Zi Cflnnatrrial WILMINGTON. M. C: TUESDAY, JULY 31," I855t - DZFEAT OF WALKER'S EXPEDITION, ' " FI4GHT OF THE INVADERS. The following intelligence fwnv Nicara gua has been received in a letter from CapL Blethen,of the Transit Company' steam ship Sierra Nevada, addressed to Charles Morgan, '.Esq.of -New York. ' " " Capt. Walker was beaten out of ReU Kas, with the loss of twenty men. The natives who had joined him all deserted. ' He was hotly pursued by Gen. Bascker. He threw off his coat, containing all his documents and private letters. In their - flight, the invaders passed ., through ; San - Juan del- Sud on tbe night of the first of - Julyrseized-a schooner in the harbor, and " sailed for parts unknown-. They left the , barracks at San Juan a smouldering mass . of ruins;: ; They took the passengers' boats , to embark in, but. returned them, and did ' , no injury to the property of the Transit '- Company." i . - . :' : - - - lt is probable that this intelligence will reach San Francisco in time to prevent the - , departure of the reinforcements- under the -leird of the notorious . Parker H. French, spoken of in the annexed extract from tbe ; Alia California of June 30tb :- . The Expedition to '. Central America.- Some ' little excitement is rife about town among that very excitable port kin of our - population known as the Fillibusters, ow ing to the report that Parker H. "French is -to start in a.few days, with a band of over - -SO men, for Nicaragua. .The report that Air. French has received . grants of land from the 'Government of . Nicaragua, must be mistake, as the only - grant made was that to Mr. Walker, thro' a third party. Walker is doubtless there by this time, with his little force, and Mr. ' French is probably going to join him. It is said that fifty men have enlisted in vari- ous parts of the State for the enterprise- add this to the 63 of Walker, and we have one hundred and thirteen eager expedition ists, determined to restore liberty and order to that very warm part of the continent,- We can guarantee "plenty-' of aguadiente, fruit, jiggers, 'fevers, rain, treachery, and email glory ; out what else the reformers - will obtain, we must estimate from the his tory.of the English and. Prussian attempts -tr colonize- the coast lands of Nicaragua, - - during the last half century. " Americans and Europeans cannot live ' :and. work in Central America, excepting - - in the table lands and cool mountain dis- - tricts of Honduras. - In Nicaragua, little else than disappointment, . enervation and disgust awaits the settler. We have often - repeated" that the Anglo Saxon and Span ish American races can never affiliate. Sooner or later they must come to blows. - The one despising and attempting to dom "lineer, and the other fearing the progress t - .and hating the superiority of thenewcom- - -ers. Besides, the Central Americans will . not be " fillibustered " or encroached on. Tbe only way to approach them is in a commercial way, and by offering induce ments to increase their trade. and the pros pect 'of ; immediate gain. Patriotic ad fiery,' they are easily excited to war. It is . only by peaceful negotiations that any- thing can be effected with tbe Spanish Americans. - ' . - Another account in the , Herald states that Walker's party, 56 in number, landed at Realejo on the 14th of June, and hav ing been reinforced by 140" native " troops, under the command of Col. Felix Rami :'.vezt the entire force was ordered by Gen. CasiiLIon to march and subdue the depart ment of Rivas. They went oa, meeting very little sympathy from the country peo- .. pie, who distrusted the Yankees," as they termed the Walke men. On tfee 28th of June the - government troops, ' aided by a number of volunteers, met the revolution ists, 300 in number, at a fort near San Ju- an del Sur, having attacked them, the na tives fied, leaving Walker to fight out his battle as best he might. His men did this gallantly j defending themselves with their rifles through the loop-holed walls of an adobe building for some two hours. This place was ultimately stormed by the young volunteers, and the filibusters completely routed, leaving 13 Americans dead inside .. the house, and having many more wound ed. .The bodies of tbe dead were buried.; - It was said that Colonel Walker himself was killed, but his retreating men said that he did not engage in the fight at any time. A. L-.Kewen, of Lopez expedition memo-; ry, with Lieutenants Anderson and Merri- "rnen, Ur.' Jones and Dr. W. H. Davis, were amongst tne nlabusters dead, Ine rem nant of the party went towards the Costo " : Rica territory in a very pitiable plight, and it was feared their reception from the au thorities there would be very unfriendly. -The dfficial report rendered to the Nicara- , , -in government of the previous taking of the town of Kivas by the Castulon party including the Walker filibusters shows that the government lost the commandant, t welve omcers, and over a hundred men. - Among the articles found in- the coat pocket 0 Walker, were the original con tract between Byron Cole and the provis- lonary government, with alt the . necessary I, stamps and seals, for 52.000 acres of land: ' the power of .attorney given by Cole to . Col. Walker to execute said grants; vari ous letters written by said Cole to Colonel . v Walker, speaking about, the most eligible Ian is, public and private property ; the cer- ....cates ot snares in the company, pf which V?.n:er.wa3 the agent. - u :vf , ,1" 'i h 2 expedition must have been fitted but rather poorly, as many receipts of Walker appear that show that Joans of 850 were accepted by him from various parties. - All expeditionists had to pay 840 passage mo ney from San Francisco to Realejo. The Walker party, & when passing the Transit towards an JUan.de! Sur, present ed me most lamentable 6ight several v, x .in Jed, all of them in rags, and extreme ly dirty ; some, even - without boots and halo. ey .were very low spirited, and c.