-v. s--' . ;v 'TV'-"' IT- - m tv J ,; .- i mi i 1 1 I 1 1 I ' 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I - 1 1 1 Hi II II 111- - 1 I Isiv E 11 Li RV. liV- Jl NT N7 y . : r ...... WHOlS NUMBER 1 239 WILMINGTON, N. C, TIJ URSDA Y MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1856. rVOLUiUE X- NUMBER 1S9, i i - (K. 5J EMM USTABHSHMEKT, 2 OUTH S1IS MAMIT ST.ra THE EM ET HOOSS . WILMINGTON, N. C. . . THE PROPRIETOR of this well knows Establishment would call thr attention of t he.hui nex community to hi tag and beautiful assortment of Type ami Vnmm having Inst allied to hi tnek one of U. Hot Co'a FATENT glXOLE C Y LINDEK FRLXT1XG MA CHINES, be la bow enabled to ito work at a m'aeh nor reasonable rate than formerly, and In tba finest style of the work. . . - I t .. CARDS. . ' ' Printed from $3 to $10 per thousand. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, receipts for Railroads, steamboats, corporations, c. BILL-UK ADS, 8HOP-BILL& BILLS OP A v LADING, .AND HEADINGS, -' . . " Ae., fee, fce. i POSTE RS AND PROG R A M M ES. We would call the attention of Concert Agents, Show men and others, to oar facilities for doing this kind a ,,or"v., ' . " " ' -" ' : ill Ii.iMor - PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTTN'O, Done in the neatest manner, and at short notice. Those in want of Printing we trust will And it to their advantage to give us a calL , CO MME RC (A L B LAN KS. Thu attention of Shippers and others Is called toonr extensive assortment of Commercial Blink. Amonsrthe collection is a very Hue and handsome lot of Bills of Ex change In sheets and books. . November 3, 1865. .. ; ;i ' -j r: , ' ; BEAVER FELT HUTS. M1 fISSKS and Infants v hi Hear, r Kelt Hals. a mall lot lor sale a? very-low figuie to closc OUt f - -v. JiHKfaKU Al V KK. AOT. '.6. -, H -';f ' r 19..'- BUTT."R. CnEESE. &c GOSHKN Butter, d. CIic-w, r nrhh Dnir and Pin A;le "heew. Codtixh, Scoich H-r-riaf Salmon, M ic Urn I, with a riei ol oihet 0(hs jaat received and fur sale bv l. N. BAKI.OW. Jane ldt. ,V 1 . N. 3. Granite Uow. JIEDICWES eilEWCALS, &e. THR avSaeribera navejaiit ierd, and nw re - J djr for inMeii-.nr th: aijrrat and mbi c-itt- -i plrte ato-K or Hledleinea, nemirair, uncr Am clea, Perruiiiery, r,c, lh-v have eiT off.-rrd ; eoibracinz all the new pirp 'iit a f thednv. - C. !. DoPRK, Novv8. i"' 1 4& Market iret. - GOLD! GOLD! I GOLD!!! 1,200 PRIZES ! 50,000 DOLURS! HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. ' '., ' JASPER i ' COUNT? ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Aufkaritv of the State af Geereia. i lO.Oit .Vumbera'onU- ! I Prwi t ' irkrtat ' To be d'avi'n at Concert HaH. Afarnn, Oa u4ef the worn fffperiHieiJrnc r Col. Ueorge . L.o sn and Ja. A. Nlahet," t-'rq i j Thii Lottery is drawn am the pl.tn of the Koy- l Lofrer? or Havana r flnle! IMitxlfra. JI.A?S T bt-drawnt KeUiinr 5tl. lpS6t The Manafrr livin aonoannd hi determina : ti-in to ir)ikr lli'c ihe nw piu-ninr f.onery in the world, ffl-rs ft FVhmnii ISir-j a crnM iha tar anrpasfff-s ant Scb n v-t fl-td in ile nn naht of lirnirffi Lwli to jrohr In'eiefi! ; K : mine ihe'ariis "in - fVz- lo 8 Ticte's. CAPITAL $12,000! 1 Prise ol l?000 la i .i ! l2,rrt I do ' . S.HI" is 1 ! . " 4 tOO is L, I 4 0 4 I di : 3.r i ' ! 3 0 0 I da 2,5fi0 is i i . 2 hCO f, Prises of " 5.U00 are " j 6.0 10 do WO are i I R. 00 6ft do .5 are i 3 OKI 12ft da' . 75 are ! j! S.o Na Approx prizes 10 are m ft t On 5'0 do fo 6 ar, 2,'0 ."i T 1.200 Prixe, amumln o"00l0! Ticket; ). Ualvee 4 0. Q.inrt. r-. 2 0'. Prixea navahJ miihai I). du-il.in. Peraons aendlne mwn by oait ni-d not fear its iui-g loa'. Oder" punctually attended to 'ommanlrati.n ein6d' ntial. Cank Notes til all sound Bnks taken at par - Th'ts wishing particular nimrersrhould etde imntedlar Ir. Addtess JAMES F W INTKR. - , i Man-iger, Macon, Os. . Jan. 19. . , .. i- , 3l- . ' v.!-, -,v VALUABLE LANDS ON TUE I APK FEAR RIVER ' TilK L tnd. and Plahtailons known aif the .oan-nJ Mlue Kanaa Pinn taUoni. are ffcr-d for anle Thit- land lit only J :5 milt a above tviN mitts ton, n tlte V'ape Ktar Bivt r, and i-su-nd uu to lh v jlniinton a .ManciHinir iihjiumo, ani . arewt rafftcirtl to ojie oftheoetil raarheia in te tateuf iNotih tarulinH ., Unlhe nrth side of the river, t here s re six htmdri d.actt s otth- fineitKiv er Bottom Land in the Stale about filty acrer tl ' hieh art-alrendy e esire and pruduer th ftnvl sorts f crops. One hun-lred acnt m.ire may h' jc tta rt fl, whi h is ruRii-iently It-vnlt d a ve beoi liinary h ight pC lreh t 'o s.iv th .Tops. Tin The Lunda abund in Uak-Ash.aad the fin-t kini ; of CyprraaTiinbi.r..": . . . .t. . :Vr ; t-i On the south side of the River, is iiafd the babjm-e f Jiie lands. e-iiiH4ied at seven thousrfi five hundred uetes. fioitt ichtUre fine ai-tlli . nienta mar be made 1 he Uipt r. Hrti--n. r filtie Bank contain- nle M. lktUr at d tr.t or UM e f which there are ima i hundred and rtll acre now ia cultivation, anj ia well at tptd ,t crn. peas, potat'ie and cotton. . Tn.-re is a lartr quantity f fine land yet to cb r, hu icravih on which la pine, oak' and hickory and do-wod. rtoiitn nf thi I "act IK" K-ine I'luinnti.ia, and adjoining the lowland nientiot-ed ab-ive. etint.mi inn soin- two thorand lour hwndiwd acres, a small quantity f vhich is cleared, and a euneiderabU more vet to clea'. 