nr-Receipts Jargp. In Sonthem t?,f been at 9,371 a 89 60 for common, 9,o or , and .10 10,75 for the eof B The sales bave I een mii " ' uixed : Southern yellow inaraait iois ,vo and a lot of white at 97e per mis. f -1 Kinm Th transactions in Spirits Tur- . ah ntr gallon cash, but rtti n Af anrw in Southern manteis, noi it the close are asking 60c. cash. In iar har been sales of 2 a 3UU Dtl H orlti uobd- U Wilmington at S3 25 a 3,60 per bob 6 la Bosin sales or 4UU bbis. common, van L-rw.rt at 1 80 a SI 871. and 50 bbls.' No. 1 fin wr bUI. H mos. In Pi ten. sales oi iuu Northern at i-2 25, 6 tiros, for export. Imports frtm January to Oct. 24. . 1855 1P64. h.ubjV: f ; G3.450 . ,44 175 ootine" bbls. 1Z7 7 ou t Tri Mift Lbla. 17.G29 12 833 buls. 2 370 bids. , 18 923 lS.&Vtt f life stock of Ibis article is ve ry light and ins- ttt any const-mience doing. Small tales JjHtbero at5t a 6c jxrr lb. cash. CHARLESTON MARKET. 2!1 . Pnttn n demand to-day was of fiii mated and exciting character, during which market mnn than fiiilv recovered the decline rterf since the Aftioa's advices. The sales a- lmted to some 2,860 bales at Si a 9r. A DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. he Baltimore Sun savs : We were shown 'on kirday a counterfeit $10 note -on "the - Western k of Baltimore, done by the pnotograpnic pro- which was calculated to deceive almost any bon. it was in tne possession oi.jir. i reuerxciv ... ... . P H a :i knev. Denoty State's Attorney, who was about vring an indictment ngainst the man who had sed it. JUST RECEIVING, r Sctrjv it. ci. Lnerm mi oin is. tvuson, direct from New York. hlfrc finest lot of Frait. consisting of Apples, Oranges and Lemons, and a large, lot f Jel- a. Sweetmeat.- Also, Brandy Fruits, such as aches. Pears. Pine Apples, &c. JA Cab is solicited at the Market street Broadway rtety Store, under the Heral Omcc JOct. 23. VV. H. UeNKALK. CURRANTS AND CITRON. INK and fresh, lust received at the Market St. Broadway Variety St re. 30 bbls. of the best family Irish Potatoes for sale. Oct 23- VV. H, UlKKALE. NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES. pHK Subscriber haviiif just returned from the A. XSorth with a select iiockoi menerai urocer o1T.!rs them at the lowest possible prices, whole Me and retail they consist ,in part of 10b bags totlee, Java, Lagoira and llio, 0 half Chests h l : .t 1l.. .-. . 1)K Urrc1a uars, Crushed. Powdered and Clarified; Liquors, Vines. ChlmDaiiins. Brandies of the most choice riaracters. In fact our Llouors are the test selec ion ever oflfered in this market. Old Madeira and rt Wine of the best Vintages. Bottled Liquors f every varietv for Medical purposes; I pipe Of he celebrated Old Tom Gin, Scheidani Schnapns, Hibborts V ild Cherry Bitters. I50.00U Scgais, till grades. - Goshen Butter. Iresh weekly; Smoked Beef, JBeef Tongues, Fulton Market Beef, Salmon, Mack Urel. Codfish. Herrina. Cheese English and Imi tation. Bacon. Port. Stuart's tyrup, t perm ami Whale Oil, Fruits in every variety, Nuts, Stuart's Confectionary, Market Baskets, Clothes. Baskets and Fancy Basket, Wash Tubs all kinds, Brass hooped Buckets, Common Buckets, Brooms, Trays, Sifters. Keeiers. Cup Tubs. Scrubs, and every va riety of Wood and Witlowware, Spices, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon; Pepper, Ginger, Mace,Choc olate. Isin??las8. Gelatin. Macar-oni, VerminiHi. Kaisins. Currants. Citron, Prunes, Pieseryed Gin ger, Sauced Salmon, Sardines, India Pickles, Stuffed Olives. . " Trnty thankful for past favors I hope to merit continuance of the same. . Respectfnllv, Oct. 4. ' -' GEO. M VERS r VENETIAN RED. TTl small packages, for 6ale by Sept. 11. GRO.HOUSTON. " NOTICE. ' . r HE. Citizens of the Town are hereby informed, .a. i ii a lain auvi. uuiilu ,t i.ii ait iiic . . : " ' istature ofthe State.'a book i now open at the Com mU&ioners Office, and will remain open each day, except Sundays, from 9 o'clock, A. M., until sunset, and on Thursdays and Saturdays until 9 o'clock, P. M., to and Jncludinsthe HOih day of November next, for the registration of the names and residences of such persons, inhabitants of the town, as are qualified to vote for members of the frlodse of Commons of the General Assembly such registration bcinjr requited to enable the said inhabitant to vote at the election for Commission era of the Town. - The citizens will bear in mind, that, by the terms ot. the Law, they can.vot vote for Commis sioners unless their namesTre registered at least one month before the day of election, which will ben tne xutn December. By order, - R. MORRIS, Town Clerk. Oct, 20. ; 9 1-120 N $10 REWARD. RANAWAY from Clarendon Steam Saw ; Mill, a week ago, a Mulatto man named LEWIS , generally known as LEWIS FT. The above reward will be Bald for his apprehension and delivery to the subscribers, or lor nis cennnement in jail. - J. H. CHAD BOURN CO. Oct, 27. . 96-tf LOST OR MISLAID. ANE Note of $240. dated Feb. 1st, 1855, pnyable V to Mrs. Elizabeth Carr, made by Ephraigm Greer.' endorsed by II. C. Leonard. One ot 128 60, dated Sept. 1st 1855, payable to lira. Elizabeth Carr, made by A. B. McCaleb. One ot $200, dated Sept. Irt, 1855, payable to J. TV. carr, made oy a. a. mccaieo. All persons are cautioned against trading for the aoove nameaxMo tea. J". W. CARR. ' Oct. 23. ' V s 95-3t. OWNER WANTED, TTOR two boxes mdze marked C. B. Edwards, X Wilmington, N, C , per schr. Look Here, frem Philadelphia ; now lying in store- at owner's risk j ana expense. numti. Oct. 27. 96 HAY, FISH AND POTATOES. 1 fifl BALES prime Nova Scotia Hay, . IVU 50 bbls. prime Eating Potatoes,- : i - f . - - 5 quintals Dry Pollock, " 25 bbls. Pickled Shad, Just received per biig Ttiumph and for sale by Oct. 27. ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO. MACKEREL ! MACKEREL ! ! 150 o. 3 Mackerel, in fine order, for 1 . T. C. 4 B. G, WORTH Oct. 27. ' " " ' ' 96-6t GUNNY CLOTH! GUNNY CLOTH ! I ' C( BALES just received and for sale by Oct. 27. T, C. & B. G. WORTH. BUCIUVHEAT! BUUKWUEATT7 JUST arrived, and best in mat ket, something I extra, at the Maiket street Broadway Variety fctore, under the Herald umce. Oct. 27. VV. H. DiNEALE. ' . HERRING. rime Herring, it 1 HO. BBLS, -prime Herring, in excellent pack - vv ac iges, just received and for sale by Oct. 6. ADAMS, BRQ, dCO. THAT BUCKWHEAT" HAS COME. nAt No. 11, Sorth Mater Street. ' -. 5 kegs - a, . 20 doxen Yeast Powders, to make the Cakes ""F1"1" arucie, only try it. Low for - GEO. H ' KELLEY'S. Oct.i. Herald copy 65 SPIRIT BARRELS. A If fo.V- hundred superior large sized Spirit ' -a- uii icia kVw bivii r ur Biilt! DV Juby 14. RUSSELL 4- BRO. - : THE WILMINGTON . MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. " A1triLL re-opeo on Monday, October 1st, at So- r. VV eieiyHali. The.Botrd of Instrurtion will p be he same as last session. For particulars, see school card, which will be - Issaed few days before commencing, and which may be foand with Mr. S. Jewetr, or Mr. Whita. , Her. G. VY. JEWKTT . .- STEAMER ; . SPRAY FOR SMITHVILLE. i THE United States Mail Steamer SPRA V, Capl. John B. Price, will 9 leave Wilmington for Sroithvuie, Tuesday, Wednesday, ami Thursday afternoons ai 3 o'cloclc, and Saturday afternoon i t Leave Smithyilla for Wilmington on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at b o'clock. j .,.... Issaa one uouar. vnuuien -half orice. Frel-rht at customary rates. Apply to Contain en ooaro, or i . . Junel6. '; ; -'' ' " ' . WILMINGTON AND WELDON R. R. EnS'r and SSup'la Office, VV. & W. R. IX. Co. July 18:5. GOING NORTH. . THE nassenser trains over this road will, until J. further notice, run as follows : First (Kxprefs Mail) tram leaves V ilnmiglon at 6 o'clock A 3i . Reaches G.ildsboro at 10 A. M. Arrives at Weidon at 1:30 P. M. '',., Spconrl f Aoramniixialion Mail! train leaves Wil mington at 4:30 P.M., daily. (Sundays excepted.) Reaches Goldsboro' to supp r B:50f. M. Arrives at Weldon 1 at ni?hi. GOING SOUTH. First Train leaves Weldon at 12:00 M. Reaches Goldsl-oro' at 3:20 P. M.; Arrivplal Vitmin9tOn 7:30 P. M : Second Train leaves Weldon at ihOO P. 51.; daily (Sundays excepted ) Keaches UolflRDoru" mo ..; A n . Wilniintrtnn 15:40 A. M. ' irt nlnshoro' 42.50 i to Weldon S5 Thou! one cent per mile extra is charged passengers irAo do not procure tickets at the Stations. - ' Thrnntrh lii ka s K Baltimore $12 ; to Philadel phia 14; to New York 815,50; to wasiiington.i. Cm en. ... . . . . . m .:' rVT nlielswnl not oe SO.a lot neuroin utruuu. KxDress r relent tDy accramuuauon ) will h rharreed 50 iter cent, extra; ana sucn rr0;i,, m on North must be at the uepot oy it o'clock P. MM and marked hxprest Freight. Two freight trains per week - will. run regularly through .T , . , . : -: i : A A'.. ..n MnnHnvs and Thursdays, alternately. One train will run reoularlv a far north ns Goldsboro'. and in connection with the H.C. R. it., and two other Irregular Way Trains will run as far north as may hfi rnnir.-rl. takin" freiaht at all intermediate sta- lions A r lour iram wui, iiuiii mvui mn um ui ... . . . m :i, r i. . . . . u . on.L e August. run rom uoldsboro', alternately, to vvii- and vvetoon, leavinz uoiassoro- on mon- days and Thursdays Wilmington and Weldon on Tuesdays er Fridays, reachidg Goldsboro on Sat urdays. AUdoe on downward freight must be paid on delivery at Wilmineton. July 19. r . . 54. I ' VALUABLE LANDS ON THE CAPE FEAR RIVER. THE Land? and Plantationsknown as the Roane and Blue Banks Plan tations, are offered forsale. These lands lie only 5 5 miles aoove Vll- minuton. on tne uape rear mver, anu exu.oa.oui . . . , i - i , , . to the Wilmington and Aiancnestrr Kauroaa, and areot easy access to one of the best markets in the State of ioith Carolina. On the north side of the- river. there are six hundred acres of the finen Riv er Bottom Land in the State about fifty acres of I which arc already cleare t, and produce the finest aorta of Crons. One hundred aeres more may be cleared, which is sufficiently elevated aove ihe or dinary height ol freshets ?o save tne crops, 'l lie The Lands abound in Oak,Ash,and Ihe finest Kind of Cypress Timber. On the south side of the River, is situated the balance of the lands, estimated at seven thousand five hundred acres, from which three fine settle mcms may be made. The upper portion, oz Blue Banks contains some two tnouanu acies or more which there are someone hundred and nftr acres now in cultivation, ana i wen adapted, to! corn, peas, potatoes and cotton. There is a large quantity ot fine hmo. yet to clear, tne gto-r.n on which is pine, oak and hickory and dog-wood. South of this tract is the Roane Plantation, and adjoining the lowkinds mentioned above, contain ing some two thousand four hundred acres, a small quantity of w htch is cleared, and a considerable more vet to clear. (Jn this tract all Ihe buildings and improvements ore situated, consisting of a good Dwelling-house. I Kiicnen, Smoke-house, (Jorn-crib,', and some fourteen negro trouses, allot which aie new and comfortable. There is a Turpentine Still and Fixtures which wilt be sold wih the land, tf desir ed, fbcre are also some eight taks of Turpen tine Boxes, some three tasks of which are old on i the land. The remainder of tim lands lie ndjoininT this tract, and on Hood's Creek, containing some three thousand acres of unimproved Pine Lai.ds, which would make a fine settlement, a portion of them 1 being good farming lands, and on which several fine building lots could be had immediately on the Railroad, suitable for summer Residences. Per sons wishing to purchase such lands, will do well to call and examine the premises before making a location. DAVID D. ALLEN, ..,. JAS. II. PRITCHLTT. i Oct. 16. 