1 " gaagwa '1 JOB, BOOK, V C A IB 3D -A If. 3D-IP A nDT - cobnis or raONT and mrkkt strrets, . : WILMIITQTON '2f. C Particular Attention paid to. the Following kind of Letter Press Prlntirg. HI Da of Exchange, WU of Coding, Hook, Cart., v Catalogues, iCertificute, . Chtci-s, ...... ircMiirt. iri7. Entries of Merchandise. HandbUU, Isabel Law Blanks, ' Pnmpltlets, Poster, Receipts, R.iles qf Freight. 4.. f-c. fc And PLAIN AND FANCY PKI'TING, of eve ry description, d-ne in ibe neatest man- oer, nd on the m-t reasonable terms. Wilmington. Ausutu 17, 1984. STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITHYILLE. Si TH E United State Mail Steamer SPKAV, Cap. John H Price., witi ."TTarai a leave Wilmington lor Smithville. Tuesdav, Wednesday, an I Tnursday afternoons at, 3 o'cl'ck. and Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock Leave Nimthvi li- lor Wibnineton on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: morninge at 6 tfclock. Pa-.-ise one Do'lar ' Children and Servant halt' price. Freight at customary rates. - Apply to Captain on board, or to A. H. VANBOKKELEN. So. Wharvr June 16. - " - - 4t-if FOR FLORIDA via CHARLESTON r.Al NAVASiNAH. The eommo- -fc. TfV-tJdioiia U. S Mail Steamer OA ROL1- VrTSvi-Yf iv M- oxetier, piaster, wilt le,.ve WILMINGTON tor CH KI.ErTO v, SA- V A vNAH.JACKso WILLE, PICOLATA and PA I.ATK A, touching at the intermediate linoing? omh St. John's Kivcr, on Thursday I Vth July For fieignlor pa: sis-- tnei'herof theabove point apply to UANKIN at il A ltll.v, Agents. Juno 2b - 45-i-t. PALMER'S PATEXf LEG. THIS Amen an invention stands on- rivalled, both in this country and Europe It is worn bv 1.0' K) persons, and with m st astonishing kucct sK. In competi tion wi'h 30 othet substitutes ol' the best French, English and German m-tnttfar- tor-, it received nr award ol the on a at MLDAL at th HoLd's EXHIBITION 111 l.ndn, aa the best artiricl i limb known In this country It has been thirty litre exhibited in competition with all other. at l he annui Fairs in t' e principal elt lest, and ha, in exery Instance, received the award ot the highest or first pretni nm, Mud as a rrownli.g honor, by the uoani nous approval of an internal lorml council, the ''hiw Premium onlt HiJvsr Medal given for Limbs was awarded the inv-ntor, a the New York Crys tal r-liice. 1 no Iff is veil ventilattd allowing a current of air to pas around the stump, keeping il cool in summer. ami'hieis giving full information, sent gratis to every applicant. - . , 4 B FRANK PAI.MFR, 376 Chesnut street. Phila l-lphin. June 29, . 45 3m-c IIARJIAN'S HOTEL .ATE WASHINGTON AND LAKAVETTE.) WAS THIS DAT OPKNEB BY THE I'!5 ubscubcr. formerly propiieior of the Kjy. lllM etievillr lioti I. and is iiow tuadv ior the ac- 'Cutiiiiiodatiko ol travelers. - ' JNO. HARMAN. Wilmington June 7. 37-tf. SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. " . BRUNSWICK COtNTY. gnperior Court of Law. Spring Term, 1855. I T uppe:irlna to tl.e Court that a Special '1'crnt of the Superior Courr is- neeessury, it is there fore . '. ... . OistiiD, That a Term beheld On the fourth , Moad.iy in July, and thai the. Clt-rk of uii- D.-neii in ma town or n llimnir'un. This therefore, in to notify all suiters, witnesses and ill "iher per ns wh h.tve unsettled husinp-i.-' n ih Civil O'loket in s iid Court, to attend at the Conrt tluunln StFiiihville at h time aforesaid VNnrlesw. W m Knviih, Clerk of our jid Court at Office in Smithville, this the 6iii day of June A. U., 1855. AM. SMITH, Clerk Superior Court. June 12. 38-214 : C WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. rT'HK Koriy -fourth Session of Wake Forest Col- X lege will open'on the4th Mond iy in July. - .. WJI. il.OWEN.Sec'y. June C8- .... 46-1 It ' WELL'S PATENT ' . A ,NKW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all '.ii Accidents from the nse of Burning Fluid, I .Sim iwiu t H m n cost . lor the p rod uej ion of Liultt. TiiU Invention Is ! cu w ir common L,ainps ann uimp r eeaers, -mow, wir, vuinpnenK L.mlfpf lanierns, AC. - CKRTIFIl'ATB. ' W .v u V a f Atr J . I hereby certify that ' witnessed theezperiinentr i i.h im at un. . jiinn i m rn-A- i oi m r. ewcn, wiinnis patent SaletyL.anin.-fot furnU-hinit "fluid" and am perfectly aatiffied ot me sity ot tiw same. Jt. h. Dickson. H:ivin purehased the right for the State of N cfrom the Patentee, we are prepared to fill all orders at short notice, for every description and variety of Lmps. dtc. All persons are cuntioned azatnst infringing up- ."jvriirni. imno law win oe rigiuiy en- jorccu againaxau ouvnacrs. - . - - - C D.DoPRE. June 2fiih 1855. " 45 If. V PICKLED HERRING. - Af I HBUS. p.lmeXVova-vScotia,-iuft received, and fu tor sale by AD A Jla BHO. & CO. , April 19. . . 15. ' NOTICE i fT'nE Rooks of SubFcrlpiion to the Capital Stocl 1 Of Wltlninirlnn rKrl.f A UnlKrfrA II . .1 , Road. are. by older of the General Commissioners reopened for 60 days, or until the sum of 4500, I 0 is SPIRITS CASKS. VI II 1 c.vj. ij nana spirit ooia. on nana, ana . "V " for sate by . - . i , June 7. PETTEWAT & PRITCHETT v JULY ACCOUNTS. ALL Bills contracted at the Hat and Cap Em porium Drevioua to Julv Ixt. lo.S will h ,u for seitle'menr on Mondj v the 2d. and it is hop- ,ed that our patrons will come promptly forward' and settle their accounts. . June 30. MYERS. -v. J - - .. 47. FI, E Blue Silk Umbrellas, light and handsome, selling at very low figures. - , June ju. t . . - 5 -C. MYERS. C0LDSB0R0' FEMALR C0LI.EGR. 