WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1856. ORGAX OF THE TOWN AUTHORITIES -LIVELINESS IN TOWN. CJoLDSBORo'J Jan. 24. We know not the cause, but East and 'W est Center street, on last, Saturday, I bad tha, actual appearance of a New York Broadway. Every thing-, , ut o'doors, was anmauon, - hilarity and crood reeling, and. we must suppose our Merchants must have reaped a rich harvest Wayne county boasts as many ot na turela noblemen," according to population, , as aliy County in the- State. - . Peaceable, moral, good, natu red and industrious, they enjpy their sports and pastimes, their labors and-duties in their season, and, when they visit our town,! the welkin ring's with the merry laugh, and counters glitter with the shining dust Tribune. ; FATAL. AFFRAY. ; w learn , mat on Sunday merit last, a quarrel arose between Mr. Reid, a Law Student at our University, and a man by the name of Cheek, living in the. Village of Chapel Hill.' It seems tbatUneek rais ed a chair to strike Reid, whereupon the latter drew a revolver and fired tbre'e balls into Gheek, killing him instantly. Mr. -Reid was-arrested end gave bail in $2,500. . lb. Prom, the Whitby (C. W.) Reporter. FIRE AND LOSS OF LIFE. -,. A fir broke oar in the d welling' house of Mr. Richmond, Price Albert, On Saturday mornins-. which, we are sorry to record. was attended with a melancholy loss of lire. - : v-. , . - r; The flames had enveloped the entire buiiding, before the inmates, who were all ia bed, became aware of the fact,- and ter-ror-stricket, each oh awaking rushed from the. fury of the Barnes, with the instinct ot elf-preservation. - When it was discovered that one of the daughters yet remained in the house, a young man, named ; Foley, who had stopped at Mr. Richmond's that night, dashed through the flames to rescue the sleeping girl ; but, painful to jrelate, neither came out alive, both having met a frightful death in the destructive conflagra tion; " 1 - ' . , ' .- t)aylight presented a frightful spectacle to the agonizing sight of the afflicted fum- . ily, the charred trunks of two human be ings, with-the bones protruding through the blackened flesh, being (he only remains . of those who but a few hours, before, en joyed- health and happiness among them, without a thought on the fate which await ed them so near: The circumstances are rendered still more distressing by the fact that the young couple who thus met an untimely end, were engaged to be. married the' ensuing week, it is said - , The .fire, we are told, occurred through carelessness in ; throwing some, burning ashes into a barrel in the back part of the house. .. - CHINA. THE COOL1B TRADE WHOLESALE MASSACRE. f The atrocities of the Coolie' trade from China have excited universal indignation, both among those who know they are gen erally the result of ignorant or brutal man agement, and others Who understand noth ing about tne trade, and mate no distinc tion between hired coolies who are treated as slaves, and voluntary emigrants who pay for - their own passages. But all for mer instances have been outdone by a wholesale massacre, of which accounts have just been received. - Toe nornble tale may be briefly told . The Waverlyjr an; American ship of 750 tons, recently sailed from Amoy with 442 coolies- for: Havana or Callao. The cap tain having died ' shortly after her depar ture, the first mate in command of the ves sel brought her to Manilla, for the purpose of procuring another officer to take his place. " Oo anchoring at Cavite it would appear the mate had alarmed the captain of the pott about the sanitary, condition of the ship, wnicn prevented tree intercourse 'with her: and as. beside the captain, one of the coolies had died, the prejudices of the Chinese were offended at the mode in which the burial was about to be conduct ed? or at some other unexplained treatment of the dead bodies. - . - t - But the'onfy explanation accorded to them was the mate's lifting a revolver and shooting down one or more of their num ber; the rest being driven without difScul; t ir 1 -t. .tr nnrt marl a aaitura nrirlar katAKaa j wvtwn huww v xe w utJUBi - uaivuvo without any precaution, or apparently any thought, ; about, ventilation The mate thereafter attended ; the captain's funeral, nil stwnt th (lav on shore : and it was pot until after midnight that the agents of the ship, who may till then have been oriaware bow the matter stood, took alarm, '..and insisted that the mate should then as certain the state of his human freight ; and ao, at two o'clock next morning,; twelve hours after the hatches had been put on, they were removed to discover "that- two 4 hundred and fifty-one of the coolies -were ? lifeless corpses. Forty-five .more are - mis ' sing-, leaving only 146, 'of whom several are not likely to survive. . The mate and crew have been imprison ed by the Spanish authorities, and it is said that the United States consul declines to . talce any cognizance of the matter. ; Oth ,er coolie ships have recently left China un der circumstances that afford ground for apprehension that they may not complete their voyages without disaster. In connex- . iim wuu iuu suojec i wnicn nas . noi nun. ? erto been treated as slave dealing) we may ' . .V . .v. v . . . . ; :.w . l. ! ' . d i - t ' . , . i. meiiuuu iutti me vjiovernor or Aiacao nas 'imprisoned two Portuguese subjects ; char - red with baying Chinese girls, chiefly at -Ningpo, lor the purpose of exporting them t Havana ; in short with slave dealing. " TlIE" PEACE: QUESTION. " - The Paris correspondent of the London Ciooe, 1 writing on January 3' (reoiog.) a sacra - - . - -- There fa no political news of importance. In Parij, however, although the Russian cir cular has produced but little impression, the warke tone with which it has been commen ted c.i ty. the London pre has created a deeiisi E?nsat ion., .. Peace is now. declared to be larther offthan ever, and with the ex- ceptioo of the frequenter of the Bourse, all em-to-rejoice that the question should be once more f laced.' ia its real light, far from the deleterious iafiaence of diplomatic fogs. It was rumored at the Bourse, to-day. that at the reeeptioa , of the corps diplomatique at the Tuireriea oa New Tear's day, the Empc ror eyresaed to the Neapolitan Ambassador Lis regret at the unfriendly, attitude of his ;jittrnaiBW, .-? " V s SPECIAL MESSAGE CP GOV. WISE : On Thursday Governor : Wise sent the following special message to tts Virginia Legislature: N'w v-r'-Vv.: '. -- ?"'