- s. "COMMERCIAL" fiaiii UST ATI L, I SIIMEXT, ? EOjJTH SIM MAMITflUS Wi HAH if JIUUM. : - WILMINGTON, 0 - - TTTB PROPRIETORof thU weB known Establishment large sad beamifal assortment of Type ana neM hmvintr Jast added to his .tcw-ic one of K. Hoi Co'l patent single cyusdeb printing ma- . . rniKfa tw la iw natili to da work at a much mora reasonable rate than iormerly, and in lira finest atyle of i: -'-o - ,. " v'.-- " HARDS. , Printed from $3 to flO per thousand. VV.r BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, BECEtPTS FOk feillROADS, 8TEAkdOATa. CORPORATIONS, fcc. ' . flILL-HKADS, SnOP-BILLS. BILLS OF ". . ':"; LADING, ASD HBADUS'GS, , f . C We would eaU the attention of Coooert Agents, Bhow men and others, to our faeiutia lor doing mi Kind o in Kiscsor ' , . : ' . PLAIX AXD ORNAMENTAL rRlNTINO, lloiai In thA nMtMt m An ner. and at short notice. TboM in want of Print! mi we Croat will find it to. their - adTantsge.to gi vs as.a calL . . ".'..".-'-:'' - v COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shipper and others Is called toonr - xtenaive assortment of Commercial Blanks. Among tb collection is a very fine and banusotne lot oi talis 01 x-x- enaiKre, in sneers ana books. November a, 1864. - - - - .Sr',-' " " PROSPECTUS OF THE PLYMOUTH "BANNER. - I'T'HK subscriber havlne purehasedihs '-Villa- A'ger establishment, will commence publishing weekly Newspaper of the above title, about the middle of January. lib. ..',. . Oar paper will be "independint in all things, and neutral in nothing." giv'ng -II parties and creeds a respectful hearing- It will be devoted to th interests" of Plymouth, North Carolina, snd tha South to the cause of Education, Agricul ture, Internal Improvements, and tne development of the resourccsof the State. - W will do ollin our p wer to make oar paper interesting to the general reader, as well as toihe buainesanan. Proper attention will be given the Marine List and Priee Current. In short, we will companior. to all classes, from the Parlor to the Counting Room,, and oneuorihy the aupport of those fivonng ua with their patronage. . ' I copy at the end of atx month, tl 50. ! " t 't 1 copy at the end of the t ear, 3. C. G. D 4 VKN PORT, ) Kditors and - C. H. KELLVfc , $ Proprietors. Jan. 12. - ". . . ..:.. , . li M RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and fur aale at The Commercial Office, the Kates of Pilolase for the B ir and River. , - ' 3J-f. . r NOTICE. THEsubscriberespectfuIly informs the public, thathe is no wtranascting the Auction business on nis own account, and hopes oy strict attention to business, to mem a continuance rithat patronage heretofore aoliberally bestowed upon him. a . M.CKONLY. Stoek,Real Eatate and Negroes. bought and sold on a eommtfaion, either at private or public sale. Jan.ms. :' ..-.V-.y. " : WROUGHT NAILS. On KEGS Wrought Nails just received. For sale by." V; J. 11. BLOSSOM. Oct. 17. T QDIMXE! JUST RECEIVED, by Adams &Co's Espresa, 300 oza. Zimmtr's German Quinine. For aale by . . ., Cvdt I). DoPRE. . . Wholesale Druggist, 45 Market et. .'- Oct. 13. ' . -, . , " . : - 91. Wl L M INGTON ' MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ot several larire establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited eupply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all -qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES, end every other article In the line of the business st reasonable rates.' - SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING (Executed aa well aa can be done either North n South. - - ; ', Tbebeal reference can be given .'if required. - - ... JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6. 1854. ' . tf. CRANBERRIES. rNE bbl. just received and for sale by. J , - L. N. BARLOW. Dec fl. lU-tt LET US REASON TOGETHER. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK t It Das been the lot of tite human race to be weighed down by disease snd suffering. HOLLO- J "WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief J ti ids vykah, tne KK.VO US, the DELICATE. I - and the INFIRM, of all climes age,- sexes, and tunnuauoni. - r rojof-sor rioiioway personally su perinterda the manufaetnre of his medicine in the uniKHi own, ana oners Uletn to a free and en- ugntened people as the best remedy the worlc ever bw ior iue reioovaj ot disease. . , THESE PILLS PDRIPY THC RI OOO Theae famous Pilla are. expressly combined to operate on the stomach, flie liver, the kidneys, the ut(tu..uu,inu toe oowcis, eorrecting any de rangement in j heir fuoctions.nurifvins the blood. the very lountala f iiie, end thus curing disease i JU I I II IVI live. ' - -a . ..- v --. - -I; DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER. tJOM PLAINTS. .., au ne namtn race have taken thce Pills. It baa been proved in all parts of the world hi itji-'imnij u-isoenrt (anna rqna i to I hem in ca sesol diaordsra of the liver, dyspepsia, and stom- "v " cacrsiiy. fe, x ney soon give a nraji ay ion toese organs, nowevetsmash de ranged, and when alt other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Hanyot tne moat despotic Governraenta have opened their Custeirt House to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the meoicine . of the maes. Learned Cotlece admit that this menlclne is tne oest remedy ever rnown for per sons of deticaie health, or where tha ivatrm ha been Impaired, aalta invigorating properties never ' mi iv inora reitrt. . FEMALE COMPLAINTS, No Female, young or old, should be without this eeieorated medicine. It corrects and regulatesthe monthly coarse a t all periods, acting la many ca - sea like a charm . ft la also tha beat and safest nuxi. icine that can b eiven to children of all ages, and Lor e0mPlaot ; consequently bo family should HoUowaft Pills art tie best remeh known in ike world for tk r; CC Asthma Diarrhosa' Indigestion StoneiGra Bowel Com-Dropsy ; Influanxa vel , plainta DebtlityU InfUmm. Secondary Coughs- Fever and tioo SymptonS ' . ni :' ' r" Tr Vnerial AfV Cheat D is- Female dls-Weakness v lections easea , eases ; Liver com- Worms Of all . Costlveness Headachee plainta kinds Dyspepsia Lownesa f pHea - , , ? Sold al the Establishments of Professor HoL loway, 60 Maiden Lane. New York, and 244 Strand. London, and by all respectable Druggli-ts and Dea lers of Medicines throeghout the United States In Pots and Boxes,' at, 25 cents, 62 i cents, and 1.00each. ,. - . CTnere la a considerableaving by Ukitig . th Urger sixes. .. . N. B. Directions for the gaidance of patients , In every disorder are afixad to each Pot. f JsllkV.r,..'