- v.' - : IT. ' 11- . . 1 1 iii 111 i I - m 4 WHOLE NUMBER UCS WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1855. VOLUME X NUMBER 98. i . l !. . a j, g .,jb- . sr i . m - - i a a i l a i a svy sy u-j MADNESS OF GEORGE THE THIRD. Little is known respecting the nature . at the delusions which possessed . the king's mind, but the following passage from Lord.EIdon's papers indicates one of them: '.'It was agreed that if any feature of the king's malady appeared during the presence of the council. Sir Halford should on receiving a signal from me endeavor to recall him from . his aberrations; and, accordingly, when his majesty ." appeared to be addressing himself to two of the persons whom he tnost favored in his early life, long dead, Sir Hejy observed: "Your majes ty has, I believe, forgotten that and - both died many years ago." ''True," . was the reply, -'died to you and the World hi general. but. not to me. You, Sir Henry, are forgetting -that I have the powjer of holding intercourse with those whom yoa call dead. Yes, Sir Henry Halford," continued he, assuming a Iighte manner, "it is yain, so far as I am concerned, that you kill your pa tients, Yes, Dr.' Baillie : but, Baillie, Baillie," pursued he, with resumed grav ity'! don't know. He is an anato mist; he dissects his patients ; and then it would not be a resuscitation merely, but a reaction, and that I think, is be yond my power." : The following memoranda of his con dition from 1813 till his death are given by anonymous writer, but are well au thenticated, I believe, and 'comprise all that I have been able to find respecting this period : "At intervals he still took a lively interest in politics. His percep tion was good, though mixed up with a nuMber of erroneous ideas; his memo ry was tenacious, but his judgement un settled; and the loss of royal authority seemed constantly to prey upon?' his mind. Hiirbalady seemed rather to increase than abate up to the year 1814, when, at the time the allied sovereigns arrived in England, he evinced indica tions of returning reason, and was made acquainted with the astonishing events ' which had recently occurred The queen, one day. found the afflic-. ted monarch engaged in singing a hymn, and accompanying himsels on the harp sichord. After h3 concluded the hymn, he kuelt "down, prayed for his family - and the nation, and earnestly supplica ted for the complete restoration of his mental powers. He then burst 5 into tears, and his reason suddenly left him.' , But he afterwards had, occasionally, ln- cid moments. One morning, hearing a . bell toll, he asked who was dead. 'Please -your majesty," said an attend ant, "Mrs. S." "Mrs." V! rejoined the king; she was a-, linen draper, at the corner of street, and brough up her family in the fear of God. " She has gone to heaven; I hope that 1 shall soon follow her." He now became deaf, im bibed the idea that he was dead,' and said, "1 must have a suit of black, in memory of George III., for whom there is general mourning." : r In 1817 he appeared, to have a faint glimmering ot reason again; his sense of hearing returned more acute than ever, and he could distinguish persons by their footsteps. He like wise, recol lected that he mad. a memorandum many years before, and it was found exactly where he iudicated. After 1818 he occupied a long suit of room, in which were placed several pianos and liarpsi ' chords; at these he would frequently stop during his walk, play a few notes from Handel, and then stroll on."- He seemed cheerful, and would sometimes talk aloud, as if addressing some noble man ; but his discourse bore reference to only past events, for he had no know ledge of recent circumstances, either po litical jar domestic. Toward the end of 1819 his appetite began to fail. In January, 1820, it was found impossible to keep him warni; his remaining teeth . dropped out, and he was almost reduced -to a skeIeton.r On the 17ih he was con fined wholly to his bed, and on the 29th ot January, 1820, he died, ased 82 years." - American Journal of Insanity. LULU AND NETTIE. -Mama," said Nettie, "what, makes sister sleep so long ? Wont she be cold in the parlor without any covering ?- 1 went m just now to see if she had waked up, aiid .when I put my hand on tiers, tt teas so coldl Mama, please . tei me put someining over her. ln "Jly darling," said Mrs. Lee, taking her little daughter on her lap, "your sis-? ; ter Lula is a lovely angel in Heaven, And cannot be cold or sick "again, for she is iti Jesus arms, who loves the little Iambs, and takes them up to him be fore they are corrupted by sin." . ; "Mama, I wish I could go to Heaven too, and then Jesus would take me. in his arms and I should not be sick ; any more. Mama, I love Jesus." ? ' , " She fixed her eyes on her mother in such, a loving manner, tha t AI rs, Lee wept when she - thought of her other , darling, now singing the praise of her Redeemer in Heaven. She led Nettie to the room, so silent and gloomy, where : Lula lay pale and beautiful, in her pure ..white robe She did not look as if she were dead, but only sleeping, A sweet 1 smile played still on her countenance. Nettie gazed in