S: mil ttW&'MMM Ml TO Wfe ; - - i 1 1 i u VGLU31E X NUMBER 90. WILMINGTON, JV. C, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1855. WHOLE NUMBER 1 1 00 ; ' . . i .... .... . . v . i ; ' :. 1 w. ,.-.; -- -. . , - . . , . . BJ,,,1axBnBenBBP.J Jt I SCE l ;Li' A N.-: .BE.V JOHNSOX S- DESCKIPTION "OF A ' .- WALTZ.. WKen'w got Hito Ihe place, we found u ' great large roowi, as tn" as nipetin' boifse" lieliteyl up ,wiib smAshia' big lamps cov exed all pverwhh glrss -hantnjf.-.; Tln laJies IooklIaf nice as little angels, their laces iir white as if. they ha J flipped ihem imo k-&ot b&Tntf-Stt'&r$8ifbeska I hun't. seen ii) all Sleepy Hollow: their arms all covered with 50'ul bunds, chins, and shiny fc'CSilS'fS'Wfe AVs. J'P,u never dijlseethey : looked 'come kiss oae' aj! overj tbeir eyes lookedi like diamonds; their waisis drawn tothe size of a pipe-stem, and caade to look like they were undergoing" regular cut-iHig-into- operation by- tyin a string tight round 'em- and their bosorns O, Lordy ! all covered up in laces and muslins; they rose, then rose again, like 0 1 1 don't know what it was like, exceptin the breath n' of a snowy while goose, chucked, in a tight b;rg, with its breast just out ! i After the gals iind youngsters had walk-. d round and. round for a consiilerable spell, e he. music struck up and such music! It was a big horn and a little horn, a big flute md a little flute, a big fiddle and a little fiddle, and such squeakm, bellowin', groan in I never heard before; it was like all the rats, pigs, and frogs in Christendom had concluded to sing together They call "it a German Poker. I 'sposc it was made by some of them Cincinnati Germans, in imitation of the Vqualin' at a pork packery, and I guess it . was a pretty good imita tion." r So soon as the music struck up such a sightl The fellers caught the gals , right round the waisl with one hand, and pulled hem right smack up in kissiu order, with ihe gals, bosoms agin their bosoms, and the gals' chins resfin' on the fellers' shoulders. At this, the gals begtjn to sorter jump and caper, like they were agoing to push them away but thf y fillers just caught" hold of - the other hand and held it off, and began to jump and caper too, just like the gals. 1 swon upon a stack of bibles you never seed such a sight f There was. some two dozen gals he d light in the arms of them fellers they a rarin' and jumpin' and push in' 'eia backwards over the room, (4s I . thought, tryin' lo get away from them.) and the fellers holdiu' onto 'era tighter; and hey squeezed the gals, till at last I begun to think the thing was b?ing carried too fuT for fun. f I was a little green in these matters; and seem the eals tryiu' harder and harder to get away, as I thought, and the fellers holdin' tighter and tighter, it was - very natural that I should take the gal part. So my dander kept a risin' higher and higher, till I thought my biler would bust unless 1 let out some'steara. . 1 bounc ed smack into the middle of the room. 'Thunder and lighting! every-body come - here witn shot-guns.svSiSbooters.and butch er knives !'- bawled I at the top of my voice; 'for I will be shot if any dod-blasted, long bearded fellers shall impose on gals that r way wr.ere l am r and i was just go- mg W pitch info ein promiscuously, when my merchant caught me by the arm, and Siiid, .'Stop, Ben.' 'I'll be cussed, says I, if I will see the wimmin folks imposed on! Look what them fellers are dour, and how hard the gals are rarin an pitchin to get away from 'em ! Do 'OU 'spose l can stand still as a mile post and see gals suffer so? Look P savs I, Hhere is a gal almost bro ken down, ready to give up to thai 'rango- tang ol a feller Yonder is another so faint her head has fallen on the bosom of the monster ! 1 tell you I was ashy; I felt like 1 could jump into, them like a catamount into a pis pen. Vhen I looked into my merchant's face, I thought he would have busted. He laft - and laftr and squatted down, and laft. Whv,' says bt, 'Ben, that is nothinjr but the the' red war walt2 they are dancin and them gals aim tryin' to get away from them fellers they are only caperin' to make the. fellers hold em tighter, kase they like it. The more the gals caper,' the tighterf"hey wisti to be squeezed. As- to layin their heads on the fellers' bosoms, that's very common m this city.. '; They expect to be married some of these days, and they want 10 be accustomed to it, so they won't be a blushirt and turning pale when the parson . tells the groom to salute the bride. There is nothing like being used to such things.' - lYoix may take my - bat,' says I td - my merchant. 'I was tuck in that ' time-' 1 tell you though, it was the first time I ever seed th like before. 1 have seen the In dian bug and the Congo dance, but I tell yoa this red war' waltz knocks the hat crown out of everything 1 ever seed. - Arter I had got " out of the way, and everything commenced goin' on again, the . music got faster and faster oh, it was as fast ami -furious -as a northwester I rThe gals rared agin', the fcllersliugged tighter, and, the- music makers puffed out a blowin' Tben the gads and fellers spurt round like co irlany.tops run mad. .The fellers leaned back, and the gals leaned, to em; the gals' 'tine frocks sailed out and popped into the air on a windy day, '"the fellera coat tails stood out k straight that an egg would not have, rolled off; tbeir faces were as fix ed and as serious as a sarment. ' Around they went; it makes me dizzy tv think of . it., , iop went the coat tails.