VuLU vlE X NUMBER 59. WILMINGTON, N. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1161 A THAGEDY AT CONEV ISLAND . . . . tlT 1 , '.. A a:f Hcci'ieni occurred on v enncsiiy? ii Co fjr Island. N. Yt, where a number of )ierajns frurn Williamsburg were bath ing The Herald says; All passed off pleasantly until uery was raised, ' the undertow ' the undertow, fend on looking towards the ocean the com. kjany saw with dismay five of their party dYiftiriff out to sea. Grear confusion im tneiliately prevailed, and efforts were mide .o procure a boat, but none couM be found lot a mile either way1 along the beach.- Wo other resource being left, the doors of he biithinr houses were torn off and shov Td out after the. persons in the watei, und vro of them were snved thereby. "But thw most rnelanchoy ..part of this story n in-iiiis to be sold. It appears the difficulty originate t by a young lady named . Mary Ann Elliott getting beyond her depth, and feeling the undenow taking her out, sne screameit our, i mn sinking, save tne l' Her fat her, lit v. John Elliott, "who was in the waier, seeing the danger of his child, swam towards her; but before reaching- the spot where she was, he was also taken with the current and drifted out to sea and soon sank. He rose once to the , surface and threw his arms wildly in the air, then sank again and was seen no more. The peril of Miss Elliott was also seen by a Mr. Thomas Gibbons, the affianced husband of the lady, who immediately wa- ded and swam to where she was struggling in the water, and succeeded in holding her up for some time. The greatest excitement prevailed at the moment the tragedy was being enacted, and no one seemed able to offer any assistance. -The couple were borne out rapidly and those on the shore gave them up for lost, when it was seen that Mr. Gibbons had secured a niece nf timber, and had seized it for support, but it was not large enough to uphold both, and Mr. Gibbons disengaged himself from Miss Elliot and told her to grasp the suspenders of his bathing dress behind, while he held on to the wood. This she did for a time ; but, with a true woman's devotion, seeing that her lover was sinking, and fearing that he would drown, she suppressed in that moment of peril, when the horrors of death were clustering around her, the selfish in stinct of her nature for life, and let go her hold, though he begged her for God's and her own sake to never mind him, but her self She soon sank and was seen no more. Mr Gibbons was fortunately drifted to wards a point on the isl ind where he found l fooihold, and was dragged ashore by means of rop-s. . . Two other persons, Mr. Henry Boyd, jr., and a Miss Eatman, were also caught in -the same current, but fortunately managed to secure one of the boards floating about and were towed towards the shore. Miss Eatman had sank r nee or twice, and was so overcome by terror and her injuries that it is feared she will not recover She was taken to the Ocean House, and now lies there in a dangerous condition. 4 Mr. Boyd escaped unhurt. Th s melancholy affair caused deep feel ing on the island, and the self-devotion ex hibited by the unfortunate girl was the theme of many an admiring eulogy. She was quite young, and said to be of rare 1 ... - c - I . f i - ueauijr ji persona auu amiaoiuiy 01 a is po sition. It will be a heavy blow to her re. latives in Williamsburg. 'Her father, who was drowned, was a local preacher in the meihodist church, and was much respect ed for bis many virtues. AN INCIDENT OF LIFE. : 'I do not think it a selfish act if loecu .py this whole seat myself, as I am to trav el all this long day,' said I to a lady near est me,'one sultry morning, as I took the out-of-the-way end seat, in the caw at Buffalo, for Albany 'Certainly not, was the reply, as I put my shawl, book, p ipers, fan, bouquet, &c. in the one end, and nestled myself down in the other. I soon wearied of conversa tion and reading, and had sunk into a fitful slumber, when a gentle tap on my shoul ders, and a low 'please, Miss' made me wake wi h a sudden Jtart. 1 he car was filled to overflowing, and a newly arrived party had entered, and a pale little woman with a fretful baby in her arms, stood asKing permiss on to sit beside me. With more of pity than of pleasure, I shared my seat with her, vet I spoke but few words, and sulkily forebore taking the restless little1 creature to ease I . . I her poor, -wearied arms, but merely smooth -ed its yellow hair and its pale, baby cheeks, "and said Mary was a good and sweet name. - - For my o'n comfort I had opened the window that If might more distinctly catch those picturesque Tiews, that flitted by so -quickly that they seemed like glowing pictures, without oue imperfection to mar, when my attention was drawn to my com panion, who was incessantly coughing. 4I do - wish you would let down that window,' said she 'the coal smoke makes my cough so much worse.' 