WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 6,' 1856 ORGAN OP THE TOWN AUTHORITIES ' " ' " : : , . v , j From the Baltimore Patriot. . T THE USUJIY jjAWS The f QLa arterljr Law Journ al contams, atflong other contributions, a. dashing on slaught upon the Usury Laws'"Xs the ar guments by which the writer! sustains his proposition for a repeal of ihis ' obnoxious restriction opon trade and commerce are far the most cogent and conclusive of anj: we have yet seen, we have : published the article entire, for the benefit of those which, while tlie ire calculated to do 'much evil, effect tip possible good whate v-'er- ,' " ; . ; : . : -": - . We are gratiied to see that aneffbrt is to be made to abolish, in Virginia, the Us ury Laws, those remnants of old time bar barism and superstition, which have so long disgraced our statute books. We laugh at the, absurdity of the notched sticks, of which the EngBsh Exchequer has been recently:-rid, while we retain as a solemn law, an absurdity quite as gross and far more pernicious in its consequences. A . law which-holds to the grindstone the noses of " the poor and, embarrassed, and enables the greedy and avaricious lender, by its very strictness, to increase his profit out of- the unfortunate borrower. It is easily under stood how, in he early ages, when " politi cal economy - was an unknown science. - and the laws of commerce, except the ru dest and simplest, were not comprehended, meh a svstcmi i mirht arise. When the Church, which was the power of the world, sent forthits fiat against usury of course it was denounced, because it was prohibit ed. :f -k;;:'-' ; Dawn to the time when the philosophy of commerce began to be studied and its operations to be understood and explained, usury was classed among the mala in se.- It was only when the subject was . investi gated by original thinkers and men who disregarded th"e prestige of antiquity, that it was discovered to be malum prohibitum, and nothing more that its impiety was only imaginary and that the abolition of laws-for .its prevention was not in contra vention of any divine precept or moral ne cessity Then, for the first time it began to be understood that the old law, ecclesi astical, civil and common, on the subject, was founded in ierror, and that the prejudi ces which had existed against usury, were the prejudices of education rather than rea sonr It was no longer thought necessary to prohibit the lasarer from making a will or receiving property under the will of an other, to deny him Christian burial, or to denounce him as one of the legion of Anti-Christ.- - The best thing, to be done was to make a compromise with antiquated su perstition, to set an arbitrary value upon money, and mulct the violator of the law witS damages, the great panacea for all the ills of... this practical time, " ; Y - The sin of usury is exploded, and the law against it is violated, as a great many other nonsensical laws are, every day, with the most perfect impunity without even any effect upon the social relations or posi. lion of the law breaker;! and to a great ex tent by the executors of the liw themsel ves. It ir an axiom, that trade cannot be diverted from its accustomed channel by legislative enactment, or in any other way, until a better, more convenient, or more lu crative channel be found for it to run in. It is equally true and undeniable that the value of money is , changing and fluctua ting; dependent entirely upon the requ re merits of commerce, -and altogether inde pendent of legislative valuation. Yet the Legislature sets an arbitrary price upon it, and declares that no man shall lend his money,' no matter What may be its value, at a greater rate than 6 per cent. - If the- market price of money is 7 per ' cenLjtwilL bring - that interest, men will pay it and receive it, ven if, instead of a forfeiture of the amount, hanging were the penalty ol the otlence. " : - v ' - , No honest man will avail himself of the provisions of the law, because it is consid ...... .1 j -n A t a I.)., n a . n J ........ Cr.... . men who are dishonest will, because such a course would cut them off from all hopes of prospective loans.- The law is necessa rily a dead letter. The legislators who make the law know at, tne judges upon the bench know-it, the jurors who decide upon the case know it, and go home and sell tbeir money for its value, with :clear consciences and without -tne tear ot the Claw before their eyes. It is an evil to, have laws which are violated with imnunitv - and at which - the common sense of the community they are made for! revolts. .Such. laws should be erased from the stat ute book, j They lend to make men disre gard and violate other laws which" are .wholesome and just. - But this is not the onlyevu to which- the usury laws " give rise. If they were merely negative ; in - their effect,, they might be permitted to pass unnoticed wiili' other old "lime absur dities which camber the volumes of black letter ,-They are a positive -evil i per se. They inflict wrong and haTdship upon that verviclass-they are intended to benefit. It is upon the borrower "th&; penalty of ''the "pBsuary law falls. :He baa to bear the bur tnenw nen he borrows, he has to' pay not only the market value of money he obtains, but a sort of insurance upon his oTt honesty and the honesty of other bor rowers- -j ine lender exacts this of him upon lhe ground that lie may lose all, and as he runs ice risk, ne must have the pre raium. Again, that part of the communi ty which respects the law and will not be : guilty of its violation, however preposter ous it jnay be, is driven our of the; money market when the va'ue of the article - is greater than the law allows to be pai I for iv they cannot afford to take less than its worth, and its worth thev will not takp from the borrower because of their' respect for the law. , The consequence inevitably IS, that When anv Btrinrrnov swenrs. lh law abiding part of the community is driv- . vu. iKevto. dispose of its' ca pi- ... ll IU UU1J taWlUI WBV on !. l, from trade, and the field Is surrendered to tuoso wuo repumaie me law. Who then derives advantage from the statute probi bitinsr usury! ceriair.lv not ihr... ...iT. . w uu are intended to be protected and advantaged Not the needy and embarrassed, who are pv..v"-' "-7 -. .