casks good Southern t 6,c 4 raos.; and fresh beat at file. cash. By auction, 12 casks at 66;30 per 100 lb-, cash. - , " CHARLESTON MARKET. .May 28. Cotton Tin; marked to-day openel ,ta.t the influence of I he favorable adeiees by the) steamer Jrica, received at noon tt 8a4ur- day last, consequently there waa ar goon arann for the article, which resulted io tlie sale of 2188 bakssd, a poo Inquiry at the etna or business), e find that prkaes bad advanced l 4a upea oar last weeks qaototUms. 's ,T ' Trices vafyjiig from 81 to 1?. "".", JOB,-BOOK?v LT AB S ID IP & H'C T CORNER OF rtONT Altt MABT TrKTS, WrtillXGTON, K. iartlehlar Attention -swWd to the t'olleialng Mails of letter Press PlrtaBr.giK tiilHuf Exchange, I Entrie of Merekaitdite ftiU of Lading, HandlnlU, Hook, Label. t7arrf, J Lmi Blank, Catalogue, Note. . CrtlJicatea, Pamphlet, XJhetik, -Pocatera, - . 'irculatt; Receipt; Draft. Kate of Frtghtr . dc, f. And PLAIN AND FAftCY PRINTING, of "eve ry description, done in" the neatest man ner, aod oa the most reasonable terms. Wilmington, August 17, 1954. WHISKEY! WHISKEY ! 60 BBLS. just received from New York. and for sale by gus.-u. CLUdAv.ii. April W. , 14. , GENTS SUMMER HATS. rmm IN issuing our Summer notice, "a. If 1 we would cajl atlceiton Jo our -f Vs"" great variety of FASHIONABLE STALES of soft and stiffened FELT HATS, sew "trapes, lont, and trimmings with every variety ofTHIX AND LIGHT SUMMER HAT9, Including Panama, Gercnadas. Maraeaboe.8, fine Leghorn, and aH other styles wore Our - ROCKY MOUNTAtH DRAB BEAVERS are especially recommended a a LIGHT COOL A ND EL.EUANT SUMMER DK&SS HA . and unsurpassed lor durability. Our spring fash ion of Molcskia Hats, with plain and corrugated brims ate pronounced FAULTLESS in STYLE, having aU the late improvements. After vlsiiing -oar friends, MrH. S. A B. of lbs C. C. 8., call on us at the"Emperion. and wi eon furnrsb Hie CROWNING POINT torn GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONABLE OUTFIT. C MYERS, Hat and Can Emporium, No. 1 Graniie Row. .egTgs, WE forgo to mention in the above,, that ZTVirs aeil the bett Umbrella an in blot. Msfj;29. . t 33 tf. LADIES' WAITERS. A fresh assortment of Ladles' eol ored Gaiters, jaet received from I'niiaoeipnia. G. at C. BRADLEY A CO. - '. . 33-3t. Jlay , BOOK KEEPING; ''I RITTEN DEN'S;, Bennett's; Coil's; Jrlarsh's; W Fulton A Eastman's ; DufPs ana PaJmers. On hand and for sale at . , May9. S. W. WBITAKEA'S. WESTMINISTER REVIEW, OU April, received and for safe at May 29. S. W. WHITAKER'S. L1TT ELL'S LIVING-AGE. "TO. 671, rooeivad and far sale at - lS May 29. S. W. WHITAKSR'S. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, "OR June. Received and for sale at .May 2?. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. NOTICE. rp HE Books of Subscription to the CapUal Stock X of Wilmington, Charlotte dc Rutherford Rail Road, "are, by order of jhe General Commissioners reopened for 60 days, ar until the sum of 500,flf0 is ubscnbed. ALL. MAcKAb.rC&'m. May 29. 33 YANKEE NOTIONS, OR June, received and for sale at' May 29. SYT. WHITAKER'S. BARGAINS. ' r I. WILL sell the' balance of wiy slock af CROCK ERY and GLASS WARE at coat, for cash. 1 ne enwre etocs is ruraaTan, aad to ramifies wishing to replenish ell seta, or lay in new ones,' avrare chance is offered of doing so at a bargain. I have a number of French-China goods ia seta and otherwise, together with a eomptete arson men t of Iron-stone and other goods -altogether comprising aa attractive assortment at the prices I am jjow offering them at. Meantime, hiving perfected other arrangements, 1 wMI close out the entire stock with the good will 01 we business, " reasonable terms, ta any partv wishfnsr to engaee in it. ' ' The business ia profitable and constantly grow ing, and offers a good opening to a business man. . ALf.A.MCItAK,lm.; Importer of China. Glass and Earthenware, Wilraiagton, N.-C. April 14. 13-if, ""CLOSING ACCOUNTS. - DREPARATOH Y to making a change la my b- jl attaess. on ae isi or jury next, 1 nave commen ced the dosine of mt books, and wiH thank mv friends to render what assistance they can ta my Clerks or Agenleln making settlements, as every account upon my books must be etoed by that turn. j. m. Kittiinsun. May 17. , . 23 HERRING. ; . RBLS. Nova Scotia Herring, for aale by April 7. ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO. 35 G0LDSB0R0 FEMALE COLLEGE. THE Annual Examination of this Institution will commence on the 25th of M7i and eua tinae from day to day till the 2nd ef June. The Commencement Sermon will be preached on Sunday the 3d by the Rev. Turner M. Jones, President-of Greensboro' Female College. The Annual Address wiH be delivered on Monday .the 4th, by the Rev. C. F. Deems of North Carolina Conference, ; The Session closes en Monday evening with a con. eert. 1 - May 12. 26-tl J " - ' - , ' "' . RESOLUTIONS OF. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1 RESOLVED, Thai after the first day ef Jane next, wa will not purchase Terpentine r Tar from the Inspectors of tbe same 1 bat will pur chase directly frdm the producers or 1 heir agenta, .tf the agent be not sn Inspector. 2 Retohed, That the brokerage for aelHng Tur pentine and Tar shall be net to exceed one cent per barpei ; aad the Inspector shsH be selected by the purchaser, and tbe brokerage -said by him. v GEO. D ATI S, See y. y.a. 24-twJi SNI7FF. 1 f5 AlJP harrels.for sale by lJMayl7. ADAM! ADAMS, BRO. A CO. rFEATHER DUSTER. A HnriS!umpwnl f nhll fcy colored a.wTio 2SJ2f" PUno' Counter, 'and Toy ??ViZ Jr2,V, ita rlc attention of the Ladies ta respect fufly invited. Call at .., - L. N. BARLOW'S. APrU28- No.3, Gaspks Row. Htv c mli.Pn,e f tyl. WILKINSON ESLER Aag. