WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, "FE.BRUAUY 23, 1856 ORGAN OF THE TOWN AUTHORITIES i''.. From He Baltimore Clipper if Monday. PROFESSOR SPENCER'S LECTURE WHERE ARE TUB SPIRITUALISTS. i . Last Saturday night we dropped in at ! Charles Street Theatre to hear Pro Spen- cet lecture, and see bis experiments. Al- i ihotigb yet early, when we arrived the the- i aire was already tolerably full, and being , m a - a a ' m a at. i iiiraty ngmea naa a aecweuiy mysterious i appearance. The stag was arranged so as r to give its utmost capacity for space, and 1 set round with chairs, upon which those f who wished the experiments tried on them t were afterwards seated.": There were two ! tables on the stage, a small mahogany one t and another larger ot pine. At the ap- pointed hour the gas was turned on, the i theatre suddenly brightly illuminated, and iuo jcciuici uinuo tua ipperauce. as su imad verted upoo the doctrines of the spirit oalists, declared it all to be a delusion, and that the experiments be would perform .would prove that the table tippings, tap pings, &c, were physical phenomenas, and tn ho way produced' by j the spirits of det parted persons, i ne spiritualist were me victims of a delusion. ' He. would jrive them credit for sincerity. but he would demonstrate that they were self-deceived beings thrown into an unnat ural and abnormal state, in which,1 to a cer tain-extent,' their cdnsciousiess was taken frfcanhem; fne tendency of spiritualism he denounced as aiming at the very foun dations of revealed religion, and in proof of this oe cited the spirit seer Davis, Judge .Edmonds, Mr. Dexter, the llev, Mr. Amb Ier and others.. Its ettecls tn various parts of the country, he, said, bad been most la mentable, breaking up families, ruining men in their business, and sending scores and scores lb the insane asylums. In con clusion, the professor said that " whatever apjntuarmedinms could do, he would do ; but the playing on harps and pianos by in visible musicians, Olid writing by spiritual nanus, were things wmcn could oc done only ia the dark, a circumstance of itself abundantly testifying-they were deceits or delusions. i The professor then proceeded with the experiments; by this time Ihe Theatre was densely' crowded, all the -passages being . rilled with persons unable to obtain seats, and seemingly animated with) the greatest interest and curiosity, such at least was the expression' of every countenance. There were Quite a; number of4 ladies- nresenL though the greater part of the audience were gentlemen. The professor now invi ted upon the stage all who wished to try . the experiments. Some thirty gentlemen came forward and took their seats at the back of the stage. The professor directed . them to set without crossing their legs, in an easy and unrestrained position and then raising a cane or wo.ncr.wiin a long silver ferule terminating in a smaller point of iron he directed each one to fix his eyes upon that point and keep them' there until he dropped the wand, then to close their eyes and keep them closed. The stage at this - moment, and indeed the whole house, pre sented a rather comical appearance, with heads alf turned up and eys gazing upoi iof point oi tne wana. ytiier a tew mi- nutes he let the wand suddenly full, the point striking smartly en the floor and in stantly the eyes of all on the stage closed. Having had our eyes fixed somewhat in tensely on the wand as the point fell and struck the floor, we ourselves felt a decid ed electric shock, and we think probably many ofthe audience felt it also. - "Now at the stroke of the wand," said the professor, "your heads will fall slightly forward j and -; instantaneously with ihe blow lihe heads of a majority of those under the magnetic influence simultaneously fell forward. ; This seemed to be a test. Some nine or ten were found to be sufficiently af fected, the remainder lefi the stage. The professor then took a c young man fcpm among them, : clapped 1 his , hand- on This , shoulder and said, ' look at this stick," the young man opened his eyes wildly and stared at the stick, and wherever it turned his eyes followed it as if fascinated an- .- other followed the professor all about the stage close to him wherever he went The professor then directed all those affected who were seated at the back of the stage to twirl their hands, which thev did with great rapidity to the great amusement of the-audience, and this ; ridiculous motion - they could not desist from making until the professor removed the spell some of them were then seated ion chairs in the front of the stage, from which they could not rise with most strenuous efforts until 'the pro fessor permitted them to do so. The vain efforts they made to rise from their seats convulsed the audidence with laughter. The names of some of the gentlemen ex perimented on were here given, only one of whom the lecturer declared be had ever seen before, and that one the day previous for the first time. Mr. Evans, of 128 Eden streetjanother gentleman by the name of Evans-Mr. Gibbons, of 39 Calvert street; a- Mr. Porter; a young man named Goldcr, of No. 127 Fayette streetjand subsequent ly a Mr. Willis were among the number The- wand was placed in the hands of some of thera-aml tbej- could not let it go. One young man's hands were placed on his head and he could not bring them down. The professor then set his subjects . to swimming their hands up and down a pump handle fashion, which action they persevered in amidst the most uproarous bouts of laughter from the audience, whose risibilities were excessively provok ed by the comicality of the motion. : "There she is" exclaimed the professor, there is the witch; point jour finger at ifer," and instantly the index finger of the right hand of all of thenr was stretched ut The subjects were now all sitting in a line at the front of the stage. v KShe is going tQ do you some harm, said the pro fetsortartd their hands still pointing for ward with faces expressive of fear riM ter ror, amid a perfect delirium of mirtL and laughter among the audience. ' Each one began to shove back in his chair, nor did they stop until they reached thenar of the Uure, and could go no further. -The Drofesscrr a'raii'i. trrv.,i.t .r, ward in line on these chair at tha front stage ' I'here'i the witch,? aid he "ask her, what do you want tnddame -wi'tch 1" "What do you want tnadame witch ?n ttey all exclaimed. ' "She is going to pile ice down your hackstand freeze "you said the professor. , Instantly there was a tur ning upof coat collars, and a buttoning -p of coats, and a shivering and shaking as if they were indeed chilled to the marrow of their bones. MTh ere is a little fire at your feet," said the professor, and each one lean ed forward, stretched out his hands,' and warmed and rubbed Ihem by the imagina ry fire. THe then caused them to fish, to go through the motions of" pegging and stitching boots, all of which they did in a most grave and earnest manner.' -'' , "Here," said the professor, bere come the ladies, and it was ludicrous to observe the smoothing- of the hair, the pulling up oi 'snin couars, ana ine. nxing man- ceuvers, and the expectant air of the young gentlemen among the subjects. - The la dies in the audience seemed much pleased at the proof of their influences . Such is but a portion of ihe performan ces, alt of which were of the most interes ting and mtrth-exciting character, but we must not omit to mention the concluding experiment, which we certainly regard as the most extraordinary of alL After some tipping experiments with the smaller table, the large pine table was brought forward and two of the subjects were placed, "one at either end of the table, to hold it still if they could.- They seized hold in right good earnest, but presently it began to move, and in spite of all their efforts moved around the stage, dragging them with it. One of them put his leg - on the table to keep it down, but in vain. A gentleman from the audience came forward, caught it firmly in his arms and braced his feet firm ly against the floor, but in vain- he also was dragged around the stage wiih it. One of the tegs was here broken by the violence of the movement. He desisted, and three gentlemen from the audience, two of them very athletic, came forward and caught bold of it, but, it was all the same, the table still ';. danced nround the stage with them, and the strug gle was continued until the table was bro ken literally into fragments. Take it alto gether, it is one of the most astonishing ex hibitions we ever witnessed. We ask at the bead of this article "where are spiritu alists ?" Since writing it we understand that some of them intend taking up the of fer of Professor Spencer, of one thousand dollars, and will prove that tables, can be tipped without touch. If so, there is fun ahead, and plenty of it. - SENTENCE OF A MURDERER. The Scene in Court. The Auhtim IV Y.) American of the 8th inst, has the fol lowing account of the arraignment and sentence of John Fitzserald. convicted of the extraordinary crime of murdering his father, mother and brother. 1 he court room was crowded with spec tators. The judges took their seats at the appointed time, and the absorbing interest ie ; Dy ail contributed to produce that breathless silence e-enerallv-. observed nn such occasions. The murderer was brought in, and furnished with a seat within the bar. and onlv a few feet from the henrh . The District Attorney moved that the sen tence oe pronounced, and tne mde told Fitzsrerald to stand ud. He did m. and all eyes were bent upon him ; A"wful as was the situation he occupied, yet he seemed to be most unconcerned of all those present He was dressed with scrupulous neatness. It was evident that be 'had bestowed minute attention to, his costume. . His dark hair, which he wears in great profusion, was combed and curled with great care. His neck was enveloped in a silk check scarf, the enrla i,f vhih feU o low as to almost conceal his shirt bosom. . His frock coal was spotless, but toned in fronts and a white hankerchief was visible in the side poeket A pair of dark pants and well polished boots comple ted his "outtr man. He rose to his feet when reniiemed tn ln so oy me jutige, ana bxed nis eyes firmly upon him. y Ihe sentence was lonr. but abl, appropriate and full of earnest appeals to tne neart and tne conscience of the wretched culprit He exhausted Ian ... o o apa ingenuity in an attempt to arouse him to a reai zing sense oi tne enormity of his monstrous crime ana us awlul consequen ces, but his efforts utterly, failed. While alt the court room were nnvrerfnllv mnrA - - J" -'-.w. .j u . v . VI not a few even to tears yet Fitzgen ld stood unmoved throughout the trying scene. WOl' a muscle moved. -Hut countenance was bold, hardened in every feature, and bis eye cold as marble. When asked if he had anything to say why the last direful penauy oi tne law snould not be passed upon nun, he promptly and in a low voice replied, "No 6ir not a word end When the judge having sentenced him to be hung on Friday, the 28th of March, concluded wun an earnest appeal to Almighty God in bis behalf. Fitzfferald said. "I am much obliged to you sir 1" and took his seat Ut terly, unmoved and aoDarentlv nnnAn. cerned. j- . ASYLUM FOR INEBRIATES. A petition ia before t ha Maiiaiki..ii. t . .uv utm.avuugu Legislature. nravin fnr the Miokii.Km.nt of an Asylum for Inebriates, wherein they "juj ibwib uch treatment as snail restore them to soundness of health nri r . - - W W Hllnili S 1 m s a ... . ujuiu, auu aiso to anora sucn taciluies as shall render the asylum a self-supporting institution, for the iiow miserable victims of intemperance. ' - PRINTERS' ROLLERS. Mr. Wirt Trimble, of Geortretnw states that he has invented a composition for Printers' Rollers which will be unaffected by temperatnre not made too soft by sum mer heat nor too hard by winters cold, besides belli? more tenacious and durante This improvement will obviate a rret in. convenience experienced in ihe nwwnt position used for rollers, and will be a most welcome discovery tor all Printers.' MORMON EMIGRATION. The Sl Louis Republican says: "An item has latelcr enme tn nnr trnm.. ledire which We knnw tn he n fr. . .i that is a wheel-barrow emigration amon the Saints, over the plains, to Salt Lake, in the spring. And with a view of accommo datin'sr and exned ?- o M IUC1I new- home, the wheel barrow expedient has ucen suggested ana acted upon.