L . -II' jr. v WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1138 VOLUME X NUMBER 36. i i i i MISCELLANY. A STRANGE DRAMA IN REAL LIFE. "Watiave j.wl reeivel ih piiCMlr ot most rxirurlnrr M-jry, sya the New Xork S mlny DisjMirk.) which has given Vise to no liale gossip in- neighboring city, anl the chif actors in which have always heretofore been lowkerl upon as persons of he highest respectability. Otir ce4arant hve often testified to tbe fact that the most Ingenious romance will often full far short pf city reality, and fiever was. ibnt truth taade more plainly evtd- nt than in the nar talive which "we are about to relate. We sriVe the incidents precisely as they wer4 given toie, merely suppTesjirig-nauwa. ani ittn satisfied that, in the main particular. Yfifcy are strictly true. Some months since a family, consisting of a entleman, his wifeinother, and a house keeper, Were living happily in tbe city nbove alludel to The pes.leiuan was HHellTgtjnt, good kJokinr, and had not yet passed the ineridian'of life, while bi writs was also young, well educated, and'of re fined manners. She had borne her husb tivl two children, of whom ihey were imHally very fond, and the husband and wife were looked upon by rheir most intimate friends at a happy couple. Indeed there can be ro doubt that they were happy: and, but for an exhibition of these dark phases ef human character which -sometimes startle the mortal world, they would hate remain ed so. - A short time since, the wile, who had re latives m Europe, expressed a desire to visit thera, and the husband, always willing to '-gratify her, engaged passage for her, and ' he departed. Things went smooothly enough 4br some time after she bad gone, bat at length the mother of the husband thought that she discovered signs of too much familiarity, between -her son and the housekeeper. She was not willing to be lieve the evidence of her senses at first; for the housekeeper, besides being no great beauty, had p isscd the hey day , of youth, having reached ibe matrerJy age of about forty five. It was not long, however, before the mother's first aroused suspicion's -were fully confirmed, and she at once wrote a letter to her daughter-in-law,: atarng the, facts and advising bes immediate return. w The wife was not wilting to believe in her husband's infidelity and, under the ide.i that there must be some mistake in. the ma iter, she iwlflresed a note to him, reveal ing what she had heard, though expres sing her disbelief in the story. She woutxi ip, however, by expressing a desire to re turn home, and requesting her husband to send her trtoney for that purpose." rNo at tention Was paid to her letter, and she then ban to get really alarmed; so, raising what money the could from her friends. she took passage for home. On board the ' vessel in which she sailed, she met with a a young man whotu she had known from Childhood, and who bad been a suitor for her hand previous to her marriage with .-her firs husband. 'As she was atone he aarssuaied the protection Of her, and dur wg the passage paid hex every attention whirh a brother would show to a -sister. She arrived at her some safely, and imme dialely look her way to her former resi. , dence, wheivshe was terribly shocked to learn that her husband had sold off all his , effects, and with his children, was living- with the housekeeper. Filled with agwoy, sue sought out her mother-in-law, who bad taken up her residence with another son. a Ail she learned thai what she had heard was toe true. The old lady informed tier thai ber .husband bad indeed taken up his abode with the housekeeper, but thai he had kept his residence a. profound secret -In a state .bordering upon trcrtzy, toe un- - fortunate woman was about to rush forth in search f further information, when, sin golarfy enough, hsr faithless' husband en lered the Toom He quailed before the glance of hu injured wife, whom he had thought suu io ajrope, and when sua ap pealed to his feelings Ua a husband and as a father, and asked to know why da hati thu&o'eserted her, he merely replied that he could not help himself that be would pace no obstacle in ber way to a divorce, and that -her best course would be to marry the Younsr man who bad accompained her home (for she bad informed him of tbe par titulars concerning tbe passage.) To this she replied" that she did no -wish to pat from him; that he was her husband and the atber, of her children that if he had done wrong she was'wiHincr to forgive him, to wrget the. past, and to think only of the fu ture? He rejoined that the thing' was im posible that he would do all he could for . her io a peeuniary view, but that he never could live with her again; and thus the in terview ended. : Duosequenttj, the husband procured a TboarJin house for his wife and called, oc ,-casionally to see her, but to-all her entrea ties to be alio wed to see -her children he turned a deaf ear. At length, driven to desperation, she determined to follow hjm, .and as he was about leaving her & the does of one of his visitl, she put ori ber ' fcounet and informed him pf ber design- He argued expostulated and threatened, but to no efliici go with him b wevid. For a long ume ba walked Bp-ofle- sveeSt and down another, but at length, when he found it was impossible to shake her on5) be told ber that if ahe was deiermined la go, utnt, but that sbe Would regret it " 6b replied that she would net suffer any greater agony of mind than sUe bad al ready endured, and shortly, hereafter ehe - found herself m the presence of ber little . K tb destroyer of her tiappinesa. The meeting Wtweaa lb eldest daughter and tbe mother was affactmg in tbe ex treme. ora moment the poor woman forgot all her sorrow tv her joy at once more beholding her ctuUrenj but -she. f seoo brought to a sects. f het eonddiotl by the housekeeper, who eommaaded the hus band todrtve her from the house. Fired wkh indignation, the wife retorted by, dV manding the keys of t he establishment.