'HK next session of thl Institution will com meace on the first Wednesday in August 1855 Ainpie aco'mmooanons are proviaeo tor ao umtirr of voune- ladies. For itiformntion, Catalogue, 4c , addreaa thi President of the Facoltv; Rev. J H. Brent. . . . " W. S. G ANDREWS, ettetary, Jane 23. V"; 1 44 if EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. lefl 5 k Second Hand, jist received per 'if Cosmopolite, for sale hv Jane 16. J. H. CHADBOLRN A CO. :..EnnE cabs. w...uS va now De supplied a'- June 16. L. i. BARLOWS," No. 3. Granite Row, CORN! rniivtt '. 9 CnC B"SH KL I 'orn in k. ,o arrive. rT.7. J .rvT s-i m iota io suit, from vessel- ! vao " c iu sanipio. Jane 23. GEOlHARRISS, BRICK. " 2,000 bVEKSF JIUW33, rressed Brick. For sale -. U. WORTH, - 41 -n 1 PE -V G- ntl. men can be' accorniod,9d with I rV Board and plmssn: airy rooms, io Front stre-1, house next door oorta or th rresoyterian Cbnrcb Jene 19. . . s...t,:l-ff snuff: tr HA LP barrels, for bs4 by I tMay 17. ADAWS.ERO. CO. FRESH FROM NEW YORK; . PKIt HCHK, Wi H. JiMJTH. . iic: BBLS.L. L. L. L. 4 A. Stuart's C. Yellow Sosar: CU J5 baas het . iW tov. Juva Conevj 5 hhds. of prime YeHow Sesars i low foT cafh nt GEO. II. KKLLKY'S. ApriiS. J, H, N. C.T. i Sp. Age copy. 8. T - IN STORE T ; ATD for sa'e lnw iii .weci'nJjnmnf, 30 bbl . Aless P.irk : 5l bbls. Port! lli.-o Snrar: 10 nates Hart 10 bbls Cuba Molasses. - June 12. PF.TTKWA Y c PIUTCHETT BUTTJ3R, CHEESE, &c. tJHi.;N Kutter, do Clie.-ie. F.nrlih Hairv and Pine A,nl Cbeese, Codrih. .cuieh Her- mr .-a'tnop, m icken i, m ltrt a variety Ol other sjoous jut receivta unu tor sale nv - ' L M. BARLOW, JenelG,. - No. 3, Granite Row SODA WATER. A CONSTANT sopp'yof !oda vVatcr kept on . nana, witn tne oest svrups. r orsaieat June 6. c. 0 D. DePRE. THE NEAV HOTEL, WELDON, N. C, IH now open for the reception of Visitors. TT'l This Hotel I- new and newly furnh d, and tlt. Proprietors w ill u-r everv elTirt to !it Keen a mjjl HOUbK.and render their eueet roni'ori aoie. , . tney rfpet!i,iv solicit a f-tin re of public pat- 1' J. J rrafcCO. I'roorieiors tMeais always ready on the arrival of the car. June 9. 33-lm ! WESTERN CAC0N. I f) HHDS. prime f-idrt; S hisVl do. Should- i 'ders dniiy eapecltd and for ale by . My 12. itUssKI.L A BRO. i THE GREAT DISCOVERY. J RR0LLKRI0N! FOR CURLING THE HAIR. I. OR many veara it has been tht object or deep t est iudy wuh cheniiiis and others, to produce a nuid that, appii. d to Hie hair would ci use it w ive and curl etial in beauty to the natural curl. THE K ROLLER ION s the only article ever offrr. d to the world that will ! elf ct this most di t-iral leohject tlul three or four j applications are necessary to curl it as mocha nviy be desned. and lor any I-ni-th of lime From th many testiinoninls of those who have used ii. th- subpcrilwr does ttot hesitate to warrant the KROLLEKIO to sKVe suiUfaclion.and prove as recommended in all casea. The recipe for intik inc. with full directions for use, will be sent on the receipt of one dollar, post paid 1 tie ingredients will not coat over VI cents. Direct to H. A. KIIKKMO-M . - Warren, Trumbull 'o , O. Aprils. -3m-Vlu-c. CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMI GTON. N.C. .PHB CLARENDON IUOV VVOiOCSirtnott I pri'P'i'ed o receive orders for Keairv. Vertical. Horizoniai or Orciilutinsr Steam En nev. tliatii or Low freeaure, and adapted to all purposes: flircu- tnr, vertical and Portable Saw Mil s, complete i riimi)', Mini-if Vt.ichini ry, GriBt and F. our Mills complete; Parker, Turbine a od other VneV libels. qttlpiunjj of SteanitrH, Car A ,ee!s and Axles ; Horse Powers ot varioti patterns; Ri.e Field t'umps nnn hnaineJ; niii Irons: Lea vn is rCoi n and Cob Cmshers; Klce Thr-taher; .-shinir e Al. cMnes. Nhtftlnit, Pulliea, Handera, Geaie, and all oiner win ork. CASTINGS. Iron and Bra" s Casting of all deeiitions. inclu- nnsr trnam tual Iron Kni in?. Pipe, BtHire c;il.t ing, if-e , ivc. I h Uitninar would re-pecti'ullv iti vite atf mijn to their atrhs ,md patterns of Kail - ing, wiutQ may be seen at their oliice. , BOILERS. Tubular. Flu aoi Cylindrical Boilers. Water "n9. CU.mneys. and all other kinds of Boiler n ork. - REPAIRS A ?parate department and force will be kent for rep.nrs. wtsre work will be done thoroughly and wnn iiep.,tn. ' All w ot dofia in tbe estatl?h!ient drtliven A ei. ther nn ltv- tar- of the VVilmiifft ra A Manchester tail Itoad or the iVihiiin"fun & VVeldon Rati Road. or in n its at the Company's wharf. tiavitu iarre facilities, I ha above work wilt be done on as reasonable terms aa elsewhere. North or o n, ana in a prompt n.1 s.iti.staetor y manner. 1-onHult illon by letter or olh. rwiw. in ra-i rrt in pian an l aest -na tor mills or tn-if turni'iire, ard tor macti nery eenernlly. wiUmvly answered. All writers or c.ouiiuunications to bo addressed to the undersigned. . , , , MkNllY al. DRANE, Agent. March 17. . i-tf. FRESH FLOUR, FROM FAYKTTEV1LLE. - 1 f BBLS. of Super rlour; - 1 V' 15 do. best Family do s low for cash, af April 3. GEO. H. KELI.KY J, H., and N. C. T. copy. ATTENTION ALL ! Y7E this day call the attention of all in want of trie loiiowtng articles, to eiveusacall. as we nave jut rt ceiv. d tiU bbls Prime. PI intin? and Ratine Potatoes; n ooxes choice Codfi-h, from "Down East;" oo omuu ' inee, assonetl of alt kinds: 20 bbls ogar ' 15 Firkins I.ard.N C.,choiee: fiO bbls. N O. Molasses; t 40 kees Nails 3 tons Hoop Iron; - 50 bbls Hot Herri n 2 torse and fa t. Eastern. ApriI 2l. W M. SHERWOOD ciiO. FOR SALE. p THE HOUSE and LOT, corner of Wal nut ana fourin M reels, contaimns 1 1 .Hootiis and two attic chambers, lately c- cuiul'j oy in. u noer. ierms. ino.c at Bank, with the customary ac- coniiuoaaiion. - .. T. LOR I NO. April 24. . ' . ... is tf. EMPTY S PI1' IT BARRELS. )l K PHI E second hand Barrels, per J. U. - Clayton. For sale by MayS. ADAMS, BRO.dc CO. TnE SMimsONIAxV HOUSE. BROAD VV AY, CORNER OF HOUSTON ST., - . NEW YORK, ON the same block with the Metropolitan Hotel and Ninfo's Garden, and two blocks a' ove the St. Nicholas Hotel, and offers to traveler a sppeatoa AccoMMODATtoirs in the heart of Broadway, in im mediate juxtaposition to the other first-cla. honsei and places ol amusement, at moO- rate rat. s Tin house has ail the conveniences in vogue and is con- dacied on the KvaopRAit Plai of lodging-iooms,at nr-rv ca.