sisterhood had appeared to my eager glance, gave place to the som bre reality when I was enabled to see things angnt. My anticipations were unrealized my feelings shocked, and my enthusiasm lrora lever heat cooled down to zero. Al though many were perfectly sincere and conscientious in the practice of their devo tions and discharge of duties, yet anions; these so much superstitious reverence pre- vaueu as to excite contempt and pity. allude especially to the respect paid to pic tures ana images, which, although the atoonc cnurcn says they are only inten ded to direct the mind to a devout contem plation of the originals, were here viewed in a light that savored of idolatry. In the garden of the Superior, where we were sometimes permitted to walk, is placed a statute of bt. mcent, the founder of the order. This figure was held in great esti mation. iNo one passed it without a lowly ir-i reverential ooeisance. i nave often seen and heard it addressed as a living be ing. Many of the sisters would approach it timidly, with their bands clasped in the attitude of prayer, and after a profound sal utation, exclaim, in beseeching tones "Pray for me, father !" -The.older or "professed sisters" are trea ted with much more leniency, and lead a .more easy life than the novices. Many of luu&u ramer aavanccu in age occupy their own rooms, where they are served by the younger inmates, and are not compelled to attend strictly to all the services. In the ,;Couimunity room" they have "parties," luusic ana reiresnments, and to which and mnt rtu re i!l he a cnange in our nrui. ana on that account wih to close our Branch-Ks abliehment, the Merchant Tailoring -Stoii. All persons indebted tiy th:it Store are hereby requested lo oil and .settl their accounts immediately, if possible, as the business must be closed on the firft of J une next. We now offer our nt iffnifieent and w -ll-sclectpd ?tock of mjttrior made Clothing, consiytintr chit-fly of Customer work; also, a splendid assortment ol fine French Cloths, Doeskins, Cassi meres Dr.ip Deles d'Ortcans' Ornuns Cloth,' and a large and beau t if ci I variety of Venins, Hosier , and Oeniie- j men's Furni.hins Good, al un; rccttlenlid lou-vri- ! i 1 his sale will t urnish a f iir oii'iortutaii iia.i.' one desirous loenaaae in the .Untenant Tiiiioiim; Business, to buy eith r a portion or I lie w hole stockj and continue the busiiiet-s in the t-iiue Store, as it is for rent nfier ltu first of June. l-3. This t-Mb-lishment hus been doini; n excellent blindness ever since it went into operation, aid the only reason for closing out the same i", bec iuse all our atten tion is required al our pi ineipal Sfm-s. KAH.WVKIL Kit ,c BRO. April. I. Daily H. and J. cojry 1 week. lb NEW AXD FRESH (.HOCEnirs. THE subscriber has just returned Irom the North wi'h a choice variety of tiroceiies. Wines, 'lias and Lii'irs: Lea &. Pcirin's Worcestershire Sauce; John Bull Sauce: KriL'li.-h Piekh-s. of eve ry variety ; Preserves. Jellies unJ Confe-tionniif; I'ruits, Biandy Peaches, Brandy Cherries, Lo'ii r Bitters, Catsups, ofall kinds; Layr itjiin., whole, half and quarter boxes, extra ; Kin. Dutch II sad Cheese. Preserved tiin.M-. Bouehe and Starr Chjtnpaiiine, of the finest grades ; Old Govern tin nl Java Cotlie ; Kio. Lauay la ami t Domingo !.. ; 100 boxes A. M. Candjes, cheap ; 1 pipe of that Ex tra Crescent Brandv, 'from Custom Uou--, 'i il mington ; 5tlcaes Extra Clir.'t Wines; IOharr.1 fine old It ye Whiskey, for retail ; v:a..-ir, She.ry. t'ort,' Muscit, Scuppernoncr, and eveiy variety of Liquors, on retail; I;itent pemi. and Sperm Cun dtes; HavKmn; Colgate's urui Kuncy Soaps; Hi ram .Smith's Kiour. iii bbls.. half obis, and hne; Vermncillu, Macaroni, Currants, Citron, every va riety of iNuts; R isberrv and Cherry Syrup, by the l?;dlon: Mackerel. Sab in. t iicn.,1 i;.' Many WOllld ! Tonsruea. Suu.krd But. V. Powlur, Kxirac s. be glad to be free from their bonds, and I 'J''9 ."';? oiive. somethinf; new; Anchor, l , I, i;i , . , i- , , ,' . i Sarnnes, h rejih Lob.t.-r; Fim-v l!.iski: Kev like a liberated bird, Sing Carols at their re- Basket ; 20 ease, old Dry Madona ; BnekwhV; lease. 13ut Others, as 1 have Said before. I extra Goshen Butler, and 'everything lh;it eonsti- are infatuated with their lot. and no indnopl ,u!e8 wW'-MctwI stock of Groecri. s. Whole ... . ' ' , H.'ite ment would be sufficient for their voluntary .1 . f r . plain, the whole matter amounts to this : the sisters are taught that their vow of obe dience is supreme that the expressed will of the Superior must be regarded as the ! voice of God : and that if the vow of chas tity is violated by the will of those exerci sing authority over them, no sin can be im puted to them because they are doing right by preserving inviolate the vow of obedi ence. As the result of these per licious and de moralizing doctrines, a lamentable state of things, I grieve to say, existed among a portion of the community. It was some lime, so little suspicion of the truth was en tertained, before I understood or apprecia ted the symtoms of the malady rarino; around me. When the light dawned up on wy Liimu. u whs accouipameu wun a liOLDSBOROV FEMALE COLLEGE. 