-. The husband meanwhile waa apparently tricken dumb, atid keew not which way to turn, but at length he fled tbe jprsmises; Je&ving th women toetber. . After he was rone, the housekep-r flewaj ber tor. finer mistress with the ferocity--tf a tigress and drove her irom tne house. It was bin a few days alter the above eena that the busbapd airain cafed noon his pwifeind he tnen informed her that he had sought out und had conversation wi-h yoHig man woo- naa accompanwa ner haher from turope--tria! ne line yoang man) Was anxious to make her his wife that rt only was tie greatly aiiacnea to tier. but (hat he was highly respectable, and tbundantly able to provide tor, ber:- and ihat if she -would divmcc herself and mar mr him. she should hare ber children' an ne wou-lci never iroawe ner more. nn uaather in-law and the rest of .her-, friends. . w.ir kpr fnnnr lr bimael jLtH their entreaties to those of the bnsband, and t length, feariog that if she .persisted rn refusing to do as hr husband wished, her to, he would steal her children from her, consented f--tbe divorce we a obtained, nd she was a second time married. The Mutteutanding was that the children were-j io gnren H te h er -on tbe fflnrntn; sue needing the-niarrKfge, but to her dismay she learned, hpon making application for diem, that ber othJes3 first consort bad parted some boors previous for a distant city, accompanied by the housekeeper and her (the wife's) children. She also learned, for tbe first time, that the guilty couple bad bees married some three monnth before. the Great discoveuv. RROLLKUIONf FOR CURLING THE HAIR. lOK. many yeara il has b-B objt-ct f dep V est atudy with elwmUia anJ mhr, io pr4uce 4 fl id that, applied to the hair, would eaua it la wve and curl equal in beauty to the natural curl.l Mr.... . r . . . . . .-..i... imp. kun.i.r.uiuii Tb the only article aver nffered lathe world thai wJH eff. ct tliit niosl deairable object, tint three or four appltraii-jna are necemary to curl il as mix-h pa amy be de4red. and &r aay I'-iry ih of time. From He many testimonials of those who -have ased K, thr subscriber des nat hesitate tu warrsitr the KR.OL.LF.HJOM to g'V saiiefuction, and prove a recoBimended in all eases. The recipe for makinc. with, full directiona for ase, will be sent on the recHpt f one dollar, pst I said. Tlie Ingrediepta will ntt com over I i ceols. 1 : lmectto n, a. rttjtK hu.m i Warren, Trumbull Co., O.- Aprils. 9-3nvt0-c. EMERSON BfiNNET'S NEW JBOOK. 4OLrLRN Noraarr, or tbe Adreauirai of an AliOrphaaj hv Kmermm' Beatiett, au'hnr pf 'Tt.Ja "tMara More'and," "Ihe Forsr4 Will. "Knve ''Inrendoo,' Ac. JujM published, for sateal May 3. S. W. VVHITAKEITS. THE ECLECTIC 3IA(;AZI.E. . FORMAT. For salest S. W. WHITAKER'S. klay-U. . - 27 THE NEW YORK JOURNAL. PtTBLlJiHRi BV F HAN'S LESLIK June IVo. received and tot ra b s Msy V2. . W. WHITAKER'i, I DISSOLUTION. pHR Rxpres Steamboat Company" was tbia L day dissolved by mwtaal consent - The Books and papers 0 the. Concern at. Kaveru-ville, are placed in the hnrtdsef Mr. Jon Shaw; at D. d W. Me La arm's who is fatly authorized to settie and receipt for the saate. s . JAMES K. MKTT9, I A. HAMHRV, - AprH4,855. . M.A. RAMSEY. IH A VK sold a II m y tea mboa 1 a, exerpl. ha S o u th -ernr. and have placed her in a line with D. VY. McLaorin, who ia now running tba Chatharo, on tne uape r ear nivcr. . . - Persons having rJaimsigahiai the Express 5.1 earn - no accompany win please nand tlwm in for pay ment, and those indebted wiu rtHl and settle with out delay. . JAMES E. METTS. April 7. - . !0t WESTERN BACON. 1 HHRD8 prime Mdes ; i hhds. do. Shoald 1 'ders daily expeettd and for sale by May Ti. RUSSELL A BRO. I MACKEREL. 1 Of1BBIjS r,- 3 ckerel, daily expected 1 KJJ 1 nd for sate by May 22. RUSSELL BRO. toe sMrrnsoMAN nousE, BROADWAY, CORNF.R OF HOTJSTON ST. ,EW YORK, .V ON the sane block with the Mvtropoiitaa Hotel and NlMoa Garden, and two- blocks- aswve the St. iVich'ls Hotel, and off. rsio traveler acrcajoa sCCOmmobations in the heart of Broadway, In im- niedtate tusiapoNUOR 10 the other first-class heut and placesof amusrmcnt, at moderate ratre The bouse has aM tha conveniences in vozlte and iacon- dueied on Ihe EmoriAS Plait t kHigingr-ieoms,at rtr-rv cmt aoj upwards to S3 a dav. according 10 location. AC, arid ateals extra as nrJered. at prices graded to suit do a tne economical and extra vacant, h guests ordering meals at pies sure, and paying f r only what ia naed. Trave era wUI find at tha SMlTHSOKJANiaecoromodaiionaoC auparlor or der, .and can, U ' they choose, make their biUi less by at least one-third than at other first-triass Hnets, a conducted on the old sysrew. For ro rpectabia:v, order.neslnss, eomloAand-veooorny. the SjiITHSONI AN shall make its mark On the times, ana be worthy the patronage of toe people. SIDNEY" SCOP MAN. March ?9. 