-rTS and upwarns to a J a day, according to location. c , and nt-als extra as or,leri d. at prM ; graded to suit do n me economical and extravagant, he guests ordering meals at pleasure, and payini; f vronly what is used. - Tra ve ers will find at the .MtTHSONIAN accommodations of superior or der, and can, If tney choose, ' mutt their billr less hy at least ne-third ihan at other fim-class H item, as conducted on the old system Forre- pectability, nrder.nentnea, cuinlor' and economy the s.n i j h st ji i Alv shas masr Its mirx on thi times, and be worthy the patronage of h people March 29.' -..:..; w - - J g 6m XX BARGAINS. f WILL sell the balance of my stock of CROCK- a bUY. and GLASS W ARE at cost, for ci. The entire stock is impobtio. and to families wishing to replenish ol sets. o-la In -new one. a rare chance i offered of doing so ai a harirain . I have a number of French Chin good in set and oth-rwl., together-with, a complete a-sort nient or Iron-stone and .other goods eltoeeiher comprising an attractive assortment at the price I im bow rrjBiii inrm it: " . ... Meamime, having perfected other arrangements f will close out the entire stock with the good wilt of the business, on reasonable terms, to aav oart wishing to eoge ltii4 . . The business is profitable and constantly draw ing, a ad offers a good opening to business man : ALhi.,nKAK.Jt.i, Importer of China. Glass and Karthenwarer v , . ; it lumngion, rt . c. A HiMis at- the Comer of Orange and .feton.l iStre t formaHy oceopied by Go. M Yra, is flf-red for rent s paseaio giv en immediately. , Tm cood ten"' n,ue Iri he suitably mlred.1: Irnpiire oi lieo. Myers or H. R. Savae, Fw.t at Gape Fear Ban. , -' April 24tir, lcS5. , : , , r 58-t.t W1L3IINGT0S AXDiWELDON RCR. Etic'r and Suk'm Oific. Y & H. R. Co : . r Fe4ruary l I8SS, ; . .' GOING NOfvTil. 'THE pissenser train over this road will, until I further notioe. run a follows i ". Fi'st ( Kxprees M ai.) tiaio leave Wilnflngton 6 v ruci A M. . . ! Readies Goldsboro' at :40 A. M. Anives at V,-Mon t 1:30 P. M Second ( Accommodation Mail) train currying one frt )ght i-jtt I' 'a tee. 'V jlniih. ion at 3:WP.M. Reu.-he GoWsht io' Io st'j p r 7:30 P. M. Atriveaat Weldoti 12 at nisdit. , Glrl.NO SOCTH. First Train l-avta Wetdon at t2:00 M. Reaches iold9'.oro' m 3:15 P. M i Arnv at V iiming'on 7't P M; Second Train leav. VeHon at 9:00 P. M.J Reaches GoldhMr 1:31 A Aa . A rriveti at V ilniincion K:30 A. M. Fare to Goldsboro7 2.50 : to W Idon S5 Aboo one cenl per mile tr is c ha'ffcd passengers vho do not procure ticket at the ttalwn Throu ?hti. kes Halilmore 12; to Philudel nhia I4': to New York 415.50. - a-Ts-Tiek ta wiil nm lie sold to a neero in person kznress Freight (by Accommodati-.n Train) he chareeeti 2U eer t ent, extra I and sue rr.luhitno Nonh list be it the Depot by t P. M . and marked Tore Freight Ti freii ht trt.Ins ter week will run i. cuiatlv thtouth to U'e4don. catrvinti JreL-bt both wava One trut will run reen arlv aa far north as Goldt-boro, n incoi.nteti -.nvtiih the N. R- K.. and two olh rr Way Traina will run as far north as ma be re qidred.tnkine freight at all intern etiiaie stations Al due on a iwnwiru trtini inusi ut paiu on ue livery at V ilminv ton " . i.1j. rur.jio i,ura i. oup i. Feb. 3 WIL. & WELD ON & N. C. R. ROAD TIIS'OUC.II FUElGIirs. F.tta A. Scst's Officr W. & VV. R. VVilininjjiou, N.C. Ftb. Itltlt. ib55 CBEIGllTS f.om Wilmington or any ---tauonn I theW.&W. K R toany taionon theNorth Carolina R. R , and ulso from any station on th N.C.R. It to Wilmington or oitur points ou the W. Ai W. U. R . wi'l be tran.-liij.pcd nnd lorward from Goldsboro' Jrte of charge J or transhipment, By the 15ih of Marcti next arrangements win be made by which lioodsand pr-tue lioui ine it;le rior for sniinjieiit Iruio. o to be s.d in liming on. and also from ..ea tor the Interior, will be de livered or received on the Oorapany's whurf Iree of charee for vi harfnte or druytiae. UM . ii. e lr. in VMIml t;'"n io Kai. icn py Hall ro id. I3'I tiiil. r; trom Kaieiiti to l'or isniontn , Va. 7b diheience i-t miles. Kreiaht on a barcl if Flour from Orance W iiminlon is 29 t ents less than it is from Oiange to Portsmouth, Va. s. u. Mifc.ut)i r. np't. Feb 13. 13-3m. NOTICE. rJ--0i?5 yTiO Office V1I k oi Vi Raleigh It It. Company V ilminct-im. N. t: Januiry 15th, I6.-5, t? HUM and alter ttu date, the Passenger ac L- conimodation train will leave for Veidon al . L 'li'uri.rir wi-l irriva attil o'clock. A. M This chanse of Schedule is made to connect with lie vk i nnncon ac Mancheste.r itatl ltoad over y:iuh a d ty train ill he hereifu-r run. connecting with the (oh.Is South. C5fThc Rail Road lime is now regulated bv to w standarJ Cloclf, which is at present about 10 tiTinutea aneaa ol me town tune. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer it Superintendent. Jan. ISth, IS55. I2j-tf. TOWAGE ! TOWAGE ! ! STEAMER.-SamBcary.A M Gtitb rie. master; Steamer Calhoun. Jfl -Sprintrs. master, are ready at all times tot hur-lnees. Ordete for Towagewill have prompt attention if ieit atofnee ol Agent. Uf.O. HAKIIIN. Jane U 3-tf TO PASSENGERS. SW 3T E A M Kit " FA IRV." will leave -Tre.." l nin nvlun tor 1 nieitevllle. cverv fcSSatSBSliB Vfonduy and Thursday Mornin", a 9 o'cof-K, and Faiftieville for W iintlngton, ever VYe.lnesdat and Saturday, at sun rise, vtlth pas sengers and freighl, " jAmsh.jlblTlS, Aeent. March 5. 