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. FRESH FROU NEW Y0r PER SCHR. W. H. SMITH. QFi BBLS. L. L. dc A. Stoart'sC. Yellow Suear 7CO 25 bags beat old Got. Java Coffee; 200 TablaSaltt fi hhds. of prime- Yellow Sugars ; low for cash. at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. April 3. J, H, N. C, T. Bp. Age copy. 8. FOR NEW YORK. TH E fchr. ANN MARIA, Capt. Cook Ha. will have def natch fo the above port. tZ For freiaht or paseage4Mplv to - r . May 27. J. H fUSKRR. FOR BOSTON. x TMK sahr. W. A. KLLIS Capt. Jf Ichals, wilt have despatch lor -I BO abeve port. , Fer freight or paasase, apply to May 24. T. C WORTH. FOR NEW YORK. THfisefir. LILLY, Capf. Jones,wltt ftf$ have despatch for the above pott. For aSzaifreiabfor passage, apply to Msy 26. C. WOilTfl- FOR NEW YORK. - isx THEachr. EMiLY VVARD.Cant. WardL , will feave despatch for the above porta For f Tfi tf bt ab nqoaaAA a rtnl u Irk 4 " tTfa freight or aasssc sddIv to Uy2S. 'GEO.TIARUISS. FOR NEW Y0fTR" SCHtt. MARLNK.XJaptain PawelU will have despatch for the above port.', For freight or passage apply to,- "- . UliUltoiv HAiUiis?. . May 25. . , 32 fT F0R F,W YORK. SX THE Sehr. H. HALLOCK, PoWf-wU have despatch, as above. Fscr freight or ieiai passage, apply to- . i. H. FLANKER, I May 24. ' 25 North Water street. FOR PHILADELPHIA, P1RST ANU ONLT. V.E8SEL. ,il THE A I. Sehr. WM. L SPRINGS, Stv flap. WirisNa, h'ivin two-tbiraa of her T a eargo engaged, wilt meet with For balance of treicht, apply to . despatch. I . ; , , T. O. WORTH, ? Way 24N , Walker's wharf. f CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON. N.C. rHfirCLARENDON IRON WORKS are now prepared receive erdsrs for Beam, Verifial, Horizon-tal or Oscillating Steam Engines, Higb' or Low lret-rvsnrf atkraied to aliproses ; urru kir, Yen icai and Portable Saw Mills, complete j PifarfMi, JUiniog Machinery, Grist and Fitter Mills, complete; Parker, Turbine and ether Water Wheels, Equipping ef &! earners,. Car Wheels and Axles ; Horse Powers of- vwfeoe pa tier as : Rice Field Pumps and Engine; Rice Thrasber ; Sliiirgle Maehiac. Shftln, Pullies, Haneers, Gears, and aliotbaf MiU Work. ' . CASTINGS. ' f Iron and Brass Costings of all descrjfuinas. incl- alng urrramental Iron Kainng, Pipe, Bridge U;.M ings, dc, Ac. The Company would respectfully invite atttinri ja to. their styleand putteros of Rail ing, which may be seen a their office. . BOiLEttS. . . ' ' Tuhnlir Fln ami CvKoAririri Aailora. Wirter Tan 8 a. Chtmaeys. and aU other kinds of Buiterl Work. , , , .REPAIRS. A fapnrate dep irtmeot and force-win be kept for repairs, where work will bo. done thoroughly and with despatcb. t . i , AH wii k' done in tbeasbilshnriejif dnlivered ei ther on the" cars of- tbe Wifintngtoa aV. Manchester Kail Road or the Wilmington A Weldoa Rail Road, ar in flits at the Company's wharf, free of charge. f Havtns large facilities, the above work will be dooe on as reasonable terms as elsewhere; North or v'o 1U1, aad In a p roan pi and satiafaetery manner. . ' Consultation by letter or atherwixe, in regard to plans and ileeiens for mills or tbu furniture, and for naaehirwrr eertr ally. -willingly answered. A41 orders or cotacaunicationa to ba addreeeed ta the undersigned. HKNRY M. DRANE,-Agent. March 17. . . 1 1-tf. FRESH FLOUR, FROM FAYETTE VI LLE. 1 ( BBLS. of Super, t- lour ; 1 .r tS do. best Family do ; bjw for ensh. at April 3. GEO. H. KELLEY C. T. copy. . .. H.,and N ATTENTION ALL ! T7E this day call the attention of all in want of the following articles, to gtteusacau, as we have jast received " 6 bbls. Prime Planting and Eating PMatoea; 70 boxeachoree Codfish, from " Down East;" 3fl bags t:oAee,-assorted of all kini!t; 20bbls. Sugar ' 4 15 Firkhve Lard, ftf-C, ehoica. 50 bWa. N- O. Molasses t ' 40 kegsNaiht; 3 tons Hoop Iron; . . . 60 bbls- RoaHerriog-tirgc and fat. Eastern. , April 21. W M. SHERWOOD &. AO. FOR SALE"., THE HOlTSE and LOT. corner of Wal- nut and Fourth t reefs, . containing II Rooms and tw attte chambers, laid v -oc cupied by the subscriber. - w Terma. Note at Bank, with the custtfmary sc-- comjaoaatton. T. LORI.NG. . AprNSl. ' . - lft-af. . t N EATS-FOOT OIL. . - A SUPPLY jttat reaeived aad fer sale by May 10. G. D. Do PRE. MULLETS, MULLETS I f BBX.S.N0. I Mulieta, lust received and for 1 a.-'i "sale by . J. A. BLOSSOM , 20 April 27. - Jt a ROBERTS. MA COMBER,. SHIPPING MASTER, OrpCB 8outii Cobkkr op Mahjckt-akd Wjtrsa sts' May 2. , W-im ' HOMOEOPATHIC MEDITLNES, KEEP oonstantly on hand DR. SMALL'S Medical Ches; s and Books for Family use There areS ditTerqnt.HorBoeopaihic remedies In the Cheat; of which the Book gives. a full descrip tion for their BSC. The Doctor Is Professor- of f Physiology and Medical Jurisprudence "in the He- meapotnic uoiiege ot rniJadelpnia. price of the Chest and Book I5. W. f. FREEMAN, M. D. May 26. H. and J. copy lw Vl-lw : ; v NOTICE. THE "Bbscriherhas comtpencrd ihd Blacksmith. JL buainests at tbe old stand he formerly occupied, located at Mr. Casafdey'e Ship Yatd, and solicits from his friends and the public a share of their business. - -Particular attention will be paid ro Shoeing Hor- fc. w Brass Castings as per pattern : and aH wotk i sent to my shop shall receive prompt and personal attention . May 26,. 32-3t , NOTICE. TH'E S obscribar hereby gives aotice that he this day retires from he Ship Carpentering busi ness, which will in future be conducted at the old stand by his Son JESSE J. CASS1DEY, loa whom 1 bespeak tbe same liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended ta me. , AU persons having claims against me will present them, aad all aweing me will please tall and settle immediately. Marsh 1st, 1855. JESE . ClSSIDEY WILL csntinue the business formerly conduct ed by Mr. JAMES CASSIDEY, (at the same place.) and carry it on in all its branches, and soiieitaa share bf the public patronage. Wilmington, N. C Jaarcft. ist, 1855. I4d-tf. OWNER? WANTED. FO"R two boxes, (one containing a "Piano,) mar ked S. R. Ereland, Clinton, N. C.cara of Wm H HiII,w4linin2ton, N. C; landed from schr. Ara minta. from Baltimore, and now in store ai own er s-Tisk. RUSSELL A BRO. Msy 3. - 22 PANAMA AND MARACABO HATS. WE opened a case this morning of very fine Panama Hats, trimmed in the latest style Sixes to fit all heads, large and small. Call and look at them. C.MYERS, May 26. Hat and Cap Emporium. