- WILMINGTON, N.C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, IS5G ORG ATI OP THE TOWN AUTHORITIES OUR NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT.:, Oa oar fourth page Is t,he Letter of oar New York Correspondent, again delayed by the Mail. It should hare arrived in time to bare appeared on Saturday.-v ,:.--r ;:;-.- - . A. COMPLAINT. '."' Ia a communication on oar first page an adopt-. tf citizen complains of an article fn the Herald, written by a correspondent. , We have no Idea that the doctrine of .which oaf . correspondent ' complains will be carried oat in this community, or encouraged by any considerable number of our citucena: t - . ' --'-,' "- . - : - . ' v v STEAMER PACIFIC. . So tidings of steamer Pacific. We do not des , ' pair cf her safety, as it is probab'e she may be blocked up by ice, auch has been the severity of .' the weather. . . '- l-'"--V"1' V ARKIVAL OF TUB CANADA. , The Herald of yesterday has the following: , : We Lave been favorexT with the following tele grapbic dispatch, received this morning by a bouse of this town ; , ' ' "Steamer Canada In. Nothing of steamer Pa cific. Sybils S5a.; Corn aud Rosin firm." BARNCSi. . The celebrated P. T. Barnum is said to bare made, an assignment of his property.' Mortga- pen aaionnting to upwards of 5488,000 exist on Lis property, to which is added $00,000 for Confi dential debts,"1 designated in the list of preferred creditors named in the assignment. ' - ' . . CONGRESS. Nothing of importance from Congress.. In the House; the President's special message oa the af fairs of Kansas, published some time ago, was ta ken up, and, after debate, it was referred to tlie Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. - BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. ; P vTa-Jbave received the January number 'of Blackwood's Edinburgh : Magazine. Published by Leonard Scott cfc Co., 79 Fulton street, n trance 64 Gold street. New York. Price $3 a year; Blackwood and any one of the four Reviews $5 ; ine row ivencws an jsiacKwooa gtu. hostage, payable quarterly, Ion Blackwood and the four Reriews, 80 cents, viz : 21 cents a year on Black- wood and 14 cents for each of the Reviews. v-ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE. We-hare receired the above-named work for March, edited by T. S. Arthur, 103 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Price S3 a year, in advance; 4 copies or 85,. Single numbers for sale at Wbit aker's at 18 cents. - - .P We hare receired the February number of this valuable and well-known Periodical. Published monthly by McFarlane, Ferguson & Co. Propri etors,' Richmond,5 Virg. J. R. Thompson, Editor. MOVEMENT OF IRISHMEN. " i Tba Irish citizens of Cincinnati publicly con gratulated the members of the Irish Aid Society, who have 'recently been tried as filibusters, on their honorable acquittal.! In case of a war be tweenEngland and the United States, one hun d.ed thousand Irish-American bayonets were pro mised for the conquest of Ireland. VP. THE MEXICAN INDEMNITY- i The following statement relative to the pay ment of the Mexican indemnity, from a Corres pondent of the New! York Courier, is , probably, "The troublesome question of the drafts oa the v Meailla indemnity fund has been settled as to one- umik iu uiuuiifc uhd unu urciu, nu kilo niouej was paid on Thursday. Tbo drafts which bare been paid were four in number, two of lhem be- In held by P. A. Hargous & Company, and mounting to 750,000 , and two by Messrs. As p!nwalT& Co. for j 8325.000 each. The whole amonnt paid, therefore, was Sl.400,000, leaving outstanding' SI 550,000, which is represented to bo covered by drafts In the hands of Aspinwall & Co. I learn that the money was paid with the consent of Gen." Almonte,' and upon the written order of the President and Secretary Guthrie. The claim thus f artially allowed has been pend ing since July last, and was at first rejected or 'suspended by the State Department, upon the - ground that no proof was presented that the mon ey had been advanced to tha Mexican Govern ment; Ja other words, that no evidence of consid etatlon was furnished. Tha matter remained sus pended until the accession of Alvarez, who in structed General Almonte to notifr this Govern ment that the transaction involving the drafts was nnder Investigation, and requesting that pay ment should be declined nntil the examination should be concluded. - A few days since tbe Mex ican Minister withdrew bis objection as .to tbe Hi t four of the drafts, and the money was paid as. above described. The balance of it will be held subject to the decision of tha Mexican Gov ernment dt facto, provided it does not decide agaiost the draft-holders." pPPp-PptP-' The Buffalo Irish Aid Convention. -, BcrrALO, Feb. 14. Tbo Irish Emigrant Aid . Convention ra-assemuiea tnis morning, ana weie I io session -nearly (tha whole day. There were a bout tinetj delcgalea present, eight more having ?rrhred.;j .:,:"'. ,'-J'. i"' ' Tha report of the committee on finance etated ' that there are forty-eight millions of dollars in ' savings banks throughout the United States be longing to the Irish population. The finance committee also reported, la favor f the formation of a joint stock company for the purpose of purchasing lands west of Canada, and selling the same to Irish settlers and emigrants for not mere than ten per cent, on tha first cost .of the lands. Adopted, - .The committee on organization recommended the establishment of agencies at Boston, New Yoik, Pittsburg, BafTalo, Chicago, St. Louis, and neb places in Canada as the delegates designate, for tbe purpose of giving information and assist ance to emigrants. Adopted. ', 0 - A committee of five was appoioted to prepare of the United States and Canada. " ., : A WINDFALL -r.:"'' . . Some articles ef old furniture were sold at auc tion, in Norfolkra few days ago, for the benefit of two little orphan boys named Beveridge, whose parents died ef yellow fever.' They., were very poor, and the furniture, was valued at a mere tri 0o . Before the sale," some - one forced open a i rawer of an old barcaa, for want of ia key, when the pleasant discovery was made of S 150 In gold, neatly tied op io a little bag, The money' goes to tha orphan childi en. . ;' - ". CONVERSIONTO .SPRITUALISM. vTbeharm9ny of tbe. Christian church" in NasbvHle. Tenn., has beoa disturbed of . late by the cmverslon of lis pastor, tfieBeY. J.;B, Fr- uson. formerly of Wiachcster, V a., to the doe ...TTtnalism. and other "new IIhls' of the tinscr . , C.IASTI3EMEXT OF THE FEJEE ISLANDERS. The Panama "Star" ef tbe 5th instant announ ces the arrival at Aspinwall of the Unitrd States sloop-of-war JA Adams, Commander BoutweTl, from the Ft-jee Wands, via Valparaiso, and gives the following interesting particulars of ber cruise . "1 he United States ship John Adams left this port ro July last, bound to tha Fja I&Iands, to inqairelato and seek reparation for many cruel tics committed by tha natives inhabiting those Is lands' and to demand indomnlty fur tbe plunder of several American hips trading aud fishing' iu the F3-ean archipeUgo. , : t ."The oballoato and refractory nature of these savages demnding the exvrcUe of vigorous and harsh measures, tbe commander of tha John Ad' ama deemed U expedient to loach them their ob ligations to tha hutuaa race, and did so in a man Ber that made some Impression open them, and which, it is to be hoped, they will long remember. t ''During the Cruising of tbe John Adams in tha Fejee goup of islands fivo liar) aogagemenb took place between her crew and the caolbals of Polyue.-ia, iu whkh American valor was always victorious." ; J:. f". ;. . . t.' ' - !' ' ; "Five of their largest towns were burnt and a II the houses therein reduced to ashes i "We Kara that aa important treaty has been ratified between Commander Boutwell and Toi Vite or Tbokambaa, the King of Ftjee, on behalf of the American Government, the particulars of which have not transpired. ' The visit of this ship to the Ft-jec Islands baa resulted in tbe re-establishing order aud restoring the confidence of American citizens residing there." ; v The Frjee Islands form a group In tbe South Pacific Ocean, east of the New Hebrides, Tbe en tire group comprises altogether 154 lslauds, cix'y five of which are inhabited. They, are the Eas tern and Asau groups, the latter forming tbe west side of the archipelago.. There are numerous spacious outlets or passages to and from the cen tral'space, enclosed by tbo group, known as the Ooro Sea. Two of f he islands only are f large size, namely, Tit, Leva, and PaooXPaon) or San dalwood, Islands. Among, the others may be mentioned Vuna, Kandaboo, Oralau, Banor Am bow, Mnthuatu, aud Goro. ' Some of tbo others though smaller, are populous. They each con tain from 5.000 to 13,000 inhabitants. Most of tha remainder are mere inlets. Tbe inhabitants of these islands are- barbarlou and savage race, remarkable for cruelty," deceit j aud cowardice. Human sacrifices are. frequent among them, aud cannibalism is common, i Tha towns of the is lands are usually fortified with strong pallisades. and have bat two entrances, in which are gates, the passage being so narrow as to admit of only one person at a time. The population of the is hinds is estimated at 133,000. LATER FROM OREGON. Tke igklig at Wall WaUa-TU Capitol .Burned. . The steamer Colombia arrirM at San Francis co on the 17th of January, with advices from Port land te tho 14th of that month. Our previous ad vices were to the 20thof December. The following abstract of a volunteer's journal is copied from the 8 talesman : ;9th Indians made their appearance in tbe morning on the battle 'ground, but not. half so thick as the day before. Kept a continuous firing all day, but duing little execution, as tbe boys were getting pretty good - at dodging.. Wasco boys took the hill and after two hours' sharp shooting, routed tbe Indians out of their trench es, &c, that tbey had dug, leaving guns, knives and blankets. At the tame time, the Indians were seen driving off their stock up tbe river. , 10th, Monday morning. A fbw Indians presen ted themselves oa the hill; filled up some of our trenches and dug new ones of their own. Wasco boys on the bill and Linn boys along the brush; fought on the bill for an hour or two, when the Indians began to retreat. - Maj. Chinn ordered a charge, when Linn and Wasco pitched in and ran tbe devils past their upper camp three . Indians killed. As we were coming back they fired a few times at us, but no one was hurt during the day on oar side. At dnsk. tbe enemy had all disap peared.;.- 1 11th, 9 o'clock. Three hundred and fifty men auder Col. Kelly, mounted on horseback and pur sued tbe enemy. Followed about forty mi les. found considerable stock, but not one Indian. All left in the direction of 8nake river. From tbe appearances in the camp, eight or ten miles above Whitman' station, there must have been fifteen hundred or tweet housand Indians. '.. There were one hundred and forty lodges; some were twenty- five and thirty, feet long, and others o .ly large enough to contain six persons. " " 13th, 5 P. M. Col. Kelly and company return ed; bronght with them thirty or forty Indian hor ses; saw quite a number of cattle and horses as they were passing up the valley, but on account of the fog could not find them as they returned; found a valuable cache deposited by a settler. Houses nearly all burned, grain, &C, destroyed by the Indians. . " Idsl of tic Ktlled and Wounded. It is suppos ed generally that in the four days' battle wa kil led about sixty Indians and wounded probably about tbe same number. The list of our killed and wounded is as follows r i Captain Wilson 'a Company Mortally wounded, E. B. Kelsey and Captain A. V. Wilson; slightly wounded, F. Duval, J. W. Smith, and J. Stuvi- ran. .