. Gentlemen ? -1 hesitate to decide u pon complying with the request of the Gover nor and Legislature of Vermont and ac- comnanvmf resolutions of that btale on so much of the Governor's message as re lates to Kansas." These resolutions are in every sense of fensive to us. and unbecoming the inter course and correspondence which shoul obtain between sovereign States in the same confederacy. - They are designed to irri tate public feeling upon a topic concerning which it is naturally and Habitually sensi live and excited, and are calculated to im nair the' affection which should . bind the people of the States together in nationa union. Extremely erroneous and false, in fact and in principle, they are not worthy of discussion. The" time for discussing such unwelcome missives from' State to State is passed., . We cannot reason with the heads of fanatics, nor touch the hearts fatally bent upon treason. From time to time, for many years, toe authors of such mischief have been remon strated with in Vain, and have been indu ced but to repeat outrages, to renew insults and at last .to organize opposition to the constitution and laws, and to seize upon State and federal authority for further ag gression.'. - . - , , . - in tne present posture ol relations, we can but waft in calm, dignified and patient composure, either for the worst to come to the worst, or for a returning sense of pat riotism, a reverence for the past, a sacred regard to law and order, a love of justice and of peace, to be . re-awakened and to restore a sisterhood of States, its affection, its harmony, its glory and strength. . 1 therefore recommend that no action be had or taken on these resolutions by you, It is proper, perhaps, that they should be preserved only as State archives, in proof of the wrong offered us and of our forbear ance, and this, respect for Slate sovereign ty alone determine me to notice thern as 1 do. They are but minor results of the same cause of apprehension and danger which has assumed a much more formida ble phase, and now arrest the gravest at tention of our country. I he federal gov ernment is arrested in its operation, the rep resentative branch of Congress is disorgan ized, and the representative principle itself is brought into disrepute by it at this very moment; and in such a crisis as this, we can hardly descend to look to its results upon a Vermont legislature and executive. Our attention is called to Washington city, not to IMontpelier. Parties, affiliated with those of Vermont who have sent to us these resolutions have grown so strong as to succeed in electing to Congress more than one hundred repre sentatives to oppose a mere minority who are now defending the Constitution, and in withholding from that minority the support of thirty representatives more, chiefly of the Southern States ; and the effect is that the House of Representatives cannot be organized, except upon terms subversive of the Constitution and Union : and the South is distracted and , divided against itself. Is the design of the plurality disun ion T Is the purpose of the faction division among ourselves I If so, it is time that all people and all interests in our country should be aroused to a sense of the fact thai the easiest step to disunion is a tcUhdratc al of representation ; and that the most potent cause to compel a vnsthdr&wal of representation is to disorganize, distract and degrade rep resentation. - . How long Virginia shall be kept waiting for organization on constitutional terms ? how long she shall be kept waiting on dis organization, to avoid being put upon terms of dishonor or being exposed to danger? are ques tions for her people and.her legislature to de termine. For my part, I repeat the recom mendation, of calm, collected dignity, and of patient and forbearing patriotism. i VVail ! but be not wanting to yourselves and our posterity, I earnestly -implore you. i Wi'h the highest respect, Your obedient servant, ' Henkt A. Wise. THE GONG. 3 We find the following rib-tickler ' in anjexchange: I Speaking of gongs, a trio of old ladies, delegates to the Womans Rights Conven tion, lately -stopped at the Burnett House, Cincinnati. - They had never heard a gong, and we give Mrs. Trod well's own descrip tion of it : " We hadn't been in our own room very long, till, jeminy, crimeny, of all the noises that ever did noise growlin', bellerin, howlin', screenbin', and thunder in', all rumblin' up in one infernal muss of a sound ? We thought the day of insur rection had come, sure enough, all were awfully frightened. Miss Saffron vowed that it was Gabriel blowing his last trump, and that be was' a little hoarse. Miss Skin flint, she bounced into her bed, crying out, " feathers : is non-conductors I" , Directly the all-fired howlin' thing shut up, and then there was a sound of folks runnin' down stairs fit to break their necks. . We were all makin' for the door to run too, when something knocked at the door. We were afraid to open, but at last Miss Saffron, bold as a lion, advanced and peeped thro' a key hole. -There we,: stood, shivering with fright just at this' minute the door opened, and what in the name of floogins do you think it was? ; Why, nothing but a poor, mean, good-for-nothing, deceitful yaller nigger, wanting to know if we'd come to supper? M Has the tel 'graphic magneliff exploded ?u asked Mrs. Skin flint. " Ma'am," says he again, u Then," says I, "what was that infernal; howling about, you great,' stupid, silly nigger 1" "That noise just now oh, nothing but the gong, I reckon," says he, and the critter went off grinning. What a gong was we couldn't tell, but from its voice we guessed it was some astonishin' savage beast they had tamed and let run loose about the housjjo skeer decent people out of their sensesVy ; . : - " .-'-v? ' ' I POLES AND HUNGARIANS. I The Emperor Alexander has ordered a special-court to be formed at Kieff, for try ing Poles- and Hungarians. The former are to be punished according to the milita ry law of the couptry, but the latter are to be delivered over to the Austrian authori ties. So many Polish anil Hungarian pris oners are taken in irons to Kieff, that no fewer than four judges and -ten secretaries are continually employed. . ; A CANDID LAWYER. 1 'Do you think I'll get justice done me?.' said a culprit to bis counsel. I don't think you, will,' replied the other, 'for I see two men on-the jury who are opposed to bang ins.' - - '-v. - . (Fcr.:iE3LT Mus.