4 um ashamed to confess it now, but I felt the angry blood burn to my cheek, and aa flashing of the eyes, as I replied : 'I am quite sick, and wearied. and troub led, and hungry, and thirsty, and crowded. nd here you come as an intruder, and keep me from the mile of cool; fresh : air that I ana trying to get. Do you think you are doing as you would be done by ?' said I, tartly. and"Vithout waiting for a reply, I rose, and was letting down the window wilh an angry crash, as a 'naughty chilJ would slam a door shut, when she laid her poor.wasiea nanrt on my arn,t anj gajj ; Oh ! don't do it then, nnd burst into tears; and leaned her head down on her baby and cried bitterly. : . The wooian m ray het was touched but putting on th injur air of a martyr. I compressed my lips, and took tip a paper pretenJing to rend. Pretty, soon my eyes grew dimmed. ; I could not see without crushing the tears often, - nd 1 resolved to ask her pardon for my unkindnessj but minute after minute gllled away and we oon reached her place cf destination, and she rose to leave, 1 lose, too, ami the wons were on my lips, wflen a gentleman came to assit her out. She turned her gentle tearful eyes upon me with a sad expression, and bowed so sweetly that my band was almost upraised o appeal for forgivness, the words were just dropping from my lips, but she ws gone tt was too late, and 1 a woman, with a woman's heart, was left with that sting ing little barb sticking in it, and the sweet words and wasted little -hand that r.Ionr could remove it, were gone from m forr- ever. I sank back in my seat and wept bit terly. : The gentleman return I fum assisting her, as the car was full, took the place she had vacated. 1 inquired who the lady was, and he replied : . 'Her home is in Wisconsin, anil she has returned to the home oi her rl.iMh wd to die.? The whole family -of brothers and sisters died of consumption, and she, the last one left, is going too.' Oh! I turned away sick at heart, and tried to shut out from remembrance that pallid, appealing face, as I resolved, and re-resolved never again in this poor life of mine to speak an unkind word Ohio Farmer. YOU FORGOT ME. A good joke is told at the expense of one of our church going citizens who is father of an interesting family of children, and among them a bright eyed boy numbering four of five summers, the pet of the house hold, and unanimously voted the drollest little mischief alive. On Saturday night he bad been bnded to keep peace and retired to bed an hour earlier than usual, with the promise that on the morrow he might so with the family to church. On Sunday morning it was found inconvenient to put the youngest ihrough the regular course of washing and dressing necess ry for his proper appear ance at thfc sanctuary, and the family slip ped off without him. They had not, how ever, more than become comfortablyeeated in their pew, when in walked the youngest with nothing on but a night wrapper and a cloth cap. 'You forgot me. said he, in a tone loud mough to be heatd all over the church. The feelings of the parents can be more easily imagined than described. t " Fafayelle (2nd.) Journal MRS. BO BINS ON AT PRAYER. Two sympathizing and Christian ladies, us we learn, called at the J il it day or two since and requested to see Mrs Robinson. Permission having been granted them, thev entered her room, and after some little con versation, proposed prayers No objection being raised, the two ladies, together with Mrs. R., knelt down, and each of the for mer by turn fervently addressed the Su preme Being, after which they requested Mrs It. to do the same, he, however, at first raised some objection, but on their in sisting, finally did as they desired, but had not succeeded in uttering but a few words when she burst out into a loud and hearty laugh. The ladies looked surprised, and no doubt were mortified a such unseemly conduct In answer to their inquiring look, Mrs. R. begged them to excuse her,as the circumstances reminded her so forcibly of her girlhood, when she and other children used to erect an altar, and kneeling round it, make believe to pray, that she could not ht lp laughing. The atttempt was then given up, and Mrs. It. was not again asked to ptny during that interv.ew. Troy Budget. I A HARD HIT. A Charleston (S C.J.paper, speaking of uie progress oi cant, HumbUff und f..nati- cisra at the North, recently observed, "Wp expect to hear yet, of a reformed Railroad r-resiaeni, drawing crowded houses to hear the expositio of the art of raising the wind, and all wonderful wonders of New i orti financiering." AWFUL SCENE AT A FIRE. The St.. Louis Democrat, in giving an account of the late destructive fire, in that city, says : " When the fire had been subdued, and the stable was a heap of ashes, the char red remains of some three or four. of the noble beasts, were yet visible, lying amid the cinders, as if they struggled most fear fully against the remorseless flames. Some tnree or tour ot them were taken out of the stable partially roasted, and yet with sufficient life and strensrth'Hd walk about ihe piteous winnowings of these animals. - 1 a . . as they stood trembling in the agony of tneir sunenngs, moved the hearts of all who saw them. They were taken out to Lhoteau pond by some humane individuals. ana mere snot, ana relieved