WILMINGTON, THURSDAY, AUl 9, 18S5; DUPLIN AGRICULTURAL FAIR. Kesaxsville, N. C.,July 24, 1855. At a. -'inof the Duplin Agricultural Ecc:-' in tha Court House to-day, t:.3 Pr .n the Chair, the followin V.st of ; . -is, to be awarded on articles la be e- '.ib.-eJ at the next Annual Fair of said Society, to be held in the town of Ke- nansvi n Thursday and Fridav before Octol - .t week next, was unanimous ly aJ:s ,viz: AGRICULTURAL, PRODUCTS. For ' st acre of Upland Corn, S10 00 " ?r. L ! " " ' 5 00 ' . - Lowland 10 00 ,! 2:1 ;t " " "5 00 rt the best half acre of Sweet Po tatoes, " - , 5 00 " 2nd best do, of Sweet Potatoes, 2 50 u the best acre of Wheat, 4 00 Oats, 3 00 , M . u Ryet 3 00 , . ' Cotton, ' 4 00 . ,,: - .' i . . a . e r:u r. . " uie Desi i- acie ut xtiau -. toes, " 2 50 " me Desi 1-4 acre Ol xurutpa, ; v HORSES AND CATTLE. For the' best Stallion, .'. 6 3 3 2 00 00 00 00 ..- Colt under 2 years old, - 2nd M 2 " 2rd . . : - 2 M ' M the best pair of Horses, Diploma. 5 00 Diploma. 2 00 Diploma. 3 00 2 00 Diploma. 3 00 Diploma. 2 00 Diploma. 5 00 " the best Saddle Horse, 2d . " " the best Bull, " , " Bull Calf, '" i 2d " u u - u the best Milch Cow, 2d " u " the best Heifer Calf, " 2d " . . " - " " the best yoke of Oxen, HOGS, BACON AND POULTRY. For a lot of best Hogs, not less than four, 5 00 - " the best Boar, 2 50 u o. " "-. i nn " 3d " Diploma. the best Sow and Pigs, 3 00 -mm - pair 0f pigs 3 00 " 2d,,," " " 2 00 " 3d " " " Diploma. . the best Bacon Ham, 1 2 00 " 2d - u " 1 00 3d " - " " Diploma. i M the best pair Asiatic, Chickens, 2 50 "2d M " " Diploma. " best pair native or com. 1 00 2d a " " " Diploma. a the best pair Ducks, ' I 00 2d' " " " Diploma. " the best pair Turkeys, 2 00 ' 2d w " Diploma, .""the best pair Geese, 1 00 , SAMPLES, &c. For best sample Domestic Wheat Bread,,. - 1 00 2 00 u best sample Country made Soap, U 2(1 U : tl K " the best selection of Flowers, " 3 dozen Apples, " 2d 3 " " Diploma. 2 50 1 00 Diploma. 1 00 1 00 - tl U- 1 . ft ,1 T.M : fte the best 3 dozen Peaches, "2d " - 3 " ' " Diploma. " best jar Preserves, (home made.) 1 00 M . (( Jfickles, " 1 00 " Butter, " , 1 00 " sample Domestic Wine. 1 00 it ( LADIES' EXHIBITS OF DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. - : For the best Bed-quilt, 3 00 2 00 1 00 ; Diploma. 2 00 1 00 OA "3d- v"4th " the " 2d " 3d- . tt u Counterpane, " Diploma, specimen of Embroidery, 2 00 " 1 00 " Diploma, specimen-Needle-work, 2 00 ". " .1 00 "the - 2d " " 3d ' " the ". " 2d . " " 3d " . the " "2d " 3dA " Diploma. 3 00 2 00 Domestic Cloth) " M " Diploma. IMPLEMENTS. AGRICULTURAL "the best Home-made Plough-, 2 25 u Plough, 2 00 " Home-made Ox Yoker 1 00 " " set of Harness, 1 00 "' Bridle and Saddle, " 100 " " lot Cooper's ware, home made, t 00 - u , . . Home-made Busket, 1 00 ,t; ChaW half dozen, f 00 Any other articles exhibited, worthy of premiums, win be duly - considered, and premiums awarded accordingly. All articles for exhibition must be enter ed at the Fair Grounds by 12 o'clock, M., v 3 aay previous to tne t air. The. Executive Committe, in connection wilh the President, have appointed the fol lowing gentlemen on the different Commit- ' cf Av- rd, viz : . .iimiuto on Agricultural : Products rieeJh-irn W. Herring, ,Wa W. Faison, Committee oo Horses and Cattle VV, SJ. fearsall. Joel Lofun, A. Hicks,, S. M. rady. " Committee on Hogs, Bacon and Poultry j. kj. franco, u. j. fearsaJlr Wia. 13. MidJleton, 11. D. Sloan. - ' - - Committee on Samples, &c Mrs. Alsa F: vherland, J. A. -Bryan, J. C. Wallace, Jus. D. Pearsalt. - - ' Committee on Ladies' Exhibits of "Do mestic iManufacture Mrs. J. B. Hussey, Jame3 Dickson, J. B. Carr, J. O- McGow an, W. J. Houston, J. D. Stanford. Committee on Agricultural Implements, &eW. 11. Ward, D. J. Middleton, J. D. Carroll, D. Mallard. - "esclced by the Society, That -Messrs. rn R. Kenan, Needham W. Herring, jae3 M. Sprunt, be a Committee to ..r -5 for the exhibition at the next an- J L.ir ; and that one of said Commit : ; Z."'.r-ZT the Annual Address before the ?': :y, r-t cn declining to do so, shall pro-.-3 a S-...-.L13 peaker from amon" the :iety to perform 1 said :-n:iiAii pi: a R3 all, Pres't. "rr.Lv, Ccr. C's'y. ) 3 tc ,5 Jr3F Liwr .0 C?. : C5 t: THE LATE MARSHAL ST. ARXAUD. " The family of Marshal St. Arnaud have published,, at Paris, a, selection from his correspondence. while exercising the chief command of the French expedition in aid of Turkey. The letters contain much that i3 curious. They show, what has all along been suspected that thb French Marshal regarded the English Commander as a drag upon his movements. They also af ford a striking illustration of that love of retirement and of home which struggled with ambition In the breast of the old sol dier. ' ' i ' t Writing to his brother, under date of August 9, 1854, he says: . : ' "If I were to give " way to my impres sions, to my turn of mind, and the feelings of my heart,! should never have written to you a sadder letter. I