!' - " i&li-c - LATE PUBLICATIONS JON HAND AND tfQlt SALE AT s. Wr AtniTAiinns McCauley'a History of England1, vote 3 and 4 Preseott's History of Philip 2nd. King of Spain, voir, t and 2 Sauler'a Notes on IMearanza; Napoleon at St. Helena, by John S C. Abbott; ' MelSally'a S.rie of School. Geographies, IN oa. 1,2 and 3: , North Carolina Readers, Ko I, J, ami 3? -. Davie School Arithmetic a new editum-t Riosraphy of Fernando Woud, Mayor .or New Vorfc t !' - , . Lippinctt Pronoontinf; Gaaetteer of the World, containing a notice and the pronunciation of the oatnea ot -nearly one ilundria - tnuaxano placea. -.. - " . " flllsa uanKiey's tieoa tne icsnmony - oi an Escaped Novice ' ' .- - ... .... ..... 4 BaUada b?' v m. n.'l hacEerv t - Men and Womea.5 Robert Rrowninst Tha Hangers' "ea!t.- or Conversation around the Camo Fire, by Capt. Maync Reid t I, ncy Huston, or woman ttints aa sptrit- oaliimt ...'- ' -- Tha Life and Works of Uoetha, wiin -sKetches of his Contemporaris, by G. H. Lewes; Ailiefurd. a Ksrnilv History S. Select ions from the Writing of Waiter Savage Laudor t - ' tc 7 - Kate vVeaton.orTo W ill and To Do, by Je.l.ia Itosa Tlarlrv fr onnv Kern : Lilly Hiisnn, an Autobiugrapliy, by Alice Grey; VoU9tf Bailnu'a Pictoriul; Mexico and its Reliaion. by R- A. Wilenn New Books from ail the principal publishers and latest Periodicals constantly on nana. Jan. 22. - ? TURPENTINE TOOLS. 1 T BOXES Tut nentine or Uoxino Axes: 12 J. 0j dnien Ea. Hackers nd floundhave. For aale by - - " ZKINO u. GltKENK, . Jan. n. r ro. I, Maraei atreer. I FRESH CRACKERS. Of 1 BBL. Sodn.Suar and Butter now landing XJJ from Bchr. W. H. Mnim. and tor sale by ZENO H. GREENE, fo. 7, Market at. Jan. 22. VfTA letter f.-om Rev. Ch trlts Hibbard. Mia- aiouary in Burmah. to his fmher, Jcet tjh kobin- eon, Ksq , ol this City, has been banded to us for publication, from which we make the f iIlowin ei tracts, Proridt.net Journal. - ? niwrox, Maultiiain, June 6, 1835. ' Dear Father 1 ill you kindly say to Mr. Da vis that Mrs. Hibbard and njjsell. and indeed I might add, a. I who came out with us, feel very gTatetttt tor ttie doxoi t'ntn K tllet wnicn he g.ive ua wnen we lett our native land lor burmah. I rtave used it tor Ootigtts, Colds, violent Internal Pains, Summer Complaints, Burns. Bruises and lor the Sting of i-corpions- and with uniform suc cess The only severe spasai of thj atumach which Mrs. Hibhard has hd in Burmah. was In stantly relieved by the Pain Killer. We always keep It where we can put our handa on it in the dark if need be. Although I took Mr. Nisbet'a box in addition to my own when he returned to Anittit a. tt ill it is all gone but three or four bottles, and that would have been gone long ago, had I not refused to part withi'. . . " The Karens, also, are beginning to learn its va!- and can lor it, but I have to deny tlum, except in dopes, for we could not think of be ins without tu tin tne rain MHir, l leel in vselt well arm ed a.aintt disease that is in all ordinary cases. It is indispensable, and J seldom meddle with snv oilier meoicine j, , . ; Rev. CHARLES HIBBARD. .ua. r aaav UAV18 i icei it to oc my duty to bear my testimony to tlie tmcacy of your infalli ble Pain Killer.- - I have used it lor year, for com plaints ot the "stomacB and Huwel having for-, merly been si.biec. to severe attacks of Diarrhna and Cholera Morbus but for the last two vears I nave not naa occasion to use it or any other medi cine for that complaint, it having petftctlv restor ed mv diteaiiv organs. ' . I hada very severeatlark, a few dsvs aro. of the ague, and such a pain in myiabaek, for three daya md nights, tnat i could get no rest I demanded of my phyaician, alter several thinaa had been tried, to give me something to relieve my back and head of pain, tie said i mut hat he. at d wait till the Ague wore oil, and tne pain would wear awav. I had too much pain to feel easy, and sent snd got a 25 cent bottle of the "Vegetal le Pain Killer." I took a lime inwardly, and bathed according to di rections, and one application has removed all the pain and 1 am able to write to-day, though with a tren.bline hand. The application was made l.-i night about nine o'clock, and I had a sweet night's , re?t. l nave recommenced it lor several years and it has given universal satisfaction where it has beenruscd according le directions, ' i ours, gratefully , L. PERRY CHJLDS, Pastor of Baptist Church, Troy, Ol io. Thousands, of lAVtnr Witnesses Certify la their JetfiAA"rs from day to dan lie IVondafui . Ejects vf DAVIS1 PAIN . - KILLER. ' " Sahdoskv Citv, Ohio. Nov. 24. 