of their suffer ings." ' ABOLITIONISTS READ 1 The Tuibodcuux (La.) Minerva says : "Joseph Hunter, who plead guilty before me iisirici voun ot oasi onion xtoue. to tne cnarge of separating a slave child, under the lawful age, from is parents, is condemned to pay a nn ot 91,000, forfeit the slaves or their proceeds to the Stare, ana to undergo 6ix znontns imprisonment." BEEF CO ING DOWN Beef is said to be ."corning down" in New York. The laugh comes in when it is understood that it is only coming down the Hudson river Boston Bee. The Bee may , laugh again, when it assured that prices as well as ' the be- f ' are coming: down Read the . cattle market-report. A month ago we were paying at the rate $12 a $14 per hun dred at the Bull's Head.v Now. fair qualities can be had at $3 a $4 less. That is coming down isn't it? Ex. press. ; A THREADBARE GAME. The Organ " ays that the . grand mother's trick " of publishing withdrawals from thn American Order. enmmAntl in Virginia, is continued in the South. The . J I . ... , ,, ... I alleged withdrawals WOuM prove that the j accessions Had been very large. When I the lodges are full to overflowing, it is na- j turai there should be some leakage; be sides, we have known instances in which the example of the " well-bred dog " has been followed, who. " when he sees prepa tion made to kick him out of doors, invari ably jumps out of the window." THOSE SNAKES We shall never hear the last of th;t (Giltnanton, N H .) snake story until somebody gets up a mo e rn-rvellous one The papers are now 'publishing a stat'tnetit denying that it Is a. iiurubn?' The snakes are still to bJefiT playing with the little girl exhibiting the same fond ness for her as t v r , So they say. but ' they " will say anything iu these days. A ease of "c tpit .I punishment.'' such as is laid dawn in none of ihe books, we believe, ir.H.iiivd it; Roxbury, M ss , last wwk JTiiiiiih' Criitwn and Bridget Ring were rreeied fur some unrnentioned offence, ami ordered to be married forth with. The sentence was carried into exe cution tn the spot, the city clerk officiating as executioner. filE Till. WEEKLY tOMMEitCIAL Is published every Tuesday, Thcssdav and Satoidav at S3 per annum, payable nallcaaes in ndvance. BT THOMAS LORING Kditob and Pbopbic roa, Corner Front jiitt Market Streets, WILMINGTON. N. C. n vtes of advertising. t aqr. 1 insertion i oii I sijr I months. 1-2 73 J I 3 I ' 3 I 00 1 "6 " t - I month, 2 60 1 VI $4 00 5 uu 8 '0 12 00 Ten linea or less make j -square lfanadver tisement exceeds ten lines, tlx- piice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payabl at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made In the most liberal terms. No transfer f contracts for early advertising will tw permitted. Should circu.itatnnces render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according he pti tinned terms will be at irte option ot the contractor, fur Tie time he has advertised. The privileze ot Annual Advertisers i -tricily limited to their wn immediati 'umneaa; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, aa well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisement in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will le charged at the usual rates. No AdvertUemenis i included In the contract for the sale or rent of ltoties or lands in town r rountry or tor the sale or hire of negroee. wheth er the. property is owned bv th advertiser or by oiner persons, i nee are excluded by tne term "immediate business." All ilvertiement inserted in the tri-weekl Commtrctal are entitled to one icaertlon in the Weekly free or charge. JOB, CAItl) AMI) PAXCV PRIYTISC, EXECUTED II SCPERKIR STILE - r;Evrs von. thr comugrciai,. IN w Yobk Mersrs. Dollxeb & Potteb. ftatnn ChlSsith Mo t. Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K Cohen RallimoreWit:. f 1 . Piaii i nd War. Thomson GUANO. Qrn R AGS for sale by CJM iy 19. ADAMS, RRO. A r-O. BACON LOT of suonrior No. C;i Bac n. llama and aidfs, just received, and for sale bv May 19. FREEMAN & HOUSTON HERRING. BBLS. Cut Herring, Dry saltedi Jv r 30 do. round do. Just received, and for saU by Msy 8. ADAMS, BRO. f- CO 24 FRESH FLOUR, FROM FAYKTTKV1LLK. 1 I BBLS. of Super rlourj 1 V 15 do. best Family do. ; lw for ensh. at April 3. iEO. H. KELf KY J, H., and N.C. T. copy THE SMITHSONIAN II01SE, BltOADWAY, COiiNKR OF HOUSTON ST. NEW YORK, I jN the sarpe bla)k with th'- Metropolitan Hotel ' snd Nibl-i's Gurlen. snd two blocks aove the St. Nicholas Hotel, and offers to traveler s sdpebiob accommodation in i lie heart nf Broadway, in ini- inedible juxtiiposiiion to the t: her first-class houses and placesol atnus inenl, at mod. rate rates Tbt house has all the f-onvenienc a in vogue. and is con ducted on ihe tuanrt an I'law ! Indging-iooms, at rirrv cewts ao.l upwards to Si a day, according to location. Ac , and meals exirn as orJered. at prict-s graded to auit bo h the economical and extravagant. the guests ordering meals at pleasure, and paying I.rr only wnat la used. - t r.i ve ers will .nnd at the SMITHSONIAN accommodations of superior or der, and can, if they choose, make their bills less by at least one-third than at other firet-class Hotels, ss conducted on the old system For re spectability, order. neatness, comfort and economy. the SMITHSONIAN shall make its mark on the times, and be worthy the patronage of the people. fiilDNEV KOPMAN. March 29. 