-- inst the Leon party for having A GOOD SUGGESTION. In cf tl -inerous and well con 03 of the present efficient May York, a journal of that city . ? ropi.cty of altering his name f ix ; - 'o- Wood" to u Fernando -:ar!ccd "tele ;i at. Portlant ain forty gal e ve-oner.ers. From the Jackson Mist ) Mercury. ' The Testimony of Joan Wesley ' ' Judge Longstr'eet, in his diatribe, against the American party, taunted his , brother Methodists with tarnishing - the name of their great leader, John Wesley. Follow inguhe hint, the anti-American orators sometimes invoke "the shade of .Wesley, who- founded a church amid persecutions and oppressions," to rebuke the American, party. Summoning Wesley in defence of Ro manism f Can brazen assurance go fur ther than this ' Let him speak for him self, with his accustomed words of wisdom, to his followers, and to all men who think in this country. The subjoined letter was written by Mr. Wesley, addressed to the editor of the Dublin Freeman's Journal, and originated in a controversy that sprung up on the English Toleration Act It may be found in the Miscellaneous works of Wesley, volume 5, page 817. Read it, and, to borrow the words of the great au thor," answer it if you can." LETTER OF JOHN WESLEY. " Sir Some time ago a pamphlet was sent me, entitled " An Appeal from the Protestant Association, to the People of Great Britain." A day or two since a kind of answer to this was put into my band, which pronounces its style contemptible, its reasoning futile, and its object malicious. On the contrary, I think the style of H is clear, easy, and natural ; the- reasoning, in general, strong and conclusive ; the object or design, kind and benevolent And in pursuance of the same kind and benevo lent design, namely, to preserve our happy constitution, I shall endeavor to confirm the substance of that tract, by a few plain arguments. , " With persecution I have nothing to do I persecute no man for his religious prin ciples. - Let there be as boundless freedom in religion as any man can conceive. But this does not touch the point." I will set religion, true or false, utterly out of. the question. Suppose the Bible, if you please, to be a fable, and the Koran to be the word of God. I consider not whether the Rom ish religion is trueorAilse; I build nothing on one or the other supposition. There fore away with all your common- place de clamation about intolerance and persecu tion for religion I Suppose every word of Pope Pius' creed to be true I Suppose the Council of Trent to have been infallible ; yet I insist upon it that no government not Koman Catholic ought to tolerate men 01 the Roman Catholic persuasion. I prove this by a plain argument (let him answer k that can) that no Roman Cathohc does, or can give security for his allegiance or peaeeable behavior. I prove it thus : It is a : Roman Catholic maxim, established not by private nr.en, bur by pub ic council, that No faith is to be kept with heretics " This has been open y avowed by the Council of Constance; but it was never openly disclaimed. Whether private persons avow or disavow it, it is a fixed maxim of the Church of Rome. - But as long as it is so, nothing can be more, plain, than that the 'members of that Church can give no reasonable security 10 any government for their allegiance and peaceable behavior. 1 herefore they ought not to be tolerated by aoy government, Protestant, Mohammed m or Pagan. You say, " nay. but they take an oath of alle giance." True, five hundred oaths ; but the maxim, !' no faith is to be kept with heretics," sweeps them all away as a spi der's web. So that still no Governors that are not Roman Catholics can- have any se curity of their allegiance. " Again, those who acknowledge the spiritual power of the Pope can give no security of their allegiance to any govern ment; but all Koman Catholics acknowl edge this therefore, they can give no se curity for'their allegiance. The power of granting pardons for all sins past,-present and to come is, and has been for nmny centuries, one branch of his spiritual pow er. But those who acknowledge hirac to have this spirituol power can give no se curity for their allegiance, since they be' lieve the Pope can pardon rebellion high treason and all other sins, whatsoever. The power of dispensing with any prom ise, oath or vow, is another branch of the spiritual power of the Pope; all' who ac knowledge his spiritual power must ac knowledge this. But whoever acknowl edges the dispensing power of the Pope, can give no security for his allegiance to any government. Oaths and promises are none ; they are light as air--a dispensa tion makes them null and void. a Nay, not only the Pope, but even a- priest, bar pow er to pardon sins I This is an essential doctrine of the Church of Kome. But they that acknowledge this cannot possi bly give any security for their allegance to any government Oaths are no security at all ; for the priest can pardon both per- iury and hisrh