WILMINGTON, N. CL- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7ft85&. ORGAN OP TUE TOWN AUTHORITIES OUT OF WORK. BT STLVANCS COS, JR. ii,'n use, ' Maria, -, I've . tried1 every where.' . - ' JBut'yoa are not going to gire it ap, Pe ter?'' . ; 'Give up 1 How con I help it ? Within bur day 1 have been to every book binde ry Hi the City, and not a bit ot work can 1 get.' . 'But have you tried anthyinir else?' "'What else can 1 try V - Why, anything that you can do.' . i.. Yes, I've tried other things. I buve Tioon tn morn than a dozen or mv friends. wvv - J ' .. - CT I - aTa . c . k . , v i hire me. 'And what did you mean to do for them. '" '1 offered either to post their accounts, make out bills, or attend to the counter.' Mrs. Stanwood smiled as her husband thus spoke. 'What makes you smile ? he asked. a 'To think you should have imagined that vou would find work in such a place. But how is Mark Leeds V 'He is worse off thai) lam.' How so T "' 'He has nothing in his house to eat.' A shudder crept over his wife's frame D6V. T. tWhy doyou tremble, wife? ? 'Becauee when we shall have eaten our breakiat to-morrow morning-, we shall have nothing.' . - . iWhul I' -r.ri'pi! Ptpr : fitnnw-nnd. half starting from his chair. - 'Do you mean that?' . . 'I do ' 'But our .flour?' - 'All gone. I baked the last this after noon.. . - ' . ' : 'But we have pork V i . 'You ate the last this noon-' ' J nen we , musi: starve r Uroaned the stricken man, starting across the room. Peter Stanwood wns a book-binder by trade, and had now been 1 out of employ "merit about a month. He was one of those who generally calculated to keep about square with- the world, and who consider themselves particularly fortunate if they keep out of debt. He was now thirty years of ageT and had three-children to provide for,' besides himself and wife, and this to gether .with house rent, was a heavy draught upon bis purse, even ' when work was plenty, but now there was nothing Alaria,' said he, stopping and gazing his wife in the face' 'we must starve. . 1 have not a single penny in the world.' "'But do not despair, Peter. Try ag to-morrow for work. ; You may find some thing to do. Anything that is honest is honorable. Should you make but a shi lin'g a day, we should not starve ' 'But our house rent V -Trust to me for that The landlord shal not turn us out. If you will engage to find something to do, 1 will see that we have vhouse room.' . Til make one more trial," uttered Peter, nonnrinirlfr i i ' . ' ' 'But you must go prepared to do any thing.' Anything reasonable, Maria.' 'What do you call reasonable?' "Why. anything decent.' The wife felt inclined to smile, but the matter was too serious for that, and a cloud passed over her face. She knew her hus bands disposition, and she felt sure he - would find no work. She knew that he would look for some kind of work which would not lower him in the social scale, as he had once or twice expressed it. How ever, she knew it would be of no use to say ; anyining to rum now, ana she let the mat ter pass. On the following morning, the last bit of food in the house was put upon the table . Stanwood could hardly realize that he was penniless and without food. For years be ftatl been gay, thoughtless, and fortunate making the most of the present, forgetting the past, and leaving the future to take care of itself. : Yet the truth was naked and elear; and when he left the house, ' he said, 'something must be clone.' No sooner had the husband gone, than Mrs. Stanwood pot on her bonnet and .years old, and her youngest 'four. She O a L-Af rSar nTt Asfr neiivrkKMi !f nkA ... I A - uw v-a litijjllUUl It OUT WUIJIU take care of her children until noon. These children were known to be good and quiet, and they were taken cheerfully. Then Mrs. Stanwood locked up her house and went away. She returned at noon, bring iog some dinner for her children, and then she went away again. She came home in the evening before her husband, carry ing a heavy basket upon her arm., . Well, Peter,' she asked,after her husband - bad entered and sat down,"what luck?' 'Nothing! nothing! he groaned. I made out to get a . dinner ; from and old chem, but I could find no work.' ' . . And where have you looked, to-day V 0 evervwh ere. I'vo hpfn tn a hiir.rlra.4 places, but ji's the same story in every place. Ts nothing but one eternal no no nn I I'm Kirk n nii lirod nf If : - What have you offered to do V - - 4-VVhy,l even went so far as to offer to tfnr1 a li m rr cfnra rYnnrn tmrrni' .- Tlie wife smiled. .Now what shall we do?' uttered Peter, spasmodically. ... Wy, we will eat supper first, and talk ice maiier over 4 'Supper I Have you got any V Yes plenty of it.' But you told me you had none.' v 'Neither bid we this, morning, but I've keen after work to-day, and found some.' , You? You been after work?' uttered the hugbaniiasurprise. Yes.' 43 ut how where what V 1 Why ..first 1 went to Mrs. Snow's. I knew her girljvas-sick, and t' hoped she might have work to be done. I. went to ber and told bee my story," and she set me at work at once doing her washing.' She jve me food to bring home to my children, and paid me i three shillings when 1 got through.' . - What you been out -washing for our butcher's -wife V said Peter, looking very much surprised, . . - " . . Of course I have, ,ard have thereby earned enough to keep us in food through to-morrow, at any rate; bo to-morrow you may come home .to dinner.! 4 But how cbout the rent ?' - : '" fO'I have seen Mr. Simpson, tol4 him ; ' 'v-i;'3- .""ivr-ji?!.: ""iiJXssis '': just how we wi-re situated,, and ofiered bim my watch a a pieage. mr tne pay ment of.. our rent wttnin two monms, wun the irrterest on arrearages up to that date. Itold him l did the business because you were away hunting up work.' . So he' got your getd watch ( jSo he wouldn't take it.- He said if 1 would become responsible for the rent, he would let it rest. '-. . - 'Then we've got a roof to cover us ,nnd food for to-raorrow. But what next? , what a curse these hard times are? Don't despair. Peter,3 for; we shall not starve.