JOB, BOOK, St.,-. W .-!. Vv - 4 "'V : Cda.Vta OF FRONT AND MARKET STREETS, . VILM1NGT0X, N. C Particular Attention pnW to the Following Muds of Letter Press Printing. ?i.V of f-'xehange, En trie of Merchandise 1' s of Lading, Looks, . . .. Vards, . ValnoTueSy ' ; Cerfyicates, Checks, Circulars, Drafts.' tlandaula, " - Labels. 4-a - - - . " Laic Blank, iXote. : ' -;-f'amplilels, , Polerr jj -'i -- -C - - . Receipts, Rata of FretohL-:, - : . f-c. O-c. ae. An! PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of eve ry description, done in me ncaiesi man--ner, and on the moM reasonable terms. ' Wilmington. August 17, 1 S3 4 "' " DENTAL PRACTICE tlTILL he attended to by the undersigned, at Wilmington. N. Con or about i he first of October. 1835...- - K. SPENCER. July 21. - ; v; 65 2m-p YN order to make room , or cur Fall and winter X Slock of Bunks, Stationery, music, &c. Ac.. )to say nothing of Aew Books constantly arriving,) ve oifor a most templing .variety of entertaining Vork the most agreeable -companions possible for these long summer days ac the same low rales as hereto re Lupltsfiere price. - Au.'. 16. S. W. WHITALER. THE WATER CURE JOURNAL. Oa Aitsust. Aug, 18v , Received and fr sale t. . TWHITAKERS. - : limeklimem : OHA CASKS In good order. For sale by .OWU.- T.C.4B.S.WORTH. Aug. 18. 67-4t SUMMER HATS. TEING desirous of reducing oar stock of Sum Jl trier Hats, previous to getting in Fall Styles, we will oner great inducements to all who may wiati to purchaso articles in our line. ' , SHEPARD A MYE IS, '" Hat and Cap Emporium, Granite Row. Aug. 11. . - . 6. CLASSICAL SCHOOL. A CLASSICAL SCHOOL will be opened in Sx the building occupied by. L Holmes, Esq -commencing on Wednesday, the 3d of October, ana closing on ircunesuuy, we loin aay ui ecu nary. " v - . ' ' Tsbms. Invariably $30 per session half in advance No deduction except in case of pro tracted sicKnnss.'- -. - . JOHN H. ANDREWS. . . . , v- . n ..... . . r mnetvais. uxrBiiMCBs. i ne fresioem ana h acuity oi the University; .W; J riinrham, tsq -, 'OaKs;" Jesse H. Lindsay. Esq.; Rev. J. J. Smythe ' Greensboro"; Ks v 'I. . B. Grier; Dr. James H. Dickson, W . Hall, E.-q t Messrs. J. H. W right, Samuel u. Bunting, John C Latta, and Geer?e II. Kelley, Wilmington. ' : Aug. 9. . ; " : 63-lm. "Administrator's notice. fpHE subscriber having qualified as Administra m JL tor to the estate, of Dr. Grovenor S. Daniels, at the August term, 1855 of the. Court of Pleas and tJuaricr Sessions of Bladen Connlv. herebv cives nonce to alt persons indebted to said estate to come forward and settle the same, and all having claims against the said esiate, are hereby required to present them within the time prescribed bv law otherwise this notice will be pleaded in barol re covery. THO. B. CARll, Administrator. Aug. IS. v . f . ... -. i - 67 1m. Weekly J. as H. copy lm. OWNER WANTED fORlONEEOXMERCHANDIZE trora Bal 1 V. . c.l..... A 19. k idee uiiiuic, pel n.ui. nAUiaiiltv. AH. Atfill. IDSd, marked J. C. Hoggins. Stored and advertised ier -otvnet's account." Aug. 18. ,z RUSSELL & Bro. FEW kegs of superior Ghen Ratter for sale Ang. II. . . . - 64 HENRY BURRIIIMER i WH0LSAt A BTAIt V TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR ' SIGST OF TIIE INDIAN CHIEF" MARKET STREET, one door above Water J . ... Wilmington, N. C. jV. B. All Order filled teiti despatch. , .;. Oct. 26th. 1954 I. 93-t3fcw-e. FR03J AND AFTER THIS DATE, rpHE wholesale and Retail business of the L WILMINGTON GRANARY will be con ducted at the store formerly occupied by Wm A Ovrn, ' orncr of Princes and Water streets, at which plase will be kept constant supply of tJUlllN Wf.AU HOllNUar. OAT3..FK4S. HOUSE and COW FOOD. - C,"Perons convenient to the Mill, can get their supplies there. V. liurlvKK.Ja., , Successor to T. Smith & Co. Wilmington, N. C J uly 26. 57-tf HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. ,' .'" '7 -JASPER., -.--, COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the Slate o Georgia. ,, : JJACONwGEORQIA. v rpiIIS LOTTEIIY is conducted on the plan of JL tne ftoval L.otierv oi Havana, or ample num. oers ana drawn at concert nail, Macon. Ua.,un der the sworn Superintendence of Col. Geo. IX. Login, and Jas. A., Esq. , . t - GRAND SCHEME FOR SEPTEMBER 3d.l855 - , , When Prizes amonniins to . ,: r $50,000. . . . CLASS D. - ' - - . "'- Win. BE pISTHIBITTKO -AS FOLLOWS. ; CAPITALS. prize of 3 1 2.000 1 prize of 5.000 2JJ00 i,voo 1,000 - - . .150 100 . 3,000 ' "1,500 1,100 : 400 120 1 -" ' 5 " 10 20 . . . 10 12 0 50 255 " 25 660 Ool 10,000 o nppromimation frizes oi 408 Prizes amounting to $50,000 Niimiirra. , vefT Pns drawn -at each drawing, and paid when due, In full, without deduction. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to orders. Rrritered letters at my risk. Bills on all solvent Lao'ia at par. ", t " . -;. . -- ...... liole Ticket S3; Halves Si; Quarters S2. Address JAMES F-WINTER, " ' " Manager, Macon, Ga. . 'Aug. 14 - . : f : . - ... 64-tf. - NE WELL'S PATENT :. SAFETY LA'JP L ' LAMP FEEDER. ANEVV ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all Accidents from the use of Burning .Fluid. Camphene, and oiktr E x-plotiee Compounds, used far the production of Light. This Invention is applied to all common Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar, Camnhene Lamps, Lanterns, tc. . r,-,- CERTIFICATE. . - . Wilmingtos, N. C, June I5th, J854. ' r i rer,ify that f witnessed thoejperiment of n.r. Newell, with his patent Safely Lamp, for furnishing "fluid" and am perfectlv satksfied of the P.fWy of the same. . Ji-. I. Dicasos.- Ve are prepared to fill all Ordersat short notice, r ev ;.ry decrption and variety of Lamps, Ac. persons are cautioned a2ainst Infrinzing up . i t - above patent as the la. win beTiidiy eo ircfJ ca:nstll odeoders.. - ... .. J,;r ' ' ,-- - - - - 45 tf. r ' FOR SALE. .... t.i r: -n' tba lui si'!!,!, I course mae si i iM'!f the rcf ' Af : if U W m. ' fi of the subscriber, i on the Central Rait C ' i . . .r i of. A deicrip- ' i s u :.:vn -but no one wia of r-pji i-it a purchase without ; , ! 