- 5t Cmnmcrdnl. .-- WILMINOTON, n7c. J7 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1856. OKUAN OK THE TOWN AUTHORITIES JIVY. Correspondence of J tne Commercial, - ." : ". New York, Feb. 14, 856. - Tie great magician of the weather in accordance with the " prayers of mtcted thousands, baa . brought the fgreat circle" of snow to a close, and inaugurated a sea son, of rain ami slush. "''.The latter is to continue till the winds of March dry tip the superabundant favors of Aquarius. The . two great articles of demand this winter -hare been furs and rubbers. The costume of the Rusa has given "an additional pen eilin? of' the picturesque to our unwanted Arctic scenery. The rubbers are peculiar ly American, (if Goodyear be reliable) but their rainstorm and-slush associations de f eidedlj drown out all ideas cf the artistic nnd graceful. The post provoking instance of this is in the case of ladies' ancle-envel . o'pcs.0 Our India-rubber iderrtist's hare in Tented an article ! of' Jong-Iegged. boot3, whose glistening cylinders shroud the white statuary which once twinkled their classi cal cottonoter the wet pave of Broadway, nnd "shut out heaven from our view." The .h'ghest utility and the most elevated love- : .,: ... ... v. ... ... : "patibfe. : I.. "-' " ' In this iy winter, as if to pile a "Pelion 'upon Odsa' of ice, we have had icy plays and Arctic arl ventures snrpad before us to . - r - "freeze the genial current of our soul3." - Ine uSta of laf'has been served up to the half frozen habitues of one of our theatres, and Dr. Kane has added u dish of adven turous creum to the already congealed pub lic. These entertainments , should have -been packed away in straw,! until the eul try hours of the next July, if indeed, they shall, perad venture, be sultry. But the realities of New York Harbor, during the past fortnight, have out-Boreal-Ised, the efforts of the dramatist or the dan gers of the adventurer. We have had the frozen pack, nd the ice-floe, the resistless drift that tore the '-best bower" from its bed ; we have had vessels crushed and their 'Lardy crews lost, steamboats sunk in the perilous endeavour -to discover the passage to Staten Island, ice sleds ami skaters skim ming over a sea of ice, and fair ladies and brave men cast away, upon ice-bergs, and only, at last, most unromaniically rescued, Bot for love, but money, at the rate of two shillings a piece. We have wanted only the rein deers and Laplanders to complete the illusion. " Fortune favoring, the rain dears will be out next week, a shopping through the wet. (By the way, it is a sin gular fact, which seems to have escaped the notice of E. ML that the "dears" al ways prefer a slushy day for shopping. It is feared by dry goods men that the intro duction of the above mentioned bootlegs will decrease this laudable practice. " UA bos les hottest1 we say.) As for Lapland, that will be realized by the husbands upon their return at the tea-time-greeting and the footing op of the day's foraging for furs ami shawl. I To return to boots, gentlemen of the top strata ere beginning to sport the tasseled tap boots of the past half-century. The old family servants of Virginia cannot esteem any one augeti'Ieman" unless he wears the ufar top boots" of their old masaa." Well, fair-tops and tassel-tops will soon reproduce the costume of the old regime. But will they reproduce the men. 1 Will they bring back to us the truth, the honor, and the lofty principle of the early Republic? We fear these characteristics would sit as loosely upon some of our' public men, as 1 far-top-boots'' upon the shrunken shanks of one of our modern Shanghaies ! "" . Masked balls have been quite fashiona nble during the winter. They are, how ever, mostly conSned to our brethren of Teutonic birth. "Teutonic," as our aspi ring politicians are politic enough to call our German "fellow-citizens.' It's all right. "The Teuton I- The Celt 1" ' U sounds very well ! ;. Well, one of the best characters we uv at a late ball, Was a lively .Teuton, .with a large beer cask oo him, his bead and arms run through convenient holes, j and the cask labelled "Lager Bier I" ; How apropos t And be met a "maid of honor," ba was also i hoops S Poor fellow 1 he couldn't get within love-distance. We com- j mend hoops to the Shakers, hut we entreat all clergymen of temperance-and-ten-dollar- matrunoniai-fee-principles to include all hoops in their denunciations! ' It is astonishing to observe how many ill-natured things are said about hoops just .now. The young lady who' woke up one i morning last week,! and found herself fa mous in one of the daily's for having put I i - - i c r. l -it tcicii uuuviicu uiju imjr yaiua ui iiuuuii up on her dress, (N, B. the little seamstress that sewed it on, told it to a reporter of the aforesaid daily, and he published it next Any under the head of "Improvements in the 'Outskirts.") Well, this youug lady went, in her dress, to Niblo's, last week.. She blazed with diamonds, and was glori ous with laces and ribbons. "She's a gem P said I. "She's a casket of gems 1" said my bachelor friend John ' . It is un derstood that Queen Victoria lV not favor able to lioops, as corpulency has become chronic with her. It is also understood that Km - .1 r.,...:i.f iw.. tii iuo vjimiu wuuu.i ui ii ur, mow asseujuteu at Paris have the subject under their con sideration. ( We would not be understood here to refer to uar-tehoopsl) They have decided that hoops shall be in fashion but tvo months longer. j That upon an order of the Emperor, at the end of .that time, to be responded to by a salute of, one hundred guns from the cannon of the Invalides, all hoops are to be trundled off, those Of the Empress alone to- be preserved, and to be placed among the regalia ' and circlets of fnns oi mo ricwu monarccy. American adies are expected to follow suite I WY8TEBI0U8 DISAPPZABAKCB. . The ndden diappramnce of a younman nim'd Pierce on the morning ol the 2nd ini I eausin considerable rxcitrment in the vpl Fit portion of the city of New York. tYeung Fcr. attended a party on 2lt street oa the night f ih" lt iiwu and left at about three o'dtfk in the morning, since which time his family have not heard of him, nor can ihey nhtain the lt clue to his whereabouts. His lather offers a reward of J500 for bis re atry. f."; jh a v"..,-'; , " ?Sit down-," aid a judge, loan impertinent .limb cf the law.- M cannot entertain your xi- Lion, my mrciiiy. r . v--"-. ?