1 4 Ub thistract all th- buildlngra an I improvements . ffrvftJfiMtt'd, consist in g of a tod O wellinf-tuHiMs. - KitcneruHioke-housv Cotn-crlb. Diablo.-and some f-Hirteen arrm hoasea, allot which ateni-w, and ewnttrrtahU. Tht re Is avTurinline- MiHan.l " Kittur which will b M wi Itthx land, if .lesir - ,d. Thete an alw some eijiti' tuitks at Tarpon ' tine Boxes, sonte three uk- ut which are 4d o -The remainder of the landa ; lie adjoining thif tract, end on Htod,t k.C"n,airin'! soittr th ee thousand aerea of unimproved Pin l.ai-ds, which wnuld make a fine et lenient, a riion of tliem beitta tr4 farniiaz lands, and on which svvcral . Jlaj building iota could be hd immediately on th. tlaUroed, suitable f. Snmmrr Kedences. Pet awn wishing tr purehnt snehf Innda, ill do well to stall and examine the premjs before making a lueatioo.-- - . .; DAVID D AI.I.i?-. 1'. 1 ' -f . JAM. U. PltlTCHKTT i AWSnrr T - " mm uiAiial . . - .n . '. pitckatre P" UP rxaressty f..r fatullv ne. nd Warranted lo imp'ov, bj are. for sal- b ' Jan -22. - -GEO HOUSTON." COMMERCIAL ,. VBucxwnEvr. to arrive, Per Sckr. J. S. . VHUn, t A. I North Water . ' Strrti,' t l. A(k RAGS Buck wheal Meal, . fikegn , IO - best Goahen Butter; " ' . . , ti boxei nriuta Citeae. Will h-M ' cash at - ' v GEO. H KKf.LEVJ OeC 11 ; . ' Uerakl . 9t - :i;..'v?Hf.f4.;Vy: w 1 14 i i .vii r o n ill 1R RLE A D JsT0.E YARD. f II K SiinM-ritiei flavin- cct-pied -he tjr- nr) sVf-r:i lar;r!U:biilimenit the iorth whirl Vili furnlali nlm an unliniiteo supply ! ftnMtfd iniint-hi d, t'oMan and donicstir M A K BLK ol if idalllio. t nrcpured to rill allof era f"t , MtjU!HI? I"! -?ll TtlHIl fTiiEi, - ml eer iMhrrrticli in theline of the buiim-s l re-avoniilile rat it -SCOLPTURING f.BTTEKlNCOH'JARVIM. -txerttiedaswell as -in te lone liititr nh ot It. 5 ' The heal reference eah be ft m If requlrrcl ; JAS MctU.AIIArAN fjtin.6. 1854. ' if. ; i CRANBERRIES. E bbl just ricvhed and forsc Ky. f : Dec. S. - . Z--' :, -.. - -. to nervods Sufferers; ; n KTIRrtlJ ULR OT1t i S, rrtwnif m health l in a few days, after many yeats of yreat per voua I'uflvrinK, i anxious to nnke known ih. inesnsof cute. Will nl (free) ih prescfptlot. .med Direct i he Kiv J 'H N M : D AGS A l.U r. 59 Puhon -Stieetj Brooklyn, N w Voi k j Nov 3. i a-3m rjrHHDS. Superior Moivr, Uw eale hj ZKJDee. 15. - GKO. HOUSTON. 0RIXGES AND LEMONS I ECKI VKD-thi- day. in prime ord- r. hy LV I. M BA K LOW, June 16." No 3. Granite Bow. i KATmS f. pilotage. rlTT printed atd for at The Commtrcial Offi e, the llatea of i'ilolaste for the Br and tiver. ; 3i-tf. . GEO. W. DAVIS. C 0 SI M I SSI 0 N BI E RC H ANT. SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON: N. C. Jan. 22. 132. MULLETS AND MIXED FISH. Ql ,bbls , ; in fine or.Jir and inte hi? d, fo' s ite by GEt. HOUSTON. Jan Zi.s i Uil TEA. Q BOXES Hyson s nd Black Tea some very tJ ' superior, for auletiy Jan. 17. 6KO. HOUSTON. l EDICATKU GUTT1-PEIU HA C01X0DI1N. iKW and Valuable - tlenirdv . fr dteesint iL Wounds. Cms Burns, and Ulcers. It ha 'een tried siicceseiHltv by Phj siriMn snd Iwum -uperior to anv remedy of the kind now in use It forms, when applied, a 'In tide, soft, elsstic, aix impervious to wax-r. awimil.itinx most p. rfertli the natural Cuticle. 1 1 may be adtmntMfcoueh ed in chap,xd lip, esruiiations ahoai the net I indeaMor children, and lor abrunions f alinnt every kind, and as a dressing- in surgical opera lions. The proprietor- feel reat confidence in present nt the abov-3 article for nse, believing it wilt prov fully adequa'e to ihe ends proposed, and invslua ble as a medicinal remtdy. For rale by the Pro arietrs, - C. & D. DuPitE. ALSO VrTERlANlTv GUTTA PEIiril :ni.LODIO. for Saddle and Haenees Gall Woanda and sores -n hnrst s. For sule b the Pro prietors, CAM OulMIE, May 20. rn2!flst Wilminaon. N. C BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN r.lesrunt K.dhion f Biils t' Kx. hane. orint ed iu Gctniat'y.in Hooks of 10 quites and in hei is lor sale (at ndt.c d pric- s) at the office ot lt CummeicliU. t SNUFF AND TOBACCO. PETER LOR ILL A RD, M ANUFACTUBCS, Se 4S Chat'iam Sirei t. ew ork. ucj-essiM- .f Pbtcb A Geohcb f.osn lamp, ode ral. alUmds of --MJKI- and'IOK.tl t OS i .fiicral use For particular, a Pri c Current cu ' obi lined be adurefi-iiii! as b"Vc. Thie Kaish .'i'htTient ii one ol the oldest of Ihe kin. I in tin United stuten. Feb. 13. I38-lt-c PROSPEC IUS OF THE ' SOUTHERN SENTINEL." A D.emncralic and Miscellaneous Journal, to be pvblishd weekly, at Wilson , iV. C. JMIE existing condition of po'itivaJ parti, a, and of piriiz.ni siriir, nnura'l) suitsots ih- e-t;il-i-hina tf sucli a y urnnl a- the "ouiIh rt Si mi nel" propoao to tM-voutc. Thcpier.nl. indi-.d, U a cti 'is in our political hist ry, never I in. cm d u, fore. The i-'on-ii'ution has i-weti invaded ; thr btw Irani; led and npjt uio; religious lioeiiy arsaib d ; Oall.o boxes broken and oiirio ; the lardtoaika ol our political nr-slry paiiinlly tffoid; the wii dont derived from a tiuie-hoiiori'd exp.rie-cv un eiedf rtxanc and q oixinal.le men have boe. pushed into high pu-iiions; aud I'anatici in, unchai ed r'loni its axe and it- favsot pil.-e in the Aiortli, i h.