silent awe and grief on her much-loved sister ; she did uot ful ly comprehend what Death-the grim monster, at whose approach strong men quaUand tremble could be. Mrs. Lee repeated to her the story ot her Savior's , Jove and death; and told her that Lula now had wings, and a beautiful golden harp, and sang with "the other angels the praise of God. That passage from the Communion Service, "Therefore, with angels and archangels, and all the company of Heaven, we laud and mag nify Thy glorious name, evermore, praising Thee and saying, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God ot hosts, Heaven and earth are frail of Thy glory: Glory be to Thee. O Lord, Most High !" came a- cross her mind, and she repeated it to Nettie. ' "Mama," said the child, her counten ance glowing with excitement, "when 1 go to Heaven,' I will ask God to send you a pair' of wings, so that you may; come too. Lulu will be so glad to see J us r Mrs. Lee told her she must be good arid love Jesus, and He would take her to Heaven m His own good time. Lulu and Nettie were twins. Lulu had always been more fragile and deli cate than Nettie, though both were fair and seemed more fit lor Heaven than earth. Mrs. Lee had only two children, and not a year before the time at which our story commences had lost her husband, a man- of God, loved and respected by all. He was a phj'sician rich, not in this world's goods, but in good works ; the poor and needy afwavs found a friend in him; and Mrs. Lee found herself bereft of one of her darling children. She had loved both almost to idolatry, but Lulu being more gentle and delicate than her 'sister, she sometimes fancied she loved her most ; but she was devotedly attached to both.- She led Nettie, to her cham ber, and after hearing her simple prayer, put her to bed. Sleep on Little Nettie I . May thy future life be pure and happy as now 1 ANTI-AMERICAN SPIRIT. Under the foregoing caption the Galves ton Confederate, of the 23th ult., contains some very just and forcible observations, which we append. ,. 1 he editor speaks bold ly and truly. Among the many singular circumstances developed by the present condition of par ties in the Union, none has ever occasioned more astonishment and sincere regret than the vindictive hatred and diabolical passions which have been excited by the simple af firmation of the American party, that our citizens, in all the relations which citizens sustain to their government, are more relia ble, more intelligent, more patriotic and more national than the mass of foreigners who land upon our shores, and whose coun try, home, friends, prejudices, education and sympathies have been, and still are, with the soil that gave them birth. We say that what has most astonished us is, that we should have been met jut here upon the very threshold, and the issue made upon this question between Americans themselves. That foreigners, or at least the great mass of them, should have teen found arrayed against the American party; that their feel ings and prejudices should have overpower ed their better impulses and calmer judg ments, is not strange. This, perhaps, was the only difficulty which the American party at first appre hended. But certainly it could not have been foreseen that the principal opposition was to come from Americans themselves, and the fiercest opposition, the most unre lenting hatred, the lowest abuse, lhe"most unblushing falsehood, the vilest calumny, and the basest"! treachery, were to be en countered among men who share with us this glorious Union as a birthright. And yet, we deeply lament that such is the case; that Americans -have far outstripped for eigners in the effort to cast o Jium upon their country. lheyhave not hesitated to use every means to subserve this purpose the pulpit and the iireside have been alike in vaded ; they have torn open with a ruthless hand, the bleeding heart of the country, un furled upon its sacred soil the flags of for eign potentates, and attempted, by every means within their power, to extinguish that spirit of nationality which pervades the universe, and which owes its existence to the highest, purest and best impulses of human-nature. All this and more have they done. There can be ho crime com tniited, no outrage perpetrated, no law vio lated, no portion of the sotial compact bro ken ; in short, there is nothing that is mean, base, despicable and monstrous, of ; wh.ich these anti-American. Americans have not accused their countrymen, and there is nothing good, virtuous, high-minded or hon orable, which they are willing to accord them. Jf the Ameriean party be what the anti-American party say it is, what position should our country occupy in the eyes of tnc civitizeu wonu f ; - WHAT IS DISPEPSIA In nature, it is a cross between a tiger and a hyena, in temper, it is savage, in ap petite, ravenous. It gets into the pulpit and says dreadful bitter things, sometimes it gets in to the kitchen and scolds the cook. It is long visaged; sour, faced, and melan choly. It feels as if the world was made on purpose to be found fault with. It sheds bushels of tears and speaks "cross to the best of husbands-" It has the headache, the backache, the toeache, the toothache, it don't know what it has. , Dyspepsia eats dry toast at home, feels hungry by and bye, goes into an eating house and eats hot pudding. Consequen ceschildren cry, wife cries, and the cat gets trodden on. Consequences continued nightmares of all Borts and sizes, hide ous groans and disinclination to live any longer: next morning. Writes hard .things against itself, and. if sincerely religious, ac counts itself ten time3 worse than- the chief of sinners, and hangs its head like a bul rush, Mem. the bulrush don't know any better. ""vVr . '" " "- .