'pliK ihird Nev? on of this Iniilutioj eoimrt n- J- ces on Wednesday, the 3rd-of January, 1835. and ends on the 3id f June I6$. Kev. JAS. H. BltKN' T, A HA President. Dr. MoecaxCioss, late ofC&apcI 11 ill. Prof, of Mathematics. ' - And a full corps of Teachers In every branch. Board, including Washing, Lights, Fuel, Ac , per session, '-,- $"0,0it Ti-ition in Primary Department,' : lt.0o Oollogiate Department, " ''. i 20,i"- One hundied dollars will cover all expense of the section in the Collegiate course and all orna mental brancSn s. Pupils in primary department charged the usual price for ornamental branches. ; Cm talf payable in advance. Three t.rclttres on scientific subjects will be delivered each month. f " We are making every effort io render the School the fist in advantages and chespns. and pledge, to reduce prices, and mul'iply'the advantuires In proportion io the Increase' of patronaae. When onr ou ml. er of p ipils roaches -lJU - -haii he a'lln to reduce the prices nearly one half, every one aiding u., is also ant ins in placing the means of a mperioreducation within the rcaph of rlinost every gin in the oiate. Wre return thanks for the unexampled support we have had and believe it u ili lie continued. Kor further information apply to the! PiesiiU nt of the faculty, or myself. WM. K. I.A.N" I"., Prcs't. StoeJhclders. Dec. 9th, 1S54. ;"' lll-lf. L:mCAL U0LSE, Xo. 1C, SOUTH I'UKiniltlCK STRliET, BAL.Ti.UO.lK. IAll U.X.ND. Estahliislieil iit order lo af i'l the Ajjiicled diuii l awl scientific' .r ed ivul Aid, and fur Hit supf-itusiou of' Quacktry.; ' DR. I. B. SMiTtrhanfor many years devoted his whole a :i en lion to the treatment ot Private rom plaints, in all tiieir varied and complicuiud forms. His M'eat success in those long staouirm and dilli cull cases. such as were foruieilv considered mcur able, is suiliuieat to Loiiimeiid him to toe puhiic us worthy ol me extensiv e patronage lie hjs received , VV it h in the last eitjln years, Dr. S.iias tieatedioore than 29,500 case-s ol " Privalu Contpiaints, in ihur dilieretit folios and slaves; a prsutii-e whicii no doubt exceeds that ol ad oilier physicians now ad-v-iiisin in I'aliimore, and not a sinxle cise is known vvh-re his directions were irietlj followed and medicines taken at .reasonable naif, withotii eHeciinga radical and pei m. merit cure ; rh-refon-, persons itilietod with disease s of die above nature, 'no uiaiiiir How diiii-uli or lonj siaudinj! the c.isi may be." would do well to call on Dr. Smith .nt I, is olliecXo, lb. (south Frederick !St..and li not i fh-c-tiially reiii-ved no rtmiuneration wf;i'b' rcquirec' ir his !ervii-ts. His medicim s are Ifee from it icuiy ana an mineral poisons ; o.iupina neut and com p:iet lorm, an. I may be taken in u pubiicor piivatc house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin iirinw from liu-irjets and except incuses of vio ent inrl itiinrition. ni change of dit. is necessary. S TitlU l"U itliS. - Dr. .Smith h::s .iis. oveit d" a new method by which he cm curether wois: forniof strictur.-and that '.vithoul pain ot meon veliien. e ro the patii nl. 1 1 ri'alioii ol Hie urelha, tir ' pr iira ie yliinds.oi net kot'tlH: iii.i i -l;i,is sonu tiutesiis aKer: It. r strict uut by '-ni'. a' :r.ictiiinrs orchal.tans YUl 'Xd MUX - - SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, ' HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND .MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, fyJCfesI So. Side Market t..V-if-l. 2; .WILMINGTON. N. C k J I 8 K '-"i , ,hj ' j ii lj ) l-i Wattle w mm STATlONEay, BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION,. CAR I)?, PENS, INK. Ac, Ac. MUtflC, ARTIST'S MATERIALS 1KRIUL 01' THE ILLINOIS. UIG1IT IJ.VVS L AT Kit Nf.v FIJOM tMLirORNM. iru ii ui nuui liieiv lll.tt We IlllVe 1,( p . .-I'll . ' o i ii tiie r ii j 'nr. id tti i i iT3 nl, out TOO me for the moment I almost doubted the evidence of my senses but with the reac tion was formed the resolution to escape at all hazards, only hastened to its execu tion by subsequent events. And here let me add again, for would not be rnisun-! derstood, that I do not mean to include the ! whole sisterhood in one sweeping charge of immorality. Far from it. Many are i pure in their feelings, and sincere in their j desires to serve God, however erroneous j and ill-founded they may be. y 4 oar-aim e u Ciiria oi il l; com. sale and retail, at the Original Orocery. priests are invited : but none of the the VnilTlfrflr eiclnrj n ... m -1 ..... 