. r - & y t -4 s - . v ----- M lit 4. W 1 mm m I I 1 1 1 II II I It I hi. in in f. iv hi r. I Ifl r i "v i 1 1; i hi iti iii iii ill jriixm. , i i jt r-ssw - i i i i x W VOLUME X NUMBER 80. i WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1180 Mill . I . Hi 1 1 1? i iii, ' ill ! MISCELLANY. t r V DEFECTIVE HE ARIXQ ("IN A PIG'S EYE.") 'V ... ; There is a certain red-faced, jolly indU Vidual, formerly, ns he sajscommander of lh scow-boat "lna Pigsi,M.whose innate love of fn and ardent devotion to the bot tle has brought hirn mttny limes under the official cognizance of the Police Justice of the Third District. An uncompromising hater of Dutchmen, and nn enthusiastic, perservering, and ingenious practical joker, his unconquerable propensity, to play off his one sided jests upon his Teutonic vic tims, has made nun well known in trie neisborhood: and fhese peculiarities, added " to- his Io-vb of alcoholic srinlit, harerror unfrequently got him. into.irouble so serious s to call for -judicial interference. He was never known ta lose a chance to crack a malicious joke on a. Dutchman, or let Iip an opportunity to get drunk on those detestable beverages known to the initiated by the alluyfig. names of -'stone fence" and 'chain lightning." He rejoices in the ap- oellation of. William Barlow, and is of course always called Billy Barlow, but whether or not the identical individual of tattered wardrobe celebrated in song, this deponent saith not. Whenever an unlucky spree, or nn unu sually serious joke upon some unfortunate German brings him before the Court, he resort3 to some novel and ingenious exped ient to shun the wrath to come. He ha3 successfully feigned insanity, counterfeited sickness, bejrjred off on account of a death in his family, and once got permission of the officer to step across tre street to re deem his only coat from a pawnbroker, when he slipped round the corner and in continently vanished. He was brought np this time for being drunk and pouring dirty water into a Dutch man's pickle-rjarrel, after having kept him awake nil night by throwing paving stones on hiroof, and rolling empty barrels into his cellar-way. The' same man said that last week Billy started an alarm of fire, ran lor engine 97, conducted the company to his house, and flooded his whole establish ment, half drowning his wife, and sending all his floating furniture on little experi mental voyages through the lower rooms. On being brought before the Court, Bdly shammed deaf no question, however loud ly shouted by the Judge, or roared by the Clerk, would he hear a word of. He was, however, always ready with an answer, which he generally contrived to render as irrelevant and foreign to the subject as pos sible, and at the same time, when ho did touch upon it, so constructed as to throw all the blame of the aff-iir upon tho unoff ending German. Jud;r What is this complaint against Mr. Barlow t Victimized German Please your hon ors, dis fellers here he make mine roof mit stones so noise, dat I cannot shleep. He come to mind house all day, he scares mine vrow, he" makes mine children to cry de water from dere eyes; he gets drusted for mine lager, and den at nigh: be blows mine pig up rait gunpowder, and puts da water in mine sauer kraut so he schmell worse as Jam. Judge Mr. Barlow, what have you to say to this? Billy, who had ben regarding the Court with great apparent attention, and with bis hand behind his ear, evidently doing his ut most to catch the words of the Judge, here made a sudden movement forward, co itriv ing in so doing to tread on ihe Dutchman's toes; and hit his wife a dig in the ribs with his elbows, and, looking steadfastly at the Justice, without a smile on his face, rcpli-ed-r I quite ,Hgree with your honor that he keeps bad liquor his rum is horrible, his brandy enough to burn the bowels out of any human, his whisky is damnable, and even his lager beer tastes like a compound of aloes, soapsuds, turpentine, tallow, ancf ditch water. Judge I said nothing about anybody's Just so, he charged me just the same. Clerk What are you talkingibout? Billy Zfc'-zactly, he tried to tell me the same story. Judge Have you been playing your jokes' on this man or not? Billy I told him the very same words that you did, your honor, you d d old pot-bellied Dutchman, said I, go to the dev il with your rum; you're a Jifrlge Silence! . Billy Bloody scoundrel, and Clerk Stop your noise. Billy The most contemptible villain in the world, and Clerk Either I'm a fool, or Billy You know that as well as I do; so said I again- Clerk Keep still. " Billy Shut up your black mouth ! If jou dare open it again Judge I'll commit you for contempt. ' Billy I'll break your jaw with this boot jack. . Judge It's no use, I shall send you to (to the Dutchman) You hear what his honor says? you've got to go to the tombs. Now you see the censequenc es of interfering with a respectable man. Good bye, Hans; I'll take care of your wife until you come out. I'll forgive you this time for being a Dutchman? if you'll pro mise not to do so again. (To the Judge) Please the Court, lei me speak fof Dutch y. I don't bear malice against htm; let him off easy, your honor; don't send him up for more than three months, and don't make him work too hard. ; ... Judge I shall fine you 810, Billy, for being drunk and disturbing the peace. Billy (to Dutchman) Never mind, Hans I'll get you off yet. .