"1 ' . .....7' . - . . - - ' Cjje Biimteraal: WILMINGTON. . C.: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER !r 1855. FYom lie London Quarterly Review. SOME ODD ADVERTISEMENT. The papers are full of minor pit falls, into which the unwary are continu ally falling, sometimes with their eyes wide open. Of the latter class are the matri monial advertisements ; here is a specimen of one of the most artful of its kind we ev . er remember to nave seen : TO GIRLS OF FORTUNE MATRI MONY. A bachelor, young, ; amiable, handsome, and of good family, and accus tomed to move in the highest sphere of so ciety, is embarrassed in his circumstances. Marriage is bis only hope of extrication i n aaTecuwuieq . w ueruteu y wuo his friends.- Inirratitude was never onu of mi- i . r . : . 1 1 his faults, and he will study for the re- society. And wby does it do this? Be taainder of his life, to prove his estimation cause of its ubiquity ; go where you will, of the confidence placed in him. Address, there, like the horse-fly or the sparrow, we pOSl-paiQ, la. IX. la., II xv.i5 ho. N. -B. The witticisms -cockney scribbles deprecated. j The air of candor and the taking por trait of the handsome bachelor, whose very poverty is converted into a charm, is clev erly assumed. 'An announcement of a much less flattering- kind, but probably of a more genuine and honorable nature, was published in Blackwood some time ago. which we append, as, like Landseer's Dog picture's, the two form a capital pair illus trative of high and low life : MATRIMONIAL ADVERTISE- iviJt.iN 1 l Hereby give notice to ; all un married women, that I John Hobnail, am at this writing five and forty, a widower, and in want of a wife. As I wish no one to be mistajcen, I have a good cottage with a coupre ot acres ol land, tor wnicn I pay 2 a year. 1 have five children, four of them old enough to be in employment, three sides of bacon, aud some pigs ready ior mantei. i snouia nice to nave a wo-. man fit to lake care of her house when I am out. I want no second family. She may bebetween 40 and 50 if she likes. A good sterling woman would be preferred, who would take care of the pigs. ' "; The more curious advertisements which from time to time appear in the pub lic journals, but particularly in the Times, do not admit of classification ; and they are so numerous, moreover, that if we were to comment upon one tithe of those that have appeared within these last six f years, we should far exceed the limits of this ar ticle. We make no apology, therefore, for - stringing together the following very odd lot: 'l DO YOU WANT A SERVANT? Necessity prompts the question. The ad vertiser offers his services to any lady or gentleman, company, or others, in want of a truly faithful, confidential servant in any capacity not menial, where a practi cal knowledge of human nature, in various parts of the world, would be available. Could undertake any affair of small or great importance, where talent, inviolable sccresy, or good address would be neces sary. Has moved in the best and worst societies without being contaminated by either; has never been a servant ; begs to recommend himself as one who knows his place; is moral, temperate, middle-aged ; no objection to any part of the world. Could advise any capitafalist wishing to increase his income, and have the control of his own money. Could act as secreta ry or valet to any lady or gentleman.! Can give advice or hold his tongue, sing, dance, play, fence, box, or preach a sermon, tell a story, be grave or gay, ridiculous or sub lime, or do anything from the curling of a peruke to the storming of a citadel, but I never to excel his master Address A. B. C, 7 Iiule St. Andrew Street, Leicester Square. Times, 1850. TO R a HOW IS YOUR MOTH ER? I shan't inquire further, and mu3t decline entering; upon the collateral branch bs of the family. Times, 1842. TO WIDOWERS AND SINGLE GENTLEMEN. Wanted, by a la.ljr, a situation to superintend the household and preside at table. She is agreeable, becom ing, careful, desirable, English, facetious, generous,, honest, industrious, judicious, keen, lively, merry, natty, obedient, phil osophic, quiet, regular, sociable, tasteful, useful, vivacious, womanish, xantippish, " youthful, zealous, &c. Address X Y. Z , Simmond'g library, Edgewate-road. I - 3 Times. THE TITLE OF AN ANCIENT BA RON. Mr. George Robins is empowered to SEti, the title and digjutt of a Baron. The origin of the family, its ancient des - cent, and illustrious ancestry, will be fully developed to those, and such only, as de sire to possess this distinguished rank for the inconsiderable sum of 1000. Covent garden Market Times, 1841. POSTAGE STAMPS. A young lady being desirous of covering her dressing rodin with cancelled posf age stamps, has been 60 far encouraged in her wish by pri vate friends as to have succeeded in col lecting 16,000! these, however, feeing in sufficient, she will be greatly obliged if any goodnatured persons who have these lomerwise useless) little . articles at their .a . . V ... l- aisposai would assist in the whimsical pro- ject. Address to E.. D., Mr. Butt's clo- yer, Leadenhall Street, or Mr. Marshall's Jeweller, Hackney Times, 1841. TO THE THEATRICAL PROFES SION. Wanted, for a Summer Theatre and Circuit, a Treading Lady, Singino Chambermaid, First Low Comedian, Hea tt man Walking Gentleman, and one or two Gentlemen tor. Utility 9th, To