-". -i v Captain Hnmasoo 'a Company Mortally wound ed, Jesse Fleming. ' -. C Captain Bennett's Company Captain Chas, Bennett, killed; B. Miller, Ira Allen, and A. Sbep- erd wounded. ! Captain Lay ton's Company Killed, " John . M. Borrows and Henry Crew; wounded, Captain Lay ton, J. Miller, Franklin Craberte, T." J. Payne, Casper Snooks, Nathan Fry, and A. M. Adding- Captain Monson's Company Wra. Hagerman, man, killed at Fort Walla Walla, and Wm. An drews at Fort Henrietta; wounded, Capt. J. D. Monson, and J. B. Smith. : 5 - t Captain Coronyer'a Company John Jarvaia wounded. ;, r ;;. ; : ' :i - Tbe wounded all appear te be doing well. - Tbe weather, for the past few days, has been very cold, with occasional gust j of rain and anow. . " : BCBNINQ Or THK ClPtTOI..' . ' - Last week, says tbe Oregon Times, we gave the news of the burning of the capitol. Later intel ligence from Salem seems to justify tbe conclu sion that this fire was tbe work of an incendiary. Tbe fire was first seen at 1 o'clock on Sunday morning. ' ';. . il" . : ' ' I When first discovered by Dr. Wilson, (who lives near,') the fire was issuing out of the unfinished part of the'Northeast comer. ; Several persons arriviog In time te notice that those portions of tbe building which were finished, and occupied by the Assembly with stoves, were all dark at the time, while the unfinished portion accessible to incendiaries was in flames. , ' J '. '.' v". ? The Territorial Library was entirely consumed, valoe probably about (6,000 or f 8.000. The to tal loss f building and Library will not fall much abort of f 40,000. The papers and journals of the present session were destroyed, principally and will oceasioo great fneoaveateoee to the Assam Wy In it further dot lea. - . -' THE CELEBRATION.-, ' The meeting of citizens on Friday, evening last, at the Court Hoase, to take measures relative to the celebration "of tbe anniversary of the -battle of, Moore's Creek, was well attended. ; " ' " ' On motion. Dr. F. J. Hill was called to (he chair. and R. J. Jones acted as Secretary." , The chair man explained the objectof the metl0g," ' ' Wi T. J; Vann7, Esq.j moved that a committee of three be appointed to prepare resolutions for the action of the meeting.". Carried, and Messrs. Vans, Fulton, and Singfetary, -were 'appointed said Committee. J'.Zi': "Jti- , ' 'JL-.. ' Tbe committee reportod the following resolu tions, which were adopted : ' . - Y ' ' Whereas, At meeting of tbe citizens of New Hanover county, held at Long Creck Bridge, on the 9tb Inst , it was resolved to take immediate steps for the proper colebratioo of the approach ing anniversary of tbe Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, on tbe 27th inst : and whereas, we regard tbe object of this movement as a Laudable and patriotic one an act of justice to the memory of tbe beroes who illustrated by their valor and de votion, one of the most eventful days in the his tory of our early revolutionary struugles, as well as a tribute of respect eminently- due from their descendants and successors. Be ft, therefore, Resolved, That we heartily respond to the call made upon ns by tbe meeting of our fellow citi zens of the County, held at Loos Creek Bridge on the 9th inst., and will cordially unite with our feUow-citizcns of this and the adjoimug counties In the celebration of the ztih instant.- Resolved, That a committee of arrangements,' consisting Of twenty persons, be appointed by tlio Chair to co-operate with a similar committee al ready appointed from the county, -to take proper measures for the approathing celebration. Resolved, That G. J. McRee and Eli W. Hall, Jbsqrs., be resijeclfuily iuvited to be present and address their fellow citizens at Uoore's Creek on the 27th inst. " ' In pursuance of the second resolution the Chair announced the names of the following gentlemen as constituting the Committee of arrangements: ; Thou. H. Ashe, Col. Cantwell, Gen. Jas. Owen, Capt. Vou Glahn,- Dr.- Jas II. Dickson, Dr. J. D. Bellamy, A. J. DeRosset, jr.. -Dr. Jas. F. McRee, St., T, C. Miller, H. L. Holmes, Ed. D. Hall, S. R. Banting, W. T.J. Vann, F. C. Hill, N. N. Nixon, A. D. .Moore, James M. Swann, W. A. Wright, U. H. Dudley, John MacRae. On motion of Col. John MacRaev the name of James Banks, Esq., of Cumberland county, was added to tbe list of orators iuvited to participate in the celebration and address the assemblage on that occasion, CoL MacRae's motion was warm ly and unanimously approved. . -'."'' On motion of Mr. Fulton, the Chairman of the meeting was requested to communicate to tbe gentlemen ) invited as orators, the wishes of the meeting, and solieit their acceptance of tht; invi tation tendered. . s On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings be published in tbe town pafiers, and that all others feeling an interest in the matter be requested to copy ; alter wnicn ine meeting adjourned.-, i 1 . . r. J. HILL, Chairman. R. J. Jones, Secretary. OFFICIA1V PUBL.ICATIOX. At a special meeting of the Board of Commis sioners of tbe town of Wilmington, at office, Feb. 15th, 1856, Present, his Honor, the Mayor, f O. G. PARSLEY, J LEVI A. II ART. ISAAC NORTHROP, T. M. 'GARDNER,' WM. SUTTON. . GEORGE DAVIS, The Clerk and Treasurer submitted his Official Bond, wttb N. N. Nixon and 0. 11. Dudley as se curity, which was approved. The committee to whom was referred the ex amination' of certain building-, reprewnted aa be ing dangerous, report that they Ut examine I tho old wooden tenement on Third Mreet, belon ging to Dr; T. n. Wright, and found It in a very dilapidated condition, and on conferring iib Dr. Wriht, he bad the same taken down at once. Tbey theh proceeded to examine the brick tene ment on North Water street, occupied by' Mr. Prigge, aid found It iu a dangerous condition. They called upon two competent master builders to examine the premises, and they nnhcajtating ty pronounced it dangerous, and should bo imme diately rejatred. The committee reconmieuded lo the Board to pasa an ordinance : directing it done at the earliest posKible moment. On motion tbe report was received and laid over for further action. Ordered, That II. M. Bishop be, and is hereby appointed Town Constable for the town of Wil mington, and that be be instructed to collect the incidental