1848 Mr. J N. Harris Dear Sir : Your favor of the 28ih ultimo is at hand, and in teply will say We began selling Perry Davis' Pain Killer, and with TeT hrtle effort on coir part; sales wete small at first, but aa it became known in our community, " ucru""u ;,:" rapiuiy, tar oeyona our ea pectationa, and every person lhat bought it -would eome after more, and speak of it in the highest t rms aa a valuable remedy for ail thoae diaeasea your pamphlet spoke of From those recommen dations we were induced to use it in our own fam ilies, and the good ehvet of the nie.i icine were im mediately apparent. W'e have sold moit of the Pain Killer than we ever have since or before of any other medicine in ihe same length of time; anu w no rnii nesiiate to say tnat it naa given net ter satisfaction to. the purchaser than any other ar ticle we have ever sold. Keep large supply in the Wast, it is iusttsuch a medicine as the peoole want, and thevhaveairnadv fonnd ont that ihcy can cure the fever and sgut for iwemy-nve cents, n wui cur a cild m urns honi a severe cough in one ninht and hn mnvwt je tne otsi meoicine in use, lor a dtsc iscd stomach and many ottivr porpoee. V ur, 4"-e. ; .; LOCK-WDPD t GtCAJ3A.I, OAV1S' VfcliKTABLE PAIN KILLER. I TAisonparillaled preparation is receiving morel testimonials Of its wonderful emeaev in removing 1 pain, llian any otiier medt Ine ever offered to th- I ... J public; And tnese testimonials come - not alone 1 from the ignorant, but fiom persons of every de gree ol intelligence and every rank of life. Phy sicians ot tne nrsi respectability, and perfectly conversant with ihe nature of diaeasea and reme dies, have recommended ibis aa one of the most enectual in ineir nne or preparations tor the ex naln. The PainKiller Lued lr,rr..,l- tinctton ot pan ly and externa rnally, according to the nature of th complaint It has been found to be an excellent remedy for sudden colds coughs, dec.: fever and ague, asthma and phthysie.pain in the head, Sid ney complaints, bruises and sores, severe burns. canker, boils, and ringworms, weak stomach, -and ieneZ"1 debiUiy.imlo'wr. eolie,- broken breast, wv., w -- win, i.i.ii m i m 1JV. u J " .V I . complain', and dyspepsia, teeth-ache. The Pain Killer i sold b Gewrsre Wilmington; C. C. Green, Elizabeth v. warmer, iewoern t v . tl. wtiisrd. tvashin tont and by Druggiata and Grocer cvervwnere. Ocu 20, 1?65. . 94 3m. f BUTTER, CHEESE. &c. GOSH Eft' Butter, do. Cheese, English, Dairy and Pine i aple Cheese, Codfish, Scotch Her ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of oilier goods, just receiver" and for sale by - ... , T . . .,:- i. in. Haltuitv, .. June 16. - " No. 3. Granite Row. RYE WHISKEY, - . I p DOZ. Bottles pore old Rye Whiskey, of -I eW perior-ouaiitr. . Far. aale by 7 - ' - FRUIT TREES FOR TI1E SUN.VY SOUTIT. VERT select cotlettlon of choice Ftuit Tree. i propagated a mast etrlusively -from visorous l oearinjj tree, tnat nave proved thrlr adarttatttMi t i oar southern climate, are -ruiw otierf d for ante by S W. WESTBKOOKS. Pronator of the Guil ford Pom )l )gicaf G trdens anl NurSertet, located I at New .Boston, N. C. -x' ' - i T. D-. Mearee. Jno A. Taylor. Dr. J. D. BeJIamy. De'losaet dt Brown, Isiac" Xurtbrop, and Wm, Mr. JSO.J. tONOLEr will receive and for ward orrters; -. , Jan. 12. . - ' . . 128-2m-p Orrrca & Majt. Rail Road, . . . Wilmington, D1C4 (3ih,lr55. J TOTICK Is hereby givrn thar all Fr.'ighl trons t ' ported tiy inlt itujd will be st the enitrc. risk of-the owner. Irunrthe m.Hm-nt t is un'ad'-n from the tars at the poiTrt oi d' iivery . - v. ";' V ; ... L. J. FLEMING. - v f ? General Superintfndent . Dec 13. -t- . . v. - - . llMy FOR BALTIMORE. THE SCHR.5. II. POOLF..Capt. Rives, will Jiave quick dttpatch for the above port, fur freight or Pagssve apply to - 'J. H. CHADBOUU.N & Co. February 19, 1556. PRUNES. FRESH PRUNES, eight pounds for on dollar at - - L. N. BARLOW'S. Feb; 28, 13e5. - , - -' r-- - JUST RECEIVED. 4 LADIES Blactand fancy eolored Gaitvete; Missea ' , ; " " Gentlemen's calf and patent leather Con?rcs Ualters. t or aale at low by GEO R. FRENCH. May 8. ; 24 WIIISKEV. I T.UST RECEIVED Irom Cincinnati, "direct.'' J FOURTEEN BARRELS , RECTIFIED WHISKEY.' For sale at the lowest prices for CASH, by W. LS. TOWpCHKSD, JINU.1RV 1st, 1855. T II E matron ol the Hat and Cap Kmporinm arv a reapectrullv notified that all accounts made pre vioua to this date are tow due. The bills are rca dy and it la hoped will be promptly settled. f SIIKI'AKU MYKKS. Hat and Cap Emporium, o. 1 Granite Row. ; Jan. 1. . - 123 HERRING'S Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. The great interest ma ni tested by the puolic to procure more perfect security from Fire for valua ble papers, such as Hii.tm, Mostgaots. ) icos Notes, and Books olr AccocKt. than the ordinary S A h K heretofore in use had affurded, induced th Subscribers to d vote a Urge portion ot time and attention during the past.burteen ytars in making hey now beg leave loaaru.e their nuntenni- friends, and the public genera ly. that their efforts Muve been crowned with complete siicecsf,'ind now offer the "IPKOVK.D HERRING'S PATENT WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM FIRE PROOF bArhV astlie . rniHPIftV SirrflP TlirWnni.n ....1U. - - HAVING BEE! AWABPED MEDALS AT BOTH THE World's Fair.London.M l.&Neiv York'53 As superior :o all other. It is now, undoubtedly. entitled to that appellation, nnd secured with HALL'S PATENT POV DKR PROOF LOCKS-, i (which also waa a warded Medals ns above,) forms the most pertect rue and Burglar Proot bales ever before ottered to the Public. - The Suhecribe s nlo manufactures all kinds of Boiler and tjhilled Iron Hank Chesta and Vaults. Vault Doors, and Money Boxes or CheM for Bt". kers, Jewellers, ami Private ramilles, for Plate, Dia ondi, and other Valuables. A) d are alao Pa tentees, (by purchase.) sod Manufactuiera of : JJSES' PITEXT PEBBLT4TI01 B.1.K IflCE, Sir.AS C. HEKRINC & CO. Patentees, GREEN BLOCK, Nos. 13 137 & 138 Water it. Agent for North Carolina, " JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, '. Wilmington. Feb. 12. , 141-tf NOTICE r NOTICE 1 1 NOTICE ! .' ! n'HOSE who have not taid their accounts to l January 1st, will please do so immediately. as it is absolutely necessary for ns to receive isat year's Bills in order to pay our own. 1 trust fur ther notice will be unnecessary. Respectfully, Jan. 26. f GEO. MYERS. C HE 31 IC A LS J UST RECEIVED : I lKlfi OZ. German Quinine; 9J A500 do. French do; 60 lbs. Calomel t 20 do. Syr. IoJid Iron ; 25 do. Blue Mass; 50 do. Va Kelt's iMnss; ? 