-liY, va.joor neeessky I understand I admit your are . a netxaaky yourself, or at rat ihe next thiog to jt, for oecesaiiy knows 00 ww." - 1 A DUELIST DISGRUNTLED. ' A very laughable circumstance is said to have occurred in Albany, during a ses sion of the Legislature nt the Capitol several-years aero of course before the pro hibition of dueling by'statute in this State. It was an exciting . political time, and owing lo.sorae 'words spoken in debate rby a healed member, during the 'heated term,' touching somewhat upon the private character of a brother member, a challenge was forthwith despatched o the offending member by H friend,' as sych a messenger is called in the language of the code of honor..-';-.'''J: '.'V 'v ---:.Ct ; ' The challenge was at once accepted. Pleased with this promptness, the second said : ' "v-;x'- ."V.' --':-';" ;; :'"' '-"': 'When can we expect your friend V 'Don't -vant any friend.' said the chal lenged party. '-'I waive all such advanta ges. : He can have a dozen if he wishes.' ; This is magnanimous, but it is not " ac cording to the 'code.' -Well Sir if I am to confer with you directly what wea pons?' - 'Broad swords.' " s The time V - 'Day after to-morrow, at twelve o'clock at noon, precisely. '';- . 'At what place f At O . on the Saint ' Lawrence,- Your principal shall stand on one side of the river, and I. will stand on the other, and we wll fight it out I : - l - j; ' , The 'second' ftowrted. This is no jes ting matter, sir. You are not serious V Why, yes I am, too I Hasn't the chal lenged party a right tu the choice of weap ons, and place V . ,3 'Well yes-! sir; but not to unusual weapons in unusual places.' ' V cry well ; pistols will not be objected to, of course." Assuredly not j the pon.' ' - .." gentleman s wea- erygood, then. VVre will meet to We will morrow in the 4iitle village of P : , and at twelve o'clock precisely we will light on the 'Sugar-loaf Hill; ' standing back to back, marching ten paces, then ; turning and firing. Will that arrangement be sat isfactory?'. . ' ' 'It will. ; We shall b? there.' 1 And the' parties separated. Now 'Sugar-loaf Hiilv',at the place aforesaid,' was exactly what its, name imports a sharp conical pillar of ground, remarkable all over the immediate country round for its pe culiar formation. ; : i : " .. . The time arrived, and 'the parties' ap peared on the ground: but the stale of the case 'leaked out' very quick. Sir I said the second, as he arrivfd with his almost breathless 'principal' at the apex of the bugar-loaf, and surveyed the ground Sir! this is another subterfuge ! What kind of a place is this for a duel with pis tols, back to back, and a forward march often paces? Why.Sir, both parties would be out of sight at eight paces, let alone ten ; and in turning to fire, you must fire into the side-hill !' 'So much the better for both of us ?' an swered the 'party of the second part;' 'we are on terms oJ perfect equality, then, which is not always the case in modern duels.' Out spake the challenging 'principal' then, in words too plain to be misunder- 8 toad : Sir-r !' he said to the second 'principal' at the same time looking daggers at him : 'Sia-R ! You are a coward V -,. 'Well O'pasin' lam ! You kneto I was. or you would not have challenged me I 'Ihey do say' that the two 'parlies' that went down the steeD sides .of Sncrar-lnnf Hill, on that memorable occasion, were as difficult of reconciliation as when they as cended its sides; and, moreover, that they were as dinerent in temper as possible. One party was laughing, and the other 'breathing out threatening and slaughter;' but nothing came of it, after all. This was the last of Mar duel. And thoughtfully regarded, it seems to us that there is something of a Ies:on in it, 'indifferently well' as we have ret the ac tual occurrence before our readers, i Harper's Magazine for Ftb, ; FORREST AND THE COLORED ACTOR. A few days since, Forrest was phtying an engagement, io Baltimore. One morning, while at breakfast, the colored gentleman who waited upon him, thus addressed him: , "Maeea Forrest. I teed you pl;iy Wirgin ius de odder night I golly, you played him right up to de handle. I link dat play jest a good as hamlet. Was it writ byt defame man ?" "Oh, no." said the tragedian, amused nt the communicative spirit of his sable friend. 'Hamlet was written by Shakespeare, and Virjriniua by Knowles.' - "Wtll."attl the waiter, f'dey's bofc migh ty smart fellows. I'se an actor myelf.:' "You t" said the astonished tragedian 'why, where do you play ?" - ' ' Down in the serubly rooms," was the re ply. "Wese got a theatre, stugn and cere nery, and dreesee. and ebcry ting all r ght. We l;ty dere bealiful." "What have you ever played ?" "Why I'se played Hamlet, and Polonius. and de Grabe Digger, all in de same piece." 'How do you manage to rehearoe ?" Why we waits till de work is done, den we all goes down to the kitchen and rehear tea." ; ' -. 7: -.. ; '. ... -But,what do you do for ladies 7", said Mr. Forrest. . . :. : t'Ah. dar ve stick I We can't get no la dies." - " ' . "Why ; wont the colored ladies play 7" "Oh. no," said the colored actor, decol ored ladies link it too degrading." The great tragedian asked no more ques tion . - A TRIAL FOR MURDER. ' A Trial for Murder at Huittsville (Ala.) last month produced intense excitement in all that region., Abner Tile and John Gor don were accused of having murdered, 'some years ago, several men who disappeared mysterious!? and have never - since been heard of. The principal witness was a wid ow woman of excellent character, and her teeiimony was so explicit and minute, and fitted so perfectly to the known circumstan ces, that apprehensions began to be enter tained that the accused were actually guilty, althoug their general character forbade any such opposition. The cace was nearly con cluded when suspicions - were excited that the woman was not exactly in her rijrht mind, and subsequent development showed that she was thoroughly inpane. but with a man ner so calm and collected as nearly to ex elude all suspicion of her actual condition, The men accused by here were ofconrse ac quitted and thiuk thy bad a very narrow escape. ?;" " Jack Bannister, praising the hospitality of the Irish, after one of hi! trips to Ireland, was asked if he had been in Corlt. '-No," re plied the wit,fcbat I saw a great many draw ings of it." 