open July Address (enclosing Stamp for reply) to Mr. J Windsor, Theatre Royal, Preston, Lancanshire. Era; July I, 1855. WANTED a Man and his Wife to look after a Horse and Dairy with a religious tirn of mind without any incumbrances. r: ' ? variety is perhaps as astonishing as ' it of advertisements in the Times L'.L i trunk of an elephant, no matter i.aau too n-Liute or gigantic, too ludicrous or too sad, to be lifted into notoriety by the giant of Printing-house Square. The par- tiiion of a thin rule suffices to separate a tall for the loan of millions from the sad weak cry of the destitute gentlewoman to be allowed to slave 5 in nursery for the sake of a home.' ' Vehement lore sends its voice imploringly through the. world after a graceless 'boy, side by side with the an nouncement of the landing of a cargo of. lively turtle,-or jhe card of a bug-killer.- The poor lady who adveitises for boaders merely for the sake of society finds her 'want cheek-by jowl with some Aluggleto nian announcement gratuitously calcula ted to break up society altogether, to the eneci mat me worm will come to an end by the middle of the next month.- Or the reader is informed that for twelve postage stamps he may learn 'How to ob tain a certain fortune,' exactly opposite an offer of a bonus of five hundred pounds sterling, to any one who will obtain for the advertiser 'a Government situation.' The Times reflects every want and appeals to mQtive whjch composite ' . . fin(J lU The porter fe&(Ja U m bee.h: chair, the master in his library; Green, we have no doubt, takes it with him to the clouds in his balloon, and. the collier reads it in the depths of the mine ; the workman at his bench, the lodger in his two-pair back, the gold digger in his bole, and the soldier in the trench, pares over its broad pages. Slave Rescue tn Blair County, Pa Excite ment among the People. Both Hollidaysbursr and Gavsnort were thrown into an unusual excitement on Sat urday morning last, by the arrest and sub sequent escape of a fugitive slave. It appears that last August a slave nam ed Jacob Careen, belonging to a Mr. Parsons, I residing in Komnev. Hamoshire eminttr Va., ranaway. No" effort was made to re- I take mm at the time. In tt few weeks af- ter he returned; under cover of night, stole a horse, and carried off five of Mr. Parsons' slaves. Two weeks ago he again return ed, and carried off five slaves from the same place belonging to Mr. Stump. This indu ced Stump, Parsons and a nephew of Mr. Parsons to start in pursuit of them. In Bedford county two of Mr. Stump's slares were overtaken and sent back. From in formation received from the captured slaves, the party came to this place, and the elder Parsons went to Johnstown. On Saturday morning the younger Parsons, having re ceived informalion that Green was in town and likely to leave ia the morning train, posted himself at Gaysporf, and got upon ihe car with the intention of arresting him atAltona. The cars had proceeded half way to the bluff, when Green discovered Parsons, and immediately run out and jumped off, notwithstanding the cars were moving rapidly. Parsons followed, and a chase down the turnpike ensued, which re sulted in driving the negro into the house of Eli Qoder, where Parsons captured him From thence he was taken to Kellerman's tavern, where it was found he was armed with a revolver, every barrel of which was heavily loaded. TbU was secured by Mr. Parsons, and he related to the crowd what we have narrated in the beginning of this article, during which the negro called Par sons by nfime. and acknowledged that he had ran awny, but had not stolen the horse. Presuming that this was satisfactory evi dence, Parsons ordered his horse out, moun ted the slave before him, and was about to depart, when Green slipped off and run. Parsons followed him and caught him on th e railroad and attempted to brin"' him back. Quite a crowd had collected by this time, and General Potts, the weigh master in Gaysport demanded his authori ty foav r,nhn, .7.k,;? j i.L. he wTs arres ; , .T " me el.., .utuiuo mi. tti,vin, vui no was grap- i pied by Uol. IJiper, J. li. Crawford and Gen. Potts, who held him pinioned while William Carr, the negrd barber, kicked him During the melee, they forced the slave from Parsons, and Carr took him off. The release of the fugitive effected, PoUs went before a magistrate and made oath against Parsons for attempting to kidnap. Par sons procured bail, and telegraphed to his uncle, but he, il appears, had gone to Pitts burg, so that he did not arrive in titr.e to release his bail at the time specified, and a onu piece was tanen out., farsons was ta- ken before Justice Cox, and entered new oaw in me sum 01 z,uuu. in tne mean time Jacob Green, the slave, is probably on his way to Canada, and Parson3 is put to the trouble and expense of standing a law suit for endeavoring to arrest a slave for such he was beyond a doubt. His speedy exit from the cars, as well as his admission in Kellerman's proved it. The thing is not ended jet. 0 llollidaysbu.rg Standard Oct. 24. IMMIGRATION. Six thousand five hundred and fifty-five immigrants from Europe arrived at New York the past week. They were possess ed of $245,075, being an average of $38 for every passenger, man, woman, and child. The New York Courier says the number of immigrants last year in this coun I : 1 I f r..rsn . . try was SUU,U00, and it calculates that