92 If G. & C. BRADLEY & CO., HAVE just received a large assortment of Boots and Shoes; embracing every variety of styles and qualities ot Ladies', Misses and Childrcns' Gaiters, Shoes and Slipprrs. Also, KKUUiNS and SERVANTS' SHOES. made expressly for our own trade. Manufactur ing and Repairing, as usual. IfT Calf Skins and Sole Leather. Oct. 13 91-lm OFFICE WIL. & WELDON R. R. CO., 5 Wilmington, iztn October, looo. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS, passed X- on the lUtn Inst, by tne Hoard ot JJirectorsof the Wilmington d Weldon Rail Koad Company, were ordered to be published, viz: " Resolved, That a Dividend of 3 per cent from the profits of the Company during the past six months, be paid to the Stockholders on the 1 Pith November next, and that the balance of such pro fits be appropriated as a sinking fund for the pay ment of the debts of the Company." Ordered, That the Books for the transfer of the stock of the Company be closed on the 25th inst. JAMES S. GREEN, Sec'y. NOTICE. rpiIE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of X the Wilmington at weldon tvaii tioaa compa ny, will oe neia in inis town on tne second rnurs- day (8th) November next. . JAUbo O. , oec'y. Oct. 16. 92-tl5N i JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 6th, 1855. 1 83. NEW BOOKS. 1TACD and other Poems." By Alfred Tenny- ivX son, D. C. L., Poet Laureate. I vol mo. 50 cents. "Panama io 1855." An account of the Panama Railroad, of the cities of "Panama and Aspinwall, with sketches of Life and Character on tue ism mus. By Robert Tomes. 1 vol. 18mo- EOcts. ! Chandler's Plan of Sebastopol." 25 cents. "The elements of Intellectual Philosyphy." By Francis Waylnnd, President of Brown University, fc, l ittn Kdmon. I vol. ritiii.ll,iD. "The Six Days of Creation. A aeries of Famil iar Letters from a Father to his Children." By G. G. Khlnd. "The Papal Conspiracy Exnoacd. and Protestant ism Defended, in the Light of Reason, History nd Scripture." By Rev. Edward Beecher, V. V 1 yol. (2mo. 1.25. . - Travels in the Chinese Empire. By M. Hus 2 vols. ti. - "PaliticaL Social and RelUrious Character of N America, in Two Lectures, delivered at Berlin, with a Report read before the German Church ' t r phipSchaH; Diet at Frankfort-'on-the-Main, sept. 1&4, by Translated from toe uerman. l vol. l2mo-l. For sale at. Oct. 18. S. VV. WHITAKER S M0N0NGAHELA & RYE WHISKEY i jpjjffjp jjyi .lpt. CUTTER, . STJPRR10R arjicle of reacted Goshen Fat ter, tor a lie by Sep. 20. St II. FLANNEL. HENRY BURRniMER ; TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR SIOX OP THE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREET, one door above Water Wilmlnston, X. V. ; -: -' - AT. B. ATOrdert filkd vnl despatch. Oct. 26ib. 1354 93-tdtw.c. IP PBIOLBAIT, JOHK IUCU. W. O. COBTIS. P. PRI0LEAU & CO., GESERAL " ( iOMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, WTXMlSGTON, N. C., COMMEKCIAL WHARF, 8MITHVILLE, N. C. Our business will be conducted in Wilmington by n. BI. CURTIS- Who Is our authorized Agent for that place. Au-r. 7. 62-1 y COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. RF.MOVED to the n w and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md. O. IC.Charabertin, Principal and Lecturer uoon Mercantile Science. ' V.. K. Losier, in charge of VV riling Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate in Book Keeping .Department. J. M. Phillips, Teacher In Book Keeping. S; T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. jThis Institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtaining a practical busi ness education.1 - The course of stud t embraces Double Knrry, Book-Keeping, as practically applied lo the man agement of Meicantile,, Manufacturing and Steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Comraor- cial Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, Prommissory JNotes, Contnicis, rartnersfyjj, etc. The exercises are all stiictly practical, being; de ducted from actual business transactions, so com pletely combining practice with theory that students on completion ot tne course ure in every respect competent to conduct, on scientific frinciplce, any set of Double Kntry Hooks. 1 he students nave access to a Commercial Library procured expressly for their accommodation. Examinations are held at stated periods and Di plomas awarded to tlijse found competent to repre sent the Institution in a mercantile capacity. Usual length of time to eomplete ihe wholecourse from eieht to trn weeks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular by mail. Sept 20. 8l-ly DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IN INDIA. Exfract from a Letter received from B. C.Thomas, Tavov, Nov. 13th, 1853. Msrs. P. Davis & Son Dear Sir Tbe Ka- rcns,liere have no more confidence in the charms of their ancestors. They desire rational reme dies lor iho sick. By varioas means, principally through the agency of the Rev. D. L. Brayton. I bote Karen people have become acquainted with your medicine, and tbetr demand tor it to me is very hurpriting. , I now have by me orders for more than hlty bot tles ; 1 therefore wish you to send me a quantitv, and 1 will pay you through the Treasurer of the Missionary Union. There is no medicine which stands so high in the estimation of the Karens of there provinces as the Pain Killer, and 1 feel wil ling to gratify tin m, as 1 entertain a very hi"h opinion of its worth. Calcutta Nov. 4, 1853. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son Dear Sir Cocfir- mins my respects ol tne 4lh ult.; iduplicate here with I find it necessary to address you again, as my most sanguine expectations have been more then realized. The call for your valuable medi cine is increasing so very rapidly that 1 fear 1 shjll be unable to keep pace with it. My particu lar object in writing now is to beg that on receipt of this, and by first direct opportunity offering im mediately after, you will kindly despatch another b:itch as ordered in my letter of June last. I hope, however, 1 will not be out before your last des patch reaches me, of which, however, I have, not yet heard from you. I remain, dear sir, yours sin cerely. J. L. CARRAU. Paovintirca, R.I., July 7th, 1354. Messrs. P. Davis & Son Gents before I left Mi-rgui. both Karens'and Burmans had found out the value of your Pain Killer, and I could readily have disposed of. a large quantity ot It among them. It 8 cents particulatly efficacious in cholera morbus, bowel complaints, and other diseases to which the natives of Burmah, from tneir unwnot- some style of living, are peculiarly exposed. It is a valuable antidote to the poison ot centipedes, Scorpions. Hornets, and the like. 1 nave been twice stung by Scorpions, and in both cases eased the most excrutiating pain and entirely prevented the swelling by applying the Pain Killei. On our voyage homeward from India, the Captain of the ship was taken with vomiting and. purging and other symptoms of cholera. I gave him a good dose of Pain Killer with the utmost immediate and happy results. So entire and speedy was the relief, that he assured me he would never again go a voyage without your excellent medicine, if be could possibly procure it. Itespeciruiiy yours, REV. J. BENJAMIN, Late Missionary to Burmah. The following is a copy of a Letter received by Mr. Carrau, out Agent at Calcutta, irom w . Chill. Calcutta, June 3, 1852. Mv Dear Jutien I desire, for the information of Perry Davis & Son to state a few instances of good resulting from the use of the medicine man ufactured by them called Pain Killer. The first ease that 1 shall mention in which I performed a cure was that of Spleen, of a year's standing. The person afflicted with this disease was a young native. Together with the pieen ne usea to get a fever. Before trying the Tain Killer, however, I idonted another remedy, bill that failing, I resort ed to the Pain Killer, and I am happy to say. that both the spleen and the Fever were removed in a very short time. A servant boy who had his right hand severely scalded by the failing of boiling oil on it, was in a few days perfectly cured by the ap plication ot a mixture of cream and ram iv liter, as directed in such cases. Then my child, a girl three years old. was cured of an .obstinate Cough Lastly I shall refer to myself i took trie medicine under circumstances which it would be unneces sary here to state but it was not from any confi dence I had in it ; on the contrary I took it with a great deul of fear however, I must own that it sev eral times relieved me of cold in the chest and cured me of a Fever of pain in the left knee and an ulcer In Ihe mouth. Jo addition to the above I may mention a case of Cholera cured by this med icine, wtitcn wsa brought to my notice by a menu The coachman of friend's brother-in law was at tacked with this disease, and medicines by my friend s family for this complaint were given to the man without any effort, and. U3 the last resort, when be was cold and speechless, the Pa i a Killer waa administered, which threw a warmth into the system and revived his sinking energy in short the man was restored, l ours atlecnonately R. VV. CHILL The Pain Killer is sold by George R. French, Wilmington i C. C Green, Elizabeth City : James W.Carmer, Newbern; W; H. Wil lard. Washing tori; and by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. UGI. U, legs. 91-JID WE SOLD A FEW UMBRELLAS "7ESTERDAY, and have "A FEW MORE X OF THE SAME SORT LEFT," fine,du rabley end low priced. Call at the Emporium be tore - nasing. HOTELS. . . NIXON'S ROUSE. (FORMERLY MRS. BORDEN'S) WEST SIDE RAILROAD, - GOLDSBORO, N. C, THIS extensive and well known public frti'S Establishment has been purchased and g-a. was reopened by the Subscriber for the reception of guests on the 4th inst. It ia pleasantly and conveniently situated in the centre of business, arid-i directly opposite to, and WEST of the Ticket Offices, ol the uminr ton and Weldon and Ihe Can I rat Rail Road Com panies, where the ears atop on their arrival ana departure, and where faithful saavA-rra wim. sa in waitiks to lake baggage, and give such other attentions as the traveller may require. - ' TlIEHOUSKhas been remodelled, repaireo, and thoroughly renovated from cellar to garret, and furnished throughout with New Furniture, selected with special care, and arranged with an eye single to the comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. THE TABLE . , - Will be richly furnished with lha substantial, the danties and delicacies of the seasons, foreign as well as domestic markets will be renaerea tributary to the constant supply, which wiu ne served up in the best style, by orderly, obliging" and well trained servants. . -. . THE BAR Will hit a Storehouse of the beat Wines and Li quors, and superintended by a geatlemaa of cour tesy and integrity, inorougniy acquaimeu wi.un.o business comprising the