'You are a shoemaler T said a magistrate the other day, addressing the mart at the bar. uYe, sir, was the reply, a Aorc-boc ma ker. - ' . : dalt:::ouk LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, THE founder of this Cvtebra led institution of fer trie most certain, Speedy and only eUeciu ai remedy ia the world tor ? ' - , . .-- . r:;.. SE CUE T DISEASES. , . Gleet, Sirictarea. Scminai tVeakoere, Pains in the LoiBa, Constitutional Debility, Jmpotincy, Weaknehgof tb Back and Lioihs, Affcctiuns ! th Kidneys, Palpitation ol tlte Hrt, Dyepsia. .Nervous irritabiity, Disease ol tl.e Head, Tntonf Nose or iSkin j those -rioua anil im-I;incholy disoi. der8ari.-'lng fiom me deatruttivtr babit nf Voulh, which destroy both body and luind. .Thote ttcrtt and solitary practicee more itui io their vie; inn. than the song of the Syrei.s 10 ihe murirhr cf Ulysse. Oligluinsf Itntr most brillianl liopes or an- (leiputions. rendering m irriaje. Ac, iuiposaiW . ' YOUSGMEN. Especially, who have become the victims of Solita ry Kjc, that dreadful and destructive habit wliit h annuolly sweeps to an untimely era ve ihousnnds ui young men of the motejtolied talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hav fttrunced lis. teninft Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy the living lyre, moy cull wjih full connaence. , .- : MARRIAGE. Married perans, or Young At en, contemplating marriage, oetng suarroi rnypicai weakness. Or ganic Debility, Detnrniiiire, Ac . should immedi. ately Consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. . ; - - .. . . . ' lie who places himself undertheca reof Dr. John ston may religtoaz'ly confide in his honor as a t en tleman, and confidently rely ujtou hUsklll ssa phy sician. - s . ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and fult visor restored. , This 'dreadful di scope is the pennlty most fre quently paid by those who nave become the vic tims of improper indigencies. Young persons are too apt to commit exeerss -from ' not beinc aware ol the dreadful conqt-encis that may en sue. Tiow. who that undetstiinds the aubirrt wl.i pretend to di ny that Ihe power of Procreuron is lost sooner by those fulling into impropir IciM's man oy ine prudent.-- KesiUea lietng drpiivtd the tueasu e oi ueatiny on-pnng, tne tnf t u rious and destnic'ivtt smptntp i. lotli l ed y and mind nrice. i liu tyaieiu luioiiieB derartief, the hvi' ol and menliti powers weaRened, ncvous dtttiiny, dyspep sia, piilpitation of the heart, indigestion, a waning of the fiame, cough, symptoms of eon sumption -c A Cl'iiK WAKIUft iEl) OK NO CIMKGE." Ab Mercury " or' Nattsetws Drugs Used.' Da. Johsbtom is the orly regularly Educ:itd Physician advertising to cute Privie onipluintx. His remedies nnd treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared Irem a life epent in th Great Hospitals of Europe and the First i i thi Country, viat : England, France,' the lilocktey ol Phiiudelphin, pc., and a ntire extensive practice than any other physician in the world. His mnny wonderlul cures and most itnporianl Surcinil p eraiioiiu is s'suffieient fiiaraniee io the afflicted. 'llion teho tcish to be lyttvily and effectually reliev ed, thould shun Ihe numerout Irifiirg imjoster, w ho only rnin their health. nd npplv t- him. OFFICE, :Co. 7, SOUTH FttKDKKlCK St.. left hand side going from Mnltimore street, a f w doors from the corner. Fail not to observe his name ond number, for ignorant trifling importers, attracted by the rejiutution of Dr. Juhtiston, luik near. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the iioyal College of .surgeons. London; graduate front one ot the most eminent Colleges ol the United Si tales, and the grcnier part ui whose life has been spent in the Hospitals ot London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, bus eriected some of the moat astonishing curt that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears nnd tiead when asleep, great net voumsss, being hinned si sudden sounds, and buslif t.ness. with frequent blushing, attended sonu times with derangement of mind, were cured iiiuuediiitely. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and impiudeta votary oi pleasure find ha has imbibtd the sieds of .his painlul disease, it too often hnppens that unill-tiiu-ed sense of .shame, or dread uf oiseovury. deters him from applying to those who. Irum educaiiun and ri f peeluliiiiy , t an ulonc b irien.. liiin, i lit ing till the consiitutional t-ymptoms of thi horrid disease make their sppcarur.ee su h us ulcerut) d sore thront. diseased nose, noctural pains in the heaa and limbo, dimness of sivht, deafnoe, nodes on the shin bones and arms. I loiches on the heud, face and extremities, progrcssins with frightlul ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bonesof the nose lull in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of co7umii mer.iti'in.till death puts a period to his dre.idlnl suf ferings, bjr feeding him to -ihsl Lout fie irifiu wlienc' no traveller r turns. To ut h- ther lore. Dr. Johnrton pl dges himelf to preserve the nio.t inviolable secrey ; and. from hi' extensive pr.ic- -lice in the first Hospitals tf Europe nnd Ame.ieu. he ca n conftji nil v recommend a safe and speedy cure to ihe unlortiinn e victim ot tlis horrid di casc. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to tli- un skilfulness ol ijnorant pr tt ndris, who, by the use of that deadly poiscn. mercury, lulu the constitu tion, nnd either send the unfortunate f-ullhn r to in untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mis--erable. . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all loose who haveitijuied them selves by private ami improper indulgences , These are s.ime of the sad nnd melancholy ef fects, produced by early habit- of y uih. viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbo, Puins inthe Head. Dimness of Sight, Lot of Mupcunr Pow er, Palpitation of the Hear", Dysepy. jVervous irritability Derangement f li e Digestive I-unc -tiont, General Debility, SyiKpioms of Consump tion, e. Mentally -The fearlul effect!" on the mind arc much to Ce. dreaded; Losot Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Kvil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Disltu't, I.ove of Soli tude. Timidity, &,c.. are some of III evils produced. Thousand of persons of all ages, can now judge what is thp cause of their declining health. I. us ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Married Pertont, or those contemplating mar riage, btlng aware of physical weakness, shouid immediately consult J)r. J. and be restored to per fect health. . ' DR. JOHiVSTOX'S I.WIGOlt ATFG RE3IE DV FOllORGA.MC VEAKNkSS. By this great and important remedy weukners of the organs are speedily cured nnd full vigi-rrt sior(. Thusnifs of the most Aervms ai d leniiiait d individuals who hud lust all hope, have been Imme diately relieved. AU iinpedimcnlp to ftlAlilUAGR Physical "r Menial Disqualifications, fservoti r ritabilltv Tremblings and V enknef , or exliau'ion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when al-ne a habit frrquently lenrned from evil companions, or at school, the effects if which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, tenders marii.ige impossiblejind destroys both mind and body.should applv immediately. . .. .