taxes laid by the Board the present year. The following persons applied for permission to obtain license at next County Court, lo retail 8piritnons liquors by tbe small measure, via: John Bi-hoj, old stand on South Water stieet; R. B. Burnett. Cap-Fear Bar, North Water treet. Resolved, That Geo. Davis, Eq. be requested to act as tbe Attorney ol the Conuni-xdoners in all suits in which they may be interested, and that be be authorized to employ associate counsel whenever he may deem it ueeessory. Rtolzed, That tbe Mavor be requested to co operate with Capt. James Radclitltt. relative to 'the procurement of the necessary arms for hi company of Cadets, and take sncb .action in the matter aa he may deem txpedient." , Orkrerf,'That from and after this date, any person or persons who are convicted of throwing tones, brickbats, or any other missile within the limit of tha town, shall pay a fine of two doi'ara, if a free person.or if a slave, shall receive thirty nine lashes for each and every offence, uulet-s his or her owner paj-s said fine. Whereas, The accumulation of wood in front of the public Dock of the town is freqnen'ly o great as to obstruct tbe jiassaga of vehicles in the streets, and in case of fire preventing the conven ient working- of the Engines, therefore . Ordered, That a space of ten f.-et on each silo of the centre of tbe street be kept open at the foot of Aon, Orange. Princess, Chexnnt and Mul berry streets, and that the foot of Dock and Mar ket streets be kept clear of any anch obstructions and that no wood bo allowed to be plied east of the western line of Water street at any of the dcka ofthe town: Any person or persons pil ing wood or otherwise obstructing said DiK-k con trary to the intent and meaning of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each aud every day such obstruction shall remain. RICHARD MORRIS, Town Clurkr THE FROZENPEACn TREES. . M. B. Batebani, in a letter to The Ohio Farmer, confirms statements from other sources, that many - of the peach trees are frozen to death. Tbe New York Tribune a'so ssys : : , - "We think that, nearly all that wrre planted last year nearly all that stand io und rained, rich ground that ia naturally moist, and all tht made a good deal of new wood last year will be found seriously injured, i Wu reiterate oar advice to use the pruuing koife freely.'- That can do no barm and may save your trees. - Do not cat them down until you are sure tbey are dead,, and then cot away the body close to tbe groond and cover tbe stomp with a sod, and wait to see if.ihe root will send up eprots. If your trees are dead, do not be discouraged. 'bat "plant more, , ,Ws may not have och another winter as this in thU century. In Ob'.o it is generally conceded that ""the hud of peaches, cherries, apricots, soma early pears, and some of the most , tender apple, are kilted or badly Injured upon the rjay Janda." ;'h x Tbe Prairie Farmer says: ; ' - "W have given up all hopes of a frnit crop ex cept apple. Tbe thermometer baa' been 22 de grees below eere ia Chicago and 23 degees in lb vicinity. The presnmptloo , is that peach trees. Ac., and all rather tender shrubs are dead down to tbe snow-line And we . fear that half of the badly-bandied peddlers' ' treei, bronght into the country last fall will be found in tbe same catego ry, whether planted out or heeled in. The time ft pruning is when the: first warm weather of, early spring renders it necessary to eat back, be fore the ssp begins to circulate; lien do so a Tit tle below tbe evident froot-marked or dead-line. But evva if tbe peach traes are of good lorta. touch noi the bodieav too-rashly, for they sOm tiniev survive after the bark and. wood abew dls coloratiooa and alight disorganization, on cu tting Into them." - - I . - -v -"ROBBERY. - ' Chablestox, 8. C. Feh. 15 We ream that the velling' honse of Dr. " -v."T-.Wrag-. on .Broad street was "entered on Monday night by some rob bef .or robbers Jo him unknown, and a gold wstcb and a diamond ' broach valued at J2'XJ Ukei therefrom. It ajijwars that his bt-d ehamhr was entered while he was "asleep, a od thes'ar'ticlea ta ken without waking biro. Such . robberies are becoming quite common, ami oar citizen would do w ell to look tn the fastenings of their doors and gate, ways, AJfri, if -' r.-'.; - ANOTHER. -' . - - ,-' .The grocery store of Mr. Scriever, on Middle street, two doois from Calhoun, was forcibly en tered last night by threw negro men, and a qnan tily of bacon taken therefrom. The parties 'err bronght before the Major this morning' and af ter soma enquiry into the facts of th case,,; they were turned over to Magistrate Dingle for tirose-cution.-iA. -y:: ;-' . , '-'.-'---- , ",,.-''- '"-- , What has Killed the Know Nothings! Tho Anurican party holds what is called a Na li nal Convention at Philadelphbt next week A previous attempt to do Ilia same tiling rjalii np the party and gave ; the Honse into the bunds o! the negro worshipers.. Wa think thegrrat error of the Know Nothings war in holding any nation al convtmion or att nil ting to mi ke a nationnl platform. As Maclieth says, "There's no such thing." AT. Y.lleraU. From the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. A Pehfcmeo Bheath. What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreenble breath when by osing tbe " Balm, nf a Tkmisand Flowers as a dentifrice would not onlv render it sweet bat leave the teeth white as alabaster 1 Many persons do not know- their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of the " Balm " on youji tooth-brush and wash the teeth uisht and mornTlig. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. ... A BeUTircr Completion may easily be ncqnl red by nsing the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples, and freckles from the skin, leaving it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the face night and morning. - Shaving Mde Eisv. Wet your shaving-brash in either warm or cold water, pour on two or three dros of " Balm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the heard well and it will make a beautiful soft lath er much fitcilitatipg the oeration of shaving. Price only Fifty Cents. For sale at 8. W. Whit keb's Book Store. Unlttncay'e Ointment aud Pills, extraordinary Remedies for I h ' Cur of E.ri;lelas Charles Pa iriKiint. was afQicted for several years w ith Ihi disease. For ninu months ho was almost . deaf and blind ftli it. so severe was the attack, be consulted several of I be doctors in the neighbor hood but they did not do him any good, but to use bis own words, be was left alone to die. His good eeriins. however, did not desert him for a friend of his brought him a couple of large bovrs and Kirs of Uollowuy's Pills and Ointment, which he thankfully accepted, and commenced using; the result was perfectly miraculous, for In !wi weeks bo was able to get up, and could seo and hear well; at tbe expiration of a month.- he was perfectly cured, and able to resunio his work. A SURE CURE FOR A FELLON. This we know w ill be gladly received by all our reader. When the soreness first commences, or even when far advanced, it cun ie relieved and entirely enred bv holding Hit; finger or pan afflicted in Perry Davis' I'ain Killer for half an hour It list. been lhornghlr tested, and proves a never-filling remedy. A felon i a troublesome thing, and wu would advUe all so troubled to test tbe teme- dy.:' : f.:'"'r;': MARRIED. In this town, on Thnrsdav the 14th 'nst. by the Rev. Ken hen Giant Hi. Redmond Tavuor, to Alias Ui.ivk SoutbErland. MARINE NEWS PORT OF WILMINQTON FEBRUARY 19. ARRIVED ' - 15. Steamer Magnolia. Barber, from Fayette- ville, to Llittelloh & Elliott. bchr. Orin Cowl, Smith, froril New - York,' to Wok M Harries. Steamer J. R. Grist, William, from' Farette- vilK. to Jtdm'.S. .Banks. 16. Steamer Henrielt.i, Southall. from Eliza- betntown. to Master. " - , ' 17- Steamer Steottbdi Chief. Evans, from Fay- etteville.to John S. Uuiks. Schr. John A. Stanly. Simmons, from New York to John A. Stauly. .; v , ., -t CLEARED. 15. Schr. Ben Maitland, iJ ill, for Newberu, by John AStanly. 16. Schr. NhI. Zoll. for New York, by George Uarriss. wilh naval stores &. cotton. Schr. Baltic, Winkly for New York, by John A Stanly, with navalstorea. - - bvhr. Moonlight. Kog-rs. fr Richmond. Va. by J, II Planner, with linnter. Schr. Adelaide, Jameson, for Richmond, Va. by Russell &. Bro. Steamer Magnolia, Barber, for Fayetleville, by Lntterloh & Elliott. Brig Billow. Bites, for West Indies, by. Adams Bro. Sc Co, wit,h lumber &c. . 18 Schr. J. II. Flanner, Thompson, for Phila delphia, by Geo. Harriss, with naval stores &c. ' ARRIVED FROM WILMINGTON. N C. Sebr. Jlyrover, Jackson, at New Loudon, Ct. 11th inst. ----- - .. -? ' - - : v ... Schr. Margaret Y. Davis,' Robinson, at Boston. I2th inst. - -. . ? ' Schr, V. Sharp, Sharp at Salem, Mass. 12ih inst Schrs. Emily Ward Ward, and Anna Somers, Lee, at N. Yoik 16th iiikt. CLEARED FOR WILMINGTON. N, C. Schr. John, Burton, at New York 13th inst. MEMORANDA. Tho Schr. O. G. ParsU-y. Capt. Vangilder, with a cargo of stone, clea red from New London, Ct., for Charleston, on or about the 23d of December last, and has not since been heard of. MARINE DISASTER SAVANNAH BAR AND RIVER. Sivansah. Geo. Feb." 16. Tbe ship James Ray Capt. Ray. irom Philadelphia, for Liverpool, loa ded, wiih flour and wheat, put in at this port in distress, yesterday. On the 7lb inst. she expe rienced a heavy gale, in which she sprnng aleak. The wheat in her hold choked the . pumps, and she was forced to seek a barbor. On the 13th int. she was spoken off Charleston Bar by one of the Charleston Pi lot" Boats,' bot as she drew too ro.ncb water (19 feet) to cross that Bar. she kept on to Savannah.: where the arrived in safety Her cargo will be discharged, and the vessel will probably go iuto the Wy Dock for repairs. Tha James Roy bad been 41 days , oat from Philadel phia. ::. ". '.:-,:'" -: ;. ' --. --. Ship Canton, Capt. .Woosler, from New Yrk. for Rotterdam with a general cargo , experienced the effects of the same gl which disabled tbe James Ray She was considerably damaged, her main-mast-head Iteing carried away, . rodder in jured and. sprung aleak. She had a quantity of rice in tbe lower tier, which choked : the pntnpa. Oa the 11th lost then 4 6 Hay out. she was hoar ded by a Pilot Boat offChark-sfon Bar, but tht Pilots declined takine ber into that port, aa , ahn eoukl not cross the Bar in safety, -drawing 15i feet. 'J-w.-: : --: - V -. . - ' ' . - . Both of these ships are in safe anchorage insid of Ty bee, - Tbey were enable to come oi to I be. city lat eight, as they arrived on tbe ebb , tide, bat will probably. enat op to day. . . - -- Within the past 00 days, fowr sbipe have pat fn at this port in distress, which wrrr enable tp cross the Charleston Bar; the Tdegragk, Capt. Hornar, Dee. 20 ; the Set Queen i Caul. Grotoe, Pee. 25 ; and lbe James Rat and Canton: yesterday ... J not these facta rurnbh additional evidence.7' it any. were wanting, in confirmation of the decision i lie Naval Cora mtoshiQ of 1837. iidiited to exsminetbe harlors sooth of. tbo Potomac 1 Thai Commission, consisting of Cal)iain Woolsey, Claytcn and Shnbrick, reior ih Bar at tbe month of tbe Savannah" River to be the deepest and most accessible Of any en the Southern coast". We cannot believe that lb Legbdatnre of Geor gia will turn a deaf ear to th application now be fore them. ekins a compareiivrly small appro, (rial ion to ri-m've an obstacle w'bicn' p'rcvenled the- dixtresM-d -vessels Irom - cmie n to nr w Iiarvea.' Tlio Bar at the nho'h f the Sarahnah Bin r U nnirersallv scknoo bulged to be lbe Iarl mi tbr Sm( bro co. - Natorc' ;. has done muck tin-the aeaMrt of otir Sate and now lite aid itt art fct' invoked V rumplrte and) rendVr ptrf-c what inHnrehan commencl a highway , for the pnxtnci; and, commerce ofthe .Empire State of I be South KckS. . : - - - ; . GeoOetowi, 8 C. Feb 13 ' .She Schr. HJovntain Eaglf Doam- ina-ter from Kingston: Ja. with a carg of Ci.ffi-e and Rum lor New Folk arrived at thU mrt on th 6tb in stant; with lose : of sails and - R'ggine. and Bul warks. : The master reports having come in con tact witb an unknown Bark ai wa on the iiMit ot'the 28lb nil . ibrrebv cMnd-telr dismantling the Schooner. WhiloofTCaie Romain ff lt In witl Schr. Edwin aud was towed bp'her iiito George town barlMir. , 'V." - t JOHN COSTIN " Rospectf ully informs his fellow citizens that he is a candidate for the omce of Constable, in tbe tKwer uiviMion, Wilmington.