if they were as well provided with cash means as the passengers above alluded to, which is likely, they broujrht nearlv thtr. " i t t -w - n minions 01 aoiiars ol ready money in- 10 iue country, to say notmng of the value of their labor after they get here, which the courier puts at an enormous sum. ATRUE .MASTER. One day, when the. people of Athens de sired Euripides to retrench a certain pass- ac Hum wuc vi ui irngeaies ne came up on ths stage, and exclaimed, I do not corn- Pu j Jt lo iearn 01 you, out to teach A MURDERER UNDER ARREST. Two police officers passed through Rich- laona a tew aays ago, naving in custody a man named John McKinnev. who waa arrested in New Orleans for the murder of nradJiauer, m Newark, N. J. McKin neyU now in prison a Newark, awaiting his trial on an indictment for wilful mur der. liisnop-fcoale, no attendmg the Ten nessee M. iu. Conference, has been, fifty-six years in the ministry. He still enjoys good bealtn, and it is said tne only disease of I which he complains is the asthma, which has troubled him for many years. . ISRAEL 17 SCUDDEIt, Importer nJ Manufacturer of . , GENTLEMEN'S FUR IS IS lit NG GOODS, - . Shirts, Stocks. Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Snspen- - dcrs. Dressing Robes, Ac, 4c. . 296 BROADWAY, Israel W. Scndder, 1 Haru. r NEW YORK Jbk 26th. 1855. , 45-6m-e. FISO AND POTATOES. Daily Expected from Nova Scotia. Qv"V BBLS. fresh caught No. 3 Mackerel, OUJ 260 Herring, dry raited. 20 boxes Codfish, containing 100 lbs. each. 25 bbl. N ew Potatoes, For sale in lots to suit by wept. 13. , T. C. WORTH. SACK SALT. 750 sacks afloat, for sale by aug 16 J. R. PLANNER. THE WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. "T7ILL re-open on Monday, October 1st, at So- V cietv Hail. The .Hoard ot instruction will be he same aa last session. For oarUculars-see school card, which will be issued a few days before commencing, and which may be found with Nr. o. ewett, or Air. Whita- Iter. G. W. JEWETT. SepL 6. 75-w-tf DR. R. F. niBBARD'S WILD CHERRY BITTERS, T7" OR Nervooa Weakness and General Debility. j 1. These -Bitters are highly serviceable in all dys peptic affections; they assistdizesiion t restore ihe tone of the stomach, atimulate the liver, and create an appetite. They are-unsurpassed in removing angor or lassitude,' (or want of energy to move.) ana eneciuauy in row on tne drowsiness incident to the bprlnsr or warm season. Sold Wholesale and III tail, by ' March 31. GEO. MYERS. FOR SALE. ALIGHT and strongly built Buirey. July 17. RUSSELL A BRO. VINEGAR! VINEGAR ! ! ' TU-ST received from Philadelphia. 35 bbls. best it Clarified Cider Vinegar, superior article. Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLEVS. sept. 27. J, H., and WC. T. copy. 84 ' CIGARS! CIGARS ! ! JUST RECEIVED, 50,000 choice Havana Oi- J gars, for sale br JD. A D. DuPRE Wholesale Druggists. 45 Market st. Oct. 13. 91. mTv,vR? JUST RECEIVED, by Adams & Co's Express, 300 Ola. Ziuimer'a German Quinine, fc'nr cnln v,aatiM OT C. A 1). DcPttE. Wholesale Druggist, 45 Market at. Oct. 13. 91. DISTILLERS' GLUE. A SUPERIOR article, constantly on hand, and iorsaie in quantities to suit purchasers, bv March 29. Wfll. A. GWVER. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. AT Leesburg, on the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road. The said Still will run 12 bbls. Virgin Dip Turpentine. It has all the fixtures and appurtenances ready for immediate use. It is well located tor business, and an active man cauld make money. Apply to WM. A.GWTER. July 10. ' SO MOW is the good time to have your rooms Ps- i. 1 pered, as we have opened our latest paterna of Hangings, corners nna uprorationa. WILKINSON A ESLER, April 17. TJpholmerers wnd Paper H ringers. NOTICE pHK undersigned having now some first rote -a. worKmen employed, ia prepared to manufac ture Boots and fehocs lo or-lerat short notice. All work warranted. Also, all kinds of renairins nunc wiin neaineta ana aispairri. July 24- GEO. R. FRENCH. I NO. 3 MACKEREL. A BKLS. fresu, for sale by tJAng.4. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. SNUFF. HA LP barrels, for sale by 7May 17. ADAMS, BRO. St CO. PICKLED HERRING. , XC BBLS. p.imeNova Scotia, just received, and cw torsai0oy AUAfllS, IS HO. Sc CO. ApriH9. ; 15. VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. WE have juat put upon retail, 1 cask Port Wine, 1" Madeira, the best article ever ofTored 1 " Madeira, ihe best article ever ofTored In ,hi. marUc, At the Originay. pRg lir-.o. MtKKS. Mme beautiful DUTCH HEAD CHEESEiu receivea mis cay at lit.U. MiERS: Oct 11. 90 LEMON SYRUP. 50 BOXES just received b L N. May 17. BARLOW. DESIRABLE WHARF TO RENT. I'HK large and convenient Wharf near Ihe x. Kan Road, Known as the Gillespie Wharf ia for rant. It is well adapted lo the Naval Store Durness, Having Warehouses and Sheds. Apply to WiU. A. UW Yfc.it. July 10. 50 I WILL PAY TUB HIGHEST PRICES 17OR old Sails, Rags or damaged Cotto .-V ood packages of not less than 300 Iba.,) on, (in suiia- ble tor making Paper. aug, v. GEO. HOUSTON. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this da v formed a Co. -L partnership, under the firm of LutiKrlnh a P.m. t ott.and win continue the Gen ral Commission aud Korwaraing ousiness. K. J. LUTTKR LOH. W. P. ELLIOTT. Sept. 74-tf BUTTER, CHEESE. &c. 1 OS HKN Butter, do. Cheese. Enzlish Dairy ana fine Jlitpie uneese. Uodrish. Scotch Her. ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of oiher gooda. just received and for sale by L. N. BARLOW, June 16. ; No. 3, Granite Row. - TEA. JI 1 buaw Hyson and Black lea some very w aupenon 101 eaie or iperion foi sale bv Oct. 6. - GEO. HOUSTON. WOOD WARE. A N assortment of Kegs, Buckets, Psils, Tubs, t-c, ior rata Djr utu, nuusiun. OJt.6. 83 EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. Q PL( EMPTY Spirit Barrels, just received, for O'JUsaleby ' ADAMS, BRO. & CO. July 26, ;s SODA WATER. A CONSTANT supply of Soda Water kept on hand, with the best syrups. For sale at June 6. C. d D. DuPRE. SUGAR. SUGAR. For sale by WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. Of BBLS. C' Sep. iO. GUANO. Ofi BAGS for aal by - , s CtJtaiay 19. ADAMS, BRO. &ro SIGHT EXCHANGE ON BOSTON. "COR sals bi SepUl T. C. WORTH. NOTICE! NOTICE ! I THE Subscriber would respectfully notify all .persons indebted to him account m.nd note due to make immediate settlement as monev Bust be bad. GEO. MYERS. Oct, 4. B7 niSTORT OF THE INSTITUTE OF St. Isnatiaa Oe Logolo, foaader of th So ciety of Jesaa. By Ksiher Daniel Barton, of the Society ofJesas. Translated by the author of Life in Mexico. Received and for sale at Sept. 13. S-W.WUITAKER'S. TOE TRI-WEEKLY COllERCIAL Is tu Wished every Tuesday. :Tosdav and Satsspav st 5 per annual, payable tnallcases in advance. - - . BY THOMAS LOIUNG Eoiroa and Porais- Corner Front a ad Market Streets, wiiauTox,v.c. KATES OP ADVERTISING. 1 aqr. 1 Insertion SO 50 I 1 sqr. 2 months, I! 4 00 5 1 " 3 " 1 00 1 1 6 1 "1 month. 2 60 1 1 11 8 00 12 00 Ten lines or less make a aqua re. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the pilce will be in proportion. . - - All advertisements are payable at the lime of their insertion. ' Contracu with yearly advertisers, will be made on themost iiberalterma. No transfer of contracts for vearlv advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a changs in business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option'of the contractor, for the time ha haa advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertiaera la strictly limited to theirown immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, aa well aft all advertisements notimmediately con nected with their own business, and all excesa of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual ratea. No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or rem oi nouses or lands in town or country, or tor tne aaio or nire or negroes, wheth- er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate butine:" All advertisements Inserted in the tri-wecklv Commercial, are entitled to one iesertidn in the IFeA-y free of charge. jron, CARD ANI FANCY PRINTING, EIECPTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR TflE COM HETtCIAh. Naw York Messrs. Dollnes &, Pottsb. Botlon. Chablbs Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. j'iUadelpnta e. K. Cohin. Baltimore Wm. H. Pcakc and Wa. Thomson K. $. LUTTBBLOH. W. P. VEXIOTT. LUTTERLOH & ELLIOTT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWAR DING MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Keep constantly on hand a supply of Lime, Cal cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, Land Plaster, Plastering Hair, Ac, &c. sept. 4. ?4-tr STILL THEY COME, Per Schooner A. J. DeRosset. 1 T BAGS Laguira Coffee, 1 fJ '20 matta J ava do - 10 bbls. best Irish Potatoes, 6 " " Red Onions, ' 2 quintalla Codfish, 30 dozen Broom?, 10 " Buckets, 1 casca round box Matches, 2 " Clark's " 1 dozen iron bouud bar Half Bushels, 1 u nest " 10 " Plough Lines, 10 " Bed Cords, . 2 " Axe Helves, 4 " brassand iron wire Sieves, , 1 " Roll Pins, 5 bbls. Soda Crackers, 5 M Sugar " 5 boxes 5 " Soda " And many other articles.' Low for cash ot GEO. II. KELLEVS. Mpt. 25. 83 W.J, II , N. C. T and Spirit of the Age copy. DISTILLER'S GLUE. A SUPERIOR article, for sale by Sept. 27. MOOKE, STANLEY d CO. AUBURN FOR SALE. frnp r, I . . r e . i i il &ancar Raleigh, and on the Central Rail - Road, is not yet disposed of. A descrip tion has already been given but no one will of course make so important a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to Wm. It. 1 oolc, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the aubscriber. . I . L.UU1NO. Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 14, 1855. CEMENT, CEMENT. Orif" BBLS. daily expected by achr. M. E. u w Wells, and tor sale low from wharf. June 5. 1 . C WORTH. SACK SALT. OfiSACK SALT. For sale by wUbep.20. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. COFFEE. QHn BAGS Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo and iwvv Java, tor sale by Oct. 6. GEO. HOUSTON. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM P'Y, tne " of April, 1843, under ihe directionof the following Officers, viz : Dr. Charles E.J onhson, President, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President John G. Williams, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasure', Perrin BuBbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, ) j- ,n 1 Dr.Wm.H.McKee, i Alcdical Bom-do f Dr. R.B.Haywood, ) Conultaln J. Hersman. General Agent. This Company haa received a charter giving ad vantages tothe insured over any otherCompany. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure hia own lire for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimsof the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participatein the coe of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, tha applicant for life, when the annual premium ia over $30 raay'pay one half in a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will oepaid within ninety daya after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at ratea which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of propcrity against the uncertainty of life. Slave insursnce presents a new and interesting featurein the history of North Carolina.which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation ofthis Company QEND your rags to Wilkinson & Esler, (Uphol lowsa veryl argeamount of business more than I O aters and Paper Hangers,) they pay cash for shows the Directors expected to do the first year having sircnuy issued muru limn iuu roiicics. Dr. Wm. VV. Habbiss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. AllCommanicatlonsonpusincssof iheCompany should be addressed to JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Raleigh. June 8. 1855. . LIME, HAIR, PLASTER & CEMENT. CONSTANTLY on hand. and for sale by GEORGE HOUSTON. SHINGLES QnfiTO 500 M- Shingles -Black's Contrast OKJKJ for sale by . J. H. PLANNER August 25. 70. CIGARS, CIGARS. Xf frr BEST Havana Cigars prime ar wV7,Wt IJ ticle also, a few boxes choice Chewing Tobacco. For sale by J. OL D. DuPRE, June 6. Market street. TTPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING U In ail Branches, executed in suaeriar atvleand at short notice, by Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. ANOTHER ADDITION rO our splendid assorted stock of Soft Dress snd Business Hats. Just onened at :he Hat and usp emporium, by Oct SHEPARD & MYERS. JUST OPENED. THE largest assortment of Chemicals ever offer ed in this market, consisting in part of 100 lbs. Sugar Lead; 60 Sulph.Zine? 25 - Tallett'a Mas; 500 ozs. German Quinine 10 bbls. Fpsom Salu i 15 bbls. Copperas t ' ' 26 lbs. Calomel t . 30 lbs. Blue Mass t 3 carboys Spirits Nitre (AT) t 2 iflwAmiMiiii.((m anda nnm- ber of other Chemicals, from tha Laboratories of Powers aud Weiehtman.Chss. Kllis & Co. For B. I ale by C. A D. DvPRE .tone 5. . 36 KENAN T. MORGAN, WAUDINO & COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHEH.AW. S. C. aJ arch 27, 1855. 5-6m-e :'i:yr'. v hails. 1 ff stEQS, assorted. tor sale bv IUU GEORGE HOUSTON. SASH AND BLIND FACTORY. 7 THE Wilmington Sash and Blind Factory lain XX I a operation again, and is prepared to execute all orders st short nolle for Sash, Blinds. Doors, Scrolls and Brackets of any ahape or figure. Col- itimns ior Porches, Mouldings of any pattern or aise. Banisters. nd H.nH Bail, for Stairway. Turn iui rurcura. mouiainzu ui our puttcm ing -of any dimension. The proprietor eolicits the patronage of his I the same by th j prompt attenti. frienda and the public at large, and hopea to merit e well execution or hie worn and ion to all orders forwarded 10 him. Office and Factory first bailding North of the Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road Depot. S. P.IVEY. Jan. 9th, 1855. 123-y-c. NEGRO PASSES." ANEW form of Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners. atid a number of others interested In the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office ot The Commercial. PAINTS, 0ILSv DYE-STUFFS : I rr ri , LBS- Dore Jnd eslr white Lead; t w JJJ 6D00 anil.. Linked Oil s 25 bbls. Red Ochre: 500 galls Chrome Green; 10 bbls Ver.etain Red ( 300 galls. Chrone Yellow; 25 bbls. Lamp Black; 8 bbls. Coaeh and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and PruaMan Blue; Logwood, Annatto and Madder. For sale by C. 4 D. DuPRE. Wholesale Drutrcisis, Wilmington. N. O. Oct. 5. 86. WINDOW GLASS. OfWl BOXES French and American Win tJ WVW do w Glasses from 7x9 to 24x36. Kor sale by C. & D. DuPRE, Uct. 5. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. CIRRIAGEST 7 I six seated CARRIAGE, L 1 Paneled Quarter Rockaway, 1 Quaker Rockaway and sevcrallizht Busrgies just received and for sale by Sept 27-tf DIBBLE & BRO. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND VhllY large ana handsome assonmen t 0f ora- Paper Hangings, Borders, Screens. Decora tions,ftc , which we will sell very low for CASH, and hang them in the latest s'vlea. WILKINSON fc ESLER, Upholsters and Paper-Hangers May 24. - 31 RAGS. 1 Q LBS. of Rags will buy one pr-ck of Meal by AO selling them to WILKINSON ESLER, May-24.. Upholsters and Paper Hangers. r NOTICE. THE subscriber having qualified aa special Ad ministrator upon tho estate of Cornelius My ers, decessed, and having been authorized to col lect in the debts due said estate, hereby notifies all persons indebted by note, or aceouni. or other wise to make immediate payment, as it is desira ble that the business bs speedily closed. CHAS. D. M VERS is my authorized agent to collect said debts, and receipt for the same. July 21. GKO. AlYKllS. HOOP IRON. THE subscriber is constantly receiving consign ments of this article, of the best aualitv. and offers it at the lowest market rates. ; JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Nov. 21. 