3 lives near T. LO:tI.G.' i Ua iUi) iwi. . - . Sf:HR. -SOUTHERN BELLE, Captain , Powell, will have despatch as above. For - freight or passage apply to . Au. 21. -' J. H. FLANNER ..; ' FOR BOSTON. - x,- SCHR. BENNETT.FLANNER.Capt Applegitt. will have despatch, as above. f or ireigni or passage appiy . Aug. 21. . . . ' J. H. FLANNER. FOR NEW YORK . OLD LINE. " Schf. LILLY. Ca'ntaLn Henderson, will have depatch-'for the shove"-port.- For freight or passage, apply to IS -T.-C-WORTH. FOR PHILADELPDA. ' '. - MERCHANT'S LINE Schooner WSL L. SPRINGS. Capt. Willetts. will have despatch as above. For freight or passage, appiy jo., tir g. IB. r t . W. "UttlH. FOR BOSTON. i Schr, LA. MARTIN E, Capt. Brigg will have desnatch for the above port. Foi freight or passage, appiy 'o - g. 16. T. U. YVUKTH WILMINGTON AND WELD ON R. R. Eng'r and Sup'ts Office, VV. & VV. P. R. Co ' July 18, 1855. ' - GOING NORTH. THE passenger trains over this road will, until further notice, run as follows : . ! First (Express Mail) train leaves Wilmington at 6 o'clock A.M. . Reaches Goldsboro at 10 A. M.' " Arrives at Weldon at 1:30 P.M. Second (Accommodation Mail) train leaves Vil- mintftonat 4:30 P.M.. daily. (Sundays excepted.) Reaches Goldsboro' toeupp r e:5UP. M. .Arrives at Weldon I at nisht. GOING SOUTH. First Train leaves Weldon at 12:00 M. . Reaches Goldsf oro' at 3:20 P. M.; . . Arrives at Wilmington 7:30 P. M ; ' Second Train leaves Weldon at 9:00 P. M.; daily (Sundays excepted ) Reaches Goldsboro' 1:10 A. Al.; . Arrivea at Wilmineion 5:40 A. M. Fare to Goldsboro' $2,50 ; to Weldon S5 About one cent per mile extra is charged passengers trAo do not procure ticket at the illation. . Throueh ticke s io Baltimore S12; to Philadel phia 14 ; to New York 915,50 ; to Washington, D. U.,il. . rVTickcts wiil not be sold to a negro in person Express Freight (by Accommodation Train) will be chareeed 60 per cent, extra; and such freight to eo North must beat the Depot by 2 o'clock P.M., and marked Expre Freight. Two freight trains per week will run regularly through to Weldon. testing Wilmington and Weldon on Mondays and Thursdays, alternately. One train will run reaularly as far north as Goldsboro'. and in connection with the N. C. R. R-, and two other irregular Way Trains will run as far north as may be required, tatinz freight at all intermediate sta tions. A Flour Train will, from sbout the 20th of August, run rom Goldfcboro', alternately, Mo Wil mington and Weldon, leaving Goldsboro' on Mon days and Thursdays Wilmington snd Weldon on Tuesdays er Fridays, reachidg Goldsboro on Sat urdays. AU due on downward freight must be paid on delivery at vv iiminpton. - S.L. FREMONT, Eng'r.and Snp't, July 19. 54. SCHEDULE ON W. & M. R. R. .- Joit 31st. 1855. O N and after the 1st August, the Passenger t rains oil tms Koad will run as follows : Leave Wilmington at 7 00 A.M., and 8 30P.M Arrive at Kingsviile at 4 45 P.M., and 6 45 A. 31. ' Leave Kinrttville at 7 CO A. M . and 5 45 P. M Arrive at VS iimington at 3 30 P.M., and 4 30 A. M. - ' - ' 5 The Ferry Steamer will leave the wharf of the w . fc w. R. k. at 6 30 A. M ., and S UOP.M. The Trains from Wilmington connect at Kings- ville with the Southern Trains for Charleston and Augnsta, also, with the up Trains for Columbia; and the 8 30 P. M. Train with the Trains on the Charlotte, and Greenville Kail Roads. Passengers for the Cheraw Darlington Rail Uoad. wiU tate the 7 W A. I. Tram from nil mington, and the 6 45 P, M. Tram for Kingsviile. Trains will stop at the Regular Stations, and at the following intei mediate points, only vhen eignai- lea to taite up ana put down rassengers: Register's. Freeman's Rood, Big Creek, Jones- boro, Peococlt's, Uerro uordo, tiilcnrist s, Knen ezer. Cartersvllle, Rocky Bluff Road, Moore's Road and UlarKson's I . u. L.J.FLEMING. : General Superintendent. Angutt 4. 60 Im. STEAMER SPRAY FOR SMITH VILLE. tlcTS THE United States Mail Steamer V t SPRAY, Capt. John B. Price, will M " leave Wilmington for Smithville, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons st 3 o'clock, snd Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock Leave Smithville for Wilmington on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Fridiy morninzs at 6 o'clock. Passage one Dollar. Children and Servants half price. Freight at customary rates. Apply touapiain on ooara, or to - A. H. VANBOKKELEN, So. Wharves. June 16. 41-tf WILKINSON & ESLER HAVE on hand, and make to order, Hair, Moss, Shock and Veil Maiinin Pillnwa. Rnla. ters, Sheets. Cases, Spreads. Comforts, Mosquito uemnr; aiso repair solas, cnairs, Sc, or any kind of Upholsterer's work. May 24. - 31 GOLDSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. T'HE next session of this Institution will com- A mence on the first Wednesday in Ausust 1855. . Ample accommodations ara provided for anv number of young ladies. For information, Catalogue, die , address the f resident oi tne t acuity; tie v. j h. Brent. - w. a. u. ANUKKWS, Secretary. June 23. - 44 tf VHU1P PSIOLSAU, JOBS af SBCSB. W. . CVBT1S. :, P. PRI0LEAU & CO., ; - GENERAL (JOMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C, COMMEECJAL WHARF, SMITHVILLE, N. C. Oar business will be conducted In Wilmington by H. M. CURTIS, Who Is our authorized Agent for that plaee. ' Ang. 7.' ... , . 62-lyv ' GOSHEN BUTTER. !A FRESH lot Butter, No.' I, just received. Also i six hhds. Western Shoulders and Sides, and 5,000 lbs. N.C.Bacon. r July2o. ; A. a. UCUALKB. - NOTICE. WE HEREBY caution all persons from buy ing or receiving a certain draft drawn by J. Snow, dated Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1855, upon M. Cronly, and accepted by him, in favor of Charles Q. Jones, at thirty days after date for ti 175. The said draft having been obtained by fraud, this is to notify the public that payment of toe said draft has been stopped.. - v.. . ' ; ' M. CRONLY. Wilmington, Jnly 25. ' - 67-tf. nAY. Lt. ; - 1 AH BAES prime Hays 1 JJ 10O Empty Spirit Casks; ......, . 