- An es tablishment in this city has received an or der, and are now uianufcturing about five hundred of these rehirf - ft j that many reunsr men. and-ihn ,;.k strength and physical energy to endura tbe trip, ctn pak their kit of provisions in a wurci-uairu w, na iruage along to the Val lev of the Saints? TKwuTi;nti events, will be irted. - - - - - .There ant two things- whieh m.ht teach us to think- but meanly of human Iflory: tha verv best hare had thuirvalnm. B.itors worst'tlwianegjrists.' , . DR. JOHNSTON,. THE founder of this Celebrated InaiitDtion of fer l lie most certain, Speedy and only etreeia I remedy in the world ttr - - " v? '-DISEASES. A' ;:u -, Gleets, irieture, Seminal Weaknee, Paina ia the . Loina. Conatitutioaal Debiiitr.. Imootencv Weaknesaof the Back and Limbs, Affeciiona of the Kidney. Palpitation oi the Heart, Oyanepaia, I'trious irriiaot tty, uieaa ol tl.e tlead, Tnroat Note or Skin ; those Berioasand melancholy disor der! arising front tha destructive habits of i'outh, which deatroy bo;h bady and mind. 77mw teerei and solitary practice more fjtul to their vioiiuis than tbe uii)r of -be Syrca to tn muriin r ef uiyasea. Diignung tbeir most bnlitaot bopea or an ticipations, rentier! rig nurriage, &c.. impossible r -YOUAG MENrU v v Especially, who Lave become tbe victim a of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave tteonsands of young men of the must exalted talents and brilliant intellect, whm!gln otherwise ha v entranced lis tening Senates with tbe thunders of eloquence, or waked to (testacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. : . : k'J MABUIAGE. ". Married pvton, or Voong Men, contemplating marriage, being awarrof .Phyaicai Weakness, Or ganic Debility, Deformities, Ac, should immedi ately consult, Dr. J., and he restored to perfect health. -- ;- . , . : He who places himself undtrtheea reof Dr. John ston may religionly confide ia his honor us a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hUakill as a phy sician. r. 1 ORGANIC WEAKNESS!" Immediately eared and full vigor restored. - This dreadful disease is the penalty most fre quently paid by those who have become Ihe vic tims of improper .Indulgences. Young persona are too apt to 'commit eees!S from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that nay en sue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to d ny that the power of Procreation lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious snd destruciive symptoms to both body ud mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental powers weakened, ne'vous debility, dyspep sia, palpitation of Ihe heart, Indigestion, a wasting ofthe frame, cough, symptoms oi consumption. Ac A CUUK W AUU AN TED OK NO CHARGE." No Mercury or Nauseous Drug Uied Da. Johnston is the oajy. regularly Educated Physician advertising to eure Pnvatet 'omplainis. His remedies and treatment are entirely, unknown toall others. Prepared Irom a life spent in thr Great Hospitals of Europ and the First in this Country, via: England, France, the Block ley ol Philadelphia, f-c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician in tbe world. Hia many wonderful cures arid most important Surpir-ol Op. erations is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Thotc who wish to be tpeeoUy and effectually reliev ed, ehould thun the numerous trifling impotUr, who only ruin their health, and apply i him. OFFICE, 2io. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St., left hand side oirg from Baltimore street, a few donrs from the corner. Fall not to observe his name snd number, for ignorant trifling importers, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Joluuton, lurk near. DR. JOHNSTON. 1 Member of the Royal College of Sturgeons, London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges oi the United Stales, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals ot London, Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has eflected some ofthe moat astonishing eurea thai wereever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head hen asleep, ereat nervoumass, being alarmed si sudden sounds, snd bushfu.ness. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. ' A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and improdeiit votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed the seeds of .his painful disease,-it too often happens that anlil-tim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, Irom education and respectability, ran alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoma of this horrid disease make their appearance. u h aa ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nociural pains in the head and limbe, dimness of siaht. deafness, nodes j oh the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightlul ra pidity, till at last the paUtc of the mouth or the bones of the nose tail in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of com mis sera lion, till death puts a period to his dreadful auf ferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrety and, from his extensive prac tice in tbe first Hospitals ot Europe and America, he csn confidently recommends ssfe and speedy cure to the unfortuna'e victim of this horrid dis ease. It is melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaint, owing tolheun skilfuloess ot ignorant pretenders, who, by the use u iiiui uwory puiwun. mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either aend the unfortuna Is aufftrr In untimely grave, or else make the residue of life ml. era we. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE ur.J.aaareaaesatithose who haveinjured thera- aei'tra uj private ana improper Indulgences. 1 nese are some of that sad and ml9li.ni. .r fee ts, produced by eativ habits of tnurk. vi.. Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscu'ar Pow er, Pslpituiion of the Heart, Dyspepty. Nervous irriiaoiiny uersngement er ire Digestive Func tions, General Debility, Symptoms ofCunsumo. tlnn KrM p j.c.wu.y iiivicBriuK-ueui on ine nund arc JLll: TM. r i .. i a . . muen to wj oreaaed ; L.oss ot Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Foreboding Aversion of Soelely, Self Disttusi, Love of Soli tude. Timidity. dVo.. are some of thaevila nfijn..j 'Itioutand of persons of alleges, can now judge what ta the cauye of their declining health. IIs ing their rigor, becoming weal, pale,and emacia- isu, nim m nofrunr ppearance snout the eyes, - v u " my iiiiiuiiii V, VUUSU III J I lllfl . Married Per um, or those contemplating mor rlage, bing aware of physical weakness, should immeoiateiy consult ur.J. feet health. ",' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DV FOR ORGANIC WKAKNitss . . By this great and important remedy weakness of iim wiSuiiioBijeojry cureaand lull vigi-r restored. Thousindsof the most fiervous and Debilitated ipuniuuaii woo uhq tast sti nope, nave brcn imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or Mental Disaunlifications. Nervnn. ir ritability Trembiings snd Weaknese,r exhaustion uj nig iiiooi leunui una, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. , . , ' , Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or. at KHii,iuocuren"i wiwcu are nigntiy leu, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage Impossibler.d destroys both mind andbodr.should apply immediately. . . - What a pity that a young mart, Ihe hope of his country, and the darlinsr of his Dinnti. iho.u k. snatched from all prospects snd enjoyments of Mfe. by the consequences ol deviating from the path of iiimrr, auu luunrmajj in a certain secret habit. oucu personB, oeiore contemplaltne 4 MARRIAGE. onoutd renect mat a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connulial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a wearj pilgrimat'ej the pros' pect hourly dsrkens to the views the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be- comea ori!niea wnn onr own. : OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH KREDERICK-ST., : -' ;,-- v. Baltimoie, Mo. AUSnrsteal Operations Peilormed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prevent you, bat apply immediately either personally or b letter. -Skin piaeases SpeedtlT Cured. ' TO STRANGERS ; T many Ihoiuinds cured a l this institution with in the but ten yesrs, and the numerous impor tant Sargieal Operations performed by Dr. J., wit nessed by tbe Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public,; besides his atanding aa a gentleman of character and responsibility, la a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. , , - . , - ' TAKE NOTICE. It is with tfea rreotent ivnetwoethat Dr. JOHNSTON1 Venult his card to appear before the public, oeemiDs; it unprofcastoiMl for a phyniciao to advertise, bat Bnlesa ha ia aa, Ut afBicted, eapeeially straoira, eoald nut far 1 to fail into tbe head of tbe many impudent and ankmrnad Itnpoelera, with innumerable Ealae Karnes or eombteed Quaeksbepa, awarmtns; these larze clttea, copying Jjj. rloassvoa's advertisements or advertising themselves as physielana, Ulitnte shailow-brnlned fellows, too larr to work at their oriarinal trade, with searee too ideas beyond the brute, wbo,or the parpoae ef Bitidoe and Ioeiv mf. aarry on five or i offioea. aaderaa saaay dlitereat Fml Kamea. so that tbe aOUeted guaagera, eaeaobw one, ia sure to twuble headlong into the other. lirnJrmul Quacks witb eoormoua lying eertifleates of greet and aa tooishing cores frnra peraoos not te be -foil ml, arbo keeo yoa taaJng birye bottles of I.icokics Wins and etber paekagesof altby and wertbises rampoojadav emainalv prepared te impose apon tbe unfortunate mad uamaspSet log. Tri fliruf month aAr month, or aa Ion aa the suiali ktfee can be obtained, aod. In despair, fcavee roa with ruined beaMb, sit-h over your sailing disappoint merit - It te tbia motive that indiiom Ur. J. to aAanrttaerroa Aun ci? ecu roc. To those anaoquaintod with hia reputation- i deemett nnrssssry team that his ereden tials or diii''s aiwavs bene ia bis oftiee. . NO Lh.11i.i4a RECXIVKD tTXLEtfl MstT.Pirn aad eentaiaina' Ptamp to be need for tbe rani- P. "" enooM stete Age and aead that portion pf portion of Ui-ly f. ' Jan. 9, l5o.i A BOOK FOR EV-EitY METHODIST. , .r. TUB ANNALS OF . - scuthe?.:, uumzzj to?, msi Edited by the Rev:- Charles i5!. Deems. D. D. rpHIS Nvv vTpaat embraces the i tali tic and a JL great variety of other interesting im forma' in -every department at Southern Methodist opera tions, under the following general heads -1. The Episcopacy. II. Plan of Viaitsllon. 111. The Ctmierrnces. IV. Dedication of Cher cites. V. Revivals. VI. .dissions. VII. Coll gcs. VJII. - a nday Schools. IX.'-Tract Socie ty. X. Publishing Hoite and Literary Notices. XI- Instruction of People of Color. JC 1 1 His torical Sketches. XIII. Bfoaranlcal Skethrs. LXIV. Personal Notices. XV-Biahoo. Andrew's Uetters on Call loruia. XVI Mtmria'sf Bish op Capers. XVII , Miscellaneoua XV111. Ap penrii. , 360 pages, large 12 mo. v ., . i. ,- : P-lce for which a copy w4ll be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banks of North or South Carolina, or gold dollars, should he sent. A liberal dis count la Booksellers and Ministers. Address i , CHAULKS F. DKKMS, Uoldsboro', N. C.s Jan. 10. . 12T OURilOTTO ISTO PLEASE" s - ' AT THE - - Wllmlnctoti saddle. Harness, and Truuk " ' Manttfaetory. , . THE subscriber respectlullyi n forms tiiepublie that he hits recently received addition to hia stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, 4c, the latest and most Improved stylo, xndis .onsunl) manufacturing, at hisstore on market street .every description of srticloln the above line.. Front hie expertencr Inthe business, he feels confident thai he will beatftc to alvecntlrt sntisfactloniuallwha mavfavor him with a call. lie has bow on hand J v iiiivuniiaiuiT tccv n lariicuuurimnnini Coach., cw SiUtey Harness, Lady' Saddles, cfnuic. traips. q-c. ucniuintm s &4diett traps ' - Spvrsi f. : . te-'iallef which be will warrant to be ofa ' vJlhe oesl D,a(erials and workmanship, i a Ho has also a large assortment of Trunks. Yallaes. Saddle and Carpet Bags, Hatchets, Pane Trn uka. c.. and all other ar. ticjes usually kept In such establishments, all of wnivu ucoueriew ior VAOM.or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness.Trunks, Re Jica I Bass. dee. tc, made to order. - In addition tot he above the snbscriberalways keeps on hand a large supply of String leather and has now, and will ke-jp through the seaaon a eood assortment of Kly Kt-tts. Aliarelnvited to eall and examine my Goods, wnetncrin want or not, as 1 takepleusureliishew ingmy assortment to all who may favor ma with s eall. Harnesrand Coach Trimmings sold at a fail prie to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips ar wholesale. .Ilkindsof Riding Vchit lea bought ' r.. old on nnmniisMona, JOHN J. CONOLF.V . Feb.T, 1856. US ; NOTICE ! NOTICE ffNOTICE ! ! ! THOSE who have not paid their accoonta to January 1st, will please do so Immediately, as It is absolutely necessary for as to receive st year's Bills in order to pay our own. I trust fur ther notice will be unnecessary. Respectfully. Jan. 26. " GEO. SI VKRS. BOARDING. THE subscriber having recently completely (It ted Bp the iiradlcy houe, two doors north of the Presbyterian Church, is now ready to accom modate permanent and tranciont boarders. L. MAU.F.TT. Jn 24. . 