-tcr. jun) ' EST SIDH RAIL ROAD, COLDSBORO', N4C, , Tinive and welt known public -1 haa been purchased and . J by ihe Sobscriber for the re 1 .i , uisaia on the 4ih teat. .-" .1 i i i iisantly ahid conveaieniiy aitnatedln the c-ntrr; o! ' isineea, and la directly oppoflie io, aM WKST of tha Ticket Office, of th vvilmlns ion and VV cldon and ihe Central Rait Road Com paniea, where tha cars aiop on their arrival and departure, and where faithful ihtabts will ii iw wAiTiKs to take baggage, and give such other attentions as Ihe traveller may require. - -TflEHOUSKhas Been remodelled, repaired, and (horooghljr renovated from cellar to garrer, ana ramtshed tfirouenont-wim. new truroixjin, elected with special rare, and arranged with an ejre single to the eomfurt of the casual' guest or permanent boarder. : - . . frrf 1? in! r Will be ricWr 'furnl1b'd with, the nbaiantfals, the djntie and dclicaeiea of the aeason. foreign as well aa.dustsslie market a will be rendered tribvtary to the caosiani tupplr, which will be served tip In ihr best style, by orderly, oonging ana well trained serrante. , THE BAR i Will be a Storehouse of ihe best Wines an J Li- auors. and aynerintettded by a gentleman of cour tesy andintegritr, thoroughly acquainted with his business comprising ihe knowledge of what ia due 10 tne rights and comiorts ot tne puouc, as well ai 10 himself and nia employer. ' THK.STABLK. which are among the bent la ih State, have been nlaeed in the beeninir of a skillful and careful manager, who will always have under his care tne best and most expenencea osuers, ana i; win be among the chief cares of Ihe proprietor to see thai horses ofhis guests te well tea ana tuor oosrhlv erroomed ' -; l ine enure estaousnmcnt naa necn purcnuseu and fitted nn al an enormous expense, and it will be the olaasure. as, of course, it will be the inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every resneel canal to anvln Ihe country He there' fore trusts that a generous public wilt renew and continue tha liberal patronage heretofore emended o this House, white under the care ni Ms former Droorietiws. Mrs. Borden, w ho gained for It ctlebrity throughout ihe entire Union. . Aog. 13. - 6My. V NOT DEAD. THE 'LIVE GIRAFFE" AGAIN! A New Era About to Dawn Upon North- Carolina. At the constant and earnest solicitation of near ly every body, but especially the old acquaintan ces of "ye Animal," we hare been imlnced to pro mise, If'-provender" enongh can be aecured, to trot that beast ont again to tne gaae ot an man kind, and the universal admiration of womankind. dnring the nrst wevk in January, ieoo. Tlt Uvts uiratlo, wiuie it was a nentrai pa ter. while it grazed in its own green pasturage, played with the guts and joked with ihe boys. was the most popular sheet, animate or inanimate, that ever i.-ud from a Southern press; and had it beet content to hare lived in its own native sphere, it would new have been the -Brother Jonathan" of Ihe South. Such a result can but be erident to any thinking man ; it was, indeed nn the high road to fame and a most enviable distinction. But becoming fat, in an nnlucky moment, like the man who had grown 'Tic en- oirk to ride an ass" and bad. therefore gotten above his fellows, the "Animal" leaped tho bars of its accustomed field, and Ihe . next thing we heard of him. he. like a man turned politician fram preacher, waa pining for the good things of life, and no doubt, like Ihe silly lamb of old that clnded the sight of the shepard, and -got into, the thick woods which was round io oe intcstwi wttn wolvett. he wished himself back in bis old range. Bat ihe bars had been put another ran inguer and he couldn't get back ; besides, be had erown to lean that he could not jump. . . . . . . , t . , . it Is said tnai iHingni wiraom is ine or in the world, if it dnnt cost too m neb. A mighty true saying ; one in which there is more of truth than poetry or romance, and in view of this old saving and the Annimal's experience, his old y ? . . ..... ... -1 1 . friends neea have mile lear mat ue win .at any lime hereafter cut the same caHr again. He'll kick any man that would intimate such a thing. The Lire Qirauc will tu-n be neutral. It will be devoted to fun, to the unci, and literature. It Will be made lite venicie 01 puunsmng many a thought to the world, funny, grave and instruc tive, that would have waited itself on the air "as summer roses do," but for its columns; it will seek every opportunity to I nrn grave and uninter esting matters into plessant and agreeable inci dents ; npset all ill-natured humanity it meets with and mould it anew; expose an rascality wherever fonnd, whether io Cburcb or State ( that's nromising a great deal.) or in the mcial circle, and keep a strict wstchonthe pre. liters- religions and political, and see that each keeps its boun ta. The rilizons of Raleigh know well enongh the value of such a sheet, and wonld not do without it another year for half a million. Why, since the exit of the Animal from their borders, they have had more bad luck than was ever heard of before. More Trusts have been made, more liens been given upon proper!, ' more assignments made, more quarreling and fighting, more drinking of Honor, more meanness generally, and more ill lack than ever was known at any period since the great plagne in Egypt. Mow tiiis is as plain as daylight, and the only remedy for such evils is to trot out the Animal again. Sol think. flow, tut is the proposition 1 snail make to yon. i want an assurance 01 your willingness to patronize the Animal, and to get Ibat assurance I aball give yon iihi opportunity to correspond wun me and to send in ail the names that can be se cured. If 600 names en bo secured, we shall have no fears o ' the success of Ihe Animal, ue will soon grow fat when be begins to take exercise.- and, then be can plead his own case, If not with elo quent words, at least with an occasional kick at the boys, s It has been intimated to me mat the connec- lon I sustained to the "Carolina Pennant" would injure the Animal since the "Pennant"-had sud denly expired and left many of its - subscribers in the suds. I have to say here, and 1 hope it will satisfy every body that I bad no Interest in Ihe Pennant. I wrote most of its Editorials fjr which I should have received something according to agreement, but I did not. I have tried this c-business and it neither pays nor suits my ge nius. I want a broad hemisphere, a wide lati tude, and nobody to divide with mo in the spoils. Then, friends, we now understand each other, want you to send me your names between now nd the first of January; if enough respond, the "Animal" will makehi bow; ifnot.no harm done. Tbbms: Two dollars per annum, payable on delivery of first number: two dollars and fifty cents if paid in six raonjs; three dollars if nol paid nil end or year- t"io money win be re quired until the first No. is issued.3 w a-w mwr nvm a w tt. tl. tULEIOH .IN. V, ; QUININE! JUST RECEIVED, by Adams & Go's Express, 300 oz. Zimmtr'a German dninine. For tale by CAD. DePltE, wnolcsale urugsisi,4i Maraet st: Oct. 13. . 