- v. . -Feb. 14, I860. . 142-te. LAUD AND BACON. KPL(( LBS. N. C (hoa-round) Bacon. uuw iard in bbls- prime I. C. In store and for sate for cash, by ZKNO H ORKRNE, Ao. 7. Market Streit. February 19ih 1856. AIKSS POliK. 75 fZ RBLS.Mees Pork, tor sale by i No. 7. Market Street. February I9ih 1856. - - FOR. BALTIMORE. THE SCHR. S. H. POOLK.Capt. Rives, will have quick despatch for the above port, fur freis hi or Passage s n pi v lo J. H. CHADBOUliN dt Co. February 19, 1K6. ' ' - CANDLES. On BOXRS Adamantine. 6 do. Tallow, for sale by ZKNO II . GRF.F.NE. February lOih IE56. NOTICE. ALL applications of Itetailcrs of Ppiritnous Liquor for permission to obtain license ot next County Conn must be handed in on or be fore Friday the 29ih Inn. IS one will be acted up on received after that dale. By Order, RICHARD MORRIS, Town Cleric. February !6ih 1656. LOOK AT THIS, LOOK AT THIS I 1,200 PRIZES! 60,000 DOLLARS! 'HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY, i JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. - SB) Authority of the Slate ot Georeia. umbers only ! 1 Prize to evrry 8 Tickets ! ;lnss K. to be drawn March 15, 1856, at Concert Hsll, Afacon, Ga., under the worn superinten dence of Col. George M.Logan and Jas. A. N is let, Kq. The Manager having announced his determina tion to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, offers for March 15m, a Scheme that far surpasses any Schime ever t fiVird in ihe an nala of Lotteries. Look to your interest I Fx amine Ihe Capitals. fUm' Prize to 8 Tickets. CAPITAL $15,000! 1 Prlie or 15,000 1 do '. , 6,0lt I do ' 4.000 1 do lOiO I ! do . 2.(0 f Prizes of I.t'OO are 6,0(0 10 do . 600 are 6 0(' 60 I do 6" are 3 000 120 'do 25 are 3.010 500 Approx. prizes 20 are 10,000 5H0 do do 10 are 5,000 1 1,200 Prize, amounting toS60,0C0! Tickets, CIO. Halves' So. Quarters. 2 50. 1 Prizes payable without De duction. Persons sending money by nail need not fear Its b ing lost. Orders punctually attended to 'ommiinirntions confidential. Bank Notes of all sound B.niks taken at par Drawings pent to all orderina Ti kefs. Those wishing particular numbers shoul older immedi- ""Address JAM F.8 l WINTER. Man.igcr, Macon, Ga. Feb ID. 144. " ! . - - LIME. A tCl CASKS THO.M ASTON now landing an. ft lJ for aale by Nov 8. ADAMS, BBOTHRK CO. 1 WHISKEY. JUST RFCEIVRD from Cincinnati, "direct." FOURTEEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY. For sale at thfi lowest prices for CASH, by . -':"..;. W. L.S. TOWNSHKND. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WILMINGTON. A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. Own the profit ofthe last six irnnths, will be pafo to th" atockhohb-rs o' ibis Bank, on and after Monday, the lSih inxt. ..- By order of the Poard. - T. SAV4GK, Cashier. Ft b 7. ' 139-Iw. GEORGE II. KELLEY & BROTHER, ' v'.V DEALERS IN FAti I IY CPCKRIES A.D PnOFISIOXS. No.ll NORTH WATER STREET, I WHMI5IGTON, W. C. WILL keep constantly on hond, Sugars, Cof fees, Molasses, Cheese, Flour, Butter, Lard. Soaps, Candles, Crackers, Starch, Oils, SnufJV, &c. &c. . , "' ' M - ' asraacMCBa : '.'.:,.' O. Q Pabslcv, President of Commercial Bank. Johw McIIae, " Bank of Wilmincion. .... i Wilmington. Raleigh. Rev. R.T. Htruv S. W Wbstsrooxs, ) i-r.i,., . Rev. W. 11. UoasiTT, Greensboro'. Feb. 14. H E R III N G'S Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. The great interest manifested by the punlic to procure more perfect security from Kire for valua ble papeia, such as Bond. MosTOAOF.a, Deeds, Notes, awn Books or Accodkt. than the ordinary S A KKm heretofore In use bad afforded, induced the Subscribers to devote a large portion of time and attention during the pat fourteen, yearn in making improvement and discozcie for this object, and i hey now beg leave to assure their numemu-friends, and the puhlic generady. that their efforts have been erowned wiih complete sucress.snd now offer the "1HPKOVED HERRING'S PATENT WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM FIRE PROOF SAFKi," aa the , u';: : CHAMPION SAFE OF THE WORLD, SAVISS SBBJV AWABDED MEOALS AT BOTH TUB World s Fair, tendon,' 1, 4, Kcw Vork,3 is superior :o all others.' It ia now, undoubtedly, entitled to thai appellation, and secured with HALL'S PATENT POWDER PROOF LOCK, (which also was a wardfd Medals as above,) forms the most perfect Fira and Burglar Proof Sales ever before offered to ihe Public. - - ' ' "' Tba Subscribe a ab?o manufactures all kinds of Boiler and ChiHed Iron Bank Chests and Vaults. Vault Dooro, and Money Boxes or Chests, for Bil kers, Jewel h-rs. and Private l amilfea," for Plate, Dia oods.aad other Valuabh-a Aid a re also Pa tentees, (by porchaae.) sod Manulacimeraol Jjm'PlTOT PEBICT.TIOJ B1XI LOCI, StfjAS C. H (CURING & CO. Pateatees, Gil KEN BLOCK. Nob. 135, 137 . 138 Water at. Agent tt North Carolina, J. R. BLOSSOM, r- .- --. . WllmHipton. Feb 12. ' . - 141-M ; w COTTON YARN. r: LOT jas received by - rl- ' ; - T. CL l B. G. WORTH, '. ' ' ' ' .- No. i"0 oomb Water at. Feb. 7 1856. -- , - r . , j - - I39T3u WHOLESALE PRICE3 lURRENT BACON, per lb av;'-'v V '.,. . Hams, N. C.r'';,-; 11 15 Sides, ......, 10 a , 12 Shoulder, lf 12 Hog Konnd, ...".;....,. , ' . 1 a t ' 12 J Lard, W.C.,bbla.-.---"-'--" I't a . 12) r- r- kega,..'i-- 14 a,' 00 Ha ma, Western, . .'. . .i... 00 a ' H) Sides. Western,... -...."'.. 13) a. 14. .shoulders. Weafrn,.'...-...... .. : 12 . a 1 13 Poik, Northern per bbl Mesa,-. 24 00 a 00 0 Prime... ................. ........00 00 - a 00 00 Corn, per bushel,.. 74 a . Mesl. , ....'....,.; 67, a SO. Peas. black eye per bushel,.. ..... 1 00 a- t Hi t'ow 8") a Ot Pea Nuts,...' 