60 gallons Sp'ts Nitre ; - 40 do. Aq. Aminon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts; 10 do. v Copperas. For sale by C. d D. DoPRE, Wholesale Druggists, 5. .86. Oct. BOOTS AND SHOES. ALEX. BRAGG & WARREN, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealers tn BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 30, WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. B OFFER for sale, on favorable terms. Bj liiin unusual variety, especially adapted to tne ivortn Carolina trade, consisting in part of Mens thick Kip. Calf, Goat 4 bnameled iirogans Boy a and Youtha ' - ' Mena Thick Kip and Calf Boots; ' :: Boys " : -ylyf Youths " r, ... Womeiio, Misses and Ciiildrens Boots nnd Shoes of every description, all of which will be furnished or slzea as required, at the lowest market priccsand Waebakted. Our Mr. A. BRAGG desires to ex press his thanks to the Merchants of North Caro lina, for their very liberal patronage during. the past twenty years, and respectfully toliciis a con tinuance of the same. Mr." A. M. CARTER, of North Carolina will be happy to see his Inends ss above. , : , - . Dee. IX , - I15-3mw-p COMMISSION M ER CHANT, BEAUFORT, i C, ... j . ..... , r it ..--. i Any business entrusted to his attention will be attended to promptly and to the beet of his ability. Camming A Styron, Com. Mer'chants , i Wilmlng- j J ton N O. Mr. Ja-.-Norcnm, Attorney at Law, Mr. Edward Stanly, Beauiort N C Mr. Beni;ivnin I., "errw. General. tg"nt for t nd. r w-ji.li: t?, ft twfoi-i, - -i Feb. 5th, 183b. , ; v Zl-IVm'-w. ' : 1 l tXTTi ntriWI jU:Hm ilill IMVUit- PZK.ff 1 LBS. N. C. f hog-round) Bacon, at , . . . . . . i.ara in not prime rt. v., in iore ana lor aaie lor cosh, Dy ZENO H. GREENE, iSo. 7. Market Street. February 19ih IS5S. : : MESS PORK. .B?LS" ?nding from schri Mary laa- ,rom "rr Jif.nr, ... AV W J asA Ji 1. ' . Jan. I. : - 123 MEDICATED ' GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. impervious to water, assimilating most pcrfeetlj me naiurai vtmcie. at may d adyantageousit ased in chapjed lips, excoriations about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost 'every kind, and as a dressing io surgical operation-.'- - ' 4 .';'',"- ' - - : The proprietors feel great confidence in- present ing the above article for asn, believing it will prove rutty aoequa-e to tne enos proposed, and invalua ble as a medicinal remedy- , For sale by th Pro prietors, , C.dc D. DaPRE. ALSO VETERIANRY GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODION for Saddle and Harness Gall. Woandsand sores on horses. For sale bv the Pro ; prietors, . 1 A NEW and Valnaiile Remedy for dtessin' I , rfe " KXWoon,, Cuts, Burns, and Ulcers. It. ha. I - C-.a"e. I k... .... r..n . . r i I R fiK i tii in laLTmiuriy oj i nysician f, ana luunc i , r-!il . I.m. I . I """"J nnu now in I . ... . . I It to rms when nnlieit f Tu i I - - i , C m. D. DoPRE, j. .- Hay 20. Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. - FRESH ARRIVALS. 'I'tlb. eubscriber has ust adica rargeiy to tits X stock of good lhtOL'.' all fresh and In fine ol der. Among his articles are ' . ' ; '. r ORANGES) - - APPLES.? -J LEMONS; , - CITRON .' , 'RAIMNS; - . CUKRANTSf - , .'COCOA NUTS; JJELLIE""; ' " -PRESERVES j PICKLES;..' . Ct N Ui KS; a large and varied assortment i "PINE APPLES, .- ; BNANAS, r - BRANDY FRUITS - ' ' ' PRUNES - - v r - PLANTING POTATOES; - : SEGARS and TOBACCO; Groceries. c dtc. J ' A!) of th above articles will be sold at the low est eaeb prices. . . - ' . F- M. AGOSTINI. Feh;9.1C56. - - - 110-tf.- WILMINGTON & WEL. R. .R. CO. fvsSJ vs??3 t ' Orrce Exotsaea a wo SvpaaiKTEKbENT,! . Wllininstort, N. C, Jan. I, IH56. - T'HE PASSENGER TRAINS WILL, UX I TIL further notice, run over this road aa fol lows -r- - - " . ' . - tiOING NORTH. DAILY. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 6 A. M ; arrives at Goldabort at 9 Si leave in ti minute .-and arrive at Weldon at 1.30 P. M. - - NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves WPming. ton at 4 30 P. Ma arrives at Guldrboro' at 8 6 i. to sopper 20 minulcss arrives at Weldon at 1.00 A. M . -' - . GOIVG SOUTH, DAILY. ; DAY EXPRESS leaves W eldon at V2 v- . r- rives at Goldton 3 20 P.-M. leaves in 5 min utes; arrives at W ilmington at 7.30 P. M. to sop per. NIGHT EXPRESS lerivca W, ldon at 9 P. M. arrives at uwusnoro- si i.hj j. hi. leaves in o minutes- atrives ai-WUniinpvon at 5'"30 A.' At. "The Nisbt l.xprgs Train connects wlih the North Carolina Railroad, belli ways, at Golds- bo ro'. . v . . ; - : - Through Tickets North sold in W'ilmSnston; to Baltimore 412; to Philadelphia SI 4; to New York $15 50; to Washington, O.C., 911. iVtr ItCIt LT9 WILL ROT Be SOLO TO A NEGRO IS Paengtr are notified that an extra e'targe of one cent per. mile v ill be required of tfiote who do not purr.hare tickets at stations. Kreigtu by pas-enger trains double rales. Lo cal fare, wiih ticketa, about 3 cents per mile; If paid in the care, about 4 centst per mile HtKluH T TRAINS. Two through fcheduls trains between Wilmins'm and Wehlon, each weeks leaving .alternately on Mondays and Thursdojs and arriving on Tuesday and Fri days. Two schedule trains per week to Goldsbo- ro'r leavinz Wilmington on" Tuesdays and Fri days, and Goldsbro' on Wednesdays and Satur days ,-.,;,., . i All dues on freishf. up ordown, payablcat Gen eral t rcight iitnce in w iiminsrton. hn reci ipt or delivery, Including "that on the North Carolina Uatlroad. !S. I, FKEMt'iN T. . Ian. 29- Gem-rat Superintendent. LOOK AT THIS, LOOK AT THIS ! 