6 6m-c. MAY BUTTER. . V THE subacriuer has just received a supply of tb best eialKy of May Bait, in half ken or at retaS. Come and get oui fhare before it ia at) gone. . A. B. McCALg Way 25v ?2 VTESTERN SHOULDERS. fit hhds. For as la by May 35. J. H- FLANKER. Pickled herring. C?f BBLS. k ima Mora Seofir, just received, and OU fc.r rale by ADA Ui, BRO, CO. April 13. -.. ' . lb. SANK NOTE. REPORTER. THOMPtrOJTS Jtatt Keta.tfcportoi; late aanber, for saia M ' . May I. . a. v vftlTAKpJCSi ; Te2ipt spirit barrels: 31 rp1K second hand Barrels, "aV J M. & I O Ckytoa. JTaer Mays. ' MUf.ns, nnu.ft tu.' . . sundries: TULTON MARKKTBKf Vt Sahvioir;.'tta!k. lerel, and. Smoked Jteaf; received tKi. day by way ti- - nsbvn NORTH CAROLINA' LARD.' In noia. , r ot aate ay May2&. iTALLOU'S Pld'OIUAL, A ND the Flag of our Union, fbrSatvrdey, Jane 2nd. Received .adoraia a t May 29. . W. WHITAKER, THE WONOKRFUL AND AMU - IHTG7 DO WGS OF OSCAR SHANGHAI by Sea and Laad-Juat published t roUcd and for sate r . S. W. WUrTASvayR'. May 29. . . I pabltstu-d every f'pKSDs,1'u0Air aat. Sav0baV at n just Saniv fyaM iaajtcM r uuvtfBtA-'. , . ' . . a'. l a tl AS lOiiIMG Ranom. aft roa, Coriterfraiit iti Market fttreeta, t WlljttKOOIi. . "" ' A una fl . r-. (r r-n V r v w n I ar. iimeniea b 50 t arr. ifioAr 6tT t a " 75 n i ' 1 " 1 00 J I 6 " lwtMtb, 2l li - 12 00 Ta tiaes er toss-wake aatmrer 1 mndvKF tiaanietit ecd i haa, me piUa-viW bm ia pfoprtia. . AU lerfiaeieta are eyaDlair tk lime af (Mrtftnecnoa.' , - - Cxirpt wtiii vearty dertisrs wUl k OTaaV cm tbaasost llbertU leriaa. . , Tfo iraasfer f oiracts.rr vearHr aaveHtsfas wi he awrmittad. aMrir etetMttnecB randjn' aaaessarv, a rhiwge aecordxiix to. tite pa' iitsiiea Lterartti win be at the n'rAion of lJa contractor, fur the thna Ire has advcnl-). - - Tha privileca of Aaoual Advertisers Is stHtl limited to their own ruimcdiate business; and srf adyeniaeiTH-aiator the benefit of otiter rson's, a wall as il advertiacnti'ttla nolfrnmedittlrty or ercated wh h their ovi bositrrsH, and alle.xcrsaoV aitvertlaemeara in length or wttierwtac Vey-'nd trie limits nrtig4, wfl he chargvd at tha tMual riea. . Ti0 Advertiaenienta Is iat-hidrd- in the MtTl for ho sale or rent of house or lndeia town r onntry or for. the sale or hire of tfgeoea, wheth er the property is 1wnrd by th adverti? or by other par9oas. Ttiee are -excluded-by lh term All i iverietaents inserted l the tri-wecklv Coftmenitd. are entitled to owe iesanton Ln the It eWi free m ehre. - - job, ctnn An H4Vtr nniVTiifG, BIECCTEB It SEPKaiflg STYLE. ir KOK TrtR COHMRItCIALt Naw Ybt Msv. DouKKEB 4l PoTTra. fioiim Chasu'Smith- Sk6. Central Wharf. BaUitnarti-Wm. H. FaABSiad Wm..Thom 250 RAGS for sale fcv May 19. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. ' BACON.. : LOTef superior .No. Ca. Bacn, Hams and iXSkrpa, Just receied. arid for sale bv May 19. FRKEMAN oVHtjCSTOX. MONONGAUEEA & RYE WHISREY 10 r KBL.S. for sale by April 1U.; 1 . N. BAftLOW. 1-HE TTiM'DKRStGNF.nhavepnrchaaed the en tire IntereM of P. K. DICKINSON e CO. in rhe Gason Mills, and of PARSLP.V, McKAE CO. in ihfl Hilton Milla: and have associated themselves tosether uader the firm of PARSLEY, 1 CtvVACO. - Ttx-y will eomimiethe transaction of rhe .em ber Busint-ss in all its hranebest and hops M re- tain the corrcsuondnce of ibe old Firna. . . 1 - . , ROT. H. (JO WAS, . iSO. McRAK. - W-'-O JONF.S, -DA VtD 8. COWAIf. AprUIO.rsS. . . .. 12-cf. Journal and Herald enpy. - JUST RECEIVED r . - - . Vr Sckr. L.. F. Smttt. 1 r KF.ai New. Kuiterj K Boxes Cheese;' 1 J Smoked Beef, Beef Tongnesr Coffee, Sugar, Crushed Suirtu-, Pwdsred ugar, and a variety ot Fresh Cfcti unary , dec. &c. -AprU24. .GEO. M VERS. jfORSALU T BBLS "PtiMiiing Potatoes, yellow and 1 V- Kj ch ica 40 tjbU. Apeta-i. j4 Ter4ved 4 40 tjbln. Apela-9, tnnt Ter4vei W. M. SHKR WOOD CIV. 141, and for Mh by. HERRING BBLS. PmI Herring-. Dry-saltrdj Ot I 30 do. reand ds Just reeelved, and for sals by , ADAMS, BRO. fCO . May 8. -J ... . . Z . WILKINSON -& ESLER f AVE on hand, and make toordrr, H sic, Moss, J.A. Shuck and Kelt Ma' trasses, I'llluws, Kola ters, Sheets. Cases, .Spreads, Cumforta, Mosquito Xcittnr; also repair Solas Cbatra, die., or any kind of Upholaierer a work. May24. , . . . -.31 AVE DAVE NOW ON BAND A VP. R V large and hsndsome ' asaoriment of XI Paper Hangings, Borders, Screens, Oecwra tisns.Ae , which we wilisell very low forCASH and hang, theta ia the latest styles. VVILKIMSON FSLF.R, Uphotsiera and Papsf-Hangera. .May 24. II CANDIES. V CONSTANT supply of assorted Caodies at a. wholesale and retail, r or sale Sy L. N. B A RLaDW, Feb. 6. No. 3 OrsnitaJCow, Front-st. TOE CAROLINA CULTIVATOR. N O. J, (Miy) received single copies for ante and suDscriDliona received at My 15. S. W. WHITAKER;S. . SACK SALT. tZg?i SACKS in prima order, for sale-by OUU Feb. 13. , . J. R, BLOSSOM. . NOTICE. HtlftSt Iirbled tame irtdivIdunlV. or to f L npiR dbOOt. will picas eaM and mel pay ment without delay, aa furtlier indulaem-e cannot bs riven. . . . - v. wriiB,. Mat 17. J . -28 vlliliiULkJ illll aUMkU VillJ FilKSH suptHies, received every week, and tor sale low by . , - L. N. BARJ.OW, lay 17. No. 3, GraniM Roar, Kront st- COFFEE. 