- . ; What a pity that a young man, the hope .of his country, and the darting of his parents, rhould be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences ol deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a eerl.iin secret habit. Such persons, efore contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect thai a sound mind and body nre the most necessary requisites to promote connul ial happiness. Indeed, without these.- th? jtmrney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage! the pros pect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind k cr-mes shadowed with despair and fille d with the tuelan choly reflerlion that Ihe huppineesof another be comes blighted with nnr own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTJI FUEOERICK-ST., " Baitimobe, Mb. ' All Surgical Operations Peiloitnert. N. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately either personally or b letter. - Skill Diseases Speedily Cured. ; TO STRANGERS - Tlit many thousmdj cured a I this institution with in the latt ten years, and tho numerous impor tant Surgical Operations perfoimed by Dr. J.. wit nessed by the iteporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared sgnin and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. , TAKE NOTICE. It is with the rnwtert reluctance that Dr. JOHK8TON permits his card to appear before the public, deeminv it 3nprofe9aionsl fur pbysieisn to advertise, but nolens he id so, tbe afflicted, especially strangers, could nut fell to fall Into the hands of the many impudent asd unlearned I m posters, with innumerable rales Names or combined Quackshops, swarming these buve cities, copying Dr. Juhistos s advertisements or advertising themselves as physicians, illiterate shallow-brained fellows, too lazy to work at their erieind trade, with scarce too ideas fceyood the brute, who. for the purpose of Enticing and TVceiv 1mr, carry on five or six offices.- under as many dllt'erent False Names, so that the afflicted Strangers, escaping ooe, is sure to tumble headlong into the other. Ignorant Quacks with enormous lying certificates af great and as tonishing cares from persons not to be found, who keep yon taking larse bottles of I.icoinci Wn and other paekaees of filthy and worthless compound, ennoinirly prepared to Impwr upon the unfortunate and unsuspect ing. Trifling month after month, or as lone as the small est lee can be obtained, and. in despair; leaves yon with ruined health, to sigh over your galling disappointment. It is this motive that induces Dr. J. -to advertise. ro xi A loss cas cess too. To those nnacqnaioted with his reputation, he deems it necessary to say that his ereden tlala or d'nloma alwavs harar In hts offlee. NO LETTS Ii3 RECEIVED UNLESS POST-PAID and containing a Stamp to be ased for the reply. Per sons writing should state A (re and send that jportioo of advertisement describing symptoms. -Ua.9,1856. , Ul-lx. -: - COOTS AND SHOES. ; .t .LEX.BRAGG &v WARREN, . Manafactorers nd Wholesale Dealer In eBOO TS A ND SHOES; NO30, VAttREN STBEKT NEW YORK.; OFFER, f.tr sale, 4 oa ravorable terms fs'D ununal variety, eipeclally sdapfed Vaw to tne North Carolina tade, consisting In part Jl Mens thick K.p. Ciilf, Goat A Enameled Brogana Boys and Vofths - - " Mens Thick Kip ond Calf f?ooif . uys - " Youth " -."-'- Wwnren.-v Misers nrf tiilden Boots nnd Mint s of every desiiptlon. all ol whh h will b. furnished f silesssrequtred.at tne 1-iwtft market -prices nnd V ABBANTED. I'ur lr. A ; B It AGO dsiri: to ex press his thanks to the merchants of Nr;h i:io- for their" vry ihernl paitronage during the p.it twent v y. a's.snd respectfully oMciia - con tinuance of the tinie. Mr. A. M CA RTKll, oi iSorth Uardiaa will be happy to see his Inends ss above. .:. .; . Dec. IX .' '.- '. ' - 113-3nw-p A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE AN.VALS OF U SOUTHERN METIIODISU FOR 1855. Edited by ihe Rev diaries K Deems.' D. D. rpHIS Niw Wobk embraces the tlalUtic and a L great variety d ' other interesting iu'forma'ivn in every department of Jiouthern Jeh'list opera tions, under the lot owing gent r-1 hmd: i ' 1. The Fpiscopacy. ; II Plan of Visitation.- III. Th Cnier nee. IV.-Dedication t.f Chur ches. V. Revivals: VI. .4 isMon. VII Cdl -gcs. Ylll. nnday Schools IX Tract .Soeie tv. X. Publishing Houeand Literary iVfit'Ces XI. Instruction of People of Vvlur. XII His torical Sketches. XIII. B:ratlenl rkths. XIV. Personal ioticcs. XV. Hi-hp Anlirw's Letters on Cull toruia. XVI morln'sol Bisli op Capers. XVII. t Miscellaneous. X.V1II.: Ap penr-lx. 360 panesC large 12 m . : T P ice -i , fr which a cortv will be sent prepaid Bills of tho Banks nf North .or Souih t;ar--lina or gold dotlnr. honW tn sent. A liherat dii count io Bookseller and Mini-M rs Address CUAUl.KS F. D F.F.MS, tioldsboro', N O Jan. 10. .. 