104-tf. DR. E. SEYMOUR'S Cdi-lralcd Galvanic Abdominal Supporters 1MIIS is to certify, that C. A D. DuPrc, Drug L cists of Wilmington, N. C, are my sle agents for the sa'e of the above Supporters for this place and vicinity. E. SEYMOUR. n ilmington, IN. C, March 23, 1854. We most respectfully call tho attention of the Medical Profession of the State to an examination of the aoove Supporters. C. & D. DuPRE. March 23, 3-tf. CHEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : If infi OZ. German Quinine; UUU500 do. French do: BO lbs. Calomel : 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron 25 do. Blue Mass; 60 do. Vallett'a Mass; 50 gallons Sp'ts Nitre ; 40 do. Aq. Ammon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts ; 10 do. Copperas. For sale by C. d D. DoPRE, Wholesale Druggists; Oct. 5. 86, T3ATCHEL0RS, FAMILIES, HOTELS. Steamboats, c, can be furnished with mat- trasses, beds, pillows, bolsters, sheets, pillow, cases, blankets, comforts, spreads, towels, table cloths, &c, by calling on W1LK1WSOW OL KSLkR, Upholsters and Paper Hangers. Sept. 18. 83. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushion! for sale by -WILKINSON 4 ESLER, Aprils. Upholsterers. GUANO. -I Q TONS daily expected, for sale bv ADAMS, BROTHER fc CO. April 24. 18. NOTICE. THE Hardware business heretofore conducted byi. to. ROBINSON, will from this date be carried on by J. M. ROBINSON &. CO. All the accounts of the Id firm are now made out. and must be closed by note or otherwise. All persons having claims against J. M. ROB INSON, will please present them at once. I shall delay my uaual trip North for a short lime, for the M. K 1 1 II I I I express purpose of settling accounts, and hope mv J friends will call promptly. July 3. J. M. ROBINSON. WAY NOT them. May 10. 25 EASTERN BRICK. 1 O nOO JUST Per brig David Duf- . wjvvjv leu. r For sale by Aug. 14. ADAMS, BKO. & CO. TO RENT FROM FIRST OCTOBER. THE Store corner of Water and Mulberry sts.j the Oflice on the wharf, now occupied by D. A. Lamont; the Store add Wsrehouse now occu pied by me. Apply to JOS. R. BLOSSOM. July 26. 57 75 BAGS GUANO IN store and for sale by June 5. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. IN DISTRESS. . THE subscriber will take it as a great favor If thoseindebied to him by note or account will come forward immediately and pay their dues, as he wishes to go North to Isy in his winter stock, which is impossible unless he csn get money. sept. . A. li. AlcOALe.D. SHORTS AND SHJPSTUFFS. A CHEAP and nutritious article of food for eowa and horses 236 bushels for sale by Oct. 6. GEO. HOUSTON. PAPER HANGINGS. WK have just opened a large assortment of the latest styles of Spring patterns, of Paper rianginKB, ouraers, Klre Screens. Oecoratlons, &C-. which We Offer for aaleatlha lowest eaah nri. ess, and hang in shortest notice. - WILKINSON A ESLER, April Iff. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS AND ir m aAA - i onA prime secondhand empty Barrels. MU sacks Salt. Received per brig A. Adama. or aala by - Wept. 1. . , ADAMS, BRO. fc CO. WESTERN BACON. : - Ifl HHDS- Prime Sides; B hod a. d I ders daily expected and for sal MiobIsV jneyii. ..UUSSELl - .o PROSPECTUS OK THE. N. Cr CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. THE North Carolina Annual Confer enca-of the Methodist Episcopal Church BimhilS determined to isase a weekly paper bearing- the above name, the aabscribers ar authorised to Is sue this DTOsnectos. ft la intended to publish a family wpaper which, while it shall be religious in lone and sen timent, ana maintain tne doctrines and usages of ike Methodist Church, shall be devoted to .11 v norm iaroitna, and turnl.h Intelll genes lor every class or readers. In eixe inH an. ptarance the new periodical is to be equal to'any of our Church papers, while It will urniM lham ur i n t i " ' z 7 - ue wanisol ourpeople. The .rXZ ... Ir to the necessities of our position forces us to the publication of our own paper, and we confidently expect the hearty co-opera tlnn of the Members of our wnurcn in an parts or ihe Slate and Confer enre, and hope to make the paper ao Interesting and instructive as to attract patronage from the public generally. The "Advocate" will be published at 11.50 a year and the first number will be issued aa early as practicabje after ihe next Session of our Con ference. It is believed that the publication will be commenced on the lat of January, 186. It In desirable that aa Urge a auhacription as p'oanible be obtained before the Conference and the Minis ters and an others interested In the enterprise are respectiuiiy urged to secure end forward the names ana aaurena ot subscribers, particular at tention oemg paia to correctness in writing the names of persons, post offices and Counties. i nose wno may nave no opportunity of aubrcrib inginrougn tne agency or our Ministers may write directly to Key. Wm. E. Pell. N C. Faycttevillc, he piyment will be expected upon the Wine of tne nrst numDer. j re location of ihe publishing uv mill miiicu ii ins oession ol Uon- rerence. William E. Pbll, William Crtis, ' ' ftirpvs T. HcfliN. N. It.-D. Wilsok, '. William Babbenoeb, Committee. Jtiiy, IB55. 69. 