6-brn-c. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE, T Leesburs;, on the Wilmington and Weldon fx Kail Rotid. The said Still will rue 12 bbla Virgin Dip Turpentine. It haa alt the fixtures and appurtenances ready for Immediate use. It is well located for business, and an active man csnld make money. Apply to WM. A.tiWVER. July 10. 50 JUST OPEiNED. THR largest assortment of Chemicals erer ofTer- . ed in tola market, constating in part or 100 lbs. .So (far Lead; 60 Suhph.Zinei . 25 Valletfs Mass; BOO ozs. German Quinine 10 bbls. Epsom Malta 15 bbla. Coppers ax 25 lbs. Calomel; 30 lbs Blue Mass ; ' 3 carboys Spirits itre tflT) 3 " A ana tmmonia. (flT) and a num ber of other ChemicaU. from the Laboratories of Powers a d Weiahtnian. Chis. KHis A Co. Por Mleby , C. 4 D.DcPRE. June 6. 3tJ FRESTFROM NEW YORK. PER SCHR. W. H. SMITH., - ,T BBLS. I. L. 4-A. Smart's C.Vellow Sugar. 200 Table Saltj 6 hhds of prime Yellow Sugars ; low for cash, at GEO. H. KKL LEY'S April 3. H.N.C.T.a Sp. Age copy. , 8. : CLOSING ACCOUNTS. PREPARATOH 7 to making a change in my bn aiiess. on the 1st of July neat, I have commen ced the closing of my boobs, and will thank my ineaas 10 reooer wuai assistance tney can to my Clerkaor Agents in making settlements, aa every account upon my books must be cloned' by that lime. J.M.ROBINSON. - May IT. -; - ' .-: -... . - 23 , NOTICE. -v. T5???0.f?uf!Ion f? 9ltml Stock - fTummgion, uartorre Z HBUierrora IUU Road. are. by older of the General Comroisetonera iorouaays,or nnni tnesnmorssoo imis h?!' . A . Ch'mi BUSINESS CARDS. 0 . - . E. j. lutterloh7 FOR WARDING if COMMISSION MERCHANT. WlliMINOTUN, M.C. Sept. 28th. 1864. 83-12m. W. M. SHERWOOD & CO., IT? HOLESALK Grocera and Commission Mer V V chants Wilmington. IN. C. All consignments ot Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Flour, Ac, ehal ucura the highest marker price. Dec. 13 . . 115-tf J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES &.C.&.C. Front street. South ol Market, BROWN'S BCILDINO. WILMINGTON. N C. Sept. 16.!854. , , 79-y-c JVC. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT d GENERAL WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1. 1854. 85-Iy-e. WILKINSON dfc ESLKR, UPHOLSTERS & PAPER HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. MaltresseSf Feather Beds, Window Curtains and Jbixlures. All work in the above line done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market at. March 18, 1B&4. 1. O- JOSEPR R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ment tor sale or snipment. Liberal Cash advance made on Consignment to me or to my view York Jntnas. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854. 135. W. C.HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington N.O. Liberal ?ash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29, 1833. 109-tf DL-PHE. DANIEL. B. BAKER. C. DaPRE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS COMMISSION ANO FOmVAHIMNG MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. July 22L 1854. 54-12m. AMES ANOCBSOir. EDWARD SAVAGE. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL CO Vt MISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON ih. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. March 27, 1854. 94 RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS. R17H8SLL ft CO i) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberalcash advances made on conignmcntsof Naval Store, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1851. C. & D. D PRE. WHOLESALE AND H ETA L. DEALERS IN Drugs. Medicines. Clieinicals. Iahit, Oil, Ujc stuns, liiasg, renumery, itjars. Old Lttquors. J'ancy Articles, &c MARK I T STREET, WILMINCTOJi, X. C. rescriptlonscarefully rjnipuunded by experi enced persons. March 28. 1854. WILLIAM A. GWYE1, General igcnt.Forwardingi Commission Merchant. I take pleasure in informing my friends, that 1 am preparea to give an ousiness entrustea to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval stores, with ample aecom modal iobs, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consinmenls of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; snd all kinds ol coun try r!uce solicited. Uash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1854. 15. " WILLIAM H, PEAKE, COLLECTOR AND ADVliRTI S1(J AGI'M- Kor Country Newspapers throughout the United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bo Siings, Baltimore street All business eclrastcd to nis care tranaacted promptly, or liberal terms. aept 7, tsa. 95-tr JAMES E. METTS, COMMISSION Sr FORWARDING MERCHANT. HILMINGTON, N . C . August 26th, 1854. g 63-tf. T. C7& B. G. W0RTII, COOISSION AND FIIHW1RDIXG MEllinSXTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1854. 125 c JOSEPH n. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, tVIliMISGTOS, N. C. May 9th. 1354. 