1 65" a 1 75 Kice, pertb.. Clean. r". ....... . Sj a - II Hougn. per bushel, , -.'0U a 0 00 Butter, per lo ...-. .-...,..... . 2i a 25 Flour per bbl Fayette villa super, 8 25 a 0 00 Fine ........ ... ... 7 ;g .00 0t loi, 70-a 00 00 Baltimore, -...""""".. -00 0 a 00 0 anal....... ..0J d0 a CO 00 Coffee, per lb. St. Doml'igo,-...... 12 a Ui Rio - I If a - ligayra,. ........... ...... ... 12J a . Ci-ba , 00 a r CO Mocho,...-.. ........ ...-."... ., 00 a - 00 Java, ........ 15 a 16 "ugar, per lb . New Orleans,...-- 0 a 0 Porto Uico.... ................... o; 1 01 t crojx, - 8 a 10 Loaf. 14 a 12 Molasses, per gallon, N. Orleorlg.. 00 a 00 Pono Uico,-., , ; 00 a 00 Cuba,. , .' 41 , a 13 Ha7, per 100 lbs., Eastern,-. : 1 50 a 0 00 Northern,......."............... I g , Liquors, per gal.. Pearh Brandy,.. 80 a SO . Apple .................. 60 a 60 Rye vvhifkey,. ,..., 50 a i On Rectified... 4Q a 60 N. R. Rum, .......;.. 63 , 00 Wines, per gal., Madeira,-.. I 00 a 4 00 Port, , 01 a 4 00 Malaga, 40. a 00 Glue. per lb., American, 12 a . 15 -. . otton per lb ,...-". - ... ... P a . 4l tarn, per lb., 16 a 17 4-8 Sheeting, per yard 71 n . 8 3-4 " "... .' 6 a 7J Oznaburgs, , 9 a 10 Feathers, per lb... ... 40 a 45 Cnndles. per lb., N.C Tallow,-.-. 14 a 15 Northern. 16 a 00 Adamantine.. 25 a 30 Sperm..... 40 ' 43 l.irne per bbl.,.. 1 25 a I 35 Turpentine,- per bbl. of 260 Iba. . ' Virgin Dip........ a 2 OR Yellow Dip, a 2 60 Hard, 1 GO a Tar, 2 1? a 0 00 Pitch,.-- 1 75 a Rosin by Tale, No. I. 1 62j a 2 60 No. 2...... 12- a 1 60 No. 3..... I 02 a 0 00 Spirits Turpentine, per gallon.. ... 38 a - 00 Varnish,..,. 00 a 00 Pine Oil. 00 a 00 Rosin Oil,.. 00 a 00 Sperm Oil, i ,. 1 25 a 0 r0 Lihan-dOil 95 a. I 00 eats Foot Oil......... ........ 1 53 a 0(0 Iron per lb., American beat refined a 4 English assorted, 4 a 0 wi-ed, best refined, .'. 6 a 0 'hear, 6 a . 0 American.. On f,i Cut Nails,- a 5j Wrought Nails,... a I2 Steel, per lb., German, 12 a IfiJ Klisiered. ' 6 a 71 Best Cast. 20 a Best quality Mill Saws, 6 feet,.... 5 00 a 5 RO Hnlln,.., . . . A .. vj," u ,- . ......... a Lntnber per M. feet. Steam Sawedl3 00 a 15 00 River Lumber, Flooring,-. 0O0 a 0 00 Wide Boards, t 0 CO a O CO Scanihnr n 00 a 0 fill Timber. Shipping, 0 00 a 0 0(1 Prime Mill,-.- a 9 00 Common, 6 50 a ' 7 50 Inferior, 2 50 a 3 50 Staves, per 1,000, W. p. bbl. Rough none Dressed.... ' . none R. O. hhd., rough, .,.'.. .....t none' n.....i - ' - - shinclwl. rer IC00. Common 3 00 a 0 00 Contract, ...".."... 425 k 0 00 Black's tarse, 6 00 a Salt per bushel, Turk's Islpnd,.... 50 a 00 I.ivernool Snrlr.. 1 1X1 I IS Soapperlb., Pale, T.. ...... 6 a H Brown, ..... 6Ja 0 Tallow per lb., Ill a 12 Bbl. Hendlne-DerM . Ash. 9 00 a 12 00 Cheese, 12 a 13 FRRIGIIT3: TO NEW FORK. ondkci. vndp.ii Turpentine. er bbl. 35 40 Koxin and Tar, ier bbl.. 31) 85 Spirits Turiienline, per bbl, 00 , 60 Flour, per bbl., 00 40 J Rit e. ier 100 lbs. gross, 00 15 ''01 ton. per bale, 1 25 1 60 (.tton goods and yarns, per foot, .00 8 Flaxseed er cask . 00 CO Pea Nuts, per bushel, 00 6 Lntnber per M.. . . 6 00 9 00 TO PHILADELPHIA. on wck. okokb. Naval Stores, per bbl., 35 40 Siiiis Turpentine, f0 ,60 Varn and Sheeting, per foot, 00 8 Pea Nuts, per bushel, . 00. 8 Lumber, per M.. , 0 00 9 00 TO BOSTON. ) on dkck. undf.r. Rosin per bbl., 45 50 Turjieniine. per bbl.. 55 Spit its Turpentine, per bbl., ' 75 Lumber, per M , 7 00 9 00 Pea Nuts. er btiahel. 10 12 Rough Rice. er bushel. 10 - 12) COMMERCIAL. REMARKS OX MARKET. Tubpkktihk 5o0 bbls Turientiiie were sold at 82 08 er bbl for Virgin dip, 2.60 for Velio dip. and fil 60 for Hard. - Sfirits Tpbpkntine. 80 bbls. Spirits Turpen tine changed hands at 88 cts per gallon. Roe 1. v. No salt a of either qnality, that wa bear of. '-'' ' - " -"- - Tab. 252 bblr Tar were sohl at $2 12j icr bbl. Timber. 3 Rafts Timber at 51 to 59 per M feet as in qnality. Fitm 25 bbls.' Fayettevitle Snper ' Floor sold 8 50 per bbl. and 30 bbls. do. at 8,25 per bbl. ' '"'.: "''. ' ' ' F.xports for 2 weeks. endli 18th Ii sfant. A M T.nrnKor QAft f..f Rl Nil IftfifVI- Shirieles, No. 191 000; Turpentine, 4,028 bid-; Tar, 892 do j Pitch, 3 do; Copper ore. 4 kegs; Paper. 121 bundles ; Wax, 1 box ; Varn, 38 hal-; Sheetiig. 148 do; Yit 16ao; Cotton, 1 463 do; a a . . on a a 1 d a.1 . e f t . I . . - tvoun nice. J a iun- is; rea wins, o.u-u wi. No. Dried Hides 135; for, 4 bhds; Brandy, 1 bbl; Pipes. 4 do; Soap Stone, 49 bbls ; Flax Seed. 10 bushels. f NEW YORK MARKET. Peb. 16th. Cotton is active, sales to-day of 7.000 bales ; Ihe msrket is buoyant and prices are siiflcr, lnt not q not ably bigtier. jriour is uuu sales of State at 7 44. good Ohio at X8 37i. and Southern at 9 25. Wheat firm, sales at 1 90 for Southern red. Corn ia dull, sales at 8Z cents lor Western mixed. Pork is firm, sales at 15 87 J lor Mesa. Beef is dull, sales at 14 25 for re packed Chicago. Lard ia drooping, sales ol COO bbl at 1U cents. Whiskey ia firm, sales at 28 ct-nt for Ohio, Cofl-e has ad vanced , a les at I2i cents lor Rio. Sugar is firm, sale at 8 cents for Orleans. Molars is active, sales at 44 rents for Orleans. TnriHsntino Spirits is firm, sales of 700 i bis, at former rates. B lee is Orm. sales or loo trcaw at 6 J centa, '. Freigbla art steady, i ; - - CHARLESTON MARKET, r: Feb. 15. 'Cotton- The irannactiona ' to-day reach 2,370 bales, at prices" ranging from 8 to 1U Cts. The better qnalines fatly anslalnea pre vious prloes. whilf the ittiddiing aod lower grade were occasionally bougut on easier terms. . , . . FATETTEVILLE MARKET . Fab- 16. 8uply of Bacoa eontioaea goodno change in prices. Tb-r. ia anabiiodaot aoppty o Cm, and prices are lower.' We aota a turtner tmprorrmetil In th pric of C"oa. sniHly : principal aak-a M 9 tor r?Tm rtonr baidrclinnd 25 to 60 evnta on the bbl. market well ntiIi-t.