urn in the midst of one vast tomb, resisting the scourge that is decimating my army, seeing my bravest soldiers .succumb at the very moment I most want them, and yet continuing, for all that, the preparations for a formidable expedition. Have there been many such situations as mine in history T My courage and energy shall at least prove equal to the occasion. God, who strikes me with one hand, raises me up with the other." To his wife, two days later, he writes from Varna as follows : "God spares us no misfortune, no calam ity, my dear. I seek all my energy in the depth of my soul j I wish 1 could find there mere resignation ; but the sublime patience flies away at sight of catastrophes, so com pletely, independent of the will, that are in cessantly striking down around you and annihilating with a breath alt the good you have been preparing with such difficulty. A violent fire broke out at 7 o'clock yes terday evening at Varna as I was alight ing from my horse on my return from visi ting my sick men. A seventh part of the town no longer exist." After landingjn the Crimea be writes to Madam St. Arnaud the following affec tionate letter, in which he utters pleasant visions of home and quiet visions, alas, never to be realized ; "Old Fort, (Crimea,) Sept. 7, 1854. "My Beloved Wife : The English are not ready, and make me lose precious time. I lent them some flat boats this morning to expedite the landing of their horses, and j 1 hope I shall be able to move at least by j eleven to-morrow morning. I shall stop for the night at the Bulganak, so that I may be quite fresh on the 9th, and force the passage during the day. If I can I will drive the Russian? to the other side of the Katcha. I promise you. I will give them no time for amusing themselves. The weather is fine, and we are favored. May God protect us yet a few days and all will go on well 1 I heard mass this morning under my large tent, and I pray ed for you. Four abbes breakfasted with me. There has been a great ,re-action in ; the army, and the Prince is at the head of it. : He says loudly that I am a man, and that but for me we should not be in the Crimea. My health is not so bad to day. I had a favorable crisis last night ; a co pious perspiration came to my relief. As 1 havo to endure all my pains, I have two cutting ones above my left breast which agonize me. Cabrol says it is my health. I could strangle him. "Nothing as yet is changed in my plans. Prince Menschikoff may do what' he likes, but I shall be before Sebastopol between the 20th and 22d. Perhaps I shall go and - - Jm nn thp. smith and leave their great preparations on the north side use less. All that will depend on what I shall see wnen i reaca tfeloek. The swifter time moves, my love, the nearer it brings me to you. 1 nis doubles my courage. I only think of the moment when we shall I . - . . i r - oe very quiei ai nome. in tne spring1 we will take a trip to Italy, and we will return by Switzerland and Germany. We will travel wtlh only two servants and like plain ioiks. : vo noi lei us duuo too many cas tles in the air, for that brings bad luck."' On the next day he writes to his wife : "I have just written to Lord Raglan that l could not wait any longer, and that I should issue my order of departure for seven o'clock to-morrow morning; and nothing shall stop me longer. " To his brother he writes from the field of battle on the Alma, September 22d, 1854 "To-day evere one thinks as I do in the armies and the fleets. The change has been rapid. It began on the 14th, broke out into.acclamalions on the evening of the zutn, and to-day I am a great man. Such is the world." Four days after writing this the Marsh al resigned bis command, and on the 29th, ipree days later, died. ' From the Lake Superior Journal of July 17. EXTRAORDINARY RISE AND FALL OF WA V TER. About nine o'clock A. M. Wednesday the. water in the canal was observed to nse quite fast. This continued until ten Cijclock, when the water reached the height of 14 ft 2 ins., as determined by the giuge at .the upper lock gate. (Them was a slight breeze ftom the N. W. at toe time.) This was about eight inches ihove its usual level. The wa ter remdined at this point for the space or abour ten minutes, then fell to a height o!; about 13 feet, at which point it again commenced rising, reaching 13 ft. 6 ins. At 11 o'clock tho water be gan to fall gradually, until at 10 o'clock it had. fallen to the height of 10 ft. 9 ins., from which point it rose and fell alternately until 4 o'clock, when it as sumed iis usual level. W hen the wa ter was l ft,: 6 ins. the wind changed from the northwest to the southeast, which, though hardly perceptible here, was plainly shown by the direction in which the the clouds were moving. The water did W vary in depth above the rapids durinV this time. The cause of tKis extraordinary phe nomenon is tmkhown to us, but was probably caused by winds above. We are compelled, by tl iis fact to believe a story which a gentleman long resident at the Saut tells us' of. an occurrence of a similar kind which" happened a num ber of years ago, but which was-much more extraordinary in fts manifesta tions. The account is substantially as follows : In the summer of 1837 an extraordi nary retrocession of waters took place at the rapids. The phenomenon occur red about noon. The day was clear, but cloudy. The water retired sudden ly, leaving ths bed cf the rivrr Ir.re, ex-ce-t fcr t" d::.;r.cj cf t 7 rol ... 