87-ly-c. JAS. H. CHADBOURN & C0. Ijeneral Commission Merchants. WILMINGTON. X. C. JAS. II. C.HADBOVBAT. Geo. Chadbourw. 123. Jun. 1, 1854. HENRY NUTT. FACTOR AND FORWlBDlr. AG EST, Will give hi personal attention to b usiness enlrusl- eaia m care. Sept. 8. 1854. 75-lyc GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand. Wines. Teas, Liquors, Provision, Wood ana willow ware, r ruit, Confectionaries, f-c South Front street. WILMINGTON. N.U. Nov. IS, 1853 , 109. KENAN T. MORGAN, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT. CHERAW, S. C. March 27, 1855. 5-6m-c. QUINCE Sl COWAN. WHOLESALE AND R ETAIL GROCERS; MJKALERS IN WINKS p LIQUORS. Corner of Front and Pi inces streets, WILMINOTON. N.C. Jaly 29.- 66. H.( ( ) 1 7f Luh, "VV Ml March 31. C. DuPREACO. NOTICE. TPnOSK Indebted tome individually, or to C. 1 DnPRE A CO will please call and make oav- ment without delay, as further indulgence cannot oe riven. u. DvPKK May 17. .29 LIMR. MWE. A fW CASKS Lime, landing from sehr. Village v ijtem, ana tor sate oy June 2. - - J. H. FLANNER. THE KING AND THE C0BLER. A ROMANCE of Ancient Persia j by Austin C. Burdick. Jnst published complete. For sale t. S. W. WHITAKER'S. July 14. ' r 52 BUSINESS CARDS. A. M. Van1okkbi.N W. A. M. VanBokkklkn. V Ai B0 K k KLEN & BROTHER, Manufacturers oi and dealet a in Naval Stores. Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnUhed at fair rates under inaurance, if desired. Jan. 1. 122-tf. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON I'UKE.WAST b HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. C. r. C. FREEMAN dt CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. FEEEMiJi i&D PESTUS YILUI.GTOI!, ft. C- j'ERP. constantly on hand a stock oi Flour, IV Corn, Pork. Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sarar, Mo last cw, Tobacco, Cigars. Snuff', Candle; Soap, For eign and Domestic Liquor and Wine ; Iron, Nail,'PainU, Oil, Gla, Domestic, Hat, Boot, Shoe, Leather, Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for familyand plan tation use and Ihe retail trade, which they will dispoteof in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce. Theseniorpartner D. C. located in the city 'of New Vork ; the junior partner. Geo. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptlyand carefully filled. Sept. 9, 1854. . 76-f. CiEO. HARRISS, Ueneral Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT .mention given to procuring Freight and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. 1(11 II TO K. P. Hall, Esq. "I ?:yi m.migton. J. D. Bellamy, Ksq. ) Messrs. 'l ooker, Mnyth fc Co., ) v vb Thompson & Hunter, J Alcjc'r. Uerron, Jr Philadelphia. Messrs Williums & Butler, ) . i. .., 0 H F.Baker, Ksq. ' -harleston.S. C. Jan. 2. 1854. . 123 if. I. WES8EL. H. B. EILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wil mington, N. C. intend to keen at the above stands sceneralassortment of Groceries, Liquors, and rroviHton at wholesale and to carry on a GeneralCommtsslon Business. iriiiNct : B. P.Hall Prca'i Br'ch Bank of the State. J O. G. Parsley, Prcs't Commercial Bank. Wif. P. K . Dickinson , Esq ) Poppe A Co. N v . Dollner A Potter. Jan. 20 1854. 131. GEO. D. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. VVannet's,on North Waterit. willattend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce. such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard ,tc. md willkeepconatantly on hand a full supplyof Groceries. cc. References. Wilte Hall. of Wayne, Jno tfcRae, Wilmington W Caraway. Gen. Alx.. McRae. - " R. P. il ill, Wilmington , Wilejr A. WalKei . Dec. 13, 1853. 115-ly. JAS. F. GILLESPtn. GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAM R S V. GILLRAPIF. Ot C O.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N C. Particular attention paid to the receipts and Saleof Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot- ion, q-c., r-e. March 30,1855. 6. S. M. WEST, Aactioneer and Commission Merchant, WlliHINRI'IIM. M. f. WILL-cellor buv Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. also : Strict attention givento thesaleof Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, on the wharf. June 12. 1854. . 38-Iy. W.T. MllOBB. jso. A. STANLY. 1. W. JONES. , MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION MB RCIIANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 26h, 1854. 93. dcasiiwewu COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMIBfGTOSr. N. C. Sept. 30. - - 84-tf T. C. WORTH, r General Commission Merchant, lVIfjII5f(JTON,tf.C. USUAL advance made on consignments of Cot ton, Naval Stores and other produce Puttieular attention given by G. W. Davia to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, tie. March 2. 1364. , 123-lyc. C0MRAN & RUSSELL. (SCCCESSOhS TO TIIOS. ALlBO'iE k CO ) General Commission Merchants, No 32, North Wharves, tnd ri3 North Water Sts. PHILADELPHIA. 7. HAITir COCHBAX, W. S. Bff 48BLL. Liberal cash idvancea made on consignments. July 30th, 1354. 6S-tf. H. DOLLNER. G. POTTtR. ST. 3. CAM E B DEN. DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. Aprll30, 1854. 