91. BUCKWHEAT TO ARRIVE; Per Schr. J. S. Wilson, at No. 11, north Wuttr . Street. A ( BAGS Buckwheat Meal, 6 kegs " 10 " beat Goshen Butter. 1 25 boxes prime Cheese. Will be sold tow fo cash at , OEO. H KEI.LEVS. Oct. 13. .Herald. - 91 FARIETJf AND EXCELLENCE. nn H K largest asaorlment ot umoreiia is always to be foondjat the Emporiam, and we aeU them atlo wer prices roan may Nov. 27. 1 Hal and Cap Emporium. SELECTION FROM TflE WRITLNGS OF Walter Savage Canh! edited by George S. H ilfiardt. Just published by Tick nor & Field a For sale at ' S. w.nuumii'a. Jan. IT. IS" ORANGES AND LE2T0NS. O ECEIVED-thls day, la prime order, by AW u r. BASLUW, Jdb 16. No. X uranite liow. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for sale at T Commercial Office, the Rates of Pilotage for the' Bar and River. : ; .,33-tf. A BOOK FOR EVERY S0UTIIE2N WETflODlST :. Estly la lEZtL probably ii the month of Febru arv. I ax rec t to oiiblish a new work to the narlle alar tea lures of which I beg leave lo rail year at tention. .-i- f. - ? The Annals of Southern blelhodism, for 1855, will be a 12 mo. volume of not leas than 360 pages. well printed, from stereotype plates, upon good paper. It wiij contain all available statistics in every department of the operations of the METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SOUTH The desisn embraces Ibe Plan of Episcopal vi&l- -tatiow; accounts of the sessions of all the Confer ences held In I.-55, the appotntmenla, numbers, &en a summary of ail reported revivals, notices of the dedication of new Churches t reports of College Commencement, with all else connected with oar educational movements; a resume or oar M lssion- ary operations, embracing whatever eeemsof gene ral Interest In that department ; the movements of tne Tract and Sunday School societies whatever appertains to oar publishing in le rests, with a n Douncementa of all New Books published by our concern, or written Dy soutnera ntetnoaiau ; wnat the Church Is dome lot the instruction of slaves Historical and Biographical Essays; interesting person al reminiscences; and a miscellany ot im porta nt lacts ana incidents. THE "ANNALS." It is believed, will be a fair and full daguerreotype of tne progress ol Southern metnodisni. . It will occur to you at once, that If 1 have suc ceeded in preparing thia volume with any reasona ble amount of skill, it wilkpot only be a very agree able book for present reading, but that every year will add to its vatae as showing the posture of Soo- thern AletliodUm at this particular juncture of its nistory. - THIS DIGEST Will be specially valuable as a Book of reference. To whatever question of general interest may arise in regard-to the" events ot iaaa. it is honed that a aatisfactorv answer will be found In ibe Annals. While it is believed that ihe Ministers incur Church will desire copies as soon as they ean be obtained, 1 have paid regard . to the what 1 suppos ed the taetesot general readers, ine older mem bers or the Church wtil find sKett nes that carry them back lo their earlier compeers, as in thisde pnrtment 1 have not restricted myself lo the histo ry of he year, kuthave collected whatever has ap peared dunne Ihe year, which, as h'story and biog rnnhv. preserves the memoirs of the olden time. and of the early men of Southern Methodism. The work will be published at One Dollar a copy Those who subscribe In advance, shall receive the nrst copies issue f from the press. A cold dollar pasted in a letter can be sent securely and is pref erable to billaof distant '-tanks. Those of the banks in North and South Carclina will be as good asgolJ In return a copy will be sent well wrapped and pre- P' .. . My address la UoidsDoro", in. c. I CHARLES F. DEEMS. Dec. 29. r - 122-lm DR: E. SEYMOUR'S Celebrated Galvanic Abdominal Supporters n 'HIS Is to certify, that U. AD. DuPrc, Drug J. cists of Wilmington; N. C, are my sole agents for the aa.'e of the above Supporters for this place and vicinity. k. skv jnuuK. rvilniington, v. C, fliarcn ii, loaf. fVe most respectfully call the attention of the Medical Profession of the State lo an examination of the above Supporters. C.ac. V. DvPRIi. March is, - - J-tr. REED'S PATENT CIIR0N0 METER ENGINE. rpHIS la an improved Steam Engine fcr which 1 Letters Patent were granted to John A. Reed. of New York, Jan. 4,1855. -The nature of thia Improvement consists of the increare of power about 20 per cent, and reducing the weight of the Knglne one hall- t tie saving of fuel is etleetcd by letting the steam in on both sides of the cylinders doubling the size of the port, and balancing the pressure, removing ine motion ana weigntoi tne slide vslves, eccentrics, cross heads, connecting rods, f-c. The exceeding simplicity or inis En gine, rsnders it much more durable and easily man aged than any other, ana when placed upon the bol ler with wheels II is portable though effective. These Engines received the Krst Prize Medal at the great Exhibition in Paris. Theiere now about Seventy-five of them in operation, all giving great satisfaction. PRICES : I Horse Engine. I50 Boiler and fittings 125H 3 " . - zoo isu 6 " 300 300 8 400 " 400 10 ' " 600 " . 600 A)lsiz's from 1 to 100 horse power at the short eat notice. Also. Reed's Patent Steam Pump, the simplest and most durable one in ue, for raising water or supplying boilers. Further lnlurmatton may oe nnd or addressing TOUSLKVi RKKD, . 93 Maiden Lane, New York. Dec 15. s ll6-3m-c RYE WHISKEY. I O DOZ. Cottles pure old Rye Whiskey, of su l a5 perlor quality. For sale by April 10. LS. BARLOW. NOTICE. I THE business irrangement heretofore existing -a. ociween ine nnaerBismca nnu Dern in b oar disconlined. . T. C. WORTH. G. W. DAVIS. Jan. 8. 126-lm. ' T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. a 126 -tt NOTICE. THOSE indebted tome individually, or to DoPRE & CO., will please call and mafte pi ment without deliv. aa further Indulgence cannot be iriven. C. DvPRE. May 17. 28 XV. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER; North Water; Strebt. Wikmington. No, Ca. Monuments Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and . all kinds of Marble Work Jnrnisxed to order on reasonable terms. June E. 36-ly-c FOR SALE. ALIGHT and strongly built Baggy. July 17. : RUS-lELLdt BRO. REMIUM AGAINST THE WORLD. JUST received from Phoenix Disiillety, per schr, Lewis Mul.'ord, five bbls Old Magnolia Whis key, aho, on hand, a genuine article of Old Hen- "nesey Brandy, (Vintage 1643.) For sale by Dec. 6. WM. La. S. TOVVrtSHfc.MU. THE WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. WILL re-open on Monday, October 1st, at So ciety Hail, The Board of Instruction will be he same aa last-session. For naviculars, see school eard. which will.be issued a few days before commencing, and which may be fonnd with Mr. S. Jewett, or M r. Whita ker. O. W. JEWKTT. Sept. 6. 75-w-tf NOTICE. WE HEREBY caution all persons from buy ing or receiving a certain draft drawn bv J. Snnw itatiul W j Im in r Inn. IS' C Jnlr B ' IflSK. upon M. Cronly, and accepted by him, in favor of Charles G. Jones, at thirty days after date for 92 175. The said draft having been obtained by fraud, thia la to notify the public that payment of the said draft haa been stopped. J. SNOW, M. CRONLT. Wilmington, July 26. . S-7tf. THIRD AND FOURTH VOLUMES of Mscauley History of England, received and lor sale at Jan. 17. S. W. WHITAKER'S. . JUST RECEIVED BY 6. R. FRENCH, A. FRESH supply of PEKKV DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN CILLER, ia entire Naw nKM Ta k anm .Ha. rn. tret ihff vn n ! n M A- Iciae: Inqaire for the New Dress with two fine en- , . l I. K- .ill. ApiU 17ft " v.- lasWil. .i. a at art a sr r TWO NEW JUVENILES. KIT Bam' Adventure; or, The Taroeof an old Mariner. By Mary Cowden Clark. The Ma- ivbo m tI W uvAk iuu whih wwwitvsj wi a w aaaa- ihorof "Rainbows for Children . Just published. l or sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Jaa. 17. '' - 130 ; rrtboxea Berkshire Window Glass, 8x10 and JJ 10x12, just received, for sale by Jaa. 12. J GEO. HOUSTON, tZeraaaa Aiitl-rorbntlcTeothwaah. , tj t::: lilies. - , NOTHING adds more to beauty than clean, w hlte Teeth, aad Gama f healthy eolar- The most beautiful face and Vermillion lipa oeeoma repulsive, if the latter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected I eel ta. Ail ho wish elean, white Teeth, healthy Gams and a sweet breath, should give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WAS If a trial. . For sale by . . ; C. & D. DoPRE, Agents, ' t .j Wilmingron N.C. Sept. 30. : - , 34 PERFUMERY! f UST received from New Vork and Philadel O i hia t ' ' Gross Lubins's' Extracts for the Handk'fj do. - do. ; Toilette Soaps do. Glenny Mush Toilette Wsteri " do. . do. Verbena do. do. .. do.s 'Yankee Soap . do." Camphor Soap; do. Pontine -' do. .. A large assortment of Hair Brashes, and a num bcr of fane articles usually kept in Drug Stores (J. ce D. UvPVLV., Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 5. Mariset-st., Wilmington, N. C.' OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wllmlugtoii saddle, Harness, aud Trunk Manufactory. - THK subscriber resDeelluilv informs tit en nbli JL thai he has recently received additions to his stock ol Saddle and Harness Mountings, dtc, the latest and most improved style, andis c-onslanly manufacturing.at hiastoreon market street .every aescnption oi aructein tne aoove line, f rom hi experience in the business, he fcela confident th he will beatfle to give entire satisfaction to a II who mavtavor hint with a call. He haa now on hand and wiiiconstaiitly keen a laraeassortmeniof Conch, Gis and Sultey Harness, Lady's SaddUs Brtdlcs. Whips, f-c, Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips i spurs,. asc. .: tfallef which he 'will warrant to be ofg" vJ1"1' C81 materials and workmanship. Ik? He has also a lartre assortment of Trunk, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags Satchels, l'ancv Trunks, etc.. and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all of wnicn ne ouert tow tor UAati,o on snortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness.Trunks, fledical Bags, &c fcc. made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscribernlway keeps on nana a large supply oi siring ieatner ana nas now, and will ke-jp through ihe season good assortment of Vly Nc-tts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whethcrin want ornot, asl takeileasureiiishww Ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a can. HarnesrandCoach Trimmings sold at a fai pric lo persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whir at wholesale. Allklndsof Riding Vehlt les bough t r.. old on nominislans. JOHN J. CONOLEV . Feb. 7, 1854. 138 , OVV is the time to have your rooms and pas . sa;es papered with decorations, fine or com mon, as we have large assortments on hand, and superior workmen from New Vork, who will hang paper in latest styles. -1 WILKINSON & F.SLER 3hv 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. 1 MEDICATED S GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODIAN. A NEW and Valuatne Remedy for dressing xa. wounds, cots. Burns, and Ulcers, it nar been tried successfully by Physician i, and found superior to any retnedv of the kind now in use. It forms, when spplied, a Cuticle, soft, elsstic, and Impervious (o waicr, assimilating most perfectly tne natural 'juticie. it may oe advantageous! used in chapjed lips, excoriations about the nec and ears of children, and for abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing in surgical opera lions. - The proprietors feel great confidence in present ing the above article for use, believing it wllfprovr fully adequa'e to the ends proposed, and Invalua ble as a medicinal remedy. For sale by ihe Pro prietors, C. &.D. DuPRE. A LSO VETERIANRV GUTTA PERCHA I COLLODION for Saddle and Harness Galls, wounds and sores on horses. For sale by the Pro prietors, j u. at o. UUPKK, May 20. Druggists. Wilmington, N.C. A LARGE AND VERY SUPERIOR STOCK of Fresh Family Groceries, Liquors, Wines, Ac. just received by the subscriber. and for salo at the lowest prices, consisting in patrt of Kuiton market ueet, smoked tongues, Dried Beef, Java, Laguira and Rio Coffees, Superior ground CoflVct best refined, pulverized and loaf Sugars: Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder and black Teas of the most superior qualities; Choco late, Cocoa and Bromaj Not. 1 and 2 Mackerel n bbls.. half barrels and kits: Cod Fish: nice scat ed! Herrings, in hermetically sealed boxes t Sar dines, In half and quarter boxes; Buckwheat, in boxes and bags; Flour, In bbls; and bags; Crack era, In bbls. and boxes.' Also, "Kent's" soda, water, Uutir, vvaler and Dyspepsia crackers, in tin boxe. Fresh Butter; English dairy, Pine Apple and Goshen Cheese t Molasses and Syrups. A large and well selected stock of Ketchups, Seaces and Pickles, in bbls. and half barrels, and every varie ty and quality in jars of all sizes. Olives, in kegs and urs. Also Brooms, painted rails, whiow ware, House furnishing articles, &c , dec For sale at prices to salt, by Dct.su WM. u. S.TUwnstth.HU. ! EASTERN BRICK. 