-aid to howl among ns in he South. Thest evils, sdfur.a it huinb e nbiliii. a shall i-rve. THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL Will endeavor to a r rent. , Jt will endenvnrto incul cate r ver nee Kir the I us us they exist, and lo tiwi!onMitution, as it lias b -en in-t prcttd hy the wine men ot the puit and hy the Fath-ia th-il.-nt-M raiic tsithl It will defend not on.y oliii; r bin aLiiocs Hbt rty, and willdu butli- auint t i-ry po i.ii-i.l hi ret that may appenr, wicihei hutched in rate or cu v. r's, or open convention. The niioi I will .so, to reli ve the mnnotout if polities, devoti ripacc to literary l ics, mi- ina ind eelecl'd arwt ilas to mian-llum ut sulj-rts. -which shallin'-lu.le jr icuhuinl and the btteKt -om-.i-e'cia'tnielHaerM-e. , In bil. f, no tiforts nor ex-iM-i.tH wilt be sparer t- muk the S,, tinel one . h-- ui..s u-eful and effi 1. nt journals in ihe oath Tne fi'st number of ih cnlinel it he i-ojiwd ibotit the fi'rt -f the n xf month, and w to uh xcriherssr the rate f 'i pur annum t S2 5' si th" nd of utttmonthis and i al tneendof ihe war. Discount made In hehalf at clubs, who .hall lake five, ten ot more copies - J P KEENAN, Editor. Jan 17. ;:.. . :. .; T, . . 3l-3t - S . PROSPECTUS Or TUB i PLY 31 0 UT II BANNER. I UK euh-criber liavjac pnrcha-id ih Villa ger" e-iat-lii-hi'icni, will coiiinienee publish! n w.Mikly Ncwsiujpi't of ibeabove tit .about tin uddtc f Janu-tt,TS6. - - " Our paper ill ! i.HcKTvltni in aft thing, mma ntti T'il tn nothing xiv'ng -II im tie,, aw -eil-a r so. ctlul hrMiinlf It will be d. vo d . h ineiei.is of I'ijhiou h, N'ofih t'aroltna. n the i-omh - the c-atiee of rdu-iln, Apri u1 ine. Intern.il I opr-.veinenia. and the deveiojNt n of the roor cs of ill. state. ' e will to all ' uar p wet to make nnr panvi int- restinc to ti e roral mader, a-, welt ioth' lotsinesa m m Pr.H9r ..tiemion ill be given th. MdHne Mm and ricc t nrr.-nr.- In -hort.-wew I try to mak He " Banner a - paper, and e roninani.n v-t II i-ia.-en, fMMn- h Parlor to th Mtnlttr llooift -in.l tnennrih? Ilisr swppon v hose hvoiine wi'h'helrpjir.maae. 4 . ii- TKIltl.H . .. . ...... I ewpr In adranr-e ft per annum " ropy at the en x ion-h-. 9! 50 : I copy at t"e en i ot -ne ea, j lita.tii i Vr:oRT, Kiit.; rs and C. IK KtC 4I.V. I'roprli to. i-lor 12 3 Jan 12 v v - - SWEET OR ANGFS FINF lot .4 SwreJ Craege tor a.-leal ibe Broadway Varl.-iji JIO'C. Po. 40.- arke "' '. . MM. U. DsN FAI.K. - -Ja.28L;. - y ..'.-. , lOo.OOO ttl il.S! STEAMBOAT IjISA&TERS ON -THE : WEST fc,N W il li. AM i tAMUOAl UlllKCTDttV. IH K nndt-teivtH d have tow incouiseo. p'epar Mtiuii a AKn S I KAMHOA I- Ol ( KOTi'K , i.icli wtd be i rued int totH- next t the took win 'oiiinin "V 1 i u Ino.d td pati . I;U-1 ted ih tin eel eiylr, and n- at.; tn-utiUina dural.le uiannei. it a id tie ot e d Hie 010A' lu eiei-liuj lio ks .Vet llbli-h d.and will nr a booa -hat will to- inirrat 01$ to all e.asees o t opie. The .-I a.nboiit Ol rvvloiy will cuioait. u i-i. pb liel and de-criptHH. all the au-aiii'iouia n w -,fi at on the Weatern u.d souilu'tu waierr 1 he on ill, ta-deU speed, paiwer, and lonnasie 01 e icli uihii, where and by vl.oiit built, the iisiiiit-1 1 the t.oal. with the trade -b- ia in. Ale", the us no a l t upibinJ and Olh r. is, her aife, &:., .c. The Dii ctory will contain 1 hieloiy 01 .--I en 1 11 1 ous alio MtumbOHlirit on Ihe esti ro water-", since he apiiiealiiii ol" steam , laut. a afci h h t lit fifal boat .liurll for the Ohio ivev. -b thi BNit tf-the buir-n t, coMauuind:r. mi: iiwnri. The t iver I 'irectort ' w ill contain a list and des rition of ai the kia mbuat Disnstets that have H-rurr. d on me V eri. rii and southern waters, e..iiiifully illuetiated with a list ol all those who lavepeiished by their burning, sinking and ex ,il,Hling. on ihe VV.rtern an Soulhern waters The liitectoiy ill contain Maps of the Ohio, UiaisipL A' i-iilti, Illinois, .rtansas, While, ted. Ouachita. V-asoo.and mber rivers, with the; t-.wns. and rito laid down, with orr cl dislanm-e leo, oiany .-thi-T ilvi r and eomme:cial item ol me t t ihe fii-ple at t-i'ire. The book will con-i-.in the cants o tin vari its Uiitrd Slates mail o Is. wiibj the liadc th'-y B'e ii,cM 'I he fl cciory will ulm cont-in a coiuph te ilM ol all the rcsponaible -tiatiiboa; Lietnnd Officers, :hcir l-oeai f rerid-rw e.&c, d-c ; the new steamboat irfw, i:s qtilreim nts, with eottutK-nts. showing wherein ii U nefii-. the incouipctt-ni offieer. and in iiires the competent officer. i c. die . and all th important United Slates Supreme Court Steam boat Ht cisiontt up to date; ihe i.ans and' imwir lant Comineririal I'rivil. tee. Bills t .ading. im MHtanl Oecisions ot ih various Cnil.d State .ruurl--. in reynrit to Freigbta loat and damaged. Ve . Ac ; with manv other lliinus f intettM The Ittrector) v. ill be illti.tihicd if ihe be? 1 style md'plinti d m the be.