- I've gov worn enougn engagea 10 keep us alive.' Ali what is tnai r Why, Mr. Snow has engaged me to car rv small packages, baskeis, bundles, iml so forth, to his rich customers. He hus had to give up one ot his horses.' What do you mean. Maria t Oust what t sav. When Mr. Snow came home to dinner, t was there, and asked him if he ever had light articles which he wish ed to send around to his customers. Nev er mind all that was said. He did happen lo want just such work done, though he had meant to call upon the lulers that lounge about the market. He promised to give me all the work he could, and Tin Cm tliA t-s in -aaaarr in f Ha mnrmniv J IO ItlClU 111 V llVI tJlutiilli. Well, this is a pretty go. my wile turned butchers boy! You will not do any such thing. And why not 'Because because' 'Say because it will lower me-in the so cial scale.' 'Weir, so it will 'Then it is more honorable to lay sti ! and starve, and see one's children starve too. than to earn honest bread by honest work. I tell you, Teter, if you cannot fin i work. 1 must. W'e should have been with out bread tb-nisht, had not I found work to-day.. You know that all kinds of light, agreeable business areseiaed upon by those who have particular friends, and engaged in them. At such a time as this, it is not for us to consider what kind of work we will do, so long as it is-hone-it. Oh, give me the liberty of living upon my own de serts, and the independence to be governed by my own convictions ot right." But, my wife, only think you carrying out butcher's stuff Why, I would sooner so and do it myself.' 'If vou wiil go said the wife with a smile :I will stay at home and take care of the cfcildrei. It was hard for Peter Stanwood, but the more' he thought upon the matter, the more he saw the justice and right of the pnih into which his wife had thus led him. Before he went to bed, he promised that he would go to the butcher s in, the morning. S And Peter Stanwood went upon his new business. Mr. Snow greeted him warmly praised his faithful wife, and then sent him off with two baskets, one to a Mrs. Smith s and the other to a Mrs. Dixall's. And the new carrier worked all day, and when it came night he, had earned ninety-soven cents, it had been a day of trials, but no one sneered at him, and all his acquaint ances whom he met, greeted him the same as usuaL He was far happier now than he was when be went home the night before for now he was independent, On the next day he earned over a do lar: and thus he continued to work for a week, at the end of which he had fivedol Lira and seventy-five cents in his pocket, besides having; paid fo all the food of his family, save some few pieees of meal Snow had ! given them. Saturday evening he met Mark Leeds, another binder, who had been discharged from work with himself. Leeds looked care worn and rusty 'How goes it ?' asked Peter. 'Don't ask . me, groaned Mark. 'My tamiiy are halt srnrverJ. 'But can't you find anythnvir to-do? Nothing.? 'Have you tried V 'Everywhere : but it's, no use. I hav pawned all my clothes save those I hav on. I've been to the bindery to-day, anr what do-you- sop pose he ottered me?' 'What was- it Whv, he ofiered to-let me do his hand carting 1 Be has iust turned off his ntsr ger for drunkenness, and offered me the place ! The old curmudgeon ! I had a great mind to pitch Aim into the hand-cart, and run him to the ' Well,' said Peter, 'if I had been in your place I should have taken up With the of fer.' , Mark mentioned the name of the same individual again. 'Why,' resumed Peter, 'I have been do ing the work of a butcher's boy for a whole week.' Mark was incredulous, but his compan ion convinced bim, and then they separa ted, one going home happy and contented, and the other going away from home to find some sort of excitement in which to drown his misery. One day Peter had a bnket of provisions . tir , - i tw curry iu Mr. VV . 11 was lllri loriTHT employer. Be look the load upon his arm. and started off, and just as he wa eiiirin the yard of the customer, he met Mr. W-: coming out. . Ah, Stanwood, is this you asked liiiiold employer. Kindly. . -Vea. sir." '-What are you up lo now?" I'm a butcher's boy. eir." - "A what?" - "You see I've brought provisions for you, sir. I'm a regular butcher's hoy." "And how long have you been at work thus i' "This is the tenth day." ' But don't it come hard ? ' ''Nothing come hard so long as it ia hon est, and wilt furni.-ih my family with bread." And how much can you make a day at thia?' . 'Sometimes over a dollar, and sometimes not over fifty cents.' . 'Well, look here, Stan'vood. there has been no less than a. dozen of my old handa hang around my counting room for a fortnight, whining for work. They are stout, able men. and yet they lie still because I hnve no work for them. Last Saturday 1 took pity on Leeds, and offered him the job ot doing tny hand-carting. - I told him that 1 would give him a dollar and a quarter a day ; but he turned up Ida uoae, and asked me not to In sult him ! And yet he owned that hia family were suffering. But do you come to my place to-morrow morning, and you shall have oruMhiii to do, if it is only to hold your bench, i honor you for your tnanly hide pendenee - ." Peter grasped the old man's hand wiih a joyous, grateful grip, and blessed htm fer vently. - That night be gave Mr. Snow notice that he tnual uii. aod on the following morning he went to the bindery. For two Ulia. h had little to do bet on the third tfeiy Witvy job came in, and Peter Stanford lud a4euly word. He was i bappy-more; happy than ever, for he had learned two; ihitigfi' first.' what a noble wife he bad and jsocouU--hoMr much remmrcts lor-, gowd lie Im ht wthi Id own enerji. . ... " . " " Our simple picture has wo points io vs moral. . One is no man cwn be lowered by a ny kind of honest labor. 1 be ec ond while you are enjoying ,ttm fruit of the present,, forget nji to provvie-io b future : for no man is so secure irt thai the day may come when he will want thf squanderings of the past. MXON'SHOlSKr (FOR.MLULY MBA UOftUE-N ) WEST SI DC RAIL ROAD, . GOLDSBORO. N. O, THIS rXlcns-ivn anI well known putU- K-tHb!i.