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. OR Jane. Received and for sale at 1 May 29. s . S. W. WHITAKER'S. - SERMONS BY Rev. Ichahod S. Spencer, D. D-, late pas tor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Brook, lyn, L. Ia author of "A Paster's Ske'chea," whh a sketch of his life, by Rev. J. M. Sherwood. Jast published and for sale at May 22, "3. W, WHITAKER'S. . TO RENT. AaarC'"' A Hense at the Corner ot Oranse and f riij Sevoad trets formally occupied by Geo. : f V-yLc M yera. Is oftercd for rent ; poasessipn giv en ttrrmediately: To a good tenant lbs house will be suitbry repaired. Inquire ef Geo. Myers or H. J. Savage, Rra.,wt Cape Fear Bank, r April 2ith, 1E55. - : 18-tt WIUflXGTON AND WELfcON R. R. Oaiir md Sap't Office, W. A W H. R. Co. February l,1866. V -GOING NORTH. HE passeoBer trains over this road will, until X. ft tuft hr notice, tun as follows : first (Kiprefs Ataii) tiain leaves Wilmington at 60 clack A.M. Reaches Goldsborb' at 9:40 A.M. - A rrives at WVJdon 811:30 P. M- Second (Accommodation Mail) train carryiug one freight car b aea Wilounatoa at 3:00 F. M. Reaetves GoldsboTo' .ti supp r 1:30 P. M. ' Arrive al Weldan 12 t nisbt. ' . ' GOING SOUTH. .' FJtat Train haves Weldon at P2KKJ M. Reacbjfa6oldar-oroal 3:t5 P. M .; A rrives at .Wilmington 7:30 P. M.; Second Trata leavea-Weldo at 9:08 P. M.; Reaches GoldSHoro' 1:30 A-. AI.; Arrives at Wilmington 6:30 A. M Fare to Goldsboro' 2,50 ; (.Yeldn,5 .About qhe cent per mile"Vxtra is charged pa?iengers who donot procure ticket at the Stalibn. Through u ke a to Baltimore 12; to Philadel phia 14 ; to New York 15,50.- f--Tickets will not be old fii a negro in person. Kxpress Freijibt (by Accommodatiun Train) will be chafEPrtd 20 per cent. w:a:ro; and pach freUhrta go North ust be at the Depot by o'clock P. M.,snd tnnrked h xpre Freight Two -;., ht t.Jtn. rtr wc-k will tn reaularly tlirouint to Weldop.'cJlrryinS' frrrht both wav. One train will tut regnJarty as rir norm m , - s . .;.,., uiih tbe N. C R. H., and two oth er Way Trains wrtl run aafnr narib as may be re . . at - l . .a. .tl Utarh rilol ICbtinitB aulraa,MKingrKiiiiii , " - . All due on downward irelabt awist be paid on de livery at Wilmin'iion- ",.-, f 1 S ,L FREMONT ,Gen'l,Su,'t. , Feb. 3 m ,Ut- WIL. & WELDON & N. C. U: R0AD.J THKtttUGla FlAjSlGIITS Errs. A Supt's Omc W. A W. It. R. ) Wilmington, N. C.,-Ffb. IPtK lb55 , FRE1T3HTS front Wilmington or any Matiou oh the W. AW. K,,R-tanyvsiaknon tha-NoYtb Carolina R. II., and nlsff from any Station on tbe N.C. 11. R. to Wlliningtop or other points, on Use W. W. K. R.,willba transhipped and lorwardrd, from Guldsboro'- free of caargetfor transhipment. rf-e. - By the 15th of March next, arrangements- will be made by which Goods and prwdj"5 he iwe- fior for abipuent from, o to be sold in Uiuxiing toa.and alo from f-ea for the intejior. will be. de livereror recetved on the 'Company's wharf free of charge for wharfage etdraysge. Distance from Witmiocion ta Raleieh by Rail road. 131 miles ; from- RaleigB to PwMsmonlJi, Va., 1761 difference 45 milev ' KfeigMon-a burret of Flonr from. Ora nee to Wilmio-rton ht 29 cents less than it iafromOiangs 10 Portsmouth, Va S. L. FREMONT. Sirp't. . Fab. 13. ' - , . . 13i3tri. " NOTICE. rr.'-L-n fir. .-V- B B- -'W 1 "Office Wlliuri.frton t Raleigh R. R. Compairy. Wilminotox, N. C. Jannjiry 15th, 1855, FROM and after thia date, the Passenger aa. commodalion train will leave for Weldon at 3 P. M. Iieiurnin.2. wilf arrive a ft o'clock, A. M. Thia ehaase bf Schedule la made to connect with: f the IVilmtngt-on A.Mancticster Kail Koa4..over whtcha day traia will banerauitervun.connocnno with the Roads South. . "PI'Uf Rail Road time, i now regulated by a new Standard Clack, which is at present afapuClO minutes ahead of the terwn time. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer A Superintendent. Jan. 16th, 1855. 126-tf. " TOWING BY STEAMER CAIHOUN. . jajiasa "bv ORDERS fortowiagby STEAMER Jf" T C4LHOUNwill have attention af Sha .Jf left alihe (Vice of - GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 16. JOS. TOWAGE J TOWAGE ! ! . STEAMER Sam Beary, A. M Gutb rip, master ; Steamer Calhoun, Jot as" Sprinaa, master', are ready af aH tintesfov buernesa. . Ordeia for Tawsgswill have prompt attention U left afofficeot Agent. GEO. HARRISS. japejl . 3i-tf TO PASSENGERS. STEAM ER "'FA lRY,"w!ll leave Wiitninrten for FayetteviJIe, every 1B and Thursday oloralag,ai 9 o'clock, and FayctrevfTle tor Wilmington, every Wednesday aoa Matarday, atsan -mss witn pas scntrera and freight. . JAMS E. March 5. METTS, Agent. 147 tf. . FOR RENT, v . A Fine ROOM newly fitted op, on Sec- r'ANKIN AMAtRTlN. fiiept-29.- ' 85.- FOR RENT. THAT'dccirableOwelMn, rituaaed on Front Street, betweert-M ttlburynd Wal Pnul,'next north of tbaresideaea of Mr. R. Brown. For terms. sth1v to - KANKIN A MARTIN, -Oct. 5. ' Sou in Water-M. HENRY BURRHIMER . , :' Wti6tXSAI.C & BBTAt tobacco, snuff and cigar store;, . . ' SIGN OK TBE ISUUK CUIEF'' MARKET STREET, one door a bete Water - WllmlmloitW. 'C. - N. B. AU Orders filled le'dk despatch. , . Oet:26 h. 1354 93-tAw-c. NEW LINE of SCREW STEAMSHIPS- TO SAIL BETWEEN NEtV-YORK AND GLASGOW. THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet ampany's new. Steamship. Clyde aad Petrel, are Intended to salt for GIhjpw as urwter : - V Jratri New Yprt. CLYDf?. VVedneuayAugust J6th, at 12 o'clock, no-. Rat of Passage. (Steward's fees included,) Chief Cabin. 90. A limited number ef third" claaa'naBsangers will be taken and supplied with good snd comfortably cooked provisions, ai 25. Bertha not secured till paid for.- These Shrew Steamships have been built and fitted out express ly fort he trade, on the most approved principles, far aecuriag safety, comfort pad speed aad carry each an experienced SaVgeon. For Freight or Passage apply v ROBERT P.tTON, 30 Broadway, N. Y. Money orders granted on Glasgow, ha sums of XI Sterling and upward, payable on demand. Aug. 4. -: 63-tf. HOUSE FOR RENT. A Comfortable Dwelling House, with 6 Rooms, 4 of them with fire places, a good nantrv. wuh all necessarv out buildines, a large garden and good well of water, situated on S. Ft Corner of Dock and Old Bound ry Streets, near Miles Coatin-. Esq. ' Apply to THOS. F. GAUSE, T. F. ROBESON. Jsn. 20th. 1KS5. 