1 f I , j iu auuimcu, or auowca a share of the delicacies provided for the oc casion, although, for the most part, it is their duty to prepare them. Of occurren ces and acts in the "community room" of course I can give no account, as "semina ry sisters" are not allowed to enter there at any time, except when summoned to the Superior, or sent with a message. But enough passes without to excite sorrow and disgust. It will be recollected that I mentioned the three vows required to be observed by the Sisters of Charily, in common with the nuns attached to all Catholic convents Poverty, Chastity and obedience. The in terpretation of the rst of these is suffici ently plain, the intention being to enrich the religious establishments with the prop- wnjr it lucjr suouiu possess any of the members of the community, as it is more likrly they would donate it to the institu, tjon to which they were attached, than dis pose of it in any other way being preven ted by their vow from retaining itthemsel ves, even if it was not, as is the case, pla ced at the disposal of the Father Superior when they assume the habit. ' Of the other two obligations some ex planation is necessary, and the peculiar ideas inculcated by the priests in regard tq. their breach And observance, will, perhaps, prove novel and startling to the unsophisti- departure. Infractions of moral dutv. and departures from right are the consequences ! of the system; and the errors of the sister-1 hood are justly chargeable to the reverend ! guides and directers, who inculcate such ! mischievous tenets. As might naturally be expected, an ex tensive system of fitvorilism prevails within the walls of the institution, not only ns re- l.t-. .l ' . . y jaius me iviouier dupe nor, wno dispenses indulgencies and partialities amonir those March M 100 chi ice and for t ale by Feb. 2V. GF.O. MVKRS.' FOR SILE. Pliinrii.jr Potatoes, yellow and 41 th!.. Apnl.v iut rec:ied M. SHKRWOOl) & c i. 1 II. and others alliieti d vvi'li Ncuimil trliiiii v. w h.-lh er oriinulini; from i L'crain fteshm.ticc ll'ihit, or from any other cjiisc, wiin train ! bodt.y and on n tulevils wlii. h follow wlii n neglected. shoHld m:ike un e iriy iptdie uion, thereby -i voiding rum h iron Me and sutK-rin", ;is well ;is exp. iiKe. liy his tniprovtd mriiioo ot trcijinu nt. ui. !. e;;ri s-ili spetdyand Jieilett cute in ;ii plaint. to i'i:m li:s. : Alltliseaep.eit!i.ir to l'em:il.'H iil.o Sup pressions, lrregul.iilie-'.(S-c.) speeiii.ty iid-i'llect u ully remove 1. Pin- efficje v of his leiueriics, foi the cure of the ibove aii'.-ct ions, have bom wrll tested in tin extens ve practice for the luMUiv. !; years. Persons al a diMance may eons; it Ir.- ft. by a letter, nosi-p n.i. di'seri'ointr :!?, and h'aVf medicine securely pm up rind forw.tided to any part of (he Criited Sc lies. : !wnys tec niiitaniotF Willi foil and explic it dnections lor use, Co nm untei tinns con sidered strictly conli.it niiiil. Odiec airitrifced with separate a pari erenia. so i h at p.rients. tit-vi r see any one but the d nt.ir himself A I tenda nee daily, from 9 in the moinina nil ! at niizht. . S. H P'mmhix r.luiried wi; h any nf-rhc. above compla'i: is, uilld w.ll to a .'oid the vaiioug XOSTUUMs- A A7 SPUt'Jfi ICS-. advertised by Apothecaries and i) r.uj;eis:s a a cer tain chic for any and eveiy disease.- Tliev ate put up to sell, but n il to cure, and frequently do much more harm than irood t herrf .re avoid the hi. A word lo th. wis.- is sutTictenr. '-Address-.' Oil. J. U. fti All I'll, .C .South Frederick st., IJahitiiiOfVald. Oct. 13. 9il-ly-c. rTPHor.srr.Rif; and papfi jiaNuo xNE;ro passes. " AIVF.Wforiii ,f Passt's.coritainint! sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioner, ui.d a n urn tier of oihcrsiotercsted in the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the oflice ol Tin ('o'nmercial. C!UA'iV B.IGS. Onfin V HAGS lor sale by OKjijyj Nov. z. c. ut-ptti: a;. Co. ItOJJERS CUTLERY rTMlR Subs' iScr i now oper.inj; a fine assort L ment ol Kosers selet ted K nives, Scissors.- ore ; ami Ii. is made an arrangement by which he I will ue rf.nil.iliy j-upptieil w if It his ooods, pollen tm espeei ill v for his retail sales. Those who wish the besi in this lino w ill ulwais find thm nt J. M. ROKJ.aOVS. W ilminaton, N'.C , May 18. 27 " PAIVi S, OILS, ' DYE-STIIFFS : ZJ( fV fl-PS pure in.1 extra Miile Lead; -.UAA;U5 0(iOilk Linseed Oil; '25 l.hls. Ited Oeiire; 10" L'ahs i 'hioiue Oreen; II' bbls Ve r tain Ueil ; 30f jj i l.j. Jhrone Ycilmv; 25 i.td. Lamp Klaek ; 8 bbN i oaeh and Japan Varnishes : Teira D'Tiinni, Amber and Prussian Ciue; Logwood, Annuito and .Madder. For f-ide by 'J. A D. IKPiU:. Wholesale Druegisls, W ilmington, X. C. Oct. 3. f-y. LARGE STOCK OF FURMilRE. -oiil.l tvC uricniion V-fj cry laijje I TtIK subscriber would spcctlullv invhe the u ol the imMie, lohis very ano complete ussonmcnt ol hurnitnrt now Ueinc received and rtrcnlly clectcd by hirnull .MaiHifaclories: doling theprcsc'nt month, h'rsioek will be complete and consist in pari of Ihe fol lowing article. Flfiv?iets L'rawin-ir tljom Furniture, iti Dam ask ami Hair C loth ; Setts Painted Cnnnbcr Fun itttre. 50 rii.leboards, Sec.