knowledge of what is due to the rights and comforts of the public, as well as to hlmseii a id nis employer. THE STABLES, ; which are among the best in th State, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful- and careful manager, who will always have under his care the best and most experienced ostlers, snu it be among the chief cares of the proprietor to see that horses of his gucets be we'.l fed and thor oughly groomed. This entire establishment haa been purchased and fitted up at an enormous expense, and it will be the pleasure, as, of course, it will be the inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every respect equal to any in the country He there fore trusts that a generous public will renew and continue the liberal patronage heretofore en tended to this House, while under the care ot its former. oronrictress. Mrs. Borden, wtio gained tor It a celebrity throughout the entire Union. xi. iv. niAun. Aug. 18. ' . 67-1 y. nARMAN'S HOTEL (LATE WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE,) WAS THIS DAY OPENED BY THE Subscriber, formerly proprietor of the Fay etteville Hotel, and is now ready for the ac commodation of travelers. JNO. HARM AN. Wilmington June 7. 37-tf. HOUSES TO LET. FOR SALE. THAT snug and conveniently located Dwelling on Kront, between Mulberry and i Walnut streets, now occupied by Mr. S '.Ivey. Possession given 1st October. , O. G. PARSLEY. Sept. 18. 60-tf FOR RENT. FROM 1st October, the Whsrf and Shtd on the west side of the River, at the termi nus of the W. & M. Railroad, now occu pied by Messrs. C. DuPre At Co., and Col. Burney. Throe Wharve , 66 feet' front each, between Brunswick and Bladen streets, and immediately north of the w. ai. it. u. w.-s wnan. The Dwelling on Front street, (on the) ravine) near the . Railroad jUepot, now occupied by Mr. J. O. Bowden. Two comfortable small Dwellings on Second St near Blossom's Distillery. Dwelling on Third street, between Church and Casile streets, with six rcoms. That large Brick Building lately occupied as the Pcor House, as also a small Wooden Building with four rooms, on same lot. v. -. Sept: 18. 60-tf TO RENT. THE House occupied by the late Corne lius Myers, to rent until Oct. 1ft, posses sion given immediately. Inquire of ai i ivivo. Administrator of Estate of C Mrzas July 26. . 27 CAROUNAllOl L Rif h opening for an Enterprising Man, THAT long established and popular piece of property, favorably Known to tne tray UL eling public as the CAROLINA HOTEL situate j in ihe heart of the -town of Wilmington on Market street, is offered for rent or lease, im mediate possession given if desired. 1 he Kurni- ure, dec. of the house winch has oeen recently renewed by the present occupant, B. B. Brown, Esq., who declines on account ol ill health, will be disposed of on reasonable terms. Connected with the Hotel sre two spacious Stores, which may be had separately or together, but which may be used as very profitable appen dages to the Hotel. it is rarely -that an opportunity so lucratively promising presents itself to the public s an i to a spirited Individual, with experience in the busi ness, who will render himself agreeable and the accom nodations and fare inviting, a more temp ting enterprise cannot easily be conceived. Wil mington, by her public spirit, has become a great thoroughfare, and attained to much importance and still again is her proverbisl reputation for en terprise to be increased, by her recent bold meas ures to secure more permanently advantages al fecting most vitally her future destiny. u. woou. July 21. Jour, and Her. copy. 55-tf TWO STORES. WAREHOUSES TO RENT. NORTH of the. Rail Road, on Water street continued. Those two Stores, 20 by 44 feet each, now erecting, will be completed and ready for occupancy by- the 1st of uctobcr There wui be ample room for families on the second story. Rent moderate. Apply to WM. A.GWYER. July 10. 60 NOTICE. WE HEREBY caution all persons from buy ing or receiving a certain draft drawn by J. Snow, dated Wilmington, N.C July 5. 1855, upon M. Cronly. and accepted by him. in favor of Charles G. Jones, ai thirty days after date for 82 175. The said draft having been obtained bv fraud, this is to notify the public that payment of me saia arait nas ocen stopped. J. SNOW, M, CRONLY. Wilmington, July 26: 5-7tf. HOOP IRON. fvF the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. J. R. BLOSSOM. NOTICE. THEsubscriber,reapectful!y informs the public, thathe ia nowtranascting tne Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to ousiness, to merit a continuance oltnat patronage neretoiore souoerslly bestowed upon mm. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission oi 1 per cent either at private or puouc sale,. , JanH.lHf4. A New Wort of Unparalleled Interest I WILL BE PUBLISHED, SEPTEMBER 20th, KATE STAUNTON! A PAGE FROM REAL-LIFE. rpHIS book is without aa antecedent for interest a. xo every readet. The scenes are drawn truth fully and with a masterly hand. The trade are respectfully solicited to send their oraers o JAMES FRENCH CO., Publishers. 79 Washington street, Boston. N. B. We shall publish at about the same time, "Carrie Emerson;" "Rambles in Eastern Asia," aa ion Aaow tt nom sept. 25. , t3.6t NOTICE. A LI. persons 'having claims against Moore, Xl Stanly & Co. will please present them for set tlement ana an tnese maeoiea io mem are re quested to come forward and make immediate pay. ment to tne subscriber. Oct. 6 JNO. A. STANLY. SUGAR. A nHDS. and 10 bblst P. R Sugar, in store and fi OR for sl by Z, H. GREENE. SCHOOL, COOKS, . : STANDARD, . THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, r -?