147-if. HENRY BURKHIMER ' WHOLES A LB & SBTAIL ' TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGAR ' S T O 1C K. SIGN OF THE. IN 1)1 AN CHIEF" . AUUtT S I R tE r, one aoor above Water Wilmington N. C. ' N. B. All Orders filled with despatch. 7 Oct. 26ih. 1354 83-tdrw.c. NEW LINE of SCREW STEAMSHIPS TO SAIL. BETWEEN NE tV- YORK AND GLASGOW. THE Clyde Screw Steam Packet i.i--"V?G'mpany'6 new steamships, .'lyde 7iJg2and Petrel, are Intended to sail lor Glasgow us unrert From New Yor. ul.v Dr., Wednesday, August J6th, at 12 o'clock, noon. Rates of Passage, (Steward's fees included,) Chief t;abin. !i0. A limited number of third class passengers will be taken and supplied wiih pood and comfortably cooked provisions, at S2 Berths not secured ttii. paid lor. I itese screw Steam-hips hare been duiii ana tinea out express ly for the trade." on ihe most approved principle?, for securing nafety, comfort and speed and carry each a experienced ftnrgeon. Ji'ur Freighl ot Passase apply io ' , , ROBERT PA TON, - ; . . . 3D Broadway. N. V. Money orders granted . on Glassov. in sums of 1 lerlinjf and upwards, payable on demand. Al.4.; .,- . - bi-U. LIME LIME. A AA CASKS Lime, landing from achr. Village Gem, and for sale by June 2.. J. H. PLANNER. CORN, CORN. f BUSHELS Corn, per echr Emily, from 0J 1 Ntw York. For sale b leby t, a J une 2. FLANNER. FRESH IMPORTATIONS. JOST Received, 'his day, IPO bMs. assorted Li qnnrs. Wines and Cordials: French Brandy, in riantn pipes t nnneseea coram; fent i.ovet Kl.rekhervy Brandy i Extra New Butter: Corned Beef Ton rue ; No I Mackerel 4e At the orig inal Kimily brocery. Front street. - f May 12, . -. - GEO. MYERS. nAY, nAY. )QflB4Lr:s prima .Hay, now landing from JA schr. Emily, for sale bv - . v June 2, . J. II. FLANNER. DECEIVED THIS MORNING BY EXPRESS, a fine lt of India RubbcrToys to suit elrta'nnd b ys; eoosLuogof Langhin 'DollK.Teethine Rinw. Kattlo Knu. Rl o. solid and soft, indeed any Toy in that liuoat the Variety -iore, uuuer me neratd Itnice . - June 2. j , ; ..MRS. W. H, DaNEALK. . ORANGES, ORANGES AND LEMONS- HEC KI VI KG this dayt by 'he fiist sal irrg schr. . R. W. Brows, a laro-e. sunniv of Oranges ani Lemons fn prime order. Also a laree assortment f Pne Confeeiionarv at wholesale and retail, and will be receiving the' coining pl ner arrivals, i lar;e.lorof Kctrira; Prepare for the 4th. -. For sale low at the Variety Store, under the Herald Office. .tune zj. i- ,t - i .... -,-.. 44. - PAY YOUR COAL BILLS." 4 LI. those IndehteA iT r Wrth n roat last wint r, am reaaestsd to Mil and settle ln. mediately, or they-wiU be nlueed in the hand of annfScer. Yonr bifls are ready. June 9. p M . - pl Ci WORTH, - t - - v .... ' FRENCH UOli: Comer erctiy Hall Square and Frankfort 9 L, 'x X newt-york, . X iOpfsiIOe QUy ffi&aud Park FfaUd,) . HA84UenRE-FITTEpsnd FURNISHED! i-The subscriber trusia thit.'fortiayenit pee. el egance, comfort and eei4HNy,it eannottie surpass ed in the wotUL l the rootnsare warmed gratis; iff y are fitted up with mtrbln top wash stards, which sre soppitei with Atroton water, by silver plated coeks Thi- haWs a ntf water-closets on eve- y fl or. are liaht, d during the hkjht This Hotel iec ndueted on the European Plan of Lodging Rooms, and meals as they way. be order-d in the Refht.ry R.FRENCH. N. B. Do nHt oelieve Hackmen and Runners who may say that wears full, aa some da so from ftCyxUST IKTKBK8T. ... ' , - March 29, I&55. - ' 6 m-e. ; SNUFF AND TOSACCO. PETER LOR ILL A RD, ' . ' '- ' siASICrACTCBEB. , Pfo. Ai -Cltathsm Street, New York', , Successor of Peteb A Gbosoc IcatLLAD. offers lor wale all kinds of sNUFK and 'IOBA:CO.S in scneral ese. For pariiculsrs. n Pri-f Current can b obtained by srfuressiPg as above. This fcstab-li-hment is one ot the oldest of the kind in the United States. . Feb. 13. . 138-lyj. PERSONS in want of Old Liquors will find it to their advantage to call upon the subscribers, where they csn find -OldPortsi Old Jamaica Rom j Sherrie Scotch W hiakey t Madeira 1 Irish Scupperaongt Holland Gin Bounces 1 Ginser and llapberry Brandies - All of which they offer in lots to suis, put no in demijohns, of from one t Pve gallons. Call and taste. QUINCE dt, COW AN. April 7. --11. V RYE WHISKEY. 1Z) DOZ. Bottles pure old Rye V hiskey, of su Z perior quality. For sale by April 10. OALf.OU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGA- JL ZINK, -AprU 19. , for May, received and for sale at . air iir t. . , r a r , t . rv, v n . 1 as. r.xw o. BANK OF CAPE FEAR. THE BOOKS f r subscript. on to the increased I Cupitai St ek of the KariK of Cape Fear, ac ordin to the provisions of the Act of the ' Gene ral Assembly" of tni State, ratified ntheI6ih day of February, 1855, are now opi -11 at the Bank - TH IS. H. WRIGHT, Pres t. March 29. 1R75, -' 6-tf. COM MISSION ER' H ALL. Tuksdat Evknisg, March 2''th, 1855. At a tnt ering (' Coiumissioiiers authorized to open books in Wiimiiivton. for stilcriitions to I ll capital Mock of Hit? Wilmington. Charlotte and Rntbfiford Rail Road present A J. Deltott set Jr. J II. FUnner R II Con, Q R. French, A. H. VatiBokk'-feti J. O Latta. Miles Cost iti, Ed ward Kidder and S. I) Wallace. On motion R. H. Cowan was appointed Chair man, slid S. IX. Wallace, Secretary. Ties"lrcd That Looks tie oM-uel on Monday, April 9Hi IHw at the UinK or Cape Fear. Kau of the State, and at the Commercial Bank. ftcftdved. Tbat Q R Fretieh R. H. Cowan and A. II. YatiBokkeleit be appointed a committee f obtain subscriptions to aM iu defraying the ex leti(UT of an extiei ental hurvey to lie mad trom the town ,it uiiinm?ton ana lrom vthltes ville to Lnllilierton. Itexiilved, That lite Mavor he requested to call meeting of tin citizens, to apHitit delegatea to he lias meeting 111 Bladen so soon as it is a certained when that meeting is to lie held. R. II COWAN, Chairman. S. D. Wai.i.aci? Sec'y. March 24 1853 . 