- -- mm w no are aecessurliy obliged to seek the" assis tance of such as for a ' consideration ig nore the existence of an absurd law,, and for self-defence;, are equally compelled .to exaggerate .their charges,iri order to make a fair average between their losses -by the law and their profits in spite of it " - It is certainly not advantageous to the bona fide lender, who if he were permuted lawfully to make a fair profit outjofi fris mo ney, in the way of loaning it to-tbose who require it, would be abl4 to assist them and benefit bimselfj but who is prevented by the Jaw from taking a greater than 6' per cent., and who is prevented by his interest from lending his money at that rate, and is of course, compelled to divert it inro some other and more lucrative channel ? It is not the mercantile community who derives assistance from the law. Their operations are hampered by if and, whenever the rate of money is above the legal rate, and bona fide lenders are -driven out of the market, they are torceu, in orcter to. preserve me ir mercantile credit and to meet their, tempo rary liabilities, to payexorbitant and ruin ous premiums. The farmer 13 in the like category. The mechanic and daily labor er is shaved out of half, his stipend, in or der that he may, obtain the "ready.? money for his family's support. -These are the known every day results of. the law. It operates with harshness and severity, in proportion as those who violate it are hard and unconscionable. Tbey have a migh ty power in their hands at the time of any commercial crisis, and they exercise it gen erally without mercy. Many" exceptions there are of course men of right feeling and good judgment, who, regarding the law as senseless, enter the market to geLa fair value ftgr their money, and no more. Who are content to receive reasonable pro fit, and who are unwilling to proceed to acts of extortion or injustice. Both classes are a necessity created by the law. The community, as the law now stands, could t not do without them; and we venture the assertion that if, in, any sudden tightness of the money market, the usury laws were not violated directly or in directly, there would not, in the whole State, te more than a dozen" mercantile firms capable of sustaining the shock. It is furthermore the known and express ed wish of almost lh.e wjiole community, that this restriction upon trade and credit should be abolished, that the men of means and capital in the community may be per mitted to come into the market and sell their money, as they sell their other, pro perty, for us value leaving it to Jlie par ties, as in other contracts, to settle the price between them, and making the present rate of interest, or some other, the settled rate in casps where the contract dors not spe cify such rate.! We, have offered no au thority mi vindication of the views we have briefly presented, though there is plenty at band, because being the same urged every day by those who experience practically the evils of the law, they appeal to the common sense of every man who will re flect a moment upon the question. ". We hope that the Legislature will at the pres ent session relieve the community ot tne burden of this senseless and injurious law. Th leiral rtof Interest is 8 oer eentl.. in eortrta, Al abama, MiMisaippI, Louisiana atxi Florida ; 7 per cent fn New York, South Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa ; S percent. In Virginia ana tne otner Biatee, exeepi California. In California there are no usury laws. The rate of interest there la settled by the parties In their con tracts. .- -, COOL-BLOODED ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE v RECORDER SECZENLAU. y Saturday, about 12 o'clock, a most cool- blooded attempt was made to assassinate Recorder Seuzeneau,of the Third District, by an Irish ex-policeman named Nathaniel McCann.. McCann was some time since discharged Jrom the police for some dere liction by the Police Board, and on Sat urday went to the Recorder's office and requested him to use his influence to have him reinstated. , The Recorder gave him little encouragement, and the man then began to grumble and accused' him ofbe iag"down on him." - During the inter view the Recorder- started from his front office to go to a back room in the buildinsr, followed by officer Aguilard. McCann fol lowed them out into the passage, pulled Aguilard aside, ana immediately fired a pistol at Mr. Seuzeneau, the distance be tween them being but a few feet. 1 he pistol . was Jonded with bnck. shot, ail of which took effect in the Recorder s neck. just below the case of the brain, inflicting a severe and painful, though not a danger ous wound. As soon as the rascal had fired bis pistol, it was Caught out of his hand by Aguilard, who felled him to the floor with it, giving him, in doing so, a very severe wound on the skull.1 Besides the pistol .which he fired at the Recorder, he had hidden in his shoes a single-barrelled pistol and a large spring bowie-knife, show ing" that be harbored the most desperate intent against the life of Mr. Seuzeneau, but in which he was miraculouely thwart ed.iiVi O, Bee, Feb: 18. 4 - , 5 I The folio wing is the closing paragra ph of Miss Murray's "Cuba, the United States and Canada :" .. ." ; "And now' farewell, ; thou giant Repub he 1 I have long since left thy. shores but I have brought with me, and fondly ibherish, the recollection of the many pleas ant dars I spent within tay borders, and of all those friends whose unceasing bospi talily and kindness tracked my path with out intermission. 1 care not tor bilious teros and Russian sympathizers : . I know ibat the heajctjof the ' intelligence of thy people beats with friendly - pulsations, to which that of my own countrymen readily responds. "All we should, and I trust alt we do. mutually desire is to encourage an honorable and increasing rivalry in arte. science. " commerce.-and good will. He who would disturb our amicable relations be he British or American, is unworthy of the name of a man; for he is a foe. to liber ty, humanity and Christianity A Frenchmen, anxious to show a fellow countrymen the vigorous style cf , one of our old noets. translated, :4IatI, horror. hail, as follows r 'Howjdo you do, hor ror, how do you do V y . . ; - JUST OPENED 'A LARGE, well selected aod varied rtment of Grocorle,.con)prism w loroi s i"' CReee,-:".i v rTeserrea.