treason. Setting their re ligion aside, it is plain that upon principles of reason, no government ought to tolerate men who cannot give any security to that goverment for their allegiance and peacea ble behaviour. But this, no Romanist can do, not only while he holds that " no faith is to be kept with heretics," but so long as ho acknowledges either priestly absolution, or the spiritual power of the Pope. If any one pleases to answer this, and set his name,'! shall probably reply. But the productions of anonymous writers I do not promise to take any notice of. "I am, sir, your humble servant, John Wesley V Crrr Road, January 12, "1780." Now, who, in the chaste phraseology of Dr. Longs'.reet, "-desecrates the memory of . Wesley," he, or the members of the Methodist church who prefer Protestants for official stations ' to the followers of the Pope ? S We do not cite this letter seeking to enlist a ereat Church in j politics that would be following the example of the Romanists but only in defence of our Methodist friends .who have joined the American party, and who have been de nounced therefor. Again we say, " Let him answer it who can !" . A HIT AT SOMEBODY : .The New York Sun . says " We have heard of ladies who will pay sixteen or eighteen dollars for a new hat in Broad way, and yet cut down to the lowest pos sible figure the price of work which they give out to poor seamstresses. : lhey will pay five dollars without a scruple for the making of a plain dress in - a fashionable Broadway establishment,-where girls sew ten or eleven houra a day for three c'-"sr3 ana a half a week : and it ai : r- wards t 3 to employ . w dress-m: : ;a altT it, l'.. TT-Vinrr htr it fair rf-nnflrfl!: ,11 t .' i-PT- v;ces. Fashion is a h' rtless Ci---, - the fruitful source of folly, extravagance and dishonesty," . . . . " , ' "RAGS. 1 Q LBS. of Rags will buy one pfck of Meal by iOeeltios them to WILKINSON & ESI.ER, May 24. Uphol!er nd Paper Hengere. . ivnv NOT 'F.n vnnr nam .i Wilkinson & Esler. (Uphol O alr anH Panrr Hanirers. theV DOf . CAMH for them. ... .." r-. - May 25 NOTICE. WE beg leave 10 announce to our Patrona. ard the public in general, that there ill be a change in our firm,", and on that account wish to close our Branch-Ea.abliphment, the Mcrchakt Tailorjko .Vtokb All persons indebted to that Store are hereby requested to call and .settle their accounts immediately, it possible, aa the business must be closed on the first of June next. t We now offer our magnificent and well-selected rtockof ruperior muds Clothing, consisting chiefly of Customer work also, a splendid assortment of fine French Cloths, Doeskins, Oassimeres Drap Detes d'Orleans' Ornans Cloths, and a large and beautiful variety of Vestings, Hosier-,and Gentle men's Famishing Goods, at unprecedented Unc pri ce This sale will furnish a fairopportnnitj to any one desiroas to engage in the Mrchant Tailoring Business, to buy either a portion or the whole stock, and continue the business In the sa'ne Store, as it is for rent after the first of June. H55. This Kstab lishment has been doing an excellent business ever since it went into operation, ard the only reason for closing out the same isjf because all our atten tion Is required at our principal .Stores.' KAHNWEILER & BRO. April 21. Daily H. and J. copy I week. 16. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES. THE subscriber has just returned from the North wi'h a choice variety of Groceries, Wines, Teas and Liquors; Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce; John Bull Sauce; English Pickles, of eve ry variety ; Preserves. Jellies and Confectionaries; Pruits, Brandy Peaches, Brandy Cherries, Boker Bitters, Catsups, of ail kinds ; Layer Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes, extra ; Kig, Dutch Head Cheese, Preserved Gingar. Bouche and Starr Champsignc, of the finest grades ; Old Government JavaCofiee; Rio. Laguayra and St. Domingo dt.; 100 boxes A. M Candles, cheap; 1 pipe of that Ex tra Crescent Brandy, from Custom House, Wil mington; 50 cases bxira Claret Wines; 10 barrels fine old Rye Whiskey, for retail; tadeira, She.ry, t'ort, Muscat, Scuppernong, and every variety of Liquors, on retail ; Patent Sperm, and Sperm Can dles; Bav Runt ; Colgate's and Fancy Soaps; Hi ram Smith's Flour, in bbla.. half bbls. and bags; Vermscilla, Macaroni, Currants, Citron, every va riety ol Nuts ; Rasberry and Cherry Syrup, by the gallon; Mackerel, Salmon. Corned Beet, Beef Tongues. Smoked Beef, V. Powders, F.xtracis. Oils Stuffed Olives, something new; Anchovies, Sar lines, Kresh Lobster; Fancy Baskets; Key Baskets ; 20 cases old Dry Madona ; Buckwheat; extra Goshen Butter, and everything that consti tutes a well-selected stock of Grocerifs. Whole sale and retail, at the Original Grocery. March 31. GEO. MYERS. GRATIS! -Just Published, a New Discovery In Medicine. ?f A few words on the rational treat- ment, without M dicine, of Sperma torrhea or Lorkl weakness, Nervoui- Hrbilily. Low Spirits, Lassitude. Weakness of the Limbs snd Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labo, Dullness of Apprehension, Lo-s of Memory, aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Stlf-DiMrust, Dizziness, Head Arhe. In voluntary Discharges, Pains in the Side, A flections of the V yes, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and eth er Infirmities in man FROM THE FRENCH of Dr. B. DE LANE Y The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be romoved without M iduike. is, in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the en tirely new and highly successful treatment. as adop ted by the Author, fully explained, by nnans, of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly, and st the least possible cost, avoijing thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis, and post free In a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two po t uee stamps to Dr B. DE LANEY, No 17, Lispen ard Street. New York. . MarcblO. I49-6m-p. BUTCHERS' IMPERIAL FILES. XUST received a full supply J April 3. J. M no BIN SON. N EATS-F00T OIL. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by May 10. C. 6 D. DtfPRE. HOOP IRON. 5 TONS Hoops, I, 1 1-4, and 1 1-2 Inch. For sale by Z. H. GREENE. June 30. 47 NAILS! NAILS!! KEGS assorted sizes. In store and for sale bv Z.H.GREENE. 75 June 30. 47 ; FEATHER DUSTERS. A FULL assortment cf plain and fancy colored Cornice, Bells, Flv, Piano, Counter, and Tov Dusters, just received, to which the attention of the Ladies is respectfully invited. Call at la IM. HAKLOW'S, April 28. No. 3, Granite Row. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Water Stkekt. Wikmington. No. Ca. Mbnuments, "Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds oj marble Work Jurnished to order on. reasonable terms. JuneE." 36-ly-c ON HAND THIS DAY. 1 1 ((t LBS. N. C. Bacon; 2 hhds. So l viVyvyVJ gar Cured Hams, superior arti cle fof family use ; 60 boxes Cod Fish ; 30 barrels Eastern Herring; 30 do. Orleans Molasses, re boiled; 40 kegs Nails; 10 bags Laguira Coffee j 5 cases Blacking; 10 bbls. Coffee Sugar. June 2. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD & CO. DISSOLUTION. THE Express Steamboat Company was this day dissolved by mutual concent The books and paper; df the Concern at Fayetteville, are placed in the" hands of Mr. John Shaw, at D. if W. McLaurih's. who is fully authorized to aetrle and receipt for the same. JAMES E. METTS, N.A.RAMSEY, April 4,1858. M.J.RAMSEY. IH AVE sold all my Steamboats, except, the South erner, and have placed her in a line with D. S W. McLaurin, who is now running tbe Chatham, on tnejape r ear Kiver. Persons having claimsagainst the Express Steam boat Company will please hand thrni in for dv ment, and those indebted will call and settle with out delay. JAMES E. METTS. April 7. 10-tf. REYNOLDS' NEW BOOR. 'PHE Banker's Daughter or the Lost Witness 1 a sequel to Joseph Wilmot ; by G. W. M Rey nolds, author of Joseph Wi moi; Rosa Lambert; Mysteries of the Court of Load n ; Lord Saxon da e, Ac; just published. For rale at Jbly 3. S: W. WHITAKER'S. NE WELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. NEW ARTICLFi warratted lo prevent all i Accidents from ins use of Burning Fluid, Camphene, and other Exvloaiee ' Compound, nsed for the production of Linht. This invention is applied to'sll common Lamps and Lamp. eeders. also, to aolar, Camphene Lamps, Lanieros, &c. CERTIFICATE. Wilmikstoh. N. C. June 16th, T854. - I hereby certify that ' witnessed the experiment of Mr. Newell, with his. patent Safety Lamp, for furnishing "fluid" snd ara" perfectl satisfied of the safely of the same. J.. II. u icksoit. We are prepared to Gil all Orders at short notice, for ever? description snd variety of Lamps, Ac. AM persona are cautioned against infringing up on the above patent, as the law will be ngldiy en forced against all offenders.:: ' " C.&D.DcPRE. June 2Gih, 1855. , . 45 tf. FOR SALE. o nnn BUSHELS T.I. Salt; n- il II I 9 r.nn fT,rn ! - . i'ddsx fmntr Soirit Barrels. Now landing. ' rRANKIN & MARTIN. - Jtily 17. 83 TviPinn cacs. OECEIVED thisday. Those who have been wiauns can no oe t""?nea n L.'N.- BARLOW'S, , JucetS. - -No,3, Grsaite Rw. OfV RUSHKLS Corn, per schr, EiiKfy,. from OLTt I Ttw York. For sale by June?. - t. H. PLANNER. nAY. flA BALES prime quaUty - yJJ for sale by : . J. July 17. Hav. In store and H. PLANNER, 63 DESIRABLE WHARF TO RENT. r-p HE large and cooveient wi srr near ffJff 1 Rail Road, known as the Gillespie W harf i tor rent It is well adapted to the Naval to tore hasinesi, having Warehouses and Sheds. Apply to W M. A. GWYER. July 10. 60 DAILY EXPECTLD. 1C( BBLS. Mackerel, f t sale by lUvJuly 17. RUSSELL BRO. FOR SALE. ALIGHT and strosgly built Baeef- ' July 17. RUS .ELL.& 1IRO. JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, AFRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Ntw Dasss. To be sure that vou set the genuine Med icine, inauire for the New Dress with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. ; April i. "MEDICAL HOUSE, No. 1G, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET BALTlAlO.iE. MARVLAAD. Established in urder to afford the Afflicted sound and acxentxjic ...edical Aid, and for the suppression vf Quackery. i R.I. B. Smith has for many yeara devoted his whole a uem ion toihe treatment ot Privu te com plaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His sreat success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to commend htiu tu tbe public as worthy of the extensive patronage an nas receivea. Within the lat eilfht years, Dr. S. has treatedmore than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now ad vertising in Baltimore, and nuts single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effecting a radical and permanent cure ; therefore, persons lmiciea wua diseases oi me aouve nature, 'no matter bow difficult or long standing the case may be," would do well to call n Dr. Smith ,st his office. No, 16, South Frederick St. .and if not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his servicea. His medicines are Iree from Mercury and all mineral poisons; -put up in a neat and com- Sact form, and may oe taken in a puDilc or private ouse.or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except Incases of vio- ent inflammation, no change of dit t is necessary. .STRICJTUKES.