17 OUR MOTTO IS TO TLEAlSE" AT THE - - : - . lYilniltistoii Saddle, Harness, and I'ru.l Manulitctor)'. . , rPli K subscribe) rcspcctiully tnforiHft .it ,iubli--L thai hi h is recently received .iddition iu lite atoek ol Saddle and Haroes Miiuiitint.Ste., t m latest uiid most improved sty Ic, .indis . onslanlj manufiit'lurinp.Hl hif store on m.irki -lreel .ever) description ol urticl- in the above line. From bit tx:rn net Intne OHSincsx. lie tceis conltileni tttai he will be able to uivecnliri M.itisl'actiun n 1 1 v ln mat favot him with a call, lie lis now on hand . and vvillconstatiily keev a lu rtmenMf Conch. Gil' ami Sntkrv Harness, ltufi' Sadtllrs, Bridli$. lVlup,$-c.. Qcnllcrnen's Satidlcs, Wltipf . Spurs, d-c. , tallf which he will warrant to be "fltee 1 jibe bregma leria If and wirrkinansliip. , if He has also a Inrcre assortment uf -Trunks,. ValU . Saddle mid Carpet Bnrs, siatt helf.l'aiu y Trunks, &v , and nil other ar ticles usually kept in such eslnblivhntenis, nil ol which he oller !' for CAfcH.or onslioncredii to prompt cusi ners. Saddles, ItarnHas.rr'inks.ilodical Hajs, X:c. die. made to order. In addition tothe above the subscriber ilwa v. keep on hand a larg-esupply of String Leather and has now, and will ke-;pthptigh the sua son a goofs8sortmentol riy Ac-tts, All arelnviter! to oil and ittuHiinr my Hoods, whetherin want or not, asl takeuleasiireimli-w- ingmy assortment to all who may favor me wih a call. Harnesrand Coach Triuimings wild a l a fall prie- o persons nnytny to tuanuiavture. Also, w nipsai wnoiesaie. Mlkindsnf Ridin Vehli tea boiteh t r.. old or. eom.iila.ions. ;. JOHN J . OONOLF.V . Feb. 7, 1856. ' 118 NOTICE ! NOTICE J ! NOTICE ! ! ! n'HOSR whn have not paid their accounts to I January 1st. will plenttc do so Irnmediu'elv ns it in n'H..liii' Iv necessary for as to receive ns' year's l-irs in order to pay our own. I 'ru-t tiir ther n b e will be unneccsarv. Re-Terifu.ly, Jan. 26. GEU.MYKR.n. HOARDING. - THE tibcrihcr h vinjr reeentlv eompjelrly fit ted ii i the uridb v hmi-e, ttvodiuirs north nl the "re-bvterlan Chttrch is now ready to secom mirdate permarietit and tranclcn bonrd-rs. L. M A LLFTT. Jan 24. U3-2m JUST RECEIVED. T At A DIES Black and fairy colored Gitltc s ; Gi-nllemen's eatf and pn'rpt lea i her Cong res Gaiters. For sale st low hv ' . GEO. R. FRENCH. M .iy 8 24 A SCRIPTURE MAMiL7 LPIIA KB riUAI.f.V and sviometricpl y do slojned t fici iia'e ihe findinifol Proif Tex s Rv Cliai. Sipimons, new edition just ireeivrd and for sale at S. VV. W HlTAKKlt' Jan 8. 126 BUCKWHEAT. "I r RAGS extrt New Hulled Buckwheat J- J ' Just received and for sale by L. N BARLOW. Dec. 1. No. 3, Granite Ron' TO " TEACHERS AND FRIENDS OF EDUCATION." '"IMIE follcwlnsr new Books ana revised Editions JL are commended to your attention and cxnml nuiinn i .- Davics Primary Arithmetic, j ' Daviet-' tntellet-tmit. .Arithmetic j Davit's' Mew Arithmetic, Davies. Flementary Alsebra, Daries' Practical Uathemaifes, j Davies' Bourdon's Atiiebra. . , Davies' kleiilemaiy Geomeiry, ' Da vies' Logic f laihematiev, j Davies' Lycndre's Geometry, Dnvie-' Nervetinj? (Itrvisrd Kditiop j Jhureh's Klewtents if Colenlus, ' Chureh's Analytleal Geometry, j . Haekk y'f Tjlsoniineiry, - J Barileti'r Treat im? on Mechanics, Kaiile't's Anal ticul Mf i lianics, ' Bart I. It's Treati-e on Optics. Ac, Cotirtenav's Diff.-rential and Iniegral Ca'eultt Parker's Natur 1 PhiloKnhy (Revised Fdition) iVonhrnd's Dictation Kxi-tcisi'S, 1 - Northend's Ameiican p sler, " Noriheno's cl0'd Dialogues, Martin' Orthncpist, Kartlcti's Colli go Astronomy, The U ord Builder, ' . - f Monleith's Firt lrsons In Geography, W nnteith's Manuel of Geography, s Mc Vnlly's eliol Gcouriipbv. Clark's F.nsli-h Gramn er (RevUed Edition) Clark's Analvsif, Vetch's Annlysis of the EnglUh Sentence, ' Dav's Art of Rhetoric, Mahan's Intellectual Philosophy, ; Karnes' Element of tlriiieism.- ! Brookfield's First Bmk in Composition, Dwisht's Grecian and Roman Mythology, ; Zachos' lew American Speaker, Wi I lard's History of the Uniud stales, for school Wiltinrd's Universal Hisioiy. VVilliard's Guide and Mspol Time. Miltons' Paradise Lust, wiih Uoyd'o Votes, Yotins'e Night Thoughts, . " : Thomson's f-easone. . '; CowrM-rs Task , and other Poems " Poltok's Course of Time, " " 3 Davies Cyclopedia of Mathematics, Konh Carotins Readers ''in press. i -Published by, ' ,' , A. S. BARNES & CO.. 51 snd53 John St..N. Y. For sale by S. W. WHITAKKR. t , Wilmington N. O. Oct 30. 87 . e ,. 3m T. C. WO R TIT, GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCI1ANT. WILXIlXGfON. N. C. Jan. 8. V - . 126 tL W. G. MIIX1GANV ' BURBLE MANUFACTURER, Nohtii Wtvii STBrr WlKMiNOTnik N. C. Monuments TVwstfo, lletul and ftxft Slants, mnd . oU kinds of MorbU Work furnished to - order on reasonable terms. Jane g. - - - ' - ' ' '' 3fily-e t . CRACRERS.v - JUST reeelved from Phllad. hihla, Surar, Sod' nd Butter Crickers. in bbi, half bbif. and boxes-'-f teeb fiom the bakery, for al by J"L ' Jul 2i. GEO. HOUSTON. fiOV CCTTINU W STORE , fi " rcOM ,VJftI0U8 VESSELS. -I vv Preserved and Pkkkd Meatev - ; r j 'Vmn Ire.r-ogars, Brandies, -, . i Wblskey.Tea,'. ofleee, ; ; - . Porur a nd A ie. Sauce s, -' ' Preserved Frults.V ; k - Streps and rdlals, ' v Jrliics end Jams, . , Cig irs. Tobaccu and Snuff ' ' -.W mxii-n, Vilbtw, Far then sni) Tin Ware. ' II of which he offers for cash. nrJs reasnnubb pariie-'-onr ninety days, at the ei d of which tiuion will ex p- ct ttte tit-.nev. 7 -- v i .-. r, VV. L.. S TO VV i H K N D. Nv.2T. 109 NOTICE. I iI.iVF. tlil il.iy . iauii with me is ihe liar. iwarn itn-iiesA ill '- iniinst-n. iy on C K ; Kosi v-on. '1 lie I nire-r w ill her-ter be cittndoctcd inder toe ' firm id i M 'toninson at -on. " ' . S M. t'OI5ISON. J. .II. ROBINSON & SON, WILMINGTON. W. C. Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in BSRDWSRK, Ct'TLKMT, IHOJr.' STEKL, KlILK, SGRI- ''.".' ' CUl.TUBSI. IMPLKMKNTS, C. "" .;'..'' J. pt. ROBINSON. . C. S. BOBaVsOlf . Jan. I, I3C. .... 124 t WILWINGTON SAVINGS BANK. I' Ills instil uiinn located nlCapt. Pol'er's office opposite Bank of Cape Far, will he open f-r the lecepiion of deposiieM n Wednesday of eaeh week, from 4 to 7 'elock, P M., end on Satur day of each week fro 4 to 9 o'clect, P M JOHN A.TAYLOR, President j May. I. - . 21-tL GUAV0. I Q TONS daily ejneeted. for sale by 1" ADA Vi, BROTHER A CO. j Apiil 24. - 18. MOLASSES. TQIIIIDS. nrin.1lll. a hstv hr-dy and sue 1 tO .VlOLA"SK.-' Just received and for sile iv ADA .?. l!UO 1 11 Kit d CO. ! Nov. 13 103. . . AIUELETS AND MIXED FISH. .hbls , In fine order and wsrrantr' soued, for sale by GEt. HOUSTON. 8( Jan 11. 112-tf TEA. B"XI Hyson nnd Black Tea some very su;ieior. f'r sale by 30 Jan. 17. v . GEO. HOUSTON. I STEAMBOATS VM SALE. i 7 I", will llihj Steamer "FA IK V," "UXIOV :V nnd 4-l3hsof the steamer "E VKHI EKN," all f which ure 110 on ihe waters of the Pee Dec utid Warciimaw. ' 1 Faih v"8 lotifith, ; 81 feet 6 Inches, - j i I breadth, IS " 4 " . j L I " d. pth, 4 " 2 I measures 51 nnd 2 95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1851. .Steamer Uniow or Eliza's length, 79 feet 6 inch. - ' " ' br. ad h, 13 " .