4-if. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE wi L o;eneJ for delivery of lee from tbe first day of April to the first day of November between ojnnse and sunset. On Sundays, will close, pot Uiody, at 9k, . M. Ice ordered for the country will be well packed and promptly lorwatded at all times. All orders for Ice must be addressed to Wil mington IceHou-e. V" Terms CASH in all cases. " Tickets can be procured if deeired. Persons ordering from a distance can make de posit" ol such sums a will meet their, orders. jgr i-rtee. one cent per pound two cents per pound will he. chatged for sny quantities less than three pounds. Ice will be furnished gratis to the sick and poor, provided ihey send m oidcr front a physician, or a member ot me visiting co'mti tee, -a ; A. H. VahBOKKKLF.N, Proprietor. April 12th, 13S5. 12. OWNER WANTED." IOR two boxesrCone containing a Piano,) mar ked S. R. Erel ind. Clinton, N. IJ. care of Wm M ill. Wilmtn jton, N. C; landed from schr. Ara minta. Iron Baltimore, and now in more at own efsnsK. UUaSKLL&liKO. May 3. 22 WniSKEY! WniSREY!! 50 BBLS. just received from New York. and fo sale by JOS. R. BLOSeOM April 17. - - 14 NOTICE. REIGIIT to and from any point on the North afolina Central Railroad will hereafter be collected at Wilmington. T. H LAME. Transportation Agent. W. & W. R. K.Co. Wilmington, May 29 33-lm. "WESTMINISTER REYIEAY, i,-jiv April, received and lor sale at JL May 29. S. W. WHITAKER'S. MULLETS, MULLETS. "I r BBLS. No. t Mullets, just received and for A wsale by , J. R. BLOSSOM. . Aprif27. : 20 CLOSING ACCOUNTS. DREPARATOii Y to making a change in my bu sir,ss. on tne tat ot July next, I hsve commen- eea the cUsing of my books, and will th ink my inenat to re niter wnal assistance they can to my Clerks or Agents in making settlements, as every account upon uiy books must be closed by that timn J. M. ROBINSON. May 17. J29 HAY, 4c. 1 nn BALES prime Hay; IVV It 0 Empty Spirit Casks ; ; Xa iw ns, N. C Bacon, hog round ; 600 - " ; Hams. Extra 1 " - 3 )0 new Feathers. Just received, and tor sale in tots to suit, by - ai ay 3l. T. C. & is. G. WO RT H. BUTTER AND FLOUR. ' 1T FIKKINS of fresh Uonotain Butter; . Jl8 barrels Fayetteville superfine Fioari s"6o. -' do. Hm " do. For sale by E. J.. LUTTERLOH. Slays. - " -i.- ; 24 -JUST OPENED. yUK larrest assortment of Chemicals ever offer- a ea in tnis marxet. consisting in part of nv 10s. f ugor i.eoa; - . 3 . . BU-"" J?tlpb.-Zir.C- v 25 V.liett's Macs; X v . 500 ozs. German Quinine j ' : ' -- - - 10 bbls. Epsom -Salts j, ... ..h-. .1.: X i 15 bbls. Copperas; - . 25 lbs. Calomel t . . , t.- 30 lbs. Blue Mass, T - ,w . - 3 carboys Spidw Mire (fff): " . - 3 ' . Anna Ammouia.fHTianda nnm. ber of other Chemicai, ftom- the Laboratories ot Powers aad W eiblu.ao. Ckaa. Kllia A Co. - Ro June 5.' - 4i-i, ...--...u, A :; -. 3d v 'i SPIRIT CASKS. rtfin PRIME second hand Spirit Casks, now ' J landins from schr. Village 6r sale from wharf. '. ; , , T. C. WORTH , June 7, .. Xi-'X' ' .J - .- 37 - ORANGES AND LEMONS. AFRESH supply of Oranges and Lemons, just received and for sale by . '. - - l.' N. BAR LOW, - No. 3, Granite Row, Fropt at. ' Jane 12; M0CKINC BIRD CAGEsTr7 1 f NESTS Mocking Bird, Cage,, jaM received A V and for aaks hy - L. IN. B ARIOW. " lit.. 1 . nT y - 1 . . 1-. . wuv , .f, , 1 . tiu, d wiwur tuw f roat sc. v V GUANO. ."I O TONS JaUy ex petted, for sale by . ; , JO - ' ADAMS, BROTHER A CO- April ?4. 18. CHOLERA. A Certain Cure for this disease, maybe fouud In the use of Ferry Davis Vegetable PAIN KILLKR. ' ST. LOUIS. Mo , June 14th, 1819 Mr. A. T. Woodward, Agent of Perry Darts' Pain Killer. - . Dear Sir : I feel il s duty I owe to the public, to matte known the value of Davis' Pain Killer, and tny experience in rn-ing it for some ol the complaints for a hichit is highly recommended. In Apri' last, on your recommendation. 1 purchased a one dollar Pottle of you lor pains with which 1 have long been afflicted, and made use of it on my t'ip down to New Orleans, with the most grati fy tng and beneficial elf. cts. On my re urn trip 10 this city, the Clo.ler. made its appearance among some of my passengers. J made u.-e of the Pain Killer, havin" no other remidy on- board, and to mv surprise and gratification, found it gave imme dude relief I On my arrival in st Louis, I called on you ami got tour large bottles, and staied to you my confidence in it as an infallible Cholera remedy, and emarking toyouthat I wanted nootherChoi era remedy on inv boat. I made use of ihe four bottles on mv trip to New Oilcans and back, for Cholera and some tuber complaints for uhich it was j'ecouimet.ded, and met with the most aston ishing success v hen 1 oidtrtd from you six more one dollar boil I, b Since then I have made two more trips to New Orleans and back, and on my previous trip up, 1 bad more tban SEV ENTY CASES OF CHOLERA, On board, when the PAIN KILLER wit imme diate! . used with tne most astonishing results. In ail eases where it was used in time, it gave relief in a very short lino ; and I can with onfidence say to the public, thai in all of. the first stages ot Cholera, when taken in time, it is in my opinion, an infallible remedy; and altera fair trial with it lor several weeks, ind for four trips to New Or leans and back, and using it for Cholera and for other complaints ior which it is recomnu nd, d, iio consideration would induce me to leave port with out a good supply belli vinu it to be a medicine th.t no officer of boat or any family would be without a single day alter using one bottle. Be lieving it to be tbe most valtiat.le family medicine known to the woi ld.tor all the diift rtnt complaints lor w hich it is recom mended. P. S. Please sitid me t-ix large bottles for this trip. J . 