2000 Ihs, N. C. Bacon, hog roun J , 500 " , " Hsrns, Extra; ;. - 3o0 u new FAStlir - Just rprwivAft . and for '- in lots to suit, by ; . . ..lay Jt. . . , j'.u.fflB.u.iYUSitt.. T7C HAVE N0V7 ON HAND f VERY lar;e and handsome assortment of Par Ilaniifig?, Borders, Screens, Decom , which we w ill sell very low (or CASH, and ban? ttsii in i' e Iciest styles. v.tls:in&c;; c e?ler,! ; V. :o' -'er3 ar i rap.T-Hingers." May 2i. , SI io,c:j? Aug. Au Au r l !T :v!d Dcf- : , j. c co. - CLARE.NL XN'.'IIION WCILIS, ' ;-t wil?iingto.".n.c. rHK CLARENDON IRON WORKS ara now prepared. io receive orders for Beam, Vertical, Horuontalor Osciilating Kteam Engines, Hisjh or Low Prefsare.and adapted to ail ptirposes ; Circu lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Mills, complete; Pumps, .Mining Machinery, Grist and Flour Mills, complete; Parker.Torbine and other Water VVh-iels, Equipping of Steamers,- Car Wheels and Axles ; Horse Power of various, patterns; ; Rice Field Pumps and Engine; Mill Irons; Lejvitt's Corn snd Cob Cri8hers; Kice Thrasher ; Shingle Ma chine. Shafting, Pullies," Hangers, Gears, and all otner mm worn. - r - - , ' ;: . i--:- ; V v CASTINGS. i.rvJ: Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions, inclu ding Ornamental Iron Railine. Pine. Bridge Cast ing, fc, dre. The Company, would reDectfullv invite attention to their styles and patterns of Rail ing, wnicn may oe seen at their office. . . . -BOILERS. , Tubular, Flua and Cvlindrical Boilers. Water Tanks, Chimneys, and all other kinds of Boiler worn.-. . - .; - - REPAIRS. , A separate dcpirtment and force will he kept for repairs, where worn will be done thoroughly and with despatch. All work done in the establishment dsllvered ei ther on the cars of the Wilmington 6V. Manchester Rail Road or the Wilmington ft Weldon Rail Road, or in fl its st the Company's wharf. - Having large facilities, the'above work will be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere. North or " in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Consultation by letter or otherwise, in rezard to plans and designs for mills or their furniurp, and for machinery generally, willingly answered. All orders or communications to be addreesed to the undersigned.. ' t HENRY M. DRANE, Agent. March 17. l-tf. STEEL PENS. 'pHREE different Nos. of Perry & Co.'s.and all j. me ainerent nos. or uiuot's. a supply recei Ted this morning at Jnly 14. S. W WHITAKER'S. SUNDRIES. AH BOXES assorted Candy, in 50 and 25 lb JJ boxes. Saears. all irrades. in hhds. and bbls. Adamantine Candles; isoap ; Potish ; cnnff ; Tobacco ; Cigars ; Crackers in bbls. and boxes ; Domestic Liquors, Wines snd Trench Brandy; Cider Vineear ; Pepper; Allspice; Powder; Stiot; die, Ac, For sale by July 12. - ZENO H. GREENE. THE UNDERSIGNED hsve purchased theen- A tire Interest of P. K. DICKINSON dr CO. in the Gaston Mills, and of PARSLEY, McRAE ;J, in the illlton anils; and have associated themselves together under the firm of PARSLEY, UOWAlt OC UO. They will continue the transaction of the Lum ber Business In sll its branches; nnd hope to re. tain the correspondence of the old 1- trms. O. G. PARSLEY. ROBT. H. COWAN, JNO. McRAE, W. G. JONES, DAVID S. COWAN. April I0.H55. 12 tf. Journal and Herald copy. JUST RECEIVED Per Schr. L. P. Smith: -t r KEGS New Batter; 10 Boxes Cheese; XJ Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Co flee, Sugar, Crashed Sugar, Powdered -vugar, and a variety of Fresh Uonfectionary, etc., ace. April 24. GEO. MYERS. CHOLERA. A Certain Care for this disease, maybe fonud In tbe use of Perry Davis1 Vegetable . PAIN KILLER. - Ddbucius, Iowa. May 5. 1855. Gentlemen: 'I feel under obligations to you for the benefit I have received from your invalu able Pain Killer. , We have had some cholera here on the Mississ ippi thus early in the season.- A few days since 1 assisted in laying out and burying one of our citizens who was supposed to hsve died with the disease. The next morning I was taken with se vere vomiting, accompanied with coldness of the extremities. Warm covering and hot applica tions tailed to restore warnitn. my wile's family who has used the Pain Killer with success during the cholera season in Buffalo in 1849. advised me to take it. 1 look twodoses at intervalsof fifteen minutes ; a fine perspiration ensued, and the next dav, barring a little weakness, 1 was well, and have been since. It may have been an attack of ague; but whether ague or cholera, it answered my purpose. Since my recovery I find that several of our cit izens have used the Pain Killer, as a remedy for cholera, snd pronounced it good. I therefore take pleasure in recommending it to a still morn exten sive notice.- Yours truly, - W. M. CROIZER, Attorney at Law. Perry Davis at Son, Providence, R. I. , ; Psbbt : Davis Sir: Although personally a stranger to you, yet the benefits I have received from the use of your invaluable remedy, the Pain Killer, induces me to pen a word of praise for it, and gratitude to you its-inventor. I b,ave tried a score of patent medicines of various kinds, and consider the Pain Killer tbe very best of its kind in use. It is not a Panacea for all the ills flesh is heir to, but is certainly a grand tpee'ficfor many diseases. Two years' experience haa convinced me thvtfor headaxhe, indigestion, pain in the stomach, or any other part of the system, severe chills, weariness, common colds, hoarseness. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery', Tooth Ache, Ac. 4c, there is nothing- better than the Pain Killer. I have this hoar recovered from a severe attack of the sick headache, by using two teaspoonsful, taken at thiuy minutes interval, in a wine glass full of warm water. I am confident that through the blessing of God it saved me from the Cholera daring the Summer of 1849. . Travelling in Connecticut and Massachusetts, amid heat. dust, toil, change of diet andconstant exposure to an infected atmosphere, my system was daily pre disposed to dysentery attacks,, accompanied with pain, lor which the Pain Killer was a sovereign remedy : otte teaspoonful caring the worst case in an hour, or at mosr, half a day I ' My brothers in the ministry have used it with much success in various diseases. 1 have heard many cases the country over, of Dysentery being cured by its use. . Put in the teeth it would stop the tooth ache in several minutes. Gratitude, and a desire for its general use. has drawn from me this unsolicited testimonial in its favor. .The Pain Killer is a blessing to mankind. ana nreas our io do Known to be admired. May yoa be richly'.re warded as Its distinguished inven tor. - . . . Yours respectfully, with constant gratitude, D.T. TAYLOR, Jr., Minister of iheGorpel. Oct. 10th. 1850. Rouses Point. Clinton, co . N. York. . . . , ; ' - . PERRY. DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KIL LER. Voluntarily, conscientiously, and with much pleasure, we recommend to our readers the above named medicine. We speak from our own observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as if by magic from alt parts of the body, and is one of the best medicines in nse for checking Diarrhoea, and removing the premonito ry symptoms f Cholera. it is applied both in iern;.lly and externally, with the best effects, and none who have once used the Pain Killer woold willingly be without it constantly in their homes. Cincinnati t.temng Nonpareil, July 15A, 1350. , i'u bo.v, Proprietors. - - J1 High street, Providence, R.l. The Pain Killer is sold bv Georire R. French. Wilmington; C. C. Green, Elizabeth Citv? James W.Carmer, Newborn; W. H. Willsrd. Washing ton; and by Drurists nnd Grocers everywhere July 13, l;5. - - -v--- 64-3m. T??! Clf ; 'actirserv. in etoT an I f -r f ' i;s.-:r.LL c. .:o. HOTEL NIXON'S no USE. .. , " (FORMERLY MRS. BORDEN'S).' " WEST SIDE . RAIL ROAD, ; GOLDSBORO. N. C, "ta "THIS extensive and well known public v-. Tr L-. , v. i : t. . t i. - a r I Am was reopened by the Subscriber for the reception ot guests on the 4th Inst. - i -It is pleasantly and convenienilv situated in the centre Of business, ''and is directly opposite .to ana "f.s rof the Ticket uraces, ot tne Wilming ton and Weldon and the Central Rail Road Com panies, where the cars stop on their arrival and departure, and where faithful scbvakts will si ik waitIso to take baggage, and give such other attentions as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE has been remodelled, repaired, and thoroughly renovated from cellar to garret, and furnished throughout with New Furniture, elected with special care, and arranged with an eye single to the comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. . THE TABLE Wilt be richly furnished with the substantial, the danties and delicacies of the seasons, foreign as well aa domestic markets will be rendered tributary to the constant cupply, which will be served up In the best style, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. . ;" THE BAR Will be a Storehouse of the best Wines and Li quors, snd superintended by a gentleman ofcour lesy and integrity, thoroughly acquainted with his business comprising the knowledge of what is due to the rights snd comforts of the public, as well as to bimseir and his employer. THE STABLES. which are among the be?t in the State, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful and careful manager, who will always have under his care the bet and most experienced ostlers, and it will be among the chief cares of the proprietor to ceo that horses of his guctts be well fed and thor oughly groomed. This entire establishment has been purchased and fitted up at an enormous expense, and it will be the pleasure, as, of course, it will be the inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every respect equal to any in the country He there fore trusts that a generous public will renew and continue the liberal patronage heretofore entended to this House, while under the care of its former proprietress, Mrs. Borden, who gained for it a celebrity throughout the entire Union. H. It. NIXON. Ang. 18. , 67-1 y. BARMAN'S HOTEL (LATE WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE,) 13 WAS THIS DAY OPENED BY THE tij subscriber, formerly proprietor of the Kay LLt etteville Hotel, and is now ready for the ac commodation ot travelers. JNO. HARM AN. Wilmington June 7. 37-tf. HOUSES TO LET. TO RENT. FOR ONE YEAR FROM 1st OCTOBER jjH next, the row or block of brick buildings JUL between Dock and Orange streets, north side of Muters Ally, near the place occupied by T. C.A B. G. Worth, from Front Street, to -but exclusive ot the wriari; consisting of 2 Offices, 2nd Story. : 2 Stores under said Officer; Warehouses. IVbs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The email Tenement near Front Street. ALSO. The Brick House, corner of Front and Orange streets, - stperate uirellivgt, as at present occu pied by Mr Jewell Ur. aherwood. Apply to R. W. BROWN, at Smithville as Agent tor the Estates. Wilmlngton,N. C, Aug. 1 1th, 1855. 64-tlo. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT THtTSlnr. nn lh Mrnap rt tUTavlra, and Second present occupied by .Rev. Reuben G rant; alsotbe dwelling Dart of the same building, having eivht roams with kitchen. The dwelling over the Store at present occupied by Mr- S. W. Whitaker aa Book Store. The residence over , Mr. H. L. Schreiner's Music store. Aisine store ac present occupied Dy.Mr. A. V. W. Hewlett. ' Possession given on the 1st October next. Apply to A PAUL REPITOxN. July 23. 