-.lihi di hu ti n puclin-et ii was reonened bv the Mubscrif r fur Hie reception of gonial on the 4 " Ik tnsi. ii . pl.-.tsiiiilv atid 4nv-nien'iv tiiimira in cenire of tx.Sfn-B, and t tin-t ily ..ppo-iie J. niul WKS T i.l" ih Tici.fi Oli'ici.-, 'f ih Ailmins ton nd Wild . nd i he fnirat llali If imii inrn nuniea. wh.rt- ihr car f'P ih -r arnv .1 aid J. patli.re. ami where VAiTHret etants wat bk Ul. niioii- a i lie ir.ivl-r mat rqmr'. TliK HOtK hua o- oir retinnl. tie I, repaired, aml'ihorouahU-rtmvieil f om cellar U;rre . amt farnislwd ihr.uiuhont icn ne r nriinur i-lHrit wiih Oix-ciui t are, and uriani d wuii nn eye sinat to the comfort ol Hie cubuu! guest ir pcnuatieni boardt-r. . .... minri. - ii r i sdiii'i Will h rii hU furni.-h. d wlih the anbataml'd lite d intief and deiicaci-e l the Reason. fort-Inn na well as dor.-'.esl ic markeia will 1-e rend rrrt tribuiarr to ihe conctani mpl'I), wlticli w ill tie aerved itp In the bt;t aiyie, by orueny, oongina aud well trained aervan'a. TH K BAR Will ha a Storehouse of the best Winf an.l Li quors, and aunrinieiMlrd by u entleiitun c'iir- lesy aoa integrum, monriuiy cq(iinn-n wmuihc buJinesh co'mprislna th VnowlpdirM of wlial is due io the righia and c.utiroria or tue public, a: well a lo hiinsel' a .d hi eoipI-ycr. TUK STAI5l.l-:. which are anion? tlie ba-i in ih Kialr, have hern placed in ih keeping of a akillful and run'M inanaarer, u ho iil iiiwava h;iv- linger hi rar' ilie best and nios" exprrieiu'ed oaili'ta. and I.wi l be anionu ihe chief cares ot the proprieti'r lo rr that horse id hia juots U ni-:i ltd and thor oughly groomed . 'I his entire esiablishrm-nl has been purrhasert and filled up at an enormous espen-e, and ii will ! ih nl.:isure. as. of eourau, it will ho the inii r est of the subscriber, io render the IIoiia id ever respect equal to mm tho coarnr)r llu tlx re forc trust (h it a enToiia pubiic will irnrw and conin tlie liberal pitlronaae heretofore eni.'ndei io this ffouae, white umlenhe care f its form, r proprietress. Mra. Borden, who gained for ii n celebrity iliroushoul the entire Union. 11. It. MXO.V.. Aug. 18. 07-1 y NE WELL'S PATENT SAFIITY LAMP & LAM I' FKCDEK. NliW AltTICI.K, wnrranid to prevent all , Accidents from ihe ae of Hunting fluid, Camphene, and other Explosive Compuunda iiM-d for the production of Iinlu. Tlii-i Invention Is anplied lo all common Lamps am' Lamp Feeders, also, to .-Solar. Cinnphcne f,nip, Lanirr, Ac. CEItl lPli;j I B. Wilmington, iV. v., Junn lPth, 854. I hereby I'erufy I hat " witnesaed iheexperinieni of Mr. Newell, with Ida puieni Salely Lamn. for furnisninB "fluid" and am perfecilv aa'lsfied ot the ""ty of ihe same. ' It". H. Dickbo.v. We are prepared' to 94taM Orderrat t-hort notice, for every description and vari'y of Lnmnc. &c. All persona nre cautioned auainvt Infringing up. on the above patent, an tha law will be rigidy en forced against offender. C.A D.DuPRF. June26ih, 1855. 43 tf. MESS PORK. BBLS. now lnnHjr; from achr. Vary Ia JJ bellu, from Baltimore. Knrxjitehv RUSSELL & lilt. Jan 1. 13 Orrrca Wit. & 'an. VVihuini'ton, U c. Kail Koad !3.h, 1655. NOT1CK i- hereby gven ih it all Fr ig't t an ported by ihU Ko.id will be at the entire risk of the owner, Irom the m inen it i iinlad'-n trout he Cars atthe point of de.ivery. I... J. FLF.MIXG, General is'uperinti rder.t. Dec IS. 117 ly NI.W BOOKS. DKO. 2Gih, reri'ived ih'S mo mint : Mimic Life; or, Before arid Behind ih-s Cur tiiin . A feiii ol N-urntivea hy Anna Cora l(ii h ie, (form-rly. Mrs. lonnt.) amhirof Aiiiibio. gmphv of n AciresM." Kiithion.' etc. " Ha!jid"by Williuin Mak can Th.irfci ry. Lury Ko-ion;-or. Roman's if.ight-' nnd piiit unlianu" riiusirallKg lite Kullii h jiikI Delusion ol the Nineteenth Century. by Kied. Folio. Vankee fotilln!, for Jannry, 1836 Grnham-'a Maeiiine, for io. do. Anhui'a Horn Ktagnaine. for do. do. Leslie's Ladies Gazette of Fashion for r'o. do For sale at S. W. VVHITAKKR'.S. Dee -i7. 121. CHILD KILN'S BOOKS. "TT7E have on hand a very largo and handsome VV assortment of Jimnile Books, fetilabie loi Christniaaand INt-.w lenra prevents at J. W. VVHITAKKR S Dcc.22'. 116 JOHN IL STANLY, COMMISSION ME R C UA N T, WILMINGTON, N . Oct. 6 h, 1853. 83 1 C BBLS.. a prime article tor for Distiller. For l j sale hy ADAM'S, KIIO.& CO Nov. 17. 105 DISSOLUTION. c HIIE firm of Wilkinson & Ksler lathi- lav d a It solved by mutual consent, ihe but-imss will It settled by J. Wilkinson. J. WILKIVSO-V. WM. M. KSLKlt Man. 14, 1836. J. WILKINSON will romintie the ITphdai r Ins and Paper Hanging in all its binnehes. Th isp having aerounta againM W iUinfon & l al-r uil. please prcsen them, and th-e indehti d w i'1 e-n fer a favor by making payment iuiMedi.-n Iv in J. WILKINSON. Jan. 19. 131 P0TAT0KS. TTELLOW Poiatoes. for planting; and white, A iu or table uae.for sale by Jan GEO. HOUSTON. BRICKS. CCt NKW VOItKhard TJrleka.daily ex tJUjUVVJpecieJ. For eate hv pecleJ. For eate hv J-. rf . K L A 111 , hit, Dec 1 1. No. 22 North Water ureet. GUANO. Ctf BAGS, just liceived and 1 tore. For sale by ADA MS, BKO. CO Nov. 17. . , 105 EMPTY BARRELS, rCf RKGOD hand, of auperlor q-iaMiv, foi fJ sale by UUSSEI.L & r.iio Jan. I. E. STERN BRICK. 1 f C( JUSa' received i-er brig Da v.'i Dul- v,vwv Ie.il. For sale bv Aug. 14. A DAMS, BKU.a cu NAILS. II f KEGS assorted sixe-. for sate hv iJ GEO. IIODSTON. Jan. I. 23 sufiAR. 7 OrBRlS-C" SUOAH. For sol-hv ' 4i I Sep. 2a WILLIS M. SHKRWOOD, JUST RECEIFED BY U.R.FRENCIL A FRESH supply of PEJtttT iA VI.S' VEGE TAJ&LK PAIN dCILLEJt. io. entire Nxw Dacaa-. Tb aorc tliat you' per the psnaine Md icine. inqnire for Hie New Dreawiih rwo fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. - -Ap'U 13 . , 13.1T . K CVilSlY METHUDIST. . tun AN A L - r soirTc;;n:; riiiicDaSUFOKissj. Edited by Ihr- Rev Carles K Deem. 1. D. iHI WouK Hibr-e the ttaliUiea nn 1 a rent rij.tll tt rl im rery depifrtiu wmMn ittfti pr ion., noil, t the whia mt t h- nd : I Th nii. nnurg II Pl; l VlM .flow II L Tli- ! ne. V Di,li"'l' "f :hi' fine , V.'Hciviit; VI. ifel- -VII f U j.a. 'Vlll I IX T.cl s.