-" Q I dyspepsia ! thou subtle, malicious, torturing-,; desolating, deceiving, racking, burning, miserable, venomous thingmen curse thee. Though comparatively free from thy power, yet for the sake of man kind, would that w could crush thee, thou tormenting little fiend. Half the - miser; that humanity endures is brought about ' ' thee. Half the doleful books that are writ ten, and the miserable sermons preached, and the carping editorials concocted, and the scorching criticisms that make auth ors' hearts break into little pieces arev thy progeny. Up and let usdrive this horror from our midst. Mince pies are its allies, soups and late suppers are its Sebastopols; General "ha, ha" is the only successful conqueror, and the implements of his war fare are pick axes and shovels. Olive Branch. , ; ' A barrister observed to a. learned broth er in Court, that the wearing of whiskers was unprofessional. Right,' responded his friend, a lawyer cannot be too bare faced.' DISCOVERY OF A SEA. -Dr. Rebmanu, the explorer, has discov ered a sea in Equatorial Africa, which is twice as large as the Black Sea. It occu pies the vast space between the Equator and 10 degrees of south latitude, , and be tween 23 degrees and nearly 30 degrees of longitude East from Greenwich, having as its southeastern extremity Lake Nyassa attached to it like a tail piece. JUST RECEIVED. LADIES Black and fancy colored Gaiter ; Misses " " " " Gentlemen's calf and patent leather Congress Gaiters. For sale at low by - GEO. R. FRENCH. ? fllay 8. 24 DISSOLUTION. TH E Copartnership heretofon existing?' under the name and style of SUTTON, SOUTH MA YD & CO., was dissolved on the first of March. The business of the late firm will be set tled by SOUTH MA YD A. BRO. WM. SUTTON, . THOS. SOUTHMAYD, March 6lh, 1835. CH AS. SOUTHMAYD. COPARTNERSHIP. THE snb?eribers have formed a Copartnership, under the name and style of SOUTHMAYD & BRO.. Tor the purpose of carrying on the Blacksmith, Iron and Brass Foundry and Machi nery Business, in all itshranchs, at the stand for merly occupied bv KUTTON, SOUTHMAYD & CO., and would feolicit a share of patronage. THOS. SOUTHMAYD, March 6th, 1355. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. J5P"In consequence of above dissolution it has become necessary that all notes nd accounts due the late firm, be felt led immediately. The sub scribers will pay all debts due by the late firm. SOUTH MA YD & BRO. ViImin2ton. March 6th, 1855. - FEATHER DUSTERS. " A FULL assortment rf plain and fancy colored Cornice, Bells, Fly, Piano, Counter, and Toy Dusters, just received, to which the attention of the Ladies is respectfully invited. Call at L N. BARLOW'S. April 28. No. 3, Granite Row. ICE! ICEf! ICE!!! THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE will be opened for delivery of Ice from tho first day of April to the first day of November between junriseond guntet. On Sundays, will close, pot Uictly, at 9i, A. M. Ice ordered for the country will be well packed and promptly forwarded at all times. All orders for Ice must be addressed to .Wil mington Ice House. fTernis CASH in all cases. Tickets ean be procured if desired.. Persons ordering from a distance can make de posits of such sums as will meet their orders. 2Price one cent per pound two cents per pound will be charged for any quantities less than three pounds. . . Ice will be furnished gratis to the sick and poor, provided they send an order from a physician, or a member of the visiting committee. A. H.VaxBOKKELEN, Proprietor. April 12th, 1855. - 12. " ROOTS AND SHOES. THE undersigned is continually receiving di rect from the Manufacturers, large supplies of Boots and Shoes of all the various kinds, and has now on hand, a good assortment of Men's 4i Boys' thick kip and calf skin Brogans. Received this week. a few cases Gentlemen's fine calfskin Boots, uitable for the Spring and Summer trade. For sale wholesale ana retail. Boots and Shoes Manufactured to Older. 7 Also, for sale, Grey's Ointment and Perry Davis Vegetable Pain Killer. GEO. R. FRENCH.' i April H. 13-tf - RYE WHISKEY. . I n DOZ. Bottles pure old Kye.Whiakey, of su- 1 'W penor quality. For sale by April 10. L,N. BARLOW. MARSAILES QUILTS, and MOSQUITO NETTING, for sale low, for cash, at WILKINSON cVESLER'S, Aptil 17. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. WROUGHT NAILS. 20 KEGS Wrought sale by -. Naili just rcceited. For J. R. BLOSSOM. 