-. Lard,. Pickto - s Coffee, -. ' - " ' - & Soaps, - Prenh Heats. - Starch, 1 Tin and Wooden Collcs,':- " .Wa, moor. &e . . - All of whlcHmav be found at the corner of Mar ket and Water ftreets, at the "Cheap Caeh Storer where goods must b paid for on delivery. . E. D. COWAN, SupefUilenrfarrt. Jan. 31. " - 136-tf. - Herald and Journal copy - . - NAILS. ' 1 OH KEGS, assorted tor pale bv y , IUU . GEORGE HOUSTON". UlL'ilLlL LCCli IiOiPIi'lL."7" : DR. JOHNSTON, TREfounJer of thla Celebrated InatltuUon of fers the most certain,' Speed and only effectu al remedy in the world lor :',". ' . ; .. ' ,: SECRET. DISEASES, , - Gleet a. Strictures; Seminal Wesltnefre, Pains in the Loins. Constiiuilonal Dehiliiv. Jmootcsacv. WeakneHsof the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kjdneya, Palpitation ol the Heart, Oysnepsia, ii-rvous irrttabi liy, uieae id ll,e Mead, 1 i.roat Nose or Skin i thuse serioua and melancholy disot dersarisirjjfrom the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both body and mind. Tfiot .secret and solitary practices more ftat . to their ic:iui than the song of the Syrens to the nwrint-r cf Ulysses, blighiin? thr mot brilliat hope oran-ticip-liona, rendering marriage, Ac.,' Unpossibie YOUAG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of "Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annoaily sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men ot the movt exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wh mloht otherwise have entranced lis tening Senate with the thundersof eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may cull with full connoenee. - " . . il MARRIAGE. , Married perton, or Vonng Men, contemplating marriage, being awareof Physical Weakness. Or ganic Debility, Deformities, die, should immedi ately consult , Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. .. - ' " ' lie who places himself underthecareof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a cen tleraan, aad eonfidenUy rely upon bUskill asa phy sician.. ,- . .. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vigor restored. Thin drendfui discs t is the penalty most fre quently paid by those who have become the vic tims ol improper tndulgencti-8. Young person are too apttoi commit excefss from not being aware ot the dreadful conseqteiict.' that mn y en sue, f Now, who that understands the subject win pretend to ny that he power of Procreation is iost -sooner by those falling into improper babi's than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the moat serioua and destructive ej mpioni both body and mind urise. The system becomes deranred, the fhveical . and mental powers weakened, ncrous debility, dyspep sia, palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, symptoms of consumption. Ac. A UUKK WAlUlAr I t.U UU (J CHAUGE. Aro Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used. D. Johxsto.x is the or.lv reculurlv RdtuiuuA Physician advt rtising to cure Prj vale omplalnt. His remedies and treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared from a life, spent in tht Great Hospitals of Europ and the' First in ihit Country, via t England, France, the Block lev ol Philadelphia, f-c. and -i more extensive practice than any utlter physician in the Wirld. His mimy wonderiul cures and most imttortant Stirehxl n. erations is a sufficient guaranu-e to the afflicted. Tliote who wish to be tpccvtfy and effectuaUv relUt- ed. ehouldthun the mtmerou trifling importer, who only rnin their health, and apply i him. - OFFICE, K.7, SOUTH FKEDEK1CK St.. left hand side going froir. Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe his name and number, for ignorant trifling importers, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, laik near. - -. .... DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Hoval College of nurtreons.LondoD: graduate from one ol the must eminent Colleges uf me uniieu oiaies, ana tne greater pari ot wttose tie has been spent iu the Hospitals ol London, Par s, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, baa effected some of the moat astonishing cures thai were ever known. Many troubled witb ringing in the ears and bead when asletp, real nervoumsss, being alarmed al udden sounds, and bushfj.ness. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with dirangcinent of mind, were cured immediately. A tJUKTAlJS DISEASE, ... When the misguided and imprudent votarv ol pleasure find he has Imbtbid the steds of .his putnlul disease, it too often happens that anill-init- ed sen 9o of (haine, or dread uf discovery, deters him front applying to those who. trm education and reypet lability, i an alone bi-uknu liinj, dilu ing till the consiitutioiial rytnptoms of this horrid diseasemaketlieiruppcarat.ee su h aa tik-xrutid tore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains, in the heaa and limbs, dimness of siht. deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms. blo:chea on the head. face and rxtremities, progressing with frightlul ra pidity, tin at last tne puutr of the mouth or the bones of the nose tall in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commi seralinn, till death puts a period to his dreadf ul suf fertngs, by sending mm to "that bourne from whence no traveller r turna." To such therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve th- moat inviolable secretyj and, fromiii extensive rae tice in the first Hospitals tf Europe and America, hecan confidently recommend a aafuand s;eedy cure to the untortuna s victim ol tliia horrid di- easo. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands full victims to this dreadful complaint, owiue to ilw un- skilfulneea ot ignorant pr ttndei, who. by the use of that deadly poiaun. mercury, tuiu the constitu tion, and eitner s nd tne unfortunate sullen r to i.n untimely grave, or else make the tesidue of life mi- eraWe. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all tnose Yio haveiniured them. selves by private and improper indulgences 1 nese ore some oi tne sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by eaily habit of yuth, viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs. Pains in the Head. Dimness of Stcht. Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of (he Heart, Dyspep.y. Nervous irritability Derangement f tie Dieeslive f unc- tiont, Oineral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, Ac. . . . ; . . Mentally The feartu! effects on the mind are much to be dreaded: Losol Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Forebodings. c r ... : . . . i . . . . . P AirmuD oi oweieiy, sen UISUWI, l.Ove OI Oull- tude.Timldity,dbc..are some of the evils produced. Iltoueande of persons of aliases, can now iudee what is the cause of their declining health Los ing theirigor. becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes, coufih and symptoms of consumption. I mamea renona, or those contemplating mar riage, bting aware of physical weakneas. shooid immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect health. - . . ' ? -: ...... DE. JOHNSTON S INVIGORATING REME DV FOR ORGANIC W EAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, wedkness of tne organs are speeany cured and full vlger restored. Thousands of the most IServous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or AlentaiDiaqualifications. Nervous lr ritabilitv Tremblings and V eakners, or exhaustion or tne most teariui Kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston.' , - Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned Irom evil companions, or school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage 1 mpossihle,a nd destroy a both mind and bod v, shou Id apply immediately . What a pity that a young man, the hop of his country, and the dtrling of his parents,- should be snatched from ail prospects aod enjoyment a of life. by the consequences el deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in certain secret habit. Such persona, betore contemplating i MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. - Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a wear pilirrtmspei the pros pect hourly darkens to th view j the mind Be comes shadowed wun oeapair ana ntiea witn tne me Ian eholv refleetion that lha happiness of another be- comes btlahted with onr own. - OFFICE AO. 7 SOUTH FttKDERICK-ST.. Baltimobe, Mo All Snrgtcat Operatfona Pet foimed.- - "N. B- Let no ftlse delicacy prevent you,- but apply immediately either personally or b letter Skin IJlseac8 Speedily Cn red. ' TO STRANGERS. 'Hie many theaumde cured mt this institution with in the lad ten years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical Operations perfoinvd by Or J., wit. nessed by the Reporters of the papers, m d many other persons, notices of which have appealed agnin and afain before the public, besides his rtaodinc as a f'entlrman of character and responaibi'it y, is a sumcicnt gttarantee to trie afflicted . TAKE NOTICE. It is with the a-raateat retaetanee that Dr. JOHflSTOH permita bis card to appear before the public, deemlos: H vnprofeMional for a physician to advertise, but nnlesa be did so, the afflicted, especially strangers, could not fail to fall into tbe hands or tne many f mpudeot and amlearnec Tmnoatera. with lnauiMratHe ruM kum or eon ctnea Qoackabops, swarming these large ettiea, jMpyias; the. Jobbstos's advertiseineoUor advertierag themselves aa phytcian, illiterate .baliow-brmiDed fellowa, too lazy to work at their original trade, with searee too ideas be rood the brute, who, for the purpose of Enticing and Deoeiv tnr carry en Bw or six offices, under aa many diflfe.-ent False Name, ao thai tbe afflicted Strangera, eacs iiu i .nra to tumble beadlotur into tbe other, la-notuit Quacks with enormous lying cert! fie tea of great and a toaishtng eures from persons not to be fonml, who kp you takinr htrfre bottles of Tjcoaica Wim aaWT other Mckaoea of filthy aad worth ieoe nToonl,. caanina;!y jmr. i natrnr monui uicr uronui . - est fee can be obtained, and, in despair, leaves yoa with mined bealtlt. to starn over yoar pnuum upiiii.uipu It ta tbts motive Mve mat tnoocea ir. vertiae. iriLortoii cvbb too. To those anaeqnainted with his rotation be deems It neeeeaary to say uu dim enau. U Vo- LKEfcEivED ULE88 POST-PATO j . ei.mntnr used for t ho ranlv. Per IT . 1 1 in 1,1. Iffl( sou writing ahoukl atate Asre aod aaod tbat portion of . " - " "VALUADLE - - ' MNDS 0:i TL'C tlPE FEAIs RIVER. ' THE Landand Plantations known as tha woane ond Blue Banaa Plan. V. tations. are offered for sale. These) ur lands lie oniy :a miles above vtu- miugion, on the Cap Fear River, and extend out to the Wilmingtdn and Manehesirr Kallroad, and areot eay access to one of the best markets in tbe -Mate of No,ih Cafolfaa : On the north side of th river. there are six hundrt d acies ol ih- fiqe.1 Itiv er Bot'om Land in tbe State about filly aerer of m htch are already ciea re i. and produce the finest sorts of crops. Qno hundred acres more may be cleared, which is ufficiefitly t letated a ore the or dinary height of Ireahets save the crops. I he The Lands abound in Oak.Ash,snd the fineat kind of Cyprus Timber. . On the south side oi the River, is situated 'the ba la nee of the tanda, estimated at seven thousand five hundred acres, from which three , fine settle ments may be made 'fhe upper portion, or Blue Bank contains somes Iwuihoutand acres or more of which there are some one. hundred and fifty acres now in cultivation,- and i well- adapted to corn, peas, potatoes and cotton. There is a targe qnnntity -f fine land yet tn eleaf, the growth on which fa pine, oak and hickory and dog-wood. South of this tract Is the Roane Plantation,, and adjoining the lowland- mentioned above, contatn Sna some two thousand four hundred acres, a small quantity of v hich is cleared, and a considerable inore vet to clear.' - . , s : i s ; ,V- -. . On this tract all the buildings and improvements are situated, consisting of a good Dwelling-house. Kiienen. Smoke-house, Corn-crib, t tables, and some fourteen negro houses, all of which aienrw and comtortable. . There la a Turpentine Still and Fixtures which will be sold wih the land, if desir ed. There are also some eignt tasks of Turpen tine Boxes, some three Ufks ot which sreold on the land- " ( - v .-i : The remainder of th land lie adjoining this tract, and on Hood's Creek, containing some three thousand acres of unimproved Pine Lat.ds, which would make a fine settlement, a portion of them being good farming lands, and on which several fine building lots could be had immediately on the Railroad, suitable for Summer Residences. Per sonsvishing to purchase such lands, wilt do well to call and examine the premises before making a location... i DAVID D. ALLEN. ...-,. JAS, H. PRITCHKTT, J Assignees. Oct.16 - " . 