-1 manner 'Ihe muiIioi has .o-si yeuis b'-en sllH-tinu together ad the Incli nid It-nir in n e ird l Hi ntimeioii steamboat isnaters n the Wotcm and Southern waters. nd tt-iw intend .ubli,h''n litem in book form. I'he pri e of the work will he put at the low sum fOne Dollar 'I n ihouwil d eoi-ies will be iseueii '01 the Injainicti; a I oih r desirous of ub-crihinf will have 10 do so al once, as none will be printed inlew ordered in advance This work i Oesiine-I to have a circulation ol over eiiehi v thousand copies, as the publishers art reccivimr larjre numbers of tubscribers, pi r mail, from all parts ot the country, ilsil. Some of the oldest boa tioen.as well aa most scientific men of the times, arc conttibotois to the Stesruboat Direc tory. The Directory wW be issued in October, and will '.e an ornament to the parlo' as we'd ss stesmb st. By reiMiiilni- Om Di llni (post paid) you will re ceive n copy of the above work. I("AII communications and letters should be addressed 10 . JAMES T. LLOYD CO., Post Office Buildin?. Cincinnati. Ohio. July 17th. 185. 53.if. The Intellectual Vigor of a People it indicated by the Character & it Uterature.n THE CR1TEHION ; l UTER1KT 1SD CIlllC'L WtllLI JHERXAl, 16 pages, 4to. t AS commenced on he 3d of November, I85S, and has thus far received very ueni-ral apuru ation Anxious to extend its influence, and plac it upon a suhetantial lu.sie of support, the Publteh r desires most arm slly 10 dirt t ihe at tention o he thinklmt public ol Ami tica to its cln,n a ttpot 'heir eon -ideration. Tiie main feature of the CRITERION is its e- views of Curr ni Liieraiute Jn this dipurimenl ire given th-r u h and ur e cntlel-ms ol nil lite nost itnpminnt i:oks as h- y are tssto d, H.jnl ny nit th'-l" chl ( intiricie i-i cs, and iodicaiinit theirinoral i -ndeneii-s, ihun keeping Its reader iofot turd i-f nil new puhli'-ailons which deservi heir attention. Ii also contain Ciiiinus Intelligence nf Affairs la, the Literary World, . flossip ciincerning B unlit and Writers, Announcements nf contemplated Publications, and UistsoJ jVt w Hooks issued tn America and Europe. The Drama, Mumc. Fine Ayn. aol -cience.al-" ee, ive aiti n-eni. and a- verui coliiiti- s -f ratefull el'Ctcdund a-iri-eH' le. 01:11 er aie tieli in eaci niiiiii'cr. In a 'di:i"ii to hi above there is a de imiitnenl of S i'n-e'l 'lien lor tcadins ol an enter- tainins character, cur- fully tetet led from r ew books nd the abler! reviews, and a weekly colic tlon ol Not en and Qui il-e which contains a grtal vatieli f ciiriou-and vilmb'e .ntoriii-tiion. It ia confidenri'' b ii- veil that a journal such it h CUI I'K . It IN e .mini Tail to "ave a g od fT ci upon our national lit ralute, and I some ex'enl ion 11 r n 1tion.1l i h iructer. It will be found es pecially valuable in directioa! the attention of youth to woiksof real cx-el enee, and encouraging an ippreciation for valuable reading which Ubeini; rpi lly destroyed by ihe ciicul ilion of superficia nd soph'siical books. To the reading man Ih lerary inti lliitenee alone must render it very dc tlrible; and in all who wish lo p-omotean improve nent in tast-, the nciHtagi iiieni of merit, and an une mpromislng eondemntion of vicious style, nock sen'inient. and evil principles, sneh sneniei- ri- cannot al lea-t. should not be indifferent. To members ol Historical, 'I i eta y and -Scientific! H-ie-es. Lvc tuns and Debating Clubs, th nibj cts dieca-red lo this p per will at aU timet r .ve of peeu lar inten'rt. ai d it is the de ixno th.-editors to thorou-jhlv canvass from time to timeiho-aeiuiDnrtint philosophical utiCi-tions which aititate aiiinquirlne mimls, coreciini' lalse theu- ii's. ancenconraelnir priitii ihie invi-stiS"iiion. . TheC'fl 'KKI V is pnhli-h.-d at $3 per an num. psyiM-e ye-irly, ha If yea ly or quarterly in ad vance. Specimen copies ruoplied on nr"llcaiior o the Publisher, - CHAKLKs R. :OD--. -. St. U NaaiH strcei, New Vnrk Jan. 12. . f i , e i Uf t 12S-6I VARIETY AND EXCELLENCE. I'll F lirne-t assottmtnt ol Umbielluc isalwayi 1 to be found at the Emporium , and we sell then t lo'er uriccs ilian nv oiher house in 'own - - . i. . .. . . ,1 r .11 ov 27 Hal and (Tap t'ntporlum. GROCERIES. 4 ( OXES td imanii'ie Candles, '-i 1 5- lbs Pota--h in tin can, jars and kegs, 2 boxes . I Pale Soap. . Ml Pearl Staich, - ' 20 obi, t'raekers. Suanr. Soda and Butler 10 Lorillard's -n-fT, amall and laree bladders Now landing fr.m schr. J. Deifos- -ct.aa-ff .r.s.le hy ZKNO it. GUEFNE, No 7. Market st. Jan. 26. N. C. C Advocate copy 134 RYEWniSREY. O DOZ. Buttles pare obi Itys U hiskey, of su- pertor quality, roraalenv April 10. L.'N. BARLOW. FLOUi. FROli NEW CROP WHEAT sUPF.'tlOit article, now in store, tor sale bt Sept. I. DwPllE. Jr. . JUST RECFIVED Per Schr. L. P. Smih. 1 C ICKO- Vtv Mutter 1 10 HoX'-S Cheese 1 L J sm nokud Beef. Beef ToneTUca. Co flee. Sugar. i'rorh rf o-r, P rwdcrrd r-ugar.and a vaiicty ol Knh C-nec:i.ar.c. April?.. .''-. 1 - ' GEO. M VERS. LOST, r iNS ITUR.O V aih inst., between. vValkere 'Ferry and t'tm.Ktoai. a Pnrtmonaie t tiinii3 a i-niall amoani in ch mie. and several apers smons ih-m Is a f inmT Willunham. r One 1'hoNsaed Dollars. Jatid atH'Ot the ntn 14 ! 1 11. parable in thr nh-riber. To nthet I in- rs are rweo'lected bu pr--utoe monly -re i-eipis. A liberal reward will tw-riven. ' . . . , . JAMES IT. METTS.: -. Oct. . - " 63-if. . B U S 1 N K - S C A II D J. C.LAI TA, COMMISSION MEHCIIA .V T 4" GENERAL AGENT WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. I,!8.VI. 85-1 ye. UPII rLSTEUS & PIPEa HANGERS. KEEP OS II A.N U AND - AUE TO ORDER. Mattresses, Feather Bed, Window Curtains and fixtures. . All work in the anove line done al shortest No ilce. ' Wihuingion, olarketai. March 18, 1834. - . . : - JiJSEPJI R. RL0SS03I. CrEtrtl lomaiuioa tai Forrtirdins ilerchaat. frompt Bwrswiiai aienviei s'-r 1 .