- t. X. t'Mhl-hina Hum tr "d l.iarv-V..i XI tilruelitn oi 1V.-rr ,.t 'br XII , 1 " .i.i.-il KkrtelwK. Xlll. Ki-" - ! ill - XIV Per,i.l.t ii.tf. XV holt Hi' I., tiers nn I rnlr.M nia XVI it'a . Hi- op topers. XVII VU:elt.fte.ii. X VIII. A. m n is. S60pai' . lamr l'i m. - l t , fir whi.-h a w wilrbparnt prepaid Mil ot lie B iik i.t" Norh- or o l t,r lioa ..r jjoM (..tl ir-. h iiild wni, A litw' dU t-ouni io UmIw lit r- aod vtnlefii Adduva ,. CHAIlfc.KH V DKI-.M.S, ttil-b ro', N C Jan. WT - . BOOTS AND SlIOHS. ALEX BRAGG & WARREN, 31 anufarturc r and VVholeaa'e Dealers In HOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 30, All.E STKEKT, NKW VOIK if)FFRtt for sal.-, on favorable lerma mi unu-uil variety. fpechill adapted im niu Nonh IJurolina fade. conilslllii! In part 1 .Menaihick K p. Clf, Goat bnameied Krosaii Hova nd oi.lha - " tleiia Thick kip and Cnl! Kootai Hoys ' ; , ' ' V.oiih" " ...;. ' Women-, Mifwaand Child, ena Booia and hr of over desttriolion. nil ol whieh will bi fnrninhed id' ai-zed required. at I ne I-weat niarket pricennd Wabbamtbo : ur il -. a. it'V ni aeir" mo p ea his lltnl. ! the Merrhaniaoi XVor:h'ar inn. for their very .iHeral patronnse durink lli o isltweniv ai-s.and reapeettully olleiia u con 1 1 nn. 'i ntt- ol the a mm.:- Mr. A. a A nTKH. O' orih 'ur lina will be happy t we hi Iritnda nbove ' Dec. Li. I r-3iuw-t. poll IP PHI ILIAC. JOH3C M BECEB. U . O. CUaTIC V. VliU 'LKH & to., GRXF.RAL COMMISSION MBIO'IIANTS, NliItTH WATER STREET, WILMlNGTuN, N. C, C OMMEIICIAL WHAftr, PMITHVILLE. N. C. Our biiiness w i he conducted in IVilmintjlon tij II. M. CU .'IIS, Who Is our umlKiiizcil Agent lor that plnce. Att!?. 7. , 62-ty OUR itJOTTO IS '-TO PLEASE" AT THE U'iluiilicvoi "iadiiU. Ilariiosc. and 1'runk .llaiiuiat'tory. ' I Ml h juhscribui reeipecilaMyiniortiirt n jiiblie 1 iIkiiIh hia recently reeuived d-lition to lua ioi-k ol adtllt and Harnes Mountinjj.icc.,ihe latest ;ti d most improved stylo, andta ; onstauly iianufac turinii.at Ultatore on mirkei ,l reel. every d'-ccripiion ol articlein the above line. From hie allium nci in Ihe business, he feel confident that In will bi ;it?lo to eiveuntiri n.itfsfactlunio u I Jwho oi:i favoi him with a cu.'l. llrhas now m hand, iimi wiii'jonstalilty Kcepa larxt aasurimenio, Cieh. Giii mut SiUe Harness, Isi lq" Slddlff, Biuil' f Wkip frc OmttUmen's SJidUt, Wkips . Spurt, ci-e. allnl whib he will warrant to b ol'W the beat iibtierialt- and workmanahip. lie ha alau a larire assort men I of Trunk. allots. Saddle and Carpet IlaK. .ialelii'l-. l-'am y t'runke, &c, and nil oilier ar tich-r tmuallv kt i in such establishments, all ol a hu h heotler low lor CA H ,or on uliortercdi i o uroit'pt nii n era-. s.i.K'lleu, .1 irnxas.rranka.'tadical Bag, &e fee. iniii'i to ortter. Inadilition M.the above the nli9eri0ei il w v lieeiir on hand a lareetopply oi Itrltiic Leather incl ha now. and will ke-sp through the le.ison a . nuHort no pi ol I I 1 .-tt . . Allaieinvitr-r'to call ;uul .-xaotinr my ioods: whrthei in want or not. as I tiiki ole.mu re i ni;-w ln! in v asaortiuenttnall who may favor me wfih -i . nil Harneand Ooach Trimming uold hi a fait lirie. i persons bovine t munufiieiore Also. V hir ai wholesale. Mlkinrlmf ft loins- Vehlt lea hoittf h I r. . okl ...m.iil-tnt. IOHN J. ;N0.ItV Feb.r, 1654. 1 18 NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE!!! ' I llfVSE m ho hava not puid iheir ueeonnlH t I January l-l. will plence do fto ioio-edi.i eU is it i a1" Int Iv ne-espaiv for n lo iec ive us VeitiN f'it's io order ! piiv our own. I 'ru-i fur ihe' n oi. e will b-s unneeus-arv. Ue-peeifu.ly, Jim 23. GK.it .MVKIL. BOlRIHNi;. PUR iiScriler h-ivin reeentli' ompletelv ftl ie-1 Hit t'ff i f tdh-v h e, two doors north f he "re-bv'i 'i in t'llnrrh i now rer!v o aceoin in 'd ue permanent and traoviani hotrdrrs. L. HALLF.TT. .Inn 24 H3 2m JUST RECEIVED. T Ar A Ol US Htnct aod fancy colored Gaile a ; ittee Genih men's calf and pent leather Congrcai- G;iiter.. f-or wvla a low hv GEO. R. FltKNfH .May 8 . 24 THE VI.,.JINGTON MALE AND FEU1LE SEMINARY. 1 1 1 LL re open on M milav. O. 'lobar lat. at So. V ci. tv HaH. The H.nrd of Inlriiel.,n he he 8'iee as hist ses-tm For pfi-ticulara, see sirhool raid whieh will K. issued a few d iva hef'ore comint ncini, nd whii h mny he found with Mr. S. Jewell, ;r l r. Whlla ker G. W. JK'VKTT. aiepi. 6v , 73-w-tf NOTICE IHEhufinr-a irranj; ment lietween ihe utidetsiiim d Iwrelo'ore existinr hns he. n ihi diiy T. t rtO.lTH. U. W. D Vls. 126-1 iu. discontined Jan. 8. T. C. W liTH, GKNEHAL r.OMUHSION MKUCIItNT. tVILMlXaiON X. Jan. P. . . 126 tf. DR. E. NEYMliUR'S Gdebralefl Galvanic Abdominal Supporters I! I. i to cerillv, lh..l ;. ) Dul're. I'rwa I i lii of l i'mmiiton. N. ... nre m ailr itgcntr for ihe a e ol the above Supporters lor Ihia -ilaci nd vieit.iiv. KEVMt.Cii. il.iiinar'ton, N. C, March 23, 1854. We most respectfully call tho attention of the Medical I'rofcsMon of the Stale to an exumin-iin of the above Supporters. C. &. D. DuPHE .March2:i. 3-lf W. G. MIl.LIGAN, M1IIBLE MANUFACTURER, NmiTM Wti Stmkkt Wl;H'ieT. No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Fool Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished to order on. reasonable temsl June E. - 3-1y.r C;iACKERS. FUST recIv. d from PHIudehihi , Supsr, Soda and Mutter Crtrki-is. In bb'-s, hlf bbl-. and boxe--fittsh font ihe bakerv, for :! hv J-n 2;. GKO. HOUSTON WILMINGTON S,VINSBINK. .J'llls iiiKtiMiihin liH-att-d ai Caps I'iiUhV fli-r I iippiNdiK Ktnk !" C--ioe-Fm, wills tx f;i he 'ei-eiiion of d-poiii n Vtdeday of i-.ie1 vrk. 4 to 7 o'clock. P l nd -ia M..tui ay of each week. fro-n 4 to 9 o-'cl- ... ! il jAilllt A TAV IXMt. President May. 1. - 2I-,f. - ' Ff iTrCE. ' rttOSE indebted m m ladi'tdim Hv, v ta f DcPRE , will pl.--cat and ttNtke twy went without del iy, as lurther lndiileem-e- rnm.i tfIvcn. COrPltr. Mav 17. , .;. - ; t9 GUNNY CLOTH ! GUNNY l L0TU J! .yt BALES joat recvlv. d and f.-r aaU-y , VOet 27. . . . Tr C. B. O. WOitTH- a aoui; r III AL. ! J) -,CT: JOHNS', i. N,- IlllMUti""' wrw iiim .'