58-tf. TO RENT. THE House occupied by the late Corne lius Myers, to rent until Oct. 1st, posses i sion given immediately. - Inquire of GEO. MYERS, Administrator of Estate of C. Mvtas July 26. 27 CAROLINA D.0TEL TO RENT. A Rick opening for an Enterprising Man. THAT long established and popular piece t of property, favorably known to the trav eling public as the CAROLINA HOTEL. situated in the heart of the town of Wilmington. on nfiarxet street, is onered tor rent or lease, im mediate possession given if desired. The Furni ture, cVc. of the house which has been recently renewed by the present occupant. B. B. Biowv. Esq.. who declines on account of ill health, will oe aisposca or on reasonable terms. Connected with the Hotel are two spacious Stores, which may be had separately or together, nut wnicn may oe used as very profitable appen dages to the Hotel. It is rarely that on opportunity so lucratively promising presents itself to the public; an I to a spirited Individual, with experience in the busi ness, who will render himself agreeable and the accom notations and fare inviting, a more temp- " tniBi)iias bdunui .u 0 1 1 y oe conceiveu. - " ii mington, by her public spirit, has become a great thoroughfare, and attained to much importance and still again is her proverbial reputation for en terprise to be increased, by her recent bold meas ures to secure more permanently advantages af fecting roost vitally tier future destiny. J. C. & R. B. WOOD. July 21. Jour, and Her. copy. 55-tf TWO STORES. OR WAREHOUSES TO RENT. NORTH of the Rail Road, on Water street continued. Those two Stores, 20 K, 11 runt A-k mam. Ell U completed and readv for onennam., he ih 1st if October There will be ample room for families on the second story. Rent moderate. Apply to . . WM. A.GWYER. July 10. 60 FOR RENT.- A Small Hou-e on Front Street, suitable foe a small family, until the 1st October .next, apply to MOORE, STANLY & CO. April 26. - 19-tf. TO RENT. A House at the Corner of Orange and Second Streets formally occupied by Geo. M I. .IT,Jrntniil. nn....I. 1 en immediately. To a good tenant the house- win K fiii,.kin - i t i r r- . . BUiMUlj ,CJdICU. JUIJU1IC Wl VJ, C. lliyCfS US H. R. Savage, Esq., at Cape Fear Bank. i April 24th, 1855. !8-tf. TO RENT FROM FIRST OCTOBER. THE Store corner; of Water-and Mulberry sts ; the Office on the wharf, now occupied by D. A. Lamont ; the Store add Warehouse now occu pied by me. Apply to JOS. K. BLOSSOM. July 26. . . . - - - 57 TOR SALE. THE HOUSE and LOT, corner of Wal nut and Fourth Streets, containing 11 Rooms and two attic chambers, lately oc cupied by the subscriber.-. " . '- i Terms. Note at Bank, with tne customary ac commodation. -. -.- V ; . - T. I.ORING. April 24." . - : 18-tf. ; REYNOLDS'iKEW BOOK.; THE Banker's Dsughter, or the Lost Witness a sequel to Joseph Wilmot ; by G. VV. M. Rev- nolds, authorof Joseph Wilmot; Rosa Lambert; Mysteries of the Court of London ; . Lord Saxon dale, Ac; just published. For sale at Jpiy a. , a. vv. v til TAKER'S. SACK SALT, - ry p:(tcia afloat, for sale by ' - QJ aug 16 , J. H. FLANNER. Lll..ii ii.lll.tLiliJ, KC( Si:CCr;n-HANr Spirits Turpentine The best in town.- For sale l 7 Ji n - f rirr f , , STEAMBOAT DISASTERS ON THE WESTERN V.'ATERS, AND STEAMBOAT - .DIRECTOR pl'jjr . fTHK undersigned have now in course of prenar X otion a NEW STEAMBOAT DIRECTOHY, which wilt be issued in October next t the book will contain over tuo hundred pages, illustrated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner, ft wit) be ot.e of the most Interesting books ever published, and wiil be book that wiil be interest ins to all classes of people. The, Steamboat Di rectory will contain a complete list and description of all the steamboats now-afloat' on the Western and Southern waters. . The length, model, speed, power, and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the came of the boat, with the trade she is in. - Also, tbe names of Captains and offi cers, her age, tc; Ac. The Directory will contain a history of Steamboats and Steamboating on the Western waters, since the application of steam; also, a Bketch of the first boat built for the Ohio river, with the name of the builder, commander, and owner. - - The River Directory will contain a list and des cription of ali the Steamboat Disasters that have occurred on the Western and Southern waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have pet ished by their burning, sinking and ex ploding, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri," Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other rivers, with the; towns, and cities laid down, with correct distances also, many other river nnd commercial items of interest to the people at large. - The book will con tain (he cards of the various United States mail boats, with the trade they are in, c,Ac. The Di rectory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, &c, f-c ; the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, with comments,, showing wherein it benefits the incompetent officer, and in jures the competent officer, &C&C. .and ali tbe important united states Supreme Court Steam boat Decisions up to date ; the Rates and Impor tant Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, im portant Decisions of the various United States courts, in regard to Freights lost and damaged, etc., arc t with many other things of interest. The Directory wiil be illustrated in tbe best style and printed in the best manner The author has for six years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern waters, and uow intends publishing them in book form. The price of the work will be put at the low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen ; all others desirous of subscribing will have to do so at once, as none will be printed unless ordered in advance. This work is destined to have a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, as the publishers are receiving large numbers of cubscribers, prr mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat Direc tory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will be an ornament to the parlor as well as eteamb at. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will re ceiyea copy of the above work. All communications and letters should be addressed to JAMES T. LLOYD 4 CO., Post Office Building. Cincinnati, Ohio. July 17th, 1855. . . 63-tf. PROSPECTUS OI' TIIE. N. C. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. THE North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, having determined to issue a weekly paper bearing the above name, the subscribers are authorized to is sue this prospectus. - -It is intended to publish a family veuspaper, which, while it shall be religious in tone and sen timent, and maintain the doctrines and usages of tne Aieinoaist.i:nurcn, snail be devoted to all tie interests of lortfi Carolina, and furnish intelli gence for every class of readers. In size and ap pearance the new periodical is to be equal to any of our Church papers, while it will surpass them all in adaptedness to the wants of our people. The entire insufficiency of the existing "Advocates" to the necessities of our position forces us to the publication of our own paper, and we confidently expect the hearty co-opera lion of the Members of our Church in all parts or the State and Confer enre, and hope to make the paper so interesting and instructive as to attract patronage from the public generally. The "Advocate" will be published at 81,50 a year and the first number will be issued as early as practicable after the next Session of our Con ference. It is believed that the publication will be commenced on the 1st of January, 1826. It is desirable that as Urge a subscription as possible be obtained before the Conference snd the Minis ters nnd all others interested in the enterprise are respectfully urged to secure and forward the names and address of Subscribers, particular at tention being paid to correctness in writing the names of persons, post offices and Counties. Those who may have no opportunity of subscrib ing through the agency of our Ministers may write directly to Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Fayetteville, N- C. The payment will be expected upon the lstteof th first numtier. I he location of the publishing office will be determined at the Session of Con ference. William E. Pell, ) William Cabtbb, Rcfcs T. Hcfliw, Committee. N. li. D, Wilson, William Barbexoeb, J July, 1835. 59. NOTICE. r"PHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends jl ana patrons, tnat all accounts are made up to July 1st, and those indebted by note are requested to make immediate payment those that would save themselves a dun will please attend to this no tice immediately. - GEO. MYERS. - J uly o, 43 NftTICE. THE Hardware 'business heretofore conducted by J. fti. ROBfNsON, will from this date bm carried on by J. M. ROBINSON & CO. All the accounts of the oldfitm are now made out. and must be closed by note or otherwise. All persons having claims against J. M. ROB INSON, will please present them at once. I shall delay my usual trip North for a short time, for the express purpose of settling accounts, and hope my menus win can promptly. -July 3. J.M.ROBINSON. NEW MUSIC. A LARGE pack of New Music, containing the latest publications ond ordered pieces, receiv ed this morning at July 3. S. W. WHITAKER'S. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A N Elegant Edition of Biils of Exchange, print- xa. ea in ueimauy.ia BOOKgot 1U quires and tn sneeis.iorsaie at tne omce of i7ie Commercial. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. TWO small lots Bacon Hams. For sale by June 30. Z.H.GREENE. THE ARROW OF GOLD. o1 R the Shell -gatherer, by the author of "Secrest of the Cells." Just cablished eomnlete. Re ceived and for sale at - Aug. 9. S. W. WHITAKER'S. SPENCER'S BOSTON THEATRE. NO. 22. - Nature and Philosophy : ' or, the Youth who never saw a Woman." A Farce in one Act. And No. 23 : "Agnes DeVere: or, The Wife's Revenge," a Drama In 3 Acts. Jnst issued. Received and for meat - - v rA. -?? - S. W. WHITAKER'S. - PRESERVES &BRANDIED FRUITS. A FINE lot f Preserves and Brandied Fruits, per schr. Margaret Y. Davis, and for sale at the variety Store, tinder the Herald Office. V Aug. 9. WM. H. DENEALE. . I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR old Sails, Rags or damaged' Cotton, (io good packages of not less than 300 lbs.,) suita ble tor making Paper. - , -- Aug. 9.. GEO. HOUSTON: -GEORGE HOUSTON, . - Groceries, Previsions, ,; and Naval , Store ; ; - COMMISSION -MERCHANT, . - VESSEL AND FORWARDINO AGENT, -" V ' WILMINGTON, N. C. , Aug. 2, ..' . . -CO-tf cuTcnEns'i::rEr.LiL fills. TUST received a full supply iy. J. II, ROEINCV. i April 3. SEND yodr rars to Wi.'iiaso i , LVi.r (U,! A eters and Paper Usurers,) -"r nv reii r them. - " ' ' 1r a " FrTp-'TTTTT,F' CVA r" r " ""t rtl . tJUitil (JiAj k .iW.i A ul. ; THE subscriber would respectfully request those indebted to him local! and settle by the l?ttt August, He will be compelled to force a collection of all accounts and notes due prior to 1st January, and not paid by that time. - . v " - He would -also invite the attention 'of those in want of Furniture, to his large and elegant stock now on hand, which will be sold low for cash. July 26. v - - J. D. LOVE. ' ICE! ICE I! ICE!! j"" THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE will be opened for delivery of Ice from the first 'day of April to the first dsy of November between janrise and sunset. On Sundays, will close, pos itively, at 9, A.M. ..,.,jrt ' -.-.