-,crasn went the music, and- pitty-patty, rump-dumple ae-tnurnp went the feet or alt tsy and by. ns beautiful n. craft as ever you seed in the shape of a. woman, lavin close up to a Jong bean-pole looking feller, came sailin" at the rale of fifteen knots an hour dawn our wy. WTiiIst a fat, damnv woman, and a hump-shouldered beef eq,tin' sort of a fet-' ler at the same speed went up the other. I seed there was to -be some bumpin. and naturally treraoiea tor me consequences oure eaougn ca-waauop, iney came to gether, and , slap-dash, the whole on 'em felWfliiilh, the middle of the room, carrying along with them everybody stand in' . near;-'.-' " -' , , Such' a tnixing'up of things as then took place, h:unt occurred before or since old father Noah: unload jd his great ark -There was legs and arms, white, kids and penellas, patent leather, and ; satin gaiter3, shoestrings arid garters.' neck ribbons and guard -chains, fals.e curls and wtiiskrrs. wo-' meti's bustles and pocket-hu.r.dkerchiefs r all in a pile -the gls kickin' and the fel tj.rs gruntin' and apologisin', ; .. Oh, Lonly !' says I for f was consi derably fliKsiraie.i at ihe sight 'stop that music, blow ogt the lights, or nil h.n Is shut their eyes till ihese wimmen folks get unmixed !' Att this, such a laugh you never Oeara. Why, Col Johnson,' say3 my merchant. Mbut is nothing; it Irequently nappens, and sone of.ilje. ady?tntages' of the red Svar vva!Z. It me gais aim icaincu uuw iu mix with the world, how can they ever get loner. " ' H would rather have 'em all a little mix ed, says I; 'but that is too much of a good ihina". However, let us leave : lor 1 seed enouih of the Sorry in that pile just now to8utisfy rne for a week, and at that wej bid 'em good niht, ami lett, promising to sro to the next one and take a few lessons in the common Poker and Shouiish dance. How I came out, may be I may tell you in another letter. . Ben Jo&NsrsG, or Sleepy Hollow. HAD ENOUGH F IT. The AVinc.hester Virginia n notices ihe return of a Viiginia family from O- hio, who, after two or three years' resi dence there, had quite enough of it, and returned to the cheerful firesides of the Old Dominion. THE SCHOOLMASTER ABROAD. The following is a literal cony of a list of questions proposed for discussion in a debating club out West, reople who can't spell seldom have a high respect for women: Subjects ofdiskussionr Is dansin morralla rons? Is the ruadinff of fiick tisus works commcLdible 1 Is it necessary that femals shud re- seve a thorough literrary educashun ? Ot femals to toi k partstm poimks - FALL STOCK. T TAKEthU meihod of informing my town and 1 countrv natrons and mends, mat I hnve return ed from Kew York with a full and complete stock of Groceri. 8 laid in tmder n.y own eye. I shall take pleasure in furni&hina all who may give me a eall, at ihe lowevt cash )ii e, as 1 am compelled to sell lor cash or-U daya lo prompt customers. jMvg'.ock coneisia of Hio, Laguirn, Java, and CapeUoffees; Crushed, Coflee and Brown Sugars, Lard. Kuiler. U cese. Hour, nice, oonps, o. I and Dale; 'Jandic?, Adamantine and Tuliow Can dles, Starch, Chemteal uuvu oap, Uotton . V int. Pick lea, I amp Oil, bbls. ot Ulan he J Uider Vine- nir, soda and u;ar UracKer, Brooms, Buckets, Tui Half Btishtla. Neeia M-afure, Tuba, Flour Pail-s ljrillard and Dill's -Snuffs, Ink, Gun Caps, Grind Stones and crack f"r sam-"Solur Snf-rm Candles. Well Buckets. Srivea. Axe Helves, Red (Jorda, Plouah Line. Koil fins, uround Uonee, Cinnamon, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, nuimtgt, l east Powders, Axeft FotnMi, Irish r"oSntoe, Unions, Codfish, Ac, Sfcc. Call brlore bnyinr and 6tr-by paying cash at ' U I'A . 11. K.h.L.L.KY': JSeot w. 01 VV. Jour. IX Her. Golds. Tel. t Spirit of the Age. THE NORTH CAROLS A ifiirrim ii,ii it ITD ivfi)nntinl7 ' KALEItJU, N. C. PHE above Compait y hr 8 been inopcratiominci X the 1st t April, 343, under the directional' the following Officers, viz : Ur.Unaricji K..ioniison,f reslaent, Wm. U. Haywood, Vice President James K.Jordan, Secretary, VV in. H . Jones, Treasure'. ,: Pcrrin Busboe, Attorney, r - I 1 i.- I . . u l - :w vm hiK. ( Medical IJoa.-d or Dr. It. B. Haywood, S niultattin. J. Hersnwn, General Agent. fThis Company has received a eharter giving ad vantages lot he insured overanv otherComoiny. The 5th Section ivea lh Husband the privilege to insure bis own uieiorine sole use of his who and Children, free from ny claim.f the r op resent a- lvesof the husband or any ol his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principle, the life members jiarticipatein the trioeof the profits which are declared annually Pesides, th- applicant for life, when the annual premium is overS30 may pay one nan in a note. All claims for insurance against the Cnmnanvwill oe paid within ninety uays alter proof of the death 51 the party is turnlheQ.- , slaves are insured toroneorhve vears. at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of propemy against the uncertainty of Ufa. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the hialory of North Carolina. which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation nfthis Company shows a veryl argeamount of business more than the Directors expected to do t ho first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Ur. Wm. vv. Habbisi, Medical Rxaminer. and Agent, VYilmineton, IV. C. A II Communications onbusincof the Company should be addressed to , JAS. P. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh. June 8. IPB5. , CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON. N. C. fHR CLARENDON IRON WORKS are now - prepared to receive orders for Beam. Vertical. Horizontal or Oscilluting Steam Engines, High or low Pressure, and adapted to all onruoses : Uircu- lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Mills, complete j Pnmna, .llinins Macbmery, linst and Flour Mills complete; Parker, Turbine and other Water Wheels, Kquippln? ot Steamers, (Jar Wheels and Axles: Horse Powers of' various patterns! Rice Field Pumps and Engine; Mil) Irons: Le.ivitt's Corn and Cob Crushers; Kice Thrashers; Shingle Ma chine, Shafting, Pullies, Hangers, Ui-ais, and all other Mill vvorit. ,- - i. t.i i CASTINGS. - ' i -Iron and Brass Castings of all deciiptions, Inclu ding Ornamental Iron Railing, Pip, Bridge Cast- in g, dc & c. " The Company would respectfully Invite attention to tbeir styles ana patterns ot if ail ing, wnicb may be seen at helr office.: - ;. ' : BOILERS. . . ;. :y Tubular, Pluo and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks. Chimneys, and all other kinds ot- Boiler Work. - - . ' - ' REPAIRS-, . A saparate department and force will be kept for repnirs. 'where work: will be done thoron jhiy and with despatch. . :v . - - ' ' ! All work dona in the establishment delivered ei ther on th cars of the Wilmington &. Manchesfr tail Road or the Wilm;nen A V eldon Kail Road, or in fl us at th Company's wharf. Havinz larze facilities, the above ; work will be lone on as reasonable termne Itewheret North or o nh, and in a prompt and satisfactory manner. . ; ' Consultation by letter or otherwise, in regard to dans and designs for mills or thf-tr furni'are, and tor machinery generally'.: wiiltngrf answered. All H-der or communications to be addressed to the indersignedv ' 'i's- - ''- i i ; niSJTOKI OF TnE llNSTITUTE- V S 1. 1 gnaiioa Do Losold, founder of t be &o mJ eietv of Jesua.r By Father Daniel Bartoli, ml ths Society fJepoa. -lTanaiaien oy tnc amnot of Life in Mexico. Received and lor sale at, Sept. 13. a. w.wniiAs-bU'a. XT N.-Slr K.,.in In Convent s ton The .stolen lV.Niin. a TrAf ChartestoWBiB 1834 :By i Charles W, Frothlnahare. -Received and loraatear . J . Iff , r iutIUiie:l every i'vBSDAV, ThobeDAY and iTuiDAir at o per annum, payable n all cases Corner Froi.t ;:nl SI a ike t Streets, ' W1LMIS6T0JT. N. C. ' " R ITES K ADVCU ilSISC. 1 sqr. 1 insertion. SO 50 I 1 sjr. 2 mouths, ti Co s 00 . 8 00 l 't J5 1 " 3 I " 3 - " j I 00 I 1 " 6 , I " I month, 2 60 I 1 ' li 12 00 Ten lines or less make j square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the pi ice will be in proportion. . : . j .- . AH advertisements are payable al the lime ot their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made n the most liberal terms. Nil transfer of contracts for vearlv advertising will be permitted. Should circu.iislances render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option ol the contractor, for the'titne he has advertised. - The prlvilezeof Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their awn immediate business and all advertisements for the benefit ol other persons, as well as all advertisements not im-ncdiately con nected with their own business, and nil excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the nstial rates. No Advertisements Is included mine contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands In town r ronntry. or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property Is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. Thete are excluded by the term immediate bunnets." Ail idvertisements inserted in the trt-weckly Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND I'ANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. . AfiEVTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. Nw Vobk Me?sr8. Dollncb & Porraa. Horton Cm ablb Smith. No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. F.. Cohen. Baltimore Wm. H. Peaks and Wm. Thomson E. J. LtTTTEBLOH. W. P. XLLIOTT. LUTTERL0II k ELLIOTT, GENERA L COMMISSION A ND FOR A R- DINO MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N.C. Keep constantly on hand a supply of Lime, Cal cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, Land Plaster, Plastering Hair, Sc., etc. Sept. 4. n-u "boardYng." A FE'V Gentlemen can be occommodaled with ft. Board and pleasant airy rooms, in Front street. house next door north of the Presbyterian Church June 19. - 4i-tf THE WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. WILL re-open on Monday, Oeiobur 1st, at So ciety Hall. The Botrd of Instruction uiR be he same as last session. For particulars, are school card, which will be issued a few days before commencing, and which mny be found with Mr. a. Jewell, or Mr. W Inta ke G. W. JKWKTT. Senu6. ; , 7a-w-tf FAIR WARNING IN TIME. ' NOW say to my customer that I am obliged . to you for your past favors, which 1 appreciate much. In conscaxence of the hard times and my debtors failing to pay men punctual aa they ought I hall have to decline selling goons at over tnirty d-ivs time, and that to punctual customers who in- nd to nav at the end ol that time except lo my town patrons, who win nave mailers ns iney nave been, as t' ev arc punctual when called upon. This lo ko into effect the lt of Oet., 1855. . cnl. 13 GKO. 11. B c. U Ij p. V . Dnilv Herald, weekly Journal, Spirit of the Age and Tilegrsph .op -. THE WATER CURE JOURNAL. 