93 OcU 17. THE GREAT IRON WHEEL. OR Republicanism Backwards, and Christianity Reversed. In a series of Letters addressed to J. Soule.senior Bishop of the M.E. Church. Sou h By J, R. Graves, Editor of the 'Tennessee Bnp- tti, ' ssnvine. jusi puousnea, received and lor sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Aug. 23. 27 AUCTION SALE CONTINUED. THE SALE at the store of H & J. Mayer will be continued on Tuesday next, 2d proximo, when the entire stock of - " DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FANCY -ARTICLES, &c., &c. will be offered. ' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, .. M. . ' P. S. A lar?e lot of Carpeting sorre of supe rior quality will be offered as above, on Wednes day. . M. CRONLY, Auct. sept. 29. . 86 WHEAT BRAN. A VERY Superior article of Wheat Bran, for sale - D. DoPRE, Jr. Oct. 6. 83-tf. OWNER WANTED, FORI Desk and 3 Chairs, from Boston, per brig Niagara; marked W. H. B. A. Co. Stowed and advertised for owner's account. Sept. -cO. . RUSSELL BRO. WILKINSON & ESLER n AVE on hand, and mak. mnrdrr. Hair. Moss. lTX Shuck and Felt Mjttrasses, Pillows, Bols ters, Sheets. Cases, Spreads, Comfort Mosquito noma?; aiso repair rsoias. Chair, sc., or any kind of Upholsterer's work. . May 24. 31 COAL! COAL!! TVHE subscriber has msHa iii-, srranoements as -L will enable him to furnish COALi suitable for t-arior urates, ana booking Ranges, or the very best quality, at prices so low as to satisfy all reas onable persons. - -a . He would here state that he haa not vet charted any, and do?8 not intend to. Any persons desiring om wui pieasts ena mair orders to ml Affenc j William Clarke, and they will receive prompt at- iiuii, ji iLvumiuini Wltn foe C9SD. "S'Price a ton, delivered. : 4 ' A. H VANBOEKELEN. ct. 18." 93 BUSINESS CARDS. J.C.LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL AGENT WILMINGTON N. C. Oct. 1 , 1854. 85-ly-c. WILKINSON & ESLER, UPHOLSTERS & PAPER DANGERS, KEEP ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, MaltrcsseSy Feather Beds, Window Curtains and Fixtures. - All work in the above line done at shortest No lice. Wilmington, N.C., Market St. March 18, 1854. - 1. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Graeral Commission and Forwarding merchant Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments for Sale or Sulpment. Liberal tush adeaneet made on Continmenit lo me or to my New York frUndt. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854. 35 W.C.HOWARD, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Mcr caant, Wilmington, N. C. LiberalCash advances made on Consignments. Nov. 29, 1833. 169-tf JAMES AtrDSBSOK. IDWUniiHM. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. r Liberal cash advances made on consignments. March 27, 1854. . 94. RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB ELLIS, E 088 ELL & CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. T.iheral cash advances made on consignmentsof NavaiStores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1854. . C. & D.DaPRE. ........ .un ! I r f 1 I EH I If Drugs, Medlclues, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Old Liquors, Faucy Articles, &c, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, If. C. PreaeriDtionscarefullvcorapounded by experi enced persons. March 2H, lbo4. WILLIAM A. GWYExL General Ascnt;Forwardingi Commission Merchant. I take pleasure in Informing my friends, that 1 am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodatioss, Spirit House, ana Warehouse, uonsiirnmenis oi m.m Starea for sate or shipment t snd all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. April 18, 1854. io. WILLIAM n, PEARE, COLLECTOR ASD ADVERTISING AGENT- For Country Newspapers throughout the United State. Basement of Sun Iron BuSdinas, Baltimore street All business entrusted lotus care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. sept 7, 1634. ou-n T. C; & B. G. WORTn, COBMISSiON 1SD FOR WARDING MERCMSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1854. 125-c JOSEPH n.FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9 th, 1854. . 87-1 y-c. J AS. H. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. C. J as. II. Chadiouin. Geo. Chadbocbw. Jun. 1. 1854. 123. HENRY NUTT, , FACTOR AMD FORWARDING AG EST, WUlgive hU personal attention to business entrust ed to his care. Sept. 8. 1854. 75-Iy-c. " george"mTers, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confcctionarie,4-c. South Frontstreet, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. IS, 1853. 109- 7 GEORGE HOUSTON, niuLEir in Groceries,. Provisions, and Naral Stores ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, VESSEL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. .Aug. 2. 60-tf DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP. THE public are hereby Informed, that the co partnership heretolore existing between the undersigned, under the name and firm of W. M. Sherwood & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due by the firm will be pre sented to W. M. Sherwood for settlement, and all accounts and notes due them must be paid imme diately to close the business. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. VM. A. GWVRR. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD will continue the business as heretofore. Sept. 1. - , . - T FRESH IMPORTATIONS. JUST Received, ihis day, 100 bbU. assorted Li quors. Wines and Cordials ; French Brandy, in eighth pipes t Anneseed Cordial; Perfect Lovej Blackberry Brandy i Extra New Batter t Corned Beef Tonznes; No. 1 Mackerel, Ac, At the orig inal Family Grocery, Front street. Mav 12. - GEO. MYERS. PUBLIC HALL. THE MASONIC HALL is offered for publ Exhibitions, Lectures or Entertainment. Oct. 6. P. W. FANNING, Agt. q CONSIGNMENT. Qfi BBLS. Flour, Orange and Guilford barnds. OU 10 extra old Rye Whiskey. 500 lbs. new Feathers. 100 empty Spirit Casks. For sale in lots to suit, by T. C- & B. G. WORTH. cjt.8. . - ' . 76 POTASH. OnrVYLBS. POTASH for making Soap. For ZJJJ safe by , CoiD.DcPRE, Wholesale Druggist, 45 Market t. Oct. 13. 91. THIS DAY RECEIVED. GCi BBLS. Mullets, in pork barrels, and for sale -CUby WILLIS II. SHERWOOD. Sept. 2Q. - - ' 81 LOST. ON SATURDAY,' 6th Inst, between Walker's Ferry and Wilmington, a Portmonaie con taining a small amoant In change, and several papers among them is a r te on T. W. Dunham, tor One Thousand Dollars, dated about the 6th of July last, payable to the subscriber. Tha other papers are not recollected but presume mostly re ceipts. A liberal reward will be given. , JAMES E. METTS. Oct. 9. 89-tf. BUSINESS CARDS. . HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. oio. Boom. l DBABSoa. Wat. I Moorsa. July 28. . . - 68-tf ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., . COM M IS SIONMERC HANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 23. . - 68 A. n. YanBokkri.f.n. ' W. A. M. VanBoxxelem VANBOKKELEN & BROTHER, WIMINGTON, N. C. Manufacturers of and dealet s in Naval Stores. Storage and Wharfage for Produce furnished at fair rates under insurance, if desired. Jan.l. 122-tf. I. WE88EL. H. B. SI LE RS. WESSEL & EILERS. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS A. WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water St., Wll mlneton. N. C intend to keep at the above stand a generalassortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a GencralCommission Business. Rini Kirca t E. P.Hall.Pres't Br'ch Bank of the State. ) O. G. Parsley, Prcs't Commercial Bank. Wif. P. K.Dickinson, Esq . ) Poppe A Co. Ne . Dollner & Potter. $ ftew 1 orK Jan. 20 1854. 131. GEO. H.KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdooi to A. A. Wannet's,on North Watertt willattendto thesaleof allkindsof Country Pro duce, such arCorn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard.Ac. and willkecpconstantly on hand a full supplyof Groceries, Ac. References. Willes Hall. of Wayne, Jno VlcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway. Gen. Alx.. McRae. E. P. Hall, vVilmington, Wiley A.WalXei. " Dec. 13, 1853. 116-ly. f AS. P. GILLESPIE. ' GEO. S. GILLESPIE. JAMRS P. GILLESPIE Ac COM PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Pal lien larattentioa paid to the receipts and Sale of Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, f-c, f-e. March 30,1855. 6. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WIJ3IlNGTON, n. c. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes al a small commission. also t Strict attention givento the sale of Umber, Tur pentine, Tar, or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market atrcet, on the wharf. Jane 12. 1354. 33-Iy. D.CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 30. 84-tf T.C.WORTH, General Commission Merchant, SUAL advances made on consignmentsof Cot ton. Naval Stores and other produce. Pattieular attention civen by G. W. Davia to pur chasing cargoes, procuring freights for vessels, tc. March 2, li?54. 128-1 yc. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. (SCnCESSOKS TO THOS. ALIBOME & CO ) General CojnmNsion Merchants, .Vo 32, North XMiarves, ind fi3 North Water Sts. PHILADELrillA. . 1. HABVCT COCH11X, W. S. BD'SELL. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1354. 69-lf. , a. DOLLNER. G. POTTUR. jr. J. CAMEDDCIf. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK, i Apr! 1 30, 1854." 20-Iy. ' L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES ALE. PORTER, f-c. No. 3, Granite How, Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P55. HO-lf. BENNETT & BROKAW, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OP Hour, Grain and Seeds, Butler, Cheese, Lard. Dried Ffuiis, Smoked Meats and Pro visions. NO. 4, FRONT ST. NEAR THE BA TTER Y NEW YORK. To avoid errors and delays, it is desirable that consignors be very particular to put their initials upon Goods shipped to us for sale. June 14. 40-tf GLUE. OF the best quality, and Bun?s of all sizes always on hand. J. K. BLOSSOM. Nov. 4. 97. CUT HERRING. QC BBLS. Cut Herring, dry salted; 30 barrels 0J Round do.,ireah from New Foundlnnd. For sale by ADAMS, BRO. A. CO. April 24. 13. ORANGES AND LEMONS. RECEI VED-ihis day, in prime order, by L. N. BARLOW, June 16. No. 3. Granite Row. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for asle at The Commercial Office, the Rates of Pilotage for the Bar and River. 3J-r. BOARDING. A FEV Gentlemen can be accommodated with tx. Board arid pleasan: airy rooms, in Frontstreet, house next door north of tho Presbyterian Church. June 19, WINES AND LIQUORS. 