-Ur. Smith nas .lis rove red a new method by which he cancurethe worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient, irritation of the uretha, or proatrate glands,or neckof the bIadder,issometimesniis:nken Icr strictures by general uractitioner orcharlutans. and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Oettructivt Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected. should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, aa well as expense. By his improved method ot treatment, ur. s. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in all cost s oi thi com plaint. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, dec.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affections, have been well tested in an extensive practice for the labt twelve years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. S. by a letter, oost-paid, describing -ase, and have medicine securely put up and forwarded to any part or the United States, always accompanied with full and explicit direc'ions for use. Communications con sidered strictly confidential. Omee arranged wiih separate apartments, so that patients n-vtr see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance dolly, from- 8 in the morning till 9 at night. N B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, willd . well to a old the various NOSTRUMS AND SPECIF ICS advertised by Apothecaries and Druggist as a cer tain CHre for any and every disease, l ney are put up to sell, nut not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good theref re avoid them . A word to the wiso Is sufficient. Address DR. J. B SMITH, 16 south Frederick t ., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. . 90-1 y-c. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING In all Branches, executed In superior style and at short notice, by WIL.KINSUIN A liSLKK, Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. CANAL BARROWS. 'OR SALK, by March 30. M. RO.tlNSON - PAPER HANGINGS. WE have just opener" a large assortment of the latest styles of Spring patterns of Paper Hanslnes. Borders, Fire Screens, Decorations, ore., which we offer for sale at the lowest cash pri ces, and hung In shortest notice. . April 10. -Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. DR. R F. niBBARD'S WILD CHERRY BITTERS, 7OR Nervous Weakness and General Debllitv. Thes Bitters are highly servicesble in all dys peptic affections; they assist digestion ; restore the tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and create an appetite. They are unsurpassed in r moving angor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Spring or warm season Sold Wholesale and Retail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. TAR. BBLS. in prime order, for sale by April 3. JOSEPH R BLOSSOM. 400 EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP. NOR sale low, to close consignment by Jan. 20. MOO RR, STANLY & CO. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for sale by C. DtrPRE &. CO. June 22. 42. GUANO. BAGS Guano, jujt received "er Brig A. 3U Adams. For sale by March 31. ADAMS, BRO. d CO. - glue." v ::V o F the bet quality, and Buns of all sizes always on hand. - J. R. BLOSSOU. Nov. 4. 97. WILMINGTON FLOUR. t BBLS. just rcceWed.and for sale by IU April 28. J. R BLOSSOM. JUST RECEIVED. LADIES Black and fancy colored Gaiters ; Misses " " " Gentlemen's calf and patent leather Congress (jailers. For sale st low by GEO. R. FRENCH. . May 8. - 24 . I. S. T0WNSHEND, rtROCERY n R POT i a iost receivins his VJT Spring stock of Groceries, Underwood's Pic- Kies, sauces, Olives and Uai-ers ai so, ricites ia cegs; ulton nirket Beef Heel lonzues. fie kled Salmon. No. t and 2 Marker"! Selected Cod' fish, all aorta of Preserves.. Jreen and Black Tea, housed or Spiced Salmon. Walnat and Tomato Catnap, French vlcstard, English Mustard, Brown ant uroshed Sugar, Lime J aire ana otongwon Kilters, Ground Coffee and Ground spier. Cum, Gin and. Whiskey i Marratt, Gaulur, and Frere Brandy; Milk, Soda. Butter snd Faney Crackers ; Imperial and Pale sherry. Madeira and Port Wine, Champagne and Sparfcline Catawba, Scotch and Phil., Ate, Best London Porter, East Inta Pale Ale. .Also, a few of those Clothes Drying Ma chine ; and Oat MeaL April 14. 13. RRICKS. 50,000 g? NORTH River hard. ; For sale lov Lec. MI. 119. E2IPTY BARRELS. PRIME Second-band Empty Barrels, just J landed and for sale oy -April 19. . ADAMS, BRO. & CO. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed, and for sale at Tie Commercial uace, the Rate of PUotage lor the Bar and SCHOOL BOCKS, , '. r ' ' " STATIONERT. ------ Xr '' w STANDARD, "&jrL L:"2L5" BLANR' COOKS -THEOLOGICAL,-;. T " ' PAPERS OF ALL " HISTORICAL. iy wnir r. ' ' ' ' ' I t:ri "H!r,; A ' DKJVBIPJION LAW' ' t' -l S.Jo .larkc. tTj il , ' t MEDICAL, " i-, r WILMINGTON, J. C - - . . - - ' I j VESA ink A- BIOGRAPHICAL Iff'' MISCELLANEOUS T-" ' MlTlT,M A TIKI v 1., BOOKS., . 'hJ; - Ac . 