92 If r VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. WE have just put upon retail, I cask Port Wine. 1 ' Madeira, the best srttele ever offered in this market. At the Original Grocery. - GKtl. M VERS. PC? We make no nretensions in the wav O. "of UMBRELLAS we offer some betuttifii! DUTCH HEAD CHRE'En received this duy at GEO. MYEK'. Oct II. VO - A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNAL" OF SOUTHERN METIIODISSI FOR 1855. Edited by the Rev C harks F. Deems. D. D. 1"HIS law WoaK embraces the statistic and a great tariely u( other intereeting informa'ioH in every depart merit of iSotrthern Methodist opera 'ions, under the tol uwinu gener-1 heads t .; , I, The Episcopacy. II Plan of Viaitsition. 11 1, The t unieri nee. IV. Dedication uf Chur ches V. Revivals. VI. ..i isMon... VII. Coll.. ges. VIII. unday Schools IX Tract Socio tv. X. Publishing Huan and Literary Notices XI Instrucrion of People of Color. XII His torical Sketches. XI 1 1. Hinsranical Skethes. XIV. Personal Notices. XV Bishop Andrew's Letters on I'alHoruia. XVI Mrmorin'sol Bish op Capers. XVII' Miscellaneous. XVIII. Ap peni'ix. 360 pares, large 12 moi . P ice 9 , for which a copy will be sent prepaid. Bil.l of the Banks of North or Sown Carolina, or gold dollars should be sent. A liberal die count to Booksellers and Mlntftera Address CHARLES F DEEMS, - Coldaboro', N C Jan. 10 1 " 127 OUK MOTTO IS T0 FLEA1SE" AT THE Wilmlngfoi. Saddh. Harness, and Truuk Alatiulaetoiy. 'PHE subscriber respectluily in form t.iroublir X thai he li.is recently received addiihm to his stock ol Saddle and Harnes Mounting, dkc., the latest and most improved stylo, andis onslanly toanufaciuring,at hisstore on market street. every description ol artlcl' ln the above line. From hit xuerienct In the business, he feelsconfiden t tha t hewill beatfle to aiveenllr atisfactionlual)who mat favoi him with a call. 11 has now on hand, ano wiiiconatantty Keep a tame assortment oi Coach, Gts atnf Suite? Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles, Whip. &c.4 Genltemea's Swltlles, IVUips - Spun. d-c. ave.allef which he will warrant to be ofW. J the best materials and workmanship. Villi has also a large assortment of Trunks, alUes. Saddle and Carpet Bagx. gatruel!-, Katw y Trunks, &c, and all other ar ticles usuall) kept in such establishments, all of which neoner low for CASH, or on ahortcredit to prompt customers. saddles, Harness. Trunks, iledie;! I Bags, Sie. &c. inane to order. Inaddition tothe above the xubscribcr ilwa v kecpop hand a largesupply uf Htrttig f,ea titer and has now, and will ke-pthrough the season a ffonttassortmrntot fly isctts. Allarelnned to cnll and examine my uooita, whet her in wan ror wat-, a I takeolensure in show. Ing my assortment to ail wit may favor me with a call. Harnesf adConch Trimmings sold al a fair price to persons buying to- manufacture. Also, w ntrs at wnotesoie. - .. Allkindsof Riding Vehit lea bough t r. old on enmntlsMnns. ..... JOHN f. CONOLEV Feb. 7. 1856. f 138 T. . WORTH, , GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCHASTT, : WILMINGTON. N. C. Jan. 8. . 128 tf. V. G. MII.LIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, Nohtb Watk Stwkkt Wikminotos No. Ca. Monuments. Toombs, Head and Fool Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work J.misked to ' ' order on reasonable terms. June 5. 315-ly-e " "crackers. TUST received from Philadelphia, Sugar, Soda r and Hutter criclsrra. in bbls- half bblt. and boxes fresh from thd bakery, forsab- by Jan. 21. GEO. HOUSTON FR ESII CRACKERS. CODA, Rosidn, Butter. Cream Crackers, and KJ I'liot Ulead. lust recelvi d by Feb. 16. L. ff. BARLOW. WANTED. SMALL TENEMENT as near the centre of 3 town as possible. Apply at thia office. Feb.12 185ft., LIME. 400 CASKS THM ASTON now landing an: Nov 8. ADAMS. BROTHER 4 CO. FOR SALE. IF NOT DISPOSED of Privately, will be Hold on I tie day Vbth Kehrnarv. at auc tion thit valuable GRIST MILL, known aa ftie Uilmtngton Granary. The property con sists of a 20 horee power Engine, two pair ot i feet rocks and every convenience lor snccessft-l operation. ' From zOU to i&O bushel uf Meat can Os ground daily. For particular apply to : D-. OttPHRK. Jr. P. S. "There may h tad a leave of 4 years and montne, on tne mm nonse ana tor. . Tito wharf may b? purchased with the provertv above named, aa per advertisement of J. A Baker, hsq. .- . ' ' ' - Wilmington, N. CFeb. , 1836. I38-ts ACCOUNTS DUE. . EVERY" ACCOUNT .made at oar F.mporiarn previoaa to January tat, ia now past due, and fliaat oe aetti'.-n previous roine itn mat., as we leave en that date to purcnase spring Mock. . -. -. .SHEPA RD4M VERS, ,Y V ' ' . . . Hat dt Cap Emporium, LFeb-12-; t . No. 1, Granite Row. -&:V BOARDING. V I TH E subscriber having racetjtly eempleiely fit ted up the bradley houe, two doors north nf the "rehyterian Church, is now ready to accom modate permanent and tranciont boarder. - L. AIALLFTT Jnm:2. . . - 133-2ia DUCK WII EAT. T Cf BAGS extra New Hulled Backwheat X JJ. Jat received and lor sale by . " - . - L. N. BARLOW. "DecL Na.GrgnitaRow. 11 110X7 CKTTIXG IN STORE - THOU VAMQVa VESSELS. Preserved and Pickjed Meats, . ; Canrles.unrs, Krsndies t . .Prur and Ale, Sauces, ; - ' - o Preserved Fruits, , '" Syrups and C rdisls, ' " , 'Jellies and Jama, 1 , 1 Cigars. Tobacco and SnafT. , -Wooden, ViUow. Earthen and Tin Ware, t II of which iu offers for cash, or :n resaunabb partiea on ninety day, at theei.d of which time be will expect the money. ' , ' - Wov.'57. - - - 109 i notice: - I RAVE this day associated ' with mi in the Hardware Bnsineas. in v ilminarton. my Son C K . RostKfOB. The bnsine will hereafter he conducted under tiie firm oi J . M Itobinson &. Sou. ,J M. HOBION. : . J, Me R0BIXS0N & SON, WILMINGTON. N. C. Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in. HARDW4KR, COTLKHT, IROJV. STEKt.. ' AaKJif 4GBI- " " CUt-TUSAl. IMPLEMKNTS, C. . M. aOBINSOH. i . " ' - . . ' C.' t. ROBINSON. Jan: 1 180. , , " U4 WILMINGTON SAVINGS DANK. IHIS Inelitution located atCupt. Pot'er'sofTiee opnosite Bank of Cape Fear, will be open for the reception of deponite n Wednesday of eaeh week, from 4 to 7 o'clock, P M., and en Satur day of each week fro-n 4.io 9 o'clock, P M. juttn a. a i uuk, fresinent May. 1. il-tf. GUAX0. 13 TONS daily expevted. for sale br f ADAtUS, BROTHER 4 CO. April ?4. ! ' ' 18. -8I0LASSES. C QIIHDS, Surinam, a heavv body and swe-l JO.MOLASSE ? Just received and for a.ile by i j ADA MS. BROTHER p CO Nov. 13 103. . y " MULLETS AXD MIXED Fisn. 80safc bbla , in fine order and warrante siiund. for oy. GEO. HOUSTON. Jan 21. 