- - tmimA ikr,Tninent. . Liberal Com adeanc made on, Coneinmnl lo m or to mg iYci 1 in. 1 1 . Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1854. , 135. JAMBS AUDaSSOI. SDWASO IAf.61 ANDERSON & SirluK.- GENERAL CO M MISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON i-. C. Liberal c ish advances, made on consign mcrts. March 27. t84 . 04 RUSSELL & BROTHER,'. (1ATI tllS. RDASBLL rV CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINai'OX, N. C. . I.ibernlcash tdvances made on conngninentsol aval Store-, ;Jito 1, and other produce. May 3, 1854. f C. & D. DuPRE. ... n a . , .Mn urvii. nALEIlfi IN Ilrngs. Medicine. Chemical. I'aints. Oil. IJye Stuns utaw. ren iicrj, vi, . 0:d lluiinrs. I'aitry Articles. MARKKT STREET. WIIiHiSiOTOS. X. C, rescrlptionr -arefullj :o.npundeJ nyexperi ncet uersons. March 28. 1854. . ' WILLIAM II. PEAUE. CULLECTtJS m AUVtRTlSU AGI M. far Couulry Sievspars .throughutit the Uuited State. Basement of -Sun Iron Bu lainas, Baltimore street ' All business entrusted to. lis care transacted promptly. on liotrsl terms. sept 7, 1854. I 95-tf T. C. & B. G. WORTH, JOUMlSSltn WD RU&WIBDLXG .aEKLU3iTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1854. U5-c ' Joseph h7 fl.nner, General Couimission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. May 9ih. 1354. 87-1 y-c. JAS. H. CnADBOURN & CO., 'encral Coimuhsitui Merchants. WILMIXGTOM . X. C. Jas. H. Chaosocbw. Geo. Chadiocsw. Jun. I. 1854. 123. HENRY NUTT, PlfT.lR lD r,.i:iWlRUI'i ACKST. Will g ice hi pertnnal attention to btuinese entrust. ea to me core. Sept. 8. 1854. 75 ly-e. GEORGE MYERS, WII1I.KS1I.K UI) BKTUL UKilfFR Keep constantly on hand. " inti 7i. Uq Pr toif ions, if oorl and Willow Ware, h'ruit 'quors (jonleetionaries.if'c zouui t rem street, VILUIUTON, N.J. Nov. IS, 1853 109. GEORGE HOUSTON, DKAl.t-.B N Groceries, Provisions, and Naval Stores ; comiissi6n merchant. VESSEL AND FORWARDINQ AGENT, WrLMINGrON, N O. Aug. 2. CO-tf H. DOLLNF.R. Q. POTT kit. JT. J. CAMEHDKN- DDLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. A pri 130, 1854. 20-ly. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE &, RETAIL GROCER, LIQUORS WINES ALE. PORTER q-c Nt 3, Granite Knw, Kro-it Street, WILMINGTON, N.C Feb. 17th, l55- 140-if BENN ETT &. BRO K A W, PRODUCE COMMISSION M Eli CHANTS, ' FOR THE a ALB OF Flour Grain and Seeds, Suiter, Cheese, Lard. Dried Fruits, Smoked Meals and Pro ruitns. NO. 4, FRONT ST. NEAR THE BA TTER NEW VtUK. To avoid errots and del iys, it is d- sirsble that -onstgnors be very particular to put tli' ir in tluie upon tio.id .hipptd to us fur s-tie. June It. - - - 40-tf S. M. west, ' : . laclioncer aui Commiisiou Merchant, VII.IING tM, N. t?. m 1 iri LL ell or nur Real Eat ate and .X eg rocs si V a small contmlsion. ''" ALSO t trici attention tivent-i the sale of Timber.Tor nent tne, Tar, or any kind nf Country Produce. . ') fi(ti.fconddoor. South side of Market street, on the wharf. Jane 12. I8S4. 33 ly. PEACH BRANDY. OA BRLS. Superior, above proof, lor sale by r OU Nov. 22. GEO. HOUSTON. CHEMICALS-JUST RECEIVED : 1 IM If". Z- German Quinine: -I jV A A 60n d. French do ; 60 lbs. Cal.onH 1 20 do. Syr. Iodid Iron ( 25 da. Rlaa Mast 50 do ValMt's Masai &6 gallons Sp'la Nitre 1 40 do. Aq A dimob ; : 20 hhla. EpsAMj Salts 1 -! 10 do Copperas. For sale bv C. f r DvPitE, h leale Druggists, Oct. 86. ; ATCI1 EI.ORft, FA M I LIES, HOTELS, ' J ntcemhnais, Ar can hn furnished with mat-'ra-ses beds, pillows, bolsters, sheet, pillow, ease, Mankets cikMi, spreads, tawela. table Tlotha. e, by calllntr 00 . . ... - WII.KIN-fON A ESI.FR, 'Dpholsiers and Paper llansers. Sept. tB. . , .4 : .... 83. . TO RENT FR0.T FIRST OCTOBER I'HK Siorecotner of Wter and Mafvcry sts ; thw Office o the wharf, now occupied by D. l.amunJ: tb Sioie add ar. house now ocru- ptcfbvnte Apply to- JOS. It BLOS sSO.M. BUSINESS CAliDS. AAUS, iSssOTIIIaU & CO., COMMISSION M E R C H A N T S, iWlLMIXOION, K. C. July 23. ; , ' -.; ' - , - 53 WKHtKL. tJ. B. BILEKS. WESSEL & EILERS. ' OMMlstlN MERCHANTS c WHOLE USsl.K GROCERS, North Water St., Wil iiington, N. C, intend to keep at the above iand-i ''enera I assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provilonr at wholesale and to carry on a GencralComniission Kui-lni s. triif.tci t E. P. Hall Prcs't Brch Bank of the State te. ) O. G. Parsley, PreVl Commercial Bank P; K . Dickinson , Esq . Poppe t:.t.. I N York1" Dolinar A Potter, j rtc 131. GEO. II. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nexidoot to A. A. Wannet's.on North tVatetst wiilattend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro luce. such as Corn. Peas. Meal, Bacon .Lard ,4c ind will keep constantly onhanda fullsupplyof Groceries. &c. , , References. Witlet Hall-of Wayne, Jno lelae, Wilmington VV Caraway. ' Gen. AU. McRae. 'V E. P. I ill, .Vilrnlngton .Wiley A.WalKc. . " Dee 13. 1853. 115-ly. f AS. F. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE. jam.:- i'. oiM,i:-pirc & cti. PRODUCE AiND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTOX, N C. ''aitlciilnra'teniinn paid to the receipts and S'nlcof Naval Stores, Timber, .umber. Corn, Bacon, Col ton, f-e , f-c. March 30. 13.r;5. 