-.. " deptn, 4 " 2 measures 40 nnd 32-95 Ions btittlien, was built in the year 1850, machinery a. I new and in complete order. Steamer EvsaoacKn's length, 121 feet 6 Inches. " " breadth, 21 " depih, " 5 u ni'-nstires 160 and78-9 tons, and wis built in the ye.irl843, toeihi r with iheir Lij.h;eis, Jos. R. Uiossoiii and Rep.ublicnn one of seven hundred ! nrrels, and the other of nine hundred barters en parity. Also, rwo Flats, mrw on the Cape Fei.r River- one 650, and ihe other 55(1 bbla. capacity t Trims will be made .-Bsy - D. D. ALLKiV, ? Aisitmres JAS. H." PtJITOHETT, A9lfZnee'' I ept.27. ... 64-tf APPLES. RBLS. Russe's, in fine nrd r, now landing. For sale by GEO. HOUSTON. 30 Nov. 29. . ' 110 NIXON'S HOUSE. (FORM Kit LV MRS BORDEN'S) WEST SIDfc'. KAIL ROAD, GOLDSBORO, N C , TII l 1 xienive and t v ell known public F. tablisHii n hiiH ltn putciiael unit was reum ned by h ."Stibscii er for the reeeplioii of giiols on the 4 h insl. : li is ptoasioilv uiid eonvenientlv siiuatrd in th ccmre of bn-ioes, and is directly oppo-lte to. and VV F.ST of th - Ticket Offices, of the t ilminu' ton unit VV. Id mi nd the "antral Rait Itoad Com panies, where ihe curs stop on ih-tr arrival and ihpaiture. nnd u here kaithfcl sebvaxts will as in waitiko to tukehjgitae, and ijive rui b oihei all. 11 1 ion- as I lie traveller liiilv require. , ! THE IIOI sF. has oecn remodillel. repuired, unci ihorotiKhlv rt-nirtated fom cellar ! garre , and furni-bed hr-oiL-houl with New Furniture, (.elected i'h snecial care, and arrsnai'd with an eve slnale to ihe comforts of the casual guest or piTiuaneui boardir. " : - THE TABLE Will be richlv fnrnit-h d with ihe substantials, tlx- d-miies and delicacies of the seasons, fore-tun its well as d trvclic markets will be rendered iribttinrif to ihu t'ontaot ttpph , which will be terved up in the best etyle, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. THE BAR . Will be n Storehouse of the best Wines nnj Li quors, snd snpi-rlnleuded by a gent'eman oi"cour les. and inleirriu , ihoroti-rhly acquainted with his biii-inesi romprifing the knowledge of what is due to the rights and comforts of the public, as well a 10 himselta id hi employer, j THE STABLES, which are among the be! In the Ntate, have been plaeed in th koeping of a skillful nnd careful Manager, who v. id nluavs have under his care he best and most experienced ostlers, and 1 wPI be ainonit the chief cares ol the proprietor- to ,e ittiai liores oi bis t ' ,l8 ,c well fad and thor iib(iI groomed t his entire establishment, has been purchased tind fitted up ai an 1 no'inou exnen-ie, and it will IV the pleasure, as, of course, it will Imi the inter est of the subscriber. 10 render the House in everv re-pect equal to anv in tho country He there fore trusts thai a irnerons public will renew tind continue ihe lileralpatrnaife heretofore entendi-.t to this House, white unda r ihe care f its forma r proprietress. Mrs. Borden. ht gained for it a celebrity throughout the entire Union. , II. IL MXON. 1 Aug. 18. , b7-ly. GELATINE, f ::" ! I UST opened, 53 dos. Cooiier's 'pnrklina Gcla .1 iu C. D. DePKE, Nov. 8 45 Market street. JUST OPENFD. AFRESH supply of Klfbso. Batley's Sedative, Sou h American Remedy, and a number ol new preparations. C. D. DoI'lvE, i Nov if. ; . - 43 Market ttreet. TII OS . B . C A R R M i D D. D. S PRACTICAL DENTIST for thelast tenyears, Charges for 10 or Ics-a artificial teeth on fine gold plate, : each, - - . - - . 7 00 An entire set of teeth oil fine rold plate, I'-O 0 r Ditto - on gold wlih artificial gums, ' 16i 0t i Ditto on Platina plate with artiS- - , cialgiima, ' I5C 00 Upper or under ditto, rath, r 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot hediriinguish-. ed from the natural, ' 5 00 A fine gold filling, warranted penranent. 2 fi Do and destroying the nerve S3 to 5 0 Fit met In a tooth. " 60 en. ml 0 Kast deniifrics and tith brushes alts syea.n hand Kvery operntion warranted toglve entire satii-fae ti n Tea th Inserted hnmedistely after the extrac tion of the fangs and re n iot-d after the gums have shrunken wi'hout additional chafge. Office si Markei-st , 2 donra bel.aw the Chore h - ,WUmlnOfi,N. April 22. I6-tf. PERnJMERY7 JUST received fronvfNew Vork and Pkiladel I hi ( -i- . " GviMis LmSIm's Fx'rscis for the Handk'f ; : d-. -da. . . Tai leite Saiaps ; d- Glenny Mnsh Toile'ie Water t - do. rt... Verbena do. do.' , da.. -; Yankee Sawp 1 do. Camphor So .p ; d . , PavMinx? do. ' A lire iorianamf H itr Rraihfi,iMli nam. her of fine nVln itsiasllv kept 1 Ore Stores. n at D. DvPR-K. Wholesale DrogeMe, Oct. 5. ( . - .Iarket-sL. vVilHiin;tnn, X. C. SUPER-PII0SPIIATE OF IJMH I AARIOS . SO P-. PHOSPHATE OP 1 V H 'LI II E. sn exeri. bi fenllit--r, js re ceived in store, fox sale hy. . f -.w... ADAMS, BaO. ArCO. . Nov. L - S1L FOItEIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN. " . TBCIB VSLCIC AT THE "MfNT.'-' - GOLD COINS. Aotria Q,ns)drople doeal . .... . Durjit ....................... - Suvcretaii (loe Lnni f hi rl) ). . .'. $9 12 0 . 2 27 5 ,'6 85 0 .2 4t) . 2 27 0 3 J3 2 .4 72 0 .15 08 O twileii Ktve liuldeti Baviirw DnCiii ... .. Belsiutn Tweiaiy-lritnc pia-re.. .. riiPftilv-fi-f I'raiic l-ieft-; . U1 VUl I.tlblai"lt . . ., Bni sit Pi. i-e of 6400 rei. ........ i . 8,72 Bi ii;iii-Sveriijrn ....'.. '. .'. . 4 84 5 I3Miiitviek T-i Tler. 7 S9 l Vairni Attf tic ui. ":i :. ::. :.. W f 6 r, Er-Mdn I..... ....... T... ....... 1 (37 4 CM DmIIii .......... 83.5 Chili D-nl.l-..i, (ha-fore 1835).-. . .. .15 57 1. Da.llhl..O (1S30 ni.al sll.a i ) . ..15 6G 0 Da-taitiiiik Dotitda- Frral. r 10 Tlinler 7 83 0 Ei-uatlor--Hall aloiihlooo. . . . .'..".....7 ! 0 Ej-ypl Hit. ilrriJ i:ilre. ...... .: . 4 970 France -Twenty franc. .......... 3 S5 0 Greece Twemv tlmr-hm. 3 45 0 Hii.averTcn Thnh;r. Georjre IV. . 7 64 0 Ten-Thaler. Williiim IV ai.d Ernest 7 89 0 HiiidosiHti Mohiir. East Imlia Co. . ,7 10 0 Met klenburirTeu Thaler ........ 7 89 0 Mexico-- Daioblon, averttoe. . ..... .15 53 0 NeifierlHud Durnl. ............ . 2 20 5 Te !fuilJeri 4 007 New GrmiHdii Doubloon. 21 rarHt. . Biitiidnrtl. ..15 5.1 0 Doubloon. 21 cxr.it i-tiiiidiird. inclu- ilin t lie silver. . ......15 710 Doubloon. 9 lOHie fi.m. third 15 31 0 , DodIiIo.hi. 9 I0th eiiiiiilard. inclu- dioir i sj;f r . .15 38 0 Prrsiii--. Tamilian........ ......... 2 230 Peru- DouMamn. Limit. ta 1533.... 1 5 55 0 D'ublnoti, Ctfx.i. lai 18"i3. ..15 G2 0 D tit.Ioon. Cueo. to 1837. ....... 5 530 Porlujr.il Uall joa- (lull WrlL'll ) . . . . 8 65 0 Crown 5 810 Pruasii--D"tille Faeileriek 8 00 0 R.aine --Ten st ii.li. ...... . ....10 37 0 KtiKsiit -Five rouhlef ............. . 3 96 7 Sai ctii.iii- Twenty liie 3 81 5 Soxnnv Ten limits V. 7 94 0 D.icai... 1 260 Spiiin Pismif (qr. il.aiililnon )...... 