100,000 COPIES! STEAMBOAT DISASTERS ON THE WESTERN WATERS, AND STEAMBOAT DIRECTOR F. THE undersigned have now in course o" prepar ation a NEW STEAMBOAT DIRECTOR V, which will te issued in October next the book will comma over iwo n una red pagea, Uluf trated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be ore of the most interesting booka ever published, and will be a book that will be interest ing to nil dosses of people. The Stenmlvor ni. rectory will contain a complete list and description of all the steamboats now afloat ori the Western buu ouumm iii wuiers. tne length, model, speed, power, and tonnage of each, boat, where and by whom built, the name of the boat, with the trade she is in. Also, ihe names of Captains and ofli cers, her age, fcc, tfce. The Directory will contsin a history of Steamboats and Steamboating on the Western waters, since the application of steam: also, a sketch of the first boat built for the Ohio river, with the name of Ihe builder, commander, and owner.. The River Directory will contain a list and des cription of al. the Stcumboat Disasters that have occurnd on the Western and Southern waters beautifully illustrated, with a list of s II those who have peiifthed by their burning, sinking and ex ploding, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, While, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other rivers, with the; towns, and citica laid down, with correct distances also, msny other liver and commercial itemaKof interest to ihe people at large. The book will con tain the cards of tho various United States mail bijats. with ihe trade they are in, Ac, 4c. The Di rectory will also contain a complete list of all ih I responsible Steamboat Liccnrrd Officers, their places ot residence, (Sc., fc; the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the incomDcterrrofficer. and in jures the competent officer, &c.,&c..and all ihe Important United Mates Supreme Court Steam boat Decisions up to dute ; the Kates' and impor tant commercial rrivileges, Bills of I. ailing, im portant Decisions of the various United State courts, in re card to Freights lost and damaged, dec, &c t with many other thingaof interest. The Directory will be illustrated in the bet 1 style and printed in the best manner. The author haa for six years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern' waters, and now intends publif hing them in book form. The price of the work will be put at the low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen; all others desirous of subtcribing will have to do ao at once, as none will be printed unless ordered in advance. This work is destined to have a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, as the publishers are receiving large numbers of tubscribers, per mail, from all parts oi the country, datlv. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat Direc lory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will be an ornament to the parlor aa well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will re ceive a copy of the above work. lAU communicationa and letters should be addressed lo JAMES T. LLOYD CO., Tosi Office Buildinff. Cincinnati, Ohio. July 17ih, 1855. . 63-tf. ! SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LORILLARD, MANUFACTURES, No. 4 Chatham Street, Xew York, Successor of Piteh & Geobqb LorillabO, offers ior sale ail kinds of SNUFF and TOBACCOS i general use. For particulars, a Price Current ca be obtained by addressing as above. This Estab Itshmcntis one of the oldest of the kind in the Untied Mates. Feb. 13. 133-ly-c MACKEREL. . 3 Mackerel, just received and fo tVaale by July 17. AUA11S, liKO. fc CO. 63 SALT. 1 'TcnSACKSLi"PoolE:ir. For snlo by j s jkj juiy 17 H. FLANNJSK STEAMBOATS FOR SALE. Yv T4 the Siaamer "F AIRY," "UNION" ,1 -n' the steamer "KVKRGREEN, ' all of which are now on the waters of the Pee Doe and Waccamaw. Fa i sir's length, 81 feet 6 inches, " breadth, 15 " 4 " " d.nth. 4 " 2 " measures 54 and 2 95 tons burthen, was built in the year iboi. Steamer Umosr or Eliza's length, 73 feet 6 inch. " " " breadih, 13 " " " - depth, 4 "2 measures 40 and 32-95 tons burthen, wsa built in the year 1850, machinery ad new and in complete orocr. Steamer Evsrobebh's length, 121 feet 6 inches " " breadth, 22 " " " denih. 6 " 5 " measures 160 and 78-05 tons, and waa built in the year 1843, together with their Liehiers, Jos. R. Blossom and Republican one of seven hundred barrels, and the other of nine hundred barrels ca pacity. Also, two Flats, now on the Cspe Fear River--one 650, and the other 550 bbls. capacity. lerms win oe made easy D. D. ALLEN, ...,. JAS. H. PRITCHETT, J A'enee- sept. 27. 84-tf BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. At S. M. WEST'S Furniture Warehouse, On ihe Wharf. Just Received and for sale Una for Cask. f?( DOZEN Cane and Wood aeat chairs, aasoru fWtd colors, 5 doc cane aeat Rocking Chairs, 6 " wood seat " " 10 u fine mahogany cushion spring Chairs. i " " M " " Rocking, 2 " " nurse 4 " office Chairs, with cushions. 2 " children's of5ce Chairs, 50 fine mahogany marble top Bureaus. 25 " Sofas, . Fine Mahogony Walnut and; Cherry Card Centre and Dining Tables, -10 fineMahogany Lounges, 100 high post Bedsteads with patent screw and cord. 6 fine Cottage Chamber aets, 60 Wash Stands and Toilet Tables, 10 fine Wardrobes, " 6 fine Writing Desks, 6 M BookCaaea, ' 4 - Sideboards. Hair Mattrassea, Looking Glasses. f-e For sale low by S. M. WEST. Ac T. epi. zs. -- 82-t f HERRING. yn BBLS O eeiTed. Sept. 4. Prima Herring, in store and just re For sale by ADAMS, BRO, f CO. MISCELLANY. A NEQBO STEALER TARRED AND FEATII IN MISSOURI. THB MANNER N WHICH TI1X COAT IS AfFLIEI A correspondent of the St. Louis Dime erat gives the following account of punish ing a Qegro steafcr in Paikville, Mo.,unde the code of Judge Lynch. The man name was Atkinson, and he was declare guihy by a comrnitiee of citizens of at tempting to ran off with a mulatto slav. girl. After the decision of the extra judi cial court had been rendered, some of ill. committee went for tar others for a ba$ of feathers ; the rest stood guard b'efor. the office door. Tur enough whs brouh to besmear the entire population of Park Tille, and feathers sufficient for at least 1 dozen coats. 