4 th j f- tea c; A number of persons went out arid caught fish in the pools formed by the degressions in tho locks. The return of the waters was sudden and presen ted an imposing spectacle; .They came down like "an immense surge, and those who had incautiously -wandered into the river bed had barely time to escape being overwhelmed. One ot tne num had taken a stursreon and determined to save his prize, but the burden caused him to move much slower than the rest and he ,was obliged to throw the fish away and cling to one of the boulders in order to escape being carried off iuto the river below. ; He stayed mere uutu the- water resumed its usual aspect when he was taken off in a canoe. Thrt Tflnfdd n resented nearly the same appearance on the 18th, with the exceDtion nerhans that they were not quite as dry as represented in the above account. The bed of the river was nearly dry between the islands and the canal, the huge boulders wmcn naa been so long concealed showing their - -1 t A. ' ' water-worn snapes piamiy iu viw. The difference between the hightest and lowest stage of water in the canal, was three feet five inches. Correspondence 0 the Petersburg Exprtss. THE YELLW FEVER ON THE INCREASE MOURNFUL STATE OF THINGS. Portsmouth, Ang. 3, 9 P. M. Dear Express:-! regret to state that the disease is rapidly spreading in town. Since 1 wrote last, the following persons have died : Robert Webb, of Petersbujg; Eliz abeth Glenn, daughter of Alexander Glenn; Mrs. Caleb dishing : Solomon Bricquet : J. A. McPaddin; Mrs. Con ner ; Lyons ; Mark Wall ; John Flood ; Mrs. A melia Jones ; (at Alex. Godwins,) Patrick Cooke and wife; Mrs. Noland, mother of Ellen, who lived with Mrs. Pegram ; Michael Dernigan, John Tierney, a boy who lived with Dr. Williamson ; Zoar T. Grant ; --Virginia King:: John Herald; Patrick O'Conner, Patrick Flaherty and wife ; Brien Flah erty t Hugh O'Rourke : Patrick Leyle : Mrs O'Shanghnessy; George Marshall, Gunner. U. S. Navy: Joshua A. Grimes, (police ofiicer ;) J. C. Drowling. Ma king a total ot 42 since tne lever nrst ap peared. Whenthe disease broke ouiin Gosport the family of Alexander Godwin, con sisted of himself, his wife, his daughter, Mrs. Glenn and her husband, his son Frederick, Mrs. Drewrey, his sister and Mrs.' Jones, a cousin. All the family have sickened and died, except Mr- A. Godwin, and his wife. Mr. G is now sick and cannot live six hours, and his wife was taken last night and is now verv ill. A more mournful bereave ment, never come under, my observa tion. . I have just learned that Mrs. C. L. Cocke is very ill, having had the black vomit. , All the sick have been Temoved to the Hospital as fast as possible. They are nursed by three Sisters of Charity, and other nurses sent down by the town. The town is being depopulated very fpidly. Ovor four Hundred men have left the Navy Yard ; and all modes of conveyance from the the town, are crow ded daily. The stores are closing, and in a lew days without a decline of the disease, no business will be transacted The panic is universal and wide-spread Gosport. From the Norfolk Beacon, of Saturday. YELLOW FEVER AT NORFOLK. We refer our readers to the report of the Board of Health, which will be found be low. To-morrow, we confidently believe, there will be no report, as all the sick have been removed from the infected districts, beyond which the disease has not spread. Doctors and Apothecaries complain that they have never had less to do, and the monthlyreport of deaths shows that the general health of the city was never bet ter.' .: ' ' Office of Board of Health, August 3d. 1855. , Report for the 24 hours ending this day at 2, P. M. Cases of fever 5 ; deaths none. The sick have all been removed to the hospital, out of the city. The cases under treatment are most of ihem mild. THOS. G. BROUGHTON, Sec. From the Transcript, of Friday Afternoon. YELLOW FEVER IN PORTSMOUTH For the last twenty-four hours, there have been ten new cases of fever, and eight deaths five of which occurred at the Naval Hospital. J. N. SCHOOLFIELD, Chairman Sanitary Committee. Deaths at Portsmouth. George Mar shall, gunner in the U.S. Navy, died at U. S. Naval Hospital, on Tuesday night last, of yellow fever. ' At the U. S. Naval Hospital, on Friday morning last, of yellow fever, Mr. Joshua A. Grimes, Police Officer of the town , of Portsmouth. FEATHER DUSTERS. A FULL assortment of plain and fancy colored Cornice, Bella, Fly, Piano, Counter, and Toy Dusters, just received, to which the attention of the Ladiea 1a respectfully invited. Call at L. N. BARLOW'S, April 28. No. 3, Granite Row. W. G. MILLIGAN MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Wate Stbeet, Wikmington, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of AlarMe Work furnished to order on reasonable terms. June 5. 