30 HAGS Rio, . 45 M Liiguyrs, Id '.jJava. .Forsatebv pars T . ZKNO ft, GREENE. sj ay i. , . ; - ,.. FRESH IMPORTATIONS. JUST Rrerved,.'hia day, ICtf bbU. assorted T.l tiars. Wins and Usriiials y French BraadyVfa rishth pipca A no eff ad Cordial) Prrti-cl Lovei BUek berry Braady j Raua New B truer ; Carned Beef Toaswesf JVo. I Mackeref Ac. Atihe ortg rU FnTMly Grocery, Front street. ' May 12. - . . . GEO. MYF.RS. MOKE FRUIT. WK ar aiarvtiy SMriving' Irr Jtpiia of Fnilran4Conrtiaaries. Thaaohr. R. W Brown ha just atriwd frsm-New TmK, and ws low offer tor iant : - Boxes- m msM Oenagsa ta Lnos t Hu a Fa Sre8y Fravt-aaA. a Urge wqavsat f Coatectonery snd Fancy ArticW Pgr sals M rha varletjrStsrenader the fTersld Gflice, Market slroet." WH. R. DlIKALR. Mjtp 4. . ' 31 . . Z . ; , THKSsBssrAer aaaby givtss not ica nasi wvis dav se Lints troan tha aibim, CarDeterfBa bsal- , which wilf tatvrm be eoodtw tsd si iha ld 1 stand r. .la Sou AEJSS. J. CAS1UJJ4.Y. tor whorAl bespeak the same bhcral Daarostac .wbitli hss herot afore bfeaezuhdrd tft we. Ail per as haviog-cfaims searnst msrwlti pressrH Jten, snd aM ovreiag ate w$ please call and set lie Marea 1st, IBa. - -.i ' JESSE . CASSIDEY, W1 ILL eontiaae iby boaiavess formerly Condoet ad bv Mr. JAMES CASSIDKr. (at th Mnw place,) and carry it oa1aafl It braacaea, fad softcrtsa saareor MsepaaiM patrons f. - ruiBgoa, n.c,!aiarea if t, ibios. Mu-n. fqb Warding t cujumissiots MERCHAXT.:! WII.WIKGTUN,!. C. f Sppl.'th. 1654. . 8S-17n. ttr si cfiOitvhiin 3U frv I . UJ I OilOHIIVVV v rtjnDUESAtB Geoceraaad Vm(niaiov Mtrt TUt coaslghsaeass ? Naval rtrorrm, together with joihmi, riaeuo,Laid,Got,lal, t iaor, Sa.,shai Co Lecr the higheat marke pxlce. IlS-rf . . J. D. LOVE, MASV rCtVRER AS it DEALS Jt lit - UABhNET FUKNITUKE, , BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, M ATTJ1 ESS ESI dwj.otc. Vront street, South ot' Market, BROWN'S BOILDIItO, WILMI1COTOW, M-.-C. S;pj. 16. 1854. . . 78-y-e J. C. LATTA COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL - 'AGENT W LLMIN GTON, C. Oct.J,I854 . - 6S-ty-e. UPHOLSTERS & PAPEB DANGERS, KEEP OX HAND AND MADJB TO ORDER, ALU tresses, Feather Beds, Wui&wto Curtains and Fixtures. ' All work ia the ahove line donesthor4a No tice. Wilmington, IN. u., Market 91. March 18, 1854. 1. JOSEPR R. BLOSSOMf Grseral CommhsIOn aai Forwardins Slenhait Prompt peranual attention given to tonstttt ments ior-Sale or Stiiptueat . Libtral CH adtance made on Conaigriment t. me or to my New York friend. I Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. ,, r US. " W. C." HOWARD, ' ' GKNERAL Commission and Forwarding lBcr cxanC, VVilmirtto- N. C - tJoerul Jash advances uiaOoon Lonai;tmcnta. Nov. 29, 1833. - o . 103-if c. ovru. DAHIKL . KS. V. DoPRE & CO. i GENERAL AGENT'S COMMISSION AMD fJR WARDING IW lilt CHANTS, , - WILMINGTON . C. July 22d, 1854. - S4-12ms. j Ansa Ajrwrasow. . tovM hum. AM) HUS ON & SAVAGE. . GENERAL CO t fISSfON MERCHANTS WILMINGTON N.O. Liberal nah advaaees' raada n consign merits. March 27. 1854. . J . 94. , RUSSELL & BROTHER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS . WILMINGTON. If. C. Liberal cash idn:es' made on eon'ignmpntsof Naval toro. Cotton, and other produce.7 May a, 1354. C. D.DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND RITAL DEiUBS III Druirs. Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oil 1 Dve Stufls, ila Perfwaary, Cigars, OldllquOrs, Kaucy Artlclesc.,, MARK KT STRKKT, W1I.MINUTON, Fl, C. Prescriptions -arefally-ionipaunded byexperl ncediraona. . - s March 28. 1864. . WILLIAM JL.G.VYBl, Central t'entFarwarJingiforaiaiiAion Strthant I taka'nleasurs in f nformin" my friends, thxt t am prepared to give M batinesaentravieri to me KfBcieat an.l porsoaal attention. I naves wnart lor Naval Stoves, wttrf simple aecommodatloas, Spirit 14. hi sc, "and vVurehoao. Consisnmenta of ftava Stores for sals or ahiataeat 1 and all kinds of coun trv nrolnso aolicitsd. Cash advancea made on eonrdnmnts Jtpril 19,1854. IS. WILLIAM IT, PEARE, COllEOTOl SD ADTtRTIfINC iCFKT. Fr Coontry Newspapers throaghevt tb United States, Basement of Snn Iron B Uinga,Ba1tlnarsrrec .All business eclrasted 10 iris car transacted promptly . on Jiocral terms. ej.t7, 1854. " ! M-tf JAMES E JIETTS, COMMISSION Sr FORWARDING MERCHANT. tTlliHINGTON, N . C. Aaguai 26th, 1854. 69-lf. T. C. & B. G. WORTn. coiaissioi m fjuwarding MEKcflm?, WILMINGTON, N. C. . Jaa 17, 1864.,. . s 125 SAS. f PS 'T SWAT. . SSITCITSTT PETTEVVAY & PRITCRETT. General Commi-wlati tv4 Forwarding Mer- Ctf ANT. ALSO WHOLESALE GR0CJCR3, NOitTH WATER STREET, " WitistiioTaa,- N . C. Fsmnt attention will b given -lo tka aal ol .Naval Stores and all kind of Produce. Intend kaesiag aar assortment f Groseris, u quors ana I'fovtpiorra, , . v , July 19. JOSEPH H. FL INNER, -General Commission Blerehant, WILHINUTOS, S. C May 9tl. 1854. ,. 87-ly-. " JAS. n. CHDBOURN& co ,; General Commission Merchants, VTIWIUrGTOM. N. C. Jab. fl. Cn Aasovav. Gao. Cm adsousw. HENRY NUTT, FlCTngiO FWiRDHlJ AC EST, , JfSlgivs his personal attention to b eetinr intrust- - sd It his re. .Sa.5. 1854- . 