4c. &. NEGRO PASSES. AN EVV form ef Pusses, containing sanitary pro visions, spproved by he Commissioners. si d a number of others interested in the welfare ot out colored population, ia just isctu d at the office l Ine lommcrcvu. . GUNNY BAGS. 3000 GUNNY BAGS lor sale by Nov. 2. C. DePUK ft. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS : ( f( ,f l.HS. pure ind extra VVhiti- L ad, JljKll 5.000 k-iIIh. Linseed Oil j -Z5 bbls. Ked Ut-nre; 50l galls Chrome Green; - 10 bbls Ve etain Ited; 300 g ills. Chrone Yellow; 25 bbls. Lamp Black; - 8 bbls 'oach and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Prusficin Blue; Logwood, Annalto and Madder. For i-ale by j" v. O- Uul'itK. Wholesale Druggists, Wilinin'jlon . C Oct. 5. . ' 60 WINDOW GLASS. QArVl BOXES Frenh and American Win 0JJJ do w Glasses from 7x9 to 2436. For sale by C. & D. DoPRK. Uct. a. Wholesale Druggists. v umington. CARRIAGES. I six seated CARRIAGE. I I Paneled Quarter Rnckaway, t Quaker Rockawar and severallizht Kuzsles just received and for sale by Sept Z7-II DIBHI.K or K III. PREPARED CITRATE of MAGNESIA, AN agreeable Refrigercnt end Laxative. Tni preparation is extensively used in the fo ni of Solution or liouid Citrate, and has civen verv gen eral satisfaction. Frequent spplicatioiis for a pio paration in the form of Powder, of similar nature, and properties, have suggested the advantages that might result Irom Its Introduction in that form, t-peeiallv when the n Ik and wrliht of (he liquid Citrate, (an article so justly estiemed bo'h by phy sicians and in private families wherever n has been used,) would interlere with its heins sent to great distances ; it is destitute of bliti-rness, nnd by Us pleasant scidity of tate and its effervesc ii.g character, is rendered a very agreeable and re fre hing drink , at tie fame time, that il is a good substitute for Epsom salts or other saline purga tives, sold by Dr. A. O. BRAD LEV. Druggist. Dec. 12. 112-tf. BATCH KLORS, FAMILIES, HOTELS, steamboats, At:, can be furnished with mat trasses, beds, pillows, bolsters, sheet, pillow, ca.e., tl;it)ke:s. comforts, spreads, towels, table 'lo:hst die, by calling on . WILKINSON & ESLFR, Upfiolstera and Paper I lancers Styt Vfl.. - - fil INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushion, for sale by WILKINSON 4 ENTER.. April R. Ujiholsteiers SASH AND BLIND FACTORY. THK Wilmington Sash and Blind Factory 1-in 1 operation again, and is prepared to exTute all orders at short notice for Safh. Illinois. Doors, Scrolls snd Brackets of any shape r fi lire Co lumns for Porches, Monldin2 ( mi patKtn or size, Banistersand Hand Rails for Stairway, Turn ing of any dimension. The proprietor solicits the pfrenaif of hi friends and the public st large, and hopes to merit thesamebylhe well exeeution ot his woik ami prompt attention t? all orders forwarded ' Moi Office and Factory first luildng North of the Wilmington fc Ualeigh Itail Ko.id Denoi S. P IVKV Jan. 9th, 1855. 1 23-1 y-c CLOTIirS DRYIXG MACHINES ! WL S. TOWNS H K.N D has still on hand a few Clothes Drying Machines j a great convenience and great saving of l.bor alfii an assortment ef Jelly .Strainers and patent n tl Milk Pans. March 6. 147 P. R. SUGARS. I N hhds. and bbls., for sale low hv Jan 20. MOORK. STANLY or JO HOOP IRON. . o F the best American manufaclure Nov. 4. J. R. BLOSSOM. CHEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : 11 li l OZ. German Quinine; 9J 'V500 do. French do; 50 lbs. Calomel 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron ; 25 do. Blue Mass; 50 do Vallelt's Mass; 60 gallons Sp'ts Nitre ; 40 do. Aq Ammon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts ; -f . - 10 do Copperas. For sale by C. d D. DuPRE, Whulesale Dl12gis, Oct. 5. , 66. AUBURN STILL FOR SME. es9 near Raleigh, and on the Central Rail -A Uoad. is not vet disposed of A decrln tion has already been given but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises Apply to Wn. R- Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LORING Wilmington. N. C. Ian. 29, 1854. DISTILLERS' GLUE. A SUPERIOR ar:icle, constantly on hand, and il for sale in quantities to suit purchasers, hv March 29. WM. A. GWYER. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. THE subscriber has just received by late srri vals from New York and Boston; 40 fine Bureaus; 20 " Sofas ; 10 " Ward Robes; 5 Bo-k Cases ; 4 doz. fine Spring Mahogany Chairs; 2 ' " " Rock. do. ; 40 " Cane Seal and Windsor Chairs ; 50 Bedsteads; 40 Tables; 40 Wssb Stands snd Toilet Tables ; 10 " Sinks snd 20 fine Office Chirs;' . Card Tables, Loanges, e. For sale law foreh, by 8. M. WEST April T ' - 10-. FROM FAYETTEFILLE Per Steamer Fannv Lulerloh 25 RBI S. Super Floor r 111 h 1. fimilv do for h- cash onlv. at GEO. H. KELLF.Y'S. Feb. 10. J H end N C T copy. 137 il N ETTIN G, lor sale low. for cash, at WILKINSON ESLER'S. ' Aptil 17. , Upholateters and Paper Hangers. SALT. A t SACKS Liverpool Salt, to arrive per schr fU i f H. P. Stoney. For sale by June 7. J. II. FLANNER. BRICRS. fit in PHIL ADELPHr A paving BRfK I J ,V7 'J r or sale by April 17. -.. - . T.-C-'VVORTH 14.- NORTH CAROLINA LARD. LN bbls. For sale by May 25- -. J. 11. FLANNER. FUIiMTURE Bsrpfj.-v UK subscriber woul.t t. ffi ' y.imr ':' 'JhprcUolI) lni!i Hie attention Lfw Ml" 1 J oi the public, lu bis very Uigt f , -... j .... . - -j s ndeonipbl' ai-sorloM iii .l l urr.it i.r- m w .einu received and ruenlU -tltxied l.y hiniheli mi tin s ictutru h:hi ruri'tt m Itliiu iy iiiif!,.ii Mi till Viaoof.u-torli'i. : il(jinr (In- urrt nt nuiniti. 