128-tf. J. A H. copy. BANK NOTE REPORTER. THOMPSON S Bank Note Reporter latest number, for aale at May I. S. W. WHITAKER'S." mPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. Q1 PRIME second hand Barrels, per J. M. &XJ Clayton. For aale by May a ADAMS, BBO.ACO. SUNDRIES. FULTON M ARKET BEEF; Sainton 1 Mack eref, aad Smoked Beef; received thia day by May 17, L. N. BARLOW. F. FRENCH'S HOTEL, Corner or City Hall Square and Frankfort St., NEW YORK, Opposite the Citf HtU amd Park Fumnlain,) HAS been RE-FITTED and FURNISHED. The subscriber trusts that, for convenience, of eg a nee, comfort and canfiot be surpass ed in the world. AH the rooms are warincoVgratis; th-y are fitted op with rn.irblo top wash Stands, which are supplied with Crotan water, by silver plated cocks; The halls snd water-closets on eve ry fl-6r. are liibtdlin-ing the nibt. . This Hotel is conduct e on the'EDropean Plan of Lodging R4om, and meals as 4"y may be ordered in the Refectory R. FRENCH. iat B. Ds not believe Haekmen and Rsnners who may say that we are full, as some do so fgm recuisiARr interest. March 29855. . - m-e. SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER CO R ILLARD, atAsnrAcrnBia: . . K. 4 Chalbam Street, New, York,- .. Successor of Pmia Gsaa'aa' LoaiLLAan, !ofiers for sale all kinds of SNUFF and TOBACCOS In general use; Fr partietUarV a Price Current can be obtainebv- adoressing as above. This Estab lishment is one of ihctoldfst of the kind in tT United Siatea. ' Feb. 13. 133-ly-c. PF.RSONS ia want af Old Liqnorswill find it to their advantage-4o call upofWtie" subscribers, where they can find tW Portsv fy Jamaica Kuni ; , Cherries; Scnch Whiskey : Maduira; Irish " Scuppernong HolI.'Mjd Gtn-i Bounces; Giturcr and Raspberry Brandies. All of which twey oflir in lots to suit, pin ur in d njjjihrMi, of from one t 6ve galltms. Call and taste. QUINCE A COWAN. April 7. . , 11. : : RYE WIIISKFX I 7) DOZ. Boles pureold Rye "A hiskev,f su- 1 Ami peri or quaHty. rqf sale by ft. Nfc BARLCliV. V . - . JUST RE(JCIVIXG, PER sfhr. A. J. DcRweset, dircxlfroii! N. York, tbt fincst'iot of . r , . ' V .. aptles'oraKxses and lemons 'We have rver opened in rtvis ntaiker.ji'nd to which t inxiie the aitentiod ot the public. Cill Jt the ltltrietylore nndvr ibe Herald Office, and nearly onposite ttie tv4Xolina ttoiel . v . KAlayS. WM. II. DaEALE. TD'ALLOU'S DOLL Air MONTHLY JUGA LjJ ZLN Efcfyr May, received and fof sale at April .19. ,JS. W. WUITAKKll'S. BANK OF CAPE FEAR. CI'HE BOOKS for subscription to.the "increased 1 Capital St tck af the BanK of Cape Fear, ac ording la the provisions of the Acttf the " tit-rn ral Assembly" of this Stale, ratified oil the 16th day af February, IF55, are now opn at the Bonk. " THtS. H. WRlGHTPrcs,'!. March 29, 13t6. V fi-tf. COMMISSIONERS' HALL. Tuesoat EvNvti, March 2"thlS55. 1 At a meeting pf Commissioners authorized to otK-n books in V ilmingtoo. for Siibscripttoiis ,tol nhf capital siocK ot tue nilnnngion. Cliarioitc and Rutlterforn RaH Road present. A J. Dcltos sct Jr.. J II. Flaaner, It H Cowan, G E. Ftcneh, A. II. VanBokkel.-n. J. C. Latla, M ih-s-Cosi in, Ed war Kidder and S. D. Wallace. Otiinntioii, R. II. Cowan was appouilt d Cliair mah.'and S, D. Wallace, Secretary. Resulted. That-Books be 0ncj hn llnriilavt April 9b. 1855 at the Bank of Cape F.-ar, Bank of the Stale,, and at the Commercial Bank. Rcimlced, That a. R. Frenj h, R. II. Cowan and A. H. VaQiBolckelt'D be ai;oiiitcd a eommittce to otltain sutmcrijrtions to aid in defray ins th eX nenses of an expt-rinr eatal snrvfy. to Im mack fsTrm tire town of Wilmington rfhd from Whites, villc fo'LtmloTlon. . Resolvctl, That the flavor Ik rcqn-'Sl.-dto call a meeting of the citiens. to aptmiut dek-gates to tlie Mass meeting in BladcHk so tuxn a it ta as certained when that meeting S hiald. R. II. COWAN, Chajraian. 5. D. Watxce. Sec'y. March 24,1855. 4"-lf. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! rpK WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE will be L opened for delivery of Ice from the firt day of .April to the first day of November between junuM and sfUnset. On Sundays, will close, pan Uimetf, at , m. lee ordered for the country will be w ell packed and promptly forwarded at all times. M orders for Ice must be addressed to Wi!-. mington Ice Houee. " , tTerms CAH la all eases. Tickets can be procured if desired. Persons ordering from a distance can make de posits af such suuis aa will meet their orders. 3sP'tee one otnt per pound --lvi o rwna per pownd will be charged for any quantities lass than three ponnds. . Ice will be furpishecf gratis to tbe sick andp"ar, provided they send an order Crcm a physicianor a member of the viting c4nanitM!C. A. II. Va-nBOKKKLEN, Proprietor. AprU 12th, 1855. . - - 12. ' C. BACON. LBS. N. C. Bacon, Itpg round, jal re ceived Jjcr Rail Road, swd for stile by 2000 Ajtri! 21. KOO H. UUI-.ENK. LIQUORS. "ITTIIISKEY Rectified and Mononjaliela, v v uum, um and Brandy For sale by May 1. . ZEN'O 11. GREENE. - BOOTS AND SHOES. rTHE undersigned. Is continually receiving di -L reel from the Manufacturers, large supplies of uoots ana ahaw 01 ait rnc various Kinds, aad lias now oo hand. a good assortment of Men's A troys' fhiok kip and calf skin, Brogans. Received this week. a few cases Gentlemen's fine calfskin Bdotrf, saiiahle for the Spring tod Summer trade. For sate wholesale and retail. . . Boots afid. Shoes Manufactured to order. .Iso,1br sale. Grey's Ointment and Perry Davis,' Vegetable Pain Killer. GEO. R..FRENCH. April tl. 13-tf FOR RENT. . ; A Small Horn e an Front S4reu suitable Tor a small family, until the 1st October ,next, apply to .. . MUOltE, STANI.Y A t:U. April 26. , j 19-tf. ' OILiNGES AND CANDIES. RECEIVED fhU day, by fichr. Charles Mills, direct from New York, a lor of v,ery strperiov swet.ORXNGKS. and a fine assortment of French and all other CANDIES that can be de airedy For sale at tbe Variety gpore. an Market street, undr the Herald office, and nearly oppo site the Carolina Hotel. WM. H- DaNKALK, April j59rh,S55. ' , 20. WANTED. I ' A TURPENTINE DISTILLER. togotoCoJum busounty, N. C. A "higbrice will be paid for a prime hand. .Apply immediately u - 4. H. FLANNER. May 11 , . 