-etai ir. and Hook Cases; 50 Sofas and Tele fa '1 ties ; 100 Riircaus; ' 100 Wash Siands, marble und plain ; 100 Uoekine Chairs ; 75 IVure do. 123 Tea and SJininc Tables; 7.TCentrK, Card and tola do. 75 Toilet (to. lUUiio. (shair. cushioned, cane and Windsor; w i. I) s i: ft f i mir I'. I""i nrrivt-.l !,er tins ni-in.;..) frfn As piiiwt.lt via Kingston. Si.p 1i l not p u in to il.iVlni.1 ;is l. p jl'f.1. i,y ;i ,1,-p.Uch ,e ceivf.l fiQ.,1 Acw fliloo.w I.., i :. ... which i the saine was obi. lined fr.n;. ih i- Tlie sit-aiiior at--c:i..ers. in.. I HI II".. 000 in treasure. " ' : ' 1 iio advices by the 17iliu!t. Th sie.'iipslii; ( Juliioii . Jvn l- ranci-sco on the I7:!i t.t A r rrn .. . -. . ...n r ' ..u i.ieii-ers ami ryi JUU UUU In Iruasm on l.oiird. struck a sunken rock o:i ihe i.i .', of th, 2..th .iltitno.tdr the- I;,l,Uid ul U'lHi" ub'jiit 5 miles fi.,111 I'.iii ,u,.i. 'J he ili-iister Hi tlie s'e.inu r I.'M A '. is reporter) ,y Ir-er Hull as follows: ("), tLe 2'Jih of Apr.l, at 2 n'c'o-.k, A. M . tl-. fiteumer ir-iek on tnnke,, ryrk oti' t; South Wvvl cinl ol lih.r..) of Kictio. nipt coiniiieiireii if.ikit.ar bi.liv. h tiieu I'l't-no il in!; i.-.i !;.- m r in i,e asliorr. wliicri was uf un in.rle ,! smoolll salnlv Iieach S( U-fU p is;', iiikI ll.eio was n siroiio- Afi 'I'S, ir.ihfcliTri.. i Oil a i!ir- ili.ti siie con I ion f t a-j i! trens-uic wet't ! I lie p,t off t ys, tin- i.t-- i I il. an. We . in il,. limti!!:' ;i lieleii- .lls.ll'.l .s''.'oi:j. r n. tin i I all ll.e WINDOW GLASS 'A') HOXRs Fren.li -VJVAdow Glasses froi sate ny Oct. and American Win 70 ro 43j. For & I). Di'PllK. Who!esale Drusisls, V ilriiineton. csnrii(;Es. si seated i 'A (Citl AG K. I 1 i'an -.cd Uuarier Itockaway, 1 (.1 i i er it ictt i wa v a ad severa I ligh I Hmries just received and for sulu by 250 Uedsleads, in in ihogony, walnut maple and iron; Wardrobes. in;iho?ony and stalnto ; Odice Fki ni'Uie ; , Children's t.'haiis ; Oltomnns, Fool Stools ; A fine it.ortm-nt o( I. aolclntr Glasses Teapoy's V hataotf I In ; .S-jaiidf j ' Set ires. Work Table ; Worlt Boxe-i. I'aper H rniBfngs ; Window Shades. & c. d e ' A pew vkuv finb (Man. i FonTcs. find in fart nl- most inv arneie iiiii mav he desired, in cornel y furnishing On tiling HolcU, Osiers or clely Kooms I'ront 6'ircet. Wiiininfflon, . C, Sept. 9, 7tS., HOOP IRON. THK Biihscribet is dnstanily retuvini.' consifn 1 li:enlKOl this article, til the t. t.1 n::.liiv :T.,.I Ihe ' I 11 ... I f ,fn- .1 V I le-.So Sept 27-tf PIHP.r.F. & RltO. FHElMfiED ( ITIMTE of H ILNESIA, A a:;. t i si ! Hefrier i.-.nt r.rd I.axativ. 'I hie ii prei-ar ition i? extenci Vi ly usi d in the loin of olul:oit in lutik! Citrate, and iias aiven very fell er il s.iu.-1'.oti , ,. Frcqm nt applicaliot.p for a pre paration in thefo'm of Powder, ot siut.ltr nature, and pioperiiv. h.n'e sm-eestt d ihe advuntaae.i that miL'hl n-Mi-t iioio i s introdui lion in that foim. Niccij-lv when the ti Ik and w. i..ht t.f ihe liquid Cilrute, (an niliile m) jii.-lly rHun.i.1 bo'h by phy sicians and in piivatc families wherever it ha been used, 1 woti.'d interleic with its hein'sf hent lo ereat dislancee ; itis definite of bit lei ness, end bv its pletsiml tieidtty of la-te and it ifloivnoc- ii x . ......i. i. : . ri nui n u a very nerei at:e and re tie hin diink.at i'h- i-smc time, that ii is a t'ood Mil fiirule tor Fpsom salts or o'her saline purya tiv.s. i-olil y Dr. A. O. CRAOt.KV. Llrtictist. Dec. 12. u.lt-. o atciii:lous, fa amlikss,- iiotkls, IJ steamboats, Ac, can be l.iruibbed wiih m,K trases. beds, pillows, boNtcrs, sheets', pillow, case, Uankers. comforts, spreads, towels, table cljlhsj tic, !y callin? on WIIAINOX A ESLFR, Upholsters and i'aper Unn-'ci. . Srpf VR. . 83, .Her li ul inc lowest in nket rates JO.SKPil :t. Nov. 21. IJLOSSOM. 101-tf. in su;i i.ior style end W. in nil IVanr hes, execute a t sliorl notice, by U I r.TC I XSOX ft F.S F .Kit. Aug. 22. rphojstt rers and Paper l).ifiers iron L .March CXL DHIIlOWSv ALF. by IX DM IWBllEll DEDS A Nil Cusliiont for sale by XlL WILKINSON KSLKK. Upholsterers. :u. M. ltO,;iiSON. CL1IIEXD0X 1R0X WORKS, WILMINGTON. N. C. yilK CLAKKNDON IKON WORKS are now M. prepared to receive orders for Beam, Ver'ieal, Horizontal or Oscillating Steam Knines, Hii'h or in ,,,K -.u . " ecrnuic, ono auaprm to ai; purposes ; uircu- on Whom She Wishes to attach to herself lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Mil's, complete; out witb the lJnest3 and certan members of the community. Jealousy also exerci ses a potent influence amonj the sister hood. It is no rare sight to witness the features of a beautiful giil convulsed and distorted with passion, when she passes a rival, who exults for a season in the tri umph she has achieved, but who, poor de luded victim, soon . has to experience the same sensation of anger and revenge at her desertion for more attractive objects of priestly desire and favor. i The power conferred upon the "reverend fathers" by the Popish doctrine of confes sion affords them great facilities to accom plish their purposes. The utmost impor tance is given to a strict and punctual at tendance at the