..ffMJeu tut ilUllQH c It i j. tut; most I ..in, nitecuv nnd ouia t-licclu- wl rvmeoy in lite worm ..s ot I ii Li I JJlSEASluSi ' Git. tp, " ia-iuh.. "e...ii.i vaov. r, Puii a tn ilr 1'lllP. Crtiuall'Ullol nl UI-IM. Iiupvtine), timka -M n bimi t.iii..tr .ah- . ihui- III:- Kltliuyp. I i l i. fti-l. lin- t mr. Uir'eipiB. -iritlatii !) l ser ..I tl.t. Me Ml, I oo .l S.w iiF -Hiii I h -r a. ro ll m t in o y d:j-.,- J. iriMIIII OUIM IIC U'Biru. !! n tillr toulll llieli d lo both i udt t MiliMi. Mer.ret niul ro-JtJtJ P'ueili e- II I W h Ibi'ii u ii. t man ih- wuc iH "a yi.r. ni in. in rln-rr 1 1 tlly-'f, bilHini itleir I in illi.i..t e ui in. ti-Iu tlui a. ren ien t iu .iiihu.-. .vc , nupoi'.ibie V'l'W U 1v A. ' K'lMf-iallt . who I avr ln-fouu Hit- vielitnol Z'olitu r io.ii oreuuiti iiiwi rem. net vi nuD'l Htiiili untiully wi ep ii an uiiiioo u arnve iniHiBnitc I yioiiii! men of the. m.i-t jtnlied tatcnts and hrilli u ! teilei I, wit iiiiiil.t.ii u-rwia have entranced tik. ii im.tf Senates with the ihunderaol euouenee. or Wiiked to eeatucv the living ly re, may call with full e-ni hdelicc. MA II IN AGE Xftrried pe'tont, Vn. ng tlen, conlenipliilluc mi mute, inj. iioc rttfteai xeHknen-. t un'u- iJiliiliiy. trt itulii-., Ac , xh.-old imoierii ntelv cniuli Dr. J., and lie rt-fUrtd t- perfect herilltl lie whi u-mi-a hintaelf enileither.ireol )r. Jol n- pn oi.iv reliiiou-lv confide in his honor as a i tn- lleuian, and .-onndcnily rely iihii hU skill asa phy iciau. 1 ORGANIC WEAK S ESS Immedlaicl.t i-nieo and full ':tfor icstori d 'I It. s dreadliti diM-uce it the Pen. t most fr tjiient l p:iil by tln.ee win have I ro the vie uios o. niiiiroiMir tu-imsenei. loi.ia pi-iMui Fire loo apt i o eonunii xei ra s iro o nl belnj; iwaie 'f tne tlreiutliil ei nt- qt ei-ei ilihl iioi rn ue. Now, m ho thu undesi nd the sulji ct w I iinunatiia ny tnai tnepowerot l'i oi-reni on t.i aHner by those futlitw Into improper h:il. itiu lV lie HHK'fBS rse IOi s t eii u ill nilvi d tlu- lei-u e of lieanny oU-prlnii, mi in-.t-l r rloua mint ilesti tic He a) n, li.n t-1- I olli 1 1 1 hi ft n.inU uiin . I ha yiein l-m iih cermij 'he j hiri- ar at i menial p..w r e. keneo, ncvou tli Inuiy, ivpei 'pi, pn plliition of toe heart, im iif a Ion, a wartlnf! ti me fame, c-nun, syninio u oi e uumi.ii..ii. r A I'EliK v A Ii II A' A 'JkM WH NO I f I A I G I AW .Mercury or SiiUMftum tug Used. lla JwHxsiuK li ll - wi iy iet mi. i iv v.iliie..li I'liytiiciuii Milv. Hirini; to riiv. iei oniejuiiii. tliH reiueilKH hiid licdlmeiit are eii'irely uiiknuwn I'.iiluin r. irip.irio ir m a iiie ni ni in th Or. .it Hospitals of Kurepe alia ihe First in hi i "oiii t v, vi c l'.ii.l..nOI l-runc , ine l.loeklet oi l'tlil;iletphl:i, c-c, ami . Iinoe etKensive io u lice niiin any oilu r ..iyician it. the world. W manv woieler.ul euri unit most iu.i.oi umi iSi rei, i. i, . iiiii--io ia i-ufni iet.t i i-ntiii.ti to tin- i ffiinH. lose who vialt to bt vft ily und irtctually rilirv oi, n rmnin.il in miii. i..o ...u i. i im OFK1UK. .'Co. 7, .MIUTH FitKDKl It K St toit tlano aide g Iroi I nilinoii siinl.apv. do is Irom th. o In r. I-iiil nii to i I n ive I u oiiiu- ii ii J nuii.lier, tor ignoiHiii liilln s iiiipuileir, .It ..c ed liy I lie it jml.tiio ol Lit'. Ji In. .Ion, Iu k ! nn. joiiss'i on. . Member of the tioyai ollejieol .urj;eon8 Londcii j .r.iiiuiiii Iioiii ne ot ll1e11io8i1i111iK.u1C0IJe4.er ol tho UuiieU .Mule und tne greater part ! m huae tile hua bei o spent In the HoKpil.ila 01 London. Pal im, I'liiud iphiu nod elt-ewheru, hua etlecmt aoii.e 01 the inoi untiniliiny cur. a-ihai wt ieevei known. M.in iroiible.1 tt iili iii'iii(j ii. ibeeaia and head w hen iinlet p, i'ieiit net.un.St-, leinjt 'luimid at uddi n sounds, and baahfinesa. wiih frequent blusltlnj'. .met dii conn liuie witk di rantjtli en I of mind, werecureHoiii.et11;.itiy. A CERTAIN DISEASE. - ihp llu mi-guiili d una iinpiuiiei.t tutary 01 iileusure timlf lie lin iiolubtd lh m ada ol .hit- painluf dim-use, it louolti n h.ippeiir Ihui amtl-liio eil senae t rhame, ordnud ot olavovury di lei. linn iiofu upplylnu to th-a who ir'iu t-ducuih 11 nd re.peetabjliiy.i an alone hi liieiu. Iiin, di lu- tug till Ihe coioo..i.in. ryniptoiiid of IM. lioillu iiinke iheir n p ar .1 1 e au Ii i a uh.eit.li tl More throat, dim-an d noi-e, not-tural puin. In ihe lleuu und Minor, diouier. 01 ah hi d.'ulie , nodes 011 the chin bom a and ariux. 1 la i-hi-s on lint heuii f ice and xiiemiiii'M, pro;revfetiu with fi ijililiul ia- ptiiity. till hi ln.i ine piii. tr u lite oiou tli ur tin iHMierot ih' none mil .in .ind tfl vii iim ol llu. :im1iiiiIiiw-hi-.' ikcooii a a horriil ol j 11 of coioiin.- r 'li n.til deutn put pi iiotlio hia diediut auf -riit;- by reidina Inn to it hi I iiirt irum w.o nc no travetii r r lu'na " To iieli ilu-r io-e l)r. JulnnrP.n pi dues lil.oei to pieaetVe in IllOet invl.iliiMi in 11 it and. Imiio ni- exit nelvi pr.ic li' - In Che tirl I'.t rpiti.ii 1 Europe iihI A ma ieu he can confiitt ntlt reii ti n i-i d a -iif-;.imI a .eatlv cure to ilo- tin lot tin. a e v 1 1.11. 01 .li-houii di It ia a iiH-liin(-hd ln-l. lllnl ill 01 tel. (.ill victinii' this dreitdim con ji.aiiit owini! 0 Hi ui.- (.kidnlnefa ' I. iioimiI pi I niiei., w lu. b the uh of tlial des.dl.t poiw n. liereer , lliio llle onctitu lion, .mo ei trier a nn me in i .iiun..ii -utier- r lo ..o iiiiiiioi I) rave.or ela- ni-.ki the u aidur ol lib mi. TA KB PA II T1CULA It SOTH E. lr. J.a Jdrcsaei-all tiioae wtio hiiveinjiiiei thetll- 4eves by priv.iteand improper indltlueiieea 'I h. s.' lire s mho of ihe a.id und no l inel oly tf le. is, piodin-i d by e.nly ti.itcii- ol y mh. via A e.. kne-a of the HhcU and Liuiba, I'niii. In the tiend. I'lmneaa of Sieht Lo of Mio-cuai Pow er, Pali itiiilon l ihe lear, D)iep-. Nervous iirhability Uernnueuitiii ill e Ll'-i a Ivi I lino 1 join-, U iourul Debility, Syipioui of C- nsumi Hon. r. Jt nwliy 1 lie li-ariiii 1 neei on un nilnil arc much i i-dreaded : Los-01 .Ueiuory. 