'Now,' said Capt. Wallace to Atkinson Now, stranger, to save trouble, off will your shirt.' With imperturbable coolness, and with out opening his lips, the prisoner doffed hi. linen and flannel. As be wore ncithei est nor coat, this ceremony was soon con eluded. " He's obedient," said 1 it's best for him.' one of the crowd : He's got off too d d Cauv 1 r-iiil ii'. other. ' That's a fact,' said a third". , By this time the prisoner was naked from the loins upward. I 4 Come out hfrr-,' said dpt. WhJLc ' wo don't want to smear the floor with tli.k tar.' I Silently and carelessly Atkinson follow ed him. iJim uiiu iiugnes men cot two paddles sticks about a yard long, and! broad at one end and proceeded slowly (amid the .laughter and jrsls of ihe crowd.1 which Atkinson seemed neither lo see nor care for,) to ' lay it on,' at least half nu inch deep, from the crown of his head id his wrist ; over his arms, bands, cheekt brow, hair, arm-pits, ears, back, breast an.: neck. As he was besmearing Atkinson's cheeks, one of the operators jocularly ob served that he was ' touching ud his whi. kers,' which of course producrd great mer riment among the crowd. All this while the only outward sinn of mental ae-itaiion that the prisoner exhibited was an extraor dinary activity in chewing and -expectora ting. 'Gucsa you've got rnough on put or e feathers, said an idle member of the committee. You are doinr it up brown.' said u voice to the operators, flatteringly. ies, 8ur,'said neof the operalors with a iaugn, as he took hold of the bag of feathers and threw a handful on the pris oner's back. 'Pour them on,' suggested a spectator. 'No, it's better lo put them on in hand- fuls,' said a voice. Messrs. Bird, Hughes, Bovden and Sam uel Johnson then look hold each of the end of two long poles, which they placed bo as to iorm an extempore St. Andrew s cross. 'Sit on there,' said one of tliem. I forrret who, to the tarred and featherd person. 4 V hy, they're going to ride him on a rail,' said a voice beside me. Selves the d d scoundrel right,' re plied his companion. 1 ' He ought to be hanged,' rejoined 'the first voice. 'He's very right to do ns he's bid,' said a person near the prisoner, as Atkinson calmly put his legs over the poles and sat on the part where they joined. The four citizens named then raised him in the air placing the end of the poles on their shoulders and carried him through the street, which was thronged with peo ple, down to the wharf and back. Just as the grotesque procession, amid shouts of laughter, ironical remarks, and other indications of popular opinion, reach ed the wharf, the steamer Martha Jewelt arrived there. I boarded her, and when I landed again found that the procession had changed into several circles of talkers, the poles had disappeared, and the prisoner in his gratis habiliments with them, lie -left Parkville that evening. THE SHORTEST WAY. Some twelve years ago, Napoleon, (In diana,) was celebrated for two things, one for the carousing propensities of its citizens, and the other for the great number of cross roads in its vicinity. It appears that ar Eastern collector had stopped at Dayton to spend the nijr ht and gam some informa tion respecting his future course. lJurirg the evening he became acquainted with an old drover who appeared well posted as to the geography of the country, and the col lector thought he might as well inquire in regard to the best route lo different poims to which he was destined. 'I wish to go to Greenfield,' said the collector; 'now which is the shortest way V 'Well, sir, said the drover, 'you had bet ter go to Napoleon, and take the road lead ing nearly north.' The traveller noted it down. 'Well, sir, if I wish to go to Edinburgh?' 'Then go to Napoleon and take the road west.' 'Well, if I wish to go to Vernon V 'Go to Napoleon and take the road south west.' 'Or to Indianapolis?' added the collector, eyeing the drover closely, and thinking he was being imposed on. Uo to Napoleon and lake the road norin- west. The collector looked at his note book; exery direction had Napoleon on it; he be gan to feel his mettle rise, and he turned once more to ihe drover with 'Suppose, sir, I wanted to go to the dev il?' The drorer never smiled, but scratched his head, and after a moment's hesitation, jsaid: Well, mr dear sir, I don't know of any shorter road you could take than to go to INapoIeon.' GOOD MOTHERS. What is wanting,' said Napoleon, one day. 'Mad. Campae, in order that tne youth of France may be well educated Oood mothers,' was her reply. A SUGGESTION. A New York paper suggests fl national subscription, through the churcnes ana otherwise, for a fund toward building at Norfolk a suitable monument to the mem ories of tho doctors and nurses who sacri ficed their lives for the good of other. It would be a simple matter for each congre gation or person, thinking such a monu ment due, to forward without ceremony a contribution to Mr. Whitehead, the act in" Mayor of Norfolk, and the papers would acknowledge the receipt.