1 OR Aosttst. Aug, 18. Received and f'r sale at. WHITAKF.RS. G0LDSB0R0' FEMALE COLLEGE. 'HK next sessionof ihi Institntion wilt com- i mence on the flrsi Wednesday in August 185a. Ample accommodations .are provided lor any number of vouno ladies. Kor information. Catalnsun, cVe , address Ihe Prrsident ot the Paciilty; llv. J H. Brent. W.S. G. AN DUfcvvs, secretary. June 23. 44 If LIME, HAIR, PLASTER & CEMENT. ONS 1 AS 1 LY on liana. ana tor saie ov GEOIIOK HOUSTUW. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. mHE undersigned have this day formed a Co X partnership, under the firm of Luttcrloh A Elli ott, and will continue the Gen ral Commission and Forwarding business. K.J. tin im"-uHi y . i . &uuui i . Sept. ' 1 74-tf JUST 0PENED7 ' HE largest assortment of Chemicals ever offer- A. ed in this market, consisting in pan oi 100 lbs. Suanr Lead; - 50 Snlph.Zinc; ' 25 " Vallett Mass; BOO oxs. German Quinine; 10 bbls. Epsom Saltj'v 15 bbl. Copperas; . t 25 lbs. Calomel; ' 30 lbs. Blue Mass; i . -, 3 rarhnva SniritS Nilre (ftTW 3 Aona Ammonia. (nTY and anum- bir of other ChemleaN. from the Laboratories of Powers a jd Weightman. Cbaa. Ellis fe Co. Jjfr sale by C. D. DuPRET June 5. 3-i DISTILLER'S GLUE. A SUPERIOR article, for sale by Sept. 27. ; MOORE, STANLEY 4 CO. RYE WHISKEY.. I r DOZ. Bottles pure old Rye Whiskey, of au- s perior Quality, r or aaie uy April 10. L. N. BARLOW. FLAT FOR SALE. H A, NEW Flat that will carry 8"H) barrels. Apply rx to July 26. WniSREY! C( BBLS. just recti' 0J sale by April 17. J. K. BL.usauai. -: 57 WHISKEY!! . front New York.and for JOS. R. BLOSSOM. 14. OUR FALL STYLES. OUR Press Hatafor Fall and Winter wear Is de cididly the handbomest hat yet introduced, and for beauty of maleru.1 and finieb, stands un- nvalea. .... Initio soft hat department we have the moat cmrplete assortment ever . exhibited, compriaang all the new and fashionable si vies, embracing a i the various culora and shapes, to which we invite at.ention. sh Kr AKD &, M YKRS, , .. - - . Hal ahd Cap Emporium, ' Sept. IS. ' Granite Kow. 'BUTTER, CHEESE, &t 1 GO 5 H K.N Butler, do. Cheese, English Dairy and. Pine A a olo Cheese. Codfish. Scotch Her ring; Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of olher goods jum receiveo ana lor sale by U N, BARLOW, Jane 15. fi.4 .-j; sA No, 3, Granite Row. TH.K aabscriber will take It as'a great favor if i A those Indent ec to Rim by note or ae count arm come forward Immediately ana) nav their daea, as he wishes to jra North to lay in bis winter Block, which l iinpossl W an less ex can get. money. - v . aept. j - ,A. 8, McCALEL. BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERC HA NTf GENERAL ' AGENT. ' ' : - - WILMINGTON, N. C. Oet. 1,!854. ....v.,--.-? ;85-ly-c..r VII.KINSON & ESLER, UPHOITEUS & HANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Mattresses, Feather Beds; Window Curtains , " and lixlurcs. f . ' AH work in the ahove line done at shortest No tice. ' WiIniingion, N.U., Market St. March IS, 1854. . 1- JOSEPH R. "BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merthant- Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments tor Sale or Shipment. Liberal Lash adtances made on. Consignment lo me or to my new voricjricnu. ' Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1834. i 135. W. C. HOWARD GiiNKltAL Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, Wilmington. N. C. ; '. Liberal Jash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29, 1853. V v I09-lf. Imebanokbson. SDWABD8AVA0B. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON H. Liberal cash advance made on consignments. March 27, 1654. r. 94- RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB ELLIS. BCS8ELL & CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. r iK.rnlrnsh advances made nn consianmentsof I Naval Store, Cotton, and other produce May 3, 1854. . " C. & D. D al'RE. ainni r.HU.E lND R ETA L DEALEfll IN Hruirs. Merllclue. Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stufls, Glass. Perfumery, Cigars, Old llquors. I'aucy Articles, &e . MAllKKT STRKKT, WI I N TON , sr. c. ?rescriptionF3arcfully JOinpoundaJ by experi enced persons. March Ij334. ' WILLIAM A. G WYE tf Geueraligent.Forwar Jing k ConimUoa JlcrthanL take nleasure in informins my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me ffiiieni and uersonal attention. 1 have a wharf for Naval Stores, with a mnleaccom modal loss, Spirit H . and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment j snd all kinds of eoun- trv nrolnca solicited. Cash advances made on . j i consignments. prU l8, 1854' ; .. . - -, - - 5. WILLIAM n, PEAKE, COLLECTOR 4SD ADTKUTIS1C nCFM. Far Country Newspapers throtignout tne IT ultcd States. Basement ofSun Iron Bo Jjinas.Baliitnore street All business entrusted to us care transacted promptlv.on Sberaltcrms. . m ,C I sept 7, 1S34. 95-tf T. C. &B. G. WORTH, COMSiSSiOX 4SD FilltWIKDIMi WtlvUI.XMS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1S54. ' !J?.f JOSEPH n. PLANNER, J General Commission f.Ierchant, WII.MISUTO.V, K C.