1 1 1 . .ii,, L will be C"inikle .iinl conrial in .Jiinl (lie nl lowing arlich s Fine cts Drawing Room Furniture, in Dum ask and tiai loth ( " Sells 'aintcd Cnaoib. r Ftiriiinre 50 sideboards. See.N-tane. ;ijul i:.. k f'Bse 6t' ofas u nd Trte a Tele" ; IH Korean ; 100 Wa-h Sian, fi;jr!)l- .mi f.Uin j 100 U.h kini- Itairh ; 73 Nurs do. I2! Tea and Dir.ina Tablec j 75'.'enire, t."ard and .Vol; do " 75 Toilet iio 100 doz 'hair, eu-ltioned, cane ;itid tVindvii, 2 0 Hedvteads, in tii'iboitony, Wiilnut miiiil- r. iron Wardmhes mahoiron v and afninofl . Office Furniture ; Children's Chairs; Ottomans, Foot Stools A fine i-sortnient o (.ooklntr Glasses t Teapoy's W hatnots Hat Stands ; Settees. Work Tables ; Work Boxe-. Pup. r Hangings t W'ndow hdes Ac. dc. A rsw vcav pimb Piano Foites. and In far t al most inv article that mav he desired, in comol. te ly furnishinf Dwrllinrs Hotel, f)rTiCes or So clctv Booms Fr in Ntrccl J. D LOVF VilminKion. . :., Sept. 9. IS53 76. HOOP IRON. 'I'HE subscriber Is constantly receiving consign 1 ntenlsol this article, ot ihe brat oualiiv.and offers It at the lowest market rates JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Nov21 104-tf DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galcanic Abdominal Supporter $ 1Hls Is to certify, that C. & D. DuPre. Drug uists of Wilmington. :. are mv sole iiirent for the sa e nl'the above Supporters for this oluce ana vicinity. k KKYMLUN.. Mlmlngion, N. C, March 23, 1854. We most respectfully call the attention of -the Medical Profession of the State to an examination of th-above Supporters. C. dt D. DuPRE xartiizj, 3-if GLUE. BBL-" Pritoe Ametiean, isl reeelv. d snt . i lor ssie bv ADAMS BKO. AC,. Oct 2i. 03 BACON HOG ROUND. "I A I U . PIKfJFS onh Carotins Bacon, I ffyl l npU nilid article for aale bv ly 18. C. DuPKK & CO. T0BA. CO. U i BOXE" various qualities, f r sale at Factory '''pries TC dr B G WOitT.I. Jan 27 131. WHITE LEAD & SPANISH BROWN. 1 (M I KKOs Pore, extra and o. 1 White Leadt 1 VV 23 bbls. Spanish Brown; to i lo-e inn signntent MOORE, STANLY A CO Oct. 28. 94 ENTIRE NEW NOTICE. BY W L S TOWNsHKND 30 bt Is. ..I :i sorted Whisket'si id.. Old Kentucky Mn key; 1 half pipe Renault Brand, ; 2 qor easl G.iuier Fren 's Brandy ; I qur Old Tom film I qur imsinek Port w Hit ; I h!' uioe Simikpit nnir Wine; also Madeira lierrv. Ae.j l-:iji. In di.i Pale rt. ; iay Brmd; Piloi' Krcml ; 2' b'.v -sor ed c aekers. The above have juci it'e.iiii1 for sale v e tp F.I.. 13 13- Jnoxi;'""" HAVING i'etimitn(l on "closlns tip our bust ness in ' i!imrisl .n immdttil,hj ueriowol IV i f.i ale, at cost lt our stock w (iron rit s, l'r Visu n- -te.. Ac. Mereliaritanfde:ilers are in it id to oil and examine the i.da ne.-trlv Jill of w hirh iiavi' l.ei n p'lreh .eed fur eiteli and at tin; I iut-1 oi irket r.t'es .X i:. All p r e.4 inrlel-ted to ua ?. L'sT rno- IMNI I'M I K I'AVMF. T A pril 10 Kit F. s; M A ' A. II O V H Vl) N . S AS 11. HUSH AND DOOR AGENCY Formerly 'iimlm li:tl hy timj C. fulrhkis" iHE publii- are hereby informed, that I hav bee pioir et jeni fot (hv kjU oI WlndwM Hah. Illiiiils and Doot s. manufai lured by the New, Hum Ci-ni.. and atu priparni lo'l lliic oraer in th- .bov line The quality l tl.e work oi the mw Haven Com. is wi ll known ir thir market. Builders and a I person in want i(l the above article, are requested tu sei d in their orders, and they will e iro nptly illed. IVriiic Invarlabl) call on delivery. WM. A. GWVF.R Genera- Aftnl flommUeion and Foneardino fer. chant Klrl 18 15 DISSOLUTION. 'I ' H E Copartnership lierelofor rxirilnc nude 1 then. in and mvle oi SUTTON. MmUTH M A Y 1 1 A ' O. w as dlss- lved on the fir I of March The biiatnesmf the 1-itn firm will be set lied by MiUTtlilAYD A. B.O. WM.MJiTOV, THM OUTH M A YD Maf h6h. 1835- CHAS KOUTHMAYD CtiPARTAERSHIP. THE sub-c ibershsve formed a Copsrtner.blp under the name snd style of SOU I'll M A VI A. BKO. for the purpose f carrying on the Blacksmith, Iron and Brass Foundry snd Msi hi nery Bnsin-ss, in all lis rnchs. si the vtsed r merly .copied bv -UTTO'V, SOUTHMA VD A (. O., and would ohci a share of r'r-nage. TIKIS. SOUTHMAVD. March Cih, 1855 CHAS. SOUTHMAVD 3 In conseqnenre of above dissolution It h bwi) necessary lht all fiotes rd aecun'S due the late firm, be settled invi-ediatev. The sub scribers will pay all debis dux hy 'he late firm So THMAi D A BRO Wiln.ingtoo. March 6th, I8'i5. I4i if. PRIME NrfW ORLEANS MOLASSES. 40 BBf.M. in ffMKl order; IS bill bbls. do. do. Low for cash, st GEO H. KELLEVS Diw. 16 J.H..KCT4H Age copy 114 WILMINGTON SAYINGS BANK. 'pHIS institution located alCapt. Potter's office a opposite Bank of Cspe Fear, will he opesj f..r the reception of depositee on Wrednesdsy of each week, from 4 to 1 o'clock, P M., and on Sslar day of each week fron 4 lo 9 o'cl.l-, P M JOHN A. TAi LOR, President May. 1. il-tf. FREaCH CONFECTIONARY. I UST received, hy ihe,schr L. B.SmI'h,ne of J thefineat afworim.nis of Fr.nch Conleeilons ry ever offered in this market. Opening M day by wholesale and retail. Call at he Variety Store, under the Herald Offiee, next door b Scon A. Baldwin's ' WM- 11. DsMEALK. ,May 29. , . 33- MOW la the o-ood time to have yoer rooms Pa- LN pered, as we hsve opened our latest patrresof Hangings, Borders snd Deeotstioss. .WILKINSON (- "Lr ". " Apiii 17. Cpholatcrers aai i's. . ; .a. . LARtE STOCK 'OF MI8Ci:i.LAfv. Mr. Minister Ifasen wn4 l'crsrcDted Yeung Amerlrsn Iady. Prorry one ol the rncm Ulio!a of llr-v. Dr. Thornp8on- we make the followiurr extract: While waff if oner mornlnir in the nf- ficofiht Anit'rkran amh;ias,tdnr, Mr. '"" "t..