-;'..;' ' Billy here toQk the German into a cor ner, and in five minutes succeeded in con vincing him that be was in danger of being sent to prison, and ultimately extracted from Hans pocket $11, being all the mon ey he bad about him. Billy then paid the , Clerk bis fine, and motioned tho German out doors, who departed, too happy to es cape at even that rate. Billy now address ed the Judge " At any time your honor may have leis ure " - Judge I'll send you to jail next time, sure. . Billy I shall be happy to accompany you Clerk Go, now, you've said enough. Billy To make a-unit, on board my beautiful scow ' Judge You'll come to the Penitentiary yet, Billy. . . Bill j "Ina Pigsi-" ' Billy here departed, with a wink to Po liceman 101, which -convinced" that wor- ilhvujfficer tba,t the- wr - -df ae he who won t hear" JV. 1. lribunc. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have thlsdxy formed a Co partnership, under the firm of Luttcrloh & Elli- t, and will continue the Gen ml Cm mission and Forwarding business. K.J LUTTKKLOH. W. P. ELLIOTT. Sept. 1. 74-tf DESIRABLE WHARF TO RENT IHR large and convenient VVhnrf near the l Kail Road, known as the Gillerpie Wharf ia for rent It ia well adap'ed to the Naval Store business, having Warehouses and Sheds. Apply to WJkl. A.UWYER. July 10. 60 MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. AfcKVV and Valuable Remedy for dieseing Wounds. Cuts. Burns, and Ulcers. It ha been tried tfucceaalully by Physician , ond found -uperior to any remedy of the kind now in use. It forms, when applied, a 'Cuticle, soft, elasli, ani impervious to wa.cr. asi mi luting most p- nc-rtly the natural Cuticle. It may be ad vanl.ieoucU used in chap.icd lips, excotiaiions ahout the neck and earn of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions. The proprietor!" feel 2 rent confidence in present ins; me ahovt article Utt use, believinjr it will prove fully adequa'e to the ends proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal remedy, for sale by the Pro prietors, C. fc D. DuPRE. ALSO VFTERIANRV GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODION for Saddle and H irness Galls, Won rd and sores on horses. For sale by the Pro prieiors, May 20. C. & D. DuPRE, Druggists, Wilmington, K. C. WINES AND LIQUORS. 1 i RBLS extra old Neciar Whiskey; 1 v 10 bbls. old Vanni.see do. 2 casca ('hateau Latcur Claret; 1 " Pale Brandy; 2 Margaux Claret ; 2 Si. Kmilion do.: 2 " Nathrinict Johnson's Claret j 24 casks Brandy. For sale by July 19. . J. II. FLANNER. JUST RECEIVED T the HARDWARE STORE v Prei-erving Kettles, oil size. ' Cut Kails all Maes and extra quality. Snlety-Fuse for blasiina rocks. - .j Hay, Straw and hnck Cutler- the best tmde J M. ROBINSON it CO. Sept. 4. 74 OWNER WANTED" " jfORONE BOX MERCHANDIZE jrom Bal SL I i more, per chr. Exchange. Aur. 13th, 1S55, marked J. C Muggins. fr "ovinci'i account." Aug. 18. Stored and advertised RUSSELL & Bro LADIES AND CHILD RENS' BELTS. WE have just received by K.xprrss a very liand somr lot of Bi lis, fashionable patterns to which wc would call the ni'eniion of the ladies. SHEPARD 4 MVEItS, Aug. 25. Granite Row.. FRESH IMP0 '.STATIONS. JfJST Received, 'his d ty, 100 bhls. assorted M quor. Wines and Cordials ; French Brandy, in eighth pipes ; Anneseed Coidial; Perfict Love; Blackberry Brandy ; Extra New Butler; Corned Beef Tonzues; No I Mackerel &c. Alihe orig inal V imily Grocery, Front street. May 12, GEO. MYERS. FLOUR! FLOUR!! Qi BBLS. N. 3. Supeifine Flour; N.C. S Family. 10 For sale by Sept. 1. JOS. R. BLOSSOM. FRENCH MADE nTS. WE have this day opened a handsome lot of the laiest styles Gen is soft French Felt Hats, faahionable colors and ehipes,tn which we invite attention. SH EPAKD & MYERS, Aug. 23. Hat and Ca,i Empoiium. WASTE. FOR cleaning Machinery, in store and for nle by RUSSELL & BRO. July 14. 62 JUST RECEIVED, Per schr. R. IV, Urmcn, direct from N. York. , FINE and large lot ot APPLES, ORANGES r and LEMONS, c , de. Alfo, a fine lot of BEETS and CARROTS, at the Variety Slorc.un der the Herald Office. FRENCH CANDIES. rHE finest lot of FRENCH CANDY, and the RICHEST assortment of CHRISTIALIZED FRUIT of all kinds. CARE TRIMMINGS. AVARIEDand hindsnme collection of TRANS -PARENT OKN AJHtNTS for CAKE TRIM MINGS. Togeiher with a variety of other kinds of Trimmings .for Caked, that are called for in this or any other place. ALSO A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL LOT OF TO VS. A call i solicited at the VARIETY STORK. Sept. 7. WM. H. DcNEALE. ON CONSIGNMENT. Q( BBLS. Flour, Orange and Guilford barnds. J 10 - extra old Rye Whiskey. 500 lbs. new Feaihers. 100 empty Spirit Casks. For sale in lots to suit, by ' T. C- &. B. G. WORTH. ' ept. 8. 76 THE DUCAL C0R0NET OR the Heir and Usurpercr. A Romance of It aly in the I6ih century. , By Arthur Morton, a. ni, ueceived and lor sale at Sept. 4. WHITAKER'S. JUST RECEIVED. From New York, per Schr. R. W. Brovn. A BBLS. superioi l.af Lard. 12 keza do do do 25 bbls. new City Mess Pork. For aalo at tow. est prices for cash, by ZENO II. GREENE. ,: feept. 