1,200 PRIZES ! 60,000 DOLLARS ! HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. . JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. f Bu Authority of the Stale of Georcia.l 10,000 Numbers on ly 1 1 Prireto every 8 Tickets! Chua K. to be drawn March 15, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon. Ua.. under tne twurn supcrinlen- dencef Col. George M. Logan and Jas. A. Nis- bct, Esq. 1 he Manager havinz announced his determina tion to make this the most poetilar Lottery in the world, offers for March I5th, a Scheme that lar surpasses any c-ch me ever fiend in the r fi nals of Lotteries. Look to your inicrrn ! Ex amine Ihe Capitals, tjftme Prixe to 8 Tickets. CAPITAL $15,000! Prlte of 15,000 do do do do Prizes of do do do .. Approx. prixes 5,n0o 4.0i 0 3.0. 0 2.000 5,00 5,00 3 000 3,000 5 10 60 I, POO are 5)'0 are Bo are "25 are 20 are 120 lfl.000 500 do do IU are 6,000 1,200 Prixe. amoun tins to $60,000) Ticket". Si 0. Halves, to. Coarters. 2 50. Prixes payable without Deduction. Persons sending money by nail need not fear its b Ing lost. Ordera punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of all sound Bank taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering TLketa. Those wishing particular numbers thoul order immedi ately: Address, JAMES F WINTER. Manager, Macon. Ga Feb 13. - 144 FRESH NUTS. r?IT.BERT. Brazil and English Walnuts. soft and L ha hard shell Almonds at Dec. 8. L. ft". BARLOW'S. WILMINGTON WELDON RJ CO. Orrice of the Kno. & SorT. Wilmington, ft. C ,. Feb, 26, 1856, THE FOLLOWING MODIi ICATIONS and changes in the tariff of freights on this road have le n adopted, to go into fleet immediately! (VI OI.A is b is transferred from the 3d to the 4th class. and the maximum charge lobe 37 cents per 100 lbs. WOOD, other vttm Pine, for all distances, a far Norlh ns Burgaw, 61 per cord. ' TURPENTINE and ROSIN, from Leesburg. mem per out.. -v- . : ; - COPPr.R ORES 2 60 per ton. .On ail articles fiver the N. C. Railroad, from beyond Raleigh, where the charge hut been by the rates of that mad, they will now be charged by the rates of ihi toad, if less than bv-the rates' of the ft . C. Railroad. - ; O Farmers and Merrhans are notified tkal all goods destinrd -for the Hesf will be trinsporled wtin. great otspaicn trom Wilmington by our train. that now. run four- times a week 10 and from Goldsboto, connecirg at that place wiih a tri-weekly train West to Charlotte. S. L. FREMONT. Eng. 4 Sunt. Feb 29. I43tf. ; - ON CONSIGNMENT, BUSHELS White Flint Com ; SO bbls Flour. (Wilmington Inspection I: 350 100 bushels Meal. For ale in lots to suit. by T. C. b.,g: worth. n. Feb. : NEW JUVENILIS. 1TRS FOLLF.N'S Twilight Store, compris ivJL ing "The Old Garrett" 'Made I'd Stories.' The pedlar nf iinr..Stfrfes .Tfwe, Mattes ahottt I'.ui and Doss' I.itffe Ps ul, -nJ olhe, stories, by Lizzie Armory. The Magicians Show Box,' and other stories, by the Author of 'Rainbows for Children. "Kit Barn's Adventure' or The Yarns of an Old Mariner.' by Mary C. Clark, 'St. Gil das. or iheTire Patha by Julia Kavanah. The blue Ribbons, a Story of the last Century, by An na Harriett vtotj, authoress el rlends snd For tunes die., lately Published. . For sale at WUil'AKKRS: GUANO. :: ' OfWl nAGS.jnstiaceivedand in slore - For sale by , ADAMS, BRO. d CO Nov. 17. 105 BEAVER FELT u HATS. TTISSES and Infante W hiie Bearer Felt Han, 1V1 a km all lot for sal a? very low firures to close mall lot for sal a very low out. , - .,. SHEPARO Sl MVtilS. CANDLES. ; QT BOXES Adamantine. 6 do. TaRow. for sale by ZENO U. GREENE. February 1 9th 1 856. BRICKS. tC 000 NEVV YORKhard Bricks, dslly jt JUjLUlJpecteJ. For sale br - ' ' J. H. FLANNER. Dee. II. No. 22 North Water street. : JUST RECEIVED - " Per Sckr. I P. Snutk. - -I K KEGS New Butter; 10 Boxes Cheese; XJ Smoked Beef. Beef Tonffaes. Coffee, gonr Crashed Sugar, Powdered Sugar, and variety of r wmt vonzucuooary ,orc ate. . f R, Apru z. UJtAJ.Yk;S.S SCHOOL. BOOKS, -i- " - .-- STASPAT.D, THEOLOGICAL,. HISTOaiCAL, LAW, MEDICAL, - BIOGRAPHICAL HENRY EUEKBDIER i - WHOLESALE & SETAIL f TOBA CCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR S TO 11 K. , : SIV OP THE ISIIIAX CHIEF" ; . MARKET STREET, '" one door abore Water 'Vi!mltto, X. C. I. B. All Orders filled1 with despoUh. Oct. 26. h. 1355 V , .. -J3 tdjw-c. FORiJlLE. . - . QryC Acres Pine Land, sittiated immodtatcly tJ I tJ upon Wilmington and Weldon JUL. R., four to hve miles lrom Depot at mimlngton. Cf Acrei Acres of Rice- or: .Meadow Land, situated cen Force Put and Thotiibury : II of which is fine Swamp Land. For terms, c., ap M. CRONLY. . . -tf COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. R9 EMOVED to the new and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore stnet, Baltimore. Md. O. K.Chamberlin, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercantile Sciei.ce. ., . -i , , - E. K. Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate in Book Keeping Department. J. Al. r minus, leaclier in book Keeping., . S.T VViiliain. Lecturer on Commercial Law. This Institution pieeents tnpcriur facilities to young men desirous of obtain ng a practical busi ness edttca'ion The courso-of study embraces Double Entry, Book'Ke pinL', as praciicallv applied to the man- agementof Mere mtile, Bank, Alanuhicturing and steamboat B.miks familiar lectures on Commer cial Law-npon the subjectof Bills of Exchange, Prommisaury Notes, ;ntracis, Partnerships, die. The exi rcises are all suicily practical, biinar de ducted from actual business transactions, so com pletely combining practice with theory ihatstudents on completion of the course tire in every respect competent to conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry Honk. - Jh students have access to a Commercial Library procured expressly for their accommodation. Examinatinnsare held at staled petiods and Di- plotnaa awarded to tluso found competent to repre sent the lB.-tit uti in io a mercantile capacity. Uual lenath of :ime to complete the wholecourso from eifcht to ten weeks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular by mail. ' I .-. s.pt. 2a. , -. i. .; . ,: , ei-iy .. : - REED'S" 7 PATENT CHRONOMETER ENGINE. "HIS is an improved Steam Engine fcr which . Letters Patent were granted to John A, Reed. i.f New Yolk, .Jan. 1, 1S55.. The nature of this Improvement consists of the increase, of power about 2d per cent., and reduci.ig the weight of the Engine one half. .1 he saving of luel is efleetcd by lorti n" tltje steam in on both sides of the cylinder: doubling the size of the port, and balancing the pressure. removing trie Irictton and weight ot the slide valves, eccentrics, cross heads, connecting rod. dc. The exceeding simplicity of ihis En- Zine, renders it much more durable and easily man aged than any otner. and wnen placed upon the boi ler with wlierlJ it ia portable thouzh effective. These Engines received Ihe Fist Prize Medal at the great Exhibition in Paris. Theicre now about Severn y-fireof them in operation, ail giving great satisfaction. - PRICES : Horse Engine. 150 Boiler and fittings 4125 1 3 - - ZtlU " i do 6 8 " 300 ' " 3i '0 " 400 ' 4U0 10 5"0 " 500 Allsizs from 1 to 100 horse power at the short est notice. j Also, Reed's Patent Steam Pump, the simplest and most durable one in use, fur raising water or supplying boilers. - " r urttier Inlormalton may tu nnd ty addressing ,.-,.- j TOUSLKY RK.KD, " 95 Maiden Lane, New York. -Dec. 15. j U6-3m-c LAST CALL. AS l have this day Associated my brother with Die in business, I wish all that are indebted to me to call an. I settle, with cash or by note, as my business must be settled up soon, or the ac counts of my hard customers will be placed in an officer's hands. 1 1 I GEO. H. KKLLEY. Feb 5. .... 138 tf COMMISIO?f, POn WAKDING AND : HII'FIN GUUsHSIiS ATTUSDI2I) TO, I'HKsubscribcr having been for some time out of employ, purposes to commence a small bu.nnea on his' wharf, near the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad depot, and offers his services to those rending produce to Wilmington for sale or shipment anj would alio remind those who may patronise him, that his wharf is within a very short distance of the Wilmington fc Weldon Rail road depot, and a considerable sum may be saved in the item bl draijage. The subscriber having been long engaged in the -Sptriia of Turpentine business, can give assurance to those who may aend that artit le to hi care, that it will be proper ly attended to and instruction as to sale or ship ment atrictly observod. . B. FLANNER. ; ftb. o. ; r 13 j if. FOR SALE. A LIGHT und strongly built Hucey. iX July 17. ; j - IIUS'jELL St. BRO. PROSPECTUS OF THE " SOUTHERN SENTINEL," A Democratic and Uliicellawous Journal, to be fvblislud. lceekly,it IVUson, "iv. C. . TH E existing condition of political .parties, and of painiatn :rire. ;n it ura'iv s jun ili ilio estab- U-hingof such a journal as the ?ulhern Senti-' nel' nroposejto become. The present, indeed, is a crista in oar political hist try, never witnessed be fore.; The Constitution has been invaded ; the laws trampled and spat upon; religious liberty assailed : ballot boxes broken and burnt ; the landmarks of onr polhical a neeslrv partially naced the wi com oerivea irom a tiie-nonorrj experience un seated: atrano-e and nuestionable m n have been pushed into high positions; and fartatici-m, unchai- i r i . . . . ,1 -.i. ... m nwn ua axe ana us ia?.tfi diet in uk iiorin. is heard to howl among us in 'he South These evos, sotaraa it numoie aouitiea sua it serve, . THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL Will endeavor to arrest.-. It will endeavor to Incul cates reverence for the law as they exist, andfor tne t.onstuulion, as it has been Interpreted by the wise men ot the past and by the Fathera of the Democratic faith.' It will defend not onlv political but arLiciocs liberty, and will da battle against ev ery political heresy that' may appear, whethei nateneatn caves or culverts, or open convention.. The Sentinel will also, to relieve the monotony of politics, devote space to literary topics, original and selected. as well as to miscellaneous subjects, which aha I (Include Agricultural and the latest Com mercialintelligence. In.brief.no efforts nor ex penses will be spared to make the Sei.tinel one of the moat oseful and efficient ionrnals in the Nonth. The first number of the Sentinel will, be Issued abonf the first of the neat month, and sent to sub scribers al the rate of fZ per annum r t2 54 at tha end of six months, and 93 at Ihe end of the year. Discount made in behalf of clubs, who shall take five, tenor more copies. . ' i ! r. AbGnin, Editor., Jan. 17. . ! - 13-3t V NOTICE. : THOSE indebted to m individoally, or to C. Do P R K dr. CO.. will please call and make na - meot without deUy as farther tndolgenr cannot be-fivn DaPRK. - S-hUt -MZi ' -. r :-s-i ' aaa j ut-j V ill i l'S77r4w WILMINGTON'.' N. C.lhlJf . . - AND - -. - "' ' ' - ' "C- ' "- MISCELLANEOUS .ST " ARTIST'S MATERIALS ; BOOKS, NFl,- ' &c , ic, Jcc. - ply to ' -, I Oct. 30, 1855.. , , 97 r ilayil STATIONERY, ' BtA.NlC BUCKS, PAPERS OF DESCRIPTION, CARDS, PENS, ISrt: &c.,&e. SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUM E N TS. The only complete, tock o the above Instrnrnents ever kept in this market. Is now offered for sale by C. D. DcPKE. - iv ov. h 43 Market street. CLOTHES DRYING MACHINES! WL. S.TOWNSHEND has still on hand a few Clothes Drying Machines; a great convenience and great saving of labor also an assortment of Jelly Strainers and patent metal Milk Pan. - - v March 6.., 147. " FINEGAR! VINEGAR ! ! JUST received from Philadelphia. . 