-?V" - ' iv " JOB, BOOK, CORNER OF FRONT AND MARKET STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Particular Attention paid to the Following) kinds of letter Press Printing. Bills of Exchange, Entries of Merchandise. Handbills, Labels. Law Blanks, Notes, Pamphlets, Posters, Receipts, Rates of FreSghL Bills of Lading, Books, Cards, - -Catalogues, Certificates, C hecks. Circulars, Drafts. dC, dC, dc. And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of eve ry description, dono in the neatest man ner, and on the moot reasonable terms. Wilmington, August 17, 1851. THOS. B. CARR, M.D. D.D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for thelast tenyeors, Charges for 10 or less artificial teeth on fine gold plate, each, 7 CO An entire set of teeth on fine gold plate, I0 00 Ditto on gold with artificial gams, 15U 00 I Ditto on Platina plate with artifi cial gums, . 150 00 Upper or under ditto, racb, 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguish ed from the natural, 5 00 A fine gold filling, warranted permanent 2 GO Do. and destroying the nerve. S3 to 5 00 Extracting a tooth, 50 cts. to I OS Best deptifrics and tooth brut-hea always on hand. Every operation warranted to give entire satisfac tion. Tetth inserted immediately after the extrac tion of the fangs and remodeled after the gums have shrunken, without additional charge. Office on Market-st , 2 doors below the Church. Wilmington, N. C, April 22. 16-tf. W I L MINUTON- MARBLE AND STONE YARD. TMIK Subscriber having accepted the agency of 1 several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill till orCers for .MOM UM UN TS ANJJ TOMBSTOXES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as well as can be done either North or South. Thebesl reference can be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. tf. " W7G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Watkr.Strebt, Wikminoton, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished lo order on reasonable terms. . June E. 36-ly-c rfpHE UNDERSIGNED have purchased theen l tire interest of P. K. DICKINSON & CO. in the Gaston Mills, and of PARSLEY, McRAE CO. in the Hilton Mills and have associated themselves together under the firm of PARSLEY, COWAN & CO. They will continue the transaction of the Lum ber Business in all it branches and hope to re tain the correspondence or me old r irms. HOBT. H. COWAN, JNO. McRAE, VV. G. JONES, . DAVID S. COWAN. April 10, lr55. 12-tf. Journal and Herald copy.. JUST RECEIVED Per Schr. L. P. Smith. 1 p: KEGS New Butter; 10 Boxes Cheese; A J Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Corlee, Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Powdered Sugar, and a variety of Fresh contccuonary,c..oic. April 21. GEO. MYKltS. NEWELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. ANEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all Accidents from the use of Burning Maid. Camphene, and other Explosive Compounds, used for the production of Light. This Invention is pplied to all common Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar, Camphene Lamps, Lanterns, &c. Ur.ttlir ibAli. Wilmington, N. C, June lrth, ! 854. I hereby certify that f witnessed the experiments of Mr. Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp, for furnishing "fluid" and am perfectly satisfied of the safety of the same. ' Jj-. H. Dickson. We arc prepared to nil an urdcrsat snort notice, for every description and variety of Lamps, c. All persons are cautioned against infringing up on the above patent, as the law will bdrigidly en forced against all offenders. Ki. D.uuriii!.. June 26th, 1855. 45 tf. NEATS-F00T OIL. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by May 10. C. & D. DcPRE. FLOUR FROM NEW CROP WHEAT. A SUPERIOR, article, now in store, for sale by Sept. . D. DuPRE, Jr. FRESn ARRIVALS, Per Schrs. W. H. Smith and David Fanst, at No. 11 JVorfA Water Street. BAGS prime Rio Coffee, fj 20 boxes Adumantinu Candles, .- 20 1 Low for cah at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Oct. 13. Herald. . 91 WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. THIS institution located atCapl. Potter's office opposite Bank of Cape Fear, will be open for the reception of depositee on Wednesday of each week, from 4 to 7 o'clock, P. M, and on Satur day of each week from 4 to 9 o'clock, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. 1. 21-f- GOLDSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE. THE next session of this Institution will com- 1 mence on the first Wednesday in August 1655. Ample accommodations ore provided lor any number of vauns ladies. For information, Catalogue. &c, address the President of ihe Faculty; Key. J . ureni. VV. S. G. ANDREWS, Secrctsry. June 23. 44 tf FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE wholesale and Retail bnsiness of the WILMINGTON GRANARY will be eon ducted at the store formerly occupied by Wm A. Rvrii. corner of Princes and Water streets, at which plase will be kept a constant supply of CORN MEAL. HOMMONY, OATS, r HAS, HORSE and COW FOOD. tSTPersoBs convenient to the Mill, can get their supplies there. D. DcPRER, Ja., Successor to T. Smith & Co. Wilmington, N.C., July 26. 6T-tf I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR old Sails, Rags or damaged C Jtten. (ia good packages of not leas than 300 lbs..) suita ble tor making Paper. TATIOftT,',-a BLANK 'BOOKS, PAPERS OP "ALL DESCRIPTION, CARDlS,' rENS, tSK. &c, &c MUSIC, - ARTIST'S MATERIALS &c , Slc., &c. WOOD WARE. AN assortment of Kegs, Buckets. Pails, Tubs, 4c, for ale by GEO. HOUSTON. OJt. 6. 