133-2m BUCKWHEAT. I erf BAGS extra New Hulled Buckwheat. X f-IV Just received and for aa!e by :-x - , l.. N. BARLOW. Dec. I. No. 3, Granite Row TO "TEACHERS AND FRIENDS OF EDUCATION." THE following new Books and revised Editiona are commended to your attention and exami nation : Daviee' Primary Arithmetic, Davies Intelleciaal Arithmetic ' - Davics' 'New Arithmetic, - Davies' Klementary Algebra,- Da viea' Practical Mat hematica, Daviea Bourdon's Alaebra. Davies' Klemeniary Ucometry, Daviea' Logic of .Uaibeniaties, Davies' L'gendre's Geometry , Davies' Purveying (ltcvised Kditiop Church's Kletuents of Calculus, Church's Analytical Geometry, Haekley'a Triaonometry, i Barilett's Treatise on Mechanics, KanleU'a Analttieal Mechanics, , Bartlctt's Treatise on Optics. Ac, Courtenay's Diff. renlial and Integral Calculi. Parker's Natur I Philosophy (Revised Hdition) Norihend'a Dictation K.xerciaes, ; Nortltend'a American SpMiker, k ; Northeno'a School Dialogues, . Slartin'a Onliocpist, . , . . J Rsnleti's Coli. g0 Astronomy, i -ine vvord uuiuier, Montclth's Fin lessons In Geography. Monie'ili's Manuel of Geography, McN'olfy's School Geoaraplty. " Clark's Kngli-h rammer (Revised Edition) Clark's Analysts, 'Vclch's Analysis of the Englioh Sentence, Day's An of Rhetoric, Mshan'a Intellectual Philosophy, " Karnes Element of 1'riiit ism. - - Krookfield's First Book in Composition, ' Owlsht's Grecian and Roman Mythology, Zachoa New American Mneaker." Wlllurd's Hlftory ofthe Unlttd States, for schools v liilard'a universal History, WIHIard'a Guide and Map of Time. 1 Miltons' Paradise Lot, with Boyd's Notes, Young's Night Thoughts, , v ' Thomson's Wessons, Cowper's Task, and other Poems " Pol lot's Course of Time, Davies' Cyclopedia or .Mathematics, Nonh Carolina Headers ''in prcsa. Published by, A. S. BARNES & CO.. 61 and 53 John St.. N. T. Forsaleby S. W WHITAKKK. Wilmington. N. C. Oct. 30, 07 . . 3m T. C. WORTH, 7 GENERAL COMVtlSSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. - Jan. 8. , ; ' I28tf. v W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Wtfr Stsbkt, Wuminoton. No. t'l. Monuments, Toombs, Head and foot SLones, and aukinasoj Marine VYorCJurntsAedlo order on reasonable terms. June E. , - i . -, , 3(-ly. CRACKERS. JUST received from Philadelphia, Sugar, Sods and Mutter Crickcre. in bbl. half bbl?.' and boxea fresh from the bakery, for est- by I Jan. 2i. r : ' GEO. HOUSTON. f ; FRESn CRACKERS. COOi; Boston, Butler. Crtsm Crsckers, and KJ Pilot Bread, lust rccelvid hy - Pilot Bread. just rccelvtd by Feb. 16. .. L. N. BARLOW. I WANTED. SMALL TENEMENT ss near the centre of a- town os possible. apply at this office. Feb. 12, 1856. ' ' ,. CHEjIICALS-JUST RECEIVED i 1 (U WV oz- German Quinine; . . . ' i JJyJS00 4o French do t 60 Iba. Calomel 20 do.- Syr. lodid Iron , 25 do. Bin Mass ( 69 do. Valiett's Msssi ' 60 galtona Sp'la Nitre t 40. do., ia.ammsn;, w , .. t . ., 20 bbls. Epsom Salta, - 10 do. Copperas. ' Foraala by ' T C. 4 D. DaPRE Wholosaia Druggists, . ;-Oct.5..,:: -'a:'.-: ,...,--.., ; -J,. , . '86.- WROUGHT NAILS. QH KEGS Wroocftti Nails just reeefed J sale by - -; J. R BLOdS For BLOSSOM. ' Oct. 17 93 QTIIXLVEJ JUST RECEIVED, by Adams & Coa Express. 300 ox a. Zlinmfcrs German QBiniae far ul. - ; Wefcaala Druggist, 4fMsrket st. Oct, ia. i . - . -ai.-' LCIHrTV J 4.QQ c ASKS THOM ASTpgr now laading aoc j c K-4VO "AbJuSkaTUEK AC It LVJM UuA Ai.U Li ui JisL raoa vaRioc vessels.' ' Preserved and Pickied Meals, r ', Canf lea.Sngara, Brandies, ' , , " W hi.key , Tea , offeer, ' Porter snd Ale, fiances, Preserved Fruits. . -o r'j - !..' Syrups snd Ct'rdisls, . - , ; " r' Jellies and Jams, - ..- - -CigaTB. Tobacco and Snarl - Wooded, Willow, Earthenand Tin War.' III of which he offrsfor cash, or lo reasons bk parties on ninety days, at the end of which time he will expect the mosey. . t : W. L. S. TOWNSHEND. Nv.27. 1U9 I HAVE this, day asao:ia(ed with roe I ! the I L Hardv ware Business in Wilmington, my Son C. K Robiksob. The bosiness will hereafter be conducted underlie firm ot J M Uobinson dr. Son. ., - . , , J M. FOBIAISON. i fj. M. ROBIYSOX & SON, WILMINGTON. N. a Importers, Manufacturers Agents and Dealers in BaaDWSBK, CDTLKBTk laOK. STKKL, H1ILS, SOBI- 'i CDt.TDSal. UirLCMKNTS, C,:- . j.DI. aOBINSONU , , C. K. BOBtKaoW. Jan, I, I856, fl J " ' : 1 , ..J -'' 124 ' WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK rfllS institution luratcd aiCspt. Pot'er's office opposite Bank of Cap Fear, will be open for the reception of deposit es n Wednesday of each week, front 4 to 1 o'clock, P M-, and on Satur day of each week from 4 to 9 o'eWt, P M ; ' JOflNA.TAYLOU,Preldci , May. I. ! " v 21-tf. ':! ' GUAXO. .. 1 Q TONS oatly expvte4. for sale by X -r-April 24.! : ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. 18. MOLASSES. COHH OS nrinam. a heavy body and wr i estJMOLASSE. Jast received and for ail ADAMS, BROTH EU 4 CO. Nov. 13. ;4 : 103. ' MULLETS AiND MIXED FISH. Of vbbla , in fine order and warrante sound, for 0'a:ileby GEO. HOUSTON. Jan ii. . 