51 . B itOA DWELL, Captain Steamer Atlantic I --ost cordially unite iih Capt. Broadwelt in recommending Perry Davis Pain Killer 10 the public, having myself been severely attacked with thi Cholera, and found relief in a few fours bv using the Pain Killer, and have myself adminis tered ii to more than fifty persons attacked with the Cholera, nnd when used in lime, a cure was cfTi-cted in a few hours, nnd take pleasure in re commending it to 1 he public asan in valuable med icine, that no individual shoUid he without a sin gle hour. JiOUN N vOFPFINGER, . Clerk Steamer Atlantic. Davis' Pais Killeb. In to-day's Union wi'Ibe found an advertisement of this celeora'ed remedy. The certificates appended from the captain and t-leik of th" Steamer Atlantic, we know to be gen uine, and founded on facts, as ihey verbally staled in our oliice ihe substance of what th-v publish. rSt Louin Union. The Pain Killer is sold bv'George R. French, Wilmington; C C Green, Elizabeth City 1 James vV. Carmer. Neu bcrn ; W . H.. W illard. Washing ton; and by Druggists and Grocers cvervwnere. , April 19, 1. 55. 15-3in. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. located 1x1 llaltiruorc-sl.. JSaltlmetr Md. 1 Hl-S Inslililiion present.? superior facilities to young men d -siroas of obtaining a practical business education I lie course of Si urly embraces Double Entry, Book-Keeping as practically applied 10 the man agement of .Mercantile. Bank, Manufacturing and Steam Boat Books; Business Penmanship and and Mercantile Computations 1 familiar Lectures on Commercial Law ; upon the subject o I Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts, Partner ships, &c. The arrangements are such that applicants am enter College at any time and avail themselves of the advantages of the entire cour-e of study, each student being separately taught. The students have access to s Commercial Li brary procured expressly for their accommodation Thr re is also attached to the College a Heading Room, where may be found all the leading Daily Papers from vatioua pans of the Union. . Usual length of time to complete the whole course from eight to ten weeks. Tuition for the full course H40. For paiticulars write and receive a circular by mail. - August 3d, 1954. 59-ly-c. . NOTICE. . THOSE indebted tome Individually, or to C DuPRE & CO will pU-ave call and make pay ment without delay, as further Indulgence cannot be "Wen. C. DoPRE. May 17. - " - 23 MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODIAN. ANEW and Valuable Remedy for dtessint Wounds, Cuts. Burns, and Ulcera. It bat been tried successfully by physicians and foune superior to any remedy of the kind now in use. It forms, when applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, sni: impervious to waier, assimilating most perfectly., the natural Cuticle, It may be advantageously used in chapped lips, excoriations about the neck and cars of children, and for abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions. . . - . . - The proprietors feel creat confidence in present ' ing the above article for use, believing it will provr fully adequate to the ends proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal remedy. For sale by the Pro prietors, ,1; .c.ft u. ynpin-;. , . ALSO-i-VETER JAN RY - COLLODION forSaddl Woor dsand sores on borsesJ prietors, - C. A D. DuPRK, Druggists. Wilmington. N.C, May 20. SALT. ; I," ; A ( S-CKS Liverpool Salt, 10 arrive per schr, "x ) I H. P. Stoney. For sale by June 7. J. H. FLANNER. : :v BRICKS. r Ofin PHILADELPHIA paving BRir-K, ' I JJ 'KJ For sale-oy. T. C W ORTH , April 17. 14. NORTn CAROLINA LARD. N bbls. For sale by - ---01 ay . - - J. II. PLANNER. NORTH CAROLINA BAC0.V. - TWO email lots Bacon Hams- For sal- by June 30. r - Z. U. GREENE. HOOP IRON; 'xx . , C TONS Hoops, 1,1 1.4, and 1 1.2 Inch, i For J Mia by . . . ' Z. ti. GREENE. Jone 31.' .. " . ... 47 NAILSL NAILS!!; A KEGS aaaortad sizes.' lTore and for ate br , Z.'H. GREENE, -.47 June 3D. SPIRIT: CASKS. . On PR'K eecootl-haird plrii Cssks now tJKJKf laadirig from schi. "Villas Hem " .ni c sale from wharf. - - , - -T. O. WORTH." " J-aneS,' v S ALUM SALT: Q fin. 1 SACKS, 2 bushels each, now landing Ind ftraftl h If Oct. 26. F s'- .. i- .ADAMS, BKO, AYER'S PILLS, Airaw and singularly successful remedy for the euro of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism. Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side. Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, Sc., Ae. Indeed, . very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness aad suffering might be prevented, if a harm less bat effectual Cathartic were more freely nsed. No person can feel weU -while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious deraruremcnta. They all tend to become of produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing . any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character aa to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : Dr. A. A. Hates, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Asssyer of Massachusetts, whose hign professional character is endorsed by the Hon. Edward Everett, Senator 6f the U. 8. ' Robert C.WjKTHKor, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Abbott Lawkexcb, Minister Plen-to England, t John B. Fitzpatric;, Cath. Bisnop of Boston. Also, Da. J. R. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marct, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astok, the richest man in America. 