8- ; - 76 . FLOUR FROM NEW CROP WHEAT. SUPERIOR article, now la store, for sale by t store, for sale D. DvPRE. Jr. i.jL sepi. i BUTTER, CHEESE, &c. GOSH K.N Butter, do. Cheese, English Dairy and Pine Apple Cheese, Codfish, Scotch Her-, ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of other goods, jast received and for sale by - ' t'.. N. BARLOW, JudoIG. No. 3, Granite How. filfi i'tU-tViUA tOil MEiitiAL Is puUIUUed -every TvituAf, Thvd' and Satuhdav at 45 per annum, payable inullcases in advance. BY THOMAS LORING Editob and Psofbix- roa, i Corner 1'roi.t 4il .Market Streets, WILMINGTON. S. C. . RTES AIlVKItTISIXG. 1 sqr. 1 insertion d at) I 1 eqr. 2 months, I 2 . 75 I 1 3 I ' 3 ' 1 00 1 1 6 t t month. 2 50 1 1 12 - S4 Qu 5 00 8 CO 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement exeeeda ten tines, the ptice will be in rororuon. All a lvertiacments are payable at the time of .lie v insertion.. . - Contracts with vc-trly advertisers, will be made m tho most liberal teruts. ... No trunfor 'f contracts for yearly advertlsin" will be permitted. Should circ-uaisranees render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge acconlin? lo tne pu' lished erins wilJ beat the option ot the contractor, for he time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertiser Is strictly limited to their awn immediate business; and all advertisements lor the benehl ot other persons, as well as all advertisements not tnnneiliaiely con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length nr otherwise beyond ihe limits engaged, wtil he charged at the usual rates. No Adverliements is included in the con-rset for the sale or rent of houses or lnnda in town r ftrountry. or for the sale or hire of ngrooe. wheth er the properly is owned by th advertiser or nv other persons. Them are excluded by the term "immediate bwineis " All idveriisement inverted in the trl-weekly Commercial are entitled to one ieserilon in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD Ai) I'AXCY PRIXTIXC, EXEHDTED 11 SUPERIOR STYLE. GENT- PUR T1IK COMMKRCI AI Naw Yoaa: Messrs. Doilncb & Pottib. Rotton-CKAiLioSsiTH Mo B. Central Wharf. PMladclphiaS. F. Oohix. Baltimore Wm- H. PtAKiind Wm. Thomson GUANO. BAGS for sale by wOLMay 19. ADAMS, BRO. & fO. ' EMPTY BARRELS. PRIME Second-hand Empty Barrels, just &fj landed and ior sale by April 19. ADAMS, BRO. St CO. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES. 'PHE subscriber has just returnedfrom the North A wi'h a choice vaiit iy of tiroceJ-U?s, VV ines. Teas and Liquors; Lea 6b Petrin'a VVorceatcrshire Sauce; John Bull Sauce; English PU-klcs. of eve ry variety ; Preserves. Jellies and Confolionaries; Pruits, Brandy Peaches, Brandy Cherries, Boker Bitters, Catsups, ofatl kinds ; Layer Raiin, whole, half and quarter boxes, extia ; Fizi, Dutch Head Chci-se. Preserved tiinsar. Houche and Slarr Ch-impaigoe, of the finest gradt-s; Old Government I Java (Jotiee ; Kio. LiiL'imyia antfM JJonunso to. ; 100 boxes A. M Candles, cheap; 1 pipe of that Ex Ira Crescent Brandv, from Custom House, Wil mington; 50 cases Extra Chret Wines; 10 barrels fine irid Rye Whiskey, for retail ; Madeira, She.ry, 'ort, Muscat, Scuppernonj, and every variety of Liquors, on retail; Patent Sperm, and -SpermCan-dlt a; Hav Hum ; Colgate's and Fancy Soaps; Hi rant Smith's Flour, in hbls.. half bbls. and bass; Vormaciita, Macaroni, Currants, Citron! every va riety ol tnls; Ritsbt-rry and Cherry Syrup, by thf gallon; Mackerel, Salm in. Corned Beef, Beef Tongues. Smoked Beef, Y. Powders, F.xtrac.s. Oils fluffed Olives, toniething new; Anchoviea, snr lines, Fresh Lobster; Fancy Basket; Key Baskets ; 20 cases old Dry Madona ; Buckwheat; .extra GosOien Butter, and everything that consti tutes a well-selected slock of Groceries. Whole sale and retail, at the Original Grocery. March 31. GEO. MYERS. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE, AT Leesburg, on Ihe Wilmington and Weldon Rail Ro-id. The said SMII will run 12 bbls. Virgin Dip Turpentine. It has all the fixtures and appurtenances readv for immediate use. It is well located for business, and an active man eeuld make money. Apply to WM. A.UWYER. July 10. 60 JUST OPENED. 'PHE largest assortment of Chemicals everoffer L ed In this market, consisting in part of 100 lbs. Sugar Lead; SO Sulph.Zinc; 23 " Vallett's Mafs; 500 ozs. German Quinine ; 10 bbls. Epsom Salts ; 15 bbls. Copperas; 25 lbs. Calomel ;i 30 lbs. Blue Mass ; 3 carboys Spirits Nitre (fff)s 3 " Aena 4 mmonia.(rlT) and a num ber of other Chemicals, ftom the Laboratories of Powers a jd Weightuian, Chis. Kllis & Co. For sale by C A D. DuPRE. June 5. 36 W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, NoitTH WaTKI StBBKT. WlRMINOTON, No. C. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of MarMe Work furnished to , order on reasonable terms. . June 5. ; 33-ly-c GEORGE HOUSTON, nF.At.KR IN Groceries, Provisions, and Naval Stores ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, VESSEL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 2. 