confessional, which may be truly called the throne of the Catholic ecclesiastic: for, armed with the self-as sumed authority of God, in whose stead he omciaies on earth to the supplicating slaves prostrated before him, he deals from thence tne terrible anathema of the Church to the disobedient and refractory dispenses his "absolution" to the faithful and submissive and prescribes the "penance" to be ob served as an expiation for sin. Seated in the confessional, he is empowered in virtue ui uis arrogated position, to propound que ries, which, from the lips of others, would oe ueemed flagrant insult. ICnplin k .1 . nunc, me younr maiden answers nupstinna - . v calculated to eradicate evnrv foIinr of modesty woman's, highest charm nml lays bare before that inquisitive search of he: "spiritual director" every secret thought, every incipient sensation, every impulse of uer nnmanuy. SEIZUIE OF COUNTERFEIT MONEY f The Cincinnati Gazette of Thursday announces the detection and arrest in that city of a gang of counterfeiters who have been circulating spurious and coun- teiteit money throughout the Western country on an extensive scale. The Gazette says : 1 he police were unable to learn anv definite information whereby they could raaKo any arrests until yesterday mor nhig, when they assertained that a man named Georgh II.. Cody, well known East and West,, was about leaving the city with a package of 'coney' iu his pos session. The officers watched for his arrival on the landing, and about twelve o'clock they observed Cody go on board the steamer Bostona with a package in his hand. The officers arrested him and found the package to be $5,530 in nimned bank notes of the denomination of sand $10's on the Farmers' Bank of Uiarlestown, Va. The plates are al tered from those of another bank, the dies are genuine, but a portion of the rumps, 3 mini: Machinery. Grit and Flour Mills: complete; Parker, Turbinennd other WarerW heels, Fquipping of Steamers, Car Wheels and Axles ; Horse Powers of various pa-ferns; Uice Field Pumps and Enoine-; l!ice Thrashers; Shingle Machines. Shsfilna, Pulljes, Hantcr. Geais, and all other Mill Work. CASTINGS. Iron and BrassCastinusofaJI desciiprions inclu ding Ornamental Iron Railin-r, Pipe, Bririne t;;it- jngs, -c-, u;c. ne uornpaoy would respectfully ......V.I...IUJII ui mcir Hiyies ana patterns ol it ail inj, which may be seen a l their office. nOiLEKS. tubular. Flue an! Cylindrical Boilers, Tanks. Chimneys, and all other kinds of Work. Water Boiler REPAIRS. A arrparate department and force will be kept for rcri.ura. wncre worn will do ttoue thoroughly and Willi UCS.jlLt li. Al! work done In the establishment dnlivercd ei ther on the cars of the Wilmington & Manchester Kail Road or the Wilrninsion & VVcldon Kail Road, or in fljts at the Company's wharf, free of charge. uavin:; large facilities, tne above work will be done on as reasonable term as elsewhere, Norlh or --ouin, ana in a prompt and satisfactory manner. vyonsunauon oy letter or otn. rwise. m re ud to plans and deslpna for mills or their lurni'ure, and tor machinery generally, willingly answered. Alf oroers or communications to be addressed to the unuersigneu. . u,, I1ENRV M. DRANF., Agent. March 17. I tf. BUTCHERS' IMPERIAL FILES. ROBINSON. TTJST received a full supply. U April 3. J. M GRAND ROYAL ARCII CHAPTER OF KOK.TH CAROLINA. THF. Regular Annual Convnmtinn nt inis uoayum oenckiin v Uminsrton on Alonday, (he4thdayof June next. &u boruianie Chapters are rcuuestcd to punctual in sending their represcntjti vt s, as mat ters of much impoi tnnce are to le acted1 on. H. P. RUSSELL, Grand Secretary. -April 10. 11-tiu. 7& GRATIS! Jyst Published. ;.cw Discovery In Medicine. rfjfstr. A few words on thn rational treat ment, without aledicine, of Sperma torrhea or Local weakness. Nervous .Debility. Low Spirils, Lassitude, Weakness pf the Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension. Lo: s of Memory, aversion to Society. Love of SolitnWf. Timidity, Slf-Distruet, Dizzi nets. Head Ache, Irt- voiunury Utscharses, Pains in the Side, A flections of the Kyes, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and eth er Infirmities in man.' FllOM THE riiEXCU of Dr. B. DE lLXEY The important fact that thrss alarmingcomp'ain's may easily be removed withoct MiDieisE.ia, in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the en tirely newand highly successful treat ment. as adop ted by the Author, J wily- explained, by means, of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding-thereby II ihe advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any addresi, gratis, and post free ins scaled envelope, bv remitting (post paid) two pot ajje stamps to Dr. B. DE LAN'EY, No. 17, Lipen ard Street. New York. J March 10.. - 149-6m-p. TOE LONDON INTELLIGENCER SAYS; e"The grreat book Kinsisley's Westward Ho! everybody hands.1 at of the rfay U Mr. It seems lo be in i tsficard HoP' is for sale S. W. WHITAKER'S, - . 