8. I.ei.and & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificate, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hjtherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula; by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known! Their life consists in their mystery. ' I have no mysteries. -- - ' - The composition of my yjeparationa is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on . the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their, powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it ' into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments aa are the first origin of disease. Being augar wrapped they are pleasant to take. and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in anv quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. , Price 29 Cents per Box. Fivs Boxes for $L BOLD BY A. O. BRADLEY, Wilmington, and by Drag. gisis generally July 18th, 125L . 52-1 FACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED. LET TUB AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER! O-Mnre man 500 persons in the city of Richmond, - Va.. alone testify to fhe remarkable cures per- formed by -' . . . CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE area. Spting Medicine and Purifier of ihe Blood is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who testify daily to-the remarkable cores perform ed by tn greatest of all medicines, Carter's Span ish Mixture. Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, L'l eeis,01d Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Dis eases of the Throat, FcmaU; Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joint?, are speedily put to flight by using this great aaf inestimable reme dy. , .- ' .t - For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has vet been found to compare with it. It cieanesthe sys tem of all impurities, acts gently s nd cffi i. nllv on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Diges tion, gives tone to ihe Stomach, makes the Skin clesrand hcalty.and restores the Constitution, en feebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, io its pris'ine vigor end strength. -- For the Ladics.it is incomparably bet-er than alt the cosmetics ever used A few doses of Cor- ti4 medicines ever ncaro oC""w-;-"---'-' . A large number of certificates of remarkable cores performed on persons residing in the city of Rich mond, Va , by the nse of Carter's Spanish Mix'ore. is the best evidence that there is no hombng about it. The press, hotel keepers, magisi rates, physi cians, and publio men. well known to the commu nity, oil add their testimony to the effects of this Gbcat Blooo Pobipixb. ' . , . Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless signed BENNETT A BEERS, Droegists. . Principal Dt-poisat M. WARD, CLOS K A CO., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. ; T W. DVOTT &. SON'S, and JENKINS A HARTSHORNE. Philadelphia. - i. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 Main Street. rr..l .. ' ' .. i" ' aicniiHiiiu. va- - . And for sale br WM H. LIPPITT, Wflmington annoy iiunn.t.rr wnfr. .' . ' loty I3.h. IO4 r : ..... . (A. - CUT HERRING. OA BBLS. Cut Herring, dr salted; 30 barrels O W Round do Iresh from New Foondland . For ale bv 1 ADAMS, BRO. A. CO. - .- :- - v. 18. April 24- ; FISn! FISH f! FISH!!! ,TUST received per ichr. Delegate, from Halifax; ' 25 barrels NV. I Mackerel 10 1 - 1 . . -,.2 2 300 " , 3 ' 250 ; . Cat Uer line. For sale in lota to T- C.WORT1L . suit by . S...-, SOUTH L0WLLL UALE ACADEn Y, X ORANGE CO (JJXTY, N. C. JE&JB-P:. BAGBY, A. B.,PamcrpV.. B ENET r W. B ACBY, Esq., Assistant. The next seseloa i3 be opened on the tn of July, and continue 5 rhoniSa. The winter will bo longer thin the sartnuer vacation.- Il is desirable that all be present on the first dV ot the session, as the classes will be organrxed snd recitations commented on thardn. TfieRtv. Prof BRAN I LEY YORjfc. of Ran dolph county, will d liver a full coitre of Lectures on EuirlUh Giamnnr and r-ljcation, bcionin about the 15th of July.- , Th4 tcademy is a comfortable twoat'ory building, Urge etrough 10 accommodate 75 students . A Hot'el i Riif been ice. ntly ercctsd cesr the Acad emy, at whUb board can be had for $7,50 pr. month, (exclusive of eandlea ) . Board can also be obtain ed at several prrvvre houses in the vicinity. Tuition in the itng'iisli Branches a '.2.50; and irv Latin. Greek and MaihetnatfO SI 3 per session A" feeol tl ocr session Is-fru,nirrd, 10 meet the ex pense of furnishiog wood, kindling fin a, dc. for the students , - The sons of all minister's of rhe Gospel, who de pend upon that callir g for a living, are charged on ly hall price of tuition. . . A class in B k-kecping has been organized Young men intending toengase tn mercantile bu siness will find it to their advantage to aftt nd it. In a moral, refined and intelligent cornruur.ity, remofe from temptations to vice, South Lowell of fers superior advantages' to'tftoee desiring to obtain an education. This school is especially preparatory to K. M. Cortege, Vs., the Principnl'being a graduate of that' TrrstiiBiiont however students' wi.H be Ihoronshly prepared lor tho Junior class In any of our Colleges or Universities. 1 Parents furnishing their sons with money t'o rtiect the expenses of the school, ae expected to inform the Prineipalof the lacl, by letter. Sooth Lowell is If miles N. W. of Durham's Station, orfths Central Railroad. .. Conveyances can always be tfad at that plnce: For particulars in- regard to the laws and regu lations oi the Institution, spt.ly to the Principal for Catalogues. , Cel. D-. C. IA RfSlT, Sec'y: Dr. A. W. GAY. Ch'n. Rev. J. A. McMANNAN. JNO. B LEATHERS, Eq. WMS. HARRIS, Erq. May 15. 