60-tf DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP. IHE public are hereby informed, that the co- L partnership heretolore existing between the undcrsignen, under the name and nrm ol vv. in . -"Sherwood & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due by the firm will be pre sented to W. SI . Sherwood fur sen lenient, and all accounts and notes due them must be paid imme diately to close thebns'ntss. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. vm: A GWYER. WILLIS Bf. SHERWOOD will continue the business aa heretofore. Sept. L , 73 HERRING. ryr BBLS. Prime Herring, in etare and just re- O ceived. For sale by Sept. 4. ' ADAMS,' BRO.-dCO. B. J. UTTTSBtOH. . - W. P. ELXIOTT. LUTTERLOH & ELLIOTT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WAR DING MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N.C. Keep constantly on hand a t-upply of Lime, Cal cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, Land Piaster, Plastering Hair, &o. Sept. 4- 74-tf WINDOW GLASS. boxes 8x10 and 10x12. Berkshire GLiss. for sale by GEORGE HOUSTON. 100 TEA;v--,':;.:" :.. SUPERIOR Hyson and Bluek Tea, In small packages, for ale by GEO: HOUSTON. G0LDSB0R0' FiMALE COLLEGE. THE next session of this Institution will eom J. mence on the first Wednesday in Ausuat 185$. AmDla aceomraodatiana am ontsidMi fnr an number of young lad "tea. v x :". President of the Faeuityt Rrv. J H. Brent. ... c .,nv...... .' . - . w , o, m. uin.ns. oeeretary. Jubo23. v 44-iX BUSINESS CARDS. J. D. LOVE, MASUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &.C.&C. Front treet.souta or marei, BlOWW't OILDINO, W1LM1SOTON, 0. Sept. 16, 1854. , J.C.LATTA, : 79-y-c. COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL ' 'AO re NC WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct.1.1854. '. 85-lyc WILKINSOX &. ESLER, UPHOLSTERS & PJPER HANGERS, KEEP ON UAND-ANfr WA1B T ORER, Mattresses, Feather. Bed$y Window Curtains . and Fixtures. . - All work In theahove Ihio done at shortcsf No tice. Wilmington, N.C, Market St. March IS, 1854. I- JOSEPH R BLOSSOM, CcncraU'ommission and Forwarding Merchant. Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal C ana advances made on Coneurnmenlt lo me or to my New York friende. ' . Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854. 135. W. C. HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mor dant, Wilmington. N. C. Liberal Jash advances made on uonsignniema. Nov. 29, 1653. 109-if DANIEL B. BAKKR. 0. DuPRE &, CO. GENERAL AGENTS ' COMMISSION AND VOHWAIIDISG MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. July 22d, 1634. 54-l2ro. liHEIAXDIlia!!. IDWtt8ATAI. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN TS, WILMINGTON W. U. Liberal cish advances made on consignments. JIarch 27, 1354. 84- RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATI ELLIS. BUSSBLL & CO,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmentsof Naval .Store, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1354. - c7& dTdiTpreT WHOLE SALE AND K ETA L DEALEHS I N ) r us. Medicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oil, Dye S lulls. Glass. Perfumery, Clgara, O'd Liqttortt, l ancy Articles, &c, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTOSI, N . C. !reacriptionst:arcf ully jo.npounddd by experi enced persons. March 28. 1854. WILLIAM A. GWYE1, General Ijcal ForwarJingi Commission Merchant. I take nlensure in Infortning my friends, that 1 am nrenared to irive all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for uvxl Stores, wiih ample accommodatios, apirit ll.tnse. and vV irohouso. Coneianmenis of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; and all kindsof coun try tiro luce solicited. Oash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1954, ' 15 WILLIAM n, PEA RE, COLLECTOR AND ADVtCTISINC AGCKT. Kor Country Newspapers throughout the United State, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Suings, Baltimore street Ail business ecirusicd touts care transacted promptly. on .'i'ocral terms. se?t 7, 1864. 95-tf T. C. &. B. G. WORTn, CDUlSStOI AND FlIlUVlRDINC MERCIIXMS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1834. 125 c JOSEPH D." FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WlbMISGTOX, N. C. May 9th. 1334. . 87-1 y-c. JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WIL.niXGTOM. JT. C. Jas.H. Chadboobw. Gao. Chadsocbm. Jun. 1, 1854. U3. HENRY NUTT, F ICTOR AND FJSWAKDlNIi AGENT, Will girt hi personal attention to b usinett entrust ed to hie care. Sept. 8, 1854. 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CROCER Keeps constantly on hand, U'mer, Teat, Liquor; ' Provisions, nood and Willow Ware, t ruit, Confectionaries, do. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N. M. Nov. IS. 1853 109. KENAN T. MORGAN, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERC n ANT, CHERAW, S. C. March 27, 1853. 5-6m-c. O frC LBS. WAVNK CO. BACON. Hog V ivvy itound, for sale by " March 31. C. DuPRE A CO. NOTICE. THOSE Indebted to me individually, or to C DuPRE & CO.. will please call and make pay ment without deliy, as further induleence cannot beelven. V- usriir,. Hay 17. 