23 DANK OF NIL ?! ! .N CT0N, N . C. BOOKS' for suhseiiptions to the (H.pUal Stock of ihis n.mk, will be opened at the 'om oiereial H.nik on Monday, April 2nd. und iciiiain opci.t:y days, under ehniJc of JOSKPII II IJLOSSOM, Y o i AI.FRKO M A It TIN, StirMhni II I' It USS ELL V Cotnmitue j . il Planner,' ; ' lc.'r . H. U. E1LERS, j subscriptions. March 9. k 6-iJl. RICE LAND FOR SILE R n,ore -wrcs of i.rimc Rice Landjyinjr I 8 miles above Wilmington on the Ca e Fear River, nnd ailjoinin- ti n lands of D. K. Ba ker, anl M. Bryan. There is a ood Ifplan.d Set lemenl of 7'J acres, with a one story dwelling ,.ur - .... . . l - . .. wun oui ioooi niio .iiniT improvement.- terms made easy, or I would rxchanje for real estate in the Town of Wilmington. Further discripii.in of the land is unncss iry ss th.yie wiIiih j to purchase will examine for themselves. THOS. SMITH. Jflv 11- ;.' ' 49--f. PAPER UAN(;.N(aS J E have just opener' a lirsc asortmrh! of the V 'atcst styles of Spring patterns of Paper Hanuinsis. Borders, Fire Screens. Decorations, &c, which wc olier for sale ar the lowest cah pri ces, and hung in skunpo noiic. - ' WILKINSON' &. ESLER. April 10. Upholsterers and P..p(T Hungers. iml r!! f. iiibbard's WILD OMERUV urri'ERs; ItJU Nervous Weakness and General Debility. These Bitters are highly serviceable in alt dvs peptic ahV.-tions; they assijtdii;psiio,n ; restore he tone of ihe stomach, stimul ire the livrr. rind create an appetite. 1 h y are unsurpassed in r m'Jiins angor or lassitude, (or want of eneipy to move.) and efnctiiaily throw ori the drowsiness incident lo the ftprtnr or warm season Sold hoiesale and R'.tail, by March 31- CEO. MYERS. April S SASH AND BLIND FACTOR V. "I- VNiiitimjitoti S'ai-h nnd Blind Factory U in IM n-r.iuon .iL'a.n. an. I is nrpnareil lo i iki-uih all orders in t-Uoi I notice for Sash. I'.limU Honrs s anil U rack els of any shrine or tiirurrs. t:.,l- or scrol niiiins tor rorclies, iiii.n:i!ni2 nnv n.nti in -iz, Bini-tersand Hand Rails for Stairway, Turn lll "1 .my oion-iiMon. The proprietor soli, its the patronayn of hi" frieiidn and ihe pnhlic nt larsre, and hopes lo merit 'he same by Ihu w ell exci uiion of his work and lr..nt)t attention to nil orders forwarded to him. Office and Factory first Iniildinjr North of ihe Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road Depot. S. I. IVEY. Jan. 9th, 1355. UJ-ly-c. DR. E. SEYMCURjS Cehbratid Ualranir. Abdominal .Supporters 'MHiS is to certiH, that C. L D Dul're. Dr.iy I gists of Wjlinin.:ion. :. :., me inj s ile nyenTs for th sii e ol the above Suppoi iers ..r this iilace and vicinity. K SEYMCL'R l iloiiugion, IV. C, March 23, 1S51. We most respcoif:i!!y call the atumlion of tin Medical Proli s-ion f the Slat.- to nn examin.Tiun of Ihe nhovc Snpporteie. C. & l DitPRE March 23, 3 if FILES! FILES!! FILES!!! (JST teceived. a lull assortment ( Bute her s genuine Saw Files. Also, the double n.r... ,.t i,.. Mi.isiiw Files. J. M. KOIiiNSON. April?. j .1 GLUE. ) HI. l.s. I'riine Amcrienn, pitl A v lor sale by Oct. 2d. rcceiy ADAMS, BRO. & d and Co. Si. BACON HC(J ROUND 1 A()() I'lECES 1 VA splendid i July 18. orth Carolina Bacon. article for sa le l.y C. On I' RE v CO. DENTAL PRACTICE. V E alter..! to the Surgery of the T. iMs und Month from 1J o'clock, A. SI., until 5 P. .11 For a cold topping, 43 ; but if I lre or dlmeut. from 1 to .S. Ac, Arc; Cle-i ni ne H e h, from s.." to ; Sep irsting a tooth. 1 ; Exirneiii.jf a li i-lh, from ill lo 60 cenis ; a Pivot lootii, from I0 to ?5 . K SPENCER. V iltninzton, Nov. 23th, 1SI. J l-T-ti m c 50 CLOTH IS DRYING MACHINES! WL. . TOWNS II END his few Clothes Dryinsr Mn is sttll on hand a chines : a t'teat convenience and crest saving of labor also an a-s-iriment of Jtlly Strainers and patent metal Mi)k Pan. March 6. 117. P. R. SUGARS hhds. and b'.ds. . for sale low by an. 20. MOORE. STANLY & CO. Ann bbi lJJ April 3 TAR. in nrttiif rrtT f.-.r si!a hv JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. , EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP, Jl'OR sale low, to close consignment by Jan 20 MOORE, STANLY & CO. RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra But icr, and for sale by , ' C. DcPitK & CO. 42. June 22. GUANO. Guano, jujt received For sale by ADAMS, BRO ner Eriff A, f- CO. 1 P.f BAGS -I iXJ Adams. March 31. A CARD TO THE LADIES MRS. DeNKALE requests the attention of the L.adlpx fo ihe hr. n nrl u-ell ZL.1?! CANDIES, PRESERVE, AVD ZJf. i 1,1 opening ibis day. The assort- ment 13 undoubtedly the lanresl and bein ever oronht to this nvrrkct. It cannot be va"t'y in this or m any other ciiy. T he Ladfns rf- rr-fi nested i eall m,l even if they do not purchase. April 7. IIAVC YOU LOST YOUR UM RRII 1 1 7 F bo replace it immediately wiih one of our su Ipenor anicU s. Silk or G:nch:m. We hjve a large assortment of verv tiv ni .,ot:. ' j , " enabled to sell then, at a '.Ifehr dv.Yc ifiZfZ 11 you nred an L mbrella we can famish you with any color required, Ladieafciilk UmbK lia Btee Green and Black. - - Hat nd Can Fmnri.,m ' - GLUE.;:, . fr the best qaality.and Buns of all siej .Iways V-on nd- R. B LOS SO I. HOOP IRON. OF the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. J. II. BLOSSOM. CHEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : 1 f M ( ) OZ. German Quinine; 1 jVyV A500 do. Fren. h do; 50 lbs. Calomel : 20 do. Svr. lodid Iron ; do. Blue Al asi ; 50 do. Va Hell's Mass ; 50 gallons Sp'ls Nitre ; 4'J nn. Aq Amnion; . 