78-lyie. : G EQRG E; XI YERS, - WHUESALE AID tmiit twizi Keeps constantly an hand, Wmts. 'Teas, Liquor. Pros Uiom,Wod tnd Wilbne Wkrt, fruit, Con ftriionarirMg-c . Sulh Fromtrirtsl, Wtl.MINGTlIN, M. C. 1Tw.l, 1853 W9. . KENAN T. HO B CAN, rO&WAADUfQ dt TOMMISSJOS MKRCUST CHER AW, ST. C. Marea tf, 1855. ' 5-6m-. - BENNETT k CROKAW, ' OOMMlSSfOH MERGHANT9, 10 Mm lit sboab aa-aasT, ikv i un.B.. . April 7r 1855. . ro-ty-f. OUINCE&COWANs frnofESAi.B Asrn r eta 11. grocers; VKALERS IN WINKS 4 LIQUORS. Corner of Front sad Princes streets', -WILMINGTON, PT.C. , Jaly 8. . . 56. o yy LBS. WAVNK CO. BACON, Hoj wivuvy Roaaa, lor sale or marea m. . C. DpPRE a ca" BUSINESS CARDS. t ll. ViHlixaUKt.tN.1. W A Ai. VHlhKKLXK. ' V ANLOKKKLEN & BROTHER, - VIMiNGTON; N. C ' Mannfaeturers el and dealei a in Naval Stores. Storage and Wtvarlaga lor r rod ace lurnirhed at i'air rate naihsT insarahce, if Uesiitd. Jan.l. 122-tf- ' O. O. ntCESlN. ' OEOIM UOBsTOH MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, i . D. C iFREEMApV di CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T FKOXT sTIIEUT, ' NEW VORK. ' FEEEIHAS AND HUCSTflS, WIUlIXCTOn, C l'KriP const a mly oa hand a stock ol Elonr, IVCarn, fort. Bacon. SaU. Coffee, Sa gar. Mo la em. Tobacco, Cigar: Snuff, Candle, Soap, o elrn n Uomesitc-L.ptore ana rrineet rpn. Nails, Painle, Oi7, Glasa, Domeetic Hot; Boots, Shoes. LeaJ Iter. Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for lamilyttAd plan tation use and thsrtlail trade, which they will dispose of ) n lota to suh dealers or consumers on reasonable terms lor cavn.oria exenange itns. vaj Stores orwihcr produce.- - v - t . " . The senior nartner . C. Fbcimaw.U locaTedin the city Z'f New Vork .he junior pnrtnert'Go. Hsustow, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on c n-i3n neats to and from cither alace. All bn?ineas fentrosted 10 them will receive proper attention ; and order for Goods will be protnptlvand carefully filled. . ' j Sept. 9, 1H54. : .,- tJEU. HAltiUSS, -CTeueriil Comniissiou merchant, . lTIIiMISiGTOSIr N. V. O sod surchasinz Cargoca for vessels. v Ultra ro K. P. Mall, Ksq". " O. G. Parnlejr. Kq- lvvifb,.rn. " I. A. Tayi r. Ksq. i " ." . , J. D. Bella ny, J-.id. ) Messrs. Tsofcer, tnyih at Ca. j New fork. ' Thompson & I ranter. Alex'r.'Hcrron, Jr. Philadelphia Messrs. Williams & Butter, ? r'i."-i... c c H K. Baker. Ksq. $ . Jan. 2. 1854. ' 123-tf. I. WE8 3F.V.J H. (U TILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MKROHANTS & WHOT.F. SALR GROCERS, North Water St.,-WiK minfflon. N. C. intend ta keen at the abovr atanda irenera I assortment of Groceries, Liqaors, and ProvMons ai wholesale- and to cairy on a Genera tConimission Kusinrss. eras iici : K. P.Hall PrcVi Br'ch Bank of the State.'!' O. G t- Parsley, Preat Commercial Bank. - VVif. I. K. Dickinson, F.tq . - Poppc On. ? New York- - Dollaer A Potter. $ wew orK Jan.20 1854. , 131. GEO U.KELLY. - - COMMISSION MERCHANT. - Nexldont H A. A. Wennet's,OR North vVaterat arillotread to tbe sale of all kinds of Countrv Pro iuoe.su-h at Corn, Peas. Meal, Baeon .Lard .&.. ind will keep constantly on hand a fall shpplyof Groceries. e. Reference!. Wille Hall of Wayne, Jno JcRae, Wilmington WtJaraway. Gen. Ala.. Mrftie. K -P.ll M, VUmingt6a ,WihV A.WrlMt. " Dec J3, 1853. . 115-ly. IAS., T. XniXESPIB. TJBO. B. CILLESTl E. JAM 144 '. OILLRsPIR t X -PRODUCE AND FORWARDING . AGENTS WILM1NGTOY, N C. Paiticnlar attniiiMi paid to-the receipts end Sale nt Naval Stores, Timber, Iwnber, Corn, Bacon, Cot . ton, de., dc. March 30, 1865. ' 6. . 1 ' 1 1 . S. M. WEST, lictioneer tai Commission Merchant, tVIIj.MI NG TON. N. C. VTTILL sell or buy Real Kstat and Negfoe a vv a small comjuissian. Strict attention jfivento the sale of Timlr, Tar- penttne, Tar, or any kind of Country produce.. O.Rce soeond door, Soath side ot Market street on the wliarr. June 12. 1854 33 ly W. r. MOORR. JNO-. A. STAWLT. 1. W. JONES. MOORE, STANLY & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ocf.2Sih, 186. V3. C. MYERS, WIIOLF-S A LK AND RETAIL DF.ALF.R IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CASES. Vo. 1 Granite Raw. FroiitSAireet. WOOL, Fur. Silk, and MoUskin Hats, Cloth, Plush, and Silk Gx.-d Caps,- by the case or dozen, at Ww vork WHolesae 1'riccs. - Nov. . 99. 'D.CASnWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, UIL..11I XCTOX, N. C. Sept. SO. - . 84 If T.C.WORTH, General.. CommisMioD Merchant, I IjH I Jf ITON N . C. 'rTSUAL advances made on consign meM is of Co t- J ton,-Nval Stores and other produce PMieular attention criven by G. VV. Davis Io pur chasing cargoes, procuring trelghts for vessels, &c. iHsrcA X, l.64. - liH-lyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL, '.(SUXESSOdX TO TBdS. iUBUNE k CO ) General Commission Jtlercbants, No 32, North Wharves,- ind A3 North Water St, HASVCr COCHIAI, ur, U. SIM SELL. Liberal eash ilvaacea made pa consignments, Jy 30th, ra54 - 18-if, .aOLl.KF.fU O. POTTIR. i. CAVEIJJCJI DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, misw l una. AprflSO, 1854. 20-ly.pd L. N. BARLOW, WI10LESALE 4 RETAIL GROCER, asid BKALea ia LIQUORS -WINES ALE. PORTER, 4. Ne 3, eraiviie Kew. Kraat Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, IP55. . 