'illusion of Ide i, D-'pres-ilon of spiiii. r.vil Foretiedlngs. lveisp.no! im left , lell Ulnl.Ui, I.11V1 of Moll lude. l ioil.tin ,&c .nre none ol Ilie evils i-roducid Tliovtamlt of oeraonauf all uv1f-ib niwjiidee what i lin cam-it ot tlittl deeliniin- he.ihh I in- inc their vlifi'r. bee. i:nini; mi nk, pali and euiaeia ted, have a ainjjular appearui ce about the eyia, i-ouun inn svtin loins oi oni'uii.p'iio.. Utirned i-'tri.ont. or ilimw contempLiilna 111 ur mine, biing nwiire of phyrieal weiiktieSf. ohoii liiiiiiedititi-iv consult ur. J. ano 1 ten nd to per i ct neiiin. IK. JH.VsTO.'.S INVIGOUATING UEWE DV FOilORGAMf iK.KNI-.. By Ii.Ik is ea and iinportanl ieu e ) wcbkner o he orf.iB aieepeed ny. emd n d lull v Ii? r amr. . I hoii-iindH of ihe no si iNerv-i.as aid Deotiiiaiic idividuala who hod lst all hope. haehi- n imo e dian y relieved AH lli.'H iu 1 H l JH A I MAC I I'hvaical ir SI. nial Di.qu ihlti-ariona. At i von.. Ii riPiiilitvTi iiiolinis ni'd v eakne-a. ekliaiirtioi ol tiie 1001-1 lennlui kiml, .p-i dil) -in d I r tohmnon. Voun men wh i h ive- itijnn d lh mselves lt rt iill liraelici indli 1 it lie l.en ill In--h l.uliil ir.queti'ly le in. it tu ni vi' 01- 1.0 p. 01 11 1 n:ti-..l. the 1 If. ets f wliii-h ate 1 It In y ! Ii, en '.Iim um t'ii and il nl i.i.h d, i mli r mnui er iniiMji-i-i' le.niid Oi Stroys I'O b 111 i ml and I odt , t.liould applv iituiH diati lr . Whii! 11 piiv thiit a younn mar, ihe hope of li. eouniry, anil III. d'ni f "I in. pmei t, ..JI t e 01 ti In d iioiii nil prsp eta ..rot i t p 1 110 n-s ot II iv too eoiin qui ni 1 o. (nvinnnL' ir in l epatli n.itiire, and i-iluli'int in aee-r ln .eer. I midl - lie)- peiK.n s, lielor' Cult'einul liny . Rl All HI AGE. . should red ct lliul a oimi mind ano hoiljr are tin no-1 uet-eaary riqulII ; pn.oni- eon n 11' pi lll.pllli ea !..! wnnotil 1 lose, the t .liriH ) llronii.ne tx;e"itini a v em 1 pi i-r.iii irej the pios peel h..uily .liirtenr to ili view the mind h 11 no-' a mdowed with d' Bj iiir ..ml rill d with the inelun hull n He. li-.n il.ai -the h ippinca iif another t niitia Idl -ht'-d with our own. , OFFICE NO..i OUTH Ftli nEHICH T. Baltimosb. Mo All SMi-jjIea' Oprat'i a F. 1 le-tied, N B- (el nifilsn deliey itr.ViTlT ten. hut apply imiuedi iii lyeitlu r 1 ri a'lj orl.i teller. !kl )'M'-r Speedily Cured. TO STRANGERS. 'Hie many thoutindt cured at thia institmion wlri- in the In 1 im year, nnd' the numi-i impor unit -uruieal t'peia 1. n n ifomn d by Dr J . wii ncKsi'd by ihe iieportpia id the air. and nir iber peHnni. n-tei a "I wMeh h-r apjieaied air and -din before th i-nblie. hr.ides hii tndips s a 7enlt limn ol character and ri si onslbitit) , is a stifficl'-iii jriiarapni to the affiined. TAKE NOTICE It Is with the erealeat nlaetane that Dr. JOnXSTON permits his eard to appear befim th pabllr, deraiina ti unprofeMional for a phyitan to advertlM, but ante, be d' a so, t he afflicted, evreelaHy at rano-era, could n.a fa IP foil Into tha hands of tha many Impudent and unlearnt1 Importers, with Innumerable FaW Nainea or eoniblmw" Ouackahona, wrmtn tbaas lanra et:es, copying- Ir -Toaaan8s adwctlaatiant or advrrt'.-nir thmnmlvm ar phy elana, tlLterats shallow-brained fellown, loo lazy to w at the'r orl(r'nl trade. w'ta searaa ta idea, beyonri tha-arnt. who. tor I Ik pui pa oT gwt'Cnar and IVeWv !na. carry m oe la afllrwa rmdvr aa many di arenl FsW Kanvea. ao-that tha affl'etsd Btram.'ra,-eaeaipnK one, la smre to tniubla headlong into the other. Ivnorant Quacks w th enurmoaa lyiim cert:nata nf rreat and aa toaishlna cujs from person not to he ftmnd-. who krvp yon taklnr lanra- bottles of T.icoaica Witbb and other packssea of nirhy and worthleaa eotnpounds. ennninarly prepaiTd tetmptaw apon the anfort anal sad, awao.pi I in. Trillliia; avrnfll after month, or aa Vnnsr aa thvamall eat ft ran ha obta:iMNt, and. In dwmr, leana Torn w'th nrned health, to :irh owr ynqr iraJPmc d aanno.ntment. It la tb'a nwaMve that Ind iters Itr. J. la adwrttae. roa a iiin cab ocaa roe. To thoaa anaoqaoiimad w th hta repotatloa. be doema it aceaaaary to say that tf anaan. tiala or d'mtomaa alway. hana- la h'e offlfw. - NO I.ETTEKS RECEIVED TJIflJiW POST-PAID and eonta'ulna a Stamp to he nard for tha reply. Par anna writtna; ahaald state Aa and send that portion of dvasUaement dttacfitkna: avuiDloms. ; . - .. .u uiLiMoiii: ix t:; EbUEIGN COLl) AND SILVEU COIN THnt TL AT TaWj HlliT. GOLU COINS. Auirui dudrUiltt ilurnt ...... I 0 IJiw-ol ....... i o biiv.fiisjt.-fl.ir LoliiliHfdj ..'.. 0 03 0 2 40 D-nliM tivr GaiLli't .......... tl;t vuii.. DiichI , . . . ..... .'. . . .. 2 270 U lyitim Twi,i.frni r, t-i. re. , . 3 -a 2 'rttr fi. 1'iHtM 1 it--. . '.,... 4 7tft n.ii vi.. Uoiii.iie n 15 6a 1 Biozil .-. otGJOOrei 8 72 0 Biiioii s.-v. i. iarit. ...... .... f. .. 4 b4 5 B in.-wuh Tn 'tl.siLi. .......... 7 6-90 1 i.iihI Am. tr 1. . . . .. ........14 16 L Ei-11.I0 1 67 t.' Gl. D. ilni b3 6 Cl ili D.01I.I.-.1 (lltr 1635)... ..15 671 IJoi.l.l. o fE3a.ii.i..ri 1 06 0 Dei liniik- i old. Fri'd. 10 IU Tl.olri 7 b 0 IveijHiioi Hull ! oliliHi'-. ....... B.'tHui drftl 1 taiHtr. ........ W)0 97li r rnnce-- rf !' Irai c. ......... . b5 0 45 0 GtffCi" Twfti iliiiflinoi. ...... Hi..vf'li Tli'ili-. Gi '' IV. 64 ( fe9 t. Ti ii-Tlialer. Willlt.ni IV U lb-met Ilintlioililo. -Mol'lir Eiml .,ti Co.. 10 0 69 0 Merklei hiiro- .Tc Tl nli-r ........ Mexico-- D'oihl- i)i. MVi-rntje. ...... .15 53 (I .Wl hcrtuoil Dueiit... 2 SM 5 I 'le. trnilder.; 4 00 7 N v Giiiiil ilii-Doulliain VI i hihI siitiidiiiil. ................... 15 51 0 D"Ulil"iin 21 cni.it shuiB.iril.inrlU" - In.i iju- ilvi-t..... .15 71 0 Dnnlilooo 9 lOHta .to.d .i.l 15 310 Doubloon 9 lOtha lOoi.dord ii.c'u ili.-iz ilie eiivcr .............. 15 39 0 4'iTStM lonii.O C SOU Pei u- Dotilil-'On. Liinti. to I&33....I5 55 0 D tiM.mti, Vvi.v. Ui 183....... 15 62 0 DotiM.MHi. Cu.ru: 10 1637. 15 53 0 Poruttf .! Hultj.N (.In! wngli ).... 8 650 Urn Wii , OBIU Pru.ei i D utile F.etlcr irk 8 00 0 II. tin- - I m afti'ii..... .'. .. 10 37 0 HiMiii -Five roul.lc 3 t6 7 Smmii hi lwri.iv ln-..,..,...... .1 O'l D Sv.X'inv- -Too iliulc ..... ......... 7 94 0 Unci...... , 1 260 Spiiin Pwinlf (or. il.oitilo.Mi )...... 3 90 0 1 ilrkrt Iltitulii-tl 1 litairta 1 47 4 Tui'iiiii S oiii". ............. ... 