1 f frr JUST received per brig Davit! Duf- X V.VUU fell. For sale by Aug. 14. -ADAMS, BRO. & CO- BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Elegant Edition of Bills of Kxchange, print ed in Geimnnv.in Books of 10 quires and in sheets, for sale (at reduced prices) at the office of ine Commercial. SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LOKIL.LARD, . M AMCrACTDBEB, No. 42 Chatham Street, Vew York, Successor of Pctbb A Gbobgb Lobillabo, offers for sale all kinds of SNUFF and TOBACCOS in general use. For psrliculars. a Prise Current can be obtained by addressing as above. This Estab lishment is one of ihe oldest of the kind in the United Stales.: , Feb. 13. 138-ly-e. i JUST RECEIVED LADIES Black and fancy colored Galtets; Misses " " " Gentlemen's calf and patent leather Congreaa Gaiters. For sale at low by OEO. K. KllhWUH. May 8. , 24 DAY, FISII AND POTATOES. 1 I V 1 BALES prime Nova Scotia Hay, LUU 50 bblfc. prime Eating Potatoea, 5 quintals Dry Pollock, 25 bbls. Pickled Sharl, Just received per brig TriCShph and for sale by DCt. 27. AUAJHO, OIW. W. CHILDREN'S BOOKS. WE have oa hand a very large and handsome assortment of Juvenile Books, suitable for Christmas and New Years presents. at - - : - o. rv. nniiiiaca's. Dec 22. tie W I L M I N GT ON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. T' HE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol several large establishments at the North which ill furnish him an unlimited sudpIv of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is preps red lo fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, aud every other article In the line of the business at reasonsbl ratea. SCULPTURING , LETTERING OR C ARVTNG Exeentedaswell aaeaa be doae eUhar North i i South. Tha heat re r re nee ean be given. If required., JAS. MeCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. . - tf. CRANBERRIES iNEMLjusj received and for sale b y. ' U N. BARLOW. 114-tC W NERVOUS SUFFERERS. A RETIRED CLERGYMAN, restored to health In a few dava. after maav veara of arreat ar- voua soffaring, ia aoxiosa to auake knows the means ot care. Will send (free) the prescription used. Direct the Rev JOHN M. OAGNALL. No. 59 Fohoa Street, Brooklyn, New York. ICOjCCO COPIES! STEAMBOAT DISASTERS ON THE WESTERN WATERS, AND 8TEAMB0AT ... " .i i DIRECTORY. ? THE undersigned have new la coarse o" prepar ation a NEW STEAMBOAT DIRECTORY, Vhich will be issued in October next i the book will contain ovt-r two bundled pages. Illustrated In the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be oie of the' most interesting books ever pubiithi-d, and will be a book that will be Interest ing to ail classes of people. The Steamboat Di rectory will contain a complete list and description of all the steamboats now afloat on the Western and Southern watera. The length, model, speed, power, and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the name of ihe Boat, with Ihe trade she is in. Also, the names of Captains and offi cers, her sge, ale., e. The Directory will contain a history of Steamboats and Steamboatirtg on the Western waters, since ihe application of steam also, a sketch of the first boat built for the Ohio river, with theia me of the builder, commander, and owner. The River Directory will contain a Hat and des cription of al-the Steamboat Disasters that have occur rid on Ihe Western and Southern waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have peiished by their burning, sinking and ex ploding, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will eontain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita, Yatoo. and other rivers, with the; towns, and cities laid down, with correct distances also, msny other river and commercial items of interest to the people at large. The book will con tain the cards of ihe various United Slates mail boats, with the trade they are In, 4c, 4c. The Di rectory will also contain a complete list of ail the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, &c;, f-e ; the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the incompetent officer, and in jures The competent officer, ci C..&C, and all the important United Slates Supreme Court Steam boat Pecisions up to dale ; the Jtqirs and impor tant Commercial Privileges, Bills, of Lading, im portant Decisions of the arious United Slate courts, in regard to Freights lost and damaged, dec, &c t with many other things of Interest. The Directory will be illustrated in ihe beet style and printed in the best manner ' The author has for six years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to tho numerous steamboat disasters cn the Western and Southern waters, and now intends publishing them in book form. The prire of the work will be put at the low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen ; a'l others desirous of subscribing will have loVio so ot once, as hone will be printed unless ordered in advance. . This work is destined to have a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, ss the publishers sre receiving large numbers of fubscribers, pir mail, from all parts of the country, dailr. Some of the oldest boatmen, ss well as most scientific men of the times, a re Contributors to the Steamboat Direc tory. The Directory will be issued In October, and will be an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar (post paid) you will re celvea copy of the above, work. 3A1I communications nnd letters should be addressed to - JAMES T.LLOYD CO., Post Office Bniidimr. Cincinnati, Ohio. July I7th, 1855. 63-tf. WILMINGTON AND WELDON R. R. Eng'r and Sup'ls Office, W, & W. It. R. Co. July IF, 1655. GOING NORTH. THE paasenger trains over this road will, until further notice, run as follows : -First.