33 bbls, best Clarified Cider Vinegar, superior article. Low forcashat GEO. H. KELLE Y'S. sept. 27 , . H., J., and N. C. T. copy. E4 N EATS-F00T OIL. ASUPPL Y just received and for sale by May 10. C. A D. DoPRE. EMPTY SPIHIT BARRELS. . tnn SKCOXD-HAND SPIRIT BBLS. a UV tJ choice lot now landing and fir sale by . Nov. 8. ADAMS, BROTHER dt CO. IO HtllVPUI'11 tri MONONGAHELA & RYE WHISKEY - f BBLS. for sale by April 10. 1 . N. BARLOW. SHORTS AND SIIIPSTUFFS. ACflE.'.P and nutritious article of. food tor cows arid hor.eS 236 bushels for sale by Oct. 6. r - GEO. HOUSTON. r DR. R. F. IIIBBARD'S WILD CHERRY; BITTERS, FOR Nervous Weakness and General Debility. Thestj Bitters are highly serviceable In all dyse peptic affections; they asidtdigesiion ; restore thr tone of the stomat-tn stimulate the liver.and creat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in rimovine angor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw offthe drowsiness incident to the Spring or warm season. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. new and Fresh groceries ' PHR Subscriber having just returned from the JL Nor:h with a select not k of General Grocer ies; offers tin-in at the lowest possible prices, whole sale and retail they consist in part of 100 bags Coffee, Java, Lnguira and Rio, 50 half Chests Teas, Imperial and Oolong ertraj 1J5 barrels togars, Crushed. Powdered and Clarified; Liquors, Wine, Champaigns, Brandies fcf the mot-t choice characters. In fact our Lienors are the l-est selec tion ever offered in this market. Old ,Ma teira and Port Wine of the best Vinttges, Boltled Liquors of every variety for Medical purposes; I nipe of the celebrated Old Tom Gin, St luidam Schnapna, Mibborta Wild Cherry Hitlers. 150,000 Segaisjs angraai a. Sl'XDRIES.. Goshen Colter, lrv.sli weekly; Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Pulton Market Beef.Snlmon, Mack erel, Codfish, Herring. Cheese- F.nglUh and Imi tation, Bacon, Pork, Stuart's Syrup, Sperm an I Whale Oil, Fruiis in every variety, Nuts, Stuart'a Conteclionarv, Market Baskets, Clothe Baskets and Fancy Basket-, Wash Tubs all kind, Brass hooped Buckets, Common Buckets, Brt-orns, Trays, Sifters, Kec-iers, Cup Tubs. Scrubs, and every va riety of Wood and Willowware, Spices, Cloves, Nuimegs, Cinnamon, Pepper, Oingcr.'M ace, Choc olute, isinglass. Gelatin, Macaroni, Vermici'll, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Ptefervi d Gin ger. Sauced Salmon, Sardinca, India ' Pickles Stuffed Olives. . . Truly thankful for past favors I hot e to merit a continuance of the same. - Respectfully, "'t.4. GEO. MYERS. NEGRO PASSES. A NEW form f Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, at.d a number of others interested In the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office ol 77t Commercial. .... PAINTS. OILS, DYE-STUFFS : 20,00060 I.I1S. pure ind extra White Lead: galls. Linseed Oil: . 23 bbls. Red Ochre i 600 galls Chrome Green; 10 bbls Ve-stain Redt 300 gills. ChrJne Yellow; "" , ( " 25 bbls. Lamp Black ' 8 bbls. Coach and Japan Vamishesi Terra DTrinna, Amber and Prussian Blue; Logwood, Annatto and Madder. Formate by C. D. DtfPRE. Wholeaale Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. " ' Oct. 5. ' . , , , . . : . G. WINDOW GLASS. Onnn HOXKS Pren,h an' American Win 0JJJ dow Glasses from 7x9 to 24x36. Foi sale by ' C. & D. DoPRE, Oct. 5.' Wholesale Druggists, W ilmington. ' CARRIAGES, six seated CARRIAGE. ? ' I Paneled Quarter Rockam ay, ; 1 Qt iker (toekaway and sevarallizht Baggies 1 just received and for scle by NOTICE. , : THE subscriber having qoalified aa special Ad ministrator upan tho enate of Cornelius My ers, deceased, and having been authorized to col lect in the debts due said estate, hereby notifies all persona indebted by note,' or account, or other wise t make immediate payment, as it is desira ble that the business be speedily closed. " OUAS. D. M VERS is my anihoriicd 'agent io collect said debts, tnd receipt far ihe same. July 21. GEO. Bl VERS. HOOP IRON. - 1 and 1 inch wide. For distfflera. For sale by J RUSSELL rV BRO. Oct. S. ' .J : , ' , No. 30 North Water su JNO. D. ASHT0N, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, , SIlAWNEETOirX, Illinois.' r ' - Will practice his profession in the twelve- Judi cial District and Supreme Court, and United Sute Court for Illinois, -, Sept. 27. ' . . . Sl-ly ; GENTLEMEN V TOUR bills are ready for settlement, and raostbe A paid. Our time for credit is 3 months. Yours, in wanf. . ' : - - W. L. S. TOWN Sn END. Nov. 27. "- '-. .109 SMOKED BEEF & BEEF TONGUES. . T L S r received and for sale b N. BARLOW. December 1. . No. 3, Granite Row. , MOLASSES. , QiOHHDS. Superior Mo'akses, lor sale by fZJ Dec-15. . -.;.. - GEO. HOUSTON. ORANGES AND LEMONS. RECEI VED-tWs day, in prime order, by .. . " .f . I N.. BARLOW, , Jonelfl. No. 3. Grantta Row. ' SUGAR --r- I AM hottrly expecting ihe arrival of 50 bbls. and 10 hhds. Sugir, different grades, and which will b sold low for cash; ''- Feb. 5. 