132-If. : TE... 0( BOXEN Hyson snd Black Tea some very OU superior, for s-le by . Jan. 17. GEO. HOUSTON. i STEAMBOATS FOR SALE. WKwlll sell the .Steamers "FAIRY," "UMO.' and 4-l3ihsof thestcauier "EVKRGU EF.N,' all of which are now on the waters of the Pee Dee and Waccnntaw. Faibv's length, 81 feet 6 Inches, " breadth, IS " 4 " u d.pih, 4 ' 2 " measures Stand 2 95 tons burthen, was built In the year 1851. i : . Steamer Ukiokt or Elixa's length, 73 feet 6 inch. " " bresdih, 13 J" " " depth, 4 " 2 - , measures 40 and 32-95 tons bnrthen, was built in the year 1830, machinery ail new and la complete order. ' " Steamer Evcnoatxif's length, 121 feet 6 Inches. M f " breudth, 22 ! M " depth, , 6 5 " , measures 160 snd 78-05 tons, and was built in the year 1848, together with their Lighter, Jos.- U. Blossom and Republican one of seven hundred I arrela, snd the other of nine hundred barrels ea pacity. Also, two Flats, nw on the Cape Fear River- one 650, and the other S50 bbla. capacity Terms win oe maoeuasy D. D. ALLEN, . . JAS. H. PfUTGHKTT, Aaljnrea. sept. 27. 84-if J APPLES. Of BBLS. Russes, in fine ordfr, now landing. v-r ror aaie ay GEO. HOUSTON. Nov. 29. , 110 NIXON'S HOUSE. (FORMERLY MRS BORDEN'8) WEST SIDE RAIL ROAD, GOLDSBORO', N. C, THIS extensive and well known public !! lahliahtkinff hna hn nnrihaved mnA liiiw. was reopened by the Subscriber for ihe reception of guests on the 4th inst. -. . It is pleasMntly and conveniently aliuated in ihe centre of btntineas, and is din-cily opposite to, and WEST ur ihe Ticket 01Iice ofthe vNilmin lon and Weldn and the Cantral Rail Road Com panies, where ihe esrs stop on ihtir arrival and departure, and where rAirnrvL saavAtrra will as m WAtTina to take bagttaae, snd give such other altrntion as the traveller may require. . . THE HOUSE has neon remodelled, repaired, and i horouchlv renovated fioiw cellar to gnrre , and furnixlied ihroUL'hout with New Furnitarv. selected with au;cial care, and arranged with an eye single to ihe comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. ; THE TABLE Wl be richly furnished with the substantial, the d-intles and delicacies of the seasons, foreiun ss well ss domestic markets will be rendered tributary lo the constant applt, which will be served ap in the best style, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. THE BAR Will ha a Storehouse of the best Wines anj Li quors, snd superintended by a gentleman of cour tesy and Integrilv, thoroughly acqoaintrd with his business comprising the knowledge bf what Is due lo the rights and comforts of the public, as well as to himself a id his employer. . THE STABLES, which are among the best In ihe State, have been placed In the keeping of a skillful ami careful manager, who will always have under hia care the best and inoai experienced ostlers, and 1. will be among the chief carca of the propriet.tr to ee that horse of his Utls l.e well fed and thor oughly groomed ; This entire establishment tiaa been purchased and fitted up at an enormous expense, and it will hu the pleasure, as, of course, it will hfi the inter est of the subscriber, lo render ihe House in every respect equal l anv in the country He there fore trusts that a generous public will renew and continue the liberal patrenaee heretofore emended to (his House, while under the csre of its former proprietress, Mrs. Borden, who gained for it i cvlebrity throughout the entire Union. II. It- NIXON. Aug. 18. 67-1 y. T GELATIN K. - JUST opened, 50 dux. Cooper's ."parkllntr Ccla mi C. A D. DcPRE, Nov.8 45 Market street. r JUST OPENED. A FRESH supply of Kooso, Batley'a Sedative, i V soah American Remedy and naraher oi new preparations. , - CAD. DtrPKE, Nov. 8. : 45 Market street. T II OS. B, C A RR, M. D. D. D. S. PRACTICAL DENTIST for the last ten yeare, a. t-narges for - 19 or les artirU-ial teeth on fine gold plate,' each. 7 00 An entire set of teth on fine gold plate, , Ditto on gold with artificial gams, . Ditto on Platina plate with artifi. , t eial game. Upper or under ditto, each. A Pivot tooth that cannot bedietiai-alah- ISO Oi 150 01' 15C 00 76 CO ed from the natural, - 5 00 A fins gold filling, warranted permanent. 2 00 Do. and destroying tbe nerve S3 to S 0 Extracting a tooth, - BO eta. to t Or Best dentifrice and tooth brorhe always hand Every operation warranted laa-ivacailra satlsfae tia Teeth inserted Immediately after ihe extrac tion, oi me iBgs ana reHrxii'd alter ine gum have shrunken without additional charga - Offieo on Markel-st , S doora below the Church Wilmlogton, N. C. April 22. 16-tf. PERFUMERY! " JUST received frem New York and Philadel I hiai :-(';:;.; ;..?'!'''; " Gross Luhlns's Fxrscts for tbe Hsndk'f j " do. ' an. Toilet le Soaps j 1 W i '-' d- -2 0,r Mush Toilette Water, " do. " dn. . Verbena do. da. . " ' do. Yankee Soap i : , . - do. Camrthor tioapt-- ' .'. do.:- Pamiae 4m " ' ':' A laraassoemat of Hair Brashes. d isim. br of faae article nsusTly kept' in Dtur ores. . r r' rk ejft i .,. . . . - 4, . v. ss. i,rAR tt pjo,esaio L.rogasis, 'Oe. . Uarket-st., WHmiojton, N. C. ? SUPER-PCCSPIIATC CFLIHE. J I aflflBiGS SUPER-PHOSPHATK P i V 'I LIM R. aa excelleat fart Uixar. last re. eaived ta store, for eala by. .;'.i X . 'AJU-eVMS. BKO, dt UO. I i i mm FOREIGN COLD. AND SILVER COIN. TBElH VaLCB AT TBI NUT. ' i , gold - coins.:; ' Austria QoaJruple Jucat ...... ..f 9 12 0 Ducat .....-......v:; 2 27 9 f Sovereign (or LnmbarJjr). . . . . .. 6 85 0 Baden Five Galden............. 2 4 0 Bavaria Duent .................... 2 27 0 BeltfiumTrtetily-rraiie piece'...;.. 3 t3 2 ' Twentv-fiVe- franc iee'... 4 72 0 Uol vm Doubloon 15 68 0 Brazil Pircs of 6400 reHT. . . . . . . . 8 72 0 Britain Sovrrtkrn . . . 4 , 7 .14 . 1 84 5 89 0 06 0 67 O 63 5 57 0 66 0 83 0 VI 0 97 O 85 0 45 0 84 0 89 0 10 0 89 0 53 0 20 5 007 Bron wirk TVn-Thaler. . . .. Ci-ntral American... ...... . . Eculo .................. Gold Dollar ..... ....... . Chili DonbhH.r. (hrl'ore 1835). ,.,..15 Doubloon (1S35 and sii.ee). ...... 15 Denmark Double Fred, or 10 Thaler 7 Ecusulor Hall doubloon ;.. 7 Etrypi Hondred piaalrea. France -Twenty franca. Greece Twenf v drachma. ........ Hai-nver Ten Thaler. Georire IV.. TeM-Tlialer, William IV and Ernest Himloetan Mohtir. Eaal India Co. Mecklenburg Ten Thaler ....... Mexico Doubl'ion, Mvernge.. 15 Netherlands Ducat. . ............ 2 Ten jruil'Jer 4 New Grunndii Doubloon. 21 raral. ' tamlMrd i ;,.15 51 0 Dduhlooti. 21 rarat standard, inula- dinjr ihn silver. 15 710 Dooblnon. 9 lOths aiaidard......l5 310 Doubloon. 9 lOths standard, inclti- . di.isp the silver".. ........ ....15 38 0 Persia Torna 011. 