4 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, NO DKALF.a lit LIQUORS WINES ALE. PORTER f-c. No 3, Granite Kow, f rout Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb- 17th, IP55. I40-tf. I BENNETT & BROKAW, PRODUCE " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ' FOB TBS UU Of ' Flour, Grain and Seeds, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Dried Fruits, Smoked Meats and Pro : " visions. ' , ' , NO. 4, FRONT ST. NEAR THE BATTERY NEW YORK. To avoid error a and delays, it la desirable that consignors be very particular to pat their initials upon Goods shipped to as for sale. June 14. ' 40-tf FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! JTJST received per sehr. Delegate, from Halifax: N. 8. . - . 25 barrels No. I Mackerel; 101 1 25 50 I 300 250 " suit by -May 10. ' 3 - ' Cut ' rring. For sale in lots to T. C. WORTH. ZermauN Ant l-tcorbatlrrTooth wash. TO THE LADIES. VTOTHING adda more to beauty than clean, j i. win (a leem, and Guma or healthy color. The most beautiful face and Vermillion lips become repulsive, if the latter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wisn clean, white Teeth, healthy Gums and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'U TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by C. fc D. DoPRE, Agents, . ' Wilmington N.C. sept. 30. 84 PERFUMERY I UT received from New Vork and rhiladet v nia i Glross Lubins's Extracts for the Handk'f j uu. aa. rollette Soaps I do. Glenny Mush Toilette Water j do. do. Verbena do. do. do. Yankee Soap it do. ' Camphor Soap do. Pontine do.. : v A larire assortment of Hair RniahM. m'A a num. ber of fancy articles usually kept In Drag Stores. v,. a, y. uirur, tv Helena le Druggists, Oct. 5. Market-stn Wilmington, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE LXSURANXECOMP'Y, uAiiCiiun, r . u.- THE above Company hrsbeen in operations! net the Utof ADril. i848.,.nnr ih. louowing umcers, vie t Lir.Chariea b.Jonhson, President, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, Jarn&s F.Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasure, Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Or. Wm.H.McKee. Medical Board of Dr. R.B. Haywood, ) Consultation. J. IIersman. General Apent This Company haa received a charter giving ad vantages toihe insured over any other Company The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free frpm any claim so f the representa- ivtiui ine nusnana orany oi his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participated the whole ot the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant for me, wuen inr annual premium is nvurlin m. n. rtno half in . IV.. 1 1 prove very important to the Southern States. I lie last four months operation ofthia Company shows a vervl areeamount of buslnraa m... the Directors expected to do ihe first year having already IssueTl more than 300 Policies. lr. Agent OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" s AT THE viimlug(tii saddle. Harness, and Trunk ' M aiitilaetorv. T"K subscriber respectlully informs thepub lie X thai he has recently received additions to hia stork Of Saddle and Ha Ifttesmnd 11108I improved stvle. und is cnnifii tnanuiacturing, at liisstore on market street, every description ofarUclein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that r ' iicm ucauioio giveeniircaaiiaiactiontoallwho mat lavornim wim a call. e haa now on hand and willcoastautlv keen a larseauortininir Coach, Gig and StMey Harness, Lady's Saddles rt ; .j i... . . . .. . r .. . ' oia.t.-, nrmps, tfc, ucnucmen s saddles, Wkips opurs, q-c. feilallof which he will warrant to be ofT5 Ithe besi materials and workmanship, (j it He haa also a large assortment of irunks, alises. Saddle and Carpet Dags, ij.iuti,riiijr i rutins, c, and all other ar &c .. made to order Inaddition tothe above the nherrihrat kecpson hand a largeaupply of String Leather , and has now, and will keep through the season a guuuiuuriiiiroivl riy n C'llS. aii are invited to call and examine my Goods, "heihcrin want ornot, asl takepleaaoreinshw ling my assortment to all who may favorme witt with can HarnessandUoach Trlmmincs aold at fair price 10 persons ouyingto manufacture. Also, w hips at wholesale. Allkmdaof Riding Vehicles bought r. old on enmmlsaions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7, 1854. na WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. I "HE Subscriber having accepted the agency of J- several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is preparea to nil ail orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, and every otherarticle in the line or the bualneaa at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as well as can be done either North or South. t Thebest reference can be given, if required JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. ' if; TIIOS R fURR Hf I) I) I) J J? rTotiTitV P- S- I' . m mr inciasi ien years, i . u . ... x I 10 or leas artificial teeth on fine gold plate. each, $ 7 00 An entire ael of teeth on fine gold plate, 150 00 Ditto on gold with artificial guma, 160 00 vmo on riatina plate with artifi cial eums. 150 00 Upper or under ditto, each, 75 00 a nvot loom mat cannot be distinguish ed from ihe natural, 5 00 A tine gold filling, warranted permanent. 