25:5 BRICKS. 50,000 b?kTHmverGhF. For sah low HARRISS. 11. Dec. 30. EMPTY BARRELS. . 0PT PRIME Second-hand Empty Barrels, just iJ landed jind for sale by April 19. . ' AftAMS, BRO. A CO. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed andfor aaleat The Commercial Office, the Ratea of Pilotag for the Bar and River. 3J-tf. BAC0N. at HHDS. Western Bacon, insl received andv for saAa bv E. J. I.UTTERLOH. May 19. 29 St SUGAR! SUGAR!! I f HHDS. Porto Rieoj AW 20 bbls. do do.; 30 " C. Yellow. Stuart's. For sale bv May 12. ZENO H. GREENE. ON CONSIGNMENT. ft BBLL.N. C. tsrd No. 1" article. For aale KJby .April 24. WILLIS M.SHERWOOD A CO. ., - . ; -. .. is. . LEMON gYRUl. fl 1 tnJA.e.s j use receives; oy May 17. L- N. BARLOW. . GUANO. rQ TONS daily txpe,:cd. for sale by i) ADAMS, llittriilKili t O. Apiil 24. V ' , t. M . Cll t) L K I! A. . A Certain Cure for thi Ulre, may be found In the use af Perry Ijv!r Vegetable " PA IX KI.LLKK. ST. hOL'iS, Mo , June 14'h, lc 9 Mr. A. T. Woodward Agent of Perry Vaci' Puin Killer. Dear Sir: 4 ice I 11 a duty I owe to ill? pu!.!ir, to make known the v.ilue of Oavis' Pain Kilter, Snd my eperiece in m-Mia it for soine ol Hi complaints for v hichis lshiglly recuir.itu'uJed. iS Apri' laft,no yoiij- iec,"iwijt:-ndii!iop, I pnrcli.iteil i , one dollar bottle Of you lor pains, u uh vtjiu-h,! h:ive Ion;; bccn"nftlictedind made uic of !t on ny Uip down lo New Orleans, wih tbe moBt grul l tug and beneficial tfUct. Oh. my re ui ntrip iu this iiy, the Vtniloiw mad Its appearance among some ot iny pasenjiers. I made ue f the Pain KrMcThaving no'otber remedy on Iv'nrJ, and to m surprise ami ralltie-jtion, Inland ii gave imme diate relief! Onnny arrival tnlsi. Louis, called "onj'ou amt got four hirre tVot 1 k'f, and stated id my conhocrrewan K a an liilalliute 1 tiuii ra rciio it y, and ruivitkia to yuu that I wanted no other CI10I era r itudy, on my final. . lptadcuse f the l ar bvtlbfe on my trip to New Oil- nnf and ffack, for Cholera and sMr ojher complaints for which it wjii rcaommet dui),":tnd met w ith the most aston ishing su'cess hcn 1 order. L from you six more one dollar b'ottb h Rincetlunl have made two mote -trip to New Orli ans and back, and on uty prt-vioti, trip up, I hv. more tl'an SEVENTY CASES OF CHOLERA On boird, when the PAIN Kll.lA.U wts Immet diat!r need with the most .-.toni.-hin r suits, in all ease where it was u. in lime, it gave reliel in a eery short titii ; .and I can vt Ith ojitidenee siy to the puidic, Uiat fn all ot the first tiaes ol" 'Cholera, when t:.ken in lime, it is in my opinion, Hn infallible rcnudy ; wtiji it lir several wei Us, nd for four nips to .i w Or. toons and back, and usinu it for Cholera and for otlver c-iiiulaint4 tor which 11 is receuiim nd d, no considoration w.ntUl induce me 10 leave port with out a giwid supply believing it to be a mcdieine that an oflu-er of a boat or any family would br without a sinjle (fay alter ut-ing one bottle. Be lieving it to be the most valuuble family medicine known 10 the woild, lor nil the dilK icnt compluinta lor which it i rocoiniiit r.d d. . P. S. Please st nd me M.x larpe bol'lles for this trip. J 31. lUtOADWKLL, . t'ap ain Kteamer Atlantic I n oaf coadiu'ly nile w'iih Capt. Hrnadwrll Yt rei-cniiMCndina Perry Davis' P.yn Killer 10 ih '-public, having mysell bi en scvertly attacked with the Cholera, and found relief in a few i.our by usirtg the Pain Kitfer, an J have myself admini-'-i'rtd it 40 mose- than frfiy persons atuckrd with 4he Cholera, and wiien used in liuie, a cure wat cirtcud in a few hours, and lake pleasure in re commending it to the public n? an in valual le 11. ed icine, that no mdividunl hi.ti'd be w ithoii' a sin gle hour. JOHN N. v'OFFFINGER, . Clerk t"teamrr Atlantic. Davis' Pais KiCtca. In to-day's Union w ill lie found an advertisement of thi ccleorated remedy. The certificates appended from the captain and clerk of iho Steamer Atlantic, we know to be getr uine, and founded on facts, a they verbally stated In our otbee ihe Bubstance of what they pntli-h. fit rui Vninn. The Pain KiMer is sold bv Georire'lt. French, Wilmington; C C. Green, Elizabeth Cilv; James W. Carmrr, Newbcrn ; W. II. Willard. W rfshing tn ; and by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. April 19,'Uoj. , 15-3in. NE WELL'S PATENT ' SAFETY LAMP&.LAMP FEKDER. ANEW ARTICLE, warranted To prevent all Accidents frwi tht use t-f t!urninp Fluid, Camphene, and other hZxploeicc Comwync. Hs d rforttie production of Liaht. Tl.i liitn:ion it applied 10 all conunon Lamps ami Lamp Feeder, aUo, to Molar, Catnpiiene Lamps, Lanieraji. A I.SOf Hurning Fluid. Camplicne, Ruin Oil, For aale by C 4 D. DitPRK, Druggisis, Market SJtreet, W ilmingum, N . ( The following Certificates arc a snrTicient guar anty of the entire, safety and efficiency of the Safety Lamp and Feeder: CERTIFICATES. 1G Bovlo .St., Bosto?w2I1 Nov., 1933. PaorKssoa Hexj amis Sillim ax : -Dear tiir. I take the li'efty of usUins yon if any circuit! stance has occurred, tendmg any .decree' to di minish ihe full confidence yon have telt in 'lie protection afforded by Newell's Patent Safely Lamp! - - Witti high respect, truly yonrs, A. A. Havks. BostostjNov. 