( Express Mail) train leaves Wilmington at 6 o'clock A.M. Reaches Gnldsboro' at 10 A. M. Arrives at Weldon at 1:30 P.M. Second (Accommodation Mail) train leaves Wil mington at 4:30 P.M.. daily. (Sundays excepted.) Reaches Goldsboro' to supp r 8:60 P. M. Arrives at Weldon I at ni'-ht. GOING SOUTH. First Train. leaves Weldon at 12:00 M. Reaches Goldsf oro'al 3:20 P. M. Arrives at Wilmington 7:30 P. M i Second Train leaves Weldon at 9:00 P. M.; daily (Sundays excepted.) Keaches tioldsboro' l:iu A. 5l.t Arrives at Wilmington 5:40 A. M. Fare to Goldsboro $2,50 1 lo Weldon 85 About one cent per mile extra is charged passengers who do nol procure ticket at the Station. t hrough ticks a to uaitintore siz; to rniiaaei p!iin14( to New York $15,50 1 to Washington, D. C..S11. j-fTickets wiil not he sold to a negro in person. Express Freight (by Accommodation Train), will be chargeed 60 per cent, extra; and such freight to no North must be at the Depot by 2t o'clock P. M., and marked Kxpret Freight. Two freight traina per week will run regularly through to Weldon. Ica-ing Wilmington and weldon on Monduvs and Thursdays, alternately. One train will run regularly as far north as Goldsboro'. and in connection with the N. C. R. R.. and two other Irregular Wsy Trains will run as far north as may be reauirea, ratinz ireiani ni an intermediate sta tions. A Flour Train will, from about lh20ihnf Ausust. run 'ram Goldsboro', alternately, te Wil mington and Weldon, leaving Goldsboro' on Mon days and Thursdays Wilmington and Weldon on Tuesdays er Fridays, reachldg Goldsboro' on Sat urdays. All dues. on downward freight must be paid on delivery at Wilmington. July 19. . 64. NE WELL'S i PATENT SAFETY LAMP & LAMP FEEDER. NEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all t Accidents from the nse of Burning Fluid, igCamphene, and other Exploeive Compound. ncd for ihe production ot L.ignt. nil invention is applied to all common Lamps and Lamp Feeders, also, to Solar, uamphene Lamps, Lanterns, &e. - Wilmiuotoi, N.C. Juno lf-ih, T854. I hereby certify that f witnessed Ihe experiments of Mr. Newell, with his patent Safety Lamp,-for furnishing "fluid" and am perfectly satisfied of the sriy of the same. J'. H. Dicaaow. We are prepared to nil an urdcrsat snort notice. for every det-crtpilon . and. variety of l.amns, etc All persons are eantloned sgainst infringing up on the above patent, as the law will be rigidly en forced against all offenders. C. V.UVPU.I&. June2Cth, 1855. 45 tf. GUNNY CLOTn ! GUNNY CLOTH! ! Qf BALKS just received snd for sale by 'Oct. 27. T. C. A B. G. WORTH. NEW- JEWELRY STORE IN WILMINGTON, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned will r-? ODen. in a few days, at the store No. 55 Mar ket street, lately occupied by ICahnwctler A Bro , as a Clothing Store, a rich assortment of WATCHES and JEW ELRY of all des criptions. SILVER snd SILVERWARE. The undersigned will warrant every article as represented, genuine gold and silver.! If found otherwise, the money will be retur ned in fall. . Also, keeps constsntly on hand a first rate Watchmsker and. Jeweller. Every article ordered will be manufactured herP. - As the undersigned hss beer engagad snd brought np Ln this business for the last 16 yeirs. he feels eonfiaent.of giving entire satisfaction, and at the shortest notice. The patronage f the public is respectfully in vited. Please call and examine the stock. I. ALEXANDER. Oct.?7. . 96 tf MESS PORK. FL( BBLS. now landing from schr. Mary Ia JJ bella, from Baltimore. For sale by RUSSELL el BRO. Jan. 1. 123 CREESE. 100.!?yES N Y. Slate and Da try. for GEO. HOUSTON. 107. Nov. 22. 75 BAGS GUANO IN store and for sale by Jane 6. ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO. POTATOES. I Qfl BBLS. Mercer, Chenango, and Planting I OU Potatoea, now receiving. For sal by Nov. 29. " GEO. HOUSTON. GUANO, 1 Q TONS daily expected, for aaiebr- : IO ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. 'April U. . 18. ' NULS. . If V KEGS assort ed size, for aala by -LJ - - GEO. HOUSTON. v r '- DOCT. JO u?: THE founder of thia Celebr u , frs the most cert sin, fc pe y ...-it tt m j ,.., t ..ccto- ai rsmeoy an ina work lor SECRET msz: A? Gleets, Strictures, 8cralnal Weakness, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotent), Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affection of the Kidneys, Palpitation ol the Heart, Dy.eria, Ne.voua Irrltabi Ity, Diseaso ol n. neaii, Tnrom Noaa or Skin i those serious arrd melaMcholy disor ders arising from the destructive habils of Youth which destroy bo: h body and mind. Tfco, rr,i and solitary practices more faal io their victima than the song of the Syrcr.s io the mariner cf Ulysses, blighting Ihelr 41101 brilliant hope, or 11 n tieipaiions, rendering marriage, &e., imposi.Je. YOUNG mi:n. Especially, who Lave become the victims of SolUa ry Fics, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talonta and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwlsn have entranced lis tening Senatea with the thnnders of emraence, or waked to ecstacy the iivinglyre, may call with fulf confidence. MARRIAGE. Married pfeont, or Young Men, contemplatli.g' marriage, being awsreof Physical Weakness, Or ganic Debility, Deformities, dec, should immedi ately commit Dr. J., and be restored to perfcer health. He who places himself undsrtheeareof Dr. John' ston may religiously confide In his honor as a r en' lleman,and confidently rely upon bisskiil asa chv slcian. ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured snd full vigor restored. This dreadful disease if the pena'ty nsnsffrri quenily paid by those who havd be co tie the vic tims ot Improper indulgencies. 1 o mg personr sre too apt 10 commit excesses fro n not bein aware of the dreadful consequences thai may cn sue. Now. who that nndersiat di the subject wlil pretend to rlt ny that Ihe power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper hoblis' than by ihe prurient. Be idea being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious snd destructive symptoms lo both body nnd mind arise The system becomes deranged, the I'hvsieal aiuj mental powers weakened, ne'vous debility, dyspep sia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, symptoms of consumption te. A CUKK WARRANTED OR NO CHAIKjF.. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. Da. Johkstom is the only regularly Educalrtf Physician advertising 10 cure Private Complaints. His remedies and treatment are entirely unknown loall others. Prepared from a life spent in the Great Hospitals of Europe and the First in this Country, vu England, France, the Llockley of Philadelphia, cf-c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician In the world. His many wonderful cures and mosl importanl Surgical Op erations ia a sufficient guarantee to the filleted. Tlioet who with to be epeeaity and effectually reliev ed, ehouldthun Hie numcrou trflirg impotlcrt, who only ruin their health, and apply to him. OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDEK1CK St., left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail nol to observe his name and number, for Ignorant trifling Importers, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, luik near. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; graduate from one of the mosl eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whoae life has been spent in the Hospitals 01 London, Par is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing curesihat wercever known. Many troubled with ringing In ihe ears and head when asleep, great nervouvnaas, being alarmed et sudden sounds, and baahfamesa. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, werecured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When I lie misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that anill-tiin-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters mm from applying to those who, Irom education and respectability, ran alone befriend him. delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulceratvd sore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frlghitul ra pidity, tin at laat tne palate of the mouth, or the bones of the nose tall in. and Ihe victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commi seration, till death puts a period lo his dreadlul suf ferings, by sending him to " tlist bourne from whence no traveller returns." To t uch therefo-e, Dr. Johnston pledges himself lo preserve I lie most inviolable secrecy ; and, from his extensive prac tice in the first Hospilalsin Europe and Anieiica. he can confidently recommend a safe and. speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of thia horrid dis ease. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands full victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to the un skilfulness ol l'-nornnt pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send me unfortunate sufferer 10 on untimely crave, or else make the residue of life mis erable. TAKE PARTtCULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all tnoae Who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by eaily habils of youth, vis t Wenknesaof the Rack and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Dyspepiy, Nervous Irritsbiiity Derangement f ti e Digestive Func tions, Ganeral Debility, Symptoms ofConsump. t Ion, Ac. M'ntally The fearful effects on the mind ore much 10 be dreaded; Los of Memory, .Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tude. Timidity, dec. .are some of tha evils produced. Whousand of persons of all ages, can now judge whats the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have s singular sppesrance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Married Per none, ot those contemplating mar riage, bting aware of physical weakness, thou-ld Immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect health. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY FOR ORGANIC WKAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of ine most Nervous snd Debilitsted individuals who had lost all hope, have been Imme diate. y relieved. All impediments 10 WAKKlAGK Physical or Mental Ulsquaiincations, Nervous ir ritability Tremblings snd Weakness, or exhaastion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects f which are nightly felt, even when asleep, end if not cured, renders msrriage impossible, r.d destroys both mind and body, should spply immediately. . What a pity that a young man, ihe hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should b snatched from all prospects and enjoyment a of life, by the consequences ol deviating from the paih of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Suc persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the moil necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a wear) pilgrimage; t lie pros pect hourly darkena 10 the view ; the mind seomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melin cholv reflection that Ihe happiness of another be comes bliehted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST.. BaiTiMoas, Mo. AH Surgical Operations Peitened. N. B- Let no ftlse delicacy prtvent you, but spply Immediately either personally or bt letter. (Skin Diseases Speedily Cared. - t TO STRANGERS. 77i aiany thoueindm cured t this institution with in the but len yesrs, and ihe numerous Impor tant 8urgical Operations performed by Dr. J.. wit nessed by ihe Reporters of Ihe pspers. sod many other persons, noiiees of which have sppeated gin snd sgain before the public, besides his stsniiirg as a rentlrman of character sod rsaponelbiluy, ia a sufficient guarantee 10 the afflicted. - TAKE NOTICE. It Is with tha rreateit rsloetaaee that Dr permit bis eard Upr ,h PuMlf. u.mlr. H nnprofeasional for vUyicim t Jr.ru-. t.t unl- h ti so tha afflletMl, arfMmilf trawror. e.ni.4 n.it fall to fall Into tha bands ot wnTlmiii.lit Slid nntrnvM 'with Inoatasrabl VsIms N sine or romtHiH-d QuMcksbop, (wanning these Unre eitirs, copying lr. JoassTos' arvTilssiwnt or xlvrrtlatnc tkm-lve a Lwfc ai their srtatnal trad, with mm too bfc-aa hryrma tba brut, who. Uir tha purpose of .Holloing and Jtnxtv tng, emrrj " &VO T oil olUce. aadnraa many di fli rrnt Faia Karnes, ao II ml tbe all) ir ted Htrararra, waptii; one. I nn to tambta beadlona- into tha u hrr. Ignorant Quacks with Mxn-moua lying- rorti f -! of (rr-t 1 a tooiahine cures from persnn not to be foui. t, i.oa-p yon taking bnv bottlraor T,icsics Vint il It Daeksam of filthy and worthlr-a eotnp"- 'V' prsparod to impose upon the nnfortnnale sn.l r ... t-(ns;- Trl Hi iw month after month, or a !. ' etrt f ean k ootainad. aod, ia dT-"-. ' -iU ruined bmlth. to altrb over your Ki"''.d"'" ,lt- I la thi BMrtlva that InrtoeM it"- ' ' " " liioiiciiciurw To !! ""'M'"' ' " rsputation, b deem It mT tht '' rl tlata r di r.l""). slwsy bsnf Jn KO Lh.!rrt.itd Ktt KI t-D I M ' POtJT PAlI sod eontaJulne a Ptaiop -l f.n- tne n-t )v. fer ona wnnnir .bld .tla Ar ami ..J tba. j ..a of advertlaMnpnt dacribuf I'mytoW. , biltij:c::

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