2 23 0 Peru---Doubloon, Lima, in 1833. . . .15 55 0 ; D"ublonn, Cnzco, to 1833. ...... .15 620 Doubloon. Cozen, lo 1837.' ,.5 53 0 Portugal Hull jew (lull weight)..., 8 65 0 Crown fc 5 81 0 rruseia--Double Fiederick 8 Rome Ten sctidi 10 Russia -Five rouble...... 3 00 0 37 0 96 7 84 5 94 0 26 0 900 37 4 30 0 Sardinia Twenty lire...... Saxony Ten lhale a.'. ... . .... . ... Ducat. ........ . ... Spain Pislote (qr. doubloon) Turkey Hundred piastres.'. ....... Tuscany Seqoin ,. United isiatea--Kagle (belbre June. 1834) 10 62 0 Fivt: dollar piece ol C. Bechter, av- : erajre . 4 85 0 Dollar of the same, n vara ire. ...... 06 0 Five dollar p'c of A. Br chiler $4 92 a 5 00 0 Dollar of tbe same. ............ , 980 Oregon Exchange Co Five dollars. 4 82 0 N. G. & n. Sail FranrWoFive dole. .....4 83 a 4 Winers' Bank, San Francisco-Ten dollars .9 06 n 9 Moffutt diCo., 9 78 9 95 0 92 0 93 0 :A " Sixteen dollar - ingots, about....... ....15 75 0 SILVER COINS. Austria Rix Dollar...'. ....... .$0 97 0 Florin........... . Twenty kreuizers . 48 5 16 0 . 16 O . 1 07 - Lira I lor Lomonrdy . . Baden Crowi I Gulden or florin 39 5 06 5 39 5 30 93 0 46 0 37 0 18 5 006 37 5 187 992 46 0 33 O 35 6 54 0 21 7 7 1 G8 0 97 0 010 224 112 52 3 04 7 17 0 18 7 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 69 2 63 0 25 7 67 5 II 0 39 5 44 7 000 4 0 200 40 0 9 5 982 02 0 64 0 0 0 21 5 00 6 008 36 0 495 112 55 2 120 56 0 60 11 0 39 0 006 300 75 0 13 5 Bavaria Crown Florin.. Six kreuizera Belgium Five Iranca. Two and a hull francs........... r Two liancs ' Franr. ...... f Bolivia Dollar .. Hall dollar, debased. 1830 Quarter dollar, debased. 1830 Brazil Twelve hundred reia....... Eisf lit hundred reis. ............ Four hundred Bremen Thirty six grote Britain .Hall crown SI.HIinsf Fourpence. Brunswick Thaler Central America Dollar, uucer. aay Chili Dollar Q.uarler dollar Eiiibt dollar or real Denmark Rigsbnnk llmier ( - tspecto llialer. ................. ; Thi'riy-two ehillinifa Ecuador Quarter dollar. ........ Ejrypl Ttveiiiy plasties Frat.ce Five francs. ............. Franc....... Frankfort Florhi..... Greece Drachm.. . . .. Guiana, British -Gu.lder Hanover Thaler, fine silver Thaler. 750 fin..... Hayii -Dollar, or 100 centimes Hr-nae Casaei Thaler One-sixth.' lhaler Hese Danixtadi Florin or Gulden. . Hindoetnn Rupee. ............... Mexico Dollar, uverage. ......... Napli-a Scudti Netherlands 'Three guilders. ...... Guilder Twenty five cenle. Two and a half guilders New Granada Dollar, usual weight D-llar. lijjti -r and debased. 1839.. Nora, a Rigadaler. Persia Sahib korun. .............. Pru Dollar. Dima mint Dollar, Cuzco. ., . , Half dollar. Arequipa debased.... Halt dollar, fa sco . PoJaml Zloty . . . ... . Port u ta I C-rn za do Crown oflOOOreie.. Hall Crown. .......... ....... Pruia Thaler, average. ....... One-rixth, Average Double thaler. 6r 3 1-2 gulden.. uome seuuo . Trsion. ihree acuda..... Rusia Rouble ......... Ten Zloiy..... . 1 OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. The following rates of postage nn letu-rs nave Deen agreed upon bt-lween tin trovern ra-itl and the German Stales, Pr::aia, &r. - Bremen. 10 cents j Oldenburg 13; Altona Austrian Empire, (including Hungarv. Ga Ikiu. Lombard anr Venice) Bavaria. Bruns wick, Hamburg. Hanover. Meckleiihoufg CScnwenne and biraelitz, Kmi!lm ol Pi us ia. Kingdom of Sa xony. And Saxe Alien burif. 15; nil other U rmtn Slates, rides and towns. 22; Switzerland and the ether lands 25 : Denmark ami Schleswlsr 27: Po land and Russia. 29; Constantinople, Greece ud oweueu JJ; Xiorway. 37 pre-pay mem optional. ' - Alexandria. Corfu. Island ol Malta. Wal- lar.hia. 30 rents ; Italy, (except upper part) j; pre-pa j meni requtrea. Newspapers and CirruUra. 2 cents each. tn be prepaal,. , Mails to the Pact nc For n single lei- Ier. nol exceeding half an ounce in weiyht from New "York lo Chaere 20 eeni ; to Panama. 20 postage to be wepnid. Pis rage ts Callilorniti and Oreg-m (they beinff U. S. poaeaions) need not be pre-paid. ' " L IIiriNa MaK. A line ia established he ttveeit Charlelnti and Hatana. the aleam era touch ig at Savannah and Key West, tbe postage of trhiafa ia fioaa the port of de parture to Havuna Mi cents na a .iitglr lei ler nofrxceeding balTan ooitev in w itft rkh an addiiinnat 10 cents for each addi. lional half ounoe or fractional ex of half an nonce to b pre-paid. Posfcije on each newspaper la f&tvana, 2rceitu, also to be prepaid as OR nitsra. Onlelierala Britisft Nwl AterieX 10 ceau, il not over 30OQ" milr ; if. over that distance. 15 remt a sinirla .rato-s-ctro Daid or po, at tb jfaOJi at the of that eoodw C ' ' 1 RATC3 OF POSTAGE. , . LaafFat W tn flllll rU.aeaV4 a. Itl.Ss Ska MhBsi I.!.... -w ' y,mr. w ' Hl'f I T 'rTf Tf 01 ppr, hiii iof ricrrin Half mi ou-.et it stsiifhl m.i & .. j : . . j . . . . milrs, 3 cents ver 2DG3 riiilea, 10 eenie. Louoierate trrretroii.g half an ounce treble, if rfrcrdin a . ....... . ....a - r -. u 1 . , niiii a., ri charging as) dJnioi, rulv lor tvtry mJJi tional hall' asnrs. nr fm.i .. I. .. ii- - 1 -,..., iieu o oince. Ahaolnta nm niamriu U..... . ., all letters v places wiibio ihe United Suites . I .. .....I ..I. A :l .. .nr. . From and after Jaiitiur let 1856. all Ut era between places in the United Stira' must, be pre-paid, either by postage ei.imt ny aiamped envelopes. Letters dropprd in ibe 4t nflle f.,r livt-ry hi the same plnce. 1 rem . .,rh. LettrrsadvrrtUi d arurbarrd 1 cent each, b-idea regolar postage. Drop Irtiers are not adveriiaed. Ciaceta-aa. 1 rent for 3 nances or Ira in any pari ol the United Stairs, to consist of but one piece of paper pre payment option al. ' ! - 1 " Dsjly newspapers wi i'ifnHl: threw nunrrs' less. 45 1-2 rents per quarter, vrheti from Ihe i.ffice of publication to nn'M i,(" botn.fide subscribers any where ia roe Uni ted States. Transit-, t newspaper rni any where wi'hio the Untied Stai. s. I rent" lo Ihree mures or h ss. When iheartiele to be niiiled is a . iiru-' lar. pamphlet, or ewpaper. it should he so' enveloped as In he open ai one en-l otl.rr- wise.it will bir eharge t aa a letter. BRITISH POSTAGE ARHAN61 JlEXTS' Letters (tosted or cbnrueii a. h tC,,iu d' Slate will Iterated ni a hairotH.ew n, ibri' single letter j ner a bull and nof exc rding? an ounce, naa double letter ; aver an mn Ce and 'not exceeding an nonce and a bull- na ' In ble letter; and ao on. eaeli half ounce' or Iraeiinnnl ex era coa.aiiiuiii'g a rate. The single rntea In be chnrgnl 'on curb' letter posted in the Uniied States addressed to any place in Great Britain or - In lainl is 24 cents; ihe double rale 43 and so n. Said polage on letters tfoinj 1,1 any plar.