-(.--. Ice ordered for the country will be well packed and promptly forwarded stall times. All orders for Ice must be addressed to Wil mington Ice House. "Terms CASH in all cases. Tickets can be procured If desired. Persona ordering from a distance can make depot-ii so f such sums as will meet their orders. - tSPrice one cent per pound two cents per pound will be charged for any quantities less than three pounds. Ice will be furnished gratis to the sick and poor, provided they send an order from a physician, or a member of the visiting committee. A. H.VamBOKKELEN, Proprietor. April 12th, 1855. 12. BUTTER AND FLOUR. rr FIRKINS of fresh Mountain Butter; JI8 barrels Fayetteville superfine Flour; 5 do. do. fine do. For sale by E. J. LUTTERLOH. May 8. 24 MACKEREL. Cf BBLS. No. 3 Mackerel, just received and for 0J sale by ADAMS, BRO. A CO. July 17. 63 ""COMMISSIONERS' HALL, " Tuesday Evening, March 20th, 1855.- At a meeting of Commissioners authorized to open books in Wilmington, for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rntherford Rail Road present, A. J. DeRos set. Jr., J. H. Flanner. R. II Covran, Q.R. French, A. H. VanBokkelen, J. C. Latta, Miles Cost in, Ed ward Kidder and 8. D. Wallace. . On motion. R. II. Cowan was appointed Chair man, and S. D. Wallace, Secretary. Resolved, That Books be opened on Monday, April 0th, 1855. at the Bank of Capo Fear, Bank of the State, and at the Commercial Bank. Rcfolved, That G. R. French, R. H. Cowan and A. H. VanBokkelen be appointed a committee to obtain subscriptions to aid in defraying the -expenses of an experimental survey, to be made from the town of Wilmington and from Whites ville to Lumberton. Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to call a meeting-of the citizens, to appoint delegates to Jie llass meeting- in Bladen, so soon as it is as certained when that meeting is to be held. R. II. COWAN, Chairman. S. D. Wallace, Sec'y.. March 24.1855. 4-tL FRENCH'S nOTEL, Corner of City Hall Square and KrankfortSt., ' NEW YORK, (Opposite the City TliU and Park Fountain,') OAS been RE-FITTED and FURNISHED. J-JL The subscriber trusts that, for convenience, el egance, comfort and cannot be surpass ed in the world. All the rooms are warmed gratis; they are fitted up with marble top wash stands, which are supplied with Croton water, by silver plated cocks. The halls snd water-closets on eve ry floor, sre lighted during the night. This Hotel is conducted on the European Plan of Lodging Rooms, and meals as they may be ordered in the Refectory.. R. FRENCH. N. B. Do not believe Hackmen and Runners who may say that we are full, aa some do so from pecuniary intebest. March 29, 1855. 6-fim-c. SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LORILLARD, MANCFACTUBEB, No. 48 Chatham Street, New York,', Successor of Petes & Geobge Lobtllabd, oilers for sale ali kinds of SNUFF and TOBACCOS in general use. For particulars, a Prire Current can be obtained by addressing ss above. This Estab lishment is one of the oldest of the kind in the United States. v :- Feb. 13. , : I33-ly-c. - SALT. . ' ' , 1 rjprfi SACKS Liverpool Fa't. For sale by r A 5 f UKJ 'July 17 J. H. FLANNER. MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCnA C0LL0DIAN. - ANEW and Valuable Remedy for dressing Wounds, Cuts, Burns, and Ulcers. It has been tried successfully by Physician, and found superior to any cemedy of the kind now In use. It forms, when applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, and impervious to water, assimilating most perfectly the natural -Cuticle. ' It maybe advantageouslv used in chap Jed lips, excoristions about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing In surgical opera tions. , The proprietors feel great confidence In present ing tne sbove article for use, believing it will prove fully adequa'e to the ends proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal remedy, r or sale by the Pro prietors, , C. & D. DnPRE. A LSO VETERIANRY GUTTA-PERCHA l COLLODION for Saddle and Harness Galls, wounds ana sores on nnrses. or sale by tne Pro prietors, . , C. & D. DnPRE, May 20. Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. BRICK. Ci rrr KIRK'S Pressed Brick. For sale &,JV.IJ by T. C. WORTH. - 41 fune 23. M0N0NGAHELA & RYE WHISKEY 1 r BBLS. for sale by 1U April Id. 1.. N. BARLOW. FRESH IMPORTATIONS. TUST Received, this day, 100 bbls. assorted Li- quors, Wines snd Cordials ; French Brandy, in eighth pipes; Anneseed Cordial; Perfect. Love; Blackberry Brandy ; Extra New Butter; Corned Beef Tongues; No. 1 Mackerel. Ac. At the orig inal r imny grocery, f ront street. May 12, GEO. MYERS. nAY,HAY. ; QQfl BALES prime Hay, now landins from TCOKJ schr. Emily, for sale by June2, - ' . J. n. PLANNER. MOCKINC BIRD CAGES. 1 f NESTS Mocking Bird Cages, just received 1 J and for sale by - L,N. BARLOW, June 12. No. 3, Granite Row, Front st. SPIRIT CASKS. rtrkPRIME second hand Spirit Casks, now' 'JJ landing sale from wharf. from achr. Village Gem,- and for T.C.WORTH. . - 37 June 7. -t MULLETS, MULLETS- 1 BBLS. No. 1 Mullets, jnst received and for I tsale hy J, R. BLOSSOM. April 27. - ; -. 20 - SUNDRIES. rV:rf FULTON MARKET BEEF; Salmon ; Mack erel, and Smoked Beef; received this day by May 17.; r . L. N. BARLOW. - 1 . EMPTY SPIRIT CARRELS. Onn PRIME Second Hand Empty Spirit eJVJU Barrels-' Just received per brig Sarah Woosler. for sale by ADAMS, BRO. p CO. ' Joly 10. . Journal copyt . . 50 ' ' INES AND LMU0RS. "I f BBLS extra old Nectar Whiskey ; ""; lv 10 bbls. old Yannissee do.- v J ' v. 2 case Chatean Latenr Claret : '. r , 1 " Pale Brandy . 1 - r 2 ' Margaux Claret ;. ' . " 2 " St. Kmilion do.; ' - - , 2 " - Nathaniel Johnson's Claret ; i 2 casts Erandy. For sale by July 19. J. H. FLANNER. io-i ! aaa-aLi!! K( EELS, just received from New York.anifr JUsaleby . JO. R. ELCS : C ! . Apr;117. ' . 