36-lv-e ON HAND THIS DAY. 1 ( nfin LBS.N.C. Bacon; 2hhda.Su IUiUUU gar Cured Hame, aoperior arti cle for fan! ly nae ; 60 boxes Cod Fish ; 30 barrels Eastern Herring t 30 do. Orleans Molassea, re boiled; 40 kegs Nails 1 10 bags Lsguira Coffee j S cases Blacking; 10 bbls. Coffee Sugar. ' j June 2. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD os CO. LE3I0N SYRUP. fZf BOXES just received by OU May llL - .- f L. N. BARLOW. EXPCCC C7A LIFE IN A NUNNERY, T3Y an Escaped 'Novice.M My Book, or, The 3 Veil Upiified; a Tale of Popish Intrigue and n!j hvJ.-.,.ri ;n 'I Hnnklrv.- late Novice at St. Joserh'a ilarytand. Including a narrative of hei residence at and exruve from that institution. Price tl. .-ant'y bound In cloth, with emblam- sti.'iidt.,'--! ,a r.i. Illustrated with a correct .f r-.-i ci . Jirj a, jr-Llty, executed ia the fnpst 6'ilic f e- -avi.ij on :etL Jxei f-"i pr"a. Re- Ct it'luT!..!!! t jlTAK.E&.,&.- " BUSHKLS Corn, per chr. Emily , from JVtw York. For aale bp ,June2. . - ' i. H. PLANNER. . - hay. , ' '--"r (Ci BALES prime quality Hay, inst ire and UVJ for sale by J. H. VL ANN Ell- July 17. : . - - - . 63 - DESIRABLE WHARF TO RENT. rI"HE large and convenient Wharf near (he L Rail Road, known aa the Gillespie Wharf is for rent- It la well adapted to the Naval Store business, bavins Warehouses and Sheds. Apply to W&UA. GWYER. . Jaly 10. 50 . DAILY EXPECTED. 1 CC BBLS. Mackerel, f"r sale by lUUjuly 17. RUSSELL & BRO. FOR SALE. ALIGHT and strongly built Bujrgy. July 17. - ' RUSSELL & BRO. JUSTRECEIFD BYC. R. FRENCn, AFRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nw Dbe8S. To be sure that yo get the genuine Med icine, inquire lor the New Dres with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. A pill 19. 15 tf MEDICAL HOUSE, No. 16. SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. Established in order to afford the Afflicted sound and scientific .edicul Aid, and for the suppression of ' Qudckery. DR. 1. B. Smith has for many yeara devoted his wholeauention to rhe treatment ot Private com plaints, in ail their varied and complicated forma. His great success in those long standing and diffi cult cases, such as were formerly considered incur able, is sufficient to torn mend him to the public a worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last sight years, Dr. S. has treated more than 29,500caseaof Private Complaints, in their different forms and stages; a practice which no doubt esceedsthat of all other physicians now ad vertising in laltimore, and not a single case is known wherehia directions were strict!) followed, and medicine, taken at reasonable time, without etl'eciinga ralical and. permanent cure ; therefore, persons afflicted with diseases of the above nature, 'no matter bw difficult or long standing the case may be," wotld do well to call on Dr. Smith ,at hia office. No, 16, south Frederick St.. and tfnoi. flec tually relieve! no re runner a tion will be require for his services. ! His medicines are tree from Mercury and all mineptl poisons ; put up in a neat and com. pact form, aid may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance frombusiness. and except incases of vio en t inflammation, no change of diet is necessary. STRICTURES. Dri Smith has discovered a new meihodby which he cancurethe worst furmof stricture and that without pain orincon venience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate gland,or.nckof thebladder,issometimesmistaken Icr strictures by general practitioners orcharlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and men tal evils which follow, when neglected, should make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as well is expense. Uy bis improved method of treatment, Dr. S. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect ctre in all cases ol this com plaint. 5 TO FEMALES. All diseases peculiar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. Theeffiiaey of his remedies, for the cure of theabove affeclone, have been well tested In an extensive practict for the last twelve years. Persona at a distand may consult Dr. S. by a letter, post-paid, describing vase, and have medicine seeurely put up and forwarded to any part of the United States, alwaystccompanied with full and explicit direc'ions for tse. Communication con sidered strictly confidtttial. Office arranged with separate apartments, t that patients never see any one but the doctor hirnelf. Attendance daily, from 8 in the motning till 9it night. N, B. Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do wi to a old the various NOSTRUMS ND SPEC1P, ICS, advertised by Apothearies and Druggistsas a cer tain cure for any and wery disease. They are put up to sell, bat not to ore. and frequently do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word to the wise s sufficient. Address DR. J. B. SMITA, 16 South Frederick M., Baltimore. Md. Oct. 13. ! 90-ly-c. UPHOLSTF.RHVG AND PAPER HANGING In all Branch, executed in superior stylo and at short notice, br -n ! WILKINSON & ESLF.R, Aug. 22. Ipholsierera and Paper Hangers. CA9AL BARROWS. I 70R SALE, ly M. ROrflNSON. PAPER HANGINGS. WE have just openec a large assortment of the latest styles of Spring patterns of Paper Hangings, Borders, Fire Screens, Decoration, & c, which we offorfor sale at the lowest cash pri ces, and hung in shortest notice. WILKINSON & F.SLER, April 10. UphoBterersand Paper Hangers. DR. R.F. niBBARD'S WILD CHERRY BITTERS, FOR Nervous Weiknessand General Debility. These Bitters an highly serviceable In all dys peptic affections ; they assist digestion ; restore the tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and create an appetite. Thev are unsurpassed in r moving angor or lassitua, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Spring or warm season Sold Wholesale and Retail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. TAR. BBLS. in prime order, for sale by April 3. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM: 400 EXTRA AND NO. 1 SOAP. OR aale low, to close consignment by Jan. 20. MOORE, STANLY fc CO. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW kegs of extra Butter, and for aale by C. DcPRE &. CO. June 22. 42. GUANO. 1 AH BAGS Guano, just received ner Brig A. x Adams. For sale bv March 31. A DAMS, BRO. p CO- GLUE. OF the best quality.and Bungs of all alzes always onhand. J.R. BLOSSOM. Nov. 4. 97. WILMINGTON FLOUR. "I "VBBLS. just receited, and for aale by IVJ April 28. J.R BLOSSOM. JUST RECEIVED. LADIES Black and fancy colored Gaiteis ; Misses " " ' Gentlemen's calf anit natent leather Pnnvuii Gaiters. For aale at low bv ' GEO. R. FRENCH. May 8. - . , .1 .. 24 W. L. S. T0WNSHEND, rj.ROCERY DEPOT 1 just receiving his - --"ii ovuav fJ4 juuciiva uuuciwvuu I 1C If Iaa Sflilnaa nil... A A l Dl.kl.. i wS w-uvva, Vllf CM IUU V IV o n iauf I iUaVICB III kegs; Fulton Market Beef' Beef Tonzues. Pic- i 1 1 r 1 . ..... . . ieu oairnon. lo. i and Z MacKeri selected Uod fish, all Aortsof Prearvea Jrern antl Black Tea. Kmiaanst AI VnI..J 1 U..kka . I T . n.a a piCU ,OlimVII " "Ul - II f UUI1 1 V Catsup, French af catard, English Mustard, Brown i uiaKv Qi(ir, Lame Jim ana oiougmon Bitters, Ground Coffee and Ground Spices, Rum, Gin and Whiskey ; Marratt, Gsotur, and Freres' Brandy; Milk, Soda, Batter and Fancy Crackers 1 Imperial and Pale Sherry, Madeira and Port Wine, Champagne and Sparkling Catawba, Scotch and Phil, Ale, Best London Porter, East India Pale Ale. Also, a few of those Clothes Drying Ma chines; and Oat Meal. - - April 14. , . , 13. RniCRS Pl nnfl NORTH River hard. For aale lo JU,UUUby GEO.HARRISS. Jtcw. 119. - EPTY BARRELS. PRIME Second-hand Empty Barrels, just J landed and for sale by April 19. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. 'RATZ3 PILOTAGE. JUST printPd and for sale ai Tie Commercial C2L ce, the liaiss of Pilotage for the Br and Kiver. 33-tf. 800 SCHOOL EO0K3. - STASDA'JD. .".THEOLOGICAL, . . HISTORICAL, LAW, 1 " MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, NEGRO PASSES. A NEW form mf Pueses, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, ai-d a number of others interested in the welfare ot our colored population. ia just issued at the office ot Th Commercial. GUNNY BAGS. QHOn GUNN Y BAGiS lor sale by OUUl Nov. 2. C. DuPRE d Co. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS : ,)( ft i( LBS. pure md eitra White Lead-, W,LflJU.00Og(illa. Linseed Oilj 25 bbls. Red Ochre; 50' galls .'hrome Green ; 10 bbls Ve etnin lied ; 300 g ills. Ohrane Yellow; 25 bbls. Lamp Black j 8 bbls ;oach and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Pruasian Blue; Logwood, Annatto and M adder. For f-ale by O. A D. DuPKE. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, N C. Oct. 5. 66. WINDOW GLASS? Ordf BOXES Fren.h .and American Wln- tJyJKJKJ dow Glassea from 7x9 10 24 36, For sale by ' C. & D. DvPRK, Wholesale Druggists, W ilmington. Oct. 5. CARRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE. I 1 Panoied Quarter Rocbawsy, 1 Quaker Hock a way and sevcrallight Buggies just received and for sale by ept l-tl UIKKI.r. at H1CU. PREPARED CITRATE of MAGNESIA, AN agreeable Refrigercnl and Laxative. This preparation is extensively used in the fom of Solution or liquid Citrate, and has given very gen eral satisfnetiun. Frequent applications for a pre paration in the form of Powder, of similar nature, and properties, have suggested the advantages that might rerult from its introduction in that form, .