20 bills. Epsom Salts ; 10 do Cojiperas. For sale by C. if- D. DcPitE, Wholesale Druggists,. Oct. 5. 86. AUBURN STILL FOR SALL THE Piantation of ihe subscriber, near K .luiirli, and on the Central Bail jEjjt (Jetid. is not yei disposed of. A decrip- T lion has already bei n given but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visitinl the premises. . ' Apply to Wm. II. Poole, Est., who lives near ihe place, or to the subscriber. T. LOillNG. Wilmington. N. C, Ian. 23, IS5I. - DISTILLERS' GLUE. SUPEUIOJl article, constantly on hand, and forf ait in quantified to suit purchaseis. by March 23. WM. A. GWYEIl. TOBACCO.. ROXES various qualities, for sale st Factory prie. a T. C. &. U. G Wmt 'P.t Jan. 27. 13,. WHITE LEAD & SPANISH BROUN. 1 (Y ) KF-,iH P"re. extra nnJ No. I Whi'e Lea!; J VV 2i bbls. Spanish Brown; to ilo?e run sittnmcnt. MOORE, STAN L V & CO. Oct. 29. yj. ENTIRE NEW NOTICE. BY W. L. S. TOWNS H .N D 30 bids, of ns sorted Whiskct's; 5 do. Old Kentucky W lii. key; 1 half ,-.i.e Benanl! Brandy ; 2 qur. c;,tk tauter I-rcre's Hrandyj 1 qur. Old Tom Gin; I qur. Amstnck port rtmcj 1 half pipe Scupper nonir Wine; a!o Madeira Sheriv. &c; Fast In dia Pale do; Navy Bread; Pilot' Bread; 2") boxes assorted cintkers. The cbove have just t omcand for sale cheap. Feb. 13. - NOTICE. RAYING detrrmined on tlosinc tip uur busi ness in Vihiiington, inimtdiut.ty. Me now of fer for sale, at cost, all our slock ol Gioeeries. Pro visions. Ac, Ac. Merchant- and dealers arc invit ed 10 c ill and examine the iroods nearly nil or which have been purchased for cash und at ihe lowest market rale.. N. B- All p irties indebted to us MVST ma.e IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. L April 10. . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. SASII, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly comltuled by (imj C. Il,t china. "-pHE public are hereby informed, thai I havj X bcci nppoin edaucni for the sale of W indow Sash. IWiuds mid D001 8, manufactured I. v the New Haven Com., und am prepared to Ml all oratrs in the above line. The quality ol the woikol the New Haven Com. is well known in this market. B'.iiider anduli person in wanirl the dboveariiclet, are Tcqucstcdlo er d in their orders, and they will to jro.npt ly filled. Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A . Gwri.-n Genera I Agent Com mission and I 'oricarding Me r cnun l . April 19. 1 15 John Ij Siiplnii.s, an. I oi: tli'j 2'l in.-;., i'vci viIm j p.i-.-ii i-i c i;i ;.'i)ii iiC'ii'u J 'i'hf .-'1 Ills it I p I'aiiolu l W, ! OH ihe Io! Io :,e s.siv! 1, re .,f 1 1 1 naif vessel iiifl w 1; , s'l'iiir I. her, ul;!.0'ie(j the tj.Je coijej her Tli'j 'mI.!i ii C iio voii!,l i,,kr Frniicisro ihe iaeng(.ji vh.!r0 .. 'oi i; on li.o ir.nl. I I l;e CrUeil Aoowas oil.- i f I ! t.i'jsC t.tl(iii.!nl Pieiiici'T.s ever built. Her ai;"in.il co.t v.-:is over four h -j 1 ; In-.J 1 !ii h 1 s.i .i T 1 loi -lars. si iit! Let re.--.-i,t v, 1 ie about I !:;i.-r l;uu fteI li,om.n ! j.l tlH.-i;-.. il lusuie.l in Knir htll.l. Cai!ai.i WalUiiM! f.nineily of lh- iill'iK ll Kieittiii r Sou i'l'.iii :i( o," -.ras in omniaii.l of iho CJi'Men Air; at the luucf cf her loo- J The sieanirr .Sierra Neva,! fn.rn San Juan. aiTlVei! npataii Kl' a nrisc oa lii'j 'Jill of April, and I he ,!.- mi.T ( i ji,e, ( ia!e, from I'.uiam 1. on the 12 h. Businer-'s III Chfeiiii t va; vt rv i!u!l Mone;,' was tio-ht iin.l Mineral ni' ici ;,nl.; houses hail laiieil .Sevenieen vcsseln fni.n AUanlic jiurU hail ani veil at San I'lancibr') in two d;tvs. Tllf iti 1 1 1 ft were (Itiitiv; vnl, hut OttlhiT lo u ecareiiy of coin hut very linh: ,! iL hail icac-lii'il in.uket. The tiiUit h tJ not reiiiunrd Ojieialiors. II. nil hail lallen steadilv in lljo vallevs fur ii wt t k, and inih inouiiiain.s ttriow had fallen 10 a "Teat def.:ti. The ur.sai Ufa dory gtnte of coinuierci.il )Uisti:ts was dnvino; i , i r e munla r.- ..f f leilcs and utf -..l,an;s to ll;r; in. ties. 'J'hu news fr. m Kern r.ver was a.s contradictor" us ever. The digTin wi xc. represented us hesnrr ,y no iiie.iiid as ncli n is nt lirot rcpreseiited. 'I in- Ivnow-Noiiiins Iiad heen succrss ftll in ihe. inijiiiciiial eli clions ail over li e Stale, except at .-tin Jn-o. whi i'.; ihey wero di'fealed hy ,-i fusion cf ihct.voidd parlies. IJlai.chcs of I-'r. fdoin's Phalanx." a secret society, havu hi en oriiiiizc! in .if ftrent seciions of the .State. . Tim Prps-ss Club of Han Francisco hav; taken steps for ihe eieclion of a monuuif nt 10 ihe memory of Edward Giibeir, one of ihe pioneers of :l:epie s in S.ui Fr.mci. ' and lli'j first rcju'esciilaiivo in ( ' iiL'i'i-.