28 PAPER HANGINGS. WE have just openec a large assortment of the latest styles Of Spring patterns of Paper Hanging, Borders, Fire Screens, Decorations, Sc., which we offer for sale at the lowest cash pri ces, and hung in shortest notice. WLLKINSON & ESLER, April 10. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. RYE WHISKEY. f n DOZ. Bottles pure old Bye Whiskey, of su- a Denor Quality. For sale by April 10. L. N. BARLOW. LEMON SYRUP. BOXES just received by May 17. L. N. BARLOW. 50 FLAT FOR SALE. ANEW Fiat that will carry 800 barrels. Apply to J. R. BLOSSOM. July 26. 57 SUMMER HATS. BEING deairoM of reducing our stock of Sum mer Hals, previous to retting in Kali Style, we will offer great inducements to all who may wish to porehase articles in our tine. - SHEPARD A MYE1S. Hal and Cap Emporium, Granite Row. Aug. 11. . " , ,. - - 64. JUST RECE1YED THIS DAY, AND for aalo at the Variety Store, under the Herald Office, twenty bbls. Irish Potatoes, a fine article. Also, a fine lot of assorted Nuts wholesale and retail. Aug. ih Wfl, U, DNE4LE. BUSINESS CARDS. HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO.. COftlM 1SSION MERCHANTS, . WILMINGTON, N. C. OCO. HUOFII. J. I DIASBOBN. WM. t. HO'ipn. July 28. 56-tf ADAMS, BROTHER & C0V COM M IS S ION MERCHANTS, ' - WILMINGTON, N. C. July 23. -. . 68 A. H. VanBokkrlew. W. A. M. VanIIokkf.lkn VANBOKKELEN & BROTHER, VVIM1NGTON, N. C. Manufacturers of and dealei t in Naval Stores." Storage and Wliarfasre.for Produce furnUhed at fair rates under insurance, if desired. Jan. I. i . . 122-tr. I. WES3E-1..' . H . B. EILER8. . WESSEL & FILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North. Water St., Wil mington, N. C intend to kern at the above stand a genera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a Genera IConimission Basinets. ehiinci : E. P.Hall.Pres'tBr'ch Bank of the State O. G. Parsley, Prcs't Commercial Bank. Wif. P.K.Dickinson, Esq l'oppe & (Jo. Dollner A Potter. New York, Jan. 20 1854. . .131. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A . Wannet's.on North Wale rat wiliattend to theaale ofallklndsof Country Pro- ucc.such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon .Lard ,4c and will keep constantly on hand a full supplyof Groceries, 4e. References. Willes Hall. of Wayne, JnoVlcRae, Wilmington W Caraway : Gen. Alx.. McRae. " K. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A.WalKe. . Dec. 13. 1853. 115-ly. JAS. F. GILLESPIE. '- GEO. 8. 'GILLESPIE. JAMK I'. GIMjEXPIE & t() PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. W ILMINGTON, N. C. Patlicnlar nitemion paid to thereceipts and Salcnf Natal Store; Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Col ton, fc. dc. March 30,1855.' (L S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WIISIIN G l'ON, N. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes at a small commission. also t Strict attcmion slveni the saleof Timber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South sido of Market street, on the wharf. June 12. 1854. ' 33-ly. W. P. MOORB. ISO. A. STANLY. J. W. JONES. MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION nr -rt -n - r a nrmo ii it o 11 xi. v i o, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.2Gih, 1651. 93. D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIIjilllNKTOSr. N. c Sept. 30. - 84 if T.C. WORTH, General ComniissioD Mcrchanf WII,MIGTON,.C. 1 f fTSUAL advances made on consignmentsof Cot J ton, Naval stores and other produce Pattieular attention given by G. W. Davis to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, die .March Z, K54. , -v ua-lyc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SuncEssoaS tu Tuns, mwm & co.) General Commission Merchants, .Vo 32. North Wharees. ind B3 North Water Sts, PHILADELPHIA. J. MABVSY COCUBA.V, W. S. BUjSELL. Liberal cash tdvancca made on consignments. July 30th, 1354. 5&-if. II. DOLLNER. G. POTT LB. jr. J. CAM E K DEN DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. April 30, 1854. 20-Iy. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, IND DOLER IV LIQUORS. WINES ALE. PORTER f-c. Mo. 3, OranlieKow, front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P55. . HO-tf. BENNETT. &BROKAW, . PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE 8ALF. OF f Flour, Grain and Seeds, Butler, Cheese, Lard, Dried Fruits, Smoked Meats and 'l'ro risions. NO. i, FRONTST. NEAR THE BA TTER NEW YORK. To avoid errors and delays, it Is desirable that consignors be very particular to put their initials upon Ooods shipped to us lor sale. June 14. 40-tf GLUE. fF the best quality.and Bunfra of all sizes always on hand. li. BLOSSOM. Nov, 4. 