6. ! D. CASH WELL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL it I N (;TOS, N. C Sept. 30. ; 64 tf COrilRlN 3t RUSSELL. (sltces.noi-s ru this. lid ie & co.) General Co;umision Mtrchanls, .V 32, North Wharves, ind o3 North Water Sis PlIILADl.LPIII A. i. HARVBT COCHtAN, w. a. atMSBt.1.. L ber.il cisli Ivancea made on consignments. July 30ih, n34. 53-lf. nOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., COMM tSSION M ER CHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. CCO. HOOSCS. J. L DtltlOIV. 'M. L. HOOPEB. July 23. i . - B8-tf PUBLIC HALL. THE M.iSONIO II ALL is-fiered for publ Exhibitions, Lt cimes or Fniniplr n rs. Oct. 6. P V. FANNING. Agt. ! MACKEREL. CZf RBI.S. No. 3 Mackerel, just receivod and for tJUsiilehy ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO. July 17. : ... 53 GLUE. t Ftl F the best quality, and Bunss of all sizes always ' ' on hand. J.Ii.KLUSSU M. 97. Nov. 1 SO IP AND CANDLES. priO E NUl'ERIO t arili-lee:, inanuractttred in L VViliniritoti hv " Me-ss. Cos'on d Gatiord, ire offsred for s.i'e hv the n ndi ruined, who has ien appointed -ole Aaeni lor their dii nsition in hi- place. IValcrs and rumunicrt nre invited to ex luiino and test idem by uw, in romp irison vitn such as are imported from the North, sam les aie olf fed giatuiii-uxly. with a lull convic tion that these articles, sftrr a f-iir trial, will lie nr. 'erred to any other in market j while they will .i!-..ld for a Ics pi ico. GEO. HOU-S'lON. Nov. 22. 107 If. FREII FRUIT. rAVERanJ M. it Ri-in, new and fresh, in j whole, a ilf and q;i irtcr boxes, Figs, Citron, Currants and Lemons at DenS. j L.N. BARLOWS. BOARDING. AFE t Gentlemen can be accommodated with Hoard and plcsan: uiry rooms, in Front flie 1, house next door north of the Presbyterian Church June 19. I 42-tf i $10 REWARD. RANA WAV from Clarendon Steam Saw Mill, a woek .ago, a k.ulatlo nisn named LEWIS, ecncially known as LEWIS iOTT. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and d lively tu the si. brer i I tr, or for his confinement in jail. J. H. CllADBOURN 4 CO. Oct, 27. , as-tf . f JUST OPENED. 'pHE laryist assortment of Chemicals ever offer 1 ed in thi market, coniting '.a purl of 100 lbs. Sugar Leadj 50 " Snlph Zinc; , . 2 " V.lletlV MaMi; 5A0 ozs. German Quinine; 10 hll.4. Fpsom Salts ; 15 bbls. Copperas. 25 Iba CbIoiiik; jOlbf. Blue VI ass j 3 carboys Spirits Nitre (AT): 3 ' .4n t mmonia.(li'i ) and a num er of other CliemieaN, ftoiit the l.ahor.t..i ien of Powers a id Wchlu.an Chis. Fl'is & C'o. F01 luilc bv , ' C. & D.DttPUE. June 5. - - 3'i WINES AND LIQUORS. 1 I51L" extra old Nectar whiskey; V I 10 l.bls oi l Vanniseee do. . 2 eaes Ciiate io l.aieur CJarcl ; , I i" Pale Bran.lv t 2 Margnux Claret 1 2 st, KmiMon do.j 2 " N-ithiniel Johnson's Claret ; 24 casks Brandy. For sale by July 19. J. II. FLANNER. FRESn ARRIVALS, Per Schrs. W. H. Smith and David Faust, at No H North Water Street. BAGS prime Rio Coffee. fj 20 boxes Adamantine Candles, 20 " " . Low for cash at GEO II KELLEV'-SJ Oct, 13., Herald. - , 91 -' i FRESH NUTS. FILBERT Brazil fc nd Enlieh Walnats.aofl and hard shell Almonds at Dee. a L. K. BARLOWS. prescotts new book. HISTORY of Philip the Second Kins; of .Spain bv W. H . Pr scott. corresponding member ol the I nil i nie of France, f the Royal Academy of History at Madrid, etc- Received and for sale by , - K. W. WHITAKFR ' Jan 3. .. - - .126 ' WROUGHT NAILS. "f . rPfl4 V..ttrwI.t xVallsl lft atl rs!.arl For 's.-br J K- BLOSSOM. Oct 17. ' : V : - - - - 83 CIG1RS! CIGARS!! I UT RECEIVED, 50,000 ehoiW Havana Cl .1 gars. for aale by . C. D. DePBE. - Wholesale Druggists, O Market st. s 0- 13. .. . ' . , -s .. - 81. II "... " Li..--:-,.. BUCKWHEAT. BAGS extra New Hulled Buckwheat. f.J.t Just received and for sale by L. N. BARLOW. No. 3, Granite Row Dec. 1. NOTICE. r'pHEsiibscribet.regpcrtfully Inform the public, L thaihe is now ran iictinii the Auction business on hisownacuount, and hopts by strict attentlonto businers, to merit a continuance oltnot patronage heretofore solibcrslU bestowed upon him. M. CRONLY. Slock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a eoinmi'sion, either at private or public aale. Jan9.lH.Vi. - BOOTS AND SHOES. E undersigned Is continually receiving di L rect from the Manufacturers, large supplies of Boot and shoes of all tua various kinds, and has now on h and. a oood assortment of Men's A Bovs' LtUkk kip.and CJlfskin Brorans. Itecri-red his wfk.it lew cayes uentreincn s ni.e call skin Boots; Mtitable for the Spring and Summer trade. For le wholesale and rctoil. .Hoots and Shoes Manufactured tomder. "' Alio, lr salo. Grey's Ointment and Perry Davis Vegetable Pain Killer. - . GEO. R. FRENCH. April II. 13-tf' HAY AND SALT. 1 ( BALES HA V; 1 V l I 400 sat-ks Soli. Landing per schr. Adetc irom New Vork, and for sain by Jan 10. J. II; FLANNER. ' TO "TEACHERS AND FRIENDS OF EDUCATION." I'M IK. following new Books ana rviped Editions . arc C"inmend'.d to your aiienrion and exami nation : Oavies' Primary Arithmetic, Davicn' Intellectual Ariihmelic Oavlis New Arithmetic, Dayfes' K.lementary Algebra, Davits' Practical Malhemaiics, Oavies' Bourdon's Alael M, Davii h' Kletiicntary Geometry, Oavies Logic of Alnttietnatics, ' Oavies' L'gendre's Gsomctry, Daviea' Sutveying (Uevipcd Eillliop Churih's Kleutcnts of Calculus, Church's Analytical Geometry, HackU-y's TtiL'onnineiry, Kanleii's Trcatice on Mechanics,'' tattle't'e A nali tical Mcrhnnics, Bartlett's Treatiae on Optics, die., Courtenav's Differential and Integral Calcului Parker's Natur I IMuloo,hy (Revised Edition) Norihend's Dictation Exercises, Nortjiend's American Speaker, 1 Northena's School Dialogues, Martin's Orthotpist,' Kartlett's Colli ge Astrcnotny, The Word Builder, Montcith's Firt Lefsor.s in Geography, Monteitli's Manuel of Geography, MeNally's School Geosrnphv. 