140-tf. FREIGHT. ALL. freight on Naval Stores by Cape'Fear line of Boats, will hereatterbe Vollee'ed at Wli mingrtin rron. T.U. B.Q. WOoTH. Jan. il 131. PORK; -f AHkiTiBBLS. City Mess, received per City Mess. received per schr. 1WU Edward Kidder, and for sale nv or sale I Fe6.I7. j.h. planner: HAVING perfected other erranermVnts.the un drrsieaed ofier their entire stock of Groceries, Tin and Wooden Ware, foe cash only, at greatly re duced prices. .. Q.UINCE k COWAN. Marco. 17, 185a.- - i. .. ' . 5 JHeratd aod Jouroal copy; . . ItrmnS Ail-rU le TooUivrsa. TO THE LADIES. ' "V OT H1NO adds mnre to beauty than clean, i white Teeth, and Gvena of headby color. The most t -boiiIuI face ind vertnllRoa lips become repulsive, if the Liner, when Ihey open, el hi bit the horrible spectacle of negcted teeth. AH who uish clesn, while Tteth, healthy- Gams and a aweet breath, should give GERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. For s;.l by C.& D. DcPRE,-Agehls, WllmlngtoB N.C. Sept. 30. . 84. PERFUMERY . ' JUST received from Nov Vork and Philsdel I hi . Gross Lubins's Extracts for the Handk'fi do. do. Toilette Soaps 1 do. -,Glenny Mush Toilette Wsterr do. do. Verbena do. -de. . do. Yankee Soap 1 - d'. Camphor Soup 1 ". ;-. do.- Pominc do. A rare assortment of Hsir Brushes, and a num ber of fane "article usnslly kept-in Drug Stores. C. Jk D. DcPilE, WheloMie OreggUia, Oct. 3. Market-st., Wilmington, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA MJJTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, ' RALlUli; N. C. rHJi aba ve Company hrs been jnoperationsincc .the lsu-t April, 84,3, under (he dirccUoaof lb foUowinj, Officers, viz : Or.CharlesK. Jonhson.Preatdent, Wu.O. Haywood, Vice Presides, Jaiucs F. Jordan, Secretary , W in. H.J onea, Treasure, Pcrrin Mnsbee, Atlorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, j mr..tri r Dr.Wm.H.McKee. 5 Mtduat Board of - Df.it.B. Haywood, 5 Consultation. J. Heremnn, General Agent. ' This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages tothe insured over any other ComDonv. The 5h Section gives the Hnsband the nrlvileee to insure his own lile for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimsof tho rrpresenta ivesof the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate ja the ir10eof the Drofits which are declared annually i'esides, tho aDDiicaht for life, when ihe annua I premium is over$30 ma v pay L.II. I. ' . J ' JIKU9I1 I'll ll(l. All claims for insurance i against the Company will e paid within ninety Java after oroof of the death ti the party is furnished. , Slaves are insured for one or fi ve veare. at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this cla'sof properily against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new nnd interesting feature in the history of North Carolina. which will prove very Important to the southern Slates The last four months operation fthis Comnanv shows a very! argenmount of business more than tne Utrectors expected 10 do the first year having already issued more than 300 Policies. Dr. Wm. rv. I iabrisb. Medical Examiner, and Allornm.inicatlonaonbusincssof iheComnan iiuuiu ueauuresscu to IJ I J . ' J -- ,r JAS. F, JORPAN.Sec'y. Raleigh. Jsn. 25, )S54. if. our moTtiJ AT THE WllmlngVoH saddle, Itainess, ahd Trnuk ' Manalaetory. T HE subscriber rcspectlaily in forms t hep ablic JL thai ht-.li.is recently received additions to bis stork bl Saddle ahd Harnesn Mountincs.dic.. the latest and hi out Improved style, and rs tonstanly nanuiacuiring,ai nisstoreon iiiariictyt reel. every oi-scripiiofl 01 artlcK-in tne anovc llne f rom hi 4xpcrH-nct-in the business , he feels confident lbs Huwmi bealTiato givesntirc s.itisf action to silwh ina lavorhiiu with a call, licliamowon hand and willconnaiitly keen a large sssortmen tof Bddtis. Whips, dc, Gentlemen's Saddles, Wkipl Spurs, ic. "?allef which he will wan ' ii ( he best mnieri.als and wc S Hi tins also a Inre as rrant lo be of? orkmansliip. f f re-e nsaortnipnl of trunks. allocs, Saddle and Carpet Rags, aciiel. ! anry Trunks, Ac:, and all other ar ticles usuatiy Kept ja suc-n estaOlisliments, oil o which be offeri low for CA&'Hror on shoitcredi 10 prompt customers. Saddles, Harncss.Tranfes, Retiica I Bags, tc 4c. nude 10 order. . Iaaddition tothe .above tke njibecriberal wayi seeps on uanu a lareesuppiv 01 siring lienncr. hand baa now, and wiH ke"p through the sea son-a goon assort men toti-iy AL-tts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whether In wantor not, nil takeolenBureinshew ingmy assort men t to all who may favor me with a can. . - HarnessandCoadi Trimmings sold at fal piiee te persons baying 10 manufacture. - Also. Whir st wholesale. . Allkindaof Riding Vehicles bobgh 1 r. . old on enmmis-ions. JOHN J . CONOLEV . Feb. 7, 1854. - 138 . . WILMINGTON , MARBLE AND STONE YARD. IHE Subscriber having accepted the agency of several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or anfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all 40 a titles, is prepared to nil all orders for HtlNUMBNfSAND TOM II STON ES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rales. SCULPTURING. LETTERING 0RCARVINQ. Executed a 1 veil as can be done either North.or South. Thebest reference can be given. If required. . JAS. McCLARANAN. Xan.6, 1854. - tf. THOS. B. CAR R , 31. D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for theiost !enyea,r, a. unarge lor 10 or leas artificial teeth on fine gold plate, V each, 7 00 An entire set of Jcfth en fine gold platet 150 00 I Ditto - on gold with artificial gums, ,' 150 00 Ditto on i'Utina Hate with artifi cial gums, . 