97. CUT HERRING orv BBLS Cut Herring, dry salted; 30 barrels OvJ Round do., Ireth from New Foundland am rvew Koundland. Kor aale by ADAMS, BUO. dc CO. 18. April 24. ORANGES AND LEMONS. n ECEl VED-ihia day, Ut prime order, by 11, L. N. BARLOW, June 16. No. 3. Granite Row. - W. I. S. T0WNSHEND, GROCERY" DEPOT Is just receiving his Spring stock of Groceries, Underwood's Pic kles, Sauces, Olivea and Capers. Also, Pickles ia kegs; Fulton Market Becf Beef Tongues. Pic kled Salmon, No. 1 snd 2 Marker!, Selected Cod fish, all sorts of Preserves, oreen and Blaek Tea, Soused or &'nieed Salmon. Walnut and Tomato Catsup, French Hcstard, English Mustard, Brown rd Crushed Sugar, Lime Juice aad btoughton Bitters, Ground Coffee and Ground Spices, Rum, Glaand Whiskey; M strati, Gautur, and F re res' Brandy 1 Milk, Soda, Butter and Fancy Crackers ; ImDerialand Pale Sherry. Madeira and Port Wins, Champagne and Sparkling Catawba, Scotch and Phil. Ale, Best uonaon roner, nasi inaia rats Ale. Also, s few of those Clothes Drying Ma chines ; and Oat Meal. - April 14. -t is. GUNNY BAGS. BALES 2 b Jshcl Bags, for aale by GEO. HOUSTON. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and fot sale St Ti" Commercial Office, the Rates of Filougo for tho Bar and RivfTt SJ-tf. ZermJta'j Auli-Scorbtlc;Toothwash. TO THE LADIES. NOTHING adds more to beauty than xlcan, white Teeth, and Gums of healihy color. The most beautiful face and vennillion lipa oecome repulsive, if the latter, wlicn they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wish clean, while Teeth, healthy Corns and sweet breath, should givo GERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by U. & D. DcPRK, Agents, Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30. 84 PERFUMERY! J? UST received from New York and Philadel hi: Gross Lubins'a Extracts for the Handk'f ; .-Qu.---.ao.-- I oiletto Soaps ( . ; do. Gienny MnH Toilette Water . r 4o. - 5o. - Verbena do. ..tlo.. , . ":' ' do.r ' Yankee Soap : do. . Camphor Soap; - -do. Poiuino do. - ' - -A tarve assortment of Hair Brushes, and a num ber of fane,- articles usually kept In Drug Stores. C. fc D. DoPRE, Wholesale Orugglsta, Oct. 6. - - ; Market-st, Wilmington, . C. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM P'Y. - UALE1G1I, N. C. THE ab ove Company hps been in operational nee the lctof April, 1643. under ihe d irectionof lha following Officers, viz: , Dr. Charles K.Jonhson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F.Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H.Jones, Treasure. . Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, J - .. , Dr.Wm.H.McKee, i Medical Doa.-d or Dr. 11. B. Haywood, 3 Oonsullalion. J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter pivinir ad vantages tolhe insured over an v other (Jomniinv The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own tile for iho sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any clainisof the renrom.. 'Ivesof the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, "the life nicmbersparticipatein the wholeot the profits which are declared annually. Besides. ih annllcnnr f., life, when the annualpremiuni ia over$30 may pjy one half in a Note. ' All claims for insurance ngninst the Company will oepaid within ninetjr days aftcrproof of the death of ihe party is furnished. Slaves are insured forone or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure ihu ciass 01 properuy against tne uncertainty of life. Slave insurance nrcsentt-a new and inrrat ( feature in the history of North Carolina.which will prove very important to tne southern States. ' The last four months operation of this Compan showsa veryl arueamount of business mnih. the Directors expected to do the first year havin already issued more than 300 Policies. Dr. Wm. W. Harbisb. Medical Examiner, an Agent. Wilmington. N. C. AllOrtmmiinicailonsonbusincssof the Company ml, r.,.A 1 A I . 1 . JAS. F. JORDAN ,Sec'y, Ralcfeh. June 8, 1SC5. OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trun illaiiiilaeloi-v. HMIK subscriber respectlully in format hep ublic X that he has recently received addition lo bis stock of Saddle and Hurnes Mountings, &c., the laical and most itnnravi'il alvle. anil iaf!tinit,nl I ... . . ' "'uuuiaciuring.at nisstore on mariceistreet, every ui-Bciipuun ot artictcin tne aoovc tine, f torn hi experience in the business, he feels confident lha hewill beableto giveentiresatisfactionto allwho mayiavor bim with a call, htehasnowon hand and willconstautly keep a large assortmen lof Coach, Gis and State Harness. Lady's Saddlrs Bridles, Whips, tf-c. Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips spurs, f'C. feallof which he will warrant to be ofw IJ the best materials and workmanship. 5 lie has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises. Saddle and Carpet It.igs !mcueif, i aucy I runkn. ttc, and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all which hcofiertlowfor CASH, or onahortcredii to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness.Trunks, Redical Bags, dee sc.. mane 10 oraer. In addition tothe above ihe aubscriberalwav keens on hand n laraesnnnlv 11 f Strlnr I.lli 1 - .a, r r j . . , and haa now, and will keip through the aeason a gootiassortmrntoi mriy c-its. All are Invited to call and examine my Gooda whether in want or not, as I take pleasure in shw- ingmy assortment to all who may favor ine with a ran. - i Harness andCoach Trirtrmfngs sold at a fal price to persons buying Ui manufacture. Also, Whirs at wholesale. .llkindsof Riding vehicles bought r.. old on enmtnisions. JOHN J. CONOLEV Feb. 7, 1854. 