- ' - - . Bidriia Tnnnii.M. 85 ta M I' Clloo. Raw do. 91 10 ta 2 25. . - v . CIIANDKRIilCS, ORE BARRELst received ty L. N. BARLOW. February 1 9th, E26. LARD BARREf.S N C , a prima anhlc for sale bf t, V ' ' ""W'. Li N. BARLOW. February 16ib, 1355. . FRESn CRACREftv. S0PA' 5"on- Katier..rram CiatkcrB. and J riiot Btcad.just rectlvid by Feb. 16. L. N. BAULQW. WANTED. A SMALL TF.NFMFNT , ear thecenliecf 'ow" Pslble. Apply ai this t-fl-ce. Feb. 12 1856. , W1XES AND MQU0HS. Ik R1L;s X'ra old ictor hixkry 10 bbl. oi l Vannln.ee do. 2 cases iMiateau l.atrur Claret 1 v ' I " Pale Krandv 1 2 " Murjnux ;.irrt j 2 xt. Kmi'ion do.; 2 " Nnh.iniel Jhnsnri' rlarel ; 24 casks Brandy. For sale by J"' 19- J. H. FLANNF.R. CO-PARTNERSHIP. t HAVE thia day isjndaiud my brother Oliver, I with inn in the Generul Uro.-rrv and i.'onitni d in btisinss. The firm will he Gl O. H.KI',1. I.EV dt Bill I. We h-pe 1 lint our kind pai-ons and friends will rontinun ihi ir p uronaire hirh ilu v h vo so libcrnllv beMiowed on. the senior partner of ihe concern heretofoie. Our Hock will consist of Sugars. C fit-e. Mo liiaxex, Flour. Butter, Cheese. Lard, B ic.n, Hire, Soap, Candles. Candies, Fish and Pomine, Starch, Brooms, Tobacco, and rvt r tiling in 1 grocery line, except liquors. We afo lurthrr promise not lo be ordir.clit in ibeprii eol cur arti cles or bellcri-d as to quality . We ahill still ton unite tho cash system, or 30 days to good and punctual customers. Feb.5. GKO. H. KF.LLKV 133 tf. POTATOES. rELf.OW Potatoes, for planting; and white, fir table use, for sale by - Jan. 12 GKO. HOUSTON. JUST OPENED AL 4 IIG K, well selected nnd varied ays. rtment of Groceries, Lomprisinx a fresh lot of Cheese, Prescrn-d .. Lord, Pickle Coffee, dt - Soaiis, Fresh Ments. Starch. Tin and Wooden Candh s. Wore, Flour, Ac , A". All of which may be found at th corner of Mar ket and Water i-treeis, ai the ''Cuap Cash Sto't" where goods must be p ifd for on d. livi- y K. D. COWAV, Superintendant. Jan. 31. 13ii-tr. Hera'd and Journal copy. FRESH ARRIVALS. rpHK subscriber h.iB just odded larpely to hia X stock of g od thinya. all fresh and in fine or der. Among his articles nre OltANGES; APPLF.S; I.KMO.X S f C1TKON ; RAISINS; t.'UHRANTSi t;OCOA NUTS; JK.I.LIF.x. . PllEF.RVKS . PICKLES; C-4NDIKS, a large and varied assortment ; PINE APPLE.S, B N A M A s, BRANDY" FRUITS, PliUNF.-, PLANTING POTATOES; SEGA US and TOBACCO; GKOCF.K1KS, Ac, Ac All of tht above articles will be sold at tbe low est cash prices. K. M. AGOSTI J. Feb. 9. 1P56. 1 10-tf. ACCOUNTS DUE. EVKPV ACCOUNT made at our Emporium previous to January at, is now past due. sod must be -tt I'. d previous to the I3lh inst . as we leave on that date to pun hnse Spring Stock. SHlifAKU t MYERS, Hat dt. Cap Emporium , Feb. 12. No. I, Granite Row. ON CONSIGNMENT, QM1 BUSHELS White Flint Coin ; 00) 50 bbls Flour.fWilmingioa Inspection): ' - 100 bushels Meal. For rak in Ioim to suit. by T. C. & B. G. VVORTH. Feb. li. J. M. STEVENSON, AGRXTfor the sale of all kinds of Produce. Office on Piincess at , under ADAMS, BUO. &00 Wilmington, N.C. f vt. IZ.L!3l'tt. J. H. SThVhHU3 FOR SALE. Fnf lF NOT DISPOSED of Privately, will tiia be sold on Tuesday. 2Gth February, ot nuc .tinn tint vuluablc ulila I MILL., known BMtlie Wilmington uranary. 1 tie property con sist of a 20 hurc power Kn:lne, two pit of 4 feel rocks and every convenience tor successful oparaiion. From 20U to 250 bushels of Meal can oe cround daily. Yot poriu-uiar appiy 10 .a,.,. . 1. iiirnur., jr. P. S. There may be had a lease of 4 years and 7 months, on the Mill House snd lot. The wharf may b purchased with the proverly above named, as per advertisement of J. A Baker, Esq. , ' . Wilmington, N. C. Feb. 6, 1836. . 133-1 s THIRD AND FOURTH VOLUMES of Macauley's History ot Eng'and, received and lor sale u I Jan. 1 7. S. W.V H I TAKER'S . PRESCOTT'S NEW ROOK. HISTOR V of Philip the Second. King of Spain bv W. II . Pr scott, corresponding member of ihe Institute of France, of the Royal Academy of History at Madrid, 4c deceived and for sale by S. W. WH1TAKKII Jan. 8. 126 DAILY EXPECTED 25 Bbl, C. Yellow Sugar. 2 Hhda. Mucovado do. ; 10 Blild. Crushed and ground do. 30 Bbls. Irlth Potatoes Planiiug and Mer cers. 30 Kass Rio and Lagosyra Coffee. 100 Ploofhs, Corn Shelters and Straw C-- ters. For sale upon arrival, by ZKNO H. GREENE, Fib 5. . No. 7 Market at. VINEGAR ! VINEGAR I VINEGAR I TWELVE BBLS. OF VINEGAR AND TEN 1 of Cider, now in store. J. It. HF.STON, Feb. 9. No. 15 Market st. REVISED CODE OF N. CAROLINA. ENACTED by the General Assembly at the ses sion of 1854, together with other Acta of a Public and General character, pnsaed at the same session. The Constitution of tha Mots. The Constitution of tha United Sutcs, 4c. 4c. Pri;e ti. For sale at the Book Store of Jan. 12. , S. WWHITAKER. PAINT. I II AVE just received a Jot of Rridgewater Fire and Water-proof Paint, (ground in oil.) in pack-, ages of 25, 50 and 100 lbs. each. This article, for roofs. veraelB. and br djjes, dre , issuperir any other In m.irkei Is cheap snd hootd ba ani.er sallyused. Try it. GEO. HOUSTON. Feb. 5. A LARGE AND VERV SUPERI0H OTOUKof Fresh Family Groceries, f'"l'rs, O Wines, Ac , jusi received by tbe subscriber, and for sale at the lowest prices, consisiin2 io PnFu?tn M artrl Beef. Smoked Ton gues Dried Beef Java Lagoira and Rio CotI. es. superior ground Oo'flVe; best refined pulverized and loaf roar; Voua Hyson. Imperial. Garpowder and 1,1, Teas of iba most superior qualities; Choco laie Cocoa and Broroa j No. 1 ao 1 Mackerel, in bbls-. half barrel and kitat l.'od Fishi nice scal ed Herring- in hermeticallv sealed boxes i car diacs, lo half and qaarter boxes; Bnckwbeai,. In boxes ad bacst Ftour, ia bbls; and bairs ; Crack era, i a bbls. and boxes. Ateo. " 8ent's" Soda, Water, Bottr, Wafer aud Dyspepsia Crackers, in tia boxes. . " Fresh Butter 1 English dairy, Fine Apple and Goshen Cheese t Molasses anJ Syrapa. A large and well seleeted stock of Keishapa, aancea and Pickles, ia bbls. and half Harrals, and every varie ty and quality in iara of aB sue. Ulivta, in kgs aadjara. . " . A lo Brooms, palnieu raws, nmow vsre, floae furnishing articles, dte , die. For ala at prices sail, by Oct. 301 '.WM.LS.TOWSSaDD.

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