2 00 do. and destroying the nerve. S3 to 6 00 extracting a tooth, SO Cta. to 1 0C Best dentifrice and tooth brurhesalwayson hsnd f.very operation varranled to etve entire sati.fae iln. Teeth inserted immediately after theextrae tton of the fane-sand remodeled after the rams nave surunaen, wi'nout additional cnarge. umee on Alarket-st., Z doors below the Church Wilmington, . C, April Ti. - , I6-tf. NOW is the time to have your rooms and pas sages papered with decerationa, fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on band, and superior workmen from New Vork, who will hang paper in latest sty les. WILKINSON dk ESLER. July 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. E R. DURREE, 130 WATER STREET NEW-VORK, Manufacturer and Proprietor of DCRIEE'S TE1ST CB B1II5S fOWDEB, Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SL I. CAkb. SODA, ' SAL SODA. CASTILE SOAP, ' - BLACK LEAD. BRITISH LUSTRE. REF'D PEARLASH, SALERATUS, vuuainu IvJLTIlACTB, MATCHES WAX akd WOOD Dee. 23rd, 1854. . 117-Iy-e. NOTICE. THEsubacriDerespectfally inform the public, fhathe is noartranaactinv the Aaction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attentionto business, to merit a continuance ef that patronage heretofore s i.bersUy bestowed upon Mm. M. CiCONLY. Stock,RealEsUteand froes. bought and sold on a eotnmisionoi t rer ct i enaer at private oil public a.ile. J J,nP..l2Zi. ,t i A II pl.lma fn. Ini. raa I ..1. ...I t-sioiuic company will . ne mosi eminent Colleces of oepaid within ninety dayaafierproof of the death 'hoUnl'ed States, thd the greater f art of whose of the party Isfurnlehed. life has been spent In the Hoapitalaof London Par. Mavesare insured foroneorfive years, at rates ,bj Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has eflecied 'some which will enable all Slaveholders to aecure this ?I lhnoetastonlshtaff cures that were ever known. classofproperityagalnattheuniertalntyoflif. Many troubled with ringing Intheears and head .slave insurance presents a new and interesting 'hen asleep, great nervousnsss, belna alarmed st feature in the history of North Carotin hi..i. audden sounds, and,..... ..u . Wilminpton N r .-......., ana u..-c, too oiien nnppens that onill-tim- . Tiimineion, is. 1 ed sense of sham m A, a ..r a j All Communications onbusincssof theCompanv him from applying to those who. rL L'.". f. anou.0. ne addressed to g ft .nd respectability, can alone befriend him, oel.y- Raleigh Jan 25 1S54 J0RDA!S 'Se7f- '"t, fonrrT utional symptom, of this horrid 1 fc4, ,f- iee make their appearance, auch a- cwi .wiVk . if i 7 V.V. 1 ' " ol " i'"w"''"raproper indulgences. - which he offer low for CASH.or onshortcredit These are some of the sad and inelancholv ef. to prompt customers. fecia. produced by early habits of youth ' viz Saddles, Horness.Trunka. Radical Bao-a. Weakness of the Blt .i.h r i.k- 'n.i ' BOOT JOHNSTON, iiAiiUnwHB IjOCK HOSPITAL. WHERE maybe Obtained the pleasant and effectual remedy most ryiedy, in the world ivi mil SECRET DISEASES. GondrThoa;, Gleets, Strictures, St mir ctl. nes( Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility. Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Af fections of the Kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart. Dysnepala.NervouB irritabllty, Diseases of the Head, Throat Nose or Skin and all thote serious and melancholy disorders arising from the destruc live habitsof i outh, which destroy both body and mind, those secret a nd solitary p radices in ore fa ta I to their victims than the songs of the SyreLs to the mariners cf Ulysses., blighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipationa, rendering marrlaee. dec, impossible. " ' YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of . ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whuu annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands i,i voung men of the most sialted talents and brl;Ji,.nt Intellect, -who might otherwise bavs entranced lis letting Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wakea to ecstacy the living lyre, may ceil with full confidence. t 4 n ti t J it .: nM""ngAU . T I J, f u ve restored heahh. ' ' CCt e who places himself underthecareof Dr. 3 J.n- V y.""oijr vuuiiue in nis nonor as a 1 1 n tlemari.atid confidently rely upon hisskill asa phy. OFFICE. ?to f. SOUTI'f rRtrnrmotr uuuits kkuh BALTIMORE St.. (east side UP THE STEPS. - ,lde'' I3rBE PARTICULAR in nhrin. it,. K-,r and NUM BER. or you will mistake fh nt-.. A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. - TAKE NOTICE. ir JtHN8Tojr is the only regularly Eduratrd Physician who advertisea his very e tensive Prac tise, and his many Wonderful Curja Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Those ttho vieh to be speedily and effectually cured, should ml,,. ,.