3 90 0 I'nrke) fltiiKliaal -i;isiri'ai 4 37 4 Tua-iin) Sa qiiin..... 2 30 0 (Ji-iieai Sisati-e-.Eiitrle (lielitre.Junc. 1831) 10 62 0 Five tliallrir ieee td C. Beehter, hv- ertsre 4 85 0 DailLar il ) aiinia-. nverajze. . . .. . 96 0 Five al .liar pV o'A. B. cliller $1 92 n 5 000 '-DnllHe nf the same. .......... ... 980 On-jron. Ex-luiiiire Co Five dollars. 4 82 0 N G. &. iN. San Frnnpiieo Fivednle. ......... $4 83 a 4 95 0 Miners' Bank. San Frantipco-Teii dollais ....9 06 a 9 92 0 Moffatl & Co., 9 73 a 9 98 0 : " Sixteen dollar - ingots, about. ...15 75 p SILVER COINS. Aw-tria Rix Dollar...... Florin. Twenty kreuizi-rs ...... ' Lira for Lmtiard .. Baden Crown Gulden or florin ......... Bavaria Crown , ........ . Florin. Six kreiitza-r Beloium Fiv- Inincs Two niial h hall" Ira lies. . . Two I'liinrs. Frnne. Bolivin Dollar :. ...$0 97 0 48 5 16 0 16 ti 07 39 5 C6 5 39 5 30 93 0 46 0 37 0 18 5 00 G 37 5 187 99 2 t6 0 33 0 35 6 54 0 21 7 7 1 63(1 97 0 UI 0 22 4 112 52 3 04 7 17 0 18 7 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 69 2 63 0 25 7 67 5 II 0 39 5 44 7 CO 0 40 20 0 40 0 9 5 982 12 0 610 0 0 21 5 00 6 00 8 3G 0 49 5 11 2 55 2 12 0 56 0 6t 0 11 0 39 0 00 6 300 75 0 13 5 ... 1 "... 1 ... 1 Hall dollar, di based 1830 Qiuirta r dollar ali hasnl. 1830... .. Br.izil Tw elva- liunilrtd ra is. EL'lii lnitialrral reif. .............. Four httnalreiK Bra-tneii Thirty six gtote Britaiii -Hall crown. . , St. illitio;.... , Fotirfifiiee . .. Cruiiswii'k Tl.nl. r. , tea.:rnl A iiii rir;a Dollar, titicer. say C -Isiii D.illar... ... 1 Q,iiaitt-r dollar ......... Eiiflit ilollitr or r jil. D'l.niark Ri"hatik llin.er Sjaecia: thaler 1 Thiri-iwn Kl'ilfini.'.-. Ecitaalor Q,ii. irii r dollar..... ..... Eyi't Twt-iiiy jiaties.. Franca- Five Iranca.. Franc. ' Franklort -Florin. Greici Drachin Cni.nia. B'i'iidi -Gu.ldtir. ........ . Hanover Tlinler. fine silver. .... Timl.r. 7S0 fine. .......... ... Hnyll -Dollar, or 100 rentimee. .... ? Hesse Causel Thaler. One-sixth thaler..;.. " He-e Danixiadi Florin or Gulden. . Hinilosiaii -Rupee. ..4........ ... .Vla-xicn Dollar, iivt'rtige.... ...... 1 Naples Srutln .Netherlands Three ouilda is ..' 1 G.iilaler Twenty five cents. .............. Two and H lialft!tiilalera New Granada Dnllar. oxual weiirhl 1 D dlar. tijtl. -r and debased. 1S39. . IVairnav Hiosdoler. .. .. . . Pt-rsia Sialith knruti.. .'1.. . . 1 V 1 r " P. m Dollar. Dima nihil ..... Dollar, CllZirai. ............. H-a 1 1' dollar. Ar-qmpti debased H ill dadlnr, Pnsrw Polaml Zlnty Political Cmx.idi ClOWaa a.I'lfMIOrH-...,.. .. 1 Hall Crown. ...... ............ Prajsia Thalar. 11 vera ye. One-xill. Htrrwye. D'ltibta' thnler. or 3 1-2 gulden. . . Romr Sriulo ....... t. T sion. threi xi'uilo. .!. . . .. Uit-sia Rouble Ten Zloiy.... ......... i...... OCEAN STEAM I NAVIGATION. The Pdlowins rates of pii aye on leller have been ttgrertl Umiii beliveen thl govern-' ro -nl and tha- German Slates, Prussia, ate. Bremen. 10 cents ; Olib nburir 13; AIumiii. Austrian Empire, (iiiciulii- Hunaarv, G. lieia. Lamitiarily ant' Venice) Bavaria. Bruns wick, Hamburg. Hanowr. Ma-cklenhnurg: Schwerine nnd Straeliiz, Kinrd'rD ol Pius in. Kingdom ofSaxony, .nnd Saxe Alten hurjr. 15; nil other G-rnitu Stales, cities nnd lowrnt. 22; Switzerland nnd ihr eiher lnnds 25 ; Denmark ami 8chlewi. 27; Po land rttiii Rtuwia. 29; Constantinuple, Grea ce and Sweden 33; Norway. 37 pre-paymeni npi i am I. , . . ; . - Alexandria. Corfu. Island ol Malta. WaL Ineliiit. 30 renua ; Italy, (a-xeept upper part) 33; pre-pa j mem requirrd. Newspapers and Circulars. 2 cents each, 10 be prepaial. Mails to THt Pacific For a single let ter, not -xri--dii!jf liult'an mince in weight front Nr Yuri 10 Cfiatrrt-s 20 cents; t.. Panama. 20 Miatitge t 1m v prepaid. P-i-tasrr to Callilorni.i himI Oreff M. (iha-y , beinar U. S. prvriioii.) Hfil Mil liar pre-paid. Havana Maias. A lia.e u rstablisheil be tween Cliarlesiin ami Havana. lh st-nn em l- uchiog at . Sa vhih.uIi and . Key Wesi ih pmrtaae if which is from tle Kir of de' pitrlore H-avanai 111 r-etila n a eintle la t ter rtnf exeet-diaair Imiii ouiarar in Waisflal; with an na!dilinnai 1U, rents lor a-arh ualdi 'kinal hairounr.f nr fraeiioiial rjr -ss of hil an OUUC4 to br irrVHiMi. Pota2e on e8lr, .M-Watpaps-r to Havui.a. 2 rem, alaro to br prepaid as on !ttTs. ' - -On la-tia-rs lo BWiUn Nrh America. 10 e-e-ntsT. it not wer 3000- niile J if , fjver ll-ai Jutoncv, 15 eema a single mte pre paid 0 oot, t the ciM2 A the of Um ttadc. RATES OF POS l AGE.; LTTEMS Ci'inpo d ad' a lC Of IIH.re pia'CI ?l pit w-r, but tM.f exce. din hall an out n- ii weiirht. att-M uy di-iaiier n-i ej eedino; L00C oiia-. o ca-ius j over :r u n.iia s. in r n'. Doable rate it'.xa-. aoi t I all 1111 voi.cr t treble, if excet dn. i otinra-; mul so a n. ehMriiiig n a additiaii, rale lor eta ly nj.li- iianai nnii otu.rr, or Irnciioii o Imlt mii i ce. Ahsolnie pro put ma in tn iua -i qnirad t all leila-rs plnree tv tihio tU- Ui,fi,. bliiles, l.am anai iilta-r Anl 1st 15-5 f F.mn Itiaat oft. r Ja.-ll ira 1836 lall la t 1. rs h.-iiva a n phsfi-s ! ii, t.'.- Ui in at Si.,lr riilla-t be ptf-poj l, jt' lt pnslaafa' sl.,ai s, rs'iantfaii ri v. Iin L H. r dr-po. .1 i.. i.,. , , ..ffi -.- f.,r ,(,.. Iivi ty, iii llaa s.ain.' l.jr..-. rei I ..a b. La'tl rsinUa 1 lis. al an- rli:irr'd a--il a acli, h"sil a reaular poetae. Drop I. Hers re oral llalva-rlifaa ll. ClHcrtARh 1 rent fair 3 nni.ri-s nr li'. In -any pait of the Ua-iieal Stula-s. in rniisisi ol' Inn one piere ofptipei pie paymtni i.piii.n- la I . - , Dt)Iv newpapars Wa-ioiini three oniii-t s ar les. 45 1-2 ea-ntsi pa-r qn'irler. tvln-ii sa-m frnni the ffiee af puidiralimi In nrliii-l ai.tf hoimfiile siibsa-iihi is at y where in the Uni ted Slates. Traitsi.-i.i iaewspnpa-ra eent uny where wi'hin ihe TJa.ili d Stall s. I eeiaf luf three riinces or l sa. Wh'!n the ariia le lo be milril is a l irru--lar. pnmphlet ar m ivspaper. it lioutd be s.f envi-hipod us In ha- ripen nl one i-n.J other wise, it will b- rtinrgf! its a h-tler. DBITISII POSTAGK ARRANGEMENTS' LCTTCIIS posla il or rliaraeal in ilia- Unlfr J Stud s will In- rola-.l at 11 liall'ouiii-f 10 that -ingle let irr ; oxer n hull and not exca ediaiir an ntiiici. as a al'iulilr Ji'ltrr ; over an nm c nnd not a'Xri eilinir an ounce nnd 11 hull 11 a in hit leiter; anil si mi. a-a'li h ill nunce nr Irnelional t XC ss roii.giiiiitii.g a rote. "The eiaagle rate" In ba- 'hirg.