1 I. 1 "flip! f ,f T--. T- FOR A IlAIlViiLI.C J v t ' HOLLOWAY'S OIN171E:, T. THE GRAND EXTItNAL EL. : By the aid of a microscope, we see tt. .ons little openings on the sorface ef oiir Throngh these this Ointment, when rttbbei on r Skin, is carried toany organ orinward part. L.s esses of. the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, tf fectlons of the heart. Inflammation of the Lur Asthma, Coughs and Colds, are by itsm-sn . fectually cured. Every housewife knows i. salt passes freely through bone or meat t,f : thickness. This healing Ointment far more re.i. Impenetrates through any bone or feshv part cf the living body, caring the most dangerous in ward complaints, that cannot be reached ty o;!.f i means. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCCH--BUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever done so much for ifie curf; of diseases of the Skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment, No caseof Salt Kheuxi Scurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, cart long withstand its Influence. T. e inventor ha travelled ever many parts of the Globe, visit ir the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its application, and has thu been the means of restoring countless numbers to health.. SORE LEGS, SORE BREXSTS, WOUNDS & ULCERS. Some of the moat scientific surgeons now rely solely on the nseof this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of sorest wounds, ulcere, glandular swellings, snd inmor. Professor Holloway hss, by command of the Al lied Governments, dispatched to the hospitals of tbe Fast, large shipments of this Ointment, to be need nnder the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst cases of wounds, it will cure any ul cer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 yesr's standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distressing complaint'' can be effectually enred if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the parts affected, and by othe-wlse following tbe printed directions around each pot. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in tit following cases I Bunions Lumbago Sore Legs SweKed Burns Mercurial do brensts Glands Chapped Handa Eruption. do. heads Stiirj jlnt Chilblains Piles do. throats Ukers Fistulas Rheuma- do. of all VencrsI Gotu tism kinds Sores Salt Rheum . Sprains Shindise- Scalds ascs .Sold at tho Manufactories of Professor IT ' lowav,80 Maiden I-ane, New York,and244 t London, and by ali respectable Druccists ana Dealers of Medicine throughrut the Ur ' Slates and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 , 6-1 cents, snd l each; - - s3t7There is a considerable saving by taking the lareer sizes. - N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients irt every disorder are affixed io each Pot. July 3. v. 43-ly REYNALDS' NEW EOOIL. THE Banker's Daughters Or, The Lost Wif ness, a Sequel to "Joseph Wilmot," by G. W. M Reynolds, author of "Joseph Wilmot," Lord Ssxendale," Mysterles of the Court of London," "Mary Price," dee. Just published. Re' ceived and for sale at S. W. .VHITAKElt'S July 7. - . 43. CEMENT, CEMENT. BBLS. daily expected by schr. M. E Wells, and lor sale low from wharf. 300 June 5. T. C. WORTH. ISRAEL W. SCUDDEU, Importer ariJ Manufacturer of " GENTLEMEN'S FUR1N IS H I TI C ' GOODS, Shirts, Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Strspoji- : ." - 'dcrs. Dressing Robes, dec, &c. " 296 BROADWAY, - . 4. ' ..... ' Israel W. Scudder, 5 A. D. Hilllard - ,, .m. a. Buck, S NEW YORK June 26th, 1855. 45 6m-c. PICKLED nERRING. LX( BBLS. p.ime Nova Scotia, just received, and UJ for sale by ADAMS, BRO. & CO. .April 19. - 15. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. Qvf 1 EMPTY Spirit Barrels, just received, for 0JUsaleby ADAMS, BRO. &, CO. - July 26. . - - 75 SODA WATER. A CONSTANT supply of ,Soda Wafer kept ci hand, with the best syrups. For sale ot June 6. . - O. p D. DcPREi NAILS! NAILS!! KEGS assorted sizes. ' In store and for by - -., Z. II. GRF.F.NF.. 75 June 30. - 47 FEATHER DUSTERS. A FULL assortment of plain and fancy color?,! Cornice, Bells, Fly, Piano, Counter, and Toy Dusters, just received, to which the attention cf the Ladies is respectfully invited. Call at L N. BARLOW'S, judv 28. ' No. 3, Granite Uow. i GUNNY BAGS. BALES 2 b Jshel Bags, for sale by Ang 9. GEO. HOUSTON 20 CHECKS AND BILLS OF EXCII lilt HAVING purchased Mr. J. T. Mnndi' stock cf Checkrand Bills of Exchange, and havir. ? re cently received an addition to our former stock cf Checks, Bills of Lading Bills of Exchan?", Dn 4e got np to our own order tor this mar et I r now offer the largest stock of Mercantile ever before in Wilmington. Augast6 . ... . S. W. WHITAKER. C0RN,C0nN. CnO BUSHELS Corn, per schr. Emiiy, f OUVJNtwYork. For sale bv June 2. J. li. FLAN Nr..".. HAY- " ?ff BALES prime quality Ilav, Lift I UU for sale by J. 11. 1 L A . : . July 17. . - r i 7 TRAYELLCa eatg. SOFT French . Felt Hats, a great vrr: C colors and shapes, all the Fai,ion:.' ' : may be found among oar assort nt . . - SHEPARU A- TV . -t . .. .. . Hal and Cap ' . Aug. 11. ' . - no. 3 nicnrr 'i. BBLS.' fresh, for sale 1 v Ang. ADA : IS, EI.O. 45 MEDICAL INSTITUTION 1 YALC C THE Coarse of Lectures for l35-f " mence on Thursday, September, t tinoe four months. . -- Bejijawix SiniMAjr, M. D., L, L. D. eritus of Chemistry and Ptarmacy. ' Eli Ives, JI. D-, Prof. Emeritus of V lea and Iberapcutica. - JOKATHAS KjriGHT, ST. D Prof, plej and Practice of Sorgery. : TiMOTHT P. Biiii, U. D., Pr :" Chables IIookxb, M. D-, Tr .'. Physiology. . x Hen by Bbossow, IT. D-, Tr f. t tf ica and Therapeutics. - WOBTHIKOTO! II I ory and Practice f rhy- fcllJlMII SlLLIMAM, Jr isity and Phai: ' Ltture f -f . ). H ,D.,rrc'. I . D-, rrc r.C alriculation, Dean, cf V uatiua, IS. .CHAC New I ! st r tv a. r. n. r:: ZTJiY pretty fsotv. Ola papers, rcee!- t 14. II. if?. 11. - - : 64