13Mf TEA. 0( BOXES Hyson and Black Tea aome Very superior, for.aale by Jan. 17. . GEO. HOUSTON. T STEAMBOATS FOR SALE. WK.wilUelltrwSteimers "FAIRY," 'UNION" and 4-l3thsof the steamer "RVKRGHEKN,'' all of which are now on the waters of the Pee Dee and Waecamaw. - v . Fatav'a length, 81 feet 6 inches, . :.u breadth, 15 "4 . " d.Dth. 4 M 2 measures 91 and 95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1861. i - . ' - " , " ' ei ten titer Uwiot or Eliza's length, ; 7S feet 6 inch. bresd'h, 13 " depth, 4 2 " measures 40 and 32-95 tons burthen, was built in the year I8o0, machinery al new and in complete order.'. " . ... , , Steamer EtsaoaiaH s lensih, IZI feet 6 Inches. . breadth, 22 - " depth. 6 " S " measures 160 and 73-9f torn, andwia builtin the yea 1843, together with their Livhfeis, Jos. R. Blossom and Republican one of seven hundred 1 arrels, and the other of nine hundred bsrrela ra pneity. Also, two V fats, now on the Cape rr River- one C50. and the other 5o(J bbla. capacity TeliM will be made jasf J AS. H. PKITcSETT, J As,81re gepf.27. 84-tf APPLES. i OA BRLS flurse's, in fine ord r, now landing. Ol For sale by OEO. HOUSTON. . Nov. 29. 110 NIXON'S IIOUSE. (FORMERLY MRS BORDEN'S WEST SIDE RAIL ROAD, GOLDSBORO, fV 7;., THIS extensive and well known publie Eptabliahnient has been nurclinherf and was reopened by ihe Subscriner for the reception of goests tin the 4th lnt. Ii is nlmr-tnilv and eonveniemlv attuated in the centre of hiiHiness, and Is rtlrectiy opposite io. and W EST of the Ticket Offices, ot tne winning ton and Wt-ld-n and the t 'antral Rail Road Com. nanies. where the cars stop on ihir arrival and departure, and where r-ArTHrex sssvants will be iw waitiko to lakettagitascearhi give turn omer atteniioni- as the traveller ma-v reomre. THE IIOITSE has oecn remodelled, repaired, and thoroughly renovated fiom cellar io garre , and fumUlted throuhotii , with New Furniture, selected with necial care, and arranged with an eye eingl to the comforts of the caauat guesl or permanent boarder. THE TABLE Will be richly furnifhed with the subetaniiaU, the d intief and delicacies f the seasons, foreign aa u-ell aa do:nellc markets will be rendered tributary to the constant rupplt, which will be served up in the best style, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. - THE BAR ; . : ., Will he a Storehouse of the beat Wines anj Li quors, and superintended by a gentleman ol'cour tes and integritv, thoroughly acquainted with hit bui nesk comprisi n g t he k no w ledge of . w hat is due io the rights and com torts oi tne puouc, a well a to himseit a ! nts employer. THE STABLES.. which are among the best in the State, have been ulaeed in the keeninff of a aklllful and careful manager, w ho will alwaya have .under hia care the beet and most experienced ostlers, and I. will be among the chief cares of the prpriet.r. to ee that horse f his gueMs t e we:r n o ano tnor- oughlv groimed '1'hia entire establishment haa hern purchased and fitted p art an rno'mous expense, and it will be the pleasure, as, of rottrae, it win oe me inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every rem-ci enual to anv in the country He there fore trusts tttii a senerous public will renew and continue the liberal patronage heretofo-reentended io this Hottse, while under the care of Its former proprietress.' Mrs. Borden. nn gained lor it celebrity throughout the entire Union. . - H. R. NIXON. Aug. 18. i 67-1 y. GELATINE. .1? UST opened, 50 dot Cooper's parklinr Gela in t C u. UofllK, 45 Market street. , Nov. 8 JUST 0PENFD. FRESH supply of KTooso. Bailey's Sedative, t Somh American Remedy, and a number ol new preparations. u.. tivt'itcu, Nov. 8. 45 Market ureet. T n OS. B. CA rr, m. d D. d. S PRACTICA L.DENTIST for the last tenyears, x. r t;nargea ror '- - 10 or ie84 artificial teeth on fine sold plate. each. i - t 00 An entire set of teeth on fine gold plate, 1"0 0t . Ditto on gold with artificial gums, , 15" 0 t Ditto on (Matins plate with artifi cial eums. ' 15C 00 Upper or tinder ditto, each, "t . . - 75 00 A Pivot tooth that cannot be distinguish ed from the natural. . -. ' 5 0f A fine gold filling, warranted ier moment. 2 ft 4 Do -- and destroying the nerve S3 to B 0 Extracting tooth. 50 cis. to 1 0- Bevt denlifries and tooth brushes alwaya ,n hand F.verv operation uarraned lOElveeniiresatihfac tl- n Teeth inserted immediately after the extrac tion of the fangs and reinodoted after the gumr have shrunken wfhout additional charge ' Office on Market-st ,2 doors below the Church Wilmington, . u.. April 21. ' : lb-it. PERFUMERY! : UST received from New York and Philadct O biai , - . . - ' - Gross Labtns's Fxracta for the Handk'f; s . t"-. : da- . - do. , Toilette Hosps ; - . . . . -" 4o. f Glenny Mush Toilette Water; -. . ,. do... "'-do). - Verbena do do. do. Yankee Soap i - ' do. Camphor Soap . . do. -;" Pomino vdo. " A largo aasortnsent of Hair Brushes, and s nam. ber of fane anWfi aettatly kept tn Drag Stores C a D- DcPRE, Wholesale Drvggista, - Oct. 5. ' , Market-stW liming too, N C SUPER-PnOSPnATK OF LIME, t rBAGS4 SUPFR-PHOSPHATE .OF Ivit 'LIME, sn excellent fertilizer, taa re eeived In store, for sale by. ADAMS, BRO.dt CO. Nov. I, , , - 97Ht FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN. THEIR TALCS AT TBS BtUvT, GOLD COINS. ; Aofrla--Q.aaJr6pId ducal .Mi...i.t9 12 0 Uarut ..:.4i...t'..'...V......: 2 '1 &4 Sovereiirn fl'or Lnnibardr). .... 0 85 0 Badeit Five Gulden 4 j.. ".'. . 2 4 0 Bavttrin Ducnt , .... .... 2 27 0 Belgium Twetity-fraiie plntm, . i 3 h3 2 Twentt-five: Itanc piece.... 4 7U O Bol vw DiublmM'..l.. 15 58 0 Brnzil PiVreol 6400 reis, 8 72 0 Britain :S"erriii.;..,k..,. 4 84 5 Bi tit. -wick Teii-Tltnlcr...,. . '... 7 89 0 tViiiritl Aniericiiii. ......... . . . "i. It 96 P Eeiio .;.:.......,;. .-. . . r l 67 o Gold DtIlnr , 83 5 Chili D.rtibl.-.i.f before 1835)... "...15 57 0 Douhlooi- (ISSdNMd tr.ce).......l5 66 0 DetitDiirk Double Frr.or 10 Thnler7 83 0 Ecott'lnr Hull tlfobloon. .......... 7 W) 0 Ery pi Hundred . fiiastres. ......... 4 97 0 France Twntty Jrniics."..... "...,. 3 65 0 Greece Twenty drachma, 3 45 0 Hi.r-.Ten ThHler.Gcorffe IV.. 7 84 0 Ten-Thaler, Williiim IVn..d Ernest 7 89 0 HitulosiiHii- -Mohur. Enot Imlla Co.. 7 10 0 Mi-ckleuburjr Ten Tlmle'r 7 89 0 Mexici Doubloon. MverHice,. ... .. .15 53 0 NetrTeflrtiKf-Dorttt. . : eni. . 2 20 5 TeT" iruildtT.-. ; . . j . t i . s . 4 00 7 New Gritiindti- Doubloon. 21 rnntt. ' etandurd,... ........ ....15 51 0 Doubloon. 