-' in Great Britain or Ireland may b- pre-piid, if ihe whole amount in Ir11.lc1.1l ut ihi, olHc' in Ihe U. S. where mailed at the option o the sender. Neyspapcrm may he mailed at any nlTire in the United Slitles lo any plare'in tbn United Kingdom 011 the pre-pay meni ol 2 ei-nis. a d may on rereipi lioni nnv place iir Great Britain or In lai d, b.- il i v. r. J at Hny offii-e in ihe Unili A 8lates nn payiil. nl of 2 cents. Note. Each Govrmmeni is to charge 2 cents on each nevispaper. These are in be sent in bands or covers, open at the si.li a or ends, and to contain no manuscript wlia ever. Perrons mailing letters In loreign coun tries, with which ihe Uniied Slates have not entered into postal tirr.iii.iinenU. are remin ded thitPit is necessary lotwWm to pre-pay the pmper postage, or the leiier' cannot bt forwa'deil. NOT DEAD. THE "LIVE UKAall" At AIM A, New Era About ta Da wa Upon Nurth (arollna. At the constant end eaiia-st solit-i allon fnrar. ly evt-ry body, but e.rtlll thu old scriii.tiiiisii. o-a of "ye Aiiituul," bave been inducrd lo jro inUe. il ptux.ender" enough tan be a.-cim-d, lo trot that least out aaln to tin ot all nixn. kllil ai.il I Iim liiil.ur..l.itli.lp.ll. V u .. ...1. during the flrl wwk In January, IfOfl. r "'l b Live Obatlr," hiU it was a lieulrsl a ler wlill.' it Krazd in II. own grren .anir, ilsyed wilh the git It slid jokeil with Ihe Imivs, was Ihe most popalat sheet aniniaUxt inanimate. that ever bufl from a Boaideia resj bh.i Imd it b.-en coiileiil In have livro In its own nativtr lliere il wiaild now have bet-n Ihe ' linMh.-r Jmiaihan" of ihe 8nth. Bach Kp-.ult can Imr bee il. ut to any thinking; man ; It wus Iml.-rd on tbe high road lo fame and ninal enviulilu distinction. But titoiniiijr fj(, in an imliicky moment like the man who had iciowa ' rtcken vueh. to ride an ant," and bad. therefore .i.il.-r alaive bis fellows, the "Animal'' Ka d tlio iwi of ils scctiNtoincd field ami ihe ik-xi ihins iM-srd of him, lie, like a limn tnria-d (M.liiicisa from l-resch. r, was pinfujc for tin- koimI ihintcs ot lite and no doubl. like thf silly lamb ofolilihat eluded Ibe sight of the shrpard. and got Inio the thick wood which was IVniud to be inli-sird wiih. Wolvt-B, he wished himself Lack in his old tango. Unt the bam hud la;u put another tail higt, el and be con lil n't pet back ; IhI.Iib, Ua tiad grown sofcffMthat be couM tK-tJumn It is said that botilil w bdiuii is ,e bet in the world. If It dont cost too ninth. A mia-hty irurfsyitig ; one in which there la mora of tiui tiian poelrv iw romance, and In view of this old sating and lb Aniiiinal's rx-ei ienee bis old hit-mis need have? litile ar I ha I hr will sl any lima hereaJki-r eut the aiu cs i ssln. allu'il kick any assa that would Intiiuatn such a thing;. The Live CUrsttu will Ibeu ins hentral. . It will be riev.Hrd to fun, to the uetcs. and literature. Il wilt !' madu tbe Vebiele of aibliahin many a thought to the world, niniiv, gravq wnd instruc ilve. thai would bare way-ted itselt on the all ss snnim'T rosra do." but fr iia columns; it will seek every 0rt unity tarn gravrand oninter eating nialtera into ph-asanl and aem-ahlM Inci delila ; npaet all ill-iistun d- liumsnil v it meets with and mould it anew; exwa all racslity wherever r.aind. whether In Clmrcli or State (tliat's rai)isiii( a rrt-at ih-al ) or in Ihe aocisl bcle. snd keep a strict watch on tbe pre. liters rr, reliioiis sad polillcsl and ace I hat taib kie lis ImiuikIs; The riliaens of Ratt-igli know well enonirh the vsliu- of.sich berl and won Id not do without it another year lor half a million. Why, sine I ha .tit It... Aaoia1 rpoiil I in-lr lu.A:t a IlifV liaea. - - - - - had more bad luck than was ever hrard ol before-. More Trust have tarn made nwr liens lrrr aivi O upon protiiy. more' aitsieniuenla ms.le. more quarreling and rJjrhiin. more ilrinkbi( of li.jnor mora rwesnneae grnrratly. ami more ill ln k than tv was known at any etloil since lb great laene ia Esypl. Now this Is as i.lain as daylight, and the only remedy for sndi ella is 10 Irnt out the Animal again. Mo I think. ' Ku. ibis is the proposition I shall make to yon. I want an a lira nee of your w illinjcm-ss to patronlx the Animal, snd to cut that arsurancel shall five yon full o. ortnriity lacorrrsMind will ine and to send In sli Iba nanu s Ibat can La so corr.1 If 600 nam.-s e n be s-rurrd. we shall have no' fi-ara o the aureus ofthe Animal, lie will soon grow lal wbenhe ix-Kina to lake iii n ie and, li en be can plead bis awn case. If aoi with elo qiietit ords at h-at w ith an oceaslonal kick at tbe boys. It has lM-en intlmsled lo me that ibe ronnec- bia t sastaloMt to the Carolina l'caL" woulit injine the Animsl since the - P. tmmrt" had sud denly etldred and left many of its subscriber th suds I have to say here, and I ho-e It wii3 sati-fy every body that I bad no intm-sl la I bo ' Pennant." I wr.nr meal of Its ElinIl f r ' which I sknuld have received ftmelktuf aCori1iirr l agr-em.-fit bill I did na. I hse I lied ll.ia ee bniiH-s snd il n ithe( pay. re .ails my ife niaa, I want a brut1 irmi.here a wbbj lati tude, end n..lH1y todivhie "' me i 1 lKi .jK.ils., T I . . . . . r : I ,.it..nt t..t .....K ..t I. want yna lo -itl hv yoor aatnra U tween now and lln-Aral .Jsnnart; if eaonsh repin. Ihe -'Auimaraill mskr his bow; if lua no harm done.. Tkbms: Tw dollar it mmm .srl h- on-IrliT.-rv .f frl nntnlwr; Iwa dollars snd fifty erais If mM In avMile. ihrve dollars if iHt iaM llll enrl rr tf,, nnrv will lw rir qoirerl nH ,h" first Ko. U U-n- ti R II WHITAKER RsttuTa.C; JUST PUnUSHED, From tbe Commercial OJUe, io jatmphlet form price $3.00 for m bondred copies : THE 7TATIO!fAI PUTKURM OH Ttiri ASrCRICATf OnGAX IZATIOX ' With WVirads from CEO. WAS4IISGT0N awl TU03; JEFFERSON", f wrra .-. CRIMrXAL A!5l PACPCn STATISTICS. ', IO TBS SPEECH OP. CLEHZH2, of ALOan u , aVaeaawaParia. Ta