2 30 0 Ui.ilcil ! tUHuTlf ( helnri- Jui t. 1831) 10 62 0 Fivi doll or lieir nl C. hv li't-r. hv- niir 4 85 0 I). .11;. r nl tin- xHitii. ovrintfi. . . .. . D6 0 Five d-linr iV n A. B. rhilcr $4 92 h 5 00 0 tlnl lor ol tin- a.itiie,.. .......... 98 0 On-iron Exi'litini't - F1Vc1l11lf.il a. 4 82 0 N G vt N San t rillirlncu FlVeilnU. $4 83 11 4 95 0 Mini re' Biink. Sun FiHin i.ro -Ten H.'llais 9 06 11 9 92 0 Moff.iti &:.. " 9 78 a 9 98 0 - " buttcen dollar ingots. nb"Ut ............... .15 750 SILVEU COINS. Ain-iriu Hix U"llnr . . ...... 80 97 0 Florin................... .. Twciiiv k-rnizeia Lint (lor Loot mrili I 48 5 16 l 10 11 Bnilen Ciown 1 t!7 Golden nr florin . 39 5 BnViirio (Vi'Wn . . t 6 5 39 5 Florin. Six kretitrr-. ......... . 30 93 0 Beljiium Fiv. Irniic. ...... 1 WO Hllil M llillf Iroi.c. , . 46 u 1 tiHi.ra. 37 0 Frm.c. 18 5 Bolivi 1 Dollar 1 006 Iltill dollar, di bitacJ 1 8 JO Qtiiitli r tl.dliir ilrlnisiil. Ib30..... Br..zil Twelve liuinliid n I. ...... 37 5 187 99 2 Eii.'1'l lininlrcil relit. , Fnur litiinlrrd. . ... . 60 33 0 35 6 54 0 21 7 Bo itictt Tliniy ix trroif... Brti.ii. Hiil I t-towii. ........... . ... Sl.illin j . . . .' Fi'tn 1 1 ir. . ..... ... ........ . .. Bruiow icl Tl.al. r. t..:rnl Aon rir.;. Dollar, nncer. any i'lilfl Dnll.ir Q.iiait.i il-II. ir ....... . ......... Eilii did lar or t nl D mum k Riy.bimk tjia.i r. ....... S'Cie ll. tiler '1 hint -iti rliilliiit a. Eciiiiilor Q.nri r dollar . Etryi'l" Ttvi-nlt i.ialira.. ......... Fnt' c Five l V.i i.e.. Franc Fiaikloil Fl'oin.. ... Gu t re Drncliiii ................. (Jni ni i. B iuli -Gu blur Hai.nvcr Tl.olor. fi.ii- silver....... Tln.l- r. 70 li...- t (l.i) it .-Dwll.ir, or 100 i rt.lion a. . . . . Heaar t'liaa"! Tlmlcr Oni-aixlll 1 tinier ........ Hei"-e D-ito-tiidi Flmi . or Gulden, . Hii-ili-atiii II U ci , . . . . .......... Vd xii'" D-dUii. iiv ingc. ......... .n l' a Sctldn .,.,..........., .kI tin I.t inii- Tin ec ynild- ia. . . .. . . 7 I 630 97 0 1 010 22 4 112 52 3 I 04 7 17 0 187 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 5 105 26 2 69 2 63 U 25 7 67 5 II 0 3M5 44 7 00 0 4 0 2U0 Gmliler Tai nty five renia 40 0 9 5 '1'mii umi h Imll unil.li-i. . . ,'H Gl'Hlitd;i--Oiil'Hr. ll.Urt U' liar. liot. 1rn1.1l dclitt-t il .nrw n II iyadoler f . P. ria -S..lnh ki.run. ....... 98 2 02 0 610 0. 0 21 5. weiirlil 1839.. P '11 !' l-ir. D. ma mi it ........ Dollor. Cuxi 11 II .li.llnr. Ar qn.Hi dclmai-il. . . Ii .11 1l. ll.11. Pnai-11...... Po tt. .I-Z!m Puini4ral--t'rii-.itl.i Cnw.' l HKIItii.,... U..II Ontvi ...... I'lUt-Ma- T'i-iI. r. uvi riijfo. ........ One aix ill. M vi-tiijrn. . D"iil.le ilniler. or 3 1-2 g'll.lcn. . . Komi i'rirtlii T mm. ilir. wttil . Un- 11 Ronlile On 0 00b 361 495 112 55 2 12 0 56 0 6 0 11 0 39 0 OO 6 300 75 0 Ti t. Z'o'l 1 135 i OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. Til Inllowil l! rnli-a rl M.elH.e I'll JelU i ' tii iiirre. il iiiHin h Iwrrn lliia govern- m 1 umi iu ti riinin avmseav ir::aia. cc B 'lii. 'i 10 i i i.l ; OMt'iihnro; 3; Allnna An-liii. Einire. (11.el11.li if Huiioarv, Ga li ia L'tintiiir.li M.a Vi nice) B'lvuriit. Brims tvick, H-iiiilntrif. Ilannvir. M fklei.Iui'V Srliwi-iineni.il Stnn ltlZ ILh .'d"m ol PU i Kintfil'Hll S'oXnoi, t.( SnXi Abeti ituru 15; 1. II iiihri G- riii.ni Ki.iic riii' i d tuwiia 22; S iijei-rloinl ami lit. Veil.- ImiiU 25 1 Dei.ni .rk tnnt Sclileawitf 27; P i lai.il 111.1I Uiia.i.i 29; Cni.iMii. liio.j it , Grt-n e 1 il Swideii33; N.irway. 37 j.re-p.iyiin m .ii'M.iil. All xootl i i Ct'if'l Maml nl .: al ia. Wot trl . 30i i-i.i; It-ly ('Xt ej.t ii per jion) 13 ; ir'-ia ni' iit reiiiiii tl. . fteiv.ii rr noil tJiienlaea 2 Mil' eiich l. 'ri''uiil. AUilm rn th 1. Pactrtc Fr h Mi.fle t r. t nt xri eilino- ti.ili on ..tli.e in Wrijfllt ni N- w Yrk to Cfusfr. 20 et ul'J I-Puio-Hi . 20 polgr In Im MepHkl. P HJ. tn C lil-iri i-i nttdj tlri aT hi (lin y Im ino U. (iiim. a-HH) ne-ll lie- .e-al'l IlaVaNa MalUB. A li'. H elhlaln!il he ur.-i l"i-'l. i..i. uinl lin vm nn. ll't aamin a i uclii jr h SariHmili nmI Key Wi .i lie MHiHire d' w hich ia fi-m H e Mirt 4" ilr pnrinrr' H vnna l cent" n iiMule Irl--r lint I Xei-.tllHiT ll-l.'alM tOtlNri lit Wi 11" will: ii M'.liiiriuii 10 ei-nla Inf ratrh sulJi kii.m1 IihU'om ci- ar fmi-li'M.l rxe"aa ofbMll li y ee la be fur- ami. - Pimtugr oil exeli w..h,.. r in Havin h 2 eetii. ulmt in be )irrulil iaa fill 1.1 ten. . - j On I. li.-r t . Briii-n N "Am. raraj. If! .-. ni. rt tt over 300O ttiih ; .li-bi)are. ISi ei la m ainjrte mte -rti pulJ o w-t, at he opuwa 1 tL &T Um cude" t ' - itA'lXd OF ro.JTAGE. . LcT'i 1. a it t:oniMHt-J -f one ir nioro jiierre i.mih r. bai it . xci'it. hull mh oiii.r. in tritftii. wnrutiy dilnne nt rxr.-i dinr 30trt ml. m. 3 i-i-iiia i wvrr 3UiO 11. ilea. 10 n a. lnifie inlrt irXi'tti tf t.alf NO 001.ee J irrb'aj.'if rjtrrrili.jf r nflurr ; n.l oi. eliHryiofct nit ml.Ktioiii.l rale lor rvi iynJJi- tw Hi IihII omf, or Iraci i"ii o lit.ll tnti.ee. AimmhImIi ! im Iwiojr Qiine.l nil ill Iftli I .li w i' lift. h. fJi.i'r l yi.U, im Mill i.lli r Apiil l.i. Ie55 F.'on. Hiol nll.-r Jo. u irt ll 1856. hII e r beiyyi-M lor. in t!ir Ui'Meil Htiir Hiitsi h- prr.fii.iir. cit" t r hy nin;fi' al iin a, inniif rt-vinia. l ra lsB-l In tin- t ' ofll . fi' itv- lt- r l in aniw bbia. , 1 croi li. Lcit. rami. Hum it nfi t lm reil I i t i.l nt Ii. I. i. ii'Kulnr liilHi,'. UfiMi I. Hrmire . .it inhN"ivtl Ciacrta I rrm ut 3 oi.cfa or -i d. .a a w S . . . '.a li (lull I Ilie Ui nci Dint. a. 10 1011SI.1 ot til one iecr ol I'lijiet -jor- jut J tnciil iijilpni- Ditlv newi hi pern wi ijliit'lf ltr-s miiH'ca r. 45 l-K-c. nia tof on 11 ti l. In-M arnr iWoii tin lltf id' j ni'llt'o I pm fn M'IiikI Mini h.io.iliil aiitiMMih. ia Hi.y wlii-rc in lin- Uni ted billies. Ti'iito'i.'iil liewriiiei sen I .i.y- tvln re wi'hi 1 lin- Uniti d 8lnti a 1 1 11,1 (or lliti'i. ruiii'c or liaa. . Wit tn ill' mliele In lie ni lileil M H eil--- l.ir.