21,183. To D. A. AjIIaves -.Dear Sir, In reply td Ihe fnq'iiry contained in votrr note of this da'c, 1 Con n.jw state that "Newell's Paten Safety Lamp," afera considerably extended experience 7a try family, has fuHy jiistifi--t the favorable opinion whieh I expressed of it about a year a;o. Ueiil this protection was presented, 1 nevi r permitted tfie so-called burning fluid to be ned in my house. Now It ia constantly employed hylie domestics, and it has been occasionally burned in the parlor and study. The house being lighted by tma, there is little occasion for lis general ti-re in the family ; but vi'Ji the protect ion named abore 1 'idiOuld have no hesitation to use it wherever there is occasion for artificial light, and 1 do, with en tire confidence, recommend it to my friendiand others who consult me n the eubjeet always protesting, 4iotvev-r, against the unguarded .e which has produce many dutrea.-ing and fulal results. , I remain, dear sir very respectfully and trtiiy yours, H. Silltm ax, Senior. ta - WiLatisGTOs, N. C, June IP-ih, :&:i. ,1 hereby aertify that T witnessed the experiment of Mr. .Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp, for furnishing "fluid" and am perfectly sa;itficd ol the-safety of the same. 3a". II. Dicksox, President of Ihe N. C. Society. This is to certify that I have used Aeweli's lat ent Safety Lanps, for more than twelve months, and iiey havesiven perfect sat ifat lion Jane 2Jd, 1654. Geo. R. FacticM. Hating purchased the right for the State of N C, fronr the Patentee, we are prepared to fid all Orders at short notice, for every description snd variety of Lamps, Ac. All persons are eat Toned against infrinsfng tip on ihe above patent, as the law wilt be rigidly en forced against all offenders. CT. DcPRE, D.DtPRE. Jr. A.C. DICKINSON June 22nd, 1851. 42-ly-c. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located f T Baltlmore-sJ., ItaHUnorc. Md. fpHIS lastitmfon presents superior facilities to A young men desirous of obtaining a practical business education. Tha-coarse of Study embraces Double Entry, Book-KVepisg as p-actlcally applied 10 the man agement of Mercantile, Bank, Maiufacturiaj and Steam Boat Books; Business Penmanship and and Mercantile Computations ; familiar Lectures on Commercial Law ; upon tbe subject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Noiea, Contracts. Partner ships, vc. - " Tire arrangements arettch that applicants can enter College at any time and avail ihenwelvrs if the advantsges of the entire coure of study, each student being separately caught. Tihe students have access 10 a Commercial Li brary procured expressly for their accommodation. There is also attached to the Qoilega Reading Room, wh era-may be found all fha leading Daily Papers from various parts of the Uaiun. . . Usual length of lime. to 00m pie te ihe whole course from eight to ten' weeks." , Tuition for the full course 10. For paiticulas write and receive a circular by mail. Augast3d, 1854. 59-1 y-c. Af I M SAM. fs(' ' ' .: s.'th, tiotv landing O.VyV- '.!. r sab', iv , Oct, aa. ADAMi, ;pRO. A Z V J -s n AYER'S PILr,S, A SEW and sineularlv successful reanedy for tl; cure of all liilious dateaset CosXirrtieaa. Indi- srestion. Jaandiee, Dropsy, Khcuwatism, FeAera, Gout, Humors, Nerv'tusiusM, Irritability, Inflarunta tiona, Headarhe, Pains in the Breast, hide, lluck, and Limbs, Female Complaints, Ac, ic. Indrett, very few are tbe dineasc in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and Buffering might be prevented, if .a harm- - less but elfettuaj Cattinrtic were more freely used. No person can feci well while a eoative balat of body prevails ; besides it oon generatea serious snd often fatal diseases, wliirh miti have been avoiited hrths timelj. and judicious use of a good purcatire. Tliis is alike trtie of Colds, Feverish aymptoius, and Bilious dcranrcnients. They all t-na to becmne or p rod ace tixr dwj) seated and formidable distempers .which load the hearoe all over the land. Heine a reliable family 1 hysic is of the first importance to the pnhlie heilth.'and this I'iUbus Iweti perfected with consummato skill to meet that demand. An ' extensive truJ ef its virtues Ly Physicians, l'rofev sorsr and Valient1, fias shown results surpasiha; anything bitlirrtn known of any mcdioine. Cures have lccn effected beyond belief! were they not ub stanti:itc(M)y penrfms of such exalted position and charactev as to forbid tha suspicion of untruth. Among the .luany ctninetit gentlemen who have tcstiiied in favor of tlitsc Pill, we may mention : I)U. A. A. H tTRS, Annlytiesl Cbeniist, of Boston and Stajte As-ayer of Massachusetts, whose high ;rofsbroial ebj'.ratter is endorsed by the IIox. LiiWAiio l-lvr.KEtT, Senator of the T. 8. lar.nTC.WiSTiiKip,Kx-peakorof theliouse of Representatives. Abuott La whence, Mir.ister Plen. to Ktiifland. ' t Joirx B. FlTXtATRK-K.Cuth. liishnpef Boston. . Also, Da. J. 11. Chuvton, practical Chemist, of Jtw York City, endorsed by Iloxt VT. L, Mabcv, See'retnrT nf Stale.' V. B. AsTttm the rtclnt man in America. 8. Lr.LASu .V Co., Tripr's of the Metropolium Hotel, and otlirrs. , . Did space permit, we could cfve many bitidrd certificates, from all parts where the PilU-liave been used, but evidence even more convincing limn the experience of eminent public men is fuund in their effects upon trial." TlicVe Pills, tlie result of long investigation Aid study, are offered to the public as the l est and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are wmiponnded not of tbe drupes themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only (if Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined togethcr in such a manner as to insure the bent results. '1 his systetii of composition for medicines has been fotiiid in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills botli, to produce a ' nitre ethcient remedy than had hitherto iieen ob tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev ery medii iue is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that In defiled for the etiratire effect is present. AU tlie inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left belli ud, the curative virtues only buing retained. Hruce it is self-evident the etlects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine 1 inn my nieuieine sel of an