138 WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. IHE Subscribe! having accepted the agency ol several large establishments at the North which will furnish him ati unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of ail qualities, is prepared to nltsll orners for MtlX'UMEVTS AND TOMB STONES. and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rate SCULPTURING, CTTERTSTjr)R CARVING. Executed a swell as can be done cither North o South Thebesi reference can be given, if irquirrd JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan.b, Ib54. tf. TnOS. B. CARR, M.D. D.D. PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last ten years JL Charges for 10 or lead artificial teeth on fine golJ plate, each, 7 00 An entire set of teeth on fine gold plate, ISO 00 Diito on gold with artificial gums, 150 00 Ditto on Platina plate with artifi- ' cial gums, 150 00 Upper or under ditto, rach, 75 00 A Fivot tooth that eannot be distinguish ed from the natural, 5 00 A fine gold filling, warranted permanent. 2 00 Do. and destroying the nerve. S3 to 5 00 Extracting a tooth, 50 eta. to 1 OC Best dentifrins and tooth brushes alwaya on hand, Every operation v arrant td to give entire satlsfae- tinn. Teeth inserted immediately after the extrac tion 01 the Tangs and remodeled after the gums have snrunwen. without additional charge. Office on Markei-st., 2 dooru below the Church. Wilmington, . u., April ZZ.- lo-lf. Now is the time to have your rooms and pas sages papered with decorations, fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on hand, and superior workmen from New York, who will hang paper in latest styles. nlLHinoUn fc t-.SL.Ku . July 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. E.R. DURKEE, 130 WATER STREET IfEvT-VORK, Manufacturer and Proiwict or of DCKIEE'S TEIST OS BlIIJtG POWDER, Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SUP. CAKB. SODA, . SAL SODA, -CASTILE SOAP, , BLACK LEAD. - - ; BRITISH LUSTRE, REF'D PEARLASH, SALERATUS. COOKING EXTRACTS. MATCHES WAX ins WOOD. Dee. 23rd, 1854. : . ' 117-ly-e. . NOTICE. - - THEsubscribereapectfully informs the public, lha the is nowiranasetin tho Auction busineaa on his own account, and hopes by strict a Mention to business, to merit a eoaiiauancc ofthat patroosga heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. , .( - - S4. tVUiHL,! . ' Slock. Real Estate aad Negroes. bought and sold on a commission of 1 per cent cither t private Of public sale. - japo.ttwt. DOCT. JOHNSTON, HAI.TIMOUE JLOCK HOSPITAL. WtlKltK maybe obtained the pleasant and effectual remedy most speedy, in the worid SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhea;, Gleets, Strictures, Stminsl Wn ness, Pains in the Loins, Constitutions! Debiliiy Impotency, Weakness of Ihe Back and Limbs, Af fection of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia, Nc.toue Irritabiity. Disessts of the Head, I nroatNoseorSkini and all those serious and melancholy dividers a rising from lbs destruc tive habitsof V outh, which destroy boih body snd mind, those secret and solitary practices morefutat to their victims than tho sons of the Syren to the mariners of Ulyssess. blighting their most bril lianr hopes or anticipations, rendering marriaee uVc.jiuiposaible. ' YOUXQ MIStV. Kspet-la'Ily, who have become the victims of SolUa ryViee, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of ?oung men of the most exalted talents and brilliant niclleet, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with 'full confidence. MA Hit I AGE. Afarrud'pe'-jons.orthosecontcmplatingmarriage, being awareof physical weakness, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. lie who places himself undvrthecareof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a f en tleman.and confidently rely upon hisskill asa phy sician. r 1 OFFICE. IVo. 7. SOUTH FREDERirr s. 1 uwuua rnuai u. L, t i3lUltK St., (east side,) ur 1 nr. i r.ya. ORE PA RTICULAR inobservlng the NAME and NUMBER.nt you will mistake the plaee. A CVRE IN TWO DA YS, OR NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs L'ted. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johxston is the only regularly Edural.d Physician 1 who advertises his veiy extensive Prac tise, and his many Wonderful Cures is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Those v10 with to be speedily and effectually cured, should shun the numer ous trifling imposters, who only ruin their health, and apply to Dr. Johnston. on. Johnston. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London ; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part ol whose lifchasbeenspentinthe Hospitals of London, Par is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has eflected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. aiany trouoieu with ringing In the ears and head v-hen asleep, ereat nervouimsss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bushfumess. with frequent blushing.atiended sometimes wiih dtran"ruieni cf mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed Ihe steds of .his painful disease, it too often "happens that onill-tiin-ed sensc-uf shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, Irom education and respectability,) Un alone befriend liiin, delay i ng till the conrtt utional rysinptoms of this lion id disease make their uppcurar.ee tui h us ulcciuhd sore thmai. diseased nose, nocturiil pains in iliu head and limbs, dimness of ilil. dcul'ners, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extremities, progress on with friphllul ra pidity, lill at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commi seration, till death puts a period to his dreadlul su! ferings, by sending him to-"that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To ruth llun lo e. Dr. Johnton pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable tecrety; and, from his extensive prac tice in the first Hospitalsin Europe and Ameiica, he can confidently recommend a snfe and speedy cure to ihe unfortuna'e victim of this horrid di ciirc. It is a melancholy fact j that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease, owing to the un skilfulnr ss ol ignorant prru-ndets, who, by the ure of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send the unfortunate suflerer 10 nn untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mis erable . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who ha velnjured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the aad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakneosof the Bsck and Limbs, Psins in tho Hesd. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous irritability Dersngement wf the Digcsiivu Func tions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, die. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Forebodings, Aversion of .Sof iety, Self Disliusi, I.ove of b'oli lude. Timidity, dec. .are some of the evils produced. Tftousandsof persons of all see?, can now judo what is the cause of their declining health. Lut ing their vigor, becoming weak, palif and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes coiieh and symptoms of consumption. ' Married Persons, or those contemplating mar riage, bting aware of physical weakness, thwiiid immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to r-tt-fect health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY" FOR ORGANIC- WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy wn.knet'S of the organs is speedily cured and full vigi r restorer). Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediim nis to M.ARK1AGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fc-arful kind, speedily ryrcd by Dr Johnston. Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit friquenily lenrned from evil companions, or at school, the effects f which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders martiagu v uniKjmuic.ar.u uesiroys oom mina ana oouy. What a pity that a young man, ihe hope of hi country, and the darling of his parents, should bu snatvhed from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from the path cf nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Slier persons, before contemplating MARX.1AGE. Should reriYct that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to, promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through tlfe become a wear) pilgrimages the pros pect hourly darkens to the view; the mind k c mrs shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the bappinera of another Lc- comes blishted with our own. OFFICE NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST.. ' Ealtimobb, Md. All Surgical Operations lei fe"ued. N. B- Let no filse delicacy prevent vou. but apply immediately either personally or bj idler. Btis iief !teediiy Cured. TO STRANGERS. The many thousands cured at this institution with in the latl ten years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical Operationa performed by Dr. J.. wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, snd many Other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guars n tee that the afflicted will find a skilful and honors- ble physician. TAKE NOTICE. Il la with the creates! reluctance thai Dr. JO I I V. STON permits his card to appear before the public. deeming it unprofessional for a physician lo adver tise, but unless ne did so, tne attacted, erpo-iai: strangers, could not fail to fall into the hands of those impudent, boastinz Imnosters. individuals destitute of knowledge, name and character, ped lars, shoemakers, mechanics, d.c.,sdvenUine tlrm-selve-s ss physicians: ignorant attacks, wiih filth u. lying certificates Grent Wonderful Cures from persons who eannot be lound. or obtained for a t dollars from the Worthless and Degraded, and uiar other cunning and contemptible rn,:'"'Sto tr!,l the afflicted, trifling month afrer nx i i.orn tone as possible, aad la despair, leave v j with ruined health. to sica over your gelUr , pointmrnt. It lathis motive that Induce . j. 10 advertise. for he alone can cure you. '. . unacquainted rttll hla reputattoo. ne aeeiit n necessary l y hat bis crttfenuais or uipiomaa always bang 10 Lis Office. WEAKNESS Or THE ORGANS immediately cured, and full pot restored. f-VALf. I.KTTEIIN POST-PAID-1 .K DIES SENT BY MAIL. All Letters must be Paid and contain a Pociass Stamp Cor th reply, or ao answer will bs sent. jn. via, i. i-i iy-c