-il nil earh lett'-r patsie'l in fin U . .' i I Stairs nditri-iise.l lai any place in Great Bittain air r. hiinl is 21 lU'tils; ihe alonl.lr rale 43 ; nnd so i n. Said pai-atajri- on l.-lla rs trii..o; lai a u plnee in Great Britain nr Ira I. mil may b- pra--p.ii), if ihe hol- innotiiil is teiKleia il al the office in the U. S. u lu re tnaili d al tin-option o the sender. Nt'.'-trsPAPERa may ha- niaih-d al any nffire in the U'ita al Stales In an' l-iea- iia ihe United Khijdiaiii nn the pte-p.iyilia-iil nl 2 a'a-iils. a al may mi receipt limn anv pl-ier in Great Britain nr In land, h- 1I1 liva-ra al at any nffii'e in the Um'la 1! Stall's nn ' id-.i t of 2 ei'iiis. Not.'- E.aeh Gova-rnrueni i-a t. rluiroe 2 Cents 011 each newspaper. These are in he sent in bands or rovers, open at ihe sidi s or enr!?, and to contain no niatiiifcript what ever. f .-.'-: Peratnuaa m ; 1 i I i 1 1 ir letters In loreign roun trias, with which ihe United Slates have not entered into posial arrariirriTienli, are remin ded thitTii is ueceiary lor llietn to pre-pay the proper poailage. or iho letler CdiitiOt be forwa'ded. NOT DEAD. TIIE 'LIVK MIMIIE" ACilN ! A New Era About to Dawn Upon North C arollna. At the cotistsnl still t-ai nest solici'slion of ria'i.r ly evcrj b'dy. tnt esH'elall tliu old . ijimihi jii ci'H of"jf Aiiiiiml." e havi- liten indue il loprai niise. it pruxenilcr" eimugli can lie s.-currd, la trol that I'eiisl nut siisio to tin- n7.-- nl bII uniri- kitid.and Ilia- tuiivfrsalsdniirMlia f Humankind, luring ilia fii-t n-a-a-k in Jaimary, 1855. "Th- Lia-Gi'slli-," a liile it ss a In-Mrsl pa tier wliilt it gin., d in it- o 11 grin-li palnrjf, j. lay i-i u it Ii I In- gills aud j-.kei! idi 1 tit hots, tvas 1 In- most s.nilai ia-t-i animate T inanimate, lliat i-ve 1 i -mii ii fia-ui a Boinlii'iia .is; nn.l lind II b.'ell eolila'lil I o lis re hv.-al in its omii imiivo s-liere it Would How liava- Lei-ll Ilia ' 1'iollu-r Joint! I. an" of I lie Sa-U'la. Sueli H rasull can Lilt ln ft iil.'itt lo any thinking man ; it whs in.l.-eil, n tlie high rHil to 1111111 and s niosr t'livi.il.le MM met ion. Dnl 1 i-i-oniiiia fjt, in nn imlin ky Ulollll'tlt l'lkl' Ilia. Ill-Ill Who llMil K'OUII rich et uuuk to rirle an at." sml had ilu-refon .iia-n alMiva- lit-a fi-llaatvs. Hie -Aliinir la-as-al llm bin aif its aceiisioiacal ti.'lal and llio im-xi tiling -we In-urd of him. In, lik.-a ins.it tnrneal nolii Ii-iaii fi ntu 1 rem In r. was pining for th. jl ihinvs ni lile ati'l 10 Inula, lika iln- silly lainti a.f ail.l that eluded ll.esif-lil of the slia-psril. and P"l into the III ilk (v.ssls whia-ll was foiind lo lm iiil'.-sla d niili Wolws, ha wibla'd liiinsa-lf l.sck in his o. nujn. ... . .1 .- 1 r till! I lie liars nu nt-ill ui atiioiiit-r tan nigner Mtid lie entililn'l tei limk ; Ih-i-Mi-s, he nnd gr.iwn o lean I lint he cmild liotjunip. It is said that Imiiplil idoniis iln l-t In I ho world, if it dnni eiwi tasi nitieh. A mistily lrneayine ; one in which tin re is nmru nf lui'li tlian piK-trv ar ramianc-e, arid in via-tv of this old Mixing slid Ihe Atiiiiniiil's exiei ieiaa-e. Iiis ald (. ienils Di ed I ave little I. sr Hint lie will al any ilmu lii a.afli-r a-lll I ha- sillllt t'Slaa'r SP'uill. lla-'ll kick any man that would inthiijia sna-li a lliina. . Tilt- Liva- Girstfo will llia-u be li. Mirsl. It will lie devaiii-d lo fun. lo the neies and hlrraure. It will lie nimle the v.-lncle ol .ullihjnrf many a ihntighl In Ihe World, fiinny, grave' and instruc tive, lliat wtiuld lisve w.fta-d itself tin th aii "as Mitnmi-r rns.-s ih" l.ull'orits columns; it will seek every o;iNirlniity to torn grave and iiniiiter-1-a.ting mailers into -iL-esunt suit sr.-a-ablo inci alelits ; upsel all ill-t.Ml tired humanity it meets ith and tuoiild it anew ; . vxse all rascality lierever found whether hi C'lmrcli or 81 ate (It.HtV jiriMiiising w gn-sl da-nl ) nr in Ihe-trial i-iielo. Slid koa-H strict watch am the lre-. litera ry, religions und .olillcal and saje that eseh k'a-ejna lis liaallllds. ' Tin eiliaens nf Rsh igh knaaw well enotih the vslua; a.f such a sin el. anal woulil liol do wilhanit it another ya-sr fair half a Jiiilli.iu. Win. sine Ihe a-xi! rtlu Animsl Ir.'ta theii Imiders. they have hsid more bad lae I ban was i-verln-aid ! U-fore. Maare IVusls have hii ti made nmre lia-ns Is en eiva-n ummi pnai-eily. mitre assieiima-ials mole, more quarreling and Helium:, mora alrinkins of liap'or more inrsiaiM-ss grneraMy. "al more ill In. k than a ver was knaiwii at any M'ii-sl since ile gri-si .lene in Kypt. Now ibis ts us plain as tlayli-hl. and the only reina dy for MK-la a-viis is lo trait out the Animal -again. So I think. Naiw. this is llie pmpaisilion I shall nuke to yon. I want an SMtniaiice aif ja.ur w illinjtness Io juitrainixa lilt Aniuish slid atel tbat assnranee I shall give yam full iip-nrtnniiy laicairra-ssnid with ineand to setid hi all Ihe ustues lliat tao t se cnrad If MO riain.-s c n ba seenrvd. we shall hare no fi-arsaa 1 lie simct-s a.f Ibe Animal. He w ill saM.ti crow 1st wIh-iiIm lieeii.s l lake exe rt ie and, then he can plead his own case, if no I with elo-qiia-nt vaada, st least with an txx-asiooal kick st Ibe liojs. -" f It lias lK-en intimated lo me thai the connec thai 1 snslsiiH-d to the "Camli Pennant" w.nild injure Ihe Animsl since Hie I'eiinsin" had sud denly exnired and left many of its snbscibers n Ihe iio . I Lave In sav hern, and I li"e w'" satisfv' every rTsadv that I had no Interest J the Peniisnr." Iwrie nia si a.f its Ediiaro hicli I shmdd lisve received tmelhiS sa;Crdiiif la. S(fr. eilH I.I bill I did liol. 1 have tiled lliia co bnsiiia-s-siid ii iM-iiha r pays nar suils my eaj idii. I wsnl a brnsd beiniM'here. a wtalo Uii fnd. and nol-lj- to divide with me in tbesrvtilj.. Tlien frieiMls we now noab rst nd arseb ftlo-r. I want von losend me your wsiiim between rnar sad Ihe firsl a.fJ sundry; if eO..Ulh res-Mand I he 'Animal" will nnakeliis baiw; if mat nn ba rot doiae. Tksms: Ta aballars ir snainm srabe n delivery .-fflrsl miialaer; I wo dollars and fifty rents ifpatM ii s x mKts: - ilir- dollsix if not st Id till end "f " tjNn titwr -ill be re nuired naatil Hh first aa. is i R II WIIITAKER. Rsi-kicb .!. C. JUST PDailSIIED, From the Commet da ' Office, In pamphlet form price t3,00 for s hundred copies: THE NATIOXAI. PbATFOBM OF THE , AMURKAN ORtiASIZATIOX. , With extraarts fmra -CEO. WASUIJiOTON sad T03. JEFFERSON, ,' WIT CRIMINAL AND PAUPER. STAilSTTCi, ; -, .' - sun "fas t . SPEECH OF J. CaLEMEIn'S, of Alabama, eerjcerabcrlsx 7