1 f BBLS extra old Neciar WhisEey ; 1 J 10 bbls. old Vannissee do. 2 eases Chateaa Latenr-Claret j 1 " Pale Brandy : 2 " Marganx Claret 2 St. Erailion do.j , - 2 " Nathaniel Johnson's Clarej ; 21 casks Brandy. For sale by July 19. J. II. FLANNER. JUST RECEIVED AT the HARDWARE STORE Preserving Kettles, all sixes. Cut Nails air sizes and extra quality. 1 Safety-Fuse for blasting rocks. 'Hay, Straw and Shuck Cotters the best made. J. M. ROBINSON 4 CO. Sept. 4. " 7 hay - Ot BALES prime flay. Jest received, and for Ovi sale b . . T, C. 4, a O. WORTH. Sept. 15, - . .. , i 79-3t Zermu't Antl-KcerbntlcfToothwash. TO THE LADIES. NOTHING adds more lo beauty then clean, white Teeth, and Gams of healthy color. The most beautiful face and Vermillion lips ocenme repulsive, if the latter, when Ihev opeo, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wish clean, white Teeth, healthy Gems and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by C. A D. DoPRE, Agents, Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30. B4 PERFUMERY ! JUST received from New York and Phlladel jhiaj Gross Lubins's Extracts for the Handk'f do. do. Toilette Soaps i do. Glenny Mush Toilette Wsterj do. do. Verbena do. do. do. Yankee Soap do. Camphor Sonpt do. ' Pontine do. A lars4 assortment of Hair Brushes, anda num ber of fane' articles esually kept In Drug Stores. C. Sl D. DvPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct, 5. Marlcet-st., VVilmington, N. C. OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectlully inform thepublic that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dtc, the latest and most Improved style, and is constancy manufacturings! hisatore on market street, evefy description of artfflela the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that hewill beab'le to give entire satiafacllontoallwho mavfavor him with a call. Hehasnowoa hand, and willconstantly keeoa larae aasortmen tof Coach, Git: and Sultry Harness, Lady's Saddlts, Bridles, Whips, q-e.. Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips Spurs, de. all of which he will warrant to be ofr-t II the best materials and workmanahip. IP. i He has also a large aasortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet nags, Satchels, Vanry Trunks. Ac. snd sll other ar ticles usually kept In such establishments, all of wmcn neonertiowior UASn,or onshoricredli to prompt customers. Saddles, HarnessTrunks, Redical Bags, dtc. Ac, made to order. InadditioD tothe above the subicriberalwayi keepson hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and will kp through the season s good assortment of KIT Nl-Us. All are Invited to calf and examine my Goods, whethcrln want ornol.asl takepleasureiitahew ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a call. ' HarnesssndCoach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips ai wholesale. Allkindsof Riding Vehltlos bought r. . old on commissions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7, 1854. 138 J OW is the time to have your rooma snd pas sages papered with decorations, fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on hsnd, and superior workmen from New York, who will hang paper in latest style. WILKINSON & ESLER. July 22. Paper Hangera and Upholsterers. E. R. DURREE, 139 WATER STREET NEW-YORK, Mantifueturer and Proprietor of DUBKCE'S YE! ST 0(lBKIC PO.WDER, Importer and Dealer in CREAM TARTAR, SUP.CARB.SOOA, SAL SODA, CASTILE SOAP, BLACK LEAD, BRITISH LUSTRE, , REF'D PEARLASH, SALERATUS, COOKING EXTRACTS, . MATCHES-WAX awd WOOD. Dec. 23rd, 1854. HMyc MEDICATED GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. ' ANEW and Valuable Remedy for dressing Wounds, Cuts, Burns, snd Ulcers. It hat been tried successfully by Physician, snd found superior to any remedy of the kind now In use. It forms, when applied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, snd impervious to water, assimilating most perfectly the natural Cuticle. It may be advantageously used in chapped lips, excotislions about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera tions. The proprietors feel great confidence In present ing tho above article for use, believing it will prove fuUy adequate to the ends proposed, and Invalua ble as a medicinal remedy. For sale by the Pro prietnrs, C. & D. DuPRE. ALSO VETERIANRY GUTTAPERCHA COLLODION for Saddle snd Harness Galls, Wounds and sores on horses. For sale by the Pro prletors, C. & D. DuPRE, May 20. Druggists, Wilmington, N.C. NOTICE. THOSE Indebted tome indlviduslly, or to C. DuPRE &. CO., will please call and make pay. ment without deliy, aa further Indu'eenc cannot be (riven. C. DpPRE. May 17. 28 CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON. N.C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN, Proprietor. THE subscriber having purchased the en Ire In terest in the "-CLARENDON IRON WORKS." solicits orders for Steam Knglnes.of BDy power or style, Saw Mills of every variety, Mining Machinery and Pumps. Grist and Flour Ai ills, complete, Parkcr.Turbineand other Water-whcch, Rice-field Pumps and Engines, Leavitf 's Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Thrashers, Shingle Machines, Shading Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins snd Goat Ing, Iron Castings of all kinds snd patterns, Brass - , " Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, Blicksraith work of all kinds. Iron Doors for Houaes and Jails. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-oreanixed lor the express purpose of insuring punctually In tha execution of all or der, ihcpublie mav rest satisfied that aay work which m-iy oHjt will by promptly delivered accord ing to promise, snd of such workmsnshlp as csn not fail toj;ive satisfaction. TUB MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Beimr in charge of menol talents and experience. I have no hesitation in saying that the work here after tnrned out, shall compare favorably In every respect wlin I hat ot tM most celebrated in tne States, and at prices which will make it to the in terest of all in want to send me their orders. f REPAIR WORK Always done without delay and haviar a Urge force for that purpose, it wilt prove advantageous to any person needing sach to give me the prefer ence withoat regard to expense of sending; same from a distance. Orders will b addressed to "Clarendon Iron Works,1 Wilmington N C. A. II. VANBOEKELEN. Oct. 15. 1 02-tf. JUST RECEIVED BYG.R. FRENCII, AFRESH supply of PER RY DAVIS VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nsw Da ess. To be sere that yoa mcl the eenulne Med icine, inquire for tha New Drees with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. Aptil IS.- a-w. CLOTHES DRYING MACHINES ! W, L. S. TOWNS H EN D has still on hand s few Clothes Drrlnx Machines! a areal convenience and great saving, of labor also an assortment of Jelly Strainers and patent metal Milk Pane. " March 6- , M7- DOCT. JOIINSTOi;, HALTIMOni: LOCK HOXI'ITAI,. WHERE maybe obtained the moot f" pleasant and effectual rcmsdy la the -for all SECRET DISEASES. Gonorrhoss, Gleets, Slrlrlarrs, Sritilml V. . nese, Pains In the Loins, Constitutional Irl . Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Ltmt , , fectlons of the Kidneys, Palpitation of tha 1. Dysnepss,Nrvoue Jrrlisbllty, llr, ,f , Head, Tnroat Nose or Skla sod all tho aril snd melancholy disorders arUIng from the dent five hsbltsof Yoath, which drsiroy !i li to.ir mind, those secret and solitary prmrilrts mmt , to their victims than the sonv of the fcyrn. the mariners of Ulyssess, blighting th'lr nit l 1 llanl hopes or satlclpations, rendering rnatil dtc, impossible. YOUNG MEN. Especially, who hsve become the victims of .CV ry IV., that dreadful and destructive hallt v. I annually sweeps to an untimely grsve ihoimnn. ' young men bf the most esalted talents and bit intellect, who inlpht otherwise have entrant rui t tening Senates with the thunders of eiirni', waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call wUli ( confidence. MA II III AG Married prm, or IhoM ennlempl tl hisril . being awareof physical weakness, shouU I mm. ately consult Dr. J., and be restorrd lo pvn . health. lit who places himself underthecareof Dr. Jol.it -eton msy religiously confide In his honor as a - tlemsn,and confidently rely upon hissklll asa j ny -slcian. OFFICE. No. 7.80UTII FREDERICK St., 7 DOORS FROM BALTIMORE St., (at st.i UP THE STEPS. ORE PARTICULAR In observing the NAM.". and NUMBKIt. ot you will mlataks the nlsrx. A CURE IN TWO OA YS, OR AO CllAltUV.. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. TAKE NOTICE. Da. Johbsto Is the only rrgulsily CJin-.i. Physician who advertises his veiy ralenalve I'm. tise. and his msny Wonderful Cures Is a sutiu W. i gusrsntee to the sfliiclrd. 77o vh vi.i to lr speedily and t factually cured, should shun the numn -ous trifling hntntters, who only ruin thlr hial.h, and sjiply lo Dr. Johnston. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal Collrgo of Surgeons, Londor ; graduate from one of the most eminent Collrpr i.i the United Stales, and the greater part of v.lmft life haa been spent In the Ho. pit Is of London, Wr it. Philadelphia, and claewhcrn, has elleclrd ai.,o of the most astonishing curss thai were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears and ! 1 vhrn asleep, great nervotianssa, being alarmrd t audden Bounds, and bashfuiness. wtih frrquant blushing, attended eomctinwe with dtrangimeiil i-f mind, were cured Immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the ml.guidvd and imprudent votary r,f pleaaure finds he has Imbibed the steds if painful disease, it too often happens thai an III w -ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, dn. him from applying lo those who, Irom ducnii'.u and retpectability.can alone bf friend hi in, di l y Ing till theconftf-utlonal.ysnipioms of ihla hon, I disease make their appearance, sui h as ulivmt I sore throat. dlaessd note, noclural palna in n head and limbs, diuim-as of allil, doalnr.a, no.i. on the shin bones and arms, blotches on Ihe hi-a.t, fsce and extremities, progress on with frltrhtful ra pidity, till at Inst the piilate of the tnouili or H o bonesof the nose loll In. and the vlnlin ,,r i - awful disease becomes a horrid object of cmhiuix ration, till death puts a period lo his dreadlul ! fcrlnga, by sending him lo " thai houirie It , i whence no traveller returns." To such ihrrsln'e. Dr. Johniton pledges hlmaelf to preserve tho n.. ,i Inviolable secrecy and, from his eJtien.lvo fi ." tlce In the first Hospltnlatn Europe and Awem n, he ean confidently recommends snfesnd sper cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid di ease. It Is a melancholy fact, thai thousands fll victims to this dreadful disease, owl n to iUe vn sktlfulness of Ignorant pretenders, who, by the ur of thst deadly poison, mercury, ruin the conrtliu tion, ana either send the unfortunate sullerer lo sn untimely grave, or else make the residue of life ml. era ble. TAKE PAIITICULMI NOTICE. Dr. J.sddreascsalllhose who have Injured thrtn. selves by private and Improper indulgence. These s re some of the sad and icln holy f fects. produced by estly habits of y..uih, via : Weakne.sof the Back and Llmba, Pains 'in tho Head. Dimness of. Sight, Loss of Muscnlur Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyapepay. Nrrvous Irritability Derangement sf the Digeative f urn . tlons, Gneral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, dtc. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind sre much lo Lo dreaded Loan of Mrmorr, Cvnlualon of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Fortiori in pa. Aversion of Soekly, Self Dlslruat, Love of Soli tude. Timidity, die. .are some of evils produced. Thousands ot persons of sll ages, can now juiln what is the cause of their declining liealrh. l.oa ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale end emacia ted, have s singular appearance about the eic couch and symptoms of consumption. ' Married Per tons, or those contemplating rnar risge, bflng aware of phvaical weakness, houl.t Immediately consul! Dr. J. and be (ettorrd lo per feet health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING nF.Ml-.'. D V FOR ORGANIC VEAKNL5S. By this gresl and important remedy wnlnrri i f the organs is speedily cured snd full vigi r r won t. Thouaandaof the moat Aervous snd Deblliiatrd Individuals who had lost all hope, have been Imme diately relieved. AH impediments lo MARRIAGE. Phyaical or Menial Disqualifications, Nervous-Ir-rltabllitv Tremblings snd Heakne.s, or exhauxtlon of the most fearful kind, speedily rurtd by i'r Johnston. Young men who have Injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit friquenily ktnrned from evil compnnlona, or a I school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders manlau impossible. and deatroys both mind and body. Whsta pity that s yoong man, the hope of tils country, and the darling of his parents, should t snatched from all prospects and enjoy merits of Mr, by the consequences of deviating from the pmh of nature, and indulging In s certain secret habit. Su persons, before contemplaling MARXIAGE, Should reflect thul a sound mind and body are flio most necessary requisites to promote com.nLi.il hsppiness. Inde-d, without these, the iourney through life becomae a wear pilgrimage) lfe pn -pect hourly darkens to the v lew the Inind keeemi a shadowed with despair snd filled with tha mei.n tholy reflection ihallhe happiness of another be. eomee blighted with oor own. OFFICK NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., IIaltimobc, flo. All farcical Operations l"ei tur-ucd. N. B- Let no false dulicary prevent you, but apply Immediately either perronaily orb) letter. Hkla Ilee- ftpefdiiy Cared. TO STUANtil lta.. The many thousands cured si this Institution v. I h lathelatt ten years, snd the numerous Impor tant Surgical Operations pe, formed by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Rportere of the papers, and manr other pereons, notices of which have appeared... ifin and again before the public, is a sufficient fuar.n tae thst the afliLcted will find a skilful sad honora ble physician. TAKE NOTICE. It is with thegreafesl reluctance that Dr. JOHN STON permits his card lo sppesr before i!,e p utile, deeming it unprofessional for a ph vaU.ian te silver tise, but enlesa he did so, the al. ici. l, ep laijy strangers, emld not fail lo fall Into the hande of those impudent, boaating Impoetete, lm)iiiuuia destitute of knowledge, name and character, pd lars, shoeraskers, mechanics, Ve., advert!. Ine them selves as physicians i I4rn0r.nl quarks, with 7'iy lying certificate of Great Uon- ' t'vre lrni persons who cannot be found, ' r a f. w dollar. from Ihs Worthless snt ' - r other canning a nd eontempi. " the afflicted, irifiiog menih at 1 aa poesible.snd ia despair, l J health. to lah over your y-''ifi 1 1. It ! this motive that In.i . al'r.J. .1 r i.e. for h alom scan curt y- 'to thoee 1 (.ini.d with his repuutlon. 6 daema It ?' tr i .y that his credentials or diplomas alwsya l.ar.g int.is Office. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS lmrn j;at. Iy cured. and fell vlov restored. fVALL LETTERS POST-PAID ICI'.JJ V. dikSskntbv MAIL. All liners moat be Paid and contain a Poatage Stamp for the reply, or bo answer will M .-ri. Jsa.fih, 13:v. . IU t, p.