21 en rat sUtitdiird.iiirlu- din) thr ilver4..,..Ji....15 71 0 DonbloOo. 9 lOihs stHtuftnJ. . . . . .15 310 Dotihioon. 9 lOihsstumlurd. Inclu ding the silver . 19 38 0 Persia Tinman. , 2 2T0 Peru Doubloon, Limn, in 1833.'.-, -.15 55 0 D-iubloon, Cttzco, tu 1833. .1562 0 Doubloon. Cozco. in 1837. . . .... .15' 53 0 Portugal Hull je (ufl vrcrgh-...., 8 650 fUrown ..- O 81 0 Pruesin--Double Fietlcrick., ....... 8 00 0 Rome Ten scmli. ................. 10 37 0 Ruiit -Five roubles....... 3 96 7 Sardinia Twenty liie.". 3 84 5 S:ioiiy--Ten tliule 7 94 0 Ducat........... 1 26 0 SpMrn Pistole (qr. riubloin). . . . 3.900 1 tirkey Murvlrea itiurfires 4 37 4 Tursiny Sequin...'....... 2 30 0 United bfates--b.a"le (helore Jane. . 1834) ..10 62 0 Five dollar jiec ol C. Bechter, av- efajfe..V.. ....... 4 85 0 Dollar of the Mme. nverage.. .... 96 0 Five dollar p'e oTA. Btcbtler $4 92 a 5 00 0 Dollar of ihe same. ............ . 980 Orecott Exehttnoe Co Five dollars. 4 82 0 N. G. & N. Sun Franrinco Fivf dols. $4 83 a 4 95 0 Sun FYancico---Ten Miners' Bank. dollars . 92 0 Moffatt & Co.? 9 78 ft 9 98 0 Sixteen dollar .....15 750 ingots, about. SILVER COINS. A Hytrin Rix Dollar. ............ 97 0 Florin. ...................... . Twenty kreutzt-rs Lira I lor Lomhardtl .. ........ 48 5 16 0 10 0 07 39 5 06 5 Baden Crown .. Gulden or florin Bti varia Crown . Florin 39 5 30 93 0 Six kretnzers. Belgium Frvc francs. Two ami a ball' francs Tw 1'tnnrs.; Frnnc... 46 0 37 0 185 006 37 5 Bof i vrvr-Dollar'. Half dollar, debased 1830. Quarter dollar, debased. 1830. 187 Brazil Twelve hundred reia. 99 2 66 0 33 0 Ei'ltt hundred rcis. . ............. Four hundred Bremen Thirty six grote. Brim in--Ha If crown.. ............. Shilling.... " Fnurpence. ............... . . .. Brunewick Thaler. . ; i. . .. ... 35 6 54 0 217 7 1 68 0 97 0 010 224 112 52 3 Central Anierre-i Dollar, ofurrr. r.iy i;lt ill Dolhtr..... ...... S 4 . . .. . V Q,narfer ffoffar Eiir'tt dollar or real. . . J 4 44 4 Denmark Rig bank thaler. Specie dialer.. .......... 4 1 04 7 Tliirty-two shillings.... Ecuador Quarter dollar. 17 0 187 Eirypt Twenty pinxites 96 0 1 rtmce 1 ive trancs. - Franc . 93 2 18 5 Frankfort .-Florin Greece Drachm.. . Guiana. British -Guddcr.......... 39 5 16 5 28 2 69 2 Hanover Thnler. fine silver....... Thab r. 750 fine Hayti Dollar, or 100 centimes. .; .. Hesse Casevl Thaler. One-sixth thaler. . . .1 .......... . Hee Danjetadt Florrn or OulJen..- t - i . n 68 0 25 7 67 5 110 39 5 rtinnostan iuper . , . ........ Mi xico Dollar, nvernife. . . .... 44 7 . 1 000 40 Naples Seotlo Nollierlaiids Three guilders. ...... Guilder..... Twenty five cents. . ........ Two and a half guilders. ......... New Granada Dollar, usual weight Dollar, ligh er and debased. 1S39. . Norwa Rigsdaler. ...... ... Persia Sultib koran, , ............. P tu Dollar. Dinta mint ....... .. Dollar, Cuzco. . ... mJ ........... . H 'll 'tollar. Anqtiipn dehascti.... Hall dollar, Pasco Poland Zioiy.. Portugal Cruzadc ......... 20 0 40 0 95 98 2 02 0 610 05 0 21 5 006 00 8 300 495 II 2 552 ; Crown iri000rrw....r. ........ Hall' Crown,,., ............... Pruwia Thaler, average, One-sixth, average.. Double thaler, or 3 1-2 gulden. . . . 1 12 0 56 0 6-iO 110 39 liornc oruilo ...... Teston. three sctrdo 006 30 0 R u sia Rou h I e - Ten Zloty... 75 13 5 OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. . , The following rules of ponrace on letters have been Hgreeu upon between this govern' m-iit and the German States, " Prussia, cVe Bremen. 10 cents : Oldenburg 13: Alt""" Austrian Empire, (includii (r Hungary, Gn- lie-iu. LeMttbardy ant' Vvuiety liavarut. urun wick, Hamburg. - Hanover. Meckleiihurg Schwerine nnd Sirarliiz, Kinffdoin ol Pms eia. Kingdom uf Saxony, and Saxe Alien hursr.15; all oilier G rni tn States, citiee and towns. 22; Switiwrland nnd .lite Nether lands 25 ; Denmark ami Schreswig 27J Po land and Rusxia. 29; Consiai.titmple, Greece and Sweden 33; Norway. 37 pre-paymeni optional. Alexnndrisi. Corfu, lslnntl . ol Malta. Wal-l-.irl.ia. 30 cents ; IiHly. (except upper pan) 33 pre-pa jrnent required. .' Newspapers and Circulars. 2 cents each, io be prepaid.' , SUils to the Psctrtc For a single Id ler, not exceeding half an ounce in weiobi finm New York lo- Cfiairres. 20 cents; to Panama. 20 poswipn Sn be prepaid. Pnsr age to CUiinrnHi .rd- Oregit (they bitig U. S. possessions)1 neenl iiof be pre-paid. . Havars Mai. A line) is established be tween Charleston and Havana, the sicnm rrs loDching W Savannah and , Key West, ihn pnsiage nF which is frorrj- M' port of de parture in Havana li eenlson n single Id ler riot exceeding hulTan ntjure tn " wrir wiih an addiiicnai 10 cents for eaeh dl lioual hatfowtce or frav tiouaf excess or hnll an oooee to be pre-paid. ' PosUie on each newspaper to Havansu 2 cenis, Jo to be prepaid as on Uslters . " rt On letters to Britisrt tioeth America. 10 fents, it hot over 3000 mile? if oer Ibat dmtnrwM is rents a sinffte rate pre paid or t not, aC the oDtioo ol tbe of iho eeode. ; - rat::s o; rojTAGE. Con) jxsed f on or more pieces' P"Ier. but liol rce'tliii'r Lalf au nut.e.. in vcishi. sent any Cninnee not exceeding 300C niiles. 3 cents t over Z00 nu'.em, 10 cents. uuuupc mis fictrullij? I. Jill Hit OUtlCC f treble. If exceeding ,. , ,r.... ..a M ehHrffitig n nddhtow.1 rate for every sddl a I ""M,CC or ,rcimfi ol hall an ounce Absolute! pre-pnymetii b,n(, ,,rq0jrr,j o0 ill letters t. places nit hi., th- United Slates r.im und nficr April li, 1855 From and after ianbarv lat tstt .it t... lers between ufactm fu ihe ?T,.h,.h moM be pre-paM, rhher by postage sfampsj or siHrrtpi'd envelopes. - ,l U-ttt$p:d h, the pr.r oTiee. for de liv rv in trie c.rfte tilnc.'. 1 i ....i. Letters advr rlitd nrecbarged 1 cent end) -t-sdes rejfbltir poSiatfe. Drop letters are! tot ndvertised. CiftcrLARg. 1 cent f.r 3 onnres or less to nr uart of the United Statea but one piece of paper pre payment option al. .... D,i Iv newspapers weighing three ounces r lesa. 45 1-2 cents m-r nnurier. . u. l.i ... i from the i.ffit e of publication lo nrlnul and boimfide sttbaeribers any ivtrere in the Uni-' led Stales. Transient itewipper5 senl nny-. where wi'liin itie Uniud Siairs. I cent lot nree runrea or less. . When the article to "be ronited Is a clrttt ar. nnrnnltlet. nrnnvmuini r ii Kn.,t.i i.