2-2m-t' SUM MEtt VILLE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY A DMcl.EAN, ,. .. Miss ANNIE J. Mcf.EAN, ; Teachers in Fe-" Miss LOUISA F.McLEAN, J male Department. rp HE Exercises of this Institution wilt be icsu .A. med on Thursday, 5th Ju y next. The services of competent assistant! will be secured to meet the' wants of a growing putronaee. This .School is pleasantly sliaatrdht the Village of Snmmerville. alias 'Tonmer.'' the county sear of Harnett county, in a region of country remote from vice : eniovina the advanf;,Be of attendinr- Church in the VHIaueeyery Sabbath . Mail facili ties, which have hithctto been denied, will now be enjoyed three umea a week. Parents and Cttardi'. ans will find 11 to the advantage "of their' children' and wards to have them in this School Evt ry at tention will be paid to their intellectual and moral training. Students will be charged from the lime of enter ing, and no deduction made unless for protracted illness. Board, without lights, $9 per month. TUITION PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS For Primary Department, . $10 50" For En ulish Grammar, Arithmetic 2d part, Geography, Histoi y, Chemistry, Philos. ophy. Rhetoric, die., 12 50' For Arithmetic 3d part, Algebra, Geometry, Latin and Greek I. snednges. -' 15 fO F.XTi.A. For Music on Piano, with use of Instrument, 20 00 "or French and German, each. 10 00 For Drawing, Painting and Nccdle-work, ' each, - 5 09 Vocal Music gratis. -June 2. 3j-t3J- I S R AE L WS C U DDK It , 1 Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN'S F LJ R N I S II I N Gr . GOODS, ' . " Shirts, Stocks, Cravats, Glovear, Hosiery, Susjvcn dcrs. Dressing Robes, dec &c. 296 BROAD VVlY, . - Israel W. Scpdder, 1 - . ... A. D. Hilliard . NEW Yor.rt. A. Buck, June 26th, 1855. 45-6mc. BOOTS AND SHOES. TH E undersigne'd Is contlnualtv-recelving di rect from lire Msnufaeturers, lartre supplies of Hoots and Shoes of all tbe various kinds, and has now on hand. a good nssoriment of Men's & Bovs' thick kip and calfskin Brogans. Received this week. a few cases Gentlemen's fir.e calf skin Boots, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade. For sale wholesale and retail. Boots and Shoes Manufactured Io order illso, for sale. Grey's Ointment and Perry Davis Vegetable Pain Killer. GEO R; FRENCH". April IL - , . , . . ' 13-tf WESTERN SHOULDEPiS. TN hhds. For sale by May 35. J. II. FLANNER. LIV ER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jaundice., Chronic ur Nervous Debility. Uij- ease of Ihe Kidneys, and all Uistusca arising-from a disordered Liter or v - Stomach, such as " Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Henri burn, Disgust for Food. Fullness or W'ciuhi'in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering st the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head,. Hurried and Difficult Breathing, . Fluttering at tlie HeartfOhoking or Suffocaiini; Sent-ationa when irf a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or W ebs before ibesight, Fever and Dull Pain in thu Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of theSkirr and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, po., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fl sh,a Constant Imaginings of evil, and great depressions of Spirits, can be effectually cuted by DR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN EITTERS, PREPAREDBY DR. C. BI. Jf At KSOV, No. I 20 Artrh street. Philadelphia. . Their powerover the above diseases is not excell ed, If equalled, by any other preparation in tbe Uni ted States. as the cures-attest, in many cascsafrer skilful physician, had failed These Bitiersare worthythe attention oinva!ida Possessing great virtues in rhe rectification of cis easea of the Liver and lesscrglands, excrcisu.2 :he niost searching powers in weakness an J a"ucnon of thedigeative organs jhey are, whhftl, sule, cer tain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Mor Testimony of the strongest kind from f) in favor of Dr. HOFFLANlPs GERMAN BIT TERS, prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON. Phila delphia, fully proving that these bittt rs ore ene :;- ed for the cure of Lis MCT Complaint, I it from the use ol Ur. llooiiand's Certtian I I ters I have used them fort bills and Fever, ond L- orjor dered Stomach, and found relief in every case. They are the beat remedy for disorrff red ctooiai h I think, in existence." ' ..tl,. woEV'B!oon,fic,d0'0cf z ""J "With reelings ot gratitude I take nty f n to li.ioi you of .the mealcablc benefit I have derived from the use of Hooflind'j German Bitters. I hae r,s ed them lot the Liver Complaint, and ta' t 1 -in recommending them to the public as i.. ? u nd best remedy in tie.M The Editor of the Wooster Democrat. TTst C. 1-11, said ; "Hoofland's Germ so Bitters. 'lis invalua ble mediciae is daily performing cures of the nut remarkable chsmcter. We do not sj a't ol this medicine wii hout s knowledge of its e.i.rncT, as we have tried It In our family, snd find it to t.e the only thing needed in Liver Comi b Int or Ly- -- -sis." OGIER 4- CLARKE, Cambridge, O.Nov. 17. 1P5. said ; "By those persons who have used vour Ho-'flaad German Bitters, they are considered an invaloabht remedy (or Dyspepsia." CrYou snould bear In mind that these Eicers are SNTiatLT vegetable, thereby possetf-ing ad vantages ever most of thepreparatioBS recorriincnd ed for similar diseases. ' For sale by A. O. BRADLEY and V. IX. LIP PITT, Wilmington, and by Drusi' every here. July 3tht. 1&54. t-ly-c. 75 BAGS GU!!t3 ' TN store and for sale by A Jans 5 ADAHIS.tr.O. CO. 1:: 35 BBLS. .Ncvxot; k 1 - . , f r ,,t,a AirJf, . ... . 4.1...., Cj.

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