attaining' ; properly jddgl'of a ompoHition, I have should pe taken under the rounst PhvKicinn, and as he could not I remedy without knowing its compo supplied the accurate Formulas by which both my 1'ectoral and 1 ilia are made to the w liolc body or Practitioners in the United States and British Aincr ' ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received, them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his addres. Of all the Patent Medicines that nrc olfered, how few would be taken if their composition was known Their life consists in their mystery, I havj no mysteries. ' The composition of my preparationa ia hud open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge Hheir convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounoed by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physician, have declared the same thing bf my Tills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring tbsir irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in anv quantity. For minute directions, -see wrapper onjhe Box. . ' rKJvPAHKl BY J A M-E S C: A-YER, Practical niul Analytical Chemist. LOWELL MASS.. Friea 25 Cents per Box. Frva Boxes for $L BOLD BT A. O. BRA OLE V, Wilmington, and by Drug 2l"i generally July ISih, 151. 51-1 -X.- ''t ;-h vC-V- FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET THE AFI LIC'IEI HE D AM) PONDKH! 53rMre tnon 500 persons in the city of Ri linion.f, Va.. alono t'-siiTy to ihe remaikable cures per formed by " . CAKI IUI'- flMXIstll MIXTUIIE. THE urea. Sping Meii.iiie and Purifier of t lie Hlood Is now tieI by hundred u grat fr.l pa'icnls, who ti-asify d iily lo tho rem irkablw cures peifornr ed bv the y.iteft of all medicines, Carter' Sr fin ish Mixture. Nenrjjia. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions onthe Skin, Liver DHcase, Fevers, Ul- ees, Old Sores, A flections of the Kidneys, Dis eases of ihe 1 hroat, 1' t inalo Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints; are peedily put to flight bf using this great and imstUnable rtnw dy. For all discav s of the Blood, noiliing lias vet bcenfounj 10 compare with it. It rleancsthe sys tem of h!I impuiiiies acts ftnlly and eflitt. ndv on the Liver and Kidneys, slrenjhons lb Ii2t s tion. uives tone foth'i Stotmich, makes tbe .Skin clear and h' alty.snd restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken dori by the excesses of vomh. 10 iis pris-ine vigor and strength. is incot(Tiarab!y bet er than all the cosmetics ever used A few dors of Car ter's Snanish M Ixture wiT remove all salhvwn'ss of complexion, bring the roses tiiantiing-'fjiie chcVk, give elasticity to ihe step, and Jtnprjve the general h'-alih in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines ever heard of. A, large number of certificates ofreinarkahlc cures perfornied ort persons residing tnihcaiiyof Ru b mond, Va .by the use of Carter's Spnnuli Mix'ute, istltebtst evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physi cians, snd public men, well known to the commu nity, all sdd their tesiinimy to the c llee IS of this Gscat Btooo Piraincs. Call snd sees few hundreds of lha certificate, around the boil 1c. .None .genuine unless signed BENNETT 4 BEK.RS, Druggists. Principal Depots st M. WA ft D, CLOS E i CO., No. S3 Maiden Lane, New Yotk , rf T. W. DVOTT A SON'S, and JENKINS A HARTS HORNE. Phil. delphia. BENNETT A BEERS, No. 123 Main Stree?, Richmond. Va. And for sale by Wil. H. LIPPITT, Wilmington ana by Drasd' every w her. ytr iS'bise.'. t' Bf Iv -. " . ' CUT HERRING. QO RBLS. Cut Herrin?; dry sailed; 30 bsrrels tJJ Round do., tress) from New Fonndkind. Far sale by ADAMS, DUO. A CO. April 24. . '18. FISH! FISH!! FISn!!! JUST received per schr. Delegate, from Halifax; 25 barrels No. I Mackerel; . 10 1 - 1 - 25 " 2 5V " 2 . . . 300 , -3 a - '.. ' -230 Cut Herrin?. mV In loti .WORTH '-',?-:!- V;-: mjvVy2 1 r...!j--: stfltby T. C May 10. M i: i I ' f I l (aii UI KiaiiA Cl'I.LLMAN. r.W fin I Valit .Me V H 111. , I'ms, I urn P it'idv for "ml ('leers. Mil" Ii lH.-n tr.-d ync esatally by I I. 1 Ian . sid Ktul i mperior lo anv ir. .) ,.a if.e kind .w in 1 i -. II lor ma, w. he a i ulu d. CmIU I,-, s.n , i !-: i ,1 1 '. iii'I i-rnoM-. in , , w.iei,il.,i,f,? mi p 1. . 1 1 v ll.e naluml Isinirle. It may le k-1 1 i i,t 1..1 i, i, , Iv used In rlianp'tt tif.., sicoftanwn i .ni il.e , fci-.if ear of ali.l. icn, aiul fur aO'aiMH.. I t every kind, and a dresie In iirieat ; H l lie 'lil it t"f - A ! i al i ... I ,' ii, . '. : .1 . . . ' n t !! ah v mi Dele for ow, be In vinp 1 1 1 '! j r ru y Udeljil l'l ID llli' I I ,! n iilii,', I I 1:1 .. . b!.' as a i.iud.eiral inn. dy. '..r i;W 1 v il. i' ptit t rs, C. d I. I .il'i. I .j A !V : CI A S t Ol.I.OniO.V lor Sadei'e A o.iroU an l son s on Inn n s. ti'i.l F..i I, - ( i .1 ,11 -!o 1 H-) irieois. May 20. PnuiUis. VV.Inurgi ii V . trj THE AMERICAN'S UHlKM)!! HOLLOW V S I'JLLs. I 'l'nl',f t 'i:;:c.t 7 ,.' : - I 1 in Stot hui. i1. 1',' jti.l inr i u l ih.ii L y u fi.r t!,e liii ii rise nronsae w lueii ) mi I . .. v . bin i ii t- . rl my l!l. I lile Ihn o;. hi , um ! y el i..iinj my Alie w . ie ail . .i.etii Mil i Mi i K-.ii,. j, . ' 1 eiu.-r'am for nil iit ui.eei us A ro. m n mwl h Ann tic anv, il e ieol 1 1 v ly v iiiiml ln r, m i.iUib v' that I oriirlmily c n ,; m f ,( d n,a ;. j ;, -liicasly lo suit y..ur i ll inn n , 1 1 ,-i -n n -' 1 1 . ! In r and iniiiinei il liwi'ji, iihi ti.n i.j; in, vtub.ji-la it. v set umong,Mi, whl Ii 1 i-L nu.v! J . 1 1 .- ly iff. pn lulsi In .i 1 ink. '1 IIO HAS llol.i.Mv t V, I'. I urniinl A mi a tut .Nii-.iii,1i..."i.S'.,iL. 7"r" lt!rt l.iyi Titin! l:j,n j . in ... t j Tlio 'iilzens of i lie I vi ion r )n. in Ii Sr. i.i i i t orders of Hie Liver ami hionuit-li.! 'i I , fmr Htx, p rliiips. ilm iiiunt h. e 1. no In i Ik- tVm I ! a i n r ii i rt period, loose their fei th arid fluid Im.l s I i, yalin Itin li.y.l ly of i'l .. Tlr , vi I a im.v he . l -Ii eluallv reini.illeil by i oiilinii.,1; y 1. 1 i j i i , sj il,.