-f May 9th, 1354. ; 87-l-e. JAS. n. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WIL.MIXUTO-V. N. C. JAS. II. CHADBOU-BJt. GKO.CHADSOtJBS.' Jun. 1, 1954. 123. HENRY NUTT, P1CT0R hd POItWlUDlU AG EST, Wilt give hU perianal attention to business entrust' eu t ft tw cure. Sept. 8, 1854. 75-ly e. GEORGE MYERS, WUUESILE AND RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand, H 'me. Teat, Liquor, Provision, n ooa ana rrutow n arc, r ruu, Confectionarie, de. South Frontslreel, WIIMINGTOST, Na C. Nov. IS, 1853. 19 GEORGE HOUSTON, PKALKa IM Groeeries. Provlslona, ' and Kaval Sterea ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, VES3KL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Aug. 2. CO-tf DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP. THK public are hereby informed, that the nannershtn heretolore e.xt.tlnsr between t lie nnATnrnttn. under the name and firm of W- M Sherwood fc Co. is ihia day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts doe by tne nrm win oe rrre pntpd to W. M. Sherwood for settlement, and all accounts and notes duo them must be paid imme diately to close the busnss. ntLLPB.nnr.anuviu, . .VM. A. GWYER, WILLIS M. SHERWOOD will continue the business as heretofore. . Sept. 1. - '. ;: "-. -; JUST REfVElTTniS DAY, A ND for sale a the Variety Store, under the L - - ...aa- 1 . i i , : l Tn a . r llera a uoce, iweniy dbm. iikii -.. - Bn article. Also, a fine lot of assorted Puts wholesale and retail. Aog. 25. i WW. M. U lyatf- FRESH IMPOmTIONS. TUST Received, 'Ma day, 100 bbls. assorted I.i- .1 nnnrs. Wines and Cordials ; r rench Brandy, In ..Uhth nlno.i Anneaeed CJoroiaj; renect t.ovei KlacWberrv Brand v: KXira ivew ouucr i whiim --!--- --. . w-.. r. j Beef Tonsoest No. 1 Mackerel die. At ihe orig inal Himily Grocerv, Kroni streei. May 12, . GEO. MYERS. FLOURT FLOUR!! QfT BBLS. N.C. Superfine Flour; 0J 10 " Family. For sale by. : Sept. I. JOS, ft. BLOSSOM. OUPERIOR. Hyaori and Black Tea, in small O package, for als by GEO. HOUSTON. ; . ETHEL, . V UK, me Lronnie cii.pi- "j ' i. thor oi the Elder Slr.R,J2! .'"lf"! n mm. . - . f wy . u u a .... jam a at o. i . t ill :"nt '77. ' 1 -' ' ' ' ' "'" - '. ' ' ' M . BLACK BESS, fK, Clsad totha Reacae. Being a nairative of the turiber ad veniuiea oi mjikm i uipio uu Sixteen String Jack. R""'" "i?,'1. f 'e"T, aepi.27. - S. WtWHITAKER'S. . LITTLE NELL. FROM ihe old Cariosity shop of Charles) Dick d ; i i r,,u . ' aept. 27. ., . S. W WHITAKKRS. JUST RECEIVED FR03 NEW YORSa OfiBBLS. fine oU Rye Whiskey.- For suleby J tern. Hi. - -... iS. Jaw. vWt.4 iV BUSINESS CARDS. UUOPEU, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - WILMINQTOJi, N.C. oeo. Hoorca. J uly 28. I. i, DIAllOlf. WM. L. HOorCB. 68-tf AUAMS, BROTHER & CO., " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMIXGTOS, N. C. July 28. 58 . - : ' " ! " ! i A. H. VanBokkri.f.m. - . W. A. M. VanDokkelkn VANBOKKELEN & BROTHER, VV1MINGTON, N. C. , . Manufacturers of and dealeisln Naval Stores. Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnithed al fair rates under insurance, if desired. Jan.l. 122-tf. 1. VE39EL. H. B. EILCR8. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MKllCHANTS & WHOLE SALE GllOCEUS, North Water St.. Wil mington. N. C. intend to keen at thtf above stands genera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to cairy on fSencralCommlssion Business. BKFEBElfCB t K. P.Hall Prcs't Br'ch Bank of the Si State. ) - ink.' vvir O.G. Parsley, Prefc't Commercial Bat P. K. Dickinson, F.sq . Poppe 4U I N y fc Dollncr Potter. ncw lorK Jan. 20 1854. 131.. GEO. U. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nexldoot to A. A. Wannet's.on North Waterst willattend to the sale of all kinds of Conntrv Pro- juce.such as Corn. Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard ,4c. ina win Keep consianuy on nana a iuu suppiyoi Groceries, sc. deferences Willcs Hall. of Wayne, JnoMcaae, Wilmington W Caraway. ' Uen.Alx .McU.se. 17 r U-.ll W ilinlnntnn VV t U u A VJ m IL. Dec. 13, 1353. HS-Iy. IAS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. 8. GILLESPIE jamr p. cir,r,F.!pin co PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N C. Patticularattenrion paid lo the receipts and Saleof Naval Stores, I miber, Lumber, Corn, IS aeon, Cot ton, q-c, f-c. March 30. 1855. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, tVlliMINUTOX. N. C T7'ILL sell or buv Ileal Kstate and Negroes al vv a amall commission. ALSIt Strict attention vivento the saleof Timber, Tur- nentine.Tar. or anv kind of Country Produce. Uince second door, soutn aiue oi AiarKei street, on the wnarr. June 12. 1854. 33 ly. P. MOORK. JXO. A. STANI.T. w- JONgg. MOORE, STANLY & CO. COMMISSION MERC II A NTS, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.26ih, 1854. 03 D. CASH WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, vVIl4.llUTOX. N. C. Sept. 30. B4 tr T. C. WORTH, General Commission Merchant, WIL.MI VGTON. N.C. rTSUAL advances made on consignment of Cot- KJ ton, Naval stores and other produce Pjttieular attention riven by G. W. Davis lo pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, 4c. .March , iio-iyc. COrilRIN & RUSSELL. (SCnCESSOftS Tfl TUnS- AL1B0ME & CO ) General Commission Merchants, No 32. North IMiaree. ind o'J iVorffi Water SI. rillliAULliflllA. ). MABVCY COCHBAS, W. S. aUSSELt. Liberal cish idvanccs made on consignments July 30ih, 1334. 