15C 00 TJpper or under ditto, rath, . 75 CO A Pivot loeth ihat cannot be distinguish- ' ed from the natural, . " S'OO A fine gold filling, varranted permanent. " 2 CO Do. and destroying the nerve. 1 3 to 5 0 Extracting a tooth. ' 60 cts. to 1 0 Best dentifrica and tooth brufhes always on hand. Every operation'trarranVfd' togivecntlre salfcfae- tkin. Teeth Inverted iminediattly alter tne exirac ttoa f th faags,and-remodoled after trie gums have shrunken without additional charge. Office on MarkeUst , 2 doors below the Church Wilmington, N. C, April 2T. 16-tf. VOW is the lime lo have your rooms and pas L sagea papered with deesralions, fine or com- man, aa we have large assortments on nana, ana superior woikmrs from New Vork, who will hang paper ia latest st) les. WILKINSON A ESLER. July 2s. Paper Hangers and Upholsterer. E. R. DURKEE, 139 WATER STREET NEvV-YOHK, - 'Maaiifaclnrer and Proprietor of . OCKIEE'JS TEiST OK BiEISC FOWDEB, - ' Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SUP. CARB. SODA, , . SAL M)DA. CASTILE SOAP, - " BLACK LEAD. " BRITISH LUSTRE, REF0 PEARLASH, SALERATUS, . COOKING EXTRACTS.' MATCHES WAX i.d WOOD. Dec. 23rd, 1854. . UT.ly-e. NOTICE. THEsubscrjberespectfuIly inform lh public, thathe ia nowTranascdor the Auetlon'basioes' 6a his own account, and hope by strict alteationto business, to merit s continuance oiinsi patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed apon him. as . o R.JC a. i . Stock. Real Esta te a nd Nearoea. bought and sold Or a rommissitm ol 1 per cent either at private ot pontic sale Jaatf.lBbt. , DOCT. JOHNSTON, DALTIMOfli; L4H.1A HOSPITAL. WHERE may be obtained ihe l:ot spi rr'y, plensam and effectual remedy In ihe wor d for ali SECRET DISEASES..! Gonorrhotr, Gleets, Strictures, Si mlaal Tik nesa. Pains in Ihe Loin, Consriiaiinrisl Derxlity, lmpotency, Weakness of the Back and l.lnit s, At tention oi the Kidneys, Palpitation ill the 11. nut, lysrria, Nr.vons Iniubl iiy. blttstes M lie. Head, ffiroat Nose or Skin t and all tnvtr ttiious and melancholy disoidVrsarti-ing from the destruc tive habitsof V oirth, which destroy bo:h lel and fnind, those Secret and solitary practices niore f.itsl io their victims than jh sons of '.lie yrt,s to the mariners cf Ulyssess, blighting th-lr inori biil lisnl hopes or snticiputlons, rt ndeiing tnani.-ge. At., impessibl. YOUNG MEN. I Especially, who liave become rhe vlcrlmsof SoUc ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit u hii h aonnsliy sweep lo an untimely grave Ihwt.sanc's i.f young men of the most exalied talents and briili.ir t intellect, who might olherwim. have entranced hf tening Senates with the thunders of elor.uenre. r waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with fell confidence. ., i MARRIAGE. .Varripr'n,oriho8ec.-ntcmpIatingm3rriiire, fceing aaareof physical weakness, should immf St ately consult Jr. .J., and be restored t perfect health. , He whoplaces himself undrtheean?of Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a ten tleman.and confidently rely upon hisskill asa phv ician. , f r OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St . (east i,t. lUP THE-STF.PS, JjTBE PAHTICULAllinobscrvinptheiTA.Vr nd NUMBER. or you will mistake the place A CURE .V TWO DA YS, OR NO CD A ItGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drug Used. TAKE NOTICE, j Da. Johnston is the only regularly F.duatni Physician who advertises his veiy extensive Pine tiae, and hi many Wonderful Cur.'s is a sufficient guarantee to the affiictt d. Those mio visk to be speedily and effectually cured, should shun the numfr ous trifling imposters, who only ruia their littilth, and npply to Dr. Johnston. BR. JOLXSTOX, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Lofi(!en graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges if the United States, and the greater part el w hose life haa beenspeal ia the Hospitals-ol London, Par is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, hss ellecu-d aii of lh most astonishing cures that werever kneiwn Many troubled with ringing in the ears nnd head v hen asleep, great nervouensss, being olanned si sudden sounds, and bashfumess.. wiih frfiuenr blushing. attended sometimes with dtrnnri rA-nt ol mind, were cured immediaiely. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When thenivguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he ha imbibed the med of .liia painful disease, it .too often happens thai an ill-limed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, Irom edueaiior and respectability, ean alone bt friend him, delay ing till Ihe constitutional tyemptoms of this horrid disease make their appciirur.ee. u h is ulcerated core throat, diseased nose, noctural pains in tho head and limbs, dimness of aighl, deuinefs, nndes On the shin bones and arms, blotches orv the head , facend txtremitiss -progress on with frlhtlul rs pidity, till al last the pajuie'of the tnoVh or the boneiiof the nose tail in. and the- victim of this awful disease becontes a horrid object of commie. serutioD.tlll death puts a period lo his dreadtu! suf ferings, by tiding him to - that bouu e from wtieoca nd traveller returns. ' To rqcti llicrelo-e, Dr. Johnston plages himxelf w preserve the most invirtlabhrsef-ictyt and, from hi estcnive prac tice in the first fiospiialsin Europe and Ameiieu, hscsn confidently lecornmend a safrMind sreedy ur lo ihe unfortunn'e victim of ibis horrki dis ease. It is n melancholy Tact, that thousnnds full victims to thi dreadful disease, owing" io ihe un rkilftilness ol ignorant pretendets, who. by the use of that deatfly poison mercury, ruin Ihe corif titii ton, and cither fend the unfortpnote sullen r to nn untimely grave, or else make'the residue of life mi, erable. , j TAKE PAR TICULA R NO TICE. Dr. J.aJdressesalltnose who haveinjured -them. selves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the sad nnd melancholy ef fects, produced by eaiiy habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mnscu'nr Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspcpj.y, Nervous irritability, Derangement ef the Digestive Func tions, Gancral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion. Ac. I Mtnlally The fearful tfTecfs on the mind sre much lo be dreaded; Loss of Memory. Contusion of Jdeas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Forebodines, Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, I.ovc of Soli tude. Timidity, dtc.. are some of the evils prod used. Thousands of persons of allae' S, can nowjude what I the caure of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, and emacia ted, have, a .singular appearance about the eyes, cough snd svmpiomsof consumption. MarrUd Persons, or those contemplating mar riage, bting aware of phvsicpl weakness, khuuid i mined iatcly consult Dr. J. and be restored to j tr fect health. j DR. JOHiVSTON'S INVIGORATING REMK DV FOR, ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great nnd important remedy weakness of the organ is speedily cured and full vigt r res-ore?. Thousand of the moat Nervous and Debilitated Individuals who had lost alt hone, have been irmiu -diateiy. relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE, J . Physical or Mental Disqualifications Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings and V eak-ne s, or cxhaurtion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. ' I Young men who have Injured themselves by n .certain practice indulged in when akne a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, ihe effects of which are filthily felt, even wiyn Bsleep, and if noj cured, renders maniage impossible. srd destroy both mind and body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of hi. eountryt arid tho darling of his parents, -riioiJd b snatched ftQm all prospects a nd enjoyments of In. , by the Consequences of deviating from the aili .1' nature, and Indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persona, before contemplating . . MARRIAGE. I Should reflect that a sound mind and boc'y jik ihr most necessary requMM-s' to promote connnt ial hsppiners. Indeed, without these, tho journey through life becomes a wearj pilgrimage: the pros pect hourly darkens to the view; the mind seci rues shadowed with despair and filled with the ni'l.m- eholy reflection ihat the happiness of another tc enmes btiahted with our own. I OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-fsT.. - BaltImobb, Alo. AH Surgical Operations Iei formed. N. B- Let no f.ilse delicacy prevent jcu, but pply Immediately either personally or ti KiU r. Hkln I)lseae speedily Cared. JO STRANGERS. ! The many thousmds cured this insiitarion ith- in the latt leu years, and ihe numerous impor tant Surgical Operations perfotmd by Dr. J., wii nessed by Ihe Reporters of the papers, and mnnv other persons. notices of which have appeared spin and again Del ore tne public, Is a snnie.tent guaran ree that the afflicted will find a skilful and honora ble physician . " TAKE NOTICE. Il la whh Ihe rreatesl reluctance lha I Dr. JOH N. STON permit his card to appear before the cubiir- deeming it unprofessional for phvtlckin to adver tise, but e nit ss h did mo, the sfTtcird, espeeially strangers, could not fall lofall into the hnnds r f those impudent, boasting imposters. individual destitute of knowledge, name and charactir. rwd- lars, shoemakers, mechanics, Ve., advertising thrm- elve pnyienj Ignorsni (uacks; riii fU'iy. lying tertificales of Great Wonderful Cure Iroitt nerson who cannot be found, or obtained for a few dollars from the Worthless snd Degraded, and many other cunning and contemptible ariifices lo emic the afflicted, trifling month after menih. or us ions possible. and in despair. Irsve ro with ruine I health.to Iga over yoer rallinn disppointmnt. It l (his motive that induces Dr. J. U adverti. for hs alone osti curs you. To 'here unacquainted with hit reputation, he deems It necessary i, sny that his credentials or diplomas always hang in hi Office. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS IramcUisteiv cared, and full vlror restored. I O-ALL LETTERS POST-PAID REM F. DIES SENT BV MAIL. ' j All Letters mast b Paid and contain a Poring Stamp for the reply, or a answer w II he sent. Jan. 9a, . Ii3-ly 4