-specially when the ulk and wilvht of the liquid Citrate, (an article o juetly eMeemed bo'h by phy sicians and in private families wherever it has been used,) would Interfere with Its being sent to great distances; it is destitute of bitternerr, and by its plt-a8ahr acidity of taste and its eftervenc Ir.g character, is rendered a very agreeable and re fre hing drink, at iV mmo time, that it is a good KUbFtitule tor Epuom aalta or oilier saline purga tives. lold by Dr. A. O. BRADLEY. - Druggict. Dec. 12. 112-tf. BATCHELORS, FAMILIES, HOTELS, Steamboats, Ac, can be furnished with mnt traKBes. beds, pillows, bolntersj sheet, pillow. cases, blankeU. comforts, spreads, towels, table cloths, dtc, by celling on WILKinhUN KKLKKr Upholstera and Paper Hangers. Sept. tfl. 83. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushion, for sale bv - WILKINSON A ESLF.R. April 8- UpholKterers. SASn AND BLIND FACTORY TH E Wilmington Sash and Blind Factory it in operation again, and is prepared to execute all orders at short notice for Sash, Blinds. Doors, Scrolls and Brackets of any shape or figure. Col luttins for Porches, Moulding of any pattern or ie, Bunii-tcrsaml Hand Ralls for Stairway, Turn ing of any dimension. ; The proprietor solicits the patronage of hi friendM and the public at large, and hopes to merit the same by the well execution of his work and prompt attention lo all orders forwarded 10 him. Office and Factory first building North of the Wilmington A Raleigh Rail Road Depot. S. P. IVEY. Jan. 9th, 1855. 123-ly-c .-' CL0TUFS DRYING MACHINES ! WL. S.TOWNSHKND has still on hand a few Clothes Dryin? Machine; a great convenience and great saving of labor also an assortment of Jelly Strainers and patent metal Milk Pans. March 6. 147. P. R. SUGARS. I N hhds. and bbla., for rale low by Jan 20. MOORE, STANLY A CO. HOOP IRON. o F the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. J.R. BLOSSOM. CHEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : 1it( OZ. German Quinine; jVAH7500do. French do 50 lbs. Calomel : 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron ; 25 do. Blue Mas; 50 do. Val left's Mass; 50 gallons Sp'ts Nitre ; 40 do. Aq Amtnon; 20 bbla. Epsom Salts; 10 do. Copperas. For sale by C. d D. DcPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 5. 86. AUBURN STILL FOR SALE. f. THE Plantation of the subw;riber, fafnear Raleigh, and on the Central Kail Cj - Road, ia not yet disposed of. A decrip- i tion hua already been given but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply 10 VV m. It. Pools, Ksq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. T. LUllIINU. Wilmington. N. C. Ian. 28, 1854. DISTILLERS' GLUE. A SUPERIOR article, constantly on hand, and 1 forpale in quantities to suit purchasers, by March29. WM. A. GWYER. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. THE subscriber has just received by late arri vals from New York and Boston I 40 fine Bureaus; 20 " Sofas; 10 " Ward Robes; ' 5 Book Cases; 4 doz. fine Spring Mahogany Chairs; 2 " - " Rock. do. ; 40 " Cane Seat and Windsor Chairs ; 50 Bedsteads ; 40 Tables ; . 40 Wssh Stands and Toilet Tables ; 10 M Sinka and 20 fine Office Chlrs; Card Tables, Lounges, Ac. For sale low for e h, by ;. ; ... 3. M. WEST April 7 - 10-tt. FROM FAYETTEVILLE "' Per Steamer Fanny LAiiterbh : BBI S. Super Floor; 1ft b l-. fimilv do for the cash only, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. 25 Feb. 10. : J H and NCT copy. 137. M ARS.AILES QUILTS, and MOSQUITO nKn inu.lot sale low, for cash, at C ICR'S Apiil 17. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. SALT. A i C SACKS Liverpool Salt, to arrive per achr. iUVlH. P.Stoney. For sale by June 7. ' J.' H. FLANKER. ERicns. T 5 OflO PHILADE-PinAP"nf BRfK. . C. WORTH April 17. 14. Koirni c.t::oLi:A laed. IN bbls. For sale by JL Ley - j. J. 11. rLAKr.na. . ' " ' - . STATIONERY,- t - " ' ISe?:? -H' H .v' . class hooks. ; "f tfAPE&S Of ALL Jj WUSTl&LN DESCRIPTION. , s-Agff ' CARDS WILMINGTON, N. C - - ' ' K 11 TENS, INK, 4e.,&.c ---- " ARTIST'S MATERIALS LARE STOCK OF FURNITURE I'll K subscriber wftil.l spectlulty invlti the tienlion l. ery large f ot the public, to lii ver and complete assortment ol Furniturr now being received and recently elected by hfmaelf ai the Manufactories t duiing the present month, hitstock will be complete and consist in pari of the fol lowing articles. Fine Sets Drawing Room Furniture, in Dam ask and Hair C loth j Setts "aimed Cnamber Fun iture. 