1 ' 1 Clark's Engli.-h Gramnier (Revised Edition) Clark's Analysts, Velch's Analysis of ihe English Sentence, Day's Art of Rhetoric, Mahan's Intellectual Philosophy, Karnes' Elements of Criticism. H rook field's First Book in Composition, Dwlffht's Grecian and Roman Mythology, Zachus' New American Speaker, W I Muni's Hiftory of ihe United Staler, forecliools Williard's Universal History, m illiard's Guide nnd Map ol Time. Mlltons' Paradise Lost, with Uoyd's Notes, 1 oung s rV ight 1 noughts, Thomson's t earons, Cowper's Task, and other Poems " .1 u Pollok's Course or Time. " M Davles' Cyclopedia of Mathematics,"" 1 North Carolina Readers ''in press. Published by, -A. BARNES Sl CO.. 51 and 53 John St., N.T. For sale by S. W. WHITAKER. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 30, S7 3m VvIjettogin store FROM" VARIOUS VESSELS. Preserved nnd Picklrd Meats, Can Irs, Sugars, Brandies, Whiskey, Tea, ofiees, Porter and Ale, Sauces, Preserved Fruits. Syrups and Ci rdiuls, Jellies end Jams, Cig 1 rs. Tobacco nnd Snuff. Wooden, A'i I low. Earthen and Tin Ware. ll of which he offers for cash, or!o reasonable pnniea on ninety days, at Iheei.d of which time he will expect the money. v VV. L. S. TOWNSHEND. Nov. 27. 109 A SCRIPTURE MANUEL, LPHA BEI'ltJALLV and svmmetrical'y de V signed to facilitate the finding of Proof Tex'S Bv Ch.ts. Simmons, new edition just received and lor sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Jan . 126 APPLES. BBLS. Russes,in fineordtr, now landing. 30 rorsaieoy Ubu. iiuusiun. Nov. 29 110 LIME. 4)00 nASKS THOM ASTON now landing and Nov 8. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. WIIISKEV. JUST RECEIVED Irom Cincinnati, "direct." FOURTEEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHIKEY. For sale at the lowest prices for CASH, by W.L.S. TOWNSHEND. NOTICE. I HAVE ihU day associated wiih me In the Hardware Business in Wilmington, my Son C. E. Roiismji. The btitdne will hereafter be conducted under lite firm cl J M. Robinson & Son. J. M. HOB1.NSON. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, WILMINGTON. N, C. Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in HBDWABB, COTLKBT, IBOW. BTtEL, NAILS, AOal- Cl'l.TL'BAI. IMPUCMKNTS, SC. J. M. KOBINKOS. C. B. B0CINSON. Jan. I, 13 C. 121 STEAMBOATS FOR SALE. VJ E will ulliheSteimers "FAIRY." "UNION" and 4-l3thsof the steamer "EVERGBEEN," all of which are now on the waters of ihe Pee Dee and Waccamaw. , Faisv's length, 81 feet 6 inches, breadth, 15 4 d. pth, 4 " 2 measures 5 1 and 2 95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1851. Steamer Ui03r or Euza's length, 74 feet 6 inch. . " " " bread, h, 13 " " " depth, 42 " measures 40 and 32-85 tons burthen, was built In in ye ir 1850, machinery ail new and in complete order. Steamer EvBBaasai's length, 121 feet 6 Inches. " brcadlh, 21 - t " " depth, 6 " S " messarea 160 and 79-95 tons, and was built ia the yearl848, legrther with their Llghiers, Jos. K. Blosanin and Republican one of seven hundred arrcls, and the other of nine h end red barrels ea paeity. Also, two rials, now on the Cape Fear River-' one 650, and the 01 her 550 bbts, capacity Terms will be niadtasy . . D. D.ALLEN, - " JAS. H. PslITCUETT, ( Assignees. ..haept.27. ., 84 -tf Taylor, dickson, graves & co. Successors to Bates, Taylor d Co.) v ' 'Uannfaetnrers and Wholrsale Dealers in CLOTHI N G, . Nos. 23 AND 25 DEY STREET.' THE TiU-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL Is published every Tcbsdav, Thcs.dav and Satcsoav at 5 per annum, payable lnalica.es in advance. RVT'dOMAS LORING Editcb sndPsorsts-' roB, Corner I'rot.t and Matkel streets, . WILaTIKOTOW, . C. " RITUS OH ADVEKTISIX C '. t sqr. 1 ioscriion ( 50 I 1 sqr. 2 months, $100 1 2 V 75 I 1 "3 5 t-C 1 " 3 " 1 CO I 1 "6 8 10 1 'VI month, -2 0 1 1 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If on adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the ptice will be in proportion. .-. All advertlscinenis are payable at the lime of their insertion. Contracts with y carry advertisers, will be made V on the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should elrcn.fstances render a thanga In business, or an unexpected removal' '' necessary, a charge according- to ihe published , terms will be at the option of the contractor, for , the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited lo their own immediate business! and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, ss well as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, snd sll excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at ihe usual rates. No Advertisements Is included in the con:rat for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town r country, or for the sals or hire of negroes, w hold er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These, are excluded by the term "immediate business." ' f All adverisernente Inserted In the tri-weckly Commercial, are entitled to one Icsertlon in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EIECCTED SLTKlilflR STYLE. AGENTS FOH TUG COMMERCIAL.. Niw Votr Mersrs. Doilneb dt Pottsb. ?h(m-ChaiuiSmith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. E. Cohen. Baltimore Wm! H.PxAKcand Wm.Thomscx., AUBURN FOR SALE. -- THE Plantation of the aubbcribcr, j jJnear Raleigh, and on the Cemral Rail Cj Road, Is not yet disposed of. A dercrip- 1 lion has already been given but no one v til of course make so Imporiant a purchase without visiting the premises. Apply to Wm. R. Pools, Esq., who lives near the place, or to the subscriber. , T, LORING. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 14, 1655. SACK SALT. SACK SALT. For sale by Sep, 20. , WILLIS W. fcllFRWOOD. 2f)0 CCFFEsG. G)f BAGS Rio, Laguyra. St. Domicga iuU Java, for sale by Oct. 6. GEO. HOUSTON. PICKLED HERRING. BBLS. p. line Nova Scotia, just received, and tvvy ir sale by ADAMS, BRO. & CO. April 19. 15. WHISKEY. BBLS, now landing, for sale by GEO. HOUSTON. 50 Jan. 1. 123 SALT. 500 BAGS, in excellent order. For stile I y Nov. 17. ADAMS, BKO. & CO. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCECOUP'V, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Coinpan y hrs been inopcrationslnce J. the lstof April, i843, under the directiucof the following Officers, viz : Dr. Charles E.Jonhson, President, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President. John G. Williams, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasure. Pcrrln Uusbee, Attorney, Dr. C harlcs K. Johnson, ) tT , . , Dr.Wm.H.McKee, 5 Medical Ilcmd of Dr. R.B.Haywood, $ Consultatun, J.Hcrsinan, General Agent. This Company has received a charter givingad vantages lothe insured overany other Comp iny. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for ihe sole use of his Wile end Children, free from any claimrof the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in ihe vliote of the profits which are declared annually. Prsides. ih.j applicant foi life, when the annuul premi um is ovet 130 moy pj one nan in a nuic. All claims for insurance against ihe Company will oe paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party Is furnished. Slaves are insured forone or Ave years, at roles which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class of pro peril y against the uncertainly of life. Slave insurance prcscntsanew and interesting featurein the history of North Carollns.which will prove very important to the Southern Slates. The last four months operation of this Company showaa veryl arge amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued mors than 300 Policies. Dr. Wm. W. Habbiss. Medical .Examiner, and Agent. Wllnilnslon, N.C. - AllCnmmiinlcatlonsonbu.inr' of the Company should be addresser! in JOHN Or WILLIAMS, Sec'y. RaIeih.June8, IStB. LIME, n.ilR, PLASTER & CEMENT. CONSTANTLY n hand. end fcrrn'r hy GF.OIIGEH0U.ST0N. pisFectus . OF THE RAIL ROAD TIMES. AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL. Oeroltd to Ncks, InUrnal ImproreiAtnt, Edvco-, , tion, Agriculture, Manufacture if- Cum mrrce. . WE know thai the Interen of ih Peopfe tf our State demand such a piper, aod bilirvinar that one free from political rlriiis snd qusritls cf the day, devoted to stu-h topics, wl te the kird ihey desire, we confidently enter upon this enter prise w!ib ihe assurance ol meriting snd meeting their approbation and support. Our ibjiri is to make the Times the mirror of the Slate, In which all em see their true interests held op and incour- 'iN'TERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. -To ihla sub ject we expect to devote as much space as a lull statement of the various opei allocs will no,i.irtt for as our works of improvement advaare, so do ail he other interests of the Stste. EDUCATION. It is source of rrrrct to all Interested in Ihe Educational interests of out State, (and who Is not 7) that our papers are so mnch devoted to party polities, Ac , that this grral cause hss been too much neglected 5 we piof-os,-therefore, to devots to this subject, a portion ot onr space - We will foster aod carefully noe tho advancement of Education, not only in our higher Schools, bnt also in our Common bi honla. AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURE AM COMMERCE, at t'is stage of oar hiMory. sr commaadingthe attention of all our good Hinm and money-loving citizens. Thenfore, tiie Jimk els wlil be reported with care, and alt items, talcu islrd to throw li.bt either of those inn pnra I ! oranches of industry, willbs carefully gkaccd and inserted every week, - It Is anneeesssry 10 say trore If we I nd tin e, but ihe "whistle of the locomotive" on li s Fait and the cheering newa from the West i.lmonirh a to close. Perwli ns, houevrr, to as.ure y ' 11 that the first namber of the Times will nio.e its . appearance about th tLme tbecars reach this p!uce from the East. . TERMS The Times wlil be printed weekly In Greensboroufih.N. C on new material, snd coo. Uln ox much reading matter ss any j ejer In the S'tte, foratperannurninsdvanc. ; e. oarxuN, , C. C ( OI K. J. XV. ALBRIGHT. .. -' '" ICO 61 - "

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