-.., ous trifling ivMtttrs, who only ruin their health. DR. J O II 's 7'n v Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London I 1.1 LI Si . wnii lll'UUi w.u..jS,.ienoca sometimes with dcrnnccment of mind, were cured immediately. u A CERTAIN DISEASE. W hen the mlscuided ant tr.rr.,i... . ..... pleasure finds ho hat Imbibed the aeels of .hia ore inroot.aiseacod nose, noctural pain m ihe head and limbs, dimness of ainhi on the shin bones and anna, blotches on the head, face and I extremities, progress on with frlehUui ra pidity, till at laat the palate of the mouib or -the bones ot (he nose loll in. nA ,h. in.t r .v.-.. awful disease becomes a horrid object ofcommli serationtill death puta a period to his dreadful auf fcrins, by rending bini to "that boutne from whence no traveller returns." To audi therefo-e. nuclide UU IIHICIII Dr. Johnston pledc 11 1 tice in the firat Ho dges himself to preserve the most j and, from hia extensive pruc- OSDitalsin fvn mn n.l a hecan confidcntlv-xecommend a aafaanit .n,J cure to the onforiunate victim of this horrid. tiL essc. It is a melancholy fact, that ih it 1 1 t-trl al full victims to this dreadful disease. skilfulness ot Ignorant pretenders, who, by the IM.9 of that deadly poison, mercury, ruii the coniuu tion, and either send the unfortunate Fi,n,.r, ,n ... untimely grave, or else make the residn. rnr. , ;. erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J.addreases all those who hsveiniured them- Head.Ulmneaaor Sfcht. Loss at Mnr..i.r u.... er. Palpitation of the Heart. D VSDenav. NVrvntiM irritability, Derangement af the Digestive Func- iio, wutiiii xeouiiy, symptoms ol Consump tion, Ac. r j It.. m l r i . n. . . junuauy. i qb icariui enecta on me i much to te dreaded i Loss of Memory. (' of Ideaa, Depression of Spirits, Evil For Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love tude. Timidity, etc.. are some of the evil i nousanas ol persons or all ages, can n.w j ' e what la the cause of their declining healih. ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and etiiu.u ted, have a singular aDDearance about th o -cough and symptoms of consumption. marrua rersons, or tnose contemplating mar riage, beinjr aware of nhvsical weaknesa. h, m Immediately consult Dr. 1. and be restored to per fect health. I DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME I DV FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By thia arreat and imDortant remedy wnbnni nt the orsaDS IS eoeedilf cured and full viirnr r.amr.l Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had lest all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications. Ncrvona tr. ritabilitr Tremblinga and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind. Fpccdilv cured bv Dr Johnaton. Younar men who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone a habit irrquenny jenrnca irom evil companions, or at achool, the effecta of which are nightly ftlt, even hen P.. lt not cured, render; an.riaK. impossioie.ana aeatroys both mind and body v oai a uny inai a young man-, tne no country, and the darling of his parent.-, anatcnea irom ail prospects snd enjoymrr by the consequences of deviating from ; . Lie, ..atit. nature, and indulging in a certain aecrci Sucf persona, before contemplating MARXIAGE, Should reflect thai a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Inde-d, without these, the journey through life become a weari pilgrim a pej the pros pect hourly darkens to ihe view j the mind becomes shadowed wilh despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with onr own. ., OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDER ICK-ST., Baltimobb, t.lo. AUSnrglcal Operatlona l'erte oed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prevent vou, but apply immediately either personally or liUiter. - Ski Diseases fipeed I ly Cured. . ' TO STRANGERS. TeMny(A0iwsndeuredsithislnstita'! in wiih lnthelatt ten years, and the numeron impor tant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appear.! i and again before the public, la a sufficient f -tee thauthe aflUc led will find a skillul snd I. .. ... a- ble physician TAKE NOTICE. It Is with therreatest reluctsnes that Dr. JCIS.V- o i yjr permits nis car a to appear mi '? t he t deeming il unprofessional for a pbvn -! to t Use, bai anlese be did so, the , -r- strangers, could not fsil lofall i those imondent. boastinz iir -.; .... , ift- t of ' ' destitute ol knowledge, name ini ,. , j- lars, shoemakers, mechanics, ale.,? i ,,,- selves ss physicianst lt'norxnt e lying certificates of Great Wondi x persons who cannot be found, orobta. ni .v dollar from the Worthless and Degr.' l ...i t other cunning s nd contrr ie srtir.ri a t t the affilcted, trifling mo. i .;er menih. t i , a possible. and in drana. leave v i ; . healih. to Ijza over your a.;iii' d It U this motive thai InH '-os Lr. r for he alone can cure yr -O t I wiin nis reparation, b. Oci mm It i, Br. v tht hia credentials or diplomas i . in .. WEAKNESS Of TUT. ;j :Au'.7 cured, and lull ri'ifnore rS"ALI. I.I ?S i DIES SENT Lk .r-p.uo ni:;.j i: All Letters m Ji rit.i:i a T. t;.-s Stamp for the r , , - rrer v . '' i Jan. 9;h. I5"5. UMt-d ' I w I - . . vt m aui in 11113

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