- ioniil.lel or in WVni.er. il rlmnlil lie sis eiivrliipt.il 11a in lie open 11 1 One 1 11 1 otln-S' U'lxe. il Will Ii rlnirov I Ha it letter. BKITI8II roSIAOK ARRANGEMENTS'. LcTTCIta iniH'd or ctlMrucil In Ihe U.illeiF 8ihIi uiH be r o led nl w hnlf uuuca 4 ilia -ingle letter rover n liiiH oiul not exc. edinjf tut iiiiiii-c. 11 a 11 iloulile Ji iii-r t over an mn ee mil not rXCi ftlintr nn irniiCe and m Imll H t In lile; Idler; nod ci mi. eucli I1.1II' ounce or liMeiiori.il 1 xra aa ronraiituiinfr n rut. Tin lnirlr rHiea 10 tf chnrijrod 011 atiicfi trtt-r ioa4l i.t Un Ui.in il Suit ea mlilrrsart o Hny iluci In Crr-til LVritnin or reliunia 24 cel. I a; ill dmiOli rule 43 hiuI an in. Mol l piwllltf.' Oli letter Ifninif lo anv IilHro iii G 1 111 1 l)ri h! 11 01 In l.ii.d tniiy b" pri-nli1, il'ilii w li-.le iiinnoiil ia Iciplernl Hi (lit) odicvr in lin U. 8. whyrt inuili.d. tit ilie oiiiimi o tin feiel'T. NkvapapCHU may he mailt'il nl 1111V tifllco in ine u-ii.it atiiira to- m 1 mee in ti.ei United Kii'itloin mi ii iic-iioynieni t 2 ..-nl-. m il nitty un rerrii'i linni tuty iil.ici in Gri'ill Britiiio or Ireluixl, li.- il. liven d nl iiny ntfl 'i in llic Ui.it ! Stales nn m yin-nt ol'2 ceiiia- N'ii''. E ich G- vi rnniciti is in clniroe- 2 ei'iila tin fiirli iitwiMiier, Tltcw mi to ho tit in but ila us fnvia, nicti tn 1 lit- aidi or i i. i. tttiu 10 t'oniiitii no niiiiiii'ci itn wiiMi- ever. Pi-run mailintf Ifttcra to Inreitrn cottn- trii-R, Willi wliieli Hif Unlliil CM '.lea Intvr not enlereil iiiln .OMt..st iM-riiiitfi'llii'ltla. .ire ri linn ilctl llinl it ia HifHi-aiiry fitr Hicni lo iri'-iny th. jiii.tii r posMjft., or ilif Icitfr' cjihioi ho IlllUil'll.il. NOT 'DEAD. THE LIVE U1MIIE" ACAIN! A New Er About te Dawn C arollna. Upon North- Al Iiie coto-laul and lanieat aollel St ion nf unar- Iv evert U. ly tnt rM-ritly tlie old seqiiuniiaa- ti-a id'-ie Animal," we liaae been liidu.-ed l.ia-o iniw. II prwtniier" eimii;ii can nr aevurmi. io irta lliat lioaat mil aaaiu lollie cax"ot all man- KiiMr.aial the tiniveraalatliniraliiai nf aiaiiaiiklml. luting the Or-1 week Iu January, IKbu. Th LUe Oi'alle," aliila it aa a oeulral m- iwr while II gras.il in lla own greeu an.iurK, ,.lavi-l wlih tha gitls aud joked with Hi U.s, wa the most M.iiai alie-l antmoU tit inanimate. ll.al ver hriud fi"Ot a BviiHieiu j re.s; ami nan I b.i-u ciilenl lo have lined In lla oan nativa l-here ll woiikl now have been Ilie LS. oilier J.aiai hau" of Hta . uih. tfmdi a result can Imt In evident In any lliiiikine man ; II ws In l.-eH tl ttlitali nanl In lame and m ni.Mt ttttvlnlilw iiatinctitHi. Ual teenniln; lal, In an imiueKy limuieiil like 1 1 in mail who had (ftoau "ric. fw ontk Ut rid an ass." and hail therefore (rotten alx.vi- l.i. fellow.. Ilia "Aiiiiiiar' lea (ail I Im bars ..I it aceiiMotn. d Meld and ilia nest ihin wo heard nriiilH. lie. like a 11 1 ii 11 llirned Mlilli I.III li atD t remle r. was plnlilic I'nr the kimmI llihnca of iiie and inlnitM. like Hie ltr tamo il nm mat cludi-d Ilia itlil nfllie alieiard. ami ot liiln Ilia Udell w.ls whielt a roniKl in lie uneaten wun w..lve. In- wihlied l.hina ll l-ack hi lt "Id at.. Knt Ilia latra li.d la-en .ut amillier -ail lilgtier .i.d l. i-oiil.tii'l att hai k : he.i l. a, ha nad rrown o lean llial he inild le t j imp . .... a. ... 11 ... 1. .1... I..... In . .Hill lllMI IIOIIIII. Wl.llt'lll I" I lh world. If ll d"lil fofl loo llimli. A ti. I j Ji t y lruo.atiii ; mif iu wlikli llien-1 more nf ttu Ii t .an Mieirv rninaiiee, ami In vlt w of till nl'l aiifMiMl the Amiiniara eaia-ilunev hl "ll Henili. nn d I aw linle l. ar thai he will at a..y ihne l.e.ead. r cnl Hie aaitt" eaa-l ajtal i. He'll kiek am nm o that would Intimate ant Ii a iliiul. The Lite Giraffe willlheli la Iwinral. liwlll li-tie.. . i. d Ut fvn. lo the metrs and lileralnre. ll wi I Iu- made Ilie vehicle Ot 'illllliiii many m In.iigl.l tn the wihM funnv, gtwa atd biafr Ive thai wioilil have wa-t'd ilMdl on tha ail "as iin.mer na a dn.H but hr lis clnmiia j it will a ok every o,ia-ntiity lolnrn graveaial unhiter e.i in mat Ifta Into l-aaani ami aan-i-ahia lucl leiiia;nel all ilUl.aliired hiimanliv it meelt .ithaial anHikl il am-wt axp.w all rascality herever InniKl w briber hi Church or Htatw .IlialalM-imiWiil-a leaea deal ) nr In tha .K;iaI . In le and keep a atriet walch "O the re. litera ry, reliKiona aiwl ailitk-aJ '! aoa that each keeM ta iM'tliida. Theeilixnaid'lUli la Iwtiear well rnonah turn vliie ..f ati. h a .hear ataVwHtwId wd d.i wIiIi.miI it aiaMher yeai lor half a million. Win . ainoe H . il id the Animal lrMii their leaders. I hey havai had in-re laid hnik than was ever heard ! Ief. Mori- Trusts havo lain made twre llena I '.raj given niaai iHia rty. nmre awlgameiil,- made, imae qi.araellaa; ami Hlvln. mnre drlnkhif of hij.UH- more mi-a-ine-a grimly. a.Hl tin III iNek than ver wa known al any netl-al alnoo tha rreal idagne it KKt l- ' , , , ow I I.W i a-.lin as .lavliuhl and Ihe only rm.tly f . ella U o Irntp ihiI lb Animal .gain.' Kti I think. ..... $..w Hit- la Hie- rrnMUhtti I shall make lo tint. I want an s.naia-r i.f Jlirtir willingnt ' .M4.ia Ihe ..hMr. and l gel thai a-suram I ha. I gle nu ti.tlnfl tntiiliby ttatifreaaiiel wltU me and .t mt-l in all Ihe nam. a Ihal can ao 4 II red f If 6a0 na rre-a c I"' a.-ur.-l w ahall have tn learan Hie ami.- s of Hi" Aoiirt il. HwHls.a.n grow 1st wlnn he lfii.a In aka ei r.le and, H nhecB.haflhlai.wnia-e. If Willi eln Unei.l winds, al h-a.l aiitUau waisional kick al the laits. ll ha- leen bilillialeil lo me that tho rnaaeC ln I .iiartln.illnih CWia Pemt' wiaifci fjine Ihe Animal .nea Ht.- r muni' had sati lenlv exi.Jn d ami left, maitf of il .-"''"ZZlit ll. tnds I hav lo v liere and 1 h4 " ll-f every laal, thai I l.a mt hiler.-at a Prmaani." I wnae mol ' " "'"tlll,, .tagr-eme. Nt I Hal - I M l.n.haw--ml II U. bhef p " ""yu'uli nd...aml mrfwalr M divide Ma me In Ih. .plla. I want la-.-tel nn- y..r t", " .ml th tms .4-J.na-M; If em-ngh f . MWT . Ul aa-ke kk. bow; II a-at a-l..r 4.w Taaarar T- Wkira t-r aawtaa I' ' w-llrervofkr-tan-eS; tM.-r. and ia .cm t f veaa- KTSa HI be rv- llllrrd ti.iBm- aVal U jVt KatAioit .N. C. just punusriED, rror.th-1 Commerei Ojb. b pamjdih-t foro prk t.0f) for a hmHtre4c-n: With extract from 0JEO. WASIIIbOTOX aral TII0A JEFFERSON, WITW , , CRIVIV tL A5t PttfPrra BTA t WIC. , - .: mo rag dPEECH OF. CLEMENS, ufAIalna. 'I