60 -Sideboards, Secretaries and Book Cases; 50 ofa and Tele aTetesi 100 Bureaus; - 100 Wh Stands, marble and plain 1 100 Rocking Chairs ; 75 Nurse do. 125 Tea and Dining Tables; 75 Centre, Card and Sola do. 75 Toilet do. 100 doz. Chairs, cushioned, cane and Windsor) 250 Bedsteads, in mahogony, walnut maple and Iron 1 j Wardrobes mahogony and atainea 1 ' Office Furniture 1 Children'aChalisj Ottomans, Foot Stools ; , A fine assortment of Looking Glasses 1 Teapoy's Whatnots Hal Stands ; Set teen. Work Table 1 Work Boxe. Paper Hangings; Window shades. Ac, jf-c. A raw riir rfwa Piawo Fobtbs, and in fact al most any article that may be desired, In complete ly furnishing Dwellings. Hotels, Offices or So ciety Rooms Front Street. .... , JT. D. LOVE. Wilmington, N.C., Sept, 9, 1854 76., HOOP IRON. " THE subscriber is constantly receiving consign ments of this article, of the best quality, and offers it at the lowest market rates i JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Nov. 21. - 104-lf. DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporters 'I'HIS isto certify, that C. A D DuPro, Drug L gists of Wilmington, N. C, are my sole agents for the aale of the above Supporters for this place and vicinity. E SEYMOUR. i ilmington, N. C, March 23, 1854. We most respectfully call the attention of the Medical Profession of the State to an examinailon of th.-above Supporters. C. & D. DttPRE. March 23, - 3-,f GLUE. "I f BBLS. Prime American, jtist recrlvrd and JAtorsaleby ADAMS. BKO. &('. Oct. 2li. 93. BACON nOG ROUND. 1 'frViPiKCES orth Carolina Bacon, a jl -nrr spiennid article lor a sale bv Juiy ia. DuPRE & CO. TOBACCO BOXES various qualities, for sale at Factory Dricis. T. a. dr. B. O WOltTH. 50 Jn 27. 13 1. WHITE LEAD &, SPANISH-BROWN. 100 KEGS Pure, tun find V.. 1 Whli. t 3 bbls. spantoh Krown; to ( lore con fignmcnt. MOORE, STANLY & CO. Oct. 28. ENTIRE NEW NOTICE. BY W. L. S. TOWNS H END 30 bMs. of as sorted Whisket'si id.. Old Kentucky Whis key; 1 half pipe Renaull Brand v; 2 qur. cask Giuter Frere's Brandy ; 1 qur. Old Tom Gin; 1 qur. Amsinck Port Wine; I half pipe Scupper nonsr Wine; also Madeira t-berry. 4c; East In dia Pale do.; Navy Bread; Pilot Bread ; 25 boxes assorted crackers. The above have just cpmeand for sale cheap. Feb. 13. J31. NOTICE. Tf AVING determined nn rliuln. nn mi. hml ness in Wilmington, immediately we now of fer for ale, at cost, all our slock ot Groceries, Pro visions. Ac, c. Merchant and dealers nrelnvlt. ediocnll and examine lh foods nenrly all of which have been purchased for cash and at rhe lowest market rales. N. B. All partie indebted to ua M UST make IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. April 10. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. SASH, BLIND " AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Uolchkit 'I'HE public are hereby informed, thst I have JL beei appoimed agent for the aale of tVlndotv Sash, Blinds aud Doora, manufactured by the New Haven Com., and am prepared to fill all oracrs in the above line. The quality of the work ol the New Haven Com. ia well known in this market. Builders and alt persons in want of the above article, are requested to send in their orders, and they will he,romptly filled. Terms invariably cashd'n delivery. WM. A. GWYER. Gentrai Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 16 DISSOLUTION. T'HE Copartnership heretofore existing unde- J the nam. and atyle ot SUTTON, SOUTH M A YD A CO.. was dissolved" on the firt of March. 1 he buaineHS of the late firm will be set tled by SOUTHMAYD A BflO. WM. SUTTON, THOS. SOUTHMAYD, March 6th, 1855. CHAS SOUTHMAYD. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have formed a Copartnership, under the name a fid style of SOUTHMAYD & BRO.. for the purpose of csrryina on the Blacksmith, Iron and Brass Foundry and Machi nery Busineaa in all Itsbranchs. at the aland for merly occupied bv BUTTON, SOUTHMAYD & CO., and would solicit s share of nsrronae. THOS. SOUTHMA YD, March 6th, 1355. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. CiIn consequence of abova dissolution it has become necessary that all notes and accounts due the late firm, be settled immediately. The sub scribers will pay all debte due by the late firm. SOUTHMAYD BRO Wilmingion. March 6th, 1915- 143 tf. iNiW0RLE MOLASSES A I 1 BBLS. la good order; 15h-irbbls. do. do. &J Low for cash, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Dec. 16 J.H., NCT S Age copy 114. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. THIS institution located at Capt. Power's office opposite Bank of Cape Fear, will be open for the reception of deposiies on Wednesdsy of each week, from 4 to 7 o'clock," P M-, and on Satur day of each week from 4 to 9 o'clo., P M- - JOHN A. TAYLOR, Preideof. Mav. I. :j;.?-ir"" ' : ::'-t-it;'' FRENCH confectionary; JUST received, by the.schr. L. B. Srol'h, ona of the finest assortments of French Confections ry ever offered in this market. Opening thi day by wholesale and retail. Call at he Variety Store, under the Herald Office, next door to Scott Baldwin's WM. Jl. DaNEALE. May 20. 