-s from C'ahfoiu' i Tho tifiinur Sarpii.-io and one of 1 1 , c fitearners of ihe California Steam Naviga tion Coii'iii.-tiiv were to have it race short! v for lsl.000. lioth hrnnches of th California I.egi.-,-laturrt had fixed the S'Oih nit for final ad joni injienf, and the revival of the Sum to ri a I questio i was con-iilvrr-ii very doubtful. An nnti-jraniLliirg law of a very stringent character had been passed by both houses. It is calculated to close a!! gambling; hous es. Dates from Portland, Oregon, to -April Til:, mention 'th;ii the Kno w-.oiiiins had tiinmphed in the iinmieipal election there. Sandwich Island dates to April J. had been received. I he United States sloop of war Decatur a: rived there on ihe 8th of March, and ihe Hntish sloop of war Dido, on the rJ'.U. A mon y the failures at San Franeic are Messrs, Heck & Ehxm, and Tilden & Li:t!e. A party of jre ulemen so j 'in; boat at Panama vre ilro'.vr.t Among fhe number was Purser the Mail Steamship Line. in a small J lately Carter, of A FURNITURE WIREJIOUSK. TIIK subscriber h.i jut received by late nrri val fioni Sew VdVk und ' Boston s 40 fine I' urea ns ; I'D " Sfa; -10 " Wird ilobcs; 5 Boik Carf ; " 4 do., fine pring Mahogany Chair; 2 Kock.do j 4) " Cane Sest and Windior Chairs : BO Bedsteads ; 40 Tables 5 40 W.h "t.inds and Toilet Tnhlcs ; 10 Sinks nnd 20 fine Offi -e Chir ; Card Tables, Loungcp, &e. Kor f ile low fore is h. by M. WEST. April . Ift.it. FROM FAYETTEVILLE - , Per Steamer JTamm Lut Itrh.k " OK BBfjS. SupprFloarj Itfh I, fmiily do for -!hca8holf. at GRO. H. KKLLKV'S. Keft. JU. . J M nd N C Veopy. 137. VTABSIILES QUILTS, and MOSQUITO lJlETTl0.lorpnlelor,forcHh.nt c . VVILKIISiSON A KSLKR S, Api 1", Upholsterert and Paper Hangers. NOW is ue eoo-ltime to hav your room P. Be red. as we have )Dnd or lai-Kt Mirna nf Hangings, Borders and Decorations. . ' ' ' - WlLklNjSO.V KSLER, ApiU li, : , Upholsterers and paper Hangers. DISSOLUTION. ' rI1HF. Coj)irtnerliii herelofor.. rxiMins nnde 1 tiien;ini. mid s-i yle ot .SUTTON, SOUTH MAYI) & CO.. a Ived on ihe fir-t o Mnreh. The htmine-n !' ihe I itu firm will he set lied by SOUTH M AVD o II P.O. v M. SU J'TOV, TilOS. SOUTHMAVD, Marth Cth, IS'5. CIIAS SUUTH.MAVD. COPzlRTNERSIIIP. r H E 8iib-c iberp hive lorieeil a Copartner-bin. - "nder Ihe n.nne and t.ty!e of SOU I'H Al A VII & KKO.. for liie purpntc "f rarryinir on ihe I'lacKmnith, Iron an ! Brass Foundry and Maehi rery lliisinnm, in all i's bn nclii. :n ihe stand for nirrly otenpied uv sUTTOV, SOUTHJIAVD d fO., and would solicit a share of pntrenne. THUS. SOUTH VA Vr, March 6th, 1355. Cil.AS. SOUTHJI A VD. conejiienee of above dissolution it ha become neeesrr.ry ilmt all notes rd neemm's due me late tirm. be setrled im-nedinelv. The sub scribers will pay ull debts due by"th late firm. . , SflUTIlMAVDoi BIIO. Ullntinglon. Blarch 6th, 18'5. I4i-lf. DULY "EXPECTED PER FIRST PACKET 100 boxes Orangesand Lemons; 0 bbls. Apples. Cocoa nuts by the hundred. , - For sale, wholesale and rrtnil, by - -March 3t . . WM. If. DaXEALE. PRIME NtlW ORLEANS ill 0 LASSES. Al BULK, in good order; 15 lull bbls. do. Ao. m!J Low for cash, at - r GEO. H. KFXLEVS. ; Dee. 16. J., H., K C T fc S. Ae copy 114.. '., . - - t " ' FROM HAVANA. '1'he late Havana j.iero are fJU-1 with officifil iloctniient. m reference to the re-cently-iletectetl consp;r;iey ;iml t!ie nnnci (Jitteil expeilition from ihe (."ni-f l Stales. A commut.ieiitinii In (Jen. ( 'onclnt frnrri Ihe .Minister of AVur informs him tint iln liiir the months cf April ami hty kirrre reitifore'rni nis wtjuhl nrrive fur the nrmy in Cuba, il conrtul ,te3 I. nn ;it :l.c s..me. nirie o:i ihe cmplt io fruairation of the plaiiiS of the rebels. A eommnnica'ion from the Slate De partment of Spurn a pnbh.sht' in ihe !i Piensa." lis coetents tire to the effort that the Span sh ("orie3 h;tve, bv n ti.nti.i motu vote, coiiciirretl in the wi-h of U.e Government, utwl ore if I'-rm i:el to m.tin tuirt ot every hazard she iiifit! u::on of sl-tvc-ry. The Joeuinent r')iop!.me;T in very. fi.il!erinr terms the Cuban e.ntheiui'.s. ns well as the inhabitants who place! their fortunes and services at the disposal t.t Concha, and concludes by jrivintr thanks to Ihe army and navy for lheir fiJehty to the Crown y. (). Cvuri r. IMPORTATION OF PRINTERS. Forty printers, it is stated, h ive been im ported into New Oneaim for ihe purpose of working at lower prices than tho-e who .ir" residents.. The Picayune thinks '-Sam will look into the matter. OWNER WANTED. XT'Olt two boxe,(one contsinin; ked S. II Ereland.Ciint.in. .N. Hill, Wiiinint'ton, N. a riano,; hhi C.. c-rtf ol v in. C : landed from ciir. ati- minta, from Ualtl.nnrc, and now In ;" "wn er's risk. ItrsSfcLL ti.itr. !ay 3. 21 JUST RECEIVED BYCf.R. FRENCH, A-FHESH supply of PER IV DAVIS' VF.GE TABLK PAI.V KILLEIl, in entire New Daces. To bo sere that you fiet ihe Pennine Med icine, inonire for the JVcw Dresj with two line en graved sir-cl labels on each bottle. Apilt l'J. . 13-11.