3&-if. 11. DOI.LfF.n. O. POTT k II . jr. J. CAMEItDEK. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NI31Y YORK. Aprll30, 1854. 20-ly. i,. n. iVari.ow, WHOLESALED RETAIL GROCER, MHO DKAI.r.B IS LIQUORS WINES ALE. PORTER dc. No. 3, f iraniie How, Kront street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. I7ih, 1P55. 140-tf. BENiNETT & BROKA W, PRODUCE nnit tl icclA V U I? D T II 1 1 T C I I 1 U JJ JJ I S I U ll ill bn 1 lldlt 1 3,1 fob 'rne balb or Flour, Grain and Seeds, Butler, Cheese, Lard, Dried Fruits, Smoked Meals and , rro visions. ' NO. 4, FRONTST. NEAR THE BA TTER t IM K W YUKK. To avoid errors and delava. it Is d'sirsble that consignors be very particular to put their initials upon Uoods shipped to as lor sale. . . GLUE. OFlhebestqnality,and Bunsrs of all sixes always on hand. J It. BLOSSO l. Nov. 4. : ' '. CUT HERRING. Qf BBLS. Cut Herring, drv salted; SO OalTrta Ou HLouad do., tresh from New Found land. For sale b rfl 24. ADAMS.BllO.4CO. Ap 18. ORANGES AND LESIONS. L ECF.I VED thls day. in prime order b Jane 16. Nn. 3- Granite Row. W. 1. S..T0WNSnEND, Tt or-l-r? v nKPflT la iit receivinar his VX Spring stock of Groceries, Underwood Pic kles, Sauces, Olives and Capers AIo, Pickles in xesrs; Kullon Mirket eoi tun lonzswa. kloif SiImmi. ra. I ana Z Mariefl oewcica tvu- fish, all aorta of Preserves. Jreen and Black Tea, neA Salmon. Walnut and Tomato Catanp, French Jfcatard, Enjiish Mustard, Brown aiHl Craahed Snsar. wine juice no oiuujihuo CoflVe and Ground Srlcea. Ram, Gin and Whiskey; ilarratl, Gaotyr, and Freraa Brandy; Milk, Soda. Butter ana r aney wracaera; lmn.ri.1 mmA Pale Mtterw. Madeira and Port Wine, nhimnamiod SnarklinaT CaUwbi. Scotch and Phil . Uesl IMiaoffl run", r.mm o" r Ale. Also, a few of those Clothes Drying M rhl.M I mnA Oat Ucal. ' - GUNNY BAGS. 201 BALES 2 b Jshel Bags, for sale by X 9. GEO. HOUSTON. RATES OF PILOTAGE. 1 TUST eriated and for sale at TTU Com.mril J Office, th I'-nes of Pilotage for h Bar and l tUver. .... 4i-tt. Zermau'i Anll-RcorfeatlciToothwaah. TO THE LADIES. VTOTHI.G adds more lo beauty than clean, 11 white Teeth, and Gums of liealihy color me I The moat beautiful face and vermllrion lips Become repulsive. If ihe latter, when tbey open, exhibit ihe horrible spectacle of neglected leeih. All who wish clean, white Teeth, healthy Gums and a sweet breath, should give ZF.RMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by C. (St D. DePBK, Afents, Wllmioaion N.C. Sept. 30. 34 PERFUMERY I JUST received from New Vork and Phlladel I bia i f. Gross Lublns's Fxtrscis for the Hindk'f do. , do. Toilette Soaps t do. Glenay Mush Toilette Water do. do. Verbena do. do. -do. Yankee Soap t do. Camphor Soap do. . Pontine do. A targe assortment of Hair Brashes, and a num ber of fine ' article nsually kept in Drug Stores. u. dt u. UufKK, Wholesale uruggisis, Oct 5. . Market-si, Wilmlnotou. N. C. OUR MOTl'6 IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. '"PHE subscriber respectfully in format hep ublie JL thaiheh.is recently received additions to his stoi-kof Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac. the latest-and most improved stylo, and la consianly .iiianufacturinir.at hisatore on market street. ever description of article In the above line. From his experience in the business, he foels confident that hewill be able to siveonilresatiafactiontoallwho nav favor him witb a call. Hahaanowan hanl mo "inconstantly kccd iiueiHonmeniot Cone, lift a. ltd StULr Harness, Ia.dif s Smddlrs, uruucs.n nips, ucnuensen s Aunnus, H Aiys spurs, f'C. C-"sllf which he w4.ll warrant to be ofr i the best materials and workmanship, if Ylle haa also a laree assortment of TT Trunks, allses, Haddle and Carpet Hags, Paiclieis, irancy Trunks, Occ. and all other ar tides usually kept In such establishments, all of whlcn lie oncri low for CAMi,ot oashorieredit to prompt customers. baddies, HarnessTrunks. lledical Bags, die. c.. mane to order. In addition lothe above the subscrlberalwavi keeps on hand a large supply of String leather, and lias now, snd win ttr-jptnrougii tne season a eoodassortmrntoi lriv AC-tts. . Allareinvited to call andcxamlne my Goods, whetherln want or not, as I tske pleasure I nshww ingmy assortment to all who may favor ma with a rail. HarncsrandCoach Trimmings sold al a fair price to persona buying to manufacture. Also, wnirs at wnoiesaic. Ilkindsof Riding VchUles bought r. . old on eommisiona. JOHN J. CONOLKV . Feb. 7. 1854. 118 OW is the time to have your rooms and ps v sazes papered with decorations, fine or com mnn. as we hnve large assortments on Hand, and upeiior workmen from New Vork, wjio will hang paper in latest styles. V IbHISU.M OL KCI.IMl. July 22. Paper Hangers and Uphnlmerrra. E. R. DURKEE, ISO WATKU STREET NEIV-yOIIK, Manufacturer and Proi i-lor of . ODRKEE'S TEAST US B1EIXG FOWDER, Importer and Dealer in CRFAM TARTAR, SUP. CARB. SODA, SAL SODA, CAST I LK SOAP, BLACK LP.AD. Bltl'l lSII LUSTUK. UKK'D PKARLASH, 8ALERATUS, COOKING KXTRAC 13. MATCHES WAX aio WOOD Dec. 23 rd, 1851. . 