4 , - GEO. HOUSTON. NAILS. T lr KEGS, assorted, tor sal by ,tAt w 'wn'TivTft irr- JUST RECEIVED BY C. RTFRENtl A FRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGEt, TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nw Da ess. T( be sure- tbnt yit gel the genuine Med icine. Inquire for the New Dress wiih two fine en -graved a i eel labels on est h bottle. Ap II 19. I5-tf. ; "7" JUST" REtTinNcrjT OfS nOli LARGE sweet Ot.n, ... Z,JJV.J E0 bbls. Apples, .. v- IUO bdxes Raisins, wholes, halve and quar: era, Ctiron, t'nrrants. hell Harks, CrsnU rrir-,' Lemons ana Caafeetionaiie. Call at the Origi nal Grocery. . GEO. MYE"R N. Dec. II. ,,r:V'- Ha NOTICE, IS hereby fWen la ( wrto have not air io my customcis and pa patroni t 165tf ready settled to Jan. In that thei' Bills are now ready for pn seotii n.nt d If not paid In a tew davs will bo called upon lor set tlement.. Intereat III be chjrged on all accounts' over si months standing. , Jan. 10. GEO. MVF.RS. ZernrattN Antl-corbut lc Toolhtvuklii' TO THE LADIES. NfJTHINO adds more to beauty than rletT, white Teeth, and Gums of beaLhy eotar-r . The most beautiful face and vcrmillion lips oecome;' repulsive, If the latter; when, they optn, exbihit Ihe horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who' wish clean, while Teeth,' healthy Gums and a. aweet breath, should give ZERMA.VS TOO ! II WASH a trial. For safe by C. & D. DfPnE,' ASt-nts, . . . Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30. ' . 84 ' DR. E. SEYMOUR'S , CelchrUed Galvanic Abdominal Sujiportcri qHiSlatoccrilfy, thatC. A D. DuPrc. Drug- L cists of Wilmington, N. C. are my sole seems or the sa'e of the above Supporters for thia pla and vicinity. V K. KKYMLUU, tV ilmington, N.C., March' S3, 1?5. ' We most respectfully call the attention of tbe Medical ProfcBfion of iiie State to an examination' of the above Supporter. - C & D. DcPRK. March 23. 3-if HAY AND SALT. 1 (( Bales hay; 1 V 400 sticks Salt. . Landing per achr. AJcle from New York, and for aale by Jan. 10. J. H. FLANNER. PLANTING POTATOES. Kf BBLS. expected per schr. Sarah N. Smith,' jrom providence. For sale by RUSSELL A BRO.. 128 Jan. 12. TAYLOR, DICKSON, GRAVES & CO. Successors to Bates, Taylor d Co.J Manufaclurera and Wholesale Dealers in C L O TH I N G, ; Nos. 23 AND, 25 DEY STREET NEW YORK. Jan- 8. 12.1 2m-w . cOPiN." " Qfif I BUSHELS white flint Corn, for talc by OUKJ GEO. HOUSTON. Jan. 1. 123 CEMENT nrfZ B3LS. Roscndilo Cement, for sale by t - ,GKO. HOUSTON. Jan. I. 123 HAY, SUT AND POTATOES. ItTif Y' SACKS Liverpool coarse Salt,' JU ' 410 " Fine 250 hales prime Eastern Hay, niOObbla. Eating Potatoes. Just received per Win. Hyde, for sale by ' ADAMS, BRO. & CO. Dec. 29. , . 122 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED T)Y Express, two cases more of our Inter styl xj ureas tuts, tnse waning can now be Bile f by calling al the Enipirinm. SHEPARD - Jan 1. , MYERS. 12T DISSOLUTION. r"MI E Copartnership .hcreiofor.' existing under 1 the namt nnd style of SUTTON, SOUTH v MAY.D & CO., was, dissolved -or. the flrtt of March. The business of the late firm wiil be Bel lied by SOUTHMAYD , Br.O. WM. SUTTON, r ' '. '" THOS. SOUTH MAVD. March Cih, 1855. CH AS. SOUTHMAYD. COPARTNERSHIP THE subfci Ibera have formed a Copartnership., under the name and Btyle of SOUTH Jl A Y I ' t - BRO.. for the purpose of carrying nn ihe' Blacksmith, Iron and Brass Foundry snd Machi nery Business, in all its bra nc Irs, at the stand for merly occupied by SUTTON, SOUTIIMA VT V CO., and would solicit a share of pntronagn THOS. SOUTIIMA March 6th, 1855. CH AS. SOUTHMAYD. t""p"In consequence of above dissoltnion It has' become neeesrary lhat all notes and account drte' the late firm, be scitled immediately. The sub scribers will pay all debts due by the late firm. ' SOUTHMAYD & BRO. Wilmington. March 6ih, 1855. 143 tf. HOOP IRON. THE at bscribcr is constantly receiving consign mentftbf this articleof the beat quality, and offers it at th lowest market rates. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Nov. 21. . 104-tf. r : ' NOTICE. ALL persons having claims" against Moore, Sianly dr, Co.. will please present them for set tlement and all those Indebted to them are re quested to come forward and make immediate pay meat to the subscriber. Oct. 6 JNO. A. STANLY. NOTICE! NOTICE!! rP HE Subscriber would respectfully notify -mt JL persons indebted to hiin- nrrotn. ond! noted due -to make immediate aetilement ss money' must be had. . GEO. MYERS. ; Oct. 4. . . . . -, . .: 87 BARMAN'S HOTEL (LATE WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE V t4 WAS THIS DAY OPENED BY THE Tu? o .. u : I t , . ... auuKiivrr.iuinicri; proprietor Ol tne f ay. etteville Hotel, snd is now read v for the ac coinmodadon of trarelera. . 1 JftO. flARM AN. W ilmington June 7. . 37-tf. CIGARS, CIGARS'. KCl OriO BEST Havana Ciga JU.Wl JU tide also, a few I Chewing Tobacco. jraleby rs prime ar bo ye. choice - ' " C. & D ..DcPiJE. June 5. . , -. Market stri ct. LIME. Thomaaton Lime, on Land f o ' ADAMS HRO. A CO. ' , ... .' 117.. 1 OCASKS A rale by -Dec. 15. - - ; WIIISILEY. crBBS. Cincinnati Wbiakev. for sal bv .. y VJ Dec 15. GKO. HOUSTON. SHa jfiEIiNGr I T HALF bbls. Shad for family nne. 100 bbl. No. I Herring. For sal by I) JO adams, nao. & CO.' LIME. -. OArj CASKS Thomaaton Stone Lime, la pri rJJ order. For sale by " ir.e Nor. 17. : . ADAMS, BRO. & CO. SACK SALT. 1 SACKS Liverpool Sail, dairy er- a. y v. yKico. rorraiecy RUSSELL A BRO. I23 Jan. 1. , CLUE. '- BRLS., a prime article for Distillers. For1 sale by , - ADAMS. RCO.ACO. Nov. 17. , .:..- 105 I NOTICE. "T1HK tfndersfgned haying not sofne fTisfta.'s s workmen employed, is prepared to manufi- Mil tara Boots and Shoes to order at short notice.-. All work warranted. Also, all kinds of repairing dona with neat net and diapateh-. Jaly 24. . qeo. a.FR fc.NCH aa EORGE HOUStON. . t

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