- j envelnpstl as to be open at one end oilier-" wiae. it win do cnarge.1 as a letter. BRITISH POSTAGE ABRAKOIflfTff. Letters posted or charged in ihe tTniietf Slates will be rnlcd af u half nohee in ihe single leiU'r ; over a hnlVftnd nrf exceeding' aa ounce, ntfa double Inter ' oer an ounce' and pot exceeding aii onnfTc nnd 4 hall' ns rV treble jeitcf I rtnd so on. each ball ounCo or fractional excess coassliiatiiig' a rate. The single rat erf to be cliarged on each letter posted in the United 3taies addressed to any place in Ureal Brit tin nr Ireland is 24 cents; ihe double rate 4? nnd u cn. Suit! postage on letters i.iiiiir to anv dace in Great Britain or Ireland may be pre-paid if the whole amount is lendered at the office in the U. S. where mailed, at the option o the sender. NtvspiPERS may be mailed nt any office in the United bluies lo anv nlaca in thi United Kingdom on the prc-nayment of 2 reins, a d may on receipt from any place iu Ureal Uriiani or Ireland, be delivered at nny office in the United Slates. ni payment of 2 cents. Note. Eiich Govern mem ia to charge a cents on eacn newspaper, l hese are tor he seui in bands or rovers, open ni the sides nr ends, and ta contain no manuscript what ever. Persons mailing letters in foreign coun tries, with which the United States have, not entered into postal arrangements, are remin ded that it is necessary lor them to pre-pay the pinper postagn, or mo letter cannot be lbrwa'dcd. . NOT DEAD. THE "JUTE URAlfE" AGAIN ! A New Era About to Iswn Upon ortb Carolina. At the cnnstsni and est nest sulicitsfion of ncsr ly every bdy. Iut esa.-c!slly the old scquulmsn-ct-s of "ye Altitun)," we hsve been i ml need lopro tuie. if jrrwenJer" enough rsa be secured, to" trnl tltst bessi ottt sxsin 10 the gtr.eot sll insn kind.snd the universal sdmirstion of womankind, during Ihe find week iu January, 1856. "Th- Live GiialJe," while it ss s nentrsl ps ter. while it grszi-d in it own green pSHiiirse, played with the git Is snd joked with ihe boys, wsk Ihe must popular sheet, animate inanimate, ttist ever Usued from s Southern prers; snd bad it been content to bsve lived in Sim own native Kpliere it would now hsve been Ihe ' Bi other Jmiaibsti" of Ihe 8oBth. 8nch a result can but be evident to srry thrnkiiig wan ; it was indeed, nn tbe high road to fame and s most cnvUblo distinction, But Leconiiri(f fat, in an titilucky mouieni like the man who had grown 'rick en ough, to rifle an ass." snd had therefore gotten above his fellows, the "Animal ' leaped the burs of its accustomed fluid, sod the next thin;; we beard of him, he, like s man turned politician' from preachvr, was pining for the good things ot life and nodoubl, like the silly lamb of old that eluded the sight of the shepard, and got Into tlio' thick woods whk-h was found to be Infested witb' wolve, he wihhrd himself hack in hi old range. lint Ihe bar Imd been put another rail higher and he couldn't get btiek ; beiddcs, be had grown o It in that he could not jump. It is said lhal bought wind of a is Ihe bet In the world, if it dont cost loo mnch. A nilthty true yitK ; one in which there is more of troth titan poelrv or romance, and in view of Ibis old m) ing and the Aiiuintal'a exjKrience. his old ft lends need have little (-ar lhal be will al any time hereafter cut Ihe ssmu caM-r again. He'll kick any man lhal would intimate such thin?. The Live Oirsttu will then be neutral. It will" be devoted to fun, lo the news, and literature. It will he made the vehicle of pnblishlng many a thought to tbe world, funny, grave and Instruc tive, that would have wated itself 011 tbe air "as summer roses do," but for its columns ; it will seek every opportunity totnrn grave snd oninter ei ing matters Into pleasant and agreeable inci' dents ; npset all ill-nalored buioanity It meets witb and mould it anew: expose all rascality wherever forma, whether in Chnreh or State (that's promising a great deal. 7 or in the scial' circle, snd keep s strict watch on the pre. litera ry, religions and pel it teal and see that eaclr keeps its bounds. The citizens of Ralt-igh know well enough the' value nf such sheet, and wonld not do without It another year for half a mil lion. Why, since tbe exit of the Animal from their borders, they have had more bad luck than wa ever beard of before. More Trusts have been made mors liens beerr give n opon prraierty, more assignments made, more quarreling and Bhtiug. more drinking of liquor, more meanness gem rsHy, and more llf lin k thsn ever was known st any period since the great plagne in Egypt. Now this is as plain as daylight, and the only remedy for such evils is to trot out the Animal again. So 1 think. . Now. Ihix is Ihe propot-ilfnu I shall make tor yon. I want sn amirance of your willingness lo pwtrotilxe Ihe Aidmsl. and to get that araurance I shall give you fnll npj-nrtnnity tocorresond wilrr tne snd t send Iu sll tbe names that can be se cured Jf &00 nsmes cn be secured, we shall have no fears r Ihe success id Ihe Aiiimat, 1 He will soon grow 1st when lie beli to take esereii. sndr then he can plead his own ce, if not with elo- qnent rords, at ieat witBsn occasional kick a the hoys. - - ' .' It haw been Intimated to me' that Ihe connec tion I UHtsined to the "Carolina Pennant" wool- injure fhe Animal idnce Ihe -Pennsol" hd snd deiily expired and U fl many of its subscribers iij Hie sHffs I have lo irsy here, and I hope It will satify every body that 1 had no Interest lo iho ' Pennant." I wrote onu-t cf Its Editorials fjf whkh 1 should have n-cetted smehtne si-cordmjf losmement bnt I did riot, 1 l.is uied U.is co bnMness snd it neither pay .m? nam. I want a hrosd herot.here. a wide lati tude, and nolxidy to divide wiib me In the spoils Then, friends, ws now ooderstend each aber. I wsnt yon lo send me yoor oasae between now and the Br! of Jannarr; if enoosh respend. Ihr Antroal" will make bis bow; If not. nn harm done. Tkbms: Two dollars per snnora. payalde orr desirery of first number; two dollars snd fifty cents if paid in six Rnts; Ihres dollsr if not pa id HII end of year- fSo rroney will be r' onired nntil lb first No. it iwued. ' . B- II. WUITAKEU. RAwioa .N. C, JUST PUCUSriCD, From tha Commerciat OJ.ce, in pamphlet forw - price 53,00 for a hotwired copies : THE WATlCnrAt. PLATFORJI Of TUtlr AMEKICAM "ORCANIZATIO.V. - With extracU from GEO, WASHINGTON and THOa JZTILZZOX, WlTBJ ' CRIMINAL AND STArI3TIC3, sun th ' ot XL. rKu ur s. v----"-' ... oetetaoor v advertisement aeacnoing ayujpw. i, - Jan. 9,1856 . -I3I-ly.e. 4

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