117-ly-c ' MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA COLL0DIAN. A NEW and Valuable Remedy for dreln fl. W ounds, Luis, uurns, and Ulcers. It ha been trledrfucccssl'ully by Pliysitloni, and found superior to anv remedy oi tne Kind now in use. It forms, when applied, a Uitilcle, sort, elasllr, and impervious water, asslinilutlng most perfectly the natural 'Jutirie. ii may be advantageously used in chan.ied lint, excoriations about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and aa a dressing in aurgical era. lions. The proprietor feel great. confidence In present ing tne above article for use, believing It will prove fully adequa'e to the ends proposed, and Invalua ble as a medicinal remrdy. tor rale by me Pro prietors, C. dcD. DaPUE. A LSO VKTERIANRV GUTTA-PERCHA f COLLODION for Suddlcand Harness Galls. Wounds and sores on norses. r or aaie by tne pro prietors, u. ox l. UUt'KK, , Hay 20. Prugglsis, Wilmington. N.C. winesandTiquo rsT I f RBLS extta old Nctar Whiskey I W 1 0 bbls. old Vanniseee do. 2 cases Chateau Lateur Clare I ; 1 " Pale Brandy i 2 " Margaux Claret ; 2 St. Kmilion do.; 2 Naihuniel Johnson's Clarcl ; 2 casks Brandy. For sale by July 19. J. II. KLANNF.R. JUST RECEIVED AT the HARDWARE STORK Preserving Kettles, all alxes. Cut Nails all sizes and extra quality, Safetv.Fueeforblasiinc rocks. Hay. Straw and Miiick . utiers- tne best made. J M ROBINSON A CO. Sept. 4. ' 74 OWNER WANTED bTORONE BOX M F.RCHANDIZF. irom Hal. m. umarr, perrein. r.iiiw.!.. nv. ny, ., marked J. O. Huxglna. Stored and advertised far "ownei's account Aug. 18. RUSSELL 6VCro. LADIES AND CHILDREN? BELTS. VI 7 K have just reeelved by Express a very hand- VV somr lot of Hi lts, fashionable patterns, lo I which we would call the sneatlon ef the Isdies. tiHEPARD 4 MVK.IIM, Aag. 25. Granite Row. O C.nfM'B- WAYNK CO. BACON. Hog J JVsl Round, for aaie by March 31. u. ucrur.su. ' NOTICE. THOSE indrbted to ma Indlvidaally, or la C. DcPKK At CO., will please eall and make pay. eat without deity, aa farther Indulgence cannot be elven. UBrnf-. Mavl7. . 28 FRENCH 31 AD E HATS. WE have this day opened a handsome lot of the latest style Gems soft French Fell Hats, fashionable colors and shines, lo which we Invite attention. bHKrlKUav MYKK8. Aag. 25. Hal and Can Eaaporiasa. THE QUEEN CITY, TTS Hysterica and Mi aeries, by C. P. Blekley, A Ka ant bor ot UitnUL the Keaeeade. tb Kt- val K.rents, ar, c Keceived and for sale at Sept. la. -8. W. WUiTAKKU-a. . WASTE. 70a cleaaiag Machinery, I" era 1 and foe sale L by liljsaKL.L. a. pu". Jalv 14. ' ! ii .1 "... TTT, RECEIFED, r Rio CetTee, drtrd. CJ r i " .--. For aula for . DOCT. JOHNSTON, IIAKTIMUKC LOCK IIOSTITAl.. VT7IIKRK may b oblalnrd llie moxt tprerfyy " pleasant and effectual ri-niidy in the w !l i or an SECUFT DISF.ASKU. Gonorrhoa. Gleets. Strictures. Scnilnsl v k-- nest. Paina In the Loins. Constitutional L tih v Impotcncy, Weakness f the Hack ni l Limbs, Af fections of the Kidneys, Pa'plKirton of the Heart Uyiet8la,Ne. vous Jrritsbl Jir. I)lesss ol ir.e Head, Throat Nose or Skin I "and all I lions serious and meiaiicholv disorders a rirlni; fiom the di-mruc- ii. c niuuifii i uain, wiiktii u pi roy ifn ii vvq j m rir mind, those seem and solitary pro ii. m. K.t.f to their vietinis than the sont of tfi byttut t the mariners c-f Ulyssesf. blighting their mo.i bin lisnt hopes or antieipsilons, rendering muni die, impossible. t rt ruin ti'r , Especially, who Lave become ihe victims i f Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit annually sweeps to an untimely prave llioiinnn.1i, f ?'oong men of the most e tailed tularin snd Liia.unt" ntellect, who might otherwise have riitrsfurd In. tening Senates with the jhunders of e)iii rif , i t waked to ecatacy the living lyre, may cahvinn full1 confidence. - MA ft II I AGE. Married pron. or those contemnla tl ns ma rtl.tr r. being awareof physical weakness, shooid hum. i alely consult Dr. J., and b restored io nr.. .t health. He who places himself undsrthe careof Dr. Jol.n- ston may religiously confide In his honor aa a fn- tletnsn,and conndently rely upon hlsskill ass phy sician. , OFKICK. Io. 7, SOUTH FREDltttlCK St.. 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St.. (essl side, UP THE STEPS. rVRE PA RTICULA R I n observing the NAME and NUMIi ER. nr yon will nilntnke iiipisro. A CURE IN TWO DA YS, OltNU CHARGE No Mercury or Nauseous Drugt Used TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johksto is the onlv recularlv Edurslid Physician who advertises his vety ci n.ive i'rsc lise. and his msny Wonderfnl Curs Is a sufliek-nt guarantee to the a Alien d. Thvt kio rii to be tpttdily and effectually cured, tlunild ehun the nunierJ ou trifling imtoter, who only ruin their hiolihy ana sjpiy to ur. jonnston. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surcton London graduate from one of the most emlnrnt Colli ies of ihe United Stales. and the rrcater ran ol ho life has been spent in the HospKuls of London, PsM is. pnuautlpnia. and elsewhere, lias ellecled some of the most sstonlshing curus thai were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in lliueaia and bend when asleep, areat nervournsrs, being lnrin(d it sudden sounds, snd bashiuinrps. with' frcqnen blushing.atiended aometinies with dcrsngi m enl ut mind, were cured immediately. . A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mlcuided and Inmi uitii.t tolnrv tit pleasure finds he hss imbibed the si eds of .hi painful disease, it too often happens thai an Ill-timed sense of shsme, or dread of discovery, duters him from applying to Ihose who, I nun tducallon and respectability, can alone brfrii-nd liim, delay tna; till Iheconrr4 utional ysniptoms of thislioriia disease make their appcorarre, su h ul intid soro thrnst. dUesM-d no-e, nor'tursl pains in thu hesd snd limbs, dimness of tluht, deafueis, nodve on the shin bones and arms, Lhjtches on ihe htta, face snd ralremilles progress on with frlyhllul ra pldlty, llll at last the pulufe of the mouth or the bones of the noso fall in. and ihe victim . f t L la awful dlscnrc becomes a horrid object of iiihiiU seratlon.till death puts s period lo his dreadful pil fering s, by ser.ding him in "that boning from whence no Irsvellcr returns." To such ilnr ! - Dr. Johnston nh-dgvs liimelffo preserve thu iuut inviolable secret yi snd, from hi Is exfnlve prne- tice In the first Horiiltalsin Ettrone snd A tilt i N , hecan confidi nil v rt't-oiiiuirnd a snfo and ! .iy cure to the unforiuna'e vletiin of this lioirl.l ease. Il Is a melancholy fact, thai ihousunds lull victims lo this dreadful dwease, owing lo the nn- skilfulnrs s ol Ignorant prrlcndt-is, who. by the n.e of that deadly poison, mercury, tuln lli coniiltn' lion, and either a nd the unfortunate suflerrr lo n untimely grave, or clue umke the residue ol ).!' ml. erable. TAh'i: PARTICULAR NOTIVR. Dr. J. addresses all those Mho hnve Injured them selves by private and improper indnlcii rs. J lies are some of the sad and mriunrl olv tl' feels, produced by esily linbits of ymiili, vis t ' Wcnkneosof the Kuek snd Limb, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Kliht, Lars of Murrular Pow er, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, D) prpy . Nervous irritability Dersngemcnl f lie Digentlve Finn - Hons, Mineral Ucbtlity, syiMploma or Uunnump. lion, die. Mentally The fi srtul tileris on ihe mind m much to La dreaded Losnof Memory. Conf iitilim wf Ideas, Deiresiin of NpliiiK, Kvll Korebod in; , Aversion or 0 U tj-, Silf Ulslium, I.nvo of Moll lude. Timidity, &e.. are some of the evils prodiift-d. Inousanm of persons of sllflars, rnn now juuie what is the csure of their declinlnu hesdh. Lo. Ing their vigor, beeomlnj weuk, pule and ei-f led, hive a singular siiearunc utout ti. , couithsnd syiiiploms of cons umpilon. Married J'erton. or llioae eonlenitilalinir mnr. rlsge,bilng aware of physical weakness, .hoi.ld Immediately consult. Dr. . ond be ret lend to ptr- feet health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS., Ey tills great and linporisnt re fedy vei.kafti til the organs is speedily cured and full vlgi r restored. Thousands of the must Nervous snd Debilltsit d Individuals who hud lust all hope, bate bci n liuiiu diate y relieved. All linpedinicnis to MARltlAGE. Physical or Menial Diauxlift:at Ions, Nervous Jr. ritabilitv Tremblings snd V eaknrts, or ethntikiu.n of tho most fearlul kind, rpccdily eund by l)i Johnston. Young; men who have Injun d llm If a certain practice indulged in when t, i till mquently k"nrned irom evil coirj .f , ir si school, the ellects of which are ml; i i , ru n when asleep, and if not cured. rei..i. - i lafe impossible, and destroys both mind ml I y. What a pity lhat a young man, the I" ; i country, and tne darling ol Ills parents, tumni d snatched from all prospects snd enjoy mrnis ol !.!-, by the consequences ol deviating Irom the path i nature, and indulelng In a certain secret haLlt Sac persona, before comcmpiutirg MARXIAGE, Should relteet that s sound mind and body are ih most necessary requltdns to pruiot coniioLl.il l,. Ind-x3. Without Itiese. llio lonrm I Indeed, Without ttiese. tlio jonrm y ....;.... itr- become a wean nlljrlmevei the r-roe peet hourly darkens lo Ihe view j the ruind s- ni'i shadowed with despair and filled with the in. Ijo-1-holy reflection that the hspplners ol snothif be eoniea blishted with our awn. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FRKfiI-.niCK.-hT., ISAi.TiMoac, hlo. AllHnrgleal Operations l"r 1 lv"iird. N. B- Let no f4lae delicacy prevent yon, but apply Immediately either perunnl!y or l) kutf. klu Ilseaea Jiwedlly ( urrd. TO STRANGI- liH. The many Ikoutind cured si this Institution lih Jnthslait I en yists, snd rumfron. 1 1 ( t .r- tant Surgical Operations perfoinxd v I r. J.. wit nessed by th Reporters ef the .u!. i i""" ether persons. BMMiees of wMrh ha ( . ..i .1 Km and again befor the public, Is a snrln n ni r '!"" -tee that the affile ltd will find a skilful snd bono!-, blepht sician TAKE NOTlCr. It Is with the er. 1 r ' ! -' ' ' ' " STUN permit I. i 1 " ! ' deeming It ajnprf 1 ' I " Use, bat anlesa !; . 1 ' irangera, eould ri'.f 1 i i ' -f those iniliudrnt. h" ' ' dVstltiits of know), ii, , jr, shoemakers. tnm.t-.: s 1.4 . & c ,a .tl w. 11 un.t selvea as pnysiciansi 1, luimr trti fault of Grt neroons who csnnot be found, on 1 ' ' - ' dollars from lha Worthless snd I). , ' " iher eanniag snd eontrmfittble am- iheaml-id, irintng nictiiti sfier aa po.ibU.fd In drsfialr, Irav f" ' health. to hivh over yoor f allinv di' t"' It l this motive that Indaees lr.J. for a ofoM cm nr. yem. To th"' wlthhlrrpntartn. he ' ' lhat hia credentials rdl.lniaa sl i! WEAKNESS ' tared, and full " ., . , T T" t t. !- ' ' - - Ml Jkk.tTbV MA L J . ' , , All f '"-r. mom 1 - r.nJ Stan t t - f, k 1 ' J i"', I -1 a 1 1 l 4 tait' '.ii4J(si-afc 1. '

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