- (.... ,1 pure, and the I.i er snd stunrich i n a l.i i. : I y e ti"li, wlieri life w ill flow sieeoilily., J s.i v liiwlei' ly, thai lit ii I til a iid )i .' i.i.y be pi olm t ri r tii.ii Ix yand the ordinary limits, if 1 1 . ! i y . I'll ' taWen to purify tlm blon.l, In accord in e wi li il.r din el ion w hu h iir e- iu.ntiy i in Ii I. ox. Cute 1 Willi, n't if. l, ,,,, if ,f .) i, , ;nptaln Jo ti "Jo!, uum, i f AVlor How c, ev. York, siitiere.) Inr Ii n Ve h . hmn ii :il I link', in til o ' hi Liver and Stoiinieli. mil wasi so m i!i.i i ,1 n vtreirgni that he never xpeele,l In ju to m i (u.y in ir.-, Ii ivliirr lid il iteiy stioun f. ien! vi.r. cit d rivlnir bcnetii. A l last. In Ii ! u i .iuk-.- iu 11.1 loway's Pi!., whiclt oiiij I. ii Iv nr. il him. all. i u -i n o i li'Tii for ihi. union ,, u..u' I.i tmv. ii the linipil. st In ;ij!l. i 'l'ke;t cilil nil:i! ' ,V ,n? in. vilt f,t f' t,i,;,.k in ikfj-tli'irinj tfi.ii'lin '! Aiue, AbiIiiii.i. CiIi.imp ( 'ninpl i. tii., i;i ii I,. f. i n Ihu Skin, Bowel t ' in, 1 1', ills, I "on-: ij a Mo n i T the ('.owe;. Hi hi lii v. Ir y. I'.i ) !,' In, I ii iihf Ir r !iilarii.its, I'im. is i.i u I kii.J, ;iji. Mi ihI net e. Indirection, Jaoiidue, i f nie j. il 1. 1 a, I'.l.t, Riti in Inn of t 'tine, Siii, or K m.'' I. il, "'i'.i e BQil GrtVl'l, K.-erlnry S yinj.tooin, Vein real A Hi i lio. W onus ol ail kii.J,-, Vt(.,klas, lu'ln Willi- .vi I ciinse ! . Sold at the 1 .t iHlirlimen's of Profit snr tin I f-0 il a Wi n Lane, Ni w Vmk, niuf V! 1 1 Kimnd. i. n -dun, and by all icspi i fidii J;rn:'tli nnj IIihSm of Me Seines f ii roll '.' lion f Ihe I'rnti il Siali (-. In pt ta a ml IUtes. at 25 cell is. C.'J retil s. nrid 0 1 ,( 0 i ni b 2 j-l'lu fc la com idi t.itlu ruit g I y lakidi ih Inrt'cr sirs. j N. B. Iln ciion f ir the guidance of (inlieni. In every ilifiorJtr arc iif!i.. d to i ut h Pot, Jun 17. 4 i-Iy c. LIVER-COMPLAINT, DYSPLTM.l. Jituiiftii'i'. ('It runic hi Xi rroi'K l).:l,!t!ly 'hi en, i if tin: hiil iii ijH. iiml oil hin .i' a riitiii J rum n il immli-i cj J ,i ret m Stomach . u i a . j i .'nn st i mif lon.I n wri rH I'ileu I 'li'trwuu i,t t'.l.ii ,t i I ne II e iiJ, AeiiUtvot i he m to mat li, .N an in, 1 1. :u I I,,. II ...... VV..1. I. '.. il i....... .ii., . .iiitj .iiii , mi. hi I : , i ' il I , Dblicicncy ut Pcrsplnition. Vi Hou ni of lint Mm and Eyes, Pain in the .ShI,:, llai;k, Chi si, Limbs, if-c.,SiirJi'ii Flu. lies of (lent, Pinnlr'i Inllir I'l fh , C rii-tiint 1 ni.iinlri-H of evil, an I irri hi dcpi c tii" i of Sj.ii it a, e.m be 1 1 1 ctunlly i iiu d by j !;i HOOI I.AM)'.V CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, 1'iu:iii:i iiy nit. v. sr. jiUbsuv,. No. I in A teli afreet. I'M l.nK IpM.i. Their power over t hn ubove diseases is riot is xei It -ed, it i quailed, by any other pi e pa nil inn in I In I ril led Slates, a tlio cm i ail'-sl, i n many t.imrulur skilful phyrli iun h id .'alii d. Those tii tiers are worthy the alii nlli.n of I n vnlnfs Posse ssin g a icat vlt lues in the reel ilii-uliun I do--ca.cs of the Liver and lesser f? lands, e Kel -W pj- Ihe most searehingpowtra in wi aknes snd n't ir: ft ol tllr-diBslive urg.m Ihey ure, williul, sale, i if tain and pl usnnt. READ AND BE CONVINCED, j Mitre Tuitiinon of l'ir utronrftt l.ivrl frtmi (Ihln, in favor of Dr. HokFLAMi S (ii;i(,U.V PIT 1 EllS, prepnrfd by lr. C. M . J A C K tu). . I'h.l -deiplila, fully proving that these hitter are ur.eoll ed lor ifie :ure of Lirer t omilm .'. lhjirytia, Jaundice. Xirtuut ltil,iiihjl J,,,im rt the hiJunjn, tf-r. Itend the proof : F. K li-ss EL. Ml. I It. Jtwl. r, ... , i . (., Dee. 2J, 1-51. said i iii'irai-r this i p-. !.. u ol in forming you oLthe enat benef.t 1 have -Ieiiv d from ihe iimi of )r, Honfland'a German f i lets. I have used iheni for' tulUand Ft vrr. iird I i -ordor,-dered Stomach, and found rt.'hfin miy'. -'-They arc: the best ri medy lor disoi i'tT d Siuiiiai h, I think. In rilali nee.'' . - ' - P. FQI.I'.Y. Blo'inipf Id. O., tl, i 7, lc'i2 toil.! t "WIlh'lT'.-i'Iina of fraiiiuili I inke rev pi n to ii i.i you of the Inealeal lo. In ncfit 1 hatt iferivc -) Ihoii Iho use of Hontttinii'j German Bittc r. I hate us ed them for the LiverCompl unt. tin 1 t;.l. pietism in recoiiioir ntliiii tin in to the pi.U.i. sn I l.i! i-:if i and lest renu'dy in use," . I . The Kditnrol the I footer Di n,-nit, MayC. 1C1. said : "ilootland's G.rniun lliiuts. 'I i is Irlt.uii blo fiiediclae is daily perl. inning cures of tic i io-i r marlAMe character. W tl not spe ak al medicine iihoul a knowlcd:e ef l'a cd'curt, n we hive tiled it In our family, und f nd it to lo il y? only thing nei.dtd In Liver Co mi lain! or U)spii-si.-i." OGIER .( CHItKK, f.'ambr. .!:, O.Nnv. 17. Ir5i. said : ""Ilyhose pi isnriS w lio In' ve um d toi.r llooflan l German Piners. they are concidt trd an tnvaluatil ri uieii v for Dyspepsia," j 1r'oa sn mld bear In mind ihul ilue I'.iin r ar bktibclv vkubta blc, thereby ionerii.i ud vanfages over most of the prepuratiulis reeoin n red ed for similar !if-si . For anv by A. O. BIIADI.F.Y und W, H MI' PI I T, Wilrtiin'ton.and by Drulsts cv. tv w iw ic ' July I3i!. 1551. , U'-Jyr. M I'L LETS.. f!( RBLK.just rccclvtd. eclvtd. VJV.-Vov. B. MOOllE. STABLY A CO. - N C. LAUD. TN bbls.. for sale by L Jan. 20. MOORE, .STANLY t CO. GARDEN SEEDS!.' JUST received front I.andrcth's Seed Garden, a large snd choice collet-lion of Garden, Grass and Flower Seed, Hera. Onion, Leiiucc iind As paragus (loots, also Ncbrarki Pea. For t'Mo wholesale and retail by C. A D. Di PUE, Dee. 14. Irugi', Maikei-.t. BAGS. Q QQQ TWO snd three bushel Guni.y Pa;s, Jan. 23. " RUSSELL A BROTH Ell. Gl RAIIAM'S Ma.azine.for Aff", He. ived and riorsiloat S. W. WIIITAKEK'S. AprilS. . sack"j?Tlt. i ? CfC Sacks in store, for csle In lots lo toil i vrv by it l s . i . i.. i. v p:uo. Jan. 23. I'.!l. MISSES'SPl er. tiw ope ISSES'SPRI.NG STYLES Hats and r!oi in- Open. C. M YL Us. March 31. 7. BACON. I 10! II (IDS. Side a; 10 d-. Shoulders. For .,!! I'V UL'.Soi LL A I'.KO. Jan. ti. 1.9.

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