33. TOW la the good time to have v- - i 1 1 i ted. saws have opened oor Ilrings. Botdera ard ieeost . . WILKINiO JrJl7. . r;ho!terer af i I Pa- i i r X . ... M. r A. . tu .;nN co:7 BT eaTHKS B, STIUTTOtf, "'This liUle fellow ,"aiJ Martin Luther, of a" bird going (dfesi, "ha, cho n his shelter, ami Is quietly rocVfng himself to sleep, without a raro for to morrow's lodging, calmly hol.lina to hid little twig, and leaving God i think for Mm. , Yt-s, the liule birds find sbelicr, - : And hum their t-venlng irayt r, And close their heavy eyelfdn, ?. Without a thought to care. They droop their glossy head, 'Mid the feathers on tlx ir hM-ant; And khving 0oI to watch them, Thus aweclly fkH to reU Dear cheriahed little kljH-pers, Their merry song is still Jfo caro for to-morrow's lodging; . " Their gentle bosom fill, Guardiitn Htigela round them, Watch with a silver rod) For they've left their every sorrow' All in the care of God. And if bird trust our Father, Vi ho glveth them a home, Why should our hearts murmur When evil shadows coma 1 If God will feed tbe raven, And think for all the birds, Will bo" not love Hut children, And listen to their words 1 Ay, let us trust Hi goodness, His promise and His love, And, like tho birds, be-bappy With His blessing from above. Have not a thought of trouble, While future paths Are trod, But keep our hearts from evil, And leave our care with Ood. 7 MISCELLANY. A SINGULAR TRIAL. A Singular Trial has just terminated in the Oneida Circuit Court of New York It is'thut of Emily C. Day vs. Volkert VV. Koth and NelBon Roih. By the testimony adduced, it appears that Volkert Roth wooed and won the heart of Miss Day, in England, which is her home, and formed an engagement of marriage wilh her. She had about 2500 in money, which Volkert persuaded her to entrust lo his keeping, in order that he might come to America mid establish himself sufficiently lo enable him to return and marry her, he engaging to pay interest on the sum regularly. For a time he fulfilled this latter stipulation, but finally endeavored lo gel rid of the mitr riage, and the obligation to pay the money, by repressing to Miss Day that he had failed in business. He had also managed to mix up his brother with lhe affairs bo much that it was a question which had the property. Miss Day getting alarmed for her til tie fortune, came lo the United Slates to hunt. her faithless swain. She found him at Utica, N. Y., where he had bought, with his brother, the Museum, and was cany ing it on as a place of entertainment.' She sued th m both, and claimed the Museum in part payment of i he nuney due her. After a tedious and protracted trial, the ju ry has rendered a verdict for the plaintiff uf $3,435.25, being the full value of the Museum, we presume. The money taken from Miss Day constituted all the property she had in the world. Much interest has been manifested in the case throughout, and the verdict of the press is emphatically in her favor. JUMPING OUT OF IIIS CLOTHES. About seven o'clock Wednesday morn ing Isi inst , a gentleman residing at No. 16, Varick street, New York, observed some suspicious characters at work on the basement tioor of No. 18, Varick street, the occupants of which were absent in th country. He immediately went in pursuit of an officer and found officer Martin, ol the Third Ward, who went with him to the house, where the burglars were sull t.t work and were of course secured, with a lot of burelars' tools which they wero using. While the officer were proceeding lo the station house having each of the prisoners by the coat collar, one of them actually jumped out of his coat and vest, which were left in the officer's hands, and escaped. The latest estimates of the population of the world make it eleven hundred and fifty millions, viz: Pagans ' G7G, 000,000; Christians, 320,000.000; Mohom medans, 140,000,000; and Jews 14,000, 000. Cf Christians tho Church of Rome numbers 170.000. the Greek and Eastern churches, 60,000,000, and Protestants 90,- ooo.ooo. r - . ' ,! : Upon practice, not upon opinion, de pends the . happiness of mankind; and controversies merely speculative are of mall importance in themselves, howev er they may have sometimes heated a disputant, or provoked a faction. A brave man thinks no one lib su perior who does him an injury, for lie has it then in his power to make hi ni sei! superior to tbe other, by forgiving it ': : : ; . A small object may cast a large thad off, and the hue of a man's nose reflect his whole character. . DISSOLUTION. THR Eiprese Steamboat Compsnvwas this day dissolved by mutual consent 1 he book and papers of the Concern si l seffevill ar placed in the hands of Mr. John t " f' W. McLaurin's who is fully authorized lo t i and receipt for the same. james k Mi;n . N. A. KAMM-:V, April 4, 1855. M J- KAM1- IIIAVEsold.llmy V.mboslB.excrM, ' ' ernr, snd have placed h r in a line n VV. MrLsurln, who Is now running the . on the Cape Kear Klvtr. Persons hsvlnt rlaims(rtiint the f-.xpr. .. bost Company will plrsx- hum! lh tn in f- r ; -mrnt, and those Indebted will cll nd !'! ut delay. JA.ISKS lu. Ki.'l 'l n- April 7. 10-if. revxoix.v :n:7 toon dl'HE Banber's Datu l.t. r r th !. vvlin. 1 a sequt I tt J'ru j t vs Hmot by O. " nolds. authorof Jorp! VVjtiri'i'j tt' l'"'' Mystrrka of the Court of I.on.l n i da , Ac; just published. Kr ! Jb!y 3. S. W. VVlii rAKI l'tiimn ' 'T ffl KlTPFLVjust ret-clvedand f .r r i ;:y tu c. i . f.MILSf : ' f I I Jf6 i.J.

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