63 EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. . QCf EMPTY Spirit Barrels, just received, for O'JvS Kile by ADAMS, BRO. &. CO. July 16 75 SODA WATER. A CONSTANT supply of Soda Water kept XX- ana. witn- tne nest syrups, f or sale at June 6. C. d D. DuPRK. SUGAR. OfBBLS. "C SUGAR For sale by Sep, 20. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. GUANO. BAGS for sale by CtJv 'May 19. ADAMS, BRO. A OQ. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON BOSTON. 'OR sale b Sept. T. C. WORTH. NOTICE! NOTICE!! THE Subscriber would respectfully notify all persona indebted to him--accounts and notes due-to make immediate settlement ss money must be had. . GEO. MYERS. Oct, 4. e 87 IIISTORYFTnE INSTITUTE OF St. Ignatius De Logolo, founder of the So ciety of Jesus. 'By Eather Daniel Btrtoli. of tho Society of Jesus. Translated by the author of Life in Mexico. Received end for sale at Sept. 13. S. W. WHITA KER'3. LEMON SYRUP. CA BOXES just received by JVJ May 17. L. N. BARLOW. DESIRABLE WHARF TO RENT. rPHE large and convenient Wharf near the J. Rail Road, known ns the Gillespie Wharf ia for rent It is well adapted lo the Naval Store business, having Warehouses and Sheds. Apply IO VY JI. A. U V I f.K . July 1 0. - 60 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership, under the firm of X.uttcrloh A Elli ott, and willcontioue the Gen ral Commission and Forwarding busineis. E. J. LUTTERLOH. - VV. P. ELLIOTT. Sept. 74-tf BUTTER, CHEESE, &c. GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese. English Dairy JjTand Pine Apple Cheese, Codfish, Scotch Her ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with n variety of other goods just received and for sale by L. N. BARLW, June 16. - No. 3, Granite Row. TEA. Qf"l BOXES Hyson and Black ica- some very JJ superior; foi sale by Oct. 6. GEO.JIOUSTON. TV TOW la the good time to have your rooms Pa- i-1 pered, as we have opened our latest palerns of Hangings, Borders and Decointions.- WILKINSON A E3LER, April IT. Upholsterers ard Paper Hangers. NOTICE. "PHE undersigned hsving now some first rate x. workmen employed, ia prepared to manufac ture Boots and Shoes to order at short notice. All work warranted. Also, all kinds of repairing done witn neainets and aispaten. 1 1 July 24. GEO. R. FRENCH. NO. 3 MACKEREL. a t BKLS. rresh, for sale by tJAug.4. ADAMS, BRO. dt CO. SNUFF. 1 CT HALF barrels, for ssle by lJ.Mayl7. ADAMS, BRO & CO. PICKLED HERRING. BBLS. p. line Nova Scotis, just received, and JW for sale by ADA31S, BKO. & CO. April 19. 15. ONLY VESSEL. FOR PHIL A DELPHI A. M ic rants' Line. Schr. LOOK HERE.Cupt. Lewis, will have quick despatch as above. For frrishi or passage apply to Oct. 20. T. C. WORTH. ""RECEIVING CONSTANTLY- PER packet schooners, direct from New York. Apples. Potatoes, Cabbages, Beets, Parsnips, unions, uranges sna i.rmons. Now on hand Fresh Buckwheat Flour. Oct. 20. WM. H. DbNEALE. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the State ot Georgia.) MACON, GEORGIA. THIS LOTTERY is conducted on the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havana, of single num. bers and drawn at Concert Hall. Macon, Ga.,'un dcr the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan, snd Jas. A. Nisbct, Esq. JTJrGrand Scheme for November, 15th, 1855 Jd When Prizes amounting lo $50,000. CLASS G. Wilt be distributed as follows : CAPITALS. 1 1 Prize of- .S12XW 1 Prize of- .-5,000 2,000 1,200 1,000 .. 3,0JU 1,5(0 1,100 .. 400 120 1 " I .1 5 10 20 10 15J 100 ,. 25 12 60 50 256 23 Anorox imation prizes 8t;o I 408 Prizes amouuting to 250,000, Ouly 10,000 Numbers. Every Prize drawn at each drawing, and paid when due, in full, without deduction. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to orders, Registered letters a', my risk. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. Whole Tickets 3; Halves 1 ; Quarters t?,00. Address JAM Ko K , v ijvi kk. Manager, Macon, Ga. Oct. 20. ya-ii. NEW GOODS. THE subscriber is constantly receiving from N. York and Baltimore, a variety of Goods in his line, viz: Lsguy.-a, Java and Rio Coffee, Crushed Clarified. Powdered and Brown Sugar of all grades. Cheese. Lard, Butter and Western Bacon, Farm ing Implements and Cutlery, Siidc'ler, Bridies. Collars and Hemes Block and Padded, and every thing that is usually kept in a variety Store, which will be sold very low for cash, by Z. H. GREENE. Oct. 20. No. 7 Market Si. ' THE IRON CROSS. the Countess of Errolt, a tale of high aad V low life, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. Received and for sale ai S. W. WHITA KER'S. 79 Sept. 15. BUCKWHEAT TO ARRIVE, Per Schr. J. S. Hilsem, at No. 11, North Water Street. A f BAGS Buckwheat Meat HeKJ llbxs. - - - 6 kegs " - .. 10 M best Goshen Butler. So Sld0 Markct t-'rf iiiU eVie ? will be sold low for (TeO. H. KELLEY'S. Herald. .91 : 25 boxes prime Cheese. casn ai . . AHARVELLCUS E?!EI)Y! FOR A MAltVELl.OUa A(in ! HOLLO WAV'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. . By the aid of a microscope, w see minions of tit lie oprnjngs on the surface of our bodies. Throotb there thU Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or fnwftd part. - Dis eases of the Kidney's, disorders' of the Liver, af fections of the heart. Inflammation of the Lungs,' Atthmtr, Coughs and Cold., a"ro by Its means cf; fectually cured. Every housewife knows that salt prfitts freely through, tons or meal, of any thickness. This heating Ointment fsr mors readi ly penetrate through any bone or flekhy part of the living body, Cuinf the most dangerous In ward complaints, that Crfnfiot be reached by other1 means. ..... ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCOR BUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever done so much for the mre of diseases of lha Skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. Ne case of Sail It bon in Scurvy, Sore Heads, Strofuls, or Erysipelas, ran long withstand its influence. T Inventor has travelled over many parts of the Globe, veiling the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbeis to' health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS ti ULCERS. Some of the moil scientific surgeons now. rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having lo cope with the worst case of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandular swellings, snd tumors. Professor Hollowsy Jias, by command of the Al lied Government, dispatched lo the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medical Staff, U the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ul cer, glandular swelling, ttiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 year's standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similar distressing complaint, can be effectually cured if the Ointment be v eil rubbed in over the parte affected, and by otherwise lonowing the printed directions around each pot. Both the Ointment and Pills sXoutd be used in the following eases I Bunions Lumbago Sore Legs Swell! Burns Mercurial do breasts Glands Chapped Hands Eruptions. do. hoads Stiirjoints Chilblains Piles do. throats Ulcers , Fistulas Rheuma- do. of all Veneral Gout l Urn kinds Sores Salt Rheum Sprains Shin dise- Sculds BSCS ' .Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol lowsy, 80 Mai.'en Lane, New York, and 244 Strand London, and by alt respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicine throughrut the United States and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, 6? cents, and SI each. tTTIiere is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed lo euth Pot. July 3. 49 ly FISn AND POTATOES. Daily Expected f am Nova Scotia: Or( BBLS. fresh caught No. 3 Mackerel, GJJ 260 . Herring, dry Salted, 20 boxes Codfish, containing 100 lbs! each. 25 bbl. N cw Potatoes, For sale in lots lo suit by tept. 13. Z-'-P' wORTIf. ISRAEL AY. SCUDDER7 Importer and Manufacturer Of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts. Stocks, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Fulcn dcrs. Dressing Robes. &c, dec. 296 BROADWAY, Israel VV. Scudder, ) A. D. Milliard, vntv vnnt' A. Buck, S NEW YORK June 2Gth, 1855. 45-Gin-c. WHEAT BRAN. AVERY Superior article of Wheat Bran, for sale D. DrPIIK, Jr. Oct. 6. 83 -tf. OWNER WANTED, FOR 1 Desk and 3 Chairs, from Boston, per brig Niagara ; marked W. H. B. dt, Co. b'lowsd and advertised for owner's account. Sept. '0. R US SELL A BRO. WILKINSON & ESLER HAVE on hand, and make to order, Hair, Moss,' . Shuck and Kelt Mattraascs, Pillows, Bols ters, Sheets Cases, Spreads, Comforts, Mosquito' Netting; also repair Sofas, Chairs, 4c, or' an kind of Upholsterer work. May 24. 31 COAL! COAL!!"" THE subscriber has made such arrangements ns' will enable him to furnish COAL, suitabla for ParloT Grates, and Cooking Ranges, of the very best quality, at prices so low as to satisfy all reas onable perrons. He would here state that he has not yet charged any, and does not Intend to. Any persons deslilng Coal will please rend their orders io my Agent, William Clarke, and they will receive prompt at tention, if accompanied with ihe cash. Cri'rice $7 a ton, delivered. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Oct. 18. , 03 RYE WHISKEY. I O DOZ. Bottles pure old Rye Whiskey, of su- i mi perlor quality). April 10. For sale by L. N. BARLOW. MARSAILES QUILTS, and MOSQUITO N ETTING. for sale low, for cash, si WILKINSON A ESLER'S, Apiil 17. Upholsterers and Paper Hanger. WROUGHT NAlLS Of") KEGS Wrought Nails just recel.ed. For .Otaleby - J. R. BLOSSOM. Oct. 17. 93 TUE GREAT IRON WHEEL. OR Republicanism Backward!, and Christianity Reversed. In a series of Letters addressed la J. Soule, senior Bishop of the M. E. Church, Sou I, By J, R.Grsves, Editor of the 'Tennessee Bop ll..t," Nsshville. Just published, received snd for sale at S. VY. WHITAKER S. Aug. 29. 27 "AUCTION SALE CmNTEIh""" THE SALE at the store of H dt J. Mayer will be continued on Tuesday next, 2d proximo when the entire stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FANCY ARTICLES, 4c, &c. will be offered. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, . M. P. S. A large lot of Carpeting sone of supe rior quality will be offered as shove, on Wednes day. M. CRONLY, Auct. sept. 29. fcS " DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing undf the name and style of SUTTON, bOUTli M A YD CO., was dissolved on the firit of March. The business of the late firm will be set tled by SOUTH MA YD A. BRO. WM. SUTTON, THOS. SOUTHMAYP. March 6th, 1855. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have formed a Copartncn-Mp, under the name and style of SOUTIIMAYD & BRO.. for the purpose of carrying on the Blacksmith, Iron and Brass Foundry and Maehi nery Business, in all liebranche, at the stand for merly occupied by SUTTON, SOUTH MA YD &. CO., and would solicit a ahare of rtrmage. THUS. SOU I If MAI U, March 6th, 1355. CHAS. SOU TiiMAYD. PIn consequence of above dissolution it has become necessary that all notes and t ik !" Ihe late firm, be settled immediately. ' j ac libera will pay all debts due by the I t KULT1IMA) l ' Wilmington. March 6th, 1855. ! II IV. Q( HALES prime Hay. J r'7;.ar! ,f OU sal. b, T. C. Ok I M Sept. 15. - 1 f BBLS. for sale by. . " lJ AprillO. L. N. BARLOW. Sept. 6. 75-w-tf ( ... SHEPARD &. MYERS. Oct. 9. - 69 Aug. 9. GEO. HOUSTON. Oct. 13. Herald.