-. l , ,i i I :.fi r t',' usual j i ItiiMliuii. Mod, Did yon cvrr t-.-i u t(, ; profuse ersaraiion, and have a ol Mankt't thrown ver yon 7 -INn r 'I t, ' V. A i y cm:- l.i l.i t: '" t; J... nv i.u t in i au i : ;.n. f.i n lli". Ulitu ii til. lit s, Olid have in can- a yming i.uly who ha Ktii vifii hi r it it nds in if';? t'oiiutly Sin- h it ,('. i M ini, and h I fathet and lii'dh i h. n irt t h: 1. d li' I i.t'Vrr lofnrs.ii. I ioili oi many a Coll.O'ic Sl I nior. ovt-r, a Pint fiai.f lii i.d li. 1 1 . I" ted Static to whom in miacht tl, a t i tJi to whom on ht-r n-itirn to New Yoil. she expocls to U; married. Whili- ii the tsotitfi ol l-'ianct' she met vjth r FiTiu-h (j i;l,iiiaii who was sun it i, wilh fu r, In: H(v iiit .l an iuln!ii''i'otr to hrr. ai.tl h ts I t u tuirtisu' hi i w ill lllllt tl.illil J.' ,HI- Itll M.ri t U r sine. . ,S, has ns d i V ly rm a1 uic lo s-f t . i k hiti' oh; sin h.D finwiicd iijHiu him; sIm Iuis K'ld l ilii t-1 . ran ium i ni:iny .hnn. ll ;il tl is init'ily iiiin shir ; that l.i- : 1 1 - t -lious an in j It iisi i,i, wi-aiiM'iii- , (its-guslii-i.', even j'niidiii m hrr t t 1 t -has t-icrnploi iiy oidm-d hint in u-i i i mm her. . He iriJit-s 'll;. it i: i ini m .s.-.iJ . , I 1 1 if.- I raiii oi livf uiilnaii s''iii: oii We o Hi" lo llti1 rily in lu h -r 'i im him, hut In. ai li'd our hm n's and rami Willi us. c koiiIiI io hide ftoiu him her'; hut Ik1 has ( mi d us out. Wi h'lVC told him that v.i- shall leuve tin rouiitiy. and that Ik- I ad Is l ter rt-tiirn home. 'Mo. no!' "says h -, 'I will go, with you wiifii you gn, I will stop when yon stop, I will May wlu-to you put up, I will livi! x whi-io you live, I ill tlit where you die." Now, Mr. Rlusou said lie inimidiale ly seni l'oi ihe perfect ol .ohc, u tl fjave him III" fans in (m: fence of ihe old laly. Your nonhies a rent an end," said the police officer; "the young man will see your ward no more. Give me his name and athhess ; we will rr m marid him and if lie ohey not, we have a way of making him ola y." Mr. M. returned wilh the old lady to Ii r lodgiiigs, anil aunotiuei d to the young one the joy fill news of hei deliv eiance from the annoyance to u hir h she hal been mhjeeted,. w hen lo ! wiih a gush of. grief tshe. cried, 'O, you have fteen so cruel as lo apply to the police t You will wound the young man's feelings. O, he is such a fine, such a nohle young man ! 1 would Miller anything lalh.-r ihan wound Ins heart." "I started homeward," faid Mr M., 'in;mediately, saying within inysi If, wo have leeii doing mischief: lhey till le married aa Mire as ihe woild. No ie sisting Fietich enthtif iam." suu rn xg doors. Doii'l look socross, Ivdward, when I call you hack lo shut ihe doors; ami he sides, you have got to spend your hi': shutting doors, audfnight as well hegin to learn now," Do forgive megran'pa, I ought to let ashamed lo he cross lo you. Itut what tin you mean 7 I ain't going lo he sex ton. I am KoiiiK to college, auJ then I'm yniug lo Im a lawyer." "Well a milting all that, I imagine Siplire I'd ward C will have a good niai.y doois to shut, if he main much of a man' "What kind ofdK)is7 Do t. II ui", OlMll'p.'t." "Sit down a miniit", and Til give you a list." "In the fust f lare, ihe door rtf your ears must ! closet! agaiusi the. t i i-m-Miag- and evil coin imp I of the hoyx and ynt'ug men you will meet at whtsil and college, or yon will he undone, , t them once get possession ol that door, and 1 would "not give much for I'd ward C 'b future prospects. The door of your eyes loo, must ls shut ugainst had htkiks, idle novels, and low, wicked newspapers, or your studies will he negli ctel, and you will giow np a useless, ignoiant man. You ill have lo close lilt ni sometimes against the fine things exposed fot sale in the store windows, or you will never I aiti to lay up money, or have any l-.fi to give away. The door of yuitr lips will need especial care, lor lhey guaid an unruly nieinher, which makes great use of the bad company let in at the doors of the eyes and ears. That door is very apt io blow open and if not Toustanily clo sed will constantly let out anury, tii fliug or vulgar woids. Ii will hacUhitc sometimes worse than a Match wind, if it l left open loo long. 1 would advise you to keep it shut always till you have Kmeihing valual lo lo say. "The inner door of your heart must lie well shut against i mptalioii, for con science, the doorkeeper, grows vety in different if you disregard his t all, and he sometimes drops asleep at his ost, and when you may think you ar doing very well, you are fast going down u "Jfyou carefully guard the out;. !e doors ol the eyes and ears and lip-, yc-u will keep out many cold hlasls ot nn which get in hefor you think. "This 'shutting doors you tee I'd dy, will be a serious hiihint .- ; one on wnich your well-leing in this life, ami the next, depends." U. ll. W. MUTINY AT Si: A. Boston, Jul '23. The barque Iv'-J, Smnll, from New York for U'lebec, a nr. L r- ed io Nantasket roads tbis nfternoot), consequence cf 'rouble on boimi 1 mate, Mr. Win lOtnpaon, of New . while ortlerinrr some cofTVe in t! " i'. yesterday, off Cape Co1, was t v an n re